#Yellowstone lee Dutton
allsortsofwritings · 6 months
After the sunset - Lee Dutton (Yellowstone)
The fic i promised like last week!! Whoops but here it is. Not proofread so ignore anything that doesn’t make sense. Requests are open
The soft sun peaked through the blinds. Wanting a few more hours of sleep, rolling over when it felt like you hit a wall. Groaning, trying to make more room between you and the wall when you opened your eyes and saw that the wall was your boyfriend. Sound asleep he threw an arm over you, pulling you into him.
“Lee, Lee, get the hell away from me,” muffled in his arms, his grip somehow getting tighter around you. Trying to pry his arms off when Lee finally opened his eyes, groaning. Sleep weighed his eyes, looking into yours, “What’d I do now,” muffled by the pillow.
Burning up as if you were in a sauna. You brushed Lee’s hair out of his face, caressing his cheek while his eyes slowly lowered again, “Nothin baby don’t worry about it.” Lee hummed while you continued to run your fingers through his hair.
Breaking the comfortable silence, “What’s the plan for today cowboy?” Lee sighed heavily before answering you, “ too many things. Got a meeting later with the people who stole my dad’s cattle.” You grimaced at the thought of him going off to meet with people who want him dead. “By the people do you mean Monica’s family.”
“Doesn’t matter who they are, they stole from us and now we have to get them back.” Lee’s groggy voice filled the room. You rolled on top of him, straddling his hips. “Doesn’t matter who or what they took, I just need you back here in one piece.” You leaned down to kiss him. He deepened the kiss, battling for dominance.
Lee broke the kiss, your foreheads touching as your chests heaved, “Be safe, last time you said they shot at you guys. ‘N Lee Dutton if I hear something like that happens I’m done, you’ll never see me again.” You kissed his chest before you laid your head on him.
Feeling a heavy hand caressing the back of your head, “Don’t worry darlin, be here tonight just a little late as usual. I’ll come back crawling to you if that’s all I can do.” He kissed the top of your head, “I’ll come back half dead, always coming back to you.”
Leaning up to kiss him for the last time before your alarms rang. “Don’t make empty promises cowboy.” Getting off of him and heading to the bathroom. “My promises are never empty.”
“God damnit Lee! Stay with me” Kayce shouted as he kicked the horse to go faster. Making their way to the chopper, “Dad, Rob-“ John cut him off by getting Lee off the horse. “Help me.” Throwing one of Lee’s arms over their shoulders, Lee’s shallow breathing, legs dragging as the Dutton’s tried their best to get him into the chopper.
“Find Y/n, tell her before the news.”
Water droplets on the ground as you looked at the empty bed. Knowing you’ll wake up to him accidentally slamming the door and apologizing. Getting in bed, shutting off the lights and making sure the alarms set for tomorrow, the old clock Lee insisted you used instead of a phone.
Phone ringing on the side table. Seeing it’s Kayce calling, probably calling to bitch about what your boyfriend did, hitting decline and powering it off. Closing your eyes and going to sleep.
Harsh bangs on the front door woke you up. Looking at the clock, seeing it had barely been five minutes since you shut your phone off. More bangs, opening the drawer in the side table, pulling out the gun Lee insisted you learned to use in case of these situations. Moving towards one of the windows, peaking out to see it’s Ryan and Rip.
Gun still in your hand as you unlocked the door. The bewildered men shouted at you to put on your jacket and put the gun down. “Can someone just tell me what’s going on!” Rip threw your jacket at you as Ryan put your shoes in front of you. Ryan made his way out and into the truck. You stared at Rip, waiting for him to say something, “No time sweetheart, explain in the truck, now we gotta go.” Rip said. Throwing everything on, Ryan waiting in the truck as Rip closed the front door behind the two of you.
“My god where are we going, you said you’d explain in the truck.” You’re in the back, watching as Ryan and Rip looked at each other. Neither wanting to say anything. 10 minutes is how long you’ve been in the truck and you’re thinking about jumping out instead. Leaving your phone was a mistake, there was a need in you, needing to hear Lee’s voice. Needing to see how he was doing or where he fuck he was.
“Give me a phone, I’m calling Lee and when I get him on the phone he’s gonna have both your asses.” Silence still stood amongst the men. You leaned in to make sure they could see your face. “Rip did you not fucking hear me! I said give me a fucking phone so I can call Lee, might as well call Beth, she’ll get your ass too.” Neither of them so as much flinched at your threats.
Visibly angry you sat back as you realized you were now in town. Speeding the entire way here but Rip’s foot got even heavier, flying through town when you made it to the hospital. Cop cars with their lights on, the personal vehicles of the Dutton family in the front of the parking lot. Ryan turned around to look at you as the truck made a full stop in front. “It’s Lee, meeting went wrong.”
You jumped out of the truck, stumbling as your feet made contact with the pavement. Running in the hospital, the receptionist looked at you with sorrow, reading the scared expression plastered across your face. “I- Lee Dutton where is he.” Fingers tapped on the keyboard in front of her. “ Are you a relative of some sort?” The words tumbled out without a thought, “His wife, I’m his wife.” She looked you in the eyes with a sad smile, “He is currently in surgery on the second floor Mrs. Dutton.” A quick thank you before you made your way to the elevator.
Thoughts raced through your mind as the elevator dinged on the second floor. The Dutton family sitting the waiting room, heads snapped towards the elevator door. Making eye contact with a blood shot eyed Jaime. The tears began falling as you made your over to him. Pulling you into a bone crushing hug, “I’m so sorry Y/n, he’s, he was.”
You could feel your heart drop when Jamie said was. Ringing in your ears as Jaimes mouth continued to move, not hearing a thing. John made his way over to you two. Standing next to Jamie. You cut through the two, heading towards an empty seat next to Beth.
“Can you just tell me what’s going on. Please Beth where’s Lee.” You choked on a sob as Beth’s eyes filled with tears. Taking out a cigarette. You snatched the lighter out of her hand. “God damnit it Beth just tell me!”
“Robert Long shot him over some fucking cattle.” Grabbing the lighter out of your hand before storming out.
You sat in shock, head in your hands as John came over to console you. “He’ll pull through, he’s a tough kid everyone knows it, he won’t leave you like this.”
It was hours before someone came and told you guys anything. Lee was alive, breathing on his own, could be seen but only two at a time.
Everyone looked at you and John, signaling you two were the first ones. Making your way to his room. Room 320, stopping right outside of the door. Too scared to go in and see what had become of the man you love. John put a hand on your shoulder, “You don’t need to see him right now, doc says he’ll be asleep for a few hours anyway, go eat something, rest a little.”
“Thank you for the offer but I don’t think your opinion in what I do matters at the moment.” Opening the door to see a pale faced Lee. Hooked up to machines, seeing his heartbeat somehow calmed yours. You moved towards the bed, taking a seat next to Lee, grabbing his hand in yours. You could feel the lump in your throat start to form again. Tears were slowly making their way down your cheeks all over again. You couldn’t be here.
Letting go of his hand and leaving the room. You were met with Jamie standing right outside the door, waiting for either of you to leave. He moved out of your way, calling after you but not following. Once you reached the first floor, asking to use the hospitals phone to call Ryan and get you the fuck out of there.
You couldn’t move out of the water. The once hot water that burned your skin was now freezing. Goosebumps filled your body. Feeling guilty for leaving Lee. For not being brave enough to face the situation head on. Leaving with your tail tucked after insulting the man whose son was lying in the hospital.
Your phone had been ringing for two hours now. Getting voicemail after voicemail from Beth. Wondering why the fuck you left. John calling just to check up on you as he put it. Jamie wanting you to come back to help deal with everything. You didn’t want to deal with everything.
Drying off, throwing on sweatpants and one of Lee’s hoodies. Checking your phone again, seeing a message from Beth, telling you Lee had finally woken up.
The front door opening, seeing Ryan standing there,”You have such good timing you know.” He chuckled before ushering you out, “Yeah well, credit goes to Beth, it’s like I can feel her anger through text, come on.” Turing to truck on and heading back to the hospital.
Room 320. The bold white letters stared back at you as you tried to go in again. John opened the door, seeing you through the little window. You stood outside in the hallway. Looking at the man you insulted 3 hours ago. “Been asking for you since he woke up. Doc says to not stress him any you know.” You nodded as he left the room. Leaving just you and Lee.
The tip of your nose started to tingle, water filling your eyes again for what seemed the hundredth time today. Except this time you were looking in the eyes of the man you love.
Those big soft brown eyes staring back into yours. Slowly making your way towards him. Carefully sitting next to him, trying to be as close to him as you could without causing any pain. “You’re treatin’ me like I’m gonna break, supposed to be the way ‘round.” He trying his best to put a smile on your face. A tight lipped grin made its way onto your face. You choked on a sob. Lee’s hand wiped the tears that were starting to fall again.
“Told you I’d come back darlin. Would never leave you here, never doing that to you.” Your sobs got louder when he spoke. Inching towards his chest, hearing him wince made you shoot right back up, “I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mea-“ Index finger pressed softly against your lips. “Told you to never say sorry to me, something that’ll never need to happen. Now come here.” Lee moved a little to the side as best as he could. Wedging you between him and the bed guard. Laying down right next to him. Your head slightly resting in the side of his neck.
“Who told you,” Lee asked as you moved closer to his side. It took you awhile to answer him. Still not believing what was going on. Words stumbling out, “Beth.”
Lee hummed, “My sister’s always been great at delivering shitty news.” You let out a humorless chuckle, “Should find someone else to deliver news, she’ll probably start delivering punches instead of the news.” You could feel Lee laughing, “Yeah well it’s always her or Rip delivering something bad, ‘least Beth won’t whip out her flip phone to call you.” You laughed. “Rip and that fucking flip phone, don’t know how he gets Beth going when he whips that thing out.” Lee groaned in disgust as you continued to laugh, “Alright fun’s over, you ruined it.”
Lying in silence, listening to the heart monitor fill the air. Racking your brain to figure out something to say. Lee beat you to it, “Ya gonna leave me now?” A small grin was on his face. Made no sense to you, a man who was on the brink of death a few hours ago was grinning.
You hummed before answering him, “If I leave you now I think Beth’ll beat me up.” Lee silently laughed, agreeing with you, before you continued, “But I’m thinking you deserve one more chance.” Lee nodded his head, tipping his head towards the ceiling, “Thank you, scared me for a minute.” You smiled at his reaction.
Lee turned his head towards you, “Reach into my jacket pocket and pull out what’s in there.” Complying, getting out of the bed, to reach for Lee’s jacket on the chair near you. Grabbing the jacket, sitting down on the bed and searching the pockets when you pulled out a small black velvet box. You looked at Lee with confusion. Lee had the biggest shit eating grin on his face. “Open it.” Opening it to find a beautiful diamond ring, tears flooding your eyes as you stared at the ring, “Now I know this is probably the worst way to propose, in a hospital. I promise I planned everything out, was gonna have Gator make your favorite foods, go ride Ray and Loco after then propose in a field just somewhere out there but then you know this happened and what I’m trying to say is.“
Lee ended his long speech, grabbing your hand as you sat there in shock, looking into his eyes, “Y/n L/n, will you marry me?”
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bellarkeselection · 6 months
Request yellowstone Lee dutton
Reader is drunk and she calls her friend jamie to come pick her up jamie tells his dad and brother reader calls and needs to be pick up at a bar so lee and jamie go when they gets there some guy was hitting on her and Lee saves her and jamie being a lawyer threatens him
Dutton Boys Got My Back
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Sitting up at the bar I downed another beer and added it to my section of ones I had finished in the few hours I have been here. Tonight I needed a release from having a fight with my mother over the fact that I had stuck around with the Dutton family. She wanted me to leave Montana but I felt like I belonged here and nowhere else. “Can I get another Liam?”
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” The bartender asked me.
Shaking my head I snapped back. “Nah I don’t think so. Now get me another before I call my buddies.”
“Okay don’t start a fight in my bar.” He warned me walking away to get another beer.
Taking my phone out of my pocket I scoffed scrolling through my contacts until I found Jaime’s cell. We had been close up until his daddy had sent him off to become a lawyer. Now I knew if I ever got in trouble he’d bail me out. Hitting he call button I finished the remainder of my beer. “Hey Jaime…you working on any big cases?”
“Not tonight. What are you doing?” He asked me.
Slurring my words the bartender came back giving me my new drink. “Just having some drinks after fighting with my mother again this year. That women don’t understand my life…”
“How many drinks have you had?” He questioned me.
Sitting my beer bottle down I answered him back. “It don’t matter, Jaime. Just enough to know….have we ever gone out dancing together. We should do that tonight. Come and pick me up.”
“I’ll be there in a few.” He responded ending the phone call.
I wasn’t sure how long I had been sitting there but it was long enough to know I should’ve probably left hours ago. Half the time I came out to the bar with Beth. The other times it was rare if I got Lee and Jaime out and off that ranch for the night. Lee and I always have something more going on then what we are actually comfortable to admit to ourselves. I’ve had a crush on him for years and I’d be married to him if my mother would allow it. “Dutton’s mean nothing but trouble.” She’d say to me during some of our arguments.
“What’s a pretty gal like you sitting up here all alone. Drowning your emotions in alcohol is no way to go.” A random guy came up to me but he nearly collapsed on top of the bar top telling me he was more drunk then I was.
Taking a sip from my beer I sent him a smirk. “That’s none of your business, buddy.”
“It kinda is a part of my business. I wanna….spend a round with you.” He gets up close to me pushing his Boyd up against mine nearly spilling his drink in my lap.
Glancing up at him I shook my head knowing exactly what he wanted tonight. He was one of the guys that think they can sleep with any girl that by herself. Beth taught me how to deal with men like this. Getting to my feet I stared into his eyes. “I have no interest in you.”
“You don’t have to lie to me.” The drunk man said back to me, quickly grabbing me by my hips bringing me close against his chest and I couldn’t move since my back was pressed to the bar top behind me. “You want this as much as I do.”
Gripping the bottle in my hand I throw it over his head and he stumbled backwards. “You little bitch!”
He moved forward grabbing me by my shoulders shoving me against the hard wood behind me. I grunted feeling my arms get some cuts on them from how hard he pushed me. He got in my face and I bared my teeth trying to fight him when he slipped a hand underneath my shirt. I screamed hitting his chest but he slapped me across the face. He would have done it a second time if someone hadn’t yanked him back by the collar of his jacket. “Why don’t you keep your hands off of her.”
“I wasn’t doing anything wrong.” The drunk guy grumbled to the guy.
Blinking my eyes I sniffed through some tears recognizing the cowboy that had stepped in and protected me. “Lee, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
“Why don’t you get your hands off of me, cowboy. I ain’t done anything wrong…because she enjoys being around me.” The stranger got up in the oldest Dutton’s face.
Lee glanced in my direction. “Why’d you hit him, darling?”
“Tried to get handsy after I told him I wasn’t interested.” Crossing my arms over my chest I answered his question.
“Did you hear that, brother?” Lee called over his shoulder allowing me the chance to see his brother Jaime come inside the bar. He was dressed in his suit and tie looking like he didn’t belong there. Yet either way I was happy to see my friend knowing he would fix this without anyone beer bottles to the head.
He nodded in agreement. “Sure did. I’ll take it from here. Who’s the more intoxicated one here?”
“He is. I told him I wasn’t interested and he still came on me.” Pointing my index finger at the drunk.
Jaime made a noise. “I’d suggest you leave this girl alone for the rest of the night. Unless you wish to be taken to court.”
“You can’t take me to court.” He says.
Lee and I glanced at one another with Jaime closing the gap between them almost completely. “I’d advise you choose your next words carefully. sir. My father owns the largest ranch in the state and this girl you think is here for some fun is a very close friend of ours. And I can smell alcohol and see some cuts on her arm’s meaning you could be filed for public intoxication. Like I said go home and avoid trouble.”
“So I was told you asked for a ride home. I’m here to pick ya up, darling.” Lee shrugged his shoulders at me once the drunk had stumbled off somewhere else making it just the three of us.
Grabbing my jacket I closed the gap between us leaning up on my toe’s taking him by surprise. “I appreciate it, Lee. Do me a favor and don’t think I’m doing this just because I’m a little tipsy. I….rather like you.” Leaning up on my toes I grabbed his collar drawing him down to me where I gave him a kiss rather quickly.
“What was that for?” He asked me turning a little red once we separated from each other.
Winking at him I walked through the door. “That’s a thank you for my Dutton boys coming to get me.”
“Take her to the truck and I’ll pay the tab.” Jaime told his brother at the same time that Lee scooped me up bridal style making me giggle at his actions. Wrapping my arms around his neck I laid my head on his chest.
Lee chuckled sitting his hat on top of my head carrying me outside to the truck. “If there’s more thank you’s like that one in the future I wouldn’t mind.”
“As long as your okay with my momma not liking you then we have a good chance.” I grinned at him where he helped me inside the passenger seat. He shut the door gently and kissed my forehead before I passed out waiting for Jaime to come outside so we could go home for the evening.
Lee brushed hair behind my ear he smiled lovingly. “We always come when somebody like you calls.” That was a very true statement since every time I called them they had come without a thought of hesitation because that is what family does for one another.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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supergirl000983 · 2 months
Yellowstone How you Kiss
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fanficforlife · 8 months
Chapter Nine
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Even though it was the middle of August, the air was cool. It probably had something to do with the fact that you were sitting on the back porch at four-thirty in the morning. 
"There you are, baby." Kayce sat down on the steps next to you. His arm slid around your back while he kissed your temple. "What are you doing out here?"
You looked ahead of you so he followed your gaze to a bald eagle sitting in a tree. Lee. His hold on you tightened. "I was talking."
"About what?"
"You," a smile pulled at your lips. A comfortable silence settled between you while you watched the bird fly off. "Lee knew I left California to get away from Nick. A few weeks before he died he found me sitting back here. The sun had just started coming up and he asked why I was up so early. I tried to hide it but he knew I was crying. He sat down and made me tell him what was wrong." You took a breath. "I get nightmares sometimes about Nick. Sometimes they're just memories of what he did, other times it's him finding me."
"Baby," the hand that wasn't around your waist reached for your hand, "why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't get them when we sleep in the same bed."
"You should move in with me then."
"I know. Just me and Tate, for a while at least. Did you have a nightmare tonight?"
"No. I just woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. I didn't want to wake you." Your fingers played with the button on the cuff of his sleeve. "Lee always told me I was safe here." You let out a small giggle. "And, that even though you hadn't asked me out yet, you wouldn't let anyone touch me."
Kayce chuckled. "He was right about that. I wouldn't have let your ex or anyone else near you. I still won't." 
You smiled at him before looking out at the trees. 
"Do you feel safe here?"
"Yes." Your eyes met his hazel brown ones. "You make me feel safe." 
He smiled and ran his hand across your jaw, pulling you in for a kiss. "I love you, Letty."
"I know." You smiled. "I love you too."
"I gotta drive around and check some fences. What do you say we grab some coffee and you come keep me company? And, instead of sleeping in your bed again because Tate wanted to spend the weekend having a sleepover with his grandpa, we could spend the night at my place?" 
"Yes and yes." 
"Tate will be here with Dad so we have the whole day and night to ourselves." His perfect grin formed before he kissed you. "Go get changed. I'll get the coffee." 
"Meet you in the kitchen in five minutes." 
After going inside, you both walked through the living room to the hallway. As you went to walk passed the kitchen to your room, he stopped you. "Baby, are you okay?"
You looked up at him and smiled softly. "You worry about me too much."
"I worry about you just as much as I should be. Now answer the question, beautiful." 
Your hands came up and rested against the sides of his neck, your thumbs running across his stubble-covered jaw. "I'm okay. Just missing your brother."
"Me too."
"He would be so proud of you, Kayce." 
"After kicking my ass for waiting so long to ask you out." 
You giggled. "Yeah, that's probably true." 
"Thank you for being there for me through that and every day since then." 
"You're welcome. But, you don't have to thank me. I wanted to and I needed you just as much as you needed me."
His hand ran across your cheek. "I still need you." 
"Right back at you." You rose to your toes and kissed him before going to change. 
You leaned against the fence post watching Kayce while he finished securing a section of barbed wire that he had to replace. 
"There," he straightened up, "that- What?" 
"Nothin'?" He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "What are you thinking about?" 
A smile pulled at the corners of your mouth. "You." You leaned back against him while you both looked out over the pasture to the mountains. 
"Is that all I'm gonna get?" He chuckled and turned you to face him. 
"I just..." your hands rested on his chest, "I can't believe I'm here with you. You are the most hardworking, caring, understanding man I have ever met." Tears pricked the back of your eyes. "I would go through everything in California again if I knew that it led me here." 
In response, he grabbed your face and kissed you. "I love you more than anything on this earth, Letty. Well, you and the kid." 
"I love you too." You giggled and slid your hands over his shoulders, clasping them behind his neck as your lips met his. When the kiss started to grow heated, you stepped back. "You need to work."
"I just finished the last one." 
The smirk that drove you crazy, in the best possible way, formed. "Yeah, now get back here." His hand slid into your hair pulling you in. As the kiss intensified, he picked you up and carried you to the tailgate of his truck. It was already down with tools sitting on it so he pushed them to the side before setting you on it. His eyes met yours and you smiled. 
While you unzipped and shimmied out of your jeans, he unbuckled his belt and pushed it down. "Kayc," you moaned when he slowly thrust into you. 
"Fuck, baby." His fiery eyes met yours. "You're fucking perfect."
Your hips rolled to meet his with every thrust. "Yes," you moaned when one of his hands left your hips and went between you to your clit. "Yes. Yes. Kayce." It didn't take long for heat to start pooling. 
When your orgasm had passed, he took your hands which had been gripping his shoulders and lay you on your back. "I want one more, baby." You nodded as you looked up at him, making the smirk you love form. He put your legs over his shoulders and started pounding into you. 
You could feel a rough section of the tailgate scrape your ass cheek but you didn't care. He had you at the perfect angle and you started to clench around him. "Oh, god. Kayce." 
"Yes, baby. Give me one more." His smirk reappeared. "Come for me, Letty." That put you over the edge and you fell apart. He came seconds later, spilling into you. 
"You good, baby?" He asked as you lay there trying to catch your breath. 
"Mhm," you mumbled with a smile. 
He chuckled and zipped his jeans up before putting your underwear and jeans on you as far as he could get them with you still lying down. 
After carefully getting to your feet, you pulled them up the rest of the way. 
"Hi." Kayce smiled down at you, his hands going to your waist. 
"Hi." Your fingers brushed his hair off his forehead. "That was...wow."
His smirk formed before he kissed you. "I'm gonna have to agree with you on that. Now get your sexy ass out of the way so I can clean up." 
You giggled as he squeezed your sides. "What do you have to do now?" You asked as you leaned against the side of his truck. 
"I gotta go to town to pick up a few things." He informed, closing the tailgate. "Where do you think you're goin'?" His hand wrapped around yours, stopping you from going around to the passenger side. 
"Maybe I don't want to sit beside you." You teased. 
He backed you against the truck and pressed himself against you, keeping you in place. "You don't, huh?" The smirk that drove you crazy formed.
"Don't look at me like that we both know because we both know what comes next." 
"You. Once, sometimes more." 
"Kayce!" You gave him a shove so you could slip free. 
His laugh followed you as you climbed into the truck. "You're cute when you blush." 
"Oh my god." You groaned, burying your face in his shoulder while he buckled his seatbelt. 
"Even cuter when you come."
Your jaw dropped as the red on your cheeks darkened. 
He reached across your lap when you tried sliding across the seat. "I'll stop." 
"Says the guy with the mischievous grin on his face." 
"Get back here." 
You gave in with a smile and settled in next to him. "You're lucky I love you."
"The luckiest." His lips pressed against your temple before he started the truck. 
When you got closer to town, you looked in the rearview mirror and started taming your hair. "You should leave it." 
"It's a mess."
"You have that just had sex look."
"I did just have sex."
"Yes," he squeezed your knee, "but everyone else will see it and know you're mine." 
You giggled, "I'm pretty sure everyone will know that without advertising what we just did. You always hold my hand when we go to town, or have your arm around me, your hand on my back." After smoothing the last tangled strand, you leaned back against the seat. "I'm guessing you don't hold Ryan or Colby's hand when you go to town to pick stuff up." 
"Definitely not." His laugh echoed through the cab. 
A comfortable silence settled between you as you rested your head on his shoulder and thought about how much your life had changed in the last seven and a half months. You escaped from Nick and the nightmare he put you through and ended up meeting a man so good you didn't think could even exist. Going through hell had brought you to the most amazing version of heaven on earth. And, you would endure it all over again so you could end up with the cowboy sitting beside you and his son. 
"What are you thinking about?" Kayce asked as he joined you on the porch of the foreman's house. You had made his mom's stew and biscuits for dinner so he offered to put the leftovers away. "You've been kind of quiet since I got back from helping Dad in the barn before dinner. I told you it would just be us today, I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay. It's not that." 
"Then what is it?"
Your fingers picked at the cuff of your sleeve. "When you were with your dad and I was inside with Tate making the biscuits, Tate...he told me he loves me. He's said it before but it's always just been love you. When the biscuits were in the oven we were talking about what he and his grandpa did today. I was leaning back against the counter, when he was done telling me he came over and wrapped his arms around my waist. He looked up at me and he said I love you." Tears started to pool in your eyes while you stared down at the ends of your sleeves. "He told me he was happy I came here because I'm kind of like his mom. Then he rested the side of his face against my stomach and hugged me. He laughed and said I make you happy so you're not as grumpy anymore so I can never leave."
Kayce chuckled, "he's right, you do make me happy." When you continued staring at your hands, he took hold of your chin and lifted it, making you look at him. "Hey, talk to me." Concern was evident in his voice when he saw tears start to trickle from your eyes. "Was it because he thinks you're his mom? I'll tell him not to call you that."
"It wasn't that."
You nodded as you drew in a shaky breath. "If he finds me he said he would kill whoever helped me."
"Baby, it's been almost eight months since you got away from him. He would have found you by now."
"But, what if he's still looking? What if he does eventually find me?"
"If he does, he's not going to get a chance to kill anyone."
"What if you're all gone and just me and Tate are here? What...Tate-" A small sob cut you off. 
Kayce wiped away your tears. "I know what you're thinking and you're not leaving. Tate loves you, I love you. Hell, everyone on this ranch loves you. You belong here." His fingers tucked your hair behind your ear before going back to try and dry your cheeks. "I'll tell you what. Tate's closet in the main house is five times bigger than it needs to be. Since we spend most of the time there anyway, especially you and him when I'm working, we'll close in part of the closet so he can hide in there. I'll make the door look like part of the wall so no one will know any different. Okay?"
You sniffed. "Okay." 
"Come here." You stood up and he guided you onto his lap so you were straddling him. His hand rested against the side of your neck. "Tate's not the only one who thinks you're kind of like his mom. You are beyond amazing with him. I know we've only been together for three months but I know that God sent you to me. We belong together, Letty."
"Kayce." A smile finally formed before you pressed your lips against his. It didn't take long before you both needed more. He stood up taking you with him and carried you to his bed. 
After setting you on your feet, his hands went to work on your jeans. As he pulled them down, his hand ran across the scrape you got from the tailgate making you flinch. "Did I scratch you?" When you both looked you realized what it was from. "Shit. I should've put a blanket or something down."
"It's not that bad... if you kiss it better it will be as good as new."
"I can't have my baby hurt." He smirked, sinking to his knees and doing what you said. But, he didn't stop there. He kissed his way across your hip before taking off your underwear and jeans and gently pushed you onto the bed. 
"Kayc," you moaned as he buried his face between your legs. 
His hands slid under your thighs and gripped your hips, securing you in place. "You taste so damn good." He groaned before going to work again. 
"Oh, god." After a couple of minutes of just using his tongue, one of his hands left your hip. His fingers dipped inside you while his mouth focused on the bundle of sensitive nerves. Your hands dove into his brown wavy hair. It took only minutes for your stomach to begin to tighten and waves of intense pleasure coursed through you. 
When you came down from your high, Kayce's lips crashed against yours. He ushered you backwards, away from the edge, so he could climb between your legs. You could taste yourself on him as his tongue danced with yours. 
He slowly thrust into you. His hand went to the back of your neck and he lifted you. "You're mine." His eyes pierced yours.
Whenever Nick told you that you were his it would make you feel hopeless and scared. Hearing Kayce tell you that you're his drove home the fact that this is where you were meant to be, with him and his son. "I'm yours." You breathed out, your eyes never leaving his. 
You parked one of the Dutton's work trucks in front of the grocery store as a patrol car was making its way down the street. While you got out, the police car parked behind the truck, blocking you in. 
"Ma'am," one of them greeted as they walked up to you.
"Can I ask why you have the Dutton's truck?"
"I'm umm, getting groceries. I work for them." You swallowed nervously as memories of Nick in his police uniform filled your head. 
"We've never seen you around town before."
"I've been here since the middle of February."
"Uh-huh." They exchanged doubtful looks. Sweat covered your palms. "Can I see your license, please?"
Panic set in. "I-I didn't steal it."
He nodded. "Let me just run your license and we'll get this cleared up."
"You can call John. He'll tell you I work there."
"We will after we check your license. Is it in 
there?" He asked as he stepped forward and dumped the contents of your purse onto the driver's seat. You were frozen in fear. After opening your wallet, he pulled out your driver's license. "Well, Violet Smith from Los Angeles, I'll be right back."
Your heart rate was out of control, you were trembling. The officers could tell you were guilty of something so the other officer stood in front of you, corralling you between the open truck door and driver's seat, while the other went to the car. 
Seconds later, the officer returned from the car. "I think it's time you tell us your real name because it isn't Violet Smith."
"Cuff her."
"Put your hands behind your back."
"Please. Just call John. Please!" Tears started falling from your eyes. 
Once the handcuffs were secured, the officer took hold of your arm and put you in the back of the car. People were standing around watching as the other officers locked the truck. After they both got in, they drove to the station. 
"No! No!" You pulled against the two officers who had uncuffed you and were trying to take your fingerprints. "Please, don't. Please!"
"What the hell is going on here?" Sheriff Haskell came out of his office. 
"We're trying to take her fingerprints but she's resisting."
"Please, don't. Call John Dutton. He'll tell you I work for him. Please!" You begged with tears streaming down your cheeks. 
The sheriff looked at you for a few seconds. "Put her in one of the cells."
"But, we haven't even started with the paperwork or anything yet."
"I'll take care of it." He took your license off the counter. "Just put her in a cell."
"Just call him, please. I'm not lying!"
The officers took you through a door and your pleas died off. They brought you down the hall, putting you in one of the cells that lined the wall. 
The door shut behind you with a clang, making you flinch. You went to the bench lining one wall, buried your face in your hands and cried. John would have to tell the sheriff who you were. Nick would come get you because he would see it on your file after the sheriff put your information into the computer. You mourned for the life you had here, for the friends you made, for the Duttons, for Tate. And, for Kayce. Nick would do whatever he wanted to you once he brought you back. But, the thought of never seeing Kayce again made your heart hurt so much that it was hard to breathe. Death would be better than having to live without him and his son.
"Where is she?!" Kayce's voice echoed down the hall. 
When you heard it, a sob left your lips knowing it was only a matter of days before you would never hear it again. 
"Violet!" As soon as the sheriff unlocked your cell, he flung the door open and ran in. You stood up and his arms wrapped around you, crushing you against him. You clung to his shirt as a fresh wave of tears spilled down your face. "I'm here, Letty. It's okay. You're coming home."
"N-Nick- He-he knows- I can't g-go back." 
"He doesn't know, baby."
You pushed on his chest so you could look up at him. "He will! My name-he-"
"He won't know you're here because your name is Violet Smith." John finished from where he and the sheriff were standing outside the cell. 
"But..." your eyes went to the sheriff.
"I've known John a long time." The sheriff informed. "He filled me in on everything. You're safe here, Violet. And, as far as the two who brought you in, and everyone else working here know, you're hiding from an abusive ex who's a cop, hence the fake ID. That's all they need to know." You looked at him unsure. "Nick and everything about your old life is safe with me. I won't be telling anyone." You gave a small nod of your head and a warm smile formed on his face. "I think it's time to get you out of there and back home." 
"Come on, baby." Kayce kissed your hairline before putting his arm around your waist and guiding you out. 
"I'm sorry, Vi," John said as he squeezed your shoulder. "I should've known it would be a matter of time before one of the knuckleheads working here stopped you."
"It's not your fault."
He smiled. "Let's get outta here."
The second you climbed into bed Kayce pulled you into his arms. You burrowed into him as close as you could get. "I was scared." He admitted into your hair after a couple of silent minutes. 
You shifted so you could look up at him. "You were scared? Nothing scares you."
"Losing you scares me." His brown eyes were watery. "The sheriff called Dad while we were working in the barn. All Dad said was it's you and to get in the truck. I think he drove faster than I've ever seen him drive before. If they would have booked you in...I would have been sitting in that cell right next to you." He slid his hand into your hair and rested his forehead against yours. "I can't lose you."
"I can't lose you either." You sniffed, fighting back tears. "I thought I would have to go back."
"Baby, you are never going to lose me. No matter what. And, he is never, ever getting you back. I love you with everything I am, Violet."
"Kayc," tears started trickling over, "I love you too." Your lips met but this one felt different than all of the other ones. This one captured the last lingering thoughts you had of having to leave, of not getting too close. He took them all along with the last brick you had guarding your heart and you gave yourself to him, all of you. This was your home and he was the man you were supposed to be with.
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annepsilvaauthor · 5 months
Begin Again - Lee Dutton
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Pairing: Lee Dutton x OC (Natalie WentWorth)
Summary: The life of renowned lawyer Natalie WentWorth was quiet in Boston, but everything changed when she received a call from a former Harvard colleague, Jamie Dutton. After reflecting a lot, Natalie agreed to solve some problems at the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch, but she did not imagine that her life would change completely when she arrived in Montana. One of the reasons for this change was Lee Dutton, the eldest son of John Dutton, cowboy and livestock agent, who would represent all the comfort she needed to have in the midst of the chaos of the Dutton family. Natalie could begin again at that ranch.
Warnings: Subtle sexual innuendos, brief language, alcohol consumption, angst, smut, fluffy.
Fix the law after you break it
A few more kilometers and she would finally arrive in Yellowstone. Her Volvo XC40 exceeded the thousands of miles at a speed fast enough to make a journey of thirty-six hours of travel in less than thirty hours. Yes, she liked speed. It was one of the few things she allowed herself to "lose control". Her life experience and her profession had taught her to take care of her own control. If anyone would lose their mind, it would be the other side and not her.
She looked at the folder on the bank next to her. There was her name engraved on it: Miss Natalie WentWorth. She smiled proudly. She had not chosen the law, the law had chosen her. And her last civil hearing had proved it.
Natalie's thoughts were interrupted when she observed a movement a few kilometers ahead. There were men mounted on horses, armed, wearing bulletproof vests, on one side of the fence, and other men without any armament, but with unfriendly expression were on the other side of the fence. Natalie reduced her speed and a lawyer's sense of curiosity did not allow her to move forward, stopping on the shoulder.
Looking more closely, she realized that the men on the other side of the fence were indeed armed, some police officers and other civilians. She also noticed that there was a huge herd of cows on the side of the fence and she soon considered a problem. Natalie got out of the car and put her high heels on the dirt floor, something she wasn't used to.
"You should move on, ma'am. The thing here will soon be very bad." One of the cowboys warned her by jogging next to her.
"What's going on?" She asked ignoring his request.
"What happens every day here in Yellowstone: big dog fight." The cowboy waved his hat and trotted towards the discussion that was forming.
Natalie noted that the fence was free of barbed wire, so it would not be very difficult for cattle to go from one place to another. However, she doubted that the cowboys of that ranch had left the fence like that, just as it would be almost impossible for the cattle to take a different direction from what they took every day, unless someone attracted them with food. She got closer to the scene and noticed the remains of hay on the other side. Wow, a crime scene right on her first day in Montana.
"Madam, I'll ask you to leave, please." A serious and deep voice echoed behind her and she turned around. One of the men in the bulletproof vest was in front of her and at that distance she could read Livestock Agent on his chest. He carried a powerful rifle between his hands.
"As far as I know, the road is public." She responded without being able to see him right, because the strong light of the sun prevented her.
"This one is not. It belongs to the Reservation."
"Well, then they should take me out of here and not you...agent." Natalie replied pointing to the police and heard a low laugh coming from him. "Besides, I'm much more helpful here."
"I doubt that."
"OK, agent. I can tell what I know to the police officers of the Reservation and so they can win this fight." Natalie crossed the fence and walked a few steps on the pasture, but his voice came up again.
"I could get you out of there with little effort, ma'am!"
"Try it! Let's see what happens to you after that."
Natalie turned her back on the agent and approached the Indians of the Reservation, but seconds later a heated argument began. One of the Indians insulted one of the cowboys and he crossed the fence to attack him, but the Indian quickly knocked him out on the ground. The scene was transformed without Natalie being able to keep up. The police officers lifted their weapons, as well as the cowboys on the other side, but soon the agent came up with the rifle and threatened the Indian with his barrel on his head.
"Whatever happens next happens to you first." The agent threatened in a loud and deep voice.
"Son of a bitch." The Indian released the cowboy under his hands and faced the agent with danger in his eyes.
Tensions were stifled with the arrival of a helicopter on land. Natalie managed to read Yellowstone Dutton Ranch in the helicopter body and smiled playfully. What an unusual way to meet the boss. He got off the vehicle dressed as the good landowner he was, with simple clothes and a hat. The livestock agent went to meet him and exchanged some words that Natalie could not hear due to the distance and noise of the helicopter propellers.
The two men approached the fence and John exchanged glances with Natalie, surprised by her presence there, but he had more urgent matters to deal with than to know why a white woman dressed in a white satin blouse, navy blue pencil skirt and high heels was on the other side of the fence. She soon found out that she was on the wrong side of that fight, so she walked slowly towards the track, and she had difficulty walking due to her high heels sinking into the grass.
"This is a tribal issue, John. Livestock commission's got no authority here." One of the police officers informed John with caution.
"Those look like livestock to me." He pointed to the cattle on the other side of the fence and kept walking.
"The Chief's at Commencement, but I'm calling the shots."
"I'm impressed you said that with a straight face, Ben." John mocked with a smile and continued walking on the tribal ground until he approached a gentleman sitting on the hood of the truck that was among the cattle.
"If you know anything, it's better to say it now. Things won't be more friendly between us and them for much longer." The agent approached Natalie again and she remained looking at John's back, wishing to hear what he said, but it was too far away.
"If I say what I know, I lose the letter in the sleeve I have, don't you think?"
"Look, ma'am, I don't know where you come from, but here in Montana we solve the problems in two ways: either we follow the law, or we break it." The agent responded politely after a brief pause, as if he were thinking about what he should say. She liked it, he didn't want to push her away, he thought she was important enough to try to insist on the subject.
"I come from Boston...and from what I see now, you will need a good lawyer."
"I don't think we'll win this fight through laws, ma'am."
"You really won't go, so you'll need a lawyer: to fix the law after you break it. I have my card in the car, if you want."
The agent smiled openly, showing his white and big teeth. Very perfect for a cowboy and livestock agent, she thought. Either he spent all the money on dental appointments or...
"Lee Dutton." He supported the rifle in one hand and offered her the other. "Can I know your name, Madam from Boston?"
"Natalie WentWorth." She accepted his greeting and had her small hand engulfed by his big hand, tanned and full of calluses in a strong but gentle grip. "Don't worry, I'm on this side of the fence."
He just kept smiling and Natalie could watch him at that moment, since he covered the sunlight from her face. Lee was tall, although any man taller than one meter and seventy was taller than her, he wore a cream hat that covered most of his hair, and he wore a grown beard, blonde, and looked well cared for. And there was that smile that besides being beautiful, was cheerful. How could he be happy in that situation? She didn't know, but she was curious.
"Lee!" John Dutton's voice sounded authoritarian when he crossed the fence. "Clear everyone out."
"You know, there was barbed wire on this fence a week ago." Lee explained to his father.
"I know. Clear them out."
"Alright! Move on!"
While Lee gathered his men, Natalie hurried the step to accompany John Dutton, but her high heels did not help, so she removed them.
"Mr. Dutton! Mr... Dutton!" She called feeling her feet pincing due to the tall grass. After a few seconds, he stopped and waited for her to approach.
"It wasn't a good choice to wear these shoes today, ma'am." John mocked with a smile as he observed the high heels in Natalie's hands.
"I'm a newcomer to Montana, sir. I can get used to it." She put on her shoes and extended a hand to him. "My name is Natalie WentWorth. Your son Jamie told me that you were in need of help."
"All the help I need is in my house, ma'am. I don't need another lawyer." John seriously informed without accepting her hand.
"But I came here from Boston. Jamie told me that..."
"I don't know what Jamie wanted with you, miss, but it certainly has nothing to do with me or my ranch." He stared at her in a mixture of pity and anger. "If you want, we can take you back in the helicopter."
"I've been driving, sir."
"I'm sorry for what Jamie made you go through. I hope you have a good trip back." John put his sunglasses on his face and walked away from her with slow steps towards the helicopter.
Natalie was planted in the same place for so long that the police officers of the reserve had left, as well as the tribals and most of the cowboys. She couldn't believe that. After all the effort to get there, after thinking long before getting close to cowboys again, she was rejected. Natalie didn't know who else she was angry with, if it was Jamie, Mr. Dutton or herself.
"Miss WentWorth, is everything okay?" Lee appeared next to her and she had to control herself so as not to shrook another Dutton next to her.
"It'll be." She started walking again and heard his steps following her. She rolled her eyes and growled softly. "Go back to your work, Mr. Dutton. You're going to need a lot of work."
"What do you mean? Hey, wait!"
Natalie was already used to walking with high heels on the grass and was already approaching her car on the side of the side. However, to her misfortune, one Dutton was determined to leave her away while the other did not leave her alone.
"What did you mean?" He put himself between her and the driver's door.
"I need to go now, Mr. Dutton. Can I get in my own car?" She asked impatiently, but Lee remained in the same place.
"Only answer the question." Lee asked kindly, but Natalie was too angry to notice.
"I am not obliged by law to answer anything. And if you don't get out of the front of my fucking car now, I'll sue you for so many things that you'll never have a penny in your cowboy pants again." She threatened him fervently and Lee took a few seconds thinking to then clear the way. "Thank you, Agent."
"Aren't you going to give me your card?" He asked at the window when she got in the car.
"It will no longer be necessary."
Natalie started the gear and started the car, causing the tire to leave stains on the asphalt.
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i-heart-yellowstone · 26 days
3 - Remembering Lee
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Part 4
Raised Fair Share Of Hell
Tag list - @bvbwestfall @hcwthewestwaswcn @child-of-of-the-sunshine @elenavampire21 @keep-the-wolves-close
That next morning was silent between Kayce and I while we rode our way back up to the main house seeing the rest of his family standing there waiting for us. I dismounted my horse watching Kayce riding Lee’s horse carrying his dead body. “Go straight to Jamie while it’s still fresh.” John rode up on a horse taking the reins of the other horse. 
“Go. I’ll help your father.” I pushed him forward when he glanced at me before he finally walked up towards the house. Turning my attention back to my father in law he picked up his son's body onto his horse. “John, do you need some help?” 
He shakes his head, tipping his brown hat to me riding off. “That’s not necessary. Go be with your daughter, Alissa.” I did the best I could with my injured ankle to climb back on my horse riding up to the house and getting off basically falling on the dirt ground. 
“Who do I need to fight that clearly injured you.” Beth’s voice met my ears while I hopped up the stairs on one leg putting most of my weight on the wooden railing until I reached her. 
She offered her arm to me so she could help me get inside the house and we sat down on the living room coach. “Kayce already took care of the asshole. The dead guy is also the one who killed your brother - ah that’s better.” 
“What can I get you? A dirty martini.” She offers standing in front of me. 
I laid my head back on the coach eyeing my injured ankle that I had propped up on one of the coach pillows. “I’ll take some alcohol later tonight. But can you get Kayce and some medical stuff for my ankle?” 
“Sure.” She walked away going down the hallway. 
Running my hands down my face I sighed heavily still picturing Lee’s body collapsing in front of me. I knew I should have stayed by his side and maybe just maybe this wouldn’t have happened. “Mommy!” Lifting my head up slightly I recognized my daughters voice before she jumped in my lap with excitement. 
“Oooh hey Little Rae.” I felt the wind nearly get knocked out of me, smiling up at her. 
She bounced on my legs wanting to play. “Can we go play in the barn now that you’re back?” 
“Aww I’m sorry baby. But mommy needs to rest since some bad guy hurt my ankle.” 
Faith slides down, poking my left ankle and I winced feeling her poke me but it didn’t hurt too much especially when she was smiling at me. “Can I kiss it better?” 
“Aww that’s cute but I’m okay.” I chuckled at her seeing Beth come back in the room with a first aid kit and Kayce followed behind her. “Hey can you watch her for a second please Beth?” 
She nodded, pushing Faith towards the door and took her outside. “Come on, niece.” 
“I should have gone with you. Dropping Tate and Monica took longer than I thought it would. I’m sorry, darling.” Kayce began apologizing, taking out some gauze and began rolling up my pant leg. I had already taken off my boots. 
I held myself up on my elbows seeing the wound had a bruise and I was thankful that I was able to somewhat walk at the moment. “You don’t have to apologize, Kace. If anything, what happened to your brother was my fault.” I sucked in a shaky breath feeling some tears welling up in my eyes.  
“Don’t say that, Lissa Rae. It wasn’t your fault.” Kayce shot his head up, dropping the gauze and holding my face in his hands. 
I sniffed through tears pushing his hands away. “Kayce, don’t say that. It happened because I wasn’t by his side. I let him get shot and - I couldn’t even avenge his death in that moment. You avenged his death and saved my life.” 
“You did everything you could. You didn’t know that was going to happen. Now against my father’s better judgment I think we might have to take you to the hospital cause I think the bullet is still inside of your body.” He suggested getting up from his knees, leaning down to pick me up bridal style. 
I wrapped my arms around his neck laying my head on his chest wincing as we walked down the steps and got me settled in his truck. “I’ll call my sister and ask her to watch Faith. Considering your father is gonna need to work with Jamie and Beth to prepare the funeral.” Reaching into my jacket pocket I take my phone out typing in her phone number. 
“It’s kind of funny to think back then that Lee might have had a crush on your sister.” Kayce chuckled, turning the truck on and driving underneath the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch sign. 
I snorted out a laugh at my husband’s remark. “Lana Dutton doesn't sound too bad.” 
“Alissa Dutton sounds way better.” Kayce smirked in my direction. 
I playfully shoved his shoulder hearing the ringing stop on the phone and my sister's voice came to my ears. “Hey sis, what’s up?” 
“Are you busy with the ranch for a few hours? I’ve got to go to the hospital and the rest of the Dutton family is busy right now. So Kayce and I were hoping you could babysit.” 
My sister was in her late 30’s whistled through the phone and I could hear some cattle making noises in the background before she responded to my question. “We’re just finishing up doing the branding for our cattle. But I can watch her if you’re okay she sees what we’re doin’.”
“She lives on a ranch, Alana. I think she’ll be fine.” Kayce called, entering the conversation between us. 
My sister asked a question where I paused before answering. “So why are you going to the hospital?” 
“Um - it was a dispute over cattle.” Glancing over to Kayce he sent me a weak look figuring it was best to tell her the other part in person when we got home. “There’s more but I’ll tell you that later when we pick up Faith.” 
Alana replied by hanging up the phone call. “Sounds good. See y’all later.” I put my phone away leaning back in the passenger seat thinking back on our sophomore year. 
Park County High School - 10 years ago
“Are you sure your parents won’t be home for the weekend? We already have to worry about my dad finding out.” Kayce asked walking with me out into the parking lot knowing our rides were almost here to pick us up from school. 
I shrugged my backpack onto my left shoulder placing a hand on my boyfriend’s shoulder. “Kace, calm down. My sister already said she’s got us covered. She’s done this before and they never found out.” 
“I know I just don’t want your father to hate me if I was involved in breaking something on your ranch. Our families share a fence line after all.” He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck nervously before we heard two horn honks and a dark red pickup truck driving toward the curb we stood on. 
The truck window rolled down revealing my sister and his older brother Lee looking at us. “Quite being a worry wart, little brother. Now you two get your asses in the backseat.” 
“Ladies first.” Kayce opened the door for me and I climbed in first with him shutting the door when he got inside the truck. 
Alana shifted around in the front passenger seat. “Mommy and daddy are heading to Texas in an hour and they already gave me the keys to the house. So we can go to the liquor store and not worry of getting caught.” 
“What about your ranch hands?” Lee asked her. 
She snatched his black Cowboy hat from his head hitting him harshly in the arm with it. “Lee Dutton, how dare you doubt my planning skills! I made a deal with them and said they could take part in whatever alcohol was left. So long as they didn’t blab.” 
“I guess that can work,  Alana.” He responded, eyeing her nervously since she was glaring at him. 
She sniped. “What did I say about calling me that?” 
“I meant Lana. Now can I have my hat back?” Lee asked, correcting his words. She handed it over to him and he grabbed her hand locking eyes with one another not saying anything more than that. 
Kayce and I just sat in the backseat just sitting in silence watching the pair. It was obvious that there was something going on between them, but they’d never admit it. “Um, so what should we get at the liquor store?” I cleared my throat not being able to handle the awkwardness. 
“Yeah - let’s go.” Lee drew his head away from hers, tuning the truck engine on and began driving out of the parking lot. 
Alana tucked hair behind her ear. “Sorry y’all - I was thinkin’ we could get techquila, some beer, wine and other things.” She shrugged her shoulders silently, glancing back at Lee. 
“I’ll bet you five dollars that they’ll kiss later tonight.” Kayce leaned over whispering in my ear. 
Even he could see it was an overwhelming sense that there was something going on between them. “I’ll take that bet, Dutton.” Clasping my hand in his we shook on it hoping we were right years later. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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callmemana · 2 years
Yellowstone Fanfics : 1
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Key: smut -🍓/ fluff -🌼/ angst -🐂/ personal favorite -👓/
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Kayce Dutton:
Cowboy Like Me 2 @smashedrose 🍓
Better Eating Turkey Together @bellarkeselection 🌼👓
Country Rancher Series @countrymusiclover 🍓🌼🐂
Falling For My Bestie @bellarkeselection 🍓🌼🐂👓
Good Day @kayceduttonswh0re 🍓
Hidden Talent @lady-writes20 🌼👓
Married To My Best Friend @countrymusiclover 🍓🌼🐂👓
Secret Relationship @bradleybeachbabe 🌼🐂👓
The Weight Of Memories @softlikesilkchiffon 🌼👓
Your Cowboy Will Protect You @bellarkeselection 🌼👓
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Jimmy Hurdstrom:
Jimmy’s Girl @bellarkeselection 🌼👓
My Boss @bellarkeselection 🌼👓
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Lee Dutton:
Bad Hiding Spot @bellarkeselection 🌼
Cowboy Survivor @bellarkeselection 🌼
Changing My Enemies List @bellarkeselection 🌼🐂👓
Don’t Back Down @fortheloveofthefic 🌼🐂
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Rip Wheeler:
A Dutton In Love @eddiemypuppetmaster 🍓🌼
Cold @lady-writes20 🌼🐂
Dinner Table @lady-writes20 🌼
Forehead Kisses @basiccortez 🌼👓
Long Hours @lady-writes20 🌼
I’m Finishing It @lady-writes20 🐂
House Of The Rising Sun @cockscombpalace 🌼
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Bunkhouse Twin 2 @bellarkeselection 🌼🐂👓
Horse Dance-Around @bellarkeselection 🌼🐂👓
My Girl @bellarkeselection 🌼👓
Ranch Friend @bellarkeselection 🌼🐂👓
Returning Cowboy @bellarkeselection 🌼🐂👓
Yellowstone 2 3 4 5 6 @taleighajuliedern 🍓🌼🐂👓
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Keep Him Waiting 2 @softlikesilkchiffon (+Kayce) 🌼🐂👓
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Lee always knew about Jamie's adoption; he was old enough to remember his mom hadn't been pregnant, and a few years later he found some papers in his father's desk. He never told anyone.
It didn't matter to him, not in the slightest, but he became a lot more protective of Jamie, trying to shield him from pain and make him see he mattered. A voice in his heart told him his little brother would need it one day, and maybe he wouldn't be there to do it then.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
Coming Soon| Angel of Mercy| Yellowstone
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Lee Dutton isn't the bachelor his brothers thought he was, he had a wife that lived in town with their toddler daughter, and he kept them secret so they wouldn't get wrapped up in the drama that always seemed to follow the Duttons wherever they went. But when Kayce comes around more with Tate, he brings them to the big house so their children would know their family, if he only knew what kind of drama it causes, he would have to left them in town.
Lee Dutton/ OFC (Spencer Grace)
Possible Kayce/ OFC
Rated M for language, adult content
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Open Requests
This is a first for me, but since I am currently falling deeper and deeper into a Yellowstone rabbit hole and I cannot make decisions on where to go with the plot of the fic I am currently working on, this is my official invitation to invade my inbox with OS requests for John, Lee and Kayce Dutton as well as Rip Wheeler and Ryan with a Reader. I take any kind of prompts or scenarios, except pregnancy related things. Also, please understand that it might take a while to get to your request, and don’t be a dick about it.
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basiccortez · 2 years
Lee Dutton was the hottest brother.
jamie can fucking choke on a chode
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allsortsofwritings · 6 months
Writing a Lee Dutton imagine be ready ladies!!!!
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bellarkeselection · 11 months
Regardless They’ll Always Be Dutton’s
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I just had an idea about a story that I think would be great. It would be a Lee Dutton x reader with alittle kayce x reader - request from @cookiez56-blog
Shutting the front door I gazed out back into the front yard seeing my two children William and Lana who we’re playing tag in the grass off the front porch. My father in law John was sitting beside my husband Lee. Sitting across from them on a small wooden chair I noticed that John was looking at Lana for a long time. “Is something wrong, John?”
“I might be wrong. But I don’t miss anything on this ranch. So does someone want to tell me why Lana looks more like Kayce then she does you and Lee. Cause I want to know if I’m just not awake yet this morning or not.” John ran a hand over his chin in thought then he messed with his white cowboy hat on his head.
Lee and I shifted our gaze back to each other before he reached over grasping my hand in his seeing that I was starting to let some tears fall remembering that day. “He was an idiot to ever do that to you, Y/n.”
“Kayce, I have to tell you something and I’m not sure the best way to do this so….here it is I’m pregnant.” Running my hands through my hair we were about to graduate high school in a few weeks before I found out I had missed my period.
Kayce dropped his hands at his side’s changing his demeanor completely from what I thought he would. “We can’t do this anymore, Y/n.”
“What are you saying?” I dared to ask him horrified of his next response.
The youngest Dutton sent me a half sympathetic look. “Y/n, it won’t work between us anymore. I’m going into the navy and you won’t want to stay worried about me all the time. And you’re probably not going to keep the baby anyway, whoever it belong to.”
“It’s yours asshat!” I blurted out throwing my hands away from my sides feeling heartbroken at what he was saying. “I lost my virginity to you. You’re the only person I have ever slept with!”
He shook his head removing his hat running his fingers through his hair frustrated at me and himself maybe. “I…I don’t know what to say. I didn’t think that it was that easy for you to get…especially the first time. I can’t do this.” He slowly turned on his feet beginning to walk away from me and back up to the main front porch of his family’s home.
Running forward I grabbed Kayce’s wrist holding him to a stop and slapped him across the face where it hurt my hand afterwards. He held his burning cheek that was red. “You are an asshole Kayce John Dutton. I tell you that I’m pregnant and you say that you want nothing to do with me or this kid!”
“Would you believe me if I said I’m terrified as hell and you don’t have to keep the baby.” He grunted still holding his burning red cheek.
Shaking my head I spun on my feet walking away from him about to leave the ranch but I remembered that I left my jacket in the barn. Heading into the barn I grabbed it before I felt heavy tears falling down my face. Throwing my jacket I screamed just kicking the wooden wall with my boots so frustrated and heartbroken by what Kayce just said to me. Gripping my hair in my fingers I heard someone walking towards me. “I don’t want to talk to you ever again Kayce!”
“It’s not Kayce, it’s Lee.” Whipping my head around I slumped my shoulders recognizing his older brother coming towards me. He removed his tan brown hat noticing that I was sobbing through tears. “Hey what’s wrong honey?”
“I’m pregnant with your brothers child…it’s Kayce’s. But he..he just broke up with me and said he doesn’t want it. Lee I, I have no idea what to do next. I don’t think it’s right to abort the baby but otherwise I’m on my own now.” Wrapping my arms around myself I avoided his gaze sniffling through tears that hadn’t stopped coming.
Lee didn’t waste another second before he tugged me into his chest holding me tightly against him. He had one hand in my hair and the other down my back letting me cry into his shirt until I had got it all out and he had a plan inside his mind. He gently held my face in his hands wiping away the tears that had stayed on my cheek. “Y/n, this is what we’re going to do. Nobody knows that you’re pregnant. You and Kayce haven’t been showing off your relationship so we can pass the baby off as mine.”
“Oh Lee I can’t ask you to do that. I mean what if you find someone you actually care about and want to marry someone else someday.” I felt guilty that he might be giving something up to help me out.
The eldest Dutton pressed his forehead against mine not backing down from his plan. “You’re not asking I’m offering you this option. And maybe someday if we got closer we could marry and make this work better. Cause from where I’m standing you wouldn’t be the worst person to be married too.”
Lee and I hadn’t said a word since John was still staring at us waiting for an answer. We really didn’t know what to say to him, as far as he knew until now Lana was Lee’s daughter. Getting to my feet Lee followed my actions taking my hand with my wedding ring on it trying to tell me everything was going to be okay. “Dad, I just want you to know that it was my plan the whole time. Y/n came to me crying and in a panic. So I did whatever I thought would help her.”
“So what we’re saying is that you we’re right. Lana is actually Kayce’s daughter and William is Lee’s. Kayce said he wanted nothing to do with the baby and Lee offered me more than I could have imagined. I’m sorry we didn’t tell you. I…we just thought it was better that no one knew the truth.” Moving my freehand around in front of me I felt a nervous pit in my stomach waiting for his answer.
John tapped his fingers on the armrests of the chair. “If you’re thinking I’d be angry you don’t have anything to be worried about. Regardless of who the birth father is they are each still my grandkids. I love Lana and William both equally.”
“Oh thank you. John I can’t thank you enough.” Covering my mouth with my hands I smiled through happy tears before I moved forward hugging my father in law.
He hugs me back smiling towards his eldest son. “You’re welcome Y/n…you did a good job son.”
We turned our heads seeing the two you kids running up the stairs bouncing around in front of us. Lana had slight curly hair that was the color of Kayce’s hair but she had my eye color. William had my hair color but he was given Lee’s eyes. “Mommy. Daddy, can we get some ice cream?” William asked spinning around in his tiny cowboy boots.
“If grandpa John says it’s okay.” Lee responded wrapping an arm around my waist tugging me into his side smiling down at them.
John tilted his head towards the inside of the house. “Go on kiddos. Just don’t eat too much before dinner.”
“Thank you, grandpa.” Lana ran away from her brother throwing her arms around her grandfather’s neck making him smile toward me and Lee silently telling us that both the kids would be good cowboys and cowgirls when they grow up.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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supergirl000983 · 1 year
Just Y/N being Y/N pt.1
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Y/N: welcome to dating advice with Y/N! Jamie what’s your question?
Jamie: How do you tell if a girl likes you?
Y/N: She doesn’t!!
John: You remember that ranch hand you kicked in the face last week?
Y/N: Which one I kicked like 3
Beth: I’m sorry…what?
Lee: Hey...let’s go over there.
Lee: Come on, I wasn't that drunk last night.
Kayce: You were flirting with Y/N
Lee: So what? She's my fiancée.
Beth: You asked her if she was single.
Lee: ...
Jamie: And then you cried when she said she wasn’t.
John: Dumbass.
John: I'm not doing too well.
Rip: What’s the problem sir
John: I have these headaches that come and go
Beth and Y/N: *Walk in the room*
John: There they go again
Jimmy: How do Y/N and Beth usually get out of these messes?
Lee: They don't.
Rip: They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out
Teeter *drunk*: me and Y/N sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i
Jamie: I have a bad feeling about this…
Y/N: What do you mean?
Jamie: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble?
Y/N: …no?
Jamie: …that explains so much
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imdonnalynn · 7 months
Complete Dutton Family Tree from the 1st generation to its current 7th.
Yellowstone, 1923 and 1883 Explained
The first thing you think of when you here Yellowstone...Dutton.
6th Generation - Yellowstone
・Lee Dutton (6th generation) ・Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (6th generation) ・Beth Dutton (6th generation) ・Kayce Dutton (6th generation)
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Yellowstone ・Son to John Dutton III and Evelyn Dutton ・Grandson to John Dutton II and Unknown Wife/Mother ・Nephew to Peter Dutton ・Brother to Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler) and Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・Uncle to Jamie Dutton Jr., Carter, Tate Dutton and John Dutton IV At this time, it is unknown who John Dutton III's Grandfather is, but it is a tossup between Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) and Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton). 1978 - 2017 (41) Shot and killed by Robert Long during a cattle dispute between the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch and Broken Rock Reservation when he tried to take their cows back.
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Yellowstone ・Unconfirmed Father to Jamie Dutton Jr. ・Biological Son to Garret Randall and Phyllis Randall ・Adopted Son to John Dutton III and Evelyn Dutton ・Grandson to John Dutton II and Unknown Wife/Mother ・Nephew to Peter Dutton ・Brother to Lee Dutton, Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler) and Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・Uncle to Carter, Tate Dutton and John Dutton IV At this time, it is unknown who John Dutton III's Grandfather is, but it is a tossup between Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) and Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton). May 12, 1979 - ???? (44) As of Yellowstone Season 5, Episode 8 "A Knife And No Coin" he is still alive.
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Yellowstone ・Mother to Jamie Dutton Jr. (Jamie Michael Randall Dutton) ???? - ???? Last appearance was Yellowstone Season 4, Episode 9 "No Such Thing as Fair" and she was still alive after giving Jamie an ultimatum to either choose the Dutton family or his family.
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Yellowstone ・Wife to Rip Wheeler ・Adoptive Mother to Carter ・Sister to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina) and Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・Aunt to Jamie Dutton Jr., Tate Dutton and John Dutton IV ・Daughter to John Dutton III and Evelyn Dutton ・Granddaughter to John Dutton II and Unknown Mother/Wife At this time, it is unknown who John Dutton III's Grandfather is, but it is a tossup between Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) and Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton). July 18, 1984 - ???? (39) As of Yellowstone Season 5, Episode 8 "A Knife And No Coin" she is still alive.
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Yellowstone ・Husband to Beth Dutton ・Adoptive Father to Carter ・Brother-in-Law to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina), Kayce Dutton (Monica Long Dutton) ・Uncle to Jamie Dutton Jr., Tate Dutton and John Dutton IV ・Son-in-law to John Dutton III and Evelyn Dutton ・Grandson to John Dutton II and Unknown Wife/Mother At this time, it is unknown who John Dutton III's Grandfather is, but it is a tossup between Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) and Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton). September 28, 1983 - ???? (40) As of Yellowstone Season 5, Episode 8 "A Knife And No Coin" he is still alive.
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Yellowstone ・Husband to Monica Long Dutton ・Father to Tate Dutton and John Dutton IV ・Brother to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina) and Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler) ・Uncle to Jamie Dutton Jr. and Carter ・Son to John Dutton III and Evelyn Dutton ・Grandson to John Dutton II and Unnamed Wife/Mother At this time, it is unknown who John Dutton III's Grandfather is, but it is a tossup between Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) and Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton). April 24, 1990 - ???? (33) As of Yellowstone Season 5, Episode 8 "A Knife And No Coin" he is still alive.
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Yellowstone ・Wife to Kayce Dutton ・Mother to Tate Dutton and John Dutton IV ・Sister-in-Law to Lee Dutton, Jamie Michael Randall Dutton (Christina) and Beth Dutton (Rip Wheeler) ・Aunt to Jamie Dutton Jr. and Carter ・Daughter-in-Law to John Dutton III and Evelyn Dutton ・Granddaughter to John Dutton II and Unnamed Wife/Mother At this time, it is unknown who John Dutton III's Grandfather is, but it is a tossup between Spencer Dutton (Alexandra Dutton) and Jack Dutton (Elizabeth Strafford Dutton). 1993 - ???? (30) As of Yellowstone Season 5, Episode 8 "A Knife And No Coin" she is still alive.
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annepsilvaauthor · 4 months
Begin Again - Lee Dutton
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Pairing: Lee Dutton x OC (Natalie WentWorth)
Summary: The life of renowned lawyer Natalie WentWorth was quiet in Boston, but everything changed when she received a call from a former Harvard colleague, Jamie Dutton. After reflecting a lot, Natalie agreed to solve some problems at the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch, but she did not imagine that her life would change completely when she arrived in Montana. One of the reasons for this change was Lee Dutton, the eldest son of John Dutton, cowboy and livestock agent, who would represent all the comfort she needed to have in the midst of the chaos of the Dutton family. Natalie could begin again at that ranch.
Warnings: Subtle sexual innuendos, brief language, alcohol consumption, angst, smut, fluffy.
Part I
Cowboy stuff
Lee was sitting in one of the stands of the Greater Montana Livestock Auction when the president of the session asked everyone to get up, as the Montana anthem would be sung. There were around a hundred people scattered around the shed, some went to really buy the cattle, the buffaloes or the horses arranged surrounded in the center, others accompanied those who would come to buy, to have fun, and others, those who were upstairs of the place, came to do politics. It was in that place that his father was at that moment.
Lee stood up, took off his hat and held it on his chest as a sign of respect. The little girl of no more than twelve years old singed the Montana anthem in the microphone while the rest of the audience stared at the Montana flag extended from top to bottom on the wall behind the auction directors' table. He had not yet returned home since what happened at the Reservation, he just had time to stop by a cafeteria to buy some donuts and remove the bulletproof vest. Lee wore the same heavy boots dirty with mud, jeans, flannel shirt and a cream jacket, which matched the color of his hat.
After the anthem was sung, everyone clapped their hands and the auction actually started. Two cowboys rode on the horses and began to chase half a dozen cows in the enclosure while the announcer explained the qualities of those horses. However, Lee could not pay attention to the first batch because the entrance door opened and that lawyer appeared. Like him, she still wore the same clothes that afternoon, with the difference that the curls of her blonde dyed hair were falling apart, but she was still beautiful.
Lee watched Natalie walk aimlessly through the corridors between the stands as if she were looking for a familiar face or some specific place to sit. Her small size probably prevented her from seeing on the other side of the fence, despite wearing very high heels that highlighted the shape of her legs. She walked confident, with her expression concentrated, but Lee somehow knew she was lost.
Then he raised an arm and waved to her with a smile. Natalie didn't realize it right away, since he was on the other side of the enclosure and the announcer screamed in the microphone. Lee got up and went down the stairs from the bleachers, walking towards her.
"Are you lost, Miss WentWorth?" He joked as he approached her, scaring her slightly.
"Why are you everywhere I go?" She asked, still looking upset.
"This is my state, madam. You're the intruder here." Lee mocked by trying to pull out a smile from her, but she was irreducible. "I can guide you where you want to go."
Natalie sighed strongly and pierced her eyes through the environment. "I have no idea. Jamie told me he would be here, but he didn't clarify where he would be."
"Jamie? Jamie Dutton, my brother?" He asked surprised and she nodded. "I'm confused."
"I don't have time to explain now, Mr. Dutton. I just need to talk to your brother urgently."
"OK." Lee sighed and looked up at the office on the second floor of the auction. "He's up there."
"Thank you." Natalie was already heading towards the office, but Lee interrupted her with a hand on her small arm.
"I don't think you're allowed to enter there. There are only the most influential people in the state and they don't allow anyone to enter." Lee explained politely, but you could feel a little afraid in his tone.
"I was invited by your brother to be there. I'm sure they'll let me in." She got rid of his touch easily since he didn't squeeze her tightly. Natalie took a few steps towards the cabinet again, but stopped and caught up with Lee. "Aren't you like John Dutton's successor? Shouldn't you be up there too?"
"I spend all the day busy with this political bullshit, ma'am. I don't want to waste my night with that either." He explained looking upset about something for the first time. "If you want to try your luck up there, it's your problem. I'm going to stay down here doing something I know and like to do: cowboy stuff."
Lee hid his hands inside the pockets of the jacket and turned his back on Natalie, walking back to his place in the stands. He observed that she disappeared through the door that gave access to the stairs on the second floor and he decided to concentrate on what he had come to do there.
"Now, we're gonna start out with lot number two! It's Royal M. Duke a 2013 registered English bull ofered by Double G Angus Ranch sired by Supreme Domino out of Miss Domino. Now, we're gonna start the bidding out at 25,000." The announcer screamed in the microphone while the animals paraded in the enclosure.
"I'm at 25!"
"I'm at 50!"
The ranchers raised their plates to warn about the auction bid and Lee was just watching for now. He used to do that long enough not to be enchanted by the first lots, because they were usually the most expensive and did not always have enough potential for the price. If it were his father there he would certainly buy those oxen, since they were strong and virile, after all it would be a great way to resell them later. But Lee just thought about how those animals would behave in the pasture, whether they would be able to help or destroy the ranch. It was like his father always said, Lee had a thought of a cowboy and not a landowner.
After lot two was sold, Lee noted that Natalie reappeared on the ground floor with a worse expression than she was before. She stepped on her heels so firmly that even from afar Lee could swear that he heard the 'tec-tec-tec' noise on the floor. Natalie crossed the fence and found Lee's bleachers. She snaked between the people until she reached the last step, sitting next to him with all the strength she had. Natalie snorted so much that she looked more like one of the oxen being sold down there, although those oxen seemed more docile than her at that moment.
"Do you want to...?" Lee tried to talk, but she interrupted him with her index finger in the air.
"No word. If I hear another Dutton speak today, I'll explode!" She squirted keeping her hands closed next to her head and Lee widened his eyes.
Then he scrambled in the bag and removed a pink box, where the donuts were stored. Lee chose one with a vanilla flavor and offered one of the donuts to Natalie without saying a single word. He watched her eyebrows descend in accordance with her shoulders and she chose a chocolate-flavored doughnut. When taking a big bite, Natalie let out an exhausted sigh mixed with satisfaction. Lee didn't say a word, just smiled and continued to observe the following lots.
When lot five was sold, Lee felt confident enough to talk to the woman next to him. She seemed calmer, she had eaten almost all the donuts he bought, but he didn't care. She seemed to be having a very difficult day, so a little sweet wouldn't hurt her.
"There's only one thing I like more than taking care of my father's ranch." He started in a mild, polite tone.
"And what would it be?"
"Donuts." Lee lifted the empty box and Natalie seemed to realize that she had attacked those donuts.
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have..."
"It's okay. They were really a lot of donuts." He smiled playfully and she gave a mini smile. "A smile. We're getting progress, aren't we?"
"I'm not always like that, you know? You're only seeing me on a bad day. And getting hungry affects my mood even more." She confessed watching the horses run through the fence.
"I'm glad I had food, otherwise I would probably be the food." He played once again and she kept her smile. "How many hours have you not eaten?"
"Since I arrived in Montana. It's a novelty after novelty and I didn't have much time to eat or even to go to my apartment." She paused to look around. "And now I'm sitting in the stands of a livestock auction next to a person I don't even know. What a strange way to end the day, don't you think?"
"What do you mean we don't get to know each other? You know my name and my job, you even know who my family is. And now you know I love doughnuts. That seems to me to know a lot about someone."
"This argument is so unbelievable that I almost agree." She crossed her legs and watched him for the first time that night, noticing that there were doughnut crumbs on his beard. She laughed internally. "There are...crumbs in your beard..."
"What?" He tried to look down as if it were possible to see the crumbs that way and tried another way. Lee ran his fingers through his beard, but because it was too thick it was difficult to remove the pieces.
"Here, let me help you." Natalie advanced her hands towards him, but Lee interrupted her with a dazed look.
"Be careful, it's hard to make it perfect like that."
Natalie rolled her eyes and sighed. "I'll be, now, shiu."
Lee watched her little fingers reach for his beard, wiping his hair with concentration and dexterity. He watched her small face, brown eyes, prancing nose and small, full lips, as if they formed a heart. She was a really beautiful woman, a different beauty from the one he found in Montana, it was something refined, subtle, feminine. He could barely feel her touch, but he still did. It was a delicate one, even kind. Lee was enjoying that version of her. At least, Natalie didn't want to kill him anymore.
"Your father doesn't want my help." She confessed seriously while still touching his beard. "The reason for this you must know by heart."
Lee reflected for a moment and understood what she wanted to refer to. "He didn't let you in there, did he?" Natalie shook her head confirming his question. "What about Jamie?"
"Well, he asked me to wait out here." Her tone regained a certain annoyance. "I don't understand why I left my city to come here and be humiliated like that."
Lee sighed strongly, grunting a little. "What do you have with my brother anyway?"
"We studied together at Harvard. We become friends and even work together in some cases. Then he returned to Montana and we lost contact every day. Two weeks ago he called me asking for help with his family's affairs, but apparently he didn't ask for his father's opinion."
"He didn't ask because he knew that his answer would be no. My father doesn't trust those who are not in the family, much less those who are from another state."
"And what does he do up there if he doesn't trust people outside the family?"
"It's an influence. To do politics it is not necessary for there to be trust from both sides, in fact, it seems to me the complete opposite. You must be suspicious of people to be able to be two or three steps ahead of them."
Natalie lowered her hands to her own lap and looked at him with a reinvigorated curiosity. He could even swear that he could see a smile on her graceful face. "For someone who is not interested in politics, you seem to understand it well."
Lee let out an ironic laugh. "I said I didn't like it, I didn't say I didn't understand it."
It was her turn to laugh, but in a restrained mode. "You are more than your name and your job, Mr. Dutton, much more than that. If you were up there you would probably be the kindest person in that room."
"I'm not sure about that, but I certainly wouldn't prevent a competent lawyer from entering."
"I would really appreciate that."
Lee noticed her gaze changing towards him, it seemed more friendly, even kind, as if she were lowering her guard with him. He returned her comment with a complete smile trying to show her that despite being a Dutton, he was not so thick, unless he needed to be, which hardly happened. Dirty work usually stayed with his father or with Rip. Lee only dealt with the real affairs of the ranch and the livestock commission. The conversation between the two did not stretch for long, because they noticed Jamie approaching the stands.
"Maybe I need to buy more donuts?" Lee asked her when Jamie approached.
"Thank you, but I can deal with it more calmly now." She replied with a tiny smile.
"If you think so..."
Jamie crossed the steps of the stands and asked one of the ranchers to move away so that he could sit next to Natalie. It was a discordant vision, two lawyers properly dressed among ranchers who only cared about cattle being auctioned in the fence in front of them. They were displaced, so they caught the attention of almost everyone present in that place, including the people upstairs. They caught their father's attention.
"I see you've already met my brother Lee." Jamie announced it to her with a smile and waved to his own brother.
"It seems that he is the only Dutton who really gives me some credit here." Natalie seriously mocked and Jamie gave up his smile. "Don't tell me I came here for anything, Jamie."
"I wouldn't say that. I just didn't have enough time to tell him because I called you here."
"You had two fucking weeks to tell him, Jamie."
The Dutton sighed strongly and lowered his head, shaking it in accordance with what she said. "He doesn't know the seriousness of what we are facing. There was no one here competent and reliable enough who could help me with that."
"So because of your cowardice in talking to your father about my arrival I was humiliated all day. I'm not surprised that you need help, Jamie, you can't even have the courage to try to convince your father about the matters of his own interest." Natalia acquired a firm and even enraged tone by pouring her indignation on Jamie.
"I understand your anger, Nat. And I'm sorry about that, I'm really sorry. I will be honest about what we are facing and I am sure he will accept your help."
"Are you really convinced of that? He didn't seem willing to change his opinion."
"I can talk to him." Lee intruded in the conversation, having the curious look of both lawyers. "One cowboy understands the other."
"That's not your job, Mr. Dutton. It wasn't you who made me drive thirty-six hours from one state to another." Natalie stared back at Jamie, who swallowed it dry and fixed his suit.
"I'll fix it, I promise." Jamie didn't wait for her to give a triplica about that and soon got up. "Do you need help with the change?"
"I can take care of myself."
"I know you do, that's why I called you."
Jamie went down the steps and was soon walking back to the cabin on the second floor. Lee listened to Natalie's strong and accelerated breathing next to him and decided to leave her quiet, after all, he had no more donuts to calm her down. The next few weeks would certainly be busy and he couldn't wait for them.
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