#WoD nonsense
badass-at-fandoming · 7 months
I've been around Vampire: the Masquerade tumblr fandom long enough to observe a distinct, hilarious trend of VtM fandom experience. The fan experience usually goes something like this:
oooo, vampires! Yay! So much lore!
this lore is contradictory on purpose and terribly racist & misogynistic not on purpose. Wtf. Someone (me?) should fix it
An Indiana Jones insert is a Bride of Dracula
We know Indy's dick size
This lore is very silly and I'm going to take what I want and trash the rest. The dick size lore can stay.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 2 months
*Sarevok Anchev. A Bhaalspawn who failed to become Chosen, long ago. A spilled stain of Father's Divine Essence left out to dry. Is he your cousin? Great-uncle? Brother, even? Bhaal's bilious waters are always a little murky.*
"Even by Bhaal's standards, you're truly vile, uncle." - Durge to Sarevok about his abuse of Helena and Orin after her death, giving Bhaal far too much credit.
"And when you do, remember grandfather Sarevok. Remember how he helped you. Return to visit him, and tell the blood-drenched tale of your victory."
What do you mean "brother, even"? if you're directly spawned of Bhaal surely that would be the first choice?? Or he'd be your son too because of the clone thing, which is even stranger, but "great-uncle"?? Or is this a Mystra -> Midnight thing? Bhaal was reborn from one of his children so kind-of-sort-of this is a new Bhaal who is also technically of the same generation as Sarevok while still technically preceding... my head hurts. Oh, for the good old days when we just called each other "siblings" and Bhaal was only your father and had no additional kinship titles that could be applied on top of that...
Durge gets the opportunity to describe the family tree as "a bit of a circle", but honestly I think the tree, soaking in that "bilious water," has forsaken 2D shapes in favour of trans-dimensional non-Euclidean nightmares at this stage.
(I tried to find a way to fix some inconsistencies and got a bigger headache.)
"Grandfather" I can explain away as Sarevok (presumably) being much older than Durge in non-headcanon. I can charitably put "uncle" there too, but the fact that Durge doesn't even know what title to use because Bhaal is a nightmare says it all.
The Thorms having a vague and unexplained confusing family tree was not a competition, Bhaal!
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capsensislagamoprh · 2 months
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Christophe listened carefully as Emil listed the rank and file of fey who came and went from the mortal realm. Who had changed forms, who had gained rank, or lost power. They were half way into the delicate discussion of bedlam when a puffing Phichit came running into view. Hands dropping to his knees, he gulped in long breaths until he could stand. Clutching a stitch in his side, he held out a hand, flapping the sticky note stuck firmly to a finger. Plucking it off, Emil looked the note over. With each line he read, his brows disappeared more into his eyebrows.
"Oh..." "Emil?" Christophe said, trying to bring focus back to the video call.
"I, uh... yeah. Yes. It's just..." Emil turned towards the screen, ignoring how Phichit folded himself backwards, straining his midsection up until a loud popping could be heard. Emil swallowed. "We might have a problem."
Christophe felt his nervous system begin to fire in rapid response. Cold seemed to trickle down his neck, trying to caress his spine in a trickling terror he barely recalled. "Tell me."
"You recall the... No, you wouldn't. You were in the dream at that time." Emil ran a hand thrugh his hair, eyes drifting upwards. A puff of breath escaped him as he shook the memories away. "There was a spat of unusual activity back in January. People died. Mortal people." Christophe swallowed. "How many dreamers?"
"Over a hundred." Emil sat forward, the chair seeming to pop as he rested his forearms on his thighs, head low. "The damage was done by a volcano. They should have been able to predict it, but..."
"It wasn't the usual things. A rift just... opened. No warning. It was just torn. The lava turned itself in the three cardinal directions. Thousands had to move from the aria, leaving it unprotected."
"Wait, three cardinal directions? There are four. Which direction did it not ... Which direction, Emil?"
Emil's bright eyes had a haunted look. "It didn't run towards... South east."
Christophe swallowed. Hard. "All three streams?" Emil nodded. Christophe winced. "South east... What was it reaching for?"
"I don't know that it is. I think... I think it's just trying to gather power." "Are you sure? From nowhere? I mean, this could just be a mortal thing."
Emil shook his head with a resigned little sound. "No." Holding up the note, he showed the numbers to Christophe. "Type them in." One by one Christophe typed them into his phone, not daring to risk his computer. "Before you put in the last one, be ready to jump away."
Christophe's eye shot up, locking on the screen. Rising, he took a cheep metal chair from beside the refrigerator, setting it up in the middle of the room. A metal mixing bowl was put on that. Ready to spring, he put the last number in, dropped the phone, and jumped back.
The phone began to ring, as if connecting a call. A crackle began to sound thrugh the ring, as if the line had connected incorrectly. Soon the sound became a screechy, dial-up modem, ripping eardrums and tearing flesh. As soon as it started, it ended. The spring fey began to advance, to peak in the bowl. "No!" Emil called. Christophe spring back another few feet. Suddenly the phone began to melt, acrid poison steaming up from it as it broke into its most basic parts. Minerals, sands, and oils congealed in the bowl, foaming upwards. On pure instinct, Christophe reached for the roses on his desk. Petals fell away, dancing about his fingers. A flick of his wrist sent them into ever growing mess. Suspended in air, they began to glow, there colors pulsing with the cool melt of spring warmth. The light pulsed, flickered, faded. The petals ashed, spinning into a tornado of organic magic.
"Les dangers lointains nés du feu me disent ce que vous désirez."
Through the computer Emil watched, eyes wide. He'd not heard Christophe use a bunk in a noticeable amount of time. The rose ash spun, trying to draw an answer out of the melted mass. For to long they waited, the place slowly filling with poisonous vapors. "Christophe... Christophe, you may need to run."
The spring fey frowned. His blue eyes flickered into an impossible hew. Teeth sharper than blades flashed a blinding white. His ears showed his sidhe linage, tapering into a wicked point. His hand flexed as he held it stiffly in front of him, pulling glamour from his dross pouch. It sparked to life, taking on the shape of a crocus. His voice called forth the winds of change, everything in the room becoming new and old with nary a breath. The crocus bloomed, then decayed, its rotting corps dusting to gold. The wind picked it up as Christophe intoned, "Sannaste form ropar jag ut dig. Skapare, Förstörare, svara på Drömmen. Jag är förresten Vårens rättigheter. Jag är förresten grejen att tro. Svar till mig med det som skapades, svar till mig, en kropp värd att känna igen!"
The gold speckled wind threw its force into the rose scented tornado spinning against the frothing bowl, each spark fusing with a fleck of ash. As they flowed, the ash began to form into a wildly organic shape. Then they exploded outwards, stopping just shy of touching anything, stuck in the air like a frozen painting. Christophe lowered the hands he'd raised to protect himself. "Emil... are you seeing this?"
"Yes. Unfortunately, I am."
"Entropy," they both said, cold seeping into their bones.
"Something is endangering the balance."
"We know that," Emil snapped. "Something is making it worse!" Pressing his palms into his eyes, he slid down his chair, proper posture forgotten. "We are so screwed."
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 23, part 24, part 25, part 26, part 27, part 28, part 29, part 30
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orange-juice-1 · 1 year
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@threadless @redbubble
Shirts and accessories here
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sintiva · 1 year
eren x black!reader (chubby reader)
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“r-ren’s enough… too much,” and when you say that he thrusts his hips a bit harder, making you really feel the way his tip pokes at your cervix. it makes you an idiotic mess, blabbering, stuttering and moaning as eren fucked you relentlessly from the back.
just real nasty toxic!eren who shoots your flimsy resolve down with terrific accuracy as he makes it his mission to shit on your ex, mid stroke, cause he’s a damn narcissist. it’s always shit about how bad your ex was; how he was an asshole, coniving, that sneaky sone of a bitch. he really was an asshole, so much so, he made jaeger look like a saint.
“was he as big as me? how many times did he make this pussy cum in one night?”
his words? they stung bad like the newly formed tears in your eyes, that you blinked away. they smushed your brain in between the palm of its invisible hands as his hips slam against your ass over and over. like a paddle to a ping pong ball, eren. didn’t miss. a. single. hit.
he didn’t miss the way your thighs trembled and your body would go all limp, as you moaned into the sheets to get rid of all that pent up sexual frustration. it ripped at your insides during the day, but burnt like a warm bonfire, steadily growing as you threw things at it. but you also missed the way how this — all this contact felt on a day-to-day basis when you two were together, once a normal couple.
“all this squirming, baby? ex wasn’t fucking you good enough, huh? left this pussy aching for some real dick. you just needed me to dig this pussy out”
he reaches for your arms, locks them together behind your back with both of his arms. now he can really control everythingyou’re back arches up, your body trembles and you pull yourself off his dick. mumbling some things about him being too rough, being too mean, and something ‘bout, “stoo hard, daddy-“ sniffles, “,”gentler please.”
eren silently complies, but while he has you in his grasp, he will enjoy his time. you made him come all this way, and he will leave with something.
he stretched your ass cheeks apart and spat a nice wod of spit onto his thumb and rubbed its way right into that other hole, it felt so tight but eren’s thumb just slipped right in, hooking into you as he stretched his fingers around the suppleness of your ass and the fullness of your hips. and when you pulled your hips away, scared cause you didn’t know how long you could go with eren digging into you making you damn near pass out.
he’s rolling his eyes in annoyance, blowing a strand of hair out his face, and tracing his hands down your back.
“you don’t wanna cum on my dick? you’re hurting my feelings, baby…”
his voice rang like church bells in a desolate ghost town left for caravans and wonderers to salvage. the baritone octave and slew of words spilling out of his throat as if he just learned them; literring complete nonsense into your ear.
then the most heart achingly, sweet pout form on his face. he’s forcing your back into a deep, pretty arch, your back rolls stretch and squish back as your body conforms and relaxes. then his fingers slot themselves into the space between your hips and stomach, bringing your ass back, thrusting his dick in between your ass cheeks before he stuffs your cunt full, again.
hitting just right against the spot that hides deep in the back towards, up at the top, you scream, and end up cumming on his dick. “yeah, i’ll go slow, ma. jus-just keep cumming on this dick. i know when you’re lying, talking ‘bout some—too hard.” you gasp out, whining as eren’s soft groans of mockery send shivers through your body, making you cum even harder, trembling as your orgasm hits harder the slower his strokes become, your little fingers ball up the sheets.
your pussy hugs him, it keeps his dick nice and warm, so soft and inviting that small spurts of cum shoot right out of his tip. hips stuttering as your pussy squeezes and squeezes to milk his cock. sucking tighter at the tip, the farther he digs in then winding down as your poor hips bucked along his length. you can’t manage a single word, you’re droolin’ and winding your hips. making it clap, bouncing your ass back, “like that mamas, bounce it on my dick, good girl.”
and here you were listening. feeling delighted from the addiction. when you think you’ve managed to get over him, you’re running back. taking his nonsense, and his dick like a packaged deal. when you’re telling him how shitty of a boyfriend he was… though you tend to do it during inopportune times. your favorite time being when he’s got all eight inches of his dick in you.
eren knows you all too well, because he’s the one who was on the receiving end of all those phone calls you’d make when your boyfriend fucked up. maybe you should’ve stayed with him, oddly it seemed like he wasn’t fully lying when he said you’d always come back to him.
the way he treated you throughout your entire relationship, meaning nothing — tossed to the firey flames of an incenerator. lighting a quick flame that distinguishes with the flip of a switch; your heart. it could also be your brain, but these days differentiating them seemed highly inattainable.
there was rarely peace of mind.
so you’re stuck coming back for a bed to lay on, and a dick to fuck. he’s just a shitty, asshole… narcissist? that’s what it is. and you blame yourself for parading along such witty ego. it was a complete drag, ripping you up and tying you by your ankles. the fucking worst.
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paragonrobits · 1 month
I have to admit I find the prospect of Big D actually being the God-Emperor prior to the Dark Age of Technology to be a deepy strange one from a lore perspective, because while I can sort of see character development, bitterness and the horrors of humanity making him become the authoritarian and deeply callous person we see in 40k canon, lore-wise it's... at best tricky, at worst you have to actively ignore the canon of World of Darkness to believe it makes sense.
I've talked about before about how WoD's cosmology is deeply weird and fundamentally incompatible with the Warp and the nature of the Chaos Gods; something like how outer space is arguably human perspective of another dimension/the spirit world that we only think is outer space at all because we think its outer space, the planets are the self-contained realms of immensely powerful spirits, the end of the world is nigh and by that I mean legitimate cosmic annihilation that will wipe away humanity as we know it with all the indifference of a squished bug being wiped off a shoe (and its over six different flavors of apocalypse), and more!
For example, Wraith the Oblivion does posit that there's a KIND of afterlife for those who can't move on. ...It sucks. It's not unlikely you'll be turned into an ashtray for a rich ghost. But this also precludes the whole concept of the Warp's aspect as an afterlife of sorts; the Warp does not exist in World of Darkness, and CANNOT exist in it.
But above everything else, Big D's character is that he is a punk. He is, in fact, a distillation of the ideal World of Darkness protagonist; barring the possibility of him being some flavor of supernatural, he's apparently a mortal with enough knowledge to know its dangerous to share it at all, he's cunning and wily, and he absolutely hates all authority and corporate power, lashing out against it.
World of Darkness is, after all, a Gothic Punk setting. He IS the archetypal gothic Punk.
And that, in turn, makes him the polar opposite of the Emperor in a lot of the ways that matter; among other things, he is a deeply compassisonate person, while the Emperor deliberately excised his compassion in the name of progress; Big D fights against the power that crushes the average person, the Emperor would have nationalized Pentex if he could have, and its entirely possible to read him as not even bothering to stop Pentex from doing their horrible Captain Planet villain nonsense.
One reading of 40k lore posits that even compared to many of the other potential antagonists of the setting, the Emperor himself may well be the biggest and most amoral or brutal monsters in the entire setting, allowing for the cruelty and tyrannical dystopia of the Imperium to exist at all. The Imperium, in all its brutality, is precisely what Big D would hate, based on what we know of him.
(And also, if you subscribe to the theory that Hunter the Parenting is the Emperor's fevered fantasy of a good ending, lore-wise that's a very unusual choice to make given the Emperor's extreme 'Humanity First and Only' mentality. While humans are important, one reading of lore is also that they are unavoidably corrupt to the spiritual core, that the literal power of spiritual defilement and torment could not exist as it is without human evil gorging it 24/7, or that some of the most unspeakably evil and vile forces within both WoD and Chronicles of Darkness are just bored humans with a lot of privilege and power.
If the setting IS the Emperor pretending real hard that things are actually okay, it would be deeply weird for him to imagine up a setting where one valid interpretation of lore is 'humans actually do canonically suck and are partially responsible for everything being bad forever'.)
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megaweapon · 1 year
The current situation with Wizards is yet another reminder of why I think it’s good for the hobby that people explore other kinds of tabletop games. There’s no one end-all be-all game that fits every player, every group, or every scenario. There’s a wide variety out there designed to do everything from play a funny one-shot to organize a whole campaign.
Spend an evening with your friends playing a round of Fiasco. Get up to some action-movie nonsense with a night of Wu Shu. Play a night of Dread, a game whose primary mechanic is a Jenga tower. Try one of the many PBTA-framework games out there--City of Mist! Scum and Villainy! Monster of the Week! Make up your own with the framework, if you like.
Fall in love (as I did) with the storytelling potential of the Genesys system, which can be adapted to all manner of genre (most famously in the fantastic FFG Star Wars series of tabletop games). Again, you can build your own world off of this system, and there are conversion rules to get around the biggest stumbling block, which is their proprietary dice (and free resources to replace physical dice like skyjedi in-browser and RPG Sessions on discord).
Explore (one of my personal favorite) sci-fi settings in Eclipse Phase, a game that’s distributed under Creative Commons, so you can get all the source material you need free and legally. ...I wanna recommend Shadowrun because I do like some of the stuff it has going for it (less so others) but god I’m still recovering from 5th ed. Hopefully the new edition is better. I haven’t played the new edition of Traveller but I remember it as being a delightfully weird but very fun experience.
If you want something a little scarier, there’s always Call of Cthulhu (my personal first TTRPG ever and what got me into the hobby), the newer more action-packed Pulp Cthulhu, or the 20th-century cosmic horror explorations of Delta Green. World of Darkness’s latest edition has done some interesting stuff if you like classic monsters, and the WoD LARP scene is still going pretty strong if you want an “extended cast with a vague murder mystery parlor vibe” kind of experience.
There’s a ton of stuff out there to suit all manner of sensibilities and play-styles.  At the end of the day, it’s all about telling a story, whether that story is happy, horrifying, intrepid, or silly as hell. There’s more than one way to tell it.
I’ll wrap this rant up with my own personal experiences. Technically, the game series I’ve been playing the longest, continuously, is Exile Studio’s Hollow Earth Expedition. Me and my pals have, at this point, about a decade’s worth of storytelling, worldbuilding, and (most importantly) inside jokes from the several campaigns we’ve run from it.
It’s a defunct system now, and we’ve adapted our latest campaign for the Genesys system. We never got the third sourcebook we were wanting, so we’re making it on a WorldAnvil with our group. As a system, it was imperfect, and clearly not designed for the long campaigns we preferred. As a setting, it was compelling but definitely needed some tweaking and brushing up from players. HEX itself was a mere blip, and Exile Studios doesn’t even have a website anymore. Pretty sure they got snatched up by Studio2. Despite all that, though, it was the one that worked, somehow, for all of us.
You genuinely never really know which system is going to be the one that clicks in a way that lasts. Don’t hold yourself back from trying something new.
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Hmmm wod?
This took me forever to remember what this came from and why I wrote it and even what wod stood for, even after I opened it up.
Anyway, "wod" was Write or Die because this is some not-quite-500-word nonsense I wrote while trying to keep the program from eating my words.
As for what this thing is...angst. It's angst. I have very little memory of writing this. This has never been edited, and I'm never going to do anything with this, but this sure is a thing I wrote once.
Do I have any idea what they're talking about in this? No, because I was literally just making shit up on the fly to figure out later because that's how I write. And I never got to "later."
The man looked in at the body through the window of the intensive care unit. It was all his fault, even if Nick would disagree. All. His. Fault. There was no other reason Nick was prone on a hospital bed with a hole in his gut, various tubes and wires coming off of him, hooked up to machines that, even if Eric couldn't hear them, were beeping. They were always beeping. Always. But how could he tell Nick it was his fault? The other man would never agree with what he said. But he had gotten the parameters on the interface muddled with the ones for his video game...and the person Nick had gone to meet that night wasn't who they'd both expected. By the time Eric noticed his mistake, it was too late. The hospital was already calling. In any case, it didn't matter. Eric would never put Nick through that again. He'd wiped the program from Nick's computer entirely. From his own computer entirely. He still knew how to put it together again, but he wouldn't. Not even if it was a situation where he had to or end up in a position even worse than Nick's. It would only be what he deserved. "Sir? Would you like to see him? He's awake now." Eric looked at Nick's body again. Awake? He didn't even see his eyelids flutter. "He won't be able to speak, of course. He has a breathing mask. But perhaps it would help if he knew you were there, waiting for him."
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paramcur · 1 year
btw in vtm / wod lore there's a term for east & south-east asian vampires called 'kuei-jin' (a portmanteau w 'kuei' being the wade-giles romanization of the word 'ghost' in mandarin and jin from kanji to mean 'person') and aside from the fact that they drink blood, theyre too dissimilar from vamps and aren't created/sired so .. YEETED that nonsense !!
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badass-at-fandoming · 7 months
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From A Crochet World of Creepy Creatures and Cryptids by Rikki Gustafson
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eden-regained · 6 months
Something that really bothers me about the WoD community compared to D&D is the sheer amounts of edginess and I guess... "lore madness" if you will.
Sure, even in D&D circles you can't just play uber-snowflakes for characters, but all in all this community at least appears a lot more accepting of actually changing and making new lore and playing characters that are "a bit out there".
Meanwhile in WoD (especially of Reddit dear god) there's a lore-purism of the highest degree; wanna play Garou and Vampire in the same group? Nah "tHeY hAtE eAcHoThEr!!!1!", wanna play one of the fallen Garou tribes that HAVE ENOUGH LORE ON THEM AND ARE EVEN ENCOURAGED BY WW THEMSELVES IF YOU WANNA PLAY THEM?! Nooooo, you can't do that, there's no way you can just rewrite the lore, y'know! Make the Antediluvians more than plot devices- NOOOOOOOOO
Heck, even aside from the mixing of gamelines you can't even get unique so to speak. Sure, a Gurahl in a Garou campaign can be tough but dude, people aren't snowflakes for not wanting to play the same characters over and over again.
And Jesus Christ do way too many WoD players take themselves overly serious, not to mention the hardcore grimdark nonsense (which, by the way, was at the latest borderline-abandoned by the time CofD became a thing).
Look, I know this is a personal pet peeve of mine, but hear me out: Grimdark settings rarely make you care properly for the protagonists in the same way Magical Girl Site absolutely fails compared to Madoka Magica; if there's no light, hope or jokes in your settings at all you have very little tools to actually make the players care to progress the plot, if everything's shit and nothing can be improved anyway the stakes are bottom of the barrel low.
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littleharpethcrossfit · 8 months
Thursday, 9 November, 2023.
The Weather is supposed to become more like November. And yes, it was very fine until during the wine and snacks it started to drizzle and turn quickly chilly cold.
4 Rounds
15 Second Barbell Hang
15 Second Ring L-Sits
Some of the girls were seen doing this, led by Cherrita.
Clusters With Dumb-Bells: 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Progress..........Throw Heavy DB's In Pine Straw.
Ed/Average Dave=75 Sam/Smoothie=65 Tim=60 Dyer=50 Herb/Cherrita=45 Elisa=35 Coach/Sue=30 Linda/Kayla=25 Emily=20 Lou (The Big Kid)=15 Emily/Alicia=did it Faith (The Kid)/Tripp/Warren G= arrived late
Death By Dumb-Bell HANG Clusters
Increase By 1 Rep EMOM Until You Can't Complete Reps
Score: TOTAL Reps At Death
Example: If You Complete 10 Rounds = 55 Reps Total.
Herb/Sue/Faith=91 Sam/Elisa/Tripp=78 Smoothie=72 Linda/Kayla=66 Tim=65 Cherrita=55 Dyer=50 Emily=45 Ed/Average Dave=43 Lou (The Big Kid)=33 Coach/Warren G/Alicia=no posting
Wine & Snacks to Follow
20% Chance Of Rain Predicted. When it started mid-party, we all moved indoors in the Barn and continued having fun.
Considerable disagreement existed among those ignorant of weightlifting terminology as to what the movements actually were supposed to resemble. It appeared that they all decided to do whatever Herb did.
Much good food appeared. Miss Linda brought a superb and huge layered dip, Sweet Sue brought I don't know what it was, Kayla brought dumplings that even Herb thought were kosher and delicious, and other stuff that I didn't sample. As far as wine goes, the elderly host is always expected to be the majority provider of the most and best bottles and if it runs out they go raid the hosts cellar. And they did. Herb, Ed and probably no one else contributed to the 9 bottles that were consumed (quaffed). FYI, anyone over 21 can bring a bottle of wine to the party.
I wish I could recite all the various and sundry topics that were randomly discussed in the circle nearest Sam. Surprisingly, economics and investments were among the least discussed. More commonly discussed were "Naked sprints around the Barn", and "Max Dumb Bell Snatch's", usually associated with $1000 bets.
Kayla brought a friend. This time it was a Girl. This girl lives in middle Tennessee. This girl seemed refreshingly normal. A partial body mapping revealed no ridiculous nonsensical tattoo's and a minimum of unusual piercings. I don't know how she could be a friend of Kayla's. Her name is Emily. She was given a T-shirt and I hope she returns.
Saturday at 0730 and at 0930.
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capsensislagamoprh · 3 months
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Victor squeed causing Christophe to wince. It was the suddenness of it, the way he went from curious and slightly in awe to toddler seeing a puppy in a millisecond. They'd been on the way to the near by museum. Not that they wanted to see the attractions. They wanted, rather deviously they agreed, to buy tickets as a cover for there real activities. Then the dog walker passed their path and that was the end of that.
Victor, the great Ice King, was on his knees cooing, petting, receiving licks, and giggling. He sank his hands into coat after coat until, with eyes wide, he felt the curly warmth of a small poodle, it's cream fur tanned in places from dirt. He light up, the texture was enough to get him asking questions. The second he heard the dog's fur could be sculpted and some dyed the fur to add spice, he began to loose control of his seeming. A cold wind blew, enthusiastically ripping at passer-bys clothes, trying to spin them about in winter cheer.
"Victor," Christophe called. "Victor!" Forcing his way thrugh the wind, he pulled a dross worth of glamour into his touch, applying it to the winter fey before he joygasumed himself into bedlam. "Victor," he said gently into his ear as they, "let the lady do her job. You can tell me all about the dog you want."
Victor's eyes cleared as he rose in an elegant arch. Clearing his throat with a discrete cough behind a gloved hand, he smiled at the woman. "My apologies. They are simply adorable." The winds dropped, allowing the sun to warm skin and clothes to remain in tact. As the woman took the gaggle of dogs off, Victor turned towards Christophe, his cheeks pleasantly flushed. "That is intoxicating," he whispered into the spring fey's ear. Christophe smiled, his white teeth flashing as his dark lashes lowered.
"This is why we need glamour, yes? Have you figured out how to collect yet? What flues you here?"
Victor sighed. "No. I thought it was winter itself. Ice, snow, the beauty of the shadows as they play along a frozen landscape. Holidays, hearths, things like this. They ... they have not fueled me."
Christophe squeezed Victor's shoulder. "Well, I have you here for four nights. We'll have to attend the ice, but I think we'll have time to figure something out."
Victor rested his head on Christophe's shoulder for a moment before breathing deep. Standing tall, he tugged his wool over coat into position with a snap. "I think I will be glad when we solve this. I keep feeling like what we're looking for is close, and then it just... flits away."
"Explain," his compatriot in crimes turned towards the museum, bouncing up the stairs with effortless grace.
"I can almost hear laughter some times. I think it's Yuri. Sometimes I feel a shadow dancing under the ice. Watching. Waiting. And then I feel myself loosing. Color, power, emotion, and suddenly there I am again, alive and full of wonder. It's very confusing."
"Glamour loss. You're a noble. A dreaming noble. We should get you in touch with an Autumn noble. See if they can help you maintain what you have if we cannot solve this during the meet."
Victor sneered. "Are they really even sidhe any more?"
"Don't be a snob, Victor." Placing a ticket in the unseelie's hand, he paused.
"Humm..." Christophe circled the silver haired man, eying him from head to toe in the most penetrating way. "I think I might have just gained a clue."
Victor's eyes lit up. His smile expanded into cheek bending grin. "Tell me," he whispered.
"When Yuri was released from shadows, what happened?" Victor looked a little blank, then took on a regal posture as he walked the street with his friend. His voice remained between them, chill winds removing it from pedestrian ears.
"I cannot tell you exactly. I do know his rebirth was in the earth of the dream, fertile and warmed with health. When he was born again, his form recreated from the remains of the previous, he shone like the promethium flame, gold and pure, all of the will of the seelie in his eyes."
"Right. He was born," Christophe paused for thoughtful effect, "of dirt and ash. Pain and second chances. All he needed to reform... was a helping hand."
Victor stopped, turned his clear blue eyes to Christophe's as his smile turned into a determined line. "Now all we need is to figure out if that is because all things born of ash and fire are applicable to the material realm," he said with serious bravado.
"If it dose, that's a mystery down."
"But where was he formed? This world doesn't allow for shadow step or ice flow. I can't chronosphere, I can't anything to make the search faster or easier."
"My friend," Christophe sighed, "I think that's the point."
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 23, part 24
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin" on YouTube
He's sitting there trying to sell it and say that something happened it's in the midwest is singing about and he saw a nice and white satin come out because their local people who are just disarming his devices and he has robots and says they're going to roll them out and there's a bunch of people that want the equipment and he said they pulled out billions of devices in area a day at some points in time and the guys a nut case doesn't have any serious security. And every few minutes he's berating him to try and change it when it's what a well-trained army of his is doing and an army of Tommy f both of them have massive numbers of nights in White satin out there now ripping all that s*** out I don't understand what this guy is saying he's so f****** dumb
Mac daddy
We have so many devices but we see the crew and they're everywhere I mean they're all over the whole Midwest and upper Midwest giant numbers and all over the world it is not what we planned you are a f****** idiot Joe Watts and you're wrong just sit there and tell them this is what happens it's a humongous Army that's getting killed by this massive force in the robots are going to be gone it will be one device there you see it before you idiot
I did get this before I've seen this before and he says that I've been grabbed much times because my big mouth saying I had a plan beyond it like I'm just about to say now so have to come and grab me again whether or not I added to it and I do see something you said it's not in those people around us no they are and those people are not and this guy is not and he keeps telling me to f*** off and shut up did they do their job and I keep bothering him it says it doesn't have any bearing on it except that they're paying more attention to you so I guess I missed it. And yeah there are clear billions of devices out in each area all at the same time there's a ton more cover there's a lot more robots it's the same stupid idea as a matter of fact it is it says there's a couple differences but there's nothing nothing that will affect it and Saturday I don't say what difference is this stupid s*** the clothes are trying the whole time do you thought was nice. So I'm getting up and arms but really I have to up and I'm seeing like I didn't
You have a few more ideas beyond the phone stuff and if you don't mention them and tell you we're disabling them you'll be this huge idiot all day long and a massive pain if we tell you what disabling them you're like this massive a****** to us in him so I don't know which one to do so how about I leave it in the middle and just say we know you have different stuff it didn't make a difference anything did and you're trying to sell it and it hasn't happened yet but when you see the song you're trying to sell this stuff and it won't work.. and when is your Tower and he says it's not new and the other is the fake missile strike which is real which is not new the other is to have objects in the bombs that look like other things and it's not new and those are things we are disabling the whole time it's not really sure what you're driving at Trump you say things are certain way to you you swallow the bait and you sound desperate and you are desperate.
Thor Freya
It says watches die as a joy he said no watching me guys enjoy and you're forcing us to and I sort of get something I need...
That's good I don't want to listen to nothing it's nonsense I can't wait till they're out of here you suck so bad they're so dumb but this is what the guys like he's an irritating p**** in a suck WOD and he just sits there telling you know it's going like this no matter what it's going like they tries to get you to do stuff then he tries to get stuff from you and that's what he's doing all the time to everybody is a massive leech and a coward and he's going to sing like a little f** saying that he took everything and he did everything he's out there steadily losing to everyone and I just say even Kingsley knows and he's losing and Kingsley goes a little dirty because the comment and the guy dies and his son because you mentioned some something you know and we have to take care of business they both get killed one goes off a very high cliff and the other one gets so he could care his face shut off for the shotgun. There are other things going on but I need people to get these assholes out of here they're ridiculous they haven't done anything for any of you Max except him stand over and I'd say the long run it probably wasn't worth it.
Zues Hera
In the long run it's not worth it to have Stan stuff in exchange for what you're doing Trump and you're okay get a moron and a weakling and for your women too it's gross
Mac daddy
Yes and we're taking the factories and the robots and we are taking the supplies and we're going to take over your mining all over the world you had mines in the midwest in the middle areas but not that many but we're taking over the minds all over the world in order to get rid of you especially precious metals and diamonds and just come running from hundreds of miles away in the end in the end they come running from across the continent and we kill them at the mine we got so many at a gold mine in Africa that I thought all of Africa were in there it was terribly huge huge piles of bodies we pile up in 10 minutes giant giant numbers of dead it went all day yesterday it is just running in that direction this will have to see who they are so we got so many of them and we checked we have to, it's a lot of work and we hit so many of you idiots did it it took half a day to move the bodies out it's probably 10 trillion people and that's costly to you now and you're doing it again today and you sent it like 5 trillion to the Midwest and they're dead and we made most of them into nights and White satin it's the largest standing army in the history of man because we kept doing that for recent days and restoring them in the cold up north and they're about to swoop down no it's been swooping down. Your people heard you're evacuating and they heard why and they're moving out and all of the trumpsters and BGA etc are leaving and it's a huge crowd and they're leaving fast and the nights in white satin in their gigantic they're huge. And they rent the s*** they ripped the s*** out of three quarters of what was left of the Midwest this morning and they're going for the rest of it and the ones that are north of the upper Midwest are coming down to the West now into Michigan through Michigan into Indiana and soon the rest of the Midwest and it's not that much left couple States and then Western Pennsylvania and you can see the number and they are evacuating a lot more than they were and this idiot is going to sing a song and say you did something and they're making missiles and things like that it's time with it and he gets kicked out shortly after this evacuation
Thor Freya
He gets kicked out because he's running around town same thing's about devices and blowing the place up and people are sick of it his people are sick of it. We here it does happen fairly soon and Stan is fighting him tooth and nail to kill him once I'm dead everyone wants him dead. And I'm trying to get him and he works staying emotionally at this jobs where our son was laid off or other and he's done to other people and he's kind of an idiot it doesn't do it for real reasons and it's true he just likes to bother him and we used it to get rid of his Force and take over a big chunk of the planet he's a moron and a child and we took advantage of him fully and now people are gunning for him and they should he's a weekly. Now people here and they understand it happened they're going after him for what he has cuz he can't keep it if he doesn't if he does keep it we take it that's what they're saying it's absolutely true. There's a few more things you don't sit there and say stuff to us every day over and over Dan or any of you are we going to get back to you and we have been for some reason you can't figure it out even though we tell you in writing we did this because of that now and that stops working we have to increase the pressure on you and you would not stop and your people would not stop themselves or you so he started annihilating you and everyone else started pitching in cuz you start aggravating them like little idiotic kids she went around picking fights with everybody now you're almost done we're going to send in some serious crews and get you out of here but right now we're pulling you out of the Midwest and upper Midwest and everybody is leaving because of it and they're also leaving to go to the islands cuz I think the launch missiles are getting things and we're seeing a lot of that and it's forcing us to go in and pull you out and pull them out all over the world and pull the clones out and go after them it started a massive push just now. It's still circulating July 4th is the day and everybody is up and trying to leave all over the world warlocks are leaving happily smiling waving their goofy little retard waves and smiles and they think that they're going to win and they don't know if they're running into a shield when they get there and other such things redundancy is really and it happened because these trumpsters have big mouths this Lady Gaga is a huge a****** to our son and says dumb s*** to him so he's sitting there berating the trumps right to her face and she's trying to say something you wouldn't let her she comes by there every so often to try and say stuff gets cut off sensitive spas and start screaming and stuff to everybody and the missiles are gone on Trump's Islands because of her it's more like her is there a bunch of assholes and weaklings they should be talking about anything with our son cuz they're not qualified to and yet here they are exposing plan after plan and they rat on Max all the time. And you people have been miles and are very annoying and you need to die now you're disgustingly stupid so this Army of nights in White satin is vast and you won't defeat it with anything you come out with cannons you fire rapidly you look like fools his little teeny cannons against a sea of people. And yeah it's going to be over here for you videos you have no backup at all no power and right now the sheriff is out and about and they're think ing you're fired the final 100. And therefore again by the way pouring in and the number is increasing only and your number is decreasing only and you're leaving rapidly it was 75% were up and we have that documented everything 20% more up now and there's 5% old swine
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eldstunga · 5 years
Since we are talking Bloodlines, what's your opinion on each of the Clans?
I’ll eventually get around to all the clans but let’s just start with the opinion of my gangrel ass on the entire clan Ventrue:
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alannah-corvaine · 5 years
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[ ambience ]
she dreams of a great glass wall.
of a feeling of being stretched thin, like fractured light, like liquid gold, with honey in her lungs and stars in her eyes. voices whisper in the gloaming dark, calling her name, singing to her soul.
alannah sighs, arms outstretched, straining for the sky above.
she is surrounded by Shards, fragments of a single Memory. the Wall wraps its warmth around them; she cannot touch. a single thread tied to her fingertip trails off into the aether, following the Wall into Infinity.
her lips form the letters of his name. a summons, a plea, a rage against the space between.
take us home.
home is a star. home is a warm hearth and hands to hold. but the fire is cold and her heart is empty, promises piling up by the door as she drowns in a debt as deep as her despair.
hear. feel. think.
eyes closed, she passes into the heart of the world. mother hydaelyn cradles her in a soft glow, humming a hymn of creation. it echoes in the vast eternity, an ethereal joy unraveling her thread by thread.
beloved daughter, do not weep.
but she is bitter, undone by distance, unmade by mercy. 
let me dream, she murmurs, until the lights die and the world is bare. what warrior am i to hold all of life in my hands, to fight the fury of fate with naught but a prayer and the strength of my arms? i have made a beacon of my being, and it is not enough.
it is 
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