#Yes see me using this icon in every music related post :')
vendetta-if · 7 months
Just wanted to say the IF is amazing, i just spent 3 days straight binging it and loved every second. Please ignore if it has already been asked but what is all the RO's preferred genre of music? And favourite songs if they have any?
Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you for the kind words! And I just wanna say, your ask is the final push for me to actually scour through most of my songs on Spotify and finish assembling playlists for Rin, Santana, Skylar, and Jackal 😆 But I had so much fun doing so and I'll keep adding more and updating all of the characters' playlists as I discovered more new (and old lost) songs that fit them.
I have the links to their spotify playlist which contain a mix of their favorite songs and some songs whose lyrics fit them. I don't think I can link too much stuff in one post unfortunately, so I'll make a separate post to announce the rest of the characters playlists later on 😁But I'll try to link one song that either perfectly encapsulate their music taste or whose lyrics fit the character--or at least a song that they'd enjoy listening to.
Also, I basically have to split up my own music taste and favorite genres among all of my characters and I'm running out of genres 😭 But as for your question, I don't think I've answered something like that before--at least not in detail.
Sorry in advance for the long post (I just love being able to gush about my characters and music 🤭)
Ash enjoys quite a wide variety of genres, but mostly, their go-to are genres that are more energetic and/or aggressive. So, think like Rock, Phonk, Dubstep, Trap, Drum and Bass, Metal, that kind of stuff. But usually, they listen to songs whose vibes and/or lyrics kind of fit the mood they're in at the moment.
Also, fun fact, they did have some kind of an emo phase during their angsty and edgy teenage years 😂 It wasn't really too apparent (like no, they didn't have that typical emo hairstyle or wore those iconic eyeliners), but they just relate to quite a number of the lyrics of songs that can be considered to be emo anthems.
The song that fits the genre they like to listen to and the lyrics also matched their feelings and obsession love for MC is "So Sick" by Johnny Goth.
"So Sick" - Johnny Goth
As the child of a classically-trained musician, Rin mostly enjoys classical and instrumental music. One of their favorite instruments is the piano and they used to enjoy learning to play it. Maybe in the future, when they won't be so busy anymore, they can pick up their piano lessen again...
Also, they tend to gravitate towards more soothing and calming songs in general because of the headaches they usually got after using their power too much or to see to far into the future. So most of their playlist is filled with instrumental songs, either piano, cello, or violin, or a combination of those.
As for the song that fits them, I'd say "The Belt of Faith" by Jung Jaeil kinda fits their vibe and the gravitas they carry (Yes, the main soundtrack for the film "Parasite" and yeah, I can see the irony 😂 )
"The Belt of Faith" - Jung Jaeil
Santana loves that tinge of old-school songs that they were often exposed to whenever their parents listen to in the radio. So, the genres they enjoy are synthwave and retrowave songs 😎
As for the song that encapsulates their favorite genre and whose lyrics fit them quite well is "Gloria" by The Midnight.
"Gloria" - The Midnight
Skylar is a pretty chill and upbeat person who loves and enjoys nature, so their favorite genres include those upbeat summer music and Indie/Alternative Folk music. They also enjoy the occasional pop songs.
As for the song that fits their vibe and desire to just fly off and be free is "Get Away" by Surfclub.
"Get Away" - Surfclub
Luka enjoys Electronic music, including Phonk, Post-Punk, and Alternative/Indie. So, yeah, quite a variety of genres. But for one song that fits him the most, from the lyrics to even the title itself is "Everything Black" by Unlike Pluto 😆
"Everything Black" - Unlike Pluto (feat. Mike Taylor)
Just like Luka, he also enjoys Electronic music, especially Phonk. But unlike Luka, he sometimes loves Hip-Hop music as well. One of the few songs that kinda encapsulate both of those genres and fits with his personality is "Heartless" by UNAVERAGE GANG.
"Heartless" - UNAVERAGE GANG
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witch128chick · 3 months
Okay okay... i cried
Reaching Out
This episode means soooo much to me (and to the fandom as a whole)
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I was soooo curious to see how Luz charged her phone in the Demon Realm and was so excited to finally find it out
Alsoo... Grom picture!!! And Luz with Camila 🥺 love this little nightstand thingy
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Yeaaa that's exactly how i'd imagine her texting, too; Luz being Luz. And i love her for it
Also Hunter got Penstagram and uses it like our parents use social media but he really slayed with that pfp
And he's a fan of King's book. Love this little detail
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Okay i am... so totally normal about this
Amity wants to connect with her father through smth he did too. She wants to have smth to bond over with him and get him to spend time with her. All of that to be thrown out the window bc Alador doesn't realise the true meaning of all of this
I said it in a post a while ago but this is smth i can relate to a lot. I also try to connect with my own dad through music and every time an older song comes on that i like, i proudly tell him that i listen to it too and he just. Doesn't really say anything. Or when i say i'm like him in a few things, it seems to mean nothing. This has many reasons, i believe, but all i really wanted to say is that i'm so so grateful for this issue to be shown and talked about
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Still the same thing. Amity wants her father to be proud of her and acknowledge her for smth SHE wanted to do. So deep, so meaningful.
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Lumity being in love <3
And i also have to mention the twins here. First off, they're icons, i love them. Second, without their concealment stones, Ed and Em actually show their distinct personalities and their outfits are comfy, not so formal. And they don't seem to be pressed about hiding their imperfections either, probably bc Odalia is not present. I mean... ofc, she's the one forcing them to always be perfect
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Supportive girlfriend and siblings!!!
I can't even EXPRESS how much i love the fact that Ed and Em are actually good siblings. It's just... so precious.
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When this scene came on, my love and understanding for this guy just kept growing. We didn't have to see how he was being treated at home, it was enough for him to say "i probably messed up again, i can't do anything right" and we understood him. He tried to help and give his best but his efforts were not appreciated and soon he realised he could do anything, and it would never be satisfactory. He just wanted someone to appreciate him and be proud of him. Like Amity. And probably Emira too, but that's a different story (her being the oldest and therefore carrying the weight of silently doing whatever her mom tells her and never EVER showing imperfections just SPEAKS TO ME. and yes, okay, Amity was forced into this too. I am not ignoring her, bc ofc i'm not, but hey, Em grew up in the same toxic household and she didn't have it easy either)
So back to Edric. Now he found someone who appreciates his efforts and accepts his help. He feels useful and like his whole existence isn't just about cheering from the sidelines after all. He could do great things too. Bc ofc he can!
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Bonding with King!!
Over the wish to be taken seriously. Again... Deep.
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Aaaand Blight father came to ruin the moment
It's actually amazing and shows how strong Luz and Amity got over the course of the show, that they got to the final round of the brawl. I'm proud of them
Also... Alador, pls get some sleep
Well, this calls for a reblog! I'll be back soon ^^
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littlequeen7 · 2 years
I have barely any followers so I dont expect anybody to see this. But if there is any place to talk about my love for Taylor, it is here.
I've had a few people ask me why I love Taylor Swift so much. I understand why they ask, and why I might get weird looks, parasocial relationships and whatnot. But what they don't understand and what I have a hard time communicating is that Taylor is more than just music to me.
We grew up together. I'm five and a half years younger than her, so she completely shaped my adolescence. When Debut came out I was just starting the 6th grade, the grade when I learned some harsh lessons about bullying and friendships.
Fearless came out in the middle of 8th grade, the worst year of my life. That album was a comfort to me when everything else seemed hopeless. I had cut-outs from J-14 magazine plastered on my walls, of Taylor and the Jonas Brothers. I tried to convince my teacher that we should sing Fifteen at our 8th grade graduation (I lost that one).
Speak Now came out when I was 15, and I listened to that album until every word was ingrained in my brain. My older cousin bought us tickets to her Speak Now tour for my birthday, and she was my first ever big concert. We drew 13's on the back of our hands and screamed along with her while she sang Mean barefoot, while she hit giant bells during Haunted (my favorite song at the time), while she floated over the crowd on her balcony in her Love Story outfit right in front of us, close enough I thought if I reached out I could touch her. I don't remember which cover she sang, but she did it in her purple dress, with sharpie scrawled across her arms. I took so many blurry and grainy photos of her that day. Speak Now will always have a very special place in my heart.
Red came out when I was 17. I learned through one of her diary entries that she had actually written the song Red on the flight home from our concert. To think that I saw her not even 24 hours before she wrote one of the most iconic songs of her career was mind blowing. I was dating now, so all of the songs about relationships became relatable for the first time. I knew from the moment I heard it that All Too Well was the best song of her career, and I have some obnoxious Facebook posts to prove it. The Last Time became one of my favorite songs she had ever made. Flash forward 5 years and I was posting 22 on my Facebook the minute it hit midnight. (Yes, Facebook. I'm old and uncool, we've established that already.)
1989 came out the year after I graduated high school. I was on my own for the first time, completely unprepared and immature, with a toxic partner who I ended up staying with for 5 years. I still have distinct memories of riding the bus past the WWU campus on my way to work, blasting the album in my headphones. I was in my semi-popular Lana Del Rey Tumblr days then, and you best believe I was making gifsets of the Blank Space music video. These were also the years when I sank into my deepest depression. 1989 was a bright light in that darkness.
Reputation came out when I was actually 22, right after leaving the five year relationship, and leaving everything I owned behind me or in storage, while my ex took my two beloved cats. This was my revenge era, my short lived "hoe phase" if you will. I remember listening to it for the first time in the car with my mom while driving to Seattle. I remember listening to it in the kitchen with my then 11 year old sister, and her saying "well that's inappropriate" during one of the songs (probably Dress). I was a little too harsh when I said, "well she's a grown adult, shes writing for herself, not writing for kids." What a brat. I specifically remember one Tumblr post from a fan that went to the Secret Sessions, of her gasping and saying "Taylor!" in a scandalized way during one of the songs (my guess is, again, Dress) and Taylor replying something along the lines of "I know, right!" To this day, Reputation is the album I have the most fun listening to, and the one I blast the loudest in the car.
Lover came out when I was 24, living in a small room without a door in my Grandma's house that doubled as her office. This was the no privacy era and it did NOT slay. This was also the era that I was in love with someone I shouldn't have been (you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes). Every love song on that album was dedicated to him. False God became a new favorite. This was the time right before it all fell apart, when the entire world shut down and I hurt people and was hurt myself (again, stupid prizes).
Folklore came out in the midst of being completely isolated from the world, except being dropped off at work every day and trying to go to college online. The beginning of my severe and debilitating germaphobia. The constant fear that I would catch COVID from my irresponsible coworkers. Not to mention, my heart was ripped open because I was August, and she was Betty. This album, I think, is the one where I couldn't deny the similarities to my own situation. It felt like it was meant for me, in that moment. Seven was for the little me that died when I was young. This Is Me Trying was a letter to my loved ones, when I couldn't explain that my brain was actively trying to kill me. I've only listened to Hoax twice, because that one is the most painful. I was the epitome of "I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just not home."
Evermore, bless it's heart, came out of nowhere and was an amazing surprise. That being said (Ryan Bergara voice), Tolerate It, Happiness, Ivy, Long Story Short, Closure, Evermore and Right Where You Left Me were a twist in the knife of a trauma that wouldn't leave me, no matter how hard I tried. I was out on my own, truly alone, for the first time in my life. And I was terrified that, like Taylor said, this pain would be forevermore.
The re-records were amazing. I was so proud of Taylor for sticking up for herself and challenging the leeches that had gotten rich off of her talent. The moment she hinted at the 10 minute version on social media, I flipped my shit. Again, I have Facebook posts to prove it lol. I memorized the new verses in a day, I listened to it on repeat for weeks. I was staying at an airbnb the day Red TV came out, and I spent that night dancing around the kitchen with my headphones on.
And now... Midnights. I'm 27 now, and by this point I've lived a thousand different lifetimes. I listened to it in my dorm room alone, with my headphones on the second it was released. And then for good measure, I listened to it again the second the 3 AM version came out. I always need the second listen, to really soak up and understand an album. I made a bracket tournament thingie of all of the songs, and at first Vigilante Shit won, but after a couple more listens, Karma replaced it in the top spot. I listened to this album so much, on repeat constantly, that even though it was released in October, every single song made it to my Spotify Wrapped (not to mention the fact that I was in the top 2% of TS listeners). I was lucky enough to score tickets to the Era's tour, after much anxiety and freaking out from crashing websites and delayed sales. I screamed as soon as it was confirmed. Things have been rough, especially in the last month or so. One of the only things keeping me hopeful is the fact that in 4 months, I will get to see one of my favorite people in concert again.
That's not to mention the merch over the years. A Speak Now Tour shirt, notebooks and posters with Taylor's face on them, two signed CD's, a Red cardigan, a "fuck the patriarchy" keychain, The Scarf, and a few (not as many as I'd like) vinyls. I'm still pissed that my 1989 CD with the polaroids is lost somewhere in my storage unit.
At this point, if anyone is reading this, which I doubt they will, and especially if they have read this far (I'm sorry this post turned into a monster), they're probably thinking that I am a weirdly obsessed fan. Someone who thinks that someone they've never met in person is their BFF. I don't think I'm either of those things, but Taylor Swift has, and always will be a comfort to me. Especially as a neurodivergent person, having just ONE person who has been consistent for most of my life, someone who I can look up to and learn from, music I can listen to and immediately be comforted, is essential. At this point, now that I really think about it, Taylor Swift really is one of my special interests, and she has been long before I even knew that special interests were a thing (late diagnosed).
On top of all of this, she is just a genuinely good and kind person. You don't see that super often, in this cut throat industry. She is someone to look up to, even if Dear Reader says otherwise.
I've been writing this for about half an hour, and my phone is shaking from holding it above my head while I lay in bed and type. If literally anyone gets this far in the post, thanks for reading my weird diary entry I guess lol. Above all else, this is really a love letter to Taylor. Thank you for being there for me through it all.
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kyr-kun-chan · 2 years
8 Shows to Get to Know Me
The rules seem pretty simple, just to list 8 shows to get to know me. Some people have explanations and some don't so we'll see.
Thanks for the tag @bengiyo!
There are many shows I wanted to add on this list because I love them so much but this isn't a list of my favorite shows. This is supposed to tell something about me. So I tried to pick the shows that I relate to, was obsessed with, used to watch as a kid or just for the ✨ vibes ✨
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1. Koisenu Futari
This is one show I relate to the most because I'm aroace. Both Sakuko and Takahashi are aroace and want to live together because they feel lonely by themselves. It's a really great show that just has 2 people figure out how to make their own version of a family in a world where everyone expects you to marry and have children. People like us can feel lost as to what the future might look like because there isn't a path we can follow. Nobody tells us what a happy life might look like if you don't have and don't want a partner so Sakuko and Takahashi are new to this form of family they're trying to create. They want to create something that works for them but nobody around the has similar lives so they have to figure it out all on their own.
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2. Bad Buddy
I'm not gay or bi or pan, I'm aroace which means that while I love BL, I don't really relate to it so I didn't want to put many on this list. But Bad Buddy was such a great experience that it deserves a place on this list. This show aired episodes weekly and I love love love everything we did during the week we had to wait for a new episode. People were analyzing Everything from the colors to the dialogue to the music. And I read every single post. Every Friday I would mute the Clown Server on Discord until I could watch the episode. I love how we all talked about the new episode for hours. I would come home and watch the episode and we would still be talking about new points even when I went to bed. Even in the morning I would wake up to new messages. It was amazing.
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3. Kieta Hatsukoi / My Love Mix-Up!
A BL that is not often on anyone's favorites list but it is on mine. The leads don't kiss but that doesn't really matter to me because it's a really cute show. It's the way Aoki and Hashimoto have the best friendship and support each other even when they thought they liked the same guy. It's how Ida doesn't understand love and is figuring that out very respectfully. He's really giving Aoki a real chance. He's trying to figure out if he likes Aoki without any moment of internalized homophobia. And also he's demiro in my book and I love him for that.
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4. Heartstopper
I love love love the Heartstopper comic. I read it and reread it and rereread it even before the show was even announced. The show itself was everything I hoped for and it was amazing and perfect. I love Isaac of course who is our aroace icon. I'm so glad Alice decided to put him in the group since she had to erase Aled (love you). The second season has apparently big aroace plans for him so excited about that! I love the friendship in this show, they're all so sweet and lovely. I love Nick and Charlie who have such a good, healthy relationship. I love Nick's mom and how she supports her son.
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5. Yuri On Ice
Yes we were born to make history! Another show I was obsessed with and I loved the experience of watching it just as much as the anime itself. Just like with Bad Buddy I would be on tumblr reading posts about those freaking rings and the kiss and everyone went crazy over all of that and it was amazing. I still remember watching the preview for episode 10 (I think?) and watching Everyone go crazy over the possibility that the something round and gold could be rings. Or! Would it be a gold medal? We didn't know but we sure as hell had a fun time freaking out about the possibilities.
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6. Your Name / Kimi no Na Wa
This one has to be on the list even though it's a movie. I've watched this movie so many times, it's basically my personality. The art and animation is gorgeous, like wow it's so pretty and smooth, I love it. The way Taki and Mitsuha never met but they came to care for each other and care for the lives they lived in each other's bodies. Taki loves Mitsuha's family and wants to do everything in his power to save them. Also can I talk about the music? Radwimps is such a great choice for this movie, they make beautiful music for this kind of music.
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7. Natsume Yuujinchou / Natsume's Book of Friends
Another anime I really love. This one has 6 seasons and it's still not enough. I love this show for it's slice of life feel with a supernatural twist. It's a very slow show where not much happens on the surface but every episode has a nice story. It's lovely to see that Natsume warms up to his new family. The first time he has a family that really, truly cares about him and doesn't tell him he's crazy. Only a few anime make me want to read the manga and this is one of them.
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8. Avatar The Last Airbender
I used to watch this show as a kid with my dad. We both love it, it's a very beautiful show. It has a clear story overall but also great individual episodes. It has funny moments but also serious ones. It's a bunch of teenagers going on an adventure to save the world, what's not to love? And then there is Zuko with uncle Iroh who have the best redemption arc and some of the best lines in the show. Iconic duo. Anyways, when do I get my magic water powers?
Tagging @onstoryladders and @gilly-bean and @inazumaelle if you haven't done it yet. And anyone who wants to!
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covecornerarchive · 1 year
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Ahoy, Me Hearties! Welcome to Harlowe Hearse's "Cove-tober," art challenge! Proceed only if ye dare.
This is just a fun art challenge I've had in mind for a while, and wanted to throw out there for the Candle Cove community to join in on during the spooky month of October if they please!
If you're familiar with the popular yearly art challenge "Ink-tober," it'll be a lot like that. For every day of the October month there will be a prompt, and based on it you can make a piece of art.
However, unlike Ink-tober, you're free to make any type of art of your choosing, whether it be drawing, sculpting, writing, etc! Absolutely anything as long as it uses the initial prompt as inspo.
The only thing I ask is if you post your pieces, you tag them with "covetober." This is just to make them easier to find and see.
If your piece does include:
NSFW, Heavy Gore, or any topics that you think may be triggering for anyone at all or that minors shouldn't see
Please put it under a "read more link" (click the squiggly icon that is next to the "add link" option in the set of icons that pop up when editing posts) so as to keep this a safe and fun experience for!
The Art Prompts:
 Bravery Cave
 Favorite Crew
 You Have To Go Inside
 High Tides
 To Grind Your Skin
 Favorite Pirate 
 Cutlass Islands 
 Come, Come, RIP
 Calliope Music 
 Favorite Villain
 An AU (if you don’t have one, free day!)
 Birthday Present
 A Crossover 
 Favorite Background Character 
 An OC (if you don’t have one, free day!)
 Free day!
Ohhhhh yeah. There's some loot involved!
At the end of the month when the challenge is finished, the ten posts with the most notes will be put in a public poll where people can go and vote for their favorite 3 (I trust given the chance people will have the decency to not vote for their own posts. We're pirates, not jerks people).
The prize for the three winners: I'll be taking character(s) illustration requests:
1st Place Winner: Will receive a full color + shaded illustration.
2nd Place Winner: Will receive full lineart.
3rd Place Winner: Will receive a cleaned up sketch.
I won't be giving notes to any posts for the challenge until it's all over just to keep things fair. I might also post some of my own art for some of the prompts throughout the month, but for obvious reasons they won't be a part of the challenge or considered for the poll.
If your posts include NSFW or any of the other elements listed earlier as cause for using the "read more" link, they will not be considered for the poll.
Request Rules:
I'll only draw at most 2 characters per request
The requested characters must either be candle cove related, or oc's/ self inserts.
You can make specifications about the request (what the character(s) are wearing, what they're doing, a specific color palette, a specific version of the character, etc.) as long as it isn't tooooo complex.
I won't be drawing any NSFW, SUPER heavy gore, fetish art, or anything I end up being uncomfortable with
The Cove-tober Art Challenge will begin on October 1st! May you have fair winds and following seas me maties!
(September 16, 2022)
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the-cat-chat · 11 months
October 28, 2023
Slotherhouse (2023)
Senior Emily Young wants to be elected sorority president. She adopts a cute sloth, thinking it will help her win, but a string of fatalities implicates the sloth.
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JayBell: I was so ready to love this movie. I thought it would be bad, yes, but the self-aware kind of bad where it's actually good again. I'm sad to say that even this satirical ridiculous movie about a sloth on a murder spree just missed the mark for me.
First, what is with the nonstop music in scenes? The music is overused and often overtakes what is actually onscreen. Please let music enhance scenes, not try to force sentimentality where non exists.
Also, this is probably just a personal thing, but I dislike when movies use social media popularity as a goal for characters. It's just hard for me to relate to and be sympathetic to, and then I have to be prepared for the underlying message and themes about what social media has done to culture and the youth and blah blah. Plus, I just cringe seeing the fake social media comments and posts in movies.
My major problem in this movie, and trust me there are many (bad acting, bad writing, plot holes you could drive a bus through, useless boyfriend character, and so much more), is that the main character isn't sympathetic or likeable at all. Her motive for stealing this sloth from an illegal animal trade isn't enough for me to want to see her succeed. One brief second you're led to believe this whole adventure is because she wants to connect with her mom, but nope, she just wants to be popular and liked. Understandable yeah, but ultimately shallow and overused in fiction. She acts so much younger and immature than she's supposed to be. Plus, she's such a flip flop with her actions.
Anyways, the sloth is the best part of this movie, but that's not saying much cause every scene with humans is disappointing. It's sad because I feel like there was so much silly potential with this movie.
Rating: 4/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: I just have to come out and be honest. This is a really awful movie. Really awful. And the only thing that saves it. The killer sloth. Now I am biased bc I love sloths, always have, but this sloth has the vibes, even if a she’s a psychotic murderer. Honestly, the writers did such a good job making it so easy to sympathize and root for this sloth. Uggg and the name. Alpha? AlPhA??? AllllaaaphAaaaaaa? Come on man.
I really can’t process what I experienced- but the humans are literally the worst part of this movie. Sure the sloth is this cute puppet looking thing that reminds me of my pupper. Butttttt these peopleeeeeeee, ugggggg. They are so dumb, say the most ridiculous things, and seem to have no brain. I have so many questions about all of it. But ya know what. I’m good. I don’t need to know everything.
Lovvvvve when the sloth spits out the tranquilizer pill when he gets jelly on the computer and starts his rampage. Absolutely iconic. And I do like that the writers’ reference old Halloween classics like CHUCKY, The Shining, and Halloween. And I know the point of this movie is a commentary on social media and ego and all that yada yada but it still was unbearable.
That said as much as my soul was dying, I was cackling for a good hour.
**** I really don’t get the flute music the whole time. Maybe it was royalty free. Maybe it was vibes. I’ll never be able to tell.
Rating: 3.5 Sloths 🦥
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missmeganlee · 3 years
Get to Know Me: Young Royals Edition
Just a hodgepodge of asks to get to know your favorites and gush some more about yr (one day it'll be enough right?). share your thoughts dears! Again thanks to @levok for making this tag
Favorite kiss I can’t choose just one! But since I have to I’m going with the first time kiss. After everything they’ve been through it was the moment that was like “yes I like you and I want to be with you”
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Favorite hug
It was really hard to choose a favorite, but I gotta go with the hug from behind in the fish scene. And Simon’s little nuzzle into Wille’s neck -ugh- it’s so good.
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Favorite forehead touch
The Lucia scene. I love the intimacy of it all and the “I just didn’t want to lose you” ugh. It makes me feel so many feelings.
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Favorite hand holding
This scene just gives me butterflies every time I watch it. The hesitancy. Simon’s little encouraging strokes with his thumb. Wille’s smile. Ugh- I can’t. They’re too cute.
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Favorite Wille and Simon outfit
Favorite Wille outfit is one that I haven’t seen anyone talk about (probably because it’s in the show for all of 10 seconds lol). But he’s looks so good in it, something about that shade of blue and the untucked shirt tails.
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Favorite Simon outfit has to be the purple sweatshirt. Since watching YR I have bought myself not 1, not 2, but 3 purple sweatshirts
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Favorite OST song
There is nothing more iconic than Harmony Theme, but I do have a soft spot for Getting Up.
Share a moment that:
Made you cry (happy or sad)
Sad tears: the break up
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Happy tears: the football field scene
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Made you smile big
We love stolen moments
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Made you want to throw your screen against a wall
Just one? Cause there’s a lot and guess what the common theme is? I’ll give you a hint- it’s the worst month of the year 😉
Top 3 moments: Posting the video, Wanting to use Simon as The Society’s scapegoat, and August taking the video in the first place
Fish scene, first time, or morning after
Do I have to choose?! Right now morning after, but for a long time it was the fish scene. Who knows maybe next week will be first time lol
Moment you knew this show was something special
I’m gonna be honest; my memory of my first time watching YR is completely a blur. BUT- I do remember after watching it I immediately went to YouTube to watch all of the behind the scenes content and interview content that I could. This is also how I discovered Omar's music career. I also managed to relate all my major projects for my Queer Fiction class last semester to YR. So I guess my answer is when Wille broke the 4th wall in the last episode.
Quote you love
There's so many.
Obviously: "Everything is fake. Everything in the world is fake. But I like you and that is not fake."
"We didn't do anything wrong."
"Hur mår du?"
"Fuck you August"
Who would you want to be friends with first (or to be bffs) if you want to Hillerska
Felice and her group. I relate a lot to Maddi with her one-liners and tell-it-like-it-is attitude so I think we’d get along well.
Pick a song you like that you feel could be a Wille's, Simon's or Wilmon's anthem
I don't think there's a more perfect song than Revolution. Although I do have 3 YR related Spotify playlists (and I'm thinking about making a fourth). But I will give a shoutout to "They Don't Know About Us" by One Direction and "Secret Love Song" by Little Mix
Show me a scene that when you see it, makes you want to rewatch the show right then and there
The choir scene in episode 1, before anything bad happens to Wilmon; there's hope. It always makes me miss the characters (hi comfort characters lol)
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misdre · 3 years
misi's beyblade AUs masterpost
i like making AUs, i have many of them, here's a post of them from oldest to newest. (at least approximately) (the ones that got no art of them have photos from unsplash. i just enjoy setting the mood)
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Magical boy AU takao is an ordinary middle schooler who one day gets dragoon the magical spinning top from a cute little azure dragon, seiryuu, and transforms into a magical boy to protect the world from evil for some cosmic reasons that i haven't come up with yet. the rest of the characters have similar powers from their holy beasts and takao needs to gather up his team to fight the evil and. you get the drill is there art of it? yes 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 is there a fic of it? no note: i originally created this just because i like designing the outfits so i haven't planned the story much (this used to be my main focus but then 4kingdoms happened GJSDHGHSDG) i'd want to though, i'll get back to it eventually...at some point...... one of the charm points of this AU is that the holy beasts are these digimon-like animals that hang out with the characters and each have their own personalities.
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Fairy tale monster AU takao and gramps live in a cabin in the middle of a forest full of monsters and takao decides one day to venture out to look for a silver-haired boy he once saw, he meets up with the other BBA characters one by one in the grim woods. is there art of it? no is there a fic of it? yes note: my oldest halloween fic. the characters are all these different cute spooky creatures and it's intended to sound like a fairy tale.
One day, he determined that the time was ripe: Takao decided to leave for an adventure. For his grandfather was old, it was not at all unusual for him to lay down to bed before sundown. Once the hut had fallen in drowsy silence, Takao packed his one and only bag with what little he felt he needed, took his cap and jacket, and stepped over the doorsill. He had left the safe warmth of the hut behind.
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Royal fantasyverse AU (the tale of four kingdoms) takes place in a fantasy universe with four kingdoms (east, west, south & north) created by the four holy beasts, in an era where each kingdom happens to be ruled by an exceptionally young king due to their respective circumstances. when the four meet for the first time, a snowball of events is set in motion that's going to affect all four kingdoms. is there art of it? yes 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 is there a fic of it? yes 1 / 2 note: like a period drama with magic and gay and tons of worldbuilding. probably has way too many mysteries for the boys to solve because i have no self control when it comes to creating twists. this is The one AU that i have crammed every usable canon character into, i need enough people to inhabit four fucking countries
After creating the four lands, the holy beasts created people to inhabit them. Because the beasts were celestial beings and couldn't but guard people and the world they lived in from far above, they needed human vessels to lead the four nations. Thus they created four kings who would rule over other people using the four beast’s powers. The four kings were neither human nor gods, but something between – they were messengers, or icons, of the four holy beasts.
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Omegaverse AU a canon divergence AU (i guess??) where genders are replaced by A/B/O and everyone being either canine or feline. max is a late bloomer canine and finds out he's the only alpha of the BBA boys thanks to a certain feline omega. is there art of it? not really but i do have dog boy max and cat boy rei art (which are a bit too cute for this kinkfest. i mean they're obviously aged up for the real thing.) 1 / 2 is there a fic of it? it's been in the works for like, five years but i always shy away from finishing it note: it's omegaverse, it's exactly what you'd expect. the smut is so filthy i've been too embarrassed to even post it. hiromi is also an alpha by the way
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Coffee shop AU highschooler rei goes on a venture to hit on a local Hot University Teacher and coffee shop owner judy in a cafe owned by her, ends up receiving a bunch of flirty cups of latte from barista max working there. is there art of it? no is there a fic of it? yes note: i mean, rei being into blonde MILFs is pretty much canon
Now that Rei looked at the boy more carefully, he realised his hair was just as fair and eyes just as blue as he knew Judy Mizuhara's to be. Maybe they were related? It wasn't that strange if Judy had hired a relative's kid to help out at the shop, right? He certainly looked American, but he had spoken Japanese. And then, all of a sudden, the boy turned to look back to him. Startled, Rei blinked his own golden brown eyes and shifted them back to his now empty cup. God, it was rude to stare at someone, wasn't it? He'd been too deep in thought to even notice doing it. Not that the boy had looked judgmental – he only seemed to wear a smile.
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Soulmate AU max keeps having dreams with peculiar scenarios about a boy named rei. one day he borrows a book on soulmates from hiromi and finds a chapter talking about meeting your soulmate in the realm of dreams. is there art of it? no is there a fic of it? yes note: i don't even care for soulmate AUs, this was my own dare to myself to find a single soulmate trope that interested in me enough to write a thing of it.
Max was walking through a crowded airport, carrying a heavy backpack with him. He had never been to this airport in his life, but somehow he knew exactly where he was, and where he was supposed to go. And he was in a hurry, and Rei had at some point emerged from the crowd, as usual, keeping up with him without bumping into any of the people that should have blocked his way. “I'm sorry, this is probably my fault,” Rei said. “I haven't even travelled in ages anymore, but these dreams just keep coming back to haunt me.”
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Chess player AU rei is a young chinese chess champion participating in the world junior championships, ends up falling for the american chess prodigy max somehow in the process and is determined to get to play against him again. is there art of it? no is there a fic of it? yes note: so this is one of the weirder ones i've done. it was inspired simply by me having a very vivid mental image of a scene of them playing dramatic chess together. this is probably my most underrated AU even by myself, i think the writing is pretty solid for such a short story of a topic i know practically nothing about
As a child, Rei had initially been taught to play xiàngqí, a Chinese game much more popular back in his home country; but chess with its refined, uniquely shaped pieces was love at first sight for the young Rei. He was a fast thinker and had amazing concentration skills once he set his mind on something, and he also had an outstanding memory, making it easy to memorise game patterns he once saw and then use them for his advantage. This all granted him natural talent in chess. But despite his skill, he had a bad habit of easily losing his temper and becoming indecisive once his focus wavered. Also, he was just a tad bit too sentimental. These traits often became his worst enemy in important matches, much worse than the actual opposing player. Keep your cool. Focus. Play well.
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Flower shop + fake dating AU yuriy doesn't really know anything about flowers but is working part-time in a flower shop for the easy cash. he keeps getting a pair of weird customers who ask about flower language for hypothetical situations. is there art of it? not by myself and i don’t have a link to the fanart made of it unfortunately is there a fic of it? yes note: did i write this for valentine's day? i feel like i maybe did. this is my only AU (and fic in general) so far that's about a non-BBA character as the main lmao
“So, I need some advice for a particular situation,” the customer then began, idly tapping the counter with his hand. “I mean, not a real situation, of course – hypothetically speaking, if someone was just pretending to be going out with another person, but they weren't really going but it just needed to seem that way to everyone else, what kinda flowers would get the message through?” Possibly an idiot, Yuriy concluded his analysis. “So you need suitable flowers for a date,” he stated, shooting his eyes at his notes about common flower-usage.
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Classical music AU (the heart that i love) max is a piano prodigy attending a classical music college that holds annual music competitions for the students. he's got some haters for being the son of a world-known pianist who's one of the teachers, but he also ends up having a budding romance with rei the mysterious chinese violinist. is there art of it? yes 1 / 2 is there a fic of it? yes note: the origin of this was my "max and mao are besties" college AU. then it got mixed in with my thirst for classical instruments and max being bullied.
Max isn’t exactly a synesthet, but he has always been able to see music as pictures – as entire sceneries, as great adventures. This tendency of his emerges especially strong whenever he’s learning to play a new piece on the piano; as he moves along the melody, the scenery is also being built around him like a jigsaw puzzle, creating a complete picture piece by piece; and once he has mastered the song, he’s able to freely traverse and immerse himself in the world inside that puzzle. Some pieces have a more relaxed or soothing scenery than others, some are exciting and thrilling – even deliciously sinister in the way that a good horror film can be. Setting himself down in front of a piano is always an invitation to a world of his choice.
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Bakeneko AU after moving to a small rural town in japan, max hits his head and starts seeing things, such as a weird white cat following him around. after a while, he's convinced that he's being haunted. is there art of it? yes is there a fic of it? yes note: another halloween AU, a more surreal one where max is human and rei is. well. not
Max kept walking, his eyes still on the narrow road. He hadn't noticed while deep in thought, but it really was quiet that evening. The sun had nearly set by now, leaving the sky striped with the dusk of the approaching nightfall. There was no wind to rustle the treetops, no birds chirping, nothing. Only the sound of Max's own footsteps on the pavement, and the matching sound that followed. Followed. What if someone actually was following him? A sudden, violent chill struck down Max's spine, causing his hair to stand on end. He stopped. After a short delay, the steps also stopped.
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Genderbend AU a canon divergence AU where everyone's a different gender from canon (duh). starts off as an alternate version of the g-revolution world championships where the girls meet for the first time and befriend each other. rei is a professional model in addition to being a blader in the baihus, and max from the PPB is delighted to be able to battle her. she has no idea that rei has fallen for her at first sight, though. is there art of it? yes 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 is there a fic of it? it's... in the works. note: i created this because i wanted to design attractive girls, what about it. absolutely partial to maxine's huge badonkadonks.
It wasn’t like Rei hadn’t already taken notice of her before, given that they were participating in the same world championship tournament, but the real turning point was the first time they stood on the opposing sides of a bey stadium. It was the day when the match-up roster signalled the match between the Chinese team and the American team, the Baihus versus the PPB All Starz; and despite both teams consisting of five players, it came down to, to Rei’s immense joy, the tag team of Rai and herself against the two most interesting US players, Rikki Anderson and Mizuhara Maxine.
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Vampire & merboy AU rei is a starved vampire just about to end his own life when he meets merboy max at a forest lake. is there art of it? of max yes is there a fic of it? yes note: yet another halloween monster AU, this time they are both monsters though. this one’s a pretty grim one i have to admit
Rei succumbed into deep thought, considering his few options, when something grabbed his unsuspecting hand. Something yanked him forward in one mad splash and forced not only the rest of his arm but also his shoulders and head underwater. Half a second later Rei, so badly startled that he’d come close to slipping into insanity, found himself staring at a pair of bright blue eyes only inches away from his own face. His other hand and lower body still firmly on land, Rei pulled himself back with strength that he didn’t even know his weak body still contained. As he did, he also pulled up whatever was clutching his hand, which turned out to be another hand – a white hand with elongated, dirty fingers, so sharp at the tips that they looked like daggers.
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Mafia AU max is the boss of the BBA mafia family, rei is a hitman and max's right hand man, the rest have various roles in the organisation. salima, mariam and some other girls (at least) are reporters doing investigative journalism on organised crime who get interested in covering the story of a group of russian elite detectives doing a thorough investigation of the BBA. is there art of it? of rei and max yes 1 / 2 / 3 is there a fic of it? it's in the works but it's just a gratuitous reimax smut note: this is a story i wish existed but this kind of police investigation action thing is so not my genre of expertise. that's why i'm just doing a PWP of my boys and the rest exists on conceptual level
“Did you know,” Salima said, perfectly peppy about it, “that there are secret underground auctions for stolen artwork that’s sold in the black market? Not just online auctions in the dark web but actual, physical events held somewhere in the city! Isn’t that so intriguing? Can you imagine how an event like that would look like, Max?” Max can – in fact, he doesn’t need to imagine. But he’d rather not think about it; the memories bring the familiar taste of bile in his mouth and make his gut curdle with a mixture of disgust and very particular guilt. The mere thought of it makes him set his coffee aside and bring a hand between his tightly shut eyes.
the next thing i come up with? who knows............
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arkashas · 3 years
was tagged by @calvarydrive thank u ^_^ in small text cause its long
1. why did you choose your url?
it's a song from the official hannibal soundtrack + it sounds pretty
2. any side blogs?
just for saved urls
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
i made this blog august last year but if we're talking the whole time i had an asoiaf blog in 2020 until i abandoned it after a few months
4. do you have a queue tag?
nope we come on every once in a while reblog everything on the dash and then log off like men
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i wanted to find more hannibal fans and reddit and twitter were cesspits
6. why did you choose your icon?
having a hannibal icon is too bitchless </3 joking aha it looks nice ig + its tangentially hannibal related
7. why did you choose your header?
it goes well w my url also this is partly a music blog and i love chelsea wolfe
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
this gifset about hannibal murders I think
9. how many mutuals do you have?
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many ppl do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
yes i do tend to delete text posts tho
13. how many times do you use tumblr a day?
once a day perhaps
14. have you ever had a fight with another blog?
YES bc someone reblogged my post which was critical of their post. we kind of settled it but then later they blocked me cause of another post i made and i softblocked a follower bc they liked my post but then said it made them extremely angry and thanked them for bashing it to the person who blocked me? which was weird. ALSO I had someone constantly calling me a cunt in my inbox I can only assume it's another outcome of the TakeTM. however i do not regret anything i was right
15. how do you feel about need to rb posts?
no <3
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
yes i like to talk about myself ^_^
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i'm not going to tag them that's embarassing...
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
20. tags
if you see this and want to do it feel free!
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Idk if y’all do this but I don’t know who to ask but your favorite aftg SPOTIFY playlists? I like the “Andrew in clubs” by rb and the “andriel/AFTG” by sunellix but so far my favorite has been “untitled 1” by palmettofoxden because they made a tumblr post that went with it and I loved how they included the reason to each song. So if you can find playlist AND post related like that one I’ll love y’all more !!! Thanks
Oh, friend, you have no idea what you just got yourself into here.  You want playlists?  We’ve got playlists (and a little personal commentary from us).  A number of fics have amazing playlists to go along with them, so we’ve included little bits of info and links to those fics; then there are playlists for characters, and some general ones for the books.  We didn’t really find Tumblr posts to explain song choices, but we hope you enjoy this collection anyway! -M
NB: Fic links go directly to AO3. You can click on ‘recced here’ to see the trigger warnings that we’ve previously listed.
Playlists Based on Fics 
Red Rabbits Universe series by bloodydamnit, Jeni182, SeaBear13, windeavesdrops [Rated M-E; 647408 words in 3 works; 2 Complete 2019/2020, 1 WIP] (recced here)
If you’re unfamiliar with Red Rabbits then you’ve probably been living under a rock. From the very beginning the team behind this true crime themed fic have been excellent at providing a playlist for the characters, for the story, and for the highly interactive blog that can also be found here. If you’re looking for explanations as to why some songs are on the lists, check out the Tumblr asks and read the fic - there are many layers to this one but you can discover a lot in both Seasons. 
TFN by The Foxhole (2019) - Short and sweet (just like our favourite characters) this is a great list and sits perfectly alongside Season 1. 
TFN Minyard by The Foxhole (2019) - Africa is really the only song you need to listen to on this playlist but this is the list designed to represent Andrew in Red Rabbits. Sit back, listen, appreciate how very very well done this list is: emo bangers sit against indie bops, Lykke Li and MISSIO clash against Explosions in the Sky and Pink Floyd.  
TFN Seth by The Foxhole (2019) - Oh Seth, our sweet baby DJ, whose journey is honestly one of the best in fanfic. Here you’ll find Childish Gambino, Jay Z and Kanye, City Girls and The Weeknd. 
TFN Dan by The Foxhole (2019) - What a queen, it’s Dan Wilds with a mix of Beyonce, Frank Ocean and many more r&b, hiphop and pop tunes. Upbeat and powerful.
Neil Josten’s Music + Mathematics / The Calculus of Nocturnes by fuzzballsheltiepants [Rated M; 7863 words; Complete 2020] (recced here)
Like everything by fuzzballsheltiepants, this playlist is as well thought out and perfectly rendered as the story itself. The fic centers around Neil Josten, a high school math teacher with a secret obsession: the classical piano he hears music teacher Andrew Minyard playing every afternoon. Eventually his secret is found out, and his world begins to open up. This playlist can be listened to along with the fic, giving you an immersive layer to the story. 
Slinging Mozart Sideways / Slinging Mozart Sideways  by justadreamfox [Rated T; 9962 words, Complete 2020]  (recced here)
Some fun facts about this one - firstly, the working title was “gay pianists need to eat” (which I love) and secondly it was part of the 2020 Gift Exchange for Willow_Bird. Excellent fic. Excellent prompt. In which Andrew is in the music business, Neil is a classical cellist (with a British accent) and they bond over Nils Fram. It’s super pretty and the classical music choices are sweet, subtle and sometimes heartwrenching. 
One writer in particular, scribbleb_red, has been prolific in creating playlists for all their longer fics, and some of their Twitter hc fics.  There’s overlap in themes and genres across most of them but here are some of my faves:
Playlist: L'amour parle en fleurs / l’amour parle en fleur by scribbleb_red [Rated M, 61919 words, Complete 2019] (recced here)
Also known as The Lavender AU, this fic is set in the lavender fields of Provence in Southern France and deals with loss and recovery, grief and hope - and that’s exactly what the playlist lays out as well. Intended to accompany the reader through the fic, this playlist is a journey just like the story itself. 
Playlist: (don’t fear) the reaper / (don’t fear) the reaper by scribbleb_red [Rated M, 73111 words, Complete 2019] (recced here) 
for the fic of the same name, in which Andrew and Neil don’t meet in life but in limbo. Andrew is a grim reaper and Neil is the soul he’s meant to be helping cross to the other side. There’s just one issue: Neil isn’t really dead.  
Playlist: monster (under my bed) / monster (under my bed) by scribbleb_red [Rated: M; 1262 Words; Complete; 2020] (recced here)
In which Neil is the monster hiding Andrew’s bed and this changes everything.
not your homeland anymore (2020) for the fic of the same name, inspired by Taylor Swift’s folklore, this angsty fic is still being written and asks the question: what if Andrew hadn’t been there after Baltimore? 
NB: We have not recced this one yet. Please refer to the fic for TWs.
Playlists Based on Characters 
Oh yes, there are some highly creative folks out there exploring their headcanons via the spotify playlist. Here are five of our favourites: 
THE FOXES DEADLIEST INVESTMENT by realpeachy (2019) - Their ain’t no rest for the wicked and this playlist is as relentless, beat-heavy and secretly instigative as Andrew Minyard himself. Some familiar themes with Billie Eilish, Ruelle, Halsey and the like, but some quirky additions like badflower and tedy as well. 
NEIL JOSTEN by Arizona Kestler (2019) - A curious collection of songs on this one, ranging from Kendrick Lamar to Radiohead, AJR to Jack’s Mannequin. It definitely leans into the new-wave emo that many associate with AFTG but it always comes back to the high octane energy we associate with our favourite starting striker. 
yes or no? by jmoriartty (2018) - Could there be a more iconic playlist for andreil? well ok, maybe that’s just this contributor’s taste but having been steadily built through 2018 to 2019, it’s one of the most followed playlists on spotify for AFTG. Two Feet, MISSIO, Twenty One Pilots and grandson are all big hits on this bluesy, gritty, alternative playlist. 
you can call me king by scribbleb_red (2019) - As if any list was complete without a villainous inclusion, like with most of scribble’s lists this one deliberately lays out a journey for Riko Moriyama, his rise and fall. Maybe you’ll also feel Sympathy for the Devil. 
Double Trouble by an.fouda (2019) - Yes, it’s a twinyards playlist and it’s full of absolutely exquisite artist choices and emo hits. Try listening to Night Knuckles by Cavetown or Plastic Joy by Raw Fabrics. It’s a whole new level to this most complex of sibling relationships. 
Playlists Based on the Books 
Some of these are classics - they’ve set the tone for AFTG playlists all over the internets - and it’s fascinating to see how even now people come back to similar tones: alternative rock, grunge, hiphop, the high energy songs that mix a sense of hope and fear and danger. Plug in your headphones and prepare for a ride. Others are more recent and you can very much see how the themes of the music line up over time. If you want a playlist to remind you of the original series, here are some great places to start:
The Foxhole Court (Nora Sakavic) by pjofangirl2  (2017) 
You Are A Pipedream by lokisarmyismydivision (2017)
This is the moment you stop being the rabbit by Warren Vipod (2020) 
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madzfm · 3 years
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˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ★ ⠀  JESSICA ALEXANDER  .   CIS FEMALE  .  SHE / HER      ⧽ ⠀ have  you  seen  the  786  latest  post  ?  sources  say  they  have  some  serious  dirt  on  the  child  of  a  big  time   COUNTRY MUSIC STARS  .   they  haven’t  revealed  who  it was  yet  but  my  best  is  on  MADISON  DARLING  !  ever  since  that  last  update  about  how  she  ALLEGEDLY GOT CAUGHT SPORTING A BABY BUMP LAST YEAR BEFORE GHOSTING EVERYONE  i  don’t  put  anything  pass  them  .  i  mean  ,  these  celebrity  kids  are  just  out  of  control  .   they  do  whatever  they  want  ,  whenever  they  want  and  are  ungrateful  in  the  process  !!  i  mean  take  MADDIE  for  example  ,  they’re  a  TWENTY THREE  year  old  DANCER  ,  and  what  did  they  do  to  get  there  ?  have  famous  parents  !  like  hello  ,  just  because  you HAVE BEEN IN MUSIC VIDEOS WITH A-LIST MUSICIANS doesn’t  mean  you  actually  deserved  it  .   i’m   glad   the   786   is   taking   them   down   a   notch   .   it’s   about   time   someone   does   .
hey ... hey ... how y’all doin’ ?  i’m sooo excited to be here , besties ! sorry i’m late with the intro , it’s been a looooong weekend for me but i’m eager to get the ball rolling . so here’s the rundown , the google doc has a full bio + more stats + headcanons but i don’t expect anyone to actually read all that nonsense so i’ve tried my best to sum it up below ( it’s still kinda long tho i’m sorry y’all i ramble too much ). i’m always down to talk plots & threw a few wanted connection ideas at the bottom , so feel free to hmu on discord any time <3 but yes okay let’s get into it
━━     ˊ     *     𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬  . .
𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞. madison dallas darling .   𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞(𝐬). maddie , mads .   𝐝𝐨𝐛. april 14 , 1998 .   𝐚𝐠𝐞. twenty - three .   𝐳𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜. aries sun , libra moon , leo asc .   𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫. cis female .   𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬. she / her .   𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. bisexual .  𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞. nashville , tn .   𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 5ft 5in .  𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. high school diploma .   𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. dancer / realty tv personality .   𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬. robert “robbie” darling - father . dixie darling - mother . delaney darling - sister .   𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬. compassionate , imaginative , family-oriented  , devoted , generous , sympathetic , idealistic , self critical , naive , competitive , indecisive , impressionable , elusive , sensitive .
━━     ˊ     *     𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲 . .
tw : things like shitty controlling parents , injury , & pregnancy are mentioned
   born & raised in nashville , tennessee , madison is the daughter of two country music icons ( basically blake shelton & miranda lambert ) & has only ever known a life in the spotlight . her parents were a widely adored it couple who shared their lives with millions of viewers across the world with their reality tv show . at 7pm cst you could tune in to watch robbie & dixie raise their two daughters - having some good ol’ wholesome family fun while juggling responsibilities that come with being famous artists . to any outsider looking in , they seemed like the perfect family . a loving father , a supportive mother , two prim & proper daughters that collected accolade after accolade in every pageant & talent competition they ever entered . but you shouldn’t believe everything you see on tv , even if it’s deceptively labeled as “reality” .
   when the cameras weren’t rolling , the darling sisters were left under their mother’s restrictive control . dixie darling treated her daughters more like dolls than living beings , madison & delaney were basically pretty little accessories . while robbie never dared to mistreat his daughters , he was around a lot less than the show made it seem - often touring the world rather than spending quality time with his girls . plus , dixie & robbie seemed to endlessly fight with one another - nearly every childhood memory madison has of her parents involves them yelling . if she wanted to see them looking happy & in love , she’d have to tune in to the fabricated reality on their own show to get a taste of what a happy , loving family looks like . 
   you can’t be a child of dixie darling without being exploited in some way . while delaney was pushed into the music scene , madison was shoved into the world of dance . she took every class that was offered & practiced for hours upon hours to perfect her craft . her sister had taken after their folks with the singing voice of an angel & the looks to rival that of miss universe , meanwhile maddie was good for two things : dance & doing whatever her mother said . so when dixie said to twirl , she twirled , when she said do a grand jeté, maddie asked how high & then over performed like the good little girl she was trained to be .
   it wasn’t until her parents got divorced & maddie moved to miami to be with her sister , her father , & her father’s new girlfriend that she sort of came out ( or more accruately described as dragged out ) of her timid , non - confrontational , subservient shell . with a longer leash , she had more freedom to roam far & wide . no one tried to tell her what to do or who to talk to & considering she was just a privileged teenager with endless funds & the status to get away with just about anything , you can imagine how badly that went . every mistake she made was broadcasted onto people’s televisions or headlined in tabloids . it was stressful , growing up & messing up all under the watchful gaze of millions of people who felt entitled to berate her for her poor life decisions . just because they watched her grow up on tv didn’t mean they actually knew anything about her . & yet so many people shared their unsolicited opinions on her & her life . it drove her insame .
   maddie wasn’t handling the stress of being well known very well . she wanted a break from it all , to just go somewhere far away where no one knew her name & just live by herself . it was a silly dream . nothing she’d ever actively pursue . but the universe has a funny way of giving us a taste of what we think we want just to teach us a lesson . 
   so over a year ago , maddie found out that she was pregnant . it was a shock to say the least . she kept it a close guarded secret from everyone but her sister for awhile . not only was it a life changing development , but it was one thing that she was determined not to share with the rest of the world . with the idea of running away in continuous loop in the back of her mind , she came up with a plan to buy herself some time . she faked a really bad injury during a performance & let the media run with saying she might not be able to walk , let alone dance ever again . pushing the cover story even further , she claimed to be in need of intense physical therapy & sought after it in a luxurious private lodge in new zealand . that’s where she stayed during her year away , letting no outsiders come visit while she figured out how she was going to move forward with this baby growing inside of her .
   so maddie finally got the break she was looking for even if it wasn’t under the circumstances that she would’ve liked . but she adapted to the situation . in her time away , she went through the entire pregnancy but it was basically decided for her by her parents that it was best to give the baby up for adoption . the little girl would be in good care by a couple that was a family friend of the darlings . better to bless someone who wanted a baby but couldn’t have one than for maddie to keep her daughter when she wasn’t in a place to take care of her . it broke her heart , honestly . she had grown quite attached to the baby & even entertained the idea of being a single mom even though she knew her own mom would never let that happen - it would go against the strict narrative that they try to put out there about the darling family .
   after a year away , maddie is back in miami without anyone knowing what really happened . she keeps using the “injury” as the excuse for her absence from the spotlight . anyone really close to her might be able to tell that something’s off , but she’s trying so hard to act like everything is fine & nothing has changed at all . she might even be able to get away with her lies - if it wasn’t for that damn 786 website threatening to spill the tea & make her life hell .
━━     ˊ     *     𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 & 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 . .
   a wannabe good girl gone bad but harbors a deep rooted fear of being a disappointment & a failure due to her mom’s strict parenting style . so like she wants to be rebellious & come across as carefree but internally she’s panic screaming always ( honestly relatable like same , girl )
   well - mannered in a sweet southern belle kind of way with her please’s & thank you’s & calling everyone ma’am & sir out of respect & what not
   biiiig mom friend energy . she just wants to make sure that everyone is taken care of . she can get very protective & a little helicopter parent-y with her friends . it probably has something to do with control issues that she doesn’t realize she has but we don’t have time to unpack that rn akjsdbk
   before her year away i want to say that she was a lot more people please-y / overly eager to please ?? like rarely said no to people that asked for favors , always agreed to any plans people invited her to out of courtesy , & what have you . but now i see her as being a little less patient than before & a little bit more unhinged & quick to shut down or snap
   guillable ! naive ! dumb as hell ! believes that everyone was raised with the same values as her & has a big of a heart like she does so she’s easily subjectable to getting her feelings hurt & i say let it happen !!
   wants to be mysterious so bad but there is very little known about her & her life that isn’t public knowledge . she could get shit on by a bird & it’ll probably become a twitter highlight idk she just wants to believe she’s imperceptible & acts all evasive in order to keep her private life private but that rarely ever has the desired effect
    one of those annoying rich & famous people that’s like “i wasn’t meant to be famous . i was meant to have a normal life & be a normal person” but like !! she is actually so out of touch with reality & probably couldn’t tell you how much milk is at the grocery store because she has people to do mundane day to day things for her . spoiled little privileged rich girl , let’s be real . her dad tried to keep her humble , idk what happened
   dance style / career is pretty much inspired by maddie ziegler but also not really bc i am very picky & choosey about which aspects of her career i’m pulling from
   boring on social media because she hardly ever posts & is very short with her captions & tweets when she does make an appearance online every blue moon 
   dodges questions about what she’s been up to while she was gone like she’s in the matrix or something . all that pr training her mom put her through when she was younger is coming in handy because she has not given a single honest , straight answer in the months she’s been back . would rather talk about anything else than herself right now so don’t be surprised if she pulls some random subject changes out of her ass if people get nosy . i’m sure the common conspiracy is that maddie was so embarrassed by the fall on stage that she went into hiding 
   delaney is the kim kardashian & britney spears of the family while madison is the kourtney & the jamie lynn xoxo
━━     ˊ     *     𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 . .
ride or die , bad influence , frenemies , family friends , good influence , confidant , rival , girl squad , non judging breakfast club , childhood friend , unlikely friend , exes on good terms , exes on bad terms , neighbors , pr friendship , pr enemy , social media mutuals , party buddies , secret friend , secret hook - up , crush , friends with benefits , adventure buddy , enemy with benefits , dance partners , mentors , mentees , sibling like relationship , will they won’t they , people suspicious of her & her supposed “injury” , father of her baby 👀 jk ..... unless
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theinconveniencing · 4 years
we all knew this was coming and I’m a sentimental bitch. I just wanted to write all my mutuals some little messages about how much I love you. you guys have changed my life and I am so grateful for each and every one of you!!!💕💞💓💗💖💘 anygays have fun searching for yourself in this mess and I’m sorry for any typos, I’m illiterate (and if i forgot you it’s because i lost my brain in 1912)
@cr1spyy fernanda, my first ever mutual. who would have thought that your 5th wave posts would have brought one of the most amazing people in my life to me. your posts always make me laugh and your dedication to the good morning asks is admirable (fr I could never have that much consistency) you’re so kind to everybody and you’re absolutely beautiful and incredible and I fucking love you so much. I honestly don’t even want to think about what my life would be like if I had never met you, MWAH💕🤍
@sundaymorninghangover I remember you being my first ever note!! you liked this post I made that was a reblog of a “uquiz” that was actually a rickroll lmao. you didn’t even follow me back then but whatever. Then I remember waking up one day to see that you had tagged me in a bingo ask game and I was like “ummm tf is an ask game” but I do still have a bingo card for it that I never used ekenksjs. anygays, you have good opinions on everything and you’re absolutely fucking hilarious. If you told me back in may that I would be friends with you I wouldn’t believe it bc you intimidated me but regardless I’m glad to be an arson gang member with you. your memes are god tier and so is your music taste. I love you whore!!!!!🖤💜
@sound-and-colors ma’am you’re so nice and for what??? the aesthetic stuff that you reblog is *chef’s kiss* and nobody else is out there doing it like you. we’ve never talked but I just know that you are absolutely incredible mwah❤️💛
@embeddedinmybrain tasfia you are the nicest person on his hellsite and you know it (I hope). It was so much fun being your secret admirer anon while it lasted, like fr I loved it. Your art is beautiful just like your heart and i honestly don’t know what I did to deserve such a kind soul like you in my life. You’re always there to hype me up and ily (also just cut your own hair already I believe in you)🤍💙
@gumptin you hooked me with your suus icon and reeled me in by being the coolest and funniest person ever. your posts are consistently hilarious, accurate, or relatable and I admire that. I mean it when I say you’re one of the coolest people on here. idk what I did to have you think I’m cool but I’m honored nonetheless. also you have really awesome style and hair jdnjdjdjd mwah💚💛
@nori-in-pink first and foremost, your blog always has a very nice aesthetic and I feel like I need to acknowledge that. anyway, you are so kind and supportive and you don’t take any bullshit and that is absolutely amazing. you are absolutely iconic and always reblog the best stuff so I know I can count on your blog to be fantastic. you used to scare me (idk why don’t ask) but now I know that you’re just a big teddy bear ily💗💜
@matteohnora my slurpee queen and my mememate!! you always send me the funniest shit and it doesn’t go unappreciated. You’re always there for me with a silly meme or emotional support and I don’t think I’ve ever told you how grateful I am for that. whenever you stalk my blog it makes my heart go whooosh and I feel so special. Ily and I am so glad to have met you💜❤️
@lieverobbe ah yes, the girl with the impeccable music taste. that’s what I know you as, oh well. you are more talented and kind than you could ever believe and your edits are amazing!!! whenever I see you on my dash I get all happy bc I’m like “em’s here!!!” I love all your lil posts and I am so glad that you are my mutual ilyyyyy💙🤍
@ironymane you’ve watched limitless which automatically makes you amazing. you’re an absolutely incredible and amazing person and even tho you aren’t on here as much anymore, I still love youre lil posts. And one time you kept me entertained on a 6hr car ride so you deserve some kind of award for that. ly🧡💛
@kingarthurpendragons okay the obvious thing to talk about here is your incredible talent when it comes to gif making. Like how in the hell- but you are also so kind and loving and it doesn’t go unnoticed. You don’t have to send nice asks but you do and ily for it mwah!!❤️💗
@engelkeijsers the skam nl stan that we all deserve to have in our lives. you are so fucking hilarious and relatable and all around amazing and for what? your posts always put a smile on my face and it is so much fun to clown with you. ilyyyy💚💛
@happiness-isin-you let’s ignore the fact that it took me forever to realize that this was your main lmao. your art is some of the most beautiful shit I’ve ever seen. like your style is so cool????  I could literally go on about this for hours don’t test me. the cute animal pictures are the absolute best and you’re always there for emotional support. Ilyyyyyyy💛❤️
@isakyaqi fiz you are so kind and talented and cool and I really do mean all that. You reblog always the best of content so I know I can trust it. you always put nice tags in the things you reblog things and it’s fun to read what you write because it’s almost always you hyping up the creator or the thing itself. you are awesome jdjdjdndjjd mwah🖤🤎
@cash-queens sam oh sam. Idek where to start with how much ily. You’re my famous mutual which is very iconic of you and you put up with my cat pictures and my silly antics and my riverdale posts. You’re so kind to me and everybody and whenever I make a post when I’m having a mental breakdown you’re always there to make sure that I’m doing okay. That def doesn’t go unappreciated. You’re legitimately one of the kindest and most amazing people I’ve ever known and I love you so much, more than you could ever know💛🤍
@welcometo-saturn çağrı you’re so cool. end of statement. that’s all I have to say about it. your gifs are so beautiful and you don’t take shit from anybody. you’re so down to earth that it makes it seem like you’re somebody who I’ve just always known (even tho we’ve never talked sjdjdjdjdj) so yeah anyway, you’re are a really awesome person with really good opinions and I am so glad that we are mutuals🧡❤️
@amifeelingokay it’s difficult not to start with your url bc it’s amazing and I love it. your skam posts are always so nice and cute and positive (just like you!!) and I love them. the content you reblog is always aesthetic or a nice text post and I just love your blog okay. ily💜🖤
@isthatelpome you’re so nice that I’m willing to overlook your opinion on salt and vinegar chips (they’re not good I’ll fight you on that) your dani icon is beautiful just as you are, mwahhhh🧡❤️
@earthling-isa babe you are so cute with your lil edits and your clowning. the near constant black and white aesthetic is very iconic and i love it. you’re a suus stan so I have no choice but to love you for it. i absolutely adore your gifs, especially the ones with the lil squares in the middle fygzbgut. you are absolutely beautiful and incredible and kind and I love you MWAHHHH🖤💙
@grey-mist-exist okay we’ve never talked but you seem like such a rad person. not cool but like rad (there are are subtle differences) your art is beautiful even tho idk the quotes (go off smarty pants) and overall you are just really rad, idk how else to say it mwah!!!🤍🖤<pretend it’s a grey heart
@fatoudixon hey look it’s one of the most talented people here!!! You’ve always been so kind and supportive of me and I really really do appreciate it. you have good opinions on everything and did I mention that you’re talented?? cause you are, very. Your reaction videos are amazing and not to mention iconic, just like your hair. anyway, ily and I am so glad that I have somebody as amazing as you as my mutual💙💛
@sander-klaas you are so kind and and you have so much passion. I can always trust you reblog only the best of wtfock and sobbe content which I am very grateful for. you literally just started making gifs and they are so beautiful (okay it was like months ago but whatever dkdjdjjdjdj) anyway, thank you so much for being my mutual mwah❤️💛
@jusdekiwi okay we’ve never talked but you genuinely seem like such a sweet person??? I love the stuff you reblog, it’s always the best gif sets. idk I can just tell you have good taste. I hope to get to know you better in the future, but for now I am very grateful to have you💚💙
@kritiquer my twin!!! you and I have a lot in common so ofc I love you. I’m joking obviously.... anygays you are always so supportive of everybody and you are so sweet. I love all of your personal posts, it always makes me really happy to see what you’re up to and how you’re feeling. I also like the aesthetic stuff you reblog, I have bad taste in all that, clearly you don’t. I am so glad that we started talking and I hope that we continue! ily kit!!!!💜🤍
@bleachblondebitches you aren’t on here that much, but whenever you are I get so happy! Your gifs are beautiful and I think about your sobbe and booksmart parallels gifset every day. you have amazing taste in movies and I love you!💜💙
@lesbeanfatou clara!!! bitch!!!! You already know how much I love you but I guess I’ll reiterate. I honestly don’t know what I did before I knew you. I always remember looking at the no idea blog with the Nora icons like “who is this?” Little did I know back then that you would be one of my closest friends. your support of me means the world and I am so grateful for you. I’m so glad that I have somebody in my life like you to talk to and be friends with. you are one of the funniest people in and I just love you so much I could burst mwah❤️🧡
@gucciboner okay hiii ypu are literally so fucking kind and funny, i admire your sense of humor sm. your art is so beautiful and you are so goddamn talented, it never ceases to amaze me. I also love all the little funny posts you make and reblog!! ily💙💗
@helmtaryn even though you put supernatural on my dash, I am willing to forgive you bc I love you so much. your gifs are so beautiful like ma’am didn’t you just start?? icon shit. your hate for photoshop is iconic and you are awesome. you’re always sending me asks and responding to my posts and you’re so nice and it makes my heart go whooosh. anygays you’re cool and ily💙🧡
@starmansander nina when I tell you that you give off the best vibes- okay sorry I had to start with that. I love how you are so nice and supportive of me, it really means a lot. I really like the stuff you reblog like,,, cool art? pretty women? those hopeful little posts? iconic. also youre a noor stan which is a sign of good taste. love you🤎❤️
@ijzermanora daniiiiiii madam you are so epic and iconic and I really could go on about that forever. you are so kind and you’re following all my joke sideblogs (even the ch*cken l*ttle hate blog??? why???) which is very brave of you. I love reading all of your lil wholesome posts and hearing about school and how much you hate chemistry (even tho you like sushi???) anygays we were already sending memes 10 hours into our mutualship so I think we were soulmates from the very beginning. I love you so much and I have no idea what I did before i knew you💜💗
@alwaysin-myhead okay, you give off cool person vibes and I had to acknowledge that. your art is so beautiful and you are so incredibly talented!!! I hope to get to know you in the future🧡💛
@alexiaugustin here she is!!! the queen of good opinions!!! you are such a smart cookie and you use that power to make long paragraph posts that I can actually read without falling asleep. which is impressive honestly. never has a person been so kind and funny and genius in such a well rounded way (that makes no sense) I’m so happy that I have you in my life ilyyy💚💗
@ijntba hihi you’re such a sweet person and I literally love your skam blog sm. I am so honored that you’re using one of my icons you have no idea. even though I’m confused when you post about anime, I still appreciate your passion lmao. mwah💛🧡
@hidden-joy liz!! you are such a kind soul and I absolutely love looking at the things you reblog and reading all the nice things that you put in the tags, it’s always so sweet and supportive!!! we’re relatively new mutuals, but I do hope to get to know you better in the future!!!💚💛
okay sorry to group y’all together but @fudgetunblr and @alexiswoke I like just became mutuals with y’all but I do love you and I’m glad you’re here and I hope 2021 treats you well and that i get to know you better!!❤️❤️
aaand one last final message for max and sarah, i know yall wont see this but ily🧡 💜
okay yeah I know I already said this but I really do love each and every one of you so much and I am so lucky to have so many amazing people in my life💕💕💓💕💖💖💕💘💕💗💞💓💕💖💖💘💕💓
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ignorancelive · 3 years
@whitedeadflower​ |  pick my favourite albums for bill clinton to enjoy
not necessarily my favorites but i always pick the same 5 albums for these so i just put 4 albums i like a lot and have been listening to more recently <3
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@opossuwu​ | 15 questions
1. What is the first song you remember hearing?
english songs: either learn to fly by foo fighters or human by the killers, i really cannot remember which one but it was around the same time im pretty sure
spanish songs: ALL the songs on/by rebelde, my sister was super into it when i was a baby so i heard so many of their songs right as i was learning to become a human
2. What is the first band you got into?
mmmmmmm probably one direction? if we’re not counting rebelde lol
3. Do you collect music on any physical format?
i collect almost all cds i know and like on CD and have recently started buying vinyl but i think im only going to get albums i really like on it since its more expensive
4. What is your favourite piece of music-related memorabilia/merchandise?
SO many things. i really like my nirvana and red hot chili peppers shirts because they make me feel cute! im also IN LOVE with the in utero angel sticker i bought on redbubble that has a transparent border so its JUST the angel, i stuck it on my record player and i love it so so much
5. What is your favourite concert you've been to?
i have not been to a concert yet :/ i went to a little student festival thing my university hosted for us and saw hunny + hayley kiyoko which was pretty neat
6. If you could see one artist (or band) who is no longer alive in concert, who would it be?
nirvana :(
7. Have you met any musicians?
i went to a cd signing for little mix when i was like 12-13 ish but thats the closest ive gotten lol
8. What is your go-to song/album when feeling sad?
i actually have a playlist of comfort songs to listen to when im sad, but i think the song i most consistently go to is encore by red hot chili peppers
9. What is your go-to song/album when feeling happy?
this one depends. probably hump de bump also by rhcp cause it SLAPS and always puts me in a better mood than when i started
10. What is one music-related documentary you love?
EYE only watched a few minutes of funky monks but im sure if i sat down to watch it now id love it. this is the worst question to ask me because i watch a ton of interviews on youtube so i cant even remember which ones were legit docus as opposed to just youtube vids so this question is gonna be basically unanswered. i do want to watch bob and the monster though
11. What is one concert DVD that you love?
i listen to it more as an album on spotify than watch it but Nirvana’s MTV Unplugged is so good
12. Do you prefer listening to playlists or full albums?
usually playlists! but occasionally ill play the albums i have on my player
13. Do you tend to listen to albums in order or on shuffle?
in order, shuffling them is rare
14. What is your favourite deep cut song by your favourite artist?
favorite artist is rhcp and honestly im? not fully sure. quixoticelixer slaps. and i like almost every song on im with you. but i think im gonna have to go with storm in a teacup cause i checked its streams and its not that popular </3
15. What is your favorite CD/vinyl/cassette that you own in terms of packaging?
THIS ONES SO HARD I LOVE PACKAGING DESIGNS. i love how rhcp’s im with you disc looks like because it has the track list on it but it doesnt look bad like other discs who do that do. booklet design i love vices and virtues by panic at the disco and american idiot by green day. idk what this would fall under but i also love how stadium arcadium’s booklet is held in the case and how when you take it out you see a picture of the band. and there are too many albums whose art i love so i cannot elaborate on that without making this 5xs longer lmao
@garbanz0​ & @dailywilliams​​ | top 5 songs ive had on repeat recently
according to spotify’s on repeat playlist:
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but also according to my last.fm:
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so basically red hot chili peppers own my ass
@badhe4d​ , @garbanz0​ , & @catts-world​ | 10 songs you like, each by a different artist
1. Monarchy of Roses - RHCP 
2. Back and Forth - Foo Fighters
3. Heart of Glass - Blondie
4. Omission - John Frusciante and Josh Klinghoffer
5. Dance with Me - Sir, Please
6. Henrietta - The Fratellis
7. Breed - Nirvana
8. Mary - The Happy Fits
9. Girls and Boys - Blur
10. It’s All So Incredibly Loud - Glass Animals
@psychoticbreak​ |  suppose you’re being sent to a deserted island for the rest of your life, and you can only choose 10 records to bring with you and those are the only albums you can listen to for the remainder of your life; what albums are they
oh GOD ok
1. in utero - nirvana
2. stadium arcadium - RHCP
3. nothing personal - all time low
4. red - taylor swift
5. after laughter - paramore
6. wasting light - foo fighters
7. im with you + im beside you if you count them as the same album - RHCP
8. so wrong its right - all time low
9. american idiot - green day
10. inside of emptiness - john frusciante
@mark-hoppuss​ |  shuffle my playlist and list the first ten songs that come up
1. New Invention - I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
2. Thanks to You - All Time Low
3. Por Que Me Haces Llorar? - Juan Gabriel 
4. Torture Me - Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. Speak Now - Taylor Swift
6. Prayer of the Refugee - Rise Against
7. Going Away to College - blink-182
8. Time-Bomb - All Time Low
9. DNA. - Kendrick Lamar
10. Heaven is a Place on Earth - Belinda Carlisle
@frafru1​ , @whitedeadflower​ , & @psychoticbreak​ | make a playlist with the letters of my name
Lithium by Nirvana
Universally Speaking by RHCP
Pool by Paramore
Eye Opener by Dot Hacker
@badhe4d​ |  post my lock screen, the last song I listened to and the last picture I saved on my phone
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friends name blocked out but. an interesting screenshot. yes i have flea’s tweet notifs on and use twitter for absolutely nothing else. yes i have email notifs on 
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if screenshots count:
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if they DONT count and you mean purely just saving:
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my icon and boyfriend <3
@badhe4d​ | 7 questions to get to know me better
three ships: not romantically because i dont believe in shipping irl people but i love everyone in rhcp’s gay polycule energy. specifically john and anthony in the 80s. romantically tho mickey and ian in shameless. i dont think i have a third one? me and my bisexual mutuals <3
last song: i shuffled a ton of songs and skipped for some of these tags but before those i was listening to the album weird kids by we are the in crowd as a tbt, specifically the song manners
last movie: inside by bo burnham but if you dont count that, hereditary 
currently watching: it is very difficult for me to watch shows so im currently just watching youtube lol
currently reading: nothing. i cannot read :( bc of attention issues not bc im illiterate
currently consuming: banana bread :3
@the-replacemints​​ |  top 10 favorite debut albums
NOT in order. also it took way too long to come up with this list lol
1. Concentrate - The Happy Fits
2. So Wrong It’s Right - All Time Low
3. SOUR - Olivia Rodrigo
4. Strange Desire - Bleachers
5. RAZZMATAZZ - I Dont Know How But They Found Me
6. Hot Fuss - The Killers
7. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
8. Bleach - Nirvana
9. Costello Music - The Fratellis
10. WALK THE MOON - Walk The Moon
because theres so many of these im not gonna tag people for each individual prompt but if you tagged me in one of these i tag you in whichever ones you wanna do <3
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The Progression of Failed Love - A STARSET Playlist
Y’all ever make a playlist before? That shit is so much fun. Using the music by your favorite artists and ordering them in such a way that portrays your own idea or story... I love it, and I’ve only just started doing it. It’s a very unique way to creatively express yourself. Now that I’ve hyped my audience up, it’s time to break all of your hearts by sharing my playlist of STARSET songs called “The Progression of Failed Love” which follows the story of a typical young couple who just couldn’t make it work. Yes I know, this is a dumb movie trope told a million times and blah blah blah, but this is my blog so deal with it ya fuckin’ dorks… of course I’m kidding, and in all seriousness, this was the most genuine playlist I was able to make. I have my own personal connection to it, and if you’ve had a relationship before, you’ll most likely find a way to connect to it. I enjoy it, and I hope you do as well.
The playlist’s first three songs in order are “Satellite”, “DIE FOR YOU”, and “Starlight”, and they encompass the honeymoon stage of a budding relationship. Let’s call these songs Act I of this story. “Satellite” to me really embodies the feeling one gets when they first fall for someone. The energy is high and all you can think about is what you would do for this individual, with lyrics that support this idea greatly:
“Satellite! Shine on me tonight!
I will be your gravity, I will stay and never leave…
My satellite! Are you here tonight?
Shine your light and set me free.
Take the darkness out of me.
Shine on me!”
The relationship hasn’t started yet, but the interest is growing like crazy. These lyrics hit hard, check out the rest of them here:
STARSET – Satellite Lyrics 
“DIE FOR YOU” is just a more intense version of “Satellite” within the context of this story, but it makes sense because this song represents when the relationship is now official. Both parties have fallen for each other, and the love is starting to run deep. The whole vibe of the song is much more intimate, with a calmer kit part (hot damn Adam Gilbert you are smart with writing your kit parts), but yet the same exact key and even a similar tempo. The songs are so similar, yet so different, and it’s really smart. Kudos to STARSET for this, and as a personal benefit, it makes the story of this playlist flow really well.
Starset - Die For You (Official Audio) 
“Starlight” is a very specific moment in time, and marks the end of the honeymoon phase. The couple is stargazing, and the sky is just beautiful. I see many colors and galaxies in the night sky when listening to this song. The only thing is, they aren’t physically together. Their lives have picked up, and while they can’t be with each other at the moment, they still love each other very much, so they stargazed on a phone call. They are sad that they have to spend less time together, but they reassure each other that they love the other person very much, and that they are inseparable. This song has a very special place in my heart, as it’s just a beautiful song that makes me think a lot. I get a little heartsick listening to it, as it makes me think about memories that are dear to me, but it fits this spot perfectly in my playlist story.
Starset - Starlight (Official Lyric Video)
The honeymoon period has now concluded and we are moving into Act II of this story, where problems arise. This act starts with the song “Telepathic”, which has a frustrating feel to me. The song is from the perspective of only one of the characters, as they feel their significant other expects them to be a mind reader and won’t share emotions by just talking about them. As I’m sure a lot of people understand, this is infuriating to deal with, as it just makes people typically want to slam their head through a fuckin’ brick wall. At the same time, this character is very easily read by their significant other, as they wear their heart on their sleeve, making it seem like their lover is… well… “Telepathic”. This brings up insecurity, and arguments ensue. The lyrics support this idea well, for example:
“But you can read my mind
I feel it all the time.
Felt it all around you…
You had me under spell right from the start
I don’t have a telepathic heart.”
STARSET – Telepathic Lyrics 
The arguments get worse as we progress into the song “FAULTLINE”. This song has a lot to do with pointing fingers and blaming, as now both lovers in this story are outright arguing with each other a lot, and over stupid shit too. They aren’t handling being apart from each other well and are having a hard time with communication due to insecurity and distance. The vibe of this song fits this mood, as it’s got a sparse but tense groove, and the accompanying guitar/synth parts are rough and a bit grungy. Out of all the songs in this playlist, this one takes 3nd place for the lyrics fitting well into the story, with such snippets as:
“First you gotta know, how to play the victim
Hate to tell ya so, but you repeat the symptoms like an aftershock
And I only wanna make it stop…”
And also:
“Caught me shaking at the site, oh
Caught me quaking in my mind, oh
You’re tripping over every fault of mine
You’re breaking open every single time
It’s never black and white, no
Going seismic out of spite, oh
I never know if it’s your fault or mine
You’re breaking open every single time
STARSET - FAULTLINE (Official Audio)
 Like damn, that entire second snippet is the whole ass chorus. This song fits super well here.
The last song in Act II has some intense, even lustful feelings tied to it, this song being “PERFECT MACHINE”. The couple is desperate to make things work, as they still love each other very much but are really struggling. When they see each other, they engage constantly in what people called “hate-fucking” which ultimately solves nothing, and then fighting after they are done. Yes I know this was a WILD turn out of left field, but this is the story I envision with this playlist, very intense and potentially very real. The song I feel is the entire progression of one… erm… let’s call it a “session” of what was described above. It starts with the lustful feelings I mentioned before, then about one third of the way through the song, the entire feeling changes, becoming very angry and desperate. This song takes 2nd place for lyrics best fitting the story, with the lyrics changing from this:
“Show me your insides, show me your secrets
Show me what you desire… I can fake it”
To this:
“Even you know… even you know, this was all for nothing…”
Again, damn bro. I relate to this part of the story the least, as I’ve never experienced something like this, but holy shit that still cuts deep.
Finally, we reach Act III of this story, the end and the aftermath. This act opens up with “Let It Die”, which is the song that marks the inevitable end of this relationship. This song talks a lot about “breathing back life” into something and I feel that marks the end of a relationship very well. The feelings have been lost and it’s very possible that at least one party has moved on, so it needs to end. There’s not much to say about this song, except the one lyric that really made this song claim its spot on this playlist:
“But you told me, if you loved me, let it die”
Starset - Let It Die (Official Audio)
The relationship is now over, and one of the characters has left the narrative. We now enter the mind of the one who was still holding on to feelings. With this, the penultimate song to this playlist is the iconic “My Demons”. This song paints the image of inner demons attacking someone, and how they once had a significant other that would save them from these demons. The song references sickness, demons, needing help, and other color words that really paint the picture of someone mourning the death of love they once had. It is one of STARSET’s most emotionally impactful songs, and every single OG STARSET fan knows this song. This part of the story is the perfect spot for this song, and though I don’t want to copy another batch of lyrics for the purpose of finishing this story, I strongly encourage you to just listen to the song and pay attention to these lyrics. They’re very audible and very emotionally charged.
Starset - My Demons (Official Music Video)
We have finally reached the end, and the song that ends this whole story is “Ricochet”, another one of STARSET’s best songs. I know what I said about not copying another batch of lyrics to this post, but this song wins 1st place for lyrics relating to the story on this playlist, because this song is literally about reflection on a failed relationship and just wanting to see the other person:
“We were one in the same,
Running like moths to the flames,
You’d hang on every word I’d say 
But now they only ricochet…
We were falling away,
You left me with a bittersweet taste,
But when I send my heart your way,
It bounces off the walls you made,
COME. ON. You CANNOT tell me this isn’t the best way to conclude this really sad story. This isn’t the only set of lyrics in the song that paints this picture well, THE WHOLE SONG DOES. Back to the story, time has passed and the remaining character still misses their ex-lover. They’ve tried really hard to rebuild some sort of relationship with them, but it just didn’t work. This song is the final stage of their mourning, and while they know very deep down that it will get better, they need this time to grieve.
Starset - Ricochet (Official Music Video)
STARSET – Ricochet Lyrics
I don't relate to this entire story, but it was sure as hell fun to write. I apologize for any emotional pain that I have caused during the telling of this story, but this is what came to mind when I was creating the playlist. You’re a real one if you made it to the end, this being my longest post yet. I really hope you enjoyed.
Links Used (In Order):
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authenticcadence18 · 4 years
For the sending you a character thing could you maybe do Candace Flynn please? :)
Hi anon! And of COURSE!!
Favorite thing about them: I love how relatable she is! Candace being overwhelmed with life and feeling stuck/discouraged and frustrated is just, a big ‘ol mood, especially as I’ve gotten older. “The Universe is Against Me” is very therapeutic to sing for those reasons! I also love the moments when she is genuinely a kind older sister, like in “Dude We’re Getting the Band Back Together” or the end of “Summer Belongs To You.” I also love her friendship with Isabella (especially in the later seasons), it’s just really sweet! Candace helping Isabella out with her crush on Phineas (or just reacting to it in a deadpan way) is so so soooo so great! (Basically big sister Candace. Yes.) Candace is also just, SO FUNNY. Both with her dialogue and physical comedy. She’s a great character. (On a personal note, I also relate to her struggle with not wanting to drive right away! I was the same way, and thinking about Candace made me feel better about my own struggles!) Also her SINGING. YES. I love Ashley Tisdale. ...Ok, now that I’ve said lots of nice things about Candace...onto the next question😅
least favorite thing about them: sometimes Candace is just, very unkind. Like, I KNOW she has her own struggles and I’d never want to invalidate those.....but she is just so MEAN to Phineas and Ferb sometimes for no real reason (particularly in earlier episodes). Like, in the Christmas special for instance, she continuously laughs off Phineas and Ferb’s desire to write letters to Santa (but then USES this idea in a scheme to figure out what gift Jeremy wants, so it’s hypocritical on her part) (EDIT: i wouldn’t change the “letters to Santa??” bit, btw, it’s pretty funny!! but it illustrates my point) and THEN puts the thought in Phineas’s head that he might be the reason all of Danville was deemed naughty, which DEVASTATES him. I think the saddest part is that, 95% of the time, Phineas and Ferb are nothing but kind to her. It makes her occasional spitefulness towards them seem so JARRING. (And again I KNOW she struggles with her own issues and feeling inferior, CATU especially made that apparent, and I get it! But that doesn’t make it okay for her to be mean to her brothers, you know?). Also scenes where she says something nice to Jeremy and then rude to her brothers...idk, it just rubs me the wrong way. (I also dislike it STRONGLY when she is condescending to Isabella. I think this only happens, like, twice...but Isabella is my fave so I’ll never forget, LOL)
Favorite line: oh MAN how do I CHOOSE??? She’s got so many iconic lines. Maybeeee: “It’s SO not fair! I mean why am I still on sock detail when Gladys from accounting got promoted to commander and she doesn’t even know hold to hold a blaster!!! No I mean, really, she failed that part of the exam three times, she held it backwards AND upside down but she’s a second cousin to some mid-level darth and so SHE gets the promotion?? What about ME??? If they would just open their eyes, they’d see that I’ve got everything it takes, I COULD BE THE STORMIEST STORM TROOPER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!” Oh i also like (in reference to lumpy tables) “it’s the new hip-thing, it’s so European!!!” And also “Though I’ve often thought of you as just a nuisance and a bother, today I can’t imagine havin’ better little brothers!”
BrOTP: Candace and Stacy, 100%!! I love them and their friendship SO much, it really feels genuine (especially as their characters develop more). Their subplot in “Canderemy” is one of my favorite Candace plot lines in the show, it’s so funny and so sweet at the end (and a welcome distraction from a certain OTHER subplot in that episode.....yes I’m still mad about the ending🙃)
OTP: CANDEREMY! I’ll be honest, when I was younger, Canderemy kind of annoyed me because Phinabella was my fave and I always got mad when Candace had better luck with love than Isabella (because Candace was mean and Isabella wasn’t and I identified with Isabella and like, I’m just trying to give y’all a picture of younger me😂). But now that Phinabella is canon and I’ve gotten older, I really, REALLY appreciate Candace and Jeremy. Candace doesn’t have to act a certain way for Jeremy to like her: he likes her just the way she is and actively DISCOURAGES her from changing her identity just to appeal to him more. That’s so refreshing and wonderful to see in media aimed at kids/teens. I love that, for the majority of the show, they’re either “talking” or in a relationship and it’s just, a healthy relationship! No multi-episode arcs about them breaking up, no love triangles, no petty arguments (sometimes the show leans into these tropes for an episode, but that’s it. And it’s always resolved). They genuinely care about one another, and I think it’s really sweet. (Plus a Canderemy wedding is RIFE with possibility for pre-relationship Phinabella moments👀)
nOTP: I don’t have any specific nOTPS for Candace, so I’ll just say I’m fine with any ship between her and someone her age (that she isn’t related to, obviously. AND THAT GOES FOR ALL MY SHIPS. I don’t want to say that on every one of these character posts so like, just know. That is where i stand.)
Random headcanon: Candace and Jeremy adopted Fred. I just think it’s a sweet headcanon 🥺. Alsooooo ok this doesn’t specifically revolve around Candace, but when she and Jeremy got married, Isabella and Phineas were both a part of the wedding party and Candace made SURE they were paired together to walk down the isle💕. And Candace continues collecting Ducky Momo memerobilia well into adulthood!
Unpopular opinion: Candace isn’t a terrible, irredeemable character.....but she’s not a purely amazing character who can do no wrong either. I feel like some fans either despise her fully or love everything about her. I’m in the middle. I see her as a flawed character who was written by numerous people and thus is somewhat inconsistent in her characterization. I like it when she is characterized as kindhearted but easily overwhelmed and longing for validation, so that is how I choose to portray her in my own writing/headcanons.
Song I associate with them: look Candace sings so many FANTASTIC songs in the show that I can’t associate her with any other music. Like I guess Ashley Tisdale’s “Kiss the Girl” because there’s fics of her singing that to Phineas and Isabella and I think that’s adorable? (I know I wrote one of those waaaaaaay back in the day, LOL). But in general, every Candace song is great. “The Universe is Against Me” ESPECIALLY.
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Thank you so much, anon! As you can see, I’ve got quite a few thoughts on Candace😅. At the end of the day, I think she’s a great character and I relate to her a lot! I had a ton of fun writing all these answers out.
This is the last ask I’m going to answer tonight, but I’m looking forward to answering more tomorrow!!!! 😁
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cherryhanji · 4 years
when you love someone
drabble. day6 young k x reader
this is for the district nine writers' guild writers' room week#12! (confessions + featuring other group members)
genre: pure fluff, college au, best friend to lovers au, female reader
words: 2.4k
warning(s): foul language. (but not too much tho)
alexa's note:
my love for young k and the song when you love someone is overflowing i need to make this drabble. (It's rlly a good thing the guild made this idea for writer's room) If you haven't listen to this song or the band itself, pls give it a try! All their songs are great and relatable uwu
"You busy again?" you tried to peek at what your friend's writing in his notebook where he writes most of his own lyrics, one that you're dying to read since last week.
"Yeah, I need to finish this soon, so go away." You pouted and glared at Younghyun while he turn his attention back to his notebook.
"Seriously, Younghyun, I know that it isn't even for a certain subject. Why you won't let me see it?" You whined and the pout never left your lips, hoping that Younghyun will give up and let you see what he's writing.
"Yeah I know, but-- Y-you don't need to read it" realizing that he really won't let you take a peek at what he's writing, you just let him much to your chagrin. After all, you never won against him.
"Right, I guess that one's really important, and confidential I think?" You said and grabbed your bag, fishing for your books instead to make yourself busy since your vacant time just started and you're not hungry (yet). But when you heard Younghyun called you after closing his notebook and fixed his bag, your stomach started to grumble.
"Let's eat? My treat." You can't help but to smile and nodded at him, fixing your bag. Of course, who wouldn't say no to food? Take note, you won't spend a dime.
You met Dowoon after you eat from the nearby diner. Telling each others' greetings. Dowoon was an Economics major, and he's part of Younghyun's self made band together with Sungjin, Jae and Wonpil.
"Hyung, is it done?" Dowoon asked Younghyun, while you just listened to them, not having any idea with their topic.
"Uh, oh y-yeah. Tomorrow?" Their ambiguity makes you so curious, but you were shy to ask since you were really not that close to Dowoon, so you excused yourself and waited for them to finish, grabbing your phone from your pocket to check the time.
You were a bit shock, well not really because of the time, it is because your birthday is almost next week, but truthfully speaking, it didn't excite you. You're used to being at home or just do normal things on your birthday. Your parents keep on telling you to celebrate but you just tell them you're too lazy to do so. In the end, they don't have any choice but to just visit or send you a birthday cake and greet you. You were fine with that, after all you were not a party person and you know how busy they are.
On the other hand, Younghyun just barges in to your apartment with pizzas, chicken and soda with him. A dinner with unhealthy foods and movie marathon is the best birthday celebrations for you, and also you get to spend your special day with him.
"Sorry, I can't walk you home. I have something to do. I'll make it up to you, hm? Really." You nod in response, while Younghyun patted your head. This is the fourth, since last week. You understand that he's busy these past few days, but you can't help but to get a bit peeved. You know you don't have the rights to because you are just his best friend for God's sake, he can do what he damn well please.
"Oh, o-okay. I'll wait for it. And- and don't worry, just take your time. You don't have to be sorry, though. See you then?" He just nod and bid your goodbyes before separating ways.
After taking a shower, you plopped yourself down on your bed, planning to scroll on your phone until sleepiness find its way to you. You don't have classes tomorrow, much better for a birthday rest.
You received a message from your mom, tapping the message icon to check it.
from: Mom
What are your plans tomorrow dear? Your turning 21 now.
to: Mom
what else mom? Of course laze around the whole day tomorrow. That's the best gift I'll ever receive from myself after the hell week mom.
from: Mom
Okay then. What else we can do? We know how hardheaded you are.
to: Mom
i luv u mum.
from: Mom
don't wait for me to throw a kiddie party just for you.
to: Mom
not funny mommy
from: Mom
whatever you say girl. just take your rest or do whatever you want. We'll just send a cake bcs we're gone tomorrow, for work. Love you hun. And we missed you. Happy birthday!
to: Mom
thank you mom, i miss and love u too!
After a conversation with your mom, you opened your Instagram just to see posts from everyone. Your hands never stop its duty to scroll.
After a long ass scroll, it stopped on a video posted by Wonpil. A video of Younghyun playing his guitar. You smiled while your eyes were shooting hearts as you watch him play his guitar and humming in to the music. He's so ethereal. No wonder why every girls from your major envied you. You're one hell of a lucky girl, being best friends with someone like Younghyun, the sweet, talented Younghyun. And that is the problem. Being best friends. You never want to be just best friends with him. You like him for so long. But can you blame yourself for thinking that he might not feel the same way? And you can't stomach yourself being rejected. You hate rejections, how immature of you. But isn't it too much if you'll get rejected again? You got rejected so many times already when you confessed. Maybe it's enough. No confessions, no rejections. No harsh feelings, I guess.
You were not expecting. You really aren't. But Younghyun should be here at this time now, right? You groaned in exasperation. You really hate yourself with passion. It isn't his duty to go here and bring foods for you, stupid. You keep on convincing yourself that he is busy. But greeting you a Happy Birthday won't eat all of his time, right?
Woah, you are indeed a hopeless case now.
It's almost 7 in the evening, and you were just lazily sitting on your couch, your eyes glued on the television, but you weren't focused on what you were watching. You don't even have an idea on what's the title of the movie. You jumped when you heard your phone ring, your mind automatically registering Younghyun's name. You smiled like an idiot as you tapped the icon open. But your smile disappeared as soon as you read the message.
from: Younghyun
Where are you?
Not even a happy birthday? Wow, what an amazing friend.
to: Younghyun
apartment. why?
from: Younghyun
Can you come over? I'll send you the address.
You don't even get the chance to ask him why when you received the address. It seems so urgent, but what does it have to do with you? You checked the address and it isn't somewhere near his apartment. You just shrugged and decided to change your clothes to a decent shirt and pants, with your shabby pair of sneakers. You really need to buy new ones now.
You hailed for a cab and gave the driver the address. A half an hour of travel and you finally arrived at the place. At first, you hesitated because the driver stopped at a fine looking diner, where your attire seems off from everyone who walks inside. But the driver says that the location was right. So you apologized and gave your payment, thanking the driver before hopping out of the car. Why will Younghyun gave you this address? You grabbed your phone from your pouch and typed a message for him.
to: Younghyun
Why did you gave me this address?
You tapped your feet against the floor while waiting for him to reply. You immediately opened the message as soon as you felt the buzz.
from: Younghyun
go inside. and by the entrance, you'll see a hallway leading to the garden. go there.
to: Younghyun
Seriously Younghyun?? I'll go inside looking like a shit? bet they won't let me in!
from: Younghyun
Just go inside. They don't really give a damn.
You just groaned and put your phone inside. You faced the mirror from the diner and fixed your hair and everything to make yourself at least presentable. You just wish that they won't look at your shoes. Your oh so good looking shoes. God damn it.
"Good evening Ma'am. Welcome to Haven Diner. A seat for two, Ma'am?" A sheepish smiled crept up on your face as the lady attendant asked you.
"Uhm... Actually I have a friend here. And he said that I need to go to that hallway heading to the garden." The lady gasped and nodded enthusiastically.
"Oh, yes, yes. Please take that way, Ma'am. It'll lead you to the diner's garden." You mouthed thanks to her before heading to the said hallway. You don't know why you feel iffy about this situation. But you decided to brush it off since you don't want to have false hopes. Maybe his band have a gig and unfortunately he called you for some errands.
And you weren't wrong. The instruments are there. But what's confusing is no other people from the five boys. You turn your head to Younghyun, together with his bandmates.
Younghyun smiled at you, and he seems so edgy.
"Just, just stay there and watch. Okay?" You just nodded slowly, the situation is still not sinking in to you. Dowoon started by beating the drums, before Jae started to sing.
It was a really hard day today
My heart aches for you
The only thing I can do for you
Is to be next to you, I’m sorry
While Jae was singing, your eyes never left Younghyun. He looks so nervous a while ago, but it seems like it all went away when he started playing his guitar. You feel like he took your breath away especially when he started singing.
You’re so pretty when you smile
So every time you lose that smile
Even if I have to give my all
I want to give it back to you
It's like he's talking to you, his eyes were sparkling as he sings, your heart never stay calmed when he looks directly at you.
I want to cry for you
I want to hurt instead of you
I don’t want any scars in your heart
Ever again
When you love someone
So much that it overflows
It’s so amazing
Because this is how it is
Younghyun sang once again, and this time, he is smiling, and your lips instantly form into a smile, too.
This is a song for you
I'm singing for you
I'll give you my everything
You clapped after their song ended, your face will almost rip at how wide your smile was. And the beatings of your heart is still not in normal state. Can you? After Younghyun sang for you? It's not that you never saw him sing with his band, but this one feels utterly different from all his gigs that you attended. It's like this one is especially for you. For you only.
"What was that for?" You can't think of anything to say when Younghyun went near you, so you asked the first thing that came to your mind. Your heart skipped a beat when he hold your hand. His hand was so cold, telling how nervous he is.
"happy birthday, Y/N. and--" he stopped mid-sentence when you hugged him.
"You're so annoying! You- you don't have to do that, you know. But really, thank you. That was so beautiful. I really liked it." You said, and squeezed him more you can already feel how his heart beat so fast.
"I-I'm glad you liked it. But I still have something to tell you." You hummed and pull away from the hug, he sighed as you cock your head, encouraging him to continue.
"I... I like you Y/N." Your eyes flutter as you register what he said. It feels like you're in a dream. This feels so surreal.
"A-are you serious?" You know how much he hates lying. But you just can't believe that this thing was happening. You don't think you deserve any of this.
"Yeah. I won't lie about it Y/N. You know how I hate lying to people. And I don't want to hurt you. I just want to see you smile. I just want to see you happy. Just like the message of the song. The song's for you. That's my gift." You pouted as you try to stop your tears from falling , but it is to no help because it automatically fell. You can hear the sincerity in his voice. Telling that he isn't really joking around. Younghyun just smiled and hugged you once again, rocking your body side by side.
"I hate you" you mumbled while smacking his arms lightly making him chuckle.
"Why tho?"
"Because I like you too, you silly." You told him making him gasp in shock.
"Did you just confessed to me?" He said making you frown. Now he's joking around.
"You confessed first." You remarked and rolled your eyes. Wiping the tear stains away from your face.
"So what are we now?" You asked even if you already know the answer. You just want him to hear from him.
"We're dating. I can see you want to hear it from me." He said and pinched your cheeks. But the grumble from your stomach made Younghyun bursts into laughter. That's surely a mood killer.
"Come on, you need to eat. The celebrant needs to eat." Younghyun said and grabbed your hand, pulling you to sit on the chair. Your eyes wander around to see if the boys are still there.
"But where are the others? I thought they're going to join us?" You said as you wait for the waiter to come.
"They're already stuffing their mouths with tons of food. Don't mind them. This is our time, okay?" He said and winked making your heart jump out.
"Whatever you say, Kang Younghyun."
this got me like iiiichk omg i hoped you like it! i really enjoyed writing this one🖤
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