#Workshopping outfits for her is always fun
kittarts · 7 months
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helluvapoison · 5 months
jealousy, jealousy
˚✧₊⁎ The Vees ⁎⁺˳✧༚
warnings: violence, off page murdah, suggestive themes, possessive behavior
18+ only
watch out for red flags in real life and read at your own discretion ♡
˚✧₊⁎ Vox ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• The least jealous of the three, but that doesn’t say much, does it?
• Running an enterprise goes hand in hand with being an Overlord. Vox prides himself on being everywhere at once but he knows his limits. If wants to keep this cushy life he built, and you safe, he can’t spread himself too thin. That means occasionally cutting back on distractions
• So go out, have your fun— playtoys even! He’s not worried. Vox has literal eyes on you 24/7, access to your phone and all its contents, your lifeline is constantly synced to his peripherals. Really! He’s not worried!
• The problem arises when Vox feels threatened or undermined. If he’s in the same room, no one should even be looking at you! And if some sorry soul dared to touch you!? That’d be the last time they have hands
• “I’ve been looking for you!” He says from behind as his claws creep around your shoulders. He’ll ignore the Sinner, bringing your attention to him as security drags them away. You don’t need to know how jealous he can get
˚✧₊⁎ Velvette ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Sharing, shockingly, is not in her vocabulary! Not outfits, not credit, not the spotlight and fucking especially not you
• You’re her favorite project, she so lovingly calls you, which is a giant compliment. She dresses you every day so if— for some hellish reason— you left her side, she knows she has a visual claim on you. Vel quickly snaps and posts a pic of the two of you together before you go, just to remind her audience the fact you’re spoken for! Don’t you feel safe? And stylish?
• Unlike her partners, Velvette can multitask so having you around the studio can be an everyday treat! Unfortunately she has to split her focus, occasionally crashing the conversation to a stop so she can snap at someone
• Her eyes are sharp, they pick up on every little detail and seldom miss a thing. No one in her workshop would even think about approaching you, unless Vel asked, so it was all too easy to spot that new-nobody-model break his neck to check you out
• You’ve seen Velvette reduce even the oldest, most thick skinned to a puddle of piss in the street with her words. She doesn’t give anyone the chance to touch what’s hers. She’s shameless and loud, stopping the inappropriate behavior from across the room if she has to, “Oy! You! You’re fuckin’ fired, get the fuck out of here ‘fore I set you on fire!”
• As they run for the elevator, she debates if the clothes they’re wearing are worth keeping or not. With a glowing finger she swipes them off the model anyways, stripping them of her brand… and their dignity
• Velvette marks the occasion with a kiss to your cheek, stained with black lipstick, and another posted picture with a clever caption
˚✧₊⁎ Valentino ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Val invented jealousy
• He handles it as well as everyone expects
• It’s not limited to you, either! Business partners, employees, friends (if he has any left), play things, he’ll be up and arms about anything that belongs to him. There’s only one way to cut the cord tethered to him, and he’s always the one to decide how and when
• Val may have a lot of toys but you’re not one of them. You’re special— precious, actually!
• He has tabs on you at all times. Tracker in your phone, jewelry with his name on it, a bodyguard if he’s feeling particularly paranoid that day!
• Val also loves showing you off. Love bites are his favorite mark of ownership, he’ll show off wherever is most recent so be prepared to swat his hands away. Everyone can look, but only he can touch. He has four hands, one of them is on you at all times in public
• No one should manage to get in spitting distance of you— but if somehow they did and had the gall to talk to you… he’ll break their nose on the spot. He’d make quicker work with a gun, but then he’d get blood on you and he doesn’t want that
• “You’re so fuckin’ hot tonight, baby, look how clumsy you’ve made this idiot!” Val cackles, poorly masking his rage, “Seriously, I think you’re trying to get me riled up.” You open your mouth to deny it but he laughs again, carefully pulling you closer with both pairs of arms, “I’m only teasing!”
• Looming over you, Val shoots said idiot a murderous glare that gives them a five second head start. He’s yet to lose this game of chase. He always returns, clean as a crappy soap ad, to shower you in gifts in lieu of an apology for disappearing
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mrs-avenger3000 · 1 year
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Oh Bite Me 🙄 pt2
Pair: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
High school AU
Word count: 3139
Summary: As the youngest Stark, sister to the billionaire, playboy, philanthropist himself, Tony Stark Y/n… she has her father's brains and her mother's compassion. Her brain is what landed her in close quarters with Wanda Maximoff, an emo teen who’s struggling to keep her grades up after the loss of her brother. The two of them soon come to realise that being just friends isn’t something they want to do, but can they push their pride aside and admit they feel for each other?
Please do not copy my work or repost with the intent to take ownership of my work :) Feedback is as always welcome as are re-blogs, comments and likes
The music was loud. Too loud. So loud you could feel the thump of the bass vibrated through the house, shaking the floors of your room.
“Yes, Miss Stark?”
“Lock all important rooms, the garage, offices, bedrooms, Tony’s workshops, etc. please.” You say with a smile.
“Yes. Of course Miss Y/n.”
You nodded, walking over to the mirror. You surveyed your outfit choice and grinned. You chose high waisted blue jeans and white ruffle sweater that was held in place by three buttons. It left your midriff on show, and of course a delicious amount of cleavage. Its sleeves stopping mid biceps. Your heels pushed you up to 5’6. You smiled.
“You like the fit Jarvis?” You asked, twirling a little.
“If you are referring to your outfit. You look visually pleasing.” He said, causing you to giggle. You opened the bedroom door smiling as you heard it lock behind you. You made your way downstairs. People were milling about and when you got into the main room, the placed was filled. You cringed slightly. This was gonna take forever to clean up.
“Y/n! Killer party bro!” some jock yelled as he clapped me on the shoulder. You chuckled at him. The room smelled of beer and smoke. There were people dancing everywhere, and you struggled to find a familiar face until you spied Yelena. You rushed up to her and grinned. She smiled back just as bright and you plopped down next to her. Kate sat in front of us, passing us all a beer. You smiled, clicking your glasses together before you all took a drink. You chugged back your drink, feeling thirsty.
“Anyone seen Maximoff?” You asked and Kate glanced at you.
“You tapping that?”
Your eyes widened. “What. No. I was told I needed to tutor her, and we had one session and she ghosted.” You muttered, taking another swig.
“Meh, fuck her. You tried to help. She didn’t accept it.” Yelena muttered, drinking too.
You spent the next few hours drinking and dancing with your friends until you bumped into a familiar body. You turned and saw Wanda. She seemed surprised for a moment. “Wanda… heyyy.” You smirk. She eyed you for a moment.
“You drunk?” She asked, seeming concerned.
“Nah, just a little buzzed. You having fun?” You asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. She glanced at your hand before back at you.
“Sure.” she said with a smile. You rolled your eyes before spying a tray of shots Hunter had set up. You grabbed Wanda’s hand and pulled her towards him. You grabbed the tray from him and he pouted, but smiled again when you offered him a shot. Handing one to Wanda, you all cheered and took the shot, throwing it back. The liquid burned your throat, and you scrunched up your face in disgust before knocking back another one and instructing Wanda to do the same. She nodded and knocked it back.
“Ayyy, you can let loose, can’t you Maximoff?” You said with a teasing smirk.
“Shut up.”
“Dance with me?” You asked, and she seemed surprised, but not enough to decline. She nodded. We walked over to where the rest of the people were dancing and you just let loose. You reached up and pulled your hair from the ponytail it was in. Your hair tumbled down and rested in the middle of your back. Wanda was watching you and you smiled, watching her move to the beat. You two continue to drink and somehow you, her, Yelena, Kate, and a few other girls and guys from the school day in a circle playing truth or dare.
“Yelena. Truth or dare?” Carson asked, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
She met the challenge and stared down at him. “Dare.”
“I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl playing!” He said she gave him a flat look.
“Easy.” She looked over at me and pointed her index finger at you, beckoning you forward. You crawled over to her and met her in the middle. She winked as she cupped your face. She brought her lips to yours. You smiled. Her lips tasted like vodka. Your lips moved together in a drunken haze. She licked at your bottom lip and your lips parted and she wasted no time letting her tongue explore your mouth. Your tongues swirled together. You gripped her hips and finally pulled back. You both stared at each other a little breathless before you started laughing. You sat back down, still giggling.
“You’re good Belova.” You say with a wink. She blew you a kiss.
“As are you Stark.”
You glanced at Wanda. She was staring at Yelena, her eyes tinted red. You ignored the flutter in your stomach at the red in her eyes. “Wow. Can you guys do it again but let me record it.” Jason, who was captain of the football team at your school. Asked, and you rolled your eyes, throwing an empty shot glass at him. He hissed as it hit him off the head.
“Okayyyy, okayyyy. Maximoff. Truth or dare?” He asked.
She glanced at him. “Truth.”
He narrowed his eyes at her. “Is it true you killed your brother?” He asked with a predatory gaze. You snapped your gaze to his. Wanda looked distraught. The sheer pain in her eyes sparked a protective instinct in you, her eyes were full of shock and you noticed the glaze that others would have mistaken for a drunken state but you knew she had tears in her gaze and the thought of anyone making her cry made your veins fill with fire. You stood up and walked over to him. You shoved him.
“You're done. Get out.” You snapped. He narrowed his eyes.
“You’re kicking me out. It was a game she gotta answer the question.” He muttered, rolling his eyes. You shoved his shoulder again. He snapped back around, stepping closer to you with an angered glare in his eyes. Yelena and Kate shot up, stepping closer in a protective manner. Wanda stepped forward as well, her eyes taking on that familiar red blaze.
“Leave. She doesn’t have to answer shit. Especially when you took such a cheap shot.” You said in a deadly, calm tone.
“Oh, lighten up.” He smirked, placing his hand on your hip. You looked at him and then at his hand. Yelena cracked her neck and walked closer and shoved him back so hard he crashed into the table. He groaned, rolling over.
"Touch her again and I'll break your hands." Yelena stated simply before sinking back next to Kate. You walked over to him and grabbed him by the arm. You twisted his arm behind his back until he screamed.
"What she said. Now, I'm only gonna say this once. Apologise to her." You sneered into his ear. He scowled, trying to pull away. You pushed his arm higher, and he screamed again.
"I-I-I'm sorry!" He grunted out. You looked at Wanda, wanting her approval before you let him go. She was looking at you in horror or awe. You couldn't really tell, but she nodded, and you shoved him. Forward, he stumbled and Wanda put her foot out and he tripped and slammed against the floor. You grinned.
“As I said leave. And you should do your best to remember that I’m best friends with 2 assassins and my brother is Tony Stark. You come after me and they’ll obliterate you.” You say with a kind smile. He scurried away, cradling his hand to his chest. The group watched you with fascinated gazes. You said nothing as you picked up your drink and walked off towards your room, wanting to calm down before going back to the party. You pushed open the door. He had pissed you off. How dare he disrespect her like that? She didn’t even do anything to him. He attacked her out of spite. He used the memory that haunts her the most against her. That stupid fuck. You slammed your hands on the desk, needing to release some of this anger.
A knock came from your door. You growled in annoyance before walking to the door and pulling it open. Wanda stood before you, looking confused. “Why’d you do that?” She asked, pushing past you into your room. You shut the door behind you.
She snapped her gaze to you. Stepping closer to you with a fire in her gaze. The hues of red now swirled into her eyes, brightening them. “Stick up for me. Hurt Jason?”
You gave her a “wtf” look. “Are you serious? Did you not hear what he accused you of? He totally disrespected you. Hurt you for no reason.” You mutter.
“And I hate bullies. I despise bullies.” You snapped.
She softened slightly. “Why?”
You turned from her. “They ruin people.” She paused for a moment before gently placing a hand on your shoulder. Her touch sent warmth throughout your body. She turned you to face her. The sharp lines of her face softened in the low light of your room. She seemed less intimidating than she did earlier and you felt yourself wanting to be closer to her.
“Did someone ruin you?” She asked softly. You ran a hand through your hair, plastering on a playful smile.
“This isn’t party talk, Wands. Let’s go enjoy the party.” You smirked, grabbing your beer. You held your door open, gesturing for her to walk out of it. She watched you carefully. She turned after she passed you. She stared you dead in the eyes and you couldn’t help the nerves as they creeped into your veins as she stared.
“You know one day you're going to tell me everything that’s going on inside that pretty head of yours.” She said, bringing her fingers up to tap your left temple. Her power was electric, but it didn’t hurt, it was warm. Her powers swirled from her fingers, turning the side of your face a deep scarlet. You tilted your head to the side, intrigued by her. You raised a brow. Her other hand was glowing too, so you reached for it, bringing it up to inspect it. The red wisp encircled her hand like a small shield.
You went to reply, but she pulled back and her power dissipated and the warmth and red glow faded. You frowned slightly.
“I’m annoyed at you, actually.” You say.
She then frowned. “What why?”
“You had one tutoring session with me and then ghosted me.”
She blushed, looking down. “Things got a little… I don’t know. Look I’m-”
“Don’t say you’re sorry. This is your future, not mine.” You say with an eye roll.
“I didn’t ask for this.” She muttered.
You narrowed your eyes at her. “Nor did I. I had as much say in this as you did. If you don’t improve, it comes back to me. And I will not be affected because you’re too lazy to show up.” You snapped, feeling angry.
She scowled at you. “Lazy? I’m not lazy. I have a life. A job, people depending on me! I’m not some spoilt little rich girl who spends her time throwing parties and studying. I have shit I need to do. Shit, that I’m expected to do.” She snapped back.
You felt your irritation spike as you glared at her. “Is that what you think I do?! I study because I have to. My brother is a genius! You try living up to impossible expectations. My dad was a genius, mom was too in her own way! I can’t fail.” You growled out, walking past her.
“We’ve all got expectations!” She yelled after you.
“Fuck you Wanda.” You spat.
She looked shocked, and you didn’t stay for a response.
Wanda watched you leave, a shocked look on her face. Her shock slowly turned into amusement as a smirk lifted her lips.
You spent the rest of the night with your friends. You had calmed down from your argument with Wanda after a few minutes with your friends. They always knew how to cheer you up and you were very grateful for them.
By the time morning rolled around, you were laying flat out on the couch. Yelena was half draped over you and Kate half draped over her. You groaned, trying to roll away. You managed to escape, and you rolled onto the floor, landing in a pile of red solo cups. “Fuck.” I cursed. Yelena sat up quickly, her eyes scanning the room. “I’m good!” You called out from the floor. She leant over her face, hovering off the couch.
“Why are you on the floor?” She asked, her Russian accent thick with morning husk. You smile.
“I had to escape. You were crushing my lungs.” You smirked. She rolled her eyes. You sat up, stretching out with a groan. The rest of the partygoers had already filtered out. That was the rule for a stark party. You never stay till morning, no matter how fucked up you are.
“Yes, miss stark?”
“Can you-”
“Coffee and breakfast are already in the kitchen, ma’am.” He said you grinned.
“I love you Jarvis!” You smiled
“I cannot return your affection. I am not programmed to feel human emotions.” He stated robotically. You laugh with an eye roll.
“Come on, ladies. Let’s eat.” You said. And just like that, Kate rose from the dead. You and Yelena shared a look before chuckling.
You all head to the kitchen your stomach a little queasy from all the alcohol. You smiled to yourself when you saw the full breakfast platter spread across the marble countertops you were playing beer pong on last night. The sides fully cleansed and clean enough to eat off.
The three of you sat at the table and enjoyed the delicious food that seemed to be never ending. The team of cleaners were currently working in the next room tidying the mess from the night before and before you know it you’re lying back on the couch with a full stomach and a small headache. Yelena and Kate headed out after breakfast.
You closed your eyes and felt the world drift way until you’re no longer conscious. Sleep was always blissful for you. A way to escape the pressures of being a Stark, of having such a huge legacy. An escape was always welcome and you relished every moment of it. That was until an incessant knocking at your door pulled your from that bliss.
Scowling you sat up and through your legs over the couch, standing up. You marched over to the door and pulled it open still scowling. A smirking Wanda was leaning against the pillar outside her eyes wandering down your body a feline smirk at her lips. “Yes?” You asked feeling irritable.
“So cheerful. Where’s that kind hospitality that you’re known for?” She grinned. You watched her for a moment. Her red hair fell freely down her back, the curls made her hair seem longer. More intriguing. The light was hitting her in just the right way making her sea-green eyes sparkle and hair glow.
“Taking a leave of absence.” You mutter. She chuckles.
“We’ll…” she asked stepping forward until she was less than an arms length away. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”
You catch her gaze. The teasing spark in her eyes made you want to blush. “Why?”
“To study? That how tutoring works?” She smirks. You raise a brow stepping into the challenge.
“How would you know… you bailed after the first session.”
Her smirk drops for a moment. “Well I’ll just have to catch up then won’t I?”
You shrug. “You sure you can be bothered Maximoff?” You say looking her in the eyes. She raised a brow leaning forward ever so slightly.
“I’m sure I can handle whatever you throw at me Stark.” She murmured softly. You smirk, your eyes trailing down her form for a few seconds. You step back pushing the door open for her to enter. She smiled and walked past you taking her shoes off at the door, you watch slightly surprised.
“You are house trained… shocker.” You teased to your pleasure she laughed at your little rebuttal.
“Shove off.” She smiled.
You both sat down and with a wave of her magical hands all her notes were spread across the glass table along with all of yours. You smiled. "So what do you suck the most at?" you asked smirking. She shot you a filthy look.
"Shut up, you're supposed to be helping me not berating me." She snapped. You raised a brow, leaning in to her.
"But it's so fun." You smirked.
She clicked her pen her eyes flashing red. "Careful Stark, I have no qualms about hurting you." You saw her threat for what it was, a taunt.
You smirked winking at her. "You didn't answer my question, Maximoff."
She huffed out a breath. "Physics. I suck at physics."
You tilted your head and nodded. "Okay, well we can start there Wanda. Physics is quite simple when you figure out the equations, for example speed, distance, time. If one is missing then you'd utilise the other two components to find out the missing one. Make sense?" You ask. She watched as you wrote down what you were saying. Her eyes carefully reading over the words.
"I understand."
You smiled as you flipped through the book.
The two of you spent the next part of two hours working through the text book dissecting each piece of information that Wanda didn't seem to understand. Once she got the hang of it Wanda's intellect wasn't that of a high-school drop out like everyone assumed. S he was incredibly bright, she just didn't have the confidence to apply herself.
Wanda groaned throwing her head back. "Educational overload." She murmured. You smiled standing up and offering her a hand. She looked at you and then at your hand. She delicately slipped a hand into mine and I smiled gripping her hand and pulling her up.
"Coffee break, I'll drive."
"Uh, why?" She asked looking away.
"We've been at this for hours, and I'm just as bored as you."
She frowned. "Sorry to inconvenience you." She muttered sharply. You groaned rolling your eyes.
"Oh stop it." You muttered leaning across the table to to grab your car keys.
"Okay, but if anyone recognises us. I'm not with you." She muttered. You nodded.
"Oh yeah because I'm sure it would damage your reputation to be seen with a lowly Stark. It's not like my brother and I don't own half the city." You teased with an eye roll. You saw the faintest of smirks lift her lips before she walked past you and straight out the door.
Tag List
@blackxwidowsxwife @g-correia @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @cristin-rjd @yeetus-thyself @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @upsidedowndanvers @wanda-nats-slut @i1ovewanda @littlewinchester15 @fishlikestuff @gengen64 @procrastinatingsapphictrash @liladoesfanfics @gengen64 @baller2412 @rice-wiife @tomy5girls @srtamercury @nothingisrealanyway @marvelwomen-simp @darshikaria @ria900 @ic-4u @atlas-nex @xxromanoffxx @kcthewifitheif @fairydxll @strangegardentaco @maxxione @pbeckn26 
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sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
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I accidentally drew the same goddamn pose 3 times lmao. Why is posing legs so hard i always fall back on posing them in the shape of a 4. Also, new freak!! Her name is Jerryjack. More about her + individual images + couple other things below the cut vvv
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I don’t think I’ve posted any drawings of her other than her first, but i’ve been drawing rig a lot more like this rather than that first one. More graphic head shape, more upright ears, one eye hidden, mouth hidden by scarf, what have you. I think she looks cooler and is way easier to draw like this, but is a little less sonicy, im sure I’ll find a balance sometime. Rare carrion non-blep, this pose is cool but i did not even try cleaning this up lol.
And jerryjack!! She sucks so bad i love her. They’re Rig’s best friend, known each other since they were kids and learned the trade (killing) under the same mentor. She’s 11 months older than Rig, so she’s about 25ish. She hates consistency, commitment, seriousness, kids, stagnation, compassion, anything boring, and many many other things. She loves anything fun, stirring shit, lying, inflicting blunt force trauma, herself, lockpicking, and money. She’s purely self-interested and does everything she does for funsies. She’s not a part of the postal crew cause she thinks it’s boring and is allergic to commitment but hangs around and ‘helps out’ sometimes. She’s a hitman on her own, and has way more connections through that than rig, occasionally floats jobs her way. Also sometimes places bounties on her when shes mad. Or just cause.
Unlike Jerry, Rig is a very routine and organized person. She wakes up every morning at 6 sharp despite not being a morning person. Miraculously, she and jerry lived together for 2 years and during that time rig ate microwaved oatmeal every single morning and got groceries on tuesdays. All this is to say Rig is very methodical and likes routing and things that are expected. So Jerry lost their shit when rig called them randomly and casually told them that she’s starting a non-euphemistic postal service and also spontaneously took in a couple kids. Naturally, she’s very wary of squabble and carrion, especially the latter. Assassin recognizes assassin, silly recognizes silly, they try to kill each other and then become besties (who still periodically attempt to kill each other). As for squabble, she’s surprisingly fun to interact with, so jerry warms up fairly quick and becomes a truly awful influence on her.
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Here’s the first drafts and base. She’s obviously a jackalope but calls herself a hare for some reason. Is part of that reason because i couldn’t think of a pun name other than jack like jackrabbit and ‘jack the jackalope’ sounded a little too stupid for my taste (as if ‘jerryjack’ isn’t stupider)? Ummmmmmm.
Anyway, i decided to nix the asymmetrical antlers cause theres a limit to how much asymmetry i should stuff into a set of characters, carrion’s already got the lopped off ear and etc. the back and tail marking is supposed to emulate ribs
I’m still super duper undecided on jerry’s outfit and colour scheme. Every outfit ive thought up so far feels way too simple or untethered to reality in comparison to the postal crew’s, however i think the postal crew is a bit too complicated (or way too complicated in squabble’s case) and too grounded for sonic, so. Idk what to do abt that. And as for their colour scheme, as seen above her first drafts have the same red and green of the postal crew, but seeing as she doesn’t work with them it’s definitely the better choice to diverge from that. Saturated orange is the most tense and unsettling colour to me so i think it suits her off putting nature, but the white and orange combo reminds me intensely of like. 1960s egg chairs. WAIT and ulala space channel 5. And various stupid tech startup kitchen gadgets. Just generally a combo with a lot of nonthreatening and safe associations rather than the warning sign i want. Idk man i’ll workshop it eventually.
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Also, cloak rig. Her previous red coat was stupid. Not sure how much smarter this is but it looks cooler. Still doesn’t usually wear it other than in towns to hide her wings or when it’s cold. Also also this is the same fucking pose again
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androids-insides · 5 months
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v v More info on them down here v v
Favourite Character to Draw:
He’s this sort of alien from a different dimension who “governs” a town. He acts like the only normal one there, but he’s just as weird as everyone else. He’s just super pointy and fun to draw! I love drawing sharp characters. A nice balance of solid shapes, and fine detail.
Latest Character of Mine:
WICKEt The Wizard!!!
(Yes, his name is spelt correctly) Technically, he’s a DnD character, but he’s really fun to draw. Just a little goober who is entirely convinced that he is a very powerful wizard, and that he has killed every wizard in existence, but he is very wrong. He is also semi-illiterate, and therefore has learned the only four spells he knows, very incorrectly. He’s awful and I love him.
First Character I Made:
She is a Silent Protagonist from a story called MasonMaggedon. She talks eventually, but not until over half way through. She’s one of four roommates, the most responsible one, and is severely traumatised! I redesign her and her roommates every time I get a new sketchbook, but I ought to write for them again. Lots of secrets in her story, per all my stories, I suppose.
Hardest to Draw:
12 0 |] 11 3 \’
He’s a sort of robot who miraculously powers back on after an accident at this science facility. It’s slowly being reclaimed by nature, and is falling to pieces. He goes around, carrying a computer he found plugged into his neck that he believes is important to keeping him functioning, trying to remember who he is and what happened. I planned for this to be a plat-former game, actually. That, or a mix of a bunch of different game styles. Just had a cool brainwave where he is in the same universe as that weird non-Newtonian zombie I made, so I guess it’s cannon for now. He’s fairly simple to draw (and one of the characters I’m scared of showcasing), it’s just all the little robot parts that are hard to keep track of. So. Many. Moving. Parts.
Easiest to Draw:
He doesn’t really have a story, per se, but he’s fun to draw. He’s a little 2D shape, and he’s got anxiety. There is a 3D version of him, but it looks a lot like how I draw myself, so I’m trying to workshop it. He’s all fragmented and such, and he’s super easy to draw, solely because he’s always changing shape. I can do whatever the hell I want with his character design, because thats’s part of his design! I’m so cheeky :]
The Artist:
That is exactly what I look like. I’ve been trying to draw myself with more of the outfits I actually wear, just for some variation, but I definitely have my favourites. Hopefully, I can break out of the habit of creating characters that look like me.
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
Hi! How about some domestic and nsfw hc for Rayan? The sandy-skinned god deserves some love too 😆
Domestic Life with Rayan
N/A : This took a little while to write, sorry you had to wait dear !
Warning : NSFW under the cut
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Goes to the Cosy Bear Café every morning before heading to Anteros Academy to have a little chat with Candy and enjoy a cup of coffee with her (also if she needs to and that he has the time to do so, he helps her to put the tables outside)
Sometimes, when he’s done with his classes of the day, he comes to the Café and sit in corner, sipping on a drink, while he’s preparing his next classes, grading some of his students’s essays or simply reading a book
He always order something different to drink because he wants to try everything Candy put on the menu
Grocery shopping with Rayan is so funny because he has his little list and it always begins with him following it diligently but he’ll always end up wandering around the aisles (and Candy looses him in the supermarket)
He and Candy often end up buying everything but what’s on the list lmao
Loves perfumed candles, there’s dozen in their apartment (I JUST KNOW THIS, and if Candy looses him during grocery shopping, he's probably picking up some)
He likes cleaning days  and he’s very particular about the cleaning products he uses (once again he spends so much time in the supermarket choosing them)
He often puts on jazz or (modern) classical music in the background while he’s working or reading 
He knows all the tea about the neighbours and he shares it with Candy (he’s very good at small talk and at connecting with people, therefore my man end up being told everything that’s going on in the building lol)
Likes doing online shopping with Candy (whether it’s for him or her)
Watching documentaries (documentaries on Ancient Greece or just historical documentaries in general and that’s just a personal intake ‘cause I love these lol)  together while cuddling on the couch with Rayan combing her fingers through Candy’s hair
Actually, loves playing with Candy’s hair when they’re cuddling
Random compliments all the time (like complimenting her outfit or just tell her that she’s the most beautiful woman he met)
naps together became a habit, especially during more stressful times of the year
also sleeps in on Sundays and would probably make a brunch with Candy afterward
Rayan wearing his glasses when he reads or when he’s on his computer and Candy going feral because of this (sorry but the illustration of him for that Valentine’s Day event, LORD HAVE MERCY)
He’s often the one that organises the dates : he love trying new restaurant and I think he likes gastronomic cuisine since he finds it as tasty as it is pretty 
He also likes the kind of dates that allow him and Candy to show their creative side (like the date in one of the Valentine’s Day event where they went to a workshop to make perfume, that was so sweet btw) 
He likes to go out with Candy whenever they can but he also enjoys when they stay home together for some quality time
When it comes to oral, he’s a giver. He’s not really the one to tease but he likes taking his sweet time doing so
He likes to receive it too though and if Candy wants to get on her knees, he has no objections 
however he loves it the most when it happens in the morning (the morning wood oops) or at his office at Anteros during an unexpected visit 
About that, he may or may have not fucked Candy on his desk and it may have happened more than once (I had to do this one, I MEAN GUYS)
Candy trying on his glasses for fun and him realising he has a thing for this because she look so hot with them
Would moan but lowkey you know ? Like he isn’t that loud but he doesn’t restrain himself either (And I just know this man has a deep voice so it’d be music to Candy’s ears) 
However, he likes it if Candy gets loud and it makes him go even harder 
Praises. A lot of them. Also call her with pet names during sex (might let out a « good girl » and ahhhh)
he owns a copy of the Kama Sutra (I am not saying that he’s into that or anything - even though he really might -  but he definitely read it because well, as art enthusiast, of course he wanted to know a little more about the art of making love)
As much as he loves admiring Candy’s face, he loves backshots (because it allows him to hit it deep)
Breading kink ? (Maybeeee)
Despite all, I don't think he's really into being called Daddy (even tho he has that "Daddy aura", whatever that means, idk myself) because it'd make him think of that Freudian theory lol
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I'm sorry I am taking so long to post (I didn't expect to receive this much requests but I'm also glad to see that the fandom is still alive lol) but I'm trying my best to answer them all !
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innytoes · 4 months
Eff this, I should be at Build-a-Bear / Kayla and anyone
Okay but I was coming up for the plot of this and my brain rolled in your other prompt of 'I don't think pancakes are going to fix this. I think I need ice cream too. / Flynn ship of choice, romantic or platonic'
"Come join us at our summer job, Kayla, it will be fun, Kayla!" Kayla mocked as she flopped down on the too-hard mattress of her tiny bed in the Counselor's Cabin. "I just spent half an hour holding back a girl's hair while she puked because she ate two bags of sour gummy worms on a dare."
"Flynn had to break up a fight about who would be allowed to date Harry Styles once they made it big and they did not take it well when Flynn pointed out he was a thirty year old man and they were twelve," Julie said. She was equally flopped on her bed, but in the opposite direction, staring at the ceiling like she was regretting her life choices. "And a fourteen year old just nearly made me cry after I confiscated her vape."
"Fourteen year olds are vicious," Kayla agreed.
Sure, this 'pop star' camp was a pretty sweet gig. The environment was beautiful, they got to do what they loved, and they had copious amounts of free time when they handed the kids off to the boys - Willie and Reggie for more traditional camp stuff like horseback riding and archery, Alex for ballet where Kayla taught modern and hiphop dance, and Luke for songwriting.
Even though half the time Kayla stuck around at dance, Julie joined the songwriting workshops, and Flynn was always down to judge whatever weird games Willie or Reggie came up with for the kids.
And the kids were usually okay. Except for tonight. Maybe it was a full moon or something.
"Reggie just texted me that he and Luke had to put out a fire in one of the boys' cabins," Flynn reported. "And Willie heard something about them wanting to sneak out tonight and try and raid the girl's cabin, so he and Alex are driving into town to get some werewolf masks and gloves to patrol tonight."
"That'll be fun," Kayla said sagely. It would be a disaster, but that was a Willie and Alex problem.
"Why did we think this was a good idea again?" Flynn complained.
"The money," Kayla said.
"Looks good on college applications," Julie pointed out.
"Eff that, I should be at the club," Flynn whined.
"I should be at Build-A-Bear," Kayla sighed. Not as a summer job, mind you. She lasted like three days into her trial period before she accidentally exploded one of the bears by overfilling it and made a small child cry.
"Build-a-bear?" Julie asked, intrigued.
"It's my happy place," Kayla said. "You get to pick out something cute and soft and then see it come to life and dress it up in cute outfits and then you have something to hug." She stopped, realizing how uncool she sounded.
"Aw, now I want to go to Build-a-Bear," Julie whined.
"As soon as we have a day off, we're going, all three of us," Flynn declared. "But until then, let's raid the kitchen."
"Late night pancakes?" Kayla perked up. Julie's chocolate chip pancakes were legendary.
"I don't think pancakes are going to fix this," Flynn said. "I think I need ice cream too."
They were still halfway through a pint of the Good Stuff, hidden away behind some bags of peas in the big freezer, when the shrieks from near the boy's cabin started.
"We're going to need more ice cream," Julie groaned, as she looked out the window and saw lights coming on in all the cabins.
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eve-pie · 2 months
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Yay! His friend randomly appears in his mansion one day!
Wait what?
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Throwing Evie in this au was actually pretty fun and making her backstory was also pretty fun and besides that trying and learning to draw collector was certainly an experience
With that being said Evie had to get a new outfit for this au mind any mistakes
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I'm not gonna say to much about Evie in this post just know that someone her and collector were in the same universe together and we're and still are close friends but she disappeared a day before everything went down at least that's what she can recall
For just a tad bit of backstory Evie more or less a upcoming inventor self proclaimed st least she did her best in the collectors advance "welcome home" her hiccups and mistakes were often met with yelling from other's her only friend being wally she was always a recluse and often avoided everyone sometimes even wally besides he had another friend he worked with so it wasn't much of anyone's surprise when she disappeared one day the only concerning bit was the fact her workshop was in shambles things were missing and it was dirty like it was abandoned for weeks and not recently then of course collectors lore plays out and all that jazz
So why is she here? She didn't always look like this what happened?
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Now she works in the mansion for repairs due to being an inventor while helper focuses on cleaning and cooking yay another mouth to feed
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(Yes Evie can glow in the dark)
Why is she covered in stitches? Shouldn't Evie be dead how is she... alive?
Collector and Helper belong to @cutepotatook
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Impromptu Story Time just outside the walls is over; Back to infiltrating.
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See? What'd I say. We're inside the gates now, because nothing is ever locked to a sufficiently determined burglar. And at this point, we have a lot of experience burgling things that shall not be burgled.
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Oh good, they're opening the front doors for us. That's always a good sign.
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I'm sympathetic to your motives but factionally opposed to you nonetheless. Get out of the way or we're going to have to do the violence.
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Credit where it's due, that is a fire comeback.
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This is not a conflict that can be solved diplomatically, Brugaves. Get out of the way or we do the violence. Those are the options. Pick one.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little intimidated about fighting our mentors. But also, we killed Torment so I have a big well of confidence to draw from.
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Did you just try to pull "Control your hysterical sibling" on us!?
Oh, I am about two seconds from taking "Step aside" off the list of options and going straight to the violence. Zale does not speak for me. I sometimes speak for him. That's how our dynamic works.
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Wait, we're in time to thwart the waking ritual? Good to know. Thanks for that tidbit.
Now choke on my staff.
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I want you to know that this brings me no joy.
Okay, actually, this brings me some joy because it's very nostalgic. Despite everything, there's a strong sense of "If things were different I would very much love to be having this sparring session with you." This is fun in a tragic way.
But things aren't different so fucking back down already.
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Oh shit. Right. Stalling for time. I walked my bloodthirsty ass right into that.
It's okay. We can make up for this. There's no time inside the castle so, logically, it's impossible for enough time to pass that the ritual is completed. Therefore, I hereby demand that the Dweller ritual remain suspended in-progress indefinitely.
Okay, I think the metaphysics heard me. We should be clear to take our time now. That's how it works, right?
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Honestly, this place would just seem like your basic tinkerer's workshop if not for all the organic Dweller gunk infecting the clockwork.
I wonder what the Watchmaker thinks of all this crap getting on her lovely mechanisms?
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But it's actually eternal child labor! Which. In a way. Is kinda what workshop elves are too. Huh.
Well, in any case, it looks like we've found Cael and his crew. Let's see if they want to help us really piss off Aephorul.
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...okay, you are not what I anticipated when I was told there'd be immortal children in this workshop.
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You know what, you're right. I have a talent for pissing people off and making unnecessary threats. You do the talking, Garl. You're pretty much the master at inoffensive diplomacy.
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No amount of skill points can defend against a Nat 1. That will do, Garl. Let me take over.
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Yeah, but you own it. You've got this whole Ancient Gnome Head Researcher vibe that's working for you, and you're leaning into it. The outfit really brings it together. 10/10 Brilliant fashion choice.
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Yeah, Teaks told me how that works. Though I'm surprised that the castle doesn't let you mature but does let you age. The rules of magic are obnoxiously arbitrary sometimes.
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Oh shit. He's calling you out, Serai. Does your mystery secret have something to do with this place? Are you the Watchmaker or something?
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Oh, we're just going to breeze past that. Okay.
That's fine. I'm even more curious than ever but I do trust Serai. I mean, if she had any ill intent, she could have slit all of our throats while we slept and then portaled away before anyone was the wiser. Instead, she tried to thwart Strife's revival and helped us kill Torment.
She has earned more than enough leeway to come clean about her secrets on her own time or keep it to herself forever.
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goosewriting · 5 months
yesterday i finally watched the new tmnt movie!! at first i wanted to do a live reaction kinda thing, except that wouldn’t work because i'd have to reblog every entry and hiding every single part under a "read more" would be not only tedious, but i'm not even sure if it's possible lol
so instead have a collection of my thoughts here! (spoiler warning, duh)
first of all: the art style. there’s something strangely nostalgic about it. it feels like that is what my mental storyboards as a kid would have looked like, had i been into animating back then. or at least that would have been close to the style i would have liked to emulate.
the explosions looking like violent scribbles is just so 😩🤌♥ chef's kiss, truly. there's something about the art in general that just moves in such a particular way and holds a certain weight and volume,, it feels like cardboard and clay and crayons and the piles upon piles of coloured pencils i used to have as a kid and how the wooden pencil drawer smelled. i'm such a fan of this style i’M obsessed o(-<
in the intro shots for the turtles, raph licking his sai blades is so extra and i love him for that lmao
for some reason i completely forgot they cast jackie chan as splinter and tbh idk how to feel about it? no hate towards him; i just don't think voice acting is his strong suit
meanwhile i'm looooving mikey's voice. also leo's beacuse, well first of all, i am a leo girlie (gender neutral) through and through so i would have loved all aspects of him no matter what. but his voice actor is gumball's i believe? and that's one of my comfort shows 🥺 i just love him sm
this little donnie is sending me, i- 🤣
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superfly's theme reminds me of miguel's for some reason? 😂 and i'm here for it ahahh
the whole watermelon scene lmaoo teeangers being teenagers, finally
aaaand here comes the probably forced romance subplot 😅😅 (more on that later)
the whole fighting scene in the workshop tinted in red? ugh 10/10
ok so, april: i really like how they met. i like her design, her voice and her whole vibe. the whole puking jokes were a little too much for me; personally im not a fan of fart or puke jokes because, well, i’m not a 12yo boy (looking at you seth rogen) but all in all i really liked this rendition of april. it sucks tho that the turtles got a snazzy outfit by the end, both for school and for prom, but april’s clothes always remained the same. would have loved to see what she wore to prom!
the gen z lingo and references: …i mean, i guess it makes sense? i just don’t know how well it will age xD the references to end game and all were fun but, again, will someone in 15 years understand what they meant? will someone in 15 years know what rizz is?
changing the topic, the way eyeballs are rendered??? hello?? they’re so expressive and shiny and i lowkey wanna lick them ok
the chris pine cutout actually made me choke on my food from both surprise and laughter jhdfkjashdf
oookay so. superfly and his gang. first of all when the gecko talked i went like hey is that ant-man? lmao i love all the designs and ice cube as the villain works?? im not mad?? lol now, his plan however... sigh, my guy. killing all humans aside, have you maybe thought that if you turn every single animal and insect into a mutant, the whole ecosystem would all but collapse? there will be no planet left to belittle the humans on (:
"he'll run out of cars eventually" / *looks at parking* / “oh, c’mon!” lmaoo 😂 this joke was excellent
so, back to the forced romance thing. look i get it, they needed a reason to help out april to get the plot going. and if leo said it, then the rest would follow. i get that. but throughout the whole movie, aside from like his brothers elbowing his side knowingly, there’s no more allusion to anything? and then only at the veeeery end, he asks her out and she says yes, so i was like “oh okay so that’s the payoff then. took long enough” but then when they’re dancing she rhetorically asks if they’re just doing this as friends and 😐 maybe this is just my aroace self projecting but,, if you’re gonna use romance/romantic interest as a catalyst (lame tbh), at least be consequent about it?? if you (the writers) didn’t have the intention to explore the relationship, then leave it altogether? again, this is just my aroace opinion,, i can’t relate so i don’t understand. (which i know seems contradictory given my uh, repertoire of fics lmao) personally i would have preferred a different reason for them to helping out april, and having them all just be besties by the end, which they ended up being anyway
so, to sum it all up. it’s a story we’ve seen a hundred times, so there was really nothing new to it. the plot was okay,, the biggest thing that “bothered” me was superfly’s whole extermination thing making no sense, technically. but other than that, my eyes and ears were having an absolute feast. a very enjoyable film all in all. when we got rottmnt, i was like “oh finally an iteration of the teenage mutant ninja turtles where they’re actually teenagers” but scratch that. mutant mayhem is the most teenager one, and i loved them for that. time will tell how the jokes will age but yeah, the way they were depicted was definitely my favourite thing about the film aside from the art style.
have you guys seen it? what are your thoughts? lemme know :D feel free to comment here or send in some asks!
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blankinsidecards · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ✨♡
Hiiii this is so cute and I just realized that @moonriseblueeyes also sent this to me in DECEMBER yikes sorry I didn’t see it till now ✌️
ok let’s see. I hope nobody’s expecting anything profound
Cheesecake. Forever and always my favorite dessert, and in the past 5 years I’ve been mastering how to make them. There is pretty much nothing more satisfying to me than seeing a cheesecake baking perfectly. (I say this while knocking on wood because I’m pretty sure there’s a god of cheesecake who WILL smite me down if I get too cocky. it has happened before.)
Audiobooks. I’m new to this because I’m suuuuuuper picky about narrators, but I have a fairly long commute every day and I was in a rut with podcasts so I’ve been giving audiobooks a chance and i’m really enjoying them! The Locked Tomb audiobooks are fucking incredible, and in January I listened to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein read by Colin Salmon and it was WONDERFUL.
Mable, my dog 💕 I dogs when I was little but they were all like, outdoor-only farm dogs. Mable is my first indoor dog and she’s an angel who’s never done anything wrong in her life.
Walking. ok hear me out. this is not a “oh i’m so healthy look at me speedwalk”. the past year or two i’ve been desperately trying to reconnect with the wild outdoorsy gremlin I was as a child, and the best way I’ve found to do that is by putting in An Outfit (crucial) (I was doing this in the winter too, and bundling up like a babushka was an absolute key part of the process) and just ~wandering around~ outside. its been a huge help for my mental health, AND i’m having fun. I’ve been jamming out to chappell roan and kate bush, and practicing my spanish, while spending time with my dog and getting sunshine? no downsides 😌
BEVERAGES I fucking love a good beverage. I work at a coffeeshop and we’re always workshopping new drinks, and we just got in this Forage Kombucha which so so yummy. I don’t drink alcohol very much, but I love that I’ve so many more beverage options! my sister is a really good mixologist and she made me this cocktail with vodka and lemon juice and raspberry jam?? and it slapped!! also I tried hot buttered rum for the first time on new years and have made it a personal challenge to find other hot beverages made better with spiced butter; so far the winners have been hot chocolate (to no ones surprise) and this dandelion detox tea that my mom got (though I think the butter probably cancels out the detoxifying properties lmao)
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rowonlgc · 10 months
TM014 : VLOG. / WC : 470.
about three things rowon has learned over the course of this cruise:
one. if there’s ever a situation where he has to arm wrestle minjun, he’ll forfeit immediately. that kid’s got a grip.
two. god has his favorites, and considering the great trials they’ve been put through, it’s neither him or kyungsoo.
three. seojin is fun to fuck with.
but he can’t talk about any of that for the vlog. it’s a little too tmi, and it’s not quite the character he has crafted for the camera. …then again, sitting down and essentially making a speech isn’t either, so he takes the camera and angles it up from a lower position - just as he would when making a video call.
“so i came across this quiz the other day - y’know, that popular one where it analyzes your personality based on the kitchen utensil you pick. i chose the can opener -” ( actually, he chose the grater, and it told him that he was unnecessarily aggressive and difficult to handle, and he didn’t like that so he went back and clicked through all of the other options until he found can opener ) “- and it told me that i was an opportunist who’s always looking for new experiences.”
as he talks, he starts pacing around the room to give the impression that he’s casually chatting with a friend while going about his day.
“i’d say that’s pretty accurate. think they intended this cruise to be relaxing with a lot of down time, but i ended up packing my schedule. there was so much to do, so much to see - the disney park was fun, the water town was beautiful, the aquarium .. a little scary. felt like the fish were all glaring at me the entire time. do i look like fish food? be honest.” he narrows his eyes at the camera then -
he laughs. “i also learned some japanese rap. wanna hear? no? too bad, you’re gonna have to hear it anyway.” and so he starts to recite a few lines that he’d picked up from the j-pop workshop. ( absolutely butchers it. he hopes asami won’t ever see this - despite a questionable start, he kind of wants to keep his cool senior image. )
after his little cringe fest, he settles down against the wall and brings the camera up to eye level. “it’s been good,” he says, his voice a lot softer now. “wish we could all experience it.” this is true. when they first mentioned the cruise, he thought it was for everyone. not the case. but ah, he’s sure the others are fine. if not … well, he has souvenirs* for them. “maybe next time ~” with that, he finishes with a farewell, a finger heart, and waves off.
( *souvenirs section not included in word count )
for @yujinlgc, a pink phone case embellished with jewels and roses, reminiscent of her nails. tucked behind the styrofoam that holds the case in shape is a polaroid of rowon making a cheek heart.
for @hyuntaelgc, a sailor rilakkuma bear to add to his ever growing collection of teddy bear items. it’ll appear on hyuntae’s desk one afternoon holding a polaroid of rowon doing a finger heart.
for @lgcparker, a t-shirt that reads birds aren’t real in japanese. once unfolded, a polaroid of rowon posing with an actual bird will fall out. what’s this development? is rowon a spy too?!
for @lgcsoyoun, a fashionable silk scarf that’s close to crystallis’s official color. there’s also a polaroid of rowon dressed in the most hideous cruise outfit ( worry not, soyoun, it’s only for the picture ).
for @lgcsomin, a chicken wing keychain. it may seem like a silly gift, but let it be known, it took him the entire two weeks to find this because he needed the perfect gift. it also comes with a polaroid of rowon eating chicken.
and lastly for @lgcyein, a crochet cupcake as pictured, but with a crown because she’s a princess ( mostly derogatory … okay, sometimes affectionate ). no polaroid included because they’re still on email basis...
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brainyxbat · 3 months
TG. Venus Fun Fact: She has an Inferiority Complex
"And now, introducing our special model!" Venus feels her heart drop at her boyfriend Usopp's announcement after Brook. He can't be talking about her; she's not special. "A sexy girl that steals the hearts of all men!" Definitely not her. "Our brainy, curvaceous navigator... Nami!" She stays quiet, while the redhead struts down the staircase, as if she's hot shit.
"Nami-swan~!" She hears Sanji gush.
"Makes sense, seeing as I'm so refined!" Venus rolls her eye at that. How vain can you get?
"May I see your panties?!" She hears Brook's voice.
"Never!" She grows a small smirk through her oncoming tears, but it disappears again at the next announcement.
"Next, a mysterious and cool beauty!" That certainly didn't describe her either. "An archeologist who seeks the mysteries of history, and the user of the Hana Hana No Mi! Nico Robin!"
Robin walks down the stairs, and demonstrated her power. "I'll show you history with these hands."
"Robin-chwan, you're so cool~!" Sanji swoons.
Venus squeezes her hands together, as the cook is up next in his dominantly dark purple outfit. She isn't letting tears come out; not now. Through Franky's turn, she contemplates the idea of making herself scarce; she can't go out there, while on the verge of tears. Not after Nami and Robin were so bright and confident. Should she just leave?
As the urge to cry grows stronger, she then makes her decision. "Next up is a person... well, he's not really a person." During Chopper's turn, Venus tunes everyone out, as she discretely heads for the other side of the ship. She holds herself, as she walks, fighting her tears and quivering lips. She only hopes no one would notice her sudden absence; despite the show just being for fun, she just doesn't have the confidence to participate anymore. She isn't tall, or busty, or pretty like the navigator, and the archeologist. The show would surely be better without the homely witch wrecking it with merely her presence.
She enters her boyfriend's workshop branch office, and quietly shuts the door. She peers out the window, feels relieved when no one seemed to notice, then sits by the bench.
Little did she realize... she slipped away a little too early.
When she was out of earshot, the next model after Zoro was announced. "I know as presenter, I shouldn't play favorites," Usopp laments, hand over his heart, "It's not fair to everyone else, but... gah, I just can't help myself!" As he dramatically smacks the railing, the others have a strong feeling who was next. "Second to last, but certainly not least... the most beautiful witch I have ever seen! And trust me; I've met a lot!" He winks, gaining laughter from the others. "She longs to be the best at her craft, and I'm confident she will be someday! She's short, has long green hair, and a green eye that shines like an emerald in the sun!" They can almost see the hearts floating around his head at his corny, yet sweet description. "She hails from the city of the mermaids! She began gracing our lives in Loguetown! She puts others before herself, always! She supports all dreams! Oh, I'm such a lucky guy!" He swoons, hugging himself.
"Our adorable spellcaster, and the user of the Majo Majo no Mi! The dark, lovely, magical angel who stole my heart years ago! The love of my life: Tempeste... G... VENUUUUUS!!" He hams it up for her grand entrance... but she doesn't come out. He stays in his pose awkwardly; maybe she was spacing out, and not paying attention? "VENUUUUUS!!" He tries again after a few seconds, with just as much enthusiasm. Still nothing. "Venus?" Now confused, he peers in the room; he only sees Luffy, who glances around, then simply shrugs with a hum of obliviousness. Where was she? He frantically turns to the audience, as the captain bursts out. "She's not in there!"
"What?!" Everyone clamors over in concern. They don't get it; she was in there with them earlier! What changed?
"What happened to Venus-chwan?!" Sanji exclaims worriedly.
"We're not docked, so she couldn't have just left," Zoro points out.
"This ship's big; we should split up into groups to look for her," Nami proposes.
"Brilliant as always, Nami-swan~!"
"Split up!" Sanji, naturally, goes with Nami, to search the lower deck, alongside Franky and Brook, Luffy, Zoro, and Chopper scale the second floor, while Robin and Usopp join together to search the other side of the upper deck.
All the while, everyone calls out in concern for their missing crewmember.
"Venus! Where are you?!" - Nami.
"Venus-chwan!" - Sanji.
"Venus, it's your turn!" - Luffy.
"Venus, this better not be a prank!" - Zoro.
"Little sis! Please come out!" - Franky.
"Venus! You better not be dead!" - Robin.
"Venus! You're up!" - Chopper.
"Venus-san!" - Brook.
"Venus! Are you okay?! We're all worried about you!" - Usopp.
Robin peers into the window of the sniper's workshop, and spots a green-haired figure sitting with the face hidden behind the knees. She recognizes the blue outfit, and black gogo boots; Venus. "Usopp!" She alerts him. "She's in here!"
Usopp runs over like mad, and slows down to walk in with Robin. At closer inspection, they hear Venus sniffling, and notice her shoulders shaking. They can't see her face, but they can tell that she's crying. "Venus?" She kneels down in front of her, as Usopp silently gestures to everyone that she's been found. "What're you doing in here? It's your turn."
Venus shakes her head. "I'm not going."
"Why not?" As a surprised Robin asks, Usopp sits next to his girlfriend, and puts his arm around her shoulders.
"Because, I..." She trails off, and hugs her legs tighter, as her boyfriend's words from earlier ring through her mind. 'Special model. Sexy girl. Brainy. Curvaceous. Mysterious and cool beauty.' Anyone could see that she was none of those things.
"Because...?" Robin repeats patiently. By now, everyone is gathered outside the room; they're relieved that she's unharmed, but at the same time, are concerned about her sudden somberness.
"LOOK AT ME!!!" Venus' head shoots up, surprising everyone with her shout. She's a mess; her pale cheeks and small nose are flushed, the one marred with black mascara trails, and her eye is red. She takes a deep, shaky breath to calm herself. "'Cause... Robin, I'm not like you, or Nami."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not tall like you guys, or cute. Or pretty. And I'm not..." She awkwardly gestures towards her rack. "B-big here, either."
"Well, not everyone is blessed with those things," Nami says without thinking it through. "We just got lucky."
As Venus stays quiet, and hides her face again, Usopp and Zoro turn to the navigator with death glares, while everyone else, sans Sanji and Luffy, give her disapproving looks. "Go keep the stage warm," Zoro orders sternly, and she walks off with bafflement, oblivious to the impact of her words.
"Venus, it doesn't matter if you're different," Robin assures, with a gentle hand on her knee, "Your unique traits make you who you are, and we all love you." She doesn't say anything, but she does lift her head back up, so her eye is above her leg. "Don't listen to Nami; she doesn't always think before speaking."
"Ain't that the truth," Usopp mumbles, as he rubs her back.
"And you think you're not cute? Of course you are; alongside Chopper, you're the cutest one here." Venus raises her head up more, and wipes her tears, leaving watered-down mascara on the back of her hand, and spreading it on her cheek. Robin frowns in concern. "You want me to get your makeup wipes? You're starting to smear a little, and it could get in your eye." Venus nods in slight embarrassment. "Okay, I'll be right back." After gently patting her knee, she straightens up, and heads to the bedroom she shares with the witch, and the navigator. "Let's leave them alone," She advises the others, and they file away to the stage.
When they're alone, Usopp rests his temple against his girlfriend's. "Robin's right, you know. You're amazing just as you are, V." She looks up at him silently, as tears keep welling up, and creating more dark lines. He lovingly strokes her ponytail, draped over her left shoulder. "It's why I fell for you; I love everything about you. You're sweet, adorable, and the most beautiful girl on the ship." She silently leans on his shoulder with a small sniffle. "Can you smile for me?" His heart breaks when she tries, but can't muster it up. "And uh, just because I said those things about Nami and Robin, doesn't mean I have feelings for them. Robin's more like a mother, or a big sister, and frankly... Nami scares me." He doesn't notice the tiny smile briefly growing, as he glances outside. "Here, I'll tell you a little secret." She looks up a little more. "Nami made me say "special model" about her," He confesses.
That doesn't surprise her in the slightest. "Figures."
"You know how she is. If it was up to me, I would've said it about you. Because I love you, and only you. You're my special model." When she grins up at him, he happily returns it. "There's that lovely smile." He turns his head, and kisses her hair. "Were you not able to hear my introduction for you earlier?" He asks curiously, just as Robin returns with the wipes.
"N-no," She mumbles in embarrassment.
"No? Well, he was practically singing praises about you. Close your eye, and keep your brow up." As Usopp holds his girlfriend's bangs up, Robin whips one out, and starts wiping her messy makeup away, along with her tears, with motherly gentleness. Her black moon beauty mark soon becomes visible. "You look a mess right now," She says delicately, "But you're starting to look better already."
"S-sorry I disappeared like that," She sniffles, "I just couldn't go out there like this."
"It's okay, Venus. Just don't scare us like that again; we all were very worried about you." She finishes wiping, and uses another on her hand where the dark smear is, as Usopp lowers his own hand; but not before quickly kissing her forehead. As stated earlier, Venus looks better than before, without the black smears. "Do you want to go participate? You'd be second last, right before the captain."
"You don't have to if you don't want to," Usopp adds. He knows he'll be disappointed at having to leave his beloved girlfriend out of the fun if she says no, but he wants to respect her decision simultaneously. He smiles when she nods. "Awesome. Do you need a minute, before we go?"
"Do you want your makeup redone?" Robin offers. "Or would you rather go without it?"
"Um... without," Venus decides, snuggling up to her boyfriend.
"Okay then, I'll leave you two alone," She stands up, "See you on stage, Venus. Kill it up there." With the encouragement, she walks away to rejoin the others.
"With or without makeup, you're always beautiful." Usopp kisses her temple, as he tucks her shoulder-length, loose chunk of hair behind her ear.
"Thanks," Her shy smile grows. "Usopp?"
"Yes, darling?"
"Everything really does look good on you," She refers to his self-introduction. "You look amazing."
He chuckles bashfully. "Thanks, V. You do too." He leans in, and holds her cheeks, as they share a kiss for a few seconds. "You'll be the prettiest girl in the whole show."
"Thanks." She snuggles into his neck and shoulder. "The coolest and manliest is the presenter."
Usopp keeps his arms firm around her. "Only the best for you." He turns outside, where the others waited at the opposite side of the ship. "You ready to head over there?"
She nods. "Yeah." They stand up, and walk together, hand-in-hand.
Once she's ready to go, Usopp returns to the transponder snail he has for a mic. "Alriiiight! Let's try this again, folks!" Everyone watches with respectful silence, as he repeats his introduction for his girlfriend, word by word. Venus smiles widely, tears of joy now in her eye, as Luffy grins behind her.
"Don't run off again," He jokes and chuckles, as she giggles.
"I won't; no worries."
"The dark, lovely, magical angel who stole my heart years ago! The love of my life: Tempeste... G... VENUUUUUS!!" Usopp finishes.
Feeling a huge boost of confidence from the sweet introduction through Brook's jamming, Venus marches over, and walks down the staircase, as everyone cheers. She stands with her left hip out, her hand over her blue skirt, and produces an energy ball with her free hand, as everyone cheers enthusiastically. "I'll cast a spell on you."
"Venus-chwan, you're wonderful~!" Sanji gushes.
"Sorry, Sanji," Venus smiles with sympathy, "This witch is taken." She blows a kiss up to Usopp, who happily catches it. She walks all the way down, and joins the others for the finale.
"You were great up there," Robin praises.
"Yeah, you were super~!" Franky adds.
"Thanks, guys," She giggles shyly, then perks up when Brook plays more enthusiastically, "Ooh, here comes the last one!"
"And naturally, he'll be the one to close the show!" Usopp announces. "The user of the Gomu Gomu No Mi! The leader of the Straw Hat Crew!" Luffy twists his arms into spirals. "He wants to find the great treasure One Piece, and become the Pirate King!" He stretches his legs, and poses confidently with his slinky arms. "Monkey D. Luffy!"
He launches himself up to the top. "I will be the Pirate King!"
That night, after a long day of battling Marines, getting patched up, and retrieving a misplaced Zoro from Hand Island, the Straw Hats prepare to turn in for the night, with Franky on the first night watch shift. "Goodnight, little sis!" He calls out when he spots the young witch clad in a black nightgown.
She giggles, and waves. "Goodnight, big bro!"
Before she gets to the bedroom, a pair of arms wrap around her waist, greatly startling her. "OH!" She yelps, but relaxes when she spots the familiar, blue and white striped wristband. She feels his chin on her scalp. "You scared me," She laughs.
"What?! What scared you?!" Usopp pretends to shield her from an imaginary threat, and glances every which way cautiously. As he holds her closely, one of his arms is over her mouth. "I'll protect you, my angel."
She giggles, and gently pushes his arm off her face. "It was you who did, you goof," She jokes.
He chuckles, and rests his chin on her shoulder. "Wanna take turns pushing each other on the swing before bed?"
"I would love to, but I'm beat," She regretfully says, as she nuzzles her head on his, "Tomorrow, before lunch?"
"It's a date."
She smiles, and kisses his cheek. "I may had been sad about it at first, but the fashion show was fun."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," He holds her closer, "And I'm sorry you felt so down about yourself."
"It's okay, it wasn't your fault."
"Well, if we do it again... you can go first."
She smiles, and nods. "Thanks. Sounds like a plan."
She lets out a big yawn, making him chuckle again. "Sounds like you should turn in, sleepyhead."
"I would be in bed by now, if you hadn't snuck up on me like that," She playfully chides him, as he soothingly pets her hair.
"You love being with me," He coos.
"I do," She giggles, adjusts herself, and pulls him in for a goodnight kiss, with her hands on his cheeks. "I love you, Usopp. Goodnight."
He smiles wider when she kisses his long nose. "I love you too, Venus. Sweet dreams."
He goes to give her a last one on her forehead, when a strong hand yanks him away. "Come on, loverboy," Zoro orders, "Less kissing, and more sleeping."
The couple pouts from their sudden separation, but go to turn in regardless.
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n7punk · 2 years
Selling a Dream Fic Notes
Selling a Dream (SaD) is done! This one took me way longer (and was way bigger) than I expected, but it was lots of fun. I'm gonna miss these girls, I already do, but BOY is the fic long enough 😂
Epilogue Life:
Adora continues focusing on cosplay and traditional photoshoots for her career, taking on commissions as well sometimes (more on that later). With the reboot now on, and thus the studio focusing on their new iteration of the characters, Adora doesn't do any more official work with the studio (at least as a host), though she is invited to a few events as an influencer. Adora continues to use the original She-ra as her signature cosplay, though she does recreate the new She-ra outfit too and wears it occasionally, but the other one is beloved (by her and older fans), it's what she's known for, it's more revealing (read: gets better traction on Instagram), and also, you know, Adora looks like the original She-ra so she's a good match for the cosplay whereas another amazing cosplayer would be a better fit for reboot She-ra/Mara.
Adora has warmed up to professional modeling now it's something she chooses and sometimes she has a lot of fun doing it, but it can be a little hard on her self esteem depending on the director/requirements, so the part of her "job" (confluence of jobs, more like) that really makes her happy is being influencer/cosplayer - especially the cosplay part, and especially doing "casual" photoshoots with her friends/for Instagram where she doesn't have to be perfect or fit the vision of a stranger. Her commissions let her dip her toe into the prop business sometimes (if they involve props, anyway), though she has no desire to return to it full time.
When she and Catra move in together almost a year into their relationship, Adora officially joins Wildcat Workshop and starts coordinating her commissions through there. She works partially at home (mostly for sewing/basic cosplays), partially at the BFS workshop (also cosplay, especially with more advanced elements, and light propwork), and partially at the workshop. She still goes over to the BFS house (now just Glimmer and Bow's house technically, but they all decided before she even moved out that it would always be the BFS house, especially with Catra now included in the squad) to spend time together/work together (and use the laser cutter). She has also built up a good friendship with Scorpia, plus a closer one with Entrapta, so she has a really great place to work no matter where she goes or what she needs.
Sometimes Adora helps on projects (that aren't hers) at Wildcat Workshop, but an average day might see her and Catra waking up together, going into the shop for a bit, and then Adora heading over to BFS to work on cosplay with Glimmer and Bow while Catra continues her work. Or that order might be reversed, depending when Glimmer/Bow are going to be home. Come evening, Adora and Catra will head home together or go hang out with one of their friends.
Catra's career is only just beginning. Once she has worked on one show(/for one propmaster) it's a lot easier to get work on others and she ends up making a steady business between commissions and propwork. When season two of the reboot rolls around, they hire her again for a few more key pieces, and Adora has a greater hand in helping with the builds this time around now she is an official employee.
Catra ends up admitting she loves Melog after he stops eating one day and they find out he has an intestinal blockage when they take him to the vet. It turns out fine and they're able to clear it without surgery, but she decides he should live with her and Adora after that because they can monitor what he eats better there. He sometimes goes with Adora when she goes to the BFS workshop because he's easily bored, but he's also very willing to let somebody lead him around and thus is pretty easy to take places.
At Catra and Adora's place, they end up with an entire closet dedicated to costumes. Catra cosplays with Adora (and Entrapta) a bit more here and there, though she does it the same way she did it with Entrapta before now and doesn't do any in-character events or anything (even if she kind of plays along with Adora when she is acting in character herself).
As implied in the fic, Scorpia and Perfuma start flirting via text and very quickly fall into a relationship, which makes it a bit easier for her to warm up to Adora as she becomes a frequent face at the workshop. Entrapta, despite doing her damnedest otherwise, doesn't build or hack anything that gets her prison time. She is definitely on a list, though. Overall, Wildcat Workshop is successful and they're all able to find work that let's them stay and build together. At one point they discuss moving to a bigger space, but, well, this one is important, not just to them but to Entrapta long before they showed up, so they always just end up cleaning, rearranging things, and maybe downsizing or relocating unnecessary materials/equipment. All of them end up with extra materials stowed in their garages for when needed, though.
This fic didn't have a playlist, though I was listening to Fletcher's "Girl of my Dreams" album a lot for the first half of it. For the second half, it was a few songs on loop: "Uh Oh" by Tate McRae (CH6, 7), "Nonsense" by Sabrina Carpenter (CH8), and "Dressed To Kill" by the Wombats (CH8, 9).
Chapter 1:
I did not think the premise of this AU was specific/unusual until readers told me so, but in hindsight "Cosplay AU" isn't even a tag, so maybe I should have known that. I genuinely thought the cosplay creation process was common knowledge within fandom as a whole and not just cosplayers themselves. I knew some of the machine talk was specific, but I definitely underestimated things.
Adora's social media presence is split three ways, technically. Instagram (feed/posts): Photo shoots/photos of herself, both in cosplay and out of it (typical hot influencer shit), along with some workout posts and the occasional build video (she uses reels for those). She also does announcement posts (a con she is going to be at, an event she is going to be hosting, new prints dropping, etc) on there and her stories, but once they "aren't relevant" (like when a con has passed) she deletes them to keep it clean. She does a lot of thirst trap posting because she likes the validation, but it's also great for engagement. Instagram (stories): cosplay/sewing/builds and con "liveblogs". She saves all her costumes and con stories into playlists or whatever they're called so people can go back and look at the making process for one character or a particular con. Her main focus for her "career" is on her Instagram. It's the only place she has really monetized, with like sponsored posts on occasion and stuff (she also sells prints and posts when they're going up). Her Twitter is more "personal" where she just tweets about whatever, interacts with her friends more (at least publically, she's in her friends DMs and stuff on Insta), and generally feels less "pressure" even though she still has a lot of followers. She'll also livetweet cons on her twitter sometimes, and she has more nerd shit on there than on her insta.
Catra mostly posts photos and videos from around the shop (now that she has left the Horde, that mostly didn't fly when she was there) and of commissions/builds/personal projects. It's basically a portfolio page for the shop. She does some videos of builds, mostly timelaspes or focusing on one small part of the build because she can't give away all her secrets. Her stories lean more towards shop shenanigans, and she also shares her friend's posts there. If she does a cosplay shoot, it will end up there unless she really wants to show off the prop, and then it will make it to her main page. Her Twitter is a mix of more casual posts and photos of builds, but she wouldn't treat it as casually as Adora does hers just because it is still her business social media and she needs to seem put together, if not professional. Adora's business is being hot LOL.
I find it really disruptive to my immersion when another property is brought up in a fanfic. This includes mentioning it as a fictional thing, or "cameos" from other characters. I don't know why, but it really throws me off and that made using real characters for their cosplays an instant no. It's usually weird to me to have something else IRL be fictional within an already fictional universe, hence the main property for this fic... basically being the original property of the show.
Catra only got one of Adora's presents, but because Adora messaged her every birthday she knew she sent two. The first one she sent to their old apartment, where Catra was no longer living. Later that week, Catra posted a photo of her hanging out on the balcony of her new place with a caption about how much she liked having a balcony now, basically signalling to Adora that she had moved. Adora considered resending the present, but she didn't know if that would be creepy and tenacious, so she waited for the next year, this time sending it to the Horde workshop with Catra's name on it. Catra got that one.
Adora was a litol buzzed when she sent the New Years message, hence the spelling. Catra was too, and she almost replied to it.
They both changed their numbers after leaving the Horde; Catra immediately, and Adora like a month later after she got a flaming voicemail from her ex-boss upon him seeing she had secured a job that, a month ago, would have been the Horde's.
Like 50% of my knowledge for this fic was from Simone Gertz/Laura Kampf/Evan & Katelyn videos (all maker Youtubers), like 40% from the cosplayers and sewists I've followed over the years, and then like 10% Mythbusters.
Melog was a "new arrival", hence why Catra was reluctant to claim him yet. He was actually born in the shop shortly before they cleaned it up, and had slipped in and out of the area, but he was Extremely Cautious of them, so it took a few weeks for them to even notice A Cat in the area, and a few more for them to suspect it was the same cat living nearby, and then they slowly realized he wasn't just mousing in and around the shop when the garage was open, but that he was actually living there. And then there was the slow process of charming him, which was made easier by how long he had been hanging around. He was already accustomed to them, and fairly young/tameable, but he had only just been "tamed" when the fic started (Catra had been in her shop for six months total).
Adora's whole deal in this AU is based off a professional cosplayer I met when I was like, 12 at a con who I have NEVER been able to remember the name of, just that I think it started with a J.
Adora's username is a reference to an (I think) well known Adora cosplayer, whose feed partially served as inspiration/reference for this AU. I gave some of the characters more "generic"/professional handles since social media is important to their jobs, but it also just made coming up with usernames easier. I hate coming up with usernames even for myself.
Catra hung up so fast after Adora said she tries to show she respects her now because she realized she was right and she wasn't ready to deal with that.
I had a lot of fun thinking of what personal touches Catra's workspace would have, because every workshop I know of has some kooky shit from a goofy build, or a prototype that didn't work out or that they just don't want to throw away.
Chapter 2:
Between rereading an old fic and writing summaries for SW&D to match TOHT, I was kind of feeling writing chapter summaries again even though I know I used to hate writing them (and wow, it's still hard). Anyway, I decided to throw in some odd ones from the "perspective" of the cosplay for this fic to match the chapter titles.
I use the pleading emoji a lot, and I see it a lot, but like 1 out of 20 times I see it I want to pick it up in my hands and squeeze it until it pops so it stops looking at me like that. I can't explain it, but it feels like a very Catra instinct to me so I included it.
"If Catra was any of her other friends, she wouldn’t hesitate to tell her how hot she would look as Skeletor, but it’s Catra, so Adora can’t just say things like that no matter how badly she wants to." Mayhaps that is why Catra doesn't think you love her. You fucking idiot.
BannetCon was named after a guy named Bannet. He did some important things in the video game industry and then founded one of the first video game conventions on the West coast accidentally. It's been around for a long time.
The jacket I described for Catra is based on a real one (but like, taken up to 12, and that jacket already started at 11), but it was a one-of-a-kind piece that sold on Etsy so the best record of it now is random Pinterest posts.
"I'm not She-ra without [the lights]" Yeah it's Adora so she's still insecure XD She-ra/cosplay in general has been a big crutch for her interactions with the public (as is discussed in the next scene) and she was on the verge of a panic attack at the thought of having a dead or a damaged prop for the panel where she would be talking about cosplay in front of everyone. She did end up talking about the battery dying and other mishaps that happen at the panel and how you have to adapt on the fly with stuff like that and how a simple "casualwear" cosplay is always good to pack, but with the danger passed and the prop working, it was easy for her to talk about - because she had her crutch.
The panel Adora was on was called "Cosplay & Community".
While writing this chapter I had to shove Marlena's body back in the closet. It just flopped out I don't know what happened. In the process I made Adora autistic on accident.
Chapter 3:
Glimmer's paint job on the mannequin head looks like a bad knockoff of a Monster High doll. My dress form doesn't even have a head and I still throw a cloth over it to make it less creepy. The arms are detachable and one time my mom *screamed* when she was helping me move stuff and saw the hand hanging off the top shelf of a closet.
Adora's VHS set up doesn't actually take up a lot of room because she has a pretty small CRT TV and the player is right on top of it, with the boxset displayed there. She likes having it because if she is in A Mental Place™️ where she wants/needs to be watching She-ra, then she likes being able to just ball up in her room and not venture out to do it - both because it's more comfortable (physically and emotionally) and because she doesn't have to enter the living room and alert her housemates to her mood. Then they'd try to help.
I don't miss VHS because it was a pain, but also, I do have some Nostalgia I was working out.
Adora was 100% lying and scrambling when she said she wanted to send the thirst trap to Bow for Totally Normal Shoot Equipment Reasons.
Starla and Adora (like 95% of the viewers) both shipped She-ra and Teela so it made sense to go all in on a ship photoshoot, but also lowkey Starla was just like 👀 yeah I'll climb that. Her brother knows this, and loves her, so he put up with it.
Adora did pay for the sword, even though it didn't end up being ridiculously more than Clawdeen's material/time costs, partially because she believes in compensation, partially because she doesn't want to strain their friendship, and partially because Catra didn't exactly want a Clawdeen costume from her, especially not the way Adora wanted the sword. Catra didn't charge her full price, though, just something close to the difference between the costume and the sword's costs.
Some stuff about the She-ra show: I've only watched like, two episodes of Xena, so mostly I only have cultural knowledge about it and used it as a touch-point for the live-action take on a warrior princess. The She-ra show in-fic had some plot similarities with the original She-ra/He-man shows, kind of a fusion of the two shows with He-man elements in general (partially because this just made sense when half the She-ra characters were already in the fic as "real people" and partially because I wanted to play with them).
The overall villain was just "Prime", but certain seasons/arcs were focused on other villains. Skeletor was a servant of Prime that had shown up in earlier seasons and was then the big bad of season three and made minor comebacks here and there until season six when he had a prominent role alongside Prime again.
Season three was set in an entirely new location, the Crimson Waste, which had been referenced a number of times but never seen. It was also shot at a new location to give the appearance of a desert, the plot roughly being that Skeletor managed to kidnap Teela "between seasons" and brought her into the heart of the cursed desert where he thought She-ra could never survive as a being of light and love. She faced opposition from both Prime's minions, the harsh landscape filled with mutated creatures, and the criminals who had been banished there and survived, forming an outlaw society that Clawdeen was the self-declared queen of. She was an anti-hero figure for the season, but She-ra would not have been able to rescue Teela without her help in the end. She was a Huntara-like figure in the desert.
Season 3 was shorter by a few episodes than the other seasons, due to the whole "written around a pregnancy" thing. The show ran for 6 seasons with just over a 100 regular episodes, 2 special episodes (Christmas episode and a drug PSA episode because it was That Era) and two TV movies.
The second TV movie came two years after the show ended and introduced She-ra's long-lost brother He-man. It was wildly hated for fucking with (or outright contradicting) the lore so much and is generally regarded as a cashgrab for more toys. Teela had to be written out of it because her actress didn't even return for it, officially because she was focused on her family, but pretty much everyone knows she was very attached to the franchise and would have only wanted to be part of a good movie. She-ra's actress did return (there wouldn't have been a movie without her), but she was unfortunately closely associated with She-ra and having trouble finding any prominent roles because people just looked at her and saw She-ra (similar to what happened with George Reeves and Superman) so she kind of felt like she had to. Her worry turned out to be somewhat misplaced and she managed a fine acting career in supporting roles after that, but she was never a headliner again.
Most people consider the movie non-canon, Adora included. After all, it establishes that at some undisclosed point after the series ended, She-ra and Teela parted ways because She-ra went out seeking information about a family she knew to be dead and for some reason Teela just... stayed behind?? With the implication at the end of the movie being She-ra then goes on to have adventures with her brother now instead of the woman she loved for years? Yeah it was a set-up for a sequel show that never happened and it was unacceptable. Adora has never run into a He-man cosplayer at a con and she would probably break character around them because it would be awkward, though she would take a photo with them if they asked, she just wouldn't do a photoshoot. People would probably call her a fake fan LOL.
Chapter 4:
This chapter was supposed to cover weeks/months. Instead it covers *checks watch* a day. I intended to get all the way to the con, to the first day with them going to sleep and the next chapter focusing on it through to the entire end of the con. Yeah. Uh. Oops. I didn't account for how fucking horny they would be.
Adora's sword had a lowkey "preview" in the stories from the set, but they were from so far away it didn't even come across as a different sword, although in retrospect the proportions were off and the lights were definitely different. Still, the majesty of the reveal was kept intact.
Scorpia didn't message Catra until they were already all but making out, and Catra didn't even have her phone on her, so she didn't see it until she got in the car after they were all done.
The Larry the Lobster joke was from a whole exchange with Meta, that would later play out in Chapter 6, but was set up here in chapter 4. Also I'm like 90% sure Larry the Lobster is from Spongebob but I don't even know for sure tbh because I didn't watch it. I just vaguely get the joke and think it's funny.
They were on the roadside for about an hour, but that includes solo shots, their pair shots, setting up and planning out shots, and then packing everything away and saying goodbye afterwards.
Glimmer sat in the backseat hoping Adora would join her there and they could have their "confrontation" there, but Adora saw a free passenger seat and went "sweet". Glimmer couldn't tell her to sit in the back without tipping her off.
Catra is a flirt, but not nearly as much of one as Adora thinks she is, because Adora's sample is so skewed. Catra flirts with her so much, and she does see Catra flirt with others sometimes, so she assumes Catra is always pretty flirty, which just isn't true. Catra also doesn't have the same intent with others that she has with Adora, which Adora is totally blind to.
Chapter 5:
I hate coming up with handles, as stated earlier, so I just kind of muddled around and gave Perfuma "ivyscousin" as in "Poison Ivy's cousin". Not directly stated, so it doesn't break my immersion too much.
When Adora asked if Scorpia knew who Perfuma is she was mostly asking because Perfuma has a Very Strong Brand as an advocate for trans and women's rights, especially in the fandom/entertainment/cosplay space ie stuff like "Cosplay is not consent" and respecting a cosplayer's personal gender identity no matter what gender(s) they choose to cosplay. She's known for hosting similarly to Adora, but her focus is on queerness, whereas Adora is known more in her fandom circles and for being a maker, and thus hosts fandom-related events and cosplay workshops. Adora was also lowkey asking if Scorpia knew she was trans (something Perfuma is also vocal about). She wasn't sure if Scorpia was or not at that point, but she did suspect given things like her display name and Vibes she got.
Adora's difficulties communicating here are partially related to her autism. She says something factual or literal and neurotypical people draw a different conclusion/correlation based on it, leading to her followers thinking she's dating or her booking a single room on accident.
It's also part of why they can get so close to crossing the gap and then either Adora pulls up short, doubting her read on the situation, or she does something that makes Catra pull up short because it seems like Adora wants her too. That's also just because they're best friends in Lesbians tho.
Catra sleeps naked to minimize fur-pinching potential now she has her own bedroom, so when she knew she would be sharing a room with Adora, she pulled out the matching pajama set as quite literally the only pajamas she owned.
When I was planning this AU I was like "how funny would a hotel mix-up be" and joked to my friends about sprinkling in All The Tropes for this one. I absolutely could have written the same thing with them having two beds - they would still share during the day to watch the TV since it was at the foot of only one of them, etc - but... it was more fun to write there was only one bed.
Chapter 6
Catra smiles when Adora mentions the chisels because she's remembering how much she likes them and how many times she has used them.
When Adora goes to a con, she usually tries to wear Just The Character's Costume and hold Just their props. It's easier when she's at a con with someone who doesn't mind carrying a bag (or when the character has pockets, which isn't that common for her), but that's her general goal. If she wants to buy stuff, unless she's worried about it selling out immediately, she usually waits until she's about to leave the con anyway (to go to lunch or something) and then gets a bag (sometimes buying one, sometimes bringing a drawstring bag or something, whatever works) and does a sweep through the hall picking up everything she's scouted throughout the day. Then she'll go to lunch, dropping the stuff off at her hotel room if it's close or keeping it in the car until she leaves for the night otherwise. They were doing their vendor sweep before going to lunch on Saturday in this case.
Entrapta actually hates having crumbs in her bed and Catra has watched her get out of bed after going to sleep and strip it to remake it more than once at midnight, but there's a disconnect there between "don't want crumbs" and "don't do the things that make them (eating in bed)".
PGS is Pacific Geek Show, a con Adora and Spinnetossa both went to but never found time to meet up.
Adora's "mindless glower" is her autism stare, where she's trying to figure out the thing she's supposed to do/say to come across as a socially attuned human. She just thinks she's socially awkward and a bit worse at interacting with strangers in general.
The line about the reboot tarnishing memories of something she loves is just a factual concern, but it's there because that was the exact reason I didn't watch the new She-ra show at first.
The reboot itself, however, was not at all meant to be a meta reference and was entirely there to set up Catra getting the prop job. Adora meeting Mara on set was one of The Scenes for this fic, the last one both chronologically in fic and to occur to me.
I went to Clare to ask about what exactly Masters of the Universe meant because I didn't want to "misuse" it here even if She-ra in the fic universe is pretty different from how it is IRL.
The fic summary mentioned consequences and now, in chapter 6, we finally get to them.
I have weirdly specific headcannons about porn for them. Adora does watch it, sometimes, mostly to figure herself out/what her kinks are, but because sex is focused on her partner for her, it doesn't do a lot for her aside from introduce her to stuff. Catra doesn't like watching it, it makes her kind of uncomfortable, but she does enjoy nudes/lewds that people post and might look at them while getting off.
When Adora did watch porn, trying to figure out her kinks or prepare herself for theoretical future sex, she definitely found herself gravitating towards stuff featuring magicats if it was an option and she couldn't decide if it was worse to be projecting her friend onto it/thinking of her while watching or to just have a thing for magicats, because then she was like oh no what if I'm fetishizing them and had a small spiral (the answer is she has a Type that she might have even if she hadn't grown up with Catra, but she was also definitely Projecting).
She saw the tail thing years after she first pulled Catra's tail, and she knew tail-pulling could be a bullying thing, not to mention seeing it on TV portrayed just as a rude - or sometimes straight up disrespectful - annoyance, so she knew it wasn't universal even before porn prompted her to look it up and found it was pretty common but not universal. She just immediately wrote it off as something Catra didn't have.
I talked about this in the author's notes, but chapter 5 was supposed to run all the way until they woke up together on the second day of the convention, chapter 6 was supposed to be that entire second day, with them in the hall, the tail pulling, and both of them getting off and cuddling together that night, talking about emotions, falling asleep together, etc, and then ideally also include the panel with Perfuma as a final "comedic button" on the two convention chapters. I did not think that was such an unrealistic expection, and yet.
The tail-pulling leading to a makeout against the wall and them rushing up to their hotel room was The Scene for this fic and the entire reason it exists, though when I was writing it I became extremely partial to the photoshoot chapter as well.
Chapter 7:
This smut is 0% what I planned, but tbh I didn't have much of a plan except Catra curling around Adora and getting her off, and then Adora got all giggly. Even after two years, these two find new ways to surprise me/have sex that I wasn't anticipating.
Catra: "Adora's going to make us move for dinner." Adora literally the next scene: "We can stay here until it's time to eat." Catra had her number lol
In my earlier fics I kind of had a running thing about Catra not wearing underwear, but I stopped it because I felt like I had to repeatedly bring it up every time there was smut or it would seem like I "forgot" to remove Catra's underwear as part of it. For this fic I kind of returned to it, but with a twist by having it be that thongs are the only thing comfortable for her (which is absolutely a thing). Adora's just a bikini briefs girl, but she does wear thongs or no show underwear (or very rarely, go without) if a costume or photoshoot requires it.
I find Perfuma really interesting because she's positive but she works so hard for it, to the point where at times it seems (to Catra) to be a little disingenuous, when really it just means that she's trying hard to be "good," and that taking work doesn't make it any less genuine, it just comes across as more suspicious to Catra.
Catra gets to be a little protective of her friends. As a treat.
Perfuma is not too classy to say fuck, she just only uses it in certain contexts.
I had to retype like two chapters worth of notes here because my computer restarted and I hadn't saved.
Chapter 8:
I got kind of "stuck" on chapter 8, not because of anything to do with it, but because I fell down a Mass Effect hole and did a replay through the entire trilogy while writing it, so progress was slow. Once I finished, I wrote in 2 days more than I'd written in the last 2 weeks. Then of course I had to get sick/have health issues for another two weeks, slowing me down again.
Catra's in a small bedroom next to Entrapta's master because it's actually supposed to be the office, but she was the last to move in, so it's what's left. It used to be Entrapta's secondary work/storage space, until they got the shop all cleared out and organized and there was actually room for stuff there.
Side note: Entrapta loves sharing space with people who - on some level, at least - understand her. She's had room/workmates in the past who just couldn't handle her and those small incidents added up to her working alone in a steadily-deteriorating workshop because nothing else had worked out. Like, she had friends of course, but she usually only saw them IRL a few times a year. Living or working together every day had not been a success.
Adora taking the pencil out of Catra's hand again isn't so much a callback as maintaining continuity, but it's there to show how far they've come since the first chapter. Catra doesn't even really notice it.
Mara's wife is of course Light Hope, and she is looking into the camera with a dead stare to show what she thinks of this, but at the same time she has agreed to it because she loves her wife's enthusiasm, no matter how shitty and plastic the costume is. Teela's outfit is, as typical for the series, missing pants (the lack of pants in the original She-ra/He-man is fucking ridiculous y'all) and also strapless and thus lowcut, so it wasn't something Light Hope was going to just wear, hence her donning it over her clothes, which kind of completed the joke of being "forced" into this despite everyone (who knows them, at least) knowing she agreed to it.
She-ra's original actress was, at the time of the series filming and airing, officially an "ally". There were implications and rumors of course, but she didn't come out until over a decade later. It was pretty much one of those open air secrets, but she was already under national scrutiny portraying something very queer on TV and didn't want to deal with more.
"Leatherman" is a brand of knife multi-tools of some repute.
Catra proposing to bring Adora in was basically "Look, I'd be an absolutely terrible partner if I didn't do my best to bring her in on this. Besides, she's great at finishing so I might have her weather some of the props." She had to kind of trickle the requests out so she didn't seem like a crazy fan or something, but the fact that Adora was already known to the brand - as both a superfan and an occasionally host/brand rep for them - helped a lot with getting the screen test delivery set up. Anything they approved with Adora could eventually be promo, at least once it wasn't secret anymore.
Chapter 9:
I heavily considered including chapter nine just in the ending of chapter 8 since it was short anyway, but the time skip made it feel better to do as something separate. Also I would have had to pad out two Adora POVs in a row, which is easy enough with social media posts or some texts, but I wanted the "cliffhanger" moment so it would sink in for the reader similar to how it did for Adora.
There's a few weeks gap between the end of Chapter 8 and when all the props were done and ready for shoot.
I decided to capitalize "she's going to host multiple Lives" about this to make it a little clearer I'm talking about Instagram Lives, even though no one capitalizes it in casual conversation. They also don't add "Instagram" to the front of it, making that feel more awkward, so I went with the capitalization to make things clearer. I might change this later tbh (like on a subsequent read).
Adora did get a bit of a headstart thinking about how she would make the new She-ra costume, which let her draft some ideas, but she didn't actually start making anything until the first official photos/trailer dropped, both for NDA reasons and because having photos to reference is really important if you have her level of dedication to making something look right. Memory is inherently faulty, and it would be easy to remember two strips of armoring instead of three. She had materials lined up and ready to go once it was time.
I was going to make the director "he" (a vague ND insert, since that's what he's favoring these days), but then I worried people might picture a, like, old hollywood dude ordering the lesbians around for the remake of this very queer show, so I just had them be nonbinary. Their name is Diana because of Diana Huh from crewra and because it is ND's middle name (the D part).
Catra is allowed to say the studio she's working for, though she really isn't supposed to, and she had no intention of doing so until much later. Once the show's embargo (for reviews and the like) was up shortly before premier, she was allowed to actually talk more about what she worked on, and after the first episode airs she posts some photos of the sword cosplayers love her for (other than Adora, who already has everything she needs - and already loves her). Adora, for her part, gushed about the show and getting to visit set like crazy on her Instagram stories once the show was airing.
In the extended show credits, Wildcat Workshop is listed under props (along with everyone else who was part of that production team), and under Wildcat Workshop it lists the names of everyone there, plus Adora, as she was technically a consultant on the sword project. Not with a paid contract or anything, but she was signed onto the NDA and helped Catra spitball some ideas, as well as offer input whenever a design tweak was needed. Basically, Catra worked with the studio, but Adora also worked with Catra.
Mara isn't really "in the show's fandom", especially not online, but she does have a boxset and enjoys it in her personal life. However, she heard about Adora when they were in pre-production because the director was talking about the sword some cosplayer made that proved practical effects could photograph/film well and make the show a little more timeless than the original (the magic effects are really dated), and when they pulled it up to show Mara, they realized the sword was actually made by a propmaker (thanks to clicking through Adora's tag, which they hadn't done before, just assuming it was another cosplayer since she was also credited as Clawdeen). That's the inciting conversation that eventually led to Catra being hired, mostly because when Diana went to the propmaster asking about it he was just like okay why don't we just hire that person to do it then? (Propmasters don't necessarily make the props for a production, often commissioning, buying, or renting them, and this way no one else had to figure out how to reproduce a similar effect, even if they ended up needing to make some changes for it to hold up to the stress of production). Mara has had a scroll through Adora's Instagram following that conversation, as well as later seeing a video of her hosting that fan night from when the production team were later discussing letting her onto set per Catra's request because it was mentioned she had done work for them in the past and been reliable.
The show does end up being good. Different from the original, but with the same heart behind it, just a little more "serious" and modern. Adora loved waiting week-to-week for each new episode - something she never got with the original - and she really likes the new version, but the original will always be more special to her for many reasons. Mara is an amazing She-ra, obviously.
I considered ending the chapter with a final social media post or two from when the review embargo was up, but that was a big timeskip and I thought might be confusing and make it seem like Adora didn't keep her word/respect the NDA. The gist was that Catra posts a photo or two from the build of the sword, like a glamor shot and one progress shot, with a caption talking about how fun it was to work on the project and what an honor it was. Adora then shares that post to her story and the fans who only follow her just lose their minds over her dating the person who made the new sword. Adora also posts about visiting set and gushes about meeting Mara on her story, but she tries to be normal and professional about it while she does so, even though it's very obvious how excited she is.
The effects for the sword Catra made aren't identical to Adora's version of the prop, but it does have lights even if their placement and trigger mechanism are a bit different, as well as their colors and modes. The show will be using digital special effects as well, but combining that with practical makes it look all the better.
No original outline, this was pretty close to everything I planned initially, it just ended up being a Lot More than it was in my head. The only thing that changed is initially, instead of them cosplaying She-ra and Clawdeen, they were supposed to all be part of a group cosplay involving both their friend groups (which is what roped them into talking and having the conversation where they kind of made up in the first place), and Adora & Catra just happened to get a pair of characters that were dating. That was a vague idea in my head that changed once I started writing.
Next Project: I would love to tease my next AU here because I'm pretty sure of what it's going to be, but I'm going to be real with myself: I'm actually probably going to do some scattered one shots (AU and canon) since I have like a dozen WIPs clinging to my ankles.
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thanatasia · 2 years
Great Con-Junction 2022
This past weekend was very busy but a lot of fun!
It was so nice to be able to be in the same room as so many people who made TDC:AoR and the original TDC film. So much so that it was a bit overwhelming lol
I believe my rambling became the star of the show when talking to fellow artists and people involved with the film and series. My best friend @yellowtribalwolf and I were lucky to get tickets to the lot party and tour. I'll share this gem because I've got this song stuck in my head. Maybe I'll share some more photos. Maybe stuff from the Henson Lot and Creature Shop
I was so lucky enough to meet @sifanjewel and I was so so much fun talking with you and going to different panels and the workshop! I still can't believe we got to hang out out there lol
One of those panels was a quiz where whoever got the last question right would win a Stone-in-the-wood prop- my head heard a question related to the Trial by Stone Podcast where they spoke with one of the writers who spoke of a scraped scene where there was going to be a fight on Rek'yr's Sandskimmer with SkekMal. This scene was replaced with Seladon's Gothic transformation. In my head I heard, flight and Seladon and- got the question wrong. The funny thing is they gave me a second chance, I got tongue tied and almost said; Flight of Passage 🤣 I was close to owning a prop but it's a funny story I'll get a kick out of lol
I got to meet Beccy Henderson! She said my Elf/Gelfling outfit was lovely. She also recognized my artwork because I gave her a Stonegrot sticker. I felt so happy! I will die happy getting complimented by her. I even got an autograph from her...but my dad who also went along but explored on his own lost my autograph before my friend and I got to the Henson Lot party
Gelfling are TINY! I always knew they were small but they are literally the height of a young child lol
I couldn't take pictures but while at the Creature Shop I saw the SkekTek prototype puppet used for the initial idea of puppet Skeksis and CGI Gelflings. There was also a Podling head sculpt that was nicknamed, Stoned, I thought that was hilarious.
Continuing from the Creature Shop tour I saw a prop used for the deleted scene of the Emperor's Funeral in the original film, as well as Crawlies. I think everyone who watched the TDC documentary that's included in the bonus features of the DVD knows the Crawlies were basically wind-up toys; I couldn't tell what they were beforehand but they were very flakey and delicate
My friend and I got to puppeteer an animal tail. It was both weird but mesmerizing seeing it move to how you moved the handles
I got my artwork reviewed by TOBY FROUD?!?! I wish I had original art but 1) I haven't completed any 2) most of whatever original art I make is depressing. Regardless, he said my art was, "very lovely" and that I should consider storyboarding
I wanna make another post regarding the drawing workshop with the amazing artist, Cory Godbey. That Mystic I drew came out pretty good...profile views are all we'll see from me. Hearing his input about his experience in art and getting work was very informative. He has a nice calming voice which made the workshop relaxing. My only criticism of the workshop is that it was a paid activity but the event organizers didn't provide paper and pencils. Excluding that it was a great class!
Lisa Maxwell had a fun time talking to my best friend and I because we share the same name but there's one letter in our names that are spelled different. She called us, Clever Girls and I will die happy being complimented by her
A buddy of mine couldn't attend so while passing her art to Stephen Garlick (Jen), Lisa Maxwell (Kira) and Victor Yerrid (Hup), I had some sweet conversations. I even got a picture with Stephen Garlick. Victor Yerrid said my online name was really cool. Again, I will die happy getting complimented for my interesting art name.
I got to meet @feusus , @candythemew and another artist named R0b0crazylady (IG, please correct me if she does have a Tumblr) at their art tables. It's still surreal I got to have conversations with you all. Albeit I was rambling way too much (or maybe I'm too hard on myself) I hope you all had made a great profit. Tbh I think I was more excited matching faces to online profile pictures. You all are very sweet people and I'm so happy to have met you
TDC museum they installed was lovely! SkekSil and SkekOk were there in all their Skeksis glory. Which surprised me- mostly SkekSil I did not expect to see him. If we include the lot party I met my sister's favorite Skeksis, SkekEkt.
At the end I had gotten a picture with Lisa and Cheryl Henson. Mostly for my mom's sake because she would've figurativly killed me if I didn't. I also wanted to, I mean now I can say I got to meet the daughters of Jim Henson who helped keep TDC alive and helped get AoR running
The ending ceremony was an experience. Reciting the Gelfling prophecy was a fantastic end to a great TDC convention. I truly hope there is something again in celebration for AoR
I could probably write more but I'm drawing a blank, and maybe I'm rambling lol
Idk if Thames Con has a Tumblr but thank you for setting this event up. Thank you Trial by Stone Podcast for the coverage and amazing episodes to your Podcast, I was too shy to say hello lol
My only regret is not mingling/networking during the Henson Lot party. I had gotten about 3 hrs of sleep the night prior because I was excited like a child on Christmas Eve. So by 8pm I was getting sleepy lol
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skoople · 5 months
im a cyborg but thats ok. and or the muppets (2011)
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I'm A Cyborg But That's Okay
I haven't heard of this one before (I'm woefully bad at keeping up with international releases) but the premise of a young woman institutionalized because she believes she's a cyborg and the only man willing to believe her seems interesting. Content warning for self harm if you decide to sniff this one out but it seems to be worth a sniff indeed!
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The Muppets (2011)
if i had to rank it i would give it an 8/10 for a kids film, a 7/10 for a muppets film (extra points for not being as racist as treasure island), and a 12/10 for when i'm really sad or i have a bad cold.
it's just genuinely really funny in a lot of places. multiple songs from this movie ended up on my spotify wrapped playlist because theyre catchy and well performed and because i have a sickness. tex richman is like a conceptually hilarious villain to me, and i loved that uncle deadly got more screentime than usual. the celebrity cameos are rather grating and miss piggy's outfits in particular are a little 2010s-dated (she is always on the cutting edge of style after all). i really hated the transmisogynistic joke about miss piggy's stunt double. walter was a welcome and charming addition to the classic cast, and it's great that he had jim parsons of the big bang theory portraying his gender dysphoria. overall i think the script could have been tighter and MUCH less meta, but there's joke that make me laugh out loud and i'm glad the muppets are still around. side note we should rip the meat off of bob iger's body for what the disney corporation has done to the muppets. there's an atrocious amount of disrespect towards the craft and the heart and artistry of the muppets as a cast, the workshop, and jim henson's legacy that manifests as wasted potential. make a puppet yourself and start having fun. 🏴‍☠️ watch the old variety show; it's good!
this joke about 80s robot makes me smile every time, and i think this clip gives you a good idea of amy adam's chipper cartoon energy (the performance comes off weird because nobody else is matching her, not even the muppets). also keep in mind that every time you see a puppet in a car (there's three here) there is a puppeteer hiding under the seat doing the acting.
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