#surviving a fantasy adventure comic
Out of context webtoon screenshots gooo
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Aptly named Hero despite being (supposedly) the bad guy of the comic he got isekaied in. He's constantly at odds with the author for making it difficult for him not to get erased from the story by setting impossibly high tasks. He gets together a rag-tag crew of misfits to help him, and doesn't even realize he's the narrative foil of the hero.
Okay so Ijin Yu was A KID when he got like taken to this camp. He was really injured but still kept up with the horrible program they put them in despite being a kid and adults dying. Then, he rose through the ranks and became #1 and in charge and stuff, so he was the best in like a group of people who are like trained assassins. Then, he escapes and becomes a mercenary for a couple of years at 17 and fights so many people and saves so many people. I also have never seen him get beat in a fight because its mainly about him fitting in to normal schools after he stops being a mercenary and finds his family. SO YEAH!
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reveristmikoto · 6 months
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i love their relationship so much… (+hakka breaking the 4th wall made me chuckle)
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 7 months
The premise of Surviving a Fantasy Adventure Comic is ironically so far into my wheelhouse that in spite of how much I want to love it I find that it consistently just infuriates me.
Like. I know that people took Sword Art Online to task for its game design. How even before the "playing the game kills you" part of the story kicked off they couldn't believe that a game this shitty would be The Big Thing.
I look at Surviving a Fantasy Adventure Comic and I'm just like, That's Not How Writing Works. Not even the sense of "no, it doesn't include a magical shop where characters can purchase extra screen time or attention-seeking traits," but more fundamentally...
I think what pisses me off so badly is that it treats the creative process as Not Creative.
It's also so busy propping up tropes for its humor that the core story - the narrative around which the metanarrative of "guy trying to survive being in the story" exists - can't be a good story. It kind of has to be hacky schlock. But...does it, though? I really don't think it does. I think if you had a metanarrative and people were telling you that the story your meta was built around was a good story and they don't know why you didn't just tell that story, that'd be a damn fine problem to have.
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A Forest Trip - Page 13
The Brothers, after entering the Temple Palace, discovers that their Father is possessed by the Evil Power
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templarpt1993 · 2 years
Salva-nos (Save us) Remaster by Templarpt1993
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bailey-dreamfoot · 9 months
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Ok so, wee explanation + headcannons under the cut.
Ok so assuming you've stuck around for my insane ramblings, heres the gist:
This comic is very much inspired by Factual Fantasy's Comics about Marsh, Natquick, and Calico Jack. And while my personal head cannon does share in the idea of the group working together- I thought it would be hilariously fun to include Inkling, and tbh it focuses more on him than the others anyway.
In the show, inkling doesn't really get out much. There are really only a few episodes where he has a significant role, and even less when he actually participates in missions outside of *insert knowledgeable insight*.
I believe this is for 2 reasons:
He just prefers the comfortable vibe of his library. The book-worm role fits his personality well - enjoying studying or cataloging species alongside Shellington - and he likes spending time with the Vegimals.
His Mobility issues. While he can very easily traverse the watery environments in the base show- in a&b, he doesn't really show much interest in exploring the land until he's told an old friend was the one in need of help. He has the ability, its just difficult- and he knows his limitations.
Inkling has his hover chair, that allows him to move around the octopod relatively easily. However - in the Min episode - they make it a point that he cant take it with him on land, or use it over rough terrain.
My version of Inkling uses an actual wheelchair, so I thought it'd be a neat idea that after that adventure- he'd want to try joining missions more often. And to deal with said mobility issues and limitations- say they got specialized tires for his wheelchair- so he could go join up on land missions more often.
After going on a few more missions with the other Octonauts, he hears about Octoagents Calico Jack, and Professor Natquick joining up with Ranger Marsh to help out in the Everglades- you best bet he jumped at the opportunity to tag along. Think of all the species he could ad to his personal catalogue. They might even discover a few new ones! Leaving the Octopod for so long after being basically the one constant to the place was a bit scary sure - and the other Octonauts were certainly emotional ab him leaving (especially Barnacles) - but maybe a change of scenery would do him good.
Sooo He does that! Professor Inkling meets up with the others on a dock near Marsh's Ranger station and get to work! One of the coolest things they did was collecting egg samples and catching an adult specimen of a newly discovered trapdoor spider! the Pine Rockland Trapdoor. Marsh Has a nursery where he cares for tons of snakes, lizards, insects and birds to make sure they have the best chance for survival. Thats where these eggs are going- to hatch in safety and then be released back into the ecosystem. On top of that, they take samples of the adults venom for study, and inkling is sure to make a detailed report of the arachnid in his many journals brought along with him!
As you may expect, Kwazzi takes after his grandad in his fear of spiders. Jack has seen worse, but It doesnt make it any easier to be close to them. Natquick on the other hand- In all his time in the arctic hes never seen anything as freaky as a spider bigger than a quarter.
Aaand that's it! I'm hoping to do some more comics with the lads in the future, although probably not as detailed as this one. It took more than 2 weeks- please.
Also, I find it kinda goofy that the panels get more detailed as you go along. Thats what happens when the first and last panel were made almost a month apart from each other. 💚
Also also- yes I did do actual research for the animals in the last comic. It was going to be a funnel web spider they're researching, but then I looked it up and found out Funnelwebs don't live in the Everglades. :']
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waitingforthet · 1 year
I figured I should do a list of all the comics I do, with each description being a link that’ll take you back to the starting point:
They Were Roommates, a comic about a guy sharing a dorm room with a dragon and they definitely don’t have sex.
The Summoner, a vaguely fantasy themed comic about a stoner who accidentally discovers how to summon monsters. Lot of boy-meets-monster stuff.
Bosom Bloodies, a comic about two human guys who move into an all vampire apartment building and have to pretend to be vampires in order to survive
Unfinned, in which a merman meets a businessman
The Further Adventures of Astro Astrolovich, Space Guy: a sci-fi comic about a space guy in space
Dudehawke: like 2005’s Bewitched only with Ladyhawke and threesomes
If You Wanna Be My Lover, You Gotta Get With My Friends: a comic that’s definitely not just a riff on Scott Pilgrim.
SMALL TOWN CHRISTMAS MOVIE: a small town Christmas movie but gay
The Giant Jerk-Off-er-er's Apprentice: a man who jerks off giants professionally hires an apprentice.
Classy Lads: the adventures of a group of fantasy adventurers who split up after their leaders get gay divorced
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inbarfink · 1 year
The deaths of all the Finch kids are really so unbearably tragic. It really speaks to the quality of the writing and storytelling in ‘What Remains’. They’re written as so vivid and human and real, but also so many of them died so young. They were children, it’s so much harder for me to do the whole ‘well, let’s appreciate the life they did have’ thing when the majority of them didn’t even have a chance to become the people they could have become. And yet the image of who they could’ve been if they survived is so vivid in my mind. 
Edith had that line about how she always imagined Molly as a girl she could be good friends with. Obviously if she didn’t die back in 1947 they wouldn’t really be at the same age group, but she’d be one hell of a Cool Aunt. I can only imagine her Weird Girl tendencies would’ve only grown stronger and stronger with age. Considering her fascination with animals, maybe she would’ve gone to study Zoology or Biology when she grew older? And since she was dissecting a sea star just before her canon death…
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Sadly, I’m not sure if Barbara would’ve been able to resurrect her acting career. But there’s some subtle hints in her room that in reality she was more willing to move past it compared to her fictionalized version in that horror comic (which can’t be easy when you live in a room your dad themed entirely around your child-star years THANKS SVEN). That ‘horror convention’ seems to be an invention of the comic, Barbara’s actual room has a flier for a ‘Witch’s Ball’ at Orcas Island High School and a dress ready for it. 
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Barbara Finch didn’t actually spend her last day on earth hopelessly trying to revive her dead career, she was hoping to have a fun Halloween party like a regular teenager. Maybe the fact that it was hosted by the Orcas Island High School Drama Club implies she still had an interest in acting and theatre. Maybe she could’ve ended up as a classically trained actress with the child-stardom as just a fun quirk of her past? Or maybe she just wanted to take part in the Witches Ball because she likes Spooky Things? And she could have found her way back into the Horror Scene in a different way, like being a writer or costume designer or something?
Maybe Calvin could’ve become an Astronaut like he always wanted? But I think Calvin might’ve been more enthralled with the fantasy of science fiction than the reality of space travel. I’m thinking a lot about how Sam described Clavin in Gregory’s memoriam as ‘lost in his imagination’. Maybe he could’ve become a science fiction writer or something?
Walter didn’t technically die young, but he still certainly lost most of his years to the Curse. Like, a big thing about the tragedy of Walter to me is realizing his original childhood bedroom was themed after “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and trains. 
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Lil’ Walter did have an interest in adventure and travel, before his fears took it all away from him. If it wasn’t for the Curse, Walter could’ve actually something with it. Maybe he could’ve traveled around a bit and written about his experiences.
Lewis would’ve probably gone into game design. It’s not just how his fantasies manifest to us the players, but you can actually find books about game design and coding in his room. It seems that the problem was that his crappy job and his depression took away any opportunity he might have had to actually pursue this idea. Maybe if Milton never left, these three Finch siblings could’ve combined their creative skills together to make like, a very cool artsy game.
Speaking of which… man, Edith’s death stings the most because we got to know her far better than anyone else. And it’s not even the fact that she never got to share her all of her thoughts and creativity with the wider world that makes me the saddest. Getting to the end of the game and hearing just how much she was looking forwards to be with her son - even with all the hardships of being a teen mom, she was really looking forwards to it. To meet him, to share her stories with him. But instead, that worn old diary is the only connection between them...
And that’s like… part of what’s so great about WRoEF’s use of its own format. Like, the faux-interactive linearity of the Narrative Exploration/‘Walking Simulator’ is so perfect for selling this tragedy. The way each Death Flashback only moves forwards based on the actions of the Player, but it always moves on the same unchanging doomed path - really highlights both how stupidly preventable so many of these deaths feel and really make the Player wish there was a way to change them. After all, all they need is for Calvin to not swing so hard, for Gregory’s faucet to not turn back on, for Walter to not stand directly on those train tracks and everything would’ve been fine. But at the same time it’s so, so clear to the Player that this is an impossible wish. There is no other way these sequences can go - these deaths have already been written. The most you can you is linger, all you can do is delay the inevitable. 
But it hurts.
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yurimother · 10 months
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~Created by Chamsae, Illustrated by Bansook~ Read on Lezhin
Mage & Demon Queen
• Fantasy • Romance • Comedy • Love at First Sight • Enemies to Lovers
Human adventurers seek to challenge the Demon Tower, and whoever can ascend to the top floor and defeat and kill the Demon Queen Velverosa will gain fame and fortune and a rich reward from the kingdom. A particular thorn in the Demon Queen's side is Malori, a powerful young mage that has repeatedly reached the top, not to kill her, but to win her hand in marriage.
~Created by Color_Les~ Read on Webtoon
Maid in Heaven
• Mystery • Horror • Tragedy • Supernatural • Weak Yuri
An orphan, Sherl Watson, leaves her job in London to work at the Taylor Mansion. Rumorsand a cloud of mystery surrounds the mansion as strange occurences keep popping up. Will Sherl and the other maids be able to get out alive or were they all doomed to begin with?
~Created by Seone~ Read on Pocket Comics
Maison de Maid
• Historical • Comedy • Slice of Life • Master/Servant
The lively yet clumsy new maid June does nothing right except cause trouble and yet, instead of berating June, the young and gracious madam forgives her and shows favoritism among the maids. Both have admiration and affection for one another, but will it turn into something more? 2nd Lezhin Comics World Comic Contest Second Prize Winner.
~Created by Monnyang and Tarang~ Read on Lezhin
Master of the Fox Bead
• Supernatural • Action • Slice of Life • Horror
Human adventurers seek to challenge the Demon Tower, and whoever can ascend to the top floor and defeat and kill the Demon Queen Velverosa will gain fame and fortune and a rich reward from the kingdom. A particular thorn in the Demon Queen's side is Malori, a powerful young mage that has repeatedly reached the top, not to kill her, but to win her hand in marriage.
~Created by Gyaga~ Read on Tapas
• Romance • Drama
Cool and quirky runway model Simone and her witty lawyer lover Marissa were spotted KISSING on the street! Not only that, the photo is all over the internet and people will NOT stop talking about it!! Now their families, employers, and even the public are pressuring them to call it quits on their relationship. But despite their struggle to gain acceptance, Simone and Marissa are set on showing everyone that love is like a well-mixed drink; the sweeter the taste, the harder it is to put down.
~Created by noftB~ Read on Tapas
• Fantasy • Romance • Supernatural • Drama
On the full moon of her 21st year, the young witch, Camille Severin, is expected to perform the traditional ritual to summon forth a winged demon for her families success and prosperity. But when the ritual goes wrong, it reveals the terrifying truths about herself and the secrets that threaten to tear her family apart.
~Created by Miranda Mundt~ Read on Webtoon
My Darling is the Cutest (She is Also Cute Today)
• School • Romance • Drama • Friends to Lovers
As the top freshman at Brilliant Minds High, Sadie Cang is surrounded by students who admire her brilliance, yet she lacks a single real friend. Fellow student Lex Qi has long since accepted her own hopeless, "dead last" title, along with everyone’s aversion to her seemingly contagious tendency to fail. Although they were both prepared to go through high school in these lonely roles, a silly rumor forced them together. Will an imperfect pairing form the perfect bond they never knew they wanted?
~Created by Guo Site~ Read on Tapas, Pocket Comics, Comikey, INKR Comics, and Webcomics
My Food Looks Very Cute
• Romance • Drama • Slice of Life
Twenty-one year old Yuna is tired of having guys hit on her all the time. As popular as she is, she’s been single her whole life. Just when she decided to make herself a boyfriend to fend off guys, she meets a handsome guy who looks good enough to her boyfriend. But wait, that guy is actually a girl! In fact, rumors say that Min is a lesbian. Nonetheless, the two decide to pretned to be in a romantic relationship.
~Created by Radish, Black Box L, and Lily Club, Illustrated by Radish~ Read on Bilibili Comics
My Princess Charming
• Slice of Life • Fantasy
A vampire that has been asleep for almost two hundred years, Maria, has been awakened by a wolf girl passing by, Xing Lan. When the casket was opened, a curse fell upon Xing Lan. Instead of being scared, the naïve Xing Lan instead believes she has found an amazing companion, and the two embark on a journey to the city. The story begins like this.
~Created by Teunteun~ Read on Pocket Comics
The Nightingale and the Rose
• Isekai • Fantasy • Drama
Streamer Bai Xinxin transmigrated into the thriller game “The Nightingale and the Rose” as the prince’s daughter, Bai Yueguang. In this game, everyone wants to kill the female protagonist. Only Lan Sha, the character the player controls, can protect her. To survive in “a world full of bitter yanderes” and “political opponents who want to stop the marriage,” Bai Yueguang has to figure out how to win against her enemies while keeping herself and Lan Sha Alive. However, this “Lan Sha” seems to be a little…?!
~Created by Lily Club, Written by Long You Xiao, Illustrated by Wangyuanlian~ Read on Bilibili Comics
Night Owls & Summer Skies
• Romance • Enemies to Lovers
Despite her tough exterior, seventeen year-old Emma Lane has never been the outdoorsy type. So when her mother unceremoniously dumps her at Camp Mapplewood for the summer, she’s determined to get kicked out fast. However, when she draws the attention of Vivian Black, a mysterious and gorgeous assistant counselor, she discovers that there may be more to this camp than mean girls and mosquitos. There might even be love.
~Created by Rebecca Sullivan, Illustrated by TIKKLIL~ Read on Webtoon
Not So Shoujo Love Story
• School • Comedy • Romance• Slow Burn
Romance-super-fan Rei Chan is ready for her first boyfriend and she knows just who it'll be: the most handsome boy in school, Hansum Ochinchin. But her plans for the perfect love story are derailed when the most popular girl in class declares herself a rival....for Rei's heart?! This is the year her not so shoujo love story begins!
~Created by Curryuku~ Read on Webtoon
Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess
• Isekai • Fantasy • Comedy • Romance
I, Yvonne, reincarnated into an otome game as the evil noble. Based on all other villainesses ever written, a character like me, hated by every reader, should obviously be focusing on bullying the villainess, leading her into the various romance routes. However, something’s wrong with the female protagonist, Elsa! I-I’ve told you that you’re too close to me. Don’t come any further! Elsa: “Yvonne, Yvonne~ How will you bully me today?”
~Created by Chise and  Ci Wei Mao, Magical Deities Studios, and Lustrous Night, Illustrated by Break S~ Read on Bilibili Comics
• Shakaijin • Romance • Drama • 18+
Mel, a renowned heart surgeon, lives a carefree life with sex being a tool for joy rather than a show of affection. Then she meets someone that turns her view of love and life upside down. This story is about two people that meet with minimal expectations but soon become enthralled in a relationship that changes everything about themselves. 2nd Lezhin Comics World Comic Contest Winner.
~Created by Ratana Satis~ Read on Lezhin Graphic Novel Published by Seven Seas Entertainment
• Drama • Romance
Hell yeah! A major publisher wants Mai Sohn to write a webcomic on relationships. But she’s struck with heartbreak as her girlfriend abruptly dumps her. It’s hard writing about relationships without being in one, so she needs to find the inspiration for love — and find it fast. And what’s up with her possibly homophobic neighbor? Why is she cool with Mai one minute and then so awkward and weird to her the next?! Can’t a girl catch a break?
~Created by letINK~ Read on Tapas
Relationship Guidelines
• Romance • Slice of Life • Friends to Lovers
Hell yeah! A major publisher wants Mai Sohn to write a webcomic on relationships. But she’s struck with heartbreak as her girlfriend abruptly dumps her. It’s hard writing about relationships without being in one, so she needs to find the inspiration for love — and find it fast. And what’s up with her possibly homophobic neighbor? Why is she cool with Mai one minute and then so awkward and weird to her the next?! Can’t a girl catch a break?
~Created by EPUM~ Read on Tapas
Ring my Bell
• Comedy • Romance • Slice of Life
Hell yeah! A major publisher wants Mai Sohn to write a webcomic on relationships. But she’s struck with heartbreak as her girlfriend abruptly dumps her. It’s hard writing about relationships without being in one, so she needs to find the inspiration for love — and find it fast. And what’s up with her possibly homophobic neighbor? Why is she cool with Mai one minute and then so awkward and weird to her the next?! Can’t a girl catch a break?
~Created by Yeongol~ Read on Tapas
Seeing Xinghuo Again
• Supernatural • Romance • Slow Burn • Drama
Through an old camera in the club's storage room, Gu An saw something that should not exist. She was a shooting star from three years ago named "Xinghuo." Why do you stay in the night sky? Why am I the only one who can see you? Gu An, who usually follows the crowd, wants to investigate and take the initiative for the first time in her life. As an observer and "the most important friend," Gu An and Xinghuo set on a journey to find the former club members and fulfill their dreams from three years ago. "It's... been exposed." "But, I'm really happy. Thank you, Gu An."
~Created by Spicy Cat Comics, Written by Wan Dian, Illustrated by Chun Bu Jian~ Read on Bilibili Comics
Seven Days in Silverglen
• Fantasy • Romance
Tess is a professional working gorgon - she's responsible, organised, and keeps her snakes discreetly in place. So she would never act on her feelings for a coworker, no matter how cute she is. But when her crush asks for a favour Tess finds she can't possibly say no, and her carefully constructed life spirals in the worst (best?) way.
~Created by Ari North~ Read on Webtoon
She’s a Keeper
• Drama • Romance • Action
The rate of kidnapping in Phili has been going crazy. Clara del Samson happens to be a daughter of a multi-millionaire businessman. Meanwhile, the Keeper Corp is best known for their “Keepers” who are experts at protecting elites; one of them is Keeper Elle- who was hired to protect Clara.
~Created by Darunni~ Read on Tapas, Webcomic, and Webtoon
Shine on You
• Romance • Drama
Four years ago, Joe came out as a female writer from her pen name Jeffery Collins. Amid many denunciations, an amicable man named Liam approaches her. However, he turned out to be a notorious literary critic. Along with her father's disapproval as a writer, Joe became hostile and unable to trust anyone. That is until Anna Baker, a bright young art student, starts to change her.
~Created by Digby~ Read on Pocket Comics
Slightly Sour Secret
• Comedy • Romance • Friends to Lovers
Have you ever been confused about love? In the end what is "true love" like? Our female lead now is standing at a fork in the road. On one side, her close childhood friend is waiting for her reply. On the other side, there stands her college friend whom she cannot just let go. Where does this love triangle lead to?
~Created by Huang Shi Fan~ Read on Webcomics
Sora & Haena
• Comedy • School • Romance • Slow Burn
Have you ever been confused about love? In the end what is "true love" like? Our female lead now is standing at a fork in the road. On one side, her close childhood friend is waiting for her reply. On the other side, there stands her college friend whom she cannot just let go. Where does this love triangle lead to?
~Created by Jackbull~ Read on Tapas, Lezhin, and Pocket Comics
Soul Drifters
• Sci-fi • Action • 18+
The human race has finally developed beyond natural death. The immortality so many have dreamed of has finally come to fruition. Claire Clayton, employed by the Eternal Life Corporation, spearheads similar projects as a prestigious researcher. Her wife, Sheryl Goss, holds the top position in the very same company. A stable job and a loving partner – the perfect life. Unbeknownst to her, she is an important piece of a puzzle she herself needs to solve; one which will unveil the mystery of life force and memory transference and shed light on the events of her murky past.
~Created by Ratana Satis~ Read on Lezhin
Straight Girl Trap
• Shakaijin • Slice of Life • Romance
The regular office worker Zhan Ying, who is drama-queen at heart, recently encountered a question that made her face flush, heart pound, and become embarrassed at a complete loss. That is, she suddenly wondered if her cold queen boss Zhou Yuanyou, who is always taking care of her, has feelings for her?! Is it heartfelt, or is it just a straight trap? Zhan Ying didn't even have time to really think about it when she found herself already caught in the trap...
~Created by Jelly Without Ice and Lily Club, Illustrated by 42℃ Latte~ Read on Bilibili Comics
• Fantasy • Drama • Romance • Fated Lovers
Qi closed her eyes and fell asleep in the warm embrace of her girlfriend Yuanzi… only to wake up 10 years in the past! Now back in high school, Qi sees this as the chance to save the love of her life from becoming terminally ill. But little does she know that her teenage self is in her adult body, with no clue about the life she's built and the precious time she has left with Yuanzi. Throughout it all, with each other by their side, can their love conquer every obstacle, in any timeline?
~Created by Bing Ke Ran, Illustrated by Wenzhi LIzi~ Read on Tapas
Surprise! You’re Gay!
• Comedy • Romance
Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them.
~Created by laundromat&lawnmower~ Read on Webtoon
What Does the Fox Say?
• Shakaijin • Romance • Drama
As the newest hire of a game dev studio, beautiful Sungji draws all the attention of her coworkers — but it's her bossy and blunt team leader Sumin that intrigues her. Love is a whole new game for Sungji, and with company president Seju breaking (or was it laying?) down the rules, this new girl’s got her work cut out for her if she wants to win. Will she be able to give Sumin what she wants? Both the adult and all ages versions are available on TappyToon
~Created by Team Gaji~ Read on TappyToon
What Should I Do If I've Signed a Marriage Contract with the Elven Princess?
• Fantasy • Comedy • Slice of Life 
As the newest hire of a game dev studio, beautiful Sungji draws all the attention of her coworkers — but it's her bossy and blunt team leader Sumin that intrigues her. Love is a whole new game for Sungji, and with company president Seju breaking (or was it laying?) down the rules, this new girl’s got her work cut out for her if she wants to win. Will she be able to give Sumin what she wants?
~Created by Man Lin and Lily Club~ Read on Bilibili Comics
Would You? Could You?
• Drama • Romance • Slice of Life 
“Why didn't you accept my bouquet?” She asked, years later like it was the simplest thing. Chance brought Juna back into Yunseo's life but things were much more complicated now. They were no longer in college where the only obstacle between them were the truth yet spoken. Juna was married with a child, what could Yunseo do? As Saeha chases after Yunseo, Yunseo discovers even after all these years she'd still love Juna at the drop of a hat. The three women navigate through their feelings for another, each desperate and yearning for a chance to be accepted.
~Created by Manjogyeong, Illustrated by PP~ Read on Pocket Comics
Xian Chan Nu
• Historical • Supernatural • Adventure • Master/Servant
Liu Shiqing is a playful daughter born to a family of armed escorts. One time while sneaking out on another one of her adventures, she finds herself kidnapped by bandits. Moments before it all seemed to be over, Xian Chan Nu suddenly shows up and swoops her off her feet, saving her and stealing her heart. This is a story of humans and demons, masters and slaves; a tale of revenge and a tale of loyalty shall is only beginning to unfold.
~Created by Yy and Lily Club, Illustrated PIKAPI~ Read on Bilibili Comics
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hiveworks · 1 year
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June is winding down, but our recommendations are never ending. Now is also a great time to remind you that our creators are supported by ad rev. When you read these comics, be sure to white list their websites and support your favorite creators!⁠
Ghost Junk Sickness by @studiocartridge
Trigger Elliot is a bounty hunter who travels around the galaxy with his not-so-fully-licensed-and-technically-illegal-hunting-partner Vahn Gavotte. They're lousy at what they do and often resort to petty tactic just to get a bounty. This is their life. Their home planet, June 7, is a world rebuilding itself form an inexplicable catastrophic phenomenon that destroyed 75% of the planet's surface. It has been 5 years since the destruction of June 7 and the planet now thrives on the transient and growing population of bounty hunters. Trigger and Vahn's routine changes when an ambiguous huge bounty surfaces; an alleged bounty hunter killer named "the Ghost" with frightening abilities and an unknown motive. When Trigger's past catches up with him, there begins a strain on his and Vahn's hunting dynamic, forcing them to become further involved in chasing the elusive and unpredictable ghost. Ghost Junk Sickness is an action packed sci-fi LGBTQ+ comic created by CARTRIDGE.
Kochab by Sarah Webb
Kochab is a YA wlw fantasy comic about two girls lost in a pile of ruins under the woods, inspired by various myths and fairytales. A lost skier trying to survive a snowy wilderness and find her way back to her village stumbles across and awakens a fire spirit trying to fix the home that she’s let fall apart around her.
Shaderunners by Alex Assan & Lin Darrow
A thousand years ago, the last colour in the world faded to grey. Now, after the great archaeological discovery of Queen Sorizahana’s shade-stocked tomb, it stands ready to enter the world again. Ironwell City will become the birthplace of the burgeoning colour industry, where colour is pumped out of factories, poured into perfumed bottles and sold at exorbitant prices to those wealthy enough to afford the luxury. At least, that’s the plan according to the Five Financiers of the Sorizahana excavation. One part Prohibition fantasy, one part Robin Hood, and a whole lot of epic heist, Shaderunners follows a group of ragtag bootleggers and bohemians who band together in an effort to steal colour from the wealthy echelons of Ironwell’s high society. Among them: a philosopher, a puppeteer, a gutter rat, an opera singer, a naval officer and a hopeless romantic. Together, they run The Glass Dial, former watch shop and future night club, where all the house drinks run red. Speak easy, pal, ‘cause the road to ruin is paved with good intentions.
Augustine by @windywallflower
Augustine follows the adventure of August and her friends: Brick, Heti and Ande as they survive in the perilous region known as the Crater. You can call them all Trouble (with the capital T) as they wrack up bounties for their rowdiness, most especially from the local head honcho Tanto the Bull. During these escapades, however, the group stumbles into an ancient artifact, a possible piece of an old myth surrounding the Crater. This discovery soon leads them down a path of chaos, chased by bounty hunters and old forgotten gods. This comic uses aspects of Greek Mythology, and delves into concepts of ancient relics and the deities they represent and what it means to find your own family.
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cosmignon · 1 month
Happy Webcomic Day~
Runaway Drakaina is an all-ages fantasy adventure comic following Jane & Ellie, two best friends running away from home together!
In the spirit of sharing my behind the scenes process, here's a recent page from Chapter 6, and some of the steps I took to get there!
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Every page starts as thumbnails with rough draft dialogue that helps me remember where word balloons go. Sometimes dialogue gets dozens of iterations, othertimes it basically stays the same!
Background paintings are extremely important for defining the woodsy, fairytale atmosphere RD strives for, so I like focusing on them first!
Lineart & coloring for characters (and any major props) tends to happen side by side with the background work, but they're kept in seperate folders for my own sake.
Word balloons, likewise, are being tweaked and adjusted alongside the other steps, in their own folder. Once everything's in its right place I add any FX or special lighting that ties the page together!
Since I don't tend to directly record my comic work, this skips a lot of the minute details of my average comic workload, but it was fun to share what I could!
If this breakdown interested you, please consider reading Runaway Drakaina!
Please note! -- Runaway Drakaina is a story about child abuse/neglect. It also touches on themes of death and "two children trying to survive in the woods with limited resources". Proceed at your own pace! ❤️
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0l-unreliable · 20 days
Feel free to be as long-winded or short as you want with this; but can you explain Homestuck to me? I've tried many times to get into it, but it confuses me and I just want it in layman's terms please 🙏
So in the most boiled down, simplified, BASIC terms: Homestuck is a coming of age, saving the world story that gets interrupted by the narrative, the creator (Hussie self inserts so much he's basically a main side character that the characters can and do reference), timeline bullshit, and the introduction and subsequent abandonment of new plots/characters. Though it's technically a comic, the text alone could fill probably 3-5 novels. I'd also like to say I ONLY read the original comic and I only read it 2 1/2 times in the past 10 years
Ok that stuff out of the way here's as fatless as I can serve: John and co. (Dave, rose and jade) Decide to play a game called 'sburb', unknowingly triggering both the beginning of their adventure and the end of their world, while they navigate getting into the game (like, physically, since their planet is being pelted by meteors) we're introduced to some weird fuckin grey dudes (the trolls, unplanned and frankly maybe unwanted at the point by me at least) we find out they went through this same 'game-that-ends-the-world' scenario but with 12 different kids instead of four, which made the whole thing more complicated and dramatic (and here we're also introduced to the blood caste system aka the fantasy racism system, there are 11-12 different blood colors with candy red being the rarest and the lowest/worst). They make it into the game and are left to wait while they figure shit out and this is when they start communicating with John and co, since they're technically not in the same timeline as the humans they can jump around and pick any point to talk to them (ex: a troll can click a button and talk to a version of John already in the game then five seconds later click another button and talk to a John that has never even heard of the game). Unfortunately this is when the timeline/doomed reality shenanigans start. I will not be untangling all that, sorry. They figure out that they (the trolls +John and co) have to make a NEW universe out of a special frog and make plans to all meet. Dave and Rose have already managed to get to the same place the trolls are (a random meteor) but John and Jade still must travel to get to them, which will take 3-4 years (this was probably because at this point everyone has been 13 for the past 3 real human years and hussie wanted a time skip). I cannot stress the weight of the next statement enough: some bullshit happens. You meet 12 NEW trolls that are basically the ancestors to the trolls we know and love/hate. To me they don't super have a point, but this is also where we learn that every person who died and every version from a 'doomed timeline' who died is in fact alive as ghost in bubbles of space-time and can interact both with other dead versions of themselves and the alive versions of themselves when they pass through. Like I said. Some bullshit happens. Then..oh and then...we get shot both into the future, the past, and an alternative timeline. This time, it's with the ancestors/guardians of John and co. This is were Dirk and Jake are. (And Roxy and Jane ofc) At this point I believe hussie has majorly checked out. This new group of humans (the 'Alphas', named after their timeline) don't get much in terms of story compared to the others, but what we do see it that while Jake and Jane live in the good ol' current time of 2016, Dirk and Roxy live far far FAR into the future. A future where a tyrannical troll has conquered Earth and flooded it in an attempt to expand her watery empire. They are the last two people alive, made from the genetic remains of their timelines Dave and Rose. Their only hope of survival is the game, luckily they get in, unluckily Hussie has Checked Out. They are in a dead game and must wait to either be attacked by the big bad (of which there are at least three I'm sorry but mentioning their whole deal is....daunting. remember this is all still simple) and/or be pulled to the OG group of trolls and humans. Eventually everyone gathers up, Hussie retcons some shit through John, they fight all bazillion big bads at once and BAM. make a new universe in which all TWENTY of them are gods. The end.
This is as simple as I can make it based on how I understood it/what I remember. It's not called the worlds longest webcomic for nothing. If you made it this far and still think you may want to try again to read but don't want to spend a large chunk of your life reading a textual nightmare, there are videos on YouTube that read it for you that have gotten pretty far, I have left A LOT out.
HS is a super confusing, badly written, reference heavy peice of work. I think ultimately it's about how YOU interpret things and where you stop reading. It seems random, and it is, but Hussie manages to round most things out, there's a lot of characters that explain a lot of things very often. Sometimes you don't know What The Hell is Happening until 5 acts and 3 intermissions later. That's fine.
Thanks for letting me yap. Feel free to ask about more anytime either in dms or through asks.
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doodstormer · 1 month
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Arkin Blade is an action-fantasy comic that oozes its fighting game influences from every pore, there's plenty of down time between the fighting but it's the awesome fight choreography you're here for
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Ikon is a fascinating supernatural crime drama story set in a meticulously researched 90s Russia setting. Every panel is heavily detailed and there is a ton of craftsmanship in every little brush stroke that makes it a delight to read!
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If you are any kind of fantasy or tabletop RPGs enthusiast Adventure Club isn't just a recommendation it's practically required reading! Wonderful characters and a great cozy blend of humor and heart!
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Somewhere Far Beyond is a dark fantasy comic about a monster slayer that has not yet gotten very deep into its story but is already incredibly immersing. The markerwork alone makes it a blast to read!
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Upiór is a Polish supernatural fantasy story steeped in folklore and pagan myth, coupled with a lovely art style that really evokes its cultural origins and makes each page a feast for the eyes.
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Tales from Alderwood is a magical adventure story about a misfit mage and her journeys through the bureaucracy of wizardry and her encounters with the kinds of insane people that regard adventure as a profession
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Dead or Alive is a nice easy read about coping with death and trauma, told through the vehicle of a mysterious bandit and a card-counting cheat who set out on a journey across the great southwest. Hijinks ensue.
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Tower in the Sky is a nice little magically themed story about wizards in love and the immense pressure put upon them by their particular jobs that has made it difficult for them to cut loose.
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Arcane Frontier is a story set in a very unique post-apoc world that really is post apocalypse, featuring all sorts of strange and wonderful contraptions and creatures and a protagonist with anger management issues.
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Now Hiring is set in a world where space aliens have become an everyday part of society, though some, like Maks, struggle with trying to survive in that society and become easy targets for trouble…
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Beyond the Lantern Light is a really unique spin on the fantasy genre featuring an elderly adventurer who is coming to terms with a past failure and now has set out to try it all one more time.
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Silent Jean is a low-fantasy world where by a convenient doctrinal loophole nuns are allowed to wield weapons and work as monster-slaying detectives. The comic oozes with style and the stark inkwork and halftones really drive the tone home
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A Forest Trip - Page 11
The Brothers discover their power, and fill with confident and bravery
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