#Yes Hunk IS the tallest in this AU
discordiansamba · 5 months
Keith comes from a time before the war, raised in the old ways of the Galra Empire by his mother. He was raised in the ways of his father's people too, but he always leaned more Galra than he did Altean. He's thrilled by the prospect of a good fight, and never really developed much of a head for diplomacy- can't we just fight? This would be so much easier if we could resolve this by combat.
(His bayard takes the form of an Altean broadsword, reflecting on his father's heritage anyways.)
Pidge might be tiny, but she has a high propensity for violence... just the indirect sort, mostly. She knows she's not good in fighting someone straight on, so she's learned to use all kinds of neat little tricks to make up for her lack of physical strength. She's got great speed, though. Other Galra say she fights in a dishonorable fashion, but she'd argue that the Galra have no standing to talk about honor.
(Her bayard takes on the same form as it does in canon. It's already perfect.)
Hunk doesn't like fighting. Or violence. He likes cooking. He likes making people happy. He underwent standard training, so he can fight- he's really good at throwing his weight around, being the biggest and bulkiest of the team. But he doesn't like it. There's usually better ways to resolve conflict! ...but at the same time, he discovers that he's actually more willing to fight than he ever thought he was- he just needed the right thing to fight for.
(His bayard also takes on its canon form, giving him a lot of range- but if one of the other paladins is in a tight spot, he doesn't hesitate to throw himself in there.)
Lance has been training to be a Blade since he could basically walk. All of his older siblings are Blades, and he desperately wants to be like them. He's got great speed and agility, but he makes the mistake of not taking as much advantage as he could, instead trying to use brute force that he doesn't have comparatively as much of to win fights. He's actually a much better marksman than he is a swordfighter, but he's too hung up on using a blaster not being the Blade way to see that.
(His bayard initially takes the shape of an awakened blade, before he starts to realize that's not where his strength lies. It then becomes his canon rifle.)
Shiro is an elite among the elite. He's a skilled fighter, ranging from hand to hand combat, to blasters, to sword fighting. He's not quite as big as Hunk, but he's definitely just as strong. He's an incredibly tough opponent to beat, and it's easy to see how he managed to claw himself up to Lieutenant rank despite being so young. He used to resolve things with combat a lot more, but since losing his memories and living on Earth, he's come to understand the value of negotiating first. Sometimes that's even better than a fight.
(He doesn't have a bayard at first. He settles for hand to hand instead. When he does get it, the shape it takes is a spear- hearkening back to the very origins of the Empire.)
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opaljm · 4 years
eye of the tiger (m) | teaser – kth
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➻ female reader x taehyung
➻ jagged spin-off + hybrid au + tiger!taehyung + giraffe/deer!reader + enemies to lovers + fake dating + minor inspiration from zootopia if you squint
➻ genres: angst, smut, romance
➻ length & status: 3k words; teaser
➻ rating & warnings: 18+; allusions to minor discrimination and prejudice; allusion to bullying
➻ summary: You had been bullied by Kim Taehyung in your youth and wanted to have nothing to do with him. But when your ex-boyfriend, a stag hybrid, kept dogging at your heels and Taehyung needed a girlfriend to stop the jaguar hybrid Jimin from growling every single time he got within 10 feet of his girlfriend, you find yourself agreeing to keep up the pretense that you and Taehyung were each other’s childhood crushes and had only recently reconnected and decided to date. 
➻ a/n: the Jagged sequel that exactly two people asked for.  enjoy this for now because i have no idea when i will be finishing this since i have to finish the fics i already gave post dates for :D
➻ disclaimer: all lions are inbred and they live in a pride. i don’t think this is necessarily something that i have to apologize for having in my story but i’ll still throw out the disclaimer that there is one tiny joke about lions being inbred.
⋆ jagged ⋆ teaser ii ⋆ my masterlist ⋆
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When you were little, there were a group of predator hybrids who used to relish in causing you pain and anguish. They would ridicule you for just about everything, from your big doe eyes with its long sweeping lashes that would brush against your cheekbones when your eyes were closed to your longer than average neck that was narrow and would often elongate itself when you were absentmindedly trying to look far off into the distance. You had been bullied for your skinny frame and your long gangly limbs throughout all of elementary school where you had been a foot taller than the second tallest person in your class. You were constantly besmirched for having the smattering of pale freckles over your cheeks and nose, always being made to feel adequate for having visual indications of your deer and giraffe heritage.
From what you could tell, the only prey hybrids that were accepted in your small town in South Carolina, were the ones that had hybrid markers that were ambiguous and could have belonged to any number of species or the ones that didn’t have many visible hybrid markers at all. In contrast, the predator hybrids were allowed to delight in their own signs of hybridization. The worst of your bullies were a large group of big cat hybrids, containing both males and females’ hybrids of lions with the occasional leopard hybrid. From what you could tell, the lion hybrids of your small town enjoyed ruling over the place with their pride, and their children had learned from their toxic behavior, enjoying terrifying smaller predator hybrids by sneaking up on them and practicing their roars or by eating their lunches, from home, of entirely raw hunks of meat in front of prey hybrids causing them to throw up the contents of their own vegetarian meals.
All of this should have made you critical of predator hybrids and how they treated the prey hybrids of your town, but when you sat in the one room apartment that you shared with your mother, a lovely deer hybrid who had had you too young and was raising you by herself, you would do your arithmetic equations and stare at the poster of the University of Californian Hybrids, Los Angeles you had hanging up, and dream of escaping to a big city in a more progressive state where predators and prey could live in harmony with each other and might even sometimes be in relationships together. This was even worse than when two hybrids of the same class bred outside their species in your hometown. That’s what had happened with your mother and father. He was a D1 athlete who played on the basketball team of the university they had gone to and had broken your mother’s heart after she had found out that she was pregnant with you. It was one thing to date or sleep with someone who wasn’t the same species as you. It was an entirely different ordeal marrying them and having children with them.
You were desirous of a life where you could be with a predator hybrid because when you were six and had been pushed off of the top of the slides by a puma hybrid, who had waiting for her turn to slide after you, an adorable tiger hybrid who had been roughly the same age as you had squeaked out his attempt at a sonorous roar and scared off the girl and then had slid down to run to you, where you laid sprawled on the rubber floor of the playground clutching your sprained wrist. He had yelled for his grandmother to get you aid and had become your best friend up until the two of you had entered middle school and hit puberty. That was when Taehyung, who had been your fiercest defender against everyone who ridiculed your modelesque stature, and the way you had towered over everyone at your school, had fallen in love with a lion hybrid and started hanging out more and more with the crew of big cat hybrids after school. The final devastating blow that had severed your friendship with the male, forever? When the lion hybrid he had had a crush on, Miyeon, had made fun of your eyes, before you had to do a presentation for your world history class, and said they protruded and made you looked bug-eyed and then said that the only people who would ever find you attractive would be amphibian hybrids and Taehyung had joined her in her laughter. There was nothing wrong with toad or frog hybrids, but it hurt when the male you were in love with laughed and agreed that you were not attractive. That had made you spiral into a depression and made you determined that the following year, when you entered high school, you would do everything in your power to excel at school and to be extraordinary enough to not only get a ticket out of the prejudiced hellhole that was your hometown but to be able to afford to accept that ticket in the form of a full ride scholarship.
When you had finally moved to Los Angeles, your mother remaining behind because she said that the cost of living there was too expensive even though she would have loved to join you, you had reinvented yourself into someone who was self-assured and confident. Someone who had pride in all of the aspects that made her who she undeniably was. Also, when you entered university you were shocked at how many hybrids were taller than you, not only the giraffe ones. There were lion hybrids on campus that were taller than you, for the most part all of them were. That had made you squinty eyed and ask your mother how much inbreeding she thought the lion hybrids back home had partaken in since they were much smaller and much weaker than all the cat hybrids you had run into. And not to mention, undeniably ugly.
In fact, you were more aware that you were only half giraffe hybrid and not full, every time you walked around the campus where everyone was tall and beautiful. You had a full scholarship, a wide variety of friends from different majors, and had even dated a couple of guys. Your ex being without a doubt one of your worse decisions but at least it gave you experience right? But the point was, you had changed. You were no longer the scared skittish prey hybrid of the past that allowed big cat hybrids to walk all over her just because in the wild they were the “kings of the jungle.”
This is why it was particularly annoying that when Taehyung, yes that asshole went to the same school as you, had seen you across the room at a frat party and had lunged in your direction, you had been frozen like a deer in headlights and could not move. This had resulted in the jerk, whom you had not seen nor talked to since you stood next to him at your high school graduation ceremony, wrapping his warm large hand around your wrist and dragging you through the crowd of drunk hybrids up the stairs to the second floor to an unoccupied bathroom.
“Taehyung what the fuck,” you groused, no longer the soft-spoken girl that he was used to. You were annoyed at how good he looked. He was shorter than you in your heels, but he was probably within an inch of your height if you both stood nose to nose and barefoot. He was wearing an animal print shirt that had short sleeves and exposed his chest, which looked irritatingly firm and was a sun-kissed gold. There was a band of cloth wrapped around his head like a bandana that made him look rakishly seductive. And his wavy tousled dark hair and heavy-lidded amber eyes made a devastating combination that made your panties wet with a rush of arousal. He sniffed the air and you prayed that he only smelled the clean linen scented air fresheners that overpowering the bathroom and not the scent of your arousal underneath it.
“I need a favor,” he admitted without preamble. You blurted out your refusal after the word “need,” interrupting him. “Oh, come on Y/N, we were close once,” he tried.
“Yeah when we were six,” you grumbled, crossing your arms across your shirt that tightened even more around the generous swell of your breasts. You upturned your face, gazing up at the vents on the ceiling as though you were contemplating your escape before becoming self-conscious of the elongated state of your throat and moved to fix your gaze onto something that was more your eye level: the towel rack that had been added to the door.
Taehyung sighed, if you didn’t agree to help him, he would be in a pickle. Moments before he had seen you at the party, he had been talking to the pretty sand dune cat hybrid he had been lusting over all of last semester. Unfortunately for him, it appeared that she was still in love with that jaguar hybrid Jimin who hung around her like a dark cloud. Not even two minutes into her and Taehyung’s conversation, Jimin had appeared and draped a possessive arm around her while he glared venomously and unblinkingly at Taehyung.
With a laugh Taehyung had said, “Look man I’m not trying to steal your girl.” Even though he was totally trying to steal his girl, “I have my own and my tastes are quite the opposite, not that you aren’t beautiful ___,” he added, flashing her a wide smile and throwing in a wink for good measure. Jimin was awkward and standoffish, not to mention he was kind of small for a wild cat hybrid. ___ needed someone who was big and strong and could adequately protect her and their cubs.
Jimin had only raised one elegantly shaped dark eyebrow at the statement and looked skeptically at Taehyung, “And where is this girlfriend of yours? This is the first I’m hearing about her.”
Taehyung had smiled tensely and looked beyond where they stood to where the room was more crowded into a crush, his gaze flitting from female to female as he tried to find someone he could pass off as a girl he had been seeing for a while. His gaze had found you in the throng. You had stood out from everyone else with your thin form, towering over a majority of the girls while you danced with a red solo cup in one hand and gracefully throwing your head back. Your long hair had revealed the sexy stretch of skin from the column of your throat to your bare shoulders that were all golden from exposure to the sun yet still had the faint smattering of freckles. He couldn’t shift his eyes from your figure.
His gaze was trapped on the sensual picture you had formed on the dance floor, writhing with confidence, and awakening in Taehyung an inexplicable need to hunt you down, throw you over his shoulder and drag you back to his lair to command your body and pleasure it. To undeniably exercise his ownership over you. It had been confusing because for all that Taehyung was a tiger hybrid, he had rarely experienced such an overwhelming need to chase and to hunt, to show that he was an apex predator and the king of the jungle.
Jimin’s eyes had followed the path that Taehyung’s eyes had made, and uttered after a surprised sound of disbelief, “Wow she really is different from ___. Is she even a cat hybrid?”
Taehyung had answered him with annoyance, not daring to shift his eyes from you, fearing that you would disappear in the crowd of the party if he took his eyes off, “She’s a mixed baby. A giraffe and deer hybrid.”
___ had let out an amazed gasp of astonishment, “That sounds like such an interesting pairing. Can I meet her, Taehyung? I wonder what life is like growing up mixed. Even more so, since Jimin and my kittens will be—”
Taehyung barely paid attention to her, his gaze was too focused on the deer hybrid approaching you. “I have to go,” he muttered, setting down his empty bottle of beer on the counter.
“Sure, of course,” hummed ___, “But remember to ask her about a double date, okay!”
This brought the two of you to the present. Taehyung’s eyes narrowed at the memory of that stag who had been sniffing around you. “Do you have a boyfriend, Y/N?”
You started at the abrupt change in conversation. Why would Taehyung ask you such a thing? Had he seen you shift away from Jongin before you had been unceremoniously dragged upstairs by him? “Not that it’s any of your business since we aren’t friends,” you emphasized mercilessly, “But that was my ex Jongin. That’s the last time I’ll date a deer hybrid,” you admitted reluctantly. “The men are so overbearing and territorial. And he can’t accept that we’re broken up since I was the one to break things off and not him.” The last sentence had you huffing in indignation.
“Hmm,” hummed Taehyung thoughtfully, instantly making you suspicious and raising the hairs on your body. “Have you considered a tiger hybrid for your next boyfriend?”
You side-eyed him. What the fuck. “No, I have not Taehyung. Why would you even say something like that? It’s hardly as though you’re trying to get that position.”
Taehyung bared all his teeth threateningly. It hardly could be passed off as a smile. “But what if I were, Y/N?”
“No.” You refused to even think about it and tried to shove past his body to get to the door and out of this confining space.
Taehyung wouldn’t let you escape so easily. He crowded you against the door. Although you had the height, he was still much bigger than you with wide shoulders and a body that was wrapped by hard ropes of lean predator muscle. “I have a proposition. If you pretend to be my girlfriend for a month, I’ll get that meathead to stop bothering you,” He murmured, meeting your wary gaze with his smoldering one, his deep honey colored eyes boring into your chocolate brown ones.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you thought about just how the tiger hybrid would go about making the deer hybrid to back off. “You’re still getting thrills out of intimidating prey hybrids?” you scoffed, “That’s disgusting, Taehyung.”
Taehyung stilled, thrown off for a second, before he once again bared his teeth in the loose semblance of a smile and uttered, “I just meant he’s a Neanderthal. Once he sees how happy and satisfied you were with me, not to mention how I am able to take care of your every need, he’ll take the L and leave you alone.”
You still weren’t sold. “But why do you need a fake girlfriend,” you asked in suspicion. You trusted Taehyung about as far as you could throw him, which was probably only half a yard away.
Taehyung lied to you bald-facedly, the untruth flowing from his tongue so smoothly that you didn’t even catch it, “Same as you. There are too many people who are dying to have a piece of me and it’s honestly distracting. I’m trying to get into to finish a really intensive and time-consuming project for my major. I don’t have time to waste on booty calls.”
“And you would never be tempted to have sex with me?” You asked, your eyes burning a hole into the stretchy fabric of his black and white shirt.
“Never,” agreed Taehyung, lying once again. This time his heart thudded loudly against his chest and he felt a pang that he didn’t want to think about too deeply.
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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives 4.0 International License
©OPALJM 2020
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shadowofthelamp · 2 years
With that last reblog... did I ever post any of my novel for class here? I may get back to it eventually, hence why I’m not posting the whole thing, but... here’s the first short section. (Yes, this was spun off of Tallest AU, but bite me, it turned out really good, my professor said it was one of her favorites since she started the class.)
Dee Briggs’s jaw worked on a wad of probably expired gum as the moon disappeared behind her, and in the backseat, her captive began to stir. Damn, she’d thought she’d have at least another hour before the brat actually woke up. The vein in her index finger shifted around as she tapped the steering wheel, waiting.
Bounties took different amounts of time to fully wake up after sedation. (That is, the ones that she didn’t drug completely stupid in order for them to still be a drooling doll when handed over to whoever wanted them. There weren’t enough units in the galaxy to pay her to deal with a bull-sized Wrakthar even semi-conscious for four days in her junker.) She’d have it down to a much better science if she hadn’t had to deal with every single one being a different species than the last. It was almost like the black market didn’t cater to the whims of a single annoyed human woman. Funny, that.
“Mmmph!” Ah, there it was. Dee typed in the coordinates and set the autopilot with a flip of a switch. It was a piece of garbage, but it’d at least keep her in the right direction with only a mild chance of crashing into the nearest cruiser while she talked to the noy. She’d been rolling with those odds for years now, and they hadn’t failed her yet. 
The captive was about four steps back from the pilot’s seat, laying in the single empty space in the cluttered ship between the fold-out table stained with about six different colors of blood and the shitty little sink that always ran purple water. A chain also wrapped around her feet, bolting them to that empty space so movement was limited. Dee crouched down, flicking out her utility knife in case the prisoner tried anything as the noy’s eyes darted around. In the low light, the colorless sclera hid the dark irises; it looked like there was a black hole where the eyeballs should be. Always weirded Dee out. 
“Hey. Welcome back to the world of the living. Who knows how long you’ll be here, though.”
“Mmph!” The kid’s head darted around, the rope tied around her mouth making her drool all over her fur. Ew. Well, as long as she wasn’t making herself bleed by sawing at it, she could slobber over herself all she wanted. It wasn’t Dee’s fault the gag that usually kept mouths sealed shut didn’t fit her. This was part of the reason she usually didn’t take kids. (That, and she liked to think her ethics hadn’t hit that rock bottom yet, but the pretty little princess and heir apparent was an exception.)
“You’re not getting out.” Dee tried to blow a bubble, but the gum must have been too old, it just kind of stuck to her lips like she was trying to blow a wad of paper. It tasted like it too. She’d mostly been chewing it as a distraction anyway, directing her attention away from how colossally stupid taking this job had been. It was no longer working, so she pulled the wrapper out of her pocket and spat it out, trying to hit the wastebasket. It missed.
The noy’s frantic head-darting had slowed, ears laying low as she glared at Dee. “Mmph ffthhhr!”
“Yeah, your pop’s gonna be real pissed, that’s why we blasted clean past the outer rings as fast as this solid little hunk of junk could take us.” Dee patted the floor. “But he’s not going to realize you’re gone juuuuust long enough for us to get away. I’m not an amateur.” She stood back up, rummaging around in the cabinet next to the fold-out table. “I’m gonna have some more questions for you once we reach Dormaentus, but for now, looks like I’m gonna have to up your dose.”
“Nnnnph!” The noy struggled against her restraints, but they were far too tight and made for something at least three times as strong as her. She wasn’t going anywhere.
Dee produced a syringe from the cabinet, swirling the liquid around inside. It caught the flickering overhead light just right, casting a green shine on the metallic fingers holding it up before she turned around. “You don’t want to hurt yourself, Neb— I’ve been promised a hefty bounty even if you’re damaged goods, so it won’t help.” 
When the black eyes widened, Dee ignored the way her chest skipped a beat as she set the needle to the furry neck and depressed the plunger. “I don’t want to make it any harder than it has to be, kid. It’s your dad I’ve got a problem with- and you coming with me is just business.” 
As her robotic arm tap-tap-tapped against the barrel and the breathing slowed as both eyes slid shut, maybe she could even convince herself to believe it.
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shadowsof-thenight · 5 years
The long way home: Chapter two
Story summary: An AU about Steve Rogers that takes place in college. When you were kids, Steve was your best friend. Where he was you were and vice versa. So when your father got a new job on the other side of the country your 11 year old heart broken.
Over the years you had stayed in contact, though. And now, seven years later, you were off to college and unknowingly you'd applied to the college he had started at last year. You agree to meet on your second day and suddenly it all seemed a little less scary. Will you pick up where you'd left off? Or will everything have changed as much as Steve's appearance.
Ship: Steve Rogers X Reader
Warnings: None. For once a more light-hearted story. Words: 2227
Masterlist and Story Masterlist Previous Chapter
If you want to get tagged, please let me know. I'd be happy too. This goes for all my stories .
Two weeks later you had already settled into a nice routine. Between all the morning classes both you and Natasha had signed up for, you had found a strict schedule that seemed to work for the both of you. The two of you were already regretting the early hours, though Natasha had not been given much choice. With her work out schedule, she needed to have as many early classes as possible.
You on the other hand were wondering why you liked torturing yourself. It had seemed such a good idea, keeping the afternoon as free as possible to work on your assignments. Now, after two weeks it was taking it's toll on you.
Especially since there were so many events in the evening. They helped you getting to know your classmates and all, but they did keep you up later than you wished. You just hoped it would all slow down a little in the weeks to come.
After your morning classes, you'd have lunch with Steve on most days. It had given you the much needed time to reacquaint yourself with one another. He was still that same guy you had known...for the most part. A little less high strung, which was a good thing.
Then after the rest of your classes you'd be in the library, working through your assignments. After her training, Natasha would join you and you'd help her catch up on the things you had already done. This worked well, because it gave her time to focus on the gymnastics. And she would help you with anything you were struggling with. It had been really nice to have such an instant click with your room-mate. Despite the fact that the two of you were quite different, a friendship blossomed easily. All your anxiety over not fitting in and feeling alone, were seemingly unfounded.
When Friday rolled around, Steve asked you to join him and his friends for dinner. They knew a wonderful diner just off campus and he wanted to show it to you. He also wanted you to meet the guy that had moved into your house after you moved.
It might have seemed strange to others, but that idea made you nervous. Until then you had heard about this Bucky, and he seemed like a great guy. However, he was also the person that had replaced you in Steve's life. You knew that if you didn't get along, that would put a strain on things.
The idea of losing Steve so quickly after reconnecting brought back your anxiety in full force and you weren't sure how to overcome it. Natasha had tried to ease your worries as best she could, but you were jittery. You really liked having Steve back in your life and you needed this to go smoothly. And smooth sailings and social interactions didn't mix for you. High school had proven that for you.
You did fine most of the time, however, as soon as there was any pressure, you failed. Dating had been terribly fun for you, as anyone could imagine. Eventually, to ease your mind, Natasha offered to join you. Promising to jump in if you needed it. Quickly taking her up on the offer, you had texted Steve if it was okay for her to join you. When he confirmed that it was fine, you finally felt some tension leave your body.
Thirty minutes. That's how late they were. Natasha and you were getting more impatient by the minute. Steve had already sent several texts apologizing. Earlier that afternoon he had informed you that practice had run late. Which you knew to be true. Natasha had heard their coach tear them a new one as she was leaving the adjacent field late that afternoon. Which was why you had opted to change the time, giving them an extra hour. They had accepted and promised to meet you at the entrance gates of campus. Thirty minutes ago.
By now, your stomach was grumbling loudly as was Natasha's. You were hungry, cold and getting more grumpy by the minute. At least it wasn't raining...yet. Natasha had loudly wondered why she had decided to come along in the first place. You had apologised profusely, which she refused to accept. Citing that it was not your fault at all. Much to your chagrin she had then promised to make them apologise repeatedly before she would consider forgiveness. Somehow you believed she would despite the sarcasm clear in her tone. You wondered what would happen when the guys would finally show up. While you were impatient, she was raging. She had explained that she got hangry. A concept you had not been familiar with, but she was quickly proving her case. She promised she would calm as soon as she had something to eat. But, food seemed to be a long ways away.
When you heard jogging feet behind you, you quickly turned to see Steve coming up to you. He quickly began to apologize. Apparently his friend was running a little late. Behind him, two more figures were seen walking in your direction. Their steps quick paced.
As they came closer you could make out that the tallest figure was huge. Broad shoulders and a wide chest to compliment his significant length. His long blond hair tousled by the wind as he had his hands pushed into his jacket pocket. His strong jaw was coated by a short trimmed beard and he smiled apologetically in your direction.
“So sorry, my fair ladies” he said, his voice deep, smooth. Natasha rolled her eyes. He held out his hand for you to shake and introduced himself as Thor. A teammate to Steve. You nodded and gave him yours and Natasha's name. Behind him another guy caught up to you. Sam, he said, before apologizing for their tardiness. This guy was still quite tall though, next to Thor and Steve he looked of more average height. He was clean cut, shaven and dressed in crisp clothing. He obviously took pride in his appearance, though he lacked the arrogance that often went with that.
Looking back to Steve you wondered aloud where bucky was. Steve was quick to explain that Bucky had to run another few laps and that had made them late. They had gone to practice in one car. He then told you that Bucky would meet you at the diner later.
You nodded and asked him to show you the way, more than ready to get out of the chilly evening air. Not to mention, craving food.
When a dark haired blue eyed hunk of man walked up to your table another half an hour later, your smile was considerably forced. He smirked down at everyone and sat down, not introducing himself. He sat next to Natasha who looked about ready to slap him and you shot her a warning glance.
“Look who decided to grace us with his presence” she muttered as she munched on a bread stick and he raised an eyebrow when he looked at her.
“Y/n?” he asked and you took that as your cue to jump in fast.
“No that would be me. This is Natasha” you quickly said, waving your hand at him, while Steve politely signalled to a waiter to come take their orders.
“Good to meet you” Bucky said and you nodded, before scanning the menu one more time. Natasha was agitated and her anger oozed out of her. It was impossible not to notice.
“Something wrong?” Bucky asked, his voice teasing as if he was challenging her.
“I'd advice you to not speak until I had some food” she growled at him and he laughed loudly before ordering a burger. Waiting for the food was tense. Sam tried to joke and Thor asked a few  questions. Neither Steve nor you knew how to diffuse this situation. You sighed in relief when the food finally came and everyone quickly began eating.
“So...sorry I made everyone late” Bucky said after the plates were half empty, “apparently it’s not wise to mouth off to the coach on a Friday afternoon”
“Yes, strangely enough you need to learn that lessons time and time again,” Sam chuckled and you cracked a smile. At least he had apologised. Still wanting to make a good impression, you decided that his apology was enough for you.
“So, Y/n, good to finally meet you” he flashed a dashing smile in your direction. He was charming, and he seemed very much aware of that. You smiled kindly, you could only imagine how often that charm had worked for him.
“You too, it's been a long time coming,” you replied as you quickly placed your hands on your lap under the table, fidgeting your fingers. Steve subtly reached out and placed his hand over yours, squeezing. It seemed he had not forgotten your habits. You turned your face to smile at him, once again grateful to have his ever calming presence back in your life.
“Yes, it was long for everyone” Natasha muttered. Bucky smirked as he scooted closer to her, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her into him. He then asked if he would need to beg for her forgiveness or if a promise not to do it again would be enough for now. She shrugged off his arm and poked at her food. With food in her stomach, her anger was quickly residing and her more playful nature rose up.
“You're lucky I have food now” she said with a sneer and took another bite.
“Awhh, is Natasha angry?” He asked and snickered as she glared in his direction. You were certain only you saw the slight twitch of her mouth. She was enjoying this.
“Yes. That happens when your dinner is postponed by two hours.” Sam intervened, his tone light. He had quickly proven himself to be the peacekeepers of the group. Though he seemed not above a few jabs. You had a feeling you'd get along with him.
“So sorry.” Bucky said, raising his hands in defeat and easing up on the teasing with a smile.  
“So, Y/n” Sam turned the conversation to you, “Why did you and Bucky never meet before?”
“He didn't move to Brooklyn, until I moved away” it wasn't quite that enthralling a story, simple geography.
“What a shame to have missed out on that” Natasha said smiling sweetly. Too sweetly, you noted.
“But here we are” Steve muttered, unsure of what to say. Natasha smirked and winked at you, making you worry about whatever she had planned.  
“Yeah, she really could not wait to finally meet the replacement friend” Natasha quipped and Bucky laughed loudly when she added that he was not quite as punctual as the first one.
“Oh I like this one” Bucky said to you and you could not help but chuckle. Any tension had been broken and Natasha smiled at you, which you gratefully returned. Sarcasm was a hit, luckily. Sarcasm was something Natasha had plenty off.
As the night progressed further, it was impossible to keep time straight. You had no idea how much of it had passed and you had lost track of the songs you had sung. And you hardly remembered why you had laughed as loud as you had. Truth was that it did not matter. Fact of the matter was that you had laughed and sung and danced. And you had been drinking. There had been lots of drinking. Apparently bars weren't as uptight around this town. Or perhaps the fake id's Bucky had gotten you all were in fact really believable. Unlikely as that were. Yours stated your age as 30 and Steve apparently had gotten 35 overnight. It didn't really matter. You had promised yourself to get into the college life and getting drunk on your second weekend there seemed to fit the bill.  
Sam had suggested karaoke right after dinner and everyone had jumped at the plan. Which led you stumbling off the stage after yet another song and Steve catching you in his strong arms before you could fall flat on your face. You could feel his laughter reverberate through his chest as you placed a hand on it to steady yourself, laughing loudly with him. His blue eyes shined brightly as he looked down at your face and you beamed up at his smiling face. Mirth ran through you as you saw the twinkle in his eyes. This had been a great night. All your worries had been for nought.
Steve kissed your temple as he held you close to him for a little while longer. You smiled as you leaned into him, sighed contently.
“I'm really happy we get to hang out again” you said as you pulled back a little to look up at him again.
“Me too” his hands rubbed your arms as he replied. He opened his mouth again after a few seconds, ready to speak when Bucky jumped in and pulled him away for their rendition of Hakuna matata.
It was definitely something you were glad to have witnessed. And thanks to Sam and Natasha it was also memorialised on their phones.
Tags: @musicfreak180
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khgne · 5 years
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✨ klance fic rec list (pt. 4) ✨
pt.1✨   pt.2 ✨  pt.3✨  
Read All About It - M // 1 chapter // 8k+ words // ongoing // AU - Modern Setting, High School
Keith is Altea High’s star athlete. And Lance, a wily reporter for the school newspaper, is crushing hard. The only problem? They’ve never actually met before. So when Lance decides to broadcast his long-hidden feelings in an explicitly romantic exposé, he ends up accidentally sparking a school-wide epidemic. Suddenly the entire student body is in on the drama, but are words truly enough to win over the school’s enigmatic heartthrob?
The Meaning of Donuts - M // one shot // 14k+ words
Keith realizes he may, potentially, possibly have some feelings for a certain blue paladin and he is Not Thrilled about it.
And Slowly, So It Goes - T // 1 chapter // 6k+ words // ongoing // Post S8
Lance joins the Blade of Marmora, but what started off as a way to better honor Allura’s memory turns into a lesson on what it means to trust himself again.
Sunflower - M // 3 chapters // 11k+ words // ongoing // Post S8
On the morning of their first summer back on Earth, Lance receives a gift of sunflowers. A confession, a rejection, and the passage of time, all leading to the one person who's always been there for him.
Wild Magic - M // 2 chapters // 46k+ words // ongoing // AU - Fantasy, Magic
The Vastaya are an ancient and proud race, born of magic and man, and they are dying. The spread of humans makes the magic of their homelands run thin. What is left is preyed upon and corrupted by the rising galra influence.
After losing their home, what remains of the Marmora tribe scatters, fighting the spread of corruption where they can. For the last few centuries, this is the only life Keith has known. And with Shiro’s disappearance, he’s more alone than ever. But he keeps going, even if it means losing himself. For the fight. For his people. For their future. For his homelands. For magic.
The last thing he expected to find is another feathered vastaya, one with wings that shine like the sky and move like waves when he dances. He never asked for company, never wanted it. But as Keith finds himself growing fond of Lance’s flippant attitude and determined blue eyes, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t want to fight alone anymore.
Holding Out For A Hero - E // 3 chapters // 27k+ words // ongoing // AU - Fairy Tale // contains smut
Lance considers himself a good guy. He has some youthful misdemeanors under his belt, yes; he may have stolen a few purses, swindled a few men, seduced a few people he shouldn't have. But he has a good heart! And his record for the last two years has been squeaky clean, working in the bakery owned by his friend Hunk and making old ladies smile.
He definitely does not deserve to hear that the Lion of Altea will be returning to the crown city for Princess Allura’s coronation.
New - M // 4 chapters // 11k+ words // ongoing // Post S8
After six years of silence, Lance packing up and leaving his relatively quiet life sparks enough panic amongst his family for them to contact Keith to... track him down? Keith isn't too sure, only that getting roped into this miserable road trip wasn't part of his plan.
You Build Your Tower (But Call Me Home) - T // 1 chapter // 15k+ words // ongoing // AU - Gargoyle, Fantasy, Fairytale
In the land of Arus, the youngest Nalquodian prince—Prince Leandro—is hidden away in a little castle that overlooks the kingdom; a countermeasure to protect him from the Galran assassins that have sworn to take his life.
And in the tallest tower of the castle, behind a grimy rose window and under a dusty sheet, is an enchanting gargoyle that the prince finds himself compelled to visit every day.
Almost as if by a spell...
The Way I Love You -  T // series of 7 one shots // 13k+ words // ongoing // Post S7 
A collection of quiet moments in which keith and lance fall in love. And kiss a lot.
                                                                                           [will update this later]
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oddeyecadia · 6 years
what if it’s us?
a college/soulmate/librarian!pidge x dancer!lance au. yeah that’s a lot. also another attempt on writing a multi chapter fic. wish me luck. this will be the only chapter that i’ll tag for plance au week tho :( i hope that’s okay. i don’t think i can finish this in just a week or even month so yeah.
also posted on ao3 | ch. 2 ch. 3 ch. 4
The first time they met, they didn't know immediately. But Pidge, being the natural observer that she was, was the first one to notice a hint.
"Uhm, hey." Called a guy with slightly high pitched voice, tapping her shoulder lightly as she finished arranging some books on the library shelf.
She turned to him with a tired expression. Though, she didn't miss how an unfamiliar warmth suddenly bloomed in her chest when she met his gaze. They were blue, his eyes. A charming, ocean blue. For some unknown reason, her heart started beating faster than it should while all the scars and little bruises on her body tingled in a strange way.
Pidge paused for a second, trying to comprehend and understand what this strong feeling actually was. She seemed to be the only one between them who felt it. Though, it might just be her imagination, she swore she saw his eyes widened a bit when they met her hazel ones.
Shrugging internally, she came with a quick hypothesis that it was only just the heat making her body react very weirdly. "Can I help you?" Pidge finally asked the lanky guy.
"You're a student librarian right?"
"Can you help me find this book? I can't remember the title but it's orange!"
Her mind was sent reeling as she wore a puzzled expression. Was this guy serious? She never thought she would encounter an elementary in a college student's body. These type of people were in a very nice rank in Pidge's most annoying people list.
She let out a sigh. "What type of book is it?"
"A anatomy one."
"Follow me." He did when the girl then started walking to the STEM isle.
Sound of their footsteps filled the library. It was a saturday evening, the place wasn't as busy as any other week. Students of Altea University didn't usually have a lot of classes on saturdays. Though, there were still a few groups of people roaming around, like the usual academic prodigies who liked to finish their homeworks and projects earlier than everyone else, the novel fans who would read harry potter religiously everyday, and some couples making out behind the tallest shelves. Oh Pidge hated those. Was it really that hard to keep their library kinks to themselves? Apparently not for she could already hear kissing sounds from when they passed the fiction aisle.
"Is that even allowed?" The guy behind her asked quietly, though it was loud enough for her to hear.
"Nope." She replied, turning to the STEM aisle and started looking for a book with a certain bright color.
"Aren't you gonna stop them?"
"Too lazy to. Besides that'd be so awkward."
As soon as their small talk ended, her eyes finally landed on the third shelf where an orange calculus book stood out. Her short arms reached for the object and showed it to the person beside her. "Is this what you're looking for?"
His eyes squinted as he took the book from her hand. "I think so." Moving it closer to his face, he examined the cover.
That was the moment Pidge saw it. Two bandaids were on this guy's right arm close to his elbow. They were placed very similarly to where she had two fresh cuts from yesterday when she crawled under her bed to reach for her lost game boy, her arm accidentally landing on a rough surface.
The concept of every person having a soulmate that would receive the same injuries and physical pain as them was very fascinating to Pidge, but she never really cared for finding her own. Her soulmate didn't actually gave her a lot of wild bruises, cuts, or injuries as a child. But things changed horribly when she went to college. On her first year, she started getting a lot of small bruises on her knees and slight pain on her limbs for no reason. She thought perhaps her soulmate joined a sports team or something. She got really curious at some point, desperate to know what the hell her soulmate was up to that they had to have a shit ton of bruises. Thankfully, the injuries started to appear less when she hit her second year of college. Though, the curiosity never left.
"Yup. This is it." The guy in front of her smiled once again. "Thanks..." His eyes quickly looked at her name tag and added "Katarina."
"What should I call you then?"
"Nothing. I don't even know you."
"I'm Lance. Might as well introduce ourselves, you're probably going to see me here a lot for a few weeks." There was a hint of stress in his voice, making her remember that it was almost the end of the first semester. He was probably one of those students who treated libraries like their second home when loaded with a shit ton of school projects to do.
"Wow. Productive."
"Yeah, I'm pretty studious." She could hear the sarcasm. "Anyway, see you around, Katarina."
Lance gave her another kind smile before he turned around and walked away, giving Pidge a good look on the bandaids on his arm once again.
Crossing her arms, she gave the similar cuts she had with him a gentle stroke using her fingers.
It could just a be a coincidence. It was very common for people to have cuts and bruises below their elbows. She didn't want to assume that quickly.
He couldn't be. ___
She would never take the pleasure of slouching for granted ever again. Pidge, for the umpteenth time this week, fell asleep on her study table back at her apartment earlier today. She was only supposed to take a quick nap but ended up sleeping for the whole afternoon. Now, she couldn't even look down without her neck and upper back feeling as though they had been burned with acid from the inside. She didn't miss a class though, that was a good thing.
"You okay, Pidge?" The guy across her, Hunk, asked with genuine concern when he noticed her oddly good posture and the discomfort in her expression.
Hunk was Pidge's physics partner. The two decided to work on their paired homework at the campus library, an hour before Pidge's shift started. "I'm okay. It's just– my back kinda hurts."
"What happened?"
"Took a nap on a very uncomfortable position, that's all."
"Want some pain killers? I think I have some in my bag."
She smiled with gratitude. He was as caring as ever. "No, it's fine. I already took one. But thanks, Hunk."
Just as they were about to go back to their work, the library was bombarded with a familiar obnoxious voice. "Hunk!– Oh hey, Katarina." Shushes and groans filled the room as all eyes fell on who caused the disturbance.
"Sorry." Lance whispered, suddenly being aware of where he was.
"You guys know each other?" Hunk asked quietly as Lance approached them.
"No." She said. "Yes." He said.
The one who told the truth was him. Lance wasn't kidding when he said he and Pidge would be seeing each other more often in the library starting last week. Every night he would be greeting her, wherever corner of the library she was, with that bright smile of his. Sometimes he would come with his friends for a group study, sometimes he was with his group mates for a project, but usually he would come alone to borrow some textbooks.
It had been almost two weeks since he started his daily visit. He never missed a night, and every night he would always find something new to talk about. Pidge never really liked human interaction, especially with strangers. Lance on the other hand, seemed to love initiating small talks with everyone, even with Pidge who looked small yet very intimidating and tired of everybody's shit 24/7.
It was annoying at first, but she got used to it very quickly. He just wouldn't stop until he'd get even the slightest acknowledgement. Every night she'd learn something new about him for he was very talkative.
Lance was a nursing student, had a pet cat named blue, loved rain, grew up with a lot of siblings, and apparently he had a one direction phase. Pidge learned all of these in just two weeks of daily small talks. She wouldn't admit it but she would love to learn more.
"Hunk, can I borrow your keys?"
The big guy sighs. "Lost yours again?"
Lance scratched the back of his head, letting out a few nervous laughs. "Yeah. I'll try to find it later. Please?"
Hunk then gave what seemed to be his apartment key to him with his famous disappointed face.
"You're Hunk's roommate?" She asked Lance. "That explains his lack of sleep."
"Hey." The loud mouth whined with a pout.
"So are you guys friends?" Hunk asked once again as Lance sat down beside him, carefully keeping his posture straight and perfect as if he was one slouch away from breaking his back.
"Yes." He said. "Acquaintances." She said.
Putting his hand on his chest, Lance gasped dramatically. "Katarina, c'mon. I've told you some of my deepest secrets, we're not just acquaintances."
"You having a harry styles fan account when you were 15 isn't a deep secret. Also, can you please stop calling me that?"
"You haven't told me your nickname yet."
"It's Pidge." Hunk interrupted.
"Hunk!" Pidge whisper shouted, looking very betrayed.
"What? You said you didn't want him to call you Katarina. And same, cause you don't look like a Katarina."
A sigh. "Only my friends can call me Pidge, though."
Lance let out a victorious chuckle. "Well, I'm your friend now. Deal with it, Pidge."
The blue eyed wore a proud smile after finally calling her by her nickname for the first time, as if it was some kind of achievement. Like a promotion but in Pidge's life. The room then went silent– well, it became a little more quiet with Lance's mouth shut –after a few seconds of unimpressed staring from Pidge.
The silence made their senses focus more on their surroundings. Pidge could hear pages turning, pencils on paper, and quiet chatters. The lighting of the place made it easier to read but the mood just screamed sleep. The smell of books and wood helped her mind relax. Though, the random smell of mint was so strong that it hurt her nose. Where was it coming from anyway?
"What is that smell?" Hunk asked what she was about to.
"Yeah, it's so... minty." She added.
"Oops. Uh, it's salonpas. I put some on my back and neck, hopefully to ease the pain."
Hunk spoke. "Something happened in dance practice again?"
A brow of hers lifted curiously. "Dance practice?"
"He's part of our university's dance team."
"I sure am! We're more like a pep squad though, we do a lot of awesome stunts. But no, nothing happened during practice. Or to me in general."
"So... it's your soulmate's?" Pidge found herself asking, the thought of their similar elbow cuts flashing through her mind, causing her heart rate to rise a little.
"Yup. I'd always feel back and neck aches whenever exams are near, and finals are coming up, I bet my soulmate's back with their over studying bs. They probably never sleep, or they do but not comfortably. God, I can't wait to meet them so that I could tell them how unhealthy over studying is. Don't they know prioritizing studies over health isn't always good cause–" Pidge couldn't even focus on Lance's little rant as the cogs in her brain worked to make the conclusion for her hypothesis.
Their similar cuts, the small bruises on her knees that would appear out of nowhere and the slight pain on her limbs that she would feel for no reason, Lance being part of a dance team that did a lot of stunts, him having back aches whenever there were exams, a time where her studious ass was on it's peak, always ending up sleeping on her desk.
Realization hit her like a space ship crashing on land. Suddenly it all made sense. She knew that it was possible because of the elbow cuts she saw on him when they first met. But these connections just proved her assumptions were right after all. There was no denying it.
Lance was her soulmate.
Oh god... Lance was her soulmate.
The cute guy that had been trying to befriend her– and succeeding –for weeks was the person the universe was telling her she should be with.
Did she just thought Lance was cute?
Oh no.
There's just too much to take in. Pidge's hands started sweating as Lance finished his rant. "I've said this multiple times but I just can't wait to meet my soulmate, and take care of them because they clearly aren't taking care of themselves that well." His eyes met hers and his face soften at her shocked expression. "You okay there, Pidge?"
"Huh?" She finally zoned in. "Y-Yeah. Just fine." When she gave Hunk a glance, she immediately noticed the obvious grin that was forming on his face. Bless him, it was clear that he was trying to hide it, but he was failing so bad.
From the looks of it, Hunk also figured it out. She shook her head very slightly. Don't tell him yet.
Lance did not seem to notice Pidge giving Hunk a begging expression for he said. "Mmkay. If you say so." He stood slowly, again keeping his posture as to not hurt his back even more. "I'll be resting in our dorm for a bit before practice starts. See ya guys later!" He walked out of the library humming a mess of tunes, like some kind of a remix. Probably, a song their dance group used for a routine.
Pidge let out a sigh of relief when he was finally out of sight. Though the tension in her breathing came back as soon as she faced Hunk.
"So..." He said a little too enthusiastically. "My flirty roommate and my snarky physics partner. A perfect match."
"Ugh." Was her only response.
"You didn't tell me you've met your soulmate?"
"I just found out. Like right now. I mean I've noticed things but I just didn't want to make conclusions that quickly."
"When are you going to tell him?"
"Never. Let him find out on his own." Besides, how was she supposed to tell him anyways? Hey, we're soulmates, I was the one who gave you those back aches. or Thanks for the bruises, dude.
Would he believe her? Would he even be happy to know it was her? Pidge had seen Lance flirt with girls in the library multiple times. She knew his type and it wasn't nerdy girls with a 13 year old boy's body.
She wasn't even sure if she was okay with him being her soulmate. Still, the thought of rejection made her heart sink.
"I hate to break it to you, Pidge, but Lance might not be dumb, but he's very slow. He wouldn't know unless someone tell him."
"Fine." She knew she had to tell him sooner or later anyway. "I'll tell him when I have evidence."
"Pidge, this isn't a thesis report. And aren't his- or your back aches enough?"
"Well I can't just tell someone we're soulmates without a strong evidence right? Plus, this–" She pointed on her upper back. "is internal. There aren't any marks or anything. Therefore, it wouldn't be as convincing." Excuses. Pidge had mastered making those a long time ago. She really just wasn't ready to tell him.
It worked for Hunk though. He shrugged. "Alright. True. You win. But when you tell him, I need to know what happens. Always update me."
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sp4c3-0ddity · 6 years
April 24 for the prompts. Your plance sailor AU with the inappropriate use of a plank. In Keith's words, 'go loose'.
Confession:  no planks were used in the making of this fic. also, there is a cliffhanger, but that’s just because of who i am as a person.
Loosely a sequel to ‘Siren Song’, which can be found here on ao3 or here on tumblr
Has some violence and mentions (but not portrayal) of torture. ~5200 words. Enjoy!!
Pidgestruggled to stay calm as a man almost twice her height clapped irons over herwrists. Her heart pounded in her chest, the shackles nearly forcing her handsdown, as her two crew mates received similar treatment.
“Comealong now,” said the man - the pirate -that held Pidge by the arm. He pulled her along, his grip strong enough thathe’d leave bruises, and Pidge stepped fast to keep up with his pace.
Embarrassingly,where only one man was required to keep herunder control, Lance and Hunk each stood between two, filing onto the shipand across the deck behind her. She heard Hunk grumbling under his breath, atleast until he earned a smack to the head, and stiffened.
Theship was cleaner than she expected, the wood shining with a fresh wash, and thecrew moved around with an air of military precision. Pirates though they were,their captain must appreciate organization.
Perhapsthat would make him easier to bargain with, or so Pidge hoped.
Thethree of them were forced to kneel on the scrubbed deck, knees digging intohard wood. But their captors still kept a grip on them, and Pidge tried to keepher head up, to not let the shackles around her wrists weigh her down.
“Ifwe die here,” Lance muttered to her, “I’m going to kill you.”
“That’sfair,” Pidge conceded with a nod. “I promise we won’t though.” She glanced athim from the corner of her eye, blinking when his met hers. “I just—”
“Quiet!”the pirate that captured her shouted, smacking her upside the head and knockingher off balance.
“Hey!”another pirate, shorter than all the rest, exclaimed as he darted towards them.
Pidgefell forward, landing with an elbows; the shock of the fall sent a shudderthrough her body. Her teeth clipped her lip, hard enough that the metallictaste of blood filled her mouth, and she breathed heavily when she finallyknelt upright again. “I’m fine,” she reassured Lance and Hunk, who stared at herworriedly, before her eyes flicked to the black-haired pirate that hadprotested her treatment. She smiled at him, right before spitting a mouthful ofblood and saliva out onto the clean deck.
“Guessthe captain will have you scrub the whole deck in shackles, boy,” said thefirst pirate, but to her relief he didn’t hit her again.
“Ew,”Hunk muttered.
Heavyfootsteps then shook the deck, and another man, not quite as tall as Pidge’scaptor but just as imposing wearing whiskers and an eyepatch, approached. Hestood in front of them, his single eye swiveling from Hunk, to Lance, beforelanding on Pidge. “These are the thieves?”
“Thevery ones, Captain Sendak,” said the tallest pirate.
Pidge’sheart pounded as he passed the captain what she’d stolen right out of hispocket. She cursed herself for being sloppy, for forgetting all the tricks ofsleight of hand her brother taught her and getting not only herself but Lanceand Hunk as well captured.
Oh,how stupid she was, winding up on apirate ship as a prisoner rather than a spy or tentative ally.
“Itlooks unharmed,” said Sendak, taking the scroll from his crew member. Heunrolled the map and commented, “Not even any stray marks.”
“Itwas the smallest one who took it,” the other explained, pointing a finger intoPidge’s face. She glared at it, tempted to bite it, but he lowered his handbefore she had the chance. “But the others were bystanders and didn’t stopher.”
Lanceblinked, raising an eyebrow at them. “What makes you think we knew what he wasdoing?” he demanded.
Hereyes widened at his words. Was he—no, he was trying to talk their way out of this, not just his. He wouldn’t abandon her to thepirates, he wouldn’t—
“Listen,gentlemen,” Lance said with a shrug, “sure, we’re friends—”
“Somefriend,” Pidge hissed.
“—butdo I really want to get punished with someone who didn’t think about me when she committed her crime?” Hesmiled charmingly - or, Pidge supposed itwould be charming if she didn’t want to wipe the smile from his face - up atthe captain and his subordinate.
“She?”the crew mate asked, blinking.
Ashiver traveled up Pidge’s spine as she fully processed Lance’s words, but she turnedher head to glare at him, at least until she found her own panic mirrored onhis face.
“No,I said ‘he’,” Lance quickly amended with a nervous laugh. “He’s our ship’s cabin boy, and sure, he gets into trouble sometimes- once he jumped after sirens - buthe’s—”
“Haxus,”Captain Sendak interrupted, “take them to the brig and separate them. If he’sright and the small one is the chiefculprit, I’ll want to question her moreclosely about why she stole this map once we’re at sea.”
“Yes,sir,” said the tall pirate, Haxus. An arm crossed over his chest as the captainswept away, and he and a few other crewmates turned to them.
“Oh,quiznak,” Pidge said.
Haxuspulled Lance up by an arm, interrupting him before he could make any apology.He pushed him towards a crew mate, who took him away. Hunk followed right afterwith another, but Pidge was forced to linger.
Sheignored the eyes of the shortest, black-haired pirate on her, only staring atHaxus, who leveled a glare at her. Despite including both eyes, it couldn’t compare to Sendak’s glower. But fear at whatfate awaited her - for stealing an important map, for being a girl - traveled up her spine as she metHaxus’ eyes.
“You’rejust a child,” Haxus observed.
“Cabinboys usually are,” Pidge pointed out.
Haxusraised his hand, but before Pidge could do much more than flinch, he loweredit. “I’ll leave you to the captain then,” he said. He forced her to her feet,and without waiting for her to regain her balance, tugged her away after Lanceand Hunk.
Pidgesat somewhere deep in the bowels of the ship, deep enough that the only lightthat reached here was that spilling from the hatch leading back up to thecrews’ quarters. The ship was well underway, the motion making her rock aroundeven when she lay down on the floor, muchless clean than that on the deck above.
Thecreaking of the ship kept her from dozing off, along with Lance’s and Hunk’sdistant voices.
They’d been put in thesame cell, those lucky assholes.
Sheimagined the conversation they’d be having, probably about Hunk’s stomach; italways took him over an hour to recover from a launch, which made her wonderwhy he chose to be a sailor at all.
Shemulled through Lance’s words to the captain - did he really try to throw her to the sharks just to save his own skin?Pidge rolled onto her side, the thought sitting awfully in her gut, butrecalling that their capture was entirelyher fault tempered some of her fear with shame.
Butshe glimpsed the face of the map, the words inscribed on it in a language sherecognized only from her father’s journals, and she had to have it. It was only rotten luck and poor timing that Haxuscaught her before she could even stick her hand into his coat pocket.
Pidgecovered her face with her arm and groaned. Her lip throbbed from where she bitit earlier, a matching ache on the back of her head, but the awful stench ofthe brig distracted her from the pain even when she pressed her sleeve over hernose.
Herpains and discomfort had to wait though. Now she needed to think of a way toget herself and her crew mates out of this, preferably without any of themdrowning. So she sat up, leaning against the wall closest to the cell occupiedby Lance and Hunk.
“Hunk!”she called out. “How are you doing?”
Aftera long pause and a few furious whispers, Hunk replied, “Oh, well, you know,pirates aren’t as smooth at sailing as navy ships!”
Pidgechuckled, amused despite the situation, but then she swallowed and said, “How’sLance?”
“Lance can speak for himself, thank you,”Lance cut in irritably. Pidge could imagine him either nudging Hunk out of theway or clapping a hand over his mouth. “So…explain what the hell you werethinking with that map, Pidge!”
“Onlyif you explain what you were doing giving me up like that!” Pidge retorted,hackles rising. She crossed her arms, or tried to as the shackles she stillwore interfered, iron chain links clanking.
“Thatwasn’t my intention!” Lance yelled. “I was tryingto talk our way out of this!”
“Bytelling them that you were innocent?”Pidge said, snorting disbelievingly. “Right, of course, that would’ve worked sowell for me.”
“Wewouldn’t be here if it wasn’t foryou!” Lance cut Hunk off.
Adoor slamming shut interrupted them, and Pidge stiffened at the sound ofapproaching footsteps. Her anger at Lance dissipated, and then Haxus stood infront of her cell, a ring of keys in one hand as he glared down at her.
“Whyare you talking?” he demanded.
“Wewere fighting,” Pidge said.
“Well,you’re not to talk to your fellows,” Haxus said. “Now stand up. We’re going tosee the captain.”
“Wait,what about us?” Lance asked from deeper into the brig. “We all—”
Haxusmarched off and rattled the bars on Lance’s and Hunk’s shared cell. “You don’tget to absolve yourself of the girl’s guilt only to attach it to yourselflater,” he told them. “But don’t worry, the captain may still have use foryou.”
Pidge’sheart pounded so wildly she feared it would shoot out of her chest when Haxusreturned and unlocked her cell. He grabbed her upper arm and pulled herupright, dragging her behind him and up the stairs. The futility of strugglingagainst a man so much bigger and stronger than her made it difficult to considerescape, never mind that they were already several hours out to sea.
Haxusled her down a narrow hallway, far cleaner than the brig, to a low door ofpolished wood. He rapped on it, and when Captain Sendak bid them to come in, heopened the door and pushed Pidge inside ahead of him.
Thoughclean, the captain’s cabin was sparse in furnishings, more military than Pidge would’ve expected of a pirate. A simple cotbolted to a wall with a desk on the opposite side of the room, a covered oillamp on the surface and a chair across, which Haxus practically shoved Pidgeinto.
Pidgebit her lip, almost more irritated with the manhandling than she was frightenedof the situation. The irons shackling her wrists sat heavily in her lap as shemet Captain Sendak’s one eye.
Atleast until a scroll of yellowed paper stretched out on the desk caught hereye.
“Whatis your name, cabin girl?” Sendakdemanded, drawing Pidge’s attention back to her face.
Shescowled at him. “My real name?”
“Thename you go by aboard your ship.”
“Pidge,”she told them, seeing no harm and telling thistruth.
“Andwhat ship did you serve aboard?” he wondered, propping his elbows on the deskand concealing the map with his arms.
Shefrowned, narrowing her eyes as if that would help her see the map through him,but said, “I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”
“Well,as I am your captor—”
“Actually,I’m pretty sure that’s Haxus here,” Pidge pointed out, nodding towards theother pirate.
Sendakscowled at her. “And I am his captain, so it is in your best interest to answer allmy questions whether you deem them relevant or not.”
Pidgesmirked, the better to hide the anxiety making her blood rush in her ears. “Yousound awfully educated for a pirate,” she observed. “To be fair, I’ve never meta pirate before today.” 
Sendaktapped his fingers against his desk. “What was the name of your ship?”
“Idon’t have a ship,” Pidge told him.
“Areyou not a cabin boy?”
“Acabin girl, actually.”
“Ifyou insist on being difficult,” Sendak said with a glare, “I will have torevise my technique.”
Pidgeblinked innocently at him. “Technique?”
Sendaksmiled, but rather than reassure her the sight of it sent a shiver down herspine. “Put simply, your obstinacy in answering my questions do you no favors, Pidge.”
Pidgeswallowed, appraising him, though between Haxus’ firm hand upon her shoulderand Sendak’s snarly smile, she more than believed them. She rattled hershackles, gaze flitting about the cabin and half-hoping to find someopportunity for escape around, then looked back to Sendak.
“Iserved aboard the HMS Galaxy,” shetold him, “in the Arusian Navy. It’s not a battleship though, just a trade shipescort since…well, pirates.”
Sendakhummed approvingly. “And you sneaked in as a girl because…?”
Pidgenarrowed her eyes at him. “Oh, that I’m not telling you.”
“Girl,do you want to know what I can and will doif you refuse to answer my questions?”
“Tearoff my fingernails one at a time?” Pidge said, and despite her feignednonchalance the prospect did not cheerher.
“No,we may be pirates, at least by Arusian and Altean standards, but we’re notbarbarians.”
“What’sthe difference?” Pidge spat. “It’s your faultI’m here—wait, did you say Altea?”She stared at him, wide-eyed, until her gaze once more traveled down to thehalf-hidden map.
Sendakspread his fingers over the paper. “Oh, you have an interest in the map beyonda passing curiosity?” He sneered. “You’ve told me enough for now; Haxus, returnher to her cell.”
Haxusonce more wrapped a large hand around Pidge’s arm, and though she struggledagainst him this time, wanting that damn map,oh so desperately wanting the answers it would provide, the fight quicklyproved futile. Heat pricked at her eyes by the time Haxus tossed and locked herin her cell in the brig, and frustrated tears dripped past her pinched eyelids.She wiped her eyes with dirty hands, sniffing, and curled up into a ball.
“Pidge?”Lance’s voice called from his cell. “Are you all right? Did they hurt you?”
Maybe,before capture, a part of her would’ve been elated to hear how worried for herhe sounded, but now dread sank into her stomach, and though she’d glimpsed themap, she could feel her family drawing further away from her by the second.
“Pidge?”Hunk said. “What happened?”
“Pleasetalk to us,” Lance added. “I’m sorry I said what I did on deck; I’m sorry,just…tell us you’re fine.”
Pidgesighed, and after making sure her voice wouldn’t tremble, she cleared herthroat and promised, “I’ll be fine.”
Shedidn’t consider it a lie, even if it would take time and effort to come true. 
Pidgeslept fitfully on the hard cell floor, the motion of the ship on the wavesrocking her into an uneasy doze disturbed by memories. When she closed hereyes, she discovered her father’s secret journals all over again, covered in ascript she hadn’t a prayer of recognizing; she heard a man from the navy stopat their house and speak to her mother. Her mother’s sobs as she cried herselfto sleep that night filled her head, but Pidge - Katie - lay awake, a risky plan taking root in her head.
Therumbling of her stomach woke her, and for a moment Pidge stared up at the grimyceiling, wondering why it wasn’t that of her bedroom in her parents’ house.When she turned her head, she found no stale glass of water standing on thebedside table, no dolls or sunlight slipping through thin white curtains.Instead rough wood made up her surroundings, and it all came back to Pidge in arush.
Pidgesat up slowly, reaching with some difficulty to rub her head. She yawned,groggy, and slid towards the cell door to attempt to peer out. “Lance?” shecalled. “Hunk?”
“Pidge!”Lance said. “How are you? You really had us worried yesterday, after—after youcame back.”
Pidgesighed and said, “They didn’t torture me if that’s what you wondered about.” Yet, she added to herself.
“Whatdid they want from you?” Hunk asked. “And what’s so special about that map?”
Shestiffened and rubbed her face. Perhaps she didowe them an explanation, but now…well, Haxus or another pirate could walkdown into the brig any minute.
Ratherthan answering, Pidge said, “I swear I’ll tell you everything as soon as we getout of this.”
“Andhow do we do that?” Lance said.
“Yeah,”Hunk agreed. “I don’t fancy escaping on an empty stomach.”
Lancesnorted, and even Pidge couldn’t help a giggle at Hunk’s words.
Asif summoned, the short pirate entered the brig, surprisingly light footstepsstill echoing through the small space. He stuffed a small tray beneath Pidge’scell door, face impassive, but before Pidge could summon the wherewithal toquestion him about his reaction to her the previous day, he left, only pausingagain in front of Lance’s and Hunk’s cell.
Pidgefrowned after him but pulled the tray towards her, and though the fare lookedsimple and plain - a bowl of oatmeal and a packet of stale crackers - she atethem without complaint.
“It’shard to hate travel rations when you’re hungry,” Hunk pointed out.
Lancelaughed and said, “Sorry, but you can’t have mine.”
“Iwasn’t asking for them,” Hunk retorted.
“Thenwhy did you…”
Pidgetuned out the sound of their friendly bickering, though it still brought aslight smile to her lips. It was familiar, almost normal despite the setting. But the prospect of what that day mightbring still turned the crackers to ash in her mouth, and she called out, “If Iwas any closer, Hunk, I’d give you my food.”
“See?”Hunk said to Lance. “At least someone else respects my appetite.”
Lance,however, ignored him. “Pidge, what did happenwith the captain?”
Pidgesighed, pushing the half-empty tray away from her. “He just questioned me,” shesaid. “He’ll probably question me again; I told him more than I meant to, butnot as much as he wants.”
Silence- she could imagine them exchanging a glance - then Hunk said, “Oh, well, whydon’t you tell him what he wants?”
“Whywould she do that?” Lance asked.
“Toavoid getting tortured, maybe?” Hunkposed.
“Oh,yeah, that would make sense.”
Pidgerolled her eyes, though neither would be able to see her, and said, “I don’tthink I can. It might…make things worse.”
“Howso?” Hunk said.
Pidgeshifted, rattling the chain still connecting her wrists and contemplating thebruises that must now decorate them underneath the cuffs. “Talking mightendanger…some people I love.”
“Oh,then…I’m sorry, Pidge,” Lance said.
Shebit her lip. “It’ll be fine,” she told them. “There’s not much I can tell thecaptain anyway.” She laughed, though she scarcely felt amused. “He probablyknows more than I do anyway.”
“Isthat so?”
Pidgeflinched, staring up at Haxus, who’d appeared while they were talking withouther noticing.
“Sothe prospect of torture doesn’t frighten you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow ather.
Shenarrowed her eyes at him. “Do your worst,” she challenged, despite the fearmaking her heart race.
“Ifwe must,” Haxus said. “Captain Sendak summons you to the deck, all of you.”
“What?”Pidge demanded, her eyes widening. “Why?”
“Thisconversation I’ve overheard has me convinced that the captain’s original plan may prove ineffectual,”Haxus explained, “and I’m sure he’ll agree.”
Pidgestood and watched a couple other pirates dragging Lance and Hunk past her celland up the stairs. They tried to struggle, both grumbling about beingmanhandled, but their voices faded the further away from her they were taken.Then she was left with Haxus.
Pidgeglared up at him, hating him; she wassick of being frightened, worriedabout what would become of her and her friends aboard a pirate ship, and oneway or another it would end today. “What does Sendak want with them?” she asked. “They’re clueless, andthis is my fault.”
“Ofthat there is little doubt,” Haxus agreed, “but I suspect they might be used topersuade you.”
Hereyes widened at the implication in his words, but she refused to read into it withoutseeing proof for herself.
Haxusopened her cell door and grabbed her as roughly as before, tugging her up ontothe deck. Pidge blinked as her eyes adjusted to the sudden sunlight, the skyperfectly clear, and she inhaled the inviting salty ocean breeze, a welcomerelief from the scent of refuse in the dirty brig.
Anyrelief she might’ve felt vanished when her gaze landed on Hunk and Lance, bothblindfolded and standing on the edge of the deck with no railing between themand a long fall into the sea. Their hands were still bound in irons, theirbacks to the water, and two pirates held pistols to their heads.
Oneof the pirates - the short one with black hair - met Pidge’s eyes, the end ofhis gun lowering slightly so that it was pointed at Lance’s shoulder ratherthan his head.
Ithardly reassured Pidge; her heart still pounded wildly in her chest, eyesgrowing wide at the sound of a gun being cocked followed by something cool andmetallic pressed to her own temple.
Pidgeswallowed around the lump in her throat. “You had questions, Captain?” sheasked.
“Isee you’re catching on, girl,” said Captain Sendak from behind her, his voiceso close to her ear that it sent a fearful shiver up her spine. “Now tellme:  why did you wish to steal the map?”
Pidgeglanced from Lance to Hunk, saw them both grimace, and said, “If I tell you—”
“Don’tdo it, Pidge!” Lance said, earning himself a whack to the head from a pistolhandle.
Pidgeflinched but glared at Haxus from the corner of her eye. “Why don’t you—”
“Captain!”someone called from the crow’s nest, interrupting Pidge. “There’s a small shipahead, on the port side!”
Pidgepinched her eyes shut, counting her blessings when Sendak withdrew the pistolfrom her head and stomped away to confer with some other crew members. Shecracked her eyes open and exhaled in relief when the two pirates holding Lanceand Hunk hostage also lowered their guns.
Hermind raced, searching out their options. Maybe, if Sendak decided to engage thesighted ship, she and her friends could steal a lifeboat in the ensuing chaos…
And then what?
Theyweren’t that far out to sea; it would only take them a few days rowing, andperhaps if they stole some rations on their way out—
“Men!”Captain Sendak called. “It’s an Altean vessel; we attack!”
Altean? Pidge gaped asthe pirates surrounding them raised their arms and cheered. Their attentiondiverted, they scrambled into whatever protocol they followed, but before shecould react, the ship turned suddenly, changing direction and pursuing theother ship.
Pidgefell, losing her balance and landing on her hands and knees. She looked up,watching as Lance and Hunk struggled to stay upright and move away from theedge.
Lancegasped as his foot slipped over, and Pidge uselessly stretched her arms out andyelled, “Lance!”
Alingering pirate grabbed Lance by the arm and tugged him to safety, away fromthe edge. Pidge crawled over to him as the pirate turned his attention to adoubled over and likely nauseous Hunk. “Are you all right?” she demanded,pushing the blindfold over his head.
Lancecaught her hands in his, iron chains clinking together unpleasantly, but a rushof warmth heated her face. “Better than I was,” he told her with a slightsmile. He glanced over his shoulder, eyes widening when they landed on Hunk,and shouted, “Hey, get away from him!”
Thepirate helping Hunk jumped, his head snapping around to stare at Lance. “Why?”he asked. “I’m helping him.” He held up a familiar ring of keys, and Hunkrubbed his wrists - his unchained wrists- and grimaced.
“Ah,sweet freedom,” he said. “Thank you, but…why?”
“Notime to explain,” said the pirate, who next approached Pidge. She reluctantly -and curse that - let go of Lance’shands, holding her wrists out to the pirate. He inserted the key into the cuff,and after turning them the shackles fell to the deck with a rattle.
Pidgesighed in relief, now unburdened by their weight, and stood. She could alreadyhear the sounds of battle on the other side of the ship, as pirates boardedtheir enemy.
Butnot hers.
“Thatship is our chance,” Pidge realized. She looked at the pirate assisting them,eyes flitting between him and Lance, now freed of his own shackles. “We need totake the map first though.”
“Istill don’t understand what’s so important about that map,” Lance said.
“Ialready have it,” the pirate admitted. He opened his coat, revealing the end ofa scroll nestled safely inside a pocket.
“Whoare you?” Pidge demanded.
“Andwhy should we trust you?” said Lance.
“Hedid just save our lives,” Hunk pointed out pragmatically.
“Keith,”said the pirate, “and I’m your way off this ship and towards that one, but we have to hurry.”
Pidge,resolve filling her, nodded. Despite the turn their situation now took, itwasn’t as bleak as it had seemed when she first saw Lance and Hunk poised atthe edge of a ship’s deck, shackled at the wrist and threatened with drowning.So though she didn’t know this Keith, she would trust him, and looking at Lanceand Hunk, they would too.
Lancelooked less than pleased about though.
“Followme,” said Keith, leading the way towards the hatch. “We’ll take a lifeboat andsneak—”
Theshot of a pistol interrupted him, and Pidge, startled, jumped backwards intoHunk. “What—”
Haxusemerged into view, pistol in hand and pointed at her. “You think you can getaway so easily, girl?” he demanded.
“Hey!”Keith said, pointing his own gun at Haxus.
Haxusshot towards him, wrestling it from his grip too easily, and threw it aside. “Ialways thought you might double cross us,” he told Keith. “I’m sorry to seethat I was right. Now you…” Hemarched towards Pidge, who stepped back, further towards the edge, bloodrushing past her ears.
Pidgeleaned down, grabbing for a discarded pair of shackles. She shoved Lance awayfrom her as he attempted to shield her, hatred for Haxus making her blood runhot. She dodged an errant shot from him - his aim was unfocused, consumed byhis own anger - then darted around him. He turned, swiping at her with a knife,but Pidge kicked out at him with all her strength.
Herfoot connected with his knee, and he buckled, his balance lost as he leanedover the side. His hands flailed out, but before Pidge could dodge him hegrabbed her by the shirt.
Pidgegasped, the collar cutting into her skin, and suddenly she felt nothing beneathher, her hands only swiping at air. Haxus yelled on his way down, and Pidgebarely heard the splash for her own panicked heartbeat as she flailed, as iffrozen.
Astrong arm shot out, fingers wrapping tightly around her wrist, and Pidge’sfeet found purchase on the ship’s deck. She stumbled forward, directly intoLance, and clutched at him, trembling with the shock.
“You’refine,” he told her, voice low as he held her just as tightly. “We’re all fine.”
“Wewon’t be if we don’t hurry,” Keith said, interrupting them. He swiped somethingfrom the ground and tossed it, Lance reflexively catching it as it flew towardshim, and Pidge saw it was Haxus’ gun, dropped in their struggle.
Keithhad recovered his own gun and sprinted towards the hatch, the rest of themkeeping pace with him.
Theydescended into the ship, leaving the open deck and the fight behind - Pidgewondering how a small vessel could hold back militaristic pirates for so long -in favor of locating a lifeboat. They found one towards the bow, and Keithnodded at it.
Hunkand Pidge clambered in first while Keith and Lance cranked it down until thebottom touched the water, the pulley’s wheels creaking and the boat shaking ina breeze. Once the rope connecting the boat to the ship had slack, Lance jumpedin, landing hard enough to rock the boat, and Keith followed, nearly capsizingthem.
“Hey!”Hunk said as he took one of the oars. “Ease up on the rocking!”
“Sorry,”Keith muttered. He cut them free of the ship.
Lancetook the other oar, and Keith sat at the bow, directing them towards the smallvessel.
Itssails glittered an almost pristine white in the sun, even as it fought off thepirates, and when Pidge looked closer, inspecting its elegant, sleek design,she realized it could’ve escaped the pirate ship easily.
“Whydid they engage?” she asked.
“What?”Lance said without pausing in his rowing.
“Thatship could’ve evaded the pirates,” Pidge said, “but it engaged.”
Hunkfrowned at her, then glanced over his shoulder at Keith. “What’s going on,Keith?”
“Whatdo you know?” Pidge wondered.
Keithfrowned, tilting his head towards the approaching hull of the Altean ship. “Istole this map for the owner of that ship,” he said, tapping the side of hiscoat, “so I think Princess Allura would explain better than me.”
Pidgegaped at him, and when the lifeboat finally reached the hull of the other ship,something like realization set in, and she said, “I’m getting closer.”
“Gettingcloser to what?” Lance asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
Pidgesmiled widely as a line dropped from the deck of the ship and someone else -someone familiar - shouted a greetingdown to them. “I’m getting closer to my family.”
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grasping4light · 6 years
@sheithquoteweek - Another belated contribution, my last submission for Sheith Quote Week 2017. This time using both the “beloved mentor” and “Nothing was worth Shiro’s pain” quotes as inspiration. This toys around with an NROTC/Navy AU.
Rating this Teen and Up - still safe for work (Sfw), but it insinuates some of the heavier elements of war (torture, imprisonment, etc.). I wanted to post a small warning for anyone who may be sensitive to such content.
With all of that said - enjoy! I had a blast participating, and hope to bump into you all again soon. Also posting this on Ao3 under my grasping4light account.
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 Someone once told me: I should live instead of dying. Fight until the bitter end. Anything, but give in to the enemy.
 And no was no exception. Nothing was worth it. Nothing was worth watching him suffer.
 Nothing was worth Shiro’s pain.
 Keith watched carefully and debated the options. There was always the choice of waiting to see what would happen next. His captain always had something up his sleeve. He had proved that much in his previous deployments, earning medals and badges of honor at an incredibly early age.
 But patience was not in Keith’s skillset, so he went with the second option. React and charge in, blind and fighting, right into the stronghold of the enemy. It was enough to draw their attention and fire, but he was quick and quick-witted, and he dashed and bolted, kicking a gun to his downed comrade, which earned him enough time to escape. But that instinctive glance was enough to earn him a knock in the back of the skull with a rifle, and he swore he could hear his name swirling into the distance as the lights went to black.
 “Wake up!” The voice was gruff, slapping him awake with a splash of frigid water. “Answer me!”
 Keith groaned in response and winced – the room was spinning, and it was cold. Freezing, really; he preferred the heat. But from the gist of his surroundings – moss, covered walls and stained tile, he would have to live with where he was at. “Where’s Shiro?” He asked.
 The guards looked puzzled, glancing at once another.
 “Shiro.” Keith bit at his ropes, tugging against the binds in his chair. “Where is he?!”
 “You’re captain?” Another man breathed over a cigarette, blowing smoke in the smaller man’s direction.
 “Yes,” he wouldn’t be taken away. “Where is he?!”
 “He escaped, with the others.” The man flicked the butt to the ground, stomping it out in a stagnant pool of water. “You, my friend, were the unlucky one.”
 They escaped. It was all he needed. He wouldn’t change anything. They might see it as unlucky to be captured and taken hostage, but he would never want Shiro to be here. Not again. Not after everything he had been through.
 “Now,” the tallest guard approached. He was boorish, unkempt, and his uniform was almost too tight for his massive body. “You need to tell us about your friends.” He pulled a blade and leaned closer. “Where are they hiding?”
 The knife wouldn’t faze him; he’d been through worse, and Keith met the guard’s eyes. “That’s none of your business.”
 “Oh,” another voice came from behind him. “This one has spunk!”
 “Quiet, you,” the man hissed before grabbing onto Keith’s jacket, tugging him closer. It nearly lifted him from the floor. “You really want to take that attitude in this situation?”
 “I’m not going to tell you anything.” They wouldn’t kill him; not if they wanted the information that badly. There was no way they would start with the knife.
 And he was right – his comment earned him a hard slap, and he could taste blood, but the guard kept him stable, upright in his chair.
 “That’s a warning.”
 The young soldier spat out the blood pooling in his mouth, and met that intense gaze again.
 “You’ve got another chance to answer me – where are your Seals hiding?”
 He couldn’t count the hours or days – not in this blasted cell. But it had been too long since he had eaten, and longer since he’d had anything to drink. Keith gripped his hands onto the edges of the chair and winced as he looked upward. The skylight – some sort of drain opening – was the only source of light. And even then – it appeared to be under another light or building that obscured the rays of the sun. It was uncomfortable, unpleasant, and cold, but when he closed his eyes – he could see Shiro planning another ambush. Freeing another overtaken village, and it was all he needed to keep breathing.
 The guards would keep coming – this time using the knives. Threatening him with small nicks and jabs, nowhere important, but enough to sting. And when the sting wasn’t enough, they brought in more cold. More pain, and Keith gritted his teeth through it all.
 He had been through worse.
 He had seen his friend suffer with loss and trauma, unable to discern what was real and what was fake after his first deployment. After he came back ask a prisoner of war, with PTSD, and nightmares, all of which were nothing compared to the look on his face when he came out of surgery. An amputation – necessary and risky – it would nearly cost him his life. But he had saved the others from the explosion. The crash. But he was a broken soldier. A man coming to grips with relearning how to live from square one. The prosthetic was realistic, but it was still fake – it still wasn’t him.
 And that is what made it worth it to be here. To take his place this time around. They could come at him as many times as they needed, as many times as it would take to keep Shiro safe. And Keith glared back into the eyes of the man holding his jaw, interrogating him for answers.
 “You little punk,” he growled. “You really think they’re going to come back and find you?” He gripped a bit tighter. “We’ve been holding you for over two weeks now. You’re basically a shell.” He leaned in closer and got quiet. “They won’t be here.”
 But Keith could hear footsteps in the distance. Determine – four pairs of heartbeats, treading through the terrain, and he closed his eyes. And then he heard the tinker of bells, clattering down the storm drain.
 “You’re wrong.” He breathed, just in time for the room to fill with smoke. A click and a beep, and an explosion rocked the room in the distance.
 The man released him, cursed in a foreign tongue, and turned to the door. But he was too late – the metal was bending, breaking to the will of someone stronger, and it flew open with a clang. It was easy to take down the bodyguard, armed lightly compared to the professionals entering the room.
 Keith could make just enough out of the smoke to see a familiar face approaching him. “He’s weak – I need an IV.” It was Pidge, looking into his eyes. “No concussion.”
 “Get him out of here.” Another voice – warm and welcoming, calling in the distance. “Get him back to Coran and Allura, now.” Shiro. Leading the others like a professional. “Lance – did you get us cover?”
 “You betcha,” his voice was clear over the radio. Still obnoxious. “You’re all clear to get back to the ‘copter.”
 “Great.” Shiro was relieved, and he made his way over to Keith. “You did great.” That warm arm gripped his shoulder. “We’re here to take you home.”
 “C’mon,” Hunk grinned, lifting Keith out of the chair easily. “You guys keep me covered – we’re moving out.”
 Keith never thought he’d be happy to be wrapped in a standard issue blanket, lying on a cot, but it felt like heaven compared to that damp cell, and he watched the clouds of smoke fade into the distance as the helicopter lifted.
 “Keith,” Shiro smiled softly, kneeling next to his comrade. “Why’d you do it?” He gripped onto his helmet, and the smaller man could hear the alloy give beneath his strong hand. “You could have been killed?”
 “Shiro,” Keith managed, looking up at his best friend and beloved mentor. “I went with my gut.”
 The man sighed and closed his eyes. “Keith.”
 Nothing. Keith thought to himself. Nothing is worth your pain.
 And Shiro seemed to understand when their eyes met again, and he leaned over his friend and whispered. "Let’s get you home.”
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Haikyuu: Werewolf!AU Iwaizumi Hajime
For: Chiwa - http://www.adorably-obnoxious.tumblr.com -
Stepping off the train, you could smell it in the air.
“Here it comes,” you whispered to yourself, smiling softly.
You knew it would be a good day whenever you felt the first drop of a rain shower. And having that first drop slide along your cheek made you feel as if something spectacular would happen.
Unfortunately you didn’t have the time to enjoy it. You had been running late to the new gallery opening, and the client had been freaking out about missing a piece inspired by Peter Rubens that they refused to start the show without.
You loved your job, you really really did. But sometimes the you wished you were a curator at an art museum instead…you loved historical art more than the new stuff people came up with.
Like I’m sorry but two lines sharp against a blank back drop is not art. You thought, recalling a show you put on for a client a few months back.
You clutched the portfolio carrying the piece the artist was so concerned about, and made a break through the rain for the safety of your show-building.
“Oh god, I can’t do this!” You heard coming from the the back room.
As the door closed behind you, you called out, “Daichi! I got it!”
The short dark-haired male rounded the corner, pure joy expressed on his features.
“You are now my favorite person in this world!” He practically ran to you, kissing your cheeks before taking the portfolio and pulling the painting from its protective layer.
Seeing the work itself, you understood why he was so desperate to have it in this show.
“Well doesn’t that just hurt my feelings…” A grey haired male called, shaking off the water covering his jacket.
You smiled at him, “Hey Suga. Get caught in the rain?”
He returned your expression before snapping his fingers. Suddenly all the water on or around him was gone, “What rain?” He winked at you before walking over to his boyfriend. “Oh you brought my favorite one. We aren’t selling it, right?” He asked solemnly.
“Of course not,” Daichi replied, kissing him on the temple as he wrapped his empty arm around his other half. “Just want to show everyone my best piece. That’s what this show is for right?”
Chuckling, you added, “And to sell all your other ones. We do have to make a living here.”
Looking over the picture, you noted how the horses resembled Rubens’ “The Fall of Phaeton” and made sure to write on the name card that it was not available for sale.
“Besides Suga,” You called to the young warlock, stopping the couple mid-kiss. “I may be Daichi’s favorite person right now, but we all know you’re his favorite everything.”
The males smiled to each other before locking their lips.
Laughing, you gave them some time alone.
You had about five minutes until the show started, and you were going to use that time to relax.
After the show finished, a couple of the guests hung around speaking with your artist. You plastered a friendly smile onto your face as you approached them.
“-st so amazing, Daichi. I still cannot believe how far you’ve come.” The tallest in the group finished saying, slapping his hand on the artist’s back. Everyone in the group laughed merrily, and you figured they must be old friends.
Entering the little circle you centered everyone’s attention to you, “Well as happy as I am to encourage camaraderie, I’m going to have to ask you to take it somewhere else for the night.” You laughed as you added the kicker, “Don’t want to get locked in this building with no food or drinks until it reopens at 6am do you?”
The grouped smiled and some laughed at your question.
Daichi was the first to speak, “Of course, (Y/N). Wouldn’t want to overstay.” Winking at his boyfriend, “Though I’m sure Suga could figure us a way out if need be.”
Blushing, the grey haired individual was too tongue tied to respond.
However, you got a serious look and stated, “the security system is impervious to the supernatural as well as the humane.”
The males in the group looked at you as if you had been a completely different person, but you just shook it off. Both their looks of concern and disbelief, and the feeling of unease and paranoia creeping up your body.
Clapping his hands, the shortest of the group tried lightening the mood, “Well why don’t we go celebrate at that new bar downtown? I happen to have an in with the owner and he’s been telling me to check it out.”
Rolling his eyes, Suga smiled, “We all know Noya. Chikara has been begging Diachi and I to come by since before he even officially opened.” The silver haired male kissed his boyfriend’s temple before continuing, “And I guess now is as good a time as any. Right hun?”
Smiling, he started pulling Suga’s hand. Leading him out the doors. “Thanks for a great show, (Y/N). I’ll come by tomorrow to talk about the end results.”
You grinned as everyone made their way out, sending small waves back to those who made a motion of farewell.
Locking the door behind the group, you let out a tight breath.
Just in time to hear a knocking from the rear entrance.
Quickly making you way over you saw him.
A blinding smile took over your face as you unlocked the hunk of metal standing between you and the love of your life.
He stepped in before you even had the door open all the way, wrapping his arms around you to catch you from falling by the sudden pressure on the door.
Kicking it shut behind him he let his lips latch onto your own.
You let your hands caress his cheeks, and moan into his mouth as he deepens the assault with a nip to your bottom lip. You felt him smile against your skin before he leaned back to give you a breather.
“I’ve missed you.” He said before nuzzling into your neck.
Nodding, you silently agreed with him. You didn’t trust your voice to not squeal in pleasure from his bites.
Pulling back, he smirks at you. “Say something, will ya?”
Smiling, “We still going to that party?” When he winks at you, you release a laugh. “We need to change then.”
He steps away and shakes out his body. Smirking at you, “Ok. Done.”
You lightly hit his shoulder. Letting your hand linger to scratch at the super soft fur that covered what had previously been smooth skin.
Running upstairs, you went to put on your costume for the night, thinking, Lucky Hajime, not having to put on extra stuff for this thing.
You were dressed up as an older version of little red riding hood. And man, did your werewolf boyfriend find the corset and skirt ensemble inviting.
“Damn you look hot.” He said, nuzzling into your neck despite the large hunk of fabric scrunching its way between your back and his chest.
Laughing, you teased, “I’m basically cosplaying a child here Hajime, how much of predator do you want to be mistaken for?” You winked at him while turning around and placing a small kiss on his cheek. Grabbing a small woven basket you planned to use as your purse for the night. “Let’s go before Kuroo hides all the good candy, okay?”
“I hate that werepanther. He is so full of himself.” Iwaizumi growled out, hand linking with your empty one.
“That’s not why. You don’t like him because we dated before I met you.” You tapped him on the nose lightly and let a huge grin take your features. “Maybe even the fact that he introduced us, but definitely NOT because of his self-confidence.”
Shaking his head, your boyfriend started laughing, “Gods, I love you.”
“And I you.” You said simply, dragging him out the way he entered and locking the door behind the both of you.
A bright red-light flashed from inside the building and you flinched in response.
“Has that been working properly?” He asked.
You let Hajime wrap his arms around your waist before answering, “Yes, but it still freaks me out that they’re out there. That even you couldn’t catch them.”
He growled in a protective manner. “I will always protect you from the vile that are vampires. Hell, I even made Oikawa tell all his underlings to kill any that smell like them.”
Letting your lips twitching into a small smile, you pulled away from your boyfriend’s embrace. “Thanks Hajime. And, I know you’ll protect me. It’s one of the benefits of loving you and being the person of your affections.”
Snaking his arm over your shoulder as the two of you made your way once again, he smirked, “And don’t ever forget it.”
You knocked on the wall besides the pitch black door.
A silver tipped head of spikes stuck out and then became a blur as soon as it recognized you.
“(F/N)!!” He called, before blurring into a hug with you. Running in circles because he was to excited to focus on his power control.
You threw your head back in laughter, “Hahahah, Hey Bokuto.”
“I’VE MISSED YOU!” He yelled, calming down enough to place you back on your feet, but not letting go of his embrace.
You continued laughing, trying to catch your breath, when Hajime grabbed you empty hand and jerked you back to his side.
Growling, “Mine.” With yellow in his eyes.
You smacked his arm. “Bokuto’s one of my best friends, baka. Leave it be.”
He immediately looked as you as if he was a kicked puppy, and his eyes returned to their normal olive green. You’d never admit it to him, but you’d drown in his eyes if you stared to long.
Pulling your gaze away, you saw another head sticking out from the black abyss that stood in the doorframe.
“Kageyama!!” You yelled before pushing off your boyfriend and latching your arms around your childhood neighbor.
The being wrapped his arm around the small of you back to keep you from falling to the floor when you swung your legs around his hips.
Huffing out in a stark tone, “Jesus, (F/N)! Your lucky I’m prophetic, otherwise your boyfriend over there would attack me for you hurting yourself.”
Smiling as you unattached yourself from the blue-haired male, you shyly admitted that you hadn’t even thought about that possibility.
“Well!” Bokuto yelled, before he figured Hajime could move to make another jealous comment or action. “Let’s get back to the party!”
However, your boyfriend just looked at you and Kageyama as if it was nothing new. The prophetic male was your closest confidant. The person who you had always gone to in times of need growing up and, as your boyfriend, he knew better than to say anything about your and Kageyama’s friendship.
Your group stepped through the seemingly black hole of a door, and were met with a perfect replica of an abandoned old house.
“Hajime, look!” You called before jumping over a spot in the floor that looked like there was actually no ground.
“(F/N)!” He yelled, reaching out to you.
Landing on the dark spot you laughed manically, “Hahah it’s not real, love.” You latched your hand in his before pulling him in for a kiss.
The force he kissed you back with made you weak at the knees. It was like he was punishing you for the jealousy and fear you made him feel.
But if this was how he behaved after such small things, you didn’t think you’d mind.
A bit later and you finally came by the host.
Who would have guessed that a were-panther would dress up as a wolf for halloween.
“Kuroo!” You called, recognizing his piercing eyes from anywhere.
He whipped his head in your direction and a sly-grin pulled his mouth wide. “(F/N), glad you could make it.” He looked you over before winking, “Nice costume! Guess we could pair up for the costume contest, yea?”
You laughed at his joking, knowing he was just trying to rile up your boyfriend. The merry reaction growing when his hand tightened around your waist. “Where’s Kenma?” You asked simply.
The boy came into your view, he nodded in greeting before pulling Kuroo away to handle some situation that you didn’t hear all the details about.
After the party, you walked down the dark streets, nearly falling asleep with every step.
“(F/N), I can just carry you if you want to sleep.” You boyfriend offered.
You smiled at him, eyes heavy with drowsiness. “Sorry, Hajime. I don’t know why I am so tired all of a sudden.”
He kisses your temple before lowering to his knees for you to climb onto his back.
As you settle into the comfortable hold the two of you are used to in these situations, the last thing you hear before the dark abyss of sleep takes hold is Hajime’s voice clearly stating, “Don’t think of anything unnecessary. I love you, you’re the best partner I could have. Just let me keep protecting you.”
You felt fuzzy, and let your eyes slowly adjust to the image in front of you.
As soon as your vision cleared, all you could make out was the blood and decapitated bodies.
Upchucking whatever contents were in your stomach, you were to busy to hear Iwaizumi calling out for you.
Soon enough he was kneeling in front of your form, caressing your features, trying to get you to respond to him.
“(F/N),” He cried, “Please, please just answer me. I’m so sorry.”
You coughed around a lump in your throat, “What happened?”
He smiled at getting you to respond, but withdrew a bit before answering, “They came from every direction. They used a witch to drug the air. That’s why you got so tired so quickly. Since I was still transformed it didn’t effect me the way they planned. I called Oikawa and the pack as soon as I realized the vampires were trying to take you again. They were here in a matter of seconds and the battle commenced. You wouldn’t wake so we knew we didn’t get the witch they hired, but we couldn’t find anyone. I was so worried-”
“Oh just get to the good party already~” Oikawa sang, stepping around from the building along the main road.
“Shut up, Ass-ikawa.” You boyfriend retaliated. Smiling despite his harsher words. “Anyway, Oikawa and the newbies tracked him down and brought him back. As a team, our pack forced him to release you and then we let him meet the same end as the vampires targeting you.”
You kept coughing, but were trying to memorize every detail of the story Hajime told you. “Thank you for protecting me, Hajime.” You locked eyes with him. Not turning to acknowledge his pack leader at all.
“How mean~” He sang out, pulling Iwaizumi’s attention. “We go through all this work and she still only thanks you.”
Dropping his transformation, Hajime’s gorgeous brown eyes and sharp spiked hair shook in amusement. Picking you up, and carrying you bridal style between his large biceps, he explained, “You’re a really amazing pack leader. Even if dynamics differ, or the pack changes, that itself will not. But if you try taking her from me, I will defeat you.” You snuggled closer to his hold, and he smiled down at you. “Not that she’d ever let that happen.”
The two of them laughed before saying their goodbyes.
You knew the next day would bring hardships, and you’d have to help Iwaizumi through the crushing regret he will face from taking so many lives (even if it was quote un-quote justified by you and his pack), but for now, things were okay. You were in the arms of the man you loved, and he would do everything in his powers to keep the woman he loves happy and safe. Even from the stuttering mess that was his pack leader.
From @supern-a-vengers [Green] to @adorably-obnoxious
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tinylifeboat123 · 7 years
Beautiful - Heathers Genderbend au lyrics
So to answer some questions. Yes I will be posting genderbent versions of the lyrics. Yes you can suggest lines for lyrics I haven’t posted yet. No you can’t ask me to change lyrics I’ve already posted. However if you spot a typo you can tell me about it.
Anyway here’s Beautiful.
VINCENT [Spoken]: September 1st, 1989. Dear Diary: I believe I’m a good person. Ya know, I think there’s good in everyone, but here we are first day of senior year. I look around at all these kids I’ve known all my life and I ask myself: What happened?
KIDS: Freak! Slut! Burnout! Bug-eyes! Poser! Lard-ass!
VINCENT: We were so tiny, happy and shiny, playing tag and getting chased.
KIDS: Freak! Slut! Loser! Shortbus!
VINCENT: Singing and clapping, laughing and napping, baking cookies, eating paste.
KIDS: Bull-dyke! Stuck-up! Hunchback!
VINCENT: Then we got bigger. That was the trigger, Like the Huns invading Rome -
[Spoken] Sorry!
Welcome to my school, This ain’t no high school: This is the Thunderdome. Hold your breath and count the days, we’re graduating soon.
KIDS: White trash!
VINCENT: College will be paradise If I’m not dead by June! But I know, I know, life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray for a better way. If we changed back then, we could change again. We can be beautiful…
(A PREPPY GIRL knocks a HIPSTER DORK to the floor.)
HIPSTER DORK [Spoken]: Ow!
VINCENT: Just not today. [Spoken] Hey, are you okay?
HIPSTER DORK: Get away, nerd.
KIDS: Freak! Slut! Cripple! Homo! Homo! Homo!
VINCENT: Things will get better soon as my letter comes from Harvard, Duke, or Brown. Wake from this coma, take my diploma, then I can blow this town. Dream of my ivy-covered walls and smoky French cafes…
RAE [Spoken]: Ew! Watch it!
VINCENT: Fight the urge to strike a match and send this dump ablaze!
(RAE upends VINCENT’S lunch tray.)
RAM: Whoopsies…
VINCENT [Spoken]: Rae Sweeney. Third year as pyramid base. And eighth year of smacking lunch trays and BEING A LITTLE BITCH.
RAE: What did you say to me nerd?
VINCENT: … Nothing.
VINCENT & KIDS: But I know, I know, I know… Life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray, I pray For a better way. We were kind before; we can be kind once more. We can be beautiful…
(MARTIN approaches.)
VINCENT: Agh!… Hey Martin.
(MARTIN helps VINCENT pick up his tray.)
VINCENT: Martin Dunnstock. My best friend since diapers.
MARTIN: We on for movie night?
VINCENT: Yeah, you’re on Jiffy Pop detail.
MARTIN: I rented “The Princess Bride.”
VINCENT: Again? Don’t you have it memorized by now?
MARTIN: What can I say? I’m a sucker for a happy ending.
KATE: Martin Dumptruck! Wide load! Honnnnnk!
(KATE KELLY knocks the tray from MARTIN’S hands.)
VINCENT: Kate Kelly. Head cheerleader. She is the smartest girl on the squad. Which is kind of like being the tallest dwarf. (Furious, to KATE) Hey! Pick that up right now!
KATE: I’m sorry, are you actually talking to me?
VINCENT: Yes, I am. I wanna know what gives you the right to pick on my friend. You’re a high school has-been waiting to happen. A future gas station attendant.
KATE: … You have a zit right there…
VINCENT & KIDS: (Variously) Dear diary: why…. Why do they hate me? Why don’t I fight back? Why do I act like such a creep? (VINCENT: Why….) Why won’t he date me? Why did I hit him? Why do I cry myself to sleep? (VINCENT: Why….) Somebody hug me! Somebody fix me! Somebody save me! Send me a sign, God! Give me some hope here! Something to live for!
(The three HUNTERS enter.)
KIDS: Ah!… Hunter, Hunter, and Hunter!
VINCENT: [Spoken.] Then there’s the Hunters. They float above it all.
KIDS: (Repeating.) I love Hunter, Hunter, and Hunter.
VINCENT: HunterMcNamara. Quarterback. His mom’s loaded - she sells engagement rings.
KIDS: I hate Hunter, Hunter, and Hunter!
VINCENT: Hunter Duke. Runs the yearbook. No discernible personality, so his dad payed for him to keep the position.
KIDS: I want Hunter, Hunter, and Hunter!
VINCENT: And Hunter Chandler. The Almighty.
KIDS: I need Hunter, Hunter, and Hunter…
VINCENT: He is a mythic prick. They are solid Teflon - never bothered, never harassed. I would give anything to be like that.
HIPSTER DORK: I’d like to be their girlfriend.
KIDS: That would be beautiful…
STONER DUDE: If I sat at their table, girls would notice me.
KIDS: So beautiful…
MARTIN: I’d like them to be nicer.
KIDS: That would be beautiful…
STALKER GEEK: I’d like to drug a Hunter and photograph him naked in an abandoned warehouse and leave him tied up for the rats!
(VINCENT enters the boys’ bathroom. CHANDLER and MCNAMARA are watching DUKE sip a gross concoction from a water bottle.)
CHANDLER: Grow up, Hunter. Those fake protein shakes are so ‘87.
MCNAMARA: Maybe you should see the coach, Hunter .
DUKE: Yeah, Hunter. Maybe I should.
MR. FLEMING: Ah, Hunter and Hunter. (DUKE takes another sip, runs into the nearest stall and vomits.) … and Hunter. Perhaps you didn’t hear the bell over all the vomiting. You’re late for class.
(VINCENT scribbles on a piece of paper.)
CHANDLER: Hunter wasn’t feeling well. We’re helping him.
MR. FLEMING: Not without a hall pass you’re not. A week’s detention.
VINCENT: Actually, Mr. Fleming, all four of us are out on a hall pass. Yearbook committee.
MR. FLEMING: … I see you’re all listed. Hurry up and get where you’re going.
CHANDLER: This is an excellent forgery. Who are you?
VINCENT: Vincent Sawyer. I crave a boon.
CHANDLER: What boon?
VINCENT: Let me sit at your table at lunch. Just once. No talking necessary. If people think you guys tolerate me, they’ll leave me alone…. Before you answer, I also do report cards, permission slips and absence notes.
DUKE: How about prescriptions?
CHANDLER: Shut up, Hunter.
DUKE: Sorry, Hunter.
(CHANDLER inspects VINCENT’S face.)
CHANDLER: For a greasy little nobody, you do have good bone structure.
MCNAMARA: And a symmetrical face. If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, I’d have matching halves. That’s very important.
DUKE: Of course, you could stand to beef up a bit.
CHANDLER: And ya know, ya know, ya know? We could make life beautiful. Hair gel, maybe a jacket, and we’re on our way. Give this boy some hints; And Hunters, I need your mints. Let’s make life beautiful.
MCNAMARA: Let’s make life beautiful…
DUKE: Let’s make life beautiful…
CHANDLER: Make life beautiful… Okay?
(Another day, another hellish lunch.)
KATE: Out of my way geek!
STALKER GEEK: I don’t want any trouble -
RAE: You’re gonna die at 3pm!
REPUBLICAN & NEW WAVE BOY: Don’t you dare touch me! Get away, weirdo!
STALKER GEEK: What’d I ever do to them?
KIDS: Who could survive this? I can’t escape this! I think I’m dying!
MR. FLEMING: Who’s that with Hunter?
(THE HUNTERS enter again…)
KIDS: Whoa. Hunter, Hunter, Hunter…
NEW WAVE BOY: And… someone!
KIDS: Hunter, Hunter, Hunter…
GOWAN & COACH: And a hunk!
KIDS: Hunter, Hunter, Hunter…
MARTIN: Vincent?!
KIDS: Vincent? Vincent? Vincent?!
(THE HUNTERS part, revealing a smoking hot VINCENT who has been given a make-over.)
VINCENT & KIDS: (Variously.) And ya know, ya know, ya know life can be beautiful. You hope, you dream, you pray, and you get your way! Ask me how it feels looking like hell on wheels… My God, it’s beautiful! This might be beautiful And when you’re beautiful… It’s a beautiful frickin’ day!
KIDS: Hunter… Vincent! Hunter! Hunter! Hunter… Vincent!
VINCENT: Vincent! Vincent!
KIDS: Vincent! Vincent!
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elfgrove · 7 years
Blade of Marmora AU - Part 1
Spoilers for season 2 of Voltron Legendary Defender. -- What if Keith had been raised among the Blades of Marmora as a Galran? Rating: T Word Count: 1490 Characters: Keith Kogane, Blue Lion, Takashi “Shiro” Shirogane, Katie “Pidge” Holt , Hunk Garrett, Lance McClain AO3: [link] Next >
Notes: Whoops. I did a thing. I blame the fabulous fanarts by @drisrt [link], @istehlurvz [link], and @cherryandsisters [link] and encouragement by my friends list for inspiring this AU fic.
Kolivan always put him on these boring backwater assignments.
He wasn't as big as the other Galrans. Not even the other hybrid children. He never would be. Whatever strange race his Dam had chosen when she gave birth to him, they had been small. Far smaller than Galrans, and those genetics apparently bred true. There had never been a possibility of blending in to be an agent placed within Zarkon's fleets. He stood out too much. Was too memorable. Drew too much suspicion by being so visibly non-Galran.
So he had been raised within the Blades of Marmora. Mostly growing up in in the main operations base. When his Dam never returned from a mission, the other Blades took up raising him. Although in hindsight, he supposed they had already been doing most of it anyways. There weren't many Galran women in the Blades, and their rarity often made them that much more in demand for certain missions. It meant his Dam had rarely been around. Duty and necessity to the cause. What little he could remember of her, was that she had loved him.
Mostly, it had been Thace caring for him until he was old enough to be on his own. Thace had been everything his Dam and non-Galran Sire had not been. He had gone silent for a week when Thace had accepted the assignment to infiltrate Zarkon's main fleet. Thace's paramour Ulaz was a hybrid himself, part Altean if rumor was to be believed. (It was rude to ask.) Ulaz had taught Keith puzzles and how to strategize. He'd tutored him in all his studies, especially science and medicine. Although, admittedly, he had little talent and less temperament for medicine. It had been painful when Ulaz had left to follow Thace to Zarkon's main fleet. Antok had sparred with him and groomed him, shown physical affection in the ways a growing Galran child needed to socialize properly, although he couldn't remember seeing his face on more than a handful of occasions. Like him, Antok was a hybrid Galran who looked notably different enough that he could never do the covert work of being a double agent in Zarkon's fleets. He wore his mask constantly. Kolivan had been the leader of the Blades of Marmora for as long as Keith could remember. He was necessarily aloof from the others, but he had given Keith his first blade, and passed him his Dam's blade once Keith was old enough to start taking his own missions.
His own missions.
Like this one. 
Patrolling a largely uninhabited solar system on the edges of Zarkon's Empire, reporting back ship movements and the status of the civilizations here.
He snorted aloud, scrolling through the read-outs on Arus. The Arusians had yet to achieve spaceflight, and likely wouldn't for at least a half dozen centuries. The most interesting thing in the system was a derelict ship sitting near one of the larger villages on Arus, half-buried under who knew how many decades of dirt and dust. It didn't seem to be damaged, just as if it had landed and been abandoned.
He was starting to consider landing on the planet and checking it out. Maybe the ancient thing could be scavenged for something useful to the rebellion. He certainly didn't have much in the way of better prospects here.
He was prepping to enter orbit when the alarms on his ship started blaring, amaranth-colored lights flashing in a shade disturbingly close to fresh-spilled blood. He veered away, hiding his ship amongst some debris and silencing the alarms. A warp gate had opened. It didn't match any energy signature he had in his databases.
The ship that exited the warp gate was even stranger than the readings.
It looked like an older feline beast species.
What had Ulaz called them? Lions.
Why would anyone make a ship shaped like a Lion?
Why paint it blue?
It was making a direct line for Arus and the ancient ship on its surface.
He waited a few doboshes before landing his cloaked solo corvette-class ship behind the Lion ship. Four aliens stood outside of it, staring at the derelict when he touched down. They seemed to have been doing so for a while.
The Lion turned to stare at him.
He froze still inside his own ship, eyes wide and locked with a ship that should not be able to detect his. 
Who was piloting it? 
What were these aliens?
"Blue?" One of the aliens had clearly caught onto the Lion's gaze. "What are you looking at, my beautiful lady?"
His ship picked up the outside conversation easily.
He was exposed. They didn't look like any race he had ever encountered, and he was at the edge of Zarkon's control...
If they were so powerful their ships could detect his cloaked one...
What if they had never encountered Zarkon? What if they could be allies to the Blades of Marmora?
He de-cloaked the ship.
He was exposed anyways.
When he stepped out, the four aliens were waiting to meet him.
The tallest stepped forward, clearly putting himself in-between Keith and the others. They looked oddly familiar in a way Keith couldn't place. The leader probably thought he was intimidating. Keith might be small, but he'd spent his life surrounded by people that had at least 40 centimeters on this one. He wasn't impressed by that height.
He removed his helmet and bared his teeth in greeting.
The Blue Lion ship looming above made a sound he would have called amused if it were a living creature.
The aliens exchanged wary glances between them.
"Dude, is that supposed to be a smile?"
"Lance," The tall one chastised before turning back to him. "I'm First Lieutenant Takashi Shirogane of Galaxy Garrison. Are you who the Blue Lion was bringing us to?"
Keith took a step back from the alien's (Shirogane's) outstretched hand, tilting his head cautiously, "You do not command the ship that brought you here?"
"Blue's kinda doing her own thing. She brought us here," The 'Lance' from earlier stepped closer casually. "We had to jet after fighting those Galra jerks."
"You fought Zarkon's soldiers?"
"The Galra, yes." The smallest one adjusted some sort of two-piece visor.
"Zarkon's Empire," Keith spat out reflexively. "Not the Galra!"
Okay. Maybe there was a reason Kolivan never sent him on sensitive missions.
The broadly built man in yellow spoke up next, "There are good Galra?"
"Wow, that's awesome!" He peered around Shirogane, even though he looked like he should be one of the primary warriors of the group. "Oh, sorry, I'm Hunk! And you are?"
Keith didn't answer that.
"So how do you know these good Galra?" The short one narrowed suspicious eyes at him, "What planet is this? You look Human. Mostly."
He hadn't heard the name of his Sire's species in more than a decade.
"This is Arus." He raised an eyebrow, "How do you know about Humans?"
"We're Human." The small one stepped closer, examining him, "Is Arus your home planet? What do we call you?"
"No!" He wasn't from some backwater... He shook his head, "I'm not from Arus. But you can't be Human. Humans don't have Warp Gate technology. They've never made it this far into space."
"It's complicated," Shirogane said. "But we are Human, and Blue must have brought us here for some reason."
"There is nothing of interest in this entire system."
"There's whatever this structure is," Shirogane gestured to the derelict. "...And there's you."
He couldn't help but preen a little to be judged as interesting. Then again, this Human also thought the derelict was interesting. This Human. These Humans. He'd never spoken to someone from his Sire's species before in his life.
The Lion ship chose then to move, drawing all of their attention. It roared at the derelict, making all of them cringe, and Keith covered his sensitive ears and glared up at the ship. The creature? The Humans talked as if the strange ship were alive.
"I guess Blue wants us to go inside," Lance said brightly, seeming content to ignore Keith now.
A hangar-sized door had opened up in the side of the derelict, and it did not look in as bad of repair inside as he would have expected.
Shirogane looked at him, "It seems like maybe Blue was waiting for you to get here. Coming in?"
The short human looked around as they all carefully stepped inside, "Do you think this leads to the rest of Voltron?"
Keith's eyes widened. 
Voltron? The ancient weapon? 
His head jerked back to the Lion ship. 
Voltron, the super weapon formed by five supposedly sentient Lion robots. 
It couldn't be.
The Galran people could get out from under Zarkon's rule. 
The Blades of Marmora could win the centuries-old battle.
He had to find out how to get this weapon on their side.
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