#XXXX Gold
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on model (originally from South Africa), Jana Kruger, in a photo-shoot titled "Local Onlys" for "C-Heads" magazine, c. 2014, Sunshine Coast, Australia. 📸: Janneke Storm.
"Ice cream is supposed to melt. Right? Babe Jana Kruger of Asha Model Management photographed by Janneke Storm wearing clothing by First Base and Vintage. Styling and direction by Sticks and Stones Agency and make-up by Kate Shanahan."
-- C-HEADS MAGAZINE, c. 2014
Source: www.c-heads.com/2014/10/23/locals-only-jana-kruger-by-janneke-storm-x-sticks-and-stones-agency.
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deanbrainrotwritings · 5 months
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SUMMARY : part II of gimme half. vanilla is a basic flavour. but sometimes it’s just the right thing for mornings like this.  
PAIRING : dean winchester x fem!reader
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), p in v, smut, unprotected sex, fluff
A/N : bring me the horizon song title. ah, the second day of January, getting closer to Dean’s bday, it will be the best day of my life or the worst. I have ocd (so does my mom) so idk what’s normal lmao Xxxx
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It must have all been a dream. 
She would never go to her neighbour’s house. Not when they were supposed to hate each other. Not when it was freezing cold. Not at night. Not close to Christmas…
He was very pretty though, in her dreams. Still, so pretty. Irresistible. Hot. Frustrating. Adorable. A million lovely things. It felt very real. So real. 
His lips. All pink, warm, soft, and sweet. His hands. Rough, warm, calloused, and skilful. His skin. Freckled, covered in scars, tattooed, hot. God… she wanted that in reality, too. To feel it against every inch of her skin once more. She especially wanted what’s between his legs. 
Were her sheets always this cold? This thin and… not downy at all? 
If she could return to her dream. That would be nice. Making friends with her enemy, Dean… Well, making love is more what it was. Very rough, desperate, hot love. 
She grumbled sleepily, lifting the sheet up her body. Trying to get her arms warm, to stop the cold from getting through the openings. Something stopped her, something hard behind her, and she didn’t want to wake up. 
And wait… why was the window in the opposite direction? 
She rubbed her bleary eyes and looked around the unfamiliar room, the beige and white bed sheets that were definitely not hers. The pictures and posters on the walls were unfamiliar…
She sat up on the bed slowly and twisted her body cautiously to peek at whoever was sleeping beside her. 
Her eyes widened, her jaw dropped slightly. 
She shut her mouth and smiled, trying not to laugh at the events that occurred the night before. They were definitely not a dream. For her bravery, she deserved a treat. Maybe six.
He really did look pretty. 
Those muscular arms holding his pillow, skin freckled and lightly tanned. The sheets clung tightly to his hips, that tiny, narrow waist of his. So jealous. And… oh, God, he wasn’t wearing anything. 
His lips were parted slightly, pink and swollen from sleep, maybe from all the kissing they were doing the previous night. He had the prettiest lashes, so long, thick, curled naturally. What even was he? Those gorgeous freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks. His messy hair looked so soft. 
Peaceful. Relaxed. 
The sunlight made him look even more divine. Honey and gold, a verdant forest, a soft flower in a meadow. Springtime in the winter. That was Dean.
She looked around his room, she was completely naked. Some warm clothes and fluffy socks to keep the cold at bay would be nice. 
She opened his drawer to look for some socks, sliding the top drawer out. She blinked at the contents inside. A vibrating cock ring stood out from the other things inside, in rose pink. She chuckled. There were a few candy wrappers, jolly ranchers, unused condoms in the front, a steel gun over books. Cute. There were old movie tickets, a Bob Seger cassette tape, Crime and Punishment, Persuasion, The Lord of the Rings, and 11/22/63. He’s so hot.
She closed it quietly and opened the second one. One half had perfectly folded, plain black t-shirts and the other half had only white t-shirts. She pulled out a black shirt from the top and put it on carefully. She took a deep breath of the scent of the softener that remained and sighed. Yum.
She opened the third and final one. Finally socks. They were neatly organised, folded, tightly fitting in rows and columns. Blue penguin socks caught her attention, but so did the pink ones with otters, the purple ones with avocados, and the green ones with giraffes. Could he get any more endearing?
She picked the boring black ones at the back. What if the fun socks were special to him? 
She got out of his bed, walking quietly across his very cute bedroom, and into the bathroom. His very clean bathroom. 
She looked at her reflection in the mirror. Thank God for the shower she took with Dean last night. No raccoon face from her eyeliner this morning. But she was definitely sore. Good sore. 
He’s so… hospitable. And a billion other things, too many lovely things to list. She laughed quietly to herself, turning the water on in the sink to wash her face. 
Maybe she shouldn’t get too ahead of herself with these thoughts and feelings. Last night was fast, blurry, heated, and emotional. Things could change, she knew that better than anyone. Morning clarity. After sex clarity? Who knows.  
It would be impossible not to have marks over her body after the night they had. She turned the water off, gently shook her hands in the sink, and used the shirt to pat her face dry. Curiously, she kept the shirt up, and stared down at her body. 
There were bruises on her hips the shape of his fingers. And Reddish-purplish marks on her breasts, sternum, and stomach, even higher up on her collarbone. There were bite marks on her shoulders that stung to touch-
“Sorry about those,” Dean’s raspy morning voice made her jump. She dropped the shirt and crossed her arms over her chest, smiling timidly at Dean. She didn’t know why. After the hot night they had together, being seen naked the next morning should be the last thing to make her this flustered. 
“I’m not getting in the way of your secret escape, am I?” He changed the subject, teasingly smirking at her. He pushed himself off the doorframe. Unfortunately, he was wearing a soft grey robe tied loosely around his waist, some grey slippers, and his hair was a cute-slash-sexy mess. 
“No…” she replied softly, running her fingers through her somewhat messy hair. It still felt wet… maybe she should have stopped Dean from throwing her into his bed after their shower, but he seemed more than thrilled to bury his face between her legs. God, that stubble on his jaw felt amazing between her sensitive thighs. 
“Good,” he mumbled tiredly, smiling down at her. 
He was irresistible. She could already feel heat forming between her legs, wetness seeping from her entrance, and her heart pound quickly in the casket of bones the closer he got. 
Maybe it was those pretty green eyes of his, the burning fire in his gaze simmering deep within the golden specks. He checked her out from head to toe slowly, shamelessly, devouringly. Why would he have any shame after the night they had?
Her body reacted to him embarrassingly fast. Like two atoms, she ached to be fused together with him. Being in his presence just felt right. It felt fiery, more now than last night, more than when he was asleep. When he was asleep, he was more than adorable, but now… She wanted him on her again. 
Her skin burned like acid rain had dripped down over her body, but it was just his hungry eyes. It was the memory of his mouth, his tongue, his lips, and his teeth. All marking her, making her his own.
Her lungs ached for slower, deeper breaths as he sucked the oxygen from the room with that deep, husky voice of his. He left her breathless, with those soft eyes and tender smile.
All he did was put toothpaste on the brush he gave her last night. He smiled when he gave it to her, his fingers brushed against hers, like jumpstarting the dead battery of a car. 
She tried to hide the sharp inhale when she took the toothbrush from him by biting her lip. He seemed to like her reaction, a smile tugged at his lips, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t need to and neither did she. 
She watched him do the same to his own toothbrush and slowly, wordlessly, he started to brush his teeth. 
“Cute cock ring,” she told him casually, and began brushing her own teeth. He almost spit out the toothpaste and saliva when he laughed, a very beautiful laugh that made her insides warm and melty like cheese in a burger, or butter on pancakes, or whipped cream on waffles. 
She was hungry. 
“You looked through my stuff,” he stated, a mouthful of toothpaste still in his mouth. He continued to brush his teeth, staring at her the whole time rather than looking into the mirror. His eyes were sparkling, and not just because of the cold winter sunlight. 
“I was cold,” she shrugged, then spit out what she had left before continuing to brush. He spit everything out at last, regarding her with a smirk. 
“Guess I shoulda been a better host.” Dean finished brushing his teeth and she did soon after as well, waiting for him to finish freshening up from the doorframe.
“You more than made up for it last night,” she grinned, catching the smirk on his face, the sudden dreaminess that washed over his green eyes. Her insides twisted excitedly and he finally looked at her with those soft verdurous eyes.
“Are you still cold?” He teased when he finished, reaching for her waist and gently tugging her forward, and away from the doorway. She shook her head ‘no’ and smiled up at him. “Too bad,” he hummed, biting his lip. “You chose boring socks,” he pouted, then leaned down to kiss her. 
She smiled against his lips. The kiss somehow felt more… warm than last night, and… well, like the birth of a star. Warmth bloomed in her chest, like a flower kissed by sunlight in the morning. It was like being reborn, like breathing the cleanest air.
“I was trying to be considerate,” she mumbled when he pulled away from her lips. He tilted his head with a confused smile, and moved her backwards, leading her back to his bed.
“Considerate?” Dean slowly lifted the shirt, his fingertips teasing her warm skin as he slid it up her body. 
“Read my mind,” she whispered, throwing the clean shirt on his desk when it was around her wrists above her head. 
“I don’t read minds,” he grinned down at her, pecking her lips. She hummed softly, amused just because he made her smile, and untied his robe. He humoured her anyway, staring at her as she climbed onto the bed, her soft hands moving up his torso slowly exploring, memorising, worshipping. “You… are so cute,” he teased, leaning forward to kiss her again. 
She pressed her lips against his, moaning quietly against his mouth. She pushed the robe off his shoulders and he threw it over the small, sage-coloured sofa he had placed by the window that was opened to her house. 
“That’s not reading my mind.” She buried her fingers in his hair and began crawling backwards, her warm tongue tracing his plump lips. He cursed softly against her mouth, kissing her back with as much force, and climbed up the bed with her.
“I told you,” he panted, lowering his body over hers once her head fell onto the pillows, “I don't read minds.” She pulled Dean down, closer to her, arms circled around his neck, legs parted for his hips to fit perfectly in between.
“I think you see through me,” she whispered, lapping at the red mark positioned on his pulse, making him moan softly. She couldn’t believe she felt insecure about it at first, but now, it was hot that he could read her, that he could figure her out in seconds. For however long he's been hunting, she had no doubt he was much more clever than he led on. 
“You think wearing a pair of what might be my favourite socks will make me… sad?” He tried, barely moving away from her mouth. She snickered upon releasing how ridiculous it sounded out loud, she nodded anyway.
“I’d be upset,” she shrugged, sliding her hands down his back, his taut muscles shifting beneath her hands. 
“Exactly why I said you’re cute,” he told her softly, rocking his hips against hers. She shook her head in denial, dragging her lips back up to his. His cock slid through her soaked folds, teasingly nudging her entrance, tortuously rubbing her clit. “You hungry?” He asked, leaning on one arm placed by her head.
“Dirty intent with that question?” She teased, nibbling his bottom lip. He laughed deeply, pressing his cock into her, slowly pushing in. 
“Wanted to make ya breakfast,” he huffed, moaning with her when he pulled out gently and pushed back into her warmth. “So… breakfast?” His hand travelled freely down her sides, tenderly brushing against the bruises on her skin. 
“Only if you’ll make me breakfast often,” she played quietly. With a husky moan, he slid his hands back up her sides, thumbing her sensitive nipples. He dropped his forehead to her shoulder, smiling at her words, the tightening of her walls around him taking him to the brink of delectable release and delirious insanity.
“Only if you’re mine,” he rasped, taking her wrist to slide his hand into hers, pressing it into the pillow, and above her head. 
“Yes,” she whispered, squeezing his hand, slipping her other hand into his hair. He lifted his face to stare into her sincere gaze, brought his freehand between their bodies to rub circles on her clit. 
“To breakfast or being mine?” Dean inquired, rolling his hips swiftly into her. She moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist, keeping him close, and drawing his lips closer with her hand clutching the short hair behind his head.
“Yes,” she murmured, drawing a soft laugh from him as she pressed a deep kiss to his warm lips.
➥ summer’s stellar gaze
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hi cas! im asking this anonymously bc digital footprint xxxx (gold star if u guess who it is)
this is majorly embarrassing but. um.
how do u cover/hide hickies? most of my friends are girls, so they've like whacked concealer on me. even my mums joined in with the concealer situation.
ive told my bf that i cant walk around looking like ive lost a fight with a bloody piranha and hes like "oops :3"
pls help cas. im begging. love u.
hahahaha this made me laugh because we've all been there, love.
Welcome to Cas's very basic makeup skills class!
So basically when you want to cover something, you need to color-correct, meaning you need to go to the opposite end of the color wheel. So, you have a red mark on your neck? You need to use (drumroll, please!) GREEN!
I know, it sounds weird. But yeah. Green. If you have pale skin, you need a pale green. If you have darker skin, you need a darker green. So at the pharmacy, you will notice that, strangely enough, there is green concealer available. Now you know why. Pick some up, and put that on the hickey before putting some powder concealer or foundation over top. That should help cut down on the redness a lot.
Trust me. Invest in some green concealer. I am a full-grown adult and I still use it for not only things like that, but the odd zit, random bruises (I bruise so easily), and any other redness that comes up. It's magic.
I'm naming you green anon.
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leenwjns · 15 days
In The Morning- Rocco
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(banner is not by me!!)
chaewon x fem reader
fluff, swearing, and kissing
one shot!!!<3
chaewon is one of the nerdy loners at school. her best friend only being yunjin. she has a big crush on y/n. y/n is the captain of the soccer team. shes very attractive and absolutely filled with money. y/n also has a major crush on chaewon. both of them are unaware that they both like each other. on valentines day, something unexpected happened. read the story to find out hehehe;)
third person pov
on valentines day…
chaewon is walking to her class when…CRASH!!chaewon felt her fall on the hard marble floor. “ah!” chaewon yelps. she starts picking up her books quickly, regardless of the pain on her behind. she sees a hand grab a book, then looks up to see the flustered y/n. “i- uhm sorry, are you ok? i- i didn’t mean to bump into you.” y/n looks down stuttering. “n-no, its ok.” chaewon says. she feels her cheeks getting red and hot. y/n helps chaewon up, “are you hurt anywhere?” y/n looks at her worried. “no.” chaewon muttered. y/n tilts her head, “what was that?” chaewon looks at her shyly, “no, im ok” she smiles. y/n looks at her admiringly, but soon clears her throat. “shall we go to class?” she asks. chaewon nodded and they headed to history class. once they arrived, they sat in their seats. “chaewon!” yunjin hugs her. “hi yunjin.” chaewon says. yunjin looks closer at her, “are you ok? your face is red.” chaewon looks at y/n, yunjin noticed. “ohhh.” yunjin grins. “what happened between yall huh?” yunjin asks. chaewon looks down, “w-we bumped into each other in the hallway.” yunjin looked at her a little disappointed, “awww, thought it was gonna be like a kiss or at least a hug.” they heard the sound of the teachers voice and immediately stopped talking.
after class- The Soccer Match
chaewon and yunjin went to the soccer match to watch chaewons crush. y/n gets the ball and… “SCORE!!!” the referee yells. after the match, y/n’s team won. chaewon saw y/n jogging up to her. “hey, i-uhm was wondering if you wanted to hang out or like a date after school?” y/n asked nervously. chaewon looked at her shocked. y/n felt embarrassed, “you don’t have to accept the offer…” she said. chaewon shook her head, “n-no,i would love to!” she said. y/n smiled joyfully. “ heres my number, its so you can text me when your ready. i will pick you up.”y/n said. chaewon blushed, “thanks.” yn nodded and ran to her friends and fans.
after school- The Date
to y/n💗:
hey this is chaewon
from y/n💗:
oh hey
to y/n💗:
are you gonna pick me up?
from y/n💗:
yea, ofc! what’s your address?
to y/n💗:
xxxx xxxxxxx xx
from y/n💗:
alright, pick you up at 5❤️
chaewon screams into her pillow. “the red heart! the red heart!” chaewon thinks. chaewon eventually gets out her bed and dresses up. she wears a pink dress with black platform heels and gold jewelry. she sprays on perfume and hears a notification from her phone.
from y/n💗:
im outside waiting!
to y/n💗:
chaewon runs downstairs careful not to fall. when she goes outside she sees y/n leaning on her car. jersey, jorts, and silver jewelry. even with such a masculine and basic outfit, chaewon couldnt help but be in awe at the sight. y/n feels her heart pounding like its about to bounce out. “you look…” y/n pauses, “absolutely stunning.” she finished. chaewon blushes, “you too.” she replies. y/n opens the car door for chaewon and she gets in. y/n then enters the car and turns on the engine. y/n gives chaewon a blindfold, “put this on, its for a suprise.” chaewon obeys and puts it on. once they arrive, y/n leads chaewon outside and stops her. “take it off” y/n says. chaewon takes it off and sees that they’re at a beatifully decorated beach. “its all ours, i bought it.” y/n says. chaewon looks at her in shock, “y-you didnt have to though!” yn shakes her head, “but i wanted to, for you.” chaewon’s eyes tear up, “t-thank you so much y/n” she sniffled and went closer to hug her. “you’re welcome chae.” yn said. “now,now, lets enjoy our time!” y/n leads her to a table with flowers, food, and speakers. she pulls a chair for chaewon then sits down. “lets dig in, i can’t let you starve on a date!” y/n said. chaewon chuckled but started eating. once they were done, y/n sat up. a song started playing. In The Morning by Rocco, chaewon’s favorite song. “i wanted us to dance, you know romantically.” y/n said. “especially to this song, i know its your favorite.” she stated. chaewon raised a brow, “how did you know?” y/n felt a little embarrassed, “well how do i say this..” she whispered “ i did a little research or so called stalking.” chaewon laughed, “oh ok, smart ass stalker i see.” y/n pouted “i’m joking!” chaewon kissed her cheek. y/n blushed, “shall we dance, princess.” chaewon nodded. and they started slow dancing to the song.
“i hope you love me in the morning. i hope you love me in the evening too. cause baby i’m so in love with you. so won’t you kiss me? so you can miss me too? oh baby, i’m becoming such a fool for you. i get out of my head when you’re not in my bed, it’s true. i think about it in the shower. slow dancin’ to our favorite tune. i’ve never felt like this before. i’m opening doors. you give me something to lose. oh baby, i’m becoming such a fool for you. i get out of my head when you’re not in my bed it’s true. we’re a match, made in heaven. God only knows what we’ll do. you think i’m funny, i think you love me. there’s no one else i would choose. if the stars are out tonight. and you find your way into my arms. i’ll be more than a friend, if i kissed you again. i don’t think it would be the same. i hope you love me in the morning. i hope you love me in the evening too. cause baby i’m so in love with you. so won’t you kiss me? so you can miss me too? oh baby, i’m becoming such a fool for you. i get out my head when your not in my bed, it’s true.”
In The Morning.
the end.
did you like it?
this took hours huhuhu😅😭
anyways stan rocco.
bye bye, leenwjns out!<3
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goldenrotations · 2 months
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Employee File #72566
Name: Roe Marin
Age: 21 y/o
DOB: October 8th, XXXX
Gender: Female (she/her)
Species: Inkling
Current Title: EVP 999
Long-time employee of Grizzco, Marin has shown time and time again her loyalty and skill to the company. Joining the company at a young age along side her (adopted) brother, Atlas Marin, when the company was also still young, she practically grew up with the company as it became the corporation we know and love(?) today. Ms. Marin currently resides in Inkopolis Square working for the Inkopolis Square branch of Grizzco, though, she has been asked to travel to Grizzco’s two other branches to help out from time to time.
Marin is dedicated to her work as a salmon runner. With her time and experience, she is now considered one of the best in the company, with many younger employees looking up to her as a role model. Despite that, Marin has kept her heart of gold, not letting her rank go to her head and is always around to lend a helping hand or just to make a fellow co-worker smile.
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Well, that’s a little formal… Hello! I’m Roe, and I’m a representative of Grizzco Industries. I’d love to talk about my line of work if you’re curious! Let me reel you in… oh that was stupid… with helping you, wether it’s with those fish, or about the opportunities we offer here at Grizzco!
#WeAreGrizzco #AskASalmonRunner
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get-rammed · 8 months
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Hokay. So here's the first design. I plan on printing on a darker green to save myself a screen. Colors aren't final, but were pulled from what I can create with my colors. I might add more/move some colors around. There's a chance of the yellow being done in a metallic gold
But for now I need to poll for year to use
XXXX so there's not set date.
2025 being the theorized year the Pizzaplex opened.
2021 being the year SB came out.
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fieldandfountain · 2 years
Criston Cole x Reader, ongoing, 1200 word chapter
You are a lady of the far North. Criston Cole deserts his post on the Night’s Watch, and stumbles injured onto your land. You have every obligation to hand him over to justice, but can you really send him to his death?
Takes place several years after episode 10, when the war is coming to a close.
romance, hurt/comfort
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You know you were a dutiful wife.
But your husband is gone now, fled to Cregan Stark’s war. After two years, you wonder if he will ever return but you find yourself enjoying your solitary life. You live in a small keep, alone but for your servants and the occasional village girl who visits you for a talk.
Your house was never a great one, and you married a landed knight, a vassal of House Umber, who in turn were sworn to the Starks. You do more work than the great lords ever will, helping with the birthing of lambs, the shearing and the washing of the wool. You spend long hours at your loom, working until the sun sets. You are proud of the work you do, the fine fibers you make, the beautiful woolen cloth you display in your chambers and sell at the market. You love the turn of the sunlight over the snow and the throaty cries of the sheep, though you are lonely, and have been since your wedding day.
The greatest point of interest from the outside world is the passing of men on their way to the Night’s Watch. They come in weary bands, already in their blacks to show that they take no part in the war between Queen Rhaenyra and her half-brother Aegon.
As a northerner, you have great respect for the watch. You know the wildlings will attack your lands first, and you have been lucky to merely lose a few sheep to passing scavengers. It isn’t unknown for a woman to be stolen: it is a point of pride among them to take a girl in her sleep. The men of the Night’s Watch keep you safe from such threats, with their courage and sacrifice.
But still your heart aches for the wretches who stumble along the road. They stare at you hungrily as you sell your wool. Perhaps you are the last woman they will ever see as free men. Volunteers do exist, but they are the minority. Most do not go willingly, but are sent as punishment. There are those who deserve it, murderers and rapers, but it was their lords who decided what crimes were worthy of the wall. Some might be sent for merely raising their hand to a nobleman, or stealing a wheel of cheese. Others are sent on a lie.
And you are aware that many are there merely for being on the wrong side of the war. The Dance of the Dragons, as they call it, has split the Seven Kingdoms down the middle. You have never seen a dragon and you hope you never will.
It is nearing sundown, and you have returned from the barn with your lantern, your loyal sheepdog Briar by your side. One of your ewes is pregnant and you feared she would deliver tonight, but all is well. As your feet crunch over the ice you hear a low cry. A sheep must have escaped its pen, and your heart lurches as you see a wash of blood over the snow.
Briar whines, her nose sniffing briskly, and you do not know what madness propels you forward. You creep down the trail of blood toward the thicket, where the falling sun casts shades of vermillion and gold over the pines. You hear panting, and eyes like embers peer at you from shadows of the spruce trees.
“Lady,” calls a voice.
The man is clutching his leg. At first you think he is one of your shepherds, though you cannot decipher which. He does not look like Watt or Alek or Lenn from this distance. You hurry over, pulling off your cloak to wrap around the wounded man but as you near him you panic.
He is dressed in black. He is sworn to the Night’s Watch and it is a crime punishable by death to leave his post. You have every obligation to ride to the village, to raise the hue and cry, and have him arrested. That is the duty of a true northerner, especially one so entirely dependent on the protection of the Watch. But you see the deep gash in his leg through the tattered breeches, the blood running freely through deep punctures. He has been caught in a bear trap.
“Mercy,” he cries and your heart fails you.
You can turn him in tomorrow. He can’t go anywhere. You set to work, taking a knife from your belt and ripping up your underskirts to form a bandage. Briar darts about him, alternately barking and sniffing. Occasionally you steal a peek at his face.
He is disturbingly beautiful.
You’ve never seen a Dornishman so close, and the rich hue of his skin is a wonder to you, even in the pallor of his agony. His brown eyes speak an eternity, and his parted lips are as though chiseled in stone. Girls would sometimes giggle about the lust of Dornishmen, but he does not appear particularly lustful to you. It irritates you that your heart is beating faster for a deserter, and a wounded one at that, and you steel yourself and continue your work.  
“Mercy,” he whispers again, and he collapses into the snow. His brow is burning to the touch. You must get him warm, get him inside, but you are unsure how.
“Your leg is bandaged, but you must help me. I cannot carry you.” He grunts in understanding. Slowly, you get him to his good leg, but the weight of him is almost unsupportable as you push through the wooded glade.
If anyone saw you, you would be ruined. You are already committing treason for childish pity. Your husband has often chided you for acts of charity or mercy, and you can feel his rage.
He is not here, you remind yourself. You are lady of this keep in his absence.
The servants have departed for the night, thank the Gods, but you they might arrive any time at the manor. You must take him to the bakehouse. It will not be used for several days at least, and you can start a fire without causing alarm.
Night has fallen by the time you have gathered bedding and a fire is crackling in the oven. He just manages to hold the broth you hand him, and drinks greedily. His gaze is bleary and desperate.
“I am (y/n),” you say. You want to tell him he is safe here, but you can’t. You will have to think, decide if you can truly betray the Night’s Watch.
“(Y/n),”says the Dornishman in a weak voice, and you start as he grips your hand. “You have saved me, and I owe you the truth, though I am sure to die for it. My name is Criston Cole.”
It takes you a moment to understand. Criston Cole. The Kingmaker, Commander of the Kingsguard, sworn enemy of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, who your husband is fighting for in the distant land. Sent to the wall for his treason, in an act of spectacular mercy.
And his life is in your hands.  
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PIC(S) INFO: Part 1 of 3 -- Spotlight on model (and summer stunner) Jana Kruger in a photo-shoot titled "Local Onlys" for "C-Heads" magazine, c. 2015, Sunshine Coast, Australia. 📸: Janneke Storm.
Source: www.sticksandstonesagency.com/agency/locals-only.
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wormtimesfive · 2 months
paul atreides (me) using house atomics (bottle of xxxx gold) to obliterate the shield wall (cop) so my army (the boys) can ride into the city (pub) on the backs of sandworms (boosted ford falcon)
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ironifiicd · 19 days
Continued from here: xXXx
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"Vibe checks are good actually, keep me on my toes. Also prevents me from getting a big head, you know? Always good to remember your days are numbered." Brushing off the mud from the tarnished gold-titanium alloy of his suit that had taken some heavy damage on the impact of his fall. The hot-rod red paint on his Mark VIII had been scratched to all hell but that was small fry considering the heights he had dropped from and survived with very little injury to be seen.
"Sorry when you say you met God you have to tell me which one, every one of them has a different pantheon or designation depending on cultures and such. It gets very confusing after a while, trust me."
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
original prompt | complete masterlist
Marinette's Chat Logs (A Compilation of Unrelated Messages)
old but gold: istg this old man, he's too stubborn i was this close to smacking his face jay why cant he listen just once
Marinette: ??
old but gold: shit sorry mars! that was meant for jason
old but gold: pretend you never saw that
Marinette: had a fight with dad again?
old but gold: yeah
Marinette: want me to talk to him?
old but gold: nahhh we'll handle it ourselves
old but gold: thanks mars
Marinette: <3
Marinette: pssst
Marinette: can i hide in your apartment
Peter Pan: where's the body
Peter Pan: what did u do
Marinette: why do you think i did something?
Peter Pan: because you're asking to hide in my apartment!!
Marinette: I'm omw
Peter Pan: what?? pixie
Peter Pan: pix??
Peter Pan: I'll help u hide the body
Marinette: bitch ass
Murderous Duck: shitterisaurus
Murderous Duck: (affectionate)
Marinette: [cat pic.png]
Marinette: [cute cat pic.png]
Marinette: [cat paws.gif]
Blood Son™: [picture of a cat.png]
Blood Son™: [picture of another cat.png]
Blood Son™:Marinette please put your sketchbook away properly. It is currently under the bench in the back garden.
Blood Son™:Marinette get your sketchbook right now
Blood Son™: Marinette
Blood Son™:Marinette the pages and sticky notes have scattered. Alfred will have our heads for littering
Blood Son™:Titus is currently taking interest in the sketchbook
Marinette: DAMIAN
Cass ପ(���•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡: ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚
Marinette: ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
Cass ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡: (,,>﹏<,,)
Marinette: ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Cass ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡: go to bed
Marinette: no >:)
Marinette: hey dad can i borrow your credit card?
Papa B: 👍
Papa B: Wait, where's your credit card?
Marinette: I sent an email about the designs of your hoodie commission. did you see it?
Porpl: ILOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Marinette: tell me if you want other stuff added
Porpl: i will thank you FKSJFKSKDFJKLSL xxxx
Marinette: can i PLEASE get a waffle??!!
Lord Thomas: oh hi, thanks for checking in. I'm still a piece of garbage
Marinette: um i've never been to oovoo javer
Lord Thomas: honey you've got a big storm comin'
Lord Thomas: stoooop i coulda dropped my croissant!!
Marinette: Hurricane Katrina? more like hurricane toRITillA
@tinybrie @sinoffalsejudgement @its-maemain @kamarallil @toughluna @golden-promises @whatamoodhoney @trippingovermyfeet @m4ster0fnone @alexizlazy @plz-excuse-my-inner-gay @maybeanalien0-0 @imchaotic-dontmindme @ev-cupcake @flowers-n-fandoms @crusherccme @ji-nk-ies @depressed-bitchy-demon @duskyashe @multplelifes @authorpendragging
*if you want to be tagged, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll add you to the taglist :)
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: Free Speech on Twitter
Stephen King: what the- did you guys hear that elon banned all the critical reporters from twitter? Poe: oh yeah i heard something about that King: well, i think that's just poor sportsmanship King: why, i think someone needs to have a real sit down chat with this elon musk fella
King: why did he ban the reporters? i thought he supported transparency & free speech King: there'd BETTER be a real good explanation for this Poe: steve King: no no edgar this will work. i use this tone on joe when we need to have a father son talk about his behavior
King: or rather King: i WOULD use this tone on joe if we ever had to have a father son talk about his behavior King: of course joe is good as gold so i've never had to do that Joe Hill: dad no Grady Hendrix: [flipping sick trick on skateboard] lol little joey two shoes
King: elon, what's with all these bans? I hope you have a good explanation Elon Musk: eyyy you no lika it? maybe i banna you too, stephano king! Musk: [pushes plunger on 'Acme Instant Twitter Ban' device, nothing happens]
Musk: when reporters say meana thingsa about me, thatsa dox! Musk: when people knowa wherea my private jet is, thatsa dox! Musk: when people go to-a mastodon, thatsa dox! Musk: but whena paisans ofa tiktok blow uppa hospital, thatsa amore!
King: elon, i'm still waiting on some answers here Musk: shoulda i answer stephano king? i aska da people inna twitter poll Musk: tanto scientifico! da result issa legally binding! Musk: dissa poll counts! [poll says 100% answer stephen king] Musk: eyyy dissa poll don't count!
Musk: eyyy stephano king you see whena reporters report onna my business Musk: it putta my childrens lives inna danger! Musk: Elon Musk Jr, Beta Epsilon Musk, X Musk, XX, Musk, xXXx Musk, [Highly Pornographic] Musk, [Hillbilly Liquor Jug] Musk, He2s²2p¹ Musk...
Musk: Cadillac Myspace Musk, Pickle Rick Musk, Rare Pepe Musk, 14 Word Musk, Δ λ/ λ=v/c Musk, [Alchemical Symbol for Mercury] Musk... Musk: anna many more! i forgetta da rest King: don't you also have a trans daughter? Musk: oh datta one? datta one can be in danger, i donta mind
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soopsiesdaisies · 2 years
Chapter 2: inbox: 0 unread
Read on Ao3 + Masterlist
[16-01-501, 06:55AM]
Subject: you miserable piece of shit
I can’t believe you’d actually do this. Though, considering you’re such a scummy excuse for a male, I probably shouldn’t have expected anything else.
Give her back to me.
[16-01-501, 09:47AM]
Subject: things n stuff
heeeyyyyyyyy i heard from morrigan u got ur girl?? stole her away from her wedding, huh? u nasty nasty. bet she absolutely hates u now. how did the shoe taste?
u should let me n az meet her yknow. maybe not amren idk if thats a good idea. but me n az is totally 100% a good idea so we’ll drop round when we have time ok?? yeah listen to me. little bitch.
anyway theres some shit in illyria we need ur help with if ur not too busy trying (and horribly failing) to woo her. uprisings n shit. still. u already knew about this but i figured its good to get a reminder bc if she is as pretty as u claim im expecting u to think with ur dick rn. be sure to have a good wank before u come over to help!! a stiffy in front of devlon would be embarrassing.
so yeah thats it xxxx cas
ps: do u think u could bring some pastries over we’re only eating grub :(( i need somethign sweet before i can be badass
Sent from my StarPhone
[16-01-501, 10:22AM]
Subject: the Hewn Wishlist of the Week
Can you sign off on these? Thanks in advance.
[15-01-501, 23:41PM]
Subject: Meeting notes
Below are my notes of our meeting. Please ensure our High Lord accepts my requests.
Lord and Lady Wriedt wish to marry their oldest daughter off to Mr Aurelius Balcom. Refuse—Miss Wriedt and Mr Balcom are first cousins. Lord and Lady Wriedt are also first cousins, as are Lord and Lady Balcom.
City budget needs to be expanded by +/- 10.000 gold coins a month: several Lords and Ladies complain about lack of lavish revels.
The wine cellars ought to be restocked. None from Spring: the quality has reduced significantly over the last century, taste is revolting.
The High Lord is encouraged to pay a visit without the company of lesser fae.
Younglings have been sneaking off to the outside with increasing frequency. Lords and Ladies request permission to discourage this properly.
Lord Abaddon wishes to renovate his mansion. Force him to show me the blueprints. If I do not agree, please do not allow him to renovate.
I am tired of seeing wild matings on the dance floor. It is boring. Ban it—perhaps build copulation rooms?
[Personal decision] City needs more shadow wraiths for cleaning. They will not be noticed.
Everybody in attendance has zero (0) intelligence.
If I shake Lord Mortimer I suspect his brain will rattle in his skull like a dried split pea. Tempted to test my theory.
Lady Mortimer wishes for more shades of black in the clothing shops. I am unsure whether there are more shades of black. If there are, lie and insist there are not.
Lady Mortimer might rattle as well.
Lord and Lady Dirge request a revel to welcome a delegation from Autumn. Some members of the delegation are Lady Dirge’s siblings. Maybe?
I need a drink.
Lord Tinuviel wishes for the High Lord to be re-elected. Gift him books on High Lord magic?
The wine from Spring is indeed revolting.
Lord Tinuviel refuses to budge despite protests. Believes Lord Mortimer “has no brain”. I do not agree. Lord Mortimer has at least a split pea; Lord Tinuviel has a singular grain of sand.
They are too drunk to continue. Meeting adjourned.
[16-01-501, 12:12]
Subject: the girl
I wish to meet the girl… hope you will allow me to visit soon, boy… Surely she should be able to handle me, if she is yours.
[16-01-501, 16:03]
Subject: 🤨
There’s no need for you not to answer Cas’s email. I bet she still despises you—you CANNOT have managed to make her fall in love with you already so I’m sure you have lots of time.
(Unless you’re trying to woo her and are failing miserably. lmao that’s so embarrassing 💀💀💀💀 loser)
Cas and I are able to handle the uprisings on our own but it would be a lot easier with you. Cas is hangry and I’m REALLY cold 😒😒 discomfort is not manageable when you’re not around to ridicule.
Bring us some hot dinner when you come please 🥺
xoxo Az 👻
Sent from my StarPhone
[16-01-501, 16:05]
Subject: RE: 🤨
Fucking hypocrite.
Rhys x
PS: sure, I’ll take food with me. Cas wants the elderberry pastries, right?
Sent from my StarPhone
[17-01-501, 07:22AM]
Subject: don’t ignore me
You’re such a twat. Miserable, sad, evil male with no
Bring her back.
May the Cauldron tear you apart,
[17-01-501, 08:04AM]
Subject: help
Tamlin is being insufferable. Is there a way for you to bring Feyre back early? Please. We’ve had to replace four chairs and a table so far.
Cauldron bless you,
[17-01-501, 09:35AM]
Subject: Heyyyyyyyyyyy
Dearest Rhys,
I’ve heard from a little birdie you stole Tamlin’s beautiful Cursebreaker bride? Oh, aren’t you evil ✨✨
(I don’t blame you, though. She’s gorgeous.)
Anyway, you up for a bootycall sometime? I’d love to reinstate some more bonds between our Courts. I’ll bring the booze, you’ll only need to bring your sexy bum (and maybe the Shadowsinger? 👀👀)
Lemme know whether you’d like to meet up with me and when. I’ll send you my schedule later.
May the Cauldron give you fantastic orgasms,
xxxx Helion 🍆💦
[17-01-501, 12:55PM]
Subject: HELLO
[19-01-501, 07:33AM]
Subject: don’t ignore me fuckface
I KNOW you read these because I know you and you HATE receiving inbox pings. LISTEN TO ME AND GIVE HER BACK.
Cauldron kill you,
[19-01-501, 09:47AM]
Subject: how’s it going
Not making much progress, are you? She still hates you and all that. How sad.
Maybe tell her about the mating bond? Oh, wait. You’re stupid and love to torture yourself.
xx Mor
[19-01-501, 16:39PM]
Subject: PLEASE
By the Mother, if there is ANY way to bring her back earlier I will kiss your feet without hesitation. I haven’t slept more than an hour these last few days. I do not think I can last the rest of the week.
We were too hasty in replacing the chairs and table and I am currently standing in a battlefield. He has made four servants cry today and more will be added, I am sure. I don’t know why I’m telling you this, because you aren’t approachable, but at the moment you’re the only one I can vent to. Also, you might not answer. Allow me to use you as a diary.
Ianthe is also unbelievably annoying and I do not trust her. She keeps trying to bed me. I do not want to.
Anyway, I think Tamlin is going in a rage again, so I shall hide in the trees now.
Should you be able to, please bring Feyre back early.
Cauldron bless you,
[19-01-501, 23:59PM]
Subject: Requests
Your Grace,
Have you had a chance to go over and approve my requests? There is no reason for this to take so long—you are aware you are our High Lord, yes? Or have you perhaps forgotten during the 50 years you warmed that red-haired mongrel’s bed?
If Morrigan has not sent them to you, please notify me asap and I will send you the requests immediately.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
May the Cauldron bless you,
[20-01-501, 2:35AM]
Subject: Recap
Out of two rogue war-bands, 76 Illyrians are dead after resisting defeat with violence. 2 members, one of each group, are alive and in my custody. The children and women have been sent to camps around Illyria. No families are separated.
I will update you on any new information the 2 members will tell me. They will fold.
Cauldron bless you,
Azriel 👻
PS: Lord Devlon, we’ll have a basket of chocolate pastries sent to you as thanks for your help. I promise Cassian won’t empty it before arrival.
[20-01-501, 07:42AM]
Subject: bring her back
If you hurt her I will hunt you down. She’ll never leave me for you. She is good and sweet and gentle and if she ever ends up with you you will DESTROY HER. Leave her alone.
I am going to break this bargain if it’s the last thing I do, consequences be damned. I will kill you, mark my words.
[21-01-501, 01:36AM]
Subject: RE: bring her back
Dear Tam,
No ♥️
xxxx Rhys
Sent from my StarPhone
“xoxogossipaz” is the result of the joint genius of @demarogue and me. Please follow her, she’s an amazingly talented writer and artist!
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starlitmark · 2 years
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Pairing: angel!Jeno x gn demon!reader
Genre: smut, forbidden love au
Rating: R 18+
Warnings: language, religious themes
Smut Warnings: sub!Jeno, corruption kink, teasing, handjob
Word Count: 536
requested by; @raibebe <3
for The Cafe request event
Summary: You know you’re everything he shouldn’t want, he does too. That doesn’t stop you though.
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“Was it worth it little angel?” you ask with a faux saccharine tone.
Having Jeno beneath you was always a sight to behold. The way he fell apart from any touch you laid on his skin, the way he absolutely crumbled when you spoke, it was some sort of euphoria for you. At the current moment, you have him pinned down against your bed. His face contorted in pleasure as you slowly stroked his cock. Small moans escape his lips each time you move the slightest bit faster. His halo was slightly crooked above his head, still glowing bright pale gold color. His wings are bright white, another stark contrast to where you live—each time his body jerks in pleasure his wings do as well. He lets out a loud whine when you altogether remove your hands from his body.
“I asked you a question. Answer it.” you deadpan.
“W-was what worth it?” he pants.
“Sneaking out of the kingdom of the lord just to sneak down here to the pits of hell. What would your almighty god think if he saw one of his precious angels in such a lustful state? That’s one of the deadly sins isn’t it, angel?”
“Yeah, but-”
“But what? You don’t care?” you tsk, “Remember when we first met? You were so innocent and pure, just like you should be, when we met.” your hand slowly finding its way to his member as you speak, “Isn’t it ironic, angel? So bored of the kingdom of heaven that you stoop down to my level. A demon.”
Your words are mostly teasing but there’s an edge of truth to it. You had met Jeno years ago, he was on a mission to kill you actually, God had had enough of your behavior. Yet here you are years later and you had corrupted one of his most loyal angels. He was lying to the king while committing these carnal sins. You contrasted everything an angel should want. Your large black feathered wings, horns growing from your head, sinful nature. Everything you are contrasts the holiness that angels strive for. You couldn’t for the life of you figure out why God was keeping Jeno, he had every reason to banish him down here with you, or worse. Maybe he’s just cruel and wants to keep you both apart regardless of how debauched the angel has become.
“I don’t care if I’m a disobedient angel, I don’t fucking care. I just want to be with you.” he bursts, gasping at how you stroke him.
“My, such dirty words from such a holy being, maybe you’re just as fucking filthy as me. Don’t worry, angel, I want the same.” you smirk, using your free hand to run over the feathers of his wings, “Maybe I’ve corrupted you more than I realized, hm, pretty boy?.”
You lean down and kiss his lips softly, he quickly reciprocates it. His hands scramble to touch you anywhere he could reach. The first place just happened to be your shoulders, his knuckles gently brushing against the feathers of your inky wings as he gripped your skin.
“We have so much more to do, little angel, don’t go desperate on me yet.”
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @neohub​ @neowritingsnet​ @nct-writers​ @k-vanity​ @kwritersworld​
Tag List: @catscoffeeandkpop​ @notbeforelong​ @ericssmile​ @00solarsmiles​ @cloudnitee​ @baekhyunstruly​ @umbralhelwolf​ @brattybunfornct​ @neoculturesnoopy​ @furryllamas​ @meowniee​ @pandabunbuns​ @justanotherkpopstanlol​ @nctdom​ @y3jiishot​ @blondiedae​ @xxxx-23nct​ @captainskat-10242018 @jenoxygen​ @its-taeil-time​ 
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revivemyreverie · 2 years
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“You know that’s an illegal play, right?
“Ahaha! I’m just kidding, unless you really did have something up your sleeve?”
Twisted from: The Cave of Wonders’ treasure (Aladdin)
Vegas Castilla
CV: Abe Atsushi (阿部 敦)
Technical info.
Gender: Male
Birthday: 01/17
Age: 17
Height: 5’4
Hair Color: Black + Red highlights
Eye Color: Diamond blue
Hand Pref.: Right
Homeland: Grimoire Badlands
College Info.
Class: 1B Set 28
Club: Boardgames
Favorite Subject: None
Hobby: Gambling
Likes: Winning
Dislikes: Scarabs
Favorite Food: Peaches
Hated Food: Celery
Specialty: Catching cheaters
UM: Red Gem’s Reflection
-Can see a person’s true thoughts on a specific matter, depending on what he asks.
A Small Light in the Desert Night
A newspaper clipping sits on the desk…
Vegas Castilla, child to the famous Castilla family and inheritor of the Desert’s Den casino, has accepted enrollment into the prestigious Night Raven College (NRC).
The Desert’s Den casino was originally built in XXXX, after the critical stopping point of the Grimoire Badlands’ civil war and creation of it’s empire. The original owner was known for playing with only the best gamblers from around the world, winning things from gold to artifacts lost to time. Nowadays, the casino allows all kinds of people to play, even if your broke, unstable, or just a bad player in general! The patriarch, Orville Castilla, hopes Vegas can make the family proud and learn from the multitude of cultures and personalities he’ll find in the school. Meanwhile, the heir himself states that he plans to follow the family motto, and find a “diamond in the rough” who can “win the den’s games”.
With a sudden rise in politicians’ children attending such prestigious schools, there’s only guesses at what the future has in store for them.
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eucalyptus-gl0bulus · 2 years
Splatoon 3 matches can be put into two categories: WOW, I SHOULD BE IN XXXX GOLD RANK and WOW, I SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN GIVEN EYEBALLS OR HANDS.
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