celembrindal · 1 year
Craftworld Iyanden defended itself from an onslaught of Imperial Knights.
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Was a blast of a game. The knights got first turn, but the Avatar of Khaine managed to withstand the firepower of the entire enemy force. From then, the melee of the wraithlords and Avatar captured the middle and the wraithknight destroyed the enemies large knights.
Love me a Monster Mash of a game.
MVP was a Wraithlord that tanked a volcano cannon shot.
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We are a miniature painting studio. If you need painting, converting, sculpting, assembling, LED lights - literally anything regarding the hobby, don’t hesitate - simply contact us via [email protected].
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danielscholes · 2 years
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The Wraithseer is now primed and ready to go. Tried for a subtle zenithal so it still looks black, unsure how well that’s turned out but we’ll wait and see. Also since the seer comes with a wraithlord kit, I’ve built a tragic casualty into my wraithknight’s base. And I also managed to turn a few xmas gift boxes I hadn’t gotten round to throwing out into a cheapo airbrush booth. All in all, pretty productive. Now to take a break from all these paint fumes. #warhammer40k #warmongers #eldar #aeldari #40k #warhammer #40k #wh40k #minipainting #warhammer40000 #paintingwarhammer #hobbystreak #wraithseer #wraithlord #wraithknight https://www.instagram.com/p/CoX3dw1N14i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whitefriartuck · 14 days
I should probably think about assembling and painting that aeldari wraithknight ive had sitting around since 2013 and have been too terrified lazy to do
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stars-obsession-pit · 2 months
In Warhammer 40k, if a pair of Eldar are born as twins, they will have an unusually strong psychic connection. And if one of them dies before the other, that connection remains. This then allows for the living twin to pilot a Wraithknight alongside the soul of their dead twin (contained within a spirit stone in the knight frame).
And in the show Danny Phantom, Danny is made a “half-ghost”—able to transform between human and ghost forms at will—by an accident with a portal to another dimension.
Furthermore, in the Danny Phantom - DC crossover space, a relatively common trope is for Danny to be a twin with Damian Wayne.
So. You can see the sort of similarity, right?
A machine piloted by a pair of twins, one dead, one living. A character who is half dead, half alive and is also often depicted as a twin (in a specific crossover situation).
I don’t have any specific solid story prompts from this (aside from just like the idea of “AU where those two characters are Eldar”), but my brain has started to rotate the idea of the connection regardless
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zespy · 1 month
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Today I bring you an old finished mini for once instead of a WIP lol!
Eldar were the first ever miniatures I picked up, I remember I got the combat box on a whim solely because of the Wraithknight and how cool I thought it was.
I don’t really pick up Eldar anymore but they still have a soft spot in my heart. Thanks to them I painted my first ever miniature (which I still keep today) and also the first time I was proud of a miniature (what I am posting today).
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 15 days
Dawn of War 3 was disappointing for...
...myriad reasons, but that bit in the intro where a Wraithknight just fucking bisects an Imperial Knight before getting absolutely wrecked by a Reaper Chainsword is still pretty great.
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Phantom Titan very cool but not very. Like. Aeldar. Huge giant robot doesn't seem to be their thing. Orks, T'au of course. Drukhari get a pirate ship. Why can't Craftworlds have like a whole foot-wide temple shrine of seers who collectively let you ret-con other players' moves or something?
But... huge giant (slightly skinny) robots are their thing? Wraithguard, Wraithlords, Wraithseer, Wraithknights, Wasps. A lot of Ws. Phantom Titan is big, yeah, but it's still proportionately Aeldari-looking.
A Seer Council on a giant flying shrine would be fun and cool, absolutely, but that doesn't mean that their walkers/robots/whatever aren't a well-established part of their lore and aesthetic.
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Exodite Aeldari [eldar] Headcannons
I spent more time then i thought writing some of these out so figured i should put em somewhere as opposed to just tossing to the void as i often do.
might add more to this idk
wild clans - the wood elves of the exodites and most rugged of the exodites who live scattered and in harmony with the nature around them, but possess the most fearsome tempers of the exodites and a tendency to slaughter all off worlders regardless of their status as invaders or friends. due to their long times spent in the furthest reaches of exodite world wilderness, wild clans serve as caretakers of nature during times of peace and as scouts and ambushers in times of war employing nature itself in its deadly capacity for violence against off world threats.
knight clans - the feudal knight pilots and dragon riders of the exodites who make use of more permanent landed settlements and fortress well following an ancient 'feudal' and clan tradition of aeldari society. Like imperial knights, knight clans have a tendency to be aristocratic and rigid in their codes of conduct, though said codes of conduct are baffling for those versed in human feudal traditions due to the complexities of aeldari feudal tradition. knight clans build and maintain the exodite knights and other advanced technologies thanks to their expertise, the fortress acting as forge factories of sorts though such functionality would be imperceptible to an outsider. alongside exodite knights, the knight clans maintain large dragon herds to act as supplementary forces from firing platforms to mounts for the esteemed dragon knights.
heart clans - the core and largest part of an exodite worlds population and those who have the most frequent contact with off worlders in any diplomatic capacity, thanks to heart clans living in the closest approximation exodite worlds have for major population centres and cities. heart clans seek to live balanced lives in harmony with the natural world and free from the sins of their species past. as such much of their role is that of trades and craftsmen for the wild and knight clans, as well as philosophers and spiritual leaders for exodite worlds as a whole a decidedly important role given the highly spiritual nature of an exodite world and its worldspirits. in times of war however it is also the heart clans who serve as the core of exodite armies, militarizing quickly and efficiently thanks to a long tradition of martial pursuit and excellence that all exodites regardless of clan pursue as a means of tempering the mind and soul.
exodite knights - large walkers like the imperial knight but of aeldari make and build. Unlike the famous wraithknight the exodite knights is a technologically inferior counterpart but is far easier to build, maintain, and importantly to pilot compared to a wraithknight and serve a vital role in exodite defence. exodite worlds tend to have thin population density even at their most populous, a consequence of the rustic lifestyles they pursue. as such the exodite knight serves as an efficient means to patrol the breadth of the world in haste, and more importantly as a deterrent towards opportunists.
sataur knights - the smallest exodite knight class, sataurs are the most common exodite knights but tend to not be deployed on scouting of exodite worlds, only really serving as scouts and ambushers during times of war and usually for the sake of larger exodite knights. instead the sataur act as surveillance and guards of important locations, covertly hidden in preparation for whatever comes.
antaur knights - the most prominent exodite knight class, similar in size and design as a wraithknight but possessing more rudimentary technology such as making use of a more conventional, by aeldari standard, cockpit and control system.
centaur knights - a rather unique knight design utilizing four horse like legs but a humanoid upper body, the centaur possesses high top speed because of its design allowing it to engage in aggressive hit and run tactics with impunity, though its turning is somewhat limited because of its design. a centaur provides a rapid response exodite knight in both times of war and times of peace thanks to its high speed and length of design allowing for more specialized attachments to be added in cases of emergency
mintaur knights - one of the bulkier exodite knights, mintaurs are slower but more heavily armoured then traditional exodite knights allowing it to weather punishing fire and wield heavier weaponry to deliver punishment. Due to their nature the mintaurs are largely deployed in times of war but they are also used in peace time to wrangle or grapple with larger mega-fauna and dragons
dragons - mega-fauna similar to ancient earth dinosaurs and a staple of exodite worlds as both working mounts, pack animals and even food. A mix of feathered and lizard like dragons.
woodwraiths - an exodite spin on the wraithguard, where a skeleton of wraithbone is encased in a natural growing material, typically a tree grown around the wraithbone skeleton, before brought to life as a woodwraith. Imperial scholars argue this is a means to make due with limited material compared to the esoteric and 'exotic' wraithbone monopolized by the craftworlds. in truth exodites prefer this method for two reasons a] it is less technologically intensive and b] it imbues the woodwraith not with the spirit of a fallen ghost but with the 'spirit' of nature itself giving each woodwraith a unique gestalt consciousness, and contributing to their unique physicality compared to traditional wraithguard. woodwraiths look like they should be subject to high flammability, but the wooden parts regrow too quickly to hamper the woodwraith thanks to feeding off the psychic resonance of wraithbone. woodwraiths unlike wraithguard are highly independent in nature, to the point of having the opposite problem and needing powerful psykers to direct and negotiate that independence to a common goal. otherwise woodwraiths will tend to act on an imperceptible instinct, though for the exodites especially wild clans who make a great many woodwraith, this instinct is largely to their benefit as the woodwraiths will huntdown with extreme prejudice all who dare threaten an exodite world and its nature.
exodite ships - the original exodus ships the exodite populations used to reach their new homes have long since been reduced to parts or new homes on the planets surface. The memory of such ships however remain present in every exodite population, and as an exodite world grows in strength some degree of space flight often becomes necessary even if exodites overall maintain a policy of isolation and self sufficiency. the most powerful exodite worlds field entire fleets based on those exodus ship patterns with witch to defend their home worlds and to engage in limited trade with other worlds or their cousins from craft worlders to even occasional deals struck with drukhari kabals. exodite warships favour mobility and deception like all aeldari fleets, but emphasize long range weaponry and fighter capabilities over other forms of fleet warfare.
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quietbluejay · 5 months
I didn't take a lot of notes this time because I was reading it during a chronic pain flare up, alas.
Eldar fan, actually reading an Eldar book? Shocking.
He landed lightly upon the gory corpse of a fallen giant. Before him the swarmlord loomed, taller than a wraithknight and greatly more massive. Its eyes glittered at him with malign intelligence. ‘Great Dragon!’ Yriel called, holding aloft the Spear of Twilight. ‘I come to slay you, as my forefather Ulthanash slew the wyrm Draoch-var with this very blade!’ Three huge creatures lumbered at Yriel, directed by the psychic command of the leader-beast, but he leapt aside from their swipes, the spear granting him unparalleled reflexes. One and then another fell, pierced by the pin point lance beams of the prince’s followers as he bounded closer to his prey. Roaring, the swarmlord attacked, driving down a claw twelve paces long at Yriel. He back-flipped, the wind of its passing stirring his hair. The tip of the claw slammed down into a carcass, slowing the hive tyrant for the merest heartbeat as it tugged it free, but it was enough. The prince landed on his feet. Smoothly he drew back his arm and cast the spear of Ulthanash at the creature.
Yriel: I do backflips every day of my life
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Not to once again relate everything back to Four Quartets but
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But also this is like the quintessential choice in wh40k Do you choose to die or to turn into a worse version and maybe save yourself and others, and maybe eventually lose who you are?
This is fine, I'm fine. I'm gnawing on his head
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The chronic pain rep we needed
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Shakily drinking medicine and spilling a bit
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He's just like me fr fr
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Local elf eats fruit while the world begins to burn
Iyanna ;-; I'm not going to quote the whole thing because it's long but, I want a novel about her.
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but it's still standing
Drukhari dude is a horrible person but a very fun character
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I did, in fact, cry at Taec's death. Sacrificing himself for everyone else.
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well that's a tone shift
local gladiator woman deals with mime jumpscares RIP Lelith
and then...
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Anyways I very much enjoyed it!
Also it had well written female characters and actually a decent split in POVs? Refreshing!
also I mean I like my villainous characters but I do need a break from time to time and it was nice to have main characters where the worst things they did were basically "snap at people" "make a girl who wanted to write poetry become a soldier" and "agree to accept help from the most evil faction in the setting" (unless we're counting Lelith but I wouldn't really call her a main character in the book) unless you count necromancy but the dead people were (mostly) cool with it sooo
I'm sad Haley didn't write any more books about these guys but apparently he didn't enjoy it, so, fair. I'm not going to say it was a perfect novel (some of the wording needed work, let's just say that, it was kind of disjointed and needed more meat on its bones, and the in media res opening was a bit too in media res), but it had heart, and honestly that's the most important thing.
This book is the entire reason I made my arms worse and started embroidering Eldritch Raiders + Biel-Tan sigils
Next up: Dark Imperium!
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katarvitz · 2 years
WIP Galore
So, @rai-knightshade nominated me for the following after they were tagged in by someone else:
Write the latest line from your WIP (or post where you last left off in your art), and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don't reblog!
In my case this is a bit problematic, as I've got about five or six things ongoing at once. Some stories, some tabletop, some just ideas that I've noted down as an idea to get back to much later on, and a few that are just bullet points. So, let's just give the quick version.
The first of these was a competition from the Dark Jedi Brotherhood to write a story about a character reflecting upon their mistakes. This is being re-written and expanded upon, but the last line was an amusing one:
No other group their size would have been brazen or determined enough to reach the building amid a storm for just food and drink.
Another one that is a pure monologue, presented as a lesson to an unseen class:
“It shows our true selves, it reveals what we are to the galaxy."
The rest are a mix of ongoing efforts. I'm not about to show off commissions, so here's a bunch of restoration efforts and some personal projects which are in the pipeline.
Starting with a White Scars Kill-Team I'm finishing off:
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The previously shown Thunder Warriors (this time with a close-up of a few I'm just presenting here):
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A heavily customised Eldar Wraithknight that I started on and has sadly been on the back burner for a bit too long now:
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A Bolt Action force that I bought up and I'm repainting (with the gun carrier here as a quick stand-in):
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Some Gue'vesa that I'm working up bit by bit, but was delayed due to the wealth of goodies the Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum are getting:
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A force of Eldar Exodites (some are done, others I'm working on, so here's the big dinosaur transport):
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And a lot of Battletech (the King Crab here is one done by someone else, I'm just finishing it and using it as a reference for the rest of my ComStar mob before I move onto the Nova Cats and Northwind Highlanders):
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So, now I need to tag in a few followers. I'm going to fudge the numbers a bit here, but this is everyone I can justify tagging:
@zrinboy (please follow him for tabletop things of every sort)
@royal-occultist-compendium (seriously follow him for brilliant stories)
@loktarogar (lots of fantastic tabletop stuff)
@jayadan (Game store owner, fantastic painter, and brilliant guy)
@carlageddon (a returning face to tabletop gaming with displays from the 90s)
@sirianddeanseethestars (owner of the blog of many fandoms among other things)
@explosiverunes (She with more models than God)
@mxmastermikah (With everything from 40K to Gunpla on their blog)
@radishgnome (with paintings, art and everything besides to show)
@kalamitykas (talented multimedia artist I was very glad to find on here after largely retreating from Twitter)
And that's all I can manage here.
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Craftworld Aeldari Ghost Warrior combat walker.
We are a miniature painting studio. If you need painting, converting, sculpting, assembling, LED lights - literally anything regarding the hobby, don’t hesitate - simply contact us via [email protected].
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wraithknight cosplay
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Okay that was my last purchase until the rest of the tyranid range comes out I prommy. But I HAD to have enough Aeldari units to actually run a 1k list. That wraithknight has been sitting on my shelf in a cool pose for over a year without being used… NO LONGER
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aerothemotivated · 2 years
Hey there people! I'm well kinda a beginner in this Warhammer 40k and I've been thinking of getting this Wraithknight, paint it like an Evangelion Unit 01 , and a few eldars for Dia De Reyes present, I have a few Ultramarines and Necrons, do you guys recommend me to do that?
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(Picture to show what an Eva-01 is)
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 5 months
As much as I lreger making the tau the enemies of whatever little 40k thingy I'm cooking up in my brain, I do enjoy the contrast of their approach set against everyone else.
Imperial Knights? Ancient, feudal protectors controlling relic machines that are, in turn, secretly controlling them!
(I think? Don't actually know a lot about knights.)
Eldar Wraithknights? Twins! One dead, the other alive, working in perfectly spiritual and psychic harmony to control a towering and elegant semi-organic (wraithbone, yeah?) war machine?
Riptide? Uh yeah. We made a bigger robot. S'got guns. Yeah.
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