#Yoga Certification Portugal
Unwind, Uplift, and Unfold: Your Guide to Yoga Teacher Training in Portugal
Unwind, Uplift, and Unfold: Your Guide to Yoga Teacher Training in Portugal by L. Farrah Furtado Portugal, Europe’s sun-kissed retreat, offers not just pastel-colored villages and spicy piri-piri but also an enclave for yogic wisdom. If the idea of training as a yoga teacher in this Iberian paradise stirs your soul, you’re in luck. We’ve woven together a tapestry of Portugal’s most acclaimed…
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justenjoythegossip · 1 month
Recently again, I have come across the fictitious myth that Alba posted her shower porn to deflect from her racist and antisemitic stuff that was uncovered by (more likely leaked to) Chris’ fandom a few days earlier. 
But I would argue that this explanation for her posting herself stripping in the shower has little to no credibility. I will explain why, share my theory about what likely went down and the clues that point to it. I will also use this opportunity to debunk a few myths that have plagued this fandom for a very long time…
Usual disclaimer: I have no insider knowledge and have 0 contact familiar with this shitshow and the protagonists.
Her posting a shower porn was likely an act of retaliation to embarrass Chris…
When someone posts their nudes online, it can be either accidental or purposeful. If the posting is purposeful, it cannot be about deflecting from an existing PR crisis for the sole reason that the distraction would only work temporarily. The thing you are trying to deflect from would come back and bite you (on the butt) very quickly AND you would have added a sex scandal to the mix. Not the greatest move. Especially when you are a woman. Men tend to go unscathed or even end up benefitting from such scandals, but it’s rarely the case for women because… double standards and misogyny, you know? 
So the reason someone would post their nudes, a sex tape or in this instance a shower porn is to find elsewhere. It is most likely to get attention. The question is: what kind of attention and from whom?
I suspect it was actually Chris’ side that leaked the receipts showing her to associate with racist/antisemitic people in what turned out to be a successful effort to silence her. The reason his team likely tried to keep her quiet is probably because she had made a couple of very costly mistakes prior to that.
What made Chris’ team want to silence her and get her under control…
Her first mistake was to post the now debunked fake yoga certificate so that she could place herself in Atlanta with Chris. It probably forced his team into damage control mode, as they had to get assistance from a yoga studio based in Atlanta and a couple of its members that helped corroborate Alba’s claims. But her most aggravating mistake was posting her mother’s age on Instagram, very shortly after people commented on the fact that Chris was closer in age to Alba’s mom than to Alba herself. It was a catastrophic move on her part because, it showed she and his team were lurking on SM, it showed how thin-skinned and rash she is and worse it drew more attention to the age difference and terrible optics of this “relationship”. 
Leaking her problematic stuff likely served as a warning shot to behave and stay quiet or else she would be destroyed. And that’s probably why she posted that shower porn, to embarrass Chris and get a semblance of revenge. I believe she felt safe doing that anyway because a marriage was already in the pipeline.
But notice that she has kept quiet since then. You can compare her SM activity before that event and after she came back to Insta, and it differs greatly. And of course, her problematic stuff never reached the general public. 
Do people remember the GQ event in Portugal where she refused to talk to the media and was said to be rude? It was most likely because that poor Nazi troll wasn’t allowed to speak. Her only job was to flash “her” ring in order to honor one of their sponsors and that was it. 
But she did manage to post a video of the rings with her soulmate Justin to try and embarrass Chris once more. 
Why a talent agency would seemingly work against its client’s best interests…
Of course, some people might think this theory has little credibility because leaking her problematic stuff doesn’t reflect on Chris well. But I believe that not only did the talent agency not mind this little problem, but they actually welcomed it. First of all, they made sure her problematic stuff never reached the general public, as this information was only destined to his fandom. But more importantly, why not charge more hours to your client to manage a crisis you have created yourself? That’s actually quite the smart savvy business model and that’s “capitalism” for you. 
It might be too cynical for some but we are talking about a company that allegedly dabbled in sex trafficking by providing actresses to a famous disgraced producer so that he could sexually assault them. They then allegedly helped cover the scandal by helping him destroy the lives of the women who dared speak up. So this shitshow, that would be kids’ stuff for them, wouldn’t it?  
Of course, such tactics have helped decrease Chris’ market value or help accelerate it but as you have noticed, all of his upcoming projects (excluding Red One) are CAA-backed, so they basically get him for cheaper. And Marvel is likely the only place where he can still get huge paychecks these days but they will get a big chunk of that anyway so basically it is a win-win situation for the talent agency. 
Of course, it’s difficult to know what is happening behind the scenes and it’s just speculation on my part but I suspect they no longer have much faith in Chris’ career and future. A few critically panned projects and commercial flops may have helped reinforce their strategy and it seems like that they are trying to squeeze as much money out of Chris as quickly as they can. 
The legend that Chris’ fandom is like the FBI is a great cover story…
Rumors are that the fandom uncovered Alba’s past and exposed her, like they have uncovered so much of Chris’ business over the years. But I suspect this is a lie. A very practical lie by the way. 
Because the legend that Chris’ fandom possesses the most amazing investigative skills has served two purposes. First of all, it has enabled the fandom to feel good about themselves as they could pat themselves on the back for being such great detectives. And yes, I would argue, it was a good thing to try to make a loyal fanbase feel good about themselves, especially when they are so easily and so often thrown under the bus. But more importantly, this legend has been used to cover the fact that this fandom has been infiltrated for years and has been fed information directly from his team. On this platform (which sponsored his NY con) and other SM platform. I have discussed it previously and have used many examples to illustrate that. 
Like a Team Real blog having a picture of Chris’ dog at the daycare center. Like a blog which made a (non)sensical U-turn from Team PR to Team Real (a very practical trajectory that I explained in a previous post) who allegedly recognized a hotel room in Finland or in… Lisbon!
Let’s talk for a second about the video Chris did in his hotel room in Lisbon for that teacher. Isn’t it amazing how quickly people found out where Chris had shot this video? Isn’t it tragic how that poor teacher allegedly had to quit her job because Chris’ crazy stalker fans harassed her? 
People would be smart to question the veracity of this story as it is likely totally fictional. It did serve at least 2 purposes. First, it helped reinforce the crazy fan narrative that has been shoved down our throats for years and more importantly it helped place Chris in Portugal, which was the whole point of this little video. His team leaked where Chris was (something they have done very often) to breadcrumb his relationship to Alba, so that his fans could connect the dots. Do people remember the first articles that came out after Chris and Alba became official? They all put so much emphasis on the fact that his fans figured it all out and put 2 and 2 together when Chris and Alba were trying so hard to be private. Because private people always breadcrumb their relationship on Social Media, don't they?
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But it was nothing new for Chris as he was flirting very ostentatiously and so privately with Jenny on Twitter back in the day...
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We should really stop giving them ideas...
October/November '22: "They're just rumors, they are not together"= Bum! People article and papwalk
Nov. '22: "How can they be in a serious relationship? They didn't spend time together at all"=Yoga certificate
Nov. '22 "No way she's going to WDW"= Bum! Influencer video and 'leaked' pics
Dec. '22/ Jan. '23: "Well, he hasn't really acknowledged the relationship"= Bum! Scares video
Jan./ Feb. '23: "But he never touched her or kissed her" = Bum! VD video
March '23: "His family doesn't acknowledge her or interact" = All of them liking her post in minutes
April '23: "She's not going to be at the premiere, he won't allow it" = Ab walking the side carpet
May '23: "She is the one always traveling to his place" = Picture of them at restaurant in Portugal (I think it was actually Malibu, but according to the official story was Portugal)
May '23: "She's not allowed to post/tag him" = Dodger pic (she still didn't tag Ce)
June/ July '23: "He deactivaded to not post about her birthday... it's over" = She traveling with his friends
Sept. '23: "They re not married, he's been talking as a single guy all this time" = GQ interview ('that I've had for a while" I'm still 😂) and his friends and family in Lisbon
Oct. '23: "They were never seen organically" = Airport pics and bar pics ( if you want to believe the comicon guy)
Oct. '23: "But they weren't wearing rings"= He wears a wedding ring as loose as their love story
Ok, Chris, we believe it... Stop embarrasing yourself!
You should work on my timeline 😂
"that I've had for a while" will never not be funny
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sidewayspeace444 · 5 months
Serious question, is Maddy a Chris a Evans stalker?
She has ended up in the same places or proximity he’s been announced or suspected to be at or rumored to attend. It’s creepy as fuck.
Forget the fact she went full on psycho when this mess debuted to the point she tried to prove Alba yoga certificate was fake and making those god awful photoshopped pics of them, putting Albas head on children bodies and implying Chris was a pedo.
To now have her getting that personalized fundraiser video and going to states chris is supposedly at and stated to be going.
If she’s part of their pr team, she’s a fucking idiot and has given herself away more times than not.
I remember the airport video of Alba and her crew arriving back in PT that Maddy claimed was sent to her from a “friend” in Portugal.
Something about her, lonesome and others associated ain’t right. Were they fans that got benefits for switching, idk but I’m so ready for truth to come to light.
She’s unwell. I don’t care if her minions come after me for this that girl needs serious help.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
Honest question: is she teaching yoga anywhere now? At the studio?
No. All she ever "taught" was that one class during certification weekend.
Also, the shower video made it clear she is now in Portugal, so who even knows if that certificate is transferable. (LOL, omg, I can't believe I answered that like she has any real interest in teaching yoga. That was such a stunt.)
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thelonesomequeen · 2 years
A lot of you have various opinions and comments on the cultural appropriation pictures and I’m going to post them below so others can see your point of view. I want to be clear that the comments below are not ours (mods) but are anons sent to our inbox.
✏️✏️✏️Anon 1
I saw this picture that some are complaining about. I don’t think it makes her racist. It makes her ignorant. People are just mad that she’s with Chris. Henry C GF was worse. Sometimes people don’t know better. And I saw this as a black woman. People need to chill. The word racist is so easily thrown out these days. Calm down people.
✏️✏️✏️Anon 2
I saw this picture that some are complaining about. I don’t think it makes her racist. It makes her ignorant. People are just mad that she’s with Chris. Henry C GF was worse. Sometimes people don’t know better. And I saw this as a black woman. People need to chill. The word racist is so easily thrown out these days. Calm down people.
✏️✏️✏️Anon 3
(I sent the same message to several Tumblrs) why are you all silent about the new pictures of miss racist girlfriend of CE?? because to talk about a « fake » yoga certificate or photo of paps on the beach there are people but for the photo and video of racism of miss nun and her band it is radio silence.why? Because that would be to admit that Crispy is racist too? hmm?
Asks like this make me think some people don’t actually care about cultural appropriation or racism and just want to a valid reason to cancel Alba for something other than dating Chris. Y’all clearly talked about it, but not in the correct way that just immediately calls her evil. God forbid a serious topic like this it’s approached with nuance and you don’t immediately just shun her from society for being problematic.
✏️✏️✏️Anon 4
I was checking about the photo discourse on Twitter and a lot of it is just people wanting to have a gotcha moment instead having an actual conversation. The same accounts posting about this were tweeting really nasty things like wanting Alba to d1e (I have screenshots). They were also really mad about your blog debunking the yoga thing.
✏️✏️✏️Anon 5
“ If Chris is dating someone that’s racist as everyone says wouldn’t that make him one too?” if that were true of people than Meghan Markle would be also considered racist for marrying Prince Harry (just a mere example at how just because 1 person is something doesn’t mean their partner is too). I don’t know if Alba is racist, could be just ignorant or not caring too much- she grew up in Portugal a fairly homogeneous country population wise, as opposed to the US.
✏️✏️✏️Anon 6
Obviously culture appropriation is not okay but my whole thing with finding old photos and tweets is that it says people can’t grow. A lot of people make stupid mistakes when they are younger and regret them. I know I’ve said some really dumb stuff that I absolutely do not agree with now because people change. If we’re gonna hold onto questionable things then even Chris has said done some awful stuff (Sandra/Selma quote, Botham Jean tweet, tone deaf middle eastern ASP doc) and never apologized publicly for it. But that doesn’t mean they don’t regret it and wish it didn’t happen. The intentions with bringing up old pictures isn’t purely about educating though in this scenario and it’s obvious.
✏️✏️✏️Anon 7
I’m not sure what pics are being talked about in regard to “culture appropriation”, but as a minority myself I find the general discussion a lot of times over the top: not every time someone dresses as a different culture, do their hair or adopts Buddhist teaching into their lives and son, is not always culture appropriation many times it is more accurate to say it is culture appreciation. People need to take a deep breath and learn the difference cause they alot of times end up looking ignorant
✏️✏️✏️Anon 8
But, we know about them now so hopefully this isn’t something she does regularly. 🧜🏻‍♀️ // Oh totally!! Even if those are just from the last few years that's a major red flag 🚩 🚩 especially with how big of a conversation it's been in recently. My mind immediately goes to Florence Pugh and how big that story was in 2020. We should care, and I do, but doubt many people outside of the CE fandom and maybe WN's will. I could see an article or two popping up about it, but not much more than that.
✏️✏️✏️Anon 8
You know we can criticize Jenny and Alba for being transphobic and racist respectively, but at the end of the day, Chris chose to be associated with them. And he isn't exactly perfectly either. He has said and done a lot of questionable things over the years. I just feel as though we're always too hard on the women while giving him a pass and babying him. I'm not referring specifically to you mods here, but the fandom in general. He made his choice, let him deal with it now. Nobody is villain or a victim in this equation.
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DOB: July 23rd, 1989 (34 years old)
BIRTHPLACE: Oporto, Portugal.
SERVICE NO: 20040132
CALLSIGN: Brass Balls
SEX: Female.
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) by Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery.
LANGUAGES: English, Portuguese, Spanish.
BRANCH: Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC) - British Army.
RANK: Nursing Captain (O-4).
Notes: 7 NJP.
Past Medical History
Height: 5ft6in / 169cm
Current Weight: 170lbs / 77kg
Blood Type: AB
Extensive physical injuries.
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2x Surgical scars on lower abdomen (appendicitis and C-section);
1x Stab wound to the left shoulder;
1x Laceration down the side of the left lower extremity;
1x GSW to the left bicep;
Many small lacerations to the right hand.
Evaluated for hearing loss. Result: minimal.
Evaluated for visual acuity. Result: 20/20.
Family History
Spouse: Jonathan William Price. November 1st, 1982. Alive. SAS, Captain.
Child: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
Child: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
Father: Arnold Moore. December 21st, 1958.
Mother: Rose Moore. March 8th, 1960.
Sibling: Andrea Douglas. January 18th, 1986.
Sibling: Louis Moore. November 2nd, 1991.
Sibling: Peter Moore. November 2nd, 1991.
Sibling: Anna Moore. December 12th, 1999.
Note: Family medical history shows a tendency for diabetes, high blood pressure/cholesterol, and lung cancer. Continue to monitor.
Social History
Smoking? Yes. 1 pack per week. Camel.
Drinking? Yes, socially. Never binging.
Physically Active? Cardio, 3x a week. Yoga, 1 hour, 3x a week.
Sexually Active? Yes. Clear of STDs and STIs. In a long-term relationship. Currently on 2nd year of 5-year hormonal IUD (Mirena).
Psychological Treatment? No.
Religion? Catholic.
Associations? N/A.
Medication List + Indications
Cetirizine - Issued 18 years ago, for hayfever.
Triazolam - Issued 4 years ago, for insomnia.
Hayfever, every Spring.
* Ms. Moore was naturalised as a child. Original Portuguese birth certificate features Portuguese name: Catarina Maria Silva Moreira.
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Accepting applications for RYT 300Hr certification
Calling all Yoga lovers, body art healers, Life coaches and emerging Yoga Instructors   We are very excited to announce that Bend it like Buddha Yoga school is now accepting applications for the Yoga Alliance accredited RYT 300 Hr yoga training cohort starting on April 4th!    We want to personally invite you to upgrade your skills by joining the advanced 300Hr Advanced Vinyasa & Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training along the gorgeous beach coastlines of Algarve, Portugal! During this hybrid 20 days yoga program, you will go deeper into yoga philosophy, alignment, mudras, learn how to facilitate sound healing and cacao ceremonies, how to facilitate Usui Reiki healing sessions and practice daily advanced pranayama. Highlights:-Daily advanced Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga practice twice per day AM/PM or healing practice such as cacao ceremony or Tibetan bowl sound healing journey.-Traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga lessons with Intermediate series postures;-Advanced Vinyasa sequencing and postures;-Advanced accredited Yoga Alliance RYT 300 yoga teacher training course 300-hour certificate in Ashtanga and Vinyasa-Daily philosophy classes: Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Patanjali Sutras meditation, heart healing intimacy exercises, inner child shadow workshops and profound Breath Work journeys-Acro, prenatal, kids yoga, Partner yoga, sound journey, traditional Kirtan Mantras, alignment, anatomy, trauma informed yoga therapy training, daily hands-on adjustment practice-Learn and practice how to teach advanced and tailored Vinyasa and Ashtanga classes each day 6 AMAZING BONUS:-Eight-hour Ayurveda therapy massage certificate;-Four-hour workshop on trauma-informed yoga principles;-Four-hour Nada yoga workshop, sound healing facilitator training, and cacao ceremony facilitator: best tips and recommendations for beginners and seasoned practitioners of Nada yoga / sound healing and cacao ceremony and learn how to conduct and hold space during your sound healings and ceremony for your future students.-Six-hour Usui Reiki level 1 training and certificate: if you have level one or two already, you will receive the next level training and attunement for the level you are at.-Learn how to facilitate and plan a breathwork journey for groups and practice advanced pranayama imparted by the Father of Modern Yoga Krishnamacharya, a student of BNS Iyengar based in Mysore, India.-Four-week yoga business lifestyle coaching: post-graduate support, weekly live training, accountability, and implementation labs to inspire you to take massive action to launch your micro yoga-niched brand to attract your dream students. Learn how to market your workshops and retreats utilizing the effective Online Yoga Challenge model taught by Bend it like Buddha Yoga school founder L. Farrah Furtado E RYT 500.The world is in great need of incredible yoga teachers, now more than ever, and it is RYS 200/RYS 300 Bend it like Buddha's  purpose to impart the practice for sharing it, with as many people as possible to awaken, heal, and move beautiful souls into their dharma and purpose as we enter into the most pivotal spiritual transition on Earth in human history! Learning and successfully implementing this innovative and nuanced yoga challenge framework is a must for all yoga teacher entrepreneurs in order to survive and thrive in today's competitive yoga noisy world full of distractions...Together as a yoga family, in friendships, also fun, and in community support, you will thrive as you create a positive ripple effect on the planet. Through sharing yoga, you are all sowing fertile seeds of hope, good health, joy, and inner peace into a world in desperate need of hope and healing. Join this movement that is happening within the Bend it like Buddha yoga community to receive training and support while helping as many people as possible, through the profound and powerful practices of yoga, meditation, and pranayama Hurry, very limited spots!Namaste [email protected] for more info.....#yogateacher #yogaforlife #yogateacher300Hr #reikicourse #meditation #yogamom #yogaworkshop #Yoga #yogientrepreneur #yoginilife #yogalover #portugalretreats #healing #portugalyoga #yogateachertrainingadvanced #RYT300Hr #retreatalgarve #portugalyoga #vinyasayoga #transformation #meditationretreat #ayurvedamassage #yogaportugal #algarveretreat
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bodyawarenyc · 2 years
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What is the energy body? This way of seeing the body is extremely helpful for understanding how emotions affect health and physical pain. Want to learn and teach? Don’t miss this convenient way to learn and get certified. ⚡️🤍⚡️ Meridian Yoga Therapy Online Certification : 100 hrs, 5 Weekends, starts March 4. (March 4-5, 11-12, 25-26, April 1-2, 8-9) Get certified in Therapeutic and Yin Yoga from home this winter! (Livestream and/or self-paced Video version) Learn a powerful meridian-based asana sequence that can be adapted for all types of physical and psychological conditions. Also learn how to create a Yin sequence and teach a breathing/pranayama sequence. Yoga is a form of medicine and a spiritual path to Liberation. This 100-hr hour online module can also be combined with other modules to qualify as a 200-hr YTT. Check the website in my bio for all the details. 🙏🏻❤️ . Trainings @scienceofselfyoga ALL WELCOME 💻 Meridian Yoga Teacher Cert (200) : ONLINE : 5 weekends : March 2023 🌳 MYT Level 1 : March 17-20 Woodstock NY 🌳 Yin Yoga Intensive : April 21-25 Woodstock NY 🌳 SOS Yoga Practice Intensive : Woodstock : June 15-19, 2023 🌳 Meridian Yoga Technique Level 1 : Portugal : July 1-8, 2023 🌳 SOS Advanced Yoga Teacher Training : July 22-29 (part 1) 🌳 MYT Yin Practice Intensive : Woodstock, NY : August 18-22 🌳 Meridian Yoga Technique Level 1 : Woodstock NY : Sept 22-25 💻 Yoga Sutra and Hatha Pradipika: ONLINE : October 21-22 and November 4-5 . VIDEO COURSES: (on the website) 💻 MYT 10hr Intro : self-paced Video version 💻 MYT Level 1: self-paced Video version . 📚 Books by Dr Vaughan are now on Amazon . 🆘 WEEKLY CLASSES : @scienceofselfyoga 💎WED 9:30-11 Vinyasa+Yin In-Person @spiritlab_yoga NYC 💻WED 6pm EST :Extreme Yin Hips: Online FREE 💻THURS 11am EST :Master Class 2 hrs: Online FREE 💻FRI 12pm EST :Meridian Yoga 60 min: Online FREE 🎥 Youtube “Science of Self Yoga” . #yoga #meridians #emotions #acupressure #chakras #energy #fitness #health #divine https://www.instagram.com/p/CpDPU7lgpX9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We discussed for many days that she is not with him in ATL and she is sitting home alone in Portugal. What did we get? A fake yoga certificate and some pics of her in a yoga studio in ATL. After that we spoke about Disney. We said we will believe this story when we see her at Disney. So what happened? We saw her at Disney. Should I go on? 😅 Remember NYE? 😁/ I mean no one discussed her ass in the shower then why we got her Pantene ass in shower ? What we did to deserve that!!!!🥲
What you did? You didn't believe their narrative 😂 Shame on you. 😂
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yogalap · 3 years
Michaël Bijker Founder of "Life Awareness Project" - YogaLAP
Michaël Bijker is the best-selling course creator of QiGong, Breath-work and meditation courses on Udemy. His teachings have transformed the lives of thousands of people around the world. Michaël has practiced mind training and meditation since the age of 14 and studied QiGong and Yoga since having to recover from a severe car accident that happened in the year 2001. By the powerful methods of QiGong and Yoga and the grace of God he was able to recover from injuries of which medical professionals considered he would probably not heal. Since then he has been committed to helping others to learn these wonderful techniques as well that will not only give health, focus and strength, but makes us realize what we truly are and what our true calling is.
He has been traveling around the world encountering knowledge for his passion for body and mind work, especially Meditation, Yoga, Qi Gong and breath-work. His teachings has helped many from all over the world. Focusing on training mind and body to help each person to get to know it's real nature and essence and to free your mind. He now teaches yoga, meditation, breath work and mind training in Portugal. Michaël is a certified 800hr (certified by YogaAlliance) teacher with a yoga therapy certification from Paramanand institute of yoga sciences & research, Indore. where he studied under the loving and wise guidance of  Dr. Omanand - Guruji.
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architectnews · 3 years
Alps Wellness Retreat design competition
Alps Wellness Retreat design competition by Switch, Architecture Contest 2021
Alps Wellness Retreat Design Competition by Switch
26 Apr 2021
Alps Wellness Retreat design contest Winners
Alps Wellness Retreat Architecture Competition Winners News
1st Winner – Peran Guillaume, Camille Desplanques (France)
2nd Winner – Matthew Cox (United States)
3rd Winner – Stefani Fariawati Hasan, Muhammad Agus Ali Ridho, Gregorio Eben Heizer (Indonesia)
Honorable Mentions:
Jakub Wichtowski, Jan Zieliński (Poland)
Li Han, Siyi Pan, Jingxiao Ma (China)
António Rebelo, Bruno Graça, Luís Martins (Portugal)
An Heesung, Park Minjoo (South Korea)
Nora Ravanidou (Switzerland)
Ole Flatebø, William Horstad (Norway)
Xianglei Ding, Haoran Ma, Siwei Xu (China)
Marta Adamik, Patrycja Raszka (Netherlands)
Tony Li, Jocelin Chan (United Kingdom)
Arup Tiwari, Poornima Verma, Sarthak Wadhwa (India)
5 Jan 2021
Alps Wellness Retreat design contest by Switch
Alps Wellness Retreat Architecture Competition News
The fast pace of 21st century has led to a very distorted work-leisure balance among urban settlers. This has caused numerous lifestyle-related mental and physical issues like stress, depression and other chronic ailments.
This has shifted the focus on wellness and its importance in leading a happy and fulfilling life. We are getting aware and more conscious of the fact that wellness is more than the absence of disease and is a careful holistic balance of the mind, body and spirit. The dialogue has been initiated and we can see an upsurge in the wellness tourism sector, as people demand for a more accessible and wholesome experience.
Designing for health and wellness is inherent to architecture. Great architecture is rooted in real world outcomes that foster healthier spaces and environments. The aim of the competition is to design a wellness retreat in the picturesque setting of Alps that can incorporate different aspects of wellness under a single roof and create a therapeutic and immersive experience for the user through architecture.
Architecture constantly evolves to meet the needs of society and part of its social role is to assist the well-being of those who transit and use their spaces daily. Architecture for Wellness is a niche responsible for the development of captivating architectural experiences that can facilitate and support the search and the achievement of the psychophysical wellness.
Architecture can have a deep healing effect on a person if it can stimulate the human senses. The Wellness Retreat should be resonant with an elemental materiality and a deep sensual pleasure that can be a very good medium for instilling emotions, i.e. the aura of space should bring a positive change in a person’s perception and mood while using the space. The Wellness retreat should enhance the olfactory, tactile and visual experiences of the visitors.
The participants should integrate nature with the Wellness hub in a meaningful manner. The transition between the natural-artificial, interior-exterior should be fluid and seamless to the extent that it becomes one continuous envelope.
The combinations of light and shade, open and enclosed spaces should create sensuous and restorative experience. The built form should not just be created with beautiful materiality and facia but resonant with atavistic memories of weight, contiguity and enclosure, of sound and enticing illumination.
The Wellness retreat should have a ‘music-like’ rhythmic quality to it. It should help people unwind in solitude and slow down. The retreat should indulge in various spiritual, physical and psychological activities.
The participants are free to impart any function they feel are needed inside the retreat. All generic functions like rooms/cabins for stay, meditation and yoga halls, spa, heated pools/baths, sauna, massage rooms, gym, restaurant, healing rooms etc. should be provided for an all-in-all experience under a single roof.
Prizes worth EUR 2500 are up for claim with the distribution as follows:
Apart from the winners, the jury will select ’10 Editors’ Choices’ who will be featured on our website and several other international magazines and websites across the world. The winners and Editors’ Choices will be provided with an honorary certificate.
The competition is open to everyone in the world (architects, students, engineers etc.). You can participate individually or in a team. A team can have a maximum of three members only. • For Indian nationals: 1800 INR + Taxes (per team)
Standard registration: – 1st January 2021 – 28th February 2021 • For foreign nationals: 60 EUR + Taxes (per team)
Late registration: – 1st March 2021 – 30th March 2021 • For foreign nationals: 80 EUR + Taxes (per team) • For Indian nationals: 2100 INR + Taxes (per team)
Submission deadline: 31st March 2021
Result: 25th – 28th April 2021
Group discounts apply for a minimum of 5 teams from one particular architecture school/university as our initiative to promote more participation from students. Send us the following details at [email protected] to avail the offer.
Website: https://ift.tt/2jlIMgs Facebook: https://ift.tt/2FuLOb7 Instagram: https://ift.tt/2QJWjiU
Alps Wellness Retreat design competition by Switch information / images received 050121
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
But gossip does leak at places like Reddit boards. There are a lot of Reddit boards with a ton of industry people on them. Just little comments here and there, of guess who was seen auditioning, guess who's been at my gym here, etc.
And then the fans who watch those places like hawks take the info back to places like here, twitter, IG. //
But she was a nobody until Nov 10th. And after that, she spent little time in Atlanta being "busy" with her yoga class and then off to Florida for the Disney show. And then off to Portugal.
Just saying, I believe she wasn't there. But if there had been spotting of her, it would have been with Chris.
Saying she was nobody until Nov. 10th might be a little too harsh. (LOL, did I just write that?) She had two seasons in the can as the star of a Netflix series at that point. Yes, a very niche, small Netflix series, but still one that insiders/industry people in ATL might have known. I'm not really talking about sightings from the general public, or gossip from the general public, more those industry people sightings. If she really did that three month yoga certificate course there, then why no sightings from those types at that time?
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michellelewis7162 · 5 years
Discover A Yoga Exercise Sanctuary and Possess Well-balanced Exciting
Discover A Yoga Exercise Sanctuary and Possess Well-balanced Exciting
 Yoga exercise refuges are offered throughout the year using classically-based method, or even creatively-explored techniques to all forms of doing yoga, reflection, self-inquiry, attributes and also deeper silence. This generates an atmosphere for strengthening your method, individual renewal as well as metaphysical musing. Yoga Retreats to gorgeous exterior sites may provide you time to check out coastlines, mountain ranges or other landscapes, have massage therapies or only looking into the nearby lifestyle. Yoga resorts are actually supplied all around the globe. Yoga exercise holidays as well as hideaways are an uplifting experience into personal. http://www.pfmyoga.com/
 Exciting Retreats
 These are actually additionally casual, exciting yoga refuges where all levels as well as grows older may engage. Some Retreats are dedicated to ensuring the genuine metaphysical heritage of Yoga in an incredible setting. There are a large number of yoga exercise hideaways offered in a variety of fantastic and strong locations. I extremely recommend a retreat for religious applicants of all amounts, or for people simply searching for an opportunity of internal tranquility in a stunning exterior setup for a couple of times. Caribbean hideaways are also on call. Most will definitely offer you travel plans with two yoga exercise lessons daily, time for reflection, guided and also permit you opt for personal walking as well as great deals of spare time to attach and also look into along with nature. They likewise typically feature luscious health foods. Unique yoga exercise refuges supply a wide collection of yoga knowledge in combo along with almost any sort of kind of free as well as diverse activity you will prefer.
 Teacher Retreats
 If you are to develop as a teacher and also become an educator who can converse with all degrees of pupils, I strongly believe that joining a yoga retreat is actually important. They will certainly let you move base with your inner self, technique regular reflection as well as yoga exercise, and also find great treatments. You can easily find out all about doing yoga refuges from your yoga exercise teacher, journals, good friends and also through finding retreats that might excite you online. Many people are pulled to yoga exercise refuges similar to this considering that they give the odds to incorporate a great getaway along with one more task that they really love: yoga Europe.
 Doing yoga Retreat
 Sanctuaries are actually an excellent means to give on your own an effectively should have vacation, make an effort and meet new buddies one thing new. The sanctuaries and the wonderful folks met are special as well as there are actually possibilities to hook up as well as make long lasting relationships. When you attend a Yoga Retreat it's an option to mirror and re-evaluate your whole lifestyle from a much various viewpoint. A whole lot greater than a pamper or even wellness holiday, the refuge uses a possibly life-changing knowledge. At times the hideaway is a trip to the heart, and however at various other times it's an expertise of freedom as well as internal happiness, or a sense of connectedness. The effects can easily commonly be felt for full weeks after the resort ends and this can easily create a fantastic opportunity for one significant lifestyle transforming expertise.
 Yoga Retreat Activities
 Yoga exercise and meditation is actually normally delivered regular (for instance from 7am-9am), pranayama, shouting, leisure as well as pilates and different activities as well as other routines throughout the time, certainly this all varies based upon which retreat you select, therefore ensure that you discover one along with an excellent harmony of tasks that interest you. The outcome is typically an incredible volume of your time for you to invigorate and also kick back. Some also deliver an odds to nurture the body and launch undesirable pressure consisting of outstanding on website massage therapy, or a possibility to cleanse the entire physical body of toxins which may develop from a bad diet regimen, or even absence of exercise.
 Conveniences of Yoga Retreats
 A retreat is often a time to disconnect from the whole entire exterior world, and to re-connect with your very own interior soul. It is actually an exceptional possibility to possess a yoga expertise and also to engage your own self virtual in an encouraging as well as healing setting all at once. Yoga holidays are also available: giving you a capacity to take a vacation and experience a yoga exercise retreat throughout hectic holiday season times - this is actually particularly valuable for others or even single people that might not possess a close household to appreciate the holiday seasons with. Many times a retreat is actually made for you to find rest, leisure, and a location for image and development in a native environment. Some business even give personalized personal sanctuaries that will certainly allow you match it to your very own schedule. A yoga exercise getaway, resort, vacation or even retreat offers the supreme possibility for a healthy, exciting and also awesome adventure to exotic spots, or even exciting spots close to property Europe.
 An Overview of Yoga Retreats Around You
 Doing yoga is actually only a set of different asana, stances, as well as placements. Yoga ought to have a place that is actually normally wealthy as well as has biodiversity.
 In yoga exercise instruction facilities around your city, there are actually lots of hideaways that are well-known for different types. Refuges are actually constantly a great method to begin the yoga exercise practice if considering refuges perks after that. Likewise Yoga Retreat spots are the greatest method to begin from zero if anyone does not have expertise in Yoga. Resort's coordinators do not require any yoga knowledge. Individuals who prepare for Yoga trips might be young/old or flexible/stiff. Yoga resort's educators will definitely provide you the most effective opportunity to avoid our office and also job strains as well as provide opportunity to devote to care for on your own.
 Few of the renowned resorts for Yoga practice, generally, offered are as below:
 Holistic Retreats:
 It is individual doing yoga resort that manages yoga excursions of a week. It is actually beneficial for individual development. All yoga exercise practice has been actually performing in the native environment. Educators of the sanctuary are globally renowned. They take you via a personal experience of change of mind and body with help from doing yoga.
 Excursions highlights are actually:
 There are up to 10 yoga lessons
Lunch vouchers likewise offered.
You may likewise get semi-private yoga training class also.
Ayurvedic treatment certificates
Lush spa therapy tokens.
Free breakfast promos
After Yoga lessons, the remaining opportunity of time is actually free to go to neighboring places
Lodging is, naturally, readily available.
Renewing Retreats:
 This sanctuary is popular for anxiety alleviation. Numerous facilities supply worry release package deals. These package deals supply doing yoga, reflections and also spa treatment.
 In addition to these bundles, you may receive free of charge advantages including taking in the sights of close-by areas. Daybreak Yoga asana as well as pranayama, open chakra massage therapy, luxurious shower, dusk meditation, eco forest walk. These are actually also featured in the package. This yoga excursion rests you and alleviates your stress Europe.
 Excursion highlights are:
 Daily sunup as well as dusk doing yoga asana as well as reflections
Numerous spa therapies
Various Ayurvedic treatments
Eco rainforest stroll
Banjar thermal springs
Vihara Buddhist Temple
Local and fresh meal
Holiday accommodation
Bring back Retreats:
 If you feel an absence of electricity, stress and anxiety, ache, bad sleep, at that point this shows that you provide a long time on your own and also plan a yoga trip. Yoga exercise trips regularly pay attention to only you. The system gives more intense restoration procedure and helps over a long period.
 Trip highlights are:
 Doing yoga sessions
Yoga exercise appointment on private basis
Ayurvedic foot and also facial message
Ayurvedic therapy
Conventional performances
Property lodging
Daily new as well as ayurvedic meals.
 How to Find Centers for Top Yoga Retreats?
 Doing yoga resorts centers in these times reside in abundance and if you have resided in doing yoga method for long, at that point you should rest. If you have already made that decision as well as are actually seeking a doing yoga resort facility, after that you came to experience this article quite thoroughly as it will definitely inform you about some points you need to perform in order to discover top doing yoga sanctuary facilities that will certainly see to it that your leisure time is actually eaten beautifully Yoga Retreats Portugal.
 Your 1st research is actually looking into every achievable feature of doing yoga if you intend to get into a facility providing top yoga sanctuary resources. You must go through every publication related to yoga exercise in a municipal library and visit all the sites, forums and also conversation pages related to yoga refuges as performing that are going to help you greatly in picking the most appropriate resort facility. Collect as a lot of reports as feasible from the yogic authorizations in your area to ensure that you can know which facilities were chosen one of the most by the yoga exercise specialists. This will give you a fairer concept concerning the path in which you need to have to prepare your foot.
 Contacting the specialists in the business is undoubtedly going to be helpful as you will certainly be familiar with some realities regarding yoga exercise sanctuaries that will definitely open your eyes. As for selecting the centers, you have to make a discussion along with them pertaining to how you may locate the leading yoga retreat facilities and they will surely educate you some approaches which will certainly additionally assist you in getting in touch with the right agency for the refuge facility stipulation. Make sure that the experts you talk with have a terrific amount of expertise and also know the proper ways to think factors out for people who are unwinding from their yoga exercise practice.
 It is actually necessary that you discover out the measures they have actually taken to provide the doing yoga specialists a state of joy if you wish a top doing yoga location. After engaging in yoga exercise for a substantial period of time, an individual needs for a fully serene environment and also for that, it is critical that you perform certainly not get yourself in a resource where folks go on entering approximately. Facilities that are tranquil and also offer you sufficient room are thought about to be very valuable.
 So as for you to discover the leading doing yoga facility, you reached find out where they can offer you along with outside activities to make sure that you can easily refresh and delight in up your mood. Those tasks need to be tiring and moreover they need to show you several of the best significant courses in lifestyle to make sure that your opportunity could be taken in beautifully Yoga Retreats Portugal.
 So these were actually some things that you needed to perform in order to find best centers for doing yoga resorts. I am actually rather specific that the methods within this article will undoubtedly aid you enter the most proper as well as location rich facility for yoga and also you will definitely additionally be actually fully pleased with what you'll come to enjoy your free time certainly there.
 Yoga Retreats - How to Choose the Right One
 As an innovator of tropical yoga retreats in Hawaii and Mexico, I've explored countless hotels and sanctuary facilities to find the areas most suited for the clients I desire to pull. Resort facilities vary coming from the rustic to the extravagant, coming from mountain to beach front environments, as well as from remote to metropolitan area. Below are actually some factors to consider of what to search for in your search for the best yoga resort.
 Know what you really want. Perform you desire to retreat right into on your own or even possess a social exterior experience? Some centers possess many groups coming together at foods, at the pool, dance celebrations, or are centrally located in a town with street noise, popular music, etc. Others possess area for a single team, or reside in distant places without cars and trucks in sight. Several remain in between. I've discovered that even when there are actually loads of extra tasks given, one may constantly opt for to stay away, stay tranquil, take snoozes, obtain bodywork, etc, as long as the setup is relaxing.
 Animal Comforts: Are you desiring an unique resort/5-Star hotels and resort knowledge, or do you prefer the low-budget or quite rustic experience? Yoga refuges cover the total range and are actually generally valued accordingly. Spend a long time exploring what is offered and also the quality of the holiday accommodations before you sign up.
 Is the refuge located at a center that satisfies doing yoga retreats? Or even, they may certainly not be geared up with yoga props or have the familiarity with just how to best provide the yoga exercise group's unique requirements.
 Is it situated at a retreat facility or at a lodging? Depending upon what you're wanting coming from your sanctuary, some of these is a lot better for you. Would you somewhat be eliminated from the day-to-day diversions of buying, driving, web and active streets, or will you like to become in town where you can walk, bus, ride or bike to local area attractions? Being at a refuge facility where there's plenty of acreage isolating it from the outside world may be quite conducive to going inwards and paying attention to your method, private health, furlough. Numerous sanctuary facilities offer both, where you may decide on to stay solely on their grounds or you can easily elect to participate in expeditions to explore the local environment and also destinations Yoga Retreats Portugal.
 Are actually all foods consisted of? I have actually found that discussing foods along with my retreat participants is a very connecting adventure for the group. When our experts can easily get to understand each other as well as reinforce our links, it is actually an opportunity. It is also a surprise not to must fuss with amount of money as well as suggestions at each dish when it is actually all-encompassing. However, if you're more of the adventurous or solitary style, you may prefer a resort not consisting of all foods where you may blow up to discover the nearby meals.
 Are added view seeing trips featured in the retreat rate? Once again, depending upon your goals for your hideaway, you may prefer extra experiences are featured. If they are, you can be sure you're spending for all of them, whether you attend all of them or not.If you intend to check out the region around your refuge, then the additional adventures could be a blast as well as another fantastic method to connect with your team while strengthening your understanding of the regional society and environment.On our sanctuaries, we like to create these extras optionally available and after that the attendees can determine which excursions they will such as to participate in and the facility will still offer a lessened price for minimum team measurements. Some facilities may have more than one group staying at an opportunity, and they supply a different journey every day for whoever prefers to join Yoga Retreats Portugal.
 What sort of Yoga is being actually given? There are a lot of types of hatha yoga taught in these times, that it is important to understand what style you prefer in order to avoid obtaining stuck to a teacher or even design that is actually inadequate or extremely difficult to your attribute. Most excellent is actually if you recognize the teacher you're signing up to invest your full week with. Second best is actually if you at the very least know that you like the style of yoga that they show.
 Your Perfect Yoga Retreat
 Yoga exercise is the art of launch. It is actually the research study of one's focus upon the diverse levels of the physical body, exploring deeper along with a state-of-the-art focus into the thoughts, till at some point delving and also settling permanently within the spirit. This early tradition of meditation, action as well as sigh established within the Hindu culture of the Indian subcontinent ends up being the expert's sacred habit. For that reason, finding the correct yoga exercise resort is actually every bit as a component of one's technique as is actually a particular breathing of breath, an expiration into a particular pose, or even the serenity of quiet finding. The best hideaway must line up with the appropriate person, and simply at that point will one have the relaxation to allow go as well as discover the true depths of their yogic journey.
 The Destination Is Actually Also The Journey
 Yoga exercise hideaways are aplenty. They are available in all different shapes, dimensions, places as well as total package deals. Some supply 24/7 doing yoga, stringent dish tips, and also outright silence. Others start the day along with a set of opening up postures (or asanas in Sanskrit), and then submerse individuals in the lifestyle of their atmosphere, carrying out imaginative activities and also corrective down time. The time ends along with a final series of relaxation. It's all up to you-the practitioner. It is your technique and also only yours. Just how perform you find the best sanctuary?
 Finalize the eyes. Take a long inhalation by means of the nostrils. Accommodate. Currently discharge all breathing spell away from the oral cavity. Settle down in to your chair and also unwind. Visualize you yoga-ing. Imagine the environment. Where would certainly it be actually?
 To use a little bit of input, I'm on a beach front. I'm not in the Himalayas viewing a swift approaching lightning hurricane inverted while shaking in Sirsha-asana (or head-stand present). No. I am actually in the tropics, half nude (ok ... totally nude) on warm and comfortable sands along with the audio of the ocean's surges cresting upon each other. Drafty hand plants rustle overhead and also their darkness use refreshing sanctuaries. I am far coming from the office, the phone calls, the assumptions others' harbor of me. These are actually long moved as well as weird of mind. I am rested, cozy, serene and loving lifestyle Yoga Retreats Portugal.
 Your dreamy environment may be different. It might certainly not. Despite, it's your yoga practice (as the conscious teacher reiterates); consequently it's your yoga exercise retreat.
 Take Me To Your Leader
 Coming from the site of the refuge, the following necessary factor of the practice is that is actually mentor. Who is it that will lead you through the doorways of your "guesthouse" as the Sufi mystic Jelaluddin Rumi referred to when speaking of the body? Whose advice will you count on and relinquish to? At finest, it is actually risk-free to say that if an expert establishment certifies the instructor you possess no explanation to doubt their strategy and capacities. Each person's type of mentor is special as well as each device of yoga is actually various. Look their name on the web, locate their website as well as preferably take their lessons. Get reviews and review their pupils' testimonials. Where possess they lead retreats before? And most importantly, find a teacher whose design of practice and also body of yoga straightens along with your necessities. Yet how do you carry out that? There can't be that many practices of yoga ...
 Oh yes. There is Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Flow Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Bikram Yoga, etc., etc., and so on. The list takes place and for the specialist to pick the best right resort it is wise to bring basic expertise concerning and adventure within that suitable yogic unit Europe.
 You're looking to operate on your own. You wish to literally sweat, pressure, press and sustain your whole entire body-muscles, joints, tendons, bone tissues and all-then unlock to a vigorous Ashtanga technique. Or mention you're seeking calmness as well as tranquility-long restorative postures-then work out in to a form of Yin Yoga. The choices are actually as several as the notions found within the thoughts.
 Your Life, Your Retreat
 Along with a location and also design of yoga selected, then it's up to you to learn what is actually being actually delivered past your guesthouse's doorstep. Inspect the regional workshops for leaflets. Explore reliable regulars as well as publications that focus on devoutness and self-improvement. Look the Internet for refuges in particular locations or in a certain tradition of method. Inquire your close friends. Inquire deep space. Inquire your own self.
 A yoga retreat is a blessed offering to your body system, your guesthouse, your temple. It is opportunity taken off the day-to-day lightness of "making-a-living" so as to honor who you are; if you want to create the soul, thoughts as well as body system closer to a state of relaxation and peace. Fundamentally, yoga exercise is actually knowing just how to allow and like oneself whole-heartedly and also without any reason.
 Great Benefits Of A Yoga Retreat
 Yoga exercise hideaways are actually pretty helpful for people who have tons of tension in their lifestyles because of amount of work. These have actually likewise come to be fairly prominent recently as people searching for a tranquil vacation expertise go all out to ensure they can remain from all the worldly strains for a specific time frame to reclaim their mental and physical toughness. Further in this post, you will definitely familiarize concerning some terrific perks that you avoid a yoga exercise refuge. Read on thoroughly.
 Repairs Balance
Going on yoga exercise resorts helps you restore your psychological, spiritual, emotional and also physical equilibrium to make sure that you can produce your lifestyle much better. Renovation of harmony is pretty crucial given the fact that today, people are surrounded by many traits which take their focus and in addition create all of them worn out as well as a yoga resort holiday is actually the very best method to invigorate your soul.
 Makes you Happier
This doing yoga is very handy as they make you better from the within and also get rid of all your worries. They give you with ample volume of space in order that you can easily give some ideas to your own self concerning your individual concerns as well as just how you need to adapt up along with all of them. It likewise aids you in analyzing on your own so that you can easily recognize what you were actually skipping in your life and what procedures you need to have to absorb purchase to achieve that trait.
 Individual Digging
This is actually quite different from spirit exploring. On a yoga exercise resort, you must understand the variation between exploring yourself and individual development as they are actually 2 really different targets. Doing yoga also aid you establish on your own in those realms where you are without, as an example; it assists you get a favorable method towards every little thing if you had negativeness, it permits you to reflect upon the techniques that you require to consider the improvement of your future and furthermore it offers you ample volume of time to re-think regarding your attitude in the direction of complications.
 Complete on Enjoyment
On a yoga resort, you may invest your time appreciating along with individuals there and also will definitely aid you obtain positivity in your life and also you are going to certainly never lack time to smile even if you are actually overloaded along with job. The satisfaction in your refuge is actually undoubtedly heading to make you tough and mature from the core.
 Assists you Socialize
These yoga exercise are actually undoubtedly going to help you a whole lot in hanging out along with individuals as well as enhancing the bonds along with them if you were actually not an incredibly social kind of person. It is certainly going to make you interactive as well as when you return to your typical lifestyle, you will definitely experience a modification as you are going to instantly create buddies that will value your method towards every little thing in life.
 These were actually some wonderful perks of going on a doing yoga sanctuary. You can additionally retreat coming from your ordinary life as bunches of trip and also tourist agencies supply yoga resort bundles together with wonderful rewards. I am actually relatively certain that you are going to pick the best appropriate retreat package on your own dropping under your finances series.
 Doing yoga retreats are actually used throughout the year supplying classically-based technique, or creatively-explored strategies to all types of yoga, reflection, self-inquiry, attributes and deep-seated muteness. You may discover all concerning yoga retreats coming from your yoga exercise instructor, publications, pals and by seeming up retreats that might interest you online. You must go via every publication similar to doing yoga in a social library and check out all the sites, forums as well as discussion pages associated to doing yoga hideaways as doing that will certainly assist you hugely in deciding on the most ideal retreat. No issue, it's your yoga practice (as the mindful coach repeats); consequently it's your yoga exercise hideaway.
 There is actually Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Flow Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Bikram Yoga, etc., and so on, etc.
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England, Manchester United and West Ham United Legend Rio Ferdinand, to Host Junior Summer Football Camps in Portugal
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England, Manchester United and West Ham United football legend Rio Ferdinand has announced he will be returning to THE CAMPUS, Europe’s newest five-star multi-sport and wellness hub at Quinta do Lago in the Algarve in Portugal, to host another series of fun and engaging junior football training camps during. Rio will host the camps during the summer holidays from August 5th - 9th and August 12th - 16th for children of all abilities and 5-15 years of age.
Rio will share his experiences of playing in one of the most famous and successful football clubs in the world and will offer training tips gathered over the course of his amazing playing career.
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The Campus is delighted to woking once again in partnership with Football Escapes, who run junior football camps at some of the finest and most exclusive resorts around the world. Once again this year the camps will include other current and ex-professional footballers.
Rio says: 
"I can't wait to be back at The Campus in Portugal. We will be putting on training sessions that are fun and informative, and focus on learning with a smile! The facilities at The Campus are second-to-none and with the great weather in the Algarve, this is a fantastic opportunity for young players to have an unforgettable football experience.”
Sean Moriarty, CEO of Quinta do Lago, says the football camps are a great addition to The Campus as Europe's premier multi-sport and wellness destination for family sporting holidays.
Sean says: 
"We are really looking forward to welcoming Rio back to The Campus. The football training camps with Rio and other pro’s and ex-pros have been fantastic and are a once in a lifetime experiences for young football fans. This is a unique opportunity for young players to see what it’s like to reach the highest standards. We are proud to host these training camps over the course of 2019."
Rio is the latest addition of high-profile stellar sports stars adding to a world class level of sports coaching and mentoring who are now partnering with The Campus. 
Former Great Britain Federation Cup captain Judy Murray will also be returning to The Campus to host more junior and adult tennis camps. Irish rugby legend Brian O'Driscoll will also continue his partnership with The Campus and will see him host junior rugby camps on the pristine training pitch that has already been used by top Premier League football clubs, German Bundesliga sides and international rugby teams. 
Rio adds:
"I am looking forward to working with the kids at The Campus at what is a world class training facility. The quality of the pitch we will be using is as good as anything you will find at a Premier League club and the High Performance Campus is also a top quality facility. We will put on some great sessions and I look forward to seeing your kids there."
The Campus is one of Europe’s newest state of the art sports venue, created for elite athletes, teams and for families as well. The Campus is already becoming popular with Premiership football and rugby teams, Olympic and Para-Olympic squads, performance athletes and coaches who are taking advantage of the perfect training climate and using The Campus as their warm-weather training base.
The recently opened High Performance Campus has added to The Campus' stellar reputation and cemented its reputation as the outstanding location for holiday makers looking for the ultimate sporting break, with dance classes, yoga, swimming and state-of-the-art saunas, steam rooms and wellness areas adding to the appeal.
"The Campus further elevates Quinta do Lago as one of the finest sports and leisure destinations in the world. The beauty of this complex is you don't have to be a world-class or even professional athlete, as we also welcome guests who simply want to use the facilities at their leisure for fitness or as a hobby."  added Sean Moriarty.
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Visitors to The Campus will experience world class tennis and padel courts, a wonderful cycling centre led by Paralympic gold medalist Mark Rohan, as well as a top class swimming 
facility and a wellness section of the high performance hub that offers all visitors the ideal chance to unwind after an exhausting workout.
Dates: August 5th - 9th and August 12th - 16th  2019
Hosted by ex-professional footballer legend Rio Ferdinand
Open to children of all abilities
Aged 5-15
Other UEFA licensed coaches will also assist with the coaching 
Each child will also be provided with full kit: shirt, shorts, socks, a medal and signed certification.
Places are limited so to avoid disappointment, book your children’s place now!
Call on +351 289 381 220
To book online visit  - www.quintadolago.com/en/the-campus/soccer-camps/ 
Rio Ferdinand was born 7th November 1978. He is an English former professional footballer who played as a centre back, and current television pundit for BT Sport. 
He played 81 times for the England national team between 1997 and 2011, and was a member of three FIFA World Cup squads. He is regarded by many to be one of England's greatest ever players and he is one of the most decorated English footballers of all time.
Ferdinand began his football career playing for various youth teams, finally settling at West Ham United where he progressed through the youth ranks and made his professional Premier League debut in 1996. 
He became a fan favourite, winning the Hammer of the Year award the following season. He earned his first senior international cap in a match against Cameroon in 1997, setting a record as the youngest defender to play for England at the time. 
His achievements and footballing potential attracted Leeds United and he transferred to the club for a record-breaking fee of £18 million. He spent two seasons at the club, becoming the team captain in 2001.
He joined Manchester United in July 2002 for around £30 million, breaking the transfer fee record once more. He won the Premier League, his first major club honour, in a successful first 
season at the club. In September 2003, he missed a drugs test and was banned from competition for eight months from January until September 2004, causing him to miss half a Premier League season, Manchester United's FA Cup triumph, and the Euro 2004 international competition. 
Upon his return, he established himself in the Manchester United first team and received plaudits for his performances, featuring in the PFA Team of the Year four times in five years. 
More club success followed with another Premier League win in the 2006–07 season and a Premier League and UEFA Champions League double the following year. His career at United, in which he won six Premier League titles and 14 trophies, ended when his contract expired in 2014, and he subsequently joined Queens Park Rangers where he played for just one season before being released from the club as a result of their relegation from the Premier League. He announced his retirement from professional football on 30 May 2015.
In September 2017, Ferdinand announced his intention to become a professional boxer, partly to help him cope with the death of his wife.  His brother, Anton, also a centre back, plays for St Mirren. Former England international striker Les Ferdinand and former Dagenham & Redbridge midfielder Kane Ferdinand are his cousins.
Built in the summer 2017, The Campus provides training, coaching and wellbeing programme to Quinta do Lago residents and guests alike. The sports and wellbeing resort and high performance training centre catering for adults and juniors as well as elite professional athletes and teams. The Campus welcomes everyone - from future Olympic Games competitors through to amateur, grassroots and families enjoying a family sports holiday.
The Campus is located just 15 minutes from Faro airport and the resort offers guests an unparalleled location benefiting from a year-round temperate climate. The resort offers a variety of lifestyle and sporting pursuits, a strong sense of community and offers residents, guests and holiday makers alike the chance to train, exercise and socialise.
What’s on offer:
Stadium quality DESSO GrassMaster hybrid pitch
Technical area
High performance gymnasium
Centre for active living and sports medicine
Recovery suite including hot/cold plunge pools and sauna and steam rooms
Studios for cycle and group exercise
Stadium specification locker room
Team rooms with high tech analysis capability
25m heated indoor swimming pool
Four acrylic tennis courts
Two synthetic clay tournament specification tennis courts
Four padel courts with shock pad features
The Bike Shed – a hub for cycling
Dano's Sports Bar & Restaurant
The Campus is delighted to partner with Football Escapes. Football Escapes provide premier football coaching courses in partnership with some of the finest and most exclusive resorts around the world. The difference is, all our courses are led by current and ex-professional footballers. Our relationship with hotels and resorts means we're able to provide families with best available prices for their holiday. All combined, we work to create memories that last a lifetime. 
Players and coaches immerse themselves fully on and off the pitch providing families a money can’t buy experience to help make that special holiday even more exceptional. Whether it’s around the pool, by the bar or at breakfast, our team are on hand and always happy to say hello. What’s more, this all takes place at some of best resorts and spa hotels in some of the most breathtaking locations in the world.
Football Escapes partners with Inspiring Travel Company, which means they also offer families the best possible rates and ATOL protected packages to create you a bespoke holiday of a lifetime. All combined, Football Escapes offers families a truly magical experience where special moments last a lifetime. Not just for children participating on our courses, but for parents, family and friends. 
More information and to book camps here - www.footballescapes.com/destinations/portugal 
Guests can stay at The Magnolia Hotel, situated on the doorstep of The Campus and Quinta do Lago resort. It has a range of accommodation including 74 boutique rooms, three suites and seven cottages.  
The rooms have been recently been fully refurbished and the five-star service will help guests unwind and destress at the end of their day. 
The Magnolia Hotel offers a beautiful heated outdoor pool and the pool area is at the heart of the hotel. Guests can also visit the spa and holistic rooms and reconnect with mind and body.
For guests that are feeling energetic and in need of a good stretch then there is a fully equipped gym with premium quality equipment. The experienced personal trainers are available to help guests work out. There’s a shuttle bus service to The Campus for all guests too.
Synonymous with elegance and privacy, Quinta do Lago is an exclusive golf and residential estate of nearly 2,000 acres bordering the Atlantic Ocean and nestled within the privacy and security of the Ria Formosa nature reserve. 
Quinta do Lago is one of the most desired resorts in Europe and allows you to live an active outdoor lifestyle all year round, offering real estate plots between deserted dunes, sheltered pines, breath-taking beaches surrounded by three award-winning golf courses.
Since its inception, Quinta do Lago has been at the forefront of European golf with three award-winning championship courses matched by outstanding practice facilities including Europe’s only Paul McGinley Golf Academy and the only Taylor Made Performance Centre in Southern Europe. 
Among its recent accolades, the resort was voted ‘Europe’s Best Golf Venue’ at the 2015 and 2016 World Golf Awards. Quinta do Lago has enjoyed the honour of hosting eight Portuguese Opens as well as numerous other international golf tournaments and its world-class golf facilities are some of the best anywhere in the world.
Away from the fairways, Quinta do Lago now adds to its portfolio extensive state-of-the art leisure and racquets facilities guaranteed to keep families occupied with regular tennis and padel tennis events,  cycling tours of the West Coast, family bike trips, a wide range of water, beach and lake sports as well as cultural and nature trips.
The resort’s stunning location by the beach offers the perfect place to relax and unwind while its wide array of restaurants, both formal and informal, take advantage of the fresh Mediterranean produce that the resort has become famous for.
Sports, fitness and wellbeing activities 
Padel - www.thecampusqdl.com/en/padel/ 
Cycling  - www.thecampusqdl.com/en/cycle/ 
Tennis - www.thecampusqdl.com/en/tennis/ 
Fitness - www.thecampusqdl.com/en/fitness/ 
Wellness - www.thecampusqdl.com/en/wellness/ 
Dano's restaurant  - www.quintadolago.com/en/restaurants/danos/
The Magnolia Hotel - http://themagnoliahotelqdl.com  
Quinta do Lago villas – www.quintadolago.com/en/rentals/properties-to-rent/
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