#kate haters
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The way Anthony was ready to hate until he saw that Kate was smiling and his simmering rage subsided because how can there be anything to complain about when his wife is smiling
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cod-dump · 2 days
Laswell, about a SAS officer: He was supposed to be helping me on this operation but he hasn't delivered on anything
Price: 'Unhelpful cunt' is his middle name
Laswell: *snorts*
Price: slower than a sloth and dumber than a koala
Laswell, shaking: J-John
Price: He looks like he was from the Cambrian period. Weird looking cunt
Laswell: *wheezes*
Price: Breathe, Kate, I have more to share
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months
how do you think your peter would feel about Hawkgirl? (she’s my favorite justice league member she’s so girlboss 😋)
every time peter sees a girlboss doing anything he thinks they're the coolest ever. especially the JL women!!
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writey-mcwriteface · 1 month
adding onto today’s bishova posting to say that my best friend likes to call kate and yelena “yate” and the members of the fandom as “yaters” so. how are we doing today yaters.
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kanthonyism · 3 months
deeply glad that Anthony and Kate fucked off to do their thing and weren't their for Lady Whistledown reveal because if they'd been their the show runners would have also made them react in a way that is so Out of Character for the sake of whitewashing Penelope and getting their unearned pay off and it's fr so unrealistic that she wrote the nastiest shit about everyone and was not shunned 😭😭😭 like what happened to stakes and consequences
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itsmebeff · 10 months
dc.. please do you see the vision... LET THEM INTERACT!!
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diver5ion · 8 months
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ensign-smith · 8 months
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the tumblr community has blessed me with many beautiful reference images of Kate Mulgrew/Janeway joyful and smiling. but there was janeway libel in a discord server and i had to respond.
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maefansblog · 3 months
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taxidermydolls · 2 months
"clem carried s3!!" um actually javi did. clem is my fav character in twdg but idc what anyone says s3 is so good and i love javi so much
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liacobain · 3 months
Kate Martin haters coming out because their favorite player has less votes for this all-star game lmfao 😂
i was just gonna come on here and say this 😭 i mean im not delusional obviously it would be silly to say that kate is definitely gonna be an all-star, in her rookie season nonetheless, but ppl are talking like she hasn’t been having a good season? 💀 she’s getting great minutes and playing such a huge part on the team idk why ppl are acting like she’s a benchwarmer 💀
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This is actually so hilarious because you can see the rising tide of haterism within him swiftly recede the exact moment Kate boops his nose
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kate-apologist · 3 months
actually i'm still not done complaining about rtd writing kate because i've spent so much time hyper fixated on her and modern unit it might as well be a secondary special interest at this point
you know what would have been a far more interesting kate character arc that would fit with the broader themes of the season? seeing her kids. having her kids involved. having gordy be part of unit during empire of death? amazing, and more compelling than the romance they're setting up between her and ibrahim. kate's family is a chunk of the lore, hell bring connall (her nephew around gordy's age) into unit and she wants him to evacuate but he refuses
i think they've severely fumbled what could have been a new dimension to kate by concretely involving her kids and instead went for a romance arc that's gonna do very little interesting with her character (except maybe a scene of bringing gordy in and seeing his mum date someone his age lol)
and don't get me started on the being okay with literal children in her workforce that is literally a frontline defense organization
a lot of my grievances regarding the relationship thing is that i never really wanted a kate romance in modern canon. as much as i love to do weird shipping shit with her in fandom, i think she's a stronger character when she's single-i think it's a good reflection of her history and the generational trauma in the lethbridge-stewart family. she's got her rough history with her dad, what i presume to be a rough divorce and custody thing with her kid, i think her being the head of unit makes it difficult for her to balance work and life. even dating someone inside unit wouldn't help with this imo. not to mention the fact she is constantly almost dying, i couldn't see her entering a relationship after her home literally gets blown up. maybe once she retires but while she's at unit, unit is her life and there's really little room for anything else
i have this terrible inkling in my head that they're going to make unit similar to the avengers and god what a waste that would be
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officialkatekane · 11 days
I mean why is your cousin so antisocial and standoffish.
...excuse you??
He's one of the most wonderful, sweet, kind and compassionate people in this world and you do not get to insult him in my presence.
He has the right to his privacy as much as any other person and you don't get to call him any names for that. He went through many, many traumatic events in his life and he still puts on a brave face everyday to be in the public eye for no reason but to advocate for charities and good causes.
If you had been through half of what he has you wouldn't be able to do even a sliver of what he has accomplished.
Do you have any idea how much kindness and positivity he spreads? Even when life has been horrid?
And for what- for some nobody to insult him and call him 'anti social and standoffish'??
You better hope I never find out who you are or you have something coming your way.
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cantsayidont · 5 months
I feel like I should say for the record that I wouldn't mind that LOVE LIES BLEEDING goes way off the rails repeatedly if in doing so it hadn't ended up becoming something quite different than it started out. I knew going in that it was going to be some kind of lesbian weightlifting fetish thing where a bodybuilder does too many steroids because her GF thinks it's hot; I didn't appreciate the KStew character's weird biphobic fit, and I wasn't expecting and wasn't wild about the segue into "series of incredibly brutal murders," but I could have dealt with that stuff if the movie had stuck to the original direction in some recognizable way. The problem is that I did not sign on to watch Ed Harris being a creepy old gangster with the universe's most nightmarish wig, just as in BOUND, I didn't sign on for an hour of Joey Pants having a homicidal meltdown while the Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon characters are shoved into the background. In both cases, though, that's what we end up getting, at the expense of those movies' original concepts and, honestly, their primary selling points.
The toxic fetishism stuff in LOVE LIES BLEEDING was nonetheless sort of refreshing in the wake of AMMONITE, because whatever else one might say about LOVE LIES BLEEDING, it is not concerned with bourgeoisie art house respectability. The thing about AMMONITE that I find obnoxious is that its gray gloomy biopic ambiance seems to exist largely to cover for the film's actual primary appeal, which is seeing Saoirse Ronan fuck Kate Winslet. It's like the opposite of putting your kid's medicine or your dog's pills in a spoonful of peanut butter or applesauce to cover the bitter taste; the film's notoriously explicit central sex scene is surrounded by a lot of rather unappetizing porridge and some weak attempts at historical feminist commentary, because if it weren't, it might be derided as disreputable pulpy smut rather than Oscar-bait Cinéma for affluent white people to discuss afterward over a glass of chardonnay. LOVE LIES BLEEDING is willing to own being disreputable, pulpy, and (for a while) smutty, which is commendable; it would be more commendable if it didn't use that as a segue into the drearier reaches of post-Tarantino crime drama.
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gwandas · 23 days
Okay but what are the top 5 bullet points for hating MCU Spiderman? His arc? The actor? Accuracy?
You probably forgot you sent me this but I DIDN'T. This is a very serious question to be asking me and thus this is probably much longer than you initially bargained for <3
His friend group is ass. MCU MJ and Ned exist to be his yes men, they always help him, they always get along, it sucks and it's boring. People always dog on the Raimi movies because the Peter-MJ-Harry triangle is toxic but honestly that's nothing compared to the drama the original Peter-Gwen-MJ-Harry-Flash had going on. That shit would kill an MCU stan they were SO messy... and that was what made it fun and juicy. Peter's complex interpersonal relationships are so so crucial to Spider-Man. One of the reasons he became so popular is because the Peter Parker part of his story was just as interesting as the Spider-Man part, people loved his personal problems! That's why his supporting cast are just as well known by even casual fans.
Stole too many plot points and personality traits from Miles Morales. For example, see point no. 1, MCU Ned Leeds is literally just Ganke (Miles' best friend) that they slapped a Ned Leeds nametag onto.
Tony Stark and MCU Peter's desperation to be an Avenger. I actually cannot stand the desperation it's pathetic and unbecoming. Comic Peter Parker would tell MCU Tony Stark to go fuck himself on the regular if he pulled the stuff he does in the movies. Spider-Man is also not even close to as fun when he has access to all the toys and funds he could want. Also the first time he meets the Avengers in the comics they literally stalk him trying to get him to join and he keeps going "LEAVE ME ALONE" so I think it's funny MCU Peter is so desperate to be one
The personality could not be worse. One of my favorite things about Peter is that he's a reluctant hero. He wants to do the right thing, use his powers for good, but it always comes at a cost to his personal life. The constant push and pull and deliberate decision to be a good person when he doesn't want to... I love that about him. There are always hard choices in a good Spider-Man story. I once saw a movie critic that said "MCU finally gets Spider-Man right. He's a happy go lucky guy that loves being a superhero." Literally every word of that sentence is incorrect. People think that because comics are so vast, with different authors and different ways they're written that you can do whatever you want in the movie and it's fine... NO. There can be some variance, sure, but Peter has always had a distinct personality. Sure sure sure you can tweak things here and there, I'm not saying Peter always has to be portrayed as a selfish asshole who's always broke and never happy (because obviously there are times in the comics when he isn't those things) but you can't change EVERYTHING at once. Making him a guy that loves being a superhero and has zero personal life problems (aside from ??? wanting to vacation in europe and get with the girl he likes)... literally destroys everything interesting about the character.
Less about him and more about the conversation around him, my biggest pet peeve used to be people that would go "well this is the third reboot, of COURSE he's different." well NO because the MCU chose to adapt Peter Parker and Peter Parker has a specific personality and storyline. "Of course they changed the storyline" first of all they had a million options and could've just inserted an adult Peter into the MCU if they didn't want to do his origin story, but his origin story is important... I honestly think the decision to skip over it is what caused the terrible writing because without that origin you've removed all his motivations and drive. You can't just say hey we'll use Peter Parker but in order to differentiate ourselves we'll make him unrecognizable... just use a different character at that point... LIKE MILES which is what SO many people said before Homecoming came out.
Bonus: My favorite hate posts I found on my blog from like 2019 or whatever
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