#Witch Katsuki Yuuri
weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 3
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Gene -
"Has a special interest in film and almost works himself to death because he doesn't think his film is as perfect as he wants it to be. He completely botches a project on purpose, an action blockbuster, because he felt like it wasn't respecting the thing he loves the most."
Kei -
"It was the scene in which Makoto and Nao discover that he was able to stuff so many wild plants into his bookbag bc there was literally nothing in it that sold it for me. I can't put it into words. I just see that and I know. I know that boy is autistic."
Arthur -
"His powers are literally fueled by his special interest in knights and chivalry."
Euini -
"I relate a lot to his social anxiety, especially his performance anxiety that occurs when he's being watched by people, particularly due to his stress at needing to follow the plan/do things the "proper" way in order to not feel like he's a failure. he also stands like a lil autistic kid and i appreciate him so much for that.
(LIGHT SPOILERS) basically, he has a test that he needs to take in order to advance as a witch, and he keeps failing it because he cant perform properly while being watched by other people, even though he knows the "right" spells to use and why he's supposed to use them. on his third attempt of the test, he's prepared a "script" to use so that he can follow it and not worry about failing in the moment (in this case, his script is a hand-written book of the proper spells to use and the order in which he's supposed to use them), but when a part of the exam changes, he's no longer able to follow his script. because he's been taught all his life that there's only one proper way of doing things, his way of thinking is very rigid and he's not able to deviate from his plan without panicking. luckily, one of his fellow examinees (richeh from the autistic anime girls poll 💕) is able to convince him to try and change the way that he does things to something that is more attuned to his personal needs- basically change the way that he casts his spells and which spells to use so that he doesn't need to struggle with doing things in the way that everyone says that he should; the way that he cant seem to manage. but, even before richeh helped him with that though, he was still finding way to modify the "proper" spells a little bit to better suit his weaknesses. he was trying so hard to fit in to the mold that witch society gave him, but it just wasnt right for him and he was making it work however he could."
Westar -
"something something Westar's entire character is an anomaly amongst the other denizens of Labyrinth in that he's a big goofball in a world where everything is dictated to the extreme by its ruler. if that's not an autism metaphor of some kind I don't know what is."
Sousuke -
"Sousuke Sagara is an ex-child soldier turned teenage special ops who has to go undercover at a high school to discreetly bodyguard another student. The only problem is that he has no IDEA how to act like a "normal" teenager. Sure, you can say that a lot of his mannerisms come from the whole "raised as a child soldier" thing which, fair, you could make a decent case for (C)PTSD. However, he's also extremely serious and has notorious flat affect and does not understand when other people are joking at all. He's incredibly literal; there's several scenes where he misinterprets what someone says, like the time he asked the art teacher what a model was supposed to do and got a rambling flowery metaphorical response about "becoming one with nature" so he ran off to hide in the woods. Another thing, his social skills are… lackluster at best. He's very blunt, and also a terrible liar for an undercover agent, when the student in question confronted him his strategy was to repeat the same phrase over and over again. One time he's challenged to see if he can pick up any girls, and after a brief misunderstanding his "improved" flirting tactic was to jump in front of them and say "Hi! Would you like to know the names of defense agency spies?" Speaking of, Sousuke has an obvious special interest in the military tech and giant robots he works with. He reads their magazines for fun and was able to rattle off the specs for a model Russian tank. The first time he actually looks happy is when he accidentally starts infodumping in front of the class while introducing himself. One time he got distracted on a mission (and need I remind you, Sousuke takes his job VERY seriously) because he found someone who was also interested in the giant robots and got into a full-on conversation with them and completely forgot what he was doing. It is IMPOSSIBLE to read this boy as allistic. And sure, he might be a little stiff, but he's also very caring in his own awkward way. One time he gave a girl flowers as an apology gift…because they were poppies and he told the girl she could get rich by selling opium on the black market. The "picking up girls" challenge mentioned earlier ended with him helping a grandmother pick out a toy for her grandson. He agreed to pretend to be someone's boyfriend for a day (it went exactly how you'd expect, but it's the thought that counts). In conclusion: stan Sousuke Sagara. and vote for him too."
Katsuhira -
"His entire thing over the course of the entire show is that he doesn't feel pain or emotions like other people. He isn't 'interested in himself' or other people (low empathy) and doesn't realize that the things that happen to/because of him do effect other people, he doesn't realize when people have a crush on him or want to be friends, and all of this is stuff he kinda comes to realize as the show progresses. He struggles to care for himself physically because of the lack of physical and emotional input he experiences, and his friends canonically often cook for him and have to remind him to eat, and is a bit picky about what he eats. He cannot read social cues to save his life and is very blunt and honest when communicating with others, and doesn't talk with much tone or emotion in his voice."
John -
"Is very loud and passionate and says everything he thinks out loud, not understanding why others may see that as weird. Has difficulty controlling his volume, so he's almost always shouting."
Yuuri -
"So he models his entire life around the first celebrity he gets a crush on. He's takes up that celebrity's hobby, he gets the same kind of dog that his crush has, and he definitely has his bedroom wallpaper with his crush's face. But then, he actually meets his crush. And his crush likes him back. Naturally he panics over this and proceeds to deny it for months until his crush straight up kisses him. Then like a day later, he just, buys a ring and proposed to his crush on the spot. He's the guy ever. He's so socially awkward, yet somehow still incredibly cocky."
Yoshimori -
"Baking special interest but does Not Get math my beloved."
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rphunter · 2 months
putting out a post for some of my more dead/niche fandoms! not expecting much traction on this, but I thought I'd give it a try. I'm a discord writer, 23 years old, looking only for 18+ writers! currently, I'm looking for...
- a Sophie Hatter to my Howl Pendragon/Jenkins (Howl's Moving Castle, book or movie!)
- a Yuuri Katsuki to my Viktor Nikiforov (Yuri on Ice!!)
- a Kazuki Kurusu to my Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies)
- a Saeyoung Choi or MC to my Yoosung Kim; a Jumin Han or MC to my Zen (Mystic Messenger)
- basically anyone from Cowboy Bebop to write against my Spike Spiegel
- an Olruggio or anyone else to write against my Qifrey (Witch Hat Atelier)
I think that about covers my fandoms! I am an advanced literate to novella writer, and would prefer at LEAST one discord message per reply (2000 characters), but I can go upwards of four to five (8000-10000 characters) based on what I'm given. I also don't tend to use bots like tupper. open to smut for romantic pairings, but I don't like structuring a plot entirely around it.
if this interests you and you're willing to help me PLOT as opposed to just saying "I'm up for whatever," leave a like and I'll come bother you! ♥️
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 3, Poll 13
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Eda Clawthorne-The Owl House
She has a magical chronic disorder which has flare-ups, is mitigated by taking medication (potions), and has similar side effects to many real disorders such as fatigue, greying hair, and physical impairment (drains magic, a natural ability of *most witches). Unlike in other stories however, her condition is NOT ever completely cured. It does evolve and become more manageable over the course of the story, but she still experiences symptoms from it. Eda also loses one of her arms later in the story. She does get a replacement hook, but it is never shown whether she has a functional prosthetic or not. Most likely, she only has one fully functioning arm after this. As for being queer, she is in a relationship with a nonbinary person and is all but confirmed bisexual (has a secret box with the bi flag on it seriously why else would she have this). Also the owl house has a Lot of queer characters in it and I mean. just look at her. I would be surprised if she wasn't queer somehow.
Bisexual, and has a curse that affects her day to day life
Bi & lost arm and has a chronic illness metaphorically
Has canonically dated both men and a non-binary person. Her curse affects her ability to use magic (and at one point outright stops it), which is very important in witch life. Said curse also causes her body parts to fall off sometimes. Many have said her curse is like a metaphor for depression but really it's more like a magic version of a physical disability (although I wouldn't be surprised if she actually also had depression).
Uuuuh she’s great and stuff idk I can’t propaganda well sorry
Katsuki Yuuri-Yuri!!! On Ice
Commonly thought to have an anxiety disorder of some sort. Very gay.
He’s neat, I like the premise of the show a lot.
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createcore · 2 years
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main character best character icons 💖 like/rb?
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d2diamond · 7 years
Happy Halloween 1st
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Halloween 1st. Better known to the rest of the world as October 1st, but really, let’s be real here, it was the first of Halloween, and everyone knew it. Especially those that lived in Mystic Village.
Mystic Village was one of many hidden realms that co-existed with the humans, but just outside the human eye. It’s where the unusual, the different, and the non-humans lived.
Which included, but was not limited too, one Katsuki Yuuri, and his family. The Katsuki’s Yu-topia were well known as one of the largest coven retreats in Japan. Both Toshiya and Hiroko coming from long lines of witches, so it was of no surprise that their own children would grow up to be so powerful.
Mari, though deadly in her own right, preferred to stay home with her parents to help run the coven. She helped with local and foreign guests as they came and went from the retreat. Some human, some not. She wasn’t a huge fan of the quad footed guests, but as long as they didn’t rip any of the furniture to shreds, she tolerated it.
Yuuri on the other hand, own and operated his own shop in town. A little place where one could buy a potion, get some needed herbs (most grown in his private gardens), or perhaps a spell or two or find a charmed trinket. It’s wasn’t huge by any means, but he liked it that way. Small and cozy. Just like him.
Although it was a four-story, slightly lopsided building, it was skinny. Yuuri’s store was on the base floor and second floors. His office and apartment on the rest. Yuuri loved the place as it was filled floor to ceiling with the books he had found over the years. The many loved plants in pots, while some were stuffed in jars. The many bottles of various sizes, filled with a variety of potions, each labeled in fancy script and topped with decorative stoppers. Each made by his own hand. His pride and joys.
It was a beautiful day when October first rolled around. The sun was out, and the wind brought the promise of a light chill and a change in the leaves. It sent a pleasant chill down Yuuri’s spine and put a smile on his lips. October the first was when the magic in the air picked up and with it the anticipation of the month’s festivities and fun.
Yuuri unlocked and opened hinged windows, pushing each one as far open as his arms would stretch out. After, he leaned on the window sill, and breathed deeply in the fresh air, taking in the scent of change. The scent of life as it reached its perfection in the garden in the back, and on the trees of apples in his front yard. The smell of death of the foliage and of the summer season filled his senses. The magic prickled his skin giving him goosebumps.
“Ahhhh,” he sighed with a smile before he stepped back into his small shop.
He moved with grace through his shop, his eyes wondering over the shelves with the empty bottles for patrons to choose their own if they wanted. His fingers of his left hand flitted across the baskets used to fill with bundled dried and bound herbs, like sage, rosemary, thyme. Whatever people needed for their own potion making, or just to flavor their favorite dishes.
Yuuri adjusted a black velvet pillow that sat in the plush, wingback chair that sat next to the largest bookshelf. A shelf that overflowed with many different size tomes. It was clear that a holding charm kept the thing upright and not toppling over from the weight and size. Yuuri tapped the small tea kettle that sat on a small octagon table nearby. The pot would fill with the customer’s favorite brew on demand, with matching cups and sauces were ready for use. At Yuuri’s touch, the kettle steamed, available for use.
It was Yuuri’s morning ritual. Ready the shop. Making sure one of the few cauldrons was filled with the latest pumpkin spiced juice for those who wanted a sample. Then check on the other on the floor he had filled with chicken bones for spells and pets. *Not for Dogs* the sign above read.
Yuuri summoned his broom and swept out the morning dust out the front door and smiled back at the Jack-o-Lantern that sat near the door and smiled at you as you entered. Its empty eyes would watch people throughout the small shop and alert Yuuri if someone decided if they didn’t feel like paying for the product that may have ‘accidentally’ slipped into their pocket.
A raven had made it’s home in a dried gourde that rested on top of a shelf of odds and ends, and despite Yuuri’s attempts, it now lived with the witch.
Minako, the local kitsune, told him it would be best to leave the bird be. Having been chosen as the raven’s home was said to be a good omen. Since the bird didn’t dirty up the shop, Yuuri left it. Eventually, he named it Poe. Not very original he knew, but it was easy enough to remember, and the bird seemed to respond to it when he called.
“Good morning Poe,” Yuuri said as he walked over to the cauldron of pumpkin juice. Freshly made that morning. “What kind of day do you think we’ll have?” he asked the bird, who only watched him walk around his store, getting things ready, but not answering. Yuuri just gave him a look, shook his head with a smile, and went on about his routine.
It was the sound of something getting knocked over that caught Yuuri’s attention. He turned quickly to see a small orangeish cat with both stripes and spots sitting up on the window sill of the open window. It was unusual looking for a domesticated house cat. Far to exotic.
“Hello? Can I help you?” he asked. The cat looked him up and down, as if evaluating him, then turned his head away like it didn’t care. “Okay,” Yuuri said and turned back to his business. “Let me know if you need anything,” he concluded.
When he was done and felt happy with his shop, Yuuri snapped his fingers, and the closed sign in the window flipped to open. Then he manually unlocked and opened the stores front entrance. He could have just waved his hand to do it, but he enjoyed the feel of the lock sliding out of place, and that first nip in the air when he opened the store. It was always refreshing. .. Except for this time, no sooner did he open the door, he was knocked over by a large white and silver wolf with blue eyes.
“What the…” he said as a smiling hound looked down at him. “Hello?” he asked tentatively.
The wolf jumped back, and in the process changed forms. At first, the man was completely naked, which really took Yuuri for a surprise.
“Hello! I’m Victor Nikiforov, I’m looking for my friend… OH there you are Yuri!” the now, tall, handsome stranger said.
He flipped his silver hair out of his eyes before he waved at the cat that hissed back at him. He looked down again, and his demeanor faltered. With a quick flip of his wrist, clothes appeared, and Victor was wearing a simple shirt and pair of jeans. A massive heart-shaped smile took over his expression, and he reached down to help Yuuri off the floor.
“Yes, here I am,” Yuuri said slightly perplexed. Victor looked at him for a moment confused. He looked at the stranger, then over to the cat that was now climbing over a bookshelf and down into the armchair, then back to Victor. “Are you talking to the cat?”
“Oh yes, that’s Yuri,” Victor said as if it explained everything. “I didn’t catch your name though,” he purred leaning forward into Yuuri’s personal space.
“Yuuri Katsuki,” he said as he pulled back a little.
“As in the Katsuki Yuuri?” Victor asked. “Owner of Be Witchin’” It was the name of the shop. Not very creative, but it worked for Yuuri.
“One in the same,” Yuuri replied. He couldn’t help but notice how Victor kept inching forward. Was it the canine part of the man, seeing as apparently, he was some kind of werewolf, or anthropomorphic, or … No had to be a dog thing.
“Just get your shit already old man,” came a new voice from the back.
Where once was a cat, was now a blond-haired, green-eyed boy sitting in the wingback chair glaring daggers at Victor.
“Oh, right. I guess I forgot,” Victor said with a smile. “I heard you might have some sunscreen for vampires,” Victor said.
Yuuri looked at him for a moment, wondering why he would need such a thing. “Aren’t you a werewolf?” he inquired as he stepped back and over to a bookshelf filled with bottles.
“Well yes, but it’s for a friend,” the werewolf said with a smile. Victor leaned over and rested an elbow on a shelf, his head on his hand as he gazed down at the witch.
Yuuri looked at him, and it was then he noticed the two small puncture wounds in the crook of the stranger's neck. “Friend huh?” he said slightly disappointed. “You should tell your friend to leave less obvious hickeys then,” he added before he pulled a black bottle off the shelf. “This has an SPF of 1000, it’ll keep them from burning up in the sun.” He handed over the bottle and then walked over to the counter. “Was there anything else?”
The werewolf placed a hand over the wound on his neck, and his face went pale, while shock replaced his smile. A snickering could be heard from the corner.
“It’s not what you think,” Victor blurted. “My friend Christophe, he’s a vampire, gets a little hungry and…” but before he could finish, he felt a sharp pain in his back.
“Stop whining you old fool. Let’s just pay for it and get out, I’m hungry,” the other Yuri had made it up to the front of the shop, and was glaring at his companion. How a werecat and werewolf got along, or kinda got along in this case, was beyond Yuuri.
“It’s alright,” Yuuri said with a small smile. He rang up the werewolf and bagged the small bottle. “How long do you and your friends plan on being in town?” he asked curiously.
“Oh, we plan on being here all month! We heard Mystic village has the best festivals,” Victor said, while the werecat just rolled his eyes. He too was wearing a t-shirt, with a tiger on it, and some black ripped jeans.
“What kind of cat are you? I don’t recognize the domestic,” Yuuri asked the boy.
“I’m not a fucking domestic cat! I’m a Bengal!” he hissed.
“Actually Yuri, you’re a domestic Bengal. A Bengal tiger is much larger and doesn’t have spots,” Victor argued which only earned him a hiss from the blond.
“Well, I look forward to seeing you again then,” Yuuri said.
For a moment they all just stood there not speaking, until the smaller Yuri growled and yanked the shirt off his older friend. Once they were out the door, the blond changed back into his cat form and ran off, while Victor waved and smiled.
Yuuri waved back and kept watching, but it was the call of the raven that spooked him to turn away. Once he looked back, both of them were gone.“Happy Halloween first,” he whispered to himself and then went into the back to work on some potions for the day.
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aesthetics-n-stuff · 5 years
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its halloween time for some witch yuuri!
spook vibes
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mantissword · 5 years
White Witch Yuuri and Human Disaster Victor au
I may still do head canons today but I’ve had this au in my head for a while so I’m sharing it.
Anyways. White Witch Yuuri in modern day times and Victor “what’s in this vial oops o drank it” Nikiforov who somehow accidentally ingests a love potion and becomes instantly besotted to Yuuri (newsflash victor was besotted from day one but Yuuri is Yuuri).
Yuuri takes personal responsibility to look after this disaster (“DO YOU ALWAYS DRINK RANDOM LIQUIDS IN BOTTLES??” “It smelled of strawberries! Which is my favorite you know it!”). Besotted victor is extra. Love potion Victor is Next Level. Yuuri does not know how to handle how koala man turned into octopus man. But this should wear off in a little while. A week at least, a month at worst and then he will apologize and understand if victor never talks to him again.
So queue adorable shenanigans, love potioned victor demanding dates with Yuuri, and Yuuri going reluctantly all while reminding victor “you aren’t actually in love with me it’s the potion?” “GAY GASP I’m offended you think my love for you is fake!” Victor looks truly upset at each reminder.
Except a week passes. And victor does not get better (“you keep saying I should be feeling ‘better now’ but thank makes no sense. I’ve never felt better! Ooo Yuuri lets go to the festival next week I’ve always wanted to go dancing with you!). In fact Victor seems even WORSE off. As far as love potions go. Yuuri turns to his books. Honestly love potions aren’t even really a thing. It’s more like a heavy crush potion. And Yuuri definitely doesn’t sell that at his shop (they’re a cruel joke in his opinion on all parties involved). But Victor had asked him and batted his blue eyes and... well...
“Of course it’ll be at least a month!” Victor laughs like it’s the best news in the world. “You’re a very powerful witch Minako told me. So you’re stuck with me for at least a month!” Yuuri hopes victor remembers this enthusiasm when the potion wears off.
Except it doesn’t. Yuuri asks Minako to come visit to tell him how badly he has ruined Victors life and coincidentally his own. The guilt is already eating him alive.
Minako takes one read of the energy in the room and confidentially states that there’s no lingering magic in Victor (Victor gasps on offense. He is very magical in his own way thank you!) and hasn’t in quite some time
“But you can feel his Aura! It’s resonating with mine! The potion still has its claws in him!
Minako gives him a Look™️ “and what was his aura before that?” “I did very well not to read it!” “Youre an idiot” and poofs away. But not before telling them to act like adults for God’s sake.
Victor was well aware when the potion wore off. He was already in love with Yuuri. All it did was make him more confident in his hopes that Yuuri returned those feelings. And he’d hoped if he played along long enough he’d make Yuuri fall in love with him.
“I’m sorry Yuuri... but I’ll leave and...and you won’t have to see me ever again.”
This is not an angsts au. Yuuri is stunned silent but gets a hold of himself before victor leaves AND ITS HAPPILY EVER AFTER.
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writing-eros · 5 years
Cute lil witch
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la-loom · 6 years
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A little doodle animation of witch Yuuri doing his potions🌟🌟
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rosereleasestheart · 6 years
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me: tentacles are hard to draw 
also me: (draws this anyway)
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jeroine-art · 6 years
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Witchya and buddies!
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sailormelanie · 6 years
Merman Victor falls for Prince Yuuri - Little Mermaid AU
Merperson Victor has been following Prince Yuuri’s ship for weeks because of his obsession with humans and with Prince Yuuri himself. The ship gets wrecked in a storm, forcing Victor to save Yuuri and bring him ashore.
Yuuri: *wakes up - sees Merperson Victor hovering over him on the beach and blinks several times*
Victor: HI! *flips his long beautiful silver hair like a model*
Yuuri: Uhm. Hi?
Victor: You're BEAUTIFUL!
Yuuri: Thanks? You...you are too? Did you just save me from-
Victor: I saved you and I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you! *flashes signature heart-shaped smile*
Yuuri: Oh! *blushes* Well...that sounds...really nice actually.
Victor: OK. I'm going to go find the sea witch and sell her my voice so I can have human legs that will always be painful to walk with but it'll be fine because then I'll get to be with YOU.
Yuuri: *stunned* That’s...a terrible idea. This sea witch sounds super shady. Maybe you should try a land witch?
Victor: A land witch?
Yuuri: Yeah. I feel like a land witch would know more about legs than a sea witch. I know a guy. He’s dramatic and wears too much makeup, but he’s pretty reliable.
Prince Yuuri makes a deal with Georgi (of course Georgi is the land witch lol). In exchange for invitations to every royal ball and the contact details of a particular countess (it’s Anya - welp), he grants Victor a potion he can drink by the drop to grant him legs for a limited amount of time (because tbh it’s dumb to give up being a merperson forever - he’s gonna live part-time human, part-time merperson). Prince Yuuri and Part-Time-Merperson Victor get to know each other, fall in love for real, get married, and live happily ever after. The end.
Happy early Valentine’s Day! I decided to go with an AU as a special treat :) 
Accepting prompts for similar scripts or ficlets :) 
Find me on AO3
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raztberry · 6 years
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Yuuri Katsuki, the Scarlet Witch. 
“I’m the husband, and I wont hesitate to kill you if you hurt him.”
In response to Viktor as Doctor Strange!
[ Patreon | Commission ]
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 3 Matchups
Gobber (How To Train Your Dragon) vs Zhou Zishu (Faraway Wanderers / Tian Ya Ke)
Chu Sangwoo (Semantic Error) vs Elim Garak (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Xiao Xingchen (The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi) vs Seven of Nine (Star Trek Voyager and Picard)
Ballister Boldheart (Nimona (Film)) vs Matt Murdock / Daredevil (Marvel)
Wen Kexing (Word of Honor / Shan He Ling) vs Ballister Blackheart (Nimona (Novel))
Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) vs Hunter (The Owl House)
Joly (Les Misérables) vs Suletta Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury)
Renarin Kholin (The Stormlight Archive) vs Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Zhu Yuanzhang / Zhu Chongba (She Who Became the Sun) vs Juno Steel (The Penumbra Podcast)
Wen Kexing (Faraway Wanderers / Tian Ya Ke) vs Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Ayda Aguefort (Dimension 20) vs Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium)
Lan Wangji (The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi) vs Baz Pitch (Carry On)
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House) vs Katsuki Yuuri (Yuri!!! on Ice)
Elphaba Thropp (Wicked) vs Norma Kahn (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
Chirrut Imwe (Star Wars) vs Melanie King (Magnus Archives)
Harrier ‘Harry’ du Bois (Disco Elysium) vs Cui Buqu (Peerless / Wushuang)
Check out the other waves here.
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tarrot-patch · 6 years
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day 17- swollen
hrhdhdhdhdhh I miss yuri on ice
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savedbythenotepad · 6 years
okay so i said that i was gonna post what i had written in regards to floral witch yuuri who owns a flower shop. it’s an idea that has been living in my head for ages and i actually managed to write something out for it! i’m hoping to turn it into a full fic at some point but we shall see. :)
Each morning felt like the earth was going through a rebirth. The darkness slipping away but never truly disappearing as it waited to be beckoned again. It gave way to the brightness that came from clear blue skies which held the sun as it emitted its warmth and light. It made a sight to behold as dawn broke and brought about another day filled with new hopes and new opportunities.
Yuuri stood quietly by one of the large windows that surrounded the space of his living room. They were huge, ceiling-to-floor windows that oddly made someone feel that they were the very root of a deep connection. It was as if they had the whole world within their grasp as the view stretched before and far beyond. Yuuri felt like this every sunrise and sunset. He didn’t know how he got so lucky with such a view in such a space but he had always been told to never question good fortune. The universe had a mysterious way of showing its gratitude but wasn’t above being malicious to those who acted out of order.
So Yuuri kept his thoughts to himself and kept them private behind a door that took too many keys to open. It was better to be safe than stupid and Yuuri had seen more than enough people who had fallen due to their greed. He made a promise to himself to never be one of them.
But those thoughts weren’t meant for times like these when he could see the whole world from where he stood. His eyes wide and pupils blown as he took in all that he could see and even tilted his head to see vanished stars that disappeared with brightening sky. His senses sharpened as he heard the distant noises of traffic and the quiet hushes of conversations from the people in his building to all over. He could smell slight bitterness of smoke and still taste the freshness of the rain that fell during the very early hours of the morning.
His energy heightened as the earth sang her sweet song to him and caressed him with gentle fingertips. Caressed his mind and body and soul with slow strokes and he felt it. The magic that quietly poured into his bloodstream and made his veins glow a calming blue as it surged through him and replenished for all that he had lost yesterday. It didn’t take so long and Yuuri learned to enjoy the sensation as he grew older.
Instead of it almost burning and stunning him to his very core, it turned into a comforting warmth that soothed him almost like a lullaby. It reminded him of his mother’s soft tone as she rocked him in her arms and laid kisses filled with such tenderness upon his forehead. That gave a sense of happiness that called to his heart along with a longing for the home that he hadn’t been to in years. But the feeling vanished as soon as the sun was almost fully in the sky, having almost sat its throne.
Yuuri’s eyes dimmed from a vibrant blue to a warming brown and that was when he finally yawned, now being able to move. He clasped his hands together before stretching them over his head, giving a satisfied sigh when he heard his back give a few cracks. He then slumped a little and looked at the city before one more time before turning to smile at the poodle who rested a few feet back.
“Were you waiting for me?” Yuuri asked, smiling widening when the poodle gave a soft bark. “Well thank you, Vicchan,” He padded over to the small poodle before kneeling down in front of him. Vicchan didn’t move too much and leaned into Yuuri’s hand which carded gently through brown curls.
“Alright,” Yuuri murmured fondly. “Let’s go and get breakfast.”
Vicchan wagged his tail in approval and Yuuri let out a laugh.
“Here you go,” Yuuri smiled politely as he handed a bouquet of pink peonies to his customer. The middle aged woman beamed as she took the flowers wrapped beautifully in purple tissue paper with a clear wrap on the outside. The stems were tied with a delicate white ribbon in shape of a bow and showcased a sense of elegance.
“Goodness,” She breathed before bringing the peonies close to her nose and inhaling deeply. “I’ve never smelled peonies like this,” She sounded so marvelled with her cheeks slightly flushed from the cold air that nipped them. “How on earth did you manage to make them so...enticing?”
“Just a lot of tender, love, and care,’ Yuuri replied, which was partly honest except for one little element that couldn’t be revealed. “And music,” He added as they walked towards the counter and he slipped behind it to ring up her bill. “Plants love listening to a song and it motivates them to grow.”
“I had read about that somewhere,” The woman nodded in agreement with the peonies still held close to her chest. It was like she was guarding them with her life and Yuuri immediately felt pleased, knowing that she was going to take good care of them until their end. He was always particular about who came into his shop  and took a note to sense their vibe and deep into their aura. Most of the time, the customers were genuine with only good intentions resting in their hearts. But there are times when some people came in and sent a shiver to dread racing down Yuuri’s spine. He was no mind reader but he could tell that they were bad news.
His flowers would scream to him in desperation as he handed them away to greedy hands. It broke his heart and made him want to rescue them from a knowing demise. But there was nothing he could because these flowers, these flowers were never his to keep. Even if he did grow them with his heart and soul and called them his own.
“Any type of music genre?” The woman asked, pulling Yuuri out of his thoughts and he was quick to recover. “Some say classical works best but my husband doesn’t care for it,” She rolled her eyes comically which earned a pearl of laughter from Yuuri. “So if any sort of music is going to be playing in the house, it has to be something we both like so I don’t suffer from his complaining.” Annoyance tinged her words but Yuuri picked up the subtle fondness that laid underneath. The slightest of smiles curved his lips as he shook his head at her question.
“It can be any music genre,” He assured her as he leaned against the counter. “Plants aren’t really as fussy as you think they are,” But he did lower his voice to a loud whisper when he said, “But roses can be a bit temperamental. Find themselves a little too classy for the like of hip hop.” The woman let out an amused snort and Yuuri snickered as the roses in the corner gave a displeased hmph!
Oh shush, you know it’s true, he told them before listening as the woman launched into a story about her friend who was trying to grow lilies in her garden.
He didn’t mind.
He had all day.
Becoming a florist seemed like the most logical thing to do regarding a career. He had thought of many options, some of which delved into the world of dance and gliding on the ice in skates. Yuuri had always loved to dance but his powers had been too much to bear when he was little. They made him unfocused and threw him off balance that he could barely stay on his feet for five minutes. It got to the point where it was too dangerous and his figure skating teacher told his parents that he could no longer participate in the lessons.
“He’s a safety hazard to others and himself.” The teacher had said to his mother, her eyes apologetic.
A hazard to others and himself, those were the words that had hurt him the most and sliced through him like the sharpest knife. He remembered curling up in his bed and shaking as he sobbed into his pillows and damned the magic that coursed through him. He also remembered asking a lot of questions, most of them why. He didn’t understand why he was developing like this, why the other children couldn’t make plants grow from a twist of their hands, why his veins turned blue as the dawn came and made his body look like tiny tributaries decorated his skin.
Yuuri wanted to know why he was like this and why he couldn’t make it stop.
Being eight years old and not being able to do what he wanted was one of the worst feelings he had ever felt.
“Why can’t I be normal?” Yuuri had cried into his mother’s chest, small hands fisted into her robes as she held him close. Her soothing aura did nothing to quell the pain that bubbled hotly in his chest and his magic flickered and sparked like fireworks inside the confines of his body. Stems peeked in through his windows and vines curled their way through minor cracks at the top of the ceiling. They murmured words to him, their voices aching to comfort and seek forgiveness. It was their fault that they made him so distressed but Yuuri didn’t care for their apologies. He was angry, terribly so because they were ruining his life.
“I wish I could tell you, my darling Yuuri,” Hiroko said, her voice forever gentle as she ran a hand through his dark locks. “But I don’t know and I would never lie to you,” She then went quiet for a moment. “You know, I hated my magic too at one point.”
Yuuri sniffled, a little surprised. “You did?”
Hiroko nodded. “Mhm, I hated them when I was about your age as that was when they started to appear,” Her hand never ceased in the comforting strokes through his hair. “They were really strong, too strong for me to handle that it made it almost impossible to do anything,” The comforting strokes then stopped and a faint frown curved her lips. “And I remember being so furious because I couldn’t do what all the normal children were doing. I couldn’t play with my friends or go the festivals hosted near the pier and enjoy the fireworks, it was awful.” Yuuri didn’t say anything, choosing rather to listen and see where this tale was going to go. He was still boiling with anger that swished hotly at the pit of his stomach and his eyes refused to meet the very veins that now stretched above them, made from his own magic.
He was still furious with them.
“But,” Hiroko continued, after a moment’s pause. “I grew to love them.”
“...Why?” Yuuri’s voice was quiet and muffled, his face pressed into his mother’s lap.
“Because as I grew older, it became easier to handle and they moved in tune with me,” She told him, the tips of her fingers now brushing against his forehead. “They listened to me and obeyed but also helped me find who I really was. They helped me become someone stronger...better,” Her fingers pressed gently into the middle of his forehead and Yuuri sighed at the warmth that flooded throughout his being. “Trust me, Yuuri. It gets better and soon, the plants and earth will move with you and your magic will bind with you as one. So please, forgive them.”
It seemed like a difficult thing to do and many would agree that forgiveness was something so hard to give away. Yuuri found himself wanting to remain angry and bitter and wanted his magic to just go away and for the plants to wither and die. He didn’t want the energy that ran through him to be there anymore because he was tired, so exhausted, and just wished to be normal.
But then a vein gently caressed his ankle as it had made its way down from above and Yuuri was met with a beautiful sound that he immediately knew was an apology.
Hiroko laughed softly and Yuuri’s lips twitched with the beginnings of a smile.
He forgave them.
Raindrops had began their descent from the skies above and stained the pavement with water and those without an umbrella. The windows caught the spray with the assistance of an occasional gust of wind and Yuuri thank the stars that he didn’t have any deliveries today.
The flowers that were perfectly arranged outside hummed in joy as they received a few raindrops that rolled and dropped down from the edge of the awning. There were a few protests from the plants that resided indoors but Yuuri simply gave them a look before they hushed and resumed to watching the rain. People rushed by the shop and some even stood underneath the awning to await most of the heavy rain. Yuuri assured them with a smile that it was fine when they turned to look at him with questioning and hopeful eyes before heading back to the back of the shop  to make himself a cup of tea.
Yuuri had always loved the rain because it was refreshing and utterly mesmerizing to watch. It also meant that earth was being cleaned and all sourness was being washed away to give away to all the sweet. This made his powers a little more stable seeing as they were connected to the earth. So whatever she benefited from, he did as well as it was a win-win situation. But it was also calming and Yuuri felt all of his anxiety drain away, leaving him feeling completely revitalized and so wonderfully connected. When he was younger and it rained, he and his mother used to stand outside with closed eyes and simply draw from the earth. His father and Mari always watched them from the inside with towels ready to embrace them with.
It always made them feel better, both him and his mother heading back inside with flushed cheeks and huge smiles. The experience of being so in touch with something so immense was brilliant and it was an experience that Yuuri has had the pleasure of reliving over and over.
But it was bittersweet in a way.
Because here, he always did it alone and his family was so far away.
It was still wonderful but the experience was never truly the same.
The kettle bubbled as it came to a boil and Yuuri poured the hot water into the mug, the tea bag slowly raising to the top.  The water went from clear to a light green as the tea steeped to increase the strength of the flavour. Steam rose up from the mug before it disappeared into the atmosphere around them and Yuuri watched as he waited. The rain hadn’t ceased yet and the drops of water hit against the window of the small kitchen that rested at the back. They rolled down almost perfectly and Yuuri found himself trying to count all the dots that stained the glass.
It was a way of distraction but it didn’t last too long as something or someone caught his attention at the front of the shop . Yuuri furrowed his eyebrows at the quiet sounds of scuffling shoes and slightly heavy breathing that only he could hear. The flowers also gave made it known that there was another person’s presence. But it wasn’t hostile judging by their murmurs of curiosity rather than high wailing sounds of instant distress. Holding his mug close, he wandered towards the open kitchen door and closed his eyes so he could sense out the aura.  Only a tiny bit of magic pulsed out and Yuuri waited until it returned with one that held the color of purple. The color, itself, wasn’t surprising as Yuuri had encountered many with an aura that was entirely purple or held tinges of it.
But this one was different.
It felt different too.
Yuuri had never seen a shade of purple so captivating before, almost like it was one that had never existed until now. It was vibrant and filled with life as it shimmered and glowed with faint gold that outlined the edges.
Entirely unique and so stunning.
Then something within him encouraged that he should touch it and that was strange in itself. Yuuri could see and sense auras and he could also touch and feel them. But he had taught by his grandmother that touching them was never a done thing.
“It’s like an invasion of privacy,” His grandmother, Himeko, told him one lazy evening. They were seated outside and watched as the sky became a mixture of oranges and pinks. “It’s like touching a part of the soul, an intimate gesture that one has to give permission to,” She reached out for an satsuma that rested on the plate of fruit between them. Yuuri nodded along, watching her small and wrinkled hands delicately pull the skin of the fruit. “But it can also be harmful to you.”
“How so?” Yuuri asked, accepting half of the satsuma given to him with a thank you. “Okaa-san always told me auras were wonderful. How can they hurt me?”
“She didn’t want to tell you the dark side, huh?” Himeko murmured with a slight chuckle. “Then I won’t say too much because you’re still young.”
“I’m twelve!” Yuuri protested, cheeks puffed cutely in annoyance. “I’m old enough, you can tell me!”
Himeko laughed fully this time, the notes of it slightly rough and hoarse but sounded like home to Yuuri’s ears. “I know, my dear,” She said, her smile soft as she reached out and smoothed some of overgrown strands of  hair from his forehead. “But you still need to keep that childhood innocence. Twelve is still too young to know how the world truly is,” She then sighed tiredly, wistfully. “But do not touch auras that you do not know, that’s all I shall say.”
Yuuri opened his mouth to protest once more but decided to drop it once his grandmother picked up another satsuma.
He never asked again.
Yuuri kept his hands tightly around his mug, his eyes still looking down the small hallway that led to the front of the shop . He didn’t know what to do or how he should proceed because it felt like he stuck in molasses. The aura was so tempting to touch, its warmth radiating so far that gently tapped at Yuuri’s senses and made him feel almost...alive. It caressed his cheeks and ran invisible fingers through his hair and even pressed a calming feel against his forehead that almost made his knees buckle.
It was at that point that Yuuri withdraw himself immediately, taking two steps back and muttering a quick protection spell. An odd spell to use for such a situation but auras couldn’t slip through a spell of protection and it seemed like this aura, in particular, was out for him. The funny thing was that it felt so peaceful and relaxing that Yuuri wanted to give in and let himself fall into its embrace.
But he had never met the person that it belonged to and this could be an attack in disguise. A horrible attack from a horrible person with horrible consequences.
He wasn’t about to take that chance.
But he also couldn’t stay back here forever.
“Hello?” The person finally called out and Yuuri noted the slight musical note that carried in their voice. It was also deep in tone and like it would be soft to the touch if it could materialize right in front of him. There was a hint of accent, maybe Russian, to it and Yuuri’s curiosity was soon getting the better of him.
“Hello?” The person called out again, a little louder this time and Yuuri held the mug close to his chest as he took another step back. Purple aura bloomed against the protective shields that surrounded Yuuri, almost in a desperate act to feel and be touched and to be answered. Yuuri’s eyes widened in surprise, brown eyes flickering with all sorts of emotions that couldn’t boil into one whole bundle. The most prominent emotions being shock and fear to all of this.
What was going on here?
Why was this happening?
His thoughts were bombarded with hurried hums and rushed singing as they urged for Yuuri to take a step and walk towards the front. Their words ranging from, ‘don’t be scared!’ to ‘the silver-haired man means no harm!’ because the flowers knew, they could tell who was bad and good. They had the power to see the level of goodness within people.
But something in particular caught his attention and it was these three words.
He is lost.
The flowers told him that.
The man was lost.
Why was he lost and what did it mean?
Was he physically lost or emotionally lost?
Had he been searching for something but went off his path?
All these questions raced through Yuuri’s mind as he subconsciously began to take steps towards the front of the shop . His mug still held towards him as he walked and walked without any knowing of what could be waiting for him at the end of the small hall.
What met him was the sight of a man with his back turned to Yuuri. He was dressed in a simple brown coat with the hem hitting the back of his knees and hands tucked into the fairly large pockets. His focus were on the lilies, the petals different colors as they ranged from pink to orange. But he seemed more focused on the traditional white lilies, the hums belonging to those flowers sounding terribly saddening compared to all the others. It wasn’t too unusual because lilies were often associated with funerals and funerals meant someone’s soul had departed from the physical world.
So could it possibly mean that…?
Yuuri wasn’t given a chance to guess or steady the sudden drop in his stomach when the man’s shoulders stiffened slightly. It was a few moments before he finally began to turn around and Yuuri’s breath immediately hitched and his heartbeat increased its tempo.
They both stood there, looking at each other as Yuuri stared into the iciest blue eyes that he had ever seen. They were like lakes that had been frozen over due to the winter months and kept secret of all those that hid underneath them. Yuuri couldn’t help but wonder if it was same in regards to emotion, if this man kept all them locked underneath a cold and solid surface.
Neither of them spoke and what seemed like a long minute passed by until Yuuri remembered that he had to speak in order to see what the customer wanted. A low flame of embarrassment gently tickled the insides of his stomach which extended to highlighting his cheeks with a rosy hue.
But just as Yuuri was about to speak, the man looked at him before his lips curved into a warm and polite smile.
“Hello,” The man greeted. “I’d like to find some flowers to give to my mother.”
The rain ceased in its falling outside and Yuuri breathed in the scent of fresh earth accompanied by a tinge of frost which tickled his nose and sent a shiver down his spine.
Yuuri meets Viktor who ambles into his shop  one day in search for flowers to give and their lives simply entangle, landing among a sea of petals.
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