#Wild Bill
simply-ivanka · 26 days
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privgeorgeluz · 6 days
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band of brothers • behind the scenes pt. 2
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yourspeirs · 2 months
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pookielious · 4 months
"You heffron?"
"Where ya from?"
"Who's askin??"
"Yeah south philly"
"Eah I could tell, 17th street"
"Front street!"
"Cam'an sit down"
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lenisoldi · 2 months
hello! wanted a reaction to BoB men dating a virgin girl and being kinda shy about it? english is not my first language either! 😅💕
BoB boys reaction to you being a virgin and a bit shy because of it
Heyy, thanks for your request. This is my first reaction I’m writing so if I missed anything or anyone from the boys, write me. 🫶
Hope everybody likes it 💕
Warnings: none
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He is calm and understanding when you tell him. This man doesn't mind if you're a virgin, he wouldn't judge or shame you in any way. Winters wouldn’t hesitate at all to comfort you. He would assure you that there would be no expectations. Winters would say that being a virgin isn’t something to be ashamed of and would encourage you to take your time, since he’s a patient man who doesn’t want to push you into anything. He’s a sweetheart and will understand your shyness and will always be gentle with you. 
„You don't need to be shy, it's completely normal.“
„We can take our time until you feel ready.“ 
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Nixon is always a charming man (even when he is drunk), and being your boyfriend, he would never laugh or make fun of you for your confession. He would probably be a little bit proud, to know that he will perhaps be the first man who you will sleep with and that you trust him so much. He would hold your hand, reassuring you, and he would look at you with a gentle smile. 
“Darling, it’s okay. We can take it slow.”
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His eyes would widen, as he wasn’t expecting the statement from you, yet he wasn’t going to laugh, or judge you. Instead, he would give you a reassuring smile and would try to make you feel more comfortable. He would speak in a gentle tone, hoping to soothe any anxiety or nerves you may have.
“There's no rush. We can take things at your pace, and your comfort comes first, doll.”
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Bill would understand that you are still a virgin and he would be ok with it. He would probably have a little smirk on his face after you told him, knowing that he would be the first one and would mumble to himself:
“We can change that within minutes, beauty.”
But this boy would still be the most sweetest guy on earth and would give you all the time you need.
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We all know this handsome man, he would NEVER EVER judge you for being untouched. He would be a bit like Winters, give you a sweet little kiss on he cheek and say:
“Don’t worry, Mon chéri, I will never push you into anything.”
“You are the most important thing in my life and you should be comfortable and feel ready to do it.”
He would make anything for you to feel good and beloved and would be just the cutest boyfriend on earth.
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Found this on Pinterest if you can find the og creator plz tell me.
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roughridingrednecks · 26 days
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Wild Bill in West Virginia
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cody-helix02 · 8 months
Did a new drawing...it was a hassle...SINCE WHEN IS MA BOY SO FUCKIN HARD TO DRAW UUUURGH 😩 Well I am kinda okay with it but urgh...something still bugs me about it lol...
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gijoe-forever · 10 months
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Should've Been Born Later, Nix - Chapter 6: The Plan
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Easy Company x Fem!OCs
Chap. Synopsis: What will happen when the group forms a plan to get some answers?
Words: 3,677
Find the fic's navigation page here !!
Have a question/want to be on the taglist? Let me know !!
A playlist to go with the chapter!
Author's Note: WHAT IS UP MY DUDES IT'S TIME FOR CHAPTER SIX!!!! Be on the lookout for Chapter 7 dropping tomorrow night!! :D
“We’ll need a map, and equipment to pick locks and stuff,” Chrys answered Joe, hesitancy evident in her words. “I do have a lock-picking kit, but we might need other stuff to bypass the doors that have alarms on them.” The boys nodded along before Luz spoke up.
“Do you think the rest of the guys will go along with this?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t see any other option,” Malarkey barely finished his sentence before the group heard the apartment door unlocking. When the door opened, Zay stumbled through, pushed to the side by the disheveled frames of Roe and Guarnere. The men looked like they did after days in Bastogne - dirt caked into their skin, grass and leaves in their hair, clothes that were clean when they left now looking as if they're on their sixth week of wear. Speirs and Liebgott walked in after them. The soldiers had never seen the look of irritation on Speirs’ face - sure, they'd seen him aggravated or annoyed, but this expression seemed to be in a league of its own.
“What the fuck happened?” Luz asked the group, concern and bewilderment evident in his eyes.
“You don't want to know,” Liebgott muttered quietly as he sat down in the vacant armchair. Speirs immediately walked from the front door to the sliding glass that led to the apartment balcony, forcefully sliding the door closed behind him. Everyone stared out at the balcony frozen, until Zay spoke up.
“He’s just frustrated because these two almost got themselves hurt,” she explained, shooting a playful glare at the two unkempt paratroopers beside her.
“We got some good information though!” Guarnere replied proudly, placing a firm but friendly hand on Gene’s shoulder. The medic let out a quiet laugh and shook his head before Bull spoke up.
“So what’d y’all find out?” Zay reached into her backpack and pulled out what appeared to be a jacket with a camouflage pattern. It was sturdy - similar to the men’s army-issued jackets.
“We’re not quite sure if it’s useful, but it’s certainly interesting,” Zay explained as she showed the sleeves to the group. The men’s eyes widened when they saw the 101st airborne screaming eagles patch over the two chevrons that displayed the rank of corporal.
“Zay, you’re not gonna believe what we found out,” Chrys mused, eyes wide at the jacket. Chrys and her group regaled the newcomers with the rumors they read about, as well as the missing corporal.
“You don’t think that’s her jacket, do you?” Luz asked in disbelief.
“Well whose else would it be!?” Gonorrhea replied to the radioman… a bit more forcefully than he intended. There was a heavy pause before Dick broke the silence, looking at Zay with a pensive but nervous expression.
“We’re thinking about sneaking into Fort Liberty, see what we can find out,” Zay’s eyes widened behind her glasses.
“You can’t be serious…” the words fell from Zay’s lips with utter disbelief. “There’s no way… even if we wanted to… where would we even start?” The girl’s eyes darted around the group - every expression seemed to have glimpses of shock, fright, overwhelm, but also… focus and determination. If this was really the next step in their journey home, then they were going to do it right.
“We’d have to find some way to scope out the base beforehand, so we can understand how their security works,” Speirs’ voice delivered a jumpscare to the rest of the group, no one hearing him sneak back in from the balcony.
“And figure out how the base is laid out,” Nixon added.
“But the only way we can get on base is if we have a military ID,” Zay mentioned before Chrys spoke up.
“... not unless you’re a delivery driver.”
“Wait, so they’ll just let you on base if you’re a delivery driver?” Liebgott wondered aloud.
“Not exactly, you need to register your car and have a special ID card, but we can probably just look up how to do that on their website,” Zay replied before noticing the still-disheveled states of Roe and Guarnere. “Let me get y’all some fresh clothes and I’ll get my laptop and we can do some brainstorming.” Once Gene and Bill were taken care of, the twelve made a makeshift circle around the coffee table. Chrys kept her seat between Winters and Nixon, while Zay sat across from her sister on the floor, Eugene on her left and Guarnere on her right.
“Alright, so we need to figure out how to get on base, where we need to go, and what will stop us from getting there, right?” Malarkey listed out from his spot on the floor.
“We can get on base by registering as a delivery driver, and then once we’re on base we can figure out where everything is.” Chrys typed away on her laptop, making a checklist of what needed to be done.
“Right… what’s everything exactly?” Luz chimed in from his spot beside Toye.
“We could probably start with Colonel Gomez’s office, then from there we can see where he’s doing the experiments,” Speirs explained from his spot on the other side of Eugene. The group carried on like this until dark, forming their own version of the D-Day invasion, just with less planes and more… road trip playlists.
“Alright, let me see if I have everything here,” Chrys said. She made a few finishing keystrokes on her laptop before scrolling back up to the top of her list. Beside her, Lewis was in awe of the girl. Everything she did seemed to have an effortless air around it. It felt as though, at the snap of her fingers, Chrys could command the beer bottle beside her to bring itself to her lips of its own accord. Lewis would never admit to it, but her presence caused a level of butterflies to swell up in his stomach that he hadn't felt since he was in prep school. His eyes became fixated on her snakebite lip piercings - two black studs placed right below her lower lip. Lewis had never seen a piercing like this before, his mind started to wonder what it would be like to kiss her with those-
“Lew!” The man was shaken from his thoughts when Dick called his name. Nixon was broken from his trance and noticed the rest of the group staring at him expectedly, most notably Chrys. The dark-haired man took a beat before clearing his throat.
“I’m sorry, what’d you say?”
“Do you think you’d be able to help us decipher anything we find in Gomez’s office?” Zay asked from her spot on the floor.
“Well I’m not the intelligence officer because of my good looks!” Snickers could be heard around the room at Nixon’s comment before the conversation moved forward.
“So Zay and I will use the van from my garage and register it as a delivery car, then Nix, Speirs, and I will ‘deliver’ something to Colonel Gomez to find where his office is and scope out the place. Then from there, we can plan out how we want to do the second run,” Chrys explained to the group.
“Sounds good to me,” Winters piped up from his seat on the couch. His eyes kept finding their way to Zay, who could be seen whispering and laughing with Doc Roe beside her. Even when he felt a sting of envy seeing Eugene next to her, there was still a comforting warmth in his chest when he saw Zay scrunch her nose in laughter. Chrys noticed how Dick was looking at Zay and couldn’t help but smile. Chrys’ gaze abruptly moved to Guarnere when everyone heard his stomach growl, or rather, play the symphony of its people.
“Zay, why don’t you and I head to the kitchen and see if we have anything for dinner?” the dark-haired girl announced with a laugh before setting her laptop on the coffee table, stretching her arms over her head. Zay was quick to pop up and follow her twin into the kitchen, leaving Easy Company to their own devices, at least for a moment.
“I’m pretty sure we don’t have something that’ll feed everyone, do you wanna just order pizza tonight?” Zay asked nonchalantly as she looked in their fridge. Chrys simply leaned her back against the counter and let a snicker past her lips.
“You have no idea, do you?”
“... I mean I’m looking at our fridge right now and all we have is your veggie smoothies and my orange soda, ooh! And Peronis! When did we get these?” The nurse was in her own little world for a moment, pulling the cheap beer out of the fridge to share with everyone.
“I mean about Dick, don’t you see how he looks at you?” Zay turned around and met Chrys with furrowed brows, clearly confused.
“What do you mean?”
“He gives you the same heart eyes he does to Nixon in the first episode, when Nix is lighting his cigarette outside that tent.” Zay quickly shook her head before promptly setting the drinks on the counter and closing the fridge. She immediately pulled out her phone, desperate to focus on something else.
“You think they’d prefer Domino’s or Little Caesar’s?”
“Zay, I’m serious, I really think he likes you.” Chrys’ tone was quiet and serious, but gentle. Chrys was unsurprised at her twin’s avoidance of the subject - she knew Zay had a rough time in terms of relationships.
“Chrys he could have anyone he wants,” the girl said in a strikingly monotone voice - a stark contrast to her bubbly personality. She took a deep breath before continuing, “Besides, do you see how Nix looks at you?” Zay looked up from her phone, a smirk on her face. Before Chrys could finish her eye-roll, the two were shocked out of their skins as music came blaring unexpectedly from the living room. As Tainted Love filled every atom of air in the apartment, the twins scrambled into the living room to find Luz crouching in front of the entertainment stand, fumbling with the Bluetooth speaker as if it were a hot potato. Zay quickly knelt next to George and took his hands, turning the speaker so that she could reach the power button and turn the speaker off. The two sat like that for a second before Zay quickly pulled away, face bright red. She futilely prayed that Luz didn’t notice the rosy hue on her cheeks.
“I told you not to mess with that, dumbass!” Liebgott scolded Luz from his place on the floor.
“Great job, radioman,” Bull chimed in, chuckling as Luz bashfully rubbed the back of his neck. The poor man just wanted to see if he could figure out how to turn on the device to see what it was. While his mission was technically successful, George certainly did not intend to assault the eardrums of everyone in the tiny space.
“If y’all wanted a dance party, you could’ve just asked!” Zay said with a giggle. Most of the men shared in her laughter, while others felt their ears perk up at the idea of a dance party. “Why don’t we order some pizza and then I can show y’all how the speaker works?” Within the hour, the twins had educated the men from the 1940s on what toppings were available on their pizzas, as well as mediating the discussions for what was going on said pizzas. Now, all they could do was relax and wait for the delivery driver. Zay had started passing out the Peronis from the fridge (and a soda for Dick) when she heard her name.
“Zay, you said something about a dance party?” Nixon piped up from his seat, a mischievous smirk on his face. Her expression grew to match his as she pulled out her phone.
“Let me find a good playlist to show y’all the best music-”
“Zay I swear if it’s your Queen playlist…” Chrys interrupted, irritation in her eyes but a smile on her lips.
“Like, songs for the Queen of England?” Guarnere questioned the two - just when he thought 2023 could not get any more bizarre, now he knows the word “playlist” and is about to listen to music made for the queen of England. Zay simply laughed before returning to her phone.
“ONE song, then I’ll put on a playlist!” The blue-haired girl compromised with her sister before picking up the Bluetooth speaker. The boys were amazed when she seemed to only push a couple of buttons, and suddenly music was playing again from the speaker, and at a much more reasonable volume compared to earlier.
Toniiiiight, I’m gonna have mysellllf a real good time
I feel aliiiiiiiivvvvveeeee!
Zay was singing along to one of her favorite songs, she could not help but stand up and move along to the slow intro, waving her arms in big, dramatic motions to the lyrics. Everyone was laughing along with Zay’s hyperbolic display as she and her twin sang along with Freddie Mercury.
And the wooooorld, I’ll tuuuurn it inside ooouuut, yeah!
I’m floating arooooound in ecstacyyyy so
Don't- Stop me nooowww…
“Don’t! Stop me! Cuz I’m having a good time! Having a good time!” As the music crescendoed, so did Zay and her dancing. Even Chrys, moved by one of her favorite singers, got up and began dancing with Zay. The two moved like excited baby goats, hopping around the living room in time to Roger Taylor’s drumming. Some soldiers were getting into the vibes of the music with the twins, either dancing in their seats or trying to sing along, others were watching the girls with less than chivalrous eyes (Liebgott and Toye were the worst offenders), while Dick and Lewis simply watched in awe. Dick’s eyes were fixed on Zay, the way her hips were moving trapping the redhead in a trance that he would have been happy to stay in forever.
Lewis, on the other hand, could not decide where to focus his gaze on Chrys. From the smirk on her face, to her waist swirling side to side, to her legs moving in time with the music, to her arms wrapping themselves around Guarnere - wait… Nixon was brought back to reality when he saw the sergeant dancing with the black-haired girl, also noticing that the song had changed to something more… seductive.
Pour some sugar on me! In the name of love
Pour some sugar on me! C’mon fire me uuupp
Pour your sugar on me! I can’t get enouugh
I’m hot, sticky, sweeet, from my head to my feet
The intelligence officer felt a confounding mixture of emotions - absolutely enamored by Chrys and her movements to the music, uncomfortable with watching Guarnere’s movements to the music, jealous that Chrys was dancing with Guarnere… Nix just could not let this stand. “I’m going to Chrys, and I suggest you go to your little nurse before it’s too late,” Lewis muttered to Dick before he got up, gesturing to the girl in question as he made his way to the makeshift dance floor. Winters looked away and crossed his arms - yes, he wanted to spend time with Zay, but there were a few barriers at the moment Dick was wrestling with.
First, Dick does not dance. He will if he absolutely must, he can waltz… a bit, but for someone in peak physical condition, the officer has two left feet on the dance floor. Second, the tantalizing rhythms set forth by the music and Zay’s hypnotic movements caused Dick to feel a certain overwhelm that he has never felt before, and he was quite unsure how to handle it. He was sure, though, that if he tried to talk to Zay now, absolute gibberish would come out of his mouth. Third, Zay already had a dancing partner, and the Cajun man definitely knew how to dance. If the officer had not looked away, he would see that Eugene and Zay were dancing in perfect sync, as if they were the only two in the room.
Meanwhile, the rest of the boys were in their own little worlds, either dancing in the goofiest way possible, like Luz trying to mess with Toye, or simply sitting back and taking in the music, like Ron and Bull, sporting amused expressions from their seats. The twelve were abruptly all pulled back to the same reality when the doorbell rang - the pizza had arrived!
Zay took the pizzas from the delivery man while Chrys brought out plates and napkins. The night continued with more shenanigans brought about by both the music as well as the Peronis, both Zay and Chrys absolutely delighted in sharing the music of their time with the soldiers.
When I was, a young boy, my father, took me into the city, to see a marching band…
As the intro to Welcome to the Black Parade played, Zay dramatically serenaded the group, her off-tune voice endearing her to the tipsy men. Zay, being rather inebriated herself, noticed Dick casually sitting by himself, enjoying the party going on around him. While the leader considered himself to be more of an introvert, seeing his men, who had been working and struggling so hard throughout the war, finally getting to relax and have fun warmed his heart more than he thought possible. Suddenly filled with confidence, Zay slowly strutted over to the redhead, making eye contact with him as she made her way to the couch. While Winters offered her a smile, everyone could see the hue on his cheeks that matched his hair.
He said will you, defeat them, your demons, and all the non-believers, the plans that they have maaaddee…
The lyrics being sung were not exactly sultry, but the look in Zay’s eyes had Dick feeling things that he had not felt since before the war. In that moment, it was as if Dick and Zay were the only two in the room. The nurse stopped right in front of the captain, bending over to look into his emerald eyes. Past her glasses, Winters could see the mischievous sparkle in Zay’s eyes, his brain going a million miles a minute. Was this really happening? If it was a dream, Dick silently prayed he would never wake up.
Because one day, I’ll leave you, a phantom, to lead you in the summer, to join the Black Parade…
Zay softly sang to Winters, trailing a finger lightly down his cheek, taking in his handsome features. She began to wonder the same question as him - is this real? As she looked into his eyes and their faces grew closer, inch by inch, the girl could not help but steal a glance at his lips before a resounding crash broke the two from their mutual trance.
“Hey, watch where the fuck you’re going!” Guarnere shouted at Liebgott before the two started throwing punches at each other. It was later revealed that Joe stumbled back and accidentally put his elbow into Bill’s pizza, which he was thoroughly enjoying. The two tumbled to the ground before the rest of the group dove in to break them apart, Zay and Chrys included. After a horrendous struggle, the group had the angry boys separated, Guarnere holding his hand to his eye and Liebgott tasting blood from his split lip. After figuring out what happened, a couple of extremely heartfelt apologies, and some first aid provided by Zay and Roe, everyone agreed that it was time for bed. Well… almost everyone.
A while after everyone had gone to bed, Chrys heard the sliding door open from her place on the wicker chair that lived on the apartment’s balcony. She turned her head to see none other than Captain Nixon poking his head outside.
“Do you mind some company?”
“Be my guest,” she replied nonchalantly, gesturing for Lewis to sit in the chair on the other side of the small glass table, still needing to be dusted from the pollen drop of the day. Nixon gave Chrys a nod of thanks before sitting and pulling out his Lucky Strikes and lighter. He stretched his arm out to offer Chrys a cigarette before lighting his own. The girl politely shook her head, silently cursing how the dark-haired man made smoking look so attractive.
“Isn't it past your bedtime, doll?” Nixon said around his cigarette, the scratch of the flint in his zippo echoing off the brick wall.
“If I didn't know you were a night owl I could say the same to you,” Chrys retorted, not noticing Nixon’s flirtatious tone. The twins may be opposites in many ways, but one thing that ties them together is their obliviousness to a boy’s romantic advances.
The intelligence officer let out a snicker and shook his head. “You think you know everything about me because you’ve seen me on a TV show?”
“Well I know the number of times Dick had to pour your own piss on you to wake you up is one too many,” the words left Chrys’ mouth with a smirk that left Lewis weak in the knees. He threw his head back in laughter before taking another drag from his cigarette.
“First you clean the dance floor with my ass, then you bring that shit up,” he mused to himself, remembering earlier in the night. When Nixon went up to cut in on Chrys and Guarnere dancing together, the movement Chrys’ body created almost felt supernatural. Lewis tried to keep up with her, but he kept staring at the girl and tripping over two left feet.
“What’s the matter, Yale boy? You can dish it but you can’t take it?”
The two night owls continued their banter well into the night, only retiring when the first birds of the morning began to chirp. Chrys and Zay passed in the hallway - Zay was dressed in her scrubs and on the way to work. The blue-haired girl sent a smile over to her twin, “You awake yet?”
“Awake? It’s time to go to bed!”
Chapter 5 | Chapter 7
Taglist: @b00ks1ut , @blueberry-ovaries , @bucky32557038ww2 , @claudycod , @dontirrigateme , @easycompany123 , @emilee1421 , @executethyself35 , @hanniewinnix , @ithinkabouttzu , @jump-wings , @love--persevering , @panzershrike-pretz , @stolen94 , @xxluckystrike
Thank you again for reading!! Be on the lookout for Chapter 7 dropping Tomorrow!! 🥰✨
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photoblogdujour · 1 year
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Here's a few flowers. These flowers are like the pleasures of the world. This is the flower that smiles on every one. Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower. Crowns him with flowers and makes him all her joy.
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pedroam-bang · 7 months
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Day Of Days - Band Of Brothers (2001)
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yourspeirs · 11 months
"Really? Is it hot in Africa?"
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pookielious · 4 months
Bing a band a boom Everyone's bangin into eachother, heffron just staring up at the nose of the plan ,cous on it they painted this beautiful pin up. Written underneath it darling Doris , just happens to be the name of skirt who just that day, send babe oneof em letters, know- web , whatdya- whatdya call them letters the broads send?"
"Uhhh.. dear John letter"
"Yeah that's it, dear babe letta, HA ."
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lenisoldi · 2 months
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First Kiss
All for nothing
We belong together
Anything for you
You can’t deny it
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BoB boys reaction to you being a virgin and a bit shy because of it
BoB boys: Hobbies
HC: You confessing your love to them (Luz, Bill, Nix)
HC: Short fem!reader
HC: Doc’s reaction to Y/N being afraid of nearly everything
Luzs and Docs reaction to see you cry
Speirs reaction to your crying after he yelled at you
Who fell first, who fell harder
HC: Relationship with Ronald Speirs
HC: First time sleeping with them (Bill, Tab, Ron)
Genes reaction to your selfharming
BoB boys reaction to your self harming
BoB boys reaction to your self harming pt.2
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Luz and Toye
BoB boys
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
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@marycorleone O U R B O Y S
photo credit
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