#WerePeople have magic
hannahhook7744 · 3 months
How Auradon came to be (which could also explain why Lotso and other non-human characters have seemingly human children when others like tik-tok don't.) ?
(for the descendants Theories thing )
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We know magic exists in the world of descendants and we also know it's frowned upon to still be using it in 'Modern Day'.
What if that's because the last time someone unexperienced used powerful magic that they weren't ready for unchecked they accidentally brought the forgotten villains (and henchmen) from long ago back to life, causing them to wreck havoc on the modern mortals who had no idea who they were? Eventually causing some kind of nasty war that the modern princesses and princes and mortals had no chance against?
What if, because of that, someone—*cough* Sofia the first * cough*—had to take drastic measures and bring the heroes of the villains' stories forward in time for something that was meant to be temporary—only to accidentally bring their kingdoms, friends, and families forward as well, creating a confusing new map. A confusing new world that Sofia couldn't undo, a confusing new world that left all of these out of time royals and heroes scrambling for a way to rid themselves and the innocents of these horrid villains and scrambling for a leader who could help them make sense of things?
Which leads to Auradon forming, Belle and Beast being voted in as the new king and queen, and the isle being created.
This same magic could have also, say, turned sentient beings who weren't human (Lotso the bear, Robin Hood, etc) before into humans/werepeople and made more people aware of them and the signs that something has a human level intelligence.
And it could have made people aware of places like ...say.... Halloween Town.
This whole idea would also explain why no one seems to really argue against magic being so 'frowned' upon when it's going unchecked but why no one really says anything (much) when Jane, Mal, and Jordan (and others) use magic for small things.
Also, one must note that Auradon took awhile to form. Say five or so years? No one is quite sure, given the whole 'time mash up' thing.
It might not be canon and it might be a bit of a stretch, but hey, it's just a theory.
A film theory!
(I've always wanted to say that, lol).
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anonymousfoz · 1 year
Another Wip Adoptable
not like my inbox is already full. Why not another!
War rages on between the vampires and werepeople (those that transform into animals, not just wolves.) The past 100 years have been filled with pain, anger and death.
Two outcasts, a blind vampire and a were-squirrel must team together to survive and end the war, due to some dumb prophecy. Armed with nothing but their wits, a cane for walking (and kicking ass) and an army of squirrels. Will they save the day, or is this prophecy more bullshit than it seems?
With the description out the way! Onto how I got to this idea and plans. I recently found a hoard of papers in an unused notebook, with WIPS from all the way back to my sophomore year. This was the one that caught my eye. I cannot have the story I wrote but I'll tell what I had done.
Viktor is a blind vampire born in the ShadowFallen royal family. He was prophesied to bring the downfall of his powerful family, which are the cause for the war. He was told to bring peace to a land and power back to those who had it. His family tried to stop this by crippling him forever by cursing his left leg. He walks with a fancy white and black cane AND HIS INJURY REMAINS PERMANENT! It isn't a hinder to him, nor is him being blind. His sense of hearing and smell are amplified and he is pretty good at using his cane as a weapon. His is seen as a curse, burden and is eventually thrown out of vampire society.
Sandy is the first were-squirrel born after 5 thousand years. Her parents, both werewolves had left her to die. Yet the wild squirrels had adopted her as one of their own until she was founded by the werepeople. They quickly realize that she lacks social skills and is rebellious as hell. They try to make her conform yet she refuses and is eventually outcasted before they realize she is part of the prophecy and begin to hunt her down. She can turn into a 6 foot large white and black squirrel. She enjoys her time with Viktor as he doesn't try to force her to conform to any ideals. The duo use their abilities to great use and with the group of squirrels alerting them of the numerous hunting parties, they are always moving.
I didn't want to decide if the prophecy was utter bullshit, but people believing in it made it true eventually OR if it was half true. At the end having to sacrifice Sandy to have peace.
The duo are always underestimated and after several encounters with hunting parties, they develop a fighting style that involves Sandy's speed and giant claws and Viktor's wits, magic and senses.
I don't want credit for this idea, I just more or less want it written. You can literally edit names, or what animal Sandy is. You will keep Viktor's disabilities and if you try to fix them I will despise you.
They aren't a downside to him, they are a part of him. He learns to overcome them and with Sandy, he learns to use them to his advantage (like letting people think he is the weaker one. Only to kick their asses)
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ren-val · 1 year
Fun shit I've written, worldbuilding edition:
Twin gods threw a coin to choose their gender. They ignored the results and one has All The Genders and one is hoarding the binary. They are happy.
The eldest of the gods resolved part of his identity crisis realizing he was extremely gay. His 7 children and his ex wife knew bit he ignored it for millennia.
There are people who died when they eres born but returned because the God of the dead felt sad for them. His criteria is not known.
There are 2 iterations of Doomguy. One is holy amalgamation of asskicking and the other one realized she was the goddess of hearth and home after destroying thousand of animal crossing civilizations.
There is porn of the goddess of law and civilization and paperwork. It's not forbidden.
What we call the slav squat exists but it's fucking sad because it was invented when war doctors didn't have time to sit and the floor was full of icky things so squat it is.
A whole city was called the city among the clouds but got destroyed and is now the fallen citadel. Its people have accepted it sounds more baddass somehow.
The place of learning and science and magic and art and uwu has compulsory military service bc cthulhu fucked them up.
There is a whole town under the shadow of a god's corpse. Its a very happy place. Think Ulaanbaatar but within a dead leviathan.
The river is alive the air is alive the stars are alive the earth is alive the actual magma currents fell in love with a cute prince and married him the dark beyond the stars is alive and dreaming and you dream alongside him.
The God of Light and healing and blood is MIA. His representative is a huge ass dude who smells of incense and is so unnerving most people can't even bear to look at his veiled face.
There are werepeople. It's a curse that the goddess of nature turned into a blessing. They still have to learn how to manage it tho. The weirdest ones turn into huge black birds and can eat the hearts of eldritch things while such things are still alive.
There are, of course, monsterfuckers. That is why there are shape shifters.
The god of the dead was killed by his twin and returned in a very 'surprise bitch' moment just to steal his knowledge. Said brother was both pissed off and scared shitless.
I dunno my players can help me more bc I am just too in love with all this funny things.
@kamiporterbridges @marcussour I comando u 2 read dis (?)
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d2diamond · 7 years
Happy Halloween 1st
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Halloween 1st. Better known to the rest of the world as October 1st, but really, let’s be real here, it was the first of Halloween, and everyone knew it. Especially those that lived in Mystic Village.
Mystic Village was one of many hidden realms that co-existed with the humans, but just outside the human eye. It’s where the unusual, the different, and the non-humans lived.
Which included, but was not limited too, one Katsuki Yuuri, and his family. The Katsuki’s Yu-topia were well known as one of the largest coven retreats in Japan. Both Toshiya and Hiroko coming from long lines of witches, so it was of no surprise that their own children would grow up to be so powerful.
Mari, though deadly in her own right, preferred to stay home with her parents to help run the coven. She helped with local and foreign guests as they came and went from the retreat. Some human, some not. She wasn’t a huge fan of the quad footed guests, but as long as they didn’t rip any of the furniture to shreds, she tolerated it.
Yuuri on the other hand, own and operated his own shop in town. A little place where one could buy a potion, get some needed herbs (most grown in his private gardens), or perhaps a spell or two or find a charmed trinket. It’s wasn’t huge by any means, but he liked it that way. Small and cozy. Just like him.
Although it was a four-story, slightly lopsided building, it was skinny. Yuuri’s store was on the base floor and second floors. His office and apartment on the rest. Yuuri loved the place as it was filled floor to ceiling with the books he had found over the years. The many loved plants in pots, while some were stuffed in jars. The many bottles of various sizes, filled with a variety of potions, each labeled in fancy script and topped with decorative stoppers. Each made by his own hand. His pride and joys.
It was a beautiful day when October first rolled around. The sun was out, and the wind brought the promise of a light chill and a change in the leaves. It sent a pleasant chill down Yuuri’s spine and put a smile on his lips. October the first was when the magic in the air picked up and with it the anticipation of the month’s festivities and fun.
Yuuri unlocked and opened hinged windows, pushing each one as far open as his arms would stretch out. After, he leaned on the window sill, and breathed deeply in the fresh air, taking in the scent of change. The scent of life as it reached its perfection in the garden in the back, and on the trees of apples in his front yard. The smell of death of the foliage and of the summer season filled his senses. The magic prickled his skin giving him goosebumps.
“Ahhhh,” he sighed with a smile before he stepped back into his small shop.
He moved with grace through his shop, his eyes wondering over the shelves with the empty bottles for patrons to choose their own if they wanted. His fingers of his left hand flitted across the baskets used to fill with bundled dried and bound herbs, like sage, rosemary, thyme. Whatever people needed for their own potion making, or just to flavor their favorite dishes.
Yuuri adjusted a black velvet pillow that sat in the plush, wingback chair that sat next to the largest bookshelf. A shelf that overflowed with many different size tomes. It was clear that a holding charm kept the thing upright and not toppling over from the weight and size. Yuuri tapped the small tea kettle that sat on a small octagon table nearby. The pot would fill with the customer’s favorite brew on demand, with matching cups and sauces were ready for use. At Yuuri’s touch, the kettle steamed, available for use.
It was Yuuri’s morning ritual. Ready the shop. Making sure one of the few cauldrons was filled with the latest pumpkin spiced juice for those who wanted a sample. Then check on the other on the floor he had filled with chicken bones for spells and pets. *Not for Dogs* the sign above read.
Yuuri summoned his broom and swept out the morning dust out the front door and smiled back at the Jack-o-Lantern that sat near the door and smiled at you as you entered. Its empty eyes would watch people throughout the small shop and alert Yuuri if someone decided if they didn’t feel like paying for the product that may have ‘accidentally’ slipped into their pocket.
A raven had made it’s home in a dried gourde that rested on top of a shelf of odds and ends, and despite Yuuri’s attempts, it now lived with the witch.
Minako, the local kitsune, told him it would be best to leave the bird be. Having been chosen as the raven’s home was said to be a good omen. Since the bird didn’t dirty up the shop, Yuuri left it. Eventually, he named it Poe. Not very original he knew, but it was easy enough to remember, and the bird seemed to respond to it when he called.
“Good morning Poe,” Yuuri said as he walked over to the cauldron of pumpkin juice. Freshly made that morning. “What kind of day do you think we’ll have?” he asked the bird, who only watched him walk around his store, getting things ready, but not answering. Yuuri just gave him a look, shook his head with a smile, and went on about his routine.
It was the sound of something getting knocked over that caught Yuuri’s attention. He turned quickly to see a small orangeish cat with both stripes and spots sitting up on the window sill of the open window. It was unusual looking for a domesticated house cat. Far to exotic.
“Hello? Can I help you?” he asked. The cat looked him up and down, as if evaluating him, then turned his head away like it didn’t care. “Okay,” Yuuri said and turned back to his business. “Let me know if you need anything,” he concluded.
When he was done and felt happy with his shop, Yuuri snapped his fingers, and the closed sign in the window flipped to open. Then he manually unlocked and opened the stores front entrance. He could have just waved his hand to do it, but he enjoyed the feel of the lock sliding out of place, and that first nip in the air when he opened the store. It was always refreshing. .. Except for this time, no sooner did he open the door, he was knocked over by a large white and silver wolf with blue eyes.
“What the…” he said as a smiling hound looked down at him. “Hello?” he asked tentatively.
The wolf jumped back, and in the process changed forms. At first, the man was completely naked, which really took Yuuri for a surprise.
“Hello! I’m Victor Nikiforov, I’m looking for my friend… OH there you are Yuri!” the now, tall, handsome stranger said.
He flipped his silver hair out of his eyes before he waved at the cat that hissed back at him. He looked down again, and his demeanor faltered. With a quick flip of his wrist, clothes appeared, and Victor was wearing a simple shirt and pair of jeans. A massive heart-shaped smile took over his expression, and he reached down to help Yuuri off the floor.
“Yes, here I am,” Yuuri said slightly perplexed. Victor looked at him for a moment confused. He looked at the stranger, then over to the cat that was now climbing over a bookshelf and down into the armchair, then back to Victor. “Are you talking to the cat?”
“Oh yes, that’s Yuri,” Victor said as if it explained everything. “I didn’t catch your name though,” he purred leaning forward into Yuuri’s personal space.
“Yuuri Katsuki,” he said as he pulled back a little.
“As in the Katsuki Yuuri?” Victor asked. “Owner of Be Witchin’” It was the name of the shop. Not very creative, but it worked for Yuuri.
“One in the same,” Yuuri replied. He couldn’t help but notice how Victor kept inching forward. Was it the canine part of the man, seeing as apparently, he was some kind of werewolf, or anthropomorphic, or … No had to be a dog thing.
“Just get your shit already old man,” came a new voice from the back.
Where once was a cat, was now a blond-haired, green-eyed boy sitting in the wingback chair glaring daggers at Victor.
“Oh, right. I guess I forgot,” Victor said with a smile. “I heard you might have some sunscreen for vampires,” Victor said.
Yuuri looked at him for a moment, wondering why he would need such a thing. “Aren’t you a werewolf?” he inquired as he stepped back and over to a bookshelf filled with bottles.
“Well yes, but it’s for a friend,” the werewolf said with a smile. Victor leaned over and rested an elbow on a shelf, his head on his hand as he gazed down at the witch.
Yuuri looked at him, and it was then he noticed the two small puncture wounds in the crook of the stranger's neck. “Friend huh?” he said slightly disappointed. “You should tell your friend to leave less obvious hickeys then,” he added before he pulled a black bottle off the shelf. “This has an SPF of 1000, it’ll keep them from burning up in the sun.” He handed over the bottle and then walked over to the counter. “Was there anything else?”
The werewolf placed a hand over the wound on his neck, and his face went pale, while shock replaced his smile. A snickering could be heard from the corner.
“It’s not what you think,” Victor blurted. “My friend Christophe, he’s a vampire, gets a little hungry and…” but before he could finish, he felt a sharp pain in his back.
“Stop whining you old fool. Let’s just pay for it and get out, I’m hungry,” the other Yuri had made it up to the front of the shop, and was glaring at his companion. How a werecat and werewolf got along, or kinda got along in this case, was beyond Yuuri.
“It’s alright,” Yuuri said with a small smile. He rang up the werewolf and bagged the small bottle. “How long do you and your friends plan on being in town?” he asked curiously.
“Oh, we plan on being here all month! We heard Mystic village has the best festivals,” Victor said, while the werecat just rolled his eyes. He too was wearing a t-shirt, with a tiger on it, and some black ripped jeans.
“What kind of cat are you? I don’t recognize the domestic,” Yuuri asked the boy.
“I’m not a fucking domestic cat! I’m a Bengal!” he hissed.
“Actually Yuri, you’re a domestic Bengal. A Bengal tiger is much larger and doesn’t have spots,” Victor argued which only earned him a hiss from the blond.
“Well, I look forward to seeing you again then,” Yuuri said.
For a moment they all just stood there not speaking, until the smaller Yuri growled and yanked the shirt off his older friend. Once they were out the door, the blond changed back into his cat form and ran off, while Victor waved and smiled.
Yuuri waved back and kept watching, but it was the call of the raven that spooked him to turn away. Once he looked back, both of them were gone.“Happy Halloween first,” he whispered to himself and then went into the back to work on some potions for the day.
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skywalkerstyles · 3 years
Skald(Bakugou x Reader)
Part one:
Warnings: werewolf Bakugou, arranged marriage, Viking Bakugou, slightly out of character Bakugou, A/B/O verse, soulmate verse, love triangles
Summary: an alliance is made between the werewolves and humans. That’s all I can say for now
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“She’s mad and she’s magic. There’s no lie in her fire.” -Charles Bukowski
“Every single part, is who you’re meant to be, and you were meant for me, and you’re everything I need.” -Skylar Grey
Y/N kicked Asger hard, sending her sparring partner to the ground. She smirked, righting herself and sheathing her sword once more.
“‘S good Your highness. You get better every day.” She basked in the praise. It felt good to be acknowledged as more than just the Chieftain's daughter. She was a warrior, just like her brothers and sisters. “Next time though,” he barreled into her, knocking her to the ground. “Plant your feet. Never let the enemy give you a surprise.” He reached down, helping her back up.
“Thank you Asger. It means a lot that you’re willing to spar with me.” Not many of their clan would. She was.....she was the Chieftain's daughter. If she got hurt heads would inevitably roll. He smiled, nudging her gently.
“Don’t tell your father I was rough with you and we’re good eh?” She laughed. He pulled out his drinking horn, taking a drink of mead before handing it to her. She drank from it gratefully.
“Y/N!” She rolled her eyes, hearing the loud bark of her father. Chief Hagen was a huge man. 6’7, dark hair braided down his back and shaved down the sides, a burly beard and rosy nose. He was intimidating beyond words and Asger quickly turned on his heel after snatching his gourd back.
“faðir(father)” she reached for him as he wrapped an arm around her and hugged her tightly to him, kissing the top of her head.
“barnið mitt(my child). Was Asger rough with you?” He asked. Y/N shook her head.
“No. He just told me to make sure my feet are planted and sparred me a bit.” Hagen nodded, eyes following Asger’s retreating form. He sighed, looking back at his daughter with a smile.
“Your mother and I have something we would like to discuss with you. Will you come home?” She nodded, following behind her father.
Their home was the largest in the village. A big stone building with wooden posts and a solid foundation. Oydis, Y/N’s mother, was outside, shelling green beans with her grandmother. Nana Rhigda smiled at her as they approached.
“Nana.” Y/N said, stopping to kiss the older woman on the cheek. Her skin was withered and cold beneath her lips.
“Sweet girl,” her mother said, garnering her attention away from her grandmother. “We need to speak with you privately”. Oydis held out her hand, gripping her daughter firmly as the three of them walked into their home.
Katsuki was shifting back into human form when his father came to collect him. The boy was pulling his trousers up his legs when he turned and saw him, Chieftain of their clan, walking towards him. Katsuki paused his movements, set on edge by the look on his father’s face.
“Good hunt Katsuki?” he asked. Katsuki nodded.
“Three deer. ‘Spose itll be good for winter once the women dry the meat out.” He had caught two of them. He loved the thrill of the chase, attacking something, wrestling it to the ground and tearing it apart with his fangs. The power was intoxicating.
“That’s good...care to go for a walk?” this surprised Katsuki further. He was never asked to go on walks with his father unless the conversation was serious and needed to be away from prying eyes. Katsuki followed him down the stony path towards the ocean, where the long boats sat on shore, gazing out at the horizon.
“Is everything alright?” he asked. His father nodded.
“The pack is doing very well. We’re thriving actually. But you know as well as I do that, that can change in a moment.” He snapped his fingers. “‘S why alliances are so important. Especially for Werepeople. We aren’t human. And humans can be fickle things. They let fear run their heart and they hate anything they don’t understand.” they stopped infront of one of the boats, His turned to look at him fully. “‘S why I’ve made an alliance with the Helvig Clan...you’re to marry their eldest daughter, Y/N, within a fortnight.” Katsuki’s heart nearly burst out of his chest, he looked at his father with wide eyes.
“No….I...I’m not ready to marry.” Y/N said, shaking her head. Oydis put her arm around her daughter, rubbing her thumb against Y/N’s shoulder to try and calm her. Her father stood in front of her, face stern and unchanging.
“It’s already been decided.” Hagen said. “It….Its our life on the line sweetheart. Or family. Our tribe. This alliance is a powerful one. With Werepeople on our side we can be unstoppable.” Y/N shook her head, tears falling down her face.
“I don’t...I don’t want to marry someone I don’t love.” Hagen swallowed hard. He loved all of his children, and if there was another way, he would take it over his daughter’s tears in a heartbeat. “You will meet Katsuki tonight at dinner.”
Hana waited by their tree. It was a little after the time they had set to meet and she worried. Katsuki was never late. Not when it came to meeting, their secret moments when they could be alone together.
She was picking petals off a flower when she heard his familiar footfalls, turning to launch herself into his arms. He caught her and held her tightly, pressing soft kisses to the skin of her neck.
“Hello my love.” he whispered. His heart was breaking but he kept up his composure. It was Hana he wanted to marry, to be with. But those dreams had been shattered with one conversation.
“Katsu?” she whispered, pulling back from him, she kissed his cheeks, as he rested his forehead against hers. She smelled heavenly. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re going to hate me.” he mumbled. She shook her head.
“Never darling. What’s wrong?” He took her in, studied her dark hair, the bright blue eyes, soft pink lips. What other woman could compare to her. The girl he had loved for three years now.
“I’m to be married.” Hana felt as though someone had struck her hard across the face.
“An alliance. I’m to be married within a fortnight.” Now Hana couldn’t stop her own tears. Katsuki held her close.
“I love you.” she cried into his shoulder. He nodded, swallowing thickly.
“I know.”
Y/N was nervous. She had never been interested in anyone and no one had ever fancied her before. But her mother and grandmother bathed her, washed her hair and placed perfume on her body. They put a crown of white lilies in her hair and a maroon satin dress on her. Oydis placed her hand on her daughter’s rosy cheek.
“You look beautiful my girl. Absolutely stunning.” Hagen stuck his head into the room, mouth parting slightly when he saw his eldest daughter. Gone was the tomboy he adored, now stood before him a young maiden, ready to be married off. It broke his heart a little.
“They,” he cleared his throat. “They’re here. Is the meal prepped?” Hagen couldn’t look at his daughter. He would cry and he couldn’t do that.
“Everything is ready son,” Rhagid said, waving him away. “Bring them in and we will bring her out.”
It was a smaller village than their own, but it looked quite cozy. Katsuki walked stiffly beside his father, as His father led him to the largest of the long houses. Before knocking He turned to Katsuki.
“I know this is hard for you son….but with time comes love. If you don’t love her now you will. It did for me and your mother.” Katsuki looked at him in shock.
“You...you and mom were-”
“Arranged? Yes. And I was a horrible husband in the beginning….” he ran a hand through his hair. “I loved another before her you see? And I kept going back to her. I didn’t….I refused to see how it hurt your mother. Until the day she threatened me with divorce. We managed to work things out, and I fell for her madly. But in the beginning I never gave her a chance.” he placed a hand on his son’s shoulder, looking him in the eyes. “All I’m asking is, give her a chance. You’re a good man. Be a better man than I was to your mumma.”
Hagen opened the door to his home widely and warmly, smiling at the fellow Chief and nodding in respect. He looked at the boy that would be marrying his daughter. He was about 5’7, blonde spikey hair, and brilliant red eyes. He nodded at Hagen who did the same in return before welcoming them in.
“Smile darling. It’s not the end of the world.” Oydis said softly to her daughter. Hagen shouted from the main area, bidding them to come. The women stood, the older two exiting first and then, the girl to be married.
Katsuki’s breath came out sharp and short when his eyes met his bride’s for the first time. She was a beauty, beyond anything he could have imagined her being But there was something else, something warm that he had never felt with Hana. This woman’s scent called to him, it was of honey and brown sugar, of lilies and roses. It was intoxicating.
“May I present my daughter? Y/N.” Hagen took his daughter’s hand, bringing her forward. Katsuki felt his father’s hand on his back, pushing him forward as well. Hagen reached out, holding his hand out for Katsuki, who took it blindly, he was still gazing at his wife to be. When Hagen placed their hands together, warmth shot up Katsuki’s arm, causing him to shiver. Y/N’s eyes went wide and her breath stuttered, she was most likely feeling the same thing he was. When she finally looked him in the eye he nodded, an unreadable expression on his face.
Dinner was an event. The men were rowdy. Y/N’s brothers talking and laughing loudly with Katsuki and his father. Katsuki liked to boast and brag. That was the first thing she noticed about him. He bragged about his victories and hunts, pridefully puffing out his chest. Hagen seemed to get along well with Katsuki’s father and that eased Y/N’s fears a little. Her father would never give her to someone who could hurt her. He loved his girl too much and she was the only daughter.
Katsuki sat close to her but didn’t speak much to her, and when she tried to engage him, he cast her off, rolling his eyes. But with one stern look from his father he stopped, swallowing hard as he looked down at her.
“After dinner, we can go for a ride. I mean….if you’re not chicken shit?” Werewolves courted in a different way than humans, usually going for hunts and runs together to bond. But a werewolf had never been mated to a human before, so Katsuki was a little lost. But if she would trust him enough to go for a ride, maybe things could be good. If they could not be lovers, they could be allies.
Y/N smiled, nodding her head. “Will you shift?” she asked. Katsuki snorted, taking her hand in his.
“Of course. It’s the only way you’d be able to keep up.” she narrowed her eyes slightly, challenging him a bit.
“Don’t underestimate me.” he laughed again, placing an awkward kiss to her cheek. This surprises even him, he hadn’t meant to be so forward. But he didnt mind her. She was kind and could keep up with his banter. So she had that going for her.
“I would never.” the two of them stood, unnoticed by the dinning party, who were telling stories and passing around the drinking gourd. Katsuki led her outside and they walked the small path towards the woods. Once shrouded in darkness he let go of her hands, taking a few steps back away from her.
“Look away. Don’t want you to see.” Y/N turned, squeezing her eyes shut as she began to hear the snap and crack of bone, Katsuki’s grunts and growls becoming more and more animalistic as the snapping increased. And then there was silence.
Y/N felt breath, hot and heavy on the back of her neck and then something wet nudging her.
Katsuki was worried that seeing him in wolf form would frighten her. But she gazed at him curiously, studying him. He wished he could speak to her, but she would’t hear him. She wasn’t a wolf, there was no link there.
“You are….magnificent.” she whispered. He was huge, with shaggy yellow fur, his red eyes glowing as he watched her. She reached out, hesitating just as she was about to touch him, Katsuki bowed his head, grumbling lowly when she scratched behind his ears. She made him feel dizzy, lightheaded.
“Be a better man than me.” Katsuki decided he would. He would treat his little wife with respect at least. He would do the best he could.
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nimedhel09 · 3 years
Quick thoughts I had while in my bath last night and thinking about Saiyan deities and coming up with AUs where they're present (because my brain cannot be stopped):
WHERE THE HECK IS NAMEK SITUATED? It's supposedly not in the Northern galaxy, so: WHERE? The east? The west? (I don't think it's in the south though)
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What's the power scaling when it comes to the kais? We know the four cardinal kais worked together to imprison Bojack and his crew (not canon, but I don't care, it's canon to me), so, where are they on a Frieza to Cell to Buu scale?
-> I personally think the cardinal kais might be stronger than Frieza, but far below Cell... Maybe as strong as Mirai Trunks when he arrives in the past?
-> Shin is stronger than Cell, maybe around Dabura's level?
I think that even though they're not the strongest beings of the Universe by the end of DBZ (and even taking into account DBS) when it comes to ki, their strength is in their magic. Shin is the god of creation, so his magical capabilities are enormous, although he's kind of a noob as it's discovered when Elder kaioshin enters the picture, lol.
On another hand, it's kind of weird that mortals could become way stronger than literal deities that observe and care for all of creation (when they're not an angel or a god of destruction). Even weirder when we're confronted with an ancient Saiyan (Cumber, I think SDBH is kind of canon? IDK but I'm taking it) that's just... a BEAST. I'm sure Cumber is very strong even for ancient Saiyans, and that his weird aura thingie puts him apart, BUT: I feel like ancient Saiyans were naturally stronger than modern day ones. And considering the fact that there is an Elder kai that was the Kaioshin during the dino era (and was imprisoned for at least 66MY), it begs the question: are the modern day deities weaker than they were or the ones before? Both magically and when it comes to pure strength? Hm.
The presence of Elder Kaioshin, plus the fact that there were 4 cardinal kaioshin and one Dai Kaioshin after he was imprisoned: was the Dai Kaioshin his apprentice? Were the cardinal Kaioshins his apprentices? The last point seems logical. Why were there 4 apprentices, though? In all the other universes in DBS, there's ONE Kaioshin, and we only saw ONE apprentice (Zamasu).
A mystery.
I love how Whis's hair does not even budge in this gif, lol
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Saiyans. You know I love my monstruous monkey werepeople and thinking about them for way too long, haha!
Anyways, Saiyans. If Beerus really wanted other people to do his job (Frieza) why did he let Frieza destroy their planet? Why didn't he ask the lizard to keep them around? I'm sure that he or Whis were aware of the fact that Frieza was kind of scared of Saiyans, that he was already plotting their demise. I mean, we know that Veggie was a child when he met Beerus, so the timeframe is just around when Frieza decided that Saiyans were too dangerous for him.
And I'm quite sure that it would take him a while to actively want to destroy half of his forces. He might be a vain, tyranical, sadistic monster, but he is also a ruler that likes to make profit. So losing the Saiyans must have hurt his affairs.
On the other hand, we have Beerus, who is a lazy destructive kitteh that needs to do his job but just wants naps. Well. Why wouldn't he want to keep the Saiyans where they are so they can do his job for him? He must know how efficient they are compared to literally the rest of the Frieza forces. He must know that if there aren't any Saiyans, well... He might need to actually work.
Or maybe I'm, once again, overthinking. Which wouldn't be surprising at all, haha!
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Ok, I'll end the rambling here for the moment. Need to write down the names of the deities I came up with yesterday before I forget them. Again.
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braincoins · 3 years
64 for the ask game :)
Ah, you work for a branch of the US Department of Vampiric Enforcement, or DoVE! DoVE deals with and enforces the laws governing interactions between vampires and humans. Since its founding, other supposedly-mythical creatures have come out of the woodwork: not just vampires and dhampir (half-vampires), but also witches and various werepeople. There are still beings who either choose not to be known or simply aren't as well-known outside DoVE circles. You are one of these.
You, whether you know it or not, are a Lilim, one of the descendants of Lilith. This is not the same story as told in ancient manuscripts; rather, Lilith was a sort of... pet project by some of The Powers That Be, separate from "Adam" and "Eve."
Most humans who have magic powers are witches, but that's not what Lilim are. Merlin was a Lilim, as was the "mad monk" Rasputin. Real shaman and priests, the ones who can command real power and not just do sleight of hand tricks? They're Lilim. Perhaps your powers haven't manifested yet. Perhaps they never will. But you are descended from Lilith.
As for DoVE, you've worked your way up to management. It's a lot of paperwork and red tape, bureaucracy and all that. It is a government job though, good benefits, nice pension, and, as a manager, regular hours.
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silvertsundere · 3 years
DND Session Summary 16
been some months since last time I played but at least DM has stuff ready for next time, tho dunno when that’ll be
me: Human Fighter not me: DM @griffmstr | Human Bard @rennebright | Halfling Cleric @kite33 | Human Pally @megaboy335 | Half-Elf Sorc @byzantine-love-machine​
This time actually had quite a bit of RP stuff but we spent more time dungeon crawling cause we take it p slow cause everyone just waiting for me to scout ahead :pensive:
- Session starts where last one ended. We were at the inn with Myriam, a Paladin inquisitor, discussing our next move. We’re helping with an investigation on the Azure Rose guild and decide to go to their HQ to see if we can find out anything. - The butler greets us and takes us to the boss’ office, leaving us alone there for a while. We search through it and find a letter from Althidon, one of the BIG baddies we encountered before. - The letter was written in giant but luckily our Pally can read it. However, it was in code and he couldn’t understand it except for a phrase he recognized, but didn’t know what it meant: “a world being hidden under the world.” - We hear footsteps approaching and I put the letter back, and got chastised by everyone. Which in hindsight is fair but I was trynna make it look like we didn’t search the room :( - We talk with the Azure Rose leader, Fenrir, about his people attacking another guild but he pretends he doesn’t know anything about it. We stop being coy and say that we saw his goons killing people but he acts aloof since we “can’t prove it”. - He’s suspicious that we rummaged his room but the Cleric manages to convince him otherwise. After that he tells us to go away. - After that meeting we went to the Prismatic Mirage HQ, the guild that AR attacked, only its leaders arguing about these recent attacks. - We introduced ourselves, said what happened and why we’re here. They then told us that they used to be part of AR but one day Fenrir changed and started lying, stealing and killing, so they left. - We told them about the letter and what we know of Althidon, and that might be the reason he changed. One of the PM members also recognized the phrase but didn’t remember from where. Another of the members tells us about a “labyrinth” under the AR HQ that might have  - We regrouped with Myriam and told her our findings. She says that the pallies have found multiple codes like the ones we did, and gave us some decryptions for them. She also told us we should investigate the place under the AR HQ. We decide to leave right away to approach it stealthly since it was nighttime. - We find the entrance but it’s locked with a magical barrier with some inscriptions. We use the dechipered code that Myriam gave us and figure out the letter to symbol combination. However, after that it was an anagram which took us a lot longer to figure out. The answer was “Hard Earth” and we just threw a rock at it and it worked lmao. - We explore the place fighting some goons along the way. Find some documents about how people in here are researching the relation between lycanthropy and lizard people (thing big baddie was looking into), and how Fenrir hired some werepeople. - Among those things was also a lewd pin-up of a furry wolf girl which the cleric took instantly. (throwback to session 9 where we found drow pin-up) - Cleric rushed out to attack a guy and got instantly clapped to exactly 0 HP on the crackback. The Pally didn’t heal him and just rushed the guy (not first time it’s happened) but I went and fed him a potion. - After some exploration we get into another combat  where the Sorc gets crit by a werebear, which made chewbacca noises. The Cleric says “Don’t worry I got you” and casts Healing Word, using his only lvl4 slot, with this roll, resulting on every having a good laugh, especially the DM who lost it.
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- We kept exploring and some a buncha non hostile people like maids, cooks and smiths which we just walked past. - We came across a room with a buncha goons and werepeople. I tried to nonchalantly walk past them but it didn’t and we had to fight them. However, the Sorc cast a circle Wall of Fire which basically covered the whole room and everyone but a werebear died when it came down/tried to get out of it. - After that we went into a dorm-like room and close ourselves in there to take a rest and end the session there. 
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yesireadforfun · 4 years
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Title: Walking the Razor
Author: Orlando A. Sanchez
Series: Montague & Strong Case Files #12
Pages: 302
My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Quick Summary: This series takes place in a world just like ours, except that there are vampires, werepeople, mages, gods, and a large amount of other magical creatures. The focus is on two private investigators, a mage named Montague and Simon Strong, a normal human who was cursed by the goddess Kali. Now, he is immortal, has a badass sword, and is bonded to a hellhound. In the last book, Montague was pushed to the brink of his powers and is now in danger of going dark. It’s up to Simon to save his friend before it’s too late, or there’s a line of people waiting to put him down. 
Pros: Overall, I really enjoyed this one and it’s definitely the best one that I have read in a while. While I do love the series, there were a few that I didn’t enjoy as much as I had hoped I would. The writing isn’t the best, but the storyline is so unique that it more than makes up for it. In this one, the story was fast paced, there was plenty going on, and I could not put it down. I loved Simon and Peaches even more in this story, and its great to see their bond growing. Also, there was a huge revelation about Simon’s past which has always been an elephant in the room. Of course, it happened right at the end, so I am immensely excited to read the next one. 
Cons: The only cons for me were that there were a couple of points in the story where stuff got repetitive. In addition, this isn't so much of a con, but more of a precaution should you choose to read this book. It is a series where you need to start at the beginning for it to make sense. Things have definitely gotten a lot more complicated since the first one, so I am pretty sure none of this will make sense if you decide to just start reading the 12th one. 
Overall, I really enjoyed this one and look forward to reading the next book in the series. 
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fatesxedda · 5 years
New Lore Idea I want to play with
Literally inspired by a song I have listened to recently as well as some Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines. So you know those vampire night clubs where you can just watch your characters dance with all the NPCs acting derpy as a result?
Well...what about a club/sanctuary for what is essentially a “super natural” community? Not just vampires or mortals related to them (though they are prominent) but werepeople and half humans, people who just found out they are magical in nature. This is where the club “Diabolique” ran by the organization “LaLune” comes in.
LaLune is an organization that specializes in the protection of those of a supernatural background and those who were once human. Say if someone just turned into a vampire or werewolf, those with LaLune will search out such people and convince them to return with them to the club. While the main area is a bar, the back contains a whole compound with rooms, meal hall, and other facilities used to rehabilitate and ease the person into their new role in life.
While the club is more or less a front for the supernatural community as a whole, it still does function as if it were just a normal underground bar. It’s popular with the children of the night and all the money goes to the upkeep of the organization with some donating to the cause. The bar is also open to those not of drinking age (the youngest allowed is 18 and no lower) however they cannot drink anything alcoholic but there are options from water to soda to plain jane blood if they need it. It should also be noted that some who stay in the sanctuary are also workers there, hoping to work long enough to learn how to work night jobs if they weren’t used to it when they were human.
While the supernatural creatures are welcome, full blooded humans are not allowed for the sake of their privacy, safety, and secrecy as well as the safety for the humans. Though humans with monster blood are allowed in with a simple “monster weapon” test as anyone with such a bloodline is unable to touch a monster slaying weapon without getting burned. Once the person proves they aren’t fully human, they are registered and allowed in as much as they want (with a paid membership of course).
In most other verses, they will be quiet and in the background. The club is underground and depending on what your muse is and if they can be trusted, Yunneth and Salem, Team 17′s resident half bloods (vampire and werewolf respectively) can lead the way to the club. In their main verse, the club is still underground but is kept a secret due to how Crysentia is “anti-monster” and would burn the place down so either way, it’s a protected secret as LaLune tries to do good where they can. I wish I could go into more detail but I may make a page on it later but it’s something I think would be cool to play with eventually, especially since two of my muses are “technically” inhuman themselves so....
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 14 October 2019
Quick Bits:
Absolute Carnage #4 is pretty damn big as we head towards the conclusion. Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, Jay Leisten, Frank Martin, and Clayton Cowles set up near insurmountable odds for Eddie and Spider-Man to face, as Carnage inches closer to victory. It’s very daunting, especially as we potentially see hope fade as other dominoes fall into place. Though a shock revelation might lead to something good for the conclusion. The tension mounting and the continued blend of the rest of the tie-ins to the main story are very entertaining.
| Published by Marvel
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Absolute Carnage: Avengers #1 gives us a lead-in to how the previously symbiote-afflicted heroes got to Venom in Absolute Carnage #3 in addition to a bit about beacons in New York and San Francisco calling all symbiotes to feed something. It’s more elaboration on some details between panels for the event, but it’s rather entertaining and covers an element that was otherwise glossed over in the main series. Great art from Alberto Alburquerque, Guiu Vilanova, and Rachelle Rosenberg.
| Published by Marvel
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Aquaman #53 reveals more about Thomas Mauer and his history in the founding of Amnesty, complete with some really weird powers regarding manifesting beasties. Then, a reunion of Arthur and Mera is basically aborted as Black Manta attack. Kelly Sue DeConnick, Robson Rocha, Eduardo Pansica, Daniel Henriques, Julio Ferreira, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles continue to deliver one of the best stories from DC.
| Published by DC Comics
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Archie #708 sees everything start to come together as all of the disparate story threads begin to converge somehow with Fox Forest. Nick Spencer, Mariko Tamaki, Sandy Jarrell, Matt Herms, and Jack Morelli really build tension here, with a rather spooky feel for what’s going on.
| Published by Archie Comics
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Batman #81 continues this next stage of Batman’s assault on the “City of Bane” as all of his “kids” work together to try to take down his father and he attempts to bring the fight to Bane himself. Tom King guides us through a narration essentially putting together some of the missing pieces in Gotham Girl’s story and further protections that he left in the city after Batman’s “breaking”.
| Published by DC Comics
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Bettie Page Unbound #5 serves as a coda to the first arc, from David Avallone, Moy R, Ellie Wright, Sheelagh D, and Taylor Esposito. It gives a bit of perspective on Bettie’s trip through alternate realities, while dealing a bit more with the spies who’ve been chasing her.
| Published by Dynamite
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The Black Ghost #2 is firing on all cylinders. The story that Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, George Kambadais, Ellie Wright, and Taylor Esposito are telling here is incredibly compelling, going deep into Lara’s downward spiral following the death of the Black Ghost and all of the mounting problems in her life. There’s a very interesting theme of the intersection of solving a mystery and obsession, complete with the black hole of alcoholism, that just grabs you.
| Published by New Wave Comics
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Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #2 concludes this opening arc from Jim Zub, Lan Medina, Craig Yeung, Marcio Menyz, and Joe Sabino. We get an interesting mix of Okoye and Janet facing their greatest fears, while elaborating further on the current state of the Sentry. I like this quick, two-part introductory arc structure, further giving this title the feel of a specialized group for certain threats.
| Published by Marvel
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Captain Marvel #11 concludes the “Falling Star” arc, revealing more fallout from the first arc and the sheer damage that it’s done to Ripley after she fell into the Nuclear Man’s reality. Kelly Thompson, Carmen Carnero, Tamra Bonvillain, and Clayton Cowles develop a rather demented look on “heroism” here that is quite disturbing.
| Published by Marvel
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Chastity #2 unveils more of the human trafficking operation that Chastity has found herself in. It’s not very pretty, but there are some nice funny moments to break up the dark subject matter. Leah Williams, David Maine, Bryan Valenza, and Carlos M. Mangual are telling an interesting story here.
| Published by Dynamite
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Contagion #3 continues to escalate the terror of the fungus plaguing New York, and now possibly beyond. There are appearances here of some very interesting near forgotten characters that are nice to see. Great art from Mack Chater, Stephen Segovia, Veronica Gandini, and Andrew Crossley.
| Published by Marvel
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Cult Classic: Creature Feature #1 is an interesting start to this second series. You don’t need to have read Return to Whisper before this, but I still highly recommend that series. Here Eliot Rahal, John Bivens, Jerrie, Monahan, and Taylor Esposito kick off a rather hectic beginning with alien creatures. The art from Bivens, Jerrie, and Monahan is wonderful.
| Published by Vault
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Dark Red #7 continues to develop the current state of the vampires after taking out the Nazis who were trying to take over, while Chip works to get the little were back to her werepeople. Definitely an interesting society that Tim Seeley, Corin Howell, Mark Englert, and Carlos M. Mangual are creating here.
| Published by AfterShock
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Excellence #6 concludes the first arc in rather spectacular fashion. Brandon Thomas, Khary Randolph, Emilio Lopez, and Deron Bennett have been doing some excellent character and world-building in this story and it really pays off here as we get a confrontation between Spencer and his dad, followed by one hell of a revelation that practically changes everything. Great stuff here.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Gideon Falls #17 begins “The Pentoculus” as things start to coalesce again into a sort of “normalcy” in both of our “main” Gideon Falls realities, even as something horrible takes hold of Sheriff Miller’s father. Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, Dave Stewart, and Steve Wands establish even more horror here and the feeling that something more is very, very wrong.
| Published by Image
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Guardians of the Galaxy #10 catches up with the new baby Magus as we find out that the new incarnation might be as dangerous and deadly as the earlier ones. Also, what Donny Cates is doing with Rocket just cuts to the core.
| Published by Marvel
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Hit Girl: Season 2 #9 is the first part of “India” from Peter Milligan, Alison Sampson, Tríona Farrell, and Clem Robins. It sends Mindy off to the street of Mumbai where she’s trying to deal with a bizarre child trafficking/labour ring, and finding out that her actions may have caused more complications than good. There’s a very different feel to this new arc so far.
| Published by Image
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Inferior 5 #2 sure is...something. I’m still not entirely sure of the experiments or the characters or the setting, but Jeff Lemire, Keith Giffen, Michelle Delecki, Hi-Fi, and Rob Leigh are doing something that might be interesting here when we see a broader picture. It’s very “huh?” issue to issue so far. The back-up featuring Peacemaker, though, continues to be very compelling. Especially as it reveals that he may well be completely insane.
| Published by DC Comics
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The Island of Doctor Moreau #2 concludes this adaptation of the HG Wells story from Ted Adams, Gabriel Rodríguez, Nelson Dániel, and Robbie Robbins. Other than a few minor changes, it’s fairly faithful to the original. The story here is mostly told in double page spreads from Rodríguez and Dániel and they’re absolutely beautiful.
| Published by IDW
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Justice League #34 reminds us that revenge isn’t necessarily the correct path to take all the time, or possibly any time, as the endgame plays out across the different timelines and the combined forces gather for one final push against Perpetua. Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Bruno Redondo, Howard Porter, Hi-Fi, and Tom Napolitano lay out a wonderful tale of the final battle and a stupid, selfish act that has possibly doomed everything.
| Published by DC Comics
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Killer Groove #5 concludes what has been an excellent crime tale from Ollie Masters, Eoin Marron, Jordie Bellaire, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. There’s an incredible nihilism here that feeds into a very fitting end.
| Published by AfterShock
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KI-6: Killers #4 gains a bit of a title change with the “KI-6″ bit in this penultimate issue of the series. Not really sure why, but it doesn’t ultimately make a difference for the story being told by B. Clay Moore, Fernando Dagnino, José Villarrubia, and Jeff Powell. We get a nice bit of the Jonin’s history before the two rival groups of former Ninjas show up.
| Published by Valiant
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The Marked #1 begins a new series from the Sonata team of David Hine, Brian Haberlin, Geirrod Van Dyke, and Francis Takenaga. It blends magic and tattoos as we learn of the history of a group of magicians who have defended the world from evil through the eyes of their newest recruit Saskia. Beautiful art as usual from the Haberlin/Van Dyke team.
| Published by Image / Shadowline
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The Mask: I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask #1 is kind of a strange return for the property, in a story from Christopher Cantwell, Patric Reynolds, Lee Loughridge, and Nate Piekos. It’s dark and deranged, which fits very well overall. While it does follow on from the previous stories, all that you really need to know to enjoy this story itself is revealed here. The political element adds an even greater feeling of being put off-balance.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Midnight Vista #2 very nicely develops what Oliver remembers of his abduction and the fallout that has been happening in the ensuing years since he’s been missing. Eliot Rahal, Clara Meath, Mark Englert, and Taylor Esposito are doing some interesting things here, especially as other forces are trying to guide Oliver’s story.
| Published by AfterShock
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Psi-Lords #5 elaborates a bit further on the societal structure of the Gyre and the various gangs on it, while we see one of the Starwatchers try to turn Steve. It’s interesting as we get a little bit that gives us more of an insight into the ties to the broader Valiant Universe here and some very nice character building. Renato Guedes art remains phenomenal.
| Published by Valiant
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Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons - Chapter II: Painscape #2 guides us through some of Rick’s history with D&D, creating some horrible characters that anyone who’s played the game will be familiar with, and an entertaining dungeon crawl. I’m still loving how perfectly Jim Zub, Troy Little, Leonardo Ito, and Crank! are integrating D&D into Rick and Morty.
| Published by Oni Press & IDW
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Rumble #17 follows a similar format as last issue’s selection of three stories, only this time there are only two stories, with one split between two different creators. That two-part story is a wonderful crossover between Rumble and Head Lopper, with Andrew MacLean and James Harren handling the line art. It’s pretty great overall, with a natural melding of the two properties, and very nice to see Harren’s return. 
| Published by Image
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Savage Sword of Conan #10 begins a new arc from Roy Thomas, Alan Davis, Cam Smith, Chris Sotomayor, and Travis Lanham. It’s wonderful to see a new Roy Thomas story and the art from Davis, Smith, and Sotomayor is great. The story itself is interesting, drawing from some traditional Conan elements of a tavern fight and being hired as a bodyguard.
| Published by Marvel
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Savage Tales: Red Sonja Halloween Special is essential if you’re reading the ongoing Red Sonja series. It works well on its own as well, but for readers of the series it builds on Sonja’s trip to the tower of sorcerers in her youth and gives some great insight into her past. Wonderful work here overall from Mark Russell, Jacob Edgar, Dearbhla Kelly, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou.
| Published by Dynamite
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Something is Killing the Children #2 is even better than the first issue, fleshing out our monster hunter a bit and causing all sorts of complications for her. There are some great characterizations here, nicely capturing some of the reactions from people experiencing the tragedy of a lost or murdered family member. James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto, and AndWorld Design are doing something great here.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader’s Castle #3 gives us a central story of Ventress hunting a quarry, illustrated by Nick Brokenshire. I’m still very much enjoying how Cavan Scott is using the central tale and its context to elaborate on what he, Francesco Francavilla, and AndWorld Design are doing with the framing story.
| Published IDW
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Steeple #2 features all of the charm and humour of Giant Days, but then adds some rather over-the-top supernatural elements that just manages to elevate that charm and humour further. John Allison, Sarah Stern, and Jim Campbell are delivering a rather wholesome look at monster hunting and finding common ground with your local hooligans and Satanists.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Strayed #3 advances towards oblivion, as Lou finds the flower-maker and the Premier enacts another piece of his plan for total control. Carlos Giffoni, Juan Doe, and Matt Krotzer continue to tell the heartbreaking tale of this brave little kitty being used and abused by his humans. It’s really sad as to how monstrous humanity is.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Superman Smashes the Klan #1 is really damn good. Inspired by the radio serial of the same name, Gene Luen Yang, Gurihiru, and Janice Chiang present a wonderfully nuanced tale of the struggle that a young Chinese family have moving to Metropolis and the overt and casual racism that greets them. The characterizations of the family are impeccable, giving us what feels like very real people, and it makes the story even more heartbreaking when you see what’s happening to them. Especially through the gorgeous art from the Gurihiru pair.
| Published by DC Comics
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Tales from the Dark Multiverse - Batman: Knightfall #1 is the first of these one-shots examining some of the most popular events of the DC Universe as they played out in dark reflection. Your enjoyment of this will definitely be predicated on how much you enjoy the grim and gritty Batmen who went wrong during Metal. As a story, though, Scott Snyder, Kyle Higgins, Javier Fernandez, Alex Guimarães, and Clayton Cowles give us an interesting one, with some nice twists, and a suitably bleak Gotham. The art from Fernandez and Guimarães is really good.
| Published by DC Comics
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Teen Titans #35 gives us new perspective on the traitor to the team, with Adam Glass, Bernard Chang, Marcelo Maiolo, and Rob Leigh building up sympathy for their decisions, even if they are somewhat demented. It also continues to point that what Damian has been doing is rather villainous. The shades of grey are fairly interesting.
| Published by DC Comics
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Trees: Three Fates #2 delves a bit more into the mystery of the dead man and also a great depiction in the past of the romance blossoming between Klara and Sasha. Warren Ellis, Jason Howard, Dee Cunniffe, and Fonografiks are building a very compelling story here, complete with some interesting big ideas to make you wonder about Sasha.
| Published by Image
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Vampirella #4 is still rather odd, told in a rather disjointed way that’s pretty much Priest’s style to its natural extreme. Weird stuff with the nuns and all sorts of temptation. The art from Ergün Gündüz remains a huge draw for this story.
| Published by Dynamite
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X-Men #1 begins the first wave of the “Dawn of X” titles in this next stage of the brave new world the X-Men have found themselves in, from Jonathan Hickman, Leinil Francis Yu, Garry Alanguilan, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles. It’s much more “normal” compared to the HOXPOX event, operating more standard hero/villain conflict and setting up the continued threat of Orchis, but there are still moments to bask in the new with Magneto and the potentially unsettling as we see Corsair react to all of his family together and the strangeness of Krakoa. This feels like a way to make more traditional X-elements work within this new framework, giving us a great start.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Absolute Carnage: Scream #3, Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #3, Aero #4, Analog #9, Ask for Mercy - Season 2 #3, Captain America #15, Crazy #1, The Crow/Hack/Slash #4, Dead Beats, Death-Defying Devil #3, Firefly #10, History of the Marvel Universe #4, Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Alliance #2, Lucifer #13, Marvel Action: Black Panther #4, Once & Future #3, The Realm #15, Sparrows Roar, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #4, Titans: Burning Rage #3, Wonder Woman: Come Back to Me #4
Recommended Collections: Bad Luck Chuck - Volume 1, Black Hammer: Streets of Spiral, Calamity Kate - Volume 1, Coda - Volume 3, Critical Role: Vox Machina - Origins - Volume 1, Gideon Falls - Volume 3: Stations of the Cross, Goddess Mode, Gogor, Justice League Dark - Volume 2: Lords of Order, The Life & Death of Toyo Harada, Ms. Marvel - Volume 1, Planet of the Nerds - Volume 1, Robots & Princesses - Volume 1, Runaways - Volume 4: But You Can’t Hide, Spider-Man: City at War, Star Wars: Tie Fighter
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d. emerson eddy still thinks that Pumpkin Spice was the most underutilized of the Spice Girls.
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cheesytoucans · 6 years
Good question, well I kind of want to say that there's magic in the transformation so they get their clothes back when they go back to human, because if I lost my clothes everytime I transformed I would get really tired of going back to change all the time, and would probably rethink about how much I care for people seeing me naked, because fuck it. But now that I said it, the werepeople getting naked everytime they transform back and just not giving a fuck about it would also be really funny
Kaoruko is used to that, obviously, but can you imagine Junna and Maya? It doesn't matter if they are dating yet, it would be funny anyway. Kuro comes back from a walk turns into a human and starts talking with Maya and Maya's mind is on a loop of "don't look at the boobs of the pretty girl, don't look at the boobs of the pretty girl,don't look at the boobs of the pretty girl,don't look at the boobs of the pretty girl"
oh my fucking god 
Claudine: “Maya are you even listening???” Maya: “boobs.... I MEAN YES, yes I’m listening...............yes”
Claudine doesn’t buy it in the least. But yo all our doggies and one resent kitty just completely forgetting that most people don’t take being naked as well as they do. Like they’re very much aware they should be wearing clothes, clothes = normal, but like once they settle into dorm living and get used to being around so many other werepeople they just kind of get really comfy and it just slips the mind you know, and being naked for a bit after shifting is normal because none of them are in that big of a hurry to put clothes on. So this means that the ot3′s room would be the actual worst about this because there’s 3 of them in there. Junna has probably accidentally seen Karen naked more times than she’s willing to admit, to the point that’s she’s starting to get used to seeing them prance around naked, not that she’ll ever admit it because that would only encourage it. 
Also though: right around when Claudine and Maya are starting to get close, Claudine is all curled up nice and cozy on Maya’s lap, eventually Maya is like this is really nice and all but we have that thing we have to get to. Claudine snorts, doesn’t even think about it, and just turns right back in Maya’s lap. Bet you didn’t expect to have a naked girl on your lap today Maya but sometimes good things do happen. 
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soft-cryptids · 6 years
Hey! Weird question from a wierd person. I saw your main blog (am not a fan of spn, but starting to be a big fan of yours) and it seems like you enjoy AU stuff or at least putting spn boys into different AU's (firefighters, mafia, werepeople). I wonder if you also think about it with ghoul boys. If true, what kind of au you'll like to put them in? Except for demon Shane, cause let's be real, he is in fact a little trickster who left hell because it was too boring and prude
Hi there, Nonnie! I was like *soft gasp* oh no how on earth did you stumble upon my main blog !!!!! and then I remember stuff like - you follow people from your main, you idiot I am not fluent in the multiple blogs tumblr managementAND!!! I am so so very happy that you think so! Honestly, this massage absolutely made my day! ( he is ) ( and yeahhh, I absolutely ADORE AUs, there is something magical about how you can change almost everything and those little fuckers still have the most awesome relationship EVER) LAW ENFORCEMENT AU!!!! If I had to choose one, this would be it. Not only it’s one of my absolute favorites, but I also think it would fit them beautifully! 
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yunisverse · 7 years
Could you please tell us more about your SU urban fantasy au?
yeah ok
(reminder that most of this is RP and largely plotted by my friend @quixocalypse)
Sssso the Rose Queen is this super powerful fae trapped on the mortal plane, and she likes to keep to herself and live in this park she’s claimed as her own. So she has a bunch of followers sworn to her that carry out duties where she can’t be bothered to go. She seems nice until you remember fae have a very different standard of morality than humans.
Greg’s a warlock who uses the Queen’s magical abilities in exchange for being her errand boy on the mortal realm. When he was young and naive he convinced himself he was more important to her than he really was. They eventually had Steven together, and she let Greg raise him a few years so she wouldn’t have to worry about the more annoying parts of raising a baby. A few years back she stole Steven back to her realm to have him tend to matters and mold him better to her liking. Within the context of the RP, he’s only just escaped and is trying to find a way back home, but fae magic has left him pretty scrambled.
Other characters are being played by other friends so idk how much they want me to share but Pearl’s a changeling who’s sworn loyalty to the Queen, Amethyst and Peridot are werepeople, Lapis is a vanilla human who is deep in denial that magic is real, we don’t have a garnet so oops she’s not there. 
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donegeonsndragons · 7 years
CoS: Session 4b Highlights
Allies are made, werewolves are confronted, and a way into the castle is discovered.
Wondered what happened to the other half of the party during the shenanigans of Buzzlorn, Vogal, and Raynn? Well wonder no further! This adventure is focused around what happened to Mu, Damakos, and the varana during those hours they just disappeared in the previous session
Premise: the group, after visiting the village of Barovia and getting the quest to bring Ireena to a safe place, headed out to Krezk to find one of the items on their quest and drop off Ireena. After going through some harrowing terrain, getting exhausted, and finding their own bodies hanging from a tree (puppets or illusion who knows), they found their ways to Krezk and the Abbey of St. Markovia....
Warning: this session isn’t as action-packed as the other group, but they get a lot of important information which makes this a very long post
After being dropped off by the abbey’s guard in the middle of the compound, Mu, Damakos, and the varana all spot the raven that lead them to Krezk flying above and landing on the gates, seeming to want to lead them out
They spot the other 3 ducking into one of the sheds, and decide to go follow the raven to where it wants them to go
The raven leads them outside of Krezk to the woods more to the south of the village
Through the fog, the group can hear the sound of a man cursing and a distressed horse
They come across a half elf man in very non-Barovian colourful clothing trying to push a caravan out of a muddy rut
He calls for the group’s help, and with their aid, is able to push the caravan out with no problem
After grabbing his cane, the man introduces himself as Rictavio, a simple entertainer on his way to Vallaki to find some people
Damakos immediately casts dancing lights in an attempted show of magical entertainment and trying to persuade Rictavio to let them tag along
Specifically, creating a humanoid figure out of lights that does 8 backflips while fireworks go off
Performance didn’t go so great, and Rictavio insists that he’s more of a solo act
Rictavio points out that he’s assuming they’re adventurers and “the devil’s new playthings” as he doesn’t really expect to see an oni, a tiefling, and a varana in Barovia
The group confirms this, and he says he can provide them a ride to Vallaki
The group then starts to talk among themselves as to whether to take this offer, as they’re still looking for the item that might be at the abbey
Rictavio takes interest in the fact that they’re talking about items, and says that it’s probably best to get inside of the caravan away from possible prying ears
Once inside, he offers them some bread and meats and they settle down for a bit
He asks about the items, and the group explains that they got their fortune told by a vistani fortune teller, and tells him the fortunes
Rictavio says he can shed some light on what the items are, though the locations are cryptic to even him
He says that the items are the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind, the Sunsword, and the Tome of Strahd
He also mentions that the werewolf ally part was interesting to him, as most werewolves around here are allied with Strahd, and he would’ve expected something more like wereravens
No one in the party knew about wereravens, and Rictavio says that they’re good werepeople, and they’re the people he’s looking for in Vallaki as they all share a mutual enemy
The group decides that Vallaki is a good place to go next, and take up Rictavio’s offer
Rictavio takes a quick peek outside, and says with night falling, he suggests that the group just camps out in the caravan and avoid bumping into any of Strahd’s minions outside on the way back to Krezk
The group gratefully take the offer and sleep the most comfortably they have in 3 days and get a long rest
In the early morning, after getting a good night’s sleep, the group awakens to the sound of scratching and howling outside of the caravan and Rictavio pulling out a sword from his cane and putting on a hat of disguise to appear more typically Barovian
Rictavio: have you all dealt with werewolves before? The varana: I mean...sort of Damakos: we ran away from them Rictavio: you don’t have to help, I can do this myself
In response, Damakos disguises himself as Mayor Urso
Unfortunately, because he can only shrink himself by about a foot, he’s a human sized halfling 
Damakos rushes forward and throws the caravan doors open, jumping down onto the ground
Damakos: *ok Mayor Urso impression* NOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
The werewolves don’t seem to be fooled and they don’t give a fuck, surrounding Damakos
With a strong opening, Mu rolls a crit fail on the first attack and just...drops his javelin
Damakos is immediately attacked by all three werewolves, and is able to avoid two while getting scratched across the chest by the third, which makes him drop the disguise
The dropping disguise thing had to be retconned in because we all imagined it, yet neglected to say it aloud, so Damakos was fighting as a human sized not super convincing Mayor Urso the entire time 
The varana gets some solid shots in before climbing onto the top of the caravan
Rictavio, who was standing at the edge of the caravan, leaps over Damakos and plunges his sword down into the werewolf, which looks super cool
Damakos, in a panic, casts thunderwave which knocks everyone except the varana and Rictavio prone 
He takes the moment to run into the caravan away from the werewolves 
Mu redeems himself by hitting one of the werewolves with two arrows already sticking out of it with a javelin
Rictavio attempts to attack the werewolf again, but he misses and crit fails, slipping on the mud and falling flat on his face while the werewolf just grabs Rictavio and starts to shake him
Damakos casts hellish rebuke, setting the middle werewolf slightly on fire
The varana casts hail of thorns and shoots the werewolf in the middle straight in the forehead, while the other 2 werewolves fail their saving throws and are pelted by magical thorns
Two werewolves drop dead, while the other one is badly wounded
Damakos casts suggestion and yells “CALM”
The werewolf fails its saving throw, and just sits down calmly with Rictavio still in its jaw
Damakos hops down and starts petting the werewolf
The varana (OOC): why didn’t you tell it to let Rictavio go? Damakos: I thought calm would do that!
The varana from his perch sees a much larger werewolf come running into the clearing, and instead of attacking the group, growls and snaps at the one remaining werewolf
After some snarling, the smaller werewolf submits, drops Rictavio, and scampers off
The very large werewolf turns around and sits down, ears flattened and seems very calm and friendly
Now with a closer glance, the werewolf is a brown colour with grey streaks, lots of scars, and is missing part of its left ear
The varana casts speak with animals and starts talking with the werewolf
The werewolf tells them to follow it to somewhere safe to talk, and that it doesn’t have much time 
The group plus Rictavio follows the werewolf into an abandoned guard house, where it transforms from wolf to hybrid to human in a series of disconcerting bone and joint cracking and snapping into place 
Surprise, it’s Lincoln from Luna
Lincoln immediately asks Rictavio for chalk, which Rictavio hands over
As Lincoln starts scribbling sigils on the walls, Mu and the varana are able to recognize these as the same symbols on Ireena and Ismark’s house in Barovia while Damakos is too painfully aware that Lincoln is currently stark naked
Damakos casts dancing lights very strategically on Lincoln
After he’s finished, Lincoln turns to the group and tells them to not be alarmed, and asks where the rest of the party is
The group tells him that they left the rest of the party in the abbey
The varana: so our fortune says we’re looking for a werewolf ally with a hatred for Strahd, I’m assuming that’s you Lincoln: oh good I can jump straight to the chase
Lincoln explains that he hates Strahd, as Strahd killed his entire pack and his mate, and the only reason Lincoln is alive is to be kept as a trophy and to run useful errands for Strahd 
But he also says that he can’t defeat Strahd on his own, and he’s willing to help the group if they’ll help him get rid of Strahd
He tells them that he knows most of the inner workings of the castle, including most of the secret rooms minus the resting places of Strahd and his companions
He can also get them in and out without raising too much suspicion, though obviously getting in will be easier than getting out 
In return, he asks that the group first kill all of Strahd’s companions, and then kill Strahd himself
The party asks Lincoln whether he knows the weakness of vampires, and he says that he unfortunately doesn’t know too many 
Rictavio pipes in and says that vampires tend to be weak against running water and wooden stakes, and that vampires can’t be completely destroyed unless they’re killed in sunlight or in their resting place
After some questions from the varana and Mu, Rictavio clarifies that the resting place is usually where the body was interred though it’s not always the case, and that no Mu, you can’t just attach the cross from Father Donavich onto the javelin and make it work like a stake
Lincoln says that if the group agrees to work with him, he’ll rendezvous with them on Tsolenka Pass whenever they decide to make their way there
At first he tells them to send a message when they’re on their way, but then he realizes that it’s a dumb idea
The varana asks questions about the book, and he doesn’t know much other than the fact that it’s very precious to Strahd, and would likely be in his study
As a final question, the group asks what’s Strahd’s deal with Ireena is
He says he doesn’t know much other than the fact that he was sent to spy a bit, but that in the couple of times he’s been in the study, he remembered seeing a painting that looks sort of like Ireena
At this point, the group hears the sound of unnaturally fast approaching thunder
Lincoln transforms into his hybrid self and runs outside, grimacing
He tells the group that he has to leave, because Strahd is coming and he’s angry 
He reminds the group to meet him at Tsolenka Pass, and disappears into the mists 
The varana casts pass without a trace, and the group is able to meld into the shadows as they step outside
Past the trees, above the abbey, they see the terrifying visage of Strahd’s face in the clouds right before it screams “SHE IS MINE” and sends down a bolt of lightning
Grabbing Rictavio’s caravan, the group rushes back towards Krezk and the abbey, hoping to find their party and Ireena intact and unharmed
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tsanasreads · 8 years
Bitten by Amanda Pillar
Bitten by Amanda Pillar is the second novel set in the Graced universe. I have previously reviewed the other novel, Graced, and one of the novellas, Captive. Although Bitten is set after Graced, they can be read in any order and the novellas aren't necessary to follow the stories in the novels.
The city of Pinton has never been safe…and now a serial killer is on the loose. Doctor Alice Reive is the city’s coroner, and she’s determined to help find the murderer. Enlisting the assistance of the Honorable Dante Kipling and city guard Elle Brown, they race to track down the killer, before another victim dies. Hannah Romanov – Dante’s missing twin sister – has spent hundreds of years living on an isolated mountain. But her quiet life is thrown into chaos after she discovers a baby left in the wilds to die. Hannah will do anything to ensure the infant’s survival, even if it means travelling to the worst place in the world for her – Pinton.
Bitten is a little bit of a lot of things. It has some romance in it (basically all of the key characters get paired off) but isn't a capital-R romance novel. There are murders to solve and a serial killer to catch, but it's not exactly a mystery novel or a police procedural either, despite one of the characters being a coroner. Really it's the story of a group people and how their lives intertwine during a certain period of time, which happens to also involve some murders. Because of all that, it doesn't follow any well-worn genre beats but the story threads all come together towards the end, which was the part I enjoyed most. Being set in the same universe, the main characters from Graced do make an appearance but reading the earlier book isn't necessary for understanding Bitten. The only issue I can see with reading them out of order is being "spoiled" for who pairs off with whom in Graced, but from memory it was pretty obvious and not supposed to be a surprise. Also, there is definitely a heavier focus on the new characters introduced in Bitten, and I generally enjoyed reading their stories the most — particularly Alice the coroner, Hannah the Graced vampire and Byrne and werebear — even when I wasn't sure how they were going to intersect. They all had interesting pasts which tied the story together nicely. I would recommend this books to fans of vampires, werepeople (not just werewolves) and magic/psychic powers. Also to fans of urban fantasy, particularly the kind set in a low-tech future. 4 / 5 stars First published: January 2016, self-published Series: Graced Series book 2 of 2 so far Format read: eARC Source: Review copy from author Disclaimer: Amanda is a friend but I have tried to not let this influence the content of this review. Challenges: Australian Women Writers Challenge Content imported from Blogger http://ift.tt/2judiUq. If you would like to leave a comment, please do so at the aforementioned link.
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