#bonus points if reader looks like a demon too
jellyfishxxi · 1 year
Yandere belos but his partner is one of the demons representing the 7 deadly sins
Like Beelzebub, Satan, Asmodeus or Lucifer
Mainly because I think it'd be funny for this puritan man to not only fall for a witch but to fall for a witch with the same name and powers as a high ranking demon
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livelaughlovesubs · 4 months
Nini I want to fuck a demon boy so bad I can't. I'm so sleep deprived and this is the only thing on my mind. The idea of this powerful demon who's not used to being challenged, just ending up ass up face down on the floor, bed WHEREVER. It's not important. Ending up like that is just peak. Also I like to think they'd have sensitive tails. So. Like. I totally.
Wanna make them fuck themselves with their own tail. I think that'd be great. I think it would be awesome.
I want them to get so flustered at the idea of doing it, but do it anyway just coz I told them to. I can almost imagine them finding their own prostate with their tail, and really they can't decide which sensation to focus on. Feeling themselves clench around their own tail, or the way the slightly pointed end slams into their prostate. And bonus points if they cum and you overstim them by grabbing their tail and fucking them so much harder than they could themselves. Hooray, now they've got
your hand around their already much too sensitive tail
said sensitive tail is being slammed into their ass
it's gotta feel so good, they'd probably be so tight around themselves
your hand is gonna slip a few times, which is gonna end up in stroking their tail, which has got to feel like heaven for them
not to forget that you're thrusting their tails directly onto their prostate without letting them breathe
I just. I don't know. I think they'd look so pretty, flushed and begging to stop, even though it's them that keeps weakly trying to thrust their tail back into themselves. Also, they'd look so pathetic, sobbing from the overstimulation. I'm a sucker for tears trailing down their faces, eyes red and a little puffy. It'd almost make you wanna be nice to them. Almost.
But yknow, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And sometimes what a girl's gotta do is fuck a demon stupid with their own tail. (I don't have the same way with words as some people, but like do you see the vision)
~a sleep deprived,🧁anon
You are so smart holy shit. You don’t give yourself enough credit. Fucking a demon with their own tail? Why didn’t I think of something as great as this??! Lemme write down my thoughts for a sec- (btw I thought you are like, very religious?)
Dom!reader x sub!character
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You had a long day behind you, and there was nothing sweeter than the thought of finally getting some sleep. All you wanted was to have a good rest, but to your demise you woke up in the middle of the night with something heavy on top of you. “Ops, I didn’t mean to wake you up. Oh well this will do too.” What the hell? It was a fucking person?? First thing you did was push him off of you and turning on the lights, then you thought this was some kind of weird joke. He had two horns growing out of his forehead, as well as a super long tail with a heart shaped tip. Not to mention the pink, glowing tattoo on his pelvis. When he opened his mouth again, you thought you didn’t hear right. “I’m an incubus, pleasant to meet you~ now let me feast on you, pretty please?”
An incubus, so, in other words a demon. What in the- never mind. He said he wanted to feast on you? Heck no, he woke you up in the middle of the night and is expecting you to have the energy to fuck him? As soon as he got up to try make a move on you, you flipped him over and tangled your hand in his hair, then pressed his face into your pillow. “If you are that desperate do it yourself.” Of course that little slut was into that.
He reached for his dick, but you slapped his hand away and instead grabbed his tail. “MhMngh- aaAAHhnn~!” A surprised yet blissful moan escaped him, face all red as lust fills their already sinful body. Anticipation swelling inside them at the thought of what you might do with them. That’s when they felt their own tail poking against their butt… wait wha? In the mean time you stroked it gently while whispering, “I want to watch you fuck yourself, who knows, I might reward you afterwards.” Suddenly all their previous confidence vanished as embarrassment took over. With their own tail..?? How did you even get that idea! Not even something as perverted as them had such outrageous ideas..!
In the end they could only obey without protesting, trusting their already super sensitive tail into their tight, wet hole. Each time they accidentally hit their prostate, they’d yelp and whimpers. Pretty tears are already rolling down their even prettier faces. Eyes half lidded as they whine, “mhm! Ah-ahhHh.. nghHnn~!!” All while their poor, useless dick is twitching around on its own, making a mess everywhere <3
Gojo, Sukuna, Dazai, Fyodor, Nikolai, jouno, Scaramouch, Kaeya, lyney, Ayato, Aventurine, Sampo, Jing Yuan (?), Douma - your favourites
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helluvapoison · 8 months
Nice To Eat You
The Vees x Cannibal!Reader
warnings: drugs, suggestive, rosie slander, dark themes, violence, security shenanigans and, hello, cannibalism
heads up: if you didn’t know, the people of cannibal town are hellborn; born in hell, never lived on earth, never sinned! their life spans are unknown(?) but seem to age as a human would, unlike other demons
Cannibal town has been off limits to The Vees, courtesy of Vox, ever since the incident with you know who. Meeting you was a suspicious surprise for them. You were kicked out of said town by Rosie for giving cannibals a bad name. Can you fucking believe the irony!?
˚✧₊⁎ Vox ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Suspicious might be an understatement
• For the longest time, Vox is unnerved by you for every other reason than your appetite. Anyone associated with Rosie is an adversary by proxy. If you take Alastor out of the picture, Rosie is still an Overlord and all Overlords will inevitably crumble to The Vees– even if they don’t know it yet
• There’s an expression for that though, isn’t there? Keep your enemies close. That’s exactly how Vox went about dealing with you
• Gives you a job as his security guard. Hell knows he needs one, what with the price of fame and all, those dirty fucking sinners that try and touch him wherever he goes
• It’s a slow development because neither of you initiate conversation
• Vox is beyond used to the rotating door of demons in and out of his life. He abandons the names of anyone that isn’t you, Velvette or Valentino (Angel Dust and Alastor he can’t forget against his will)
• Becoming attached to you while simultaneously waiting for the other shoe to drop is fucking awful. It feels it like a bug in his system, annoys him to the point his screen starts glitching one day
“Just what the fuck are you up to!? I know you’re with Rosie–”
You knew, on some level, Vox didn’t trust you all the way but it didn’t bother you because he hardly seems to trust anyone. So you cut him off with a mix of a snort and a scoff,
“Rosie? Rosie’s a cunt. She gave me the boot years ago, haven't seen her since.”
Involuntarily, he begins to smile, “Years, huh?”
• Trust is another slow endeavor. Now that Vox doubts your motives slightly less than before, he can silently appreciate the fact you do a damn good job of keeping demons away from him. Bonus: if you happen to take a chunk out of them for shits and giggles, blood never touches his pristine self
• “I believe I owe you an apology,”
“Am I going to get one?”
• In a way, sure, but you’ll be sorely disappointed if you thought it was with words. He invites you to dinner. From that moment until you arrive at the restaurant, he’s reveling in the constant state of shock you seem to be in
• Your eyebrows jump when the waiter nervously lifts the lid from your plate and reveals ribs. Real, demon ribs
“Surprised?” Vox asks rather smugly
“Somewhat,” You return his sly smirk, “Most can’t stomach my… indulgences.”
“I don’t have a stomach. I think I’ll be just fine.”
˚✧₊⁎ Velvette ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Vel doesn’t give two steaming shits about Rosie or her backwards, unflattering town so long as it doesn’t interfere with her enterprise. Vox’s grudges are his own. If The Vees got hellbent and demented over each other’s EOTD (Enemy Of The Day) nothing would get done!
• During a pathetic comment war on the her social, a few threats became too detailed for Vox’s liking
• A cannibal wasn’t his first choice– or second, or third– but you’d certainly scare off anyone trying to hurt his business partner!
• Velvette’s far from worried about being lunch when she meets you.
• “You’re my–? No. Absolutely not! I can’t be seen with this.” She gestures to all of you
“You’re not exactly making me drool either,” You mutter under your breath
• Judging by the looks of her partners’ faces, stunning Velvette to silence was impossible. Key word: was
• It didn’t last long and hasn’t stopped since
• She pulled out every trick in the book to get you to quit. She gave you a uniform to wear during your shifts, tossed fabrics at you until you turned into a living clothes rack, forced you to hold her phone during her live streams but criticized and berated the way you did
• For fucks sake, she even screamed at Vox to let her fire you!
• You didn’t need her to like you and that was as obvious as it was infuriating. She was Velvette! Everyone loved her! Having you around was like a black eye; literally bruising her ego and bad for business
• Or so she thought
• She made you stand in the shadows of her studio so you wouldn’t frighten anyone and ruin photoshoots with your “freaky face” she so eloquently put it.
• Velvette was mid fashion crisis, yelling at Joanne for the gazillionth time, when you approached from behind
“I’m taking my lunch.”
“Fucking fantastic! Here, have Joanne since she insists on being fucking useless!”
Playing along, you let a guttural growl rip from your throat, making Joanne jump high in the air.
She squeaked and shook her head vigorously, holding her hands in surrender, “I-I’ll be better, I swear!”
• Her candy cane eyes widened in delighted surprise. How had she been so blind to your potential usefulness!?
• Velvette could get high off the new game she created with you. It was like having a scary guard dog– only better dressed to aesthetics. Paparazzi didn’t dare touch her now, standing at a respectable distance that made her more unattainable and desirable than before
• Her attitude change makes her like-able to you too, she’s heaps more pleasant to be around now. You don’t mind doing the extra stuff that wasn’t in your contract like being a dress up doll, dealing with the pet names or escorting her to events. She knows and takes advantage of this instead of saying how she feels
• “You’re my arm candy now, dollface! You go where I go.”
“I hardly think I qualify as arm candy,” You mumble to her, overtly aware of how she holds you close to her
“If you’re fishing for compliments, fuck off to another pond. I don’t waste my free time with uggos,” She says seriously, abruptly smiling as a camera flashes in her direction, “Now get ready. Fans have been dying to get a picture with me lately and if anyone smudges this dress with their dirty fucking fingers, I want you to bite them off!”
“Anyone that touches you won’t have hands tomorrow,” You promise
• You swear she shivers upon hearing that
˚✧₊⁎ Valentino ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• The easiest by far to get along with. In a mortifying way
• Val is fairly accepting of all Hell’s creatures. It’s typically followed up by something sexual but, hey, you’re not in a position to complain, not when no one else in Hell would willingly sign up to work with a cannibal. Especially one outside the confines of Rosie’s civil town
• Rosie’s loss is his gain
• You would be lying if you said you weren’t expecting him to turn horror-struck but he barely blinks when you explain what you did to get exiled. Your savage methods intrigue him, a plethora of potentials just waiting to be explored. In fact, he goes a step further to praise you for being different
• “Hell would be deathly boring if everyone thought the same way, darling. That’s what makes you so… alluring.” He rolled his tongue with the last word, dragging it out and making it ring in your ears
• You’d been called many things in your afterlife, but never that
• You feel rather useless at the moth’s side. You were supposed to be protecting him but he could take care of himself just fine. Val was about the tallest in every room (if not the tallest) with guns hidden under his coat that he never used
• Later you’d understand he only reached for them as a last resort, when his head was unclouded by blood lust
• If you ever voiced your complaints, he’d be quick to reassure you that you make him look good. What powerful Overlord doesn’t have bodyguards? (Do. Not. Answer.)
• However the day does come when you prove your services have merit. On set of all places! A coked up Hellhound didn’t take kindly to Val’s directions, sending a demon wielding a boom mic flying towards him
• Valentino dodged the demon with ease, whipping around and aiming his pistol to put the dog down. Instead he saw you pushing the mutt’s face into the ground, his arm pinned at an angle. Your sharp teeth were bared at his throat, drool dampening his fur
• But you made no moves without Valentino’s say-so
• There’s a lot he could say about the scenario you provided him and how it made him feel– but he only calls your name, beckoning you back to his side
• Where you belong
• “You’re lucky I don’t like hair in my food,” You growl in the Hellhound’s ear before following after Val
• Valentino may be a mastermind of porn and sex but he knows the real way to a demon’s heart, it’s is the universal love language
• Unbothered by blood, he’ll sit pretty and poised on his loveseat while you tear into the meal he provided you. A thanks for a job well done
• “You’ll never go hungry now that you’re with me, monstruo,” The pet name is dripping with adoration, “I won’t waste you like that bitch did. Look at you, you’re already so special.”
╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ i lost the request that went to this but i hope it reaches them. cannibal!reader got that rizz, huh?
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pinkgy · 9 months
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𝗖𝗪: Oral (receiving), Size Difference, Dick Piercings. A lot of Dick and Cum, that’s the CW.
𝗦𝗶𝘇𝗲: 19 cm / 7.4 inches
⇒ Not the biggest neither the girthiest between the kings, but he’s still above average.
⇒ His dick is ghost white, a lot of visible veins and it gets flushed easily, mostly the tip.
⇒ Satan has an average girth, not enough to tear your insides (like a certain someone that goes after this headcanon) but enough to get you dumb after a few minutes.
⇒ Just the way he fucks you makes you feel like you have 10 inches inside of you.
⇒ He has a pretty mushroom tip that is big enough to stretch you out when he puts it in, the color is # 4011 UP, if he gets too aroused, the blush from his tip spreads to part of his dick.
⇒ It’s curved upwards and when he takes his boxers off, it slaps his abdomen. And it’s pretty too.
𝗦𝗶𝘇𝗲: 27.5 cm / 10.8 inches
⇒ You should be thankful that he’s considerate and has patience, because there’s no way in the world those inches don’t hurt.
⇒ Big and Girthy, very Big and very Girthy.
⇒ His tip is bigger than the rest of his dick (#4014 UP), but his base is like a whole inch girthier than the body of his cock.
⇒ His balls are also very above average and they get bit swollen when he’s about to cum.
⇒ Mammon’s dick is kind of straight, but if he gets erect enough, it curves a bit to the left.
⇒ The body and his balls are the most sensitive parts of his dick.
Bonus: He has that kind of dick that gets rock hard to the point it hurts.
𝗦𝗶𝘇𝗲: 21 cm / 8.2 inches
⇒ He’s above average both in length and girth, how those that even fit in his tight pants ?
⇒ Bell is perfectly proportionated, has the slightest curve upwards and just everything about it looks like it was symmetrically carved.
⇒ His dick is slightly more tanned than his skin tone, his tip rarely visibly flushes, but if teased enough it flushes in a pretty #18-1438 TCX
⇒ He has a dick piercing and no one can tell me over wise, probably a frenum or a forum, or both.
⇒ He has one prominent vein that you can feel when he’s inside you.
⇒ His tip and that one vein are the most sensitive parts of Beelzebub’s dick. He also cums a great amount of sperm, so his balls are really really sensitive too.
Bonus: He probably gave his dick a silly name.
𝗦𝗶𝘇𝗲: 18.5 cm / 7.2 inches
⇒ He’s average in length for a demon, slightly above average in girth.
⇒Just like Satan, his dick is pale and it also has some veins that are not that visible.
⇒ Levi is the definition of a pretty dick, it has the slightest curve to the right, it gets flushed in a pretty # 4010 UP, and just everything about it is pretty.
⇒ I’ll leave this to another headcanon post, but his cum tastes really good, like, it doesn’t even taste like a bodily fluid, it actually has a nice taste.
⇒ When he’s about to cum, his tip gets a bit swollen and it gets super sensitive, and if you try to directly stimulate it he gets extra whiny.
⇒ The base of his dick is slightly thicker that his tip and when he bottoms out it it stings a bit.
Bonus: Omg praise his dick pls
𝗦𝗶𝘇𝗲: 30 cm / 11.8 inches
⇒ He’s perfectly conscious of his size and girth, and he has some consideration for you in him, but that consideration vanishes when he sees you crying and trying to take his dick.
⇒ The definition of a monster cock, not only is long, but it has a great girth too, definitely not easy to take, but more to his favor.
⇒ Lucifer has a mushroom tip that makes a plop sound once it enters you.
⇒ His dick has a very prominent curve upwards that touches all the right places.
⇒ Every time you cry he gets rock hard to the point of having to holding on to not cum. And under this conditions his dick also gets very flushed, mostly his tip (#4011 UP)
⇒ He loves when you suck him off just because he loves seeing you struggling to take his tip in your mouth.
So sorry taking so long to post :( I had a lot of Wi-Fi issues.
Hope y’all have an amazing day ♡
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gay-dorito-dust · 7 months
Soo I'm here to rq another Damian x reader(platonic). But real quick, I'm sorry if I'm requesting too much or being a nuisance. Pls lmk if I am so I can stop! It's just hard to find somebody that writes for him like dis.
Anyways, basically the same thing were theyre friends but this time it's a diff scenario. So Damian n reader are obvi friends but theyre also complete oposites. Like Damian is intelegent, focused and meanwhile has reader is a bit dumber, daydreams too much, and kinder. They also get walked over a lot.
So he invites reader over to the manor and she meets his brothers n dad. It's all fine n dandy but they can't help but notice how diff they are.
Bonus points if reader talks positively abt him to his brothers and they're all like "fym he's nice?" And readers all like "fym he isnt?" (They're just not used to being treated like a normal human being) ‼️
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Honestly I love writing for platonic! Damian. So pls don’t apologise for anything bc I’m having so much fun rn. 🦦plus I don’t know if this will read well as I’ve written this late at night when o should probably be in bed.
‘Am I seeing things or has Damian finally made a friend.’ Dick whispered to Jason, his eyes unable to tear his eyes away from you and Damian followed Bruce through the manor.
‘Nope, I’m definitely seeing it too.’ Jason replied also looking at you and Damian as if he was looking at the human personifications of night and day.
‘The fact that the demon spawn managed to get a friend sure is…something.’ Tim piped up, having overheard his brothers conversation from standing in between them. ‘I can only hope he didn’t kidnap the poor soul.’ Dick added as he was quick to click onto how Damian kept a hand on your arm, tugging and pulling you along when you stop to stare at a painting in awe for a little too long, gently encouraging you to keep up with him and Bruce by promising to go back to the painting later. Jason then looked over at Tim, ‘any ideas on who they are?’ Tim shrugged. ‘Only the fact that they go to the same school as Damian, share the same art classes and is known for being a little bit of a daydreaming pushover, but despite all that they’re still a kind person.’
Dick smiled sympathetically as his heart ached for you. It wasn’t easy being nice in a city like Gotham, if anything nice ever wandered into the accursed city it seemed as though Gotham itself would stop at nothing to see it destroyed, decimated and become as miserable and as bleak as the city itself; So it was rare to find someone who genuinely could still bring it in themselves to smile whilst in a city like this. And for that Dick had to give you props for being brave enough -and strong enough- to be kind in a place that would gladly take pleasure in stepping over and on you at any inconvenience. For it was truly a sign of bravery at its finest.
‘That kid is sure brave.’ Jason signed, knowing that people like you don’t last in Gotham but it was people like you that Gotham needed the most, but how could a retched place like Gotham heal when it’s always been a rotten city since it’s very conception? He didn’t believe it could be possible but there were always solutions to fighting the problem that seemed impossible to overcome. So who cares if you weren’t the brightest bulb at school? The education system in Gotham was shit anyway the last time he checked and he doubted much had changed when he…well you know…
Tim was silent. He was too busy recognising the protective measures that Damian was taking specifically for you; mainly the hand tugging at your arm anytime he thought you were getting distracted or wandering off elsewhere and muttering about how you need to keep or you’ll get left behind, despite the fact that even if you did Damian would allow himself to fall behind just so that he could walk besides you. While he might be part of the majority that didn’t think he’s ever see the day that Damian brought a friend home, never less a friend who was the total opposite of him. He couldn’t help but feel a sort of relief that Damian finally found a friend, and he knew that both Jason and Dick felt similarly from the looks upon their faces, silently observing how you interact with one another.
The one thing that Tim was confident in was the fact that Damian needed you as much as you needed Damian because you were a beacon of opportunity for his younger brother in many ways that Tim was certain you weren’t made aware of just yet. So while he and his brothers may tease and take this piss about how different you were from Damian, they mean well and express their happiness the only way they knew best; teasing and taking the piss.
‘This library is beautiful Mr Wayne! Do you have any fantasy books?’ You could be heard asking down the hallway, followed by the sound of Bruce softly laughing as he showed you the grand library. ‘This library has any book you can think of and please call me Bruce, it’s not often that Damian brings anyone home for the weekend.’ He says as you looked the Damian confused and a little betrayed. ‘You’ve got friends other than me?’
Damian groaned. ‘No. I don’t, you’re the only friend I’m willing myself to have.’
You smiled and gripped his hand. ‘Aww Dami! That’s so sweet of you to say, despite how brash and blunt you may come across, I’m glad to say that you’re the only friend I’m willing to have too!’ You said without shame. ‘Everyone else isn’t a nice as you are.’ You trailed off while a rare solemn look appeared upon your face as Damian was quick to squeeze your hand reassuringly, Bruce smiled sympathetically. ‘I’m not smart like your son mr Wayne, I can’t help it if things don’t come to me as easy as they do others but I try! I try really heard to do my best at every test but…but people tend to laugh of me because to them I’m either slow or thick.’ Damian’s jaw clenched and his brows furrowed upon being remembered of what people tended to call you.
He hated it and whenever he saw it happen, he was quick to utter some threatening words before taking his usual position as your pseudo-bodyguard for the rest of the school day. At first he wasn’t bothered but when you became restless in your pursuit of being his friend, he remembered vividly how people were mocking and making fun of you for trying to be his friend, that he often regrets not accepting your friendship sooner if it meant being able to be there when it counts.
‘When will you get it that Damian doesn’t want to be friends with someone like you.’ One person said.
‘Then I’ll just have to keep trying.’ You rebutted, still smiling somehow.
Another person scoffs. ‘Get fucking real. You’re a weirdo, no one wants to be friends with a weirdo who so fucking slow at everything.’
You merely shrugged, even when someone’s insulting you, your brain doesn’t recognises it as such. ‘I’m sure he won’t mind.’
‘God you’re so fucking useless that I’m surprised that anyone bothers with you. Let me say this in a way you won’t have to try so hard to understand dipshit. Damian. Will. Never. Be. Friends. With. Someone. Like. You. Ever.’ A third slowly spoke and Damian had heard enough and within a blink of an eye had laid them out flat. You blinked before looking at Damian with a bright smile. ‘Hi Damian! Did you hurt these guys, that’s not very nice.’
‘They insulted you and yet you defend their honour.’ Damian asked incredulously as you both walked down the hallway, leaving the three bullies to groan from their injuries. You shrugged. ‘I wouldn’t say that.’
‘They were insulting you.’ Damian reiterated. ‘They insulted your intelligence and your abilities. People like them often hide bigger insecurities than others.’ Damian replied, finding your ability to keep smiling after such things both annoying as it was admirable.
‘Are we friends now?’ You asked innocently enough and Damian knew he had sealed his fate, and so he sighs and looks up to the ceiling. ‘Yes, we’re…friends.’ He mutters and doesn’t do anything to stop you from dragging him to art class.
‘I was alone before Damian.’ You admitted as you looked at Bruce with a smile as you squeezed Damian’s hand in kind. ‘But now he’s here and he’s my bestest friend ever!’ Damian honestly wishes that you respect yourself more because you could claim that he saved you multiple times, but you’d never acknowledge the times where you have saved him by being unequivocally kind, sweet and over all a better person then all of Gotham’s civilians combined. ‘I was finding my first week at school horrid before I befriended l/n.’ Damian admitted as you softly cooed. The boy then swallows thickly. ‘Their friendship is much appreciated.’
‘Aww! Dami!’ You cried as you crashed into him, causing you both to hit the floor in a heap of limbs.
While Damian was cursing mom lethal threats and you were laughing, Bruce had already made his mind up about you and was certain to make sure to have Damian invite you over as much as possible. It was obvious for him to see that you and Damian were good for each other despite your vast and glaring differences, however that’s what worked in your favour, the power to have over come all odds was incredible; not to mention the fact that your friendship with Damian had lasted as long as it has was another impressive feet on top of that. Bruce knows it’s been hard for Damian to fit in and find a friend, but he couldn’t have made a better friend than he did in the likes of you.
You were more than defiantly welcomed back to the manor if Bruce had anything to say about it.
‘Get off of me!’ Damian shouts.
‘Damian, I think my foot is stuck with yours.’ You reply, scared.
‘That’s your own foot- how did you manage to tangle yourself up in yourself? You landed onto of me?’ Damian asked incredulously.
‘Sorry.’ You apologised.
‘Don’t be.’ Damian said.
Bruce smiled one last time before leaving you both alone in the library to untangle yourselves, only to be greeted by Tim, Dick and Jason. ‘Can I help you three?’ Bruce raised an eyebrow at the boys.
‘Nope.’ Dick started.
‘Not really, just…seeing how the little scamps are dealing.’ Jason followed after.
‘Damian? Nice? The same Damian who tried to, oh I don’t know…KILL ME?!’ Tim asked, revealing to Bruce all he needed to know, their breathing behind the library door was telling that they were clearly eavesdropping on the three of you. Jason and Dick looked at him displeased as Tim looked back at them. ‘I’m not the only one of us who thought that.’ He defended himself. ‘I mean it’s nice that he’s looking out for y/n but still that’s not something someone casually forgets.’
Bruce merely leaves Tim, Dick and Jason to their own quarrel, he loves his boys he truly does, but sometimes they’re more trouble than what they’re worth. He can only hope that they don’t scare you off from coming back for good because he was already planning your next visit.
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froggibus · 3 months
Pool Party - Obey Me
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Includes: Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel & Belphie
Genre: fluff, crack
Summary: what better way to spend a hot summer day than at the pool with your favorite demons?
CW: swimming, sunburns, lots of sunscreen, kind of a crack fic ngl, alcohol and drinking, crocs, chicken fights, reader = mc
this is a part of my Summer Suntacular Event, come check it out!
guys i am SO BEYOND EXCITED TO FINALLY POST THIS!!! ive been waiting a WEEK...anyway sorry for starving my obey me followers for almost a year...my bad
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surprisingly not wearing his dorky scuba suit
hovers around the grill while Beel cooks 
brings extra water and sunscreen in case anyone forgets theirs 
pesters you about reapplying your sunscreen like every 20 minutes 
tries to beat Beel at chicken but almost instantly loses 
brings his extra paperwork and refuses to participate in anything until he finishes it
the only one who’s jaw doesn’t drop when he sees you in your bathing suit
he still thinks you’re hot—he just doesn’t show it like everyone else
insists on getting a group photo of everyone but it takes like ten tries before he gives up because everyone keeps squinting at the sun
wants to be the “responsible” one and not drink so he fills his thermos with sangria to be sneaky
literally everyone knows it's sangria cause who brings a thermos to the pool
asks for your help taking pictures of his brothers in their bathing suits so he can sell them
does not burn and refuses to put on sunscreen unless you beg him to
and then acts like he’s not doing it for you but just protecting himself
doesn’t bring his own beer or anything and just leeches off of everyone else’s
has another, secret mission of trying to push Lucifer in the water without getting caught
succeeds and blames it on you like the bastard (affectionate) that he is
thinks you look too hot in your bathing suit and tries to cover you the whole day. does not succeed.
will cause a fight if anyone compliments you 
“Mammon are you jealous or something”
“tch the Great Mammon doesn’t get jealous. you’re crazy.”
a miracle that he even came outside i'm afraid
wears his dorky ass hawaiian button up and goggles around his neck
burns SO easily please slather him in sunscreen
hates that the other brothers get to see you in your bathing suit and pouts about it like the baby he is
lays on a lawn chair and plays on his switch + refuses to get in the water
however as soon as you ask Beel for a piggyback in the pool, he’s Michael Phelps
carries a water gun and pretends like he’s assassinating people
accidentally ruins Asmo’s makeup and starts a brawl
super blushy and flustered if you come near him in your bathing suit
and if you touch him his system does a hard reset
refers to the whole day as a ‘filler episode’ much to everyone’s confusion
eats about a thousand different popsicles with increasingly weird flavours
wears a pair of purple crocs with anime charms (he’s been begging you to get a pair for months so you guys can match croc charms)
does not care much for swimming but he’ll lay on a lawn chair and read his book
talks to you at least three times about the dangers of UV rays and the importance of sunscreen
has a really dorky sun visor that he wears anytime he’s in the sun like an old man
brings an extra matching one for you 
needs to challenge Lucifer at absolutely everything
the second Luci steps in the water to play chicken, Satan is throwing you on his shoulders
has one of those lounge floats decorated with cats that he lays on while he reads and sunbathes
only drinks moscow mules and insists that you try them
has a meticulously maintained pair of Birkenstocks that he wears everywhere
tries to wear them into the pool and has a five minute argument with Lucifer about why he can’t
lays out your towel in the sun for you so it’s nice and warm when you get out of the pool
bonus points if he wraps you up in it
comes an hour later after everyone else because he had to shave everywhere and paint his nails to match his bathing suit
takes a thousand and one pictures of himself 
and about a million more of the two of you together (his favourite of which he sets as his lock screen)
has an incredible collection of cruelty free, reef friendly, non-comedogenic sunscreens that he applies liberally
goes in the water but refuses to get his hair wet and WILL cause a fight if anyone splashes him
weirdly good at chicken but only because he doesn’t want to fall in the water
loves aesthetic cocktails served in fruits and drinks them the whole day
probably the best at making cocktails too
has a timer set for when he has to reapply sunscreen and asks you (and only you) to help him apply it
also forces you to wear sunscreen 
Levi uses his expensive face sunscreen on his body and Asmo almost kills him
the absolute grill master
he’s got 10 different things on the go, a beer in one hand and tongs in the other
challenges everyone to a game of chicken and refers to you as his ‘secret weapon’ to win
the Satan/Asmo duo get surprisingly close to winning but Asmo chips his nail and concedes
has one of those floaties that you can put drinks and snacks in and drags it along with him in the pool
lets you hang off his back while he swims
if you’re laying down on your towel he WILL come and shake the water off of himself on you like a dog
will only throw you in the pool if he 100% knows it won’t upset you
threatens the other brothers to do the same or face the consequences
forgets to put on sunscreen but somehow doesn’t burn???
comes out looking like a greek god
spends 90% of his time lounging on a pool float like the lazy mf he is
bats his eyes at you and asks you to bring him drinks everytime he finishes his
did not inherit Beel’s ability to tan and burns
five minutes in the sun and he becomes a lobster
only leaves his pool float to play one (1) round of chicken (that he loses) and if he gets too hot
also his pool floaty is definitely black and white like a cow
everytime he hears Satan lecture you about sunscreen he repeats it in a high pitched nerd voice 
belphie pls wear sunscreen
probably falls asleep on the floaty at least once until Beel comes and flips him into the water
if anyone splashes him he WILL retaliate to the fullest extent
compliments how you look in your bathing suit just to annoy Mammon 
steals everyone’s drinks if they leave them by the edge of the pool bcs he’s too lazy to grab his own
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Summer Suntacular | Masterlist | Obey Me Masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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libraryraccoon · 6 months
Kk so I am too lazy to write on my own but I have come up with a pretty good day dream scenario that you can write for ( I might also do it but maybe not).
But a police officer with a strong sense of justice goes to hell and starts trying to organize after spawning in one of the worst areas in hell, even the overlords are hesitant to go in there. But as they gain more and more power the area to clean up expands.
Their really not a bad person , one of the only reasons their there is because they had premarital sex . ( They banged someone's wife when drunk).
Was killed by the husband by a shot in the chest. Now resemble a fox because of their wit and inganuty.
( in sry if it's too specific but you can cut out anything u don't want)
Gender : GN
Pronouns : None
Message from Raccoon : I try to write a police officer!reader, but i'm pretty sure it's bad.
TW : Reader is in Hell 2 years before the series, 🟣 (one time mentionned), violence.
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General Headcanon
In your lifetime you were a police officer, and a good one at that.
But unfortunately, one day you died and arrived in hell.
The person you loved was cheating on their partner with you. They didn't like it and killed you.
You are now in Hell.
Hell sorely lacked justice, but it's okay, you will rectify it.. :)
Vox didn't like you. Like, really.
He heard about you after you nearly beat Valentino to death.
Why did you beat Valentino ? Because he was a 🟣, forcing people to prostitute themselves, and more.
You also beat Velvette a bit because she created the love potions.
So yes, he didn't like you.
He start to hate you when you broke his head/tv when you saw him manipulating people..
It's hell ! What did you expect ?! Everyone manipulates !
A violent police officer. This is what you were.
You killed everyone who did things against your morals... in one month you killed more than the exterminators ever did.
Adam sees you as a sort of rival/person on his level.
Alastor find you entertained.
You were the only one in Hell with a moral, so you were interesting.
He also finds it very interesting that you manage to beat 3 Overlords and that 2 Overlords (Carmilla and Zestial) consider you their equal.
He wanted to come talk to you, but he decided not to after seeing you kill a demon with an angelic weapon because they were cannibals.
Compared to what you might think, he have a sense of self-preservation.
When you arrived at the hotel, as part of security, Alastor was a little scared..
Especially when you pointed your gun at his forehead, where the hunter had shot, killing him when he was alived.
Bonus point if you are a dog demon, he is really scared and wonders if you want to reproduce his death.
Husk love you and love the fact that you can scared Alastor, he live for seeing that man being your victim.
Niffty love you, she think you are a real bad boy ! RIP
You and Vaggie get along well, you both know that not everyone can be redeemed (looking at Alastor from a distance) and you know how fucked up Hell is.
But you help Charlie because some still have a chance to redeem themselves (looking discreetly at Sir Pentious).
Sir Pentious was afraid of you at first, but in the end he start to like you.
You always get him out of the worst situations, I can imagine that you saw Vox try to use his power on Sir Pentious when he was a 'spy', and you directly destroyed the watch by throwing a knife at it.
Sir Pentious didn't even notice you were here-
After that, a long conversation followed about why we should not harm the Hotel and its residents and avoid the Vees.
Sir Pentious thanked you very much for that by the way.
After that Vox received a little visit from you..
If it wasn't for Charlie stopping you from killing him, he would have died instead of just being injured/broken.
Vox spent a week in repair/hospital.
Angel Dust adores you.
Every time you accompany him to work, strangely Valentino gives him the day off..
Yeah, he takes you with him whenever you can.
Even if you hate the Overlords, you are one of them.
Overlord D/N (demon name), the Police Officer of Hell.
Carmilla loves it when you are at meetings, the other Overlords (*cough* Vees *coughs*) are always calm when you are here.
You 🤝 break into Lucifer's house.
Yeah, because well before the hotel, 3 days after your arrival, you break into Lucifer's house.
Why ? Because you found unacceptable that he didn't manage Hell and let the demons do all they want.
You didn't expect to find yourself faced with a depressed father whose wife left 5 years ago and who he no longer really has contact with his daughter.
You had to play therapist and friend.
Literally you were giving him therapy sessions in exchange of him letting you stay at his house.
You don't even have a degree in therapy.
Lucifer considers you as his lifeline. He clings to you for dear life, metaphorically and literally.
Hurt this man and the next day you will find his corpse-
Is this a healthy friendship ? No, but are you going to ignore this fact and pretend everything is normal ? Yes.
You have changed his point of view on demons, in the sense that some, not all but some, can be redeemed.
I headcanon that you repaired Charlie and Lucifer's relationship, and that before the series.
Greatest dad didn't happen, sorry everyone.
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positively-mine · 9 months
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Possessive om boys
how they show it and ideal situations (not nightbringer)
tags: gn!reader, slightly suggestive, a little red flag at Satan's & belphie's part, lmk if there's others!
A/n: I hope this isn't too messy but I literally can't think of anything else 😔 might do for the other characters as well.
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Touching/ holding you somewhere on your body. Resting his hand on your nape, hands resting on your hips to pull you closer etc. He likes to use his thumb to gently brush your neck back and forth or he'll even use the blunt part of his nails to gently glide around your nape. You know, that tingly feeling. Biting when he's really angry or upset. Maybe you've been spending too much time with another demon and he can smell their scent on you. Bite. You're not focusing on him? Bite. The areas he likes to do it on include the shoulder area, neck and inside of your wrists (inside of your thighs as well).
Similarly to Lucifer, but more aggressive. If you spend too much time with his brothers or other demons, expect something to happen. He likes to mark you by leaving his scent on you or big bites where everyone can see them. He'll be pouty or throwing random fits when he remembers it. But once you're both in the comfort of the house of lamentation and in your bed, he's head is under your shirt and on your stomach. Giving you small kisses all over it. And bites. Like so many tiny bites you'll have to ask him to stop.
Scenting, always attached to you and I have a personal HC that when he feels strong emotions or jealousy (obviously) he's tail will pop out. And the tip of his tail will either curl around your ankle, your whole leg or your wrists. If he's not too embarrassed to do it that is. Cuddling in his room means being wrapped and trapped under him for a longgg time. Like hibernation. But shorter and lots of gaming sessions in-between.
:) Big bites and confrontation. Or glaring. At the demon, not you. May or may not leave small little scratches on your arms, nothing painful though. He's a cute little kitty that frowns and stares daggers at the other demons if they take up too much of your time. So be careful or he'll scare away all your classmates. When he scents you, he likes you to be wrapped up in his arms or vice versa and reading on the couch together. Bonus points if he sees you asleep. He'll bookmark the page he's on and pull you tighter to him, basking in each other's presence.
HEHEHE LIPSTICK STAINS EVERYWHERE!! He understands that it's inappropriate to go out looking like that but it doesn't stop him from leaving them secretly. If you have long hair, he likes to push it away from the back of your neck and leave them there. If you have short hair, he likes to leave them right under your earlobe. Don't know if this counts as well but matching accessories. Earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings keychains, nail colour whatever he can get his hands on. Also biting your earlobe or your lips.
I don't really see him as possessive but at times he can be hungry for all your love. No shame, so even if you're talking to somebody he'll hug you from behind or straight up turn you around and pull you into his chest. Holding hands is a big thing here. He's sacrificing his hand to hold yours which means one less hand to hold all his food. Cuddle sessions with him means his head is tucked into your neck and his arms and legs wrapping around your body. Can't say for long though because he gets hungry, but it's the thought that counts right.
Scenting, and lots of biting. He'll drag you to the attic and lay down with you until every part of you smells just like him. His legs will be tangled with yours under the sheets and he'll hold onto you tight. His is kinda general but is very possessive. Won't let go of you even if you need to pee. He's a little bratty boy that won't stop until you comfort him. Timing to pacify him varies from how upset he is. Also will put you to sleep if you still insist on leaving. Don't know if it's a red flag or not but I'll just leave this here...
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teeth by @/mmadeinheavenn
barbed wire by @/benke1bear
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reblogs appreciated!
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slasherstories123 · 2 months
Hi there ^_^ Could you pretty please write headcanons on how the slashers (of your choice but I'd like to see House of Wax or Scream!!) would react to a reader that's scary-looking? (Allison Harvard for reference) Bonus points if reader is kinda awkward and stares a lot
I just think it would be so funny if those killers are just chilling then they turn around and get jumpscared by you piercing their skull with your eyes 💀💀
Love your works!! 💕
Slashers with a scary looking S/O
Pairing: RZ!Michael Myers, Vincent Sinclair, and Jason Voorhees
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Tags list: @dootys @callmemeelah @fluffy-little-demon @mehidktbh @the-anxious-youth @beanbagbitch @mrs-heelshire @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @oneofvincentscandles @sleepypersonblog @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @l0sercat @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @pink-apollo @charliedawn @emychan @slasherscrybaby @callsignwidow @endomishy
RZ! Michael Myers
Michael doesn’t find you scary but eventually became intrigued on how you can scare other with a simple glance like he can, even if it’s on accident.
He wonders how you could have the most deadliest scare known to mankind (besides him) and be awkward.
He doesn’t blame you, he can be awkward too since his motives and actions are completely different from yours.
Even outside of him being a killer, he’ll be awkward with his actions since you’re different from people from the sanitarium and you treated him different.
Sometimes he won’t even notice you staring at him and if he does he’s going to stare right back at you. More so confused on why you’re staring at him.
It’s like a long staring contest.
A deadly one to be exact.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent will be creeped out at most, he finds you more scary than Bo definitely just by the looks.
He doesn’t mind your awkwardness since it’s normal to be that way, sometimes he’ll be awkward too but not as much as you, so he’ll be the one to initiate certain things if you’re in a awkward state.
When you stare at him, he’ll just think you’re zoned out or too deep in your head so he’ll gently wave his hand over your face sometimes just to snap you out of staring.
He finds your scary nature an advantage, especially if Bo tries to yell at him because of a victim you can be there to watch from afar just to creep Bo out enough to leave Vincent alone.
Sometimes he can’t help but draw you even if you count yourself as scary looking, even with the scary look on your face he always somehow draws you magnificently.
Jason Voorhees
Nothing really scares Jason, I mean he’s been through so much to where he just isn’t scared of anything anymore.
Although, he did compare you to other campers he’s killed, how come you have a more scary complexion compared to others?
That question lingered even when you two got together. Usually he sees people in shock or fear, never once having a scary complexion, the closest thing he’s seen were people with an angry resting face.
You being awkward doesn’t bother him one bit, instead he tries to make you feel less awkward by hugging you. It’s what he knows. Sometimes he think hugs can fix things when it comes to you.
Jason won’t notice you staring for a long while until he gets the feeling he’s being watched, he wouldn’t think it’s you u til he finally takes a look at your piercing eyes staring back at him.
He’ll let you stare at him knowing there wasn’t a threat, but will eventually poke your shoulder just so you can blink.
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darin-nidk · 6 months
Shut your cakehole.| Vox &. sibling!Reader.
Content: Older brother Vox having beef with his younger sibling, Reader, once they got to reunite in Hell. Childish bickering.
▪︎ To be fair, Vox hadn't expected his younger sibling to be in Hell. Sure, they were not by any means an angel aaand Vox had recluctantly covered their ass and fuck-ups when they were alive, sometimes taking the blame for either the thrill of a savior complex or because he did care, not that he was going to show them that. Fucking no.
▪︎ So who the fuck would be giving a shit that one of the oh-so-called prophets, that Vox as a 'god' had, was none other than (Y/N).
▪︎ Still, when Vox didn't find trace of his parents in Hell, it was somewhat a bummer. Not exactly something he was looking forward to, but he wasn't opposed to the idea of, you know, having some sort of relative lingering in the back of his mind to visit or whatever it is that healthy families do.
▪︎ He didn't want to think about the very much real possibility of them getting killed before he got here.
▪︎ Nonetheless, when one day Valentino showed up at Vox's room, the one that was surrounded by security cameras (and even cameras that did not have any real purpose other than him being a creep) with a demon way too familiar to the point it was uncomfortable (what's with having an oval-shape head that was actually a LED screen. It was creepy how they shared similar expressions to Vox himself)... Yeah, Vox connected the dots. Unfortunately.
▪︎ "I had never been religious but I did pray to God that I would not cross paths with your sorry excuse of an ass", (Y/N) whined at the sight of their older brother who shared that TV trait, or more like technology theme. They groaned loudly and hid their face on Valentino's fur, and nuzzled there for a moment before straightening their posture. Making their way over to Vox, standing before him. "You looked more handsome in your coffin".
▪︎ "I was much happier when that freak accident killed me before I got home to your cooking". Vox was quick to reply at that jab, both tech-demons staring wordlessly at each other before breaking into a smile and soon it turned into laughter.
▪︎ Valentino was confused.
▪︎ Velvette was unamused when she walked into the Vee's tower and witnessed that scene. Turning on her heels to leave ASAP.
"So today in— fuck, (Y/N) stop, stop doing that!". The TV demon hissed, trying to supress his poorly hidden smile before he gave up and chuckled, hiding a majority of his screen behind the printed script that his claws gripped tightly. Thankfully, this was rehearsal and not an actual LIVE.
The reason for the ever 'everything needs to be perfect' overlord's laughter was his sibling — (Y/N) was behind the camera, displaying funny videos on their face-screen to distract Vox.
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ozzgin · 6 months
Hye hey HEYY! (-^〇^-)
May I request Belphie (and whoever else if you want) w/ G/n s/O who's having a panic attack due to seeing their deadbeat good for nothing father during like a field trip to the part of hell deceased human souls are kept?
(Bonus points if they didn't know he was dead!)
Kay thanks byeee!!!! o(〃^▽^〃)o
Of course! I might keep it focused on the part where they help you navigate it, though, so as to not delve in matters too dark. I hope it's close to what you imagined!
Obey Me! Headcanons
Featuring Belphegor, Beelzebub and Mammon comforting Reader during a panic attack.
Content: gender neutral reader, fluff/angst, mental health topics
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Belphegor purses his lips and opens his eyes with an annoyed squint. Something has disturbed his peaceful sleep. He'd rested his head on your shoulder for extra comfort, yet now the surface underneath him is shifting in small, erratic jolts. He stands up and is about to stretch, when he notices your ragged breathing and pale face. He is now alert and tense, as if someone had just dumped a bucket of ice-cold water over him. "What's wrong?" He places a hand on your shoulder, scanning your expression.
He's quick to guess you're having a panic attack - for whatever reason unknown to him - so he reaches for his backpack and begins rummaging. He eventually pulls out a paper bag and guides you into holding it over your mouth and nose. In your daze, you can't focus on anything in particular, but you can hear his soft voice giving instructions and counting with you. A few more deep breaths, and you manage to recollect yourself. You glance up at the demon and thank him for the assistance. "Care to tell me what had you this bothered?" he inquires with a frown.
You hesitantly explain your source of misery. Belphie listens with closed eyes, and for a moment you wonder if he's fallen asleep again. "Hmmm", he hums after a moment of silence. "So that's what it was." You fumble to respond, unsure of his reaction. Is he bored? Irritated? Upset? He finally looks at you and smiles reassuringly. "I suppose I can't blame you for that. I would've done the same." With that, he lets out a yawn and throws an arm around your shoulders. "Maybe you could use some rest. Let's swap", he says as he pulls you against his chest.
"Oh, and sorry if the bag smelled strange. I dumped out Beel's lunch for it."
Beel has wandered ahead, deeply entranced by the snacks piled up in his arms. "Oh, I forgot to ask if you want some, (Y/N)-" He turns back and finds you much farther behind than he'd expected, panting, with hands placed onto your knees for support. Are you sick? Did you eat something spoiled? He speeds in your direction with a frown.
Ah, you must be having a panic attack. What's there to do? Usually he'd ask Belphegor for advice, but now it's just the two of you and no one else around. Well, he obviously can't leave you in this state. Maybe one of the brothers can help. He drops his food nonchalantly and proceeds to lift you in his arms. "Let's see if we can find someone", he explains. Beel is surprisingly gentle in his hold. Your labored breaths begin to slow down, soothed by the warmth surrounding you. You exhale one final time, now fully relaxed.
You pat his chest to catch his attention and let him know that he doesn't have to worry, but he doesn't immediately release you back on ground. "You have to tell me what was wrong first." Stuttering awkwardly, you proceed to narrate the situation. Not only is it a sensitive topic, but you have to talk about it as you're being carried bridal style. Once you're finished, you look up sheepishly and notice his furrowed brows. "Have I upset you?", you question anxiously. "No, I'm just upset by what you told me. You really scared me back there, you know? I may not be as smart or insightful as the others, but you can still rely on me for these things..."
"What's with that long face? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Mammon exclaims, pointing at your expression with an amused laugh. He's about to continue with the jokes, but your erratic breathing is a little too convincing to be a prank. "O-oi...are you okay?" He finally mumbles, taken aback.
Crap. You're clutching your chest and gasping for air. He scans the surrounding area, looking for Lucifer. He has no idea what's wrong or what he's supposed to do. "Hang on, I'll find-" the demon stumbles on his words, trying to come up with some sort of reassuring promise. There isn't anyone around. The sight of your sudden panic attack is tugging at his heart more than he'd care to admit. Without thinking, he pulls you in a deep embrace. He's a little shocked by his own gesture, but now is not the time to consider the implications. He gently strokes your hair in an attempt to soothe you. "Come on, (Y/N), try to snap out of it. I don't know what else to do. Please."
You eventually calm down enough to explain what caused your distress, concluding with an apology. You didn't mean to startle him like this. He stares ahead thoughtfully for a moment before pinching your nose between his fingers. "Dumbass. You could've told me beforehand. You're not alone now, are you? You have the one and only Mammon at your side!" He flashes you a proud smile. You can't help but chuckle at the very typical response. He suddenly realizes he's been holding you tight until now, so he steps back, visibly red and flustered. "A-anyways, we should find the others".
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taintedtort · 2 years
hi there, i love your writing and i’d like to make a request!!
i’d love to see a chronically ill reader who tries to hide their illness from their partner (xiao, wanderer) because the near constant comments about how wEaK aNd pAtHeTiC mOrTaLs aRe has made them insecure and afraid that their partner would no longer want to be with them if they knew how weak they truly were.
bonus points if they find out about the illness because the reader pushed themselves too far and could no longer hide the symptoms in front of them :) feed me the hurt/comfort :)
prompt ✧ sick reader
characters ✧ xiao, wanderer
warnings ✧ gn!reader, mentions of illness, hurt/comfort
a/n ✧ FINALLY writing this, sorry it took a minute… and thank you for the request!! (i literally hit the limit for words in one text box so these are cut up into sections)
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✧ when he found out you were ill and that you weren’t able to be permanently cured, he felt like crying. which is big for xiao, he doesn’t feel many emotions, especially sadness, and he doesn’t know how to cope. so he did what he thought was best.
you were trying to help him in his demon hunts, something he told you over and over was a bad idea, but he let you come anyway after you insisted so many times. he couldn’t really say no to you about most things, so he just decided to be extra careful and on guard. he steered clear of spots he knew were way too dangerous and let you follow him around to watch.
eventually, you told him you felt lightheaded right before passing out. he, of course, caught you, but at that exact moment he felt his world fall apart. automatically assumed you were feeling side affects from his debt, which caused him to blame himself harshly. swore that when he knew you were alright, he’d leave so he didn’t harm you anymore.
when you woke in your bed at the inn, he was laying right beside you, waiting for you. it made you smile, the fact that he stayed with you, but it faded when you saw the look on his face. you asked him what was wrong but got no answer, he just placed a kiss to your forehead and whispered a quiet apology before he vanished. confused and still in a sleepy daze, you didn’t think much about it and assumed he was apologizing for having to leave for his duties.
a week passed and you didn’t see him, you grew achingly worried. you asked everyone around town if they’d seen him, but you only got apologies in return. you tracked him down for days, hurt and confused, and he knew that of course, he was watching you. he couldn’t be near you, but he had to know you were alright. you seemed upset at the absence of him, but xiao knew you’d be better off. he ignored the desperate calls of his name from your lips, breaking his promise that he’d always be there for you. it shattered him, and it shattered you.
after weeks of your voice calling out to him but getting no answer, you started to feel dejected. you didn’t want to face the fact that he may really be gone for good. you knew why too— he couldn’t be seen with such a weak mortal. his apology was out of pity for your poor state, not because he felt bad for leaving. with that conclusion, your heart was no more. you fell out into sobs, stomach wrenching sobs that left your head aching. with a final attempt, you choked out xiaos name and a plea followed close behind it.
you aren’t sure why he decided to show up that particular time, but he did. you saw his feet materialize from your spot on the ground and your head shot up. when he saw your face, your tears, he knew he’d caused you the most amount of pain possible. he tried to keep a straight face so you wouldn’t see how much this was hurting him, it was for your own good, but he couldn’t push you away when you leaped up from the ground and brought him into an embrace. you clutched onto him, your tears wetting his shirt as you kept repeating questions as to where he’d been and why he left. he thought he owed it to you to at least give an explanation, so he told you. he told you how he had hurt you with his debt and that he never wanted to harm you ever again, so he had to leave. he told you how much he loves you and how he couldn’t live with himself if he put you in pain. while he spoke, he realized that he’d done what he was trying to avoid doing in the first place. the pain of him leaving you was much greater than any pain you could get from his debt.
when he finished with tears in his eyes, you told him the truth. the truth about your illness and why you had passed out that day. you let him know of your fears, the fear that he thought you were too weak, that you were just as pathetic as the other mortals he always spoke of. he was already shaking his head as you were talking, trying to deny those words before they entered your mind. he knew it may have been too late, but he asked for your forgiveness anyway. you called him an idiot and kissed him, both of your cheeks still wet.
"i never meant for this to happen, please forgive me, i’m so sorry."
✧ when he found out you had kept such a big secret from him, he was broken. why wouldn’t you tell him you were sick? he was your partner and you loved him, so why would you keep this from him? he started to doubt if you actually felt the same feelings he felt for you. that was until he saw your face after you told him your little secret.
you two had been exploring a new patch of forest you found. he was on guard, as were you, thanks to the unfamiliar land. you both went a long way before turning back, but by that time you already started to feel dizzy. you grabbed onto his arm and muttered his name, right before seeing black. he caught you, somewhat ungracefully, but your head didn’t hit the ground. he was literally stunned, just stared at you with his mouth slightly agape. he assumed either you got too hot, there was something in the air over in this area, or you hadn’t eaten. he ruled out the second one, he wasn’t feeling anything, nor did he notice anything different about the air. chalked it up to it being your fault and carried you back to your campsite.
he monitored you while you slept, which wasn’t very long, you woke within an hour. when you opened your eyes and glanced around, you were met with a sour faced wanderer. he was scowling at you with his arms crossed, and you just smiled back. once you sat up, he started demanding answers to his questions. what did you eat today? have you drank any water? did you walk for too long? did you feel hot? you knew he was just worried, and you didn’t want to lie but also didn’t want to tell him the truth, so you just nervously laughed and tried to wave him off.
he obviously continued to pester you, refusing to let you wiggle out of this one. as your loving partner it was his job to make sure you took care of yourself, so he wasn’t letting this go. you had passed out, he needed to know why.
you, very reluctantly, told him about your sickness. you tried to keep it brief and make it sound less than it was, but he heard the words 'permanently ill' and his stomach dropped. you saw the look on his face and wished you could take it back, wished you would’ve just lied to him, wished you were strong, wished he’d see you the same.
he was already marking you as his fourth betrayal, you could tell. the pain in his eyes was clear, the sheer hurt clearly visible to you. it was you that had caused that look, and if he chose to leave you, you’d spend eternity with that image burned onto your eyelids. you already felt the stinging in your nose and the familiar tears forming at that thought. the thought of having to live without him, the thought of him resenting you.
when he noticed your lips trembling, his brows drew together. why were you crying? were you embarrassed? he truly didn’t understand human emotions sometimes. and because he didn’t understand, he asked you, that was the only way he knew how to get answers. when he saw your face carry confusion, he became truly lost. he asked why you were crying, what was so confusing about that? why do you have that look on your face? he knew he liked your smile best, but he wasn’t aware of how much he hated it when you were upset. he’d do anything to get that expression of your face.
so he did what he thought would help… he hugged you. he was aware that humans craved physical contact, especially when sad, and since he wasn’t very sure what helped you, he went with a hug. he was unaware of how to fix this because you rarely got sad around him. he brought you pure happiness with just his presence, so you’d never had the chance to cry with him around.
he got a bit nervous during his approach. usually when he’s going to initiate physical affection, you meet him halfway, but you stayed still while he got closer. it wasn’t until his arms were halfway around you that you allowed yourself to hug him back. your grip was strong, and you wouldn’t let him go ever again if he let you.
when he heard your pleading whispers of him not to leave you, he reeled back completely stunned. him? leave you? he wasn’t capable of doing such a thing. and he told you that. he told you how much he loves you, how he can’t live without you, and how you’re the light of his being, his reason for living.
"i’d never leave you, i wouldn’t be able to bring myself to even think of it."
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Hey author, can you please please pretty please make a reader who is just chaos incarnate getting isekaied to Kny but they spawn in with a gun that straight up erases demons like literally kills them in one brush against skin. Bonus points if reader is like a cyberpunk
Pls pls pls
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Chaotic Reader | Yandere Demon Slayer
Chaos incarnate you lure both the demons and the demonslayers into a fearful love for you
Completely out of sorts all of the time all who meet you pin you for some odd foreigner
Who has weird looking guns that destroy anything they touch 
Out of existence
Its frankly horrifying 
For demons and their hunters alike
So there are three categories of those who are graced with the gift of meeting you
Category 1: Those who want to tame you
To them you are a wild, wicked, and alluring+ creature that they should hold the reigns to
Sanemi is intent on taking your guns and lock you away You remind him of another idiot with a gun
Muzan too lands in category 1, absolutely peeved that such a nonsensical wildcard can possibly defeat him 
Even worse he can’t bring himself not to kill you
No matter he’ll settle for turning you as long as you don’t turn him first
Category 2: Are those who don’t mind your craziness 
and instead delight to love you from afar or up close 
Tanjiro is one of these few, chuckling to himself as you make another bizarre summersaulting entrance
Or Kokushibo who doesn’t do anything will fondly tilt his head when you start dancing during a fight
Now surely those in category 2 don’t have the urge to tame you some do
they just want to be there with you through it all
Finally Category 3: Are those who’d prefer to join in with your shenanigans
Like Inosuke who sees you as a worthy ally considering you’re wild factor
And who better to get on the same wavelength as you with the best view to your chaos
Or like Doma who thinks you’re the most entertaining little human he’s ever met
Yeah you could kill him but who said he didn’t find fear hot
Either category you’re chaotic nature is a delectable and dangerous treat that many try to take ahold of
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frosty-mango · 5 months
Kokushibo x Shy! Easily Flustered! Human! Reader
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@opheliasadventures1 :- Kokushibo with a shy and easily flustered human reader!>:3
(Bonus points if kokushibo switched sides and is a good demon now!)
A/n :- I decided to give two little end bits of him remaining bad and the reader turning with him and him turning into a good boi, I also had maybe WAY too much fun writing this seeing as I worked on it for like 7 hours with a headache so please do enjoy lol, ik I did ❤️‍🔥
Warnings :- Some small manipulation in 'you turn bad for him', you have a wide array of knowledge in flowers, language, gender neutral reader, no use of Y/n, mentions of blood
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His Moon
Genuinely a mystery to how you got with this guy
Hell even Akaza when he met you was more concerned you were there against your will
Oh the stunned look when you were just all smiles (nervous ones at that) at them
You and Kokushibo had an interesting relationship to say the least
He was quite the bold character and had a sharp tongue to follow his demeanor
You on the other hand were just quiet and shy, soft spoken even, a sharp contrast to the Upper Moon
You quiet nature tho is something he very much enjoys
It lets him sit and think while he waits for the sun to rest for the night
Often during the days he sticks to just 1 or 2 rooms that are blacked out for him
When you step into either the rooms he could be in you often have a book in hand and a red face when his eyes meet yours
That just leads to you sitting in his lap and reading while he meditates
He'll help where he can around your home as well, he's not home often but when he is, he helps and talks with you about his outings
You're no stranger as to what he does, I mean come on- he was demonic looking from when ya first met him so it's hard to say that you wouldn't know what he does
As long as you don't have to hear or watch any of it your fine
Another thing he likes about you
One time after WEEKS of working up the courage you asked him if you could play with his hair
Not in a braiding manor but rather just run your hands through his hair
He said no
But when he sees your defeated face he would sigh sharply and make the smallest gesture for you to come over and do so
When you do get to play with his hair the first time it's surprisingly soft
Who said demons couldn't care for their hair?
He may be a demon but he's not a barbaric one, he bathes and washes his hair
Once he sees how much you enjoy messing with his hair and he realizes how good it feels he lets you do it more often
When he wants you to play with his hair he won't outwardly say for you to do so but there will be signs that he wants you too
They won't be overly obvious so pay attention or you'll have a sour Koku on your hands to deal with
The one time you saw something irk him was when you and him were having a rather soft moment together
You were sitting in his lap facing him while his face was tucked away in your neck as you were gently scratching his scalp when a certain pot rolling noise was heard and a boisterous laugh followed it
"Oh! Seems I've happened to interrupt something, hmm?~"
Gyokko was a needle thread away from remembering how it felt to be a scared little human while fearing the close call with death
First time you got to meet the other upper six was purely by accident on Nakime's part
While strumming to summon Kokushibo to the Infinity Fortress you were dropped in his normal spot right on top of him without warning
How you were summoned at the same time as him was beyond his thought process at the moment
He's still reeling from you landing on top of him with a petrified look
You were sat closely to his side while your demon boyfriend was scolding Nakime on summoning you there
His smallest sliver of fear was warranted when you were next to him one second and the next you weren't
The other 5 Upper Moons were suddenly lined in front of you as your face was pale and frozen with fear
"How adorable!!! Kokushibo never disappoints when he's out, this one's adorable!!"
Before a Rainbow eyed demon could even grab you or lay a touch on you his hand was sliced all the way up his arm and his head was cut off in fours
You didn't need to look around to know who did it to him, as the blonde demons head and arm was regenerating even he was quiet
You went to scoot back and away only to be stopped by a pair of legs
Behind you was Kokushibo with a warning in his eyes as he looked at all the demons
Tense as it was Gyokko was the one to try and break the awkwardness by explaining who you were
Yeah- he was sent flying into one of the many distorted building rooms around you
After that and a defeated Upper 5 is what led to you meeting the other demons he disliked and worked with
Hantengu took to you quicker with your soft and sweet nature that surrounded you
He always was calling you 'too sweet for this world' or 'how can something so sweet exist in such a twisted world'
Akaza got along with you cause you seemed to remind him of someone, even though he can't recall that person, and the fact that he's the only demon there that wouldn't kill you in a flash
He was more like a protective sibling if anything, that and you rather enjoyed one another's company once the awkwardness was passed
You already knew Gyokko when he had interrupted a private moment between you and Kokushibo, he was odd to say the least, him and his weird fish abilities
If anything you and him just exsist around one another, and artist quarrel is what you could call it
Gyutaro and Daki were on a whole different realm of getting along with you, they were indifferent about you
I mean- they did watch basically their savor almost get mutilated by Upper Moon 1
When they did take to you tho it was more like a mother figure than anything, after Daki got over her 'prettier than thou' complex
Gyutaro was just enjoying watching you and his sister talk and do one another's hair and makeup (you both dragged him into getting his hair done with you too)
Douma was the last one to even be let around you and only when Akaza or Kokushibo was around you with him
He was- odd to you to say the least, always so smiley and oddly gleeful when he would say something morbid with a smile or growing grin about it
You were never left alone around him, he always spoke about how sweet you smelled and how delectable you would be and that's probably why Kokushibo was with you
His head was promptly sent off his shoulders by an irritated Akaza
After that you don't need to worry your head about it, Akaza and Nakime (after she had apologized to you) reassured you that Kokushibo was with you for you, not for entertainment or food
He was cordial with you if anything, yes while you were with his best demon behind his back he talked with Kokushibo on it a different day
He really only tolerated you till you offered him one of you flower identification books and some of your notes on them
You knew the flower he was looking for and were promptly obsessed with it's beauty yourself
After that it led to you and him talking about the different flowers he could try for his 'Science experiment' as he called it
You were made away in the ranks of the 12 Kizuki to not be messed with or toyed with by Muzan personally, he can't have his 'assistant' getting killed on him
Overall after that your home some rare nights had one of the other demons in it hanging out with you or chatting and helping you out while you lover was away
Douma and Gyokko were the only ones that never came over, Douma would if he could convince one of the others to go with him, he likes your character and how you fidget when you speak, that's his only reason to see you really
Muzan when visiting was an utter gentleman tho, he'd help where he could so you both could sit and talk about some of your research and his about what certain flowers could be good for
Nights that Kokushibo was there no other demon would be around, he likes his time between the two of you to remain private, he doesn't need the whole Kizuki to see him being a rare side of himself with you, even Muzan respected that
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You turn him good...
It was more of his biggest scare he's had in all his years of being a demon that he shared with Muzan and that was the encounter with the boy that wore Hanafuda earrings
He would have been dead if you hadn't pulled the stupid stunt of jumping in front of him to stop the younger boy from cutting his head off
How you didn't was beyond you, cause when he seized his technique you fell back with a shaky form and white face
Before the Red head and his friends and sister could say anything about it, Kokushibo had you standing and hands roughly planted on your shoulders yelling at you about how stupid you were for doing that
Leaving those stunned around you two as the 2nd most feared demon was yelling at you about being reckless and careless about yourself
Shook them even more and Kokushibo when you slapped him across his face
"Me?! RECKLESS?!?! You're the one out here fighting these pillars and slayers, from what I just saw your the reckless one here! What was your plan! You can live several lifetimes over and choose to almost throw everything we built up and out the window for a selfish- a selfish piece of shit!! I don't think you knew what you signed up for when we got together! I love you and I'm not walking the rest of this world without you anymore! Demon or not you can die just as I can, I don't want you to just throw away our years like that... My heart could never take that.."
From there... Things were a blurring whirlwind of changes
One big one being you and Tanjiro having to stop every other pillar (and former Tengen) from trying to murder him
His change of heart was something that left him with little words to say to anyone or say anything for days on end, even with Sanemi trying his damnedest to not murder Kokushibo where he stands
The only pillar that had helped you with trying to change Kokushibo back to human when you brought it up was Shinobu, Tanjiro, the kindest soul you've met here, helped as well, even Mitsuri was eventually on board cause of it being such a true act of love
You had actually succeeded after some years of working with them and Kokushibo helping take care of the three young pillars and some of the other older pillars themselves
It was painful when none of the other demons wished to change and you had to hear about their deaths
Kokushibo knew it affected you and at night when you would cry about losing some of the good ones he would hold you close, cradle you gently till you would either settle down after a bit or fall asleep
When the time to take the reverser you and Shinobu made it changed his appearance entirely flakes fell off of his face and arms like whisps of fall leaves
His skin tone a human color again and his 6 eyes now only two with a vibrant red color filling them as he was tackled into a hug by you laughing a crying
He sat up with you clung around him as he smiled and patted your head with a small chuckle of his own while sharing a warmed look
His first steps outside was a mental struggle on him, he's not been in the sun for years an years and now he's about to step into the thing he despised
When he stepped into the sun without bursting into flames he merely looked back at you with a small smile and held his hand out for you, you ended up just taking a walk around the butterfly mansion and was even found sharing a nap in the sun
Though fixing and making his sleep schedule regular again was a hassle in the making but it led to some fun moments
Overall when it came to the final days of defeating Muzan Kokushibo was a big help and even trained the newest 3 pillars there, even if it was beyond training with the others, it did good
When peace was finally successful between it all and Muzan gone it was really the greatest coming years for you and Kokushibo
Your own home, land, still getting up early and training for Kokushibo, old habits die hard, delicious meals throughout the day, enjoying tea again, even starting your own chapter when you decided to finally have your own kids adopted or biological
It didn't matter, you had a true life with someone you call your lifetime partner, your forever soulmate, no matter what ❤️
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You turn bad for him...
The more and more you hung out with the upper ranks and some of the lower ranks the more you started considering them friends and family to you
It was odd for Kokushibo, but nonetheless you were happy so he left it alone with some warnings in tow he gave you about getting close to them
You listened, you always did, especially when visiting the others in the fortress when he wasn't around
Times like that Nakime and Akaza would watch you carefully in his absence
Only ones they knew that Kokushibo dislikes around you is Gyokko, Douma, Enmu, and sometimes Rui
They were the only ones that he would draw a line with
And speaking of which the more you stayed and helped and your bond with Kokushibo grew
The one thing that scared you into making such a big decision is when your home was invaded by a Slayer, a not so friendly one at that
He was onto you 'hiding a demon' in your home and it resulted in you being cut along your side when you kept denying and shakily standing your ground against him
Just as you hit the floor, holding your side the slayer in front of you sprayed blood from his shoulder then pierced with a blade littered with eyes on it and behind him, a very pissed off Kokushibo
Once the slayer was dealt with Kokushibo was quick to make his way to you and take you to the kitchen to wrap your wound
It wasn't anything threateningly deep so he was able to patch you without anything severe
You didn't say anything while he gently tended to your bandages before you made him stop in his tracks
"..I want to be a demon.."
"No, you don't"
"And why can't I?"
"Do you enjoy the sun?"
"I do at times."
"Do you like your flowers?"
"Yes, you know that."
"Do you like being human.."
"I- what does that have to-"
"Do you cherish your humanity?"
"...Only... Only when you decide to leave what makes you human behind.. Will I turn you into a Demon and I will be sure to tell Muzan that too."
Kokushibo doesn't understand why you want to suddenly become a demon
Was it to protect yourself? No, you can protect yourself fine thanks to him teaching you
Over the course of a few days you and Kokushibo were rather... Distant
He didn't understand it, why give up one of the things he loves about you, you know this
But why is he also so conflicted? He used to entertain the idea of you both being demons a lot when you first initially had settled in with one another
It's weird for him rn, he likes that your human and can enjoy most things he can't, on the other, he knows that if you were to become a demon he would be able to worry a whole lot less about your well-being and you would be even more able to protect yourself
Eventually... You two are sitting on your back deck looking over the nights silvery cast that was set over the ground
Neither of you said anything, even when you climbed into his lap and had a hearty sigh expel from your chest
"I just... Even if it was a minor attack for you, I can't fight slayers, or demons, I'm not strong enough to wield a blade and without that, I can't fight them."
"I am aware of this, I have offered you plenty of times to learn different weaponry that can be specially curated into a weapon for you by a blacksmith. Was the offer not appealing enough?"
"It was... Very appealing...but there's a lot more at risk of becoming part of the corps than turning. You can recover from things that we can't, no matter the best doctors or medicines. I am also aware of the risks of becoming a demon..though there are far less cons that show their differences too."
Kokushibo rose an eyebrow as he shifted you in his lap, he grabbed your chin and made you look up at him
Even when he did this you avoided his gaze....you never spoke this much or sounded almost as passionate as you have unless.... There was another reason...
"Speak with your chest, I know that there's another reason as to why you want to change. So tell me what it is."
You looked to meet his gaze for a split second, locking with his middle set of eyes before you grabbed his hand on your chin. You moved the hand to your chest over your heart while you leaned against his chest
You took a deep breath again and looked around your yard before shutting your eyes
"You had said and I had agreed back when we first made our promises... That even if I were to die and you go on living, you wouldn't love another soul, nor turn your back on my aging body."
"I did, and I will honor those promises for as long as I am here and continue to do so since the day I made them. Is that your point?"
"My point... Is that I don't want to leave you eternally alone. I would rather be a demon and lose my humanity just so we can be together for as long as we both live, that is my point."
For the entire time you've been here like this, after the passing seconds of what you said hung in the air for him to mull over
And then... He smiled
"Then listen to me well My Moon.."
He removed his hand from your grasp and took his blade out, running it along his wrist in a slow fluid motion as his blood began to run and drip to the wood floor below you
"If you choose not to ingest my blood, I will remain. I am a man of my word and my promises to you will never be empty or forgotten. However... Do you choose to ingest my blood, what you said before that you 'Don't want to leave me eternally alone" will become your promise to me that I will expect you to honor, do you understand My Moon?"
He held his arm up to your eye level as it continued to drip and stain both of your clothes as he held it.
You looked at his arm watching each drop of blood drip from his arm
You looked back at him and his expression, a soft smile was spread across his face, but all of his eyes showed a waiting fury for what your decision would be
No matter the choice... he would be at your side
You moved and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek as you turned and gently took his arm closer looking at the cut with your final decision
"Till Death Do Us Part"
You moved the cut to your mouth and slowly with a bit of a sour look on your face as the tangy metallic taste flooded your mouth and soon your entire body
Before you could scream or yell in paint and thrash about, Kokushibo clasped a hand over you mouth to muffle any noise you made
His other arm thrown around your waist pinning you back against him and pinning your arms at your sides
You squirmed, shook, thrashed, and screamed against his hold and hand while he just held you like it was nothing
He smiled while watching you, his eyes softening a bit while he looked up at the moon and forced your head against his shoulder to make you look at it as well
"Till Death Do Us Part, Forever One"
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
How about a little something for chubby folks with Beel? He likes food, so someone chubby who's a foodie, is a damn dream! Bonus points if they're comfortable with their chub too!
Just so ya'll know, I love doing chubby/plus/fat MC or Reader with anything because here lately folks have been hella rude about their faves not liking certain body types and I'm just like??? Over here demons like whatever they feel like soooo miss me with that.
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chubby gen!mc x beel headcanons
🍣Beel always loves buying clothes for chubby mc that's a size too small, he likes how they look with a bit of their chub roll stickin' out. Muffin top? you mean eye candy for Beel
🍣Chubby MC doesn't bother covering up when at the beach with Beel or the pool. He agrees too, because why cover up such a cute detail about themselves?
🍣Beel pays attention to what food they like, making sure that he has it in stock at the palace, or he stops by that specific resteraunt to have it made perfectly each time
🍣Diet? What diet? Beel doesn't want MC to starve themselves at all, health is important, but he doesn't believe in banning certain foods especially if they taste good.
🍣Is someone talkin' shit about MC? Not on Beel's watch. All he has to do is hear someone say one thing bad about them and it's over. They will turn up "missing"
🍣Beel is very touchy, so MC always gets grabbed by their thighs and tummy, cheeks, arms, whatever has the most chub is getting poked and kissed on
🍣If flexibility is an issue, Beel can help with that...one step at a time. But he believes the same positions can be done with MC at any weight and body shape.
🍣"Does my ass look fat in this?" "Hm the buttons keep popping open" If MC were to ask Beel these questions, he'd suggest maybe less clothing the better. And yes, their ass looks delicious in that outfit.
🍣Overindulgence? Yes. Stomach problems because of said overindulgence? He suspected that might happen so he already has a Avisos ready-made medicine that cures most of any stomach ailments humans have. (yup even if they pick up an icky bug from eating an exotic food)
🍣What Beel thinks overall about Chubby MC? He loves them. He adores them. No one is allowed to take too much of their time away from him. That's his human. No matter what size they are at any point, he's lovin' up on them whenever he can.
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icycoldninja · 7 months
Can I request V, Vergil, Nero, and Damte with a s/o that likes cuddling/physical affection?
Yes! Here ya go!
Sparda boys + V x Reader who likes physical affection headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
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-Congratulations, you've found yourself a fellow cuddlebug! Dante loves to lie around snuggling whenever he has time and will enjoy doing so with you. You two can often be found curled up with pillows and blankets on the couch, watching movies or boring TV dramas that put you to sleep.
-If he can't cuddle you to sleep, he'll be sure to hug you whenever he gets the chance, and kiss whatever part of you he has access to.
-Always greets you with a huge hug and kiss when he gets back from missions, sometimes even picking you up and spinning you around for a few seconds afterwards.
-Hand holding isn't all that common between the two of you because he needs his hands at the ready in case there's an attack. Sitting on his lap, however, is an entirely different story.
-He will always let you do it, regardless of who's watching. If he's sitting down, flipping through magazines and you're present, he will pat his leg, signaling it's time to take a seat. Once you do, he will kiss you and hold you close to him, refusing to let you go unless it's an emergency. Dante does this for 2 reasons:
It annoys the fuck out of Vergil, and
It allows him to indirectly brag to everyone about how you're his.
-Bedtime cuddles are a must! Neither of you can sleep without laying in each other's arms. If either of you ever have nightmares, (which happens a lot in Dante's case) the other is there to care for and comfort.
-Needless to say, when you're snuggling with Dante, you're in good hands--literally.
-"Hey, babe, didja miss me? Course ya did, c'mere, lemme give you a big kiss."
□ Vergil □
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☝️that right there is the face Vergil makes when Y/N leaves his side for whatever reason.
-Living definition of a tsundere; says he doesn't need to be touched but secretly craves it.
-Doesn't like to be sat on like Dante does, no do not take this the wrong way but doesn't mind having you sit next to him and lean on his shoulder. Bonus points if you fall asleep like that.
-Will 100% let you read over his shoulder if you like, and straight up whines when you get up to get something, regardless of how quick your trips are.
-Speaking of shoulders, he loves it if you massage his for him--we all know how stiff demon hunter's muscles can get.
-He does not partake in PDA, but he most certainly will smother you with kisses behind closed doors, squeezing you, pressing you against him, and essentially trapping you in his hold like a shoe in a clingy dog's jaws.
-Bedtime snuggles are appreciated, but are not a requirement. He won't mind holding you for a bit, but prefers to be on his side of the bed when he falls asleep--he feels less vulnerable that way. However, when the nightmares inevitably come, he will slide into your arms and lay there, just feeling your warmth and listening to your heartbeat.
-"Don't be foolish, I do not require such trivial things such as cuddles. I-oh...alright. Fine. Just for a few moments."
● Nero ●
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I am once again apologizing for the big-ass images. On the bright side, there's more for you to look at.
-Nero is not exactly a touchy-feely guy; he doesn't mind a quick peck on the cheek or a gentle, one-armed squeeze, but he won't engage in anything too extravagant.
-He will hold your hand whenever you go out together, and occasionally wrap an arm around your waist or shoulders.
-Does not engage in PDA; he's afraid of the teasing doing so will likely elicit.
-He won't mind it at all if you decide to climb into his arms or surprise him with back hugs. It's not that he doesn't like physical touch himself, it's that he has no idea how to initiate it.
-He doesn't initiate cuddles either, he'll just lie sprawled out on the bed, waiting for you to join him. In his sleep, he'll subconsciously roll over and hook an arm around your waist, drawing you close. When he wakes up like this, he'll be a little confused, then just shrug it off and go back to sleep.
-He will never outright admit he likes to hold and be kissed by you, but will melt into your touch and never actually resists anything you try to do to him, despite his grumbling.
-"Argh, get off 'a me, I got shit to do and ass to kick, don't got time for laying around. Well...I mean, it is early. Yeah, alright, you win. I'll stay."
■ V ■
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Jesus Christ, he looks like a Yunnan snub nosed monkey
-V will take whatever you give, do not take that the wrong way horndogs! And will graciously accept any kisses, hugs, or snuggles you offer, regardless of how long they last.
-Kisses you every time he sees you, even if the last time he saw you was 5 minutes ago when you went to get a snack.
-Likes having you sitting in his lap so he can read to you, and also likes laying in your lap, listening to you talk about your day or anything else. He just loves listening to you.
-He feels weak almost all the time and would greatly appreciate it if you could carry him. He also likes being held by you because it makes him feel safe, so, so safe.
-He says he doesn't like to cuddle you at bedtime because he moves around a lot in his sleep and is afraid he'll hit you by accident, but despite these claims, he always sneaks into your room and night and lies down next to you.
-Thinks it's so adorable when you walk up to him and completely cover him with kisses.
-"Ah, there you are, my dear. Come, sit with me, and I'll read to you...if you like."
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