#Bend it Like Buddha Yoga
Unwind, Uplift, and Unfold: Your Guide to Yoga Teacher Training in Portugal
Unwind, Uplift, and Unfold: Your Guide to Yoga Teacher Training in Portugal by L. Farrah Furtado Portugal, Europe’s sun-kissed retreat, offers not just pastel-colored villages and spicy piri-piri but also an enclave for yogic wisdom. If the idea of training as a yoga teacher in this Iberian paradise stirs your soul, you’re in luck. We’ve woven together a tapestry of Portugal’s most acclaimed…
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r1kysblog · 1 year
Avatar ANG a character I've always seen as mirror of three every powerful yogis,krishna vasudeva, gautama Siddhartha, Adiyogi shiva,
In each of these three legendary being, are quality, potential and possibilities, that I think Ang has, that if he was a real being he would have sweep threw the yogic process of liberation with such ease that it would make buddha and krishna his equal,
Imma start by telling you abt each of these three characters, first up,
krishna, the lover, the prankster, the playful, the fighter, the kingmaker, the lawgiver, the statesman, krishna is know for his immense love, joy,happiness, bliss, everything abt him just screamed the highest form of pleasantness,
Gautama buddha, a yogi ova the mind, he's spent 6 years as a seeker on the yogic pass, it is in the tradition that realization is the goal, not attainment, in this awareness he set abt dispelling every form of inner constructs of the mind everything his mind created before he became a seeker he destroyed, and so one day under that now famous bodhhi tree he found peace of mind, thus liberation Nirvana
Adiyogi is significant to every human alive because this being is the first yogi. He is the man that opened all the gates to humankind, without him, we wouldn't have krishna, buddha, gorakh Nath, or other very power yogi, because of Adiyogi this earth has witnessed thousands of realized being, powerful people, beautiful people, glorious people,not just in India, spirituality is said to have be given to humanity threw the 7 sages or saptarishi, who are the deciple of shiva,
Now Ang, in my mind, I've seen Ang character, and I hear people say he's boring or two nice, but I don't think he's boring or just nice, to me he is one Hella guy, but like krishna, Ang has that type of love that can be playful, joyful, and compassionate, and so like krishna love, Ang love keeps him evolved with just abt anything, this right here, Ang ability to be evolved in the moment is what krishna life was all abt, but going threw life no matter what happens but with love in his heart, Ang love for katara is one krishna had to many people, there is a yogic process could bhakti yog, yoga of emotions or devotion, or to be devoid of oneself, soo I'd say falling in love, this here is a significant word, couse Ang fell hard to the point he denied his own cosmic nature for katara, this is someone who doesn't need a big idea abt who he is, as fare as he concerned he packed up full of love for her, like who the fk cares if you ain't got money or big brains or what, Ang knew love in all its beauti and that is worth more then fancy ideas,
Ang the seeker, or gautam the seeker, from day one Ang life after katara saved him, his life was on the move and he was made to be both aware, alert and responsible for himself his friends and the world, as a seeker it is best to be alert thus you don't miss any possibilities, aware so you can map out the depth of ur ignorance, and responsibility to know that what happen, happen because ur making it happen, responsibility if you look at it from an understanding of union and unity of life couse and effect, then ur whole being is talking and listening to everything in the cosmos, or responding, like gautam, Ang finds peace, but it doesn't End there no,
This is where Ang next journey begins, and one i believe could change atla, soo ADIYOGI or shiva. It's my belief that because of the ancient lion turtle, Ang has been given the seed of possibility. In yoga, they call this kriya yog, and sense the time of shiva, yogi have been transmitting knowledge,experience,or energy through many form of practice but the most legendary way of transmitting it, is threw energy,I've made a post abt my thought on the potential of energy bending but it doesn't complete what I think,only bits and pieces of my thoughts,
Energy in yog is described as a serpent or Shakti, so believe it or not Shakti husband is Shiva, he is the one she dance for, shiva means no thing, but it is said threwout the world that nothingness is the foundation for energy, so Shakti dances and shiva sits and allows her to express her nature,
Ang and katara relationships are like a cosmic dance, in that Ang allows her to grow before him, doesn't interfere, but is ever so involved, he is there for her wen is needed and is still , silent and stable for katara to grow and dance and build on, look at katara growth, Ang life is that type of foundation or ambiance that grace her with a new possibility, one of freedom, strength, love, compassion, and continual growth,
Ang now given the power of the lion turtle opens up a new possibility one I believe could have change the atla vers forever, in my eyes just like Shiva Adiyogi was for human kind, Ang has that type of potential, to create such a spiritual bomb that it could create hundren thousands of power being in atla, Anyway I'm tired I'm going to sleep byy
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jecajames · 1 year
I'm sorry and I mean it...
I am learning, understanding who I am and what affects me. I am angry...why is there such a long list of people I am angry at? Why? Because they don't like me or they don't accept me or they have had enough of my reactive nature, or as some have called me, a drama queen. I guess I have my reasons for being so dramatic; I've known that my reactions to certain situations can be intense and maybe extreme. My emotions intensify two weeks or earlier before my period. BUT I will say, lately, I've been far more fearful of life and far more angry. Pandemic, forced vaccines, forced Covid tests, isolation, moving and not making friends in new place, committing to a good relationship but still afraid to lose it; Loneliness, not feeling included, not feeling love from family members, feeling betrayed and hated...I feel all of these things and these emotions come and go on a daily basis...yes it's spiritual warfare...this warfare started when I am maddened the enemy by attending church, by deciding I want to love and live for God (untouchable covenant with Highest)...for finally realizing that this world just cannot give me what God has been offering me all along. I've been very intense lately, posting things to evoke a conversation that never happens, rather folks just hate me more in silence. I want to spread truth with anger...and love is truthful not angry. When I meditate on how Jesus dealt with the disciples, who were like his brothers, I am ashamed at my actions. I AM BETTER THAN THIS!! But when I justify my actions with everything I've been put through, suddenly my actions don't seem that intense, that hateful.
We are all children of God, whether we are confused. Whether we are racist or not...whether we are gay or not.. God is clear on how he feels about those who overlook His perfect ways and mutilate their bodies to be different than how God created them to be. Almost like a huge spit in God's face, almost or just saying: God, I have to fix the mistake you made...you didn't put me in the right body.. huh? Who are we, and (at eg: 13 or 14 years old) to even know what's right for us..
We only see what's in our clear vision but we will never see God's full vision for us as His creation. Anyone could sit here and say, well I don't believe in God. Whoever doesn't believe in God has never tried to look within and into their spiritual foundation. All of that lies within; Those who are in disbelief of God are frequently advised to ask God directly; Unbelievers of God would never do it, but you better believe that if you challenge God, God will show himself.. YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!!
I didn't know that doing Yoga is a direct worship to false idols? I just did it because, well, millennials were all about it and really were the ones who brought it into the new generation. NOTHING has ever brought me more peace than speaking to God in my time of need. BUDDHA would need to die 300 times on a cross for me to bend my knees for him (THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN..ONLY A PERFECT GOD CAN DIE FOR OTHERS). There are definitely good examples of positive leaders in this world, but when a leader tries to start a religion of self worship, I say WRONG! for instructing people to love themselves above God!
With all of this, I ask God, to change my heart towards those who oppose my heavenly father's love for them.
God, change my anger into just love of truth and peace.
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I’m not at peace
Certainly not happy
I’m sad, sorrowful
I’ve become unhinged
I think the word is melancholic, certainly
If I were fat I’d hit the gym, go on a diet or try the Greek juice cleanse that’s all the fad right now
If I were sick I’d go to the hospital, mentally unstable I’d check myself into an institution or see a shrink if the stress became unbearable
They say nothing picks you up like a new pair of louboutins, splurge on Swarovski crystals, finest cashmere from Harold’s or pamper yourself with Victoria’s secret lingerie but still I felt bereft of elation
No, frozen yogurt did not thaw my sadness neither did that spicy chicken that scorched my colon and left me tethered to the toilet seat
Tried to drown my sorrows with Jack Daniels but I puked my insides and felt like the scum I really was
Music has become deafening tuneless noise that doesn’t sooth my troubled soul
I’ve tried Netflix but I end up flipping series instead of chill
Someone said take a walk it clears the head and lightens the spirit, I’m afraid it’s the heart that is anchored in misery
I wake up feeling hollow
Engulfed in a blanket of grief, who died and stole my bliss , I ponder
The emptiness I feel can only be filled with Nirvana, says the online Buddha
How do I achieve that?
Cleanse the soul and free the spirit
Fasting, meditation, deprive yourself of worldly pleasures
I’ve done all the yoga poses, fasted for a month, became the ambassador of wellness and wholeness and given away all the comforts
Well there’s change alright
Sunken cheeks, gaunt haunted eyes, skin so thin that it hurts bending my elbows and knees
Thin, emaciated, ghostly silhouette and still troubled
I see the gawking stares of neighbors, whispered mockery laced with concern and laughable halfhearted offers of help
I’m on my last lap of my existence
I no longer feel the need to hold on,
That angel of death might as well come thru
I have detached myself and severed all that ties me to humanity
I’ve burn bridges, shut out and I’m now shutting down
I have no bearing of nightfall to daytime
As I lay down on my mat heavy with self loathe and disgust at my failure to fix my broken will
I can only hope that when it comes it’s swift and quiet just like my life
Uneventful, mundane but adequately sanguine to placate a wounded heart but not glamorous enough to merit envy
For what have I to hold on to if my despondent spirit devoid of life has already departed from this torturous sojourn leaving a shell morbidly reeking of death
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twistednuns · 5 years
December 2019
Maxim calling out of the blue, inviting me to the Mine concert later that month.
Stumbling upon great inspiration for plant-based buddha bowls.
@shitgothssay memes.
Zotter salted caramel chocolate.
Finding out about the fact that you can just add the letter A to some words to transform them into adjectives. Like aglitter or aglow and aglisten.
Ayurvedic Kapha tea with some black tea, honey and milk. Sonnentor Gute Laune tea. Green tea with toasted coconut.
Isana shower oil. Works wonders for dry skin. Such a smooth and creamy texture. Great for shaving, too.
Winning the pub quiz - again! I played with Maggie, Dennis, Daniel and Steffen (Team name: Three geese in a trenchcoat) and we won 178€. However, the best thing about this was when I finally solved the anagram after thinking about it for 10 minutes. It was Greta Thunberg! Winning is lovely, of course, but solving the anagram is already a personal win for me each time.
Tuesdays. Coming home early, sleeping it off.
Being super rested after a nap, cooking a huge pot of veggie stew and my ratatouille signature recipe, even preparing a batch of butter bean hummus and salad dressing. Listening to folk music, singing along, even dancing at some point. Standing there, peeling the potatos… Happy moment.
Signature manicure. Always. This time: bluish iridescent lilac with the obligatory black dot.
A personal realisation. I’ve been massively out of touch with myself. I’ve stopped journaling, stopped doing things for myself because they’re beneficial and not because they’re convenient and numb everything. And why is that a good thing? Well, only being at this point and realising what’s wrong with me makes it possible to do something against it. To come up a self-care plan. To make myself feel better.
Semi-deleting Facebook.
Spending time with Manu for the first time in three months. Watching a documentary about black holes and a cheesy Christmas movie. Ordering south Indian food, cuddling up in bed. Sometimes I don’t know why I keep isolation myself. Being around people can be really lovely and soothing if you can be yourself around them. It’s just that I often feel the presence of other living beings drains my energy.
The best massage I ever had. From now on I’ll always request Yaya as my massage therapist. She is SICK. Strong, merciless, forces me into weird poses and makes my back crack.
Also: the chocolate-filled mint hard candy they hand out at the massage studio. I used to hate mint-infused chocolate but somehow I think these are delicious. Perfect after-torture-treat.
Persimmons. Obsessed.
My eye colour in artificial light. A dark moss green with caramel-coloured speckles and a dark rim.
The National playing a 2-hour-long concert and including some of my favourite songs from the High Violet album. Fangirling with Anika.
The smell of cold. You know, that whiff of cool air you get when you’re sniffing a jacket that’s been hanging on the balcony for a few hours to air out.
Learning more about Claire Saffitz from this article - she likes arts and crafts, is a homebody and has degrees in history and literature! She basically enrolled in culinary school because she was bored after graduation. She’s an enigma of a quirky kind. Not brilliant and scattered, but determined and aimless. Not brave and rebellious, but anxious and creative. She hates change yet pursues it, wants order but trades in chaos. She’s loved because she hates stuff; performs well because she can’t perform. And above all, she’s aggressively regular—and something about this makes the crowd go wild.
Fresh laundry smell on my blankets and pillows. And my new gravity blanket. It weighs 11kg which feels crazy heavy when you carry it but the weight evenly distributes over the body when you’re lying down. Apparently the pressure triggers the release of stress hormones. So far I’m sleeping like a baby and I don’t seem to wake up or move much at night.
Stephanie Madewell. I love everything she writes, her blog is such a godsend of beautiful, important, eclectic ideas. One thing I especially like are her imaginary outfits.
Princess Margaret’s limerick contest with President Lyndon B. Johnson in The Crown. Pure comedy. “There was a young lady from Dallas / who used a dynamite stick as a phallus / they found her vagina in North Carolina / and her asshole in Buckingham Palace.”
Little pieces of string in the corners of a duvet cover. It’s the first time I’ve seen those. So practical for big blankets!
Mental health days. I needed this. So much. Mornings in bed, reading for hours. Drinking a whole pot of tea.
Partner yoga. Chanting the closing mantra together.
Making vegan energy balls for my brother. I adapted the recipe and made my own versions so I ended up with a batch of pistachio/cherry and mango/sesame.
Freaking out whenever I see a cute cat. Damn, I really need to spend more time with animals. My highlight: breakfast in bed, watching a video of an adorable cat giving birth. I cried. Yup.
Going swimming for the first time in, man, I don’t even know. Forever. I didn’t swim for a long time, maybe half an hour, but muscle memory kicked in immediately. Water is totally my element. And, as if it had been destiny: I chose the day they cut the hanging plants in the main hall and the guy gave me a variety of five different cuttings to take home!! He made me a very happy girl.
The ink blue sky right after sunset. / The morning after the full moon in Gemini (the moon still bright and huge, visible in the bluish-grey Western sky). / When the sun suddenly comes out after a very dark and gloomy morning.
Buying a new phone. The old one was broken beyond repair. I even got a nice cork protective case. How could I ever live without an uncracked screen? The battery now actually lasts for more than a day. Nice.
Odd bits of knowledge: A galanthophile is an enthusiastic collector and identifier of snowdrop (Galanthus) species and cultivars. (Wikipedia) // Scientists theorize the Universe might have cracks in it: long thin boundaries that formed as space cooled after the Big Bang. 95 billion lightyears long and a few femtometers thin, these wrinkles in space-time would hold enough energy to bend light and destroy entire planets. (PHD comics) // the word to bloviate (German meaning: schwafeln, langatmig vortragen) // In Japan we have three rituals: HANAMI, TSUKIMI, and YUKIMI. HANAMI is watching the flowers. TSUKIMI is watching the moon, YUKIMI is watching the snow. It’s a beautiful tradition when you invite people to watch with you. I remember them all. (Yoko Ono) // In linguistics, prosody is concerned with those elements of speech that are not individual phonetic segments (vowels and consonants) but are properties of syllables and larger units of speech, including linguistic functions such as intonation, tone, stress, and rhythm. Such elements are known as suprasegmentals. Prosody may reflect various features of the speaker or the utterance: the emotional state of the speaker; the form of the utterance (statement, question, or command); the presence of irony or sarcasm; emphasis, contrast, and focus. It may otherwise reflect other elements of language that may not be encoded by grammar or by choice of vocabulary. (Wikipedia) //
I know I mention this a lot but the first olfactory whiff of a freshly cut open passion fruit is one of the best smells I know.
When my breakfast tastes like a candy bar. Which it immediately does whenever I add almond butter and cocoa nibs to porridge.
Yoga at home on a sunny Saturday afternoon. I’m often too lazy to get out my yoga mat but whenever I do afterwards I’m always so glad I practiced. Also: going to yoga class despite being extremely stressed out. It actually helped me silence some of these tormenting thoughts in my head.
Cutting my own hair. It’s kinda ridiculous and layered but I love the new bounce.
Michael Nyman - Musique à grande vitesse x // feels like it makes my pulse quicker, it’s urging and forceful.
My adventures in psychedelia - an article about the therapeutic effect of psychoactive drugs. I’m going to get Michael Pollan’s book about the topic from the library next week. So interesting.
People who are still writing letters.
My pupils. I realised that some of them have become very fine people. Open, compassionate, motivated, interested, bright, polite. Like the students who attended our first school magazine meeting in their spare time - on the last school day before the Christmas holidays - and had all these amazing ideas. Victor, being able to hold a conversation like an adult. Marks cuddling that dog in front of the supermarket. My tenth-graders being really reasonable, managable, easy to talk to.
Liza Weil’s role as Shy Baldwin’s bass player in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It took me three episodes to recognize her.
A little embroidery set. I love keeping my hands busy when I’m watching movies.
Making vegan walnut lebkuchen and a very good batch of crisp bread in one go.
Roast apples with candied almonds and marzipan for Christmas dinner. Some buckwheat chocolate cookies. Actually helping out my mum in the kitchen.
Sitting at the piano with my brother, singing tunes from our childhood series, Disney songs, pop songs… We both had sore throats afterwards.
Visiting Sash’s parents over Christmas. Her mum cooked a pretty great lunch and we played board games.
Learning how to make a monkey fist knot.
Finding a new spot I like in my apartment. The chair right next to the window at the kitchen table. It’s nice and warm because you can sit beside the heater and while you have breakfast or browse through a cookbook you can see what’s going on outside.
Seeing the incredible gobelins at Kunsthalle / Fäden der Moderne exhibition. I loved the Le Corbusier ones.
Visiting Manu at his parents' place. Playing board games together, his mum feeding me with parsley potatoes and a weird _bird's milk_ dessert. Lying on the sofa, watching old movies. It's weirdly nice to be part of a normal family dynamic once in a while.
Andre saving my New Year’s Eve at the very last minute. Out of the blue he suggested a trip to Czech Republic right after midnight the day before. I was like… okay, let’s do this! So I met up with him and three people I had never met before in Regensburg and we drove to Český Krumlov, checked into our fancy hotel and walked down to the city centre. Czech food for dinner, a band playing at the city square. We climbed up to the castle for the turn of the year. This must have been the first year that started out with a proper New Year’s kiss. Afterwards we went to a weird music bar and - apparently - one of the best clubs in the country. I had a lot of fun. Even though getting Andre home was quite a challenge.
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1nn32dem0n5 · 6 years
A good spot
The ambition and determination he once felt had faded away, slowly at first, then suddenly. Drinking, partying and fucking were the only things that he still found some modicum of pleasure in, but even these were slowly starting to lose their appeal, and this frightened him. At no point in Marc’s life did the pursuit of new vagina hold such a low priority. The town had finally gotten to him, and it made it clearly apparent that his flame, his passion for studying physics, didn’t really burn from within because it would’t have so easily been extinguished. In five years time he went from aspirations of Nobel prizes and solving the problem of high temperature superconductivity to complete self-loathing and apathy about life and all the promises of happiness it held, especially those in the field of physics. Days crawled by painfully dragging behind them precious hours that could be spent working on his thesis but instead were spent doing anything but. The only remnant of his highly ritualized work schedule was lunch at fiesta, which somehow survived through the mental trauma of the last few years.
Charlie Zou was late as always. He came from a well off Chinese family and was used to having people wait around for him. He avoided discussing the topic of his family since he hated most of them and tolerated the ones he didn’t despise. Against their wishes he left to study physics at a prestigious American university, but instead he found himself in the festering hellhole of North Lydsville. He was Marc’s office mate, and shared his uneasiness with their current predicament. He recently found the writings and teachings of Buddha, and was more content with the current level of despair in the universe than Marc.
“Let’s go fat fuck, I’m starving.” “Hello!” his eyes opened widely as if this was a look he practiced in the mirror many times and determined that the full meaning of the “hello” was lost without this eye maneuver.
Mark took one last drag from his cig and shot it towards the nearby garbage bin, missing, and they were inside together. The entire staff knew them as they ate there religiously, with the exception of sundays of course, because Sunday is God’s day and fiesta is closed. It’s a sin to drink and make burritos on Sundays in Lydsville.
“The usual?” Bill asks. Bill was recently hired , and although his burritos during the first week were meek and lacked ambition, his skill was improving. It helped that we had become acquaintances too. He threw in a few extra pieces of meat once in a while.
“Yup” “How are you guys today?” His cheerful mood annoyed me on most days, today included. “Same shit. But the weather is getting better” “Oh man, hell yea. This town is unpredictable as fuck. One day its nice and sunny and out of nowhere it can just right up thunderstorm on you. It looks like its gonna rain today I tell you” “Really?” “Oh yea. Definitely, I’ve lived here my entire life and I know these things. It definitely looks like rain. I was telling my buddy the other day it was gonna rain and he didn’t believe me cuz the skies were clear as fuck, and what do you think? Thirty minutes later: rain!!” “Good to know.” “For you sir? Steak or chicken today?” Charlie often changed the regular order of steak enchilada burrito to grilled chicken, since he would often complain that the steak was too well done and he liked his medium well. He had only one serving of taste in everything, meat included, but at least five of arrogance. “Steak please.” Amidst the never ending cornfields, further in from the ghetto of South Lydsville where you wouldn’t wanna go except to visit the single “mall” in an 80 mile radius there was the Ivy League of the midwest, Peru University, and right on the edge of campus the true gem of the town - an out of place mexican food restaurant. Surprisingly good too Marcus would say and Marcus knew about such things, since he was a New Yorker. He liked to think he knew about most things, and about most things he did know a good deal, especially women. They paid and sat near the window, because those are the best seats since they allowed for watching the hot young coeds tramp by in their leggings and Uggs. Fucking leggings and Uggs, oh and the Starbucks of course. The trifecta of white sororowhores all across America, or maybe it was just Lydsville.  
“So tell me about your encounter with Yuri? What the fuck was that about?” “What?”
To say Charlie was absent minded would be an understatement. His body was here but his mind, to this day, I have no idea where it was. Often he would forget entire conversations, introduce himself to the same people dozens of times, and lose his personal belongings almost on a schedule. He only carried the minimum amount of possessions on himself at all times.
“Oh yeaah! I remember now… So I was walking in the hallway umm walking to the bathroom and Yuri was walking towards me. Maybe he was umm like 20 feet away. And he saw me umm and he looked down, but as we were getting closer together. Or wait is it gotten closer together? Tell me what’s the correct thing?” “Closer together works.” “Are you sure? Isn’t the correct syntax ‘as we HAD gotten closer together’?” He asked triumphantly pointing his finger up in the air and tilting his head slightly to the side, as if he made an enlightening discovery. “Umm. Yea that works too, both are fine. Whatever go on!” Mark said impatiently. Charlie often had the habit of not only speaking in fragments, but often interrupting stories at the most inopportune times. “Okay. Anyway. Then we were like 2 meters away from each other ummm and he stared up at me for umm one moment and then he looked back down and passed me. I tried to say hello but it was so awkward.” “That’s it? That was the most awkward thing that ever happened to you involving Yuri?” “Yeaaah!” he remarked much more excitedly than before. “He just completely ignored my existence.” He said as he burst out in his usual wheezing sounding laughter. “Really? This is surprising to you? How many physicists do you know that are socially competent?” “Meh.”
They devoured the burritos like starving hyenas scouring a fresh kill, eating as if they had only seconds until the lions returned with the pack to claim what was rightfully theirs. Mark always cut his width wise first, and then lengthwise, leaving pieces that were just slightly larger than bite sized as to experience the feeling of having his mouth overly full of delicious freshly baked flour tortilla, succulent steak, cheese, hot enchilada sauce and crisp cold sour cream all at the same time. He quickly followed each bite with a scoop of pico, topped with cillantro and lettuce cut into thin squares. Charlie cut his almost into thirds, and bend over his plate as he stuffed as much as much as could possibly fit into his mouth, and letting the rest fall back down. The hot sauce could coat his massive Asian lips, which he didn’t wipe until the end of the meal. This was a very typical manner of eating in China, but most Americans observing would think of him uncultured and manner-less. He could hardly give a fuck. He hardly gave a fuck what anyone thought of him. His response when people would point out that the outline of his cock shows through his thin Chinese sweatshorts would always be a courtesy “Ohh I see”, then start laughing his second laugh, a loud raucous laugh, and then just go on wearing them day after day. One pair he had since he came to America.  
They barely spoke as they ate. Marc propped his phone on his wallet and was reading something on it. Charlie just stared into the nothingness of his rapidly vanishing burrito, occasionally throwing out a single snicker which would catch the attention of his companion, thinking it was another pair of see through yoga pants walking past. Most of the time it was nothing.
“You know what the problem is with asian girls?” “They squeal during sex?” “No. They don’t shave their pussies. In China only the prostitutes shave. I like America.” “I don’t mind a little bush, but a full bush is too much, especially when the hair goes down all the way to the thighs.” “It does that?” “Yeah.”
They sat in the cubicle a few more minutes of silence, their bellies full and minds empty. Then they went out, walked across the street into a pothole-ridden alleyway between the buildings and sat down outside against the wall of a parking garage, not too far off a way from the dumpsters, but far enough that the awful smell of from the “used cooking oil” container didn’t permeate through to them. They each smoked a cig and the silence was broken by Bill who came out on his smoke break too.
“Hey, wassap guys. You know this spot too?”
It was after all, a good spot.
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abhinamyogaschool · 2 years
How to prepare a yoga space in your home?
Yoga is a terrific way to start a healthy lifestyle and an accessible fitness option for beginners. To begin practicing yoga in your own home yoga space, all you need is a little creativity and a few readily available resources. This is what sets yoga apart is the fact that it can be practiced from anywhere, even from the comfort of your home. Yoga offers a range of physical and mental health benefits through different types of breathing, meditation and physical techniques. It also helps in achieving balance between your body, mind, and soul and promotes deep relaxation.
Here are a few recommendations for setting up a yoga space in your home.
Create space for a mat
This is the only requirement for home practice. Having a designated practice area will help you maintain discipline. You are already one step closer to practicing if you don’t have to think about where to unroll your mat. Many people assume they can’t do yoga at home because they don’t have enough space. When it comes to your practice, you don’t need a full extra space to dedicate to it. You only need enough space to place your yoga mat. A modest nook in the living room, or even the space next to your bed, could be used.
Peaceful and calm area
Finding a location that has plenty of natural light and is free of noise and other disturbances can make your yoga sessions effective. You should be able to bend, stretch, and practice yoga in a completely peaceful environment filled with fresh air. You could even do your practice outside if you live in a place or city with moderate weather. A garage filled with enough natural light and fresh air can also be used as a personal yoga studio. A private balcony or patio would also make an excellent meditation space.
Clean and organized
You will be more motivated to use a place that is neat, clean, and hygienic. Make enough space for practicing by placing all the items, including any furniture, in the proper manner. A clutter-free environment encourages a positive and healthy mentality. Decorate the space with some spiritual items like healing crystals, miniature statues, Buddha paintings, seven chakra tapestries, and so on. You can also place a small music system nearby to play some soulful yoga music while practicing. Avoid using your laptop or mobile phone, as these are the main distraction elements while doing any form of exercise.
Buy some yoga props
If you are serious about practicing yoga on a regular basis, then invest in some of the useful yoga props like blocks, straps, a bolster, and a blanket. These are all valuable tools, but chances are you already have items in your home that would function the same as them. For example, you can make a bolster by stacking pillows on top of each other or rolling up a blanket or towel. Yoga blocks can be made out of stacked books, and a scarf or belt can be used in place of a yoga strap.
Plants are a fantastic addition to any space in your home, including your yoga studio. Plants allow you to bring a little piece of nature into your home. Studies have proven that the freshness of green plants and colorful flowers reduces stress and improves the mood. Likewise, scented candles can be used to decorate any room in the house. Adding a few candles to your yoga studio will fill it with peaceful scents and a soothing glow.
There are numerous benefits to developing a yoga practice, ranging from increased flexibility and posture to enhanced mental stability. Considering the hectic modern lifestyle, it is not always easy, though, to maintain a regular visit to a studio or say a yoga school in India. Having a home yoga room allows you to practice yoga at any hour of the day. It is always wonderful to have a secure and spiritual space at home where you can go at any time to relax your mind, body and soul. Once you have had enough practice, you can always look for a yoga course in India to deepen your practice.
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katbot · 6 years
Trivia, Tinder, and a Trinidad Sour.
This week’s Thirsty Thursday is an accidental Tuesday that kicks off from a series of specific coincidences. 
It’s a Tuesday night and for the first time in weeks, I’m not at my usual Tuesday meet up. I decide to ditch my drinking buddies and opt for Tinder swiping in bed. I’m digging up archives of lost conversations when my roommate walks in.
“You wanna come to trivia?” “Fuck no. I’m shit at trivia.” “They have beer.”
Our team name is Quiztina Aguilera.
I’m more focused on my IPA and S, a tinder match from early May, who just happens to be getting out of a yoga class two blocks away.
“Pick me up? I’m a Buddha Bar.” He replies with a thumbs up.
When I come back from the bathroom, my date is awkwardly sitting next my empty seat.
I can’t help but think. “...Him?”
Before I leave, I give the only answer of the night I know. “Carrie Nation.”
S is far from my type. In fact, he’s the kind of kid I would have bullied in middle school. I’m weary that Chris Hansen might pop out of the bushes.
Preteen or not, I’m grateful he saved me from trivia. 
“Hey. Nice to meet you. Thanks for the save.” “No problem.”
 He gives me an awkward hug which I need to bend down for. 
“So sorry I look a mess. Yoga was so intense..” 
I’m a bit taken aback. This guy has an undeniable gay lisp. “ I…uhh... yeah. No worries.” I clear my throat. I’m in a messy bun paired with a faded Star Wars tee & leggings. We’re definitely a sloopy duo.
“Is there a bar that you have in mind?” He mumbles a reply and when he passes the two most popular spots on the block I realize I’m in charge of this date.
“Have you been to Honeywell? It’s this cool 70’s bar, I’ve been interested in visiting again.” I don’t give him a choice, I’m half way down the staircase. If I’m going to sit through this, I’m having overpriced cocktails. 
They’re two plush teal seats open at the bar. When the couple in front of us hesitates, I quickly grab them. I love this bar. The decor is reminds me of my father’s basement. The wood paneled walls and 70s colours puts me at ease. 
They’re about twenty cocktails on the menu. I scour the list for gin based drinks. S decides for tequila. We’re talking about his DNA research when our bartender walks over. “Hey. Welcome guys, can I get you anything?” 
The voice sounds like butter. When I turn to face it, my eyes are equally rewarded. He’s outrageously handsome for a 70s parody. Huge aviator glasses, long eyelashes, hair buzzed on the side — a middle bang part  resting just in the middle of his forehead.
He’s in a floral shirt, that’s unbuttoned into a deep v. It gives a glimpse of gothic lettering spread across his chest.
I can feel my clit twitch when he smiles at me.
 “Yeah… I’ll take the Wallflower. He’ll take the Happy Hooking.”“Wallflower…an excellent choice.” 
Drink orders in tow, he walks away.  Leaving me totally smitten. My date’s lisp brings me back to reality. 
Seriously. How is this guy not gay? 
When our cocktails arrive, my sips quickly become gulps. I’m having an okay time, genomes are interesting but the cocktails and the bartender is what influences the second round. I leave my order and pop to the loo. 
When I return, my date & the bartender are talking about the history of cocktails. When he brings up Sasha Petraske, I swoon. He list out his favourites modern cocktails: Paper Plane, Goldrush, Penicillin, Trindad Sour. He knows what he’s talking about and I am digging it. Inbetween sentences, he mixes our drinks in front of us. He uses the jigger like a champ, easing straight to a clean cocktail shake. One of my favourite sounds in the world is the rattle of a cocktail shaker.
   “Despite not having grasshoppers, this is one of my favourite cocktail bars.” I mean it. They’re only two bars in the area that fit my decor slut personality.
 “Hey thanks. I’ve seen this area change so much. It’s about time we got a real cocktail bar.”
I roll my eyes, my words painted thick in sarcasm, “Oh yeah How long have you been here?” 
“Me?” he responds smoothly. “I’m a Native New Yorker.” 
I am absolutely fucking this man tonight. 
We tumble into the frantic flurry that only happens when natives New Yorkers find each other in the wild.
I’m practically jumping out of my seat when he knows my childhood neighbourhood. 
Only when S gets up to use the restroom do I remember I’m on a date.  I text my squad: “At this date, but hitting on the bartender.” 
When the least morally corrupt friend replies, “You should hit on whomever your heart desires TV.“
I can physically feel my last shred of ethical apprehension crumble. 
I watch my bartender follow S with his eyes. 
Once he’s out of sight he swings my way. “So. What is this? Friends? First tinder date? Please tell me it’s a tinder date. I love failed tinder dates.” 
“A very failed tinder date.” 
“Jesus,” he laughs. “Seriously thought you were doing drinks with your gay bestie!”
“God NO. And fuck YES. He’s absolutely gay right?”
 We both nod and simultaneously hope he figures out his identity soon.
With a quick glance towards the bathroom, I plot out my strategy. Everyone hits on their bartender, especially one this hot. I’ve got to play this fresh. I’m coming in with no advantages. Messy bun, no eyeliner, even my tits are hidden.
I’ve just got to rely on my personality & dimples. Tough.
I thank him saving me from the world’s most boring date. He accepts my gratitude and finally introduces himself. 
“Hey. I’m P.” I place my hand in his, fuck me eyes full beam. “Tessie.”
S comes back and I order a third round.
The three of us start to talk about our favourite spirits and when I mention my love of gin, P comments that he tends to stay away.
“It makes me too sexual.”
I word vomit, “I’ll take two shots of gin then.”
The exchange is so quick, S doesn’t seem to pick up on it. It takes P a second. When he laughs and blushes, I know I’m in.
There’s a small part of me that feels bad for S, but when I think about how hilarious the situation is it feels like I’m doing him a shitty favour. He’s so boring, a story of “My Tinder date ditched me for the bartender” would help his stale bread personality. 
The night progresses and I’m going full throttle shameless   A couple regulars grab the seats next to us. When they take a birthday shot. P puts a glass down for me. Post shot—I decide for another cocktail. My date says he’ll join in on the round.
“I just want to let you know, I’m notorious for out drinking people. Don’t feel pressured. I’m a heavy drinker. It’s okay to to take a break.”
He assures me he’s fine, but they always say they’re fine.
When P comes around, I muster has much sex appeal I can from my non mascara’d eyes.  “I’ll take….a Trinidad Sour.” I smirk and pair the “’sow’ syllable with a subtle tongue flick and lip part. P’s eyes flicker down to my mouth and back up.
“And he’ll take a…whatever.” I can’t remember what he wanted and frankly I don’t care. I know I’m the currently female equivalent of a douchebag but it doesn’t stop me from speaking up when S tries to order a margarita
“No. God. No. You can do better than that. P, he likes tequila and citrus shit. Can you work with that?”
My date’s drink arrives in a lightbulb. It’s embarrassingly hipster and I know it’s a stupid gimmick drink for people that don’t know what they want. I despise people that don’t have a drink roster. We’re not 19 anymore. (Well maybe he is.)
When P gravitates back to us, him and my date start talking about Russian Bathhouses. When he says he can speak Russian, I blurt-ask if I can buy him a drink.
He checks the time and concludes he’ll get us a round one of his favourites, a daiquiri.
“Noooo.” I coo. “I meant just you…” This time we both laugh, amused by my brazenness and the oblivious S.
Has soon has S leaves for the bathroom, I go for the Hail Mary.
“How’s it going?” P clinks my glass and we down our daiquiris.
“Shitty.  You know what I really want to do?”
“What?” He places both elbows across the bar and stares at me with an expecting smile.
“What I really want to do is take you out for drinks after this. Would you be down?”
We’re still smiling at each other when my date comes back. Totally clueless and ignorant of what happen ten seconds before.
An ice cube thrown from across the bar breaks the spell. Righttttt. Other people exist.
He’s working, I’m…dating..I guess. P shoots me a wink before heading to the other side of the bar.
Touch Downnnnnnnn
Now. I’ve got to get rid of this dweebo.  In one swift motion,  I turn with a shit eating grin and tell S, “You should go…”He touches my knee and ask if we’re going back to my place.
Man this boy is dense.
 I almost pity him. Not hard enough though, after 10 minutes of arguing (Read: Me repeating for him to go home.) He listens.
When he FINALLY bounces, P places another cocktail in front of me to congratulates my success.  It takes about an hour for him to close. I’m a little bit nervous that it’s all a practical joke until the other bartender’s friends invite me over to sit with them. We dance to bachata until the till is set and the racks are clean.
Around 3am, we all hit the street and head to the only bar open till 4am. The sidewalk’s empty and I’m feeling the high of the night. We walk over to the bar, boisterous and giggly. I can’t believe the way this night is shaping up.
P wraps his arm around me as we cross the street. “Thanks for coming.”
It’s then that I realize he’s significantly shorter than me. I not a height whore, but it makes me laugh even more. How high is that bar?
At the next place, we order drinks, food, and receive a free round of shots. It’s around 4am when we close out. I follow P outside for a smoke, irked that we’re still out.
“Yo what’s the deal?”
“What’s up?” God, his voice is seriously tantalizing.
“Listen. I live two minutes away from here. And I’m serious about sucking your dick. So, if you’re down. I’m down.”
P stares back at me shocked, his mouth is open, a cloud of smoke spills out in a clean stream.
“Wow….I love how forward you are.”
“Good. Let’s go.” 
It’s the first time I’ve ever brought anyone back to my house. I’m excited and nervous. So glad I got that new duvet cover. 
I put on vaporware and slide into bed. 
He takes off his clothes to reveal American flag boxer briefs, and a myriad of tattoos.
They’re colourful and splashed all over his body. I can finally read his entire chest when he lays down—“Love is my Weapon.”
He’s blown (ha) by my beejee skills. And I make a mental note that I can officially add dick sucking to my resume with three solid references.
When he ask for a condom, I pull open my bedside drawer and whip out my freshly organized and colour coded condom box.
We fuck all morning.  We run through three rubbers, and I come four times. I’m surprised and pleased by his ability to stay hard.
He keeps calling me beautiful and hot. I can’t help laughing. Mid stroke he comments, “It’s so hot how well you hold your liquor.” And I gotta admit, that one gets me.
“I can’t believe we just met last night….it feels like I’ve known you forever…” I make a face at my invisible The Office camera. We fall asleep around 5. I have about 3 hours till work. I know it’s around 6 when I wake up, because he’s putting on the fourth condom while my roommates are running their morning routine. I’m embarrassed but fuck it. They’ve got to be up anyway, and FUCK I’m about to cum.
When I finally wake up, it’s 7:43. The time I leave for work. There’s no way I can make it on time AND kick P out.
I’m pleased he’s still cute without his glasses and in the daylight.
I bump into my trivia partner on the way to the bathroom. He can tell from my glow, I’m doing something bad. 
“THAT GUY?” he pauses on the way out, referring to S.
“No. Our bartender.” 
“Fuck. Savage.”
 I head back to bed and call out of work. We spend the next six hours sleeping on and off. I’m surprised by how comfortable my twin can fit us and then I remember he’s barely my height. He snores a lot, waking himself up. In his moments of alertness, he cuddles me and kisses me all over.
My group chat is ragging on me for not knowing how to kick him out, he’s clearly sleep deprived. I feel bad.
Around 1pm, he turns over, kisses me on the forehead and ask if I want to grab coffee.
Yes. The solution to all morning afters!
We get redressed and he decides to join me on morning duties. We pick up my neon sign from the post office, and he tells me about his father and his plans for the day. The sun is beaming down, and I’m having a fun time. P is definitely a little crazy, but I kind of like it. He’s a celebrity in the hood. A bunch of people wave at us and he’s calling everyone “Brotha” in his 70s aviators and buttery voice. It usually would be cringey but he has a personality that’s electric. It’s been so long since I’ve meet someone more extroverted than me!
He buys us both ice coffees. We sit outside, soaking in the sun. We chat about original date and how P felt bad for hitting on me.
“I wasn’t sure if you actually were hitting on me. And if you were on a date or just boozing gay bestie. Then I was like, ‘Oh.”
Welp. It worked out didn’t it.
He orders a Uber and lights up a cigarette.
“You wanna take down my number. ”
“Uh…sure?” I’m surprised but interested. We swap numbers just has his uber comes. We exchange a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Bye, Baby. Talk to you later.”
I walk off, feeling utterly cool. I can’t believe I went home with my bartender. Childhood bucket list status.
I decide to treat myself to Handpulled Noodles. A joint that’s two spots down from where it all began last night.
Has I take the first bite of a dumpling, I get a notification from Tinder.
It’s S.
I can’t be upset, what I did was fucked up. I prepare myself for the worst and get,
“Thanks for hanging out Tessie. I had a great time! You were right to send me home. Those drinks were delicious but I definitely couldn’t keep up.”
I’m ugly laugh into my soy sauce. This dude is dead stupid.
“Yeah. That bartender was so great.” I respond back, fully recognising how fucked it is.
“Agreed. P was his name?”
“Was it??? I don’t think he even said.”
Encounter rating: S:  1.2/10                                 P:  8/10
Lessons learned:
It’s possible to pick up dudes with just your dimples & wit. (Whatttt)
Trinidad sours are amazing.
There are some people that think my straight forwardness is hot instead of manly.
App: Tinder/IRL
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elegancemassagewa · 4 years
The Popular Asian Massages
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There always has been a debate about when and where the massage was first introduced. To date, there is no concise answer to this, however, it is commonly believed that Asian massages Vancouver are the most popular and widely practiced massages. Asian massage Vancouver has its own client-base and is quite popular.
Background of Asian Massage
Any massage therapy that has been originated from Asia is known as Asian massage. Asia is considered the largest and most populated continent among all other continents. Having almost 60 percent of the world’s population. It is the region with rich culture, history, and lots of diversity.
People usually limit the Asian continent to only India, China, Japan, and Thailand, underestimating its diversity of having nations as different as Russia and Saudi Arabia. However, the massage is almost the same and the therapeutic massages of India, Japan, and China are among the most popular styles.
Japanese Massage
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One of the most popular Japanese massages is Shiatsu, which was created in almost the 20th century. The soft parts of the fingertips and palms are used to deliver the massage therapy. After a world recognition, the health ministry of Japan has recognized Shiatsu massages as a treatment to have a healthy body.
It must be performed by trained massage therapists. Sometimes hands are used, whereas, there are also electric handheld Massagers that can be easily found in a market. The right amount of pressure is applied to don the body through molded rubber nodules. Even if the electric Massagers are used, the user must be trained first on how to use the massage devices.
Thai Massage
Full body massage Vancouver can be a quite relaxing experience. Even the massage may be named Thai, but fewer people know that it was introduced by a Northern Indian doctor. According to the history of the massage, it was created in the times of Buddha, around 2500 years ago. Full body massage Vancouver is known as “stress relievers”.
Now there are many forms of Thai massage, but the two main distinctions are the ‘dry’ Thai massage and ‘wet’ Thai massage. The dry Thai massage is performed without using oil and the client is usually allowed to wear loose-fit clothes. This massage involves a lot of bending and stretching as well as some extreme positions. Due to the extreme movements, there might be lots of cracking and popping sounds of the body.
In wet Thai massage, oil is used for the massage. It is kind of a Swedish massage with some Thai and Yoga stretching techniques.
Chinese Massage
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The Chinese massage technique is one of the oldest massages, that has existed for over 40,000 years. This Asian massage Vancouver usually has two different types, Tui na and Zhi YA. Tui na massage technique includes kneading, pushing and pulling, and is much like the classic and deep tissue massage. Whereas Zhi YA massage use pressing and pinching movements, and similar to reflexology and Shiatsu massage.
Foot Massage
In the last 50 years, reflexology has gained much popularity in the western world. However, in Asian, massaging the feet has been practiced for thousands of years, even as a daily care routine. Instead of full body massage Vancouver, people of India can be seen massaging their own feet while sitting on the side of the road or in their lounge.
There are various types of foot massages found in Asia but they usually work the same as reflexology. Feet has many distinct zones that correspond to different organs. The right amount of pressure on these zones can clean vital energy blockages in the corresponding organs. After clearing the blockage, organs work better and people feel healthier.
Indonesian Massage
Indonesian massage consists of two popular massages, known as Javanese massage and Balinese massage. In Javanese massage, the whole hand, including knuckles is used in a string and vigorous therapy. This Asian massage Vancouver is used to treat injuries, muscle, and joint pain.
In contrast to this, Balinese massage uses essential oils and light yoga stretching. It is based on kneading and rolling techniques for a relaxing experience. Usually, people who come for a honeymoon, prefer this kind of massage.
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Accepting applications for RYT 300Hr certification
Calling all Yoga lovers, body art healers, Life coaches and emerging Yoga Instructors   We are very excited to announce that Bend it like Buddha Yoga school is now accepting applications for the Yoga Alliance accredited RYT 300 Hr yoga training cohort starting on April 4th!    We want to personally invite you to upgrade your skills by joining the advanced 300Hr Advanced Vinyasa & Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training along the gorgeous beach coastlines of Algarve, Portugal! During this hybrid 20 days yoga program, you will go deeper into yoga philosophy, alignment, mudras, learn how to facilitate sound healing and cacao ceremonies, how to facilitate Usui Reiki healing sessions and practice daily advanced pranayama. Highlights:-Daily advanced Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga practice twice per day AM/PM or healing practice such as cacao ceremony or Tibetan bowl sound healing journey.-Traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga lessons with Intermediate series postures;-Advanced Vinyasa sequencing and postures;-Advanced accredited Yoga Alliance RYT 300 yoga teacher training course 300-hour certificate in Ashtanga and Vinyasa-Daily philosophy classes: Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Patanjali Sutras meditation, heart healing intimacy exercises, inner child shadow workshops and profound Breath Work journeys-Acro, prenatal, kids yoga, Partner yoga, sound journey, traditional Kirtan Mantras, alignment, anatomy, trauma informed yoga therapy training, daily hands-on adjustment practice-Learn and practice how to teach advanced and tailored Vinyasa and Ashtanga classes each day 6 AMAZING BONUS:-Eight-hour Ayurveda therapy massage certificate;-Four-hour workshop on trauma-informed yoga principles;-Four-hour Nada yoga workshop, sound healing facilitator training, and cacao ceremony facilitator: best tips and recommendations for beginners and seasoned practitioners of Nada yoga / sound healing and cacao ceremony and learn how to conduct and hold space during your sound healings and ceremony for your future students.-Six-hour Usui Reiki level 1 training and certificate: if you have level one or two already, you will receive the next level training and attunement for the level you are at.-Learn how to facilitate and plan a breathwork journey for groups and practice advanced pranayama imparted by the Father of Modern Yoga Krishnamacharya, a student of BNS Iyengar based in Mysore, India.-Four-week yoga business lifestyle coaching: post-graduate support, weekly live training, accountability, and implementation labs to inspire you to take massive action to launch your micro yoga-niched brand to attract your dream students. Learn how to market your workshops and retreats utilizing the effective Online Yoga Challenge model taught by Bend it like Buddha Yoga school founder L. Farrah Furtado E RYT 500.The world is in great need of incredible yoga teachers, now more than ever, and it is RYS 200/RYS 300 Bend it like Buddha's  purpose to impart the practice for sharing it, with as many people as possible to awaken, heal, and move beautiful souls into their dharma and purpose as we enter into the most pivotal spiritual transition on Earth in human history! Learning and successfully implementing this innovative and nuanced yoga challenge framework is a must for all yoga teacher entrepreneurs in order to survive and thrive in today's competitive yoga noisy world full of distractions...Together as a yoga family, in friendships, also fun, and in community support, you will thrive as you create a positive ripple effect on the planet. Through sharing yoga, you are all sowing fertile seeds of hope, good health, joy, and inner peace into a world in desperate need of hope and healing. Join this movement that is happening within the Bend it like Buddha yoga community to receive training and support while helping as many people as possible, through the profound and powerful practices of yoga, meditation, and pranayama Hurry, very limited spots!Namaste [email protected] for more info.....#yogateacher #yogaforlife #yogateacher300Hr #reikicourse #meditation #yogamom #yogaworkshop #Yoga #yogientrepreneur #yoginilife #yogalover #portugalretreats #healing #portugalyoga #yogateachertrainingadvanced #RYT300Hr #retreatalgarve #portugalyoga #vinyasayoga #transformation #meditationretreat #ayurvedamassage #yogaportugal #algarveretreat
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
Things That Make You Love And Hate Lilac Wall Art | lilac wall art
© @Copyright HELLO! Hello! Magazine
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Lilac Spring Painting by Yvonne Della-Moretta – lilac wall art | lilac wall art
Patsy Palmer is currently self-isolating with her ancestors at their home in Malibu, and her bedmate Richard Merkell has been active decorating the active allowance during lockdown. In a contempo Instagram post, Chump wrote: “Well done to my admirable bedmate for lockdown painting.”
Patsy Palmer’s active room
SEE: Chump Palmer says brainwork has afflicted her activity in aboveboard Instagram post
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DEAK – For My City – lilac wall art | lilac wall art
The allowance appearance one chrism bank and one arenaceous lavender bank which, anticipation by antecedent photos that Chump has shared, is the bank that Richard changed. Formerly, the allowance was corrective absolutely cream. As for the blow of the décor, it is the apotheosis of Malibu bank chic, with cobweb baskets and a harbinger rug, white appliance with brownish accents, and board floors with affluence of accustomed light. The allowance additionally has several abode plants as apparent on the coffee table and at the window, while Chump additionally has a ample Buddha in one bend of the room. Inspired? Storage is key during lockdown, and we’ve begin a deadringer for Patsy’s baskets at Amazon for £19.99, bargain from £29.99. 
Wicker basket, £19.99, Amazon
Patsy Palmer’s bedroom
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Paper Flower Garland – Wedding Garland – Nursery Decor – Purple .. | lilac wall art
SEE: Inside the best amazing homes of the EastEnders stars
Another column appear a attending at Patsy’s bedroom, with a cow-print armchair in one corner, two atramentous and white geometric book cushions, and a ample white dreamcatcher blind on the wall. Apparently, the architecture of this allowance was additionally allotment of Richard’s handiwork, as Chump captioned the post: “This is why I adulation you @richardmerkell.” It’s accomplished with blah linen and knitted bedding.  
Patsy Palmer’s garden
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16 DPF DIY Window Lilac Flower Oil Painting By Numbers Frameless .. | lilac wall art
Outside, Chump and her ancestors are advantageous abundant to accept an amazing clandestine amplitude to adore while in isolation. Chump ahead aggregate a attending at the garden with absurd sea views, a ample blah sofa, a blaze pit and a huge gas barbeque. Chump has additionally fabricated her actual own alfresco yoga studio, area she sets up her mats on the terrace and stands her iPad on a board easel. “My yoga flat today,” she wrote. “Grateful everyday. Gratitude is everything.”
Patsy Palmer’s makeshift yoga studio
The EastEnders extra confused from London to Los Angeles in 2014, and has lived in this accurate acreage back 2019.  
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floral blossom tree wall stickers by parkins interiors .. | lilac wall art
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16 Lilac Purple Stick On Butterflies, Wedding Cake Toppers, 16D .. | lilac wall art
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Lilac wall decor | Etsy – lilac wall art | lilac wall art
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Romantic Or Modern? Lilac In Contemporary Interior Design – lilac wall art | lilac wall art
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Unframed)16 pieces Modern Home Decor Wall Art Picture For Living .. | lilac wall art
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Lilac Wall Decor Lilac Botanical Art Quilling art Floral .. | lilac wall art
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White Metal Wall Art – Foter – lilac wall art | lilac wall art
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Lilac Lavender Postal Unique bath Wall Decor/SIGN/PLAQUE .. | lilac wall art
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2020 Popular Plum Coloured Wall Art – lilac wall art | lilac wall art
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Mauve Wall Art | Redbubble – lilac wall art | lilac wall art
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Madison Park Lilac Blooming Spring Framed Wall Art – lilac wall art | lilac wall art
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R. spin | lilac wall art
The post Things That Make You Love And Hate Lilac Wall Art | lilac wall art appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/things-that-make-you-love-and-hate-lilac-wall-art-lilac-wall-art/
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webhealthy · 5 years
How Improve My Mental Health by Practicing Yoga
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Do you crave peace? That invigorating milieu that one can create isn't but a magic pill that heals the pain and problems and allows you to realize a healthy mental state.
You must understand that yoga maybe psychology. it isn't like aerobics. it's nothing to undertake to alongside your flexibility, but it allows you to achieve flexibility. it is a practice that helps us to include the character of mind into work, nurture the fact of being human, and provides greater control over emotions and behavior.
It is for folks that want to acknowledge their limits and overcome their low self-esteem. As a whole, yoga takes you through your deeper roots; you'll say a touch like Dr. Strange.
Let us start the journey by inhaling and exhalation the atmosphere. Bingo, you've reached a step closer towards an improved state of mental state.
Yoga is known for its capabilities of calming even the ruined, stormed souls. the normal practice of body-bending sparks out the complex brain processes and causes you to desire you've taken charge of the earth.
How Does Yoga Work? The process and thus the amount of deep breathing focus and bending have the same uplifting effect kind of medication would do for mental disorders. we do not claim such huge statements but according to a scientific review published in Frontiers in Affective Disorders and Psychosomatic Research, this is often true.
The report states that “In healthy individuals, biomarker studies suggest that yoga influences neurotransmitters, inflammation, oxidative stress, lipids, growth factors, and second messengers, during a fashion largely almost like what has been shown for antidepressants and psychotherapy.”
Great doctors like Meera Balasubramaniam MD, Shirley Telles, MBBS, MPhil, Ph.D., and Murali Doraiswamy, MBBS, FRCP, who mainly treat major psychiatric disorders, affirm yoga’s extensive benefits. all of them state that incorporating yoga into our lifestyle would yield a much better hold on cognition, sleep, and even diet.
yoga for the mental state
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Buddha’s followers are profoundly practicing yoga within the past thousands of years. Since then, there has not been the slightest decline in its practice. due to the nonchalant Buddha, followers also plan to achieve his grounds.
Even some celebrities have found a health den in yoga. Thus, it's no more a surprise to determine stores, clothing, and publications lines dedicated to this industry.
You might imagine a yoga guru as an acrobat in monogrammed apparel chanting mantras and living in straw cottages within the deep woods with a huge beard and eating leftover bread. Yoga is universal and it's literally for everyone of any age group.
It is often adjusted in terms of complexity for people of varying ages and skills. you purchased an honest kind of options to travel the inner calm, choose your mode of transport, and be willing to need the journey, with or without your friends.
The Big Picture Mental health problems like depression are cited as a worldwide health crisis, affecting many of us worldwide. Not only does it hamper your mental stability, but it also renders you physically crippled with therapies being extremely expensive and time-consuming.
No one claims these treatments as bad or worthless, but if there's an alternate to therapies that have proven to be low-cost but with effective results, then it’s only reasonable to travel thereto direction.
With medication, there's only one problem — no matter how good the doctor is and therefore the way well-judged the prescription he gives, it messes up with the natural working of the body within the top.
Yoga and thus the Psychological Treatments Yoga caudate between the motor areas of the brain by enriching the connection through an unbroken starting and stopping movement. the basics of yoga involve continuing planning like moving from one position to a special with control and mindful attention, and thus the planet naturally harnesses the energy of frontal-cortical regions. Therefore, it galvanizes the connection between this region and thus the caudate.
Now with an accurate rendering of the mechanism, it's found that yoga plays a significant role in psychological treatments of mental state issues and other major depressive disorders like bipolar disorder, which tend to possess less volume and activity in cortical frontal regions of the brain.
When you inspect a robust PFC, it gives you the insight to shift attention and respond in novel ways. This way, it'll assist you to manage everything appropriately and compete with goals. When seen from a neurological perspective, an efficient psychological intervention supports the increases in activity and thus the strength of PFC.
Reap the benefits of Yoga It is not necessary to possess an outsized scale production and taking classes with a yoga professional can even provide you with a replacement career. You will be closer to meditating and introducing an outsized mass of peace into your life.
Yoga manifests the chakras and electro-neuron pulses of your body and, thus, this ancient practice of health offers you back quite you'll imagine. Make a journal of your favorite yoga poses and add encouraging thoughts or reminders and set yourself on the trail to a more mindful self.
Changing Behaviors and Habits
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Now it isn't as easy as you'd possibly think as changing your behavior and habits are often very challenging. One can find high levels of relapse or non-remittance found in mental state conditions. Changing habits and dismantle deep roots full of negative ways of thinking is an uphill battle.
Yoga offers you a chance to encourage PFC functioning without putting any physical endurance at the test. it's an embedded way of thinking that makes the arduous task of self-transformation just slightly easier. Yoga practice is usually an outstanding replacement for other kinds of therapy.
As per the research, it had been found that “yoga may have a rejuvenating or protective effect on the brain. A study that focuses on specific brain regions found that the practice of yoga can cause an increase in brain volume. during a study in 2017, Rui Afonso found that long-term practitioners of yoga had significantly thicker PFCs compared to subjects who didn’t practice yoga. a bit like the hippocampus, the PFC naturally attenuates with age, meaning the PCF gets thinner and thus functions less well.”
In one of the case studies in 2014, researchers Sara M. Szczepanski and Robert Knight found that “PFC is correlated with improved cognitive fortitude (organization and control of goal-directed thought and behavior)—what is usually mentioned as “executive functioning” of the brain. this is often very exciting because it indicates solid evidence of what many yoga practitioners have always felt—that yoga can help us stay sharp and regulate our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors as we age.”
Things You Must Know Before Doing Yoga In the beginning, you'll start with the beginner poses and ask an experienced teacher who can guide you to practice poses that's suitable for your age and body. don't rush into the advanced techniques before you hold a firm grip over the essential natural yoga poses.
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lifesobeautiful · 5 years
How You Can Improve Your Mental Health by Practicing Yoga
Do you crave peace? That invigorating milieu that one can create is not less than a magic pill that heals the pain and problems and lets you achieve a healthy mental state.
You must understand that yoga is a psychology. It is not like aerobics. It has nothing to do with your flexibility, but it lets you attain flexibility. It is a practice that helps us to include the nature of mind into work, nurture the fact of being human, and gives greater control over emotions and behavior.
It is for people who want to recognize their limits and overcome their low self-esteem. As a whole, yoga takes you through your deeper roots; you can say just like Dr. Strange.
Let us start the journey by breathing in and breathing out the atmosphere. Bingo, you have reached a step closer towards an improved state of mental health.
Yoga is known for its capabilities of calming even the ruined, stormed souls. The ancient practice of body-bending sparks out the complex brain processes and makes you feel like you have taken charge of the world.
How Does Yoga Work?
The process and the levels of deep breathing focus and bending have the same uplifting effects like a medication would do for mental disorders. We do not claim such huge statements but according to a systematic review published in Frontiers in Affective Disorders and Psychosomatic Research, this is true.
The report states that “In healthy individuals, biomarker studies suggest that yoga influences neurotransmitters, inflammation, oxidative stress, lipids, growth factors, and second messengers, in a manner largely similar to what has been shown for antidepressants and psychotherapy.”
Great doctors like Meera Balasubramaniam MD, Shirley Telles, MBBS, MPhil, Ph.D., and Murali Doraiswamy, MBBS, FRCP, who mainly treat major psychiatric disorders, affirm yoga’s extensive benefits. They all state that incorporating yoga into our lifestyle would yield a better hold on cognition, sleep, and even diet.
Why It’s Gaining More Popularity
Buddha’s followers have been profoundly practicing yoga in the past thousands of years. Since then, there has not been the slightest decline in its practice. As the nonchalant Buddha, followers also try to achieve his grounds.
Even some celebrities have found a health den in yoga. Thus, it is no more a surprise to see stores, clothing, and publications lines dedicated to this industry.
You might imagine a yoga guru as an acrobat in monogrammed apparel chanting mantras and living in straw cottages in the deep woods with a big beard and eating leftover bread. Yoga is universal and it is literally for everyone of any age group.
It can be adjusted in terms of complexity for people of varying ages and abilities. You got a wide variety of options to travel the inner calm, choose your mode of transport, and be willing to take the journey, with or without your friends.
The Big Picture
Mental health problems like depression has been cited as a global health crisis, affecting millions of people worldwide. Not only does it hamper your mental stability, but it also renders you physically crippled with therapies being extremely expensive and time-consuming.
No one claims these treatments as bad or worthless, but if there is an alternative to therapies that have proven to be low-cost but with effective results, then it’s only reasonable to go to that direction.
With medication, there is only one problem — no matter how good the doctor is and how well-judged the prescription he gives, it messes up with the natural working of the body in the end.
Yoga and the Psychological Treatments
Yoga caudates between the motor areas of the brain by enriching the relationship through a constant starting and stopping movement. The basics of yoga involve a constant planning like moving from one position to another with control and mindful attention, and the world naturally harness the energy of frontal-cortical regions. Therefore, it galvanizes the relationship between this region and the caudate.
Now with an accurate rendering of the mechanism, it is found that yoga plays a major role in psychological treatments of mental health issues and other major depressive disorders like bipolar disorder, which tend to have less volume and activity in cortical frontal regions of the brain.
When you look at a robust PFC, it gives you the insight to shift attention and respond in novel ways. This way, it will help you to manage everything appropriately and compete with goals. When seen from a neurological perspective, an effective psychological intervention supports the increases in activity and the strength of PFC.
See Also: Yoga and Health: From Better Mental Health To Improved Sleep Quality
Reap the Benefits of Yoga
It is not necessary to have a large scale production and taking classes with a yoga professional can even give you a new career.
You will be closer to meditating and introducing a large mass of peace into your life.
Yoga manifests the chakras and electro-neuron pulses of your body and, thus, this ancient practice of health can give you back more than you can imagine.
Make a journal of your favorite yoga poses and add encouraging thoughts or reminders and set yourself on the path to a more mindful self.
Changing Behaviors and Habits
Now it is not as easy as you might think as changing your behavior and habits can be very challenging. One can find high levels of relapse or non-remittance found in mental health conditions. Changing habits and dismantle deep roots filled with negative ways of thinking is an uphill battle.
Yoga can offer you a chance to encourage PFC functioning without putting any physical endurance at the test. It is an embedded way of thinking that makes the arduous task of self-transformation just a little easier. Yoga practice can be an excellent replacement for any other forms of therapy.
As per the research, it was found that “yoga may have a rejuvenating or protective effect on the brain. A study focusing on specific brain regions found that the practice of yoga can lead to an increase in brain volume. In a study in 2017, Rui Afonso found that long-term practitioners of yoga had significantly thicker PFCs compared to subjects who didn’t practice yoga. Like the hippocampus, the PFC naturally attenuates with age, meaning the PCF gets thinner and therefore functions less well.”
In one of the case studies in 2014, researchers Sara M. Szczepanski and Robert Knight found that “PFC is correlated with improved cognitive fortitude (organization and control of goal-directed thought and behavior)—what is usually referred to as “executive functioning” of the brain. This is very exciting because it indicates solid evidence of what many yoga practitioners have always felt—that yoga can help us stay sharp and regulate our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors as we age.”
See Also: Yoga Helps You Love Yourself
Things You Must Know Before Doing Yoga
In the beginning, you can start with the beginner poses and talk to an experienced teacher who can guide you to practice poses that is suitable for your age and body. Do not rush into the advanced techniques before you hold a firm grip over the basic natural yoga poses.
The post How You Can Improve Your Mental Health by Practicing Yoga appeared first on Dumb Little Man.
This article was first shared from Dumb Little Man
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Light in My Heart -Juniper Publishers
Juniper Publishers- Journal of Yoga and Physiotherapy
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Let noble thought come to us from all direction, Rigveda
Let noble thoughts Go from us in all directions, Quantum Rope
Big Bang led to creation of this world from Shunya in the form of light and clouds of waves and particles. Human beings arrived on the earth much later. They arose from the light and clouds of waves and particles. Thus, they are also product of creation from shunya and carry in their heart the sparks of the 'original light'. After their arrival, they were under wonderment and wondered at their own life and origin of the 'Original Light' as well as unfolding of Shunya in terms of matter, mind and consciousness.
Wonderment led to curiosity and later scientists started studying nature of Nature and nature of light. From their study they discovered that light is both wave and particle. Further, light led to an understanding of space and time. Newton concluded that space and time are Absolute. Einstein imagined moving with speed of light and from such an initial imagination came some interesting insights such as mass energy equivalence which found expression in famous equation, e = mc2. Space and time are not Absolute concepts but are relativistic concepts, he concluded. Further, light is the ultimate limit in the universe. His formulations led to a major paradigm shift in human thinking with respect to light, space, time and related concepts. In my book, Quantum Rope (1999) I suggested a more generic equation e = m cn (Sharma 1999), wherein e represents energy, m represents matter and c represents consciousness and n can be 1,2,3, ...representing the expanding circles of consciousness. At the physical level, consciousness (c ) is represented by light and thereby by speed of light (c). While Einstein's equation is at the physical level, e=mcn is at the generic level including all sheaths (koshas) of human existence and it represents equivalence of matter, energy and consciousness from the spiritual perspective. When consciousness expands like the oceanic waves, human beings reach higher levels of consciousness beyond the physical notions of space and time. In fact, e = mcn can be considered as a spiritual equation, as it suggests evolution towards nirvana (n) or 'zone of eternity’ (represented by n in this equation). It also represents the 'ahm brahmasmi' state of consciousness. In this equation, m, e, c, n also represent gross, subtle, supra-subtle and astral states of mind and these are broadly in consonance with waking, dream, deep sleep and trance (Samadhi) states of consciousness. In the equation, e = mcn, we find an interconnectivity among various states of consciousness.
Einstein imagined moving with 'speed of light' and gave us his famous ideas and theories. Once I took liberty of poetic imagination and this led to a poem under the title, “Velocity of Light’ that was published in my book, Quantum Rope (1999, p.13). In Physics, light is considered a scalar quantity, however, when viewed from spiritual perspective, light guides and provides a direction, hence, it can also be considered vector quantity. This provides the reason for title of the poem as “Velocity of light' instead of 'Speed of light’. In this poem Einstein’s idea of twin paradox is also captured. The poem is as follows:
You said long time and no see
I had met you tomorrow near the sea
You said we have met somewhere
I had met you in your future
Because I was travelling with velocity of light
And you were travelling with velocity of kite
I went out on a tour of galaxies
My classmates were still hiring taxies
When I returned home, I was in a younger mould
My classmates had grown very very old
Because I was travelling with velocity of light
And they were travelling with velocity of kite
(Velocity of light, quantum rope: science, mysticism and management, Subhash Sharma, 1999, p.13)
When you light a lamp or candle or switch on light, the darkness is removed. Thus light gives us a lesson that there is no need to Fight. In fact there are three types of individuals viz. those who use 'Fight' approach, those who use 'Flight' (Moving to another space or place/ Flight of Imagination) approach and those who use 'Light' approach to achieve success. Believers in Fight approach tend to give a negative meaning to Flight approach as they equate it with escapism. However, 'Flight' approach can also be a creative as example of Sri Krishna shows us. He took 'Flight' approach (left Mathura to create Dwarika) and used it in a creative way to create a new city and a new perspective. Further he also took the Light approach to enlighten the whole world through his new insights as is evident from Gita. When individuals take the Light approach, they act like the lamp or candle, spreading their ideas and wisdom to remove darkness. Buddha said, become a lamp and remove the darkness. In fact it is up to an individual to follow any of these paths. His/her choice depends on his/her awareness, awakening and self evolution stage. Through light of knowledge, wisdom and consciousness, ignorance is removed. Light is a symbol of noble thoughts. By lighting the lamp of knowledge ('knowledge lamp'), we spread the noble thoughts in all directions.
As I reflected and meditated on the deeper meaning of LIGHT in terms of five letters of its spelling, it led me to a new meaning of LIGHT in terms of Light (L), Infinity (I), God (G), Harmony (H), Truth (T). This LIGHT led me to the following LIGHT Equation:
L = I = G = H = T
Light (L) = Infinity (I) = God (G) = Harmony (H) = Truth (T)
Thus, Light is Infinity, Light is God, Light is Harmony and Light is Truth
This interpretation of LIGHT provides us a new vision and this vision can be expressed in terms of following four principles:
Light is Infinity, Infinity is Light ( L = I)
Light is God, God is Light (L = G)
Light is Harmony, Harmony is Light (L = H)
Light is Truth, Truth is Light (L = T)
It may be observed that Gandhi’s famous quote, God is Truth and Truth is God ( G = T) is a derivative of these principles. Further all religions refer to these principles in one form or other. In fact this interpretation of LIGHT provides us the Oneness vision of all religions and spiritual traditions.
I may indicate that the 'LIGHT Vision’ suggested here is essentially a realization of 'Light in our hearts'. In 1993, I wrote a song titled as 'Light in my Heart' and it was published in my book, Creation from Shunya. This song was adopted in 1996, by first batch students of WISDOM (Women’s Institute for Studies in Development Oriented Management), Banasthali University, Banasthali, Rajasthan, as 'Wisdom song'. This song can also be considered as a 'song of light'. Some lines of this song are as follows:
There is light in my heart
It is there from the start
Its mystery you want to know
It says hello hello ...
It give me a peep
Into things that are deep
It has a beautiful glow
It says hello hello .
It shows silver lines
Bending space and time
In nature's beauty show
It says hello hello .
This light is divine
It makes us fine
Its flow is very slow
It says hello hello ...
(Light in my heart, creation from Shunya, Subhash Sharma, 1993, p. 33)
Let this 'LIGHT Vision' in the form of 'LIGHT in our hearts', spread in all directions for the benefit of all. This vision represents the essence of the 'Wisdom, Consciousness and Light of India’ that many across the world are seeking to create a new vision for the world based on a consciousness shift from fight to light - from lower levels of consciousness to higher levels of consciousness. Realization of 'Light in My Heart' has the potential of transforming the world in to Pragyasthan(A Place of Wisdom), where Science (Scientific temper and scientific approach, Rationalistic worldview), Heart (Heartistic approach, Heart values, Human values) and Spirituality (Spiritual temperament and spiritual approach) find a new integration for the benefit of the whole world. In modern society, Head is given primacy over Heart even though Head owes its vitality to Heart because Heart is the source of blood supply to Head. This implies that science and rationality are incomplete without human values and spirituality. This realization dawns when we realize 'Light in our hearts'
Light in my heart as a step towards higher evolution
Darwin to divinity: Above discussion takes us towards a model of "Arrival of Human Beings and Self evolution". In the beginning of this article, we mentioned about creation of this world from the 'original light' and clouds of waves and particles that took shape in the form of Panchmahabhutas (Five elements). 'Natural interactions’ along with various 'permutations and combinations' among five elements combined with natural 'quantum churning’ arising from natural interactions, lead to creation of life in various forms. This led to 'arrival of human beings’ from the 'clouds’. This perspective based on 'creation from shunya' provides us a new approach to creation and evolution of life including human beings. Original Light is embedded in the heart of every human being and this provides the basis for higher evolution of human being towards realization of this light within. Darwin dealt with evolution through natural selection at the Biological level. It may be indicated that at biological level, human beings are no different from animals and are particularly very close to certain species. However, they differ from animals because of more developed neuron structures in human mind. Sri Aurobindo was concerned with human evolution at the mind and consciousness level. Dasavatara theory of evolution represents an integral approach to evolution wherein we find an integration of the matter, mind and consciousness (mmc) approaches to human evolution. This integration suggests that 'Shunya Unfolding’ (SU)' has been taking place in a natural way in terms of matter (gross level), mind (subtle level) and consciousness (supra-subtle level)) and this 'natural unfolding' is represented by Body, Heart and Spirit (BHS). As we transcend Body (gross), Heart (subtle) and Spirit (supra-subtle) levels, we realize our cosmic/ divine/astral nature that has been referred to as 'aham brahmasmi’. Thus, we have following perspectives on human evolution:
a. Creation from Shunya: Arrival of life from the clouds of waves and particles
b. Darwin’s theory of evolution: Biological perspective on evolution
c. Aurobindo’s perspective of mind evolution
d. Dasavatara 'theory'/ view of evolution
e. 'Aham brahmasmi’/ Divinity/ Divine being view of evolution
'Cloud theory’ of evolution suggests creation of life from the clouds of waves and particles, happens as a result of (i) natural interactions, (ii) permutations & combinations (iii) quantum churning. In contrast, Darwin’s biological evolution is result of nature's selection and biological fitness. Higher evolution among human beings is result of self effort and thereby self selection on the part of human beings. In consonance with the above, there are various stages of human evolution viz. shunya stage, biological stage, heart-mind awakening stage, consciousness enlightenment stage and cosmic being stage. While some persons remain at the biological stage, hence, their behaviour is driven by Biological (B) factors and they remain at Darwinian level of existence and believe in 'survival of the fittest to eliminate the rest’. Some move to next stage represented Heart’s Awakening (HA) and by Human values, heartfulness and heartistic approach to life and human existence, some move further to the next stage represented by Spiritual (S) values and spiritual temperament and a few reach the cosmic being level as they have inner desire for 'cosmic realization' of reaching Harmonic Oneness (HO) stage represented by 'aham brahmasmi’. YOGA, when defined as "Yearning for Oneness and Gaining Advancement" (Sharma 1996, in “Western Windows Eastern Doors’), helps our self evolution towards Harmonic Oneness (HO). According to Swami Vivekananda, every human being is potentially divine and aim of human, beings is to manifest this divinity within. Thus, human journey is a journey from 'Shunya Unfolding' (SU) through Biological (B), Heartfulness (H), Spiritual (S) stages and finally reaching Harmonic Oneness (HO) stage. In essence this represents evolution from Biological (B) being to Human (H) being ('being human’), Spiritual (S) and Cosmic being representing Harmonic Oneness (HO) with everything around us. These stages represent the expanding circles of human consciousness from biological state to cosmic/ divine being state. Hence, we refer this model as 'Darwin to Divinity’ and this four circles model of human evolution is presented in Figure 1.
Above presented model of human evolution is also captured in the following poem titled as 'I Am a New Religion’ (Shunya Poems, Subhash Sharma, 2010, p. 43):
I am a new religion, Higher than every religion,
A religion of being, being a human being,
Being a higher being, being a cosmic being,
I am a new science, Higher than every science,
A science of being, being a human being,
Being a higher being, being a cosmic being,
I am a new ism, Higher than every ism,
An ism of being, being a human being,
Being a higher being, being a cosmic being,
I am a new identity, Higher than every identity,
An identity of being, being a human being,
Being a higher being, being a cosmic being,
I am a new consciousness, a consciousness of being,
Being a higher being, being a cosmic being.
(I am a New Religion, Shunya Poems, Subhash Sharma, 2010, p. 43)
It may be indicated that this poem also traces the journey of human society since 'shunya unfolding' and the arrival of human beings on earth. This journey is a journey from Religion (s) to Science to Ideologies in the form of many Isms that originated in 19th and 20th century with their intellectual foundations in conflict and violence and to current focus on Identities (e.g. national identity, regional identity etc.). It also suggests future evolution towards a new consciousness of being a cosmic being. Realizing 'Light in our hearts' is a step in this direction.
In conclusion it may also be mentioned that the New Consciousness originating from the realization of 'Light in my heart' also provides us a message of equality and dignity as same quantum of light is flowing through every human being. Once we realize Light in our hearts we are ready to take steps and quantum jumps towards higher evolution taking us beyond biological/ Darwinian evolution. This will create a paradigm shift from 'survival of the fittest to leave behind the rest' to 'arrival of the best to lead the rest'. This is also the essential message of VYOMA: Vedanta, Yoga, Meditation and Awakening for all.
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babajimindscope2018 · 6 years
Babaji becomes Boganathar’s disciple
At the age of eleven, along with a group of scholar ascetics from Banaras, young Nagaraj made an arduous journey on foot and partly by boat to the sacred shrine of Kathirgamam.
The famous sacred temple at Kathirgamam in southern most tip of the Sri Lanka is a Shanmuga shrine, which is most revered place of worship for Hindus and Buddhists, and off late to Muslims. Centuries ago Gowthama Buddha took a long pilgrimage to the above shrine. This temple established by Siddha Boganathar contains no carved image of God. The Siddha Boganathar had only installed a Mystic-Yantra (Geometrical symbol) carved into gold plate, representing within its form and mantra syllables, a crystallization of great deity Shanmuga. Siddha Boganathar imparted the mystic power of this Yantra for the benefit of all those who seek the blessings of lord Shanmuga. Down through the centuries Kathirgamam has been the scene of miracles to millions. The Kathirgamam shrine is deep inside the forest, beside the river Manika Ganga. From a very long time Saints, Sages and Siddhas of yore practiced severe austerities and one can imagine how the place would be filled with their vibrations.
Babaji Nagaraj met the Great Siddha Boganathar and became his disciple. Boganathar was the grandson of famous immortal Siddha Thirumoolar. After initiation from Boganathar, Nagaraj performed intensive yoga sadhanas, particularly various “dhyana kriyas” under Bogar’s guidance. The penance was done for long period without a break and gradually intensified. On looking at the devotion and dedication at which Babaji Nagaraj performed the penance, Bogar also further initiated his sincere disciple into more advanced kriyas. His consciousness expanded and Babaji Nagaraj realized the divinity within him. His consciousness merged in the cosmic spirit. The Samadhi experiences gradually deepened over the months and climaxed with a vision of Lord Kumaraswamy or Shanmuga. Babaji realized that he was incarnating the consciousness of Lord Shanmuga. Under Boganathar’s guidance, Babaji delved into the mysteries of the ten systems of sanathana philosophy to understand and appreciate the full significance of Siddhanta of the Siddhas.
Babaji and Sage Agasthya
Babaji was inspired by Bogar’s advice to seek out the powerful sage and Siddha Agasthya for his further initiation into Kriya Kundalini Pranayama. Sage Agasthya was at Courtrallam in the Pothigai hills of Tamil Nadu.
Babaji moved to Courtrallam on foot and on arriving there resolved to remain at that place until Agasthya initiated him into the secrets of yoga. Babaji adopted a suitable asana, and began to pray for the appearance of the great sage. He was fed at times by the pilgrims. He never left the place, in spite of the forces of nature like rain, shine, dust, insect bites etc., He prayed with great fervour and patience by surrendering his life to God. On the 48th day, when he was whiskers away from complete collapse, he fervently repeated the sage Agasthya’s name. No sooner the message reached the Sage telepathically, than he was by his disciple’s side immediately. Babaji Nagaraj’s love & fervour melted the heart of the Siddha. Agastya embraced Nagaraj, fed him and later imitated him into Kriya Kundali Pranayama or “Vasi Yoga”.
Siddha Agastya was in total control of the entire southern India. He was the savior and guardian. On the instruction of lord Shiva Siddha Agastya stays in southern India, near Kanyakumai. The Himalayas were so tall that the shadow engulfs the entire south making it dark. So Sage Agastya turns his journey towards north. On seeing Siddha, the Himalaya bends to half and bows its head to pay tributes to the sage. Sage Agastya blesses Himalaya to remain as such, and hence the height of Himalayas reduces to the present height
In this Episode, we can understand that how Mahavatar Babaji never lets down anyone who trust him. In fact, he graces all those who are very sincere to the nature, irrespective of whether one trust him or not. Trusting Mahavatar Babaji happens automatically as he is the nature, he is the trust, he is belief, he is he and he is in you. He is the cause and he is the effect. All comes from him and all surrenders to him. The power the Himalayan Master wields is in and around you. The Master SadGuru is so awakened that he understands the pain in each cell of his children and takes out the pain before it hurts them. The need is you to be his disciple and enjoy all his gracefulness. More details
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Northern Thailand
Happy New Year, everyone!
Where I left off last post, Brendan and I were about to celebrate Christmas by travelling to Sukhothai! We took a train to a travel hub called Phitsanulok, and loved the train ride once again. We were lucky enough to experience the “lunch rush” of food vendors on the train, we basically had a full meal delivered to our seats, complete with bags of coffee.
I still can’t get over how everything comes in a plastic bag here, even tea and hot soup (if it’s to go!), just ladled into a plastic bag and tied off with a rubber band, which doubles as a string to hold it from. There’s always a large amount of air in the top of the bag, resulting in an I-just-bought-a-pet-fish look to it. If it’s a drink, the vendor just stabs a straw through the top of the bag, and then you just drink from it, dangling it from your fingers. I hate how awful it is for the environment, but it’s also very funny looking. My enjoyment of the bounciness of my beverage was not lost on our Thai neighbors, who giggled with me as I played with my drink.
Sukhothai was a charming little city, and it was once the capital of ancient Siam in the 12-1400s. The ruins of the ancient city are scattered in the older part of town, and there is a large park with large remains of buildings and temples that is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. To be honest, I think Brendan and I are a little tired of ruins and UNESCO signs at this point, because we have been to just. so. many. at this point! They were very cool though, this time made out of bricks with cement and stucco with lots of Buddhas all around the temples. We spent half a day walking around the main area until we decided that maybe we had enough, and also it started to rain.
We opted to spend a lot of our time those two nights in Sukhothai relishing in the very comfortable room I had booked through Air BnB. It was only $15, and had a western-soft mattress, with a very cozy comforter, FOUR PILLOWS, a big screen (flat!) TV, a shower with an actual stall, AC and a fridge. This may sound basic to you, but we are used to fan-only rooms with a mosquito net, beds that make wooden floors seem supportive in softness, sheets for blankets (not that you need a blanket in 80+ degree weather) and bathrooms that are constantly wet because the shower is just a nozzle that you use in the same 3 square foot space as the sink and toilet, and there’s just a drain in the floor. Plus warm beer if we were drinking in that night. So, this place was the Four Seasons compared to everywhere else, and we planned on just chilling and watching incomprehensible Thai game shows while it rained outside. We did go out one night and planned on crossing a bridge to go to the night market, however a transformer right where the street was kept exploding and raining sparks onto the side walk, so we opted to stay in. They fixed it eventually. Man do those things make a loud bang when they explode.
Next on the map was Chiang Mai, the Boston to Thailand’s NYC (Bangkok). We took a bus back to Phitsanulok, then took a train (2nd class, no vendors this time and more $$$, boooo!) to Chiang Mai, and checked into our next Air BnB. Not as comfy as Sukhothai, oh well! We spent five nights in Chiang Mai, because we wanted to ring in the new year there, and also its culinary reputation had been much hyped.
We loved it! We spent a lot of time walking around the city. We stayed within the walls of the Old City, which much like Avignon in France, is surrounded by the original ruins of the medieval wall that once protected it. It has a moat, too! We visited a Folk museum, which gave us lots of information about the “Lanna” culture, which is the culture of the northern Thai, once a separate kingdom from Siam.
I got a traditional massage from a non-traditional masseuse... An inmate! There is a vocational training program that teaches current female prison inmates a trade, in this case Thai massage, and for a very nice price of $7 you can have a lady with very strong hands pound your muscles into submission for an hour. Thai massage is not the relaxing, rub-your-muscles type, you get a warning before she starts to tell her if she’s hurting you. It was similar to the massage I had in Laos, only with more movement and less pressure points. Lots of bending, using her body against mine to stretch muscles and crack joints. You lay on a table in a room with 20 other tables, with an inmate and a guest/victim at each one. The inmates seem to all learn the exact same moves and practice them in the same order, so when it comes time to drum a back/thigh/arm with their hands, they pause and do a 1,2,3 and all go at the same time, which was pretty funny. I love this style of massage, it’s like someone guiding you through yoga positions to make your muscles work better, with occasional added pressure from one of her appendages (hands, feet, elbows, knees, etc).
The food culture here is very strong, and delicious. Lots of influences fro Laos with sticky rice and minced meat salads, as well as Thai and Burmese curries, fishy papaya salads, and of course, meat on sticks. We ate at a bunch of noodle stalls, as well as at night markets and random street vendors, including the infamous Cowboy Hat lady’s braised pork leg! Our only sit-down lunch was at SP Chicken, another world-famous eatery, known for its rotisserie chicken. I know roasted chicken sounds pretty basic, but this shit was next level. Totally worth the wait, and pretty cheap, for sit-down style dining around here. For a sit-down dinner, we waited for two hours for a seat at a place I’m not naming, because it’s already too popular and also I forget what it’s name is. They specialize in traditional Northern Thai food, so we had roast pork shoulder, puff ball mushrooms with galangal chili dipping sauce, a fermented pork sausage (served raw with a soft egg yolk) and a spicy ant egg and sweet greens soup. I was under the impression the pork sausage was grilled (I had seen grilled fermented pork in Laos), but turns out the “grilled” part on the menu was referring to the egg! It was very good. The ant eggs were also surprisingly delicious. They look a lot like barley and have a nutty, fruity flavor. They are the eggs and larvae of red ants that live in mango trees, so their diet of mango leaves makes them sweet, and apparently they are a great wintertime protein. Cool!
The highlight of our stay in Chiang Mai was definitely celebrating New Year’s eve on the moat. Locals and tourists alike get together at one of the gates and light lanterns and send them into the air, making the entire night time sky full of beautiful, twinkling yellow lights moving in unison in the wind. We lit a few of them, since Brendan’s first try landed in the moat (some lanterns die spectacularly in trees, on phone lines and in the water, but somehow they don’t damage anything), and once we did get the hang of it, it was way too much fun (and cheap). The best part was coming back and doing it at midnight, and watching your lanterns rise with a spectacular backdrop of other drifting lanterns framed with fireworks. It was magical, and the pictures and videos pale in comparison to what it was like in person!
I’m actually typing this from the seat of a minibus, on our way to a town called Mae Sot. Why Mae Sot, you ask? By happenstance! We were planning to go to the hill town of Mae Hong Son, a northwestern border town with Myanmar, for trekking and meeting some new tribes that we haven’t encountered yet, including the long-necked Karen tribes. We also needed to book our flight from northern Thailand to the southern islands for our next destination, Ko Tao. Brendan and I were at an expat bar, and I was looking over flights while Brendan was trying to fend off an unwanted conversation from a very drunk English expat, who kept insisting on telling “great stories” that always ultimately ended in him driving home drunk (or cheating on a girlfriend, or something similarly stupid). One thing we have learned on this trip, is that unmarried middle-aged expats in SE Asia are unfortunately a seedy bunch. ANYWAYS, we are just trying to book flights while having a refreshing beer, I��m seeing things are getting pretty booked and I tell Brendan the price and timing and just go for it. Well, turns out I had booked our tickets from a different airport than I thought, in a very different Myanmar-bordering town called Mae Sot, whose flying code is very similar to Mae Hong Son. A mistake I realized in the middle of the night a day ago. Luckily, we hadn’t booked anything in Mae Hong Son. And bummed as I was about not seeing the northern mountains, Mae Sot seems pretty cool as well! It’s supposed to be one of the most ethnically diverse towns in Thailand, with a decent tourism infrastructure and huge Burmese population. It’s also supposed to have a really cool market and some nature sights and refugee camps nearby. We shall see! Oops. Looks like another accidental adventure for the Haggertys! We took a train back to Phitsanulok AGAIN because all the direct busses were booked (also we wanted to ride 3rd class one more time in Thailand before we leave!), and now we are meandering in a minivan, the only foreigners, getting lots of stares. Woohoo!
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