#Yayayayay! Asks!! :D
oh-shtars · 1 month
Bonjour, good day, I come with more questions~
1. What Disney character do you think most inspired each character in your rewrite?
2. More Rani loreeee
3. Does Rani have star magic? Although feel free to skip this as it might spoil your ending with Sueño
4. Does Hopes & Dreams have any other pet names for each other?
5. If Ashueño is similar to a genderbent Rapunzel, what dynamic is the royal couple like?
6. What trope best fits Hopes & Dreams? What about the royal couple?
7. Do you have any scrapped ideas you want to share?
8. Are the other character’s wishes important to the story?
9. What Hazbin character is each RFTS!character like?
Oh wow-
I get so happy whenever you guys leave asks and stuff like this. Thanks so much! 🥺💖💖 LOVE YA BO!
If y’all ever send me an ask and I haven’t answered it yet, please know I’m not ignoring you. I either don’t know how to answer it yet or I’m too busy atm. (Especially with exams coming up. Ew.)
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(Looking at this, I feel more guilty the more they stay there. 😅 But hey! At least you can look forward to more content, right?)
Anyways, Onto the asks!
1. What Disney character do you think most inspired each character in your rewrite?
I remember doing this one post as a little fun game for everyone to share 3 characters that inspired their main characters. But since you asked for just one and it has to be a Disney character, guess I’ll do that.
You can visit the post if you want to see mine and other AUs’ participation.
Asha = Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Sueño = Aladdin
Magnifico = Hades (Hercules)
Amaya = Zarina (Tinkerbell: The Pirate Fairy)
Valentino = Younger Simba (The Lion King)
(I don’t have a solid personality for the 7 teens since they’re not going to have as big of a role. I do have their key traits in my notes so I can look back to it as a guide. But I’m just going to go with the flow when writing their scenes.)
2. More Rani Loreeeeee
I haven’t even finished a final outline for the main plot of the RFTS!story, so idk even for a sequel. Maybe I’ll do some random drawings of family bonding moments and just him being a precious little guy.
(Hypothetically speaking, IF both Asha and Sueño survive the tragedy I’ll inflict on them. I mean what- who said that?)
All I know for Rani is that he’s someone who’s not sure what is the one thing he’s passionate for. And in this kingdom where everyone is so sure what they want and striving to achieve it, he feels lost. Surely, people only have one passion, right? Why can’t he find and settle for one?
Whenever he finds something he could be passionate about, Rani feels icky at the thought of just permanently sticking to it from now on. But at the same time, he criticises himself for being ‘irresponsible and indecisive.’
He “longs” to know his place and know what he wishes to do exactly. Rani doesn’t like being told, “But you’re so talented!!” because he personally thinks it’s unhelpful. It doesn’t make his choice of picking one passion any easier.
He also doesn’t really like vague answers to his questions and gets frustrated with it. “Believe in yourself.” “You’ll get there.” “Keep going!” “You’ll know it when you feel it.” “I don’t know what you’re aspiring to do, but I bet you’ll do great.” Well guess what? He doesn’t know what he’s doing either. :D
Also: *G A S P*. Not a strong believer of Wishing stars nor looking to the sky for answers! 😱 Rani prefers to “see-it-to-believe-it.” A more down to earth person who wants real solutions, not just hoping for something to magically happen.
(Some stuff might change but here’s an overview of Rani just like you asked- :))
3. Does Rani have star magic?
Ehhhhh, I’ll say he has general knowledge in magic and just about anything he finds interesting and gets his hands on. Not really star magic, though he has the skill of a fast-learner when learning about regular magic. Again, Rani’s existence may or may not be hypothetical. 🤷
4. Does Hopes & Dreams have any other pet names for each other?
Sueño is not really one for pet names since he adores Asha just as she is, including her name. But in his head and through the sign language he eventually learns, he does sometimes call her: “Love or My Sky”
(I love “My Sky” so much because it FITS him. He loves the feeling of freedom and is claustrophobic. So he’s basically saying he feels so free and happy to be around her. Also, *coughs* Bo. “Sky”. My Sky. “Cielo”. Amirite? This was unintentional, I swear-)
For Asha, she calls Sueño: “Starlight, Mi Sueño (this is her fav one ofc), Sunny (though this is more general), Hon/Honey.”
For the last one, I have a silly headcanon that Sueño comes to have honey as one of his fav foods. It sort of rhymes with his other nickname, “Sunny,” and Asha thinks it’s hilarious to tease him with the “honey” nickname when he gets all sticky.
Idk why I even came up with this, but the thought that he’ll eat anything, even food he usually doesn’t like, that is dipped in honey on it is just funny, okay? And it connects to Hal too since I remember she’s meant to be a beekeeper. (This may also be a cute little reference with Winnie the Pooh if Sueño shapeshifts. Hehehe)
Btw, stars can taste but not go hungry. Like how they touch and feel stuff but not feel pain when inflicted or hit by something. If it’s dark magic, then that’s the only exception and they can feel pain.
5. If Ashueño is similar to a genderbent Rapunzel, what dynamic is the royal couple like?
Idk actually. I made Amnifico or ‘Grand Despair’ from scratch without referring or getting inspired by any couple I know. It’s mostly songs and vibes I’ve collected to create their dynamic. Same with Ashueño. The Rapunzel similarity was not intentional. 😅
(I think you should be worried because my RFTS!Spotify playlist has lots of angst- lol.)
Uhhhhhhh, maybe Grand Despair can be something akin to Charity and P.T Barnum from the Greatest Showman. But darker and eviler.
A guy who promises something for his beloved, gets carried away, and eventually forgetting what this was all for in the first place. :3
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6. What trope best fits Hopes and Dreams? What about the royal couple?
Hopes and Dreams:
“Soulmates/Fate” (I think we can all agree that these two are meant to be, either platonically or romantically, in any universe both AU and Canon.)
👏 SLOW 👏 BURN👏 (That pang of realisation always gets me)
Thinks she’s no one special x Treats her like royalty
Grand Despair:
Doomed Romance
Pissy x Only one who calms him down
”Us against the World”
7. Do you have any scrapped ideas you want to share?
Not anything that wouldn’t spoil some stuff for the plot. Sorry 😞
8. Are the other characters’ wishes important to the story?
Hmmmmm. I guess they influence the narrative and further establish the conflict of the story.
Like, the characters are used to just taking the easy way to achieve their dreams by waiting for the day Magnifico grants them one morning. They can make as much as they want. Unbeknownst to them, they’re stuck in this cycle of always wanting more but never satisfied.
They keep wishing and wishing, believing that they have no chance of reaching it on their own without their king’s help.
I’d like the main theme to be: not being afraid to dream big and “Reach for the Stars” but you shouldn’t expect grand things to just come to you instantly. You’ll need to take faith and work for it. Why? Because the whole journey getting there, regardless of the many struggles, is worth it and it sure is something to look back and be proud of.
It sure is what Walt Disney did, isn’t it? :)
9. What Hazbin character is each RFTS!character like?
It’s kind of difficult to pick from the Hazbin cast what each RFTS!character is like since one plot is based off of dreams and everything nice while the other is literally based in hell. 😂
But I’ll try:
Emily was the closest I could think of. (Since I literally couldn’t think of anyone else. Oof-) Not really referring to the happy, excited part of her. More like the “I believe these people deserve a lot better than this” and eventually finding her voice to stand up against authority for the people she cares about.
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No, not the aggressive and assertive side of Vaggie. Lol nope. More like getting attached to the MC that helped them get back onto their feet, warmly welcomed them in this strange new world, and now they would do anything to help them get their dreams come true whatever it takes.
(Also, a secret they’re keeping that’s eating them up inside with guilt and constantly worrying that the MC would hate their guts if they knew. Oops-)
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I’d say the fake-ass showmanship he puts out in public but in reality, he’s really done and exhausted with his audience. He’s still pretty charismatic when he wants to be but I can see him losing his cool quite easily, leading to outbursts.
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Idkkkk. The main cast of Hazbin don’t really fit RFTS!Amaya’s vibe so I just went with Lilith despite how we know nothing about her at the moment. (This is probs gonna age badly-)
She’s a parental figure to someone who trusts her a lot but in reality, her motivations might not be what they seem. She could be willing to sacrifice other people if it means she gets a benefit out of them.
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helsex · 2 months
what is your favorite animal… top 3 if you’re feeling special even
I cannot narrow down to one so you're getting three :3 (in no particular order)
secretary birds
all kitties (domestic and wild)
Horsies :)
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crystalmagpie447 · 10 months
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schoenht · 10 months
In Every Lifetime
《 previous | masterlist | are you lost babykrill 》
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a/n: YAYAYAYAY ACT THREE bought myself more link click merch today NYAHAHA anyways i read no longer human but junji ito's version and. Wow. Thank god i didn't buy it. I was. Yeah i had to sit there for a few to process and then had to listen to double face to calm down bc. Yikes. I loved the novel but the manga just felt so. Idk ??? I don't recommend it to just anyone but yeah. It was smth and usually i like horror and junji ito but that just made me feel gross 😭 i can stomach uzumaki and tomie but that book. Yeah no. I can rant about it if someone asks LMAOOO /hj
taglist: @taruruchi @idiaia @starchilll @h0n3ysgh0st @yumixxn @kalims @sakuram1nt @proximitybobomb @shiemori @fluffimemes @meigalaxy @kaechannn @ravenkake @unlikelyinternetprincess @magical-mace @lifeless-bug @atl4ntxc @pyrrhicgaze @chay2 @everettelz @voreaux @yelshin @kahunap @tingerines @teamoymas @pastellepastary @mochimiyaas @i-have-a-lot-of-ocs @sxftiebee @eccedentesiast-sapphic @kenma-izhu @twisted-jamil @bre99 @sherryuki-callmeyuki @yuchanyuna @faeryarchives @musclefanatica @stormyovent0aster @fangirl-d-blog @iameliseposts @minkyungseokie @skintights0cks @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @sugarrush-blush @kalims-pessimist-bestie @stupidwingboy @simp-incoming @kurenix @alex-the-bee
REMINDER: taglist is open! you will be tagged on the reblog however bc tumblr gave me a mf limit BYE but if i cannot, I'll try and tag you on the comments !!
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fricchead · 8 months
Hai there! Wishing you a great day!! 🌹
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...So, I was wondering, what are your top 5 UY storylines or the ones you just have a soft spot for?
Hope you'll reply! X3
Hihihihiiii also wishing you a great day !!!
I’m going to be going off the storylines from both the original 80’s anime and some off the manga (I haven’t completely finished it lol) and I feel like the UY 2022 reboot doesn’t have a lot AS FOR NOW
But here are my top 5 (there’s so many but I had to pick) :D
5. Since your departure/ After You’ve gone
UNORIGINAL BUT IDC BECAUSE IT JUST HITS THE JUGULAR. It’s just such a bittersweet episode and yes I know Ataru deserves to be punished every once in a while but seeing this mans BAWLING had me- HHHHHHH
Put this on #5 because while it’s already a fan favorite, there’s others I prefer more
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4. Dolphin Dating and Beach Babe Patrol
I like both the manga and anime adaption !!! It’s a very fun chapter/episode and hearing Ataru refer to Lum as “his woman” has me eating drywall and breaking plates
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3. Valentines disillusions
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Now this was hard because as I went down the list I realized… how can I pick only 5 ?? Like as I was finding the episodes and chapters I was like ‘oh shit I forgot about this one’ but I think #2 will be TWO STORYLINES BECAUSE YES
2. I love Darling’s Kindness/ Love has No Boundaries-Goodness ! Words aren’t getting to Darling !
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As I’m typing this I realize I didn’t add Lum thinking she’s turning into a cow, Electric Jungle, Inaba the Dream Maker, Big Bottle Little Bottle, Happy Birthday My Darling, How I’ve Waited for You, Thrilling First Date, etc. and now i wanna kick myself because HOW DID I FORGET. ANWAYS These two have a GRIP on me
And now #1 yayayayay
1. The Final Chapter/ Boy Meets Girl
Words cannot DESCRIBE how much I love this arc. Absolute perfection. The movie adapted it so amazingly, and captured it so well. This storyline truly shows how strong Ataru’s and Lum’s love for each other is, and while we never got the actual “I love you” WE DIDNT NEED IT BECAUSE HE SHOWED IT AND IT GETS ME IN TEARS EVERY TIME.
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Thank you so much for the ask Yume 💗💗💗 i would’ve wrote more, but as you can tell, I suck ASS at formatting and analyzing but I’m always excited to gets asks !!
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
When you wish upon a star while Stargazing
Summery: Haldir walks in on the reader stargazing and decides to join them, and a confession is told.
Pairing: Haldir x Reader
Disclamer: I couldn't find much out about the constellations of middle earth so it may have some inaccurate facts in this.
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Haldir hmmed as he got to a clearing in the forest he paused as he saw you leaned against a tree and looking to the sky.
"It is a nice night tonight" Haldir said making his present known, he was right, it was a warm night and the sky was clear perfect for star gazing, you hmmed in agreement.
"Join me" You said to him, he had walked all this way here you were not going to make him walk all the way back having just got here and Haldir knew that so he sat besides you and leaned his back on the tree.
You both sat in silence enjoying the peace mixed the the occasional sound of the crickets, Haldir soon remembered you had a special interest in stars, he had never paid much mind to them whereas you had studied them extensively, you have travelled to every corner of middle earth just to study the ones in the sky which you could not see from other places, until you eventually settled in Lothlórein as you said it had your favourite stars although you did talk about a lot of the ones in Imladris.
"Whats that star" Haldir questioned you turned your head to him and then in the direction he was pointing you smiled
"That star is part of that constellation, which makes Soronúmë, or the eagle of the west although it is considerably east, but it travels across the sky I saw it in Imladris when I visited once, Varda created it before the awakening of the Elves, and it is always facing to the west although above Gondor it has the illusion it is facing eastwards" You carried on talking about the constellation before pointing out others to Haldir, he glance to you, a small smile crept onto his face as he watched you talk, the stars gave you an enchanted glow to you as if you were made of starlight yourself.
"Haldir look a shooting star, make a wish" You said pointing to a moving star
"What" Haldir questioned
"It's a tradition within the race of men to wish on a shooting star, of course it is ludicrous but it's sweet and has grown on me, they also say it's bad luck to say your wish out loud" You said as Haldir watched the star.
He did humour you however by wishing on the star that one day you would become his.
"What did you wish for" You questioned
"It's bad luck to say your wish aloud" Haldir said back to you making you laugh you threw your head back laughing, Haldir's smile grew.
You sighed smiling at Haldir as you leaned back on the tree, "it's only a superstition of man" you said
"And yet you brought it up" Haldir said as he looked at you, you smiled back at him subconsciously letting your head rest on his shoulder, you ignored him stiffing at the contact your hand brushed over his.
"I'll tell you my wish" you said to him, Haldir hmmed as you nudged him.
"I thought that was bad luck, or at least to the race of men" Haldir said with a laugh, you had never seen or heard him laugh before, he was always so stoic and aloof, distancing himself from everyone, maybe it was because of a sense of rank or he just wasn't comfortable with large social interactions.
You liked his laugh it was deep and melodious, it was perfect just like everything about him, but now looking back on it, Haldir had never been as stoic or aloof around you, his brothers teased that he liked you but you never believed them but now you though deeper into things, maybe they were right, he always went out of his way to help you, he showed you a side he didn't show to anyone not even his brothers, this side him laughing and smiling like this and taking things so light heartedly was for your eyes only, you had never seen him act like this with anyone else.
"You seem distracted are you alright" Haldir asked tilting his head in concern, you really did enjoy your private moments with the Marchwarden even if they were rare.
The reflections of the stars on his hair and cloths gave him an ethereal, a strand of hair had dropped from were it was tucked behind his ear, you reached your hand out to tuck it back, only coming to your senses again when Haldir took your wrist, you sighed, your intent to touch his hair was clear to see and even touching an elf hair was an intermate act.
"I'm sorry" you said looking away from him, he probably didn't like you, his brothers just got your hopes up, you remembered what they had said to you when you had come around to give Rúmil back the Quiver you had fixed for him, ever since you had settled in Caras Galadhon you had became the master-craftsman, as the last one returned to Imladris as his wife was giving birth.
"Y/N, hello, what can we do for you, are you looking for Haldir" Orophin had said as you walked down the path to their Talan he was sitting on the wooden rail of the porch, Rúmil was however sharpening his sword sitting on the step.
"No, I am not Orophin, I have came to return Rúmil, his Quiver, as I have fixed it for him" you returned as you pulled the new quiver out of the cloth you used to carry it there.
"Amazing Craftsmanship as usual Y/n, you really would think you are from the line of Fëanor with this, but you never do house visits are you sure you don't want to catch Haldir's eye, I heavily regret to inform you Haldir is on patrol" Rúmil said
"I was not, I was coming to tell you to stop being so reckless and then I wouldn't have to repair your equipment unless you break it just to tease about your elder brother, and I assure you I am not in any shape or form related to Fëanor" You returned to the Ellon who had taken the quiver from you his twin snickered in the background, you had somewhat lied, you kinda where related to him due to your father Lord Elrond, but no one apart from your grandparents here knew that.
"Come on Y/n, Haldir loves seeing you, he is utterly in love with you, Compare how he acts when you are around to when you are not together " Orophin said Rúmil nodded in agreement with his twin
They wouldn't pull that sick of a prank right, they pulled pranks but they wouldn't tease your feelings would they, you felt a hand on your cheek.
"Y/n were you listening to me" Haldir questioned you looked to him.
"I'm sorry what did you say" you asked Haldir let out a nervous laugh and removed his hand and shuffled back.
"It was nothing, it doesn't matter" Haldir said rubbing his neck awkwardly, he stood up.
"It's getting Late, and I have Patrol early tomorrow, may I walk you home" Haldir asked holding out his hand, you took one last look at the sky to see grey clouds were covering the stars, you took his hand and stood with his assistance, and you both started walking back through the trees and to the path, not many people knew of that spot, you had found it when you were out for a walk lost in your mind and Haldir after much searching due to Lord Celeborn wanting you had found you.
As you reached the path the Valar had not answered your prayers and it started raining almost in mourning you both had ignored each others moves and been so oblivious, Haldir cast his cloak over your head without a word, you looked up to him and smiled.
"Thank you but you shouldn't" you said pushing his hand away from holding his cloak up to keep you dry, the small shower soon turned into downpour and you and Haldir ended up running to his Talan as it was closer and he wasn't going to let you make a break for yours, his was on the outer edge of the city near your spot and yours was close to Lady Galadriel's and Lord Celeborn's halls.
"Rúmil and Orophin are on patrol until the day after tomorrow" Haldir said, great it was just you and him, you almost wished the twins were here so it would be less awkward.
"I feel bad for them having to stay out in this weather" you said looking outside were the few remaining elves were running to cover.
"They probably deserve it" Haldir said with a supressed laugh, they had been teasing him constantly ever since he missed your visit about how he liked you and how you liked him back. Haldir squeezed the water out of his soaked hair, and disapped upstairs after putting on the fire, he came back down changed and with a spare pair of cloths which he handed to you.
"Second room on the left upstairs you can change there I left a towel there for you" Haldir said you did so, the clothes where big on you, you were quite close to the twins builds that this wouldn't be so much of a problem however this was not there clothes, you walked back down stairs.
"Thank you" You said as Haldir wordlessly took your clothes and hung them up next to the fire so they could dry, you sat one one of the seats close to it and held your knees close to your chest resting your head on them.
Haldir cleared his throat to clear the awkward silence "I- about earlier" Haldir started
"I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to you, I was lost in though" You said
"I- it actually does matter at least to me" Haldir said
"I'm listening now" You said
"I can't speak for you, but i enjoy the time we spend together, I am Thankful my brothers have not turned you away, with the amount of time we have spent together, I have enjoyed your company immensely, it took a few hundred years to realise I like you more than a friend, I really like you a lot, you have somehow been able to knock down any wall I have put up or tried to put up, you are always so kind to everyone you meet, you have skills I envy deeply, what I am attempting to tell you is" Haldir paused and finished his walk over to you he knelt Infront of you taking your hand and stoking the back of it subconsciously with his thumb.
"Gi Melin Ithildin-nin" Haldir said, he searched your eyes for signs you would reject him.
"Oh Haldir" You said with a long sigh, Haldir looked down as if your tone had already rejected him
"You do not know how long I have longed to hear those words uttered from your mouth" you said breathlessly, Haldir looked up at you his eyes questioning if he heard you correctly
"Meleth" Haldir breathed in relief, wrapping his hands around your waisted and burying his head in your neck as your arms wrapped around his laughing.
"Will you court me ithildin nin" Haldir questioned
"Of course" you replied his breath tickled against your neck, he came to look you in your eyes, you in response cupped his cheeks in your hands and pulled him in for a kiss, he pulled you into his lap in a hug.
"Guess that superstation of man works" Haldir said making you raise an eyebrow
"I wished that you would become mine" Haldir said
"Maybe it works for Elves" you said
You both eventually fell asleep in the embrace of one another, neither of you heard the door open or the two very noisy brothers walk in
"SHHH" Orophin said to his twin before pointing to you and Haldir asleep in the chair wrapped up in one another, Rúmil took a blanket and pulled it over you both.
"Looks like a lot happened when we where gone" Orophin said, The morning soon came and the twins had hurried out before you and Haldir woke after tidying their mess and folding your now cleaned clothes on the other chair Haldir was the first to awaken he soon realised he had slept in and missed his patrol or his patrol was waiting for him.
"Meleth nin please wake up I need to go" Haldir said you groaned in your sleep clutching onto his shirt tighter, but eventually stirred awake.
"It wasn't this clean when we went to sleep" You said
"I suspect my Brothers got back early and did this" Haldir said as you let him get up, you kissed him before you let him leave.
"Gi Melin, Meleth nin" You said as you hooked his cloak into place as he stood on the doorstep
"Gi Melin Ana" Haldir said turning and kissing you on the forehead.
Maybe wishes on stars do come true.
Elvish Translation:
Gi melin - I love you
Ana - to
Meleth nin - my love
Ithildin nin - my starlight
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idiotsofoz · 9 months
hi hello my name is jaye i do not believe we have a had a formal conversation yet but i must say we have very similar taste in music and such and i was going positively crazy about ww at this time last year so if you ever want to talk feel free too :DD
YAYAYAYAY im so bad at starting conversations but you seem so cool we definitely should talk!!!!!! you're free to message me or send me an ask at ANY time id love to talk to you :D
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pikoeatsglue32 · 4 months
oh good at least one of the asks went through. I sent a couple, but it’s okay though!!! Tumblr Support fixed it :3
yayayayay :D
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ask-angel-argos · 5 months
(movie anon is backkk)
“Um- so I just remembered that I actually forgot something back there so I need to go grab it-* zooms away, repeats three seconds later* okay, I got it! *leads you into the shadows of the mountain, and you continue to walk in darkness with me for around roughly 2 minutes, all the sudden you hear, a door being opened, and you are pulled into a warm room, and you hear the door shut* one minute! I’m just lighting the torches! *the torches get lit and you look around you to see a vast cavern. The walls are made of rock, and there seems to be no ceiling in sight, there are various rugs laid the floor and odd pieces of furniture that looked to possibly be made out of stone, in the middle of the room sits a pot over an open flame, you hadn’t noticed that when you had first come in* please, please get in the pot, and we shall have pot stew!
(sorry not sorry)
................THIS WAS ALL A TRAP??
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starboydreamy · 10 months
hihi!! sending asks 2 every1 i get interaction from 2 cheer them up hopefully!! as always youre one of my favowit ppl to get notifs from and im always wishin the best for u :3
Yayayayay! :D have a wonderful day!
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I LOVE TMBG TOO i was so jazzed when u assigned me one of their songs in ur ask game!! :D -red
Yayayayay!!! They're my favourite band of allll time! It's so nice to see another TMBG fan :D
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good morning gay people / fucks you… royally / BITES U BITES U BITES U BITES :D
Yayayayay!! Hi Mel!! I am bit and befriended and fucked so tenderly <3
Thank you for the ask!! Kissie kissie
-your Creature
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crystalmagpie447 · 2 months
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mackmp3 · 6 days
3, 7 and 15 for the asks :-)
3 - last song you listened to?
i think there, there by radiohead :]
7 - ideal number of blanket?
just the duvet, any more & i get too warm lol
15 - favourite season?
spring!! i love spring yayayayay
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0zwaldzaretwor1d · 16 days
Hello! Welcome to my Aret Blog (:D
My name is Ollie, but you can call me Ozz or whatever you come up with that has Oz in it :)
(Ozwald, Ozworld stuff like that)
If I ask you to not call me something please respect my wishes, thank you :)
Pronouns: They/Them🤙
I am technically a minor (under 18)
This is a blog where I can post all my art to see where it goes, or what happens
Main: @ollie-ozz ☆ OC Sideblog: @0zzlerz-ratas
I post art stuff on these accounts also but to stay organized this is just overall art, like art from anywhere or anything, Ex: Tmnt, or just random sht
RULEZ n' stuff after cut:
•Be RESPECTFUL. No matter what
•Give credit (ASK first though if you want to re-post or smth)
•Don't be homophobic, transphobic, or racist.
•If you joke about anything, make sure you clarify with a /j [so I don't block you or go off by accident ;-;] unless it's obviously a joke, then idc :)
^ If I think whatever your joking about shouldn't be joked about, I will let you know :)
•Don't be (too) weird with the anon asks, I can and will turn them off if I have too
•I AM A MINOR. So don't be sexual abt anything. it's on sight (Blocked) if you are. I am also Acesexual, so the idea or talk of s3x makes me uncomfortable.
•If I don't add any trigger warnings to my post that you need me to add please let me know so I can fix it, I will try my best to put a warning but sometimes things slip. So if you notice anything just let me know <3
•I fully encourage and appreciate tips that will help me get better with my art!!
☆This blog will include:
Art 🎨
Art talk
Reblogs of art stuff (like tutorials or helpful links)
Maybe some art block rants
This is a place for some friendly debates (doesn't necessarily have to be art debate)
And more!
[That I will include when it comes to mind]
☆This blog will not include:
ANYTHING POLITICAL. I hear enough of it at the dinner table thanks to my dad
Anything negative (hate specifically, of ANY kind. We're respectful here, no matter how childish or dumb the argument is.)
[I will add things as I start posting and being interacted with ]
☆Extra stuff:
•I cuss sometimes but most of the time I won't spell out the entire word, Ex: sht, fuk, btch.. Idk why it's just a thing I do
•I'm gay, non binary, Acesexual, and I have a girlfriend⚠️❗️‼️⚠️
^ you're reaction
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• I support ALL cosplayers
• Tag explanations: Aret Stuff, MY art stuff ▪︎ Art stuff, not my art stuff but still art stuff ▪︎ Kool 😎, art tips or art link that would be helpful later ▪︎ YAYAYAYAY, art stuff from a moot ▪︎ AUGHP, Favorite stuff ▪︎HEHEHE, fanart of OC (??.. just in case) ▪︎
【Add more here...】
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If you made it this far, congrats! And thank you for reading and paying attention (assuming you did..) have this 😎
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0 notes
ssreeder · 2 years
Omgg im with your last anon!! I can't wait for the reunions!! how long until we see a reunion, do you think? Doesn't matter if it is the gaang, Hakoda, or the fire prision chaos trio... what reunion is the one you're most excited to write?
Love your work even if it hurts my soul <3
Reunions you say?? What reunions?!
Kidding, but ummmm I’d say 2-3 chapters and we will have a full on reunion. I won’t say with who,,, but I will say I’m looking forward to writing all the different reunions for different reasons.
Each one will impact both sokka & zuko in a different way and I can’t say which I’m more excited to write because they will all be a fun/angsty journey.
The goal would be to hopefully have the boys interact with people that can help them recover from the trauma they sustained since being separated from their friends/family.
Although…. Things are never easy for them so finger crossed.
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