#Wolves And Hounds
fandomficsnstuff · 4 months
Wolves And Hounds - 18
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(Warnings: Mentions of dead bodies, blood, fighting, angst, vague hints at SA and maybe a little fluff at the end<3)
Karliah woke up the second the horse stopped, lifting her head from Sandor’s back to look around, slipping her hands from around him and his belt as she yawned and Sandor secretly loathed that she’d moved her hands, he had gotten so used to the slight pressure that now he felt cold where her arms had once been wrapped around him. “Are we at the Vale?” she asked through her yawn, looking around once more, grimacing at the sight of all the dead people, a certain unease taking root in her “and why are we surrounded by dead bodies?” she asked with a small wince, Sandor scoffing lightly, nodding ahead and she listened, hearing distant horses and she looked up at Sandor from behind him. He turned stiffly and looked over his shoulder at her, studying her before grumbling, clicking his tongue a little, riding his horse a little closer to the sound before getting off with Arya and Karliah. He tied up the horse as Arya and Karliah sneaked over to some bushes to get a better look. Sandor soon joined them, Arya’s stomach growling a little and Karliah frowned at her before looking at Sandor. “She’s hungry. I’m hungry. You’re hungry.”
“There’s five horses. Five horses means five men. I don’t feel like fighting five men on an empty stomach, dove.”
“And what am I? A figment of your imagination? I can swing a sword, you know that-”
“Aye, sixteen years ago” he hissed and her eyes widened, face turning red “I got the drop on you in King’s Landing, didn’t I?!” she whispered harshly, glaring at him before turning to Arya. “It’s two against five, we-”
“I know him” Arya whispered as two men came out the back of the inn “the small one… his name is Polliver” Arya added and Karliah took in the cold look on her face, a frown forming on her brows and she looked back at the man in question “he captured us and took us to Harrenhall… he’s one of the men who killed Yoren” Arya admitted in a whisper and Karliah sighed heavily, looking ahead to study the men, their armour, their demeanour and weapons. “He killed Lommy…”
“What the fuck’s a ‘Lommy’?” Sandor asked Arya and Karliah kept her gaze on the two men, frowning a little with confusion at who ‘Lommy’ was but she kept her eyes on them nonetheless. “He was my friend. Polliver took my sword and stuck it right through his neck… he’s still got it!”
“Got what?”
“My sword; Needle.”
“‘Needle’... of course you named your bloody sword.”
“Lots of people name their swords.”
“Lots of cunts” Sandor’s reply made Karliah look up at him in slight shock “Sandor!” she hissed and he looked at her, glaring lightly at her “don’t tell me you named your fucking sword too when you fought in the rebellion” he growled and she scoffed and shook her head “no, I didn’t… not exactly-”
“What the fuck- What are you doing?!” Sandor hissed as he realised that Arya was halfway down the small hill to the inn, both Karliah and Sandor hurrying after her. “Arry!”
“Jon gave me that sword” Arya stated suddenly and Karliah stopped in her tracks as Arya turned to face her. “Jon gave it to me” she stated again and Karliah sighed softly “Arya, there’s five men in there. Well armoured and armed men-”
“I’m getting my sword back” she stated with determination, continuing to march towards the inn and Karliah groaned a little, both her and Sandor catching up with Arya, Sandor catching her first. “He killed my friend-!”
“I don’t care if he ate your friend, we’re not going in there!” Sandor growled just as the door opened and Karliah froze up, eyes a little wide as she reached Arya and Sandor, standing behind Arya, a hand protectively on her shoulder, keeping her against her. As the man who had tried to walk outside spotted Sandor, he slowly backed away and Sandor stared him down before slowly taking steps to walk inside, Karliah reluctantly following after him, guiding Arya in as well, her hand on her shoulder firm and steady as she did everything she could to keep Arya close, where she could protect her. As they got inside, Sandor having to bend down a little to get through the doorway, Karliah’s grip on Arya tightened when she heard women sobbing and struggling to get away from the men, her heart racing and she looked up at Sandor while Arya reached behind her and closed the door, her eyes locked on Polliver, who didn’t even turn to look at who had arrived and managed to quiet the rowdy men with their mere presence. But then again, Karliah could only imagine that few men could do that, so it narrowed down the possibilities quite a lot as to who could be responsible for the new silence.
She followed Sandor to a bench in the far back of the inn, sitting Arya down on the bench with the table between the rest of the inn, about to pull up a chair to sit next to her when Sandor pulled up a chair next to himself on the bench next to Arya, Karliah glancing down at Arya who gave a subtle nod and she nodded subtly in return, walking around the table to sit down at the end of it on the chair that Sandor had pulled over for her from another table. “Thank you” she whispered politely, keeping her gaze and head down, her heart still racing out of her chest, she was sure she’d have to chase after it if it kept up the pace a little while longer.
“I know you!” Karliah froze at those words, her eyes moving to Arya who also looked at her, her hand reaching behind her for Sandor’s sword and Karliah’s hand subtly reached Sandor’s knee, her eyes pleading as she was ready to point out that Arya was about to draw his sword. Or at least attempt to draw it. “You’re the Hound!” Karliah breathed out a shaky breath of relief, her eyes moving to Arya, giving her a warning glare and Arya slowly removed her hand from the sword hilt, Karliah giving her a subtle nod. “Pour our new friend some ale! And his… what’s your name, pretty?” he asked with a disturbing grin as he sat down on the bench across from Sandor and Arya, next to Karliah. “Ulma…” Karliah lied quietly, keeping her head down and Polliver grinned, reaching over, letting the back of his fingers run softly down her arm and Karliah felt like barfing. “Where in the seven hells did you get a pretty thing like her?” he asked as he kept smirking at Karliah, Sandor clenching his jaw and fists tightly in a warning and it seemed the Polliver got the message, lifting his hands in mock defeat “not a sharer, that’s alright” he determined, casting Karliah a final smirk before looking back at Sandor.
“So! What brings you so far North?”
“I could ask the same of you. What are you doing up here?”
“Just keeping the King’s peace.”
“No need. The war’s over” Sandor pointed out as the innkeeper arrived with mugs and ale, pouring some for Karliah and Sandor both, Karliah looking up at him with an apologetic look before he scurried off. “So I’ve heard. Stannis defeated at the Blackwater. Robb Stark killed at the Twins. And where am I for all of it? Stuck with your brother! Meanin’ no offence.”
“None taken.”
“He’s good, the Mountain is. The best at what he does, but… torture, torture, torture, torture. You spend enough time puttin’ the hammer to people, you start to feel like a carpenter making chairs. Drains the fun right out’f it. And what’s life without a little fun?” he asked, chuckling briefly, glancing at Karliah again with that same disgusting smirk before looking at Arya in the same way, smirking “but I don’t need to tell you that, do I? You’ve got whole two with you!” he said with amusement, moving his gaze back at Karliah as she tried to calm herself and her boiling blood. “She’s alright. I’ve had better. Though I like this one a little better” Sandor grumbled and gestured to Karliah, Polliver laughing creepily in amusement “I can imagine, she looks good… you know what? You should come with us. His kind, they’ve always got something hidden away somewhere,” he stated and gestured behind him to the innkeeper, Karliah’s blood boiling with rage as she looked over her shoulder, locking eyes with the woman, probably the innkeeper’s daughter, as she was forced into the laps of those men, struggling as they tried to grope at her, laughing and joking and it was as though everything else was blank to her except those men, their laughs, their disgusting remarks and the way they handled that poor girl.
“Fuck the King” Karliah looked back at Sandor at his words, her heart racing a little faster but this time it wasn’t out of anger. It was excitement. A rush of adrenaline. A smirk tugging at her lips as she looked at Polliver, picking up the mug of ale that she hadn’t touched, drinking all of it while keeping eye contact with the disgusting creature of a man as the inn was as quiet as an abandoned Weirwood tree.
“When I’d heard that Joffrey’s dog had tucked tail and run from the battle of the Blackwater with his bitch wife, I didn’t believe it. But here you are-”
“Here I am. Bring us one of those chickens” Sandor ordered and Karliah felt that rush again. It was inappropriate. So inappropriate, but the way he spoke calmly, dominantly… it made fire course through her veins and set every single inch of her ablaze, as though she’d been bathed in dragonfire and she couldn’t help it, her hand, which was still subtly on his knee under the table, moved up a little, to his thigh. Her blood felt thicker in her veins as she felt his thigh under all of that armour flex a little at her familiar yet brazen touch.
“You got money to pay for that chicken?”
“You paid for it?”
“No. But we’re the King’s men. So, you got money?” he asked, Sandor downing the rest of his ale “not a penny” he stated openly “I’ll still take that chicken.”
“Tell you what. We’ll trade ya. One of our little chickens for one of yours” Polliver stated as he casually gestured between Karliah and Arya, Karliah’s entire body tensing up and her hand slowly and subtly moved up from Sandor’s thigh to the outer side of it, slowly sliding up and under his cloak, reaching for one of his knives when his hand suddenly caught hers, his gaze still locked with Polliver’s, who didn’t seem to have noticed what Karliah had been trying to do. “Give us a go at your friend. You’ll even get to pick which one. Lowell there likes them a bit broken in” he stated as he turned and gestured to a man who waved with a chicken, Karliah’s body almost shaking with rage as Polliver turned back to look at Sandor, awaiting his response.
“You’re a talker… listening to talkers makes me thirsty,” Sandor reached over with his free hand, taking Polliver’s mug of ale and drinking all of it, all while keeping eye contact with him, downing the ale and putting the mug back down “and hungry. Think I’ll take two chickens” Sandor finished, Karliah trying to hide her smirk, Polliver looking over his shoulder at his men before looking back at Sandor. “You don’t seem to understand the situation.”
“I understand that if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I’m going to have to eat every fucking chicken in this room.”
“You lived your life for the King. You’re gonna die for some chickens?”
“Someone is…” there was a longer while of silence, Sandor slowly letting go of Karliah’s hand and just as Polliver stood up she reached over, grabbing the knife out of it’s sheath, standing up just as Sandor flipped the table, knocking Polliver down to the ground with it and pinning him there, Karliah hurriedly running around the table as Sandor backhanded one of the attacking men, sending him almost head first into Karliah who gripped him tightly by the back collar of his leather armour, cutting his throat to the bone, as she���d heard her sister-in-law’s throat was cut.
Sandor cut down another man and pushed him aside, Karliah charging forward, dodging a sword being swung at her, tackling the man and stabbing him in the heart twice before getting up, stabbing the back of another man as Sandor cut him across his front, almost from balls to brains. Karliah hurried over to the innkeeper and his daughter, both of whom at first flinched but Karliah pushed them to hurry up the stairs, to which they quickly obeyed. Just as they had gotten up, a man swung his sword at her, Karliah moving out of the way just in time, stumbling a little, back hitting a wall and she ducked again as the sword was aimed at her head, stabbing the man’s thigh while hurrying out from under the sword, backing up while Sandor fought off the other man, the two of them remaining and Karliah focused on the man she’d stabbed already, watching him charge at her, ready for the fight when suddenly a large hand punched him so hard that blood and teeth flew out of his mouth and he landed on the ground with a heavy thud. Suddenly two men tackled Sandor, pushing him to the ground, kicking him and Karliah jumped up on one of them, legs wrapped around their neck from behind and she took the knife in her hand, lifting it up, intending to plunge it into the man’s skull from above when he purposefully backed up into a wall, harshly slamming Karliah against it in an attempt to get her off but she stayed on top of him, holding on for dear life as he continued this, slamming her against objects until finally she let go by accident, landing in the dirt but as he lifted his sword to cut into her, she had rolled over on her back, foot aimed direction at his crotch, and she didn’t hold back either, using all of her strength in that kick and as he stumbled forward a little in shock and utter agony she leaned up and stabbed him in the gut, stabbing him two more times before using the knife to flip the two of them over as she straddled him. She leaned down and cut his throat before getting up, just in time to see Arya expertly cut the back of Polliver’s legs as he headed for Sandor, who pinned a man against a post with a sword straight through his gut.
She watched hesitantly as Arya took a small step closer to Polliver as he laid in the dirt and dust.
“Something wrong with your leg, boy?”
“What? What do you mean?”
“Can you walk? I’ve got to carry you?”
“Arry?” Karliah asked softly, the girl looking up at her aunt, a small pleading look in her eyes and Karliah hesitated, beginning to shake her head when Arya looked back at Polliver. “C-Carry me?” he asked but Arya didn’t answer, merely lifting her blade, as though inspecting it for the first time and that’s when Karliah realised it. This was how he killed her friend… and he’d done it with her sword…
“Fine little blade. Maybe I’ll pick my teeth with it” she stated as she lowered it, pointing directly at his neck and only when she saw recognition in his eyes did she slowly push it through his neck, watching him choke on his own blood as she pulled out the thin blade, cleaning off her blade with her sleeve, turning to look at her aunt who frowned at her with a light sigh. Karliah hesitated before stretching out her hand to Arya, waiting, a pleading look in her eyes and finally Arya sheathed Needle in her belt and stepped over Polliver’s corpse, taking her aunt’s hand and Karliah looked at Sandor before walking outside with Arya. When he found them, Arya was on top of a white horse, Karliah wiping her bloody hands on her trousers and when Sandor walked over, she handed him back his knife, clean and rid of blood, ready to be used and she smiled softly up at him. “Arya, look away” Karliah spoke without looking at her niece, who frowned and did as told with confusion. Once Karliah was sure that Arya wasn’t looking, she leaned up, wrapping an arm around Sandor’s neck, her lips meeting with his while her other hand slid his knife into it’s sheath. His arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her tightly against him as he kissed her back, Arya looking back at them to find out why she had to look away to begin with, only to cringe and look away “ew!” she gagged, Karliah parting from Sandor with amusement. “Told you” she teased before turning to Sandor again, studying his empty hands and she moved to walk back inside. “What’re you doing?”
“I’m still hungry and there’s perfectly good cooked chicken in there. Now get your horse. The brown one is mine” she shouted before walking inside, Sandor studying her as she walked off until he couldn’t see her anymore, looking up at Arya who smirked at him. “You heard her, get your horse” Arya ordered teasingly and he rolled his eyes, grumbling in annoyance as he walked over, got his horse and made the way back to where Arya was still sat atop her new horse that she wanted to fucking badly, though his mood was somewhat lifted, just a little bit, when Karliah came back outside with a chicken for each of them and a bag of gold, giving it to him “they said thank you, for the help” she said with a soft smile, handing the two chickens to her niece as she saddled up on the brown horse she’d chosen, leaning over and taking one of the chickens as Arya had already begun eating.
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
I don’t know why I’ve only thought of it now, but Sandor and Robyn would be cute. She’s younger and sorta innocent at times. He would feel like he needs to protect her. But she’s also a fighter and she’s got a strong will that he would look up to. Imagine if it’s Robyn that Sandor runs with after leaving Joffrey. The strangers to friends to lovers is strong with this one (I think)
Also he would definitely be the last to realize he’s in love and only do so after she comes on to him while they’re bathing in he woods. He fucks her under a waterfall. It’s majestic in my mind.
Oh i adore that!!
So sweet and I'm here for that coupling !!
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leafspiritz · 8 months
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good dog 🦴
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justcallme-ange · 1 year
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This was mostly an excuse to draw doggos, but I thought it'd be fun for the rivals to have a similar exchange to Dream and George.
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radioactive-mouse · 1 year
i have GOT to get more insane abt lifeseries joel and grian. they’re so fucking everything. late game last life for them really is like the both of us are at our absolute lowest and can’t really be bothered to care anymore, but there is a kind of freedom in allowing yourself to pretend you’re a monster without remorse, to let yourself grow vicious in a way you’ve been trying to rein yourself in from. the two of them take each other hands, all grasping claws and sharp-toothed grins, and say monsters it is then, just the two of us. they just. they understand each other in a way nobody else quite does. the two of them settle together in limlife and,,, they can just feel the seconds counting down until their names turn red and the world grows sharper and they grow sharper with it. they’re comfortable with what they’ve got— jimmy and the bad boys and the bread bridge and all of that, it’s lovely— but there’s an anxious, giddy anticipation growing between them and they can both feel it.
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5/21/2024 cake hounds from various events and cake wolf playdate!
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aureentuluva70 · 8 months
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Lay of Leithian Part 20: Luthien meets Huan, Celegorm and Curufin
<<<Part 19 >>>Part 20
(Credits to the artists!)
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caleod · 1 year
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naggascradle · 2 days
maybe game of thrones couldve been good if the whole thing looked like s1 did
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antiqueanimals · 1 year
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Savage Sam. From the Wonderful Worlds of Walt Disney: America. 1965.
Internet Archive
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fandomficsnstuff · 9 days
Wolves And Hounds - 23
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(Warnings: Angst, a little more angst, some fluff and then smut!:3 And a bit more angst at the end)
Sandor watched his wife from afar, the way she just stared ahead… arms wrapped around herself, a vacant look in her eyes, as though she wasn’t entirely there…
“What happened?” Beric asked suddenly and Sandor glared up at him before looking down, trying to seem like he didn’t care but his body betrayed him when it forced him to lift his head and look at her again, watching over her, unsure of what to do. “Something happened. The Wild Wolf of Winterfell does not get scared so easily” Beric pointed out, taking in Sandor’s silence and his expression softened as his mind worked. What could make such a strong-willed, defiant woman become so full of rage yet so quiet and rattled? The answer left him feeling cold all over, a look of regret in his eyes… he regretted only giving them two out of the three bastards they’d hanged… it also explained why she had been so full of rage and anger, so hungry for a violent revenge.
As they talked, Karliah kept her gaze straight ahead, as though in her own little world, her jaw clenched, posture tense as she couldn’t relive it all again and again, each time feeling a deeper, stronger hatred grow in her, tears of anger forming in her eyes and she looked like she was on the verge of homicidal rage.
“You can still help a lot more than you’ve harmed, Clegane. It’s not too late for you. And it’s not too late for her…”
Beric gestured in a head nod towards Karliah, Sandor following his gaze, his eyes locked on his wife, the rage in her eyes, her tense posture. She looked like bottled wildfire, about to explode. Like if she didn’t take out her rage one way or another, she would explode into a million sharp pieces that���d pierce and cut anyone too close to her. Sandor hesitated before standing up, walking over to her, hesitantly sitting down next to her, looking ahead, just like her. “They want me to join” he spoke quietly, hearing a light scoff coming from her and he turned to look at her “and not me? Why? Because I wear skirts and have a cunt?”
“And what a cunt it is” Sandor mumbled, making her look at him, her cheeks darkening but she smiled a little, a genuine smile of amusement “shut up” she muttered, looking down. “They want you to join too. At least, that’s what I gathered” Sandor clarified and Karliah sighed, closing her eyes for a brief moment as she shook her head “you’re no stranger to rage, my love…” she began, Sandor studying her closely, waiting for her to continue, “you’re no stranger to revenge… tell me, will this ever go away? This dark hatred… this-... hungry feeling in my gut?” she asked quietly with a wavering voice, Sandor studying her before looking ahead “just need a good chicken is all, then it’ll go away” he joked dryly and she laughed briefly and quietly, smiling that wonderful smile once again as she kept her head down “I haven’t gotten my revenge. Not yet, anyway… so I can’t tell you if it’ll ever go away, dove” Sandor admitted hesitantly, watching her closely as she nodded. “I keep feeling his hands on me… his breath… his smell” she muttered with disgust, jaw clenched, her heart racing with anger and disgust and Sandor sighed and looked ahead “I-... you know I’m no good at this, dove… I don’t know what to do or say or-... I’m no fucking good at this feelings shit” he growled under his breath and Karliah looked up at her, a few tears still in her eyes as she frowned at him with understanding “hold my hand” she whispered and Sandor looked at her, studying her closely before taking her hand into his own, lifting it and kissing the back of it and she smiled weakly, letting out a shaky breath “thank you” she whispered, leaning closer and kissing him sweetly, her eyes shut and for once she didn’t feel that pig’s hands on her, she didn’t see him behind her closed eyes, she didn’t smell his foul stench. Just her husband’s. Though she was sure that she didn’t smell any better than him.
Sandor kissed her back tenderly, cupping her face to deepen the kiss when she broke it, sighing softly “I love you, Sandor Clegane” she whispered, pecking his lips before getting up, walking over to one of the campfires, taking some of the food and sat away from the men, eating it slowly and Sandor felt relief when he saw that she was finally eating something.
Karliah was quiet as she walked up from behind Sandor, her eyes locked on the two skeletons and she approached hesitantly. “Dove?” Sandor asked cautiously, watching her sit down on the edge of the small bed by the skeletons, leaning closer, her fingers barely ghosting over the smaller one “he did her first, then himself” she muttered after studying the wound patterns in the clothes and the knife, looking over her shoulder at Sandor, a few tears in her eyes that she wouldn’t let shed and she looked back at the skeletons before sighing. “At least they’re not suffering this fucking weather” she muttered bitterly before getting up, a hand on Sandor’s shoulder as she passed him by and went straight for the chest in the corner, pulling it out as she kneeled down, opening it, sighing softly as she looked into it. “Dresses? Seems too big for that girl’s skeleton” Beric observed and Karliah kept her eyes on the chest and what was inside it, reaching in, hand ghosting over the fabric of the dress “it was her mother’s…”
“Don’t see another skeleton around here.”
“She died” Karliah muttered, sighing softly as she picked up and held up one of the dresses that seemed thicker than the others, studying it “it’s warmer than the one I’m wearing” she muttered and looked up at Sandor who gave her a brief nod, making her sigh as she bundled it up and closed the chest, pushing it back into place before walking towards a vacant room in the back. “We haven’t cleared that room yet-”
“No one is there, Thoros” Karliah snapped, entering the room and slamming the door and Sandor sighed heavily, approaching the room awkwardly. “Dove? It’s me” he called quietly, opening the door and walking inside the room, shutting it. Karliah turned to look at him over her shoulder before continuing to get undressed, Sandor watching her before stepping in to help, making her smirk a little “Sandor Clegane knows how to take off a dress? Didn’t see that one coming” she teased quietly and he scoffed, grabbing her hips from behind, pulling her close against his body, her back and the back of her shoulders bare of her dress and furs, coming into contact with his sturdy, clothed chest “picked up a thing or two when I’ve fucked you in one of these things” he whispered in her ear and she shivered as she leaned further into his chest, her hands moving to grip his on her waist, feeling the warmth of them, warming her instantly. “Sandor…” she hummed quietly, taking his hands and moving them up to her still covered breasts, Sandor roughly palming them, squeezing and fondling them until he’d had enough. His hands left her chest to grip the loosened fabric at her back, ripping it open further, shredding it as he ripped it off of her, his lips on her neck as he wrapped an arm around her chest to palm her breasts and tease her nipples in the cold air while his other hand wrapped around her throat, pulling her back against him as she arched her back into his hands, closing her eyes in bliss. As she panted, her hands moved behind her, finding his trousers, fingers urgently tugging at the laces until they loosened enough for her to slip her hand inside, Sandor hissing at her cold hand as she wrapped it around his hardening cock. His hand on her neck moved down to the breeches she had been wearing under her tattered dress, which was now pooled at her feet, his cold fingers sending chills through her body, his fingers reaching her clit and she whined needily, feeling his teeth tease the skin on her neck as his fingers found her weeping hole. He groaned against her skin when he felt how wet she was for him, his cock now fully hard as she stroked and jerked him, moaning quietly into the cold air, her breath visible as she panted, eyes still shut in bliss as Sandor’s fingers expertly began to bring her over the edge. He knew her body better than his own at this point, expertly knowing what to do and when to do it to bring her to the edge of madness. And he loved it. He loved the effect he had on her, he loved the effect she had on him, the two of them like waves rocking against each other in the most perfect way, completely in sync with one another.
As she got closer to her own edge, her hand began to stroke him more desperately, her thumb swiping over the head of his weeping cock, gathering the precum and smearing it as best she could with the awkward angle she had to work from, Sandor groaning and grunting into her ear, hips bucking against her hand as his own hand worked her over, the other hand pinching her nipple between his forefinger and his thumb, hearing her breath hitch as she arched into him, brows furrowed as she was just on the edge, just a little longer… just another flick of his thumb on her clit, just one more pump of his thick fingers in her cunt, just one more-
“Are you two done fuckin’ or what?” a voice asked full of amusement, snapping both Sandor and Karliah out of their euphoria, Karliah sighing heavily, dropping her head as she groaned in frustration, Sandor pulling his fingers from her, turning around and ripping the door open, Karliah quickly scrambling to get something to cover herself with, turning to look at Sandor with wide eyes “Sandor!” she hissed, watching as Sandor grabbed the man by his collar, nearly lifting him off the ground with anger “you interrupt me again and I’ll rape your fucking corpse, you dumb cunt, you got that?” he growled, eyes fiery with rage and the man nodded eagerly, being put down by Sandor, or rather, he was dropped like a used toy. Sandor stepped back, slamming the door shut, making sure it stayed shut before turning to Karliah, ripping the cover away from her bare chest, his lips on hers instantly as he picked her up like she weighed nothing, putting her down on the bed before undoing his trousers as he laid over her, his hands nearly ripping the breeches she wore off of her, her boots going off with them, the head of his cock resting right against her hole but before he could push in, she grabbed him by his hips and stopped him. “Wait, wait” she breathed, Sandor frowning at her and she looked towards the door “any of you fuckers peep in here or listen by the door, I’ll cut off your tiny cocks and stuff them down your throats and roast your balls!!” she yelled before turning back to Sandor, leaning up and kissing him eagerly, Sandor grunting as he thrust into her in one harsh thrust, making her gasp, mouth open in shock at the full sensation. Gods, it felt like it had been years since he’d been inside her, her legs wrapping around his still covered hips, whimpering as he started to thrust into her roughly, wrapping her arms around him as his lips met hers in a rough and passionate kiss, muffling most of her cries and his groans and grunts, both of them knowing that they wouldn’t last long and Karliah felt the way his hips stuttered every now and then, her hips lifting up to meet his as much as possible, Sandor parting from her lips, his face in the crook of her neck as he groaned and grunted, Karliah pulling him close as she gasped and panted, trying to keep as quiet as possible while her husband fucked her, the thrill of someone else on the other side of that door sending her into a frenzy, the tight rope in her gut finally snapping and she frowned deeply, waves of pleasure washing over her and she clung to him, his burnt ear next to her lips as she panted, her lips wrapping around whatever was left of the lobe, sucking on it gently and Sandor groaned, moaning quietly into her neck as his hips still, his cock buried deep inside her and she could almost feel his release shoot into her, her tight walls tightening rhythmically around his cock, squeezing him, milking him, as though begging for his seed to take root inside her and give him an heir. Sandor groaned and lifted his head from her neck, kissing her roughly and passionately, her hands cupping his face lovingly.
“That…” she panted once he parted from her lips, a grin forming on her lips as she closed her eyes in bliss “that… was long overdue” she muttered, mostly to herself, opening her eyes to look at Sandor as he scoffed “got that fucking right” he muttered, looking towards the door with a small frown and she smirked “what? Worried that they heard a husband fucking his wife?” she whispered, leaning up and gently biting his lobe, hearing him groan and she felt him stir inside of her, making her gasp briefly and smirk. “Well… it’s one way of staying warm” she whispered, kissing him gently before gently pushing him off of her, Sandor moving along with her, pulling out of her sore cunt and she whined and whimpered a little, sweat covering her body in a thin sheen and she got up, picking up her breeches, Sandor watching from the bed after tucking himself back into his trousers. He couldn’t help but smirk when she bent over and he saw the wetness covering her hole, the slight white that was about to pour out of her hole and he reached forward, surprising her with his cold fingers against her hole, pushing his seed back into her and she couldn’t help but moan quietly, eyes shutting as she let him finger fuck his own release back into her. “I have to get dressed, my love” she panted, Sandor leaning over, kissing her arse cheek and slapping it afterwards, Karliah yelping as she turned to him with red cheeks. She pulled on her breeches and the new dress, pulling all of her furs back on, making sure everything was in place before opening the door, exiting the room with Sandor behind her like a looming shadow, glaring at the others. “What? Just because none of you gets fucked doesn’t mean that I can’t get fucked by my husband” Karliah scoffed, leaving and Sandor raised a burnt brow at the others, challenging them, daring them to say something, anything, to give him an excuse, some of the men snickering but otherwise, no comments, only brief glances at Karliah as she didn’t even seem aware of their stares.
It was a little later when she walked back into the room, having found blankets and even some food stored away, her eyes locking onto Sandor and Thoros as they were kneeling by the fire Thoros had gotten going, her brows furrowing as she silently approached, silently putting the blankets and food on the table, watching Sandor and Thoros, Beric watching her carefully, the genuine concern for the large man who was her husband. He’d heard that she’d been wedded against her will, forced to marry the beast of a man named Clegane. He’d heard that at first, she was to wed Gregor when the boy king Joffrey thought the pairing of Sandor and Karliah to be more amusing than Gregor and Karliah. He’d thought she’d been broken in rough, forced, probably crying and fighting against him… but the way she looked at him… the genuine love and care… It was all the proof he needed to decide if the rumours had been true or not.
They hadn’t been true.
Somehow, sometime, in some way, she had willingly given herself to him, she had accepted him for who he was and she had managed to pierce that thick hide of his and worm her way into his heart as well, stealing it and leaving her own in it’s place, the two of them holding each other’s hearts.
“Ice…” Sandor’s response to Thoros asking him what he saw in the flames made him snap out of his thoughts and turn to look at Sandor, Karliah frowning at him “a wall of ice… the Wall…” Sandor clarified, almost as though in a trance of disbelief, Karliah feeling her heart race “what else?” Thoros asked in a quiet voice, almost as though raising his voice would disturb whatever trance Sandor was in. “It’s where the Wall meets the sea… there’s a castle there…” Sandor continued until the logs in the fire cracked, scaring him for a brief moment and Karliah almost reached for him, but Beric lifted his hand, silently telling her to not do anything, Karliah studying Sandor with worry. “There’s a mountain, looks like an arrowhead… The dead are marching past” he muttered, shaking his head as Beric stood up slowly at his words “thousands of them…” he added quietly as Beric made his way around the table to stand by Sandor “do you believe me now, Clegane? Do you believe that we’re here for a reason?” Beric asked, Karliah glancing between the men with concern. “What else do you see? I can see that you’re seeing something else” Thoros whispered, Sandor’s heart starting to race, his breathing turning heavy as he shook his head again “it’s-... my wife…” he muttered, unaware that she was right behind him “she-... crying… holding-” he cut himself off and stepped back, almost as though he was spooked, his breath shaky and uneven and he turned away from the flames, seeing Karliah stand there with a frown, her own breathing a little heavy as she looked at the fire, approaching it, narrowing her eyes at it before shaking her head, looking at the three men “I see nothing…” she admitted quietly, looking up at Sandor as he kept his gaze on the ground, almost as though he was… traumatised…
“Sandor?” she asked quietly, reaching for him and he flinched, glancing briefly at her before looking away “I’m fine… get some rest, dove” he muttered, Karliah watching him closely before turning to Beric and Thoros as Sandor left. “What did you do to him?” she asked quietly, Thoros shrugging ever so slightly, looking back into the fire and Karliah turned to Beric for answers. “The Lord of Light showed him our purpose. We’re heading for the Wall, Lady Stark” he stated softly and she frowned, her heart racing before turning around and leaving, entering the room she had changed in, aiming to get some rest.
Karliah walked out into the cold after waking up alone in the bed, wrapped in her furs as she watched both Thoros and Sandor bury the dead father and his daughter, her arms wrapped tightly around her for warmth as she stepped closer, a frown on her brows, snow blanketing over her messily braided hair and she sighed lightly when both men stopped when they noticed her. Karliah approached, both men watching her as she carefully kneeled in the cold dirt, brushing some of the dirt away until she found the little girl’s skeleton, placing a small handheld mirror on her chest that Sandor recognised. They watched as she brushed the dirt back into place before getting up, moving over to the dirt pile, kneeling back down again and shoving some of the dirt into the grave, the two men shovelling once more to bury the dead. “You didn’t have to come” Sandor muttered and she looked up at him through the darkness, a faint smile on her lips “neither did you” she pointed out, brushing the dirt off her hands, Sandor helping her stand up once the grave was filled.
“We ask the father to judge us with mercy. We ask the mother to…” Sandor trailed off “fuck it, I don’t remember the rest” he muttered bitterly, feeling Karliah lock her arm around his that held the shovel, his free hand reaching up to brush away his hair from his face before looking back at the grave “I’m sorry you’re dead” he decided on “you deserved better. Both of you…” Sandor mumbled before throwing the shovel to the side, letting Karliah keep her arm locked around his as they both walked back inside, Thoros watching them both leave with sad eyes. To think that Sandor Clegane, the Hound, ruthless and vicious and an arse to anyone he didn’t like, which was nearly everyone, would be burying a dead girl and her father that he barely knew, even though he denied knowing them… perhaps the Wild Wolf of Winterfell had managed to make a dent in the Hound’s armour…
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texaschainsawmascara · 9 months
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burningblake · 2 months
LOL ok the ferelden skyhold decor places wolves throughout the main hall (one right outside the rotunda)
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velvet4510 · 6 months
I have never heard anybody talk about a beautiful and poignant arc that occurs in the Tale of Beren and Lúthien. It’s not totally explicit in the text, but when you think about it, it’s most definitely there. And that is the relationship between Beren and Huan.
Think about Beren’s experience with hounds/wolves/dogs in general prior to meeting Huan. All he knew of them at first was Morgoth’s wolves.
When Lúthien and Huan showed up at Tol-in-Gauroth, Beren had just spent days if not weeks watching all his companions, including a dear friend, get brutally devoured by wolves in front of him. For him, hounds of any kind only signified terror, violence, suffering, and death.
So think of how unbelievably triggered he must’ve been when he emerged from Tol-in-Gauroth with Lúthien and saw a hound standing there. He must’ve freaked out!!! I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a full-on panic attack and screamed for Lúthien to run for her life.
Even when Lúthien assured him that this hound helped her, and Beren saw that Huan was tame and at least not an immediate threat, I really doubt the amount of trauma he had enabled him to fully trust Huan right away, especially when he found out that Huan used to serve the sons of Fëanor.
But then, this hound directly betrayed and fought the sons of Fëanor to protect Beren and his beloved. He caught an arrow in his teeth before it could hit Lúthien. Twice he helped Lúthien heal Beren from a wound. And in the end, he sacrificed himself to defeat Carcharoth.
Finally Beren saw that not all hounds were horrifying killers. Some hounds were indeed kind and noble. And he expressed his newfound love and gratitude for Huan by simply laying the palm of his hand on the heroic dog’s head.
An incredible evolution of their relationship.
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kingsmoot · 10 months
sillay little hc that ramsay's girls are all mastiffs and ovcharkas but the dreadfort traditionally keeps borzois
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paint-pot-pete · 2 days
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Completed the first of the Hounds of Morkai 😁 a Space Wolves assault squad that seems to have been the basis for the "Assault" class in Space Marine 2 🤩 very fun little set with some gorgeous armour - definitely wouldn't want to meet him down a dark alley 😬🤣
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