#Yes I realize the Twins ones are KIND OF pushing it but I didn't want to exclude them
littlegaalaxy · 1 day
A Sweet Enchantment in the Depths
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♡⃕ Relationship} Jade Leech x Fem!reader
♡⃕ Summary} "You meet Jade, he ends up falling in love with you, and ends up feeling super protective over you"
♡⃕ TW.} Yandere; obsession; possessiveness; stalker and super protection
♡⃕ Notes} English is not my first language, there may be mistakes. I’m sorry for anything. Jade is a little ooc.
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You had never imagined that your life would take such a huge turn when you were transported to a magical and strange world like Twisted Wonderland. Initially, I was lost, not knowing anyone and trying to understand the dynamics of that strange school called Night Raven College. As a small and naive girl, you often ended up being pushed from one side to another by situations, but you always managed to find a way to get out unharmed.
However, that changed when you met one of the Leech twins.
Your first interaction with Jade Leech was completely unexpected. You had gotten lost in Octavinelle's water gardens, distracted by the vibrant colors and the fish swimming in the clear waters. He appeared out of nowhere, tall and imposing, with a polite smile, but one that hid something strange.
— Did you get lost? — Jade asked, his voice calm but penetrating, as if he could read all your thoughts and fears.
— Ah, y-yes… I think I took the wrong path… — you replied timidly, your big, innocent eyes trying to find an escape route.
— It's dangerous around here for someone like you, you know? — He took a step forward, bending down to get closer to you, his eyes half-closed with a peculiar shine. — Small, fragile and so… vulnerable. —
You swallowed hard, feeling your heart beat faster. There was something about him that drew you in, like a tide pulling you under. Jade always maintained that polite smile, but his eyes analyzed your every move, like a predator studying its prey.
From that date on, Jade made a point of "taking care" of you. He always appeared when you needed help most, whether it was to guide you through the corridors or to get you out of embarrassing situations. However, as time passed, you began to notice that Jade was always around, even when she didn't call you. His words were always kind, but his intentions seemed increasingly difficult to decipher.
— You are such a sweet and carefree girl… — he whispered one day, while they were alone in the library. — I wonder how someone so innocent survives in this world… —
His cold fingers slid down your arm, and you felt a shiver run down your spine.
— Don't worry, [Name]. I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you. —
Despite the calmness in his voice, there was a tone of possessiveness that made you uneasy. He always knew where you were, what you were doing, and he seemed to show up at the most unexpected moments. You even tried to move away, but it was as if Jade always found a way to be close, like a shadow.
One night, as you walked through the dark corridors of the school, you felt that has was being followed. When you turned around, Jade was there, his smile darker than usual.
— I was worried… You've been moving away from me, [Name]. It makes me…uncomfortable. — His voice was now almost a threatening whisper.
— J-Jade… I just… wanted some space… — your voice shook, and you took a step back.
In an instant, Jade was in front of him, holding his arm firmly but without hurting him.
— Space? — He tilted his head, as if he didn't understand the concept. — Oh, you're so adorable when you try to resist, but you know, don't you? No one else can take care of you like I can. — His eyes fixed on yours, as if he was hypnotizing you.
You tried to pull your arm away, but he wouldn't let go.
— I will never let you get hurt, [Name]. Because you… — he lowered his face until his lips almost touched your ear — are already mine. —
His words carried a poisonous sweetness, and you realized that no matter how much you tried to escape, Jade Leech would always be there, watching you, protecting you in his own sick way, and slowly enveloping you in his possessive depths.
And the worst of all? Part of you was beginning to wonder if you really wanted to escape…
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breadedsinner · 1 year
Which Dragon Age II character had the best introduction?
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sallowtheories · 15 days
Is Sebastian's parents the reason Miriam found the portkey?
Yes, you read that right, and I actually believe that they were. I believe Sebastian and Anne's parents were the reason why, Miriam was able to find the portkey.
Now, you may wonder how I came to that conclusion. It was though a specific question, that I slowly pieced this idea together.
What did Sebastian's parents teach at Hogwarts?
It is never stated what Anne and Sebastian's parents taught at Hogwarts, but only that they died while the twins where still quite young, and before - as far as we know - they ever sat a foot on Hogwarts grounds themselves. All that we know about them was that they read and studied a lot, and passed the joy of learning and gathering knowledge onto their children. As Sebastian once stated to the MC, he reads whatever book he is handed - "That's what you get with professors for parents".
But that doesn't explain what they taught at Hogwarts.
That was then I remembered that during a conversation with professor Ronen, you learn that he had only been at the school as a professor for 7 years. That means that he started teaching Charms at Hogwarts in 1883, around which time Anne and Sebastian would have been 8 years old. Therefore it is not unlikely to believe that either Sebastian's mother or father taught Charms at Hogwarts.
But that only explains one of the parents.
I started digging a little further, checking if I could find out other things about the other professors and when they started teaching at Hogwarts, when I remembered something Sebastian once told the MC. When you tell Sebastian about your ability to see Ancient Magic, he asks a lot of questions, leading him to admidting that he has been studying "archaic magic". Which made me wonder; is that what his parents was trying to study as well?
Given what we know about Sebastian's somewhat obsessive nature, I wonder if this may have been his obsession before Anne got cursed - learning as much about whatever his parents studied. Books and text that was so interesting to read, that two magical parents with their kinds upstairs, didn't notice the fumes coming from their lamp? Would also explain where Sebastian got his inability to "stop" from...
Pushing aside how I believe it was Sebastian's first obsession with reading what his parents read, that drow the first wedge between him and his uncle, we will now have to focus on Solomon. Or more specificly, where Solomon is living - Feldcroft.
Now, we have no idea where Sebastian and Anne used to live with their parents. We don't know if they lived in Feldcroft close to Solomon, or maybe lived somewhere closer to Hogwarts. But what we do know is Solomon lived in Feldcroft. Where it was just after he decided to leave his job as an aura, or the place he and Sebastian's father grew up, we have no idea. But with Solomon in Feldcroft, we now have a connection between Sebastian's parents, and the place Miriam would find the portkey.
But what does that have to do with Miriam finding the portkey? How is Sebastian's parents involved?
In the beginning parts of the game, professor Fig tells the MC about something Miriam studied before she died - Ancient Magic. I have now played that scene through four times, and each time I notice the same thing - Miriam wanted to study the magic, not use it. She wondered if it could do good in this world. And each time, the same though came to me - "sounds like magical theory". And that was when I realized - professor Eleazar Fig is teaching Magical Theory.
We don't know when professor Fig to up the job at Hogwarts, but according to Harry Potter Wiki he had "(...) grown weary of his wife's quest and ended up settling into a comfortable teaching career whilst she continued her work on her own". So I wondered, was it possible that one of Sebastian's parents used to teach Magical Theory at Hogwarts?
Miriam was already known for traveling, but could some old notes left behind from the former teacher in Fig's office, eventually had led Miriam on the path to Feldcroft? We know it's in Feldcroft, at Rookwood castle that Lodgok would meet her, with the container that held the portkey.
Now, there's no straight on prove that Sebastian's parents knew anymore than anyone else in regards to the Keepers, the portkey or the powers of the Ancient Magic the MC is carrying. But in all of my years as a Harry Potter fan, I've learned one thing - nothing is a coinsidence. And the fact that Sebastian just so happens to live in the hamlet Isadora used to live in, and mere stone's throw away from Rookwood castle where the portkey and second trial is located, just seems to on the nose.
There's no doubt that Sebastian is tied closely to the history of Hogwarts Legacy, but I have a feeling that it may be more than one way, and that we may just have scratched the surface of what he, and his family might mean to this story.
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averyiconthequeen · 28 days
averyjameson: overwhelmed
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Both Avery and Jameson are going through tough times in their lives, which takes a toll on their relationship.
warnings: angsty, also maybe a little suggestive content idk !!
There is something special about Italy, and to be honest, it cannot be accurately described in words, you can only feel it. Every time you’re here, everything just seems different.
It was spring break and everyone had been terribly busy with studies and work for the past few months, so it was decided to meet here at one of Avery’s villas. Grayson's idea. From now on, he didn't run away from his family, but wanted to be close to them. He also wanted to take a boat ride with Lyra on Lake Como and watch the sunset. Isn't it amazing how love and therapy changes people?
Everyone was supposed to come except Nash and Libby. Of course, they wanted to spend time with everyone, but when your kids turn three and they start talking non-stop and being everywhere, all you want after a while is just some alone time together. So, they decided to leave the twins at Zara's and go somewhere quiet and enjoy the silence, at least for a couple of days. But really, it was out of the question, because they will definitely miss the babies too soon and show up on Zara's doorstep the very next day. Not like it’s their first attempt to do so.
Grayson and Lyra had already been here for a few days and were now lost somewhere in the gardens. Xander had only arrived a few minutes ago and was now on the phone with Max, who should be arriving in a couple hours as well.
“I don't want to sound dramatic, but I'm pretty sure I won't survive here without you among these...” hearing the door open, he turned around. “It's Avery. Alone.”
“Okay, I love you. Hopefully I’ll be okay when you arrive, it’s like being around divorced parents.”
“First of all, no, it’s not. Second of all, it’s only their freaking business. And finally, if anything new happens, let me know! Love you,” she hung up and he smiled. Yes, they were that kind of couple. Gossipers. And what’s wrong with that? It’s not like they’re judging someone, just… discussing.
“My second favorite person in the world!” Xander made his way to the girl he hasn’t seen in almost three months.
Avery smiled brightly, taking a few steps to him as well and hugged him. She missed him dearly. They texted each other almost every day in their shared chat with Max, and knew everything that was going on in each other's lives, but seeing him in person was different.
He helped Avery carry her bags to her room and they fell into a discussion about the new series they’d started watching. After an hour of talking about everything, they went downstairs, and Avery knew Xander wanted to ask her, but for some reason he held back.
When they got down to the spacious, bright kitchen, which overlooked the lake, they realized that Lyra and Grayson still hadn't returned. Interesting.
“Are you still mad at my brother?”
Of course, it was only a matter of time. Honestly, she thought he would do it as soon as he saw her. She also knew that Jameson wasn't saying anything to him about it, even though Xander was worried. Did it hurt him? A little bit, yeah. Xander had shared more with him than the others, but he figured Jameson probably had his reasons right now and didn't push him.
He knew the situation in a nutshell. Only that something had happened and that Jameson and Avery were trying to pretend it hadn't. That was enough to put two and two together.
“I wasn't mad at him,” she denied, but Xander didn't believe it. He knew her too well, and when it came to Jameson, it was always so obvious. “Maybe I was mad, but not anymore.”
It was almost two weeks ago. Jameson got a minor trauma at practice. Minor bruise, but it will only remain minor if treated immediately. The trouble with this guy is that he almost never stops until he gets what he wants, a win. Almost. His number one rule: don't make Avery worry too much. She wanted him to be safe, and when he could control it, he wanted to be that safe for her.
However, the thing is, when you're in your 20s, you decide it's now or never and push yourself until your anxiety eats you up. “You can do more, you have to do this, you’re worthless if you cannot achieve this, there’s too little time ahead”. Emotions and there are a lot of them.
All too much, still not enough.
And that's why he broke his number one rule. He kept going until the pain got worse and he ended up in the hospital.
They argued for a few minutes and for the first time, their code word “Tahiti” didn't resolve anything, because when they started talking clearly, things got even worse. It ended with Avery running out of the room, and Jameson not even trying to stop her. They didn't speak for two whole days after that.
It happens in every relationship; there comes a point when you fight and don't make up right away, on the contrary, you stay angry with each other and you don’t want to listen, even if you’re clearly not right. The question is who goes through these obstacles together, and who only remembers each other after a few years, being far away and thinking whether it could’ve turned out differently? This is a kind of test of how strong the love is, whether it is true love, whether there is trust and respect in it.
Avery and Jameson loved each other. That was why Jameson had shown up at her apartment at night on the second day of their mutual silence. She was studying for an exam that was due in two days, and even though she knew the material perfectly, it was her only distraction from her anger at him.
Oren let him in. Jameson appeared in her living room just as Avery was about to text him. They stared at each other for a few seconds, and that night was the first time they made up without talking about it. At least they didn't have so much anger in them anymore.
It could hardly be called reconciliation, however, because even though they were back on the phone every night, talking about how their day had gone, those conversations had gotten shorter; despite the messages in the middle of the day that they missed each other, something had changed, and it frightened them both. That was partly why they had come separately.
“Well, he's going to be mad. You know, when he finds out about Matt,” Xander shrugged, looking at her with again, so worried eyes.
Avery gasped and was going to say something when she heard his voice.
“Who’s Matt?”
Jameson Winchester Hawthorne stood leaning against the door, with disheveled hair, frowning eyebrows, and those challenging and bright green eyes, and all Avery wanted to do was walk over and kiss his stupidly handsome face.
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Max arrived shortly after Jameson did. There was an underlying tension in the air that had never been present before when Avery and Jameson were in the room. It didn't take long for her to grab Xander's hand and ask the just returned Lyra and Gray to show where they were hanging out today.
It was just the two of them now, and it was clear that either they were right now resolving whatever they had going on or they were continuing to pretend.
Avery sighed and turned away from him, facing the window. She couldn't bear to look at her boyfriend, because this unpleasant feeling suddenly has returned, and she still wanted things to go back to the way they were before. All of this made her too emotional and she didn’t like it at all. It was stupid, wasn't it? Felling so much over such a small thing. Only it wasn’t a small thing.
“So, we have secrets now, Heiress?” he came closer, and now she could feel his warm breath on her neck and smell his perfume. It wasn’t fair.
“We don’t. I just didn’t get the chance to tell you.”
Well, it wasn’t a lie. First, she'd forgotten with all her studies and work, then they'd had a fight, and she just hadn't thought about goddamn Matt.
Jameson gently took her hand and turned her around so that they were now looking at each other.
“What's wrong, Avery?” he waited patiently for an answer, trying to ignore that look in her eyes. Either she wanted to punch him in the face or kiss him. He wouldn't mind both.
As for her, Avery did, in fact, want to do both, but more to punch him because he asked “what's wrong?” instead of saying “Tahiti”. Why are they like this?
She wanted to say, “Nothing I couldn't handle on my own,” but that would only make it worse. Avery indeed could handle a lot of things on her own, but she also knew how important it was for him to be there for her, no matter what.
Matt was in her Economics class and wouldn't leave her alone for a week. He flirted with her and made inappropriate jokes. Avery knew he knew she had a boyfriend, it was obvious without saying, but he still didn't stop. After telling him she wasn't interested and repeating that she was in a relationship, he still texted her, somehow finding her phone number.
“Matt is a prick who didn’t leave me alone. Oren handled it.”
“Sounds like something I should know, huh?”
“Oren handl…”
“Avery,” Jameson took a step back, running a hand over his face tiredly. “This isn't us, Heiress. You had so many chances to tell me, so why didn't you?”
He looked somewhere over her shoulder and this was her chance to finally see him. Jameson was tense and looked so stressed, and if she hadn't known him, she would have thought he was angry with her.
Avery wasn't trying to hide anything from him, no. Max found out about Matt by accident. She'd called her the moment Avery had gotten the weird message from the guy, so she'd told her right away. Xander was with Max that day, so he found out by accident, too. After their conversation, Avery almost immediately loaded up on work and her school assignments, and by the time she was done, thoughts of Matt didn't even visit her. All she wanted that evening was to hear Jameson's voice on the phone and experience no more stress.
“I was thinking more about exams than him. And you were busy training every day, you were already pushing yourself...”
“I'm never busy for you, you know that, Ave,” he shook his head and looked at her again and immediately regretted it. He had broken his second rule: don't make Avery cry.
Why did her eyes fill with tears? She didn't know the answer to that question herself. Suddenly all the thoughts she'd been trying to ignore, all the stress of the endless work, of being scrutinized by everyone, of worrying about him and fearing about their relationship, came crashing down on her at once.
“I know and I was going to tell you, but it's all sorted now,” she wanted him to know there were no secrets from him. They were in a shitty position as it was. “Jameson, I will never give up on us, I want you to know that. But it scares me. And it hurts me that you won't let me in,” her voice cracked and she closed her eyes to keep from crying. What was the point of these tears anyway?
“Avery, no,” she suddenly felt his fingers gently stroking the skin under her eyes, and the touch somehow made her breathing much easier. “It's not like this.”
Sometimes you get so confused about life that you don't know what you want out of it. People like Jameson always want more, and that feeling doesn't go away, and in the end, you’re just getting overwhelmed.
“You're too hard on yourself, and I get it, you want to be the best. I get it. But what's the point of this,” she placed a hand on his still slightly sore rib and looked into his eyes, a sadness in them. “If it can make you lose everything you've worked so hard for?”
Avery was right. But that thought, the realization of it, only came now. There was nothing pleasant about the fact that he'd been injured, but there was nothing surprising about it either; it happens sometimes. He lost control on a corner and went off the track, managed to get back but ended up feeling pain in his rib. However, the fact that he had continued the drive, feeling the pain, knowing the consequences, was foolish. It was a practice run, not even an actual race. So, what was the point of it? Plus, he lost the chance to race for three weeks after that, which made it all worse.
He was blinded by thoughts of future victories, of responsibility for the team (ironic, right?), of not doing enough, and it ended with him missing out on the feelings of the most important person in his life. Jameson knew how worried she was about him, and yet always so supportive. God, would he have gotten through all of this if it wasn't for her support? He knew for a fact, it would be so much harder without her.
Jameson wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him, resting his chin on the top of her head. She was just as overwhelmed, and then some asshole wouldn't leave her alone. What kind of boyfriend was he after that?
"I'm sorry," he whispered into her hair. "I felt on edge, so angry with myself and I couldn't stop it. Or didn't want to. Fucking masochist, you know me. I was so caught up in it."
“We both were,” she wrapped her arms around his torso. “I felt so exhausted, you won’t believe how many times I was thinking about dropping out and quitting everything. We didn't even try to listen.”
“I won’t let it happen again,” he promised and Avery believed him. After all, she won’t let it happen again either.
Sunset crept into the room, illuminating it with golden light. Avery and Jameson stood there, holding each other, their quiet voices seemed to be the only sound in the entire house. They were finally listening to each other, talking more about their feelings, smiling, joking, kissing.
It still felt different, but in a good way now. It was as if a new lesson that life had taught them had been learned.
“Do you remember the first time we were here?” asked Jameson, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
“You mean the time you went to jail three nights in a row?”
“Yeah, that time,” he grinned. “Can you blame me? One girl wouldn't stop throwing dares at me.”
“Yeah? I'm sure it's not her fault you don't know how to not get caught,” she remarked playfully.
“Anyway,” Jameson took her by both hands and led her to the balcony. “I'm talking about our first evening here, almost like this one, the sunset, music- and you told me I was the hottest person you'd ever met-”
“I didn't tell you that.”
“Mm, right,” he kissed her palms and placed them on the back of his neck, wrapping his arms around her waist. “After my first arrest, we were dancing and I promised that every time I fucked up, I'd make it up to you, so you'd have no choice but to forgive me and love me even more. So, I'm gonna do it, and you're so not ready for it. Completely Queen treatment.” Jameson spun her around, making her laugh.
“Well, now my expectations are super high.”
“Good,” finally, he leaned to kiss her. It wasn't a gentle kiss; it was as if they were making confessions to each other all over again, as if no matter how many “I love yous” came out of their mouths, it wasn't enough. All the stress, the unnecessary thoughts, the anger all faded away and it felt like they were on top of the world again.
They were dancing slowly and listening to the silence around them, Avery's head resting on his chest, and he held her like he never wanted to let go.
“I kind of want to punch this wanker- What’s his name again?”
I was feeling really sad, man, and didn’t want to deal with it, so i decided to let it out in the writing :) also Xander called Avery his second favorite person in the world guys 🥹🥹 and they hugged. their friendship >>
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my other works:
averyjameson: safe place
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sommerflue-22 · 1 year
i loved the childhood crush fanfic of yours! im wondering if your making a yuichiro choice one?
A/n: aaaa thank you sm! and ofc! i hope you like this one too :D
Childhood Crush | Yuichiro Tokito
Muichiro version
Featuring: Yuichiro Tokito, aged up!Yuichiro
Content Warning: gn!reader, modern setting, fluff, not beta read
Word Count: 1.7k
At first, Muichiro was the twin who caught your attention. How could he not? He was a kind kid, soft-spoken and very polite. Not to mention, he smiled a lot. You were in the same homeroom class with him back in your first and second year of elementary school. After that, you were separated. You didn't play with him during recess anymore, but it didn't matter because you made friend with his twin.
Yuichiro was an active kid, always running around playing tag or football whenever he had the chance. You were his seatmate for a whole semester during your third year.
One day during PE, the teacher paired you two to play badminton. It was a match made in heaven. You hit the shuttlecock back and forth, not even letting it drop. Sure, Yuichiro was strong, but you managed to match his energy. The game was really intense, your other classmates started to abandon their own games and watched you and Yuichiro instead.
From that day, you and Yuichiro were pretty much inseparable. You played together during recess, sat next to each other in science lab, exchanged collectible cards. Just two active kids having fun every day.
You remembered the first time you realized that, hey, Yuichiro is such a good friend... but he made your little heart beats a little faster, unlike the other kids.
Yuichiro came to school one day, eyes wide and a big grin plastered on his face.
"(Y/N), (Y/N)! Guess what?!"
"You have to guess first!"
You pouted, annoyed, but gave yourself a few seconds to try guessing the reason Yuichiro's joyful expression. "You... got yourself a new bike?" Yuichiro did tell you he wanted a new bike.
"Ah, I wish! But no!" Yuichiro circled the table and sat next to you. "My Dad got me that dinosaur movie's DVD!"
You gasped, "No, he didn't!"
"Yes, he did!" Yuichiro bounced his feet, excited. "Do you wanna watch it with me after school? Mui don't wanna watch it, he'd rather watch cartoon."
"Eh? Sure! I wanna see the movie too!"
"Alright! Let's go to my house after school!"
The movie was all you talked about with Yuichiro all day. Even during recess, you both didn't join the other kids playing football. Instead, you sat with Yuichiro on the swing set and talked about dinosaurs. When the school bell rang, signaling the end of the class, you both were all packed up and ready to go.
Thankfully, the Tokito's house wasn't really far from school, only a ten minute walk. Once you got there, you borrowed the telephone to call your mom. You told her that you're in Yuichiro's house, about to watch a movie. Your mom let you, but also told you to go home before it got dark.
"All good! Let's go watch that movie!" You gave Yuichiro a thumbs up and he led you to the living room.
You sat comfortably on the sofa as Yuichiro put the CD in the player.
"Yay, it's starting!" Yuichiro plopped down next to you soon after.
"No, it's still the main menu! You gotta push that one there, the 'Play Movie' one! Give me the remote, you're so slow!"
You grabbed the remote from Yuichiro's hand and played the movie.
It was really cozy in the Tokito house. The sofa and the throw pillows were fluffy and soft, the floor was heated, and Yuichiro's mother made them hot chocolate. She also gave you two a bowl of popcorn and a few bags of chips to eat during the movie.
There were a few scenes that made you two jump, but you laughed them all off. Instead of getting scared, you and Yuichiro just commented on how cool the dinosaurs looked. The movie was interesting, but it was quite a long one. Almost two and a half hour long.
Things got a little bit boring when you reached the part where the characters had to plan an escape. It was a lot of talking, not enough dinosaurs. It was the first time the two of you fell silent. You kept your eyes glued to the TV, though, wasn't about to risk missing a dinosaur appearance.
You yawned as the two main characters got left alone by their other friends. They were supposed to guard the front door as the others went to find supplies. You weren't interested in their 'romantic' banter.
You were about to reach out and grab some popcorns when you realized Yuichiro had fallen asleep, his head rested on your shoulder.
Your heart started to beat faster than usual. You didn't know why, maybe because you were afraid of waking him up. As much as you liked watching the movie with him, you couldn't blame him for falling asleep. The movie was still on its boring part and school was tiring. It was normal for him to get tired and fell asleep.
You stayed on your seat and decided to watch the movie again. Wrong move. The two characters were kissing. Mind you, neither you nor Yuichiro knew the movie had a little bit of romance in it. You were just there to see the dinosaur.
But the scene that was unfolding in front of your eyes really made your stomach fluttered. It was your first time seeing two people kiss, and hug each other oh so tightly right after.
I wish I can hug Yuichiro like that...
You couldn't believe you thought about hugging Yuichiro like those characters. It was a tight hug, a really intimate one. They also did it after they kissed each other.
You tried to forget about that feeling, but it never left. It stayed in the back of your mind, coming forward every once in awhile, during random moments you shared with Yuichiro.
By the time you were in the 6th grade, you fully understood that you did like Yuichiro... a little bit (a lot) more than a friend. Yet you never told him.
Apparently someone from another class had a crush on one of the Tokito twins. You had no idea which one, but you saw Yuichiro got pissed off when he found out. You saw him got angry because other kids teased him.
You thought it was better not to tell him about your little crush.
So you kept it to yourself.
You went to the same middle school and high school as the twins. You watched as they grew up to be really attractive. By the time you graduated high school, Yuichiro was already towering over you.
Oh, he's a bad news, alright, you told yourself. Yuichiro was tall, ripped, really good looking, and you waited for him to finish his kendo practices so you knew what he could do with those muscles.
The day after your graduation, you and Yuichiro drove down to the beach and had a little picnic to watch the sunset. It was something that the two of you loved to do since the ninth grade. For Yuichiro, it might be completely platonic. But for you? You loved to pretend that those sunset picnics were dates.
"So... you're moving out this weekend?" Yuichiro asked.
"Yep." You answered, still munching your chips. You got accepted to a really good program in a reputable university. The thing was, it's located on the other side of the country.
"My, my... It won't be the same without you here," Yuichiro whistled. "I mean, we've been friends since like... what, elementary school?"
You laughed, "Back when you still believe in Santa Claus."
Yuichiro threw an almond at you. "I was an imaginative kid... But, anyway... I hope you'll like it there! I'm really happy for you, you know. You deserve this. So go out there and explore the world! Make friends with a lot of people, fall in love with a few, then maybe one day I'll receive an... I don't know, a housewarming party invitation? Or maybe even a wedding invitation?"
You smiled, watching as he popped and almond into his mouth. He had no idea...
"The point is... I'll always be your friend. You can call me anytime."
You sighed. "Well... It would be great if I can find someone else out there, maybe date them, got my heart broken, fall for someone new, repeat the cycle... but I don't think I'll be able to experience those stuff... at least not in the near future."
"Eh?! Why not?!"
You turned to look at him right in his eyes. "Because of you."
Yuichiro blinked a few times before his eyes widened.
"You don't have to reciprocate. I just need to tell you that... just to let you know." You let out a laugh.
"Ah... thanks..."
Surprisingly, you didn't feel sad. You felt relieved. You finally let go of something that you've been holding onto for so long.
The two of you sat in silence as the sun set. Once you could no longer see the glowing, orange orb, you stood up.
"Right, we should get going, then!" You clapped your hands once. "Let me get the trash and dump them. Oi, Yui, stop zoning out and fold the mat."
You picked up the trash and walked to a nearby trash can. Once you disposed them, you went to a faucet near the stairs to the parking lot to wash your hands.
As you were washing your hands, you felt a pair of strong hands wrapped around your waist.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
You let him hold you close, feeling the warmth of his body embraced you, sheltering you from the cold wind.
"Because I don't want you to hate me."
"...Since when?"
"...third grade..."
Yuichiro chuckled, you could feel his breath on your nape. "Oh, (Y/N)..."
Yuichiro turned your body around and soon you were engulfed in his scent, earthy and clean. Your heart was beating like crazy, but so was his.
"So... do you wanna... try it out?" Yuichiro asked, voice quivered at the end.
You chuckled. He was nervous.
"Only if you want to." You lifted up your chin to meet his face.
He rolled his eyes as he leaned down to peck your forehead.
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dandelion-wings · 2 months
Aether and Lumine? Paimon too.
Thank you for the ask! :> I am going to split this not on Aether/Lumine lines but on Traveler/Abyss Prince(ss) lines, because, well, canon did set it up that way, and while if absolutely pushed, Lumine is my Traveler, I mostly prefer to be agnostic in my meta and fic about who is who.
How I feel about this character
Ah, yes, Traveler von Protagonist Disease.
The thing that complicates the Traveler for me is that I absolutely loathe the kind of semi-self-insert-but-semi-independent-character protagonist that seems to be getting popular in video games these days. Byleth in FE3H is another good example. I wish they didn't exist! I wish that it was either a full self-insert, character-builder and all, or that they gave us a protagonist with a personality in the style of Tales Of and Final Fantasy games in the first place. I really enjoy roleplaying a character as I play a video game, whether given to me as a fully-realized character or as one I made up myself, and this in-between kind of robs me of that because I can't go full "this OC of mine believes this" and I also can't try for accuracy to the character I'm presented on-screen.
That said, they have been getting better about this with the Traveler over the last few nations, and I like the increasing sense of actual, independent personality that we've gotten for them! Obviously a protagonist of this kind of game, where all the others have to like the player character to make the gacha appealing, is going to want to help others, so I actually particularly like the occasional thread we get where they're like "no, I don't actually care half as much for Teyvat as I do for my sibling, I don't not care but my main mission is still to get to them" because it's very refreshing to me.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Childe with the Lumine version, as two people who can and will absolutely fuck each other up in a play-battle, post-fight sex optional but fun. (Also I once read a Childe/Lumine AU fic where Childe was attempting to pursue The Greatest Game with Lumine and she turned the tables and pinned him down with knives through his hands, and it was incredibly hot.) Ayaka, as a one-sided crush on Ayaka's part. That's... really about it.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Paimon! My bestest and beloved friend. :>
My unpopular opinion about this character
With a handful of exceptions, I... do not particularly enjoy Traveler-centered fic/art/meta. I don't know how unpopular that is but it's all I've got.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I know why Hoyo can't do this with their gacha game full of waifus and husbandos, but I wish we had at least one major/playable character who just did not get along with them. All their voicelines are along the lines of "you think I'm fucking telling you that?" I just want to see how it would play out.
How I feel about this character
Honestly much more fascinating to me, in part because they've been a lot more allowed to have some kind of personality from the beginning! I want to know all about what's happened to them, why they hold the positions they do, why they give their twin so few crumbs, etc.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I mean. Dain. XD
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Aside from their twin, also Dain! Love their history.
My unpopular opinion about this character
This sort of overlaps with the second, but while I don't know how plausible or how unpopular it is, the mirror in the Caribert quest where the Traveler saw them in it combined with some minor previous stuff to unlock a Theory for me that the Traveler and the Abyss Prince(ss) aren't twins, but a single person with, for the Traveler, altered memories, whom the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles broke apart in order to nerf their power and/or for other reasons related to the whole "Fourth Descender broken up for parts" thing. Fascinating to me.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Related to the above: Hoyo, please give me this. For all the game's deliberate sibling analogies and their pleasing narrative resonance, this theory honestly has way more appeal to me overall.
How I feel about this character
My buddy! My bestest friend! :> I get mad when people are mean to her (in-game or people who choose those options in play). I get sad when she talks about being scared without us (@chrysoula has a theory that this is all foreshadowing a quest/arc where she's taken away and I think this is reasonably likely but I'm also dreading it). I refuse to believe the theories that she's evil, but I do love the theories that she's a reduced/de-powered version of Something/Someone in Teyvat's lore, that would be very fun. I want to give her so many hugs.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I do not. XD
My non-romantic OTP for this character
The Traveler, of course! :> I also love her rivalry with Itto. I love when characters treat her as a separate person from the Traveler and have their own relationships with her.
My unpopular opinion about this character
From what I've seen in the fandom... that I like her at all? XD;;
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Hoyo stop giving us options to be mean to her. She doesn't deserve it. >:( Appreciating and loving Paimon hours ONLY.
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streaminn · 1 year
Twin anon here!
I think the council of anons is incredibly funny. I’m just gonna forever imagine us all sitting at a round table or something dhdhhd
on the moderates for streamer enid note I do think my theory would die then :( definitely be more aware of what siblings Enid had. I mean I think it was said before that Endespairs fandom knew she had a bunch of brothers so the closer my twin theory is to enid the more it kinda collapses.
Also because I’m here- I never realized how sad the twin theory was till he pointed it out. Like oh my god that is devastating. Like imagine the twin you have marrying your idol that’s actually so horrifying. (It’s also a good fanfic idea for a cheating au…)
Enid spent three years attached to Wednesday, going through all kinds of shit together and you're telling me-
One break, just two years of far apart so they can build their own lives and Wednesday gets married to enid's twin
Girl would be devastated. Obviously you aren't entitled to someone's feelings but Enid, who most likely has a more successful twin in terms of wolfing out and thus better connections to the birth family- holy shit, she'll be bitter. She'll wonder, what is it like, to have everything she wanted. Everything she needed. A family, better treatment and her mate.
She wonders what's it like to see them dead
Its not even an idol thing either twin anon! I like to think, Enid genuinely loves Wednesday at this point and like, it'll probably hurt to see someone get so close so easily. But she'll accept it, she's Wednesday's best friend, she needs to accept it.
And when she stands in the altar, in the wrong side of the platform, she will clasp a hand so dangerously close to her twins neck and whisper a congratulations before Wednesday walks down the aisle.
Can you blame Enid, for closing her eyes for just a moment and wishing that Wednesday was walking to her?
The toast afterwards is essentially a confession. She spills her whole feelings, of the gratitude and the greatfulness and the love she has for Wednesday. She waxes it with waving hands and trembling fingers. Wednesday is smiling at her throughout this and it hurts bc her hand is on someone else's and not hers.
Nobody reads it more than a clingy bestfriend who most likely can't spend more time with the other now. Nobody sees the shine of tears barely hidden back and theres a tremble to the glass she's holding when she finishes.
By the end of the whole thing, Enid hugs Wednesday like it was their very first time. It's tight, just like how Wednesday wanted and the sigh that she earns from that has Enid free falling back into how in love she is with Wednesday.
But, it isn't reciprocated and so she pulls back and the tears are spilling. Wednesday chuckles and wipes it away with such softness and care that was once only theirs.
She says, "I love you too, Enid." she sees the love, yes but she is blind for she doesn't see how willing Enid is to die for her. She doesn't see the regret of pushing for the necessary space between them, she doesn't see- she doesn't know that werewolves mate for life.
Enid smiles and savors the eyes of her love. She traces the skin on Wednesday's face, the dip of her dimple and gives a single kiss to Wednesday's forehead. It isn't enough, it's never enough but Enid can't be selfish so she pulls away.
She walks out of the event and Wednesday's life with such ease that it leaves her gasping down a block away.
Enid feels like a ghost since that day onward, untethered and lost in the world.
Idt streamer Enid would exist at this point if the twin thing were true 😭 she'd prob just be a movie reviewer like the og concept of sin. If she ever does become Endespair, she'll probably have a more sarcastic and melachony vibe to the streams. Not alot of Wednesday simping, just cold analytics and if you're a Lil delulu, fondness in her tone.
Didn't expect it to turn into a whole ass drabble but I'm feeling angst so I hope yall liked it.
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Update on the Frankenstein fic
Hi! Heres currently I guess what the prologue would be and sets the story. I would appreciate constructive feedback on my work.
When you were born your parents knew that you'd do spectacular things someday. Even if to them those spectacular things were being a good wife, mother and daughter. Instead of focusing on trivial things such as  cooking, cleaning, sewing, embroidering and whatever traditional tasks your mother thought would be important you wanted to learn more about science and reasoning. Your close friend at this age shared the same wondrous mind as you did. His curiosities were more life and death oriented while you were fixated on the mind itself. How does such a thing work together with the rest of your body? Were people born cruel? Things to that knowledge intrigued you deeply. Due to your friendship with Victor, your fellow scientific enthusiast, many assumed you'd marry. Not that victor was ugly or unfit; he simply wasn't what you wanted in a man. When you two would read together during your spare time he'd get so engrossed in his books he'd sometimes completely forget you were there. 
You weren't interested in death to the same degree he was. But still you both had a very close connection to one another. He was a good friend. Since you two were around one another a lot you'd grown close to his family. Especially his angel of a mother, she was the sweetest  woman you'd ever met. Plus she was the only other woman in your life to support your curiosity and not try to shame you for it. She was a breath of fresh air that you desperately breathed  in and enjoyed. You were there with Victor and Elizabeth when she passed. She held their hand and died quite peacefully despite the scarlet fever. 
You knew one day you wouldn't be able to continue your escapade for psychological endeavors. But for those seventeen years with Victor you were allowed to explore these questions in your mind. The day he'd leave for college and your parents would finally realize that you truly wouldn't marry him would soon come. So now you sit with Victor the day before he's to be sent off. “Ingolstadt? But that's so far. Will you be trying to visit during the holidays?” you ask and eat Milchreis your mother  had paired with fresh strawberries and apple slices. “Yes of course I do. What son would I be if I didn't visit?” He mumbles out, his nose buried in his book.  “I swear you've read that book more times than I have fingers.” You say with a slight chuckle. 
“You ought to try reading more. After today I'm sure your mother will push you into more traditional things. You're one of the only Ladies of our class without any marital propositions.” He shuts his book and leans back against the  tree. “Well who am I to marry? I find none of the  men of this town to be to my taste. They are too needy, childish and unwilling to allow me my study time.”  You say with a  sigh. “My mother wishes to marry me off to Cain Bergström.”  your shudder at  the thought. But victor seems to find it hilarious. “Bergström? That…thing? You may need to read up on the mind more since  your mother may not be alright in hers.” A playful gasp leaves your lips as he spoke and you burst out in a loud laugh. “Victor! What a cruel thing to say!” he ends up laughing alongside you. Only with him were you so willing to not hide your ‘unladylike’ laughter as your mother’d put it. 
When the two of you come down from your fit of laughter you wipe the happy tears off your cheeks. The sun was setting and you knew you should be getting home. “Thank you for spending time with me before you leave. Do you promise to write?” You stand up and dust the dead  grass and dirt from your dress. “I will try to. Maybe you and the rest of my family can visit sometime?” When he said ‘the rest of my family’ a small smile appeared  on your lips. “How kind of you, Victor. You think us to be so close were on familial terms!” Your smile widens. “Well yes. You're like a twin sister. A semi annoying and weird twin sister.” he replies with a smirk. “We must be twins entirely then! For all that  you've used to describe me applies to you as well.” you reply smugly. 
He chuckles lowly “I pray for your future husband. Only god knows you can never hold your tongue.” he  stands up alongside you and stretches. “We should be off.” he adds as you two walk back to his house. Your mother allowed you to spend the night as long as you slept in the furthest room from any of the men. You couldn't really sleep that night, the day Victor leaves is the day the trajectory of your life changes.
 Your sleep  wasn't very fulfilling but due to the sun now rising you had to get  up. Quickly you change and leave the room to see Victor before he would leave. Already he was getting his luggage ready and saying goodbyes. You walk up to him and hug him. “I'll miss you Victor” you say and tighten your arms around him. “Of course you will.” he says and you nudge him in the stomach with your elbow. He simply scoffs and sighs. “Ill miss you too. While I'm in university I promise to write you about all the wondrous things i'll learn.”  Tears prick your eyes and you squeeze harder. “When you're back, will you teach your studies to me?” you ask and sniffle. You feel him nod against your skin “If  your mother tries anything, promise to write to me.” he cups your cheeks and you nod. 
Soon you step away so the remaining others will have their turn to say goodbye  to him. Elizabeth approaches Victor with  a sad smile. “I will miss you dearly.” he cups her  cheeks and presses a kiss to her forehead. “As will I. Keep me up to date with any familial matters.” Elizabeth then smiles and nods. “I will, Victor!” He nods one last time at her before departing. A sinking feeling of sadness fills your stomach and tears fill your eyes. Your parents would be expecting you to return soon. You grab your handkerchief and wipe the tears  from your cheeks. You hear Elizabeth's voice  beside you,  “I know we were never close  but if anything happens,” she says with emphasis on anything. “Please do not be afraid to confide in me.” She hugs you and walks back to the home. With a heavy sigh you begin your walk home. 
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
Part One
Stancy Headcanon Part Two with a Side of Hellcheer and Rovickie with a sprinkling of Jargyle:
• Steve and Eddie bonding over their bat bites while talking about Chrissy and Nancy but also talking about their shitty fathers.
• Nancy and Chrissy bonding over trying be perfect all the time, Nancy talking about losing Barb and Chrissy about her mother blaming her for her brother's death (Chrissy has a brother, it's canon but I think they forgot they gave her a brother.)
• Steve, Nancy, Eddie, and Chrissy getting high as they talk about the difficult stuff. Steve and Eddie talking about being both comfortable in their femininity and masculinity, which led to Chrissy and Nancy talking about it.
• Nancy confesses to Steve about how she feels while Robin and Eddie decide to make it dramatic with a sprinkler. Nancy and Steve chasing them until they manage to push them into the pool. (Stancy still can't get in yet.) I firmly believe in Robin and Eddie being twin menaces.
• Robin finally gets with Vickie, but before Chrissy and Eddie get together, and after Robin comes out to Nancy, she comes out to them. Nancy and Vickie bond over their different writing styles. I believe Vickie wants to right fictional novels. Vickie revealing that she loves basketball and talks with Steve about it.
• Vickie and Chrissy find out they're related. Nancy and Steve meanwhile are loving having so many friends, but they also kind of want to be alone. It's almost comical. Finally, it's Chrissy who realizes and announces loudly that she wants to make out with Eddie in his van, effectively pulling him away from his conversation with Robin, then it's Vickie pulling her out of the room.
• Stancy spending all of the time in the pool once they start to work through their issues. Nancy was even the one to dare him to go skinny dipping with her. It was a different form of intimacy and a different form of freedom.
• A few months into their new relationship and, yes, new. They didn't pick up where they left off. That relationship is dead and buried. They've both changed. Anyway, a few months in, Nancy rescues a dog, and suddenly, it becomes their dog. Due to the fact that Holly is allergic, Ace Wheeler stays at Steve's.
• Nancy and Steve are stupidly in love with their dog and each other. Steve loves to dance around the kitchen with Ace while Nancy lays on the floor with the dog on her back while she reads Ace the rough drafts of her articles. Ace makes a noise. ("You're right, Ace, that's absolutely ridiculous. This sentence needs to go somewhere else.")
• Nancy is, of course, taking a year off from college, but she definitely is going to Emerson. After the hell that occurred, she needed some off of school. But in the meantime, she's free writing for the paper in the next town over. Steve is fully invested and supportive, while Nancy is fully supportive of him not knowing what he wants to do. ("We don't have to have it all figured out.")
• Nancy and Steve getting high with Chrissy and Eddie again, but this time, after discovering their own gender and sexual identities. Eddie and Chrissy accepted it while Chrissy admitted that she always knew about herself but didn't know there was a word for it. Eddie never did anything with a guy before but admits to being curious, which, of course, leads to Eddie and Steve making out. Chrissy and Nancy watch on for a while before doing the same, which leads them with somewhat of a tradition when they got high.
• Of course, there's Robin slipping into bed platonically with Steve and Nancy, as well as Ace, when she has her first fight with Vickie. It causes Robin to do it a lot more often over pretty much anything.
• And of course, there's also Argyle and Jonathan slowly incorporating themselves into the group once they pull themselves out of their love and drug haze. But also, everyone is just being fucking teenagers on the verge of being young adults who are dealing with their trauma and becoming a queer little family along the way. And as much as they love the younger and the adult members of the Party, it's nice just to have people your own age who just get it.
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heiayen · 1 year
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EPISODE 7: SOMETHING SHE MIGHT LIKE... note: this chapter's written part is longer but very important, so! remember to read it
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"No offense, but how else would anyone follow you?" Lumine raised her eyebrows as she put down the plate with dumplings, "If the person got a professional camera and all, then I don't think it would be hard for them to get a tracking device and just plant it in your car."
The main topic of the dinner was, obviously, who took the photos. You couldn't blame the twins for being curious and asking questions, the case was on your mind all the time, too.
"The car was locked, Lumine. Not a single sign or anyone breaking in." Scaramouche replied, annoyance evident in his voice.
"Then how else on earth?"
This was something that also bugged you. Your boyfriend was literally swearing he saw no one following you, and yet someone did. When Lumine first proposed the existence of a tracking device, Scaramouche disagreed instantly, saying how there was no chance someone broke inside.
But you couldn't help and feel like this was possible.
"Could someone put it somewhere on the car?" You asked.
Both Scaramouche and Lumine looked at each other, and then her gaze wandered to her brother.
"…I mean, someone could put it under the car? I saw people do it."
You looked at Scaramouche. Despite his usual frown, you noticed the uneasiness underneath it. To realize that someone was constantly aware of where you were going was a terrible thing, you could only imagine. You grabbed his hand under the table and gave it a light squeeze.
He squeezed back.
"I'll check later."
This was the end of this discussion. Lumine nodded.
"Anyway, I made two kinds of dumplings because I didn't know what you'll like…" She started and pointed at the plate, "Those are with meat and these are with mushroom. Oh, and Aether has his potato filling ones."
"With potatoes?" Your boyfriend asked. Honestly, you were kinda curious about them too. You never had dumplings with potatoes, out of all fillings…
"You want some?" Aether smiled, a dumpling already on his fork.
Still, the said dumpling ended up on his plate anyway. He stared at it and, honest to god, for a second you thought its about to get stabbed with his glare alone.
"Aether, can I have one too?"
"…sorry, Y/N, I have only six dumplings left…"
You glared at him, "So this is how you treat your friend… you pick their boyfriend over them…"
"No, it's not like this!" Aether waved his hands, a hint of amusement on his face. This quickly turned into a friendly bickering between you and him.
You didn't even notice when suddenly, half of the potato dumpling ended up on your plate.
When you noticed it, you smiled at Scaramouche.
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a/n: i wonder what's the thing... anyways the dumpling lumine mentioned are actually rly good. yes im pushing my slavic twins agenda cuz i enjoy projecting. also! please if you have any comments theories whatever feel free to share them cuz i love listening what ppl think and yeah <3
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taglist: @snobwaffles @soleillunne @ilyuu @lxkeeeee @haliyamori @yinyinggie @sakiimeo @supernova25 @cloudycloudd @d4y-dr3am3r (comment or whatever to be in the taglist, IF i forgot someone which might happen dont hesitate to remind me)
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kyokittymeow · 11 months
Sick (Krux Edition)
Krux awoke from a restless sleep and immediately realized that something was wrong with him. His head was pounding so painfully that he thought it would explode at any moment.
He also felt terribly hot and dizzy. He really hoped he wasn't sick, because he didn't need that at all right now. Krux sat up grumbling and the dizziness increased. He groaned in pain and pressed a hand against his forehead.
He stood up carefully, a little unsteady on his feet, and left his room. He slowly shuffled into the kitchen and made himself tea as usual. He had to hold onto the kitchen counter to keep from tipping over. He felt like he was going to pass out at any moment.
Krux looked up when he heard footsteps behind him. Acronix walked sleepily into the kitchen and yawned. "Mornin'..." he murmured. Krux mumbled the greeting back absently. His younger brother was silent for a moment, frowning at him. "Are you okay? You look like shit."
Krux narrowed his eyes in disapproval, reached for his tea and sank into a chair. "I'm fine." He took a sip. "I just have a bit of a headache." Acronix padded towards him. "That looks like more than just a headache to me."
"It doesn't - Hey!" Krux jumped as Acronix slapped his hand on his forehead. The younger man gasped in horror and quickly withdrew it as if he had been burned. "Bro, you're blazing hot!"
Krux rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Nonsense. You're exaggerating again." Acronix put his hands on his hips. "Off to bed with you!" The elder stared at him with an indifferent look. "I'm not even thinking about it!"
"But you're sick!"
"I'm not sick!" Krux stood up, annoyed. He didn't feel like arguing with his brother. "Now stop annoying me. I have better things to do than-" He stopped, clinging to the back of the chair as he felt dizzy again.
Everything started to spin. He narrowed his eyes and groaned. "What's wrong with you?" Acronix asked worriedly, holding him by the shoulders. "It's nothing..." Krux muttered, trying to suppress the feeling of dizziness.
But it got worse and worse until he saw black spots in front of his eyes and slowly lost consciousness.
Krux opened his eyes and immediately regretted it. The bright sunlight shining through the window gave him a hell of a headache. He turned away and then realized he was tucked up in his bed. Judging by that, he must have actually fainted.
Krux sighed heavily. He felt miserable.
The next moment he heard hurried footsteps approaching. Acronix shot into his room. "Brother!" His shocked face lit up when he saw him. "You're awake!"
He sat down next to him on the bed. "I've been worried. How are you feeling?" Krux wanted to sit up, but his brother gently pushed him back. "Don't! You need to rest."
The older man sighed in resignation and sank back into his pillow. "Is there anything I can do for you?" Acronix asked.
Krux ran his hand over his face. "Go look if we have any headache pills." His twin nodded, stood up and quickly left the room.
Shortly afterwards, he could hear Acronix rummaging through the bathroom mirror cabinet, throwing several things to the floor. He rolled his eyes at the thought of what a mess he was making again.
"Nothing!" his brother shouted. Acronix padded back into the room. "Nothing at all," he repeated. Krux grumbled and massaged his forehead. The pain was hellish. Without medication he wouldn't get through the day.
"Should I go to the pharmacy?" Acronix asked, rocking up and down on his feet impatiently. Krux raised a skeptical eyebrow. He wasn't sure if his brother was the right person for it, especially since he liked to be distracted.
But there was no one else who could do it and he was far too weak to go outside. "Can you do that?"
The younger one frowned. "Of course I can do it! What kind of question is that?"
Krux was silent for a moment. "All right. But just don't cause any trouble, got it?"
Acronix nodded eagerly. "Yes!"
"No stealing, okay?"
Acronix's grin disappeared. "Why not?"
Krux had to pull himself together not to go crazy. "You're going to pay for this, do you understand?! We should attract as little attention as possible!"
His twin groaned in annoyance. "Okaaaay... If i have to."
Krux growled stressed. His headache had gotten worse.
Acronix took his time. Very, very much time. At least it took too long for Krux. "Where is this moron...?"
Just then he heard Acronix's voice and stomping in the hallway. "I'm back!" He burst into his room.
Krux huffed. "It's about time! What have you been doing for so long?" He stared confusedly at the full bag in his hand. "What did you buy there?!"
Acronix grinned mischievously. "You'll be surprised! I've thought of everything!" He plopped down on the bed and spilled the contents.
Krux stared in horror at the many different medications. "Have you completely lost your mind?!" he snapped at him. "I said headache pills! Not the whole pharmacy!"
Krux took a closer look at the many packages. He found sleeping pills, vitamin pills, or even something for...hay fever? He began to wonder if his brother had just chosen random medications without reading them thoroughly.
"I thought you might need all of this," his brother said with an innocent expression. "The more the better!"
Krux sighed heavily. "Whatever...Where are the headache pills?"
"Right, they're..." Acronix rummaged through the packagings. His eyes widened. "Oh no..."
"What?" Krux glared at him. "Please don't say you forgot them!"
Acronix swallowed. "Um...that can't be. I definitely took them with me...I think." Krux ran his hand over his face, groaning. "Acronix, you had one job and you seriously screwed it up?"
"I forgot, sorry!"
"How can you forget that?! Only you can do something like that!" Acronix scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I can go again and-"
"No, forget it," grumbled the older one. "You won't manage it."
Krux should have known. Acronix had no idea about today's pharmacies and the many different medications. After all, things looked completely different forty years ago. Back then they could only help themselves with herbs.
His younger twin sighed dejectedly. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" Krux turned on his side. His head was still pounding. "Just let me sleep..."
Acronix nodded hesitantly. "Okay then...have a good rest!" Krux sighed and closed his eyes.
"Bro. Brooo!"
Krux grumbled. "Go away..."
"But I made you something to eat." The older man slowly opened his eyes and saw Acronix next to him, holding a bowl of soup in his hands. "You should eat something."
Krux sat up slowly. In fact, he was pretty hungry, which wasn't surprising since he hadn't eaten anything today. "Ah, thanks." He took the spoon and the bowl and tasted carefully.
He was surprised when the soup actually tasted good. It was easy to bite the dust when it came to Acronix's cooking skills. Especially when he prepared one of his 'own creations'. Since then, Krux has exclusively taken over the cooking.
"And?" Acronix cocked his head to the side. "Is it good?"
"It turned out pretty well for your standards," Krux commented. Acronix's eyes lit up with pride. "Ha! See? I can cook!"
"Don't get cocky..."
After Krux had eaten up, he stayed in bed, bored. Luckily, his headache had become more bearable after he rested. However, he still felt weak and sickly. Still, he had the urge to do something. Just lying in bed was too boring.
Carefully, so that he wouldn't suffer another attack of dizziness, Krux sat up and left his bed. He went into the kitchen and was shocked when he saw the mess his brother had left behind.
"He can't be serious..." Krux hated dirt and mess almost as much as he hated technology. Grumbling, he rolled up his sleeves and was about to get to work when Acronix suddenly padded sleepily into the kitchen and stared at his twin in confusion. "What are you doing?"
Krux pointed to the dirty dishes piling up in the sink. "Can you explain that to me?" Acronix had that innocence look on his face again, as if he wasn't aware of what he was talking about. "What about it?"
"How can you leave such a mess? Clean up here immediately!" The younger one sunk his shoulders. "I'll do it later..."
"You're doing it now," Krux replied in a tone that suggested no objection. His brother groaned in annoyance. "Okaaaay...I got it..."
He began washing the dirty plates and scrubbing them clean with a sponge. Krux sighed heavily. He felt even more exhausted than before. "This boy is going to kill me..." he muttered quietly to himself as he dragged himself back to his room.
"Come on, knock!"
"No, you knock!"
"It was your idea!"
Blunck and Raggmunk stood undecided in front of Krux's closed door. The two vermillion had not been given any task yet because the time twins had not shown up yet today. So they decided to simply ask themselves.
Blunck took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll do it." He hesitantly knocked on the door. "Sir? Can we speak to you for a moment?" The two warriors waited, but there was no answer. They looked at each other confused.
"No answer."
"And now?"
"We'll just go in...?" Raggmunk's eyes widened. "Are you crazy?! We are forbidden from entering this room!"
"Maybe he's not even there?" Blunck argued, putting his hand on the doorknob.
Raggmunk looked frightened. "I warned you." Blunck carefully opened the door and what the two of them saw surprised them. Krux was sleeping in bed.
"He's...sleeping?" Raggmunk whispered. "At this time?"
"That's strange..." Blunck tiptoed towards him, as if he was approaching a dangerous animal.
"What are you doing...?!" Raggmunk hissed quietly. "Hey, look!" Blunck whispered back. "Krux doesn't look good at all." The other vermillion walked up to him and was startled when he saw the time master's pale face.
"I don't know anything about humans..." he began, "...but that doesn't really look healthy to me." Blunck nodded in agreement. "Is he even still alive?" He shook his shoulder. "Sir? Sir!"
"Don't do that..."
"Sir! Can you hear me?" Krux's eyebrows furrowed and he made a grumbling noise. "Ah! He's waking up!" Raggmunk stated. "Sir? Are you okay?"
Krux opened his eyes just a tiny bit. "What are you idiots doing here? Get out." The two vermillion tensed up. "Um...w-well..." Raggmunk stuttered. "We...we're waiting for orders..."
The time twin sat up with a groan. His hair was disheveled and he had dark circles under his eyes. They had never seen him so battered. "I don't know if you mindless creatures have noticed, but I'm sick," Krux clarified irritably. "That means it's not possible for me to give you any orders."
"And...what should we do now...?" Blunck asked uncertainly. Krux sank back into his pillow with a sigh. "My brother will definitely find some task for you."
"Leave now...!"
The vermillions saluted and quickly left the room. "Phew...that was close," Raggmunk said. "I thought he was going to rip our heads off."
"I don't think he would have been able to do it in that condition."
"Whatever. Let's find Acronix."
They quickly found the younger twin lying on the sofa. From the look on his face, he didn't seem to be feeling well either. He had his eyes closed and was whimpering plaintively.
Blunck and Raggmunk looked at each other in surprise. "Is that a twin thing?" Raggmunk asked quietly. "If one of them gets sick, the same thing happen to the other?" Blunck just shrugged. He turned to Acronix, who hadn't noticed the two yet.
"Acronix...sir?" The younger man didn't react at first, but then he turned his back on them and muttered, "Fuck off..." The warriors blinked in surprise. "Are you not feeling well?" Raggmunk dared to ask.
Acronix didn't respond. The warriors exchanged perplexed looks again. "Let's leave him alone, i guess" Blunck said. Raggmunk nodded before they walked away from him.
"Wait!" Acronix suddenly shouted. The two stopped abruptly.
"Get Krux." The two saluted. "Aye!"
They quickly rushed to Krux's room and opened the door quietly. Blunck swallowed anxiously. "S-sir?" Krux groaned in annoyance. "Can't i just suffer in peace here? What do you dolts want now?"
"Uh, your brother..." Raggmunk began hesitantly. "He asks for you."
"There's something wrong with him," Blunck added. Krux sighed. "There's always something wrong with him."
It took him a few seconds to get up and leave his bed. He mumbled something about 'annoying brat' as he dragged himself out of the room.
Blunck and Raggmunk led him into the living room, where Acronix was lying limp on the sofa. "What's wrong with you?" Krux asked harshly as he padded towards him. The younger one opened his eyes and stared angrily at his brother. "You infected me!"
"Nonsense," Krux objected. "You've barely been near me." He touched his forehead and looked puzzled. "Oh? You have a high fever." Acronix grumbled. "I knew it. You did infect me..."
Krux sighed. "Jeez, that can't be possible..." His twin was shaking all over and whimpering. "I'm feeling like shit..." Krux turned to Blunk and Raggmunk. "Bring him a blanket and a wet cloth."
The commanders saluted and walked away. They quickly got the things they asked for and returned to the living room. Krux sat on the sofa and gently petted Acronix's head.
The elder turned around and quickly pulled his hand away when he noticed the two warriors. "What are you staring at?!" he snapped, looking embarrassed for a moment. "Hand it over!" Blunck and Raggmunk jumped in shock. "Y-yes!" They handed him the blanket and the cloth.
Krux covered his brother with the blanket and placed the damp cloth on his burning forehead. Acronix sighed in relief. Krux grumbled irritably to himself before turning his attention back to the vermillions.
"And now to you." Blunck and Raggmunk looked up. "You'll take care of Acronix, understand?!" he ordered. "Since I'm still a little sick myself, you can listen to his whining."
"U-us?" Blunck's eyes widened. "Why us of all people?!" Krux's expression darkened. "You wanted a task, didn't you? So shut your mouth and follow my command!"
The commanders saluted again. "Yes, sir..." Krux growled and left the two of them alone with his sick twin. Now they stood there indecisive and didn't really know what to do.
"Um...is there anything we can do for you, young master?" Raggmunk asked uncertainly. Acronix's eyes slowly opened. "Just shut up..."
The warriors exchanged weary glances. "This could be tiring."
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messinwitheddie · 1 year
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Dib "Pretty sure that's everything you brought with you from Cali and whatever you wrote while you lived with us. Dad has literally never touched any of our bedrooms since we moved out. It's kind of sweet, but also kind of creepy."
Squee "I can't believe he didn't throw all of my old journals out. I thought about throwing them out a thousand times."
Reg "Glad you didn't now, hu?"
Squee "Sort of. I'm not sure how useful any of this will be to Dipper, but-"
Dib "I think he just wants a second opinion-- like a beta reader. He over thinks everything every step of the way."
Squee "So you recommend ME to help ghost write the fourth journal?"
Dib "It's the perfect side project for you, trust me."
Squee "Yeah, maybe. It's a lot of pressure."
Dib "Only if you psych yourself out over it. Just enjoy the experience. You owe it to yourself."
Squee "I haven't dedicated any significant time or energy into writing since high school. Back then, it was just an escape from school bullies and home bully. Mostly fanfiction and campy short horror stories."
Dib "Which were amazing, I read them. So, keep writing. Don't let the sucky people that got in your way over a decade ago stop you from doing something awesome you want to do now. I was bullied for my interests and look at me, still chasing the paranormal... when free time permits me."
Reg "You were bullied in school too?"
Dib "Yeah, big time."
Reg "By WHO?"
Dib "Pretty much everyone; other kids, teachers, your grandad on occasion, your aunt Gaz-"
Reg "Really?"
Squee "She can bully with the best of them if you push her buttons right."
Reg "Wow."
Dib "Some kids were bigger jerks than others, but I never really found a group of kids I connected with until I met the Pines twins. I rarely left my room without hearing the words "big head" directed towards me."
Reg "But you're big and strong and super science smart. Who would ever screw with you?"
Dib "I was scrawny and awkward right up until my sophomore year of high school. Being... neurodivergent didn't help my case."
Reg "That's not a reason to make fun of someone."
Squee "You're not a bully, that's why you subscribe to that logic. My suggestion, make online friends. That's the beauty of the internet."
Reg "I know technically I have friends, it's just... Is bullying something everyone goes through?"
Squee "I didn't used to think so, but the older I get and the more people I interact with, I realized the answer is yes. Bullying is a learned behavior reinforced by past bullying. Most of the time, if someone is abusing the people around them, in some way, they're being abused themselves. You can't stop bullies from roaming this earth. You can just choose not to be one."
Reg "Is that why dad's a bully now? Because he was bullied when he was a kid?"
Dib "Wait wait wait-- You think I'm a bully? Seriously?"
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Reg "You have... bully-like tendencies."
Dib "NO I DON'T. "
Reg "You bully Zim."
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Dib "ZIM is an imperialist megalomaniac butt weevil from space! I don't BULLY Zim, I retaliate."
Squee "You bully the interns at the lab."
Dib "Because they're idiots who can't follow directions! Being assertive and expecting my coworkers to focus and not blow anything up doesn't make me a bully."
Reg "You harass your fellow swollen eyeballs."
Dib "Don't even-- I've had to defend my theories and research from oblivious trolls and amateurs trying to pick apart my work every step of the way! Todd, man, tell the boy I'm not a bully."
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Squee "You have bully-like tendencies."
Dib "..."
Squee/ Reg "..."
Dib "Okay... nice to know what my big brother and my only son really think of me."
Reg "Dad-"
Dib "No, I get it. It's cool."
Squee "Come on, man-"
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*series of high pitched, static and beeping*
Dib "Holy shit, my ghost boxes are going off like crazy. At least the spirits in this house think I'm bearable to be around."
Squee " Wait, Dib, that's probably just Nny-- he'll figure it out."
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Reg -sad groan-
Squee "I can't win."
[For context, because my aus are all over the place.
Dib had bought a historically haunted house upstate on an impulse with the intention of ghost hunting with Reg, father and son. However, Reg has decided to go live with his mother on the Von Verminstrasser cryptid nature reservation, virtually crushing Dib's dream.
He rents the house out to the recently married, Squee and Pepito.
Sketched these out on break and lunch throughout last week. Decided to clean them up a little earlier today.]
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daintyduck99 · 1 year
"You've been kind of obvious" "what" for the reggie pairing of your choice!
Reggie can't overstate how much he loves his friends. They've altered how he feels about camping over the course of one evening, rallied around a bewitchingly bright fire.
Old memories of his father huffily attempting to instill 'manlier' hobbies in him are replaced with laughter and lopsided tents, smores and card games, ghost stories and squabbles and—of course—music.
But if he has to endure one more actual argument about who's sleeping where, he's bound to tear his hair out.
So when Julie leans in close to whisper in his ear, he can blame the way he shivers on the tension that's already in the air.
"Do you want to get out of here?"
God, yes, he mouths, grinning as she giggles, brilliant in the firelight. Where?
She tips her head towards the truck, and they quickly sneak away, letting out twin sighs of relief as the sounds of Luke and Carrie shouting start to die out. They're muffled completely as they climb in the truck and close the doors, thank fuck.
He's trying to remember where he put the blankets—he doesn't want to turn the engine on and risk garnering attention—only to startle as Julie moves the console, pushing it up into a seat.
"Oh—what's—" He swallows when she slides over next to him, blanking from the solid line of her body pressed to his. "Um."
Her lip scrunches like she's bitten it, but it's difficult to tell in the semidarkness. He shouldn't be able to tell at all, and yet.
"I was hoping," she murmurs, twining their fingers together, "you'd keep me warm."
There's no mistaking the sultry note in her voice. He has to be dreaming, but it sends a sharp pain through his leg when he pinches it, and he blinks at her slowly.
"Julie—are you flirting with me?"
She tilts her head, squeezing his hand.
"Yes? Did you not want me to flirt back?"
"Not—really?" He winces. She goes to pull her hand away, but he gently squeezes back. "But only because I was trying so hard not to flirt with you! Not more than I normally do, because—I didn't want to make it weird, but I'm so fond of you, Julie. I don't know what changed, or when. But it's like—you snuck up on me. I love you."
"I know," she says softly, only to huff a laugh as he sends her an incredulous look that must be visible even in the weak moonlight. "You've been kind of obvious."
Kind of—
But he was being so careful!
She laughs again, low and warm in her throat, and what he wouldn't give to see her eyes dancing in the firelight right now.
"You've been doing all of these special little things for me. You do that for everyone, from time to time, but you've been especially considerate to me, and I remember what you were like with Kayla. I thought I was jealous of the way you worshiped her, but I was just…jealous!"
Reggie’s mind is racing. He realizes his mouth is hanging open and closes it.
"That was—ages ago, I mean—you only just broke up with Nick and—you deserve special things! I wanted—I—I want you to be happy so of course I—"
"Reggie." She puts her fingers on his chin, keeping his eyes on her silhouette, as if he could look away, partially blind or no. "Are you trying to talk me out of this? Because you snuck up on me, too. I love you too!"
His heart gallops away; it never did have much sense to begin with. He swallows.
Julie makes a frustrated noise. The hand that's knotted in his fights its way free and clings to his shoulder, freshly knotting in the sleeve of his shirt.
"I broke up with Nick three months ago. And I mostly dated him to get over you, which obviously didn't work. So are you going to kiss me or not?"
His body is still abuzz with everything, not quite believing it, but her request makes it through, and when his lips touch hers it's like she's made him into a live wire.
He'll think of a better, less cliched description later, when this is all a memory. All he knows right now is Julie, the tickle of her curls on his cheeks and the small of her back where his hand has splayed for support, the warmth of her skin and her smile pressed to his and the sweet sound of her satisfied humming.
Then she's in his lap, and whatever was left of his thinking capacity is officially fried.
It's not until she accidentally brushes against the horn in the slightest of beeps that they startle apart for a moment, and he gasps, struck with delayed realization.
"Wai—Julie! You Han Solo-ed me!"
She just giggles mischievously, and he has to steal the sound from her mouth.
And because she's braver than Reggie will ever be, she makes a beeline for the bonfire when they stumble out of the truck, which is still raging, along with Luke and Carrie. A few other people are literally asleep on their logs, slumped together.
"I'm sleeping with Reggie," Julie announces, and he thinks he makes an embarrassing sound, but it's thankfully lost to the spitting of the fire and her confident voice as she continues. "So keep it down while you sort your shit out. We won't hold back otherwise. Just. Keep that in mind."
So—yeah. All in all—
How Reggie feels about camping has definitely been altered for the better.
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gnattyplayssims · 1 year
1939 Pt2 - Anabelle's Secret
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"You wanted to see me Maci?"
"Yes, I know you said you'd made a decision when you came here a few months ago but I want to make sure nothing's changed."
"It hasn't." Anabelle was firm in her response even though her heart ached.
Maci shuffled some papers on her desk.
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"You do understand what this means? I've delayed things as long as I can but there are hundreds of farms looking for extra hands and 5 is the ideal age for adoption. You won't be able to change your mind again."
"I understand. We can't provide the kind of life a child needs."
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Maci pulled a sheet of paper from the desk. "There's some paperwork as you can imagine. Something saying that you give up the rights to the child and won't try to contact the adoptive family. Once you sign, you'll have a chance to say goodbye of course but..."
Anabelle nodded.
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Anabelle stumbled out of Maci's office, her heart shattering into a million pieces. She collapsed onto a couch not realizing she wasn't alone. "Did it not go well?"
"I signed the papers"
Hannah gasped. "Oh Anabelle I'm so sorry, I know how hard you were trying to make it work"
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"It's for the better. Stefan will have a better life this way."
"You know I understand. The twins just turned 5 and Ann isn't far behind. It's hard but we do what we have to. Being a mother means making sacrifices sometimes."
"Kye will never forgive me. I sold our child."
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[5 years earlier]
"That's it dear just breathe. It's almost over."
"I want to hold my son. Let me see him please."
"Soon, dear, we need to get you feeling better first." Another contraction washed over her. "There we go, that will be the end of it now." Maci brushed her brow.
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Anabelle sat up dizzily as the contraction eased and Maci squeezed her hand. "Lay back down dear, you've lost a lot-" Maci's hand shot to her mouth "Oh no...oh no no no."
"What is it, what's ah-" "Anabelle I'm so sorry but I need you to push...NOW!"
Anabelle's world tilted.
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The room was spinning, somewhere she thought she heard her son crying. Stefan...she'd name him Stefan. But then another sound filled the room and terror filled her.
A babies cry...another babies cry.
"It's a girl, Anabelle! You have a baby girl"
"No, no, no, no. It can't be two"
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"Anabelle, the tub is drained you don't have to sit in here anymore."
"Just leave me alone Hannah"
"I know how you feel. My second pregnancy was twins. We knew it was twins a lot sooner so we had time to make a decision, but it didn't make it any easier"
"Grim can take me now"
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Hannah propped Anabelle up by her arm, helping her out of the tub and draping a towel around her. Anabelle felt broken. "I get it. But you still have options. Our son lives with us but the girls live here. Perhaps you can work something out with Maci, until you get on your feet."
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5 years later, Anabelle didn't feel any less broken as she walked up the stairs. The children were playing tag in the hallway and she paused in the upstairs sitting room.
Eventually one of the babies noticed her and squeeled excitedly, "Mama!" The little girl whirled around.
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Anabelle tried to swallow her despair as her daughter ran toward her, "There's my girl, how's my Sofia doing today?"
She scooped her up, whirling her around and Sofia squeeled excitedly. "Higher Mama higher, all the way to the ceiling"
"To the ceiling? Then you might fly away"
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Anabelle spun Sofia around looking up into those eyes. Her father's green Mizrahi eyes. They were the only thing she had of his. Tears welled in her own eyes and Sofia tilted her head curiously. "Why Mama sad?"
She pulled her closer. "Forget me my dear, please just forget me."
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A few days later, Hezekiah was sitting outside enjoying the warmer weather with his son. "And then your mama ran right into me, I swept her right off her feet. She got a bump right here" he tapped his sons head and Stefan giggled. "And that's how we met."
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"It's Mama!" Stefan pointed at a figure running toward them across the bridge. Hezekiah leapt to his feet as Stefan clapped excitedly. "Stay here buddy"
"Yeah! Sweep off feet!"
Kye laughed "That's right I'm gonna go sweep Mama off her feet." With that he raced off the porch.
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Hezekiah ran toward Anabelle meeting her halfway from the bridge. He could tell she had been crying but she quickly forced a smile and he knew she didn't want to talk about it. "You made it."
"I told you I would. And...I'm here now. I'm not going to be leaving anymore."
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"You look like you need...a hug?"
A sob escaped and she nodded trying not to cry anymore. He pulled her into an embrace
"I don't know what's been going on with you but I'm here, Anabelle"
"It's over now Kye. You don't have to worry anymore. Things are finally going to be better"
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Anabelle took a bath and allowed Elena to dispose of her ripped sweater in exchange for an old dress. Kye found her in the sitting room later that evening. "Sorry mom couldn't find a bed for you. The space is pretty maxed out."
"A couch is still better than the ground."
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"You look...really good in that dress. The country look suits you."
"You think so?"
Kye nodded nervously, "I don't get to see your hair down like that very often either. It looks nice."
"Thanks Kye, for everything. You keep taking care of me and...I don't deserve it."
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"That's not true!"
For a moment she looked like she was about to argue
"Well anyway if you need anything..." He hesitated, suddenly feeling nervous. Having her there, in Henford, sleeping on their couch... "um yeah, I'll be upstairs."
She exhaled shakily as he left the room.
1940 Pt1 - Family Matters
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audrey-emeralds · 3 years
Past Times | Tom Riddle and Mattheo Riddle
Pairing: Tom Riddle x First!Gn!Reader and Mattheo Riddle x Second!Gn!Reader
Summary: James and his twin travel to past to see the time when Lord Voldemort was in the making, finding out the truth of their relative's mysterious death.
Warnings: Mentions of death, a loved one passing away, reunion, time traveling
A/n: Part 1 Also I gave name to the second reader, Jaime as it can be both male or female and so it wouldn't be confused with Y/n.
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Jaime and James just had to do it. They knew of the time turner which was hiding in their house and just wanted to try it out.
" To which year would we go to? " James asked his twin, head on the wooden table.
" Maybe like in Tom Riddle's time? " Other twin suggested.
" To see you, or father-in-law? " Jaime has been dating Mattheo Riddle for almost a year now, and their brother since then refers to him as brother-in-law.
" He is not my father-in-law. I am not married. "
" How it's going I think you will become a Riddle soon enough. " The oldest Potter child teased their sibling.
" Let's leave this conversation. " They got up from their seat. " It's time for travelling. " They rushed away from the table and to their location.
" I didn't agree to the suggestion you made. "
" I really don't care. " He rolled his eyes catching up with them.
When their hands finally got to it, they looked at each other, nodded and prepared to see how did Hogwarts look like before them and their father.
As if it was a blink of an eye, they found themselves in the astronomy tower.
" It looks the same. " James remarked. " Are you sure it worked? "
" Yes I am. " Jaime looked around, the night surrounded the magical world with light stars only keeping it bright. It seemed peaceful, until the some figure was seen rushing their way.
Twins hid behind a wall the fastest they could, hoping they didn't get caught. It moved to the edge, removing the hood.
It was a man, with the robes of House Slytherin. He looked like he was in a lot of trouble, walking around, pulling at his hair.
" What's going on? " James tried to push his way to see the figure. " Shh. It's a man. A slytherin. " They said.
" If it isn't Tom Riddle himself. " He was close to moving his twin, yet being defeated. " Not fun. " He remarked.
" What am I going to do now? " The man spoke, not loudly but making it loud enough for the Potter twins to overhear.
" Y/n... " The man spoke, whispering the name of the unknown person.
" Wait isn't that the name of dad's like great-uncle/great-aunt? " They remembered when their father talked about Y/n who went to school during the same time Tom Riddle did. And how they died bizarrely.
" What if they are here? " James spoke too loudly. " We have to find them. Only 5 hours and we don't have time, maybe he can help us or something he obviously knows who they are- " By the time Jaime closed his mouth, too much was said and they were heard, but even worst they were found.
The same man who seemed desperate a minute before now held a cold gaze at them.
" Come out. " It sounded like a command and hiding didn't seem like an option. So they did it. They showed themselves to the man who spoke of their ancestor.
The moment he saw Jaime, it's like his previous behavior returned, he looked at disbelief.
" No this can't be real. " He almost chuckled. " I must be imagining this. " His eyes didn't move from Jaime. They scanned, not believing what they were seeing.
When he was done with his head shaking no and staring at them he said the name again. " Y/n? "
" Jaime. " They didn't know what to say. Panic caught up with the brain and they just gave them their hand.
" You are not Y/n? " The man looked surprised. Stepping away from the twins.
" Well Y/n is kind of our relative. " James said.
" You are the Potters. " He asked, his glances were becoming sadder however confused the two. By this time he realized they came from future, but could he really care.
" How did I end up? " He asked them. " What happened with Tom Riddle? " It took a second for them to realize what he meant.
He was the Tom Riddle. Voldemort. James was ready to attack him as soon as he caught up to his words. But Jaime stopped him, they saw the look in his eyes. The absolute deadly grief that consumed him.
" I will tell you, if you tell us about Y/n. " They demeaned, Harry told his children about Y/n, but mostly how they died in unknown circumstances. Riddle nodded, preparing to tell them what just happened half an hour ago.
" Y/n was alive, to this day. They passed today. " His eyes were on the floor then they came to the sky and stopped when watching Jaime.
" They were beautiful and I destroyed that. "
" I don't know how it happened, they just happened to be at the wrong place and they died. " James almost gained sympathy for the Slytherin man, until he said the horrifying truth.
" I killed them. " Silence stopped them all, the words hit harder then they could have imagined.
" You died. " Jaime spoke, taking his attention. " You lost the wary you lost the war, you lost a life and took many others. " He sighed, burying his head in his hands.
" So none of it was worth it either way. " His fingers grabbed his hair. " Without Y/n, I got nothing back, but mostly not her. "
He came to the same edge were he was first seen, he groaned at the reality of his own unsuccessful future.
" Let's leave him. We just need him to kill us. " Older twin begged their sibling hoping they want the same. " No. "
" No? " He came before them. " He is mad and you want him to go into full-blown madness. " James saw no sense in what his twin decided to do.
Tom sat on the cold floor feeling like the end is near for him. All his plans were leading to nothing. To no success and no power. And in the end no happiness either way.
He was about to leave the place he spent thinking about his next move finding it completely useless.
But they appeared in his way.
" Tom, what are you doing on the floor? " His tired eyes looked at his beloved Y/n. He thought he was imagining or that it was Jaime. However, he saw three Potters.
" Tom. " They held out their hand for him to dive into which he did. He kissed their rough lips they became hard from coldness.
" You were dead. " He buried his head into his lover's neck, hoping to never leave.
" Tom we have to talk about this. " They pointed to James and Jaime.
" I want you to stop with this whole chaos you are going to. " They let their fingers go through his hair.
" It needs to stop. " Tom didn't even listen to their words, only putting the focus on then alone.
" I will not stand with you if you go through this. "
" I don't want to lose again, but I really wanted this. You know me the best, you know how big is my desire. " He tried to reason.
" But you know your future. " Twins pointed out.
" Tom I want us to work this out together, alright? " Y/n had hope in Tom, she knew somewhere there was a good, a truly good side of him.
" We will Y/n. We will. " Riddle kissed their hands which had been freezing.
" I think it's our time to leave. " Twins said moving out of the way for the two live birds.
And so the two Potters returned to their home, hoping Tom would do as he said, hoping his dark desire wouldn't grow too big now when he got one thing back. Mostly they hopped the future didn't get too complicated, but what would children that want good in the world know what is to come, if they even can come back home.
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Baddie Bois finding out their datemate had been dropping hints they had been pregnant and most of them had been jokes or little gift boxes of custom handsewn baby onesies meant for the possible twins they might have??
Aww I loved this ask :D I hope you enjoy it!
Error- all the hints went over his head, at first. He liked your puns and stuff, sure, but you need to change the subject! You just kept talking about baby stuff. If that was all you could think of for puns, you need to think Kore. How did he find out for real? Well... With the help of Ink. Ugh. Okay so they were fighting like normal, but Error wasn't feeling it and Ink groans "Errroooooorrrrr you're not even tryiiiiinnnnngggggg... Do you wanna break up?" He asks a pout even being heard in his voice. Error tenses and snaps "yOu s-sHuT YoUr mOuTh! We aR-A-ArEn't eVeN ReMoTeLy c-cLoSe tO DaTiNg! YoU DaMn iDiOt. I'M JuSt sTrEsSeD BeCaUsE Y/N H-HaS BeEn aCtInG OoOoOfF" he went on to explain everything that you've been doing which causes him to slowly realize that you've been doing a lot with babies now... Oh God... Were you pregnant?
Nightmare- he noticed a pattern right away, but instead of assuming you WERE pregnant, he assumed that you wanted to have children and, if he was to be honest, he didn't even know if they COULD have a babybones? When he told that to you though, you just giggled and shrugged. What? He made a tsh sound and went back to work. Yes, he noticed that your scent was different too... Axe seemed much more protective over you as well! Why? He felt annoyance each and every time until he decided to try something. After he pretty much pushed Axe against the wall, snapping at him to explain why he thinks he should protect Nightmare's datemate? Did he think he couldn't do it?! Axe quickly explains that, no, he knew Nightmare could but he couldn't help it, he's always protective of pregnant people... Monster or human. Slowly, more so than he wished to admit, Nightmare realized that you didn't want a kid, you already had one! He leaves, knowing that he needed to look some stuff up.
Dusty- Dusty, otherwise known as Duster by Nightmare, knew that something was happening. What? That he didn't know but he did want to know! His datemate had been acting weird, and when he asked what they were talking about, they just smiled looking amused and shakes their head. How have they been acting weird? Just making baby jokes for some reason, and making him food or buying him things in twos? The food isn't that weird, but still! Why buy things in two? It took him a while to really think about it pacing back and fourth in his room, scratching lightly at his cheeks. His sweater was up around his neck, his hood up and he could see a slight blue and red glow from his eyes, which he normally would just ignore. Papyrus was watching him looking bored and was poking fun at him, telling him things like how Y/n might be cheating, or didn't want to be with him anymore. Slowly his brother talked him into going into your room and searching around, and when he did that he found the test that you took to figure out you were pregnant and that's how he found out. He gets so excited! Now... should he say he found it, or just found out?!
Killer- It isn't that he doesn't get it! Your hints just... weren't very good. You just kept making jokes about babies? He didn't really understand, did you want to have kids, or something?! He wasn't ready for children so instead of responding to your jokes he just nodded to show that he heard you and went back to work. Then he noticed that you started to gain some weight, a little belly? He would often lay his skull against it while he's resting, which didn't happen that often nowadays. He kind of liked it... then you started to eat weird food and it slowly started to come closer to his mind and he wondered if you were hinting that you were pregnant, rather than wanting to be pregnant and he panicked having to leave on a mission for a few days and during those few days he realized that he wouldn't mind having a babybones, even more with the person that he loves! He'll come back and ask you if you were pregnant and once you tell him that you were, with twins, he was going to be happy, but also... really scared.
Axe- just as expected, he doesn't piece together that you're pregnant, even though he knew your scent, it was sweeter than normal. Just being near you helped him calm down, too! Sometimes he'd take you to the castle where he had to work or other times leave you at home with Noodle, but for some reason, he needed you to call him every few hours if he wasn't with you, and if you don't, he's going to come and check in you. He liked the gifts! Most was food, like a bun you left in the oven for some reason, blue and pink cupcakes, all sorts of stuff! He knows that something is happening just doesn't know what, you know? He notices that he enjoys nuzzling into your stomach more, and your scent made him so happy, and he worried about anyone hurting you... The more he thinks about it, the more stressed he becomes until one day, when they were asleep together, you mumbled you were happy he's taking the twins so well, then fell asleep. That's when it all made sense! He's... Going to be a dad?
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