Six of Crows Pronunciation Questions
Inej: is it Inedge (like edge) or Inezh
Matthias: is it MaTHias or MaTias
Wylan: Why-lan or Vy-lan or Vee-lan or Wee-lan
Jesper: Jesper or Yesper
Jan Van Eck: Jan or Yan
Kruge: Crewg or Kruhg (rhymes with ugh) or Crewg-uh or Kruhg-uh
Jarl Brum: Jarl or Yarl? Bruhm (rhymes with come) or Broom?
Tante: Tant or Tant-uh
Fjerda: Fyerda or Fejerda (j pronounced like English)
Like I have my own opnions but I want to know what other people are saying in their head when they read it??
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harvlekinkey · 2 years
Chapter 2 is out now!
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lotuslate · 9 months
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oh, your love is sunlight!
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wangxian-the-zhijis · 4 months
✨YiZhan as WangXian✨
(aka YiZhan switching roles)
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Bonus: xz and wyb actually playing each other’s roles
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cloudpalettes · 9 months
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eepy time 😴💤
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lmao-ooooooo · 10 months
modern au wei wuxian has long silky hair which he decorates VERY often (que lan wangji horny gripping for life) and lan wangji with an undercut because he has thick hair and it gets hot in the summer and he would like to play his sport without constantly having to wipe the sweat on his neck. (also wei ying seemed to like it (when wei wuxian saw lan wangji with an undercut for the first time he truly realised how badly down he was for this man and turned so red his brother began to rage-worry over wei wuxian))
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rnmyn · 1 year
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Thought process months ago: drawn like a moth(xian) to a flame (hgj) >> "if only there was an insect that lights up" >> sitting up in cold sweat at 3am a few days after, realizing fireflies exist Σ੧(❛□❛✿)
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touchlikethesun · 22 days
honestly while watching the untamed, i was thinking that the censorship didn't really bother me all that much, like sure they changed a few lines moved some things around, but they also added scenes so the trade-off really seemed worth it.
i am now realising that i felt that way just because for 80% of mdzs there wasn't that much to censor, playing with the wording was all they needed to do to meet the requirements. i have now reached that last 20% and the full weight of what the censorship robbed from us is starting to sink in.
what do you mean we don't see lan zhan cradling a delirious wei ying before fighting his own clan elders to defend him. idc if you multiplied the number of lashes he received by 10 it is so much less impactful when it's su she and jin guangyao who are the agitators also i don't understand what the timeline is supposed to be is this after wy is already dead?? how is he so composed??? i have so many issues with this and they would all be resolved if they kept the scene from the novels why couldn't that have been part of their "bromance" too???
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jiaoji · 5 months
WWX, showing LWJ some food: Lan Zhan look! It's so big!
LWJ: Mn. Your mouth can take bigger
WWX: My mouth- WHAT?!
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multifandom-disaster · 9 months
Modern AU, wangxian got together early Wei Ying: A-Yuan I am not going to argue with a 10 years old A-Yuan: Actually I'm ten and a half so Bonus: Wei Ying: I am still not going to argue with you about my boyfriend
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takonxmz · 7 months
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yesterday was wip Wednesday huh
podfic covers for gimme shelter and writ in blood. wangji is finished; xichen is in the "trust the process" stage. LMAO
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weiying-lanzhan-fics · 7 months
Down comes the night by danegen
What a great case fic and premise. Very different than other stories I have read in this fandom. Enjoyed the mystery and relationship development. ❤️❤️🥰
As they walk back to the cart, Wei Wuxian takes a flask from his robe, drinks from it as messily as usual, then offers it to Lan Wangji.
“No, thank you.”
“It’s only water,” Wei Wuxian says, grinning.
“I’m fine.”
Wei Wuxian shrugs and puts the flask away. “Are there rules against sharing a flask, too?”
“That would be unnecessary.” He would not wish to drink from the same flask as his brother, much less a veritable stranger.
Wei Wuxian snorts a laugh. He doesn’t seem capable of taking offense. “How many rules does your sect have?”
“Three thousand.”
Wei Wuxian stops walking to stare at him, wet mouth gaping. “Three thousand?”
“Yes.” He lifts his chin, prepared to defend his sect, but Wei Wuxian seems too shocked for insolence.
“Do you have them all memorized?”
“Yes. All disciples must memorize them.”
“Or what?”
“What do you mean?”
“What happens to them if they don’t memorize all those rules?”
Lan Wangji frowns, confused. “They work until they do. Young disciples copy the principles as part of their lessons.”
Wei Wuxian continues to look perplexed. “But when do you have time to learn actual useful stuff if you’re spending all that time memorizing rules?”
Lan Wangji clenches his jaw and continues walking. “The rules are ‘useful.’”
They watch the rain and sip the tea in something like companionable silence. Then Wei Wuxian sighs and stretches out his legs. “Sorry if I’ve been . . . difficult. I’ve always hated being cooped up.”
Lan Wangji could joke that Wei Wuxian is always difficult, but Wei Wuxian’s statement feels like a confession, like he is admitting to a vulnerability—quite unlike his usual arrogance. It seems to warrant a similar admission. “I dislike crowded spaces.”
Wei Wuxian snorts. “Yeah, I’ve noticed.” But his elbow bumps Lan Wangji’s arm to relieve the sting. Such a simple gesture of camaraderie. Lan Wangji could not match it with every word in his vocabulary. He considers bumping back, but he hesitates too long. To do so now would be too awkward.
Do you have anybody out there? he wants to ask. Not Wei Wuxian’s mother. Not his shige, if Lan Wangji interpreted last night’s events correctly. Wei Wuxian’s theory—and Lan Wangji has seen no evidence otherwise—is that the creatures can only take the form of those who’ve died. If the blindfolded man was Baoshan’s other disciple, then it’s possible that the only person Wei Wuxian has left is his shifu.
Wei Wuxian is talking about something, but Lan Wangji cannot focus on the words. Let it be me, he thinks as he watches Wei Wuxian, painted gold by the sunlight. Let me be the one who cares for you, here and now, out there and ever after.
The dizi taps his shoulder. “What are you thinking about, Handsome-gege?”
E, 67k
Lan Wangji walks forward, extending his senses for some sign of the magic confining them. But there is nothing. One moment, he is walking away from the village. The next, Wei Wuxian stands in the road ahead of him, the dizi tracing lazy arcs in the air.
He stops and looks behind him. The view has not changed. He stands there, helpless. Baffled. Like a koi circling a pond, eternally struggling to go nowhere.
“Messes with your head, doesn’t it?”
He turns to Wei Wuxian, who regards him calmly, almost pityingly. Wei Wuxian has endured this for months. Months. Lan Wangji wants to scream. He wants to batter down this cage and fly away without looking back.
Or while returning from a night hunt, Lan Wangji is trapped in a strange village that is terrorized by monsters. However, an intriguing cultivator named Wei Wuxian is also trapped there, so it isn't all bad. And guess what? They have to be roommates.
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lotuslate · 10 months
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bed time 👭🏻🛌❤️
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wangxian-the-zhijis · 7 months
Imagine a world where…
Wang Yibo as Wei Ying
Xiao Zhan as Lan Zhan
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cloudpalettes · 2 years
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art conservator meets the hottie from the damaged painting 🎨
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ninjakk · 2 years
The awful moment you realise WWX was probably on a night hunt with his parents when they died, is just utterly heartbreaking. Just like little MianMian and her parents at the end of the novel, he will have had to accompany his rogue cultivator parents on night hunts.
The trauma this man has been through throughout his life is just tragic. No wonder he can't remember much from his time with his parents. WWX is most likely subconsciously blocking his memories out because remembering them is too painful to recall. This is a very common coping mechanism to adopt if something is too upsetting or traumatic to remember. Similar to LSZ and his initial inability to remember his life pre Cloud Recesses. It's not just because A-Yuan had a fever and seems to have developed amnesia. It's the trauma of what has happened, just like WWX when he was orphaned.
WWX is probably blocking his memories out just like LSZ did when he was younger. Once LSZ had enough moral support from the comfort he received from others, and felt safe enough to address his tragic past - his memories came flooding back.
I often wonder if WWX will eventually have something a little similar, now he feels safe and secure with LWJ by his side. Perhaps one day he will suddenly remember something from his past and be able to hold onto new memories of his parents as they come flooding back to him, while he is held tightly by his loving husband. LWJ softly telling him "I am here" as the other final confronts some of the raw emotions he must have regarding his parents.
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