#and also using wy for wyb—
wangxian-the-zhijis · 8 months
✨YiZhan as WangXian✨
(aka YiZhan switching roles)
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Bonus: xz and wyb actually playing each other’s roles
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petirrojo57 · 4 months
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I’ve spent far too much time watching the bts of The Untamed and a couple of things leapt out at me (the most visually gratifying one being that Xiao Zhan is omnipresent and fun to watch), but the other is that there are two guys who are camera stand-ins for Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo so lights can be adjusted, primarily, but also for scenes in which the action’s focused on Wei Ying and only the shoulder and/or hands of Lan Zhan are in the shot. (In WYB’s case, he’s got a body double and a guqin-playing double.) And not to put too fine a point on it, but let’s just say that no one would ever mistake those guys even in a dark alley for the two actors!)
That got me thinking of a potential AU (take the idea & run with it if you’re a writer, but please no RPF) in which actors Wei Ying and Lan Zhan get cast in a live action of their favorite novel (as Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji) and the guy playing Su Minshan (Su She, of course) is hired as Lan Zhan’s stand-in and is given the teeny role of Su Minshan as a favor to someone. Su She is eaten up with jealousy of how Lan Zhan gets all the glory and gets to look at Wei Ying all day. He starts fantasizing how much better he would be as HGJ and starts over-inserting himself when he’s body-doubling and only a should/backside is needed. Things snowball from there.
Do I know who would play the double for Wei Ying? Nope, don’t care because he’s of so little use because WY is always in the shot that he’s probably filling in as extras in 20 different scenes and is invisible in all of them. (Sorry to that guy.) That’s just how cdramas go 🤷‍♀️
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jcisthebestfightme · 4 years
PSA about Kadian
Disclaimer: All fictional....yadada the usual drill
I want to make a post about kadian since a lot of people have been talking about it recently, trying to decide whether it’s real or fake. I want to offer the perspective of someone that speaks Chinese and goes on Weibo everyday so doesn’t need to rely on translation.
1) Kadian is a thing in general. If you don’t know already, the “kadian” I’m referring to is posting a social media post at a specific time so that the numbers can mean something. From the broadest perspective, kadian is real thing. A lot of companies like to kadian their spokesperson’s birthday (i.e. a chips commercial today just kadian 8:05 to represent WYB’s birthday). So people do take note of when they post Weibo.
2) Using numbers to represent words in Chinese is real. Chinese words have a lot of homonyms. So using numbers that sound like certain words to mean something is definitely a thing. The best example is that 520 is a couples holiday because 5 sounds like “wo = I”, 2 sounds like “ai = love” and 0 sounds like “ni = you” so it’s call the “I love you” holiday. 
3) WYB likes to kadian. This is also true. First, he said during ttxs that he likes to remember special date and time. Second, many of his post, especially recently in Weibo and Oasis ends with “21″ or “20″, which can sound like “ai ni” or “love you”. It’s too frequent to be a coincidence. So WYB does care about when he post Weibo. However, it doesn’t mean every Weibo he post has to be a kadian post. 
4) It’s really easy to come up with words that correspond to numbers. I think this is the main point I was trying to make. Since Chinese words have a lot of homonyms, it’s super easy to just come up with a word that makes sense to represent a number. For example, sometimes, the number 4 can sound like “death”, “time”, “wet”, “lion”, etc. There are also different intonation so basically every sound can have 50+ words with the same pronounciation. So when you see someone translating kadian numbers, just be very wary. 
The more generally accepted kadian words are:
1 = has 2 different pronunciation of the same number (yes, Chinese is weird). One is “yi = ni =you” and the other is “yao = want”. 
2 = er = ai = love
3 = san = zhan
4 = si = shi = life
5 = wu = wo = I 
7 = qi = wife 
8 = ba = bo =WYB
0 = ling = ni 
21 = er yi = ai ni = love you
20 = er ling = ai ni = love you
13 = yi san = yi sheng = whole life or yizhan (thank you @midnightsvoid for pointing it out)
23 = er san = ai zhan = love zhan
14 = yi si = yi shi = one life or whole life
17 = yi qi = together
18 = yi ba = yi bo = WYB
27 = er qi = ai qing/ ai qi = romance/wife
2018 = er ling yi ba = ai ni yi bo = love you WYB
1328 = yi san er ba = yi sheng ai bo = love you whole life WYB
1821 = yi ba er yi = yi bo ai ni = WYB loves you
But trust me, if you were to point a gun at my head and tell me to come up with a coherent sentence in Chinese from a string of any random numbers, I can probably do it. 
5) Be careful of looking at the hour time stamp. Weibo will show time depending on what time zone you’re in. Sometimes people forget and screenshot their own timezone so the hour is off. Make sure you go back and translate to the timezone that’s correct in China if the hour # is significant.
Also, there are 60 minutes in an hour. Unlike the minute, a significantly much shorter time and you really have to be deliberate, 1 hour is a very large window. Which also means there is a lot of room for Type 1 error aka false positives. Sometimes, 11pm at night (23 o’clock) is just when you’re about to go to bed and post something. 
Personally, I think both WYB and XZ does kadian and are pretty conscious about when they post something. But I don’t think every post is that way and not every post is bjyx-related. That being said, I’m not here to tell people how to interpret kadian. I just hope that this post can help people better understand kadian and what pitfalls to look out for. 
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zhansww · 4 years
Hey, I'm new to this side of the fandom. I was a MDZS fan but I fell in love with CQL and Xiao Zhan. I try to avoid rl cp's because of experiences with fandom. However, it's impossible to ignore WY's crush on XZ. I thought of the relationship as brotherly rivals/one-sided crush from yibo. Until I saw them on stage at the tencent awards, and with the release of all these bts vids it doesn't seem like a crush it seems very much mutual and acted on. SO here I am on tumblr checking things out
In the last 48 hours I have been all over yizhan tumblr and I really love your blog because you have a very rational pov. If you don't mind me asking how did you get into this cp? what makes you think they are still together after the ao3 incident? Do you have a preference for XZ or WY and does that make it hard being a CP fan? Is there a master list you can send me to? Sorry for asking so many questions, if any of them offend please don't anwer. Thank you in advanced.
Hello there and welcome to this side of the fandom~ 😄
Thank you so much for liking my blog. It’s always really humbling for me to read such praise //// About me, trying to think rationally when it comes to YiZhan; that is something that is very important imo. These are real people that I am making such a bold statement of, after all. It would be a disservice to them and to myself if I didn’t at least try to judge what they have in an unbiased, reasonable way. On that note, I know that a lot of cp fans fell in love with YiZhan so they just believed in them first and looked for evidence second. For me, it was quite different. I became their fan in late summer 2019. It didn’t take me long to come across cp fans who actually believed that XZ and WYB are a couple irl but I just rolled my eyes at that and dismissed most of their so-called evidence. Me, I wasn’t even sure if they were genuine friends at that point. The first thing I found out about that gave me a clue was the theory that XZ gave Yibo the ox-head necklace he was wearing back then (from June 2019 until August 2020). The lip reading is what made me believe it and I thought “oh so they are friends in real life, too. how cute”. But this was around the same time that Yibo started hiding the necklace which is something that gave me pause but that I explained with “he must be annoyed with cp fans, assuming it’s a romantic gift”. It basically kept going like this for months. I found excuses for anything that confused me at first, I really didn’t want to budge from my belief that ggdd are good friends. The more I found out about them individually and about certain theories that actually made sense, the more that belief crumbled. Until weibo night 2020 which was when I had to concede that assuming YiZhan are friends just doesn’t make sense. I still remember how oddly defeated I felt. I think it’s such a bittersweet thing. They found love but they are unable to share it, to love freely. I feel for them. And I am rooting for them so badly. That was when I started to believe. I wasn’t certain until May 2020. On the 20th, a flight to Shanghai showed on gg’s schedule and dd was set to fly there on that day, too. Other than dd’s arrival at the airport that morning, no one saw either of them that day at any of the places where fans waited, hoping to see them. There were photos of them on the 21st in Shanghai but not the 20th. And then of course, there was dd’s own confirmation that he spent that day with XZ in his weibo story. To be clear, I don’t think that any one thing about YiZhan is or should be enough to make one certain they’re a couple. For me, that particular incident was the final straw, so to say. It’s what made me completely sure about their relationship. I haven’t had any doubt since. I guess this also kinda answers your second question about what makes me think they’re still together after what happened last February. There are other hints that they (and mainly Yibo) dropped last year that let us know they are still very much in love. I elaborated a bit on that here, you can also check the posts I have in this tag for actual examples.
I don’t have a preference. It’s still so funny to me when bxg say they have a bias between XZ and WYB. I genuinely can’t relate. Ehm, I could imagine XZ-biased cp fans to have it harder, though, cuz bj/yx fans are sort of representing this cp’s fandom as a whole and generally speaking, the bj/yx fandom doesn’t seem to be able to separate wang/xian from bj/yx which leads to them, willfully misinterpreting gg’s character and ggdd’s dynamic just to fit their misguided idea of what a queer relationship between two men should look like irl. You may not know what exactly I’m referring to cuz you’re new but I don’t doubt that you’ll see soon enough :/ Personally, I prefer zsww and lsfy fans. With bj/yx fans, I barely ever know what I’m getting beforehand.
I assume you’re referring to a master list of all of XZ and WYB’s content over the last years or so? I think this site might be good but it’s all in Chinese so I don’t know for sure. Hmmm.... this thread might be a start. Also, these yt accounts: BXCnSub, Prime110W and wenwen1111. I'd recommend viki and Youtube for watching their shows. Sorry I can’t be more helpful. I remember coming across an actual master list a few months ago but I didn’t save it. If I should find it again, I’ll link it. Sorry. >.<
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zhansww · 4 years
Hi. Thank you so much for replying. You gave me so much good information. I respect that you treat XZ and WY like people and not as fictional characters as I see so many people doing. I'm still reluctant to join this side of the fandom because from what I've seen so far, it's a mess. Tell me if I got this right: xfx= solo XZ fans who think WY and his team sabotaged XZ's career so he could be the top actor also hate cp fans because they support both XZ/WY. mtjj= solo WY fans.
Acknowledge that WY could be in love with XZ but think XZ doesn't care about him, hope WY moves on. They don't seem to like cp fans for not ruining XZ/WY's friendship? bjyx=cp fans. Some of them are supporters and, some of them are fetishizers. Want the solo fandoms to combine??? ( I still don't know what V/JK is) But is that the state of things?? Way more complicated than the CQL/MDZS fandom. I am enjoying your blog, your pinned post is the best introduction to the fandom imo. Are there any other analysis type blogs like yours that you could rec? Thank you. ( Sorry for the long ask)
oh my... smh your reluctance to join this part of the fandom makes you so endearing to me. If I wasn't as socially inept as I am, I'd ask you to be friends 🥺 Gonna put this all under a cut~
Let me start with the easiest thing to answer. V and Jk are two members from BTS whose relationship is shockingly real to me. I avoided writing their names or their cp name out cuz I didn't want my pinned post to show up in those searches. Unlike with ggdd, I never got the impression they'd be okay with speculations about them, though. So I don't ever feel the need to analyze or discuss about them. I just quietly believe in and support them.
You got xfx and mtjj right. Xfx is the official fan name for XZ's solo fans. Mtjj is not an official fan name, though, i.e. Yibo or his company never made it official, as far as I know. It stands for motojiejie which means motorcycle sisters, there's also mtgg = motorcycle brothers but you'll mostly see mtjj. Bxg is what ggdd's cp fans are called. It stands for BoXiaoGirls/Guys. It can also stand for baixiangguo which means "passion fruit". And there's a third meaning which I don't know but has something to do with turtles and which is why you're likely to see bxg refer to themselves as turtles. Bjyx is ggdd's main, fanmade cp name. It was coined back in April 2018, after XZ and WYB only just got confirmed as the actors who get to play WWX and LWJ. One of the rules in the bjyx supertopic on weibo is that you can't switch their "roles". And those were solely based on wang/xian but I suppose once fans realized that ggdd is actually real and their dynamic is vastly different from wang/xian, they came up with different cp names for different dynamics. There's also zsww and lsfy. (Sidenote; if I remember correctly, bjyx means “to make your special someone smile”. Zsww means “lord over a district/castle” and lsfy means “chain reaction”) And as far as I know, zsww fans are called little bandits and lsfy fans are called baby lotus. I apologize if me explaining this makes you feel weird in any way (cuz this fandom separation is dumb af) - I just wanna give you any info I have cuz you might come across some of this, at least. Anyway, the most common abbreviations you'll see; bxg = ggdd cp fans and bjyx = ggdd's cp name. There's also bjyxszd 博君一肖是真的 which means "bjyx is real" or bjyxszd 并肩于学山之巅 which means "side by side atop the snowy summit" and is a phrase that bxg use to hide the first phrase in plain sight, so to say.
I don't know what it's called but there's actually also a supertopic on weibo for XZ and WYB solo fans who believe that ggdd is real but are still only solo fans. So truthfully, you can't really generalize that. Some solo fans do believe in ggdd and are supportive but not necessarily openly. I (like to) think most solo fans are just dedicated to their idol and don't care about anything or anyone else and that's it. The rest, though... yeah, those are the obnoxious ones. Who made up ridiculous conspiracy theories about how Yibo and his company are responsible for what happened last February to gg. Or who make up theories about how XZ only got as successful as he is because he copied Yibo. They really want to believe that ggdd aren’t special to each other or that they even hate one another. So they come up with the dumbest bs to e.g. vilify XZ. Like, about a year ago, mtjj got mad at gg cuz they thought he, as dd's boyfriend, must have forced dd to sell one of his motorcycles. When Yibo uses kadian, they think he just does it to bait cp fans. But when XZ uses kadian, he's being the worst, most careless boyfriend and how tf could he put Yibo in danger like that. And yes, I've seen the same hateful mtjj spout such contradictory nonsense. It can be quite hilarious, ngl. I only follow decent solo stans so I truthfully don't know what the newest sh-t is that antis/solos have come up with.
When it comes to bxg... yes, there are a lot of supporters but also way too many who seem to be unable to separate ggdd from novel!wang/xian. They so badly want only bjyx - that dynamic - to be real that they constantly feel the need to "change reality" to make it happen by e.g. misgendering gg, drawing him smaller than dd and/or more feminine, making assumptions about him and his character that are simply untrue but fit their preferred dynamic so they keep spreading those assumptions. They way they view XZ is wrong and beyond disrespectful and yet, they call themselves fans. I genuinely hope you'll never even have to see any thing of the sort. I don't actually know anything about bxg, wanting to combine the solo fandoms xD I guess, ideally that would be desirable but I wonder if that's even possible.
Thank you so much for liking my pinned post... That and a lot of the posts that I linked in it are what I keep hoping may make more people believe in and support ggdd and it makes me so so glad that it could be of use to you! About recs, I could recommend you some twt accounts or on here, gif makers and fanartists that I like and follow but I don't follow any ggdd blogs that make a lot of text posts. And just to be clear, I don't make many text posts myself either. I stay away from rumors (unless they become more than that) and from stalker info and from all the reaching, too. You might find it interesting, I don't know, but me, I see no point, mulling over any and every minute connection between ggdd that may or may not even be real. It gets too invasive or ridiculous imo. I actually also stay away from all that recent behind the scenes footage of ggdd because I highly disapprove of the way it was acquired. I only comment on things about them that I consider reasonable and possibly noteworthy and that preferably come from the men themselves. And occasionally, I gush about how cute and perfect they are together. Sorry I can't be more helpful with this last question >.<
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zhansww · 4 years
Imma do a little confession. I use to follow this FB page for XZ and it was really helpful at times but then things got kinda crazy (if that's the right term) about how WY hates him and only used him for his career. I even commented at time about how anti's a lot and that I miss how they use to be, more or just friendship it didn't matter. And I was totally singled out and was called stupid and for being blind about what WY was and what he and his team was going to XZ. Part 1
Part 2. So I ended up unfollowing the page when I saw how kinda toxic it was but went back to see at least three more people say that this page is just a big anti-WY group and questioning the group leader. My heart hurt from it all but didn't lose hope that ggdd were still a big part of each other's lives and I just want then to be happy. I'm sorry for ranting your blog just helps with how mean people can be and I find comfort in it, I shall look to you and anyone you recommend for ggdd guidance
Ever since XZ and WYB’s popularity blew up, there have been many accounts on weibo that are just dedicated to making the most ridiculous theories about how gg and dd actually hate each other (paid haters are a thing in c-ent btw which is still insane to me). I noticed that this “trend” has also reached the international fans this year. I guess what’s worse than the idiots who spread such information are the ones who instantly believe it, not because any of it makes sense but because they want to. It’s unfortunate but there are many fans like that. Fans who judge reality based on what they want to be real, based on their emotions. I’m not surprised that they insulted you for trying to reason with them. When you try to discuss with them, it doesn’t matter how objective and rational you're being, to them it’s just like you’re questioning their feelings so ofc, they immediately get defensive and riled up and well, even more emotional. Believe me, I tried many of times but it always ended the same. If I may offer some advice, I know it may be frustrating to come across people like that but I think it’s best to ignore them precisely because you can’t reason with them and because you know they’re wrong anyway (lol). This is something that XZ himself does, too; he said that when he sees outrageous comments about him that are untrue, he wants to reply but he doesn’t cuz he thinks that time will tell. And at this point, this is what I do, too btw. I have no understanding or patience for “fans" like that. It’s obviously totally fine to like one of them without liking the other but any XZ solo who hates Yibo and seriously believes that he is working against Zhan-ge either doesn’t know shit about Yibo or has grossly misunderstood his personality. And the same goes for Yibo solos who hate Zhan-ge. That’s actually even worse imo cuz anyone who claims to be a fan of Yibo knows what kind of honest and straight-forward person he is and how uncharacteristically devoted he is to Zhan-ge and yet, they still delude themselves into thinking Yibo is giving fanservice to cp fans or that it must have been so hard for him to force himself to smile around Zhan-ge cuz he secretly hates him. Yeah, I don’t consider those kind of solos to be fans at all. I reckon they hate the possibility that their idol isn’t only theirs so much that they’d rather do anything they can to convince themselves that ggdd hate each other and their idol couldn’t possibly love someone else than their fans.
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(inserts random yz gif cuz long text posts look too boring lol)
It’s a pity that that XZ fan account you followed turned into a salty anti but for what it’s worth, if you ever come across those kind of antis again, just ignore them or block them if you have to. You can’t control what they do, only what you do. And I think the only way to counter such hate is with love and support for Zhan-ge and Yibo and with maybe spreading the reality - which is that they have a good relationship in private. “I just want them to happy” is a sentiment that I relate to so damn much. Friends or lovers, they deserve to be happy and to be able to publicly support each other and show that they are close if they want to instead of being forced to hide that. I want that for them so badly. The road ahead is still long but I intend to keep supporting ggdd until they get there someday. I hope you will, too! I’m so humbled that my blog can help you find comfort ^-^ To be honest, I have no problem ignoring antis cuz they’re simply wrong. They mostly just make me laugh cuz they sound so stupid and keep contradicting themselves, it’s embarrassing. Reality says the opposite of what they say so I don’t care about them in the slightest. You’re more than welcome to rant about them to me anytime (lolz) but I hope that maybe possibly explaining how little I think of them will make it easier for you to ignore them, too xD
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