#World Healh Organization
thats-on-point · 4 years
Biden’s First Day
 Authored by Ken Santos on Friday, January 22nd, 2020 at 6:00 PM EST         
      At this point in our country we have begun the beginning of the Biden presidency. As we dabble into the current changes that have taken place at this time we are given a clear indicator on what direction our country is beginning to trend. For some, this was planned for some time and now for others reality that the establishment will come for them as well is slowly beginning to be highlighted and the real agenda is beginning to play out. Causing Americans to slowly begin to understand some of those easily demonized opinions are now appearing to be the truth.
              The beginning of the Biden Administration has been filled with rapid change. Starting off Biden has rejoined the Paris accords and in doing so becoming a part of We originally departed from the accords due to the lack in what it delivered in relation to combating climate change and the financial burden it places on the United States in relation to the lower burden given to the most serve contributors to the problem. We need to negotiate a new climate agreement that focuses on the issue and doesn’t give the government an excuse to tax the issues away.
               Additionally the new Administration made the decision that puts us back into the W.H.O (World Health Organization) despite the fact we left the organization due to the misinformation they were spreading and the financial burden being held mainly by the American people for an organization that should be equally supported by the entire world. To enable an organization that lies and does not at least tell the truth about a potential pandemic to continue to have a say in the matters that govern the American people is irrational at best. Even the W.H.O. itself has acknowledged the precautions werill advised and the consequences will be worse than the disease itself.. The damage that has been done because of their overwhelming negligence should not be rewarded with compliance.
On day one the new President chose to cancel the Key Stone Pipeline and the border wall construction. Both projects had been approved and money already allotted and in turn may result in breaches of contract. Canada sure seems to believe this is the case as they have filed a lawsuit stating as much on the behalf of the Canadian workers. Either Way the loss of both these projects has caused a loss of jobs and income in an already financially trying time. With this trend coming out the gate, the American people may be subject to hardships as we continue to alienate ourselves and our allies.
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May 17th - International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia
Thirty years ago today, the World Healh Organization decided to eliminate homosexuality as a mental disorder, and today we are still fighting against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia for the rights that we all equally deserve.
Please keep bringing awareness to all gender identities and sexualities, keep fighting and breaking barriers.
And remember, you are loved and accepted here. You are valid.
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lunar-alienn · 7 years
Saturn Transiting in your Houses
Saturn Transiting your 1st house: You may have harder time with self confidence at this time. You may spend your time trying to build your self confidence up. You may have a better time taking on more tasks. This can be a time of thinking of what you can improve upon. People may come to you more because, they may see you as more responsible and reliable. This is a time for learning to build up your self confidence, and being able to easily express yourself. This may bring more opprotunities with taking on more responsibility.
Saturn Transiting your 2nd house: You may have a more difficult time with money, and have a harder time obtaining it. This can be a good time for reorganizing, or make new changes in your life. You should be advise to save rather than spend, with Saturn transiting your 2nd house. You may feel you don't have enough of things which can cause you to over spend. This transit is good for budgeting and becoming eventually financially stable.
Saturn Transiting your 3rd house: Your thoughts may go towards being more realistic than they normally would. You may have a harder time when it comes to communication, depending on the aspecting planets. You may think too much and it may cause you to feel more anxious or depressed. You may also a more straight forward way of communicating with others but you may also be more quiet at this time. It really depends on the energies aspecting Saturn at the time.
Saturn Transiting your 4th house: You may try and work on family affairs and friendships at this time. You may have more time to take on more responsibility in the family. This can be a good time to making a more stable and secure home environment. You may have a harder time in the beginning of this transit but towards the end you may have an amazing blessing out of this or lesson learned.
Saturn Transiting your 5th house: You may have a harder time having fun, and may not have the energy at the beginning. You may have a lack of confidence towards your talents, so be cautious and aware of this. Also try and take notice of this and try and build up your confidence when it comes to your hobbies. You may feel people don't notice you, and that you don't receive enough love from others. You may also feel like you can't express yourself creatively as easily.
Saturn Transiting your 6th house: You may have a harder time trying to find work. You may also have a better time with analyzing what you can do better with your everyday life.You may be more organized at this time. You also may struggle with healh issues. You may learn how to better take care of yourself with this transit. You may take on too much responsibility than you can handle and may cause more stress for yourself.
Saturn Transiting your 7th house: You may have relationship issues at this time. You may also be more cautious when it comes to starting relationships, and also existing relationships. This can be a good time for figuring out your relationships.This is a time where your relationships can come out even stronger.
Saturn Transiting your 8th house: This is a time where you may need to re-evaluate the way you handle and control situations. This is a time where your obsessions and anything you struggle with can be noticeable.This is a time where you may go through a big trasformation.You may have to deal with intimacy issues, and maybe loss of funds or difficulty with finances.
Saturn Transiting your 9th house: You may question what you believe in, and maybe even abandon them for a short period of time. This is a good time to see what you really believe in, and what is worth putting your energy into. You may have some troubles with school in the beginning as well.
Saturn Transiting your 10th house: You may want a good career and may work towards that.You are more able to take on more of a work load, but it may overhelm you. This is a time to think about what our purpose is in this world. This transit also has the possibility to make you feel that work is too much, it all depends on you and your energy. It also can depend on the aspecting planets at the time.
Saturn Transiting your 11th house: This may be a period where you may lose a lot of friends. This is a good cleansing period maybe indicating a test of friendship. You may be planning ahead, getting ready for the future. You may have a more realistic approach towards what you plan to do in the future. This can be a good time trying to find what you want to put your energy into.
Saturn Transiting your 12th house: This may be time where you may need to sort through all areas of yourlife. A time where you can see what stays and what goes. You may have to draw some attention to the areas that are difficult to think about normally or things that are more tough for you to do. This is the transit for getting rid of bad unhealthy habits and creating healthier ones.
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iykbethany · 5 years
Guys please stop spreading FAKE NEWS. DRINKING ALCOHOL DOES NOT CURE OR PREVENT CORONAVIRUS.   Ginger and Garlic does not cure or prevent Coronavirus.   Any coronavirus cure or prevention story that is not from World Healh Organization, UNICEF, Federal or State Ministry of Health. CDC or from our major TV/Radio stations is likely to be FAKE.   THE TRUTH: Washing your hands Regularly and…
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nrip · 5 years
Digital transformation in health care: 5 areas of immediate growth
n the last few years, healthcare has been trying to join other industries in the quest to deliver a better customer experience. The industry has been bringing a fundamental shift from volume to value of care. The evolution in data, mobile and cloud technologies has disrupted the U.S. health care industry. In addition, the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, the shift in the cost of care to the customer and the ever narrowing networks are rocking the fundamentals of the industry.
This disruption is forcing healthcare providers and insurance companies to move from a provider- and health system-driven model to one that’s more customer-centered. The disruption for the first time is pushed by the behavioral needs of the modern customer who demands both choice and control. Many industry experts refer to this as the retailization of the industry.
The disruption for the first time is pushed by the behavioral needs of the modern customer who demands both choice and control.
For all these changes, many healthcare organizations lag behind retail, travel and other industries at embracing customer-centricity. We’re living in highly connected times, but many health care providers and systems are still operating on a highly fragmented ecosystem. This gap becomes especially clear when you consider that the U.S. ranks the worst in the developed world in terms of efficiency and effectiveness—despite the fact that it has the world’s most expensive healthcare system, reaching almost 20 percent of its GDP.
For health care companies to catch up, business executives need to push their digital transformation agenda—and need to do so quickly.
What digital transformation means for the health care industry
In my job, I spend a lot of time thinking about digital transformation and how we can connect and apply data, technology and communication to redefine customer experiences and engagement and redefine business models. At Healthgrades, we have established ourselves as the leading marketplace platform for healthcare that helps patients find the best doctor, the best hospital and the best case based on both qualitative and quantitative data. We operate at the intersection of health care, marketing and technology, ultimately delivering data-driven experiences and communication that inspire a behavioral change effecting better health outcomes.
When thinking digital transformation, I find it useful to define what it is not. It isn’t just about automation of processes or jobs, or even new technology. It’s much bigger and more fundamental than that.
Digital transformation requires rethinking business processes. It’s about using digital technologies and data to put the customer at the center of your business. To succeed in digital transformation, look at your company’s ecosystem and determine ways you can drive more value for the customer.
5 benefits of digital transformation in health care
Some areas of health care are ripe for digital transformation. By focusing on these aspects of the enterprise, executives can deliver more value to customers and patients and see ROI from their digital transformation efforts.
Finding the right doctor
One of the biggest challenges in the U.S. health care system is matching patients with the right service and the right provider. That’s an important issue considering that finding the right doctor can be a life-or-death matter.
And yet customers sorely lack technology that will help them make more calculated evaluations on their health-care provider. About 85 percent of health care decisionsare still based on word of mouth recommendations.
The entire industry needs to provide more information to patients so they can make informed decisions about their physicians. When we use technology to give people quantitative and qualitative information about providers in their area, we empower them to make better choices about their health.
The rise of the on-demand economy has given unprecedented access to people today. Customers could, for example, have an Uber car waiting in front of their house within five minutes of placing an order. Finding the right physician in your area, unfortunately, isn’t as easy. The health care industry hasn’t quite caught up with the on-demand economy yet.
People are busy and rely on their mobile phones to get things done. The health care industry has a huge opportunity to drive innovation so that more patients can access physicians using phones and other digital technologies. Being able to see a doctor—whether it be for a house call or by setting up a clinic appointment—should be as seamless as ordering an Uber car.
  Download the white paper Symptoms of Change to learn more about the uberization of healh care
Social media has increased expectations for customer support. When a customer isn’t happy with an airline, for instance, he or she can tweet about it and somebody from that company will (or should) respond. Customers expect companies to address their complaints almost instantaneously—especially on public forums like social media.
Many companies have caught on and include social media as a customer support channel. Doing so upholds accountability and encourages better, faster customer service.
The health care industry lacks tools to drive real accountability. When customers book an appointment with a physician, for instance, there’s no way for them to know the success—or failure—rate of that health care provider ahead of time. It’s no wonder patients consistently identify poor service as an issue. A recent study from the consulting firm Deloitte found that 71 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with their primary care physicians.
Health care companies need a standard set of procedures for handling patient feedback. As business leaders, we need to drive higher patient-care quality. I believe that a focus on digital transformation can help improve health care products and services.
Financial transparency
Technology could help the industry give customers more information about health care expenses. Right now, when consumers get a treatment, it’s often unclear whether recommended procedures are actually necessary. There’s also a lack of consistency for health care treatments: the same service may vary in cost from state to state—and even from one hospital to the next. In many cases, patients don’t know how much a procedure costs until it’s done and they’ve received the bill.
Health care costs have become the single most common cause of personal bankruptcy in the U.S. More than ever, the industry has a moral responsibility to be transparent about cost. Digital transformation can help health care providers achieve that goal by putting customers first and helping them improve the overall patient experience.
To truly help patients live longer, healthier lives, we need to create a system of engagement. Physicians today know patients based on a handful of questions. A doctor could spend a few minutes with a patient in any given year.
Patient engagement happens very infrequently. A recent survey by the Council of Accountable Physician Practices found that only 20 to 30 percent of patients have access to digital technologies like medical questions or electronic reminders.
The industry needs an always-on approach to patient engagement. Digital transformation is part of the solution. It can help physicians get more information about their patients. This customer-centric approach to technology can also drive innovations that change patient behavior. Using data to share timely and relevant information with patients, as just one example, will revolutionize the services we provide.
Driving customer engagement with digital transformation
Digital transformation is an ongoing journey that requires putting the consumer at the center of your business.
As you pursue digital transformation in health care, look beyond the technology required to drive innovation. You can’t win simply with huge investments in mobile, cloud or marketing technology. To keep up with the staggering pace of digital disruption, the health care industry needs to engage with the very people they want to please: consumers.
As you expand your efforts in digital transformation, don’t neglect to use customer intelligence to make data-driven decisions around technology investments. If we fail to engage our customers, our industry will continue to operate behind the times.
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We provide physician, clinic, institute, and hospital branding by finding key characteristics to make you outcompete in locations around the world. Marketing in healthcare is very unique but underutilized, allowing well-marketed healthcare teams to easily become the top in their city. This includes HIPAA-friendly services ranging from website development, EMR creation, community branding, and building a lean service model to increase margins. We work directly with your team and local residents to reduce wasted work hours, transit time, and imply quality improvement and cost reduction principals. Schedule an appointment to get an overview of how we fit your healh care goals.
We provide hotels, residences, senior communities, community centers, travel agencies, rental properties, commercial properties, and agencies focused on hospitality services a comprehensive plan to become leaders in their locations. From Marriotts to Senior Home franchises, we have developed quick returns on investment for our clients. By takings the time to recognize the community and build a brand that both visitors and locals can trust, we are able to make each organization maximize profit and minimize initial costs. Our creative approach organizes a plan specific for the company; including a review of thousands of literature pieces to integrate an evidence-based approach to every aspect of the plan.
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Similar to healthcare, many clients opt to pick a financial agency "through a friend" or just by google rank. We work closely with financial service agencies by providing them clients, leads, top-end websites, and a training platform that allows directors to reduce work while maximizing cost. We automize budget estimations and filter clients to fit your need. Our leads are looking exactly for your services which is why we optimize both the hiring and funnel process for our financial agencies. The trust we build on site before an appointment with your clients allows for ease of transition to generate profit while maximizing results for the client. We frame all financial agencies in a win-win context so the customer is more eager to sign up. Using analytics on our previous projects we are able to provide the perfect flow for the site to sign up.
From New York to Las Vegas, we cover every food and restuarant niche known to man. Our researched plan covers everything for new restuarants and companies including names, menus, option, and potential recipe displays for chefs. We coordinate the hiring and training process along with value streaming production to make your company grow in both catering and guest services. We've been able to get our clients ranked #1 for their local cuisine in Yelp, Grubhub, Apple Maps, Facebook, and Google Business. We focus on the actual areas where people want to purchase food rather than all-around to ensure you get customers; not just "notice". We build trust for the food in the community through low-cost campaigns that bring larger corporate events to your restuarant. In 2018, many restuarants still have faulty design and execution preventing every customers from giving 5 star reviews; but the fix has been easily intsilled with us. We now have a branch of restuarants that are able to get 80% of their dining guests to provide reviews simply by waving other costs such as a free beverage or "alternate of tip" option. Imagine launching a restuarant and having 300 reviews by the end of a month; that's our job to deliver to you.
We merge agencies and agency brokers with thousands of clients through our healthcare and housing leads. Our trusted business owners from these fields happily collaborate with great insurance agencies and brokers to establish positive profit and increased monthly revenue from the start. We get insurance agencies up to a 20% increase in sales and set up brokers with hundreds of sign ups through our program. We build interest while staying within regulation through low cost community events and awareness in community areas through government and private sector partnerships. A friendly face and spokes person with an integrated funnel and referral channel website is built to establish the perfect insurance company to produce profit, increase profit, and minimize costs. Our motto is to spend the least in marketing while making the companies we represent leaders in the nation and locally.
Our close partnerships with hospitals, clinics, and physicians allow us to provide up-to-code and trusted marketing that voids the low-generation TV ads. We offer hulu, youtube, and google ads specific to patients who are actually in need of the new medication your company had. We build trust be integrating a brand front that is less "robotic" and more "human". We want your new drug to be effective, high in margins, but available to all patients who need it. In this way we make your billion-dollar drug usable, impactful, and profitable. Having the right marketing company to set up these initial steps through our 10 step process is urgent for all drug manufacturers. Our comprehensive approach includes a full team that provides website, hiring, training, and the marketing behind each drug. Our flat fee prevents hidden hosts that a company charging $100,000 for the same exact items can upmark for you. We are effective, efficient, and set you up for success in the future without any generic marketing.
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thats-on-point · 4 years
Focus Lost
 Authored by Ken Santos on Thursday, January 28th, 2020 at 7:00 PM EST         
     While we progress into the never ending struggle to be one country, there is one question that sits at the top of everyone’s mind in regards to the never ending cycle of impeachments. We can't but ask if the waste of American dollars on this circus is justified or are they just pushing the never ending hate the Democratic Party seems to keep delivering. The feeling of Americans seems to be frustration as we keep funding such a waste of a constitutional process, despite Biden himself saying it was not going to go anywhere. 
Knowing the current President's opinion, one cannot help but look on in confusion as he implies that it needs to happen seems despite his personal opinion that it is a useless and futile effort. With no real consideration of the lack of focus on the continuing pandemic, Americans have spoken and as a result Biden’s approval rating has already dipped below fifty percent. The lack of focus on funding a much needed relief package that must be put into the American pockets does not help matters.
This trend of blunders continues with the lack of vaccines being available for people who desire to take them. A blunder due to an inability to maintain storage standards which causes an overwhelming amount of vaccines to go bad. Instead of focusing on Biden and his Administration’s plan and process to rectify this,  all the focus is being pushed to the impeachment that has no bearing on reality or the future seeing as Trump is already out of office. The only reason to continue this negligent waste of resources is to ensure Donald Trump can never run for office again. This is nothing more than the establishment politicians wielding government power to silence their opposition and instead of getting solutions to our issues we are given a display of fascism.
Now looking back to reflect on their current focus of time and funding we the dropping of their originally granted additional stimulus check of $2000 down to $1400 with no real time frame for distribution. Biden also has yet to dismiss the National Guard from the capital despite their presence violating the Posse Comitatus and Act. Though his biggest walk back was on his campaign to do better in regards to the COVID virus that has now become no different than Trump’s due to the fact there isn’t anything more we can do to change the pandemic’s trajectory over the coming months. After the election, it is beginning to be clear to all Americans the promises they made when entering office have all been thrown out the window and their true agenda is starting to emerge delivering the clarity on what their intentions truly are.
As we all watch reality unfold like an episode of the Twilight Zone we see these people acting and becoming that which they claimed Trump to be all this time.  This means we really need to  look closely at the scene unfolding before us as it begins to fade away and reveal the fascism it was masking. Evidence by a strong number of the Democratic ran areas now pushing to open up knowing the only way to recover from the never ending deficit created due to the negligent handling of the situation. Only time will tell how these areas will now develop and grow moving forward. One thing is for certain, the worst is yet to come. 
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