#Yandere Blitzo Helluva boss
knightmare7604 · 11 months
Yandere Blitzø x Male demon reader head canon PT 2.... A.K.A bonus stuff that I forgot about
So first off.....Blitzø would deal with rivals with joy and glee and also a hint of jealousy. He would sneak up on them which would probably fail causing the rival to start running. Hopefully Blitzø has a gun and would shoot them as quickly as possible. If any of your co-workers such as m&m or Loona they would be somewhat disturbed but happy that Blitzø finally FULLY loves someone. Now if Stolas figures out that's a different story because if he figures out he would talk to Blitzø to try and make Blitzø love him and also stop stalking you. But of course Blitzø doesn't give a shit and would instead probably change the subject into a different way for Blitzø to use the book without fucking Stolas every month. Now if you have the same feelings for Blitzø as he does for you (you being a yandere for him) he would figure this out quickly and ask you more sooner than later.
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theautisticwriter · 7 months
Love Letters: Yandere! Helluva Boss characters X G/N Reader
Characters- Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Stolas, Asmodeus, Fizzarolli
Show- Helluva Boss
Genre- romantic, yandere
Summary- Mini love letters from your not so secret stalkers admirers!
Warnings- swearing, pet names, yandere themes, mentions of planned kidnapping, stalking, delusional characters, unwanted attention
Word count- 1.5K
Extra notes- I have a Hazbin Hotel version of this uploaded as well!
key: f/l = first letter of your name, y/n = your name, n/n = your nickname
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By this point you know who it is y/n, I’m the only person COOL enough to send u romantic as fuck letters like the old people do
Sorry for eating the food u made last night, when i was raiding ur fridge it looked so fucking good (and it was, who knew u could cook :P). i left u a pony as a replacement, u can’t eat it but it’ll make u think of me ;) and that pony cost me a FUCK ton of money, collectors addition and shit. i know, bad fucking ass right??
the stupid shitty loud alarm u installed didn’t work when i came in, ud be much safer with me and loony. that’s the plan anyways babe, u have NO idea the fucking creeps that live down here, they’re all fucking animals and ur…not, a fucking asshole i guess.
i drew you smth (it’s the thing stuck on the back of the envelope with the glitter glu)
it’s me and u holding hands, like other couples do. we’re better than those corny fuckers tho, hence the crowns on our heads.
ignoring my texts, BLOCKING ME (still upset about this BY THE WAY) and then ignoring my very nice letters is kinda a dick move f/l, but it’s whatevs. everything is almost ready for ur move in. i cleaned up n everything :D
from the only bitch worth ur time,
<3 (ignore that, moxxie threw a gun at me and my hand slipped, might fire him)
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Hiya sweet cheeks!!!
It’s Mills here, just checking in! Via letter! Ain’t that just the fanciest little thing? Mox said it’s the best way to show thought and care to someone, so here’s all my thoughts and care, just for you!
How’ve you been? Good I hope, I’ve been just peachy thanks for asking! My Ma and Pa are super excited to meet ya one day, they’ve even started planning the wedding! Now I told them to slow their horses down, and not the overwhelm ya, we’ll get to that don’t you worry darlin.
Im just so excited to write this letter for you! Ain’t it so romantic?? I’m practically squealing in delight at the thought of you opening this and swoonin’, that’s what you’re doing, right?
Now i’m writing this on my break, and my boss really needs me back in the game! I got employ of the month! Most amount of kills, with the best and bloodiest results baby!
Until next time sweetheart,
Your Mills! ♡
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Hi y/n,
It’s Moxxie here, I was a little nervous to send this letter to you, but I always try to follow my heart, and my heart was telling me to communicate with you in the most romantic way I know how due to our current circumstances of being so far away. It’s hard, for the both of us i’m sure, but we’ll be okay y/n.
As much as I don’t get along with my father, he has been helpful with my preparations for your arrival. It’s a big deal, moving in together. I’m sure your anxious, I am too, but in the best way possible. Love is pure, and can make somebody feel whole, it’s a wonderful feeling. I never want that to be taken away from me, and you are the source of all my love. That’s why we need to be together, being only half a demon isn’t good for the soul.
We can do lots of fun things together as well, like go to the opera, or to musicals, or I can show you my shooting skills. My boss says that I have a pretty good shot, which is the biggest compliment he’s ever given me. And we can do things you like too, marriage is equal of course. Obviously, this will all happen later done the line, you’ll need time to adjust, and I understand that. I understand you.
I’m running out of room on my page, but I will write to you again tomorrow. Please respond? Just once, y/n? It’d be nice, to hold something from you since I can’t hold you yet.
All my love,
Your Moxxie <3
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Uh, hi?
Wait, you don’t put ‘uh’ in letters do you? Or put wait whilst you think, fuck shit fuck
Sorry, I’m new to this. Normally I just send a text to people but, your phone is off at the moment I think? Or you lost it? Or you blocked me?
Either way, I’ll send you these stupid letter things until it’s back on. So, uh, what are you up to? Blitz has been up my ass about meeting you, heads up, when I come get you and bring you to our room he’s gonna go all psycho dad mode and integrate you, but he’ll back off after a while. He’s a dick sure, but he does want me to be happy. And your, likeable or whatever, so i’m sure you’ll get along.
Once you get comfortable at home with me, Blitz said you could work with me at I.M.P. You’ll be like the co-secretary or something. You won’t be put in danger, I won’t let that happen, you’ll just get to sit with me. We can watch things together, if you wanted.
I guess i’ll see you soon, how do you end these?
See you,
Love from,
Bye y/n,
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My dearest y/n,
I hope this letter finds you well. I yearn for your presence here, besides me. It’s quite lonely without you, I will admit my dear. It would be oh so wonderful if you could write back. I understand you may be preoccupied with your current activities, but I can’t help myself from desiring a response. I know, it’s selfish of me to expect you to reply to my letters when you’ll be here with me shortly, but I can’t keep my thoughts at bay at the moment.
Your face is a constant in my mind, night and day, asleep and awake, your voice in my mind calms me when I need it most, your smile brightens the bleariest of moments and so on. You can imagine the difficulties I’m facing with no response from you, but that’s alright. If you can’t write back to me dear, I won’t pressure you. Your time is precious, and we will have all the time in hell quite soon. Isn’t that exciting?
I can give you the life you deserve n/n, any luxuries or mundanities you wish for will be handed to you on a silver platter. Or a golden one, if that’s more to your liking? We can properly discuss the specifics once we are together. How thrilling, the though of you and I together at last.
We truly are written in the stars!
Yours until the end of the sky and then some,
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Hey there baby,
It’s been a while, huh? I’m sorry if you feel neglected babe, it’s so hard keeping in contact with you when you’re so far away hun. Wouldn’t it be so much better if you were here with me? Sure I’ve got a lot of meetings, being a sin and all, but I’d be at your beck and call n/n, you could even be my new excuse to leave those awful “business” discussions. They barely talk business with me, it’s just complete bullshit babe.
I know the lust ring can be intimidating, we have quite the reputation, but I assure you, love is not a foreign concept to me. Romance is one of my most favourite things! Though that’s a secret, let’s keep that between us, yeah? That side of me is reserved for you n/n.
It’s so boring over here without you, I feel like i’m just lounging around and last time I checked, I was the lust sin, not the sloth sin. We’d have so much fun together babe! Can’t you picture it? Even if you can’t yet, I can wait. Having you near me will be enough, you are enough just as you are.
Sincerely yours,
Asmodeus (Ozzie) xoxo
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Heya cutie!
Letters are a lot harder to write than I thought they’d be y’know? I’ve rewritten this like 16 times already, sheesh. It just feels so awkward, I can’t see your reaction to my words which means I can’t fix any mistakes I’ve made :(. I’m sure I haven’t made any though! Right? This letters going really well so far and is definitely wooing you, right, y/n?
Hah, I’m asking questions as if you can reply right away. Silly old me, I don’t know what i’m worrying about! We’re meant to be together. I know it’s super sappy, but we’re like soulmates. Soulmates are bound to be together! That’s why I’m bringing you home soon, I can’t wait! I’ve got sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many awesome tricks to show you!
And, the best news, I quit my job!! ༘⋆-ˋˏ ༘⋆-ˋˏ This means, we will have a LOT more time with each other, and you don’t have to worry about Mammon being possessive over me, because fuck him! I’m my own clown! Or, well, your clown.
I can’t wait to see you! This is going to be great for us, I pinky promise :P
Love from,
Fizzarolli !!!! ༘⋆!!,-!ˋˏ!!!
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
This is sort of a collab between me and @okchijt as we were discussing this on Discord while I was writing this. I'm in a watch party with them to watch Helluva Boss so... Here's some self indulgence about Blitzø :) Pacing is a bit everywhere due to our conversation process. Here's the pure brainrot!
Please Read Trigger Warnings For Mature Themes, The moment you click Read More you have consented to seeing this content.
Yandere! Blitzø Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Gaslighting/Blackmail, Trauma, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Fear of attachment/vulnerability, Enabling behavior, Jealousy, Delusional behavior, Mentions of Death, Paranoia, Poor mental health, Swearing, Mature content, Secret picture taking, Violence/Murder, Forced date, Blood, Threats, Guilt-tripping, Mentions of intimacy/Sexual content but nothing too graphic, Intoxication, Forced/Dubious relationship.
Word Count: 1446 words.
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Blitz is an obsessive stalker yandere who is fiercely protective/controlling of his obsession.
The moment you leave his sight, Blitz has a tendency to panic.
He needs to know where you are and only trusts a select few people with you.
Said people are Loona, Millie, and Moxxie.
This is most likely an AU after Stolas and Blitz "break up".
In that case, Blitz may not trust Stolas around you.
Speaking of Stolas, said Owl Prince may be jealous and condescending towards you due to Blitz trying to be with you.
I'm going to be honest, Blitz would be a mess as a yandere.
His whole life he's wanted that domestic sort of life with his obsession.
He craves connection, even if he originally tries to push you away.
But if you manage to stay despite what he says... then you have a clingy Imp on your hands.
He's known you for awhile, be that as one of his employees or a close friend who sticks around despite what he says.
The obsession probably starts in this concept with you comforting him about Stolas.
He's scared to let you in at first, not wanting to look vulnerable.
However, push hard enough and be there for him?
Well now he can't let you go.
Blitz is surprisingly affectionate towards you once he's attached, both verbally and physically.
Blitz would want his obsession to get along with Loona, his adopted daughter.
Speaking of which, Loona may be a subtle manipulator or step in if you decide to neglect to turn on Blitz.
Especially if it benefits her.
Moxxie would be concerned for the relationship between you two.
He may try to speak up about it, but the others would shut him down.
Which would cause him to just... stay quiet despite your feelings.
Although, Millie would enable everything, thinking the bond you have is cute.
When Blitz turns obsessive, Moxxie may be your only ally.
Moxxie tries to ease your worries, he genuinely wants to find a way to help both you and Blitz.
However... Blitz would be so UPSET if he saw you so close to Moxxie.
He has a fear of losing you, while he knows Moxxie won't steal you from him... he hates you being close with others.
As a result, Blitz may isolate you socially... or insert himself into everything you do with others.
For example, if you were clubbing... he's coming to.
Anywhere you go, he'll be there... be it out of sight or right by your side.
He's so obsessive with the idea of a "healthy" relationship, he completely forgets the fact he is actively messing up the only somewhat normal relationship he has again... since you've been with him through nearly everything already, he's blind to his actions.
What doesn't help is no one but Moxxie points out the issues.
Definitely bans any sort of mention of Stolas in I.M.P.
He doesn't want you or anyone bringing up his past relationships as he wants to move on with his new beloved.
He genuinely thinks you're his perfect match and refuses to hear anyone else out on it.
Blitz is normally really clingy and hard to get rid of, so he usually doesn't need to resort to kidnapping.
However, if he did, he'd lock you in his apartment with max security.
Going back to Loona, she'd pity you a bit but not actually help you.
In fact, she's literally the guard dog for Blitz.
You won't be able to leave as Loona can hear every movement you make.
If you're caught, she'll tell Blitz, or convince you to go back to bed beside Blitz on the couch.
It would be hard to even leave the couch as Blitz practically digs his claws into you and clings to you as he sleeps.
If you worked with him, you'd slowly be unable to go on missions since the job is so dangerous.
In fact, Blitz may keep you with Loona, it's unknown who's babysitting who though.
He may not care much about his own safety, but he cares a lot about you.
He'd probably break if you died on him.
Speaking of which, Blitz has already lost a ton of people in his life anyways.
If you, the only person who genuinely gave a shit, died on him?
You can bet he just... never recovers.
Not even the others can fix him.
Which is why he is so insistent on hiding you away.
Blitz would hate it if you neglected him affection, clinging to you like you're his only lifeline.
If you eventually caved and gave him affection, even out of pity, he'd break down in your arms.
That way he thinks you love him back... and he just wants to be loved.
Blitz would stalk you constantly, taking pictures and recordings along with following you wherever you go.
Human, Hellborn, Sinner, whatever... he'd follow you everywhere no matter where you went.
Be that another layer of Hell, or the human world, he just needs to be near you.
Your status and species of demon/human would change the dynamic between you and Blitz in some ways too.
He may even baby you, he isn't trying to be condescending, but he just...finds babying you cute.
Blitz is extremely manipulative, he may even be the type of yandere to gaslight or blackmail you into staying with him.
He'd guilt you into staying with him by saying "you're the only one that bothered to help him".
If he was drunk, he'd start rambling about how you helped him... essentially starting to trauma dump on you.
If you tried to point out the issues in your relationship with him, he'd act like there's nothing wrong.
If you tried to leave him and guilting doesn't work, he's find dirt on you and blackmail you into staying beside him.
Blitz would force you onto little dates (Like horse riding).
He's thinking you two are having fun, in reality you probably aren't.
Honestly, would it even be a Blitz concept if I didn't mention violence or murder in some way?
If you got hurt on a mission, Blitz would lose it.
No one would need to help him, he'd single handedly slaughter everyone around him.
By the time the bloodbath is over, he's covered in the stuff and immediately pulling you close.
He'd coo over you, telling you there's no need to worry... he took care of it.
That would most likely be when he'd pull you off missions, too.
If he ever lost you somewhere, he's threatening everyone for answers on your whereabouts.
You're so isolated with him there's barely any issue when it comes to "rivals".
Although, if he somehow sees you secretly speaking with someone other than him... he'd threaten them and if that doesn't work, he may attack them like some sort of feral cat.
Blitz would not blame his darling for anything, he's that delusional.
He thinks you could do no wrong and just blames those around you.
Obviously others are the problem, not him.
That includes Moxxie, as I can see him thinking Moxxie is trying to turn you against Blitz.
Ever seen scenes with Blitz being affectionate with Loona or the others?
Yeah, he's like that with you, but more intense.
He's practically all over you when it comes to affection.
Blitz sees everyone as a threat to his relationship with you.
Maybe not Millie or Loona, but that may include Moxxie.
It definitely includes Stolas due to his paranoia, he fears the prince will take you from him.
Striker would also count due to his motives.
I don't usually mention this in my concepts, but Blitz is sexually active.
He wouldn't force you into anything, but he's certainly needy when it comes to that.
Blitz wouldn't blame you too much if you called him Blitzo.
He'd calmly correct you, but treat it as a mistake and warn you not to do it again.
Blitz wants to know everything about his darling, both inside and out.
He may not say much about himself, but he'd nearly interrogate you about everything you like and dislike.
He wants to give the best gifts and foods for you since he adores you.
If someone ever hurt you in your past, or even the present, he'd just get revenge for you.
He'll make their fate slow.
Anything from a childhood bully or abuser, yeah they're gone.
Overall, Blitz comes off as a rather feral, intense, and clingy yandere.
You're stuck with him, like it or not, all so he can chase the companionship he never truly had in a long time.
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Hi it me 🪿 sorry it took me so long work kicking my ass.
Can I have a yandere playtonic Millie , bilzto, stolas, Luna x female trun demon child reader
Where the reader got to hell cuz well I leave that idea to you and then Millie bilzto and stolas and Luna found them and is like my demon baby now and rise them
Sorry if anything is missing spells so many day at the ER. But I have a couple day's off for Much need sleep and relaxing and doing chores lol have a wonderful day sweetheart
Sure! And you’re fine. I’ll do what I can with your lovely request.
Warning: noob author, female reader, yandere platonic characters, and others.
Characters: blitzø, loona, millie, and stolas.
You were hypnotized by some magician like criminal to do bad things as the criminal thought that no one would believe a child do his deeds for him.
Well that ended up you dying in one of the crimes he had forced you to do and so you ended up in hell.
He met you when he was getting some food for him and loona.
He didn’t ask about how you’re here or where’s your parents if your were born here, he just took you with him to the apartment he owns, saying how you’re now his daughter which greatly startled you about how sudden he was about this decision without even knowing you.
He learned what happened while you were still alive and then grew overprotective as many demons who died in the human world is more powerful than the hell-born demons so he doesn’t want you to get used again like when you were alive.
He spoils you like he does with loona and buys you a lot of stuff, while he buys stuff he makes sure to buy a tracker just in case you go missing or get lost or other situations.
He’ll make sure you’re safe and sound, making sure to keep you close to him even at I.m.p office.
You were kicked out of the orphanage and died stealing some food.
Loona was just walking down the street after getting a hell version of Starbucks when you appeared in front of her in your new demon form still a child.
She was shocked to see a child being in hell but anything is possible.
She decided to take you home which surprised her as she wouldn’t do it but you just seemed to spark her interest especially with how she knows how hell would treat a young child like you.
She soon learned your backstory and she kinda related but it looks like you got the short end of the stick unlike her.
She secretly likes that blitzø easily took a shine to you but doesn’t show it, she also gets you gift she thinks you might like like a wolf doll.
She’ll be overprotective of you when out and will bite off anyone heads who decides to try and mess with you.
Your family were murders so being in their family made you go to hell after you had died unexpectedly young.
You bumped into her after you get sent to hell and she just couldn’t let you survive on your own especially since you’re in hell and won’t go far unless you know what you’re doing.
So she took you to her apartment she shares with her beloved husband.
Moxxie wasn’t expecting his wife to bring home a child but after being explained how you got here he caved in and soon became your dad.
She makes sure you have everything you need and teaches you everything you might need to know along with some things she learned on her family’s farm.
She and moxxie both take you to work so you know both blitzø and loona, sometimes you’d be babysat by them when the two wants alone time.
She’s overprotective of you as she is of her husband and would do anything to keep you and him safe and sound.
You actually accidentally summoned him when finding one of his more easier summoning rituals so you and him became friends as you were lonely with how you had no friends.
He took interest you and started teaching you things like math and other useful thing you might need in the future.
He decided that you were perfect to be his daughter and know that you would get along with Octavia but he worries on what Stella would do when she finds out about you so he’ll have to do something with her and soon.
The way he had you be taken to hell was possess you and kill your parents though that was a bit tricky as their always working but thankfully he figured out when they be off work and home.
After he had you kill your parents he made you kill yourself so you could come down to hell and be his child.
He already taken care of Stella and made it look like a assassination attempt on him but she was hit, thankfully his blitzy and his friends did a wonderful job doing it too.
Your young mind didn’t comprehend or remember how he had possessed you and had killed your parents and yourself which he was thankful for as he means you still see him in a good lighting even with the new demon look you had gain. You and Octavia got along alright, though she didn’t understand why her father did what he did but didn’t really question as everyone in hell is demons and there’s a lot of things that have happened so it was best not to question things.
(A/n: I hope you liked it 😁!! Also this person will only be the person that will be able to use the anonymous feature as I’m tired of all the people requesting something but not following my rule and I won’t be able to contact them, reason why only this person is allowed is because my friend knows them and can contact them for me so do please make sure to read my rules before you request thank you. Anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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witchykittyy · 8 months
Agreement 💖
@marcyyywukinnie asked: Hi could you make a fanfic Yandare Blitzo x reader x Yandare Stolas where they just fight about reader, before coming to terms that theyll share them??
I am soooooooo sorry about how late this is!!! I really am. Life's been really hectic and I went through a very depressive episode but I promise to be on top of stuff more often! I really hope you like it! ❤ Sorry if its not really enough fighting per say. 😅
TW: Demons, Hell, Blood, Arguing, Cursing (lots of it), Mentions of kidnapping, Stalking, and other yandere themes.
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"Damn that was a fuck ton of clients!!!" Millie jumped up into Moxxie's arms pumped and covered in blood. "Yea it was and it was so fucking awesome! But I think imma head in for the night." You're the newest member of I.M.P. A few days ago you saw their help wanted poster and decided you needed the extra money so you decided to join. You got along really well with Moxxie, Millie and surprisingly Loona. The only person who doesn't seem to like you is Blitzo. He was always staring at you. Watching your every move like he's waiting for you to do something wrong. So you always tend to keep your distance.
"Yea I think me and Millie have had enough excitement for today as well. Goodbye sir! Goodbye Y/N!" "Bye Blizto! Bye N/N!" Moxxie and Millie wave goodbye as they leave. "Whatever, bye." Loona continues on reading her magazine. "Bye guys!" You wave goodbye to them sweetly. "Bye lovebirds! Don't get too kinky while I'm away!" You can almost hear Moxxie rolling his eyes at those words and you chuckle. Now its just you, Loona and... Blitzo. Though your back is turned you can feel his eyes burning into info our skin, its very unsettling so with out turning around you decided to say your goodbyes and leave. "Bye Blitzo! Bye Loona!" "Bye dork." Blitzo doesnt say anything and you start to walk off sill feeling his gaze on you. Suddenly he says "See you soon Y/N"
You got home and were extremely exhausted as you flopped down onto your semi comfortable bed. Due to only recently having a job you dont have that much money to buy yourself a nice place so for right now you're stuck in this crummy apartment. Even though you didnt mind your situation someone else did.
Stolas has been watching you from the day he saw you in the I.M.P headquarters while he was visiting Blitzo. He's been obssessed with you ever since he saw you and has stalked you finding out your likes, habits, dislikes and everything else about you. He truly believes that you deserve so much better than what you have. He loves you and believes you deserve to be treated like a queen. A problem with that is that Blizto is also in love with you. Stolas notices the stares he give you and the longing look in his eyes. He's sure Blitzo has noticed his interest as well and thats probably why Blitzo hasnt spoken to him. But nevermind that.
You change into your PJ', get into bed and start scrolling through Helltok. "Ah shit its getting dark and I have to work tomorrow" you sigh. "I guess I should go to bed as Moxxie would say thats the responsible thing to do." You turn off your phone and go to bed. Stolas stares at you from the window wishing that he were next to you.
After a while he sees someone climbing onto your balcony. He's about to go stop him but then the two lock eyes. "Stolas?! The fuck are you doing here?!" He almost tumbles off the balcony from the surprise. "I should be asking you the same question Blitzo." "Look dipshit im doing the same thing you are but going inside." Blizto starts opening the window. "Wait! We shouldnt do that it invading her privacy." He goes to stop him but then Blitzo slaps his hand away. "Oh and stalking her isnt invading her privacy?! Look just leave ok if you dont wanna do this. Not like I want you stealing my girl anyways." He grumbles the last part but Stolas is able to hear him. "Well I sure as hell am not leaving her alone with you." "Then come in with me." He grabs Stolas's hand and stealthly brings him into the room. Stolas blushes at the sudden contact. 'Wait why'd he blush? What the hell is happening to him?'
You're dead asleep on the bed. "So smart ass what do we do now?" He tries to cover up the fact that grabbing Blitzo's hand made him blush. "We look around bird brain." They start looking around the crummy place, dodging the clothes thrown on the floor. Eventually after looking around for a while Blitzo decides to look your computer as Stolas watches you sleep peacefully. Out of the corner of his eye Stolas sees him breaking into your computer. "Hey!" He yells silently. "What do you think you're doing?" "I'm looking through her computer dipshit." Blitzo rolls his eyes as though its obvious. "Well yes I know that but why?" "To make sure she ain't seeing some other loser."
Blitzo searches and suddenly stops dead in his tracks. "You need to see this birdie." They stare at the computer reading you're messages with some guy named Dennis. "Oh hell no" they growl out in unison. You whine and shift in your sleep as they go dead silent. Once they're sure you're not awake they continue. "We can't let this shit happen." Blitzo growls with malice. "I completely agree. This dirt bag isn't good enough for our Y/N." Stolas nods. "Wait, our?" "Well yes I suppose we'll need to team up to stop this guy and ensure that she stays with us. Is that an ok arrangement?" Stolas questions. "Yea.. Thatd be great." Blitzo looks down blushing madly.
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Blitzo's Human (Scenario/Bonus Headcanons) Yandere Blitzo X Human Female Reader (Helluva Boss)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! We are here with a new one and in this one, it is bonus Headcanons and a Scenario Of Blitzo with a human female reader! Please enjoy this!]
(Disclaimer: Blitzo is not Yandere in canon and this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and fictional yanderes is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!)
-Headcanons with Blitzo Yandere for a Human Female Reader-
.He met you by chance going to the human world.
.Falling for you right away.
.He comes to see you over and over again.
.Using the book to see you and create a bond with you.
.Since you are a human he does not have to keep his guard up with you.
.You don't mind that he is a demon.
.You also read books to him in his off time.
.He finds it soothing to listen to your voice.
.He of course has intimacy issues.
.Always has always will.
.So he keeps you at an arm's distance.
.He wants you to be close to him but is also afraid to open up and let you in.
.He though is ridiculously protective with you, like so much it is a bit scary.
.He even lifts you up and carries you off to safety or to the hospital if need be.
.He forgets how fragile you are and frets and worries like crazy when you are hurt.
.He will do what every it takes to keep you safe, cause unlike him you are not in hell.
.There is dangers that you will face from humans and worse.
.He is also the easy jealous type.
.Finding you to be his and that no human is good enough for you.
.Or no demon for that matter.
.He deals with rivals by killing them, he has no problem doing that with ease.
.Does not matter if they are humans or not.
.Will confess to you most likely drunk.
.Opening a portal to you room and then falling in your bed saying how much he loves you and that he is a mess without you.
.It is sweet until he throws up in your bed and passes out.
.He does not remember the next morning only knowing that you seem different.
.For better or worse you now know a demon is in love with you. It is better to ignore it for now!
(How You Met, Scenario)
"Going to frick some people up!" You hear someone sing then scream.
Suddenly you rush out of your home and see a creature in your bear trap.
"MOTHER FUCKER(Trucker)!" He curses. "That Fucking hurts!"
You blink looking at him and he looks at you. "Are you okay?"
"Do I look okay tits?" He asks you "fuck me in my little red hole! This hurts."
"Stay here!" You tell him and rush off to get something.
You come back and inject him with some adrenaline. He curses up a storm and pries open the bear trap. Then he looks at you and stares. Fucking hell you were beautiful.
You pull out a medical kit and help him take off his boot. "Let me." You tell him.
You slowly stop the blood, the clean the wound, bandaging it.
"Who the hell are you?" He asks.
"(Name)." You tell him. "You?"
He stares at you for a moment before grinning. "Blitz, remember it you are going to be seeing me a lot."
You look at him and nodded. That was how you met Blitz. Him telling you he is a demon Imp and that you and him or going to be good friends.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter here, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
This will also be made into video
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thislucagirl · 4 months
Can you write a yandere blitzo with an escaping reader? (Female darling please)
Thank you
Thanks so much for your request! I'm sorry it took a long time to come out, I deeply apologize 😔
Yandere Blitzø
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• I feel like he would be a controlling yandere, while manipulating and lovebombing you. You at first thought of it as a sweet act, but when he started to become cold and talk about Stolas whenever you're around, you first thought he was just using you, toying with you.
• You both first met when you started to work at I.M.P, you were in debt and desperately needed money. Seeing the ad poster on a billboard, which had an interesting amount of colorful words, you decided this killing job was better than selling your body.
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• You were welcomed in I.M.P with warm hugs, Millie and Moxxie helped you settle in, while Loona didn't care. You tried to talk to her and make friends, but she had no interest. You wouldn't force her though, but Blitzø would.
• This imp went crazy, clinging to you, always near you and not giving you too much work. At first, it was sweet, very sweet. But it started to get annoying. You didn't say anything at first, but when you found out about Stolas, you asked Blitzø to stop it. He wasn't happy but still he just smirked and taunted you, saying you don't need to worry about Stolas. You insisted, saying you were uncomfortable.
• After that, it was never the same. He mostly gave his work to you, pushing you away and even dragging you away whenever you tried to talk to other people. He would make sure you stayed in the building all alone when they went to complete their missions.
• That made you go crazy. You spent your days trying to socialize with anyone, anyone but him. But he always took that away from you.
• One day, you couldn't take it anymore, and decided to quit your job, for once and all.
•Blitzø wouldn't let you go though.
❤️ ——————————❤️——————————❤️
"Uhh, what am I looking at?" Blitzø said as his eyes were focused on you, not bothering to read the papers in front of him. "That's my resignation. I wanna quit this job." You said with a firm tone, trying not to show the cowardliness that was slowly taking over you. Blitzø's eyes widened a bit, processing your words before fake coughing. "So just like that?" You tilted your head a bit as you smiled a bit. "I'm sorry...? I don't think I'm following...?" you took a step back out of nervousness, watching as Blitzø picked up the paper.
Blitzø knew you were going to reach a breaking point, even though it took a long wait, he was proud his little plan was coming together. "We become family and shit, and without a notice you suddenly decide 'oh let's quit work today!' are you kidding me?" he said as he growled a bit, screeching the chair back as he made a motion to stand up.
You thought it would go smoothly, he would say he understands and boom, you're free to go. You didn't expect this to happen and don't know what to do. "I'm sorry about that but uh- I really have to go. Bye Blitzø and thank you-!" You stumbled over your words, talking fast as you backed up to the door. Blitzø just stood there, glaring at you.
You turned around and twisted the doorknob, hoping to get out of the room and away from Blitzø. Unfortunately, the door wouldn't budge no matter how hard you tried. "Uhh, Blitzø...?" You slowly turned around, but instantly backed away to the door as you saw Blitzø really close to you.
"Give me some useless paper and think you're free to leave? Tough luck, bitch." He said as he grabbed your arm, growling a bit. He started to drag you, his firm grip leaving scars on your arm. "What-? Let me go! What do you think you're doi-" You stopped talking when you felt yourself being pushed to something hard. The pain went from your back to your whole body, making you start to cough.
"You're talking a bit too much, keep that mouth shut for something else, sweetheart."
• Blitzø will probably keep you in his office or in his basement, depends on how good you are.
• At first months he would be really cruel, like CRUEL cruel. But if you behave and slowly start to get used to it, he'll start giving you love.
• Loves to tell you how pathetic you are for him, while also cuddling with you and telling you, you are doing good.
• You managed to get his trust? Congratulations! Don't waste it on failed escape attempt.
• THIS MAN knows every single thing about the whole city, knows you so personally he can track when your next period is gonna be.
• If he catches you, get ready for torture and hella manipulation.
• "You're still thinking of leaving me? Even though I take care of you? How ungrateful can you be?"
• This man has no shame, and enjoys what he does.
• A few days after the 'torture' he would be loving again. Hella clingy and just talking nonstop.
• He probably forces you sleep with him. Will be mean about that too. Will be meaner than he is with Stolas.
• Never mention people around him, will think they help you escape him and he will go rampage 🤷
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I think that wraps this up, I'm so sorry for making you wait. And I'm sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted.
I legit wrote half of it then forgot about it and went to write it again 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Have a good day/night!!
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thechaoticscenejester · 3 months
AU idea:
Yandere Stolas.
He just wants Blitzy to stay~
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thatanimeramenchick · 5 months
Yandere Blitzø x Reader Headcannons
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I can see him getting in one of two types of relationships. The first is the kind you see between him and Stolas or even him and Verosika. It’s a romance of convenience, where he blows someone’s brains out and in exchange he gets the perks of whatever that person gives him as his lover. With Stolas its the grimoire and Verosika the fame and thrill of being connected to a pop star. The other type of relationship I could see him wanting though is that more clingy, genuine one that he seems to stalk Moxie and Millie over. He would desire a really functional, mutual relationship with someone who is sweet and caring. I could see this as a romance of passion that develops at rocket ship speed and implodes just as fast.
This is for the simple fact that while Blitzø seems like the type to be a master at the initial seduction, he sucks at the maintaining part of the relationship. This would likely come from him self-destructing it. Heck who am I kidding, we both know this is exactly what would happen. He would do something stupid to push you away and probably emotionally neglect you as well.
The inevitable rejection is faced with rage. Oh, you don’t like him? So what, he doesn’t care. He never liked your ugly ass to begin with. You look like a diseased dog and have the brain power of a turnip. What makes you think he would want you? If you accept his doubled down rejection though and play it cool, you’re only going to piss him off even more. You’re not even gonna fight back?! How dare you!
I could see him having slight stalker tendencies. This can be seen in all the “research” that he has saved up, as well as how he views M and M. He’s not one of the super creepy, meticulous stalkers, but I could see him wanting to keep tabs on the person he likes, even if you don’t have a romantic relationship.
This man is a slow burn yandere. All the ingredients are there for a perfect Michelin five star dinner, but you have got to let it COOK. All of his self destructive habits and bad dating experiences have slowly built up into MAJOR insecurity and prickliness. But at the same time, I see him as wanting to have a vulnerable, real relationship, and overall this deep seated NEED to be loved by someone. He just doesn’t have any idea how to do it without blowing it up right in his face. After so many failures in relationships, there would need to be a slow buildup to the right one that ends badly and causes him to act rashly.
I sincerely believe that this guy is a gold mine for yandere content. See, I like yandere content for the psychological aspects of it. The self destruction, manipulation, and unhealthy coping mechanisms, like my own little fictional case study of the darker selfish side of human nature. And I feel like Blitzo would be a PERFECT character to do this with. Insecure? Check. Self-destructive? Check. Aggressive? Check. Tends to get himself involved in other people’s relationships? To poor Moxie’s dismay – checkaroo. There is just so much potential for him to develop into the worst version of himself in a good fanfiction (especially since it looks like a toxic bad breakup is about to rock his world in the canon), and I would love to see someone do it in a realistic and in-character (KEY WORD HERE) way.
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mgc02 · 2 months
Yandere Blitzø X Trans Masc reader who works as a nurse
My apologies I know little to nothing about the medical field but I tried my best so just try to brush off any inaccuracies
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Need Medical Attention After Falling For You
Yandere Blitzø x Trans Masc Nurse Reader
TW: sexual harassment, stalking, kidnapping, nonconsensual touching, toxic behavior, being drugged/chloroform
You were so exhausted already...
The day had barely begun and for some reason the entire sloth ring all collectively decided to get sick it seemed. But you tried to remind yourself why you loved this job. You loved helping people. Sure there were days like this where you wanted to tear your hair out but other days you felt such a warm feeling from the smile of a child you gave a sticker for doing a good job or the deep appreciation an elderly person gave you for being so patient with them. Not to mention the paycheck was nice and so were the benefits. The insurance basically completely covered your gender affirming care
After a quick break and thinking about these things you were in better spirits. So you went back to work to see your newest patient. And you stopped in your tracks at the sight of him
He was bleeding. Profusely. From a bullet wound in his abdomen. He was tall for an imp and in dark clothes with white scars covering half his face and up his arms and probably most of his body
You immediately panicked trying to call for backup. Why hadn't he been rushed into emergency care? He could bleed out
"Geez! Relax! It's like you never seen a bullet wound before" he said so casually. You tried to calm yourself
"Why, don't we get you to emergency care so they can remove that bullet" you tried to reason with him
"Nah, you can just take it out and patch me up I'll be fine" he replied. Was he serious? He at least had to wait for the doctor
"The doctor will be in shortly if you do not want to go to emergency care. Just hang in there" you almost wanted to go fetch the doctor yourself but you were scared to leave him alone for long with an injury like that
"I can't wait that long. You can take care of me, can't you? Or did they only teach you to look pretty and take orders at nursing school? " he said in a bit of an inappropriate tone. Was he flirting with you or insulting you? You realized that you didn't have much of a choice. So you promptly went and grabbed medical supplies before returning and seeing that he had removed some of his clothes so they wouldn't get in the way. He was wearing nothing but pants
"You shouldn't move around too much I could've removed the clothes for you" you said professionally however he did not fail to notice an opportunity in your statement. "You upset you didn't get to take my clothes off?" He suggested
Why was he flirting with you so much? This was very inappropriate. You calmed yourself and tried to focus as you offered him some pain medication but he turned it down. "I like the pain a little" God damn it he needed to stop that!
You disinfected the wound watching him wince. Then you promptly grabbed the appropriate tools and dug out the bullet. Applying pressure quickly to keep down any bleeding. You stitched him up quickly and applied bandages.
Even though you weren't exactly dying to see him again you knew it would be risky for him to try and replace the bandages himself
"You'll need to come back regularly to have the bandages replaced" you told him begging in your mind for him to not make another flirty comment or sexual innuendo
"Lucky me I get to see your handsome face again. It was real fun to come by and... play nurse with you" he got awfully close but you back away
"Make your next appointment at the desk, have a nice day" you tried very hard to give off the impression that you've been trying to give him the entire time, that you had no interest in him that way. This was a professional setting and that was the nature of you're relationship nothing more
He left not before grabbing a handful of too many lollipops out of the bowl on the counter and giving you a wink on his way out
Ever since that encounter you would see him all the time. Usually at work. He often came by because his stitches had opened back up. You told him to take it easy he clearly wasn't doing that. But sometimes you even ran into him outside of work. You must be so unlucky
You brushed it off whenever he knew a piece of information about you that you didn't remember giving him. You must've told him at some point.... Though you tried not to discuss your personal life with him. It was hard since he always chit chatted with you. And of course he flirted. Every time. Having no sense of personal boundaries
But everything changed when you were attacked on your way to work. You usually took the bus but it hadn't shown up in a while causing you a significant amount of stress. You decided to start walking. You hadn't noticed the three men stalking you before it was too late. You were knocked to the ground in an instant. They clearly wanted to mug you. You tried to stay down as they searched you but then you heard a blast of gunshots and saw them all fall
You were weak but tried to stand up before a cloth came over your mouth. You blacked out
You woke up in an abandoned warehouse tied up. You tried to struggle free but whoever tied you up knew what they were doing
"Don't panic that's just for your protection" the familiar voice said. You filled with dread before you even saw him. "Blitzø?" You asked hazily still struggling from the affects of whatever was on that cloth
"You really had me worried. But now it's all finally over." He said as he approached you. He caressed your face. "Sooner than you think, you'll come around and we can be together. But for now I'll take care of you. Like you took care of me so often" he sounded so soft which was different from what you were used to with him. He was usually obnoxiously flirting or invading your personally space while making the occasional filthy joke
You wondered how long he'd been obsessed with you. Had he been stalking you? Was that how he knew-oh god... you're thoughts became a blur upon your realization "it's ok, its ok" he interrupted your thoughts and pulled you into him
"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you" he whispered to you as he held you. "I should probably mention I have a daughter. You'll love her. But first let's spend some quality time together. Just the two of us" he nuzzled you affectionately
"You healed me in more ways than one"
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froggywritesstuff · 1 year
gonna start writing for helluva boss and hazbin hotel
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knightmare7604 · 11 months
Yandere Blitzo x male imp reader headcanon
You work at I.M.P with Moxxie Millie and Loona. Once Blitzø hired you he immediately fell in love with you and started stalking you. He would set up cameras while you were asleep so that he could figure out your daily routine and more of what you like and not have the possibility of being caught. Unless you have REALLY good eyesight and see a small camera in the corner of your living room and any room in your home. Over time you would notice that he would act differently around you than the others. If you do anything unusual and dangerous like vigilantism or killing for fun and stuff like that he would be too scared of trying to confront you. This is because of you possibly getting mad at him or worse he doesn't want to die alone without you and his friends. So he wants you to have the best opinion of him as possible. But he would try to do small things to keep you from getting yourself in danger. He would also do anything to try and stop fucking Stolas for the book so that if you two start getting.... "intimate" yourselves it would feel a lot more special. And once he gets to be with you you he wouldn't have any romantic feelings for Stolas and would instead have all those feelings shared with you instead because he would not want a threesome with you and a fucking pompous rich bird boy. After a few months of you working at I.M.P and becoming great friends with Blitzø he would ask you the main question will you go out with him?.....If you say yes he would be so happy and feel like he can be emotional and loving around you and would try to take you out with him to the best restaurant he can afford to go to with the money he has. Unfortunately or fortunately (if you're kinky) he has almost no impulse control and would try to fuck you on the second or third date. Now for the bad ending, if you turn him down he would be extremely hurt emotionally and mentally but would not show it. He would avoid being around you for a while and would treat you like the others for a few weeks then things would be back to how it was before then and he would stalk you again he would possibly kidnap you to keep you all to himself and force you to love him. If you escape he would try to kidnap you again if you're smart or strong or both you can avoid him and possibly give him a taste of his own medicine by kidnapping him just like he did the same with you. If you say yes to him in a few weeks after you rejected him before he would do the same things that he would do if you accepted his love in the good ending (sorry if this was too long this is my first Tumblr post) :)
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doe-core · 2 months
John doe:
Lurking for love:
Helluva Boss:
Hazbin Hotel:
Danganronpa (THH ONLY):
Death note:
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
hear me out , hear me out … yandere Striker and yan Blitz teaming up /sharing or even rivalry with a female darling 👀
Maybe reader a low class imp or a high class he’ll born who helps Blitzo or maybe she hired striker to do a hit and run 👀
(wow now Im imagine reader hiring striker to get rid of her other stalker blitz’s)
please if that’s ok 💗
Know what? I fw you trying to get rid of your first stalker... only to get two.
Yandere! Striker vs Blitzø
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Violence, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Blood, Attempted murder, Forced relationship implied.
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The whole thing starts with Blitzø's obsession.
You're an imp working at I.M.P, which immediately makes you close to Blitzø in some way.
You're a skilled assassin who works for Blitzø, regardless of how you feel about him.
Naturally, due to craving some sort of mutual connection, Blitzø would latch to you.
Even more so if this is after him breaking up with Stolas.
The imp is desperate for some sort of connection and affection.
You're the only other single imp in I.M.P, perhaps you even offer him some help with his relationship issues.
Then you notice something wrong....
You have no idea it's Blitzø and just know you have a stalker.
One who follows you home and steals from your apartment.
In an attempt to get rid of your problem... you might put in an AD for stalker help.
A bodyguard... another assassin to fix the issue...
Only for Striker to take up the job.
Dealing with Striker is... risky.
You're aware of the history he has with I.M.P.
You shouldn't be dealing with Striker due to the issue he has with Blitzø.
He has a deep rooted hatred for Moxxie and Blitzø.
So... merely meeting with him to discuss your stalking problem... It already feels dangerous.
You hope he doesn't know you're with I.M.P... but how could he not?
You can just tell in his gaze when he grins down at you, tail swaying.
"Aw... the other imp girl from that dreaded assassin business needs help with a stalking problem? I may hate your boss... but we can work a deal since you're so pretty, right darlin'?"
You swallow your fears and nod, beginning your deal with the rival assassin.
All that matters is paying him to get your stalker issue under control.
Striker may ask you why you won't ask your boss, which leads you to respond with an uneasy thought.
You've seen Blitzø be clingy with you... so you can't rule him out as your stalker yet.
Striker seems to be amused and eager by this thought.
The thought of tormenting Blitz makes him excited.
The original plan discussed is Striker looking into the issue.
He'll look into who's stalking you, then allow you to decide the outcome.
That's the starting deal... payment will be discussed later.
You're both relieved yet nervous when you hire Striker for the job.
You aren't sure if you should feel safe or not.
But, hidden from your knowledge, you've merely caused more issues.
Striker's obsession isn't immediate, it takes time.
While Blitzø's obsession is in full swing, Striker is spending time talking to you and revealing what he knows.
In fact, due to Blitzø's tendency to stalk, he may actually find out about you and Striker.
But... He can't say anything on the matter.
That would just out him.
Blitzø can't help but feel jealousy when he sees you interact with Striker.
The other imp is always so flirty and charming.
It gets on Blitzø's nerves.
Meanwhile, Striker is finding himself progressively more interested in you.
You're such a cute doll... always so spooked.
Striker finds himself getting more and more attached as he hunts your stalker down.
You're a nice lady imp... one he wishes to hoist into his arms and claim.
The entire time Blitzø is seething, trying to regain your attention during the jobs you two have.
He's so much better than Striker...
Hiring him for a stalker... for him...
How could you!?
The fact you didn't come to Blitzø makes him worried.
You suspect him, don't you?
The rivalry fully starts once Striker realizes who his target is.
He's following a lead, staying nearby as he watches over you.
Then he notices Blitzø of all imps hiding in the shadows... watching you.
This stirs many things in Striker.
He's both excited yet irritated that Blitzø is the one doing this.
Should he even tell you your boss is stalking you?
Why should he bother... He can take care of this himself.
This is another rivalry I can see both yanderes killing each other in.
It's not like they haven't tried before.
The issue is... they have to consider you.
Striker knows he can't just kill your boss outright.
Once Blitzø knows Striker caught him, he's on edge and overly clingy with you.
By this point, both imps are interested in you.
They both consider you their sweet gall, their object of obsession....
It's no doubt also a power struggle between them.
Claiming you would establish some sort of dominance between the imps.
Considering how much they hate each other....
Striker wants to claim Blitzø's obsession as it would show he's superior.
Meanwhile Blitzø both fears for his own life and yours.
You may not even know Blitzø is your stalker until you see the two confront one another.
You hear fighting on a mission, going to check it out...
Only to see the two imps bleeding and fighting each other like wild cats.
When you try to break it up, Striker cuts you off.
"You wanted your stalker dead, didn't you, gal?" Striker hisses, a grin on his face as Blitzø struggles. "Well, here he is, your stalker...."
You had your assumptions... yet still struggled to believe what you saw.
"Huh!? No, baby! He's lying! He's a snake! Don't you trust me? I'd never hurt you!" Blitzø pleads.
"I didn't think Blitz would be my stalker! Don't kill him, we can work something out...?" You plead, only for Striker to scoff.
"Oh, doll... I was going to kill him either way. Hate the guy, really. Doesn't deserve a pretty lady like you anyways." Striker teases, only to hiss in pain when Blitzø hits him and scuttles away.
"Oh HELL no! You are NOT trying to make her yours! She's mine! I don't care anymore! Claws OFF!" Blitzø growls, not even caring that you know about his habits.
Imps are creatures of hellish desire and wild habits.
That's proven between the two as they claw and bite at one another for your attention.
The good news is... you know your stalker...
The bad news? You're pretty sure you have two admirers now...
If they don't kill each other first.
There's a good chance they will if it means one of them has you.
If they don't do it now... they'll try again later.
It doesn't matter if you fight against the winner's attempts at courting you or not...
You've seen them kill, this time is no different.
If the winner has to drag you with them, they will, they won you fair and square... you belong to them.
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finnzhal · 11 months
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All of my works about HELLUVA BOSS are all in here !
Rules are in MASTERLINKS ! for requesting
The ones with no reader's gender specified are gender neutral but some characters are either Lesbian,Gay,other, and i will not be ignoring those just for a specific gender of the reader.
Dating him
Mutual pining
Father figure
Agent One
Agent Two
Barbie Wire
Chazwick Thurman
Sallie May
Verosika Mayday
Comforting incubus reader
Wally Wackford
©Finnzhal. Do not steal other people's works.
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Helluva boss masterlist:
Blitzø adopting a human turned demon child!reader
Stolas adopting human turned demon child!reader
Millie & loona adopting a human turned demon child!reader
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