#Wings of fire animus
mythicreature · 10 months
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Cicada of the Hivewings
Daughter of the queen, Cicada is less of a princess and more of a weapon. Cicada's mother, Queen Arachne, wanted to ensure HiveWing dominance and strength, and learning about other tribes having animus dragons, she wanted to start an animus lineage, but not in a conventional way.
Finding several animus-touched objects, Arachne found a way to dissolve the objects and break them down to just their animus power, injecting it into a Hivewing egg. From that egg hatched Cicada, the Hivewing's first animus.
The bindings on Cicada's limbs are to restrict her unstable animus powers and are enchanted to physically protect her body from harm. Cicada is loyal to her mother, but a small part of her craves independence.
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Queen Arachne of the Hivewings
Cicada's mother and the Hivewing queen, master of the Artificial Animus project, as she calls it.
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lilyminer · 4 months
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An Animus Hideaway
A few of my wings of fire characters :]
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dracl-dragon · 5 months
wings of fire character idea i had
Ok so
In WoF, it gets brought up that animus dragons cannot revive the dead.
It never says they can't reanimate the dead...
Dragon necromancer. Thats the entire idea. Animus necromancer
Honestly feel free to use this idea for your own character if you want :)
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pioneer-10 · 2 years
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This is my newest Wings of Fire OC, Venture.
Before him, there was a SkyWing named Cardinal. Cardinal was a SkyWing animus and pacifist who tried to hide his abilities from the rest of his tribe, hoping he could avoid execution or being used by Queen Scarlett in the war effort during the War of the SandWing succession. Unfortunately for him, however, he was eventually found out by the Queen after an accident where he used his abilities to save several other dragons from a collapsing tunnel. To his surprise, however, she came to him a few days later with a stolen IceWing egg and told him two things: one, he had to enchant the egg so that the dragon who hatched would also be an animus. Two, he had to make a collar that would make this dragon look like a SkyWing when they were born. If he did both of these things, she would let him live in peace. Cardinal agreed, and thus Venture was created. Unfortunately for him though, he never met Cardinal, as Queen Scarlett killed him as soon as the enchantments she wanted were finished. She needed a dragon she could control, after all, and raising one from an egg was the easiest way to ensure they ended up completely under her power in the end. Venture was raised as a sibling to Peril, and didn't even know that he was an IceWing until he was several years old. Queen Scarlett treats this as a disgusting secret that must be hidden at all costs, so he works hard to fit in with the other SkyWings and nobody other than the Queen herself and Peril know about it aside from him. Of course, according to Queen Scarlett, he never can be quite "SkyWing enough" for her liking. If Venture isn't following Queen Scarlett around, he's in Peril's shadow. He enchanted his scales to withstand her heat, and as a result she's very physically affectionate with him as he was the only dragon she could touch without killing growing up. He's very shy and quiet, rarely talking himself and usually just letting Peril or Queen Scarlett speak for him. He cares very much for both of them, and doesn't realize the full extent of Queen Scarlett's manipulation until much later. Queen Scarlett has been very careful to ensure that Venture is both incredibly anxious and incredibly dependent on her - nothing he does is without her permission, and he's terrified of his own powers thanks to the horrifying stories she told him as a dragonet of animus dragons turning into monsters and slaughtering their loved ones. He's terrified of becoming a monster like them, and so never enchants anything without Queen Scarlett's direct permission and instruction - even his fireproof scales only came about after an incident in which Peril accidentally burned him really badly as a dragonet. So far, he has only enchanted three things in total: a necklace that Peril can wear without melting that he enchanted for her for her seventh birthday, and a large vase that Queen Scarlett can create any piece of jewelry she wants with simply by reaching into it. Other than these things and his fireproof scales, Venture has been extremely careful to avoid using his abilities at all costs, as Scarlett wants to save him as a weapon just in case things begin going poorly for her in the war.    
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some-pers0n · 8 months
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charliegoober · 1 month
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Wings of fire oc? what?
her name is Pureo, shes an animus sandwing with a good smidge of insanity :D
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hugsloves · 2 months
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Darkstalker the stinky in the jar... where he belongs
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zondearts · 7 months
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The niigo batch for the prsk wof au
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sinusoidaldysfunction · 6 months
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Princess Orca. CEO of baby murder.
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ravewing · 18 days
on the creation of animus magic
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i was talking about the origins of animus magic with my discord recently and it made me want to share it here–
mind you, this is something that i had initially come up with around fourth or fifth grade, so it doesn't 100% comply with current canon and its a little shoddy but regardless i need to get it out of my system haha
waay way back in 2019 or so, i came up with a sort of 'origin story' that the dragons of pyrrhia told that explained where animus magic came from.
they believed that a sort of higher dragon spirit that was of simultaneously all and none of the tribes (my interpretation of them is the drawing at the beginning of this post) created the seven dragon tribes, and upon creating them, offered each tribe the power of animus magic.
both the rainwings and mudwings refused. the rainwings believed that such power would create an imbalance of harmony in the rainforest, and thus did not accept. the mudwings believed that if animus magic was wielded by a sib that wasn't a bigwings, then they might use it to overthrow the balanced system, and if a bigwings hatched with magic, then they might use it to steer their sibs in the wrong direction (again, imbalance and disruption of harmony).
the icewings, however, accepted the gift of animus magic, believing that with proper control and tradition, they could harness its power without falling to corruption. the icewings then offered this gift to the seawings, who accepted it.
the sandwings accepted the gift of animus magic from the high dragon spirit as well.
the skywings were very hesitant from the beginning. even though it was offered to them, they never gave a clear answer; many skywings believed that their raw power and physical might were enough to best the other tribes, and that animus magic was a shortcut that undermined their strength. still, because they did not explicitly deny, they still received magic– though it was quickly stamped out.
the nightwings, on the other hand, were not as patient as the other tribes. their thirst for knowledge and power was unquenched, and they sought to claim animus magic before it was even offered to them. they attempted to steal the magic directly from the claws of the high dragon spirit. it saw the actions of the nightwings as dishonorable, and as a result, they were left to pursue other forms of power— namely prophecy and mind-reading.
some dragons believe this origin story to heart, and they passed it down through generations as the definitive truth of where animus magic came from and why certain tribes have it while others dont. others, however, view the story as more metaphorical– to them, the higher dragon spirit and the tale of the tribes’ choices are more like allegories that are meant to teach younger dragonets a lesson about not being greedy or something idk.
anyhow this might be stupid or it might be revolutionary but if you guys like it then i might make some art related to this 'au' :)
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fantasykiri5 · 30 days
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This one’s name is Coral (not to be confused with Queen Coral, but she was named after her) She’s Bay’s younger sister and an animus. (Her and Bay are friends with Hourglass because they go to a small school of animuses and hybrids. Bay just came with his sister. They have three more dragons in their friend group but who knows when I’ll draw them.)
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mythicreature · 10 months
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Adder of the SandWings An animus dragon, hatched with a wing deformity, leaving him unable to fly and manipulated at a young age to not be able to enchant his body in any way. Used as a tool by his Queen and eventually escaping, Adder wanders Pyrrhia, carrying a general dislike for authority of any kind.
Though he is bitter, cruel, and ruthless, he does have a soft side that he's buried deep down.
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buzzkillchainsaw · 7 months
When No-one hatched, he of course wasn't given the name "No-one". No rational Skywing adult would subject a dragonet to such idiocy. No, they probably named him something nice and appropriate like Ridge, Moraine or maybe Granite. It didn't really matter through, because he didn't keep that name for very long.
He quickly learned that there was something he could do that all the other hatchlings couldn't: Whenever he really, really wanted something, it happened. When he once dropped his favourite shiny rock into a mountain crevice and wished for it to come back, it flew into his claws as if someone down there had thrown it to him. When he wanted to win a race against a fellow dragonet, a bug flew into his opponent's eye and distracted her, making her lose. When he wished he could taste a cut of meat one of the stronger hatchlings had taken for himself, a piece of it slid off as if cut by an invisible knife and slithered towards No-one. Of course, No-one was smart enough to keep this power a secret and to not tell anyone, not even to brag. He was convinced that everyone would want him to share it and do a bunch of stuff for them all the time if they knew about the power. But he couldn't keep it hidden forever.
Once Skywing hatchlings reached a certain age, they were rounded up and brought into a room. That room contained nothing but a candle and some disgruntled soldiers blocking the only exit. One by one, the hatchlings were tasked to sit in front of the candle and "wish for it to be snuffed out". No-one immediately realised that this was a test to find out who had secret powers like him, so he decided to cheat. When it was his turn, he concentrated on the opposite of "snuffing out the candle". Instead of continuing to burn as normal though, the flame shot up towards the ceiling, scaring all hatchlings and making them huddle together in a pile. The adult Skywings fixated No-one with their eyes. He realised that he had screwed up and that the adults would now force him to share his powers with everyone, so he ducked under the soldiers' grasping claws, dashed towards the scared group of hatchlings and wished he could trade places with one of them. After all, once the adults discovered that the other hatchling couldn't do magic at all, they'd probably just let him go. In the ensuing chaos, nobody in the room noticed how one dragonet's deep red scale color instantly faded into orange with yellow speckles, while No-one turned red. The now-orange hatchling was dragged out of the group, screaming, crying, protesting, while No-one and the others were ushered out of the room.
The next years of No-one's life passed by rather uneventfully. He had assumed the other hatchling's identity (whom he didn't see around anymore, for some reason – which made it even easier) and lived an ordinary dragonet life full of training, chores and school lessons. During one lesson, he was taught about animus magic and that it made the user "evil" and "destroyed his soul". This obviously couldn't be true, because No-one was using his magic daily and he wasn't evil. He convinced himself that it was just exaggerated fear-mongering. Still, there was a slight fear starting to settle into the back of his mind. He tried to be more careful with his power, but just couldn't resist using it to get small advantages here and there. No-one was smart about it, but not smart enough: the adult Skywings around him started catching on, noticing the unusual luck that seemed to follow this particular dragonet. Alas, they had no proof that they had an actual animus in their midst – thanks to no small part to their lackluster experience with magic due to their, uh, animus-related zero tolerance policy.
No-one began feeling the pressure. He was plagued by nightmares, first about the adult Skywings discovering him, then they gradually turned more scary, outlandish and violent. In one, he entered the hatchery and commanded rocks to fall from the ceiling and smash the sleeping dragonets' bones. In another, he made a wooden splinter bury itself into the soft flesh of another hatchling's belly to kill it. When he woke up, exactly this had happened to a dragonet sleeping next to him – although the splinter had stopped before causing any major damage –, but luckily everyone just assumed she had just accidentally slept on it. Still, the situation was escalating and No-one had to make a difficult decision.
His plan was simple: 1. Leave the Skywing kingdom undetected. 2. Master animus magic. 3. Find a way to offset this mysterious "damage" to his soul that the magic supposedly caused. The first step was rather easy: He picked out a young, freshly initiated soldier who would definitely be allowed to leave the Skywing territory unsupervised. No-one then took an earring and enchanted it to make the wearer appear as an exact copy of the dragon who was previously touched with it. He then sneakily rubbed the earring on the soldier's tailtip and sprinted away, eager to try out his new spell. After putting it on and looking at his reflection in a puddle, he rejoiced: The soldier, big and strong, stared back up at him. No-one promptly left towards the outskirts, tricking some guards at the border in the process (My weird childish voice? Yeah, I have a sore throat actually).
His new life had begun. It was rather lonely, though. He flew south until he reached the Mudwing kingdom and threw his earring at the first brown dragon he saw sleeping in the mud. Having copied the Mudwing's appearance, No-one felt comfortable enough to explore the territory. The other Mudwings largely paid him no mind, but he did get a few weird questions here and there about where his "sibling group" was, whatever that meant. Away from the prying eyes of other dragons, No-one continued practicing his magic. He made fish jump into his mouth and grass coil around the legs of swamp animals, holding them in place for No-one to catch. But each enchantment he did made the fear and doubt in his mind about his damaged soul worse and worse. He needed to implement step 3 of his plan, quickly. And as luck would have it, an opportunity was about to run into him.
A Mudwing dragonet, barely older than No-one, bumped into him while he was stalking some prey, frazzled and distraught. No-one immediately took notice of that and asked her what was wrong. The Mudwing, a "bigwings" named Tawny, was looking for her younger siblings who loved to run off on their own. She sighed and said that she wished to always know where those naughty dragonets were, so she wouldn't have to worry about looking for them. No-one's ears perked up, as he sensed the opportunity. After making sure no one else was around, he took off his earring to reveal that he wasn't an adult Mudwing at all, but a Skywing dragonet. Tawny was shocked, but he quickly calmed her down and revealed that he was an animus and that he wanted to grant her wish. But seeing as animus magic damaged the user's soul, he wanted to copy her appearance in return and cast the spell in this form to offset the damage to her. Since it was only one spell, she had nothing to worry about. Tawny was unsure – a wish in exchange for just a teeny tiny bit of soul damage? But it was getting dark and her siblings already had a huge head start, so she ignored her worries and accepted. No-one touched her with the earring, put it on and turned into a mirror image of her. He then picked up a rock and enchanted it to become hot when one of her siblings was nearby and then become cold when they moved further away. Tawny rejoiced and put the rock into a pouch tied around her neck. Once she was gone, No-one, still appearing as Tawny, cast a few more spells, and he really did feel different. Lighter. Better. That night, he slept without a single nightmare.
And so, the world opened itself up to No-one with endless possibilities. He travelled the lands, taking on countless appearances and granting wishes in return. Since the spell was very complex, he eventually started writing it down and presenting it to the other party as a contract they had to sign for it to work. Everything went smoothly. However, he did notice one thing: sometimes, one of the appearances in his "collection" would disappear and he was unable change his own appearance into it anymore. He had no idea what caused this, but he wasn't really eager to travel back and find out.
He kept granting wishes to keep a steady supply of appearances. His favourite place to stay was the Rainwing territory, as the weather was pleasant, the food was good and the dragons there were easily convinced to make stupid wishes.
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resident-wof-expert · 3 months
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marinusart · 2 months
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Whiteout was strong as hell. She deserves so much more
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What can be worse than making a photo of a traditional painting? The same thing but there are metallic details
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ookamimonster · 2 months
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Gale as an animus-cursed nightwing. once a renowned prophet working under the nightwing queen (mystra) he became too ambitious and started dabbling with animus magic and animus-touched items which backfired badly.
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