#Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
bestanimatedmovie · 1 month
Revenge of the Underrated
24. One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island vs Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
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One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
it's everything I love about One Piece with a dose of horror
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magicwithineleteo · 6 months
hey guyssss i just watched the first winx movie and i loved it so bad
obviously there are some things i didn’t like but overall i loved it and it makes a lot more sense what happens in season 4 bc i was like “WHEN DID BLOOM AND SKY GET ENGAGED” and also “what happened to the bloom finding her birth parents arc”
can i just say rivusa MY MOTHERFUCKING BELOVEDDDD they really filled my heart i had missed them so much
Musa, are you okay?
I’m a fairy, I know how to protect myself. What happened to you, my love?
I was under the control of Mandragora, and I’ve had a hard time trying to figure out what it is I’m fighting for.
Have you finally figured out what you’re fighting for, Riven?
I’ve always known it. For you.
and also can i just say…
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i know their ship name now but OH MY GOD ITS CANON I WON SO BAD
anyway i <3 winx and i <3 rivusa they’ve conquered my mind
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cuttoncandyhair · 18 days
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I have always wondered why there is next to no fanart of the gowns that appear in Secret of the Lost Kingdom. And while drawing them I realized the s3 gowns where in this movie, too. So I figured we could play a game where we compare the dresses and choose a favorite.
Fifth: Musa! I originally thought no one could beat Musa's season 3 dress and I was right. I like the movie dress, but the s3 dress just has the superior design. But I want to hear your opinions!
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snarky-art · 11 months
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Been thinking about @teawink’s ideas for their Secret of the Lost Kingdom rewrite lately…
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nostalgia-babi · 1 year
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☆ winx album covers
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winxwiki · 8 months
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Secret of the Lost Kingdom press screenshots from Rainbow CGI's website
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lunar-and-ardent · 6 months
Winx Enchantix Graphics
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all graphics made by me (textures and fonts used in them, ofc, not)
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wtfastaroth · 9 months
When I was little, the only scene that stuck in my memory when I watched the first Winx movie, was this wonderful woman going to get Sky at the beginning of the film.
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(and of course the trix scene at the end🥴)
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nostalgiahime · 1 year
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Dancers dressed up as the Winx Club at the International FilmFest of Rome to promote the movie “Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom" (2007) [✩]
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alicenthiightower · 17 days
might re watch winx club and go insane. anyway we watched the first cgi movie at work to help calm someone and oh my god imagine DYING for ur sister and then ur parents come back from the dead and they only talk about ur sister!!! and u just get to hang out as a GHOST/SPIRIT???? winx club is a horror cartoon
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 22, 23 for the choose the violence asks 🔪
1. the character everyone gets wrong
Faragonda. People either think that she's secretly a villain or that she's a meek, old grandma. The villain part is really annoying because people act like Faragonda sending the Winx on life-threatening missions is a writing choice made in regards to showing her character when it's a writing choice made for the sake of plot. The writers don't care how Faragonda comes off if they can get their little plot with getting the Winx to save the day work. It's true about everything. How come she spies on the Winx but never does it when they actually need help and she could save them but at the cost of interfering with the plot? Her seemingly keeping the Agador box (4x01) is just the writers being lazy with coming up with a new design for something that will be on screen for 10 seconds. Honestly, name one of her "shady" actions that cannot be explained as a plot convenience. The other side of the spectrum is honestly just... Are you blind? She clearly has a lot more backbone than people realize, yet when that's noticed, it somehow makes her a villain. I am tired.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Somebody implying that Daphne is at fault for getting killed by the Ancestral Witches because she chose to sacrifice herself for Bloom and she could have just let her baby sister get murdered if she'd wanted to save herself. What even???????? *flips table*
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I block over too many wrong opinions or just a few opinions that are Very Wrong TM. So it's usually that. I don't try to remember what exactly made me mad.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Roxy, kind of. I don't hate her but every time I see someone whining about her not being part of the later seasons and bemoaning the fact that she was supposed to be the seventh Winx but then dissapeared, I start to hate her... until I distance myself from that part of fandom. I think Roxy has much potential in her quality of being a foil to Bloom, someone with a very similar backstory but completely different feelings on magic and being a fairy. However, the writers are so hellbent on making her Bloom 2.0 that they completely ignore the differences between the two that they themselves wrote in and the fandom just makes all of that worse when they try to shove Roxy everywhere and force her into the same mold that the Winx fit into. Roxy should have gotten to decide for herself and instead of going to Alfea should have stayed at home with her long-lost mother. Morgana was literally the queen of the Earth fairies. I bet she could have taught Roxy everything she'd learn at Alfea and more, considering that Earth seems to have a different branch of magic altogether that probably differs from the curriculum at Alfea. Plus, that way she could have spent some time with the mother that is a stranger to her and she could have found her own path instead of being forced into something she clearly didn't want just to be like the Winx and, more importantly, Bloom.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
The idea that SotLK is a better movie than Magical Adventure. The way that Bloom makes headway in her search for her parents is so fucking random. We never learn how the Winx found Hagen, the English dub cut the part where Daphne explains why she now thinks that the Roc might have survived when, for 20 years, she believed it to have been destroyed, and the Book of Fate is the literal fucking worst plot device ever. It straight up tells them that Marion and Oritel are in Obsidian. Don't even get me started on the whole mess that happens once they get there or the search for the key to Obsidian. And the theme - if it can even be called that - is a joke.
Magical Adventure suffers from the fact that the scenes have to be in a certain sequence to make sense and keep the suspense but that sequence makes the story feel like two movies mashed into one. However, the two segments are not bad at all. Sure, there are things that don't work (ugh, that montage with the suitors - what were they thinking?!?!?!). But the movie tries to focus on Bloom's relationship with her birth parents, which the first movie completely skipped over. Bloom and Sky are actually somewhat likable. We see the Winx without magic which hasn't happened since when? Season 1? The Ancestral Witches are actually scary when they possess the Trix and the fights are interesting and creative. Plus, there is a coherent theme about how parents' actions affect their children (there was another nuance here that I can't remember now because it's been a while since I watched it).
Anyway, Magical Adventure supremacy.
9. worst part of canon
I already talked about all the bullshit in SotLK and besides I really hate what they did with Zenith. The source of most technological advancements and, of course, they made the whole society be logic-based and emotionless. I. Cannot. Stand. It! They should have made Zenith's technology come from a place of empathy, of wanting to improve life so much for everyone that they become too focused on their work and don't notice how they isolate themselves from everyone else, including each other. It would have been so much more interesting and they could have kept Tecna as a logic-driven person, who's not good with feelings because that's just who she is. She'd fit even better with Winx if she comes from a planet so dedicated to helping everyone else that they neglect themselves and their emotions.
10. worst part of fanon
Blorboifying Valtor. I'm sorry but if you think you want a real-life Valtor, you need to go outside and touch grass. Not to mention that Valtor stans in general seem to have a very distorted view of him. This man has the temper and anger management of a fucking toddler. The only reason why he manages to remain collected and calm a lot of the time is because pretty much no one can stand up to him and pose a threat to his plans and his ego. At the same time somehow people completely miss the fact that he's vain and self-centered and clinging so desperately to his charisma and skills because he knows that deep down he is nothing more than a monster that was created to be a tool for the Ancestral Witches and he hates that. He's practically in constant denial mode about how truly sad his existence is.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Krystal! She's already at a disadvantage because she's introduced in season 5 AND is instantly shoved in the bullshit drama between Helia and Flora. I have seen people hate on her and call her a shady bitch when all she's done is be overexcited about seeing Helia and managing to defeat the Winx at volleyball and then realizing that maybe the situation came off wrong to Flora and trying to talk to her and tell her that Helia only loves her and he and Krystal are just friends. She's just an excitable teen and she's not at fault for Helia acting weird as fuck and introducing Flora to her as his "friend" as if they haven't been dating for 3 years. Smh. #JusticeForKrystal2kforever
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
Giving alien features to the girls. Like, I get it but it's always surface level because in the end it's so much easier to work with humanoid characters that you don't have to invent a whole new biology for. It seems completely pointless and usually doesn't come into play a lot. It feels like it's added more for diversity points rather than because it's fun or interesting.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Making Flora a drug dealer. The "Flora does recreational drugs" take honestly feels like people are desperately trying to make her interesting because they don't like her as she's portrayed on the show. And the idea of "Flora is okay with parts of nature that are dangerous and volatile" somehow always seems to lead to "give Flora a gun" when the two have nothing to do with each other. Flora wanting to protect all nature as it is is one of her defining traits. It feels like people are trying to erase her gentleness because they think that a mild-mannered character is worthless. Honestly, the show doesn't help. They make her empathy come down to "don't hurt it" even when the "it" in question is trying to kill her friends. They could have improved on that by letting Flora specialize in restraining spells that don't hurt the creature they're used on so that she can protect her friends and stick to her beliefs.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
The Company of Light. Even the writers ignore it because a) they did not think it through when they added that backstory and created several plot holes, b) they never did anything with it (for the last time - where's the fucking spin-off?!?!?!?!) and c) they constantly make all of the Company members appear incompetent and weaker than they are for the sake of the plot and letting the Winx in the spotlight. Give these people screen time! They are interesting and important! *cries*
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I guess Blicy. I just didn't understand why Icy would want to date Bloom but I read a really good fic and I can see it now.
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 month
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winxrewrite · 5 months
CHAPTER THREE:  The book of fate 
Scene 1
As the ship approaches Domino they conclude that the atmosphere would destroy the owl. Bloom gets an idea, She uses a new spell of hers, inner flame. This gives all the girls, guys and ships an red aura which not only will regulate the temperature around them but will also protect them from the hail and winds. With this they enter Domino’s atmosphere which Bloom’s power barely manages to fight against.
As they land, the girls note that even with Bloom’s magic protecting them from cold they’re still not holding up that well. Bloom dawns Daphne’s or well , her new mask. She sees Domino as it used to be , lush and green. The plants having a dragon touch to them. Tecna suggests that they get on their bikes and ride to the point she calculated where the mountain of the rock resides. Que Riven and Sky racing and Tecna telling them off.
Flora senses lifeforce beaming from the mountain and she figures out that the mountain is actually a nest for a giant owl-like bird to rest within. Tecna scans the mountain , does some fast research using her new enhanced Enchantix powers and finds out that the bird itself is part of an old Domino legend. The bird of rock , which holds information about everything that’s ever happened since the creation of the magical universe. It used to be a beloved pet of the dragon herself before she merged with the Planet.
Rock has been entrusted to every member of the royal Domino Bloodline, also known as the custodians of the dragon’s flame. Stella then proceeds to punch Bloom’s shoulder, telling her to go up there and tell that thing to come down so they can enter its library. Bloom’s a bit hesitant, since she doesn't exactly know how to do that. Timmy gets the idea to simply climb it while it’s still asleep, they’re smaller than it so it’s not like it il notice them right ? 
Flora creates some vines for them to climb, the other girls are worried but Flora tells them that her vines are stronger than steel now.
Scene 2
As the guys climb higher and higher, Riven gets louder and louder much to the annoyance of the other guys. Helia in particular, he tells Riven to shut up which actually stunts the rest of the guys. Sky whispers to himself that he doesn't think he’s heard Helia this angry before. Before Riven managed to apologize, the owl of the rock began to rumble and shake. Before the guys knew it, the bird flapped its giant wings and took to the sky.
The girls saw this happening and Stella exclaimed that they need to transform and go after them only for Tecna to remind her that they can barely handle the cold down there with Bloom’s magic. They won't survive up in the sky, Bloom takes command and tells everyone to get on to the owl.
The guy’s are being carried on by a thread, all of them having to use their new weapon upgrades in passive ways to avoid falling to certain death along with Flora’s vines having a mind of their own and saving Timmy from a fall to certain death, they all start slowly succumbing to hyperthermia before Flora sensed this and converged her powers with Bloom to maintain the guy’s body temperature through her vines. 
The owl only barely managed to catch up to the bird but before the girls could come up with a plan to save the guys, fog covered their way. Stella, as per usual, took the opportunity to show off her new Enchantix powers by dispersing the clouds. Even so they still couldn't get close to it, which is where Tecna uses a new spell of hers: swift internet connection. Which makes the ship’s speed increase so much that they finally manage to catch up to the bird.
Musa and Flora combine their powers to read the bird’s mind, it’s not angry, it’s just scared. “So what, we need to sing this thing a lullaby?” Stella commented. Musa rolled her eyes before she tried to use her new crystal voice spell on the bird. This only made the bird more aggressive which made it attack the ship, sending it crashing to the floor. With the winx’s fates uncertain. Tecna got knocked out while the rest got thrown to the back of the ship. With some help, Tecna managed to wake up and retake control of the ship. 
This Time around, Bloom and Musa converge their magic to calm the bird down. After a few suspenseful moments, the rock finally calmed down and returned to its nest. The winx and specialists regroup and enter the library of the rock.
In the distance, an old hag on a giant bug holds an orb of magic. She can sense the amount of magical energy having been used. Even the dragon flame. She proceeds to follow their magic trail while cackling, Glad that she finally found what she was looking for.
Scene 3
As they enter, they decide to split up into 2 groups: Tecna, Aisha, Riven, Helia, Sky , and Brandon are the heavy hitters and the sneakiest of the group. They are in charge of patrolling the building inside and out. Meanwhile Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Timmy,and  Nabu will be researching the rotunda library that seems to make up most of the building. 
The woman found their location rather easily, however, she knows she can’t take on all these powerful fairies at once… She suddenly gets an idea and sends out a bug into the library. Its goal is to go after the most mentally weak person.
As the group approaches the middle of the room, a book is displayed in the middle with the face of the great dragon on the cover. Before they open anything, Timmy scans the area plus the book.  Unfortunately, Timmy’s devices can't scan anything in this room. Bloom gulps before opening the book in the center of the room, expecting some sort of explosion. Nothing. So Bloom started looking through the book only to find… Nothing. Everything is blank. Everyone goans in frustration before the book begins to glow.
Bloom, Stella, Flora, and Musa prepared to transform while the guys prepared their magic and weaponry before a man emerged from the book’s pages. Clad in golden glory, Bartleby introduced himself as the keeper of this library and the book of fate. Addressing Bloom by her formal title. 
Scene 4
The other group spread around the building, naturally splitting off into teams: Helia and Tecna, Aisha and Riven, Sky and Brandon. Taking the role of leader and telling everyone to scatter. Helia and Tecna are patrolling the outside, with Tecna’s Tecnomagic and Helia’s aluf stealthy nature, nothing will be able to enter the building. 
Riven and Aisha are patrolling the inside, they’re the hardest hitters of the group. And Sky stood guard with Brandon ,close to the rontanda library, in order to report any issues to the other group.
Tecna decided to make an overall scan of the area, while doing so she decided to have a word with Helia, which only served to confuse him. Tecna could tell that there was something on his mind, enough to worry Flora. This caught Helia off guard as he did not exactly expect Tecna to be so insightful when it comes to emotions. Tecna pushes Helia to express his emotions and allow himself to feel irrational things. Even irrationality has its place and it doesn't get enough credit for the good it can do.
This leaves Helia perplexed, asking when Tecna got this wise. 
“Somewhere in between earning my Charmix and getting trapped in the omega dimension” Tecna giggled. Helia chuckled alongside her. He finally began to open up about something he’s been scared to talk about, even to Flora. 
The reason he’s returned to red fountain was because of his grandfather, truth be told he’d always preferred the idea of living a simpler life and that was his plan but as he grew up, magic began showing itself around him. Tecna questioned why he didn't become a wizard if that was the case, to which he responds that the magic, avoiding calling it his own , manifested itself as.. A pair of wings. 
Which shocks Tecna, she proceeds to explain that he should be proud of that. Not a lot of men end up with enough magical energy to become a fai- 
Helia caught her off. If he were to become… that, his grandfather would disown him entirely. He’s all the family he has left… Tecna asks why he thinks that to which he explains it’s because Saladin told him himself.
A long pause followed. Tecna then began explaining that her parents are much the same. Displaying emotions on Zenith is looked down upon, she was always looked down upon for any emotion she displayed that isn't rational.
When she and the others saved Bloom from Darkar, instead of being happy for her. They told her that if she ever pulled a stunt like that again then she can forget coming back home at all. 
“I didn't listen to them. When the Omega portal was going out of control i didnt think about them. I thought about the people who mattered most to me. My true family. The people who brought out the best in me and made me happy.” She then encourages him to let himself feel what he’s feeling. The people who matter the most will stay and support him just like he’s supported them. 
This brings Helia to tears and he hugs Tecna. Right at that moment that woman’s bug landed on his neck and bit him. A sudden rush of pain coursed through his body. He then collapsed, Tecna quickly began rushing him to everyone else.
Scene 5 
Bartleby get’s Bloom with her full title and then asks for what information she is here to seek, to which she answers that she wants information on her parents. As he opens the book to their chapter we get a ton of pictures of them growing up and eventually a picture of baby Bloom and Daphne which only served to make Flora squeal.  
“Bartleby ….. What does the last page of their destiny say ?...” Bloom asked, uncertain and kind of scared of the answer. Only for the last page of their destinies to be blank. He goes on to explain that it simply means that it’s not been written yet. In other words, they're alive. Flora then asked if they could see Bloom’s chapter, to which Timmy added that if Bloom’s destiny is to save her parents then that book can show them how to find them. Que cute friendship moment between Timmy and Flora.
Bartleby scrolls through Bloom’s section, to its most recent chapter. The ink begins shifting and changing. “Your destiny is actually part of an old Domino legend, princess Bloom.” 
“In the heart of all evil, a kingdom trapped within obsidian stone and rock will be seeked by the last air to the throne. A brave spirit will be required to vanquish the everlasting darkness. And what was lost, will be again as the seven of pure light shine bright against the dark.”
As Bloom tries to touch the page, the ink tries emerging to attack her but fails and returns to the book.
“Ughh …. Not to interrupt but Bartleby? You’re fading like cheap fabric.” Stella commented.
“I must apologize but time is of the essence” , Bloom begs him to stay , and she asks him what the last page of her book says, to which he once again shows that it’s blank. It 'll be up to her to decide how this tale ends. And he dissipates back into the book. Tecna rushes in with Helia, Flora gasps in horror as she sees him unconscious. Bloom made everyone back away from him and began using her healing powers on him. 
It didn't work. Which only made everyone panic. Tecna said that they should get him to Alfea, maybe Faragonda could help, Which gets the full attention of that woman. A grin forms on her face.
End of the episode.
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cuttoncandyhair · 1 month
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I have always wondered why there is next to no fanart of the gowns that appear in Secret of the Lost Kingdom. And while drawing them I realized the s3 gowns where in this movie, too. So I figured we could play a game where we compare the dresses and choose a favorite.
Fourth: Stella~ I was actually surprised how obvious this one turned out for me. I love Stella in yellow and I was never the biggest fan of the season 3 dress. However, I must say, the season 3 dress wins by a landslide. It is just subjectively the better design. (Imo)
I originally had ended this dress comparison with Tecna. I didn't think I would continue this series. Well, I did. Just in a different art style (bc I can't keep one art style for the life of me). Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
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acutemushroom · 7 months
One thing that I absolutely adore about the first Winx movie is how the writers had three seasons to establish the world, the characters, their motivations, hardships and goals and it shows ! Because that movie is honestly pure spectacle and very generous with the fighting scenes. They didn't have to set everything up and explain everything that was going on. Their audience already knew. So they could go all-in.
Also, is it just me or does the animations still holds up really well ? I mean, apart from Riven's hair that...certainly is something. Like, the textures feel so real. I swear during Flora's transformation sequence I feel like I can touch those vines that forms her gloves. The textures are so crispy in the good way.
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nostalgia-babi · 1 year
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☆ winx movie posters
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