y-a-w-p · 5 days
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Close enough, welcome back Mr. Keating
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I just read something out from DPS and I just realized how British I am.
I can't say yawp. I say 'youlp'.
I'm too British for this shit
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anxiousaxolotl7 · 8 months
Heard someone say that Neil is Todd's first 'yawp' and now i can't stop thinking about it 😢.
Todd barely speaks throughout the whole movie, his presence is very quiet - aside from Keating making him demonstrate a barbaric yawp. The first time Todd willingly yells, is in agony and distress over Neil's death.
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anderperrylover · 2 months
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arc0n · 8 months
Watching dead poets high is a whole different experience
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azukilynn · 10 months
I thought I'd had enough of noise, until a small tree-frog started trilling right outside.
As if singing a little song, it calls out at regular intervals.
August seems an odd month to hear such a sound.
The end of summer, long past spring, leaning into autumn, August is something else, something in between.
I think this frog is lonely.
Lonely, just like me.
Azuki Lynn
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killgill · 2 years
“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are all noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love. These are what we stay alive for.”
~ John Keating “Dead Poets Society” 1989
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nobianna · 6 months
My birthday tommorowwwww
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mcondance · 5 months
fav monk episode? hard to pick but the first one that comes to mind is the garbage strike one. him going insane is fuckin hilarious. also the one with snoop dog is forever a top 3
yessss omg. i rlly like the snoop dogg episode, it was actually the first one i watched bcs a friend told me about it (around 6 years ago actually). it’s literally hilarious especially the scene where he says smth about monk being so uptight that he could make a diamond with coal if someone shoved it up his ass 😭😭😭 and he starts crying cause “what….. that is not possible….. please……” 😭😭😭
my fav has to be “mr. monk takes manhattan” i think that’s what it’s called. the ending is my fav cause he does not play behind trudy! and the one where someone said “god is my witness” and monk goes “he is your witness. and so am i.” like he don’t play. i also like the late night one where he couldn’t sleep because the lady he saw had something that captivated him and eventually found out it was bcs she got trudy’s eyes after trudy died.
also the ep where stottlemeyer has to stay with monk cause he and karen had an argument and leland is vacuuming and monk hates the way he’s doing it which eventually leads to monk yelling “i have to live here!” 😭😭😭😭😭
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slytherindisaster · 11 months
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web weaving: cecily + charlie
for @kc-the-writer
mahmoud darwish / bob dylan / bus riley’s back in town / under surveillance / the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid / diary by chuck palahniuk / a self portrait in letters by anne sexton
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byebyelullabye · 9 months
bitches watch a movie then remember they're not dead inside
it's me I'm bitches
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what-the-fic · 11 months
May - 1961
A/N: Frankie belongs to the darling @hystericalqween, and Claudie belongs to the lovely @cursebreakerfarrier - sorry I haven't updated this in forever. There is one scene left. It could come out this month, it could come out in 2033. Your guess is as good as mine.
“Cece, what happened to you?” Todd’s eyes were wide as she limped through the alleyway, bloodied, shivering, and soaking wet. Saying nothing in response, she leaned against the bricks of the shop wall and struggled to catch her breath. Todd wasted no time wrapping her in his jacket and helping her in through the secluded door. Despite his help, she barely upright as they descended the dark, narrow staircase that led to the once-nearly-condemned club.
Charlie, looking up from the mugs he was drying, dropped one of the ceramic pieces with a crash. He raced to Cecily and lifted her onto the barstool, ignoring the broken shards that scattered around the base. “Fire hoses? Seriously, Cecily?” Charlie muttered to himself as he retrieved a first aid kit from behind the bar. With weeks to go before the place opened, the proprietor-to-be reminded himself to purchase another round of medical supplies. The protests were close by, and they were growing out of control, yet the only violence Cecily had seen had been from those meant to protect the peace.
Taking a clean bar towel from the shelf, Charlie wrapped Cecily’s dripping hair and helped her out of her jacket. “What were you thinking, Baby? These things are getting dangerous,” he chided gently as he inspected her for cuts and scrapes. “It’s hoses today, but how long until it becomes tear gas and bullets?” He gave her no time to speak as he cleaned and bandaged the spot on her arm where she had fallen when the police had turned the hoses in her direction. “Journalism is becoming dangerous. I worry about you.”
Cecily’s eyes flicked from Charlie’s to Todd’s. “I wanted to talk to you about that. I’ve decided not to go into journalism. Todd and I. Well, he’s been such a help in getting me through this poetry class. You know, I have enough English credits now; I think I want to do something else with what I’ve learned. You know, between Todd and Keating, it was easy to see that I don’t belong in a job like that. I’ve decided my future is in storytelling, and with all I’ve learned from Claudie’s friends, I’d like to write plays. Maybe, in the meantime, I could take some shifts with Frankie here at The Cave?”
“And you decided all of this in the ten minutes since getting hosed? Cecily, it’s not wrong to want to do the right thing. There are consequences to acting impulsively and aggressively,” Charlie muttered.
Pulling away, Cecily cast a fiery stare. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this from you, of all people. Charlie, I made my decision a week ago. I was at the protest because I wanted to be there. It was the right place to be. What is happening in the world is wrong. If anything, I thought you’d be proud of me!”
“That’s just it, Cece. I am. More than you know.”
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Personally, my yawp would be 'FUCK' 👍
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centralkvetchmonolith · 11 months
V asked what's a yawp
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It's a big ol' yell from yr soul; I learned it from a Walt Whitman poem in this scene from The Dead Poets Society but honestly, on rewatch, the bit about the blanket only ever covering your face is much more resonant with the feeling I was referring to
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deceasedpoetsclub · 11 months
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ephemeral-777 · 7 months
life feels still lately, yet somehow it rushes past.
it’s the end of the week already, does anything last?
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