#Words about Satanism
luciferjeremywhite · 2 years
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cherubchoirs · 9 months
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Lucifer, as the Old Dragon
Lucifer, and all of his angels with him, had been punished by God to exist as a mindless, writhing mass with the bodies of those that survived melded with the corpses of so many that died on impact. Only Lucifer remained fully conscious and aware of himself, tortured by their fate and all the pain of the bodies he was now attached to. Seeing the divine but formless mass, Hell was enchanted - in particular, it saw the beauty of Lucifer as its shining core, so radiant even in ashes, and so it made a body for him, for them. The first work coming as an unknowing collaboration between God and Hell, it crafted Lucifer into a great serpentine form - his halo it repurposed as a face, building up oil-slick skin and displaying Lucifer as its centerpiece in great joy. It grew into them, the walls and brutally frozen lake of Cocytus trapping them all as much as Michael's chains and lodged spear, while its own mass mingled with the bodies of angels. The remains of those lost now bleed eternally from its belly, failing to revive despite Hell's best efforts.
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ughhhhh so probably the tgcf scene i think the most about is in the final battle when hua cheng is holding xie lian and backwards gripping eming with his other hand i . god. this is referenced off of The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel (i’m pretty sure everyone has seen it by this point) which is surprisingly pretty topical for tgcf.
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asmorule34 · 1 year
diavolo after he calls luke a chihuahua (this is the most sinister april fool’s prank he could conjure up) and luke responds w “get ur nose out of my business and into the hands of a plastic surgeon.”
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Releasing shame, relearning softness
“Listen to this! A farmer went out to scatter seed. As he was scattering seed, some fell on the path; and the birds came and ate it. …The farmer scatters the Word. This is the meaning of the seed that fell on the path: When the Word is scattered and people hear it, right away Satan comes and steals the Word that was planted in them.” - Mark 4:3-4, 14-15
As we explored yesterday, the farmer in the “parable of the sower" sows extravagantly, optimistically, letting seeds fall on all sorts of ground.
I only have time to explore the first kind of ground today; you’ll have to read the whole text with friends to puzzle out the rest (just as parables intend for us to do!).
The seed that falls on the path gets eaten by birds; “Satan” swoops in to steal the Word away.
Is it our fault when this happens? I say no. We are not to blame when others trample our spirits flat, pack our hearts into hard, desolate spaces, exposed and vulnerable to attack.
Maybe someone we trusted, or whole unjust systems, convinced us we are unlovable. Maybe some human iteration of Church wounded us so deeply that God’s Word no longer sounds like liberation to us, but prison, poison, hate.
Beloved, it is not your fault. And this is not the end of your story. God will keep lavishing love upon you, until you feel safe enough to soften. And then, what beautiful fruit!  
What pains have left you feeling desolate, distrustful, afraid to soften enough to receive goodness? Where can you seek safety and healing? How can you hold others in their pain? 
- Posted on Daily Ripple, 16 Feb 2024
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holy shit kris as a lucifer parallel and gaster as a jesus parallel??? we're sleeping on the fact that the most recognizable person who's commonly depicted with holes in their palms is jesus fucking christ. there are probably more clever comparisons like their everpresent, always-there, always-listening nature I could make but I'm too tired atm
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anxioustwilight · 5 months
I think I should draw if all of the video game characters I’ve scrunglified were in a room together
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whatisthisnonsense · 1 year
Hello Welcome Home community, can we talk about how not only when you put the new secret audios together we hear Wally crack for the first time, not only the first time we got Wally's dialogue briefly sounding more natural, but that said crack isn't some sort of mania or anger (discounting the last "let me in" which is a natural build up from the rest of what he was saying) but desperation?
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im2tired4usernames · 7 months
Well ok you asked for explaining so I'm so sorry about the rant that's bound to happen I have beef with this woman like many many MANY homeschool co-op mothers I would like to meet her IN THE PIT
uh I guess trigger warning possibly would be like food diets and possibly eating disorders I'm not sure but I would rather be safe then accidentally harm you friend?
my mother was a crunchy homeschool nutter and her entire social group was crazy homeschool mom cultists.They were all obsessed with clean godly eating and losing weight they constantly kept repeating that they needed to treat their bodies like temples and it really wasn't healthy or good for so many reasons.
well one of the women in that group for as long as i can remember (I've know this lady since I was a lil kid) she believes it's impossible for European women to get fat because of *spins the wheel*
She just has some fucked up made up facts about Europe in general like WARNING SHE'S ACTUALLY ON PURPOSE STUPID
like she has for as long as I can remember believed with E V E R Y FIBER in her body (i have argued so much with her she will not budge in her world this is fact) no one once they hit preteens in france eats bread.
France home of the croissant, baguette and many other carbs bready bakery wonders...
Yeah no one there eats bread that is why French women are so thin and healthy they don't eat bread or any kind of sweets! (She and my mom then tried to make me do that for a bit they were always "suggesting" diets on me it sucked in expecting the thm diet and the melted butter+coffee+ apple cider vinegar diet to have fucked up my body somehow)
Apartly in her world no one in Ireland uses any kind of fat when I asked her to explain wtf that meant she said no one in Ireland uses oil or butter which like..
No that makes no sense where did she even come up with that?!I
Once I took a picture of like some fancy imported butter from Ireland at the store to show her and she and the other moms all straight up walked away and would not look at it. They would not talk to me kept actually doin the "talk to the hand" thing and covering their ears and telling me I'm wrong and stupid and to shut up they will not look at the evidence.
This woman is in her late forties to early fifties she has convinced half the homeschool mother cult that no one in France eats bread with no evidence other then she said so!!!!!
They honest to God believe it also!!!!
Recently she was trying to tell me that no one in the UK eats chicken that it's "looked down on as a disgusting poor man's food" she just went on n on on this long crazy rant that made no sense at all but she acted like she was very intelligent and cultured for knowing this.
My best friend and wife is from the UK and frankly i quickly asked them and they were able to point out this lady is just batshit insane.
Like my wife mentioned there's Nandos everywhere in the UK and that serves chicken mainly I have no clue where she's getting her info or ideas.
She got super angry amd defensive and has gone off saying she has two sources "two very reliable very real and very British people who totally aren't made up there her real Facebook friends that told her yup no one in the uk eats chicken only the USA makes fried chicken poor England is missing out on chicken because they're a bunch of snobs who think it's poor people food" so that's what she believes despite a lot of common sense and evidence to prove otherwise but "how dare I question an elder?!'
I really can't explain it like there's no logic or facts in it I myself don't understand it? I have gotten into many fights with this women.
So many fight
so so so many fights
Stupid amounts of fights
not just over this but like over everything under the sun I swear this woman is living a different reality then everyone else.
she just makes stuff up on a fly and then somehow convinces herself and like a dozen other women in they're 40s-50s that everyone in Europe is significantly skinner because they just happen to not eat the food that one lady dislikes...
like I can't really explain more then that this woman has no evidence, refuses to listen to evidence and has the firmest faith in stupidity I've ever seen it's truly kinda terrifying i wish i had her self confidence but also just wow....
I don't think that she's normal I think a lot of American children do actually learn about other countries? I learned about other countries when I was really young my mom would focus on one a month and then I'd have to do a lil presentation at the end of the month in front of my grandad and we'd cook a meal with some traditional foods from there if possible I had a lot of fun learning recipes from all over the world and we'd get a monthly cd with music from all over the world it was so cool! one of my favorite games when I was little with my grandad was he'd spin the globe point at random n then i had to say thw county, the capital, a famous food item from there and one history fact is famous person if I knew one and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!
maybe it's a new homeschool thing or a church thing or maybe this lady is just straight up purposely stupid I'm not sure? I have no fuckin clue this woman is insane I avoid her every chance I can.
#rants#ignore me I'm stupid#just yeah#she was one of my mom's bffs and lord she made life hell#Narnia a book written by a Catholic man with DJ much religious imagery and symbolism in every single book in the book series#and progressively gets more n more christan the further into the series you get#was evil and satanic#she yelled at me for liking old yeller#she was CRAZY#but the scary thing is she got a lot of women believing her every word especially European diet shit it was CRAZY#only Americans have addresses no one else dose i guess according to her she got my grandma to believe that for a bit until i pointed out#THE MILLIONS OF BOOKS WRITTEN BY A BILLION AUTHORS ALL OVER THE WORLD THAT MENTION ATREET NAMES AND ADDRESSES#LIKE EXAMPLES PRIDE N PREJUDICE AND SHERLOCK HOLMES HABE ADDRESSES MENTIONED#JUST TWO BOOKS NOT WRITTEN BY AMERICAN OR RECENT WITH ADDRESSES#that got my gran to think a bit but that lady thinks they must have been influenced by Americans aomehow shes SO STUPID IT FILLS ME W RAGE#her daughter told me jesus didn't eat seafood and seafood was unbibical#i.... I do not understand#like do you know where jesus lived do you know what some of his friend's jobs was or like the sermon on the Mount#dis you not read the Bible? why you mad ay me for eating all the time#now that i think of it a lot of times her crazy food things tend to be things i was currently eating kr talking about that i enjoyed eating#huh#weirdo lady#she yelled at me for eating two Oreos once#like yeah i wasn't being greedy but yeah she really got mad over that#now that my mom's passed she texts me randomly because she misses my mom n i think she wants me to fill the void i feel kinda bad for her#but i can't#i can't be her friend not after the shit she influenced my mom too be so cruel to me in the name of God growing up#i will not be her friend#that and she's stupid ofcorse people eat chicken bread and butter that's kinda the most basic human foods i feel like#EVERYBODY HAS BREAD EVERYWHERE BREAD IS THE MOST HUMAN THING
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betta-phish · 2 years
i just find it funny how for example Satan and Solomon both talk pretty sophisticated but then you’ll catch Satan saying “yo!” and Solomon saying “nah.”
but then it’s the opposite with mammon because we all know how he talks but he’s said things like “we’re you frightened?” or “you gave me a fright” like sir please just say scared 😭
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fuzzyunicorn · 11 days
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Tryin’ a lil experiment today but I already know my hypothesis is correct
#babe what’s goin’ on is I get harassed all the time at work by Satanists (yeah I knew the man u all sent yesterday was a henchman & he was#sooooo pissed off I didn’t rise to his bait babe lmao what a fuckin’ drama queen)#as well as mainly being harassed by Christians who in reality r Satanists (I’ve already explained this) & babe guess what? I’ve been#harassed exclusively by men more than twice my age who stand over me (I’m sitting down) & get in my face I’ll show you some of the videos#I’ve taken of me getting harasesed & babe yesterday some 40 year old man w his 60 year old dad told me god loves me & I was responded w#thank you & you too! and they got so fuckin’ pissed off 😭😂 like u men feel like real men ganging up & harassing a young woman who is sittin#down says a lot about u men… ur all big n billy bad ass when ur trying to intimidate a small young woman it says a lot!#so babe the harassment started when I was told to stop wearing black n specifically all black so now I’m gonna wear all black again & so far#satanic Christian’s haven’t said a word & r scared to even look at me. I knew a man was shot talking about me so I stopped & stared at him &#he literally scurried off like the rodent he is :)#so back to all black I am! u🖤 know how much I love to wear all black so it’s a win-win-win situation for me!#oh btw babe this made me laugh when those men said that shit to me & after my response they said we know god loves us & god told me in the#moment no he does not & he was going to directly cause them a car accident (god & the OG said the price of fuckin’ w me is death after they#r done harassing me bc they come up & give their speech then walk away THEN walk BACK to re-escalate it so they said Death will be the#penalty so a bunch of people here r getting into fatal car accidents god keeps showing me what he does to them)#he said he doesn’t allow them Healing Showers after death which is standard procedure he just perp walks them straight to Judgement & curses#their bloodlines this shit is serious & u all need to stop bc harassing someone isn’t worth dying over & that’s the point god himself is#proving he said men will face severe consequences for what they do to women & feel so comfortable doing so
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still-selena-here · 9 months
the next and last part of this small snippet: https://www.tumblr.com/sweetbrier2908/736463970496561152?source=share
(or a different ending of season 2)
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what day is it? oh, today must be day 268 from the day you completely disappeared from his life.
it’s five o’clock, he is just getting start to write his letter for you. normally, he write those letters when the night ends, when his day is finally over and when his stupid brothers are all asleep so no one can interrupt the stream of his thoughts about you. but today, something is telling satan that he should write a letter for you just right after he wake up, so now, he’s sitting by his desk, a quill on his hand, a blank paper placed in font of him. maybe today he’s going to tell you about his dream. most demons don’t dream (except for when belphie makes them) , it’s the same for satan. he doesn’t dream. normally. but since you were gone, he kept having the same dream over over. in that dream, he were trapped in a castle. it was not like he was “trapped”, there was just something stopping him from going outside. the outside world, when he looked through the windows, he could see the storm was raging on and destroying everything on its path. but maybe it was his imagination, maybe it was not a dream but he could be sure that he saw a light, a small spot of light lingering in the middle of the storm. he thought maybe it was you, so that dream he had over and over from days to days and months to months, is maybe not a nightmare at all. he didn’t know. but today the dream finally ended. he didn’t see you in his sleep though, but somehow he was not trapped in a castle anymore, but somehow he saw himself in RAD student council and there was a small spot of light approaching him. he wants to tell you about all of that, because somehow, he thinks, it is a sign.
it is a sign.
so he wrote about this dream. not sure if this is the kind of story you want to hear but know you love it anyway. you always love stories about them.
he finished his letter (his 268th letter and maybe, he hopes, his last letter) for you, he folded it, put it in a cat-illustrated envelope, sealed it with green wax and placed it in the box with the other 267 letter he had written. and he can imagine the look on your face when he gives you the box filled with all the stories he wants you to hear, your face will light up and maybe you will cry a little. don’t you worry, he will be next to you to wipe those tears away. then you will throw your arms around him and pull him into a hug, and then maybe he will place his lips on yours just to feel that you are for real. and you both would be so happy, only if you came back, only if he saw you again.
it’s 6 o’clock. it’s time for him to prepare breakfast. despite your disappearance, they still have to try to keep it together. he still has his duty like everyone else, he still has his life to carry on even when everyday he misses you so much and it is getting hard to breathe.
it’s 6 o’clock on the 268th day since you were gone.
satan is just getting downstairs. he hears a small sound from the door, it’s probably asmo or mammon, who just come back from their nights out, he cannot care less. but he still heads to the door anyway because that’s just the way satan does thing.
but there is no asmo or mammon standing at the door, there is just a human. the human.
and there is a voice he has not heard for 268 days.
he looks up, and it's you standing at the door.
devildom sky is always dark, but somehow now it's brighter than ever.
and when his arms finally wrap around your warm body, there is only one thought in his mind - luckily, you don’t miss a single story.
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thank you for reading. i did cry a little while writing it.
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journey-to-the-attic · 11 months
Noctifer is becoming my new favorite character in this au. He seems like they won't just go for the throat, he'll go for ankles to knock you down and then go for the throat.
Unfortunately for him, once IK starts getting close to the brothers, she'd probably want him to be at least a little polite to them, and he would end up having to do it even if he doesn't want to.
noctifer is rapidly becoming so very dear to me as well... side note but what kind of fur pattern would he have? i'm imagining a tuxedo to match lucifer's insistence on wearing a suit everywhere
when ik first starts bonding with the others, noctifer's like "i hate this. i hate this so much. stop it" because NO YOU CAN'T TRUST THEM!! his whole logic for the first few months is "i don't care about anything but my human best friend and i'm going to fucking kill you if you do anything to her. i hate you all so much"
eventually ik does convince him to thaw out, so there'll come a point where the disparaging remarks peter out and he'll be reasonably friendly with mostly everyone - i see him getting along with diavolo, satan and beel in particular - it's literally just lucifer he can't stand
the only thing that makes them treat each other with any respect is their mutual dislike of seeing ik sad, so as soon as she pulls out the "you're both my best friends and i want you to get along :(" they will begrudgingly be nice to each other, but they're like this the whole time
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sovamurka · 1 year
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Demonslayer Vol.2, ch.14 or “A very, very bad day for Balor, who is straight up not having a good time”
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maxdurden · 8 months
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that's right kids, mass murder is loser behavior! and don't forget to eat your veggies!
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idiosyncraticrednebula · 11 months
Mf's who believe in so-called crystal power, constellations and The Universe™ are out here making fun of Christians because they "made up" ""Sky Daddy"" and ""The Evil Horned Man"". Yeah, Christians are the ones who are pathetic here.
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