#Yes I did get spoiled since then I'm working on a follow-up with the dads
lowqualitygarbage · 5 months
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Shhh.... I drew this after Episode 1. Guest starring my Lone Wanderer, Beatrice.
Charlie 1000000% tries to start up a support group.
Anne Draws Vault suits Consistentlyaccurately Challenge
...The sad part is I do pull up references, my brain just refuses to process them correctly?
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
🥹🥹🥹 🥺 love you more bubs <3333333333
Also enjoy bc I am h o o k e d on modern!Aegon rn, idk what they put in Tom but I am hooked 😌
You and Aegon never got along. Ever. Ever since middle school. He portrayed himself as this spoiled rich fuck boy - and don't get it wrong, he WAS all those things - but you knew if he put his mind to something, he could succeed. With or without his father's money. Which is why you should have figured something was up as soon as he approached you on a warm day at the begining of senior year. You should have also known something was up because just a few days before, your dad had placed a new house rule.
"Fine. You want to date," he says to your sister, "you can date." He pauses for a second. "When your sister dates."
"But- but she's a mutant! She will never date!"
"Then you will never date. Oh, I like that." He then leaves to go to the kitchen.
What had followed was you and your sister getting into an insult match and her being angry at you for not wanting to date just so she could date. You finally had enough and went into your bedroom until dinner was done.
While past eighteen, your father had always been protective of you and your sister. Your sister only being nineteen while you were twenty-two, he kept the no dating rule from high school into college...well you did.
"Hey there," Aegon says smoothly.
You give him a what the fuck? Look. You both mutually - and silently - agreed to stay out of each others way, at least until college - but fate fucking hated you because he had managed to get into your college of choice. It was a surprise to both of you when you had found he had three classes with you. So, now, here he was.
"You must really know how to get a guy's attention."
You roll your eyes, grabbing your duffle bag that had your sports uniform in it. "My mission in life. But you see, it worked!" You motion toward him. "The world makes sense again." Grabbing your water bottle, you walk away but he was persistent.
"Why don't you let me take you on a date this Friday?"
You fake gasp. "Oh?" You say. "Where? The 7/11?"
Your response gets a snicker from Aegon. "I can take you placed you never been before."
You scuff before jokingly saying, "do you even know my name fuck boy?"
It takes a moment for Aegon to process if you were serious. "I do," he responses. "You know I do. We've known each other since middle school."
You fake laugh before leaving him dead in his tracks.
This was not going to be easy. You were tough to crack. But that didn't matter, he loved a challenge.
You and a couple of friends decided to go out to this club, to let off some steam. And you desperately needed it. Aegon had been constantly trying to wiggle his way into your small bubble you had made for yourself. He even wanted to manage to break through the walls you also build around yourself. But you weren't going to let him.
Going up to the snack bar, you ask for a water...which is when Aegon shoots his shot. Again.
"You know I watched you dance, you never looked more sexy!"
It must have been the few drinks or your post dancing haze but you smirked before saying, "thank you! You didn't look too bad yourself!"
And before you walk away, he says, "i'm picking you up tomorrow night!"
You don't answer as you walk back to your friends.
"Was that a yes?!"
"Was that a no?!"
The next night you had dressed up and drove with Aegon to a party. The party that your ex was throwing. The party that your ex was throwing which you AND your sister would be attending. You were very observant, so, when you notice your ex getting a little too close with your sister, you imminently went into protective big sister mode.
"Well, looks who's here," he says, slinging a arm around you. You roll your eyes. "I know what you're doing. Stay away from my sister."
"Oh, i'll stay away from your sister. But I can't promise she won't stay away from me."
Just then, your sister had walked by, of course getting his attention. You scuff. Hey, you tried. You then down five shots in a minute, trying to numb the lingering pain in your chest. Unbeknownst to you, Aegon watched the entire thing. He was starting to fill this thing called guilt. The reason? Your ex had paid him to take you out. Why him well, you had a reputation. A bad one. Almost everybody - besides a select few - were scared of you and Aegon was the only one who wasn't phased. There was also your father's new house rule and your ex suggested taking you out for a shot with your sister. But he couldn't tell you that. Yet.
You and Aegon had split up and when he finally found you, you were drunk. So drunk infect that you could barely stand.
"Okay, come on," he says, helping you up and puting your arm around his neck. He figures the cool night air will snap you back into soberness so he carefully sits you down on the swing.
"That was patronizing," you stay groggery.
"Leave it to you to use big words when you're smashed."
"So...you going to tell me why you did it?"
"Why I did what?"
"Let that jackass get to you. I known you long enough that I know you never drink. Now you're drunk on a swing."
"I hate him," you state.
Aegon sighs, moving a strand of hair from your face and tucking it behind your ear.
Your eyes scan his face as he does this and in your drunken haze, you say, "your eyes are really pretty."
His sentence is cut short by your puking on his shoes. He shrugs it off and assures you that it's fine and you didn't mean it.
You decide to crash at his large luxurious apartment, you did not want to have your dad see you like this. He has you change and put on one of his t-shirts and sleep shorts. He also took the couch and made sure to make sure you slept on your side, making sure you didn't choke on your vomit.
The next morning, you wake up in his bed, the smell of coffee in the air. Looking over to see what time it was, a pain pill bottle and tall glass of water sits on the table. And after downing the water, you hesitantly throw back the covers and make your way to the kitchen.
As you get to the kitchen, he comes through the door. With food.
"Honey, i'm home!" He jokes.
You don't say anything as you sit at the table as he unpacks the food.
As you eat, you say, "Thank you...for like...taking care of me and all that."
Aegon swore that you could see a blush on his pale face. "No problem. Anytime."
The rest of the breakfast is ate in silence.
After that experience, you couldn't get Aegon out of your head. And you surprise yourself by agreeing to go a paintball place in town after class. Which is where after chasing you and gently tacking you to the ground, he takes off the masks they had you wear and covered in paint, manage to have your first kiss with him.
After a lot more dates over the next few weeks - plus with your sister having her dates - you finally agree to be his official girlfriend - much to to the delight to your sister -
Another party had approached so, you and Aegon were going to. This time, no alcohol. And looking back, Aegon realized he had gained REAL feelings for you. If he had to guess, it was when he saw you in HIS clothing. He had all but forgotten about the deal with your ex.
As you get thirsty, you walk away to the snack bar, which is where your ex ambushes Aegon. He had been trying to talk to him for WEEKS and now here he was. Unlucky for your ex though, your sister had lost interest in him after he had left her at the party to go hang out with some other girl and now she was hanging out with a different guy.
Your ex noticed you over Aegon's shoulder so when he tapped on his shoulder, he boldly and loudly stated, "I didn't pay you to ask her out so her sister can ditch me!"
Aegon's eyes go wide as he realized that you definitely over heard. He slowly turns to you. You looked like you seen a ghost. You don't even react, only leaving.
"Don't believe him!" He calls out to you. He has ran after you. He was seriously going to defend himself. "It wasn't what it-"
"Looked like?" You finish. A sarcastic laugh escapes your lips. "What was it then? A down payment then and a bonus for fucking me?"
Aegon internally cringed at the choice of words and he doesn't say anything as you walk away.
You spend the entire night crying into your pillow and by the next morning, your eyes were red and your throat was sore from all the sobbing.
Aegon had agreed to meet your sister at the park where she had cussed him out.
"You're a prick, you know that?"
He only nods.
"I mean, it's a dick move! I really thought you loved her. You know why they broke up?"
He shakes his head.
"Because he used her," your sister states. "He was her first time and when she didn't want to do it again, he dumped her and said she was only good for a good fuck."
His eyes go wide. "Wait, then why did YOU want to date him?"
She can only shrug. "I was stupid...I guess. But you really are a piece of shit fuck face. I actually thought you loved her!"
"I do." He says.
Its simple. To the point.
"I do love her. I'm in love with her."
He lets you have your space as he comes up with a genuine apology. Thankfully he had one.
Knocking at your door, you almost immediately slam it in his face, but he stops it with his foot. "Please. Let me explain."
You sigh and he noticed you wear wearing his sleep walking animals band shirt, the leader of which looked striking like him. You then slowly open the door, finally letting him in and he breathes a sigh of relief.
"Please, let me explain."
Sitting on the couch, arms crossed, you nod, giving him a nod. He examined you. Your hair was a mess and your eyes were red but to Aegon, you were the most beautiful person he seen.
He sighs, rolling his sweaty palms on his pants. He looked like hell too. His eyes also were red - which were more noticeable with his pale skin - his clothing and hair looked disheveled, and his face was stained with tears with the guilt that kept him up at night. The guilt of hurting you. Lying to you.
"I know what happened...between you and your ex. I want to say I am so sorry he told you that. I messed up when he told me to just date you just so he could go out with your sister. He was an asshole and I was wrong for taking the money."
You scuff. You weren't going to budge. Not even with Aegon having his puppy dog eyes on you.
He surprises you by getting in his knees in front of you. " I love you," he softly says, taking your hand and running his surprisingly soft fingers over your knuckles. "You may as well take my heart. it's already full of you."
You swipe your hand away. "Go. You know NOTHING about me. You've known me only three weeks!"
"Three weeks?" He asks. "I've known you all my life."
That wasn't a lie. You knew that for sure.
"All your life?" You repeat.
He takes your hands back into his own, placing your hand on his chest. Over his heart. You could feel his heart beat. "It's true," he states. "When I heard beautiful music I thought 'she'd like that'. I looked at flowers knowing that one day I'd give them to you."
You are stunned into silence. You stare at him for a few moments before getting up from the couch Aegon remained on his knees. "I am truly sorry," he voice comes out in a crack that almost breaks your heart. Almost. "I should have never agreed. It was stupid."
"Yes, it was."
"I failed anyway."
"Oh? Why?"
He then gets up from the floor. "Because I fell for a pretty great woman."
You can't but laugh, a sign to Aegon you have partially forgave him. You hated - and loved - how much he knew you. He then leans in for a kiss but before your lips connect to his, you grab him by his collar. "Lie to me like that again, I will kill you. Got it?"
"Got it."
You then pull him in for the kiss. He had lots of making up for but he would do anything for you.
ugh now I'm in the mood to rewatch 7TIHAY !!!!!
this was brilliant nonnie, the angst, the fluff all in one!!!! delightful little read <3
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yesyourstalker · 2 years
Welcome to words with Ichiya our co hosworkert is Nami
Our special guest is with her former bassist Neta
Ichiya: you know it's been awhile since you saw you have been?
Nami: it's been a hot minute how's life?
Neta: ehhhh it's been going okay I have some highs and some lows. My Business is going great and I'm planning on opening two more stores in different locations.
Ichiya: ohhh that's great!
Nami: RockShock is getting an expansion!!
Neta: I'm also working on an original collection for the store. Trying to make my own catalog.
Ichiya: ok, ok we see you!
Nami: damn! Just keeps getting better and better.
Neta: I was granted full custody of my daughter Cirrina.
Ichiya: awww that's great.
Nami: oh congratulations!
Neta: and......uh.... I recently ended the 3-year long serious relationship *sigh* and u....... engagement. So uhhh.. Win some you lose some
Ichiya: .......oh..
Nami: aw..... Neta I'm so sorry
Neta: It happens...... I'm just grateful the relationship didn't end up sour, or bitter or angry or anything. It was just..... We were just heading in different directions in life. He had to focus on his music career and I had to focus on my business, I had to take my business to New Atlantis so..... That's miles away from eachother.
Had to take a Two day flight just to get here so I don't expect him to do that every time he wants to see me. That's not fair to him.
Ichiya: do we know this guy you dated?
Neta: ye
Nami: was it ikkan?
Neta:.... (typing)
Neta: ye
Nami: aww ikky had bf
Ichiya: :/ eh he didn't tell us
Neta: He's a private person乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ
Nami:explains why he has your bass
Ichiya: we all knew anyway
Murasaki: I didn't!!!
[End text]
Ichiya: huh...ok....Did he take it well at least. You guys are planning on getting married, I assume it was a hard decision.
Nami: How did you break up?
Neta: We had a sit down discussion, it was civil. There wasn't any fighting, some tears but you know no yelling. I didn't want him to put his whole life on pause and he didn't want me to stop everything just to follow him around. So we came to the decision to put you know relationship and our engagement on hold. One day..... If we're both available we might rekindle something. We stopped seeing each other we didn't stop loving each other.
Nami: awww that's so sweet. Did he know about Cirrina?
Ichiya: how does she feel about it?
Neta: oh he fell in love with her. He spoiled that little girl the minute she came to the surface. Toys, clothes, taking her places. She still calls him 'OD' it's short for 'other dad". That was the hardest part about the split. We explained why we aren't together anymore. Fortunately she did understand where we were coming from, I can tell she was really upset about it.
Ichiya: it's like a divorce.
Neta: yeah it did feel like that, It really felt like we were getting a divorce even though we weren't married. Like we've been together for 3, almost 4 years but yet it felt like a lot longer
Nami: you starting to become settled.
Neta: yeah settled, comfortable you know a sense of normacy you know I come home from work He's there with my daughter or if he's out doing his thing for like a month or so you know I stay at home with her.
when she was underground, she never had a nuclear family. Me and her mom never lived together and we weren't a couple It was just a fling, we accidentally made life hehe...hmmm. Moving up to the surface and living with my partner and I, it gave her structure. She didn't have to come home to an empty house, she had someone there to help her with homework or talk to her. Something that she did not have you know in the tunnels so....
Ichiya: how old is she?
Neta: she's 12 years old and she'll be turning 13 in 3 months. She's tall like your dad. She's growing out of octoform really fast maybe by next year she'll be a full octoling. Just glad she's on the surface now
Nami: That's the really big deal you know for your daughter?
Neta: hm?
Nami: being up on the surface for the first time? there's like ceremonies and everything for it is that true?
Ichiya: it's like a milestone right?
Neta: It really is. It used to be one the biggest events in a young ontarian's life, to be able to step out on the surface. For the first time, hopefully one day that won't be such a big deal and it'll be a normal thing.
Nami: If you don't mind me asking you know how was your first time on the surface? What was it like?
Neta: Oh my Cod...... It's been so long. Uhh.... I was around 14, when I first went on the surface.You two were probably still little babies, Murasaki wasn't even born yet and I think ikkan was 8 or 9. I tell you when you spend most of your life looking up at artificial sun and fake clouds and panels that resemble skies. *Sigh* once your skin feels the real thing, the real sun, real heat...... there's no going back. It changes you, it's- it's so.......euphoric.
For a brief second you feel like this isn't real and all of a sudden you feel alive. You exist, You're surrounded by life, You are life. You don't get that feeling when you're In the tunnel ways.
The first time I crawled out, my eyes burned....heheh...... I used to the sun. Everything was quiet but it also wasn't. Hearing the wind brush against the grass, birds chirping, crickets. I sat there for hours, just taking everything in.
Ichiya: .... .. wow
Nami:.......... Wow this makes you think how much we take for granted as inklings
Neta: heheh.....sigh..... I'm happy but I'm also disappointed that you kids will never understand that experience....
Nami: I'll say.
Neta: so what are you babies been up to? Making music? Making hits? Hitting the road? What's up?
Ichiya: well I was offered a job at hermit shell studios and they offered me a job to write on a new show. You two are looking at a professional writer.....
Nami: is it the one about rock band what is it called... Rock Roadies?
Ichiya: Yes it's based off of us I even got the help with the character design I might even voice one of the characters
Neta: Nice, Nice Nami what about you what have you been doing girl?
Nami: well I recently collaborated with ink theory........and I'm an honorary ink theorist!!!! I'm so excited I got the black dress and everything they gave me a cute beret........ I also recently finished my masters in music theory. I'm graduating next month.
Neta: you kidding me that great. I'm proud of you, I'm proud of all of you. You three kids have grown so much over the years. Seeing you become your own people your own artist. You guys started as a small garage band and look at you kids now professional writers getting master's degrees.
Nami: Neta... You're going to make us cry
Neta: awww I will always see you kids as babies so anything you do will always be a big deal to me..... come here....big hugs.
Murasaki: so who was going to tell me our bass players were together!!!
Ichiya: I thought you knew? They weren't good at hiding it
NAMI: you could see it from Mars Murasaki. Did you not question why ikky had Neta's bass
Ichiya: Neta literally wears his ugly polka dot sweater
Ikkan: are y'all aware I'm still in the group chat
Neta: hi babe <3
[Text end]
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hotchs-second-wife · 2 years
One Chicago Spin-off, but its their kids - Rewrite
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The amount of stupidity feel right now. I already made this post and it was in my drafts, and my dumb ass deleted it when I went to edit it- anyway, if you couldn't tell, I deleted all of my old One Chicago Kids content because I'm rewriting it! So, here we go;
Kelly's still the chief, but he's the chief of Firehouse 28, where his daughter and only child is the squad lieutenant.
Homegirl following in his footsteps.
And of course, Kelly and Stella named her Leslie.
Lieutenant Leslie Severide. I love it.
ANYWAY- Casey's kid also followed in his dad's footsteps and became the captain of 28.
His name would probably be Andrew, or Andy for short.
Andrew and Leslie having the same dynamics as their dads.
Fire captain that gets in harms way pretty much every shift, his squad lieutenant best friend getting his ass out of danger again.
Leslie being an only child and Andrew having three sisters and two brothers.
Casey and Brett be having children left and right-
No because Kelly would too.
28 being friends with the new-ish Intelligence Unit.
I use the term new-ish bc idk what else to use.
Like, Adam, Hailey, Kevin and Kim are probably still there, but they'd have new members - perhaps someone's kid?
Introducing Detective Patrick Gregory Halstead.
Named after his grandfather and dad's best friend for obvious reasons.
Patrick and Leslie re-enacting their dad's moment where Kelly helped Jay find the guy that caused the apartment building fire (that was why, right??), but obviously for some other reason.
Hailey finding them and calling Stella, like "they've done it again."
All Stella can say to her daughter is "you are so much like your father sometimes" or "you definitely have your father's personality."
Same, Leslie-
I kid you not, if we got a scene where Kelly is seen accidentally encouraging Leslie to break the rules and Stella having to tell her husband "no", I would die laughing.
Andrew and Leslie totally live together.
Cat person x dog person roommates
Turns out I didn't delete the last draft.
I posted it. Like an idiot.
The amount of times Kelly has to call his captain and squad lieutenant into his office is insane.
He'd look at Andrew after he (Andrew) did something stupid like "you know your parents are going to ask me about this" and then turns to his daughter and says "your mother won't be too happy to find out that you lost a squad truck, Leslie."
"I know, Dad." "What?" "Yes, Chief." Kelly only makes his daughter repeat herself because Stella was coming to his office in her gear and all.
Stella starts scolding Leslie- "Do you know how much a squad truck costs?!" "I've never bought one...so, no."
"Leslie Sylvie Elizabeth Severide." "Dad, help-" "I'm just as scared of your mother as you are, kid. I'm just here because this is my office."
Leslie knows she messed up when her mother calls her by her full name.
Jay getting concerned about his son's safety during a case, so Kelly offers a place at his daughter's house.
Leslie genuinely doesn't care - Patty's her friend, after all.
He's also the only one who knows first aid.
Leslie and Andrew both work with paramedics. One, in which, is Andrew's little sister-
I'm in the middle of school writing this part and I'm not actually meant to be on my phone-
After the case, Leslie and Andrew would invite Pat to just live with them since the district is in between their house and the firehouse.
Pat coming home smelling like alcohol; he was dealing with an alcoholic drug dealer during the case and got alcohol thrown at him.
And yes, Jay essentially went ballistic on the guy because that's his son you're throwing an alcohol bottle at, man.
Andrew immediately smells it because he still has his sense of smell after being a firefighter for as many years as he has.
It takes Leslie a bit. Mostly because she'd be hyper focused on something else-
With both of her parents' genes, Leslie was definitely a leash kid.
Most definitely got it from Kelly.
I can imagine little bubba Leslie learning to walk, and the Severides are at the Caseys, everyone's expecting Leslie to go to Kelly or Stella, but instead she goes to Matt.
Kelly just standing there dumbfounded because he was calling to Leslie saying "come to Dadda" and the child went to her uncle/godfather instead of her father.
The girls are laughing their heads off and Matt is just trying to tell her he's not her dad.
She would start crying.
Kelly has literally put in his will that if something happened to him and Stella wasn't around, he trusts Matt to take care of Leslie.
So Matt's been in Leslie's life the entire time (mostly because he's her godfather) and she's gotten used to him being around.
Leslie going to Matt when she knows she's done something stupid, but she doesn't want to go to her parents-
Matt being like "you know your parents will find out sooner or later."
Speaking of godparents, Mouse being Patrick's godfather-
I just imagine Mouse's reaction to Patrick crying for the first time when Mouse finally meets his godson.
He starts panicking and Jay reassures him that Patrick cried when he (Jay) first held him too, and that Pat just needs time get used to him (Mouse).
I read a little fic by someone on here where Mouse met his and reader's child for the first time and the child started crying-
I read it at like 3 am and I started crying.
Back when Leslie was a toddler, Kelly and Stella bringing her to the house-
No bc Sylvie would bring Andrew and Boden would be nominated "Grandpa" after Andy or Leslie call him "Ganba"
Why do I feel like Leslie would be an aggressive little child? Like, if Andy or another kid stole her toy, her first instinct would be to smack 'em?
Ofc Kelly and Stella would raise her out of it-
Leslie going to school (like middle school and high school ig) with Patrick because Jay and Hailey wanted their son to have a friend at his school.
I feel as kids, Leslie and Pat wouldn't be very close because you know ONE of them would've played sports and other would've been busy studying like no tomorrow.
Leslie would've been more of a practical kid, ngl-
If Chicago was in Australia, Leslie would've done VCAL, Pat would've done VCE and Andrew would start with VCE, but then go into VCAL.
don't ask me what they mean because I don't remember.
and im doing vce, so-
WE JUST CALL THEM BY THEIR LETTERS- but if there's any Aussies that wanna clear up any possible confusion, go for it-
But they're not in Aus, so back to topic-
Andrew would've been a really smart kid, and he liked his studies but he'd hate how much theory he'd have to do.
He's the only one of the roommates who actually has a degree.
Leslie knew she was going to be a firefighter, so she didn't bother going to college.
Patrick travelled for a bit, then figured out he wanted to follow his parents' footsteps, even if his sister's didn't want to.
One of Jay's kids looking up to their Uncle Will and becoming a doctor because of him-
That'd be so sweet.
My uncle is a nurse, and I don't remember what the rest of my uncles do for a living tbh
I tried going down the nursing route, but not for me-
I wanna go to uni for criminology or psychology, maybe both-
Jay and Hailey's kids being really close to their Uncle Will, but not so much their maternal uncles, just because I feel like Hailey's brothers are a little distant. Mostly because we haven't even got the name of one of them, much less met one-
Has Jay met one of his brother-in-laws? Or his mother-in-law?
...hailey has a mother, right-? i for sure heard somewhere that she has a mother-
Anyway- yeah, Pat and his sisters being close to their Uncle Will and Will having to babysit sometimes.
"Keep an eye on him." "You know I will." "I was talking to Patrick."
Jay thoroughly believing that his son isn't the one who drags his brother into trouble, but it totally is-
No- i just imagined little Patrick seeing either Jay all bruised and cut up from a case and him asking in a little kid voice "daddy, are you okay?"
Ik its the bare minimum for men to take care of their kids, but i didn't see a lot of that growing up, so it's so adorable to me.
Don't get me started when the dads come in with their toddlers and play with them a little 🥹
Patrick being exactly that as a detective-
He's working on a case, where he's talking to young parents when their kid waddles in and starts playing with the cuffs of his pants.
And he starts playing with the kid- 🥹
Oh, and I know Matt and Sylvie broke up. Lets just say that maybe they got back together after Matt came back to Chicago
I'll probably leave it at this, because its so long already. I will have their names and ages at the bottom, the colours corresponding with their job (pd, fire, paramed, med, other)
Kids Names and Ages
Youngest -> Oldest
Andrew and Heather's sisters - 15yo and 18yo
Patrick's youngest sister - 19-20yo
Heather Nancy Casey - 20yo
Patrick's sister - 21-22yo
Leslie Sylvie Elizabeth Severide - 23yo
Andrew Kelly Casey - 24yo
Patrick Gregory Halstead - 27yo
Patrick's older sister - 29-31yo
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moosekateer13 · 2 months
Chapter 4: Tourniquet
8 weeks later…
Jared's kids ended up arriving home shortly after we arrived at Jared's house. Jude just like Jared, JD took to them easily. 
Like father, like children. I plan activities to include his kids and mine. The storm really put things into a different perspective.
I can't help but feel that something is going to pop the bubble of bliss we have right now. A ring of the door interrupts my thoughts. I check my ring cam and don't see anyone there. I just saw a package left there. I quickly scoop up the package. I feel my blood run cold when I open the package. It looks like the wedding band Arthur and I picked out for our wedding. It's covered in fake blood and his size. 
I quickly put it back into the box it came in. I wash my hands then get in my car and take it to the police station. Since Arthur died in a targeted shooting, I'm not leaving things to chance. The last thing I need is for another loved one to get hurt.
A chill goes down my spine as I arrive at the station. After all, the last time I was here was when Arthur died. I recognize the detective in the lobby, Detective Nadine Perez-Luna; she was the one who handled Arthur's case. Her dark hair is tied up, and she doesn't look like she's aged a day. Nadine notices me before I even make another step towards her. She motions for me to follow her to her office.
“Y/N you look like you saw a ghost. Are you okay ?” Nadine asked.
I say nothing; the words seem to get stuck in my throat. I just thrust the box into her hands. She put on gloves quickly realizing it's probably evidence.
The box is gently put on the desk. For me, though it feels like a loud thud dude my nerves are being shot to hell.
 She opens the box and then the colour drains from her face.
“You received this at your home, correct?” Nadine asked. 
“Yes, I did,” I replied. 
 “Well, for your safety you should stay there till we can figure out where this came from. Is there anywhere you can stay?” Nadine asked. I bite my lip, thinking if I should bring this to Jared. I don't want him or his family to get hurt because of this.
“Um, I think so let me call my boyfriend,” I replied.
Jared answers after the first ring. Not even me let me list the cons of why we shouldn't stay with him. Jared insisted on us staying there and not taking no for an answer. He also insisted on picking me up and heading over to Jude's preschool. Before we grab our stuff to bring them over to his place.
While Jared is setting up Jude's room. I rummage through his kitchen to make dinner. Since he's got the right ingredients for it. I make lasagna. I hear his footsteps but he says nothing. Jared just simply watches me cook. Once the lasagna is in the oven I make Caesar salad and then set it in the fridge. Since Jared has a toaster oven too so I make garlic bread. While it's cooking I get to work on red velvet cupcakes. It doesn't take long for the garlic bread to be done so I put them in the oven.
“Y/N you didn't have to do all of this, you're spoiling me and the kids,” Jared said as he set the table. 
“I don't mind Prince of my Heart. Believe it or not, cooking helps me relax.” I replied with a smile. 
Jude's tiny footsteps interrupt the conversation. Jared sees him and quickly helps him into a chair. It's not long before Jared's kids arrive home from their grandparents. 
Thomas stares at the spread of food on the rustic table. A smile spreads across his face.
He loves food just as much as his dad. They all get washed up and changed before they join us at the table. I take my seat beside Jared. Not at the other end of the table. That's the Gen chair no one has sat in since she passed.
It just wouldn't feel right Jared and I haven't been going out that long. 
Jared serves his kids’ dinner. I was about my plate and Judes but Jared with his lightning-fast reflexes already has ours plated. He quickly busied himself with eating his dinner to any comments from me while him doing it.
“Y/N this is amazing thank you,” Tom said in between bites.
“You're welcome Tom, I'm glad you like it.” I replied with a smile.
Odette even mumbled a thank you with her mouth still full. Jared just sits there watching his kids eat dinner. This is already feeling like a family. I can't wait to see where things go.
Chapter 5:
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leclerc-s · 6 months
of ice cream shops and puppies
series masterlist
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isabella perez why did i just see a tweet saying charles is opening up an ice cream shop?
pierre gasly he’s coming for lewis’ brand. what’s next, getting a dog?
max jones-verstappen he’s gotta compete with him somehow. off track that is.
charles leclerc okay, fuck you. i may not have the best fashion sense but i can compete with him off track.
arthur leclerc i getting a business so charles must get a business. i get a dog so charles gets a dog. i get seven world championships, he cannot afford, great success.
logan sargeant sometimes it be your own siblings.
zoya torres in his defense, his fashion sense is doing much better
natalia ruiz it could be better but we’re working up to that. the questionable quali pants are gone now, so there’s that.
isabella perez and in milan of all places?
pierre gasly what’s wrong with milan? dulce perez most of us live in monaco or travel to monaco frequently. it just makes sense to open one in monaco?
fernando alonso he’s gotta keep the business in italy. the italian men will eat his ice cream because it’s him.
mae jones-verstappen how will lewis ever compete with ferrari’s golden boy?
carlos sainz believe me i’ve been asking myself the same question since i’ve been his teammate
sebastian vettel he’s like so loved by them
carlos sainz i’m convinced they love little jewel more than they love me and i’m a ferrari driver.
freya vettel it’s witchcraft it has to be
charles leclerc or i’m just a likable person?
arthur leclerc that can’t possibly be it. little jewel i would understand but you? no fucking way.
oscar piastri well ollie’s like up there with how loved he is by the tifosi
lewis hamilton with that performance he gave? of course he is!
isabella perez my son made us all proud that day. so proud.
oscar piastri please tell her, she's freaking out man.
charles leclerc where's the fun in that?
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liked by charles_leclerc, natalia_ruiz, zoyatorres and others.
lec 👀
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isabellaperez why is this man always doing the most random shit?
user12 this is plan b incase the whole f1 thing doesn't work out
↳ user25 bestie, the formula 1 thing did work out.
↳ user12 bestie, it will not work out until he is world champion with ferrari.
maxjonesverstappen what the hell is this man doing now?
↳ user30 they're just as confused as we are
user82 who's bingo card was this on? it sure as hell wasn't on mine.
jensonbutton i expected a better dad joke from you charles. you're a dad now. get your act together.
user05 bro is out here doing random ass side quests.
user34 so that random post of him eating ice cream in the snow actually meant something? you've got to be fucking kidding me.
↳ user71 he went to the daphne jones school of easter eggs.
pierregasly i still don't know what this means
↳ arthur_leclerc i thought we all agreed he was trying to one-up lewis and his business. he's getting a dog next. i can feel it.
↳ dulceperez please stop bullying your brother. i don't think we can handle another meltdown in the groupchat.
rhysjones no way we got leclerc's ice cream shop before gta 6. i expect this on every set i'm ever on.
zoyatorres king of side quests!
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zoyatorres, logansargeant, freyavettel, and natalia_ruiz posted new stories
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successful kidnapping attempt done by logan and zoya! this is the most spoiled dog ever and i know roscoe, angie, and churro. quick how do i convince mick that yes, angie does need a tiny friend like this guy to my beloved daughters and their co-conspirators that have stolen my dog, please return him asap. charles is convinced he's about to receive a ransom call.
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isabella perez i demand a playdate with churro and leo as soon as possible.
max jones-verstappen he named a dog after me. natalia, your husband-to-be is madly in love with me.
mick schumacher i told you max would say something about the name. he's obsessed with charles. max jones-verstappen i can still fight you schumacher.
charles leclerc please return my child as soon as possible.
ollie bearman how many children do you and natalia have now?
natalia leclerc well, there's freya, zoya, you, little jewel, and now leo. so five.
isabella perez well, ollie is split custody between you two and me and oscar.
ollie bearman do i not get a say in this? arthur leclerc no, you don't.
rhys jones so is that a yes on an ice cream shop or not?
carlos sainz it's so hard to tell with him.
zoya torres they call him the king of side quests.
lando norris he's a grammy winning artist + piano composer and now a business man.
dulce perez if the whole school thing doesn't work out can i get an application to work at the ice cream shop?
charles leclerc don't you graduate soon? the school thing is clearly working.
daphne jones-ricciardo well charlie, are you opening an ice cream shop or not?
charles leclerc no an ice cream shop but an ice cream brand.
mae jones-verstappen HE'S ON THAT FUCKING KING SHIT GUYS!!
isabella perez HE'S AN ICON!!
lewis hamilton where the hell was this energy when i started almave?
lando norris you're talking to a bunch of alcoholics
bailey winters oh shut it lando nowins
isabella perez oh we were thrilled but we just love ice cream a bit more than alcohol. churros and ice cream together is life changing.
oscar piastri no one tell my trainer but she's right.
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liked by user13, user96, user04 and others
F1GOSSIP turns out people were wrong when they said charles leclerc would be opening up an ice cream shop. above are picture from leclerc's promotional video for his ice cream brand LEC
tagged: charles_leclerc, lec
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user81 this man is so random.
user16 okay but this video is so cute? and who dressed him? ain't no way charles picked his own outfits for this.
↳ user85 we just have no faith in this man when it comes to dressing himself. i bet natalia dressed him.
↳ user16 we call that the fiancé effect
user67 he is quite literally f1's barbie. he just does everything.
user26 i don't even know who this man is but why are a specific group of people freaking out over him starting an ice cream brand?
↳ user79 he's a formula 1 driver who just does the most random things all the time. he just dropped an ep of piano tracks and he collabs with daphne jones-ricciardo frequently.
↳ user03 of course this man would get the most attention out of all the f1 drivers to do something this random.
isabellaperez ain't no way this man actually started an ice cream brand.
↳ maejonesverstappen this is why he ordered us all to italy asap.
rhysjones this barbie is a successful businessman
freyavettel a lifetime supply for the return of leo leclerc.
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maxjonesverstappen1, landonorris, danieljonesricciardo, baileywinters, and maejonesverstappen posted new stories
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hey maximillian's followers, follow me zoyatorres and go stream the deluxe version of my album guts (spilled) these guys are so fucking gross. get a room oscarpiastri and isabellaperez fulfilling the godparent duties oh i'm plotting how to internationally fly with a puppy that isn't mine. never beating the weird kid allegations i fear
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penelope trevino as isa says, the girlies are screaming charles.
zoya torres he has an american daughter and a german daughter and won't sell ice cream outside of italy
arthur leclerc his wife-to-be has argentinian parents!!
logan sargeant just say you hate everyone but monegasques and italians.
daphne jones-ricciardo everyday you people convince me more and more that you're insane.
fernando alonso i thought that was a given.
isabella perez that's debatable charlie.
alex albon okay barbie, calm down.
natalia ruiz does this make me ken?
george russell no, you're also barbie. charles is just insane.
isabella perez GIVE US THE GOODS LECLERC - 🦆
dulce perez HAND OVER THE GOODS LECLERC - gael
oscar piastri i'm being held captive. free me.
isabella perez NO SEAS DRAMATICO WEY! - 🦆
fernando alonso PATITO!!
pierre gasly what the fuck is going on.
isabella perez FERNANDITO!!
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isabella perez on my way to steal your girl verstappen - gael
daniel jones-ricciardo oh i seriously love these two
oscar piastri i'm being dragged against my will
isabella perez added two people
gael perez i was kidding please don't stab me with a fork
mick schumacher FOUL!! mae jones-verstappen it's okay, he laughed!
gael perez apologies for him. he's not trained properly.
pato o'ward callate pendejo!
isabella perez everyday since i was little. the only time i've known peace was when they weren't talking.
dulce perez you have no one to blame but yourself. you're the one who got them to reconcille.
zoya torres oh my god. we're in fucking italy logan.
sebastian vettel oh you people are going to regret this so much.
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @applopie @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @mypage-myfandoms @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @justtprachisblog @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @georgeparisole @dan3avocado @nikfigueiredo @bella-1 @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @weekendlusting @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv @33-81 @theseus-jpg @sarah-thatstings-ann @minmira95 @casperlikej @formulaonebuff @hopenshaw @ijustgomessitupx @hwalllllllelujah @doodlehunz @prongsvault
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¡leclerc-s speaks! this was mostly written because as a charles girl, a lot has happened these past few days. that man is barbie with the number of things he does outside of f1. still unsure if i'm going to do a coachella part but enjoy this for the vibes!!
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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thankskenpenders · 2 years
I am tired. I am so tired. I don't want to be making this post at 6 a.m. on the Saturday following the release of the new Sonic movie. (I would have made this post earlier in the night, but the ask box is still off because I'm supposed to be on hiatus while I finish my game, so I'm only hearing about this now.)
But, unfortunately, the ride never ends
The short version: Based on descriptions of certain scenes from fans, Penders believes that some of the echidna backstory stuff for Knuckles in the new movie is inspired by his work, like Sonic Chronicles before it. Because he was not involved and he is the legal owner of all of his Archie Sonic material, he is looking into pursuing legal action. (A lawsuit is not happening at the moment. We are at the "he's tweeting about wanting his lawyers to talk to Paramount's lawyers" stage. Well have to wait and see what happens after that.)
(This post will contain spoilers for some exposition dump lore stuff in Sonic 2. It does not spoil the ending or anything like that.)
Instead of paraphrasing him, here are his own words:
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Now, a disclaimer: I haven't seen the movie. I'll be seeing it Monday at the soonest. I can't currently say how close the echidna stuff is to Ken's work
Based purely on his word here, the claim that Enerjak is in it because an echidna powers up with the Master Emerald sounds like a massive reach compared to the obvious inspiration the Nocturnus Clan took from the whole Dark Legion saga. Like, Sonic Team created the Master Emerald, and it's a power-granting macguffin belonging to the echidnas. That's just what it is, and it has been since before Penders wrote the whole Enerjak storyline. (And hell, I can't believe I'm saying this, but Ken should give himself more credit if he thinks "echidna who powered up with the Emerald" is all Dimitri/Enerjak is. That's one of his more fondly remembered characters!) Knuckles' dad in the film, on the other hand... well, again, I haven't seen it, but at least one person I know who's seen it genuinely thought it was Locke, so uh... he might have more of an argument there. Or it might literally just be "Knuckles has a dad." I don't know yet. Many people in his Twitter mentions are saying they're completely different, but people have been saying that about the Nocturnus Clan for years and that's complete bullshit, so I'm withholding judgment. I'll comment on this further in a few days after I've seen the movie
However, like me, Ken has also not seen the movie yet. He may or may not have a case here, but I think that him tweeting out all of this before he's even seen it with his own eyes is extremely foolish. Yes, fans are making comparisons, but there's also a segment of the fandom that's constantly tattling to him and snitching tagging him on Twitter over every little thing because they want him to start shit. And boy, this really doesn't do anything to dispel the "Penders thinks he owns the concept of echidnas or fictional characters having parents" jokes that I've been trying to clear up for years. Thanks, Ken
Look. Most Sonic fans don't like Penders. This goes without saying. But in all fairness, I will say that if they did base anything off of the material that Penders owns (and, again, can't confirm or deny that myself right now), then he should be compensated for that. Whatever your opinion of the old Archie legal battle, he owns that stuff, period. And no matter how much you like these movies, Paramount is not your friend. They're a huge media conglomerate, and this movie is gonna make hundreds of millions of dollars. They can afford to throw a comic guy a bone if they used his material. Comic creatives deserve to be compensated fairly for their work, even ones we don't like. Yeah, this whole situation is absurd, but I don't want folks to lose sight of that
Hopefully, if he does have a case, that's all that happens. He gets cut a paycheck and it ends there. If he doesn't have a case, he's up against fucking Paramount trying to defend their latest tentpole blockbuster film franchise. Whatever happens, I sincerely doubt that this will put future films in any sort of danger, so please don't let that fear color your response to this news. He does not want to cancel the movies. He wants royalties. And again, there is no lawsuit happening right now. Please do not go spreading around rumors about there being another lawsuit. We're currently at the phase where he tweets about wanting to talk to his lawyers, and tweets are not legal action
But boy. It just never ends, huh? Jesus fucking Christ. Whatever the end result, I bet Paramount's gonna be going over the story ideas for the Knuckles show with a fine-toothed comb. Or maybe they'll just pay Penders off and lean into it. Who knows! I don't. I am not a lawyer, I am a random furry artist who has become the Sisyphus of the Sonic comic fandom. Like Sisyphus, my torments never end, so expect more posts about this as this situation develops (if it goes anywhere)
(In the meantime: please don't bother arguing with Penders on Twitter about this. I know it's fun to try to ratio him, but no argument, no matter how airtight, is going to convince him of anything in the court of Twitter. Even if he is often full of shit, he is right when he says that he's successfully argued the case for his copyrights in court, and you are a random Sonic fan presumably less than half his age. It's not worth it. Go enjoy your weekend.)
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vanderlustwords · 3 years
What if Steve leaves and she finds out she’s pregnant? I really love your alternate ending where he leaves for Peggy and wondering if you could write more about it. Doesn’t have to be him leaving a child behind that was just a question that popped into my head
Pairing: (past) Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Please do not repost/translate anywhere. Reblogs/Comments are much welcomed ♥
Continuation of: This Dress is Karma || Alternate Ending
Warnings: unbeta'd. Angst ending for Steeb.
Note: I don't know how you roped me into writing a 2.3k continuation but here I am LOL
Count: ~2.3k
You shut the door with a soft click, waiting until you hear the quiet footsteps fade away. The lump in your throat gets harder to swallow as you turn around, leaning back against the door and let out a shaky sigh.
You can't help but think those were some brave words you said to Steve. You desperately wanted them to be true. You did want to be so happy that it would physically pain Steve if he were to ever witness it.
You wanted it to be true that you were never going to see him again because he had hurt you so much, and he needed to stay away from you.
But when you lift your trembling hand to your stomach, you wonder if everything you said had been nothing more than a brave front.
"You alright?"
You immediately look up and see Bucky stepping out of the guest room, fully dressed with towel-dried hair.
You swallow and force a smile as you drop your hand.
"Yeah, you ready to head out?" You ask him as you stand up straight.
Bucky nods with a grumble before he grabs a strand of his hair. "I need a haircut first, though. Do you think we could find a barber first?"
"Sure," you say, turning around and opening the door with Bucky following you behind.
"You sure everything is okay?" Bucky asks you again.
The way your throat feels raw, the hysterical words that want to escape your mouth make you feel dizzy. You want to put your hand against your stomach again as if to see if you could suddenly feel a bump.
But you refrain because Bucky would get suspicious. Well, he'd probably think you had a stomachache first, but if you didn't stop acting strange, he would pry.
"Everything's fine," you mumble.
As the weeks pass, more and more things begin to slip from you.
There is a layer of never-ending panic that sits right beneath your skin, crawling and setting your nerves on fire.
When you began to get morning sickness and threw up into the toilet, you began to shake.
The reality of your situation began to hit you.
You were pregnant.
With Steve's child.
Steve, who had abandoned you and was grey and old and probably would pass away soon.
The notion of it all had you throwing up in the toilet again.
You were alone, and you were scared.
What were you going to do? You couldn't rely on Steve anymore.
You looked down at your relatively flat stomach still, placing your hand against it.
There was a life growing inside you. What were you going to do?
It was harder to hide when Bucky came over almost every other day, even though he didn't live with you. He had stayed for a week after the confrontation with Steve but quickly found his own place.
Initially, that had made you feel more alone, like everyone couldn't wait to escape from you. But it had worked out when you needed alone time.
Bucky was currently in your kitchen, cooking up steaks for lunch for the two of you.
The smell of it made you deathly pale.
"What's going on with you?" Bucky asked with a frown as he set the steaks aside to rest.
You had to swallow hard before you could answer. "Nothing," you said weakly. "I'm—I'm sorry. I know you came all the way here to cook but I'm not really hungry."
"You've been saying that for days now, doll," Bucky pursed his lip. "I feel like I haven't seen you eat a proper meal lately. What's going on? I know things have been...hard. Especially since you last saw Steve, but this isn't okay. I need you to eat something in front of me that isn't pretzels, bananas, or bread."
The idea of sliding a piece of steak basted in butter had your stomach knot itself painfully.
You shook your head, but when Bucky insisted, slicing the steak and you watched the juices run, you couldn't hold it in anymore.
You took off to the bathroom in haste.
"Hey—" Bucky called out and took off after you, but you were quick to shut the door before you fell to your knees over the toilet and hurled.
"What's wrong?" Bucky yelled through the door, trying to jiggle it open but found you had locked it. "Open the door, doll. I just want to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine," you said shakily as you grabbed some toilet paper and wiped your mouth, eyes hot with tears. "I just—I just haven't been feeling well."
The silence on the other side of the door only lingered for a moment before Bucky used his metal arm to turn the doorknob so hard, it broke open.
He found you sitting on the floor, over the toilets, eyes rimmed red and your face pale.
Bucky carefully walks in and kneels slowly before you.
He thinks back the couple of weeks and how you've been going to the bathroom a lot more, and how you don't like going to restaurants to eat. You've been eating at home and the strangest things and wearing more flowy shirts.
He looks at your face, and the way you're trying to hold back your tears makes Bucky feel dread.
"Doll..." he calls you softly. "Are you—Are you pregnant?"
You let out a choked sob in response, face dropping as you close your eyes.
Bucky's quick to hold you in his arms as he strokes your back, his heart dropping.
There was only one person who could've gotten you pregnant.
There had been some dumb shit Steve's done the entire time Bucky's known him. Always getting into scraps he couldn't finish, always prideful when Bucky wanted to help him.
But it had been the first time Bucky's ever been so fucking pissed at Steve. It was the first time Bucky couldn't defend or make an excuse for his friend.
"Bucky, what am I going to do?" You trembled in his arms. "I can't—Steve isn't—I want to keep it but I'm alone."
Bucky swallowed so hard it was painful.
There was no fucking way he was ready to be a dad or step up in any kind of way—that is, if you even let him.
Fuck, you two didn't even have feelings for each other or anything. There was something, maybe, Bucky thought for the future. But now?
"You're not alone," Bucky reassured, keeping his voice still for your sake. "I'm here. I'm here all the way and I'm not gonna leave you, doll. Ever."
You manage to keep the fact that you're pregnant under the wraps easily. It helps that since saving the world, no one really meets up anymore. A part of you worries because you can't find Wanda anywhere, but you know she can find you if she wanted to.
Sam might be the only other person who knows, and Bucky was begrudging when accepting his help.
Months pass, and you're surprised how dedicated Bucky is. You're pretty sure you're on the verge of a mental breakdown constantly. A part of you worries Steve will show up, but Bucky reassures you that there's nothing Steve could do even if he did show up.
"Fuck..." you swore as Bucky was in the middle of figuring out how to build the crib the two of you got from Ikea. He looks up at you alarmingly. "I think my water just broke."
"Oh, shit, okay, okay!" Bucky jumps up right away and starts running around to grab the prepared bag as he helps you out into the car. "Don't panic!"
"Bucky, I'm literally about to push a baby out of my body. I'm going to fucking panic if I want to," you snap, and Bucky bites his lip to refrain from speaking as he zips through traffic.
"Oh, god," you say under your breath. You were having a baby. You were actually going to have a baby.
"Bucky, you can't just carry her everywhere," you grumbled as you pushed the stroller through the park. "You're spoiling her."
"Yes, I can. She wants me to carry her and whatever my princess wants, she gets." Bucky declared indignantly at you while sticking his tongue out.
You sighed with a smile.
You couldn't believe a year has passed. Despite the time passing, you never really felt fully prepared as a mother. You were scared you were fucking it up all the time if you're honest.
Bucky holds your hand, and you give him a shy smile. That was new too. Slow and steady, as Bucky has always been, and you think you were falling for him because of that.
When you look up, your heart stops.
"Oh," Steve blinked.
Another year has passed, but you find Steve doesn't look too different. A little more tired perhaps, but still...Steve.
You feel panic creep up in your chest that threatens to become a panic attack before Bucky squeezes your hand.
"Breathe, doll," he whispers encouragingly to you, but it's loud enough for Steve to catch.
You do as he says, taking a few calming breaths. You want to keep walking, but it seems Steve can't stop staring at the child in Bucky's arms.
"Why don't you take Hazel to the pond? She really likes looking at the ducks," you tell Bucky, and he nods, warily looking at you and Steve. He sends Steve a curt nod before he takes the stroller with him and walks off.
Steve's eyes trail after Bucky.
You know then that he knows. It's not hard after all. Hazel looks like a spitting image of Steve, something that had been hard for you to deal with at first. Her blonde hair and blue eyes—the blue eyes were easier since Bucky's eyes were blue too, even if a darker shade.
But Hazel was so lovely; you loved her so easily.
"When did you know?" Steve asked.
You shrugged. "The day before we all saved the world."
"Why didn't you say anything?" Steve's voice was pained and betrayed, and you cocked your brow at him.
"Why? So you would stay?"
"Yes, I would have!" Steve insisted.
The sheer stupidity of the situation had you give a humourless laugh.
"The last thing I want is for you to stay because of a baby, Steve. You wanted to leave, despite everything, you chose to leave. We would only hate each other in the long run."
"That's not true," Steve denied. "When I made that choice, it wasn't because I didn't love you anymore."
"No, you just didn't love me enough."
The words rang clear, almost throwing Steve off-kilter.
The silence fell, and the two of you could hear Hazel laughing with Bucky in the distance as she shrieked.
"Don't you think I deserved to know about her?" Steve asked with his lips pursed.
"No," you answered honestly. "What do you, a 90 something-year-old man, have to offer her? You certainly can't step up and be her father. Your time keeps running out and the last thing I need is for Hazel to have instability. Did you want to be her grandfather? She's already met mine, so do you want to pretend to be Bucky's?"
"So, you're just gonna lie to her and let her think Bucky is her dad?"
Your eyes flash angrily.
"Bucky is her dad. He's the only dad that counts in every way. Do you know how hard it was for me? I was scared shitless, Steve. You can delude yourself into thinking otherwise, but you're unreliable. I couldn't come to you for help," you snap at him. "Do you know who was there every time I was puking my guts out, crying or screaming, or wanted pickles with peanut butter at 2AM? Who do you think was there for every appointment. Who bought fifty parenting and baby books to study religiously? It was Bucky. Even though I knew he was scared too, he was there. So, don't fucking try to make me and Bucky look like the bad guy. You have NOTHING to offer to Hazel."
Steve stood there wide-eyed, guilt crowding over his eyes. Steve doesn't want to say he regrets going back because that would mean a lifetime of regrets he can't get back.
"You're right," Steve said slowly, trying to appease your anger. "I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. It's not my place to say anything."
Even though Steve says it, he looks over to the little girl squealing in Bucky's arms. He looks at her blonde hair that she clearly got from him and your nose.
He and Peggy had children—children he loved more than anything.
But...the idea of his child with you...that was another reality he missed.
It seems to be that way always for him, Steve thought somberly. He was always missing something. Maybe you had been right about him.
Steve listens as you take a deep breath in and exhale.
"Do you want to meet her?" You offer, and Steve can tell it's difficult for you to say those words.
"If you're okay with it," Steve said slowly.
You nod stiffly. "It's fine as long as you respect my wishes and refrain from telling her you're her bio dad. I want to save that conversation for when she's older and able to understand it more."
You don't say it, but Steve is already thinking how he'll most likely be gone by then.
The two of you begin to walk towards Bucky and Hazel.
"What will you tell her?" Steve asked.
"The truth," you shrug. "That you were the world's greatest hero and you loved her and would've loved to get to know her if you stayed, but you didn't and it wasn't her fault."
"Right, it was mine," Steve felt a sting in the back of his throat.
"I don't think it was anyone's fault," you tell him. "It's just karma, Steve. I wasn't enough for you and now you're not enough for Hazel."
Right, Steve thought somberly as he looked at you in your summer dress. It was different from the sexy red one that used to drive him insane.
It was a calm peace, a show of your motherhood and graceful maturity.
This dress is karma, too.
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calqlate · 2 years
analysing the voices of the tot mls
warning(s): includes spoilers from/references to artem's 'atmospherics' ssr, vyn's 'a star in the night' ssr, vyn's origins, luke's personal story chapter 2, marius' 2021 halloween mr
view m.list!
— [note: i wrote this during the rrg2 event so this explains my a/n following this note] i'm a sucker for good voices so here's me expanding on my thoughts on the tot mls' voices (especially since i had to change artem's language setting from japanese (due to the current covid situation in japan, some of his lines from the rrg2 event are not recorded in time. in addition, his va [suwabe junichi] was confirmed to have gotten covid) to korean) and man, hearing 당신 instead of 君(は) is really quite a change :")
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— artem wing
simplified chinese: tbh my personal favourite out of his 4 voices HAHAHAH also pls idk why i keep thinking of that one scene he sang chinese opera music HAHAHAHAH. the register is somewhere in the middle which was just right (perfectly balanced, as it should be). sounds a bit calm when he argues with mc in 'atmospherics' (like DUDE JUST GET MAD it sounds like i'm listening to an android omg) but he got a little condescending at the end so he still passes the vibe check!
traditional chinese: a little bit deeper than the scn dub but it's still pretty good nonetheless! very comforting, 10/10 would want to hear this kind of voice to cheer me up on a bad day.
japanese: someone said his japanese dub sounds like an old man and i cannot unhear it ever since 😭 whoever spoiled artem's japanese dub for me... i hope you won't draw an ssr anytime soon. n e ways yes i feel like the japanese dub is well-suited for the "superior at work" setting and also ticks the checkbox of "shy virgin at relationships falls in love". also has a very comforting vibe! definitely sounded annoyed(?) and mad when he argued with mc in 'atmospherics' and his va did a good job!
korean: his korean dub gives me highkey polite sunbae vibes (and i wonder why...) and the very shy but still concerned guy who would give the fl his jacket because it's too cold (100% gentleman vibes tbh). ALSO gives me borderline jumin vibes???? maybe it's just me HAHAHAHA. sounds a little too calm when he argues with mc in 'atmospherics' and kinda embodies 'the calm before the storm' vibe (but the thing is: the storm never comes).
— vyn richter
simplified chinese: the gentleman element in his character shines the best in his scn dub!! nails the whole royalty vibe very well imo! also very asmr-able, and would be the best morning voice to wake up to omg. it's also comforting in a way that how a dad would walk his child through what the kid's done wrong and why it's wrong, and explain why the kid should apologise first.
traditional chinese: a little nasal and higher pitched than expected, which in my book doesn't tally with his overall persona, so his tcn dub is not really a favourite of mine. his va still did a good job though!
japanese: whoever casted his japanese va... you're doing god's work. very well paired and i approve 👍 his japanese dub is also comforting but in a different way from artem's (i have zero idea how to explain this properly and hopefully you get the gist of it AAA) and suits the whole psychiatrist vibe.
korean: it's a little deeper than i'd expected and if you could combine voices, he sounds like jumin and zen put together. very calming and would oddly make for a good kidnapper voice (HEAR ME OUT FIRST: yk how in kidnapping scenes, the victim is blindfolded and the kidnapper is talking really calmly about the possible things he could do to the victim? YEAH THAT) and also gives me boyfriend vibes (idk it's especially so in his 'a star in the night' ssr).
— luke pearce
simplified chinese: v cheerful and matches his sunny disposition very well! also a very asmr-able voice HAHAHAHA (flashback to the sotn pv). angry luke in scn sounds so exasperated LMAO his vibe is like "i've been gone for 8 years and i can't believe you don't tell me things that i've missed during those years"
traditional chinese: has that bright undertone like his scn dub. angry luke in tcn sounds very worried which was fitting for the context of his personal story ig???
japanese: he exudes this unexplainable confidence in the japanese dub! also i am scared of angry luke in japanese the most. i wld most likely start yelling back at japanese dub luke tbh, even if he yells tatakae at me. angry japanese luke is the most intimidating out of the other dubs, would not recommend to piss off.
korean: his korean dub gives me soft boy vibes?? yk how some male leads in krdramas speak very gently to a girl they like? yeah that. also angry luke in korean sounds like the very concerned oppa you see in kdramas when the fl nearly gets into trouble but the ml manages to save her.
— marius von hagen
simplified chinese: SOMEONE CALL THE HORNY DEPARTMENT BC HIS SCN DUB MAKES ME WANNA DRENCH MYSELF IN A BATHTUB OF HOLY WATER (especially his 2021 halloween mr HOLY SHIT i swear his scn dub va knows what he's doing). very sexc for no reason (other than quenching the insatiable horny jiejie thirst of the marius stans) and also has those childish and confident elements you'd expect from reading his dialogue.
traditional chinese: similar to scn but it's higher pitched. still pretty good, no complaints here!
japanese: since i'm a japanese dub user, i'm very used to hearing the japanese dub, but i think it fits his character very well! his va nailed the childishness and confidence you'd expect from reading his dialogues.
korean: he gives me yoosung vibes in the korean dub and idk why???? he sounds like the very respectful dongsaeng who would listen to you and also remind you he's always got your back??? the childishness element is not very strong in his korean dub which kinda tones down his whole persona imo
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viking-raider · 3 years
Peas in a Pod *Cotton Candy Goodness*
Summary: You and Henry celebrate Father's Day with your daughter, in one of Henry's favorite places in the world, and it's eventful!
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2,665
Warning: G - Cotton Candy Fluff, Language, Light Angst, Dad!Henry
Inspiration: Father's Day, two real events that happened to me, my sister and nephew.
Author's Note: Much love to @wondersofdreaming! Divider by @firefly-graphics
If you would like to be added to my Tag List, follow my tag list blog, @viking-raider-taglist and turn on the notifications!
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Henry grinned as he opened the back car door and heard the excited squeal of his two year old daughter as she bounced and kicked her legs in her car seat. “Are you excited, gorgeous?” He cooed at her, leaning in to unbuckle and pull her out of her seat, laughing as she let out another squeal.
“We'll take that as a yes.” You chuckled, appearing beside them with the stroller, smiling at your husband and daughter.
Henry smiled back at you, kissing your cheek, before settling your daughter in her stroller. “I'm really excited about this.” He said, taking your hand and pushing her stroller towards the front gates of the Durrell Zoo.
“I know you are.” You smiled up at him, giving his hand a squeeze.
It was Father's Day, and while your and Henry's daughter was two years old, Henry was regrettably working on his very first Father's Day, missing the opportunity to celebrate it with her, something that had crushed his heart. But, this time, Henry had purposely made sure he had no work projects or engagements to keep him away from spending this one with his two favorite girls. Not only that, he wanted to take your daughter on their first Father's Day to a place that held special meaning to him, to a place where he had gone countless times on the holiday as a young child himself.
The Durrell Zoo on his home island of Jersey.
So, the three of you traveled to St. Helier from London, much to the added excitement of Henry's parents. They always wanted to see their granddaughter, since the Cavill boys tended to produce grandsons; so a granddaughter was like the holy grail in the Cavill household. Neither you or Henry were sure you would be getting her back, once Marianne had her, spoiling her rotten. But, it did give you both a few hours of blissful alone time, going out to dinner and an evening stroll on the beach.
You could feel how giddy Henry was without even looking at him, he was practically vibrating with excitement and joy. He had talked about taking her to the Durrell Zoo since seeing those two pink lines on the pregnancy test all that time ago. Showing her all the animals, having her meet Ben the Bat, sharing his love and knowledge about the species and conservation, creating new memories in the park to go with the ones he already had as a kid or when he proposed to you, by the otter enclosure, where the two of you had met, thanks to Kal, almost five years before.
You watched him kneel down beside her stroller as you stopped by different animal pens, pointing them out to her, her blue eyes wide with innocence and fascinated, your heart warm and melting.
“That's a Galápagos tortoise.” Henry was explaining to her, as they stared at the large shelled reptile. “They can live for a really long time! Almost a hundred and fifty years.” He said, making shocked and fascinated faces at her, not bothered by the fact she might not completely understand what he was telling her.
But, she was still excited, squirming in her stroller, knowing by the tone of her beloved Daddy's voice and the expression in his matching blue eyes and on his face that it had to be something really cool and wonderful, if he was acting like that. You smiled at the pair of them, two peas in a pod, always had been and likely always would be.
“What are you smiling at?” Henry asked, standing back up beside you.
“Two peas in a pod.” You replied, voicing your thoughts to him. “You and her are like two peas in a pod.”
“Well, that's simply not true.” Henry replied, stirring her stroller out of the reptile house.
“Oh?” You chuckled at him.
“We're three peas in a pod.” He answered, pressing his lips to your forehead. “Hey, how about some ice cream?” He suggested, perking up as he saw the little ice cream stand.
“Oh, that does sound super nice.” You nodded at him.
“Cream, Da! Cream!” Your daughter chanted back, twisting in her stroller to look up at him.
“Good lord, Puppy.” You gasped, seeing the puppy dog face she gave him, puffing out her little bottom lip. “She's got your pouty face down to a fine science.” You grinned, eyes bright with amusement and teasing.
“I'm scared, Nugget.” Henry replied, staring directly into her eyes and frozen in place, like he was being entranced by a snake charmer.
“Why?” You snorted, your cheeks starting to hurt from how hard you were smiling.
“I didn't bring enough money.” He mumbled, his eyes losing a bit of focus.
“What are you talking about, Hen?” You blinked at him, some of your amusement lost as you looked at him. “The ice cream is only £2.00.” You told him, pointing to the price sign on the front of the ice cream stand.
Henry gulped and licked his lips. “But, what if she wants all of it?” He asked, blinking at your daughter, their eyes still locked.
You dropped your face into your hand, your chin resting on your chest. You stayed that way for a moment, before your shoulders started to shake and a laugh slowly bubbled out of you, turning into a full blown laughing fit.
“Oh, for fuck sake.” You roared, grinning like mad, you reached into Henry's back pocket and pulled out his wallet, removing his bank card. “Come on, Hen. I'll do the ordering, so you don't get tempted by the Puppy charmer over there.” You teased, tugging on his arm.
“Okay, that's a good idea.” He nodded, turning her stroller towards the line with you leading the way, still giggling to yourself.
“What flavor do you want, Hen?” You asked, looking up at him.
“Um.” Henry frowned up at the selection board, tapping his foot and chewing on his lip. “I think I'll just have a vanilla.” He said, nodding his head. “Yeah, vanilla.”
“Okay.” You nodded back, picking your flavor and a chocolate for your daughter.
You had just made it up to the counter to order, when there was an anxious and agitated disturbance ripple through the crowd, that made you look away from the ice cream worker, frowning and looking around to see what the problem was.
“Hey, is that your baby?” A voice in the line behind you asked.
“What!?” Henry's voice barked back and looked into her stroller.
Sure enough, her stroller was empty and Henry's head jerked in the direction the stranger was pointing, to see her pull-up padded butt half-waddling and half-running towards the nearby enclosure for the meerkats. Henry's heart ruptured in his chest and he shot out of the ice cream line, dodging and weaving around people, even pushing a couple out of the way. He pounded pavement harder as she dropped onto her hands and knees, crawling underneath a heavy chain that blocked access to a gate that led into the enclosure for the Zoo employees to access it for major repairs and changes to the exhibit. Henry just managed to jump over the chain as she reached the gate, pulling herself up on it, and got his hands on her, scooping her up into his arms and pressing her against his chest, huffing out of breath, cupping the back of her head in his palm and burying his flushed and sweaty face into her soft curls.
“Is she all right?” You asked, rushing over to him, eyes wide with fear and concern.
Henry nodded at you, still out of breath and frightened himself to speak.
“Thank god.” You sighed, pressing a hand to your forehead. “Our little escape artist.” You said, trying to lighten the situation now that it was over and she was safe and unharmed. “Hen, she's okay.” You told him a few minutes later, as the three of you sat at a picnic table, eating the ice creams.
“I know.” He replied, gently wiping the dribble of ice cream off your daughter's chin; he hadn't put her down since stopping her attempted visit with the meerkats.
You smiled softly at him, seeing he was still rattled by the incident, by how he held her close to him, tucking her close to his side and under his arm.
It didn't surprise you, Henry was protective about those he loved, but especially your daughter. She was almost like fragile and precious glass to Henry. When she was first born, it had taken you two hours in the hospital to convince him to hold her, because he was so convinced he would end up hurting her. The one time in Henry Cavill's life he thought working out like he does was a bad thing, especially after beefing up for his Syverson role, that he had only completed a month before your daughter was born. He was terrified, with his big muscles and her teeny little newborn body, that he would end up crushing her. But, after coaxing, reassurance and a mild argument, Henry finally held her, and that was all it took, they had become peas in a pod.
Along with you and Kal, of course.
“Why don't we introduce her to Ben?” You suggested, finishing your ice cream, lifting a brow at him. “I bet she'd love to meet her Superhero-Uncle.” You chuckled, grinning at him.
“I think that's a good idea.” Henry agreed, cleaning the last bits of his own ice cream from his mustache, before tossing his crumpled napkin into the trash bin at the end of the table and standing.
“You got her?” You asked, lifting your brows at him.
“Yeah.” He nodded, turning in the direction of the bat roost, knowing the Zoo better than the mews back in London. “There he is.” Henry smiled, pointing out the fruit bat as he hung upside down in his enclosure. “Looky, baby.” He cooed at your daughter, bouncing her gently in his arms. “That's Ben, he's a fruit bat that Daddy adopted just before you were born.” He explained to her, brushing his thumb over her plump cheek.
“Can you say, Bat?” He asked her, lifting his brow at her. “Bat.” He repeated. slowly pronouncing the word to her.
“At.” She replied, her little brows pinched in concentration.
“Close enough, angel.” Henry chucked, kissing her cheek, then playfully blew a raspberry into the nook of her neck and shoulder, making her squeal and shriek in merriment.
“Uh-oh, someone's getting sleepy.” You cooed, watching her yawn, then tuck herself into Henry's chest.
“Yeah.” He agreed, patting and rubbing her back. “We should probably go, it's past her nap time.” He said, gently rocking side to side as they left the roost. “Minus the great Durrell escape, it was a really good day.” He commented, as you started heading for the Zoo's exit.
“Yeah, it was.” You agreed, smiling up at him.
“Oh, it's the peafowl.” Henry commented as the colorful bird landed in front of you on the walkway. “A male, by the looks of it.”
“How do you tell?” You asked, frowning at the bird.
“It has colorful and long feathers, only male peafowls, what are known as peacocks, are known for them. Females, or peahens, have shorter and brown feathers.” He explained to you, moving by it.
“How are you an actor and not a zoologist?” You teased him, going to move around the peacock, only to have the animal move in your way and spread its feathers at you, shaking them. “Cute.” You commented and tried to go past it again, but it again blocked your way, fanning out and shaking its feathers.
“What's it doing?” You asked, looking over at Henry.
Henry shook his head at you, his brow creased as he watched the bird continue its behavior towards you. “I don't know. But, I don't like it.” He replied, biting his lip and shifting your daughter in his arms.
“Is there an issue here?” A voice asked, one of the Zoo workers appearing.
“Yeah, the peacock won't allow my wife to pass.” Henry replied, motioning to you and the bird with his head.
The Zoo worker looked at you and the peacock, then instantly smirked, chuckling at the situation.
“You think this is funny?” You asked, annoyed by now.
“Yes, actually I do.” He nodded at you, still laughing. “It's trying to mate with you.”
Your brows shot up. “It's trying to what now?”
“He's trying to mate with you.” The Zoo worker repeated, grinning at you. “He seems to have taken a liking to you.” He explained, carefully putting himself between you and the peacock. “For some reason, Argus, that's his name, is attracted to lady's with your hair color, and when he encounters them, he does his best to mate with them.”
“Should I be worried?” Henry asked, lifting a brow at you, a smug grin on his lips. “I didn't have to shake my tail feathers that hard for you to fall in love with me.”
“Men.” You huffed, rolling your eyes. “You're all the same.” You sighed, edging around Argus, now that the Zoo worker had given you an opening. “In all species.” You added, looking over your shoulder at the bird.
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“Well, did you have a good Father's Day, Henry?” You asked, once you three were back in the car.
“It was amazing.” Henry grinned at you and glanced into the back of the car, where your daughter was sound asleep in her car seat. “It'll make a great story to tell in the years to come. Her trying to climb into the meerkat enclosure and you getting hit on by a peacock. Nothing could have made it any better.”
“Not even a fourth pea in our pod?” You asked, biting your lip at him.
Henry froze and looked at you wide eyed, his mouth slowly falling open. “Are you..” A smile pulled across his face and his eyes lit up. “Are you pregnant again?” He asked, shifting in the driver's seat with giddy energy.
“I am.” You nodded, grinning excitedly.
“Babe!” He exclaimed, reaching over to pull you across the center console and into his lap, elated at the news as he hugged you and kissed your face. “When did you find out?”
“Yesterday morning.” You replied, rubbing noses with him. “But, I had a suspicion for a little bit.” You explained.
“Why didn't you say anything?”
“Well, I wanted to surprise you.” You told him, chuckling. “And, we both remember what happened with suspicion.” You mumbled, glancing away from him.
Henry nodded, pressing his lips to your temple, it had taken a little while for you and Henry to get pregnant. You had started trying after being married for a year and there had been a lot of false pregnancy tests, many built up hopes that ended up being torn down with reality. Both of you worried it had something to do with yourselves, medically, and ended up going to a doctor to get tested, but the tests came back normal and the doctor explained that sometimes it was just hard for couples to conceive, but not to give up, and neither of you did, finally resulting in your daughter.
“But, we have her now.” Henry said, turning your head so you looked back at him again, kissing you softly on the lips. “And this one.” He added, gently pressing his hand to your belly. “You've made it the absolute best Father's Day in the world, babe.” He whispered against your lips. “Thank you.”
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clonewarslover55 · 3 years
congrats on sticking with the writing for a year! I love reading your stuff and can't wait to see what you put out in the future.
If your still taking requests can I have a bad batch x reader (you can pick which catcher it is) where they aren't together but like each other and have to pretend to be parents to omega to get out of trouble?
(I hope that makes sense. If it doesn't or it doesn't appeal to you, it's alright. I'm just a sucker for Star Wars Dads like the batch and Din😆)
Pretending to be Omega's parents with Hunter
Hunter X GenderNeutral!Reader
Thank you so much anon!! And yes, this makes perfect sense!! I really loved this request actually!
Notes: I chose Hunter because he is the main dad of the group! Also the reader is gender neutral!
Warnings: Spoilers for the Bad Batch, reader has known them for years so this fits together better(established relationship), Reader and Hunter have some mutual pinning going on ;)
You had worked with the Bad Batch throughout most of the Clone Wars, and they considered you a trustworthy assaset. Of course you were a low life like many others in the galaxy.
You worked odd jobs to make ends meet. From Bounty Hunter to smuggler, you had done it all. The Bad Batch loved you and all that you did, especially when you helped them on jobs or with their ship.
Once the war ended you were making good money off of many jobs, well until some certain clones came knocking on your door. You couldn’t say no to your boys, so you willingly welcomed them back into your life.
Now you were on the run with them; your future career in odd jobs possibly went down the drain now that the Empire was on your ass as well. But oh was it fun working with them again. Sadly Crosshair was left behind and now a slave to the Empire instead of the Republic. You’d miss the grouchy bastard. You’d help your boys get him back soon though.
Since the last time you saw them, the Bad Batch had also gained a new member. A sweet little blonde girl named Omega. She was absolutely adorable, and Hunter had clearly adopted her in his head. He’d do anything for that kid.
It was precious. And it only made your attraction to him grow.
You had always liked Hunter a bit more than the others…..In a different way as well. You believed the feeling was mutual. Well, you hoped it was.
*The Havoc Marauder,(The Bad Batch’s ship), Space.*
Currently you are sitting in the ship, Omega sitting in your lap. You were telling her a story about some Bounty Job you had done a few years back. It was an incredible story, and of course you were the badass in it.
You exaggerated the story a bit, and Hunter clearly noticed. You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, Hunter looking at you with a knowing smirk. You winked at him before turning your full attention back to Omega.
Her eyes were wide as she listened with great interest. Every now and then she’d interrupt you with a question. She was extremely curious, but still a sweetheart.
“We’re nearly there. The market town is rather large but we could still be noticed. The Empire clearly has a hold on the city.” Tech spoke, glancing at everyone in the ship. “The only way in is with disguises.”
You sat down Omega, “We’ll finish the story later.” You whispered, winking at the young girl. She grinned widely, winking back.
Wrecker laughed from the back, setting down the Gonk droid. “Yeah! Our armor does stand out huh?!” He punched Echo’s shoulder, Echo winching and glaring at his brother. You grinned at the boys.
“Oh I have an idea for Hunter and you.” Tech looked at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Tech knew you and Hunter had been pinning after one another for some time, neither of you making a move. So he’d make the move for you both.
You could nearly read their minds at this point. So you knew just what he had in mind. You glared at Tech, “Bastard.” You mouthed, Tech shrugging his shoulders. Hunter raised his eyebrows, glancing at you both.
“What?” Hunter asked, crossing his arms as he stood up from his seat.
“You two go in, wearing civilian clothes of course. Take Omega…..and pretend to be her parents. No one would have any idea who you are. You’d just be a couple out with their child, shopping the day away.” Hunter glanced at you, something alight in his dark eyes.
“I love this idea!!” Omega chirped, grinning widely at you and Hunter. “We’d be a good family!!” Tech and Echo smirked at you and Hunter. Wrecker looked as oblivious as Omega, but still just as happy.
You smiled nervously at Hunter who merely nodded his head. “Fine.” You spoke as you stood up, walking into the back to change your clothes. Hunter patted Tech’s shoulder as passed him, following you.
Tech grinned at the others once you and Hunter left the room. Omega even knew what was going on. A perfect plan to get you two to hook up!
*The surface of the planet, the ship docks of the market town*
You walked off the ship, your hand holding Omega’s much smaller one. You, Omega, and Hunter were in similar civilian clothes, looking like an average couple with their daughter.
Echo followed with Tech, Wrecker staying on the ship as backup and as a guard. You grinned at their civilian clothes. Echo looked droid like and Tech was in some ugly outfit. Poor Tech looked uncomfortable while Hunter looked extremely comfortable.
“Alright. Separate ways, we grab what we need and bounce.” Hunter spoke, his firm voice making you pay great attention to him. You stared at his lips as he explained the plan.
“Everyone got it?” You nodded even though you hadn’t really listened…..His lips and handsome face were just that distracting. Tech and Echo left first, swiftly disappearing within the crowd of people.
“Alright then. Come on.” Hunter grabbed Omega’s free hand, leading you and her into the market town crowd.
You gently squeezed Omega's hand, “Have that list memorized sweetie?” You questioned, your voice sweet and dripping with honey. Omega grinned at the nickname, nodding eagerly. “Yup!” Hunter smiled back at his “daughter” and you, a soft look in his dark eyes.
About halfway through your little shopping spree Omega paused, looking at a toy cart. You smiled and pulled away from your “husband.” You led Omega to the cart, holding her tiny hand still. Hunter sighed, following you both.
She picked up a toy clone trooper, looking back at you and Hunter with puppy dog eyes. “How can I say no to that?!” You grinned, tossing the vendor the correct amount of credits.
“You spoil her.” Hunter spoke, putting his arm around you. You shrug, “So do you.” Hunter glared at you playfully, the vendor smiling at you both. “Perhaps.” Hunter spoke, leading you away by your waist; Omega followed, one hand holding Hunter’s and the other holding her new toy.
Once you two had all the goods you stopped, out of the way of the crowd of course. “We do make a decent couple don’t we?” You whispered quietly, Hunter’s face inches from yours so he could hear you.
Hunter nodded, Omega ignoring you both as she watched the crowd pass. “We should do this more often shouldn’t we?” He spoke, teasingly brushing his nose against yours. Your face got hot, a wide smile coming onto your face.
“Yes we should.” You whispered, your eyes flicking to his lips. Hunter smirked, finally connecting his lips with yours.
The wonderful kiss was interrupted by Omega screaming, “Ew!!! Tech! Echo! They’re kissing!!!!” You busted out laughing as she screamed over the comms. Hunter clearly died a little bit, hiding his face in your neck.
You laughed harder when you heard the laughing replies. “We’ll never live this down will we?” Hunter questioned. You shrugged, “I hope not.” You muttered, pressing your lips to his once again.
Tags: @leias-left-hair-bun @catsnkooks @azem-thefourteenth @colorfulloverbatturkey @blueberrybubblesandboba @ahsokatano-thetogruta @jedi-mando @peacefulwizardfox @hounding-around @julyzaa @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @fyrepen33 @mistflyer1102 @kamino-mermaid @cherry-cokes-posts @cherry-cokes-world @darmanfi @silverinkandstardust @chewychewyque @majorshiraharu @ravenpuff01 @808tsuika @meabravo @daffodin @commanderrivercc-3628 @captainrexstan @girlvader @ct7567329 @just-some-girl-92 @marvel-starwars-nerd @valkyrieofthehighfae @my-awakened-ghost @mackstrut @katethecrazy @lightning-wolffe @dominhoe-squad @qui-gon-jinn-and-tonic
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teruthecreator · 3 years
You got me curious about the Berdly family post 👀
alright i've been putting off this post long enough. thank you anon for the bait, i will now be taking it since my dumbass body hates sleeping so damn much.
without further ado, my Berdly Family Headcanons
(chucking this under a readmore bc it's gonna get LONG)
starting off, i don't have a last name in mind. giving characters first names is already enough of a challenge, so the expectation that i would have a family name is beyond my paygrade (note: toby fox is not paying me). but i think with the last name conventions we've seen from the deltarune cast (dreemurr, holiday) it's probably something bird-related??? i honestly can't think of anything so i'm skipping right past it and onto the actual people
starting off with peter, berdly's father! yes, he has a normal name. he's allowed. (but also because i tried to keep the names within the realm of birds that are blue, and my dad used to have a blue parakeet named petey and i've always thought that was a rlly good bird name. so now berdly's dad gets it).
peter works in marketing for a reputable pharmaceutical company and has been for Years. in the early years of his marriage to berdly's mother (who will be named in a moment), he tried to keep his traveling to a minimum (traveling is a BIG part of that line of work) so he could be with her as they built their family. but as time went on, kids were born, and bills piled up; peter eventually had to sacrifice being an incredibly-present father to climb up the corporate ladder in order to make ends meet. he's become quite successful over the years!! but this has come at a cost of him not being the most in-tune with his children, which will show more as i explain. he's very Goal-Oriented and, because his goals are all so high, he has a tendency to pass that high demand onto his children. in his eyes, you go into Two Fields: Science or Business. this means that he has a very low tolerance for "frivolous pursuits" such as the arts, english, or the humanities. he used to be Very on top of his children about this, teaching them about how they can succeed through these avenues and these avenues Only. again, since he's so goal and business oriented, his idea of "success" means "wealthy".
berdly's mother is quite the opposite. or, was lmao. sorry to spoil my own post. ANYWAYS her name is jayne and she's a lot softer, in comparison to her more hard-headed husband.
jayne is a stay-at-home mother and a poet. she made sure to fill the bookshelves with alllllllll the classics, and she began reading to her children as infants. because of this, they were raised with a love for reading (especially berdly, who i've explained in another post is a Big writing nerd) as well as a deep love for jayne. when gerson boom was alive, the two would talk literature after church and gerson would even collaborate with jayne in some of his novels! jayne is published herself, but her works are all on a lot smaller of a scale. she didn't achieve the kind of fame and notoriety gerson did, but she was never really looking for that anyway. to her, a good day was spending as much time with her children as possible, then winding down with her beloved in bed as she wrote whatever ideas came to mind before sleep. she often pushed back against her husband's harsh dictations on what success means (and, really, how could he have such thoughts when his own wife is an artist? the answer is: his ruling on that wasn't always So strict) and encouraged her children to express themselves as they saw fit. as long as it made them happy, then it was fine. she was also close with toriel (i imagine her, toriel, asgore, rudy, and carol all went to college together and then followed each other back to hometown) and spent a lot of time socializing their kids together while they chatted over tea (this is the start of berdly's "rivalry" with kris). generally, jayne was well-loved by the community and by her own family, which made her the happiest woman in the world.
but before i finish her story, why don't i suddenly and randomly jump to berdly's older sister, who is Also named jayne (though she goes mostly by "jay" or "janey" Or "jj" if she likes you well enough).
(jayne is actually her middle name, but she goes by it for Reasons I Shall Get To)
jay is Much older than berdly. like, i'm imagining around 8 years older. so when berdly is 16 (which is the age i put him at in canon), she's 24. because of this, there relationship wasn't always the best... she just had a lot of trouble adapting to having a new person in the house, especially since she was the only child for so many years!! she's not as loud as berdly, but she isn't shy either. she just knows how to assert herself at a normal volume/intensity LMAO. she was never a Bad sister, she just kind of acted like a surrogate parent most of the time since her dad couldn't always be around. which, as a baby child myself, i Know caused some deep resentment to build up within berdly, which would bubble up when he got a bit older. but when he was Little he mostly just pouted and whined whenever jay would try to make him do his homework or eat his brussel sprouts.
in canon times, she is in grad school for biology (primarily microbiology). science just kind of was her Thing--regardless of her father's assertions--so it worked out that she went into the field that would get her the most praise from peter. she hasn't been back to hometown since she moved out for undergrad, though, so needless to say it's not like she's really looking for her father's approval. she's had several papers published on her findings with her fellow graduates, and she's on-track to end up with a research facility studying the microbiology of monsters and how "determination" affects their chemical makeups, in the hope that it creates better treatments for those who have fallen down. she's definitely softened over the years and deeply regrets leaving her little brother all alone, but she doesn't really see a point in reaching out. berdly has made it Very Clearly that he Doesn't like her, and as much as that pains her she doesn't want to give him anymore grief.
okay, Now i will talk about the mom stuff again
so this family could've been perfectly normal, right? perfectly healthy, perfectly happy, in a perfectly perfect world....
but then how would that explain berdly's current demeanor? and why he so desperately craves the approval of the adults around him? and why "being smart" is so damn important to his image?
well, jayne dies. that's how this perfect family (with some minor flaws) falls completely apart.
berdly is probably around 9 or 10 years old. he's decent friends with kris, but quickly becoming close friends with noelle (who lives a bit closer and also is coming over a lot because jay babysits them both when dess is busy during baseball season). jay is 17 or 18, about to graduate high school and start the rest of her life. peter is out on a business trip, where he's been for about two months.
jayne is watching her children from the back porch (berdly, noelle, and jay are playing cops and robbers--with jay as the cop and the other two as the robbers) when she suddenly collapses. jay notices immediately and rushes over to her mom, obviously concerned for her well-being. jayne is unconscious and doesn't look to be that responsive, so an ambulance is called and she's rushed to the local hospital. rudy holiday comes to pick up berdly and noelle to take them back to the holiday home, but berdly is too upset to be separated from his big sister so he ends up taking them all to the hospital. peter is contacted and immediately books a flight home for that day.
"i'll be there by midnight," he tells his oldest daughter. "just keep mom alive until then."
jayne dies within a few hours of her being admitted. peter's flight had just taken off. jay holds her brother in a kind of stupor, listening to him whimper and whine about why they won't let him see mommy.
it was so sudden, doctors barely had enough time to diagnose her with anything before she was gone. all they know is that it was a sudden illness, it could have been lying dormant in her for years but they'll never know for certain, and whatever symptoms it had were virtually untraceable to the average person.
peter comes home to his shell-shocked children and holds them tight, barely able to comprehend his own grief.
jayne's funeral is widely attended. pretty much all of hometown is packed into the church. jay holds her brother's hand while he cries uncontrollably for the entire ceremony--all the way up to them burying her ashes in the cemetery.
what follows after jayne's death is a bunch of messy arguments between jay and her father; born somewhat out of jay's distaste for her father's decision to return to work so quickly, but primarily out of the grief that is rapidly consuming her. she resents her father and accuses him of turning her into a surrogate mother so he wouldn't have to raise his own son, which sends peter into a rage and has him blurt out "well, you share her name for a reason!!!" which is the exact moment jay decides two things:
1. she is going to start going by her mother's name, to honor her memory and carry on her legacy of kindness
2. she is going to carry this legacy on her own, far away from her family
berdly is a mess for a while. he doesn't know why his sister and father are fighting, he's confused, he's sad, he misses his mommy, he misses her stories, he wants everything to be normal, he's just lost. doesn't help that dess disappears not too long after jayne dies (like a year or so, so jay is Already At College by this point), so his best friend is going through the same thing and is, therefore, unable to help. they both form this unbreakable bond mostly through being traumatized by early tragedy, which is why--even when berdly is a Dick--noelle could never truly hate him. they understand each other better than anyone in the whole wide world, and these moments are the basis to that friendship.
when jay moves out and stops returning peter's calls, berdly becomes the target of his father's expectations. not only is berdly expected to become a scientist or a business mogul, but he's also expected to be mature enough to watch over the house whenever peter leaves for work (he actually Does take another pretty lengthy break from his business trips, but he still has to drive an hour away to his office every day so berdly's alone a lot). berdly starts to become isolated and retreats into himself, growing quiet in class and almost fearful of meeting new people. this is probably when his insecurities are at their Highest and he feels the least self-worth.
then, there's the spelling bee, where berdly gains his new character trait: being smart
unfortunately, this meant he basically started following his father's ideologies to a t. he threw himself into his studies (as elementary as they were for a literal 12 year old) and tried to block out the part of himself that loved reading just for the joy of it. he put all of his favorite novels on the highest shelves in the house so he wouldn't be inclined to pick them up, replacing them with mathematics textbooks and encyclopedias. alongside this change, he also makes himself more independent, which gives his father the excuse to start going back on business trips. this isn't good because it isolates berdly once again, but this time he has a coping mechanism: video games
he inherited his sister's old ds when she moved out, but he didn't start doing a lot of Serious Gaming until the christmas he received his first playstation. from there, he became a gaming nerd and basically began to form into the berdly we know presently. are these coping methods healthy? certainly not! does he need therapy? definitely! but we're not even done making berdly's life worse because i haven't even brought up his STEPMOTHER yet!!!!
when berdly is 14, she meets ember, his father's new girlfriend. she's a flame elemental (like the flame people in undertale and deltarune) that peter met on a dating app. he's not particularly a big fan of her; in his opinion, his mother was is and will continue to be the best woman on earth. but his protests are ignored and, before berdly knows it, he's attending the wedding of his father and...this lady. she moves in immediately after and berdly detests every moment he spends sitting next to her at the dining table.
ember isn't a bad woman. she's just...easily distracted. she doesn't have experience raising children, so she falls back on peter for his opinion. which basically means berdly is Still on his own, only now when he comes home he can't blast his favorite game osts while he studies. berdly has the very stereotypical reaction to his stepmom--doesn't like her, doesn't want anything to do with her, just calls her "ms. ember" and That's It. he just wants to get through this chapter in the visual novel known as his life as quickly as possible, so he can go out into the world and become a...science guy, or whatever. DEFINITLY NOT AN AUTHOR!!!! NOPE!!!! OUT OF THE QUESTION!!!! THAT DEFINITELY ISN'T HIS SECRET DESIRE, FUELED SOMEWHAT BY WANTING TO CARRY ON HIS MOTHER'S TORCH!!!! HE WILL DO SCIENCE OR BUSINESS BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT SMART PEOPLE DO
but berdly can't even escape the tragedies of high school before another curveball is thrown his way: better known as robin, berdly's new baby sister.
robin is half-bird monster, half-fire elemental. this translates to her looking like a red bird, instead of a blue bird (also the ends of her feathers sometimes smolder and smoke??? which is cool). hence the name robin.
robin is a baby. there isn't much to say about her. she's a baby and she's very cute and very lovable, and as much as berdly wants to hate her he can't. a part of him wants to stick around robin out of spite of his older sister, who he hasn't been in contact with since that one time she called and he screamed at her over the phone to never speak to him again (which he Maybe regrets. just a little bit). but it doesn't quell the pit of jealousy he gets when he sees ember dote over robin, giving her all the attention she could never bother to give him.
which brings us to the present: where the berdly family is Right Now In Canon
peter is on a business trip and won't be back for another month
jay is in grad school, having not spoken to her family in years and is starting to regret that
berdly, ember, and robin are all home; ember spends her days watching robin, and whenever she's out berdly takes over and helps.
so, uh, yeah!!!! i could probably keep rambling about these guys forever because i love building characters, but i'll leave it here!!! lemme know if you wanna hear more!!! i have satisfied the dark beast within, so now i can rest maybe hopefully god i hope so i have my 9 AM tomorrow
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Sylvester the Cat x Toon!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: I'm just experimenting with the Looney Tune idea so possibly enjoy some cute Sylvester Jr wanting you to be his new other parent.
Warnings: Toon violence?
You're just tying up the ends of Wile E's bandages into a tight little knot, prompting a wince from the coyote and a little board sign saying 'Ouch!'. Immediately you wince, stepping back. "Ohh... sorry, Wile E... I'm not exactly certified... " Daffy made you do this job, seeing as you're worse at sports then any of them- and that's saying something.
His head falls forward slightly and his ears wilt as you step back.
"Okay! Who's nex- " Turning around - picking up some more bandages and band aids in one fist, and an industrial sized tube of Acme branded antiseptic cream tucked under your other arm, - you look about for your next patient.
- And droop as soon as you see what kind if work load is waiting for you. It looks like every toon you know is lined up for medical attention!
The bandages and band aids slip out of your hands and scatter across the floor. "Oh boy." Quickly taking a deep breath to refresh yourself, you perk right up in order to get to it. Okay! "Sly! You're first, what's wro- Uh, hah. Nevermind."
Looking at him... maybe you don't have to ask...
Tweety flies through the giant gaping hole in Sylvester's tummy and the cat gives great sigh, slumping forward. "Why are the only times he's in there are when he can get out!!"
"I know, I know, woe is you. Sit down." You have no time for sympathies right now, you can allocate Sly only 2 minutes- and that's because you like him. The other patients coming get only one. "Okay, Sly!... um... " Oh brother you're stuck. Why do you do with an ailment like this?? Sylvester patiently sits, waiting for you to finish as you set your paws on your hips with a huff... wondering where exactly to go from here. Hm. "Do you maybe... know where your insides... are? Like, presently?"
"Uhh, they were... disintegrated... "
You two share a concerned look. "Maybe... spackle?- "
Just as Sylvester is gulping down his fear at your crazy suggestion, a certain black and white kitten comes speeding out of the crowd at the two of you. "FATHER!" Sylvester Junior stops at his fathers side, eyes wide with worry. "Father! Is he okay, Y/N??"
As you start rifling through your medical kit for something actually useful, you waive a dismissive paw at the kitten. "Oh, don't worry SJ. Your dad has recovered from worse- you know that."
Oh- that gives you an idea! It may not be strictly medical... or orthodox in the least, but its worth a try! Come on- you guys are toons. Straightening up, you look to the court; Searching for the little yellow speck you know is flying around somewhere.
Sylvester Jr nods slowly, pouting. His eyes are big, and round, and adorably full of worry. "Do you think I can sit on his lap safely, Y/N?"
Oh he's just the cutest. You turn back to your patient and raise your brows at him. "Can he?"
Sly perks up at the chance to get some much needed affection - rather then shameful berating, - from his rugrat. "Of course he can- come on, son- oww... " Unfortunately Sylvester Junior throws caution to the wind, and launches his little body at his father- almost going all the way through and causing you to seriously wince, but luckily Sylvester has a good grip on him and sets him in his lap rather then inside the cavern that was his belly. "Aghhh... thanks, son... I feel a lot better now... oof!- "
Sylvester Junior has thrown his arms around his father, and your heart leaps at the adorable scene...
Except- you wouldn't have, if you had heard what was really going on in that hug.
Sylvester's eyes widen and he deadpans at his son, hearing the words that come out in a rushed, hoarse whisper as soon as the hug he thought was genuine closes around his neck. Of course... this is his son, after all...
"How am I doing, Father?? Is Y/N looking?? I've been told that other cats become more inclined to date a cat who's good with children!, and since you're hopeless at that, I've elected myself, your darling baby son, to help you! So, are they looking father??"
"Yes father???"
"I do not need your help to woo anyone, and I'm working on Y/N... " Sly tries to assure Jr, not sounding totally sure as his eyes fall downcast. "Its, uh, just a slow process, is all... " After a moment, he proudly lifts his chin, and he would puff out his chest, if... you know.. it was there... "I got your mother on my own, didn't I??"
Sylvester's proud moment is cut off quickly as his son pulls away from him to give a very deadpanned, sassy expression at the mention of his absentee mother cat. "And where is she, may I ask, father??"
A loud 'Aha!' comes from you a few feet away as you jump up, and grab something right out of the air.
Deeply rolling his eyes, irritation flickering inside him at the antics of his son, Sylvester Sr plonks him down on the bench beside him, angrily crossing his arms. Jr follows suit, looking like an exact replica of his father... except, smaller.
Blinking blankly around to see the two, with Tweety now wriggling around in your paws, you giggle at the sight. "What happened to you two? You were having such a heart warming father-son moment a second ago!"
"I'm full of shame, Y/N. Oh woe... "Sylvester Jr sighs, shaking his head as Sr turns his head slowly to look at him. "How am I to face my friends at the playground... My father- a loser!"
Sylvester pointedly looks away, angry eyes pointing towards the court. "My son... a spoiled brat. How am I ever to show my face in society, again?" An even heavier sigh comes out of Sylvester Jr at that remark, and Sylvester Sr immediately jumps up from the bench, pointing a stern finger at his son. "Oh no ya don't- Don't you dare get out that bag!!"
"But Father! I'm full of shame!" Sylvester Jr whines, holding the paper bag in his lap as you watch the two in wonderment. How they can bicker like this, and still have such an adorable, open relationship you have no clue - some kids are too scared to talk back to their fathers, - but the state of these two's relationship is truly, really endearing to you.
Oh how you love Sly... You catch yourself swooning at the thought of him, and immediately stop yourself. Stop it, Y/N! This is not the time for that. Taking a deep breath, you shake yourself. Okay, back to the task at hand.
Meanwhile, Sylvester snatches the paper bag away from Jr. "Oh, cut that out, wouldja?!"
While there's a pause in the argument, you jump and take your chance to hold up Tweety in front of Sylvester's face- his pupils shrinking at the sight and his teeth growing sharper, somehow.
"Oh no oh no- You mean old puddy tads- using me like this!" Tweety exclaims, wings pressed firmly to your paws and pushing, struggling to wiggle up and out of your tight grip. Yeah yeah, you think. Tell it to the choir.
Hopefully when I let Tweety go, Sly will give chase... and be all better!
Heh... isn't that how it works? It is, right? He'll 'perk right up'! you could say.
"Alright... here goes nothing!" You squeak, closing your eyes and letting Tweety go, hoping to god that Sylvester doesn't trample you in his endeavour to snatch his favourite little yellow bird.
Feeling a wind blow against you side and ruffling your fur as Sylvester springs to action, you slowly crack your eyes open again- first seeing Sylvester Jr as he still sits on the bench in front of you swinging his legs over the side of the bench, before peaking over your shoulder, and... "Yes!" You cry out as soon as your keen feline eyes catch sight of Sylvester looking good as new again on the court, chasing Tweety through the still-roaring basketball game. Clasping your hands together, your tail wiggles excitedly behind your back. "It worked!"
"What?" Sylvester hears your cheering and immediately halts in his tracks, looking at you then down at himself- a big, toothy smile spreading across his face when he see's he's all better. "Y/N! You did it! Thanks!"
"Of course!" You call back, then point at the scoreboard and wink. "Now kick those Monstar's butts for me!"
The green Monstar turns a squinty looking evil eye on you at hearing your words but you don't care- you're far too busy burning the image of Sly giving you a thumbs up into your mind.
"Heheh, no problem... " That trademark evil grin slips across Sly's face again as he rubs his paws together, turning his attention back to the game as you sigh, paws on your hips; Happy with your job well done.
"Uh, hello??" Someone speaks up from behind you, and you jump, suddenly remembering the mile long line of toons that still need medical attention.
Ohhh... great. You slowly turn around, seeing Elmer giving you angry eyes and quickly look extremely apologetic, paws awkwardly behind your back and spine as straight as a plank. Oops!
You might seem help... you think you tilting your head to see the rest of the long... long, l o n g line. "Uhh... SJ? You wanna help me play nurse, maybe?"
"Oh, yes Y/N!" He exclaims enthusiastically, hopping off the bench and taking up your medical kit in his short little arms- which is way too big for him. You giggle and take it from the kitten, patting his head. "I'll be happy to be your assistant!"
Fist bumping each other, you wink. "That's the kinda attitude I like to see! Lets go."
A couple hours and countless injuries later and the game is coming to a nail chewing close. Truly, this is a new level of anxiety you're feeling as you leave Sylvester Junior, now exhausted and up past his bedtime, curled in Granny's lap with a blanket strewn over him. Then you sit back down to watch the game beside a very injured Sly, as Witch Hazel defibrillates Taz.
If Michael doesn't make this shot - with but seven seconds to go, - he has to move to Moron Mountain in your place. You all dragged him here for help and now h's the one with everything on the line.
You cant help but feel a massive load of guilt.
"Oh I cant watch!" You squeak suddenly amongst the thunderous sounds of the audience at 4 seconds, and cover your eyes. "Tell me when its over!"
3 seconds later, the buzzer screeches and you hear the toons around you cheering, and peak out nervously from beyond your paws. ... What happened?
Your gaze flickers to the score board.
Oh my god. A deep, relieved breath comes out of you. "We won!?"
"We won!" Sylvester concurs, jumping up from the bench and throwing a fist into the air. Then he puts his paws on your arms and beams down at you. "We're not gonna be slaves!!"
You wonder what you could say in response, but the one thing your body is telling to you to do is throw your arms around him- so you do. And he doesn't think twice before squeezing you back, picking you up and swinging you around.
Then the world comes crashing down around Sly, as his son opens his eyes to see the scene- and gasps. The kitten sits up quickly in Granny's lap and points. "Oh, father! You did it! I knew you could do it!"
Immediately Sylvester puts you down, his paws retreating from you and a definite sense of nervousness - and maybe embarrassment? - settles over him. You raise your brows, confused, but still swimming in the joy of the game being won and just tilt your head as you confusedly smile. "What did he do??"
Sly Jr doesn't even think a second before gleefully elaborating- despite his father very nearly shaking his soul free waving his hands at him in a doomed endeavour to shut his son up. "No- stop, Junior!- "
"Asked you out! Didn't he?" As the wide eyed bewilderment on your face and the utter horror on Sylvester's dawns on Jr, his shoulders drop and he turns disappointedly at his dad. "Didn't you?"
"Oh, father!- "
Sylvester Sr's tail, shoulders, and head slump forward as he turns his kitten around so he faces away from the two of you, embarrassment replaced by exasperation. "You're tired, son. Go to sleep. Night night, sleep tight, sweet dreams, don't let the bed bugs bite and we'll talk in the morning." Then he slowly, meekly turns back to you.
And you're practically glowing. "Sly... what's he talking about?"
"Father likes you!- " Sylvester Jr tries to speak up again, turning his head but Sr twists his head carefully back, a reprimanding tone in his voice.
"Sleep! Hah hah... " Sylvester (Sr) turns back to you, arms held carefully behind his back as he chuckles nervously. "My son is... troubled... a little- "He point at his head and swirls his finger; A gesture reading 'Loopy'. As soon as the meaning behind that word and his gesture occurs to you, you visibly droop. Oh. Okay... I guess SJ was just messing with us... Sly watches this reaction, and his ears perk up quickly; Sensing some dissappintment. "I mean, uh... unless you liked the i-idea?"
You peak up at him again from the floor, seeing his face slowly going red. "... D-do you?"
"Wha- I asked first! You answer the question."
"Hey." Setting your fists to your hips, you look stubbornly at him. "You were just taking it all back! So you tell the truth. Which is it??"
"Yeah- but I asked the question first!"
"Sylvester James Pussycat Senior!"
"Pfft... if you think pulling full name on me is going to change anything... " He rolls his eyes, crossing his arms. "You've got another thing comin'!"
Your eyes narrow, and so do his, before suddenly Taz jumps up from the bench he was resting on and ZOOMS past Sly so fast and so hazardously, that he's caught off guard and jumps forward with a yelp- accidentally knocking you.
"H-hold on, I got ya!!" Sylvester's eyes widen to the size of dinner plates and he grabs you just before gravity manages to drag you down to the ground; Pulling you back up to your feet- which just so happens to bring you two extremely close together.
Two sets of eyes widen and faces go red.
Everything seems to go a little quieter around you, the deafening sounds of the auditorium seeming to get plunged under water as the crazy all just slows down for just a moment. Enough for you to enjoy the few seconds you foreseeably get before he jumps back like someone sprayed him.
But to your surprise, he doesn't move. Just stands there and looks shocked... but does not move even an inch away from you. Doesn't even let go of you.
Finally, after a few good moments, you sigh and give in. "... Sly, would you like to go out sometime with me?"
"Ah... " His ears flatten against his head as he looks bashful, with a cute little smile that makes your stomach do backflips as he curls his tail around yours. "Yes, I'd like that very much."
You lean up and give him a feather light kiss on the cheeks- and he goes even redder.
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marvelita85 · 3 years
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Pepper was exited to invite Bucky formally into her house, your father was not very happy but knew better than to say no to his wife and it was an excuse to have you there too because he missed you very much
Ever since you've moved with Bucky you both have been working very hard and have very little time to enjoy eachother so as holidays were coming and Sam had return to Lousiana to spend it with his family Pepper thought it was a great idea to invite you both to the lake house to spend holidays together
Morgan was the first one to open the door and get to you hugging your legs
-hello you... you are bigger everytime I see you sis...
- I've missed you
- me too Moguna...
- you brought your prince charming, hello Bucky
- hey beautiful... is been a while y/n is right you are practically a lady now
- always the charming one
-hey Pep... -you never called her mum because you were 10 when she came into your dad and yours life but you always felt her like one
- thank you for inviting us Pepper...- Bucky gave her the flowers you've chosen on your way there
So is true what they says they don't make man like you anymore James... thank you - Bucky blush a little and you smile grabbing his hand - come on in
Morgan went inside followed by Pepper and you after spotting your dad talking to Peter aparently on the phone
- hey kid my daughter is here talk to u later
- alright mr Stark happy holidays
- hey you...
- hi dad...- you hugged him closing your eyes for a second that fear of almost losing him clouded your mind but he was there alive and real and that was enough for you
- hey Barnes...
- Stark...- he said neutral, their relationship was never easy but they got along because of you and Morgan because Tony realised both his daughters were totally inlove with the soldier, sometimes he thought Pepper loved him too
Bucky offered his help in the kitchen while you and Morgan were around your father, youbtried to enjoy him as much as you could even you didn't live anymore you were so glad he was alive and everytime he looked at you and your eyes met you knew exactly what he was thinking and how greatful he was to be alive to be able to be Morgan's dad as well as he was yours
- you loved him...
- I'm amaze you just realised now
- in Halloween he asked for your hand - you looked shocked and surprise but inside you you were just hopefull he would have say yes
- what did you say?
- that I could never give something it doesn't belong to me but he showed me he is the only man in this world I could let go of you to
-you wont lose me even if I become a married woman...
- just look shock when he asked u I kind of spoil his show here
- honestly I always wait for it unconciensly he is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with
-I'm glad you found your person kid - you were all so confortable around the house Bucky wanted to help in anything he could and you felt you fell in love with him everyday over and over again
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- doll can we go have a walk....
- of course...
- can I go with you? - Morgan asked in her innocence and your dad heard
- Moguna I've been working something in the Garage do you want to come see it so they can have their moment, then you can hang out with them... - Tony winked at Bucky and he extended his arm for you
- is there a reason why my dad took Morgan so she couldn't come with us
- well there is something I wanted to ask you and I wanted us to be alone for that
- alright...- you almost wispered you just coudln't believe what was happening...
- most of my life I spend frozen or controled, you were the first person except from Steve I could open up and trust and for me it was so easy to fall for you but I never imagined you could feel the same, the first time you told me you love me I had to hide tears because I was overwhelmed with my emotions and I knew you were the one the only one it took me almost a 100 years to find you but you had to be born first and I'm so glad you did and accept me with all my bagage so I wanted to ask you - Bucky bend on one knee in front of you showing a little box between his hands - will you marry me ?
- yes...- you had tears in your eyes your whole body felt like jelly and you were smiling like crazy as tears fall freely down your cheeks you grab his hand and he put the ring on your finger - I'm so inlove with you Buck...- you were sitting on the sand watching the lake by the house watching the sunset he was hugging you both hands circling around you and you were in the safest place in the world
- I love you too doll.... thank you for saying yes to spend a life with me
- did you really asked him my hand in marriage?
- yes... in my time we were suppose to tall with the father and ask permition
- you are a dream come true
- you are the dream doll... I'm just glad I'm finally awake to enjoy it - you kiss his lips and stayed there hugging eachother
Thank you so much @nixakimbo for the fanart of Bucky and reader inspired me everytime
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . i'm happy that your requests are open ! and for dad headcanons?? i am right here to serve my braincells for you ma'am. what about dad! sugawara & kenma? thank you in advance 🤓😘
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
✎ . . . will you please write about oikawa, bokuto, and sugawara as dads?? :>
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ sugawara koushi & oikawa tooru <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . reposted because tumblr took it off?? ugh n e ways happy birthday again to my boy sugawara😔✋
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➜ before the arrival of your daughter, mans was totally cool about it; also ecstatic to say the least, he wanted to have a family for you for a long, long time, and when he finally has the chance to start it with you ─ he couldn't help but cry and be so soft on the spot with just the thought of it
➜ but he also couldn't help but be doubtful, doubtful of himself ─ will be a good enough father? will he be able to teach his daughter the important virtues in life? will his daughter even love him?
➜ but in the midst of those thoughts were you, reassuring him multiple times, that, if there was any man that you could think of, of being the father of your children ─ that man would be him, and only him
➜ ngl right now, mans wanted to give you another one after you said that 💀
➜ and when your first child was delivered, he was so encouraging and supportive of you, would whisper reassurance and words of affermations saying how great you were, how he was so blessed for having you.
➜ remember those doubts he had? all those thoughts fully dissapeared when your baby wrapped her fingers around his thumb for the first time, and suga couldn't help but cry ─ from joy? definitely, from satisfaction that you guys created this angel? of course. and relief? yeah, probably.
➜ sugawara doesn't want to spoil your daughter since he wants your daughter to know the importance of money and doesn't want her to end up being a brat
➜ but sometimes ,,, he couldn't just help it okay? ☹
➜ in the first months of parenting with sugawara, he was anything but the perfect dad but you could really see the parental instincts in him
“ kohana, come to daddy ” your husband, koushi, stretched his arms towards your daughter of five years; kneeling on the floor as you sat across from him, kneeling as well.
➜ as your daughter slowly waddled over to sugawara with a blank yet adorable chubby face, sugawara was overjoyed, to say the least.
“ yes waddle over to daddy ─ ”
➜ well, until your daughter cheekily ran across the opposite side, to you. as if flowers of many kinds surrounded her, she glided onto your surprised arms as you instinctively open tour arms out for her, a shocked laugh was heard from you.
➜ 💀💀💀
➜ your husband's jaw DROPPED Y'ALL😭✋ LET ME JUST AHHH
➜ kohana definitely got her wittiness and cheekiness from her koushi, and maybe some from you as well.
➜ sugawara let out an offended scoff as he got up so fast to chase your daughter around the house, as your daughter shrieked in fear and excitement as she waddled all over the place
➜ and when kohana was out with her with her aunty kiyoko and uncles daichi and asahi, sugawara was feeling a bit ,,, spicy that night that hey, why not create another one with you👉👈
➜ let's just say, while your daughter was eating caramel apples with her aunt & uncles, you were getting dic ked down by sugawara phew chile
➜ and after a few months, your son, shin was born & damn did sugawara love him
➜ unlike your daughter, your son is such a sweetie uGHHHH
➜ and loved his dad so much, is the calm and collected one while he had your hair and suga's eyes
➜ while the squad™ ; daichi, kiyoko & asahi would come to your house with every chance they get just to see your little ones and maybe even bring theirs as a playdate for shin & kohana
➜ ugh next gen typa thingz💅
➜ would play volleyball with them, but with a softer one that's a bit more kid-friendly
➜ being almost total opposites, shin and kohana would often bicker, kohana being the one to provock the fight and shin just straight up spitting facts, 6/10 of the time would win over his older sister
➜ periodt
➜ and if fights would get too much, sugawara would bONKK💥🔨 your children ( like those times where suga just fu cking bOnKs his teammates. )
➜ yeah that
➜ mans rarely gets mad and phew ,, if he ever does i just have nothin, NOTHIN to say😶
➜ he'll never be angry at them for too long though
➜ but mostly, he'll just be disappointed rather than mad
➜ and honestly that hurts more
➜ since sugawara is an elementary school teacher, he'd often tell stories about your guys' children with his students
➜ it became an actual thing with his students that they would every now and then ask about them
➜ would have such a strong foundation built from trust, respect and just love with his children
➜ honestly you'd fallen all over again with him BECAUSE HE'S SO UGSHHSHSH
➜ baking !!
➜ this is one of suga's past times, and even before you guys were even married, y'all would have at-home dates and just bake
➜ and it just gradually became a thing with your children every time anyone just wants to bake something.
➜ and most of the time would end up messing up the kitchen and covered in flour
➜ 11/10 dad, may not be the most perfect dad but your kids could never ask for anyone else but him.
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➜ it started off as a joke, he couldn't really remember when it all started but he would always say that you would be such a good mother whenever you would take care of him when he's injured himself or just scold him whenever he keeps over working himself
➜ but after a few years and oikawa would never have thought that he wanted to actually have a child or two with you, it started off when he would spend a few hours until pass midnight to watch cute baby videos
➜ and his eyes would linger onto your sleeping figure ontop of his body, face nuzzled as he could feel your nose tickle his torso.
➜ he couldn't help but play along with the thoughts of having a child with you ─ to start a family with you.
➜ you guys were already living together at argentina, and you've support him through and through with everything he has pursued in his life, and what else was stopping him from starting a family with you?
➜ yes, his schedule may be a bit busy but he had always given more than enough time to you, what hurt may it cause if he had another person to dedicate his attention as well? someone that's the perfect mixture of the love of his life and himself.
➜ and when oikawa has already set something on his mind ─ mans would always get what he wants
➜ if i were you, i'd give him anything he wants ngl
➜ just saying y'all😳✋
➜ it didn't take him a hot second to make you agree to it, and before he knew it he fell in love all over again on the bundle of joy he held on his hands
➜ would pepper you with kisses even if you were tired from giving birth, saying how proud he was of you and how beautiful the child you both created
➜ like duh, it was yours and tooru's child, your guys' baby will be a HEARTBREAKER WITH THOSE LOOKS😡
“ tooru !! ” you exclaimed as you saw your husband hold out a strawberry lollipop to your daughter while holding her with his other arm, as your daughter was ready to bite it ─ MANS REALLY SAID NO❌ RIGHTS✅😤 AND PULLED IT AWAY WHILE LAUGHING BEFORE PUTTING IT IN HIS MOUTH
➜ i'm so sorry i just ─
➜ before your daughter just straight up cried right then and there while tooru's eyes widdened and tried apologizing to his daughter
“ aiko baby i'm so sorry ─  ” until your daughter slapped the lollipop from his mouth
➜ while oikawa just had that blank stare
➜ while you're trying not laugh so much because you KNOW his ego was shattered as she held her arms out for you, making grabby hands until you took her off from her father's hold
➜ oikawa : i hate it here😙😍💅
➜ aiko : it's what he deserves :)
➜ but when your daughter grew up, she ADORED HER FATHER, she would be the first to to the door whenever her father comes back from tournaments, your two younger sons, akiro and haruki would follower right after her chasing each other out
➜ oikawa still dresses her up even if she wasn't a seven year old anymore
➜ aiko is a daddy's girl and that's on periodt😡💅
➜ while aiko had tooru's playful and big dumb b energy, and your your hair and his eyes
➜ your oldest son, akiro, got your personality, and eyes but his father's hair
➜ and your youngest son, haruki, has both your eyes and hair and is a mix of yours and tooru's personality
➜ and it wasn't only aiko which held her father at such a good light that if she told him that ─ mans will be over the moon
➜ but also your two sons which found themselves loving and dedicating their love towards volleyball just like their father
➜ watching his games is a must !!
➜ his ego would not only be ASTRONOMICAL
➜ and just the overall overwhelming motivation had him serving 4 service aces in a row on periodttt
➜ your three kids would fight over who could scream the loudest in the stands for their father
➜ when he's away and your children would have those missing him hours™😔✋ oikawa would always try and contact you guys three times a day and everynight he'd be telling you guys how practice was and would also ask you guys how your days was.
➜ would teach his kids to FLIRT LMAO💀
➜ but will never fail teaching them that they should treat woman with RESPEKT ( and just overall everyone?? not just of their gender it's just because of idk??MANNERS ? )
➜ oikawa : *drinks his respect wamen juice.*
➜ ohoho but if his daughter ever starts having boy crushes MANS WOULD BE ALL POUTY
“ but loovveee ,, ” tooru drags out
“ our daughter is starting to date, what happened to marrying daddy one day? ”
“ tooru we're already married. ”
➜ you : i should have gone for the best friend instead
➜ beach volleyball !!
➜ after seeing how good beach volleyball taught hinata, giving him advantages in the indoor court, he wanted his child to as well
➜ or normal backyard volleyball will do
➜ just like with his teammates, oikawa is able to bring out the best in your children
➜ just a 11/10 dad, he may not always be with you guys because of volleyball but he'd always make time for you guys and would never neglect and forsake you guys
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Your thoughts on the epi? I thought it was a good episode overall. Serkan is acting the way I thought he would: he wants to be the perfect Dad, is scared she won't love him, is spoiling her but also teaching her things. I'm not quite sure why Kiraz isn't calling him Baba, maybe she needs time to adjust to calling him that. I have mixed emotions when it comes to the way Eda spied on Serkan. I understand she's worried but trust the man a little. No comments on Aydan and Ayfer! They are too much!
Hello! I liked the episode. It felt very light, very romcom-y and I thought it was very enjoyable to watch. Loved every minute of Serkan trying to be the ideal dad and I'm here for the Edser UST this ep brought. They want each other sooooo much. And, yes, Eda wants him, she wants him bad. I thought the custody thing at the end was silly and convoluted, but, hey, I'm totally here for the "they're not together and fighting their feelings, but forced to live together" trope so I will just ignore how unbelievable it would be for Edser to be drowning in hearteyes for each other all ep, getting along in regards to Kiraz, AND seemingly aware that Aydan/Ayfer were up to something and still allow a misunderstanding over their shenanigans to spiral to that nonsense degree.
Maybe the folks that think that Serkan & Eda were playing all the meddling family and friends are right, and they set it up beforehand, it's just that I've thought things were a fake out on this show so many times, only for them to be real, so at this point I'm operating under the assumption that this is just a romcom plot point to throw our romantic leads together and it's not worth examining it too closely.
I'll give my thoughts on the "Baba" vs "Serkan Bolat" thing and Eda's actions after we talk a bit about the B, C and D players... Thankfully we had plenty of Edser and Kiraz screen time this ep so the supporting stories didn't overwhelm the episode too much.
(much more under the cut)
That being said, who can we pay to get these people to mind their own f-cking business? LMAO. At least Engin and Piril weren't annoying and were actually trying to be helpful. I mean, Piril is still cancelled, but if she's not causing trouble now then she's not at the top of my shit list. However, I did laugh at her when she's sort of pleading with Serkan: "We've been friends for a long time, you'll understand why I did this." Um... what, Piril? You're sitting there approximately 72 hours after Serkan found out he has a child and he's already proven that he's ALL IN on being a father, and you expect Serkan to think you were right for hiding it from him? Cause why? He has already proven that any concerns you had about him rejecting Kiraz were invalid. The only thing wrong with Serkan's anger at Piril is that it will probably only last for that scene.
Anyone else think Kerem the assistant is an ass? Seriously, do they really want us to root for sweet Pina to be with this dickweasel? He's insecure, he thinks he knows it all, he's snarky and lashes out, he's vindictive. No thanks.
As for Aydan and Ayfer. Ooph. As punishment for their unprecedented assery this episode they both need to be stranded on a desert island with only each other. Only then maybe they'll learn not to insert themselves by such underhanded means. They're both giant pains in the ass, but Ayfer still annoys me more than Aydan. Because here's the thing, once Edser is back together and Serkan is happy, Aydan will fully embrace Eda again, but I don't think the same can be said for Ayfer. Did you see some of the bitchy, sour faces Ayfer was making, taunting Eda about her soft spot for Serkan. She's insufferable.
Turning to the nonsense meddling custody plot line, Kemal and Seyfi were just following orders, but what is Melo's excuse? It's unfortunate that the narrative pulled her into this. Ayfer may have her head in the sand, and not really care what Eda wants, but Melo does and she knew that Eda wanted to cooperate with Serkan and bring him into Kiraz's life, she knew that Eda was about 2 seconds from melting every time she was near Serkan, and that they were likely on the cusp of rekindling their relationship. There is no way she should have been complicit in trying to get evidence against Serkan or visiting lawyers behind Eda's back.
However, even after being complicit in Ayfer's nonsense, she still deserves a helluva lot better than Burak. That guy was annoying af this episode. What exactly does he think he's doing? I'm sorry, in that situation you step back and give the people going through such a monumental life change some space. Again, it's not like it needs to be forever, but you don't try and monopolize the kid's time the night of and 2 days after she meets her long-lost father. He needs to fuck all he way off.
Also since Eda had no interest in this guy, why is he coming over to tuck in the kid EVERY night? I get that he's been good to Kiraz and they have a nice relationship, but that's soooo overkill, it's just not normal. Especially since they've said they've only been living there a year. The only reason for a dude to revolve his entire life around a kid like that is because he's actively trying to get in the mom's pants. So when it comes to Burak's intentions, Eda is as dense as Serkan used to be with Balca/Selin/Actress. Burak only took that level of interest and inserted himself into their lives because he wanted Eda, and Eda should realize that and have a frank conversation with him. Eda doesn't even have to be cognizant that she will inevitably get back together with Serkan, she already knows she has no interest in Burak. She should tell him. And if she's already told him (which it seems she might have from her comments to Ayfer and Melo) she should put some boundaries in place because his presence was ridiculous.
It still blows my mind that this sad sack thinks he has a shot with Eda. Seriously, while the dude isn't hideous, he's also not attractive and he has the personality of dead grass coupled with the charisma of warm mayonnaise. He's not worthy of either Eda or Melo. The scene of Melo and Burak walking on the beach made me a bit uncomfortable. They're totally setting that relationship up, but so far all we see is Melo obviously harboring feelings for him as Burak broods over his Eda delusions. We'll have to see how this plays out, but I feel like Burak didn't need to be this upset over Eda for the story to work, and it would be a lot easier to root for him with Melo if by episode 5 if he wasn't still actively trying, as Engin said, to take over Serkan's family.
On to Edser and the newly forming Bolat family unit. It's funny, I'm not someone who thinks a woman needs to take her husband's last name, I think people should do whatever they want, but for whatever reason I really, really want Eda and Kiraz to have his name. Maybe because I think they all crave having people to belong to in a sense. Serkan because he was unloved and sent overseas alone at such a young age, Eda because she was an orphan, Kiraz because she didn't have a dad in early childhood. So for that reason, I really do feel like it will be meaningful to have them tied together that way as a family unit. They belong to each other now (or they will soon).
Along those lines, you say you're not sure why Kiraz isn't calling him Baba, narratively, I think it's because that will be a big milestone in their relationship. When she feels comfortable enough, connected enough, and secure enough with him to do that, it's going to melt all of our hearts right out of our chests. If she'd done it right away it wouldn't feel as special as it's going to feel when it eventually happens because she feels it (not just because it's a fact).
As for her calling him Serkan Bolat, I think it's adorable. That's how she knew him before, it would be weird if she called him anything other than that or Baba, (like Serkan or Abi) because then it would be like she was settling on that, but calling him by his full name, which is such a part of his identity, is cute and charming and pays tribute to the interactions they had before they knew of their relationship, and it's a signal that it's only temporary. Baba is coming, don't worry.
Loved Kiraz showing Serkan her room and all of her things, and really loved Eda standing there, smiling, soaking it in. I've seen a lot of criticism of Eda in this episode and she did have a few moments that were unnecessarily harsh, but I think it's also valid to give her a minute to adjust because this is a lot of change in just a couple of days. While she now knows Serkan had understandable, and even noble, reasons for what he did and said, that still doesn't erase the heartbreak and pain he put her through, or the 5 years of being a single mother and not having anyone to consult or needing to consult anyone on decisions regarding Kiraz.
I do think, though, that we didn't see Eda give him enough credit when he covered for her lies to Kiraz. When Kiraz asked her why she didn't tell her Serkan Bolat was her father and then asked him when mom didn't answer, he could have easily told the truth and thrown Eda under the bus, big time, but instead he comes up with something that passes as an explanation, doesn't make anyone a villain, but also doesn't make him look great. I wish we'd seen Eda recognize that. It was a magnanimous gesture on his part, since he and Kiraz were the ones who were lied to for 5 years.
However, her running a bit hot and cold this episode makes sense. On one hand when she's around him her heart feels that strong orbital pull towards him. She loves him. She always has loved him, she always will love him. Just like with Serkan, that will not change, and obviously didn't after heartbreak and separation. But it also makes sense that at times her head takes over and with it the fear and the memory of the pain and she freezes up a bit. It doesn't ding her or their love, she just needs time to let herself believe that this is really happening. That Serkan is back, that he still loves her, that he loves their daughter and wants to be a father and form a family. From the way she recorded those videos, how many times do we think she dreamed of them being a happy family together? I'm guessing a lot. Now it's within her grasp and I think she just needs to be sure that Serkan is for real before she fully succumbs to this dream.
She also needs to get over her pride, I'm sure there's a part of her (Ayfer's voice) telling her a woman doesn't go back to a man who hurt her that badly. But as we saw, girlfriend was snuggling with his shirt, she still has it so bad for him. But, pro tip, Eda, he wanted to stay the night, wouldn't it be so much more fulfilling to snuggle with the real thing? I promise it would... just let him in. The lawn scene was hilarious. Kerem is really and truly a gifted physical comedian. We know how tight the timelines are on this show and they don't get to do a lot of takes, but his stumbling over the furniture and falling was flawlessly done. Hande was great too... that bat! Of course the sexual tension in the robes and towel scene was magnificent. When she first walked in wearing that towell I thought my man was going to combust. That look on his face, priceless.
Speaking of priceless, what first-day Baba makes his little girl's dreams come true like Serkan Bolat does? Staying up all night to build her flying house? MY HEART!
What a fantastic first gift. It was incredibly thoughtful, it was meaningful to the two of them, and it was also Serkan giving a piece of himself (using his skills in what he does best as an architect) to her.
Absolute perfection.
And how sweet that Serkan wanted to spend the day with her alone!?! I really liked that because we all know he loves Eda, he wants Eda back, and he will use any excuse to spend time with Eda. And he could have done that here, but he doesn't. So the fact that he wanted to spend the day alone with Kiraz, clearly illustrates that his interest in Kiraz, his desire to be her father stands on it's own. Kiraz is not just an excuse to get close to Eda, he is pursuing both relationships, and they are both important to him.
Also you said that you have mixed emotions on the way Eda spied on Serkan, that she doesn't trust him, but honestly I really don't think it's about that. She might have been a little discombobulated by the idea because the man has never really spent any time with children and here he's thrust into fatherhood, but she trusts him and knows Kiraz is safe with him. Honestly, I think her biggest driving factor in following them is FOMO.
She doesn't want to miss this! She has wondered what kind of father he might be for years, and now she wants to witness it. She wants to be there and see what he's like when he's spending time with her. She also wants to be a part of it, and a part of her might be a little jealous. For years she's been the only parent, and now another parental bond is forming and it's natural she is curious what that's going to look like.
Melo even sees through her during their conversations while they're out spying. Eda pretends it's because she's worried that Serkan doesn't know what he's doing, but Melo susses out that it's really because she missed Serkan. I think she really just wanted to be a part of it.
And her ulterior motives are exposed when she reacts with jealousy over the park moms and then with Hulya. She's jealous over Serkan, but also over what it might mean if Serkan had a woman in his life that's not Eda. (Real simple way to ensure that doesn't happen, Eda, just saying). On first watch it was a little frustrating to watch Eda be upset about Huyla and not have it cleared up immediately. However, on the second time through I found it incredibly enjoyable to watch. Hilarious even. Knowing that Serkan is going to let her off the hook just a few minutes later, and it's not going to be a drawn out misunderstanding, it's very fun to watch him just totally bask in her jealousy. The way he sits there and giggles and is just so chuffed at her display was very endearing. Since he's been celibate for 5 years, I suppose he's earned an incrediulous laugh at her thinking he has all these women on the line.
Eda is not wrong to be concerned about the Bolat's ability to spoil Kiraz with material things, Aydan can get out of control, however I can't be mad at the pony. The girl asked him if he had horses the first day they met, she said she wanted a dad like Serkan who had horses, he HAD to get her one she could actually ride! The girl was deprived of her father for 5 years because both of her parents are stubborn, so, let's be real, she kinda deserves a pony. Besides Eda should be more worried about the "spoiling" she gets from her camp, where she, Ayfer, Melo and Burak let her get away with constantly running away/running wild, eating ice cream whenever she wants, being rude to strangers etc. The fact that she's taught it's okay to knock a customer's water over without apologizing is more damaging to a forming personality than a pony. (Yes, that was another dig at Burak.) The point is, spoiling isn't only about material things, and from the glimpses we've seen of Baba Serkan he's already taught her about taking responsibility (confessing to breaking the window and apologizing), being self sufficient (tying shoelaces, putting pjs on herself), and setting behavioral boundaries (don't shoot arrows at people in hotels, you shouldn't hug strangers). He's going to be a very good influence in her life, because despite growing up with material privilege the man believes in hard work, effort and personal accountability.
Anyway, loved that when Serkan told Eda about dinner with Engin/Piril/Can she looked so secretly pleased when she casually agreed to go. I think that goes hand in hand with why she was spying, she won't let herself admit it, but she so badly wants them to do things as a family. That was part of her tug o' war this episode. Wanting that, but then suddenly worrying that maybe she shouldn't want that after everything that's happened, those feelings are helped along by Ayfer's judgemental looks and comments, and Burak trying to assert his place and Eda maybe feeling guilty.
Eda's behavior at dinner perfectly summarized the war going on between her head and heart this episode. First she fights with Serkan, going so far as to tell him she hates him, but the second she gets good news she flings herself into his arms. He's the person she wants to celebrate with, he's the person she wants congratulations from. So even if she was mad at him, she can't help herself. Also thank you Engin for telling Eda how Serkan lost weight and didn't come to work for months after she left. Those are important things for her to know. Also reinforced later by Aydan.
And thank you, Jan, for planting that fear of her dad leaving again with Kiraz, because it gave us sleep over at the Bolat house. It also gave us Kiraz asking Serkan if he will leave her. A good question and I'm glad we have Serkan's promise to never leave her. Just with the way tragedy (and meddling family members and obsessed stalkers) seems to find both Eda and Serkan, it's good he's made that promise. And it's good that he knows she needs that promise.
Now onto the secret room. I suppose if you're going to keep all of that and you have a large house, then you might as well keep it in a special room. This was a huge missing piece for Eda. Something tangible that she can see with her own two eyes that proves that he never forgot her and has been pining for her since the day they parted. I thought Eda was suitably touched by it all, and the fact that he got her gifts for every birthday. Anyone else think that they're going to get married on the beach and she's going to wear those flip-flops, that white dress, and the locket when they do? That's what sprung to my mind. The Neslihan scarf product placement made me roll my eyes, though.
To be honest I really didn't care what the gifts were, all I cared about was that thank you cheek kiss. I DIE. The birthday-present-thank-you cheek kiss he gave her in 7 is one of my all time favorite scenes and this parallel was a long time coming and wonderfully executed. And then they delivered on the USTy stare off where they clearly want to make out, but they're not quite there yet. It was going to have to be Eda that broke them out of it, because up to Serkan they either kiss or he stares at her for the rest of time.
Did anyone else feel a crick in their back, neck, legs at how Eda slept on that couch? Serkan was as comfy as can be, stretched out using her legs as a pillow and her torso as a blanket, lol. I wish the editors would have given us a couple of more seconds lingering on them all contorted like that. It was too precious. It would have been sweet if they'd had Kiraz find them and watch them for a minute before waking them up. Show the parent-trapping gears turning in her mind.
Buba absolutely deserved Serkan showing up to spoil his outing. And of course both ladies instantly gravitated to Serkan. I liked this scene because it gave us over-the-top BDE Serkan, a whiff of "Drain the pool" Serkan, the comedy of Engin and Serkan doing the Cyrano thing, and the obvious little "fish" measuring metaphor. But what I really liked was Eda telling him that he didn't need to try so hard to win Kiraz, that he just had to be himself. That was important and lovely, and illustrated to him that she really did want him to develop a good relationship with Kiraz.
The best moments of the episode for them, though, came during their family stargazing outing. Loved Serkan's extra safety precautions, including the mirror just so he can see her in the backseat. Though, if he's that concerned about it, maybe a larger car, lmao? Kiraz tricking them into kissing was an auspicious start to the evening, hopefully that's a taste of things to come. I'm here for her forcing the two of them into intimate situations.
The way Serkan was looking at the two of them throughout the stargazing was something else. He was looking at them with such longing. Like he couldn't believe they were so close, but he wanted them so badly. DUDE, they are right there, continue to play your cards right (and not let Ayfer and Aydan spoil things, spoiler alert, they do) and you're just days away from having everything you want. Loved that he changed the Apollo story to give it the happy ending he wants. Hopefully, that gave hope to any doomsdayers out there that think this show is going to end in tragedy. (Spoiler alert, it's not).
The only shame is that they have that nice (if not detached from reality conversation since they pretend they're not going to be together raising Kiraz) adult conversation about cooperating and working out how they're going to deal with Aydan and Ayfer, only for things to go totally off the rails during said conversations. As I said off the top of this marathon post, it was totally unbelievable in the context of the rest of the episode, but as I always say you can't take this show too seriously, and I prefer to just enjoy the situations as they come and not get too annoyed when they take these writing shortcuts to drive the plot. I plan on very much enjoying Eda and Serkan forced to live together while they're (or at least she) is still pretending they're not going to end up together. Looks like next week is another fun romcom romp, and I'm here for it!
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