#YOU get bug wings and YOU get bugs wings and YOU-
grind-pantera · 4 hours
Having snow ball fights with the apes playfully>>
*Laying all this fluff out for you guys in hopes that you forgive me for demolishing, and proceeding to demolish, your emotions with the customary series*
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Snow was rare for the area, Noa thought and watched as the delicate flakes fell from the gray sky above. Maybe… Once or twice in his entire life had it been cold enough for it to actually stick. It was nice, he was not denying that as a shiver ran down his spine, a few flakes clinging happily to the prickly fur that was standing up . The way it clung to the ground like it was the very breath it needed to survive, first only a dusting and getting piled on by the minute. As much as he wanted to pay attention to each flake to see if the tale was true - that they were all different shapes - his sharp green eyes caught the movement of you as were trotting through the open meadow, usually alight with greens and pastels of the wildflowers, now washen in white and almost blinding. 
But there you were, tightly bundled in a puff. Well, Noa knew it to be a winter jacket after he gave you a quizzical look when you slid it on in preparation of going outside, but the appearance and given the fact that it was a few sizes too big for you, make you look like you were walking around on stick legs, nothing more than one of those bugs that rolled in on itself out of defense on the top. He had always wondered what Echo’s did in the winter, when the cold was at its peak, and he finally got his answers. As funny at a distance as it looked, he found it endearing as you lifted your hand to play against the snowflakes in a bid to get some to melt against your open palm.
Like his thickened fur that set in right around mid-fall, you were also able to shuffle into layers, albeit, the idea of being able to shed it rather than it being a permanent fixture against your body was not favorable to him. How did you sleep with that thing on? He tilted his eyes, realizing that he had lost sight of you. Green gaze stuck around the area you had just been, Anaya and Soona coming into his periphery as they were coming to join the usual afternoon shenanigans before the evening meal. He lifted his head to greet them.
“Echo?” Anaya inquired, watching as your head finally popped up from the snow. You had been laying on your back, Noa realized, that’s how he lost sight of you. Curiously, he nodded at Anaya and the three of them walked towards you. “They’re called snow angels,” You smiled at your artwork as you straggled to your feet, trying to keep enough traction that you didn't sleep upon the sleek nature. “I--- Used to dream about making them as a kid, it never really snowed enough though.” The imprint of your body with what looked like wings imprinted on the ground looked like nothing other than a blob to all three of the Apes, but none of them had it in their hearts to really say anything about it as Noa soaked in your words a bit more than the others, “Snow… Angel?” Nodding, you crouched down and rolled some snow into your hands and began compacting it delicately at first but with gained momentum, it rolled into a semi-hardened ball and you found it hard not to laugh as you held the melting item in the palm of your hand, “This is a snowball.” Pretty on the nose as far as descriptive words went, Noa thought sarcastically and looked at it. He raised an eyebrow at you before you stood up quickly, arching your arm back and throwing the item with intense strength, so much so that Noa found the grunt you made when releasing to barrel through the air quite inviting.
Anaya was hit moments later.
Right on the back of the head, near the base of his neck. He growled at that, lifting a hand up and rubbing there before looking back towards you and Noa and you were fast to duck downwards, buffering yourself with your arms as you dropped to lay flat on your stomach. “Did he see me?” Noa, amused at his friend's reaction to being hit, laughed out a bit and looked down at you, “Yes, he’s coming this way.” Noa squinted, allowing himself the pleasure of Anaya dropping a large armful of snow right onto you. The screech you released followed by bouts of laughter were more than enough to convince Noa that these… Snowballs, you had called them, were a game and more fun than he initially thought.
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Caesar did not like the snow. He did not mind the rain, but the snow was beyond his liking and it was a disgusting addition to the Colony that led to the ground being nothing more than a slurry of browns mixing into the whites, turning gray and gross with each step an Ape took against it. It was rather tolerable when he was able to stay in the confines of a fire, enjoying the heat more as his dense fur really seeped into his pores and he was able to be self-sufficient with heat for hours from sitting in front of a fire for only a few minutes. He had done just that earlier in the morning before you adamantly dragged him out of the toasted nature of the enclosure he shared with you. 
There was no way you were enjoying it either, given the fact that you had nothing against the cold other than a few layered sweaters and a larger one on top of the rest of the layers that you were able to cover your hands with and a hat. He made a mental note to himself, watching as you trailed a few feet in front of him, your boots leaving indentations in the pure snow below, that he’d look for a winter jacket for you and maybe some gloves the next time he stumbled upon an abandoned human camp if you weren’t with him. And if you were, he would remind you to look for the items yourself.
So caught up in the chill that rested in his bare feet, Caesar’s gaze had been watching the way your steps looked in the snow below, when he looked up to see if you were still near, you were… Gone. He came to a slow stop at that. You couldn’t have gotten far, otherwise your movements would have been more detectable. Narrowing his gaze, his right ear picked up on a few sounds behind a large tree, frosted over the bark and up to Caesar’s shoulder. There you were, he thought to himself and with a small grumble in his chest to keep himself motivated to move rather than going back to the Colony in hopes that you would simply follow, he gravitated towards the tree, but once he looked behind it completely, you were nowhere to be seen. Obviously, from the stances of your feet in the snow below, you had been but the rapid nature of your steps, you had moved away just as quickly. Caesar drew a deep breath in. He had no time or willpower for games this late morning.
He understood the premise, you wanted to enjoy the cold and didn't want to be trapped inside the Colony the entire day, and snow was always a good time, he recalled at times reading children books when he was younger with Will detailing days spent in the snow. Snowmen, snow angels, snowballs, igloos… His favorite, admittedly, was Curious George in the Snow. He was still able to see the pictures vividly, to read the words to the best of his ability. A very happy monkey in the snow, versus a very grumpy Chimpanzee baring through it for the sake of his mate. How twisted life was sometimes, Caesar laughed at that and stayed near the tree you had been.
He could have sworn he heard your voice saying his name to the left and without hesitation at the beckon, never something that was a threat when it came from you and you only, he turned his head in the direction he thought it was coming from. You were playing hide and seek, Caesar dabbled on that with a brief smile. First, you drag him out into the snow and then you dare play a game with him that he, inherently as an Ape, was really good at and he was going to---
A flurry of white hit his peripheral before an explosion of snow hit his vision, blinding him for just a second before his eyes focused. Mouth ajar, he looked in the direction the projectile came from and he came to face his attacker. You. Another snowball in your hands and you had just nailed him with another. The smile on your face was beyond smug, something Caesar wanted to drag you home with in hopes that maybe he’d be able to wipe it straight off with a good session in the nest, the justification being that he was staving off your hypothermia. 
He considered the same retaliation, but you would see that coming. Seeing him bend down, forming a ball and by the time the Ape King stood, you were more than likely running off afraid of being pelted. Instead, you laughed at him, the smile so familiar and drawing Caesar in closer, close… He dropped. On all fours and galloped right at you, your reaction being too slow and without reserve, Caesar had you tackled down into the snow, careful enough in his movements that he wasn’t going to hurt you, but you did groan upon impact, your entire body suddenly being wrapped in warm as he laid himself flat on top of you. “Let me go.” You straggled, unable to hide the amusement in your face as you chuckled, weezing out a few cackles. “Caesar!” “No.” You felt like you couldn’t catch your breath as you threw your head back, his hands coming to grasp at your hips to keep you pinned down. “I can’t breathe!” “Yes you can.” He made sure of his words by not pressing his full body weight. “Apologize.” “Never.” “Apologize.” “You deserved it, I’m sorry I hit your face, I-I swear I was aiming for your chest.” Your laughter soon became nervous as Caesar’s hands left your body, and he was reaching above your head to cup some snow. “No, you wouldn’t.”
He wasn’t stopping, your laughter boisterous as you began struggling against him. Not out of primal, animalistic fear, out of fear of the snow hitting your face. He dangled it right above your face, your eyes focusing on the flurries. 
Cackling like a maniac, you shook your head, reaching above your head in a mirror of Caesar's previous actions, slamming some more snow against the side of his face. He was shocked enough by that, the snow in his grasp falling as you finally managed to get yourself free and without worry or care, you began running off. Caesar blinked. And then again, not willing to admit that he was having fun, before he rose carefully, darting right after you in a bid of revenge.
Blue Eyes / Ash.
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You looked at Ash with intent focus. Lifting your hands to your eyes, your pointer and middle finger adjacent to your eyes, you followed the movement outwards to the landscape that had been deliciously drenched in virgin snow. You were telling your friend to watch your back, you were about to go into the battlefield. You had a severe disadvantage. Blue Eyes was able to swing through the trees and drop down an attack.
You… You had your legs, the ground below and a dream as you looked down at the pre-made snowballs in your satchel that rested against the side of your body. Ash understood his assignment and nodded at you, watching as you hyped yourself up with rapid breathing, rising yourself onto your forearms before your feet planted your weight into the snow below and you began running. Harder and faster than you had in a while, your heart was racing in your chest. 
“I’m gonna make it!!” You yelled at Ash, seeing the embankment of the river only a few meters in front of you. The end of the line, the decided point that you had given in this very intense game that you were playing with Ash and Blue Eyes. Forming an alliance only with Ash as you both came to reckon that Blue Eyes was competitive, leaving you to wonder if that was a trait he got from Caesar or Cornelia, was a good move. You were fast at making the snowballs themselves, and Ash was good at spotting the Ape Prince and throwing them before Blue Eyes had the chance to nail you.
The laughter you let out was ripping, Blue Eyes watching intently from the second branch of a conifer as you drew closer to the river. Closer… Closer. He looked over at Ash who looked up at him. They were subsequently in cahoots. Ash faking an alliance with you, but his diligence towards Blue Eyes was evident as you were hit between the shoulder blades by a flying snow projectile. Not hard enough to cause any pain, but it was alarming as you screamed in response. 
“Who did that?!” It looked like you were running in circles at this point, another snowball flying your way from Ash himself, another following that was tossed by Blue Eyes. “A-Ash!!” Crying that out, you looked towards the area you had just darted from at your alleged alliance. “You---” Blue Eyes was suddenly in front of you, your eyes widening in surprise. “No.”
‘Think we won.’ He signed at you, your hand at your side tucking into your bag to grab a ball. It was cold and melting, but the more compressed and melted it was, the harder of a hit it was going to be. Given his heightened senses, he was able to grab your arm before you tossed the ball at him in defense, your wrist suddenly encased by Blue Eyes’ large hand. ‘Time to admit you lost.’
“I’m taking this ship down with me.” You smiled at Blue Eyes, knowing exactly how it must have appeared for him as you drew your face that much closer to him. In the midst of surprise to your sudden closeness, his chest swelling at the prospect that you were going to touch him, you took advantage of his reaction, snapping your arm away from him and tossing a gait towards Ash, whom you successfully hit with a few snowballs before rounding a tree and making your way to the river. “I’m gonna win! I’m gonna tell Caesar all about how much his son--- OOF---” You… Disappeared. Ash looked at Blue Eyes, and Blue Eyes looked at the skid on the ground where you had vanished, bringing himself towards it cautiously in case you were playing another rouse to get him hit with another snowball. Once he came up the small embankment of raised ground, his azure glance, more blue now in the cold and bleak weather, noticed you. Slipped, you must have slipped and didn't realize that there was a small hill behind you and you ultimately lost your balance and went tumbling down.
Concern hit him at once as he got a bit closer, letting his curled hand place against your back. Movement caught him off guard, your shoulders moving. Were you… Laughing…? Blue Eyes looked over at Ash as his friend joined him to make sure you were okay, but it was more than obvious that you were, face down in the snow by all means, but your giggles were entrancing as usual for him. 
Out-stretched to the right, your hand. Blue Eyes looked at it as you turned your head to look at him. You were barely skidding the iced water of the river. Smiling at him, he narrowed his eyes playfully at you as you were given the power to gloat, “I knew I’d win. No one beats the champion.” 
“Wait,” You screeched, arms being held up by Blue Eyes whose movement towards your appendages you didn't see, your legs to follow by Ash and the two of them held your weight up as they trailed a bit closer to the river, “WAIT!! DON’T THROW ME IN THERE!! I’m the winner! I won fair and square!"
With one hand still holding you, Blue Eyes signed at Ash, ‘Did she win fairly?’ You watched the signing with baited breath and looked down at Ash who had your feet. 
‘She tried to rally me against you,’ Was his response, ‘Not fair. Each Ape to themself.’ “But I’m Human!” You bargained again with a nervous chuckle, “That rule doesn’t apply to me, right?”
The pair shared a glance. Blue Eyes nodded. Ash nodded. Your body swung back and without reserve, you were tossed like a leaf towards the water, “NOOOOO!!!!!”
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kedreeva · 10 hours
Hi! I have a small farm but your posts have made me consider adding some peafowl. I've had guineafowl and chickens but god would i love peafowl. I also saw your posts with your hand raised peahen in the house, and I was wondering if she's actually litter trained? I have some bottle babies but have transferred them all out to typical barn/pasture existence, but if I could litter train a peafowl for (partial) indoor existence that would be glorious
As I have said many many times before and will likely say many many times again, you do not want a permanent house peafowl, I promise you. Bug was indoors with me because a) I have over a decade of experience with these birds, b) I did a sex linked breeding so I KNEW that she was a girl from the second she hatched c) I didn't particularly want to hand raise her, but I also wanted sleep and the birds are brooded in the house and she would not stop screaming d) I knew I was going to be home full time basically 24/7 to raise her without having to leave her on her own for long stretches while I was at work and e) I raised her with the full intention of putting her out when she was old enough to hold her own with the big birds- and that's where she currently lives, outside where she belongs.
They cannot be house/litter trained, the most you can do is diaper them, and they're not big enough for that for a few months and wearing one is always a risk- if they catch a toe from a poorly-fitted or poorly-applied diaper, they are strong enough to break their own legs and/or break their necks/wings struggling to get out.
Unlike standard breed chickens and farm waterfowl, peafowl can fly, like Actually Fly, and they can do so from about day 3 of life. You don't want a 10lb bird throwing itself around your house, because they're not passerines, they can't grasp things with their feet so they will just knock everything you love over in an attempt to find flat ground to stand on wherever they want to be. And they WILL throw temper tantrums when they're not getting their way- when you aren't sharing food, when you aren't going to bed at 6pm in the winter, when you aren't performing their daily schedule right, etc. They're just smart enough to be assholes, and big enough that that's a problem.
On top of that, males that are hand raised become exceedingly aggressive at maturity, to the point where many have been put down because they will relentless hunt and attack humans in their territory, and they have nasty spurs on their legs, and the ability to fly and to jump at least 6 feet up and hardly use their wings, which means they CAN jump and spur you in the face- and unlike chickens, they know where your face is, and will go for it. I've seen several folks with injuries from aggressive boys where the person narrowly escaped losing an eye. I, myself, was clawed over one eye once just from a bird that was eluding capture, and I'm well aware how much more badly that could have gone if she'd meant it rather than just trying to get away from being caught. The hens are (usually, although I've seen an exception) not aggressive, but unless you have the ability to socialize a hand raised hen with other birds, they have a hugely difficult time adapting to living in a flock, and I've heard many others refuse to breed with the males of their own kind. If they can't adapt to socializing with other birds, they can stress hugely when left alone or with other birds, and this can make them prone to illness.
The photos are cute, but this is a 110% "please do not attempt this at home" kind of deal. I've been caring for/learning about peafowl and their care in some way for 20 years and breeding them for the last 15 or so and I can say with my whole chest that you don't need any complications when getting into peafowl. There are already a million things that can go wrong just trying to raise a peafowl in a normal way, people kill the babies so often that a) reputable breeders often refuse to sell before 3 months old so they are well started and hardy and b) at least one Large Scale breeder I know of sells multi-pack day old chicks (the "discards" from his experimental pens) for super cheap because he fully expects them to die so he doesn't have to worry about competition on rare color breeding and can still make a buck.
If you want peafowl, and you have the space and the ability to pen one properly, and access to proper food and vet care, and you've done research on care and behavior, then absolutely go for it, they make great farm animals and they're really easy to befriend as subadults and even as adults and some birds are even super chill and will come right up and say hi (like Eris, whom I took home from another breeder because I visited and she just walked up and started inspecting me for treats like a chicken). But they do not make great indoor pets, even partially as adults.
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cozzzynook · 2 days
I’ve been thinking of triple changer bee, hear me out now pls. I don’t have his origins nailed down yet but so far I got: he was originally forged as a seeker, but minibot style since the war was beginning and most of the resources were being taken up leaving only scraps. later, for some reason, he got a T-cog for a grounder alt mode and he refrained himself from using his flyer alt mode after. occasionally he does fly but rarely and on his own. he doesn’t have wings like other seekers do, instead his wings are extra durable armor on his frame (ex. his arms). but when he gets to earth and gains both alt modes he gets door wings because cybertronian cars don’t have doors.
why am I telling you this? because I think you’ll like it and if you have anything else to add onto this! like ships or anything, like what how do you think the bots bee’s close with would react to this small bug being a triple changer. love your writing!!
Thank you so much! Send as many asks or ramble/ideas as you like 🩷
I like this idea and him not using his seeker frame much despite being one before becoming a grounder is so cool and opens the door for me to say he was raised by the elite trine during the war and at that time sparklings were huge targets and weakness and seekers were being hunted since almost all of them joined the decepticon cause.
So Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp would teach Bee to only use his wings when with them in private so he wouldn’t be an even bigger target.
I’m putting my own spin on this saying Bee had what was considered a dysfunctional t-cog since he didn’t have typical seeker wings. Instead he had wings that resembled an actual bumblebee. His door wings would transform and fan out allowing him to take flight. His wings gave off the hum of an actual bee and he was quite fast in the air but he couldn’t reach the same feats regular seekers could but his small stature worked in his favor when it came to speed and agility.
He wasn’t used in the war since the trine didn’t want their sparkling in danger but he still wanted to prove himself and so he would sneak off to Megatron when he was old enough and the mech would give him the job of spying on the autobots.
At first Megatron only sent him to places that weren’t dangerous so he could keep the mini from actual harm since he would not have Starscream or the other two actually trying and succeeding in offlining him for endangering their sparkling.
It wasn’t until Bee had to hide in the lower bowels of autobot territory did he gather important information that later helped him become an actual spy and find a grounder t-cog that was added to his frame later on so he could blend in better.
The trine hated it but Bee was so happy he could do something and prove himself since he was so the smallest, youngest and weakest among their group.
No one really minded since he was the bitty of their ranks along with a few others but Bee did.
Bee had the typical seeker frame that was slender and no bulk with a blade in one arm and a small energy canon in the other. His carriers Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp hated the way his frame ended up looking like a femme when he fully became an adult mecha. Bee loved it but they hated it because they didn’t think any bot was worthy to look at their baby while Bee had to suffer getting spike blocked by his carriers and all the older bots who would shove the mechs his age away from him.
Bee loved his carriers but he needed a moment, just a moment, away from them.
That moment turned into him being kidnapped and taken as a “survivor” in autobot clutches.
Bee immediately commed his carriers and Megatron only to see Longarm who he knew was actually Shockwave in disguise. He managed to find a moment alone with the shape changer and reveal a hidden servo code in case the mech didn’t know who he was.
“I know exactly who you are little bee. I’ve already alerted your carriers and Lord Megatron of your location just as you have. You were smart to do so but not smart to go off on your own like that.”
“Im a grown mecha I can have a moment alone!”
He had little flicks of electricity dancing between his horns at his frustration and Shockwave didn’t make it any better when he laughed calling him a sparkling.
“That may be, but you are still a youngling at spark.”
The plan was to get Bee to a certain location so the cons could grab him but the autobots snatched Bee when Shockwave was busy at a council meeting and took him onto the command ship lead by Sentinel Prime and Jazz who has held Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Bulkhead and Prowl along with Jetfire and Jetstorm.
Bee wakes up to his carriers frantic comms and Shockwaves massages along with Megatron demanding his status.
He immediately shares optic feed with his carriers out of fear because he’s never been away from them, not like this. Not since they found him at the hot spot waiting for their cna to make complete him.
He sheds a few static fluids trying to put on a brave face plate only to be completely terrified by the two mechs Jazz and Prowl sneaking up on him and asking if he was alright.
He’s not proud to admit he shrieked and swiped his claws at them before high tailing. He’s happy he at least did one thing in defense besides run but he was not proud to hide as he tried finding a data room to get coordinates to leave.
Thankfully his carriers and Megatron knew the system he was traveling and his carriers were on their way. But it would take years to get there without a transwarp, he told them as much and all three of his carriers were foaming at the mouth at the realization they had to leave him to get back home himself.
“I’ll come back to you…I promise..I’ll gather any intel that could be useful while playing my role. Any luck and I can make my way back to him on Cybertron.”
They knew who bee meant and they still didn’t like it but Bee tried to put on the front of a brave soldier and Megatron respected him enough to humor it even if he was shaking at the vocalizer.
“Please don’t forget me,” he whispered before he cut transmission off and stood.
Luck was on his side because autobots never knew his existence thanks to careful crafting and his amazing gift of espionage despite his loud mouth and colorful frame. He really was one of the best spies the cons had to offer and he trained under the best with watchful optics from his carriers.
But now he was a grown mech on his own and it was time he grew up.
“Kid, I know you’re scared but we won’t hurt ya. We just wanted ta check on ya,” Bee jumped in surprise at the sound of the older mech so close to him.
He looked behind himself to see all the mechs on board giving him a sympathetic gaze and he hated it.
He had knowledge on who each bot was in the room and the one he truly disliked was the aft head making his way towards him with a frown on his face and a pipe up his exhaust port.
“Don’t go causing any more trouble just because you’re scared civi. Got it!”
He wanted to upper cut the spikeless mech but the one named Optimus stepped forward quite literally pushing Sentinel out of the way and bending a little to speak to Bee politely.
“We should’ve had a better plan and someone friendly like Bulkhead here to greet you when you woke but we were preoccupied. I apologize for the panic we’ve caused you. Please, ask any questions you’d like and I’ll do my best to answer.”
“Please don’t bend down to talk to me I’m not a new spark I’m almost a two million years old.”
“Not a new spark my aft,” Ratchet grouched smirking.
If he didn’t remind Bee of a grandsire he’d be fuming right about now.
“I’m sorry for that,” Optimus’s helm fins moved back in embarrassment and the one named Jazz slung an arm around Prowls waist, probably conjunx judging from the familiarity, as they came a little closer.
“Names Jazz, this here’s my spark Prowler,” “—Just Prowl,” the black and gold mech cut in, “that there’s Bulkhead best space bridge tech in all cybertron, Ratchet the best medic in Cybertron, thee Optimus Prime, the twins Jetfire and Jetstorm and the loveable aft Sentinel.”
“Thats Sentinel Prime, captain of this pitiful crew and ship to you lieutenant Jazz.”
Bee could think of plenty of ways to make Sentinels offlining look like an accident but he couldn’t chance it with Ratchet here. That mech would find it and he’d be screwed.
“Where am I and why am I here?”
“We’re heading to a comrade planet and we were told to bring you along because high command couldn’t chance the cons coming after you.”
“What? Coming after me?”
What they took as fear was really Bee hurt that he couldn’t have left sooner.
“Seems some dangerous cons were skulking around to bring you back kid,” Ratchet answered for the group.
“Yeah, a real dangerous group lead by a femme named Strika,” Bulkhead spoke nervously.
“We agreed it best to bring you for your safety and we’re glad we did. An extremely dangerous mech managed to get through some of our best elite guards. He was almost…point is..young one, we’re glad we got to you and left on time.”
Optimus spoke to him in a tone that would be comforting if thats what his situation required. But as it stands he didn’t need their comfort, he needed freedom to return home and the knowledge he was so close yet ripped from it while recharging left him feeling a piece of his spark tear.
“What..what was their designation?”
They looked nervous to say but one spoke up.
“A triple changer by the name Blitzwing tore his way through. He was adamant about getting to you. He wouldn’t stop following us until we jumped through the space bridge. After that received word he was erratic before leaving.”
Bee couldn’t stop himself from dropping to the floor boards staring at nothing.
Blitzwing came for him..
He ignored his carriers embarrassing rejections of never being allowed near their sparkling.
He went out on his own to find him.
The one mech who always made him laugh and left his favorite flowers on his berth cushion every week.
The same mech who made him helm crystals by servo.
The same crystals he’d kept tucked away in his locked subspace for fear of them being taken or broken.
Blitzwing..Blitzwing came looking for him and only left because he had to.
He still felt for Bee.
And now he may never get to see the mech again.
The other’s took his response as fear but his spark cried out for the only one he wanted.
As they tried to get through him, his resolve solidified further.
He would get home.
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evenmoreevil · 1 year
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back on my bug elytra truthing ‼️
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heartnosekid · 8 months
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african peach moth (egybolis vaillantina) | source
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fumifooms · 3 months
another detail for bugliker shuro: in the chapter 60 cover, his succubus is falin with insect wings & legs! a little reminiscent of laios's tbh...
Oh my god you’re RIGHT…
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Even at the most mosquito-like we see them be in canon they only have wings and hair-like antennas, not this full fit with collar and extra legs… The wings don’t look the same… Oh my god Toshiro’s ideal is a bug wife
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bonefall · 3 months
I'm thinking of writing a Grey Wing redemption/pissed off fic where Grey is the one who kills Clear Sky/Skystar (a la Scourge) after he threatens Thunder/Thunderstar and another of Grey's adopted kits.
But idk how Grey gets that pissed. Thoughts?
Idk anon I'm gonna be honest, that feels really unlike Gray Wing. I'd say to use Thunder for a plot like that, tbh, the character that canonically makes several loud and angry rejections of Clear Sky's violence.
I don't like Gray Wing but he's very well characterized, y'know? Even at his absolutely most pissed moment in-canon he can only taunt Clear Sky into killing him with his Star Line. He's verbal, not physical.
He's able to land a little hit on people here and there, but he usually requires an entire group to do damage (Tom the Wifebeater and One Eye). Overall he's really bad at fighting. Good hunter, bad fighter. Even before his asthma he was kinda pathetic; killed Fox with a lucky hit, tried to attack Clear Sky over Jagged Peak and got curbstomped
And like, on that "verbal" thing, he's incredibly nasty and catty when he's upset. Barking at Turtle Tail for having the wrong friend, smugly watching Bumble get dragged off, shouting at Thunder several times over various things, the... whatever the hell the Erins thought they were doing with Jagged Peak (i still maintain that gray was actually totally right to scream at him that One Time, fuck u jagged peak).
I feel pretty strongly that his anger is primarily vocal. He's more likely to start yelling than hitting. If it does come down to an actual death match, he's more likely to get turned into tomato paste lmaoooo
So if he ever DID kill Clear Sky, I'd suggest it be an accident or as a result of one of his plans. In addition to his lack of physical capacity, honestly? I think Gray Wing would buckle if he had to make that choice.
He'd have his claw on his throat and be unable to pull down. Might be able to start screaming, "YOU TOOK MY BROTHER FROM ME!" or make a really harsh speech, maybe even cast Vicious Mockery. But I don't think he could ever ACTUALLY do a Yellowfang, let alone a Scourge. Not even if he saw Clear personally kill someone he loves.
If he ever actually did get Clear Sky killed, he'd also, honestly, probably change immensely for the negative. OR AT LEAST needing a long time to recover and accept he had no choice. I can't imagine him being able to live with the "guilt" very well, it would weigh on him. The "gentleness" would melt away as he becomes overall quite miserable and snappish, like he usually is when he's not happy.
(Could be very interesting to give someone else the kill after Gray can't bring himself to do it. Like Thunder jumped in to save his life, but it causes their relationship to fall apart completely.)
Overall I'd treat the premise as more of a "tragedy" than a "catharsis." Not based in anger, but immense pain and frustration.
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ctommy-chileno · 9 months
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Ive been playing smalland lately so obviously I must make a chom
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pcktknife · 1 year
now i dont know anything about demons but ive never seen someone do a beelzebub interpretation and so heavily drop the whole lord of the flies bee bug thing like that other vivzie show has
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mmm essay about sally and kid gort in the tags (cw for child abuse, mentions of suicide, animal cruelty and a murder attempt. i always hope i don’t have to say this but just in case: i don’t excuse or condone any of her or gort’s behaviour at all.) this is literally not even touching upon everything i have to say because i hit the fucking tag limit lmao. NOBODY READ IT’S BAD BRAINSTORMING I JUST NEEDED TO GET IT OUT SOMEHOW
#thinkin too much about gortie side characters again.#sally this time and why she specifically talks about him the way she does#like dravo is obviously still shitty but to me he was. ‘just ‘neglectful#while sally actively hated and even felt terrorised by her own child#like. it’s not like i don’t understand her at all.#imagine you and your love don’t have much besides each other and your shop and you get pregnant and ready to raise a child#only for it to not be a child he didn’t and doesn’t cry ever and he learns everything so much sooner than most but then he never calls you#his parents and it’s not just a petty thing kids do sometimes you feel that he doesn’t see you as family and the worst part is that you#agree deep down#and as he gets older he doesn’t have any friends and actively rejects the notion of the entire concept#but then as time passes you hear about how he has entire groups of children following him and then several of them commit suicide#and that thing coming to sit with you and dravo at the dinner table says that he did what you did last week when the axe to chop wood broke#and you discarded it and got a new one#and he has these habits of ripping out flowers and making sure that they don’t regrow#and then you hear rumours about a friend’s daughter’s cat disappearing and think nothing of it#until you visit his tree house a month later and find a declawed cat and birds with clipped wings and crushed bugs that he keeps fondly#and then you see him with other children and they don’t know and his face is different and body language is entirely different#and were it not for the fact that you know better you would never see anything but a normal child#and you know that you are one who painstakingly brought this thing that should not be into the world and so you decide to end it all one da#and go to him as he’s asleep with the knife shaking in your hand#but he cries when you’re above him! screams at the top of his lungs!#so you beg for forgiveness even though you don’t deserve it through tears but as soon as the knife is put away you see the act drop and fee#his clever fingers having twisted your brain inside and out and you know that you can do nothing#and so the opportunity arises to at least remove him out of your life if not everyone’s lives and you take it immediately.#but you heard him talk. how he will close his fist around the world one day. and you know that it is not a matter of if but when.#like. imagine that. jesus dude.#like i hc her as someone that is messy and does not know a lot about life and she certainly wouldn’t have been a good mother but the love#or at least desire to love is there somewhere. and believing that having a child is really the only somewhat meaningful thing she can do#with her life. she’s not some hero or rich or anything of note. so there’s a lot obligation and not genuine desire for family here.#but she never really got the chance to be an actual mother in the first place so. who knows what that might have looked like
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shepards-folly · 9 months
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he’s like a beedle or somethin
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Bro if i had wings let them be dragonfly wings.
Let me flutter around and have fun.
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birchbow · 11 months
How does the violet mentality of eradicating weakness in the fleet affect how medicine is practiced? Can trolls could get sicknesses and if so how is that viewed on the fleet? considering they would need treatment how would the medicullers go about it or would they just let the sick patient die. Is there a threshold of severity that the medicullers follow to determine if they will treat that patient.
I was also wondering how advanced the medicine they practice is? Do they rely on tech to mainly treat their patients or just do it manually?
I remember it was mentioned that the ships themselves are kind of outdated but would that also mean that the tech within the ship is also outdated? I guess all that to ask how advanced or not advanced is the tech the trolls use.
Sorry for the loaded question
Lots of things here! To take this in order:
I do think troll medicine is likely to be much less interested in interventions than ours is, and a lot more focused on a) can this troll be fighting fit again, or do we cull them here and now? and if they're salvageable, b) how fast can we make that happen? If an arm is wounded and infected, why would you waste time figuring out how to patch it back together, if it would be much faster to chop it off and slap a prosthesis on?
(note: as i write the church fleet, their standards for "hey they could bounce back" are a lot looser than most of the empire. Maybe there's going to be a miracle! You don't know.)
Trolls definitely do get sick, but as with injuries I'd imagine that the actual interventions are pretty supportive and minimal--there's a lot of research into substances to kill things, paralyze things, cause things pain, etc, but I can't imagine trolls giving much of a shit to, say, refine antibiotics. Got a patient with an infection? Throw some fluids in them, use one of your, like, three antibiotics--if they make it, great, and if they seem to be tanking, cull them and move on.
(note: most of those advancements that have been made were most likely made because either a very important troll or the quadrant of a very important troll needed it. A lot of them are probably also small doses of things mostly used as toxins, to treat symptoms until the troll can fight it off or die--that's essentially what Untoxxic does, when they treat someone whose been poisoned)
(note: I'd imagine that there's about as much work into specifically seadweller illnesses--gills, fins, water-borne parasites and pathogens--as there is into basically all of the rest of medicine, lol. "Cull the weak" is well and good but you can't have your empress or half her court keeling over from some basic gill-pox.)
As far as an overall summary of how advanced their actual tech is; it is as advanced as I need it to be for any given story beat lol. Trolls in canon have massively powerful space travel, but also that seems to be powered by making a telekinetic just kind of yeet you through space with their brain. They seem to have tech comparable to ours, but also all their tech is made out of bugs, goo, or both. Homestuck kind of refused to be pinned down on this point and tbh for once I'm right there with it, trolls are weird little monsters that have whatever tech makes the scenario most fun lmao.
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emuwarum · 11 months
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Avenday when she was a baby. The size of two praying mantises
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heraldofcrow · 11 months
You RUINED Brador for me, I can't even look at any art or screenshot of him now without thinking "oh no he is hot", every single time I see him now I feel strange, unexplainable 'guilt' (?), like if I am doing something wrong dfkjfjdsd Like, how do I even explain or identify what exactly moved me so hard in the way you portrayed him? But yeah, sorry, but for that I will be confiscating Queen Yharnam from you :( Consequences have to follow......
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You don’t understand, I HAD to do this as revenge for what you did to me with Sephiroth!! Saying you imagined Crow with a low anime villain voice which made me look at the most cliche one for reference!!! I WASN’T SURE WHAT YOU MEANT AT FIRST BECAUSE I’VE ONLY EVER WATCHED ONE ANIME!!
You: Bloody Crow would have the anime villain voice xD
Me: Oh, she must mean like that Sephiroth guy or something.
*casually goes to watch a full clip of Sephiroth for the first time to confirm the suspicion*
*three hours pass*
*is still watching clips of Sephiroth, can’t stop looking at gifs, is finally reading up on Final Fantasy, considering playing it, watches more Sephiroth clips, can’t stop reading about the character, journalist frenzy starts, keeps watching clips, goes to work thinking about the character*
So, friend of mine. Consider us even. Enjoy your Brador brainrot. I ain’t even sorry. I WILL do it again. >:)
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