The Best 4 Stroke Leaf Blower - Top Picks
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soulchan91 · 1 year
Aerynn & Tiamat
Épisode 5
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Aerynn succeeds with her powers of affinity with animals to enchant the crow so that he will warn her family...
King Yolenis goes mad when he hears this terrible new... He and his son decide to immediately go to her rescue...
The peace treaty is broken... The war is launched...
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teacup-alien · 2 years
Went on the cutest date on Sunday. 🥰
Inspired by our Adventure Book, we went to a record shop in PVD, The Armageddon Shop and picked out an album solely on it's artwork. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
Then we headed to Yoleni's, a Greek restaurant/cafe that we visited a couple years ago and had some great food while people watching from the balcony. 💖
I want to go back to try their dinner menu so bad!!! 🤤
Finally we headed home to listen to the new record and play some video games. ✨
It was such a magical day, I hope everyone else had a great weekend. ✌️
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robertoleal · 3 months
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NTWALA OH YEAH FESTIVAL multidisciplinar e internacional. Trata-se de um encontro itinerante entre as artes performativas: Música, Dança, Literatura, Artes Visuais e Spoken Word. Onde teremos: Lançamento de livros, Talks, Workshops, Networking e Turismo.
Com o objectivo de promover e destacar os artistas emergentes, oferecendo-lhes uma plataforma para se apresentarem, tanto a nível local como internacional. Além disso, o evento busca criar oportunidades de intercâmbio e colaboração entre artistas, através de um programa criado que envolve espaço de criação. É um projeto comunitário que veio à vida também para ajudar a ampliar o alcance e visibilidade dos artistas, facilitando-lhes a oportunidade de poderem compartilhar seus trabalhos para um público mais amplo. Essa iniciativa artística estabelece-se também como o resultado de recursos para o desenvolvimento independente dos artistas para a criação sustentável e a longo prazo da comunidade artística.
Ele é um projeto cultural diversificado que visa promover não apenas a arte, mas também os valores e a união entre os povos em Angola e no mundo. Tende a criar um hino em cada edição com os artistas participantes para estreitar ligações entre eles, tem também a inclusão das cidades de todo o país e a oportunidade de envolver o público local como embaixadores.
O convite do festival, aplica-se aos profissionais da indústria artística, desde os artistas, delegados do festival, organizações, países, jornalistas especializados, técnicos, consultores das artes e etc. Tem o processo de seleção justo e transparente de grupos e artistas individuais, é planejado e diversificado. É uma forma do festival construir reputação sólida para atrair artistas talentosos a se inscrever. Ele começa por abrir as candidaturas em
Com inscrições abertas desde fevereiro, do corrente ano, para os artistas interessados poderem participar na presente edição, tantos os nacionais como os internacionais, o festival tem agora o anúncio dos 18 artistas selecionados para showcases, dentre eles: Andereya Baguma (Uganda - foto); Mogale Sedibe (África do Sul); Marina Queiroz Miranda (Brasil); Martial PA’NUCCI (Congo); Mistah Isaac (Angola/Portugal); Clington experiment (Angola/Portugal); Zadio aka Tony Laf (Angola/Reino Unido); Yoleni (Angola/França); VI-CI (Luanda/Angola), Rainy Mar (Luanda/Angola); Kark Sumba (Luanda/Angola); Uncle Jay (Luanda/Angola); Hugor Paixão (Luanda/Angola); Santimant Mwiny (Luanda/Angola); José Luís Mendonça (Luanda/Angola); Jorge Pimentel (Benguela/Angola); Ismael Farinha (Luanda/Angola) e Roberto Leal (Angola/Brasil).
5 para exposições: Ely Inglês ( Luanda/Angola); Gato Preto (Luanda/Angola); Eltina Gaspar (Luanda/Angola); Nefwani Júnior (Luanda/Angola); Parasol (Luanda/Angola) e Nástio Mosquito (Angola/Bélgica) para Listening Session.
3 selectas: Nark Luenzi (Luanda/Angola), Wilmara Maravilha (Luanda/Angola) e Mara Baoba.
4 oradores: Hélder Simbad, Caetano Forriel, Don Sebas Cassule e Pedro Bélgio, 1 escritor a fazer pré-lançamento de livro, José Paciência, e 1 Orador de talk, OG Vuino.
NTWALA OH YEAH FESTIVAL! É uma iniciativa cultural com periodicidade anual nas principais provincias de Angola. Depois da primeira edição realizado em 2023, teremos a seguynda edição, nos próximos dias 28, 29 e 30 de junho, que serão os dias de Showcases e dias 1 e 2 de julho de 2024, dias de Turismo. O projecto tem como público alvo a sociedade em geral, abrangendo todas as faixas etárias de idade. Que possibilita promover a apreciação das artes multidisciplinares, em diferentes gerações. Espera-se um público estimado em 20.000.00 pessoas por evento, o que é um bom objetivo para a criação de um ambiente vibrante e envolvente durante as apresentações. Isso proporcionará uma experiência mais rica tanto para os artistas quanto para o público. Tem a equipa de trabalho constituído por A'mosi Just A Label (fundador e diretor) multi-artista, António Paciência e Lubanzadio E. Mpemba (curadores), Yolanda Viviane (comercial), James Jabir Titelman (Colaborador), Paulo Cochat (Sonoplastia), Leo Kenyatta (produtor) Cardoso António (produtor), Roberto Leal (comunicação) e voluntários.
A conferência de imprensa está agendada pelas 10h00 do dia 25 de junho, na Palácio de Ferro. O festival tem como parceiros: UNAP, UNAC, Museu Nacional de História Natural, Atelier lucengomono, Palácio de Ferro, Onart, Ministério da Cultura, Alliance Française de Luanda. Ainda a Media Partners, RTP - África, TPA, Rádio Cultura Angola, RNA e Rádio Metropolitana. E conta com apoio do: Porto de Luanda, Tigra, Vale do Bero, Embaixada da França, Intimate, Residencial Bom Ano, Restaurante Utima, Sistec, CVSA, Kissangua da Dona Teresa e a UBESC - União Baiana de Escritores do Brasil.
Tem bilhetes à venda online no site da Ingressos Práticos e físico na UNAP e no Palácio de Ferro, ao preço de 2.000 Kz dia e na semana do evento 5.000 Kz.
KONONO SOUL ARTS Rua Francisco das Necessidades Castelo Branco, Nº 29, 6º andar, Coqueiros - Tel. +244932208466. Email: [email protected] Caixa Postal 12114 Luanda/Angola
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diarioelpepazo · 11 months
Recuperada y sanada, la señora Yolenis Montiel fue dada de alta definitivamente y regresó a su casa con sus hijos en el municipio Mara. A ella, el pasado 12 de octubre, el equipo de neurocirugía del Sahum, le exitrpó un túmor gigante en una intervención quirúrgica que duró 3 horas con resultado exitoso. La medicina y la ciencia zuliana de relieve una vez más ante el mundo. [caption id="attachment_91195" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Yolenis Montiel junto a su madre, hia y familiares. Foto Prensa Sahum.[/caption] Hebert Colina M. Luego de la intervención de alta complejidad, que se le efectuó el pasado jueves 12 de octubre, en la cual le fue extirpado un tumor de tamaño desproporcionado en el cráneo, la señora Yolenis Montiel se restableció satisfactoriamente  al regularizarle el valor normal de su hemoglobina y muy feliz regresó a casa. Yolenis acudió al Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo donde se le diagnosticó lesión tumoral gigante en el cráneo, producto de un golpe en su cabeza. Se había golpeado contra una mata de Nin y vivió durante dos años ese tumor y gran deformidad en su cabeza que le hizo estragos en su parietal izquierdo. [caption id="attachment_91196" align="aligncenter" width="282"] Yolenis antes de la operación. Foto Prensa Sahum[/caption] El doctor Eduar Sarmiento, adjunto al equipo de nurocirugía del SAHUM, expuso que dicha lesión tumoral creció desproporcionadamente a partir del trauma sufrido. "El aumento del volumen en el parietal izquierdo se manifestó, posterior al trauma que refiere la paciente, hasta el punto de que se formó una lesión gigante que hasta los momentos desconocemos su conformación, hasta tanto no obtengamos el resultado de la biopsia de ese tejido", refería antes de la cirugía el galeno. Pero, una vez habiendo practicado la intervención quirúrgica, todo fluyó para bien y la señora Yolenis pudo superar dicho trauma craneal. Y añadía el doctor Sarmiento que la cirugía consistió en una resección (extirpar) total de esta lesión tumoral, muy vascularizada, de alta complejidad; por lo cual la intervención tuvo una duración  de 3 horas con resultado exitoso, reaccionando en muy buenos términos la paciente que quedó en recuperación. [caption id="attachment_91197" align="aligncenter" width="500"] El doctor Eduar Sarmiento siguió antes, durante y posterior a la operación el caso de Yolenis. Foto Prensa Sahum[/caption] Yolenis recibió una gran atención en el Hospital Universitario. Perdió demasiada sangre en la intervención. Su caso fue seguido muy de cerca por todos los niveles del nosocomio, donde, gracias a dicha intervenciòn quirúrgica, no sólo le devolvieron su salud, si no también su vida y una nueva esperanza para seguir adelante y terminar de criar a sus 8 hijos. Volver a casa.... El seguimiento continuó con igual intensidad tras la operación y se le dieron todas las atenciones que el caso ameritó para culminar con éxito un gran caso clínico que tuvo una patología de alta comlejidad que, gracias a los conocimientos que intervinieron y a la gracia de Dios pudo ser tratado como se merece y debe. La pérdida importante de sangre por la magnitud de la lesión se niveló y ya habiéndose cumplido el ultimo concentrado globular, la señora Yolenis Montiel junto a sus familiares, se retiró muy sonriente a su casa para retomar la normalidad de su vida, ya que la masa de la lesión desapareció totalmente. Alla la esperan sus ocho vástagos para abrazarla, expectantes para ver su nueva apariencia y que les cuente esta experiencia en la que su vida corriò peligro y que, gracias a las buenas manos que la trataron, puede seguir sonriendole al futuro. Se marchó agradecida por la atención del Servicio Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo (SAHUM) bajo la gerencia de la doctora Rossana Vásquez, se cumple con la atención digna y de calidad que expresan los lineamientos del Ejecutivo Nacional y el Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud (Mpps). El caso de la señora Yolenis Montiel y la forma cómo
el equipo médico pudo tratar su lesión y, más allá, realizar de manera exitosa la extirpación de dicho tumor, pone de manfiesto, una vez más, el talento y conocimientos de los médicos zulianos ante el país y el mundo y ratifica la calidad y alto nivel de la ciencia que, no solo en el Sahum se genera, sino en el Zuia y en todo el país. [caption id="attachment_91198" align="aligncenter" width="813"] La Casa de la Ciencia y la Medicina del occidente venezolano, "El Gigante Azul", foto Cortesía[/caption] Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Con información de Prensa SAHUM
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elladastinkardiamou · 6 years
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At first glance, Yoleni’s looks like an Athenian grocery store of a bygone era. You can taste cold cuts, cheeses and halvah before you buy; the feta is sold by the slice from a large slab preserved in salty brine; and there is a bakery and a fruit and vegetable section. But walk a few steps farther in, and you’ll realize this multi-floor food emporium in Kolonaki, an upscale neighborhood of Athens, is all about showcasing the gems of Greek gastronomy.
“I was thrilled every time I found a new product hidden in a tiny corner of Greece, in a village where an old granny would tell the secrets of a recipe or a hidden treasured ingredient,” said Nikolaos Pipas who, together with Dorotheos Chatziioannou, opened Yoleni’s in 2016. “We wanted to find all those treasures for Yoleni’s, to show people the real Greek cuisine.”
During a recent visit, a dining companion and I started at the downstairs wine bar. With over 30 types of local wine available by the glass (and more by the bottle) the choices overwhelm, but Chara Dionysopoulou, Yoleni’s authority on Greek wine, is there to help. She recommended Alfa Estate’s fruity sauvignon blanc from northern Greece and a barrel-aged vidiano from Douloufakis Wineries on the island of Crete.
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Thursday 08.26.21
9:29a.m - I briefly felt good about myself this morning. Yesterday I resisted the urge to binge AND I stayed within my calorie limit so when I woke up I felt pretty good about myself but I really do hate when I am happy because It scares me.I know that it doesn't last. Plus I feel really guilty because I got up at one a.m to use the bathroom and afterwards I ate one mini exclair which I know shouldn't have done. Also I know Rosa & Yoleni (my coworkers) dislike me. Everyone hates me I just know it.
1:49p.m - I envy normal people. I wish I was okay. I wish I could atleast pretend I was but just can't.
10:29p.m - Unfortunately I binged today and all I can do is acknowledge that it was a unplanned horrible mistake, a lapse in good judgement and move on. There are five day left in August and although this month did not go how I intended to, in terms of weight loss the least I can do for myself is to go into September with a fresh start. So for the rest of August I am going to be determined to stay within my calorie Limits and not binge.
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anjaviely · 4 years
Hi! I've never posted anything here but I need help and I hope someone will see this and at least can help me sending it to others!
My mom has always been a healthy woman, but a year ago she started having intense migraine and after many, many tests, a tumor removed from her head and months of sickness, was told she has cancer in her lungs. She lives in Venezuela and there is almost impossible to be on medications, or even be sick. She has to do 6 sessions on chemo and take steroids and other medicaments that will help her improve her health and possibly win her fight with cancer. Please even one dollar or sharing the campaign helps a lot, help my family, friends and I to keep giving my mom the meds she needs to live a long, long life 🙏🏼
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wiremagazine · 5 years
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By Joey Amato | Photos provided by Visit Rhode Island
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Being a proud gay journalist, I've traveled to dozens of pride events around the world. From São Paulo to Nashville, I've seen just about everything. But, the one thing I had never seen was a night-time parade. That all changed in Providence. Yes…Providence, Rhode Island!
I was thoroughly impressed by the scope and attendance of this Pride festivity called Illuminated Night Parade, part of Rhode Island Pride Fest. The over 2-hour parade dazzled spectators with dozens of floats from the traditional to over-the-top masterpieces, most notably the recreation of the Stonewall Inn, which closed out the parade.
Just as the sunset over downtown Providence, the parade began, with floats decked out in lights, glitter and lots of colors. Hundreds of people marched in the parade, which continues to grow each year. From ages 5 to 75, the people of Rhode Island came out in full force to show their support for the LGBTQ community.
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Some of the most memorable participants in the parade included youth Pride and proud moms and dads who held signs offering free hugs.
After the parade, it seemed like the entire crowd headed to Ego, a nightclub that organizes a massive block party every year, ironically called Massive. This year, the celebration was brought to new heights with DJ Nina Flowers and Alex Acosta at the turntables. Thousands of people lined the street and partied to amazing music and a spectacular laser light show. I never would have known this type of event would take place in Providence.
Block parties are apparently a thing there, as the night prior, many of the other gay bars in the city including Stable, Dark Lady, Alley Cat and The Eagle all threw block parties of their own during the weekend-long celebration. The Dark Lady/Alley Cat party was headlined by musical group Exposé, which brought me back to my teen years. I may have shed a bit of a tear when they sang "I'll Never Get Over You," which they dedicated to Chris Harris, one of the pillars of the Providence LGBTQ community who recently passed away and was an honorary grand marshall of the parade.
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My host hotel for the weekend was the beautiful Omni Hotel and everywhere I turned there were rainbow flags, glitter and scores of LGBTQ people in the lobby gathering with friends. It was wonderful to see a city of its size have such a large celebration that brings in visitors from around the region.
I continued the Pride celebration at the official Rhode Island Pride drag brunch, which was held at The Graduate hotel. The festive brunch was hosted by Miss Gay Rhode Island 2019, Pulp and Mr. Gay Rhode Island 2019, Bret Jacob and featured performances by RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars 4alum Jasmine Masters, Jaqueline DiMera, Kira Stone, Onyx, Assa Sination, and Complete Destruction. A big shout out to Rhode Island Pride president Joe Lazzerini and his team for organizing a truly incredible festival.
In addition to being an extremely gay-friendly city, Providence also has a bustling foodie scene, so head to Yoleni's, a wonderful Greek-inspired eatery and market which serves delicious sandwiches, aromatic coffee and freshly squeezed juices. My favorite item on the menu was the authentic Greek yogurt, which is offered in a variety of flavors. You can also choose from over a dozen toppings. I, of course, opted for rainbow sprinkles.
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Another restaurant worth visiting is Rosalina (Yoleni's sister restaurant). A truly authentic Italian experience, I was drawn to the Caprese salad prepared with burrata cheese, tomatoes, fresh basil and olive oil, with rolled slices of prosciutto de Parma. The cheese simply melts in your mouth and the pairing of the prosciutto is delectable. I could have made this my meal.
Not too far away is Sarto, an Italian Osteria and Salumeria that offers a creative and modern take on rustic Italian fare. While there, I enjoyed the Pan Roasted Skate, which was served with Green Almond Salsa Verde, Charred Lemon and Riso Nero. The skate was cooked perfectly, and the portion size was enough to feed two people. Providence doesn't lack Italian eateries and the ones I had an opportunity to visit on this trip were unique and delicious.
Since the focus of my trip was centered around Rhode Island Pride, I didn't have a ton of time to explore many of the city's neighborhoods and attractions like I normally do. However, I did have a chance to visit the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, which was constructed to honor the 1,727 Rhode Islanders who gave their lives in the Civil War.
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There is so much more to explore in Providence as well as the rest of Rhode Island, so I guess that means I need to come back for an extended visit.  
Enjoy the journey!
Joey Amato is the publisher of Pride Journeys, a website dedicated to LGBTQ travel. Joey has spent over a decade in LGBTQ media and public relations and currently resides in Indianapolis, Indiana. He can be reached at [email protected]
This was originally published in Wire Magazine Issue 22.2019
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lauraramargosian · 5 years
Pride Journey: Providence, Rhode Island!
Pride Journey: Providence, Rhode Island
Being a proud gay journalist, I’ve traveled to dozens of pride events around the world. From São Paulo to Nashville, I’ve seen just about everything. But, the one thing I had never seen was a night-time parade. That all changed in Providence. Yes…Providence, Rhode Island!
I was thoroughly impressed by the scope and attendance of this pride festivity called Illuminated Night Parade, part of Rhode Island Pride Fest. The over 2-hour parade dazzled spectators with dozens of floats from the traditional to over-the-top masterpieces, most notably the recreation of the Stonewall Inn, which closed out the parade.
Just as the sunset over downtown Providence, the parade began, with floats decked out in lights, glitter and lots of color. Hundreds of people marched in the parade, which continues to grow each year. From age 5 to 75, the people of Rhode Island came out in full force to show their support for the LGBTQ community.
Some of the most memorable participants in the parade included Youth Pride and Proud Moms & Dads who held signs offering free hugs.
After the parade, it seemed like the entire crowd headed to Ego, a nightclub which organizes a massive block party every year, ironically called Massive. This year the celebration was brought to new heights with DJ Nina Flowers and Alex Acosta at the turntables. Thousands of people lined the street and partied to amazing music and a spectacular laser light show. I never would have known this type of event would take place in Providence.
LOVELOUD 2019: Positive Celebrity review! Oh, the emotions, performance, and survivors!
Block parties are apparently a thing here, as the night prior, many of the other gay bars in the city including Stable, Dark Lady, Alley Cat, and The Eagle all threw block parties of their own during the weekend-long celebration. The Dark Lady/Alley Cat party was headlined by musical group Exposé, which brought me back to my teen years. I may have shed a bit of a tear when they sang “I’ll Never Get Over You,” which they dedicated to Chris Harris, one of the pillars of the Providence LGBTQ community who recently passed away and was an honorary Grand Marshall of the parade.
My host hotel for the weekend was the beautiful Omni Hotel and everywhere I turned there were rainbow flags, glitter, and scores of LGBTQ people in the lobby gathering with friends. It was wonderful to see a city of its size have such a large celebration that brings in visitors from around the region.
I continued the pride celebration at The Official Rhode Island Pride Drag Brunch, which was held at The Graduate hotel. The festive brunch was hosted by Miss Gay Rhode Island 2019, Pulp and Mr. Gay Rhode Island 2019, Bret Jacob and featured performances by RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 4 alum Jasmine Masters, Jaqueline DiMera, Kira Stone, Onyx, Assa Sination, and Complete Destruction. A big shout out to Rhode Island Pride president Joe Lazzerini and his team for organizing a truly incredible festival.
In addition to being an extremely gay-friendly city, Providence also has a bustling foodie scene, so head to Yoleni’s, a wonderful Greek-inspired eatery and market which serves delicious sandwiches, aromatic coffee, and freshly squeezed juices. My favorite item on the menu was the authentic Greek yogurt, which is offered in a variety of flavors. You can also choose from over a dozen toppings. I, of course, opted for rainbow sprinkles.
Another restaurant worth visiting is Rosalina (Yoleni’s sister restaurant). A truly authentic Italian experience, I was drawn to the Caprese salad prepared with burrata cheese, tomatoes, fresh basil and olive oil, with rolled slices of prosciutto de Parma. The cheese simply melts in your mouth and the pairing of the prosciutto is delectable. I could have made this my meal.
Not too far away is Sarto, an Italian Osteria, and Salumeria that offers a creative and modern take on rustic Italian fare. While there, I enjoyed the Pan Roasted Skate, which was served with Green Almond Salsa Verde, Charred Lemon, and Riso Nero. The skate was cooked perfectly, and the portion size was enough to feed two people. Providence doesn’t lack Italian eateries and the ones I had an opportunity to visit on this trip were unique and delicious.
Since the focus of my trip was centered around Rhode Island Pride, I didn’t have a ton of time to explore many of the city’s neighborhoods and attractions like I normally do. However, I did have a chance to visit the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, which was constructed to honor the 1,727 Rhode Islanders who gave their lives in the Civil War.
There is so much more to explore in Providence as well as the rest of Rhode Island, so I guess that means I need to come back for an extended visit.
Enjoy the Journey!
About the author
Joey Amato is the publisher of Pride Journeys, a website dedicated to LGBT travel. Joey has spent over a decade in LGBT media and public relations and currently resides in Indianapolis, Indiana. He can be reached at [email protected]
The post Pride Journey: Providence, Rhode Island! appeared first on Positive Celebrity News and Gossip.
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contetravel · 6 years
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Yoleni’s Providence // Providence, RI
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buzzbestreviews · 2 years
The Best Backpack Leaf Blowers Under $150 of 2022 – Top Rated Picks
 With the best backpack leaf blower, the user can clean up all kinds of leaves in a short time. It is a lightweight blower that can be attached to any backpack.
So here are the best backpack leaf blowers under $150 for you!
See more: The Best Backpack Leaf Blowers Under $150 of 2022 - Top Rated Picks - Buzz Best Reviews
The Best Backpack Leaf Blowers Under $150
The backpack leaf blower is one of the best tools for outdoor enthusiasts. It has a powerful engine and can be used to blow leaves and debris from tall trees. , bushes, grass and other obstructions. The leaf blower can also be used to clean branches that have fallen onto the road. It is one of the most reliable tools in the toolbox of any homeowner’s arsenal. The backpack leaf blower comes with a bag that can hold up to three pounds of dirt, leaves, or other debris.
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YOLENY Backpack Leaf Blower
How to Find Your Perfect Backpack Leaf Blower Reviews
If you are looking for a backpack leaf blower, you should be aware of the various brands and models that are available on the market. . You may also be looking for a backpack leaf blower that will deliver maximum performance and efficiency. Both the types of backpack leaf blowers that are available in the market have their own advantages and disadvantages. But then again, you need to find out more about each of these varieties before making your decision. Let’s get into a detailed look at some of the top varieties of peppers that are available in the market today.
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HomVent Gas Leaf Blower
Is it better to do several slow, light passes or a quick jet?
There is no right answer. The ultimate tool depends on the job at hand and the user’s preference. The primary benefit of a leaf blower is that you can blow away snow and other debris without having to stop your car when needed. If you have more than one car in your driveway
Is It Worth It?
The first thing that you need to know about buying a leaf blower is how much it costs. Then look at the features to see if you can get what you want for a reasonable price. If you can afford it, then go ahead and buy one of these more expensive units because they usually offer better features and convenience.
Leaf blowers are a great tool for outdoor enthusiasts. An electric motor provides an efficient way to blow leaves from the ground. and enjoy a more exciting time at the yard or deck. Leaf blowers also have many uses, including blowing leaves from trees and piles of leaves at the curb. Leaf blowers are a great tool for outdoor enthusiasts. With an electric motor, they provide an efficient way to blow leaves from the ground and enjoy a more exciting time in the yard or deck.
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decorishing · 2 years
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[gallery] Make sure this fitsby entering your model number. 【MODERN & RETRO DESIGN】 There is a sense of classic modern retro timeless style given off in button tufted glossy and lustrous linen fabric armchair. Additionally, refined stitch seam,exquisite engraved wooden legs giving chair authentic charm to your living room and bedroom, is a great addition to home decor. 【DURABLE&LONG LAST】The arm chair made of solid wood frame and soft sponge. Covered with soft linen fabric, which allowed the color brightly to come together, and the seat is not easy to pilling and abrasion. Legs made of solid wood are not easy to be damaged, supporting the stability of the sofa chair without wobbling. The arm chair designed for adults with sturdy frame make it can perfectly support a man up to 300 lbs. 【PERFECT SIZE FOR SPACE】 The beautiful accent chair, which is the ideal size for a small space but plenty of room for seat. Armrests providing you relax resting space with padded cushion to be more comfortable. The back is designed more broader compared with other sofa chair. The arm chair is a great addition for living room, make you get more comfort feeling while reading, gaming, or in front the fireplace. 【COMFY & STABLE SITTING EXPERIENCE】Breathable fabric upholstered chair for optimal environment in summer and thermal sitting in winter covers high density sponge foam, which provides strong resilient cushion to uncage you after busy daily work. Solid wood tapered legs with antislip foot pads is for protection from floor scratches and your safe seat. 【EASY ASSEMBLY & MAITENANCE】Easy assembly is required and the single sofa easy lounge well packed, Usually only need a few minutes to finish the installation. High-quality and wear-resistant upholstered surface is easy to clean and maintain with clean dry cloth or vacuum. [amz_corss_sell asin="B0998FZ5WY"] https://www.decorishing.com/product/yoleny-mid-century-wingback-arm-chairmodern-upholstered-fabric-high-back-accent-chair-with-wood-legsupholstered-single-sofa-club-chair-for-living-room-bedroom-home-officered-leaves/?feed_id=32978&_unique_id=62775229125f8
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toptenbestblogs · 2 years
Best wood tv stand
Best wood tv stand
Getting the right one in a market with various options is a time-consuming task. That’s why we examined brands to come up with this list of the wood tv stand. Having undergone thorough testing, we hope that you’re going to find one of them impressive. We spent around 49 hours just find the wood tv stand for you and based on the complete research we have selected that YOLENY 51” Retro TV Stand,…
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goodbuys · 3 years
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https://www.amazon.com/YOLENY-Compact-Spinning-Portable-Apartments/dp/B099Z2N8KJ/ref=zg_bsms_appliances_11/138-8630686-1901135?pd_rd_i=B099ZHJR8L&psc=1 #amazonshopping https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca7i1JVoKz3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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grece2018 · 6 years
Arrivée à Athènes
Enfin arrivés après 9 heures d'avion!!! Il fait beau et chaud, soit 30 degrés. Et aussi très humide (on ne s’en sort pas).
Tout se passe comme sur des roulettes pour sortir de l’aéroport. Nous avons un taxi réservé (Mercedes) qui nous amène à l’hôtel situé à 40 km de l’aéroport.
Comme il n’est que 10 h à notre arrivée, la chambre n’est pas prête. On laisse nos valises en consigne et on part déjeuner. La ville est encore endormie. Les boutiques pas encore ouvertes. C’est curieux, car il n’y a pas de bruit. Pourtant, la ville compte 4 millions d’habitants.
Fidèles à nous-mêmes, on se perd un peu avant de revenir à l’hôtel. On y fait une petite pause d’une heure, et on repart explorer.
Déjeuner dans un café près de l’hôtel
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Notre hôtel : le Best Western Muséum. Correct, mais sans plus.
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Premier arrêt de l’après-midi. Ascension du mont Lycabettus en téléphérique. On voit la ville. C’est magnifique.
Deuxième arrêt : gelato, en route vers la Plaka (le Vieux-Montréal d’Athenes). Miam miam!!! Gelato aussi bonne sinon meilleure qu’en Italie
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Troisième arrêt : l’épicerie fine Yoleni’s qui regorge de produits locaux, dont des huiles d’olive. On y reviendra avant de prendre l’avion.
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Dernier arrêt: la Plaka. On zyeute les boutiques, dont la fameuse distillerie Brettos, où on vend de l’ouzo et du vin blanc grec, et on cherche un restaurant pour souper.
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Premier souper grec dans une taverne familiale, un peu en retrait de la grosse activité touristique. On y partage salade grecque, feta frit avec graines de sésame et miel, courgettes frites, crevettes frites et morue avec purée de pommes de terre à l’ail. Une bière pour moi, du vin blanc pour Robert.
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On revient à l’hôtel en marchant, pour digérer la friture... tous les taxis sont jaunes ici. Facile de les repérer.
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Demain, il faut se lever à 5 h (je sais, on fait ben pitié), car on quitte l’hôtel à 6 h en direction du port du Pirée. On s’en va faire dodo. À demain à Mykonos!
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