#Windsor women defense squad
harry-sussex · 2 years
Wow I’m looking through my blog here and I used to be so dedicated to responding to every single one of my messages thoughtfully and articulately. They would sometimes take me over an hour to do but it was fun and interesting and I loved doing it and talking to you guys and hearing what you had to say. I loved the #windsor women defense squad and the #catching up whoops and all of the chat. I really need to get back to that because you all still come to me and I owe that attention to you. I started a “one ask a day” series a little while ago but it dropped off completely. I should probably restart. Hell, I have some remaining from 2020 when Harry left. I really need to get back to it this winter. One a day wouldn’t kill me. I’m really sorry if you’ve been waiting on me, especially if you’ve been waiting for a long time. I see you and hear you and have thoughts about what you’re asking me, I just still, after all this time, since fucking January 2020, don’t have the energy in me to dedicate my attention to these asks and questions and comments and discussions the way I used to. I will try to be better. Y’all deserve that, especially after sticking around and being so patient with me all this time. I will do my best I promise
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hrh-dr-sussex-phff · 6 years
@ all y’all calling Catharine lazy
Does anyone think about the fact the in the UK working mothers get 39 weeks paid maternity leave!!!!
Her last engagement before Prince Louis was born was on March 22nd; therefore she is entitled to maternity leave until December 20th.
This of course isn’t even speaking of the fact that it is well known that she has hard pregnancies and certainly needs plentiful time to recover.
Also this time is vital f new mother and baby to bond!!!
To conclude: calling HRH lazy is completely uncalled for and untrue and I won’t stand for it. Particularly those of you who are always trying to pit Meghan and Catherine against each other. They are both strong, wonderful women doing amazing things for The Commonwealth.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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lovingtheroyals · 6 years
Idk how y’all can say you are part of the Windsor women defense squad and then be okay with Gary Janetti (literal cyber bullying) and the comment section under KP where people say the most vile things about Meghan
I literally hate Gary and I’m not ok with the things that are said in the comments section in any way. I truly don’t understand how you could believe that I am.  But just as it’s not my responsibility to check the tags of every individual who reblogs my posts, it’s not their responsibility to read every single comment. People say the worst things. But that’s not anyone’s fault other than the person who wrote them. 
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harry-sussex · 4 years
Days like today remind me why I left this blog behind. There is a family MOURNING the loss of a baby. This energy was completely different when the Tindalls were mourning the exact same loss, and if you can't tell exactly why that is, then you're part of the problem that made them leave to begin with. You do not have to like someone to express sympathy for Meghan, Harry, and any other couple who has lost a child. You should not be equating your feelings about them to your feelings about their suffering. If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all. And if you can't say anything nice or sympathetic, then keep Harry and Meghan and Archie's names out of your fucking mouth. Some of the reactions I have seen here today are outright disgusting. My heart is so, so broken for Harry and Meghan, and the drive to protect them is instinctual. Millions of other people and I have been in tears all day over this news, over a family we will never know - the most genuine outpouring of sympathy and support I can imagine - and you have the audacity to express anything other than the same sympathy? No. Fuck that. I hope they're protected from the vitriol that I've seen today. If they're not, then let us do the honors - if you have anything to say other than that you're sorry, then you don't deserve to have a platform, or frankly, an opinion. If you disagree - or if you ever expressed sympathy for Zara Tindall or Chrissy Teigan or someone in your own life who has experienced pregnancy loss but somehow Meghan's is different and unworthy of the same level and intensity of sympathy - then go fuck yourself. Full stop.
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harry-sussex · 5 years
I like Catherine, but she just seems like the type of person who is just....bland. I can’t describe it. Like she’s the type to only talk about the weather and her “kiddies.” Which is fine, but that just makes a boring person. I wish she had a more interesting personality.
Doesn’t sound like you like her much then lol.  She’s not meant to interest you - she’s meant to do a job.  If she was constantly running her mouth about things other than the weather, her “kiddies,” and her patronages, she’d get bad press, which is the last thing a future Queen needs.  It’s the same thing with her clothes - yeah, they might bore you, but it’s her job uniform and it keeps the peace.  William said himself that she has a naughty sense of humor and I imagine the Kate we see is leagues different than the Kate William gets to see.  If you dug a little deeper on Kate, you’d know she’s fearless, competitive, crafty, and artsy, with a backbone of steel.  Just because she shows up to work and doesn’t drone on about politics doesn’t mean she’s not an interesting person overall.  Look into her before you pigeonhole her if you’re claiming to like her - if you’re not willing to do so, then stop calling yourself a fan and leave her alone.
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harry-sussex · 5 years
Wow you really do applaud the bare minimum and basic stuff Kate does. What about Meghan who acturally has done shit? Like who had a careeer and did stuff for charity. This fandom loves white mediocrity. Kate hasn’t done shit. She hasn’t even done that much this year. She was gone for a whole month this year. But yeah white duchess is perfect. Bi racial duchess is BAD.
Wow, I am so fucking tired of hearing that Kate didn’t do anything before her marriage.  Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, it would have been very difficult for Ms. Catherine Middleton to get neck-deep into a career?  Think about it:
She falls in love with William Wales who just happens to be the future King when she is hardly 19 years old - still a child in a lot of ways.  They break up briefly when she is 25 - six years later.  I don’t know if you’ve ever dated someone for six years, but I have, and let me tell you - the marriage/”where is our future going” conversation comes up a lot.  Especially if marriage means one half of the couple giving up their right to privacy, their career, their home, just about everything while the other gets to keep everything he’s ever had.  In those six years, Kate probably knew that she couldn’t launch herself into a career the same way other 19-25 year olds do because she basically knew that someday it would be all for naught, that she’d have to abandon everything she worked so hard for for the sake of the man she loved and the institution into which he was born.  It’s not like she was strapped for cash.
Then, they famously, and briefly, break up.  Catherine Middleton’s entire life plan (one that she and William created together for six years) has been thrown for a loop because now she has to figure out something else to do instead of being a future Duchess of Cambridge, Princess of Wales, and Queen Consort.  So she launches herself into the Sisterhood Challenge, which was not only an extraordinary physical endeavor, but also raised money for the Babes in Arms charity - which focuses on combating birth defects in newborns - and The CHASE Ben Hollioake fund - which focuses on supporting children’s hospice care.  Do you know what two of Kate’s biggest causes are today, 12 years later?  You got it - early childhood healthcare and hospice care.
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Then, they get back together, and I can imagine they had a conversation that “this time, it’s for the long haul.”  What was she supposed to do?  Start working in a museum in Florence?  Go on a mission trip?  Do you have any idea the kind of strain her presence - unprotected, as just a girlfriend, by the royal family - would have had on communities already suffering and struggling to maintain resources?  The presence of not only her, but the paparazzi that followed her endlessly, would have put immense pressure on struggling communities:
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Why is it any concern to you what she did before her marriage?  She was a private citizen.  She could have lounged by the pool 365 days a year, margarita in hand, flipping through gossip magazines, and eating crepes for breakfast and that still wouldn’t, like, disqualify her or anything from being a Duchess.  Wanna know why?  Because the only qualification for somebody like Ms. Catherine Middleton to become a Duchess is to marry Prince William.  And that’s exactly what she did.  William fell in love with her and the rest is history - nearly twenty years later.  If it’s good enough for him, then it’s good enough for anyone else - including you.
Now, onto “Kate hasn’t done shit.”  Really?  In the past 18 months alone, Catherine has:
Received the Royal Family Order of Queen Elizabeth II
Been appointed as a Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (the highest order given by HM)
Received a 67-year-long patronage from the Queen
Tons of other things I’m getting tired of repeating
She’s developed initiatives and attached her name, face, title, and presence to some of the UK’s best causes.  She’s by all accounts brilliant, compassionate, keen to learn, inquisitive, dedicated, and interested to her causes.  
A quote from Professor Peter Fonagy, the CEO of the Anna Freud Centre, one of Kate’s patronages:
“The Duchess has a serious and professional interest in children’s mental health which has been a game changer.  She has boosted our profile exponentially and has had a huge role in raising the national awareness in the mental health of children. As far as we are concerned she’s the most important woman doing this in the world right now. To the millions of children who have been suffering in silence, she is their voice.”
Catherine has three young children and likely several years before she will be married to the heir.  What good is being a princess if she’s not afforded the simple luxury of being able to parent her children while they’re still small?  If it’s good with the Queen (it is, or else it wouldn’t be happening), then it’s good with me, and once again, it should be good with you.
This fandom loves Kate because she’s sweet, smart, strong, caring, and compassionate.  She is a wonderful wife, mother, sister, daughter, and ambassador to the Royal Family.  The world is exceptionally lucky to have her.  That’s why we love her.  Black, white, purple, doesn’t matter - that’s why we love her.
Now, onto Meghan.  First of all, fuck you for those comments.  I spend hours and hours of my life defending Meghan from the vile things people say about her online.  I have an entire tag devoted to defending both her and Kate.  Meghan is incredible in her own right.  She’s sweet, kind, dedicated, compassionate, interested, and determined.  She has a backbone of steel - in the face of prejudice worldwide, she stood loudly and proudly in front of the world’s audience and dedicated the rest of her life in love to a British prince as a biracial divorced American actress.  That takes strength unlike anything I could probably imagine.  
She has done incredible, incredible things in her life, both before becoming a royal and after.  I had high expectations for her going into her marriage to Prince Harry and she has exceeded every last one of them.  As a woman who is attacked daily for the skin and circumstances into which she was born, whose new life is nothing if not foreign to her, she is excelling, thriving, even - in the face of the millions of people rooting for her to fail.  The Duchess of Sussex is incredible.  Anyone with eyes can see that.
Catherine’s successes do not have to supercede Meghan’s and Meghan’s successes do not have to supercede Kate’s.  They are each wonderful, successful, beautiful, and brilliant in their own rights.  You call yourself an ally?  You call yourself a fan?  Then do not come here and tear down one of them to bring the other up.  You think Meghan would like how you’re speaking about the only sister she truly has?  I don’t.  Not at all.
Never, ever come back here again with this attitude.  Never.  Those are my girls - I’d go to battle for both of them.  Get the fuck out of here.  Not in my house.
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harry-sussex · 5 years
I wish Kate would stop with the same replies about mental health, and dive a little deeper, if this is something she genuinely cares about & wants to help remove the stigma. So many of us grew up playing out doors and are still depressed AF, so many of us had great parents and have life vaulting anxiety. There’s more that needs to be said than have a happy home and play outside.
I don’t know if you’re reading the same words by Kate that I am, but she is in no way, shape, or form suggesting that the answer to all mental health afflictions is going outside + a happy family.  
Kate grew up in an environment that provided continuous exposure to the outdoors with the support of a loving, caring, and happy family unit (that remains close to this day).  Kate’s own brother, James Middleton, grew up in literally the exact same environment that Kate did but still suffers from depression and anxiety.  He has made this information public to support the work spearheaded, in his words, by his sister Catherine, his brother-in-law Prince William, and Prince Harry (x).  She’s not naive enough to suggest what you’re implying, because her own brother - who had the benefit of a happy family and exposure to the outdoors - did not go his entire life without mental illness.  James has openly admitted to having crippling anxiety and deep depression in spite of his happy and supportive childhood.  
A direct quote from James, in his June 2019 interview with Tatler:
It’s what keeps you in bed, while anxiety makes you feel guilty for being there. I thought ‘What do I have to be depressed about?’ I’ve been so lucky with my upbringing, I had all the things I wanted. It’s not that I wanted more, but there was something that wasn’t always there... And the more I ignored it, the more it was taking over.’
If anyone knows that it’s possible to grow up in a positive environment but still end up with mental illness, it’s James - and, by that logic, Kate.
What Kate is saying, basically, is that it can’t hurt.  There are scientific, peer-reviewed studies suggesting that there is a positive causal and correlative relationship between exposure to the outdoors as a young child and positive mental health later in life.  That doesn’t imply that going outside + happy family = positive mental health.  It means that such things could have a positive effect and in fact are likely to, so why not make it happen?  Why shouldn’t a happy family spend time together outdoors (rather than indoors), if the only difference is a greater chance of a mentally healthy child as he or she grows into adolescence and adulthood?  That’s what Kate is saying with her work - and that, to me, gets into the nitty gritty of the science behind it.  Kate’s job isn’t to conduct experiments or support radicalized notions that may or may not have base in scientific fact.  Kate’s job is to raise awareness - like with the garden - and inspire other families in England to follow in her footsteps.  She’s done so magnificently.
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harry-sussex · 5 years
In light of the recent stories regarding Taylor Swift and her lack of control of her own music catalogue due to the greed of Scott Porchetta and Scooter Braun, and regarding the lawsuits countering the vile treatment of HRH The Duchess of Sussex by the Daily Mail and other media publications for profit, I would like say:
Fuck anyone who takes advantage of a woman for personal profit
Fuck anyone who discounts the hard work and determination of famous, professional women because they’re women
Fuck anyone who continues to defend the actions of powerful men even after they’ve been caught lying and cheating
Fuck the system who makes it profitable for powerful, rich men to exert authority over the personal lives, careers, and choices of famous women
Fuck anyone who agrees with extortion, scare tactics, and public media slander to scare a women into submission
Fuck anyone who has an issue with these women defending themselves publicly but not with the people they are defending themselves from
Fuck anyone who is unwilling to defend women from the confines of the control of powerful, rich men and their organizations
Fuck Scott Porchetta and Scooter Braun, and
Fuck the Daily Mail
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harry-sussex · 5 years
Ok but can we talk about how women are made to feel like they’re boring, anti-feminist “breeding mares” with no personality of their own, simply because they had children and, shocker, ACTUALLY LIKE THEM? I see this with Kate and Meghan all the time. I have wanted children since I was 13. I’m a single childless lawyer, and my yearning is unexplainable. I cannot imagine how much I’ll love my kids. Why is it that doing the full-time job of parenthood is NEVER enough? And what about “boring” dads?
Yes, we can and should absolutely talk about that.  Feminism isn’t about demolishing the ideas associated with traditional gender roles; it’s about freeing up women and men equally to make that decision for themselves.  There’s absolutely nothing wrong or anti-feminist with a woman wanting to be a mother and relishing in her role as such.  Both Kate and Meghan have personalities beyond being a mother (they were people long before they were mothers) but if that’s what either of them chooses to focus on, then that’s their right.  Parenthood is not an easy job and frankly it’s gross that people suggest opting to do so full-time is the easy way out.  “Boring” dads never get nearly as much flack and it all boils down to society’s rigid adherence to a gender structure that does not necessarily exist anymore.  I agree with everything you’ve said.
As an aside, you seem like you will be a wonderful mother with a mindset like yours.  I hope your dream comes true for you, my friend ♥
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harry-sussex · 5 years
I have always like your blog, no drama no offensive toward kate and it was one of the first blog i followed when i joined the fandom. But i am really surprised but the fact that you defend meghan. I understand that you can like her for different reasons and i respect that but when she was bullied? When? Do you expect that after the baby shower, all the fake celebrities friends out in force, the expensive clothes, the jet hypocrisy nobody has the right to criticise her? (1/2)
(2/2) if she has lived at least one year prior the wedding in uk (or at least in europe)she would have understood that these thing are heavily criricize. The banana thing was so ridicuolus that can be a cute thing just in usa. Of course they would make jokes about it. I know i probabily i sound rude and i apologize for that but i really don’t understand how people can say that she was bullied, she has gone from a pr failure after pr failure. I think she could do good but the critics are legit.
How can you still defend harry and meghan? I understand having a favourite but you look blind. He could have answered that it was just rumors or he could have say nothing as the questions are obviously pre planned. He did choose to throw william under the bus. And meghan what unfair treatment receive? She did spend a lot of money in clothes and a tacky baby shower , she did have a troubled relation with her father and she did have fake celebruties friends who add fuel to everything.
You really do sound rude and incredibly cruel.  I don’t know who you think you are, or how you can come into my inbox and say these things “apologetically” when you know I live and die for The Duchess of Sussex.  I also know that this is all from the same person so... what the hell is your issue?
Meghan has been bullied by the press since it was first reported that she was dating Harry.  She’s been the target of vile racism throughout published media outlets and fandom niches of the internet, even by complete strangers who insist that a member of the British Royal Family should be nothing other than an “English Rose.”  Remember the “Straight Outta Compton” headlines?  The anthrax scare?  The “monkey” jokes five minutes after Archie was born?  She’s been torn apart for the simple reason of having a black mother - that doesn’t outrage you?  That doesn’t make you want to scream?  Fight for her?  Who the fuck are you?  If you don’t notice, that’s because you’re not interested, and if you’re not interested in defending a biracial woman from the attacks she receives for the color of her skin, then you need to fuck right off and get away from my blog.
Meghan is not above criticism - nobody is.  I agree that she maybe should have lived in London for a year or so just to acclimate privately but that was a decision for her and Harry to make alone and if what they did worked for them and their relationship, then it’s none of our business.  Meghan was entitled to a baby shower in her home country as it was a private trip - what did you think, she was going to move to England, become an HRH, then completely abandon her roots?  Baby showers are a big thing here, especially for first time mothers.  Her private life is her private life - if Serena wanted to throw her best friend a baby shower, then who the fuck are you to criticize it?  It’s not like Meghan had the palace cater it, yeesh.  
Are we still harping on the bananas?  “A cute thing in the USA” - oh that’s right, Meghan and I, both Americans, forgot that the 28th Amendment is the “only Americans write nice things on bananas; if not, we go to war” amendment.  She wrote a nice message on a banana skin, and this is the big criticism you have of Meghan?  Get new material then, because that’s absolute garbage.  Of the people getting the packages, you have no idea how many haven’t heard anything nice about them in years.  It was a simple gesture that could make someone smile - that’s what you don’t like about Meghan?  That she tried to make someone smile?  That’s pathetic.  
She’s not above criticism.  I think she could make different choices when it comes to clothing (particularly the cost of it) and her balance between her American roots and her being a member of the British Royal Family.  The jet fiasco was legitimate too, but I’m pinning that more on Harry.  I’ve said dozens of times that her friends needed to take a step away from the media - but that’s a criticism on them, not on Meghan.  They are not her and it’s unfair to equate them in that way.  She’s damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t - if she spells it “program” she’s clinging to her roots, if she spells it “programme” she’s trying too hard to fit in.  But that’s in her public life - what she does in her private life is none of my business and it’s certainly none of yours.
HARRY DID. NOT. THROW. WILLIAM. UNDER. THE. BUS.  He was asked a question, pointed out a brotherly relationship between two people whose roles in the monarchy are growing more divergent by the day, and then moved on.  “I love him dearly” yeah, sounds like a guy who wants to throw his brother under the bus.  Do you even know how to read?
There are legit critics, I agree.  However, you certainly are not one of them.  Anyone who says “Meghan wasn’t bullied” is nothing more than an enabler of racism in my eyes, and if you’re cool with that, then you need to fuck off and keep Meghan’s name out of your mouth.
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harry-sussex · 5 years
LOL So Meghan made a 'top-secret' pilgrimage to the place where Uyiene was killed, but posted about it on Instagram so that everyone will know. Subtle, the PR is really subtle.
Or... how about... Meghan went to visit the site privately to pay her respects and grieve as a mother and a woman of color while simultaneously preventing an onslaught of media attention from ravaging a sacred and bloodstained place... then publishing her trip later to draw attention to the causes that need support following Uyiene’s brutal murder.  That’s what you’re going for, I think.  It’s about supporting Uyiene’s community, you fucking knob.  It’s not about PR.
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harry-sussex · 5 years
She will not came back, she will live in Canada e california. She is managed to take economic deals before they have even left. I really don't understand the denial here. It is not a bad thing to say i was wrong about her and maybe the others were right. I don't say this to be polemic or to criticize anyone but it is really sad even try to defend what they are doing now. They are obviously intersted in global fame and when they saw that the brf would not play the game they left.
This is a really disgusting message, excuse you.  Who said we were wrong about Meghan?  We thought Meghan would be smart, dedicated, driven, compassionate, ambitious... she is all of those things and will continue to be all of those things, regardless of her involvement in the British Royal Family.  The tragedy of this whole thing is that we won’t get to see her flourish in her role any further... Nobody is defending how they did what they did... but anyone with a brain can see why they want out.  Can you seriously not see Harry’s blind, blatant fear?  Can you not sympathize with a man who is terrified of losing his wife to the same ruthless forces that took his mother?  That’s why he wants out, you dumb fuck.  God, have you no compassion?  She will be splitting her time between Canada and the UK - with Harry - and as long as she continues to make him happy, then she’s alright in my book.  
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harry-sussex · 5 years
Meghan is fake. Too bad you can’t see through the fakeness 🙄🙄
Meghan is by all accounts kind, affectionate, compassionate, caring, intelligent, perceptive, and whip-smart.  She exudes natural radiance, warmth, and approachability from every bone in her body unlike anyone I’ve ever seen.  She has taken to her new life - a life nothing but foreign to her - like a duck to water.  She’s gracious, regal, and absolutely fearless to her core.  She braved the world’s prejudice and discrimination to stand in front of its audience and declare loudly and proudly her love for her husband.
You can’t fake that.
She - clearly - makes Harry happier than any man on earth.  Look at the way he looks at her:
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And look at the way she looks at him:
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Have you ever seen anything more beautiful in your life?  I haven’t.  
She’s as real as they come, dude.  In fifty years when they’re living their best lives with their seventeen children, you’re going to be kicking yourself.  Don’t come here and talk shit about my girl.
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harry-sussex · 5 years
Let me just say this: at a polo match in July Kate didn’t even bother to help Meghan with (Archie who was only 2 months old) there’s a video where you can see a lady in a pink dress holding Archie’s bottle etc. It says a lot about their relationship, we don’t even have a one pic of the two of them talking together
Why does Meghan need help with Archie?  Is Meghan incapable of handling her quiet, sleepy, content infant son on her own?  Kate had three kids of her own to keep track of.  Maybe that was Archie’s nanny - maybe it was a good time for the nanny to get acclimated to being an extra in Meghan/Harry/Archie’s royal life.  What’s Meghan supposed to do, drop her baby off with a complete stranger and go for a spa day?  Why is it Kate’s problem to handle Archie?  Meghan didn’t put Archie down once all day - seems to me like she was perfectly happy cradling her baby during polo.  It doesn’t say shit about their relationship.  They’re both busy moms.  You can’t judge what happens at an event based on the photos released - they’re published to suit an agenda, and that agenda is to push the rift bullshit.  There were pictures someone found of Harry and William smiling and laughing together.  @trh-thesussexes maybe?  But that’s not what was published on the front pages because it does nothing to push the profitable rift narrative.  You guys don’t know how to think.  Your logic is flawed and your evidence (if you can even call it that) is absolute bullshit.
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harry-sussex · 5 years
I'm not particularly a keen royal watcher but I'm curious about how this Kate v Meghan nonsense started? How did this fandom become such a shitshow?
This fandom has always been a shitshow, but it got imo 100x worse once Harry got a serious girlfriend.  I’d recommend checking out @duchessbusybody‘s Royal Fandom Bible if you’re really looking for a history of this place.  It’s written like a history textbook lol.  Back then, it was a lot of death threats if you hated Kate’s wedges (remember those days y’all?) and Mini Middletons showing up (allegedly) at the Middletons’ Berkshire estate with a Kate scrapbook.  It was a shitshow then - lots of catfishing, telling others to off themselves... it was a disgusting place even then.
The shitty parts of this fandom would have always hated Harry’s wife, no matter who she was, because they’re under the deluded impression that the gorgeous bachelor Prince would have come in and swept them off their feet.  There are the people who think nobody is good enough for Harry.  Then came the people who think Meghan is not good enough for Harry, which was the entry point of the disgusting racists (go to fucking hell btw) who continue to plague this niche of the internet.  They’ve perpetuated this idea that “pure” W/K have the support of the monarchy while H/M are being rightly excluded because they somehow “deserve” it.  That notion - to different extremes - caught wind in the media, fueling the rift narrative... and here we are.  Harry hates William because William “doesn’t include” Meghan (according to them, because she ‘doesn’t fit’ aka is biracial), Kate thinks Meghan is the new Princess Pushy (because god forbid a woman of color have confidence in herself and her opinions).    It would have happened with anyone Harry married - the media loves a good fight between women - but it’s gotten completely out of hand and it all boils down to the racism directed at poor, sweet Meghan, who deserves everything and more that the world can offer.  Kate and Meghan are more than likely good friends.  The bullshit is from the media and the people on the internet who impose their selfish and vile delusions on the images of these women that they’ve manifested in their heads in order to push an agenda or support a narrative that does not exist, and it’s fucked up.  If you think about it too much, you’ll want to rip your hair out.  Kate and Meghan both deserve better that what they’ve got.  It’s vile.
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harry-sussex · 5 years
Umm you know you can be a very hands on mum and still work? Having kids is not an excuse for Kate’s poor work ethic lmao
are you claiming meghan isn't a hands-on mom then? cause her work rate for sure is better than kate's right now and she has a newborn at home. imagine how tired we are of all those lame ass excuses for kate not having a good work rate. that's just who she is, let it gooo! louis won't die if she's away for an hour to do an engagement, plus if "leaving him with a nanny" is a problem, HE HAS A BLOODY DAD! women aren't the only ones capable of taking care of children lol.
Archie is only 5 months and Meghan already working a lot so by your logic she is not a super Hands on mom. This is ridiculous Kate need to step up stop making excuse for her
You know you can be a very hands on mom while still carrying out your royal duties???????
Oh for the love of god, you people are absolutely insufferable.
Kate and Meghan are two different mothers with two different parenting styles.  If it works for Kate to keep things slower while her youngest is too small for nursery school, then cool.  If it works for Meghan to work more while Archie is a baby, then cool.  I am in no position whatsoever to criticize the way these women handle parenting their children and neither are you.  What works for Kate will not necessarily work for Meghan and vice-versa.  I don’t appreciate your assigning a motive to my words when all I’ve done is hypothesize the reason for Kate’s relatively slow work rate while Louis is still too young for nursery school.
Meghan also seems like a very hands-on mum.  I never said she wasn’t.  Her parenting style clearly differs from Kate’s, that’s fine, neither is superior to the other.  If this style of parenting works for Kate, then good, her priority should be her children and the way she parents them.  If this style of parenting works for Meghan, then good, her priority should be her child and the way she parents him.  They’re not the same and the kids are so important and should be an unequivocal priority.  Both women clearly put their children as the top priority regardless of how they go about doing so, so what’s the issue?
You people have such a fucking complex, it’s laughable.  I said something positive about Kate and you’re flocking to my inbox to scream “wElL wHaT aBoUt mEgHaN??!!!” as if I don’t live my life defending her, too.  A concept for you to consider: I can talk about Kate without having to bring Meghan into the conversation, just like I can talk about Meghan without having to bring Kate into the conversation.  A novel concept.  How revolutionary.  You should give it a shot sometime. 
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