#Wing being proud sensei
voidpumpkin · 5 months
A definite theme of dungeon meshi is that of selfishness and selflessness with pretty much every character defined by these two things in some way
most obviously there's the winged lion who's entire existence is defined by selfishness, he just consumes, consumes and consumes, ruining everybody, with labyrinth he is bound to and he himself encouraging and shaping the selfish and selfless desires of others. His greatest desire, to consume everybody is the ultimate act of selfishness in the series yet he frames it as and pretty genuinely views it as an act of great selflessness, which is part of another theme in the show of people imposing their selfless desires on to other people.
As can be seen with Marcille, from the beginning she is shown as the most outwardly selfless, she's the one always wanting to help other adventurers, aside from Laios the loudest advocate for rescuing Falin, resents Namari for abandoning Falin and is shocked to find out Chilchuck is doing this because he is being paid. She's the one who crosses all moral and ethical barriers to save Falin, to defeat the dungeon rabbits. And then we see how she has the greatest most all encompassing desire of them all, to equal everyone's lifespan to one thousand with a selfless motive behind it, that it will erase bigotry between races. The selflessness of it is something she is almost proud, she's insulted and very insistent that she doesn't want more selfish desire like having a child or becoming a full blooded elf. Yet this selfless desire comes from a selfish place of never wanting to experience loss and is a desire (with the winged lions help) becomes one she seeks to impose on others
Similarly to Thistle who is THE example of how selfless desires become twisted and selfish by the dungeon as he original wanted to protect the kingdom and makes sure they live forever, though even then this was a selfish desire imposed upon him by Delgal. Now after a thousand years of running the dungeon he is all selfishness that he views as selflessness.
Then there is the other notable former dungeon master, Mithrun. Once viewed as a pure and selfless man by those around him he harboured countless selfish desires that the demon exploited and consumed, leaving him with what he and others thought was just the desire for revenge. A selfish desire that manifested in a selfless form as he puts his life on the line to rid the world from demons. It's through this we see one of his most interesting traits, his sincere desire to reach out and help other dungeon masters, compared to all other interactions he is never this gentle or talkative with them, the other canaries quite clearly just want to kill them, but Mithrun, one of the very few people who can understand what they're going through talks to them. By the end of the series we also come to know that his selfish desire for revenge was in fact an entirely different selfish desire, to be consumed.
Not on to Izutsumi, she's a character defined by her selfishness, as a result of her upbringing she has to rely on and care for only herself but then she becomes a part of the touden party and is put in a caring environment for the first time, and in response grows to genuinely care for them as well, risking her life in ways she wouldn't have done before. Izutsumi acts as a pretty potent example of the crews selflessness with all of them (except Laios, who they defend her from his monster fixation) acting as parents to her. Marcille gives her the love and affection, both emotional and physical that she'd never received up until that point, and didn't even know she needed. Chilchuckvis the only one with actual experience as a parents and only parental figure who has treated Izutsumi well, he pretty quickly realises she is acting like a teenage girl and quickly adjusts to treating and caring for her as such. Sensei, who is pretty much all paternal instincts cares for her the only way he knows how and is the first person to adjust meals to her needs and desires. Izutsumi can be seen as a demonstration of environments shaping a person, her formative years being treated terribly made her selfish whilst this new caring environment allowed her to become selfless for the first time.
Building off the paternal instincts comment from earlier, that one of the two things that define senshi's selflessness. Sensei is both a deeply mature and deeply selfless character, as a result his selflessness comes in more casual and more adult forms. In respecting the autonomy of others and providing them with food. With these drawing from the two things mentioned earlier, his paternal instincts but also his experiences with starvation. His paternal instincts are best shown in the chapter after Falin is taken as we see inside his head, seeing he views Chilchuck and Marcille as very young and that it is his responsibility to feed them, and considered it a failing on his part if he doesn't. This paternal instinct also is what leads him to secretly resent Laios and Marcille as he believes Chilchuck to be a child and views them as exploiting him and putting him in harms way. His focus on feeding others is of course a result of his experience with starvation, he NEVER wants anyone to go through what he went through and is THE way we see him caring for people outside of the Touden party
Next up Chilchuck, a character who at first seems to be a deeply selfish ones, as he journeys with the group because he is paid to, not because he wants to. But then we do come to respect this, as dungeoneering is a job, a very dangerous one that, and like all jobs it deserves proper compnesation. Which is something he actively tries to facilitate in one of his greatest acts of selflessness, where after having experienced the selfishness of other races and their willingness to use half-foots as bait, he starts a union to ensure proper pay and workers rights for half-foots. Though rather interestingly our first exposure to it is through the deeply selfish Mikbell, who frames what Chilchuck is doing as an act of selfishness. We also soon understand that he deeply cares about his friends, more than even he wants to as he continues to travel with them even when the job is technically done. This does result in a moment of selfless/selfish desire as he seeks to trick the group into leaving falin behind because he genuinely cares about then, he thinks they're in over their head and wants to protect them, again selfless desire that is selfish, though he does come to respect their wishes.
Speaking of Falin. cause of her minimal time to be a character we're left what screen time she gets and that's a character defined by her selflessness, from her communication with ghosts, being framed as a mothrrly figure to Thistle and the acted that began the series, sacrificing her life to save the crew, and would define how they act going forward.
For Namari it caused her to leave and take up the better offers she'd received. A selfish act that Marcille in particular resents her for but is explained by both her backstory, she is trying to buy back the honour her father stole, which would hopefully repair the relationship between the Lord of the island and dwarves, a selfless act, and the establishment of dungeoneering as a dangerous job that deserves compensation, which is why Laios and Chilchuck who do view it as a job don't resent her while Marcille who doesn't view it as a job (a. she's very open about not viewing dungeoneering as a career b. ancient magic research is her goal, thus the particularities of dungeoneering never mattered to her) does resent her. We do see other moments of selflessness from wanting to know Kiki and Kaka's age so she can identify them if they need resurrecting and standing up for Laios. Namari's character is one meant to show selfishness, especially when your life is one the line, is not inherently immoral.
The other crew member who left as a result of Falin's death is Toshiro (Shuro), who immediately goes off to find a strong crew he is hopeful can make it through the dungeon as fast a possible to rescue Falin. In opposition to Namari he is someone who chooses selflessness over this own life, running himself ragged to save her, but it is this focus on her other his needs that causes him to fail, running yourself ragged will leave you unable to succeed, as demonstrated to him by Laios. Laios is a man he resents for various reasons but one of them being that he doesn't see Laios as sincere in his care, that he doesn't express his selflessness in a 'proper' way. That his happy go lucky attitude and focus on keeping himself health are proof that he doesn't care, when in actuality a) that's just who laios is b) Laios looking after himself is a form of selflessness because how can one help others if they can't even stand.
Laios sits in the middle of selfishness and selflessness, defined in equal parts by them. He is completely sincere and dedicated to his selflessness, willing to risk his life and go it alone to save Falin, he seeks non-violent solutions to deal with his human enemies, wanting to talk to Thistle and get him to respect the citizens of the golden kingdom's wishes and doing the same with Marcille alongside working to defeat the winged lion and putting himself on the line to do so, as well as becoming the king of the golden kingdom, which he clearly doesn't want. yet he also has a lot of selfish desires because of this and being an extremely autistic dude with basically no social skills he's viewed as worse than he is, both on his and other's fault. He loves monsters and his entire life is defined by his obsession with them, this obsession spawned from a resentment of humans how they treated his sister (he got over it, he was a teen). He seeks to examine Izutsumi, and while he means no disrespect or anything gross by it, she is a teenager and has some pretty serious trauma surrounding being treated as a circus animal. He disrespects Lycion's treatment to his suicidal body dysmorphia because it's a 'skin deep' appreciation of monsters. He views saving Falin as an opportunity to finally consume monsters, his selfish desires and his willingness to express then when it really isn't an oppurtune time to do so (dude, your sister's life is on the line) mean he is taken at his worst, viewed as literally villain by Kabru and the canaries. Laios as the protagonist of story with pretty clear themes of selflessness and selfishness shows one who is outwardly a very selfish person yet the moment you stop to look is a deeply deeply selfless person, even if he is bad communicating.
This brings us to his foil Kabru. Kabru pretty clearly defines himself by his selflessness, viewing himself as superior for it, believing he should be the one to conquer the dungeon and that Laios is unworthy based on his shallow understanding of him. This selflessness is further deconstructed as something very bad for him as similarly to Toshiro is clearly doesn't value himself like he should, not allowing himself to have selfish desires, with it being pretty clear this worldview is shaped by his childhood trauma, of seeing what the dungeon can do, his survivors guilt and believing he has a duty to prevent it. This brings him into interesting conflict with Mithrun and Laios. The former is someone is a person who literally cannot care for himself and must rely on others to do that for him. His lack of care for himself, unawareness of his own needs astounds Kabru, rather ironically considering Kabru's lack of focus on his own and his focus on Mithrun, who is noted to be looking better than usual thanks to Kabru's treatment by Lycion, indeed his focus on analysing and understanding other people in general can be seen as a form of his selflessness/care for others at his expense. The latter is a person who confounds Kabru, Laios is the first person who Kabru cannot understand, the first person he can't just casually befriend one so utterly antithetical to his own interests as Laios is fixated and loves the very thing Kabru is horrified by, monsters. This also shows arguably the biggest example of Kabru valuing others, his selflessness at his own expense when eats the monster food Laios offered him, looking like he might die as he does so. This horror and confusion causes him become fixated on Laios, he is a puzzle Kabru must solve, but also because of Kabru's views on monsters, selfishness and selflessness he views Laios as an active and terrifying threat that must be stopped. But underlying this is what Kabru refuses to acknowledge until he confronts Laios next time they meet, he wants to befriend Laios, something that horroifies himself, both cause this is Laios, but this is a selfish desire. Admitting to Laios is an admission to himself that he has a selfish desire and that maybe just maybe that isn't so bad and that doesn't make him a lesser person. This acknowledgment that desires are part of who you are is what allows him to reach Mithrun, Kabru developed a new desire, to befriend Laios and thus Mithrun can too. Kabru is very potent foil to Laios, a character defined by selfish desires and seen as dangerous because of them when in fact he is deeply deeply selfless, as he is character who looks down on selfish desire and values selflessness to his own expense, only to learn through Laios that selfish desires are not inherently bad, thus allowing Kabru to help others even more.
And last but not least is elves as a whole and in particular the canaries. Elves are this selflessness and selfishness theme on a societal scale as their racial paternalism means they view it is their duty to look after races whilst also not respecting them or their autonomy and this causing great harm, with the canaries and Milsiril being microcosims of this. The canaries are a force tasked with stopping dungeons a selfless act, though motives selfish as while some clearly do it to save lives, it's established that one of the reasons they do so is to get their hands on the ancient magic inside and their racial paternalism means they don't trust other races to know the secret of dungeons, which almost dooms everybody. We also see how many of the members of it are criminals, who quite frankly are selfish cunts, really racist to non elves and are more than willing to put shorter lived races in harms way to get what they want. Milsiril is this racial paternalism embodied, as she's dedicated her life to looking after children of other races, a selfless desire, but she clearly doesn't see them quite as equals with there also being the implication that this is the result of a selfish desire to deal with her own loneliness.
Desire is a key theme in dungeon meshi with selflessness and selfish being the accompaniment to it that really makes so much it so potent.
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six-eyed-samurai · 3 months
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YUUJI ITADORI’s whole family is in the movie business, but he’d only starred in minor roles before the directors were looking for someone to play the main character in Jujutsu Kaisen and his uncle Sukuna, who was already cast, recommended him and his brothers. Was quite psyched about dying his hair (because Kaori wouldn’t let him before) but he spent a hell of a long time having to learn fighting techniques and complained about the pain but definitely bulked up a little. One of the most social of the cast, he’s sort whose social media is bursting with photos of him on set, fellow actors and fans. And yes, real life Yuuji is just as clueless as his on-screen persona.
MEGUMI FUSHIGURO brought his actual dogs to filming - originally there were only supposed to be one Divine Dog but he didn’t want to bring one without the other. The stylists love him because they never have to do anything with his hair as it’s already naturally spiky and messy. He and Yuuji’s on-screen interactions are a hundred per cent genuine as they get on pretty well. Off-screen Megumi looks and acts emo as his character, but more playful and judgmental. Nobody knows or suspects it was actually him that stole Gojo’s sunglasses, Momo’s broomstick and Noritoshi’s arrows. As he’s the one with the most experience with filming, having played secondary rules in teenage TV series or a cameo in his dad’s movies, Yuuji and Nobara actually look up to him a lot but do not trust his “advice” for acting. Tsumiki was going to play a bigger role alongside Megumi but with other projects coming up she decided to just play his character’s sister.
NOBARA KUGISAKI is, on the contrary to character, a city girl. One thing she does share with her Jujutsu Kaisen character however is the impulsive urges to over shop but for exotic food. Nobara is the most Internet famous actors on set due to being a part time social influencer rating restaurants. A running joke amongst the cast is how Nobara arrived to the auditions: getting directions wrong for another audition, Resonance, and ending up at Jujutsu Kaisen but decided to ball and go along with it. Sadly she eventually decided to leave Jujutsu Kaisen for Resonance when they called her back so the directors had to kill off her character; everyone will deny it but they all cried during her leaving party. She still hangs out with the JJK cast though.
CHOSO KAMO is no stranger to the movie industry, having played a few cameos in movies like Wing King, Blood and Supernova or some ads; he was so hyped and proud when the directors announced not only would they be casting Yuuji as the main role but Eso and Kechizu would be voice acting he wouldn't stop crying or taking photos (he and Jin, actually). He had to grow his hair out for the role but after that decided to keep it long, delighting his mother and all his female co-stars as Choso's very okay with them playing or styling it. He's definitely the big brother to the entire cast, splitting up Nobara and Yuuji’s arguing, chasing after Megumi’s dogs and even trying to protect everyone from Gojo’s pranks. That scene where his character started sobbing at being called big bro? When asked how he pulled it off so realistically in an interview Choso admitted he just thought of when all his younger brothers started walking and crawled to him instead of their parents. Then proceeded to bawl his eyes out again.
GOJO SATORU is a doofus both off and on screen. Some joke he barely has to act at all, seeing as his behavior never changes, varying between entertaining the younger actors with his boasts of being the best sensei ever and impressions of past characters played in Infinity, Hollow Purple and Six Eyes or annoying all his co-stars by pretending he can’t see through the blindfold despite the thinness and bumping into everyone and everywhere. One of the first people cast in Jujutsu Kaisen, he “persuaded” the directors to also star his best friend Geto, claiming they had never ever ever done a project without each other before and wasn’t going to start now. Absolutely the sort to sign everybody’s autographs and wink at the ladies at fan events but a menace to reporters as he’d just shout “Teleporting!” and run off with his long ass legs ever since JJK started. In response to people grieving over the death of his character he only posted “They think its Gojover, I’m offended”.
GETO SUGURU was originally going to play a role on the good side - the role Nanami took, actually, before the directors decided he was better as Kenjaku and Gojo decided it would be funny if the both of them were enemies. Geto is looked up to by his younger co-stars (Gojo complains that it isn’t him) for support and advice due to his even longer experience in acting in Cursed Spirit and Night Parade of a Hundred Demons. The only time he’s ever caused trouble was when he somehow found a megaphone and nobody could stop him from shouting exaggerated instructions - “Sojo Gatoru, again!” “Punch harder, IIIITADORIIIII!” “Cleave! Cleave! I said cleave, Ryomen!” - at everyone currently acting. During an interview he said the only time he couldn’t stay in character was when Kenjaku popped open his brain; he was rather grossed out by the whole thing.
KENTO NANAMI’s makeup takes about as long as Sukuna’s and that’s because it takes forever to sharpen his face and cheekbones and is not actually a blond. Is as fed up with Gojo’s antics as he is on screen, but off-screen Kento is quite relaxed and the one to post a lot of those “I’m about to get ready for filming and you’re coming with me” tours behind the scenes. He’s one of those underrated actors who don’t get the main roles but whatever they do they do well - Kento only got his big hit in Seven to Three that led to his role in JJK. They had to retake his death scene many times since everyone couldn’t stay in character, sad that he would be leaving so soon; Kento joked about going to Malaysia after his role was done in Jujutsu Kaisen.
RYOMEN SUKUNA was one of the first the directors hired for Jujutsu Kaisen, thanks to his fame from his long acting as villains in Malevolent Shrine, Divine Flame and Disgraced One. He wasn’t too happy about dying his hair pink but the tattoos did grow on him over time, as did the habit of calling all his co-stars “brats”. He’s absolutely terrifying when filming but at most he’s just old-man cranky off screen; if you see any photos of the cast they uploaded on social media, he’s the one who’s always caught off-guard and face frozen in some scowl at being suddenly photographed. Also a complete dumbass when it comes to social media, so his account is pretty much handled by his brother and manager Jin Itadori or recently his nephew Yuuji.
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seireiteihellbutterfly · 10 months
Vanilla Twilight
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Rating: E! Super safe. Type: Drabble Premise : Gojo is known for being dramatic when he isn't near you 24/7. When you don't wish him goodbye, he comes up with a musical solution. Pairing : Gojo x reader Tone : light hearted, fluffy, cute, humorous
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"Huh, music?" You pause in your teaching as the faint sound of melancholic pop flows through your window. Your students look around curiously as it gets louder.
Nobara's eyes widen suddenly. "This sounds so familiar... Is it... Owl City?”
The other students murmur in agreement. Bewildered, you try to get your students attention back to the lesson but the music kept getting louder. Then...
"The stars lean down to kiss you And I lie awake and miss you Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere"
Someone was singing, their voice amplified right underneath the window of your classroom. You recognize it and close your eyes.
He didn't... He wouldn't...
Bordering between amusement and exasperation you go over to the window and peek out. Sure enough, a familiar cloud of fluffy, white, hair is visible. A large speaker on wheels has been brought over with him. Your students are are unable to contain their curiosity as they flock to the window.
"Eh? Gojo sensei?" Yuji looks over the sill in fascination.
"I'll watch the night turn light blue But it's not the same without you Because it takes two to whisper quietly"
Gojo expertly sings into the mic. He looks up at you, and even with the blindfold, you can tell there's an adoring look in his eyes.
"For heaven's sake Gojo." You cover your face with a palm. "I had to leave early to get to work! That's why I didn't wake you up in the morning!"
In response, Gojo shakes his head as if to say not good enough and keeps singing.
"The silence isn't so bad 'Til I look at my hands and feel sad 'Cause the spaces between my fingers Are right where yours fit perfectly"
You had to admit, he has a nice voice. But his antics had reached a whole new level with this seranade.
"Cmon! You were sound asleep! What was I supposed to have done!" you shout out the window.
"But drenched in vanilla twilight I'll sit on the front porch all night Waist deep in thought because when I think of you, I don't feel so alone"
Your students are torn between wanting to laugh and also empathize with you. They've seen enough of the ridiculous stunts Gojo pulls on you when he's needy. With a resolute expression, Megumi walks out of the classroom and towards where Gojo had set up his concert.
"You didn't need to go this far! You would have come in and seen me here at work anyway!"
You're still trying to reason with Gojo, but this only makes him sing louder.
"When violet eyes get brighter And heavy wings grow lighter -”
“Hey what are you doing?!"
With a loud whine of feedback, the mic gets pulled out of the speaker socket and shuts off. Then a blast of curse energy hits the speaker, wrecking it beyond recognition.
"Megumi! I raised you to be better than this! How will my lady know I missed her now?"
Wordlessly, Megumi walks away, his job done. Pouting, Gojo looks up at the window and catches sight of your face. You groan and press your temples.
"Class dismissed". The students clamor out, talking about what just happened. You walk outside to your moping boyfriend as he sits on on the grass.
"Proud of yourself?" you ask him.
"I just... Wanted you to know I missed you. I don't like waking up alone in our bed." His pout intensifies, making him look like a neglected puppy.
"Oh Gojo." You sit down next to him and pull his head onto your shoulder. "Why are you such an idiot?"
You stroke his hair as he moves closer to you.
"Not just any idiot. YOUR idiot." he grins widely at you.
You smile back at him and let him give you soft kiss. He had somehow won this round.
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blu3cl0v3rs · 1 year
Summary: Morro and Wu fly back home.
Warnings: Sobbing, unreliable narrator(?)
Prompt: Fly | "Time to go home"
Extra: Generic "what if Morro lived in the season 5 finale" AU. This oneshot is Morro and Wu's flight back to the Bounty, so they finally talk about their feelings. I hope you enjoy this!
"You can only save those who want to be saved. Goodbye, Sensei," Morro said with a bittersweet smile.
"Ugh!"—he shoved the Realm Crystal, the thing he worked so hard for, into his mentor's hands.
Then he let go.
He felt himself sinking, being dragged down to his watery death by her.
He heard the water lapping below him, threatening to swallow him whole, to consume him, to dissolve his ghostly body into nothing.
Until he heard a fleshy ripping noise. The muffled sound of The Preeminent screaming echoed from beneath him, and suddenly he wasn't sinking. He wasn't being held in a deathly grasp by his mistress. He wasn't being condemned to his oceanic end.
No, instead he sat atop an off-white scaly beast, with the sound of wings flapping in his spectral ears.
"Maybe you don't want to be saved, but this is not where your story ends, Morro," a voice, Wu's voice, uttered from behind. Morro whipped around, and there he was.
His sensei. His teacher. He… saved Morro.
"I should have stopped you from leaving the first time. I will not watch you leave again."
Morro did not need to breathe. Ghosts do not have the ability to breathe.
So why did his throat hurt, like he's gasping for air while being choked?
Why did his eyes sting from tears his ghostly body cannot make?
Why did it hurt just a little bit more when Wu, his sensei, his father, hugged him despite Morro not being able to feel it?
Why did he feel the urge to wail, like a little child? Like he did when Mama didn't come back.
Muddled sounds of flapping wings and rushing winds broke him from his thoughts. Wu's dragon was soaring through the open sky, clouds distant and seemingly untouchable.
"You seem calmer now, my son."
Morro realized he was leaning against his master, and jerkily moved away. Wu shifted the reins in his hands.
Wait- "The Realm Crystal! Where is it?" Morro panicked. Did he knock it out of his hands? Oh The Preeminent was gonna-
Oh right. The Preeminent did try to kill him.
"It is safe. I dropped it off with the Ninja, so they could bring back Lloyd."
The wind elemental sighed in relief.
"I can't stay with you," Morro blurted.
"I don't see why you can't," Wu responded, his voice dripping in apathy.
"I- wha- I am a horrible person! I just tried to curse this realm! I-I possessed Lloyd, I tried to kill your Ninja, I have no redeeming qualities, I don't-..." he exhaled frustratedly, "I don't deserve your pity. I don't deserve this."
A beat of silence. Morro looked off in the endless blue of the sky.
"Well that's not right."
Morro was baffled. His sensei had obviously gone mad.
"Morro, you are my son. Adopted or not, you deserve my love, and I have failed you."
"You never failed me, I failed you. I should've lived up to your expectations-"
"But I did." Wu tilted his head back, as if the sky would tell him what to say next. "You don't need to be the best, you never did. I would've loved you either way, Morro. You're my son, you always will be. I should've made that clear. You do not need to be anyone or anything other than yourself for me to love you."
The feeling came back. Morro felt his lip quiver as he poorly restrained his feelings. He said nothing.
"I-I… I just wanted you to… be proud of me." His throat tightened more. "I thought that… if I was as great as you saw me, you would."
"And I should've shown I was. I was always proud of you, my son."
"...even now? I tried to ruin everything."
"Even now. Although I am quite disappointed you have used your training to destroy instead of protect, you are my son. And, I know you can do better."
Morro buried himself back into his father's shoulder. He sobbed, although tearless, as his father, his father, silently comforted him.
"Time to go home."
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
For your event fluff 19 for wing from HXH plz
# tags: scenario; current marriage relationship; romance; fluffy shit; pregnancy; zushi, gon and killua as sweethearts; sfw
includes: female reader ft. wing {hxh}
author’s note: thank you so much!
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19. “I’m pregnant.” 
Wing was a really great sensei, and his attitude towards little ones was really sweet and melted your thoughts every day. So the decision to have a child came quite naturally between the two of you, and you were really happy as soon as you found out that a new life was growing under your heart. Your husband was equally pleased and immensely proud. He thought about his smol bean and whether they would be a talented hunter in the future, or maybe an equally talented person who would like to work as a doctor, archaeologist or as a florist. Everything seemed so new and interesting to the young man.
Will he be a good father? Does ge take good care of you during pregnancy? Is he mature enough to own a little version of you two?
Many thoughts were running through Wing’s mind, and he almost jumped as soon as Killua snapped his fingers, asking his teacher if he was okay. The man only nodded, giving much more attention to his three pupils.
{ ・゚✧ }
It was evening, the hour was late, and the three boys and Wing had just finished their hours of training and a serious conversation about the next floors of the arena. At about the same time, the four of them heard the sound of loud knocking. Killua sensed no bloodlust, and Gon could only hear calmly beating heart... or even two hearts. Wing, on the other hand, opened the door and almost immediately smiled slightly under his breath at the sight of you with a huge basket filled with food.
“Good evening everyone.” You said towards Zushi, Gon and Killua and Wing of course, then stepped a little closer while your husband closed the oak door. “I’m Y/N, your sensei’s wife. Zushi already knows me. Right, ‘Shi-chan?” You looked at the little boy and he immediately bowed. Second later you quickly asked him to lift his head and just come to hug you.
“... My name is Gon!” The boy in the green jacket and short pants looked in your direction, and then you spread your arms out more so that he would hug you too. He gladly took your silent offer, then felt that your tummy was much harder than that of a normal human.
“I am Killua.” At first, he was not willing to show any feelings, but seeing your joyful eyes and sincere emotions on your whole face, he timidly came closer, lightly snuggling into your warm body. “Are you okay, Y/N?” He asked, looking at your belly covered with the material of a light dress. You giggled.
“I’m pregnant.” You answered. “But let’s not talk about me, because I brought you some goodies and dessert. Ah, and call me ‘auntie’ or something like that.” You added louder, taking out of your bag several boxes of still-warm rice, fried meat, various kinds of vegetables, as well as a paper-wrapped chocolate and strawberry cake you managed to buy on your way to where your husband was staying with his three boys.
Wing may be a good father because of his relation with children, but you will be the best mommy in the world because of your care, love and interest in other living beings.
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istherewifiinhell · 4 days
i kept fucking up so i watched these on 2 diff mornings and couldnt even schedule post them. UM OKAY more eps joelle told me to watch i already forgot what number they are
roasted this sad boy so hard now i will learn why he is so so sad
kouka… kagura family member?
INTRO. FREEZE FRAME. is that sugis guysssssssss is that sugi in a comaaa is that fucking banzai
oboro. THAT MAN. shouyouuuuuu
hair? man??? ALIENS.
being a pirate is MORE important that ur family. got it boss
damn u shit head did u abandon ur sister in the rain the same way ur father ababanoned you. BREAK NO CYCLES!
karuga girl i think your family sucks maybe???
GIN KINDNESS. FUCKING. uhhh infailable asshole kindness social graces of this place is a shithole but so are we all.
SHINPACHI! ur in this show! and you can speak. thats crazy.
GUN. most girl design ever to girl but GUN.
banzaiiii no u good bbg?
space ships……..
what happens to That Man some insects will never stop flapping their wings UNTIL THEY REACH HEAVEN (archieval footage: him getting his Ass Beat) i got my wing from THE SAME MAN (that man…), so i know.
yes girl yes time to be soooo normal right
u cant tell sugi shouyou isnt dead. thats. thats his whole idenity there. u know
oboro in this outfit/shot framing… why he kinda….
GJHFGJHG GIVING THIS LITTLE CHILD UR. IMMORTAL BLOOD. I HOPE U LIVE AND HATE ME FOREVER. well. thats gintama isnt it. BUT OKAY. hmmmm. take responisiblity for ur actions
hesssss sooooo little……
IM NO TEACHER… well. uh huh. sure ur not sensei.
nooooooooo nooo u did NOT adopt the dog u hit with ur car who then TURNED U INTO THE FUCKING. GUY. THE THE. GIN.TAMA TRAUMA LINCHPIN GUY. nooooooooo
^_^ mode ACTIVATED.
i cant believe im tryna watch these flash backs during a sugi fight. GIRL.
a school born under a pine tree, its just you and me. hmm mmh im sure no other white haired child will ever echo words like this back at you. surely not.
are u becoming a devious little killer to save his live. even tho he didnt ask…..
i cannot believe. i get how. in concept. okay child raised in. killing world. solves his problems with killing. BUT ITS SO FUNNY GIRL NO ONE ASKED U DO TO THAT. i love you. WHY DID U DO THAT.
okay. okay. okay okay. YOU. YOU DID ALL THAT. so he and his school and ur junior students. GET TO LIVE. "and even tho im not at his side im satisfied" or whatever you said. (sees him and and your junior students. living) NOW HOLD ON. I NEED TO RUIN THEIR LIVES. girl….
okay hang on. "one swore to never betray him again" shot of oboro. "the other swore to bring him back, even if it meant having to kill him again" shot sugi. OKAY BUT. REMIND MEEEEEE. who. WHOOOO killed him. and knew he was gonna come back. cause… I FEEL LIKE IT WASNT SUGI.
ahhhh there was intercuts there but the flashing was too much i guess will never know.
CAN U PASS ON MY LAST WORDS TO MY STUDENTS. WITHOUT YOU I NEVER WOULDVE GOTTEN TO MEET THEM. WITHOUT YOU I NEVER WOULDVE BECOME (SHOUYOU). THANK YOU. sensei has one move and its thanking his beloved eldest daughters for killing him.
ive seen with my own eyes. my junior student im so proud of. actually i cant even clown on you for this trying to kill your fellow students cause you love them so much its textbook in this family. okay. continue.
OH YEA IS SOMEONE GONNA SAY. what utsuro (that man) is
oh hey the theme that has the. one cb bepop reference. ive seen that frame. <- this ended one ep and began the next.
recap. i heard this. thats how. THAT MAN. became. blah blah.
oh he was not always immortal? or no one knew
DEVIL. GINTOKI. yeah okay. COOL yeah yeah.
his fucking uhhhhhhh anthy swag.
THAT WHY HE GAVE BIRTH? if u say so.
why didnt he just leave the prison. is he stupid. etcetc
okay go on killing spree. sure. thats fair. who hasnt
the one that hated humans. feared humans. longed to be human.they were all me. we love a thesis statement thank you.
WOAH shouyou protagonist eyes moment.
COOOOOOOOL SHOT. UTSURO GIN OVERLAP. ahah. fun tool to help us later.
hey is this the same green guy or a different green guy. cool voice.
everyone wants to use the unkilliable killing machine to their ends. BUDDY they wont even let. (joke pending) buddy he wont even let... himself. use him. to his ends. hmm.
Knows how to make others immortal. SAD OBORO FACE.
(atlana lore) DAMN THATS CRAZY.
WHAT IN THE KINGDOM HEARTS Organization 13 is this room.
anyway utsuro lol. um. damn are u a well looked after and revered gun but not the one who pulls the trigger. sucks bro.
(bunch of shots of cool alien dudes)WOW THATS CRAZY
put him in the saw trap blood extrator. sexual stylez.
lmao he uh. took the hands from ALL OF THEM. and NO ONE NOTICED.
MORE COOLL ALIENS. qwantz comic. i get it now.
shoyou gives BIRTH i get it
i could fight for sensis. That man. or myself
IF U COULD HAVE DONE IT AGAIN. you would just say. HI DAD. IM ALIVE. can i COME HOME NOW. PLEASE???? yeah. you should have. [being a cunt but very moved by the editing of his speech to the. intercuts of the junior students yeah yeah. okay YEAH]
fucking. OF COURSE sugi is there to be like. wow u waisted ur life and died so beautifully im gonna cradle his body so elegantly etcetc.
oh u guys also gave birth. (to utsuro) congrats
zuraaaa just. taking in the extra. big trauma moments info gin is given like a champ. dude. WHAT IS UR persepctive on all this. man.
↳ BUD ARE U GETTING POSSESSED BY SHOUYOU TO SAY ALL THIS. well that would track. WHAT THE HELL. yeah. the becon of hope kill his teacher to say the students the ideals. win the trolley problem. GIN STOP SMILLING AT PPL WHEN THEY DIE (he cant its what he was put on this earth to do)
sakamoto: everyone gave birth to everyone. thank u m.preg expert
kaguraaaaa dad. what. DO U HAVE THE LORE DROP? are u the eight dragons penis fight guy.
hey sad little gay boy gura brother.
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senseioftheseidiots · 11 months
Great idea to give Wu to look more like his Oni-side and with DRAGON WINGS AND GARSHDARN FANGS for his designs
He looks so cool in that drawing of him and Rapton! Anyway, what’s is your favorite version of their relationship (Wu & Rapton)?
Thanks!!! I have a whole head canon as to why he looks human [has illusion abilities from his oni side keke] and it has never changed, still really proud of that one :D!! AND FANGS ON WU IS A NO BRAINER, LIKE, HES A DRAGON I B E T THOSE TEETH CAN BITE THROUGH BONE WITHOUT EFFORT. [but no-one knows that hehe hushush] And my favorite version of hunter shipping? Is when they ARE rivals, but they're also EX E V E R Y T H I N G, Ex friend? Ex partner? Ex teammate? Ex enemy? You name it, they've cut through every single relationship- with Rapton leaving Wu in the dirt, or Rapton trying to capture Wu for being a dragon, but ultimately knowing he'll get out or escape him. Why? because he's Wu. And that's the only reason that matters. He brings out the absolute WORST in the Sensei and Wu finds it almost freeing, because he knows he doesn't have to put up walls for this specific enemy, they've known each other for too long, even his brother couldn't make him love-hate him the way Rapton did. The betrayals, the fighting, the constant get back together trope because there's a bigger threat, that ultimately just leads them back to being enemies? That's just how Rapton was. And that's why he loved him.
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demon-blood-youths · 7 months
Horror Book Chapter 9 - Part 2: Another One
Hi everyone! This is part 10 of the Horror Book Series. This is chapter 9 Part 2. This is for @the-silver-peahen-residence. This is a part 2 of Chapter 9.
----- Previous Parts ------
Horror book six: plucking a butterfly's wings
Horror book Chapter 7: Dead scars
Horror book chapter 8: hidden shadows
Horror Book Chapter 9: A Cute & Creepy Present
----- Summary -----
After adapting to the situation regarding the cursed doll, Catnap as Taz's roommate. The four jujutsu sorcerers will now have now another fellow cursed corpse doll added to their school. Who would be it?
After Gojo-sensei got Taz, the infamous doll, Catnap. The four have to live with the fact that Catnap is living in Taz's room. Right now, the four don't know what to do, they're trying to come up with a plan on how to deal with this. Yuji is worried but he sees Taz still being her normal self so that's good, right?
But Nobara and Kisho aren't convinced so it's getting hard for Yuji not to worry. Nobara informs the boys about its whereabouts. She had to peek through Taz's room and see Catnap on the nightstand, eyes white and watching her sleep on one night.
"And Taz knows?" Yuji asked, worried about Catnap and his actions even though he hadn't done anything serious yet.
"No, I don't think she does!" Nobara said, fear in her voice. "And I think he saw me!"
"What kind of toy watches you while you sleep? Taz could have noticed, heck, Kinie could of noticed." Kisho points out. Megumi sighs, listening to this conversation. "You guys..."
"We're the only ones who know what that thing is capable of, Megumi! Miko and Yuria won't believe this because they see nothing wrong. To them, it's fine even if it's a bit creepy.." Kisho points out.
"A bit creepy. MORE THAN CREEPY! That doll is a CREEP!" Nobara said. Yuji wonders what is going through his little sister's mind. One time, he can't help but ask why she wants to keep Catnap despite coming from a toy company with a questionable history.
Yuji can remember the words from her.
"Well...if it's true, then Catnap must be a kid like us who wants a friend and someone to take care of him. I smell him and he smells sad and lonely. So I want to do that for him. I want to be his friend."
Yuji's heart softens at her words and he can't help but feel so proud of what Taz said. He knows Taz wants to help others like he does. Bless her kind heart!
But still... that doll is still creepy!!!
Even Sukuna says so.
Whenever he looks in Catnap's direction, he would have sworn that Catnap is glaring at him. As if Yuji being here upsets the cat. He always gives him a look every time. As if Yuji is taking Taz away from him.
'I think that doll is jealous and trying to divert her attention to him instead of us." Sukuna said, annoyed with that doll's antics. It's really like a little kid. "I mean I did throw it out across the hallway and out the window. I think he's mad about that," Yuji tells him to which Sukuna sigh. 'That doll knows what he's doing! I wouldn't be surprised if he is a little vengeful spirit! I can easily slice him in half!"
But Sukuna couldn't because the pup liked the doll's company.
"As long as that doll doesn't get on my bad side or harms the pup and princess, I could care less what you four are planning.."
"What? I mean...could you at least do something about if my little sister getting nightmares?"
"Pup is fine as you can see, brat. Kinie, my princess could have informed me if there's something up."
That's true. Yuji thought. Then the door slides open, "Sorry I'm late! Catnap was being fussy. He didn't want me to leave!" Taz laughs.
"Are you okay?" Nobara said, worriedly. Taz laughs it off. "It's fine. I told Catnap I would be back! I promise him sweets if he behaves."
"That's good to hear, sis!" Yuji said but then he saw a bag in Taz's hand. "Uh...what's that?" He points.
"Oh! Gojo-sensei brought me another doll!" Taz smiled happily while the four's faces turned to disbelief.
"I swear to god...that idiot.." Megumi thought in his mind.
"I hope it isn't another creepy doll.' Kisho sweatdropped.
'Please don't be creepy, please don't be creepy!' Nobara is praying.
"C-can we see it?" Yuji asked, mentally preparing himself. Taz nods and proceeds to show them. It was a doll. It has blue thick fur and limbs that are several feet in length, hands and feet are yellow. The head is large and contains two large black googly eyes.  It had a ribbon on its back. It has oversized and cartoonish red lips in a bright smile.
"It's a Huggy Wuggy!" Taz said. "Isn't he so cute?!"
The four paled and thought. 'WHY?!'
Sukuna had to take a look at what Taz brought and twitched two of his eyes on the left side. Damn it, Six Eyes.
Now the sorcerers wouldn't mind if the toy is a normal toy but the problem is...the toy is from the SAME freaking company that made Catnap!
"Y-y-yeah! That's cute!" Kisho said, trying to hold himself in from not crying right now. Does the teacher not do research or something?! Or this is fine to him?!
Nobara wanted to make sure that the eyes weren't moving by themselves because....she wasn't sure if she could handle another creepy toy in the girls' dormitory much less in Taz's room. Then a phone chimes.
"Oh! Hellmare is calling me! I got to take this." She sets the doll down on the desk and leaves the room. Taz leaves the classroom and is out in the hallway. Leaving the four with the Huggy Wuggy.
A few seconds later...
"What are you doing, Kisho?" Megumi looks annoyed, watching Kisho poke Huggy Wuggy on Taz's desk with a ruler.
"What does it look like I'm doing? We need to see that if it's not like Catnap! What if it comes alive?" Kisho said, still poking its side with a ruler. Megumi rolls his eyes. "You're being dramatic. Now knock it off!"
"Well...Eito says that he can sense the cursed energy from it." Kisho said, stopping his prodding. Eito chirps in confirmation. Yuji sighs.
'I wouldn't be surprised if it did move. Sukuna said it has cursed energy. He said he wouldn't be surprised if the story is true." Yuji said, looking at huggy wuggy at the desk. Compared to Catnap, Wuggy is less creepy and looks more like a cute normal doll at least. But it doesn't change the fact that he and Catnap are from the same company rumored to turn kids into toys. Still, it doesn't look that bad and he never heard anything bad about Huggy Wuggy.
"Besides...I need to make sure this doll is safe!" Kisho said. "Or do I need to remind you that Catnap can spray from his mouth?" Kisho tells Megumi. Megumi gives him a glare but sighs. "Don't remind me."
Yuji slumped his shoulders, recalling how he grabbed Catnap's tail and pull it by accident which the cat sprayed right onto Megumi's face.
"That reminds me...how did you sleep?" Nobara asked Megumi.
"Hrmmm...not much. Just strange dreams but that's it." Megumi said. "Nothing too major."
"Let's hope it doesn't get worse!" Said Nobara. Kisho is still poking Huggy Wuggy with Yuji looking over his shoulder. Megumi groans, "You guys. Can you knock it off? It's not going to move like you want it to."
"Yeah but..."
"No buts."
"What if you try holding it?" Nobara said with a smirk. Kisho stared wide-eyed at Nobara, "I'm not going to hold it! Are you nuts? What happens if it bites me."
"Then we know it's alive!" Nobara chuckled.
"Okay! Why not you do it?"
"No way! I already touch Catnap! Not going to touch another gross thing!" Nobara made a 'ew' expression. Megumi adds, "If you're scared, Kisho, then don't poke it."
"I'm not scared!" Kisho retorted. "I bet you won't hold it because you're scared too!"
"Who says I am?" Megumi scowls.
"You are! You said it about someone being scared. Why don't you hold it if you aren't scared! Come on, I dare you! I super double dare you!" Kisho said.
Megumi twitched an eye, hearing this. So childish! "Fine, I will do it and hold. If nothing happens, you hold it!" He said, standing up and going to take the Huggy Wuggy off the desk and hold it. Megumi had this face of 'why I am even bothered with this' look but he wanted to prove to Kisho that he was not afraid of anything.
"Oh, you're really scared?" Megumi questioned.
Holding Huggy Wuggy, nothing happens. Then he offers the doll to Kisho, "Your turn."
"HUH?! That's way too soon!"
"I'm not scared!" Kisho takes the doll off Megumi's hands. Eito chirps as Kisho is holding Huggy Wuggy who is now shaking with a nervous face. Now holding it, it doesn't feel as bad. It's furry, that's for sure. He doesn't look at the eyes.
"Okay! I'm done! Yuji!"
"Huh?" Yuji blinked.
"Come on, it's your turn!" Kisho said. Yuji sighs and takes the doll, he takes a look at Wuggy Huggy. Few seconds and a few minutes passed, he held it much longer making the three worry.
Yuji begins, "You know. He doesn't look that bad?" He shrugged as he looked at Huggy Wuggy. "He does kinda look cute." He said, shocking everyone in the room. Especially Sukuna, hearing that thought and hearing it out loud.
"WHAT?!" Kisho said, taking Huggy away. "Yuji! You can't be serious! This isn't any normal-looking doll! It came from the same place as Catnap!"
"Yeah...I know..." Yuji sighs, "but you know." He shrugs, "It's less creepy." He points out. Sukuna sighs in his head. Kisho then squeezes it, "Listen! Yuuji! You can't be fooled by toys such as this! That's how Taz got brainwashed in adoring Catnap! That's how Playtime Co gets away with it until it shut its own doors!"
Then blue furry arms begin to move. The boys became silent as their eyes look towards the doll. Black eyes looks around, looking back and forth between the teenage boys.
And then.
The Huggy Wuggy alive and mobile lets out a huge sound. Unlike Catnap, it lets out a crazy noise.
All the boys screamed which prompted Nobara to scream as well. Kisho throws the doll up into the air in a panic. "OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FAWK!" Kisho screams in fright. Wuggy Huggy lands on top of Megumi's head and he yells, "DAMN IT KISHO!" Fushiguro cursed out loud.
"OH MY GOD! IT'S ALIVE?!" Nobara shouted, putting her hands on her face with fright. "I KNOW, RIGHT?!" Kisho said. Yuji doesn't know what to do until...
"CAN ONE OF YOU GET THIS THING OFF ME!" Megumi yelled angrily. Yuji grabs one of Huggy Wuggy's legs and takes the doll off Megumi's hair. "Got it!"
"Throw that thing away, Yuuji!" Nobara pointed as she hides behind Fushiguro with Kisho.
"But lil sis-"
"With it screeching like that?" Kisho asked. "No way...it should be in her room. We gotta talk to Gojo-sensei about this."
Yuji looks at Huggy Wuggy now as it is looks like it's struggling and screeching like it's...afraid. He doesn't know why. But the doll is scared. Yuji recalls Taz's words.
"Well...if it's true, then Catnap must be a kid like us who wants a friend and someone to take care of him. I smell him and he smells sad and lonely. So I want to do that for him. I want to be his friend."
In a way...Wuggy Huggy must have been a kid once and was turned into this doll against his own will. The little guy must be scared by all this. No doubt, reacting to the cursed energy of him and everyone in the room. Without hesitation, Yuji goes to pet Huggy Wuggy. "There, there..." He said gently, making his other three classmates pause. What the?
"Sorry about that. We had someone who came from the same place as you. You freak out and we freak out. Our bad." Yuji said, making the Wuggy Huggy calmed down, ceasing its screeching, and looked up at Yuji in surprise.
"There we go. Your name is Wuggy Huggy, right? I bet you have another name, do you?" He asked.
The little Wuggy Huggy nods and goes to wrap his arms around the hands holding him. Soon, it closes its mouth into a smile. It seems like Wuggy Huggy is now friendly.
"Anyway..I'm Yuji Itadori! Nice to meet you!' Yuji smiles.
"Yuji...." Fushiguro begins. Yuji looks up to see his three classmates. He almost forgot that they were there. "Yeah?"
"What are you doing?!" Kisho asked.
"Yeah! What the heck are you saying?!" Noabra asked.
"Look...I know that place is creepy. But Catnap and Wuggy Huggy used to be kids....kids younger than us or just like you, you know?" Itadori reminds them. "Just because they look different doesn't mean we should treat them differently. They just want a friend."
Kisho and Noabra blinked as they have no words for it. Megumi sighs, rubbing his neck as he knows where Yuji is coming from. "Even so...it's just..."
"Guys! I'm back! Sorry about that! Hellmare was calling me and-" Taz blinked. "Big brother!" She smiles, "Are you checking out Wuggy Huggy?"
"Oh uh....yeah!" Itadori nods, holding Wuggy Huggy. "He's...really cuddly, you know? I just want to hold him." Should he tell Taz that the doll is alive? He can sense the three looking at him, wondering what he's going to reveal.
"Really?" Taz asked.
"Yeah really. He seems very cute!" Yuji said. Nobara and Kisho's jaws dropped, hearing. Taz nods. "I know, right?" She pauses and then says, "You know. It seems you like him. Do you wanna keep him?"
WAIT WHAT?! Kisho and Nobara are in shock. Megumi is in shock too.
"Huh?" Yuji blinks.
"I have enough dolls." Said Taz. "I know it's a gift from Gojo-sensei but I don't mind sharing Wuggy Huggy with you."
Now Yuji is thinking about it. Megumi, Nobara, and Kisho are wondering what would Yuji say. But Yuji Itadori already knows what he wants to do. His thoughts are already heard which makes Sukuna widen his eyes in disbelief. It was slo-mo, that even Sukuna aka the King of Curses was unable to stop the inevitable.
"Oh well..." Yuji begins.
Brat. No.
"I think...."
For the love of Buddha..you cannot be serious!
"that would be..."
We. ARE. Not. putting that thing in our room! NO! NO! NO WAY!
"be great, little sis. I think having Wuggy Huggy with me in my room would be a good addition." Yuji smiles and this got everyone except Taz freaking out inside.
"Okay!" Taz smiles, not noticing the shocked faces of Megumi, Nobara, and Kisho. "I think you need Wuggy Huggy more than me! He is really fuzzy." She smiles. Huggy Wuggy looks at Yuji and still smiles, presenting a real smile. Yuji chuckles. "Yeah! I bet he is!"
"But Yuji..." Kisho begins.
"Oh! Speaking of which, you wanna watch a movie? I have this movie saved and you might like it!" Yuji asked. Taz smiles, "Sure!"
Yuji and Taz get out of the classroom as they go to see a movie in his room.
As Yuji and Taz left, Kisho couldn't believe this as he plopped down on the chair next to his desk and yelled, "NOOOOO!"
Here we go. Megumi sighs, "Kisho-"
Megumi then groans, "Kisho-"
"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!? WE LOST OUR BEST FRIENDS TO THE ENEEEEMY!" Kisho cries as he puts his head against the desk and ruffles his own hair. Nobara can't believe this either. "KISHO IS RIGHT! THEY BOTH HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED!" Nobara cries, shouting her head off. "WE'RE DOOMED!"
Oh my god. I am so over this. Megumi thought, deadpanned while Nobara and Kisho were losing their marbles over this. He hopes Yuji looks after Huggy Wuggy. He can guess that Sukuna won't be happy about this.
Oh well. Yuji can take care of himself and so does Taz. Megumi sighs as he goes to drag Nobara and Kisho out of the room, kicking and screaming. To get a teacher to calm these two down. Probably Nanami or Principal Yaga.
And so....the school has two new additions. Huggy Wuggy and Catnap.
To be continued???
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amoransia · 2 years
Episode 27 seems to support even further the Demon Lord appearance theory, which is based on this extra from Volume 3.
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The order of the hands would be, from the bottom:
Satan --> Mammon (hence the rings and shiny things decorating his hand) --> Beelzebub --> Asmodeus --> Belphegor (hence the sweat drop mark, since Sloth was once sadness in the past too, iirc?) and finally Lucifer.
Leviathan is skipped considering she is not a fallen angel, and only met up later with them when they fell, as seen in the Volume 2 extras. They should be the 6 falling stars.
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Episode 27 and Beelzebub mentioning how he wants to eat Asmodeus’ purified wing implies our cast is going to go check up on it later (or someone will), putting her in the spotlight. If this happens it’s basically confirmed that Belphegor will come next and finally Lucifer, and this is probably headcanon but, being too proud to go first and to not be considered “Last Boss”, he will appear last.
I don’t say Satan is last because he already made his move when he sent Imuri, hence he was the start of trying to make the priest boy fall (in love).
I think it’s also great how the story is being hinted at in the volume extras. Mont Blanc is mentioned in volume 1, file #5.
Looking forward to the next episode in 2 weeks. I’ll wait for Aruma-sensei and Fukayama-sensei.
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demonslayedher · 2 years
My Research: So good to see you finally doing less blogging and spending time on other things!
Me: Not by choice.
My Research: Nonsense, today you chose to buy a pricey book on motifs used in tools of the tea ceremony! Your Sensei would be so proud of you! Me: Yeah, it's... it's totally for my tea practice. My Research: What motifs shall we learn about first? Some seasonal plants, perhaps? Ginkgo leaves? Chestnuts? Persimmons? Me: Mui--*cough*--Kana--*coughs*--thatonesketchoflittletanjiroandnezuko--*cough* My Research: ...you okay? Me: Sorry, something in my throat. Um. Hey, look, bug motifs. Tell me about... butterflies. My Research: Lovely, you do like those. In the Japanese tea ceremony, they carry an association with dreams, thanks to the Dao story of Zhuangzi dreaming he was a butterfly, and this may especially be seen on containers for incense. They add a florid and childlike touch to tools like vases and iron kettles, and back in the Heian era, the "Kochou" dance-- Me: !!
My Research: ??
Me: Just, uh, just thinking of that one Noh drama which took place in the Heian era and had a character named Kochou, that's all. My Research: Ah, I see. This courtly dance was performed by four children in bright costumes with butterfly wings.
Me: Oh wait is that what those costumes are!? Okay, cool, makes sense (and I feel silly for always having thought they were a Phoenix or something). My Research: See, isn't learning fun (and doesn't even require being tied to your silly anime obsession)? Here's a fun fact, in the dialect of Chinese used around the time of the Nara Period, "butterfly" was synonymous with "80-years-old" and therefore considered an auspicious symbol of longevity--whoa, whoa, hey, you suddenly look like you're going to cry--
Me: Because--because they aren't long-lived--now I'm thinking of tortoiseshells and cranes and freaking apricots again-- My Research: I don't get the apricot references, but that is a consideration when using the butterfly motif, isn't it? In early springtime they had a touch of liveliness and a gentleness that soothes the human heart, but once they're used any later than early summer, they give a sense of transience, of empty dreams in vain...
Me: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA My Research: You're making me tear up now, I'm so glad you're taking this so seriously.
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empressofthesunwriter · 11 months
Obaa-Chan VS Uselessness
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Sakura Haruno is and was a character who divided the Naruto Fandom. The most common argument against her was that she was useless. Now what one shall do if you are reborn as her? Our elderly MC for sure will do anything, do not be her!
An 85-year-old granny and Naruto Fan gets reborn into the Shinobi world as Sakura Haruno. Rejected canon and modeled herself after Mitsuri Kanroji from Demon Slayer.
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Chapter 1: The new Sakura
Maybe God or whoever put me in this position had a bit of mercy on me.
First I didn’t wake up Sakura, now my parents, after I screamed about my situation and second I woke up early enough in the morning, to get breakfast and go shopping for some Ninja Gear.
What Sakura owned differed from my style and Mitsuri Kanroji's; I needed to buy a new wardrobe.
Also let me tell you it was so strange being treated like a kid again, like a daughter, after three decades. I lost my parents sadly one after another in a short time.
Kizashi and Mebuki were nice people, without question, but I yearned for my parents since I was young again.
For the moment I ignored the feeling and looked around the clothing store I was in to find my new ninja gear.
Sakura's red battle dress, which I wore, would land in the trash soon.
I didn’t find 100% Mitsuri clothes, but the outfit had the colours of her uniform. A simple T-shirt with white sleeves, mesh armour under and pants in the same cooler. I also wore black fingerless gloves, the Ninja shoes stayed the same and I put my headband sideways on my hips.
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Happy but a lot Ryo poorer I made my way to the Ninja Academy.
It’s a shame I woke up here when Team 7 got started. How should I get my Kenjutsu good enough before we reach the Wave Arc?
Zabuza and Haku are a headache just waiting for me.
I could bemoan my destiny or just wing it and I decided to just wing it.
I knew what was gonna happen, this was a huge advantage already.
No stress.
Let’s get this day over and tomorrow the Bell Test and then let’s see if I could start my Kenjutsu and testing if Breathing Styles worked here.
Thanks to Sakura’s memories I inherited, how else would I have found the clothing store, I reached the Academy without problems.
I slipped into the classroom sitting down on the first free seat I saw. No way, would I stand with the fangirls, worshipping Sasuke.
Slowly the classroom filled and since I didn’t want to sit between Naruto and Sasuke, Ino snatched the place.
She looked so smug.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Even heard hearing the cries of unfairness from the nameless fangirls.
Finally, Iruka-Sensei arrived and the class calmed down. He gave us all a proud and happy smile.
“Starting today, you are all official ninjas, but…You all are still new Genin…”
I started to zoom out since I knew his whole speech and waited when he started calling for the Teams.
And here it comes…
“Next the 7th group, Uzumaki Naruto. Haruno Sakura-”
 Happy Naruto jumped up from his seat, shouting a yeah and searched the classroom for me.
“Sakura-Chan! Sakura-Chan! Hey! We are in a team!”, he hollered.
Most expected me to be disappointed, I saw it in their looks, but I’m not this Sakura. I’m my version of Sakura.
So I just gave him a nod.
That everybody was shocked was the understatement of the century. Ino looked at me as if I lost my marbles and Naruto was confused, yet smiled happily.
His happy smile fell as Iruka-Sensei called for the last name.
“Uchiha Sasuke!”
Like a balloon that lost air Naruto grumbled down on his seat, bemoening his destiny.
Ino again searched my eyes, sure waiting that I rubbed it under her nose that I was with Sasuke, I just deadpanned.
This freaked her out more and I could swerve she cursed quietly.
I had to fight a snort.
This could be so much fun to mess with these youngsters. I may be again 13 years old, but I’m still old in mind.
I may have found another hobby.
After Naruto complains about being with Sasuke in a Team and Iruka-Sensei lectures him we are dismissed till our Jonin-Senseis show up to pick us up.
If hellhounds were after her Ino runs up my seat, hissing: “What the hell, forehead?!”
I'm just deadpan.
“If you wanna complain about being in a team with Shikamaru and Choji while I’m with Sasuke take it up with Iruka-Sensei.”
“This is not…Sakura what’s wrong with you? You dress differently and what have you done with your hair? You aren’t yourself!”
Cool as a cucumber I stand up and put my hands in my pantspocket.
“Ino. We are Ninjas now. In the eyes of the village, we are adults. It’s time to grow up.”
Dramatically I leave the classroom, leaving a flabbergasted Ino behind.
I don’t get far enough since Naruto catches up to me.
“Sakura-Chan!”, he yells. The boy needs to learn to keep his voice down. “Let’s eat together since we’re in the same group now.”
For a moment I wondered if we should invite Sasuke, but knowing the Uchiha he wouldn’t come surely. Another time we will try to bond with him.
So I said simply to Naruto: “Sure. Ichiraku Ramen sounds good?”
The joy on his face is so bright he could light up a whole town with it.
Wish I had a camera to take a pic and give it to Hinata. She would surely appreciate it.
He takes my arm and drags me to the Ramen Shop.
Lunch with Naruto is… interesting. The boy really talks about nothing and all. Reminds me of my youngest grandchild, my little Haru.
Like with him, I want to coo at Naruto and just pinch his adorable whisker cheeks, but I can stop myself.
It would be too weird.
Also, I’m trying to make clear to Naruto that I never want to that him.
I quite literally said: “Naruto, this is not a date and never will I date you. I’m simply not interested, but we can be friends.”
He seemed sad, yet happy that I wanted to be his friend.
Let’s hope it got to his thick skull and his crush on Sakura will die in the next few episodes…I should probably say weeks.
This is my life now, not an anime.
Ichiraku’s Ramen was so good, that I will definitely come here to eat.
With thank you’s to Teuchi and Ayame we make our way back to the academy.
Nothing really exciting happens after we sit down by Sasuke. The Uchiha did give me a suspicious look, but I just gave him a friendly nod and talked with Naruto about how good our lunch was.
Slowly but surely the Jonin Senseis came to pick up their teams, and then Iruka-Sensei left too, so we, Team 7, were all alone in the classroom.
I knew we would be waiting for a long time so I got out a notebook and began to draw. 
In my old life, I worked as an illustrator for children's books. 
I always liked drawing, I even learned to draw in Kishimoto’s Style. 
Maybe, in my younger days, I have drawn some NaruHina doujinshi, hust.
Anyway, I was drawing a scene with a mother who had her little girl sitting on her lap, both smiling loving at each other as Naruto shrieked: “He is late!”
“Just sit down and stop looking out the door. It will not make our Sensei appear faster.”, I told him, starting to shade.
“How can I when our sensei is the only one late?! All the other groups went somewhere with their sensei and Iruke-Sensei went already home.”
“We know Naruto, but it doesn’t change anything.”
I don't look up from my drawing while Naruto starts to set up his prank for Kakshi. Sasuke tells him that a Jonin would never fall for such a prank and that’s when I look up and see our dear Sensei Kakashi walk in as the eraser hits him on the head.
I snorted loudly, Naruto laughed, while Sasuke was just disappointed in the Jonin.
“How should I say this…”, musses Kakashi. “My first impression of your guys is…I hate you.”
Sasuke and Naruto frown, while I just deadpan.
We follow Kakshi to the roof.
Time to introduce us to each other.
I let it play out like in the canon timeline and Kakashi starts: “I’m Hatake Kakashi. I have no intention of telling you my likes and dislikes. As for my dream…I have a few hobbies.”
“What a letdown.”, I whisper to Naruto and Sasuke. “He only told us his name.”
Naruto nods in agreement.
It’s also now his turn.
“I’m Uzumaki Naruto. I like cup ramen. But I like the ramen at Ichiraku that Iruka-Sensei bought for me even more. I hate the three minutes that I have to wait after I put the hot water. My hobby is to eat and compare cup ramen! And my dream is to become greater than the Hokages. I’m going to make all the villagers recognise my existence.”
Kakashi-Sensei tells me now to go.
“I’m Haruno Sakura. I like travelling and learning new things. What I hate is ignorance and blindless hate. My hobbies include drawing, collecting mangas and knitting. My dream is to become a powerful kunoichi and show all chauvinistic pigs how strong a woman can be! Also, I would like to illustrate stories for children and one day have a family. I want to adopt.”
The looks I earn are priceless. 
Kakashi-Sensei seems utterly surprised, but approving, Sasuke frowns deepens and Naruto grins at me. I saw how for a short moment he was teary-eyed as I said I wanted to adopt in the future. Surely he thought about how he wished someone had adopted him.
Poor baby.
I will tell Hinata to give you a lot of kisses and hugs.
Now it’s our avenger turn.
“My name is Uchiha Sasuke. There are many things that I hate, and there aren’t a lot of things that I like. Also, I have an ambition that I have no intention to leave as just a dream. The revival of my clan, and killing a certain man.”
Another poor baby.
I wish I could tell him that Itachi isn’t the bad guy here, but an enormous asshole named Danzo.
Maybe if I somehow find proof…maybe I could avoid Itachi's death and Sasuke's intention to off Kohana.
If we had Itachi and Sasuke in the war with us it would give us an edge towards Obito, Madara, Black Zetsu and Kaguya.
Wait…if I destroy the Gedo Mazo and Black Zetsu before all this can happen then we could really get a happy end here.
Many unnecessary deaths, like Neji, could be avoided.
But how in the nine circles of hell should I pull this off?
I was so busy with my own plans, that I nearly didn’t hear how Kakshi explained to us the survival training and the fail rate of over 66.6%.
Oh, time to mess now with him a little.
“It means we have a 33.3% chance of passing, this are good enough odds in my book.”, I proclaim confidently.
This lifts my teammate's spirit up, while Kakshi I could swerve pouts a bit.
With a warning to us not to eat anything or we will puke, he leaves.
Well, first-day masterd, second day, the Bell Test in progress.
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fenixwilhelm · 2 years
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light eyes reflecting dark thoughts, messy hair, scruffy cheeks, expensive all-black clothes, coffee rings on every table and desk, tattoos from the neck down, a secret book filled with dark drawings, stimulants hidden around the bedroom, stored motorcycle that’s never fully repaired. 
Fenix Hunter Wilhelm was raised on the wealthier side of town alongside his twin sister Mikayla. Growing up people thought he was such a cute little kid with vast potential. He was his father's clone and the apple of his mother's eye. The Wilhelm Family was quite literally the picture of perfection. Until one icy night, Mrs. Wilhelm went out and never returned. The police called it a horrific accident, but accidents weren't supposed to happen to the Wilhelms. They did everything right. They followed the path of God and did everything they were supposed to. So why were they being punished? What awful thing did they commit to deserve such a tragedy? Their father tried to find answers at the bottom of a bottle while his two children chose other destructive paths to numb the pain. Mikayla met a new crowd of friends and began partying and Fenix fell into a pit of depression as he never felt more alone. Mikayla doesn't know it but he blames her for abandoning him. While she was bouncing around juvie, boot camp, and friends' houses, he was suffering alone in their big empty house.
Fenix began experimenting with pills when he found an unlabeled bottle in Mikayla's bedroom. A month later, he got into a motorcycle accident and the doctor was astounded by the number of drugs he had in his system. At their request, he was admitted into rehab and that's where he met his first real girlfriend. She was an artist and he admired her, but after an overdose almost took her life, her parents sent her away to live with her uncle. Fenix took out his anger by taking up a boxing class, but after three assault charges, he met an older gentleman in therapy who took him under his wing and taught him the spiritual discipline of karate.
Mr. Haitao became a father figure to Fenix, which broke his real father's heart. He lost his wife and then he lost his children. The stress of dealing with the twins drove him to an early grave when Mr. Wilhelm later died of a stroke. Fenix didn't know how to handle losing another parent and went off the rails again. He put three guys in the hospital and was sent to jail for over a year where he learned how to tattoo. When he was released he was covered in black ink and lost all respect for himself, and for everyone around him.
With nothing to hold onto but his insecurities and anger, Fenix joined a bad crowd and spent his twenties getting into fistfights and building a rap sheet longer than his arm. When all hope seemed lost, Fenix sunk to his lowest moment and got into his car drunk. He almost ran a mother and her small child off the road and when he realized he could have killed someone else's mother, he sold his car and stayed inside his room for five years. He isolated himself and worked on his art, drawing, painting, and sketching things that he would eventually sell online under the alias Ash. To rise like a phoenix from the ashes means to emerge from a catastrophe stronger, smarter, and more powerful. He wanted to emerge— to be reborn. To change for the sake of himself and his late parents. So he started slowly building himself back up and then helped fund a small dojo in town for young children and teens. He wanted to help change the lives of other angry undisciplined kids. Fenix thought if anyone could reach the troubled youth it would be him. And it was something his parents would have been proud of. On the back of every Karate-Gi, there is a phoenix rising, a symbol of strength and power. Fenix can't change his past but maybe he can save someone else's future.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Funny how I keep missing a weekly mark with Pretty Cure specifically, huh?
I swear it's not intentional, but perhaps I oughta shift it to be (officially) biweekly. Y'know, get it all in shape for myself. Idk, I'll figure it out.
Anywho, Pretty Cure~! With Sora-chan and Mashiro-chan~! Maybe expand it to Ageha-san and Wing-kun sooner or later~! Who knows~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Oh shit, brass.
-Man, that reminds me of when I'd watch Batman: Brave and the Bold when I was a kid.
-Made a bestie~!
-Off to school with ye
-"Whoa! School?"
-What, you think they don't have school up there? I'll have you know that Sora-chan was a graduate of the Skyloft Knights Acade- oh wait, wrong series.
-That borb is so shaped.
-"Oh come on, back in the old country, everybody's got a free pass to education!"
-Damn, confession in episode 3? Hot damn.
-Sorashido Academy!
-...Cleaning time~!
-Never have you seen a house so clean.
-Not even lunch time.
-"...if Sora-chan were a bird... would she be a skylark?"
-Speaking of birds...
-No offense Yoyo-san, you're a proper GILF.
-Went like one and a half feet into the air.
-Homegirl wants compulsory education.
-Off she goes~!
-...I have to wonder how like
-Legally this all works.
-I didn't bring this up at all during Delicious Party, since all the Cures were humans and attending the same school from the get go, but it's so strange to me that off-worlders like Hikari, Akagi, and Ellen can just enroll into a school without much issue. Setsuna was officially adopted by Love's parents, so I didn't think too much of her situation but like
-This is consistent across seasons too, which follow the Kamen Rider/Super Sentai logic of "different continuities unless they're not". Is this just like... a universal constant?
-Mashiro-less Behavior.
-Hey homegirl, whaddup?
-Hot damn girl.
-"You gay."
-Jesus Christ, I was being facetious, what the heck
-You need more friends, girl.
-Make up~!
-Brought to you by Pretty Holic, available from Premium Bandai for one of your kidneys and a couple of teeth.
-"Ah youth..."
-Whoa, grayscale.
-She flee!
-Oh shit, gangster battle.
-Skyland... Divine Fist!
-Disregard safety, acquire Mashiron.
-That thing is "I am down horrendous for you, Mashiro."
-"Oh hey, it's you Kabaton."
-Hot damn, Sora's taken that fourth wall very seriously.
-I'm assuming Bebop-on's Lanborg summoning works solely through calorie burning at this point.
-Certainly makes wanton destruction efficient.
-He's like a big Metall!
-From the Mega Mans!
-Going up~!
-Kabatonight you're gone.
-Theeeeere ya go! That wasn't so hard, was it?
-Bless you, Ageha-san~!
-...on second thought, no, I fucking hate that Hummer you're driving.
-This car kicks ass, and you can watch Madagascar while you're driving~!
-And then Gloria does the Go Animate dance, smth smth Those Animals Are So Fucking Funny Merge Without Looking Kaboom
-Holy shit, you just
-Guessed that off the cuff, huh
-Sora-chan, ordinary middle school student~!
-Ah, speaking of which
-Wow, can't wait for Episode Seven~!
-Episode Seven~!
-Very cute.
-...that ribbon seems very small.
-There he is. The borb.
-"Thank you, Granny Goodness."
-Watch, she's gonna actually gonna be like the real thing and be an agent of the Underg.
-I'm kidding, obviously, but that'd be one hell of a thing to put into your show for young children.
-"Please don't eat Sora-chan alive, she's very sensitive."
-Skyland~! Y'know, it's just a few warps away from Gran Ocean. Just swing a left from Hope Kingdom, then just a slip south of Labyrinth.
-"Wow, your denial is so obvious, you must be from Copenhagen!"
-They're bullying this nerd so hard.
-"I'm the shyest bitch in the fuckin' universe, yo!"
-So... Sensei... are you single?
-Cannot tell a lie. Momoi Tarou would be proud.
-Her base instincts take over~!
-"Damn, this girl's quick!"
-...I have to ask, how does Sora's Skyland body work? Specifically, the bones.
-The people believe~!
-Into fucking ORBIT
-Meteorite Strike!
-Everybody loves Sora-chan, the shyest fucking supersonic athlete in town~!
-I'm assuming Mashiro's a second year at this school if she already has a favorite spot on the roof and deep lore on the school's founding.
-Be yourself, sky cadet!
-"I lied! I'm not shy at all! I've been keeping it all a secret! I am a goddamn superhero!"
-Hero Gal~!
-Oh my God
-Kabaton's the boss.
-Melonless bread.
-Like Seedless Melon.
-Fucker took the tree!
-Ready Go!
-Right, what do you do?
-Petal Blizzard!
-Gotta say, I really missed having dynamic battlefields, the Delicious Field got really boring after a while.
-...wonder if this is where all the setting designers went?
-Go big or go home, I guess!
-All fixed up~!
-...guess nobody's really too traumatized by what happen. That's a good thing though.
-Hero Garu~!
-Hooray~! Friendship~!
-Good work today, Mashiron!
-She grows up so fast.
-Cure Wing, here he comes~!
-I'm half picturing Murase-san waiting in the corner of the recording studio, just bobbing in place for the chance to say his transformation phrase.
-I don't think I'll miss Saturday this time.
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nixnjix · 1 year
Eventually, she became his closest confidant. She had nothing more to teach him, Zhen revealing he had an astute mind behind his playful nature. When committed, he put his whole being into it and she couldn't be all the more proud to see those wings unfurl and soar with confidence. 
He often came in the still quiet of dawn, a whisper of wings as he descended to take the human form she was acquainted with.
His customary grin was more pronounced as he bounded towards her. She at least expected to be whisked in a tight embrace, stunned as they twirled around. He was stronger than he had led on, her huge gaze meeting his. 
"I did it, Reshi!" He cheered as they circled. "I finally did it!" 
"Oh!" A chuckle as he placed her down but his mood didn't dampen in the slightest, his words coming out in a rush as he spoke excitedly, "You remember the meadow? I have finally done it, Reshi! I have brought life!" 
He twirled on his heels, his heart soaring. So much time. So much effort for this bear fruit. His world was alight in a golden glow, his heart. "And I" -he made a show, gracefully dipping into a bow- "invite you to see it. I would love for you, my sensei, to see my efforts. If you do me this honor." 
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scjja-cronulla · 7 months
Best Sport for Introverted Kids
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In the photo above you can see a group of kids aged from 7 to 11, along with 3 instructors.
At the far right you can see Rodney, the head coach at Southern Cross Jiu-Jitsu Academy. His story is one in which he is passionately trying to replicate in all the others.
At 12 years old he started high school at Newington College. Which in 1990s was a school of over 200 boys per year, and when they were lined up from tallest to shortest for the Year 7 photo, there were only one or two kids smaller than he.
Given Newington's proud history with rugby (Phil Kearns and Nick Farr-Jones being two recent ex-alumni Wallaby captains), Rodney was keen to be part of the team.
But he wasn't. Instead he was pushed around and belittled due to his speech and size.
So with rugby not working out, he enrolled at Southern Cross Goshin Ryu Ju-Jutsu in Sylvania Heights. There he was taken under the wing of sensei Gordon Griffiths, someone would guide and mentor Rodney even to this day.
Over the next 6 years Rodney competed in many martial arts tournaments, and lost them ALL in the very first round. But Gordon knew how to keep him believing in himself.
Fast forward to 2009 to when Rodney won all the major amateur and professional grappling tournaments in Australasia at the highest levels - Pan Pacific BJJ, Abu Dhabi Pro Gi and the ADCC Submission Fighting < 77kg division.
Back to this photo, there are few kids in the almost identical situation - they tried playing footy (rugby and/or league) and were constantly being beaten up. So now they're loving training jiu-jitsu - a contact sport where they're getting their physical contact, but in a far safer environment. An environment which is long-term and will yield far greater results.
Click this link to find out more https://kids.scjja.com/?refid=598D1E43-3BB9-420C-A712-7B89DDC7BD23 and bring your child(ren) down for a free trial.
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wakamotogarou · 1 year
It's weird ya know? I get sometimes called an "ascended master" on youtube and twitter. I just want one place where I can be an asshole sometimes, but I suppose that's not very fair right?
First of all I am not ascended nor am I a master! I'm a pain in the ass, and its my delight to be your pain in the ass! Just kidding. I'm a good teacher most of the time. I'm a strict sensei with students I've taken under my wing. They all flocked on, awakened! I'm proud of them and hope they pay it forward. I've settled into being the one who encourages and inspires the already awakened. I do not have patience for Insolence, or the ire of sleeping people who need a wake up call. It's a good gig for me, stress free as I block fools indiscriminately.
A wolf does not concern themself with the affairs of sheep.
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