#Wished You Were Dead
Webtoon screenshots out of context: part 4
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elmaxlys · 2 years
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The true aro mood
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preetrambles · 8 months
i love when authors put so much care and time into showing how a person genuinely heals instead of fast pacing it to the good stuff, I LOVE A CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, I LOVE SLOW BURN, I LOVE INNER MONOLOGUES, I LOVE CONFUSED FEELINGS, I LOVE CONFESSIONS WHILE CRYING, SIGN ME UP
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Mr Brenton is the father of the main character Emma/Emmeline
Abused, beat up, yelled at, assaulted (physically and, implied, sexually), etc, his own daughter while drunk. Then revealed that he was only pretending to be drunk so she would think he was out of his mind when he was doing it and would become normal again once sober, and wouldn't denounce him (which worked for months until the reveal). Heavily implied he had only kept her (vs abandonning her to die in the streets) because she looked a lot like her mother and he wanted to sleep with her when she was older.
Duke Delluah is the father of main character Rue
After he lost his wife and daughter in an accident, he brought in an illegitimate daughter and put a spell on her head so she couldn't 1) tell anyone she wasn't his real daughter 2) tell anyone how badly he had abused her 3) tell anyone he was holding her mother a hostage to pressure her into doing his bidding. Then he married her off to the emperor, who he hated, as a way to keep an eye on the emperor. She cannot because of magic tell the emperor she's still being abused or that she's not who he thinks she is, or, or... etc. He then blackmails her with her mom's health and safety to make her get pregnant, giving her "aphrodisiac" potions to give to the king which were actually poison. He double crossed her at every turn, making sure the emperor had no trust whatsoever in her ("sorry i can't go to my father's place he told me no" "oh yeah haha idk why she doesn't want to see me but i def told her she could" kind of way). He set her up to make it look like she was a traitor so she emperor would just kill her so the duke would have a reason to attack back. When the emperor didn't (not that he didn't want to) the duke sent assassins to kill Rue himself! AND THAT'S NOT ALL!
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webtoon-brackets · 9 months
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tempest-talks · 11 months
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bukubook · 8 months
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Wished You Were Dead, Ch. 119.
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crepus · 2 years
I believe in redemption arcs but I also believe in Karloi Croitan crying and begging on his knees for Rue's forgiveness
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webtoon-thoughts · 1 year
Webtoon Recommendations
Number #1: UnOrdinary
This is one of my firsts and favorites, I absolutely ADORE it
Summary from Webtoons: Nobody paid much attention to John – just a normal teenager at a high school where the social elite happen to possess unthinkable powers and abilities. But John’s got a secret past that threatens to bring down the school’s whole social order – and much more. Fulfilling his destiny won’t be easy though, because there are battles, frenemies and deadly conspiracies around every corner.
Why I love it: The plot is compelling and John is extremely relatable, especially at his worst. Well, all the characters are all relatable in different aspects and also flawed. The story can be used as a parallel to our world and it also involves rebelling against the government + vigilantism. The story involves loss, the feeling of being powerless, friendship, enemies, regret, and it’s all put out beautifully.
BONUS/FAVORITE: The story easily could have gone terrible or become extremely controversial since it involves a world where everyone has special abilities, all at varying levels of power. Which once again, can be seen as a parallel to our world. And when you have a parallel to the real world, things can get heated fast.
Number #2: My Reason To Die
Like the misunderstood bad-boy trope? Like extreme emotions? Well this is perfect for you!
Summary from Webtoons: Ji-o’s luck runs out when she gets injured before the tryouts for the national taekwondo team. In the middle of facing what seems to be the biggest crisis of her life, she meets Gyeol, a mysterious boy who changes her life forever. He’s the definition of a bad boy with a good heart, and she finds herself unable to resist his charms. However, she might be playing with fire as he’s someone who’s involved with the wrong crowd. Is falling for Gyeol worth the risk?
Why I love it: Now this webtoon is beautiful. We see a blooming romance full of uncertainty and doubt, but then when Gyeol saves Ji-o it manages to break your heart and put it back together at the same time
Bonus/Favorite: Well I’m a sucker for romance and bad boys…buttt I also adore when there’s uncertainty and it seems like they won’t make it. Also I love sad things, and this is a great balance of the two.
Number #3: Death : Rescheduled
Like a story with attractive characters trying to change the world, all with sad backstories? Well you’re in luck! Snailords has blessed us with their gorgeous art and storylines. Also there’s our lovely Emai, who just loves violence.
Summary from Webtoons: Yes, you get one kill a year. But you can also get murdered for any reason, at all! In one district, sex and romance are also illegal. Kissed someone? Dead. Made coffee with the wrong amount of sugar? Extra dead. I’m done. We’re fixing this.
Why I love it: Well who doesn’t love a good dystopia? The art is beautiful and the characters have compelling personalities which are all unique. And now another sentence on how incredible each characters individual personality is ( clap here ).
Bonus/ Favorite: Honestly I admire and adore Snailords to the end of the world. Anything snailords related, I’d die for. Leading to our next webtoon…
Number #4: Freaking Romance
Oh Freaking Romance my beloved… My live, laugh, love, and life. This was probably the webtoon that impacted me the most. It’s supernatural, cute, romance, and has its melancholy parts.
Summary from Webtoons: A sexy supernatural story about being out on your own, finding your dream apartment and discovering that your new place is haunted by a handsome spectral stranger from another dimension. Sure, HE can’t see you and YOU can’t touch him, but who said every relationship starts out perfectly?
Why I love it: Can I look at the words romance or freaking without thinking of this webtoon? Nope. This webtoon is so touching and absolutely beautiful. You can practically feel the emotions as if they are your own. And once again, another sentence of admiration about Snailords. (Please someone fill the freaking romance shaped hole in my heart…)
Bonus/Favorite: This webtoon also holds a special place in my heart from nostalgia, too. I started reading at the start of my Webtoons obsession, and never ever forgot it. This will never change. Feel free to send me the physical copy of it. (Wait don’t find my address)
Number #5: Wished you were dead
Well we can’t have pure romance! Also this webtoon currently is my life, ever since a friend recommended it.
Summary from Webtoons: King Karloi of Croisen finds himself at odds with his position in life. His wife’s father, Duke Deluah, is angling for the throne, and as an outsider to the family, Karloi fears for his position. His frustrations have affected his marriage, though he finds himself questioning his cold approach to his wife, Evonne. He may no longer recognize her, but Evonne saved his life long ago, and was his first love. This is but one of many secrets Evonne bears the weight of, having fallen victim to a curse that prevents her from telling any secrets...
why I love it: before you ask, this is hopefully not going to end in romance. I am an avid Karloi hater, and I’ll stay that way. Also, the art is stunning. With the art and storyline, you’ll find yourself screaming, crying, hitting the floor, etc. This Webtoon is incredibly put together, seeing how every moment will pull your heart in a new way. You’ll feel anger, sympathy, excitement, and everything I haven’t felt without Webtoons. The story also includes royalty and all that good stuff, which I adore.
Favorite/Bonus: Well this is a heart-wrenching story. And the regret in Karloi’s eyes will continue to be the fuel which pushes me everyday.
Number #6 (FINAL): Your Throne
And welcome to another one of my obsessions. Medea is quite literally life goals.
Summary from Webtoons: Tensions are brewing under the seemingly calm surface of the Vasilios Empire, a kingdom ruled by the Imperial Family and the Temple. Lady Medea Solon has lost her place next to Crown Prince Eros, but resolves to do whatever it will take to win back what's rightfully hers. Will she reclaim her throne?
Why I love it: in the beginning, we see a fight between Medea and Psyche, but they turn out to be great friends. the art is gorgeous, and the characters all are flawed in the most beautiful ways. Psyche and Medea balance each other out and make a great team, which I’m happy about. (They don’t need no men, just date each other) And Medea is ALWAYS PLOTTING. This Webtoon increases my IQ exponentially.
Bonus/Favorite: I feel like Medea plays the role of the necessary villain when she does questionable things for everyone’s sake. Without these, so many plans would have failed. You can’t expect to win without sacrifice, and this Webtoon shows that well.
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Webtoon screenshots out of context: part 3
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orangejuice707 · 2 years
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lithi · 2 years
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Finally you fucking idiot
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calmyourstorms · 2 years
Wished You Were Dead rant ahead:
Oh my GOSH I am going to LOSE IT. Tell me readers, how is Karloi supposed to know that his wife is the girl he met YEARS AGO??? You guys are telling me that you as an adult would recognize someone you met and interacted with for only a short period of time when you were like 12??? Heck NAH, I'm calling BS on that. And on top of that, according to all Karloi's informants, Rue is dead, she has been verified as dead, and they say there's NO WAY she could be alive. How the heck then is Karloi supposed to be like "oh my gosh Evonne is totally Rue even tho there's absolutely no reason i should guess that"?? He literally does not know half of what us readers know about Rue's situation.
I do love Rue. But you have to understand that tho it's not her fault (to a degree), she lies and follows the Duke's orders (tho not always). She hardly gives Karloi a reason to trust her besides saying "just trust me". Like we readers only know Karloi should trust Evonne BECAUSE WE KNOW SHE IS RUE. IT WOULD BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT IF WE DID NOT HAVE HER SIDE OF THE STORY.
I am not saying you have to like Karloi, nor am I saying he doesn't have flaws, but I am BEGGING YOU to take a second to consider the delicacy and complexity of his situation, because HE'S ABOUT AS REALISTIC AS YOU COULD BE FOR ANYONE PUT IN HIS SITUATION!!! Appreciate the work that the author has done in creating such a nuanced character!!! Reducing the story down to "Evonne is perfect, Karloi is bad and stupid" really does the story and it's characters a disservice (not to mention weirdly absolves the Duke of his role as the main orchestrator and perpetrator of all this trauma, bloodshed, and backstabbing).
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Hans is the father of the female lead, Rue
After he lost his wife and daughter in an accident, he brought in an illegitimate daughter and put a spell on her head so she couldn't 1) tell anyone she wasn't his real daughter 2) tell anyone how badly he had abused her 3) tell anyone he was holding her mother a hostage to pressure her into doing his bidding. Then he married her off to the emperor, who he hated, as a way to keep an eye on the emperor. She cannot because of magic tell the emperor she's still being abused or that she's not who he thinks she is, or, or... etc. He then blackmails her with her mom's health and safety to make her get pregnant, giving her "aphrodisiac" potions to give to the king which were actually poison. He double crossed her at every turn, making sure the emperor had no trust whatsoever in her ("sorry i can't go to my father's place he told me no" "oh yeah haha idk why she doesn't want to see me but i def told her she could" kind of way). He set her up to make it look like she was a traitor so she emperor would just kill her so the duke would have a reason to attack back. When the emperor didn't (not that he didn't want to) the duke sent assassins to kill Rue himself! AND THAT'S NOT ALL!
Jeonghui Shin is the mother of the main villain and of a minor antagonist, but saying more is spoilers for the few most recent chapters (I personnally would have put the names but the submitter didn't put the names because of spoilers so here you go)
she fed her daughter human flesh for years before ditching her, remaking her life with someone, apparently enabling her abusive husband in torturing the son, and then ended in a psych ward but that's not part of the awful things she did, however once in the psych ward she gave her medicine to her son who was outside and had the same condition she had because she didn't want him to have the stigma or whatever when actually he NEEDED a drugs-and-psychological help mix.
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webtoonscreenshots · 2 years
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Wished You Were Dead, by Seocheong and Aran
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