#You and partner(s) should be regularly getting tested
crowned-peony · 8 months
Gonorrhea has become so antibiotic resistant that there is only one antibiotic class recommended for treatment and new studies/cases have shown that its slowly starting to become resistant to it.
So be careful out there lovelies!
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thebourisbox · 11 months
Claude 2 released
See on Scoop.it - Design, Science and Technology
Claude.ai is pleased to announce Claude 2, their newest model, which can be accessed via API as well as a new public-facing beta website at claude.ai.
  They have been iterating to improve the underlying safety of Claude 2, so that it is more harmless and harder to prompt to produce offensive or dangerous output. The programmers have an internal red-teaming evaluation that scores our models on a large representative set of harmful prompts, using an automated test while we also regularly check the results manually. In this evaluation, Claude 2 was 2x better at giving harmless responses compared to Claude 1.3. Although no model is immune from jailbreaks, a variety of safety techniques (which you can read about here and here) have been employed, as well as extensive red-teaming, to improve its outputs.
  Claude 2 is generally available in the US and UK. Claude.ai is working to make Claude more globally available in the coming months. Interested users can now create an account and start talking to Claude in natural language, asking it for help with any tasks. Talking to an AI assistant can take some trial and error, so read up on our tips to get the most out of Claude.
  Claude.ai is also currently working with thousands of businesses who are using the Claude API. One of the partners is Jasper, a generative AI platform that enables individuals and teams to scale their content strategies. They found that Claude 2 was able to go head to head with other state of the art models for a wide variety of use cases, but has particular strength for long form low latency uses. "We are really happy to be among the first to offer Claude 2 to our customers, bringing enhanced semantics, up-to-date knowledge training, improved reasoning for complex prompts, and the ability to effortlessly remix existing content with a 3X larger context window," said Greg Larson, VP of Engineering at Jasper. "We are proud to help our customers stay ahead of the curve through partnerships like this one with Anthropic."
  Sourcegraph is a code AI platform that helps customers write, fix, and maintain code. Their coding assistant Cody uses Claude 2’s improved reasoning ability to give even more accurate answers to user queries while also passing along more codebase context with up to 100K context windows. In addition, Claude 2 was trained on more recent data, meaning it has knowledge of newer frameworks and libraries for Cody to pull from. “When it comes to AI coding, devs need fast and reliable access to context about their unique codebase and a powerful LLM with a large context window and strong general reasoning capabilities,” says Quinn Slack, CEO & Co-founder of Sourcegraph. “The slowest and most frustrating parts of the dev workflow are becoming faster and more enjoyable. Thanks to Claude 2, Cody’s helping more devs build more software that pushes the world forward.”
  The programmers at Claude.ai welcome user feedback as they work to responsibly deploy Claude more broadly. The chat experience is an open beta launch, and users should be aware that Claude – like all current models – can generate inappropriate responses. AI assistants are most useful in everyday situations, like serving to summarize or organize information, and should not be used where physical or mental health and well-being are involved. Please let the people at Claude.ai know if you would like to talk to Claude in a currently unsupported area, or if you are a business who would like to start working with Claude.
  After working for the past few months with key partners like Notion, Quora, and DuckDuckGo in a closed alpha, Claude.ai has been able to carefully test out our systems in the wild, and are ready to offer Claude more broadly so it can power crucial, cutting-edge use cases at scale.
  Claude is a next-generation AI assistant based on Anthropic’s research into training helpful, honest, and harmless AI systems. Accessible through chat interface and API in a developer console, Claude is capable of a wide variety of conversational and text processing tasks while maintaining a high degree of reliability and predictability.
Read the full article at: www.anthropic.com
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careeralley · 1 year
7 Steps to Achieving Your Career Goals
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Remember when you were a kid playing games with your friends and something unexpected would go wrong and you would ask for a "do-over"? Most of us start our careers with a goal in mind.  Whether it is the CEO, Head of IT, or Retail Sales Manager, we think we know what we want.  Sometimes it does not work out as planned. Stuff happens along the way and we lose focus, get stuck in a dead-end job, or can't seem to find the right opportunities.  But no matter what your dreams are, it's never too late to make changes to your approach to your career and get a fresh start on your goals. People restart or refocus their careers all of the time, perhaps a program such as an RN to BSN online program and other online training. Some are successful, but most are not.  Some of the key factors that determine success are a solid plan and commitment to get it done. Your goals do need to be reasonable and achievable. Once you make the decision to "reboot" your career and start the process, you will start to see the impact. (Re)Defining the Goal: The True Path to Career Readiness $14.98 Buy on Amazon.com We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/03/2022 12:31 am GMT Self Assessment: Before you can begin to plan and achieve your career goals, you need to take a self-assessment.  This only works if you are honest with yourself. Following are a few examples of what you should consider when starting your self-assessment: Essentials Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment $54.95 $38.43 Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score, and interpret the MBTI. Buy on Amazon.com We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/03/2022 12:29 am GMT - Where are you on your career path? Just started, 5 years in, etc. What have you accomplished in your career and your job(s). How do you perceive yourself? How confident are you in your abilities and skills? If you could start over and do something different in your career, what would that be? If you could acquire/learn new skills, what would they be? Learning Links CareerAlley links to our learning resource partners. Learn New skills We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. How do you feel about your career? Did you make the right career choice? Where are you most comfortable working?  In teams?  Working on your own? What motivates you? Have you taken the Myers-Briggs personality test (take a look at The Myers and Briggs Personality Test) source Time Management: A key component of managing your career is managing your time.  Work/Life balance (focused, committed time on your career as well as your personal life and family) is key to success for your career and your personal life. Planning helps, and this includes periodic "tasks" such as educational development (reading up on key aspects of your career) and "family night" (setting dates to do stuff with your significant other, friends, and family). Consider the following: Managing Your Career (Lessons Learned) $9.95 Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 07/24/2022 08:58 pm GMT Plan some "downtime" where you can do anything you want (or nothing). Set aside time to work on your career and your career plan. Regularly scheduled sessions (alone or with others) work best. Prioritize your work at the start of each day (most important tasks first).  If you are unclear which tasks are more important, ask your manager to help. Start one thing and finish it. Starting multiple tasks will cause you to lose focus and 5 started tasks are not as good as 1 or more completed tasks. This is true for your personal life and your career. If you really struggle with this you should look into courses that help with diary management. Remember this is a learned skill, not something people are born with. Learn to say no to additional work if you feel overwhelmed or if it forces you to give up a personal event. Again, ask your manager to help prioritize any new tasks that will interfere with you completing work already assigned. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity $14.99 David Allen’s Getting Things Done has become one of the most influential business books of its era, and the ultimate book on personal organization. Buy on Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/04/2022 12:13 am GMT Develop Your Networks: Leveraging your networks is another important task when attempting to achieve your career goals. And, whether you think you do or not, everyone has a network. Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash Your personal networks (this is really the people you spend the most time with outside of work. Take the time to make a list of your friends, family current/former coworkers for your network list. Make an effort to meet at least one new person a week. These should be people who have something in common with you in terms of your career or job. This can be at an event that you attend or even a business meeting or a job conference Maintaining your network is also key. As you build your network, you need to work on maintaining the contacts you have made. Send an email or call every so often to see how they are doing. Utilize your network in a way that allows people to make recommendations without putting too much pressure on them if they are uncomfortable in doing so. Make sure your Linkedin account is active and updated. Add your contacts to your Google+ and Facebook accounts. Highly Effective Networking $16.99 $9.79 Virtually all job hunting experts agree that networking is the best way to find a great job. But most people don't have connections to the decision-makers who do the hiring. Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/04/2022 12:11 am GMT Have a Vision for Your Career: What do you want to be when you grow up? Knowing the end game, where you want to go, is an important part of achieving your goals. If you know where you want to go, you are well on your way to your goals. "Goal-setting techniques are used by successful people in all fields. By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure your progress and continuously motivate yourself to progress toward the vision you have for your ideal work life. You will be able to see forward movement in what might otherwise feel like a long, pointless grind. By setting and taking action toward your goals, you will raise your self-confidence." - Berkeley.edu Know What You Need to Change: If you've done the self-assessment from step 1, now it's time to do a skills assessment. You have your own views as to what you are good at (and you are probably right), but what about the stuff you don't know about (which can be key in your career goals). Take a look at Aptitude Tests. CCAT Practice:Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test, or CCAT for the International Criteria, is one of the most common tests for the U.S. Candidate Assessment. Practice Now We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Know Your End Game: Know what you need to achieve your career goals.  If it's one or more promotions, make sure you know the requirements The questions you’ll face at a job interview are anything but typical yes/no questions, so you want to make sure you’re mentally ready to go into as much detail as possible about your experience and the industry. Tweet This Practice Makes Perfect: Focus on the skills you would like to improve or learn. Take courses at night school or online earn an advanced degree Learn more about your industry Attend industry conferences Read industry periodicals Visit your college or university career office (yes, even if you've graduated) One of the biggest career obstacles is understanding and practicing the key success factors that will help you maximize your career goals. Making a difference in your company and industry as well as becoming a motivating force in your workplace will help you bring it to the next level. Managing to enjoy your job and make an impact at the same time requires a drive and commitment that takes intense focus. Examining the online profiles of a number of successful executives and trendsetters often reveals what it takes to get to the top of the success ladder. No matter who you are or whom you know, your career will have its ups and downs. Make a plan using the seven steps to achieve your career goals. Our Pick Job Search Tools: Resumes, Applications, and Cover Letters $9.97 Buy Now We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/04/2022 12:23 am GMT Read the full article
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PTE Course: What You Should Know To Be Successful
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Learning new skills is always a challenge, but our team at Vision Language Experts is here to help you get on the right path. This PTE course will teach you what to expect and how to be successful when you take the exam.
PTE Course Overview
If you're looking to take your PTE exam, you'll want to make sure you're as prepared as possible. In this blog post, we'll give you an overview of what the PTE course entails and what you should know to be successful.
The PTE course is broken down into three main sections: listening, reading, and writing. Within each section, there are a number of sub-sections that cover different skills and strategies. For example, in the listening section, you'll learn how to listen for main ideas and details, how to make inferences, and how to identify the speaker's purpose. In the reading section, you'll learn how to skim and scan texts, how to identify key information, and how make inferences. And in the writing section, you'll learn how to plan and structure your writing, how to use appropriate grammar and vocabulary, and how to edit and proofread your work.
By the end of the PTE course, you should be able to confidently tackle any question that comes your way on the exam. With the right preparation and effort, success on the PTE exam is within reach!
Why Invest in PTE Coaching?
There are many reasons to invest in PTE coaching, but the most important one is that it can help you achieve success on the PTE exam. PTE coaching can provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to pass the exam, and it can also help you improve your score. If you are serious about passing the PTE exam, then investing in PTE coaching is a good idea.
How to Prepare for the Speaking Test
Are you planning to take the PTE exam? If so, then you'll need to be prepared for the speaking test. This section of the exam is designed to assess your ability to communicate in English.
There are a few things you can do to prepare for the speaking test. First, make sure you understand the task requirements. You will be given a prompt and will be asked to speak for one to two minutes on the topic. Make sure you understand what is being asked of you before you start speaking.
Next, take some time to think about what you're going to say. You don't need to memorize a speech, but it helps to have some key points in mind that you want to make sure you cover. This will help keep you focused and on track when you start speaking.
Finally, practice! The more you speak, the more comfortable you'll become with using English. If possible, find a study partner or practice with a friend. You can also try recording yourself so that you can listen back and identify areas where you can improve.
By following these tips, you can be confident and successful when taking the PTE speaking test!
How to Prepare for the Listening Test
If you're planning to take the PTE, then you're probably wondering how to prepare for the listening test. Here are some tips to help you ace the test.
Listen to English regularly: This will help you get used to the rhythm and flow of the language. You can listen to English news, podcasts, or music.
Take practice tests: There are many websites that offer free PTE practice tests. These can help you familiarize yourself with the format of the test and the types of questions that will be asked.
Focus on your weak areas: If you find that you're struggling with a particular section of the test, then focus your studying on that area. There are many resources available online that can help you improve your listening skills.
Get plenty of rest: It's important to be well-rested before taking the test. Make sure to get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast on the day of the test.
How to Prepare for the Reading and Writing Tests
The PTE Academic reading and writing tests are designed to assess your ability to read and write in English. This section of the course will provide you with some tips on how to prepare for these tests.
You should start by familiarizing yourself with the types of questions that will be asked on the test. There are three main types of questions: multiple-choice, short-answer, and essay. You will need to be able to quickly read a passage and identify the main idea in order to answer the multiple-choice questions correctly. For the short answer questions, you will need to be able to write a concise answer that addresses the question directly. Finally, for the essay question, you will need to be able to develop a well-organized essay that supports a central thesis.
Once you understand the types of questions that will be asked, you can begin to practice answering them. There are a number of online resources that offer practice tests. These can be helpful in getting a feel for what the test will be like and in identifying any areas where you need improvement.
In addition to practicing answering questions, you should also take some time to brush up on your grammar and vocabulary skills. The better your command of English, the
Other PTE Resources We Can Provide You with To Be a Successful Candidate
We have a lot of resources available on our website that can help you prepare for your PTE exam and achieve success. In addition to our course, we also provide a PTE practice test, PTE tips, and PTE study material.
Our PTE practice test is designed to help you familiarize yourself with the format of the exam and the types of questions you will be asked. It is also a great way to see how you measure up against other candidates.
Our PTE tips are designed to help you maximize your score on the exam. They cover everything from how to approach the listening section to how to ace the essay writing portion.
Finally, our PTE study material is a comprehensive guide that covers all aspects of the exam. It includes practice questions, sample essays, and detailed explanations of each section.
If you want to be a successful candidate, we recommend taking advantage of all of these resources. We are confident that they will give you the best chance of success on your PTE exam.
Source: https://visionlanguageexperts.blogspot.com/2022/12/pte-course-what-you-should-know-to-be.html
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90363462 · 2 years
12 People Tell Me What Their "Sex-Related Resolutions" Are
12 people. 12 sex-related plans. All...really interesting.
Shellie R. WarrenJan. 03, 2022 11:53AM EST
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One of the best things about being a marriage life coach and relationship writer (especially for as long as I’ve been doing it) is the fact that I come across all kinds of people who, so long as I’m willing to keep their identity on the low, will tell me just about anything that I want to know. And since we’re at the beginning of a brand spanking new year and also since y’all know that sex is something that I write about, damn near incessantly on this platform, I decided to hit up some of the people (middle names only) I know who are very open about sharing their thoughts on the topic. 
This time, what I wanted to know most was, what they resolved they were going to focus on, on the sexual tip. And per usual, 12 of my contacts did not disappoint.
Elexa. Single. 29.
“I have a really great sex life. I’m not in a relationship and don’t want to be, but I’ve got two partners who I’ve been with for a couple of years now and what I like about it is, there’s no lying, we get tested regularly and yes, they know about each other. My resolution is to decide which one I want to become more exclusive with because, I do know that sex comes with risks and nothing is 100 percent fool-proof. Getting pregnant and not knowing who the father is isn’t exactly my idea of ‘goals.’”
Alvin. Single. 34.
“My sex life is boring. Straight up. You get to a point where just doing it to be doing it isn’t really doing all that much. This year, I want to get with someone who stimulates my mind as much as my body. In the past, I’ve settled for one or the other because I honestly didn’t want to put a lot of effort into finding both in the same person. But when you’re with someone who gets you off before they even touch you because the way they think is on some other s — t…that’s when sex gets really good.”
Raven. Married. 25.
“Middle names, right? Good. My goal this year is to stop missing the sex I had with my ex. I love my husband and the sex isn’t bad. But when you get that partner who is incomparable, he can be harder to shake than you might realize when he’s no longer an option for you."
"Sometimes, I fantasize about him, even during sex, which is why I don’t say my husband’s name during sex — I’m scared I will slip up and say my ex’s. I know some of y’all might think this is foul but if some of you were honest, you’d admit that you can relate.”
Indeed. Check out “You Love Him. You Prefer Sex With Your Ex. What Should You Do?” and “Is 'Closure Sex' Ever A Good Idea?”.
Bennett. Engaged. 40.
“I got engaged five months ago. After I did it, some of my married friends were like, ‘Are you sure? Sex is a little bleak after marriage.’ Uh-uh.My fiancée and I have a fire sex life now and my resolution is after we get married that it will get even better! I even put together a sex calendar for the year that’s filled with all kinds of activities. Sexless married folks ain’t gonna have us out here looking crazy! We’re gonna put them all to shame in ’22.”
Xayell. Dating. 31.
“I wanna learn how to give head better this year. It’s the truth. The guy I’m seeing right now, he’s the first person in a really long time who makes me even want to do that outside of just feeling like I should because guys go down on me. One of my male friends says that his girlfriend sucks at doing it and not in a good way and I would hate for this guy to say that about me. Yeah, that’s my goal. Still trying to figure out where to start this journey. Any suggestions?”
Ladies, she’s an avid xoNecole reader, so if you’ve got some tips, feel free to drop them in the comments.
Wendell. Dating. 27.
“I want to know what being a sexual submissiveis about this year. I hear a lot of people talk about it and because I feel like I’m the one who is initiating sex more in my relationships, I want to find someone who is all about taking total control. I actually have a 50-something co-worker who’s down. I’m considering it.”
Quinn. Married. 35.
“I’m trying to gas myself up to get a vasectomy this year. I’m not looking forward to it AT ALL, but my wife says that she’s scared to try some new things because she’s always wondering in the back of her mind if she’s about to get pregnant. We’ve got three and I miss when she was buckwild out in these streets — well, sheets — so, before our next anniversary, ‘the snip’ is the goal.”
Zachariah. Divorced. 47.
“I wanna stop having sex with my ex-wife this year. We honestly can’t stand each other and know that divorce was the right thing to do…but that sex? I don’t know what that woman has down there, but it’s been impossible for me to shake her since the first time I had the pleasure and privilege. It’s just keeping us both stuck to keep f — kin’ with each other, though. Something’s gotta give.”
Evelyn. Single. 23.
“I want to have an orgasm this year and not from oral sex. I’m over hearing my friends talk about how ‘bomb’ good d—k is and I don’t know what they’re talking about because I only cum from tongue. You asked.”
Jakari. Dating. 32.
“Remember when you told me that there is a difference between men ejaculating and men having an orgasm? I didn’t believe you at first, but I’ve done some ‘barbershop investigating’ and I guess you’re onto something. That’s what I want to happen in 2022; I want to know what it feels like to have an orgasm…just in case I haven’t had one before. Crazy to be saying that at 32 but it’s whatever. The sooner I open that door up, the better. S—t.”
Chayil. Engaged. 26.
“I want to be the best my fiancé has ever had and for him to be the best I’ve ever had. One of the things that I love so much about our relationship is yes, we’ve discussed exes and yes, we know what areas we need to ‘improve’ on. Some of y’all might think it’s foul that we’re that open but we’re not threatened by our past. That’s why we can actually talk about it.”
Waylin. Married. 30
“I wanna stop being intimidated by my wife. She is WILD. We’ve been married for five years now and when I tell you that I never EVER know what I’m walking into when I come home. A lot of men say they want a woman who constantly wants sex, but I’ve got one and, to whom much is given much is required. Finding the time, stamina and creativity to keep up with her in 2022, that is my goal. Wish me luck!”
Will do, Waylin. Will do. (chuckling)
Join our xoTribe, an exclusive community dedicated to YOU and your stories and all things xoNecole. Be a part of a growing community of women from all over the world who come together to uplift, inspire, and inform each other on all things related to the glow up.
Featured image via Giphy
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gxnic · 2 years
general kento nanami headcanons
cw: gn! reader. there’s nsfw stuff but that’s separate from the sfw stuff
a/n: hey y’all, so this is my first *real* post here on tumblr. i’ve written fanfic b4 and have posted it before (albeit i’ve deleted everything i’ve ever posted fanfic wise) but i’ve never posted on tumblr! i wrote a small drabble and posted it to test the waters and that’s about it. since this is where i read most of my fanfic i figured lol why not writing is one of the casual hobbies i’ve always had anyways. about the headcanons, ive seen the jujutsu kaisen volume 0 movie three times already and it hasn’t even been out for a week, so i’m in a jujutsu kaisen writing mood. i have a nice one shot planned for both yuji and gojo (separately. obviously.) so if u want u can look forward to that, but for now i thought i’d start off lighter. hope u enjoy! :)
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ok so
starting off strong
coming from a plus size woman herself anybody who’s ever said nanami wouldn’t like a plus size partner is completely fucking wrong????
like omfg
he would love the feeling of your soft body in contrast up against his hard and rough muscles
this man definitely tries to live a healthy lifestyle. work out regularly, eat healthy, the whole shebang
however he’s the type of man who finds it extremely classy when somebody isn’t afraid to indulge in the simple pleasures of life
and he just wants u to be happy while doing it
don’t get me wrong he would encourage u to be healthier but when u ask if that was his way of trying to politely say you need to lose weight he would be genuinely flabbergasted bc no that’s not what he meant at all that thought literally never even crossed his mind he just wants you to be healthy and live a long life
doesn’t mean he won’t also indulge himself with u tho lmaoooo
like i feel like he acts all committed to this super strict diet and routine but in reality he doesn’t stick to it that often regardless of the fact he feels like he should bc life is short who cares? certainly not nanami
anyway pls never talk negatively abt ur body bc he will ask why it even matters every single time before complimenting u cause ain’t no way ur ever gonna talk badly abt urself and him just let it slide
long story short no matter what ur body looks like he thinks ur beautiful like weight ≠ beauty in his mind
anyway on a completely unrelated note
he snores lolllllll like rly loud
and he sweats in his sleep a lot too idc
it’s cute tho
blanket stealer too and when u guys wake up and u tell him he was hogging the blankets in his sleep he gets all embarrassed and won’t look u in the eye and denys it even tho he knows he does it he just can’t admit it
which usually isn’t that big of an issue cause y’all are glued together in your sleep anyways
cuddling alllll the time deadass
he always likes the air conditioning to be set pretty cold D:
like he’s definitely the kind of person who knows immediately if someone changes the temperature even one degree
he’s a good cook tooooo omg
for some reason i feel like he excels at italian food don’t ask me why i don’t know
like nanami would make the most fire pasta
but yeah he’s a good cook
he’s also rly flexible
i mean for the record think of what he has to do for his job of course he’s flexible
but he in particular is super flexible like he can do all that cool contortionist shit if he tried (which he won’t cause he’d be too embarrassed)
also he spoils u
like duh that much is obvious ofc nanami spoils his s/o but like….
yeah he totally spoils u.
he’s not really a religious dude tbh
like if ur religious that’s cool he’ll accept that he’s not gonna shame u and he’ll happily listen to u talk about it
but most of the time he’d just rather talk about something else
most of the time he’s just calling you by your first name but on the rare occasion when he does call u a pet name that’s when u know he’s feeling affectionate and wants ur attention
he doesn’t call u very many pet names either he’ll call you “sweetheart” the most, “beautiful” too and also maybe “darling” on the days he’s feeling extra affectionate
like it’s super easy to tell when he wants to just say f everything and be all over you
he doesn’t rly like pda so he’s super touchy at home
he likes to hug you from behind
his favorite cuddling positions either consist of him being the big spoon or him laying down on your chest
like i can see after a rly long day he wants nothing more than to come home get dressed comfortably and crash right on top of you laying his head in ur chest and putting his arms around you and feeling your hands through his hair
he would find the rhythm of your breathing and your heartbeat very comforting
especially after the horrors he’s forced to witness on a daily basis
you’re a comforting reminder that he’s alive
he’s just really obvious with how much he loves you
like even b4 y’all got together it was really obvious he thought he was super badass and hid it rly well tho LOLLL spoiler alert he didn’t
the thing that sold it the most pre your relationship was the way you’d always feel and catch his eyes glued to you
+++ it’s not easy to fluster nanami, but considering even the simplest of gestures from you turned his face and ears pink? yeah duh ofc he likes u
he tries to cover his face when he blushes too but he’s rly bad at it LOL like he’ll put his hand over his mouth and extend his thumb and fingers over his cheeks to try and hide the redness but it never works
like he’ll stay composed but his body’s reactions give it all away
hear me out i feel like he’d like a friendly talkative s/o
like maybe not somebody who’s as eccentric as gojo 24/7…
but definitely somebody who’s lively as long as they know when to be serious and is capable of remaining composed in a situation that calls for it
he would appreciate it to no end if you were able to get him to lighten up a little and be less of the stick-in-the-mud that he knows he is
he’s the slow dance with you in your kitchen in your pajamas type guy
but honestly no matter who u are
just one glance at u and he’s smiling to himself thinking abt how in love with u he is
you’re his biggest motivation, after all, and no matter how long the two of you are together you never stop giving him butterflies
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oof oof oof oof oof
oh to engage in the devils tango with this man
whenever mappa animates him loosening or taking off his tie it’s always so focused on and detailed like whatchu tryna say huh?
yeah he ties your wrists together with his tie lolllll
like ok listen
i don’t think he’s sex dungeon level kinky
but i also don’t think he’s completely vanilla either
he’ll blindfold u, tie ur wrists together, maybe your ankles if he’s rly feeling it
he can be reallyyyyyyy rough too
generally he tries to be gentle but if he’s ever really pent up or angry or frustrated abt something he wants to rid himself of that anger in a healthy way and sexual release is a go to for him
those are the circumstances where he’ll be rougher with u
he usually apologizes after though
and if u were the one to ask him to be rougher he’ll do so with pleasure but he’ll definitely still seek reassurance afterwards and ask you if what he did was to your satisfaction
he’s generally the more dominant one
he likes obedience
he’s okay with you taking the lead too but he prefers if it’s nothing too extreme
he feels bad asking u but god he loves getting sucked off so much :(<3 sweet baby
especially after work when he’s feeling especially exhausted and he’s had a bad day and he’s lazing around he loves nothing more than some good ass head and then cuddling to sleep
he’s a giver too don’t think anything less
he’s always between your thighs before he’s actually inside of you whether it’s his mouth or his fingers
he’s cool with using toys on you too, he actually really likes it
he doesn’t see sex toys as a threat he sees them as his best friend god healthy masculinity is so hot
u can use ur imagination to think about how he’d use them on u >:)
also nanami isn’t a one night stand guy
like hear me out i don’t think he sees sex as some crazy sacred act or anything
it won’t take all that long after you guys get together for him to be okay with dicking you down
but he doesn’t fuck anybody he’s not in a stable relationship with
meaning that, yeah, he isn’t a virgin, but he probably has some awkward first time story with somebody he slept with once and since then he’s only slept with one other person he was in a relationship with
like… he has experience, but not a lot of it
don’t get me wrong tho his stroke game is crazy
he 100% puts in the effort to figure out what you specifically like and don’t like
it’s definitely always a focus of his to first and foremost please you
he teases u but also praises u
like full on degradation? no not his style
but teasing yesssssss he loves it he loves seeing you squirm from just his words
like god just imagine his chest up against your back with his arms running down your sides and hips while he’s whispering teases into your neck goddddd i wish i wish
he also likes it when u scratch up his back hehe
he likes it when you leave marks on him and he leaves marks on you in places people can’t see
he doesn’t think it’s classy when people walk around with hickeys and such on full display however knowing he has marks/you have marks on your bodies that only the two of you know about is something that turns him on
also, if you’re fem bodied, he’s a hardcore tits man. i will die by this.
boobs in his face yesssssssss
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arcanejayvik · 2 years
angsty nerd time (lowkey enemies to lovers?)
jayce and viktor only really notice each other at first for one reason: they take turns scoring highest on the placement test.
viktor doesn't like jayce. he doesn't. jayce is so popular, athletic, has so many friends and still somehow matches his intellect easily. does the other boy even study?
he probably doesn't have the time, with all of the clubs he's a part of and all of the other students tripping over themselves to fall at his feet. pathetic, honestly.
and jayce? jayce doesn't like viktor. he really hasn't talked to him much, but once he got partnered with the other boy for a project and viktor had completed the whole thing by himself without telling jayce. prick.
viktor also seems to hate him. he's not sure why when everyone else seems to want to be his friend, and he can't recall ever having done anything to make the other angry. so viktor's just an asshole to him and only him, for no good reason.
but when viktor isn't talking to him, jayce sees him smile softly at his friends, watches him chew on the eraser at the end of his pencil when he's in the library, lost in thought. his chocolate hair looks so soft and is always messy, probably due to viktor's habit of running his hands through his hair when he's nervous.
he thinks he's kinda cute.
one day, viktor catches him staring. he looks shocked, and then confused, and finally angry. "talis," he says, and it almost sounds like a sneer.
"viktor." jayce pulls out a chair and sits across from him.
"didn't expect to see you here. finally decided to take your studies seriously for once?"
jayce goes to the library often, but he supposes with the way that viktor tends to get lost in his work that the other wouldn't notice. "why do you hate me so much?" before he can stop himself, he blurts what is on his mind.
viktor's jaw drops, a little. he shifts uncomfortably. "i don't. hate you, that is."
"you sure? you always seem pissed when i talk to you."
viktor rolls his eyes. "not everyone wants to talk to the golden boy, talis."
jayce clears his throat. "it's jayce. nobody calls me by my last name."
viktor eyes him wearily. "jayce, then. why are you here?" he smirks. "do you need help?"
he doesn't know what possesses him to swallow his pride and lie. "yes, actually. i was hoping you could help me."
viktor's eyebrows raise in surprise, but his expression softens minutely. "what do you need help with?"
so jayce makes up something or another about how he's not sure about a concept in their shared physics class and viktor agrees to tutor him, looking slightly abashed.
"im sorry if i came off the wrong way. i really don't hate you."
jayce beams and watches his ears turn scarlet. "all forgiven."
and so jayce and viktor become tentative friends as they meet more and more regularly for "tutoring" sessions. viktor realizes he got a lot wrong about jayce, and jayce realizes how sweet viktor really is, if a little shy.
then one day, jayce forgets one of his notebooks at their session. viktor doesn't mean to look, but he knocks it off the table before he notices its there and leans down to pick it up--
and there on the open pages are formulas upon formulas of advanced theories far beyond what they have been discussing together.
viktor shoves the book harshly at jayce when he returns it and begins walking briskly off.
"wait, what about our study date?" jayce teases after him and he stops and turns on his heel, hand shaking on his cane.
"i hope you had fun, because we're done," viktor spits out.
"wait--what?" jayce is such a good actor that viktor thinks it's no wonder he fell for it. he looks lost, confused, and that only makes viktor angrier. he has no right to pretend.
"i saw your notes," he says evenly, trying to get him to drop the act.
jayce freezes. winces.
"you should be proud. i really believed you," viktor says, bitterly. "talis, don't ever speak to me again."
at this jayce 's eyes widen and he lurches forward, panicking. viktor sees his motion and cant stop himself from flinching back.
that makes jayce stop again, his eyes looking oddly misty. "viktor, i'm sorry, i--"
"on second thought, don't let it get to your head. i'm just a fool." viktor shakes his head and limps away.
"viktor, wait!" he can't fathom for the life of him why he pauses to hear him out. his heart knows the truth and still betrays him.
"i just wanted to know you. you're so..."
viktor turns around when jayce hesitates and is surprised to see that jayce is blushing.
"...distant from me. i really did think you hated me at first, but then when you said you didn't i panicked and i lied because i wanted to get to know you."
viktor scoffs. "if thats true, why wouldn't you have asked me like a normal person?"
jayce shrugs shyly. "i got carried away because i like you."
and then viktor just starts laughing and jayce turns red. "you really think i'd fall for your antics again?"
and jayce grits his teeth and says, "gods, viktor. you're so fucking smart, but you're so goddamn stupid--" and just pins him against the wall and kisses him fiercely.
viktor seems to give in almost immediately, a small whimper catching in the back of his throat when jayce invades his mouth. his cane clatters against the ground and jayce is careful to support his weight.
when he pulls away, viktor is wide-eyed and flushed, almost disbelieving. jayce closes his eyes and rests their foreheads together. "i said i like you, you stupid idiot."
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My dear lgbt+ kids, 
Sadly, a rapper decided to use his platform to spread homophobia and misinformation about HIV lately - so it’s a good time for some HIV education! 
Here are some common myths about HIV and the real facts: 
Myth: “HIV-positive means you will get AIDS and you will die young, there’s nothing you can do about that.”
Reality: HIV is short for human immunodeficiency virus. If left untreated, this virus leads to AIDS (serious damage to your immune system). It is the late stage of a untreatend HIV infection - but that doesn’t mean all people who are HIV-positive will get AIDS. If you get early treatment, you can prevent your HIV infection from progressing to AIDS.
This myth is dangerous because it can lead to people avoid getting tested (”I don’t want to know - If I am positive, I will die anyway, so I may as well stay blissfully ignorant!”) But HIV-positive people have a normal life expectancy when they have acess to antiretroviral therapy! If you get tested early and find out you’re HIV-positive, you can start treatment early and you can have a healthy, happy life. Treatment can also lower your viral load, meaning you won’t infect your partner(s)! 
Myth: “You only need to get tested if you look noticeably sick.”
Reality: You can’t tell if someone is HIV-positive just by looking at them. You can’t be sure that you are HIV-negative just because you look or feel healthy. Many HIV-positive people show (and feel) no symptoms at all.
If you are sexually active, it’s recommended that you test for HIV (and other sexually transmitted infections) at least once a year. 
You should talk to a health care professional about getting tested as soon as possible if
- you had sex with someone who is HIV-positive
- you had sex with someone and you don’t know their HIV-status
- you have been sexually assaulted
- you got pregnant
- you have symptoms of (or tested positive for) another STD
- you shared injecting equipment with someone 
If you visit a healthcare professional within 72 hours of when you think you might have been exposed to HIV, you may be offered PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis). This is a emergency HIV treatment that can prevent a HIV infection! 
Myth: “You get HIV from sleeping with hundreds of people. Good people don’t get it, only gross perverts do!”  
Reality: You can get HIV when the virus enters your body and that can happen during sex - you could wait until marriage and then have sex with only your spouse: If they have an untreated HIV infection, you could still get it. You could also sleep with 200 people and if none of them happen to be HIV-positive, you wouldn’t get it. 
Point is, the virus doesn’t care about “good” or “bad”. It’s a virus, it has no build-in moral system. Of course you do have a higher risk if you have frequently changing sexual partners - but everyone needs to practice safer sex and get tested regularly! This myth is especially dangerous as it can lead to people avoiding tests out of fear that they will get branded a “pervert”. 
Myth: “Shaming HIV-positive people is actually a good thing, it prevents more infections”
Reality: It doesn’t. See the last myth - Shame can actually keep people from getting tested.. or even from telling their partners about their positive HIV status! If you want to keep people safe, don’t spread hate and lies. Spread information.  
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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Hi 💕. Can I ask about Ciel, Meliodas and L with pregnant darling 👉👈. (Everything you write is amazing!)
Thank you!🥰 I hope you like it!
Btw. Tumblr had a new update or something and writing with it is different now and I despise it. For some godforsaken reason it won`t let me add any gifs on my laptop, I`ll try again later on my phone. Alright, it at least works on my phone. Sorry, just had to rant about it.
Yandere Ciel with a pregnant darling
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To say he is worried is an understatement. There are so many factors that endanger the child`s life that frustrate him to no end. First, Ciel doesn`t know for certain how much time he has left and if he would be a good father. Second, he is constantly targeted so from now on you`re only allowed outside in the garden when at least two servants, Sebastian or himself are with you. Even then the Phantomhive is anxious, but your health is more important now. 
On that note, Ciel is thinking about assigning you your own personal doctor, the best of the best. He believes that having Sebastian around isn`t enough this time, especially since the demon has other matters to attend to. He`ll search for someone trustworthy and competent and with his abilities he`ll find the right person.
All servants are told to protect you even more than before and to get you anything you wish for. At least one of them is always near you. Tanaka makes you calming tea, Baldroy tries to make anything you might be craving, Finny tries to fill the garden in front of your window with beautiful flowers and birds, while Mey-Rin tries her best to keep everything around you clean and neat and Sebastian takes care of the mess those three make. 
After getting over most of his paranoia Ciel will spend entire days around you, moving his workload to wherever you want to be. He studies about pregnancy and childcare in his free time, informing you about anything he deems as important. He`ll be there for you when you have morning sickness and through anything else that might come. The closer the due date gets, the more excited and anxious he will become.   
Yandere Meliodas with a pregnant darling
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He`s a lot more cheerful, wanting to celebrate as soon as you tell him the news. Meliodas will want to invite everyone in the whole kingdom, that`s how excited he is but after being told that stress is not good for you, he`ll settle for the other sins and their partners. Another fact that plays apart of that decision is his possessiveness and protectiveness, after calming down a bit he`ll start to worry, too. 
The party will be without much alcohol, something very unusual, but Meliodas can`t stand the thought of you or the child being harmed in any way, be that through someone else in their drunken stupor or through glasses getting accidentally switched and you consuming some. Everyone except for you will get exactly one glass and that`s it.
The demon might have noticed your pregnancy before thanks to his perceptiveness if he wasn`t so clueless about it. While the thought of a mini you running around has crossed his mind and he liked it, that was as far as it got. Now though, he will make his research, specially about hybrids if you aren`t a demon. To ensure both the health of both of you, Merlin will regularly check up on your body, carefully using magic as to not harm either of you.
It won`t look like it, but Meliodas is far more alert than normal, covering it up with his normal humor. Any threat will be taken care of discretely and quickly, you`ll barely notice that Meliodas was gone.
All in all though he`s the most excited, he`ll lay his head on your belly every so often and the day he feels a kick for the first time he`ll be grinning for hours, exclaiming how your child will surely be a good fighter with such an amazing attack. Meliodas will talk proudly about his kid to anyone who might listen and won`t stop for a long time. He`s impatient when waiting for them to be born but he`ll be even more gentle with you than ever before, listening to most of your requests with no complaints.   
Yandere L with a pregnant darling
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L will notice your symptoms and put two and two together before anyone else. He will suggest to test it right away, being quite blunt about it. When his theory is proven right his reaction will be more subtle than anyone else`s, but for you it`s noticeable from the start. 
While it seems there isn`t much emotionally going on inside his head, his actions tell otherwise. He`ll have a house prepared, somewhere further away from civilisation but safe, maybe next to a lake if that`s what you like. In the end it`s important to him that you can get fresh air whenever you need it and he`ll make doing his job there work somehow. Even though it seems like you two are alone, there will be high security and a doctor on stand by some kilometres away. 
L knows that this can be scary for you, so he tries his best to be there for you and comfort you, any doubts you might have will be erased through his irrefutable logic and assurance. Watari will be ordered to buy anything you want and get you some books on pregnancy so that you can inform yourself.
Fascination is the best way to describe how L reacts, he will be enchanted, occasionally glancing at you and your belly even though he should be working. His head is full with ideas of possible names and stuff he has to get that it`s hard for him to concentrate. You`ll also notice that he will become more and more clingy as time progresses, he`s a fan of touching your belly and talking to it, hoping that the child reacts in some way. 
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obeymeluv · 4 years
The Bros as Dads
PSA: The boys would be very attractive dads (emotionally and physically). That is all.
Note: the headcanon also includes genders for the kids. I can see some of them having sons, and others having daughters. And, obviously, everyone is older (20′s-ish).
Takes a while to process the news. It’s kind of a big thing. His love life was something of a roller coaster (or nonexistent) until you. The ‘L’ word was a hurdle, now there’s a B word and a P word?!
When his brain realizes what you’ve said or if you show him some proof, the pride takes over FULL SWING (you can feel it explode in him, like his aura) and he purrs
You are truly his stars, his moon, and the heavens he so dearly misses
There’s this raw, vulnerable love in Lucifer’s eyes and it pretty much awes everyone because he’s usually so proper and reserved
The memories are old and dusty but Lucifer’s parenting instincts are strong
A type-A, fussy person. You may have 7 months left before you give birth, but the house will be spotless and perfectly proofed before you hit bed rest
Piles of parenting books suddenly sprout around the house. No one’s sure where they came from or how there’s even that many WRITTEN about parenting.
You and the child become his world. You’re his kryptonite, the only thing to convince him away from long hours or break him out of sour moods
Lucifer is very stressed, more than he thought he’d be, because you’re carrying his child and he worries for your health.
He’s with you every step of the way, from appointments to birth
He’d absolutely drop everything to tend to your needs, or appoint one of the brothers if he couldn’t.
Likes to busy himself with making a nursery and is actually good at themes/interior decorating
Has a tiny desk built in his study. The child won’t be able to join him for a while, but the idea of his tiny joy working on something beside him warms his heart
Hunts down obscure herbs and items from folklore that are supposed to bless pregnancies or benefit the unborn. Turns out he’s really nervous and superstitious.
Lucifer is the worst when it comes to shopping because his pride outweighs his logical restraint. If he convinces himself IN THE SLIGHTEST that his child would look good in something or the nursery could really use an item, it’s coming to the House of Lamentation
He ugly cries when he realizes you’re having a girl because he feels like Lilith has been given back to him.
Refuses to name his child Lilith because of everything that happened. Can’t settle for anything close to her name or any nicknames they gave her.
Makes you a sleeping space in his study. Loves to take breaks to watch you sleep. Unintentionally takes a break to kiss your stomach and talk to the baby.
Firm believer in ‘in the belly’ enrichment so you’ll have music playing and Lucifer will read to them all the time.
If the baby’s not with you, she’s with him. Lucifer has definitely shown up to a meeting with Lord Diavolo with his baby in a chest carrier. The meeting went flat because Diavolo wanted to play with the baby.
He’s the type of dad that demands total silence when the baby’s sleeping. Might have tied up some of his brothers to achieve it.
He’s not a total hard-ass (this kid has made a sucker out of him, okay?) but his kid will definitely have manners and knows to help clean up.
The type to take naps with his kid. He’ll get up at 2 in the morning and climb into their crib if they’re fussy.
Lucifer spent so much of his life being the primary caretaker for his bros that he forgets he’s not alone this time. When you push him back down so he can sleep, and tend to your daughter, his heart almost bursts with love.
On the fence about another child. The kid’s going to have pride in spades and he thinks a sibling will humble them (and make them less lonely). He’s also afraid of that prideful wrath and doesn’t want two prideful little demons always fighting
Isn’t the best with dressing up his kid but likes to give them fancy shoes. The shoes are always on point even if the rest of the outfit is a disaster.
Is 100% ready to receive any and everything “#1 Dad” because he IS, DAMN IT. He’ll use it regularly, too.
He’s freaking out hardcore (”You sure? Really, really sure? Maybe you just have gas or something. Y-yeah!”)
Doesn’t believe it until he sees a test. Promptly faints. Dead-ass faints as soon as he sees it.
Kind of remembers it when he wakes up, and you have to remind him again.
This time he’s pretty excited because THE GREAT MAMMON will be having a child. WHAT A GIFT, RIGHT? THE BEST GIFT!
All the magazines are snapping up this gossip and, for once in his life, he puts the earnings away. Kid has a nice fund going before they’re even born.
His schedule is 50% work, 50% family because YOUR MAIN MAN HAS TO BE THERE. Work just pays the bills and pads the nursery account, okay?
The Devildom has something similar to a baby shower and Mammon puts all KINDS of high-dollar shit on there. His baby’s going to be stylin’, okay?
Some crying in front of others, but an entirely different kind of crying behind closed doors. Vulnerable, grateful crying about being loved and having a tiny someone who will love him, too
Pays someone to explain baby stuff to him. How to change them, feed them, what type of breathing you should be doing. It surprised his bros because Lucifer could just give him that info. The fact that Mammon paid for it means he’s pretty serious about learning.
Gets tons of free maternity photos because all his magazines want the scoop. He gets to pamper you and see you all dressed up and beautiful and EVERY magazine has a shot of him crying like a proud sap.
Mammon hoards all of those pictures. Has a pile of them in his room, totally separate from everything else.
Has a lot of nervous energy and can get frustrated with all the baby books, so he distracts himself with scrap-booking. Surprisingly good at it.
Mammon thinks you’re just the most beautiful thing ever. He loves taking pictures of you. Wants the kid to have no doubts about how much he loves them and their parent.
He’s so lovesick. When you sleep or hug your belly or just touch it he melts.
Stacks Grimm on your belly when you sleep. Thinks it’s fun. Likes to record how big the towers get.
Not the best at getting up for your random-hour cravings and has definitely made you cry with his bluntness. When he’s more awake he’ll apologize and you guys will work it out.
When he finds out he’s having a little boy, the bros throw a party. Mammon gets semi-drunk and has a huge, ass-chewing lecture about how the bros made him feel for centuries and how they better not say ANYTHING like that to his kid.
You shot down any and all attempts to name the kid anything money related.
Almost passed out when you had the baby.
Cried when he first held him. Calls him Mamm-mini.
Totally planning the baby’s first photo shoot. Has people on standby to make matching outfits.
He now has a partner in crime and the kid can charm the pants off of anyone!
Mammon is 100% devoted to this kid and he secretly hopes he’s the favorite parent.
Lives for any second of bonding he can get. NEEDS IT TO LIVE. 100% a sappy dad.
The most supportive dad, always saying nice things because he knows people didn’t always say nice things about him.
Brain stops working. You almost think you’ve given him a heart attack
Levi feels you take the controller from his hand and instantly has to fill it with something else, taking yours. He looks at you and asks you again if you’re sure.
He can see it in your eyes and he just crows. He doesn’t know if he’s excited or scared but he made the noise.
Worries A LOT about the idea of becoming a father. Can gross otakus be good fathers? How does he dad?
Gets pre-stressed about social interactions. Kids have to go to school and have play-dates and Levi’s going to have to talk to people...ugh! Gross!
Definitely has a few break-downs (feelings of inadequacy, etc.) before Lucifer or Satan comfort him. He’s better than he thinks, just insecure. Everyone learns as they go. They have classes (”They’re like cheat codes, Levi.”) and it makes him feel better
His gaming friends send their congratulations and he gets lots of themed blankets and onesies.
Wants you to have a water birth because the water is his child’s calling. Really attached to the idea.
He’s constantly looking up guides to baby-proofing, double- and triple-checking safety specs of anything before buying it.
Spends HOURS scouring Akuzon, comparing brands, and reading reviews for everything.
Akuzon noticed he was buying lots of baby books and looking at baby-related things so they sent him a onesie.
You get a lovely beach/water-themed maternity shoot and Levi is so love-struck he gets a nosebleed. Once he’s cleaned up it makes a darling photo shoot.  
Has already made lists of anime for the kid to watch. Some are his favorite, some are for the lessons and moments that stuck with him
Asmo messaged TSL on the down-low and Levi got some quality kid-sized merch.
Tries to get you to name the baby Henry if it’s a boy. When he finds out it’s a girl, he pushes for Henrietta.
Reads TSL to the baby and plays ocean sounds.
As you get further along in your pregnancy, he buys a fridge for his room and stocks it with your favorite cold stuff. Any snack foods are just added to his stash.
You are absolutely worshipped. Craving something? Akuzon has it and the fastest pig is on it’s way. Your feet hurt? Try a water bath!
You’re his Player 2 now and forever (always have been), and he’s keeping you in perfect health.
Probably keeps a video journal for the kid or of the two of you during your pregnancy. Big on preserving stuff digitally.
Probably makes a game for his kid just because. They’ll be able to play it when they’re older.
Bought a ton of Magical Girl-style hairbows and things for when their hair grows in. His daughter’s a fucking princess, okay?
Belphegor bought the baby a goldfish onesie and Levi loves it to pieces.
Bought the baby a seashell bassinet and rocks them to sleep with his tail.
Levi has a bad sleep schedule and wakes easily, so he’s usually the first one to get up and handle the baby.
He has this complex about being a good dad. People can call him a weird, gross otaku but they’re ALSO going to mention how good of a dad he is!
Super affectionate with his kid in a quiet, whispering, mumbling way. Just thinks they’re the best thing.
Having a daughter really makes him rethink some of the ways he viewed anime characters and made him super critical. If his daughter ends up liking anime he’ll make it very clear what he thinks and how she shouldn’t let other people treat her like an object. 
His demon form gets triggered REALLY EASILY if his bros hold her for too long. THAT’S HIS BABY, THANK YOU!
Secretly hoped to be a father one day. Wanted to prove so badly that he could be one, and move past the constant fear of his temper looming over him. He didn’t want wrath to be his only legacy.
Can’t manage more than a genuine smile and a lilting laugh when you tell him, but he’s literally almost sick with joy. He’s just not the type to jump from the rooftops or anything
Asmodeus and Mammon convince him into drinking because he needs to let loose and really show it!
Satan ends up drunk-stumbling to Lucifer and plunking his head into his chest and crying. He’s crying because he’s happy and mumbling something about ‘granddad’. When his tears dry he’s happy as can be, smugly calls Lucifer an ‘old fuck’ and promptly throws up.
They’re past most of their bad blood but even Lucifer wasn’t surprised Satan never got EVERYTHING out of his system. A lot of his childhood memories are tainted with pure wrath instead of coming into his cardinal sin through some other mean. Or naturally, like puberty.
Between his personal research and Lucifer’s expertise, the baby-proofing is totally covered.
His book binges are strictly about pregnancies, suspicions, rituals, parenting, and anything he can think of that has to do with kids.
He’s big on teas and brews that are supposed to help with pregnancies and pains. Uses his many connections to get ingredients for said teas
Reads the classics and big epics to his unborn child.
Buys you some Hellcats for protection. They’re fiercely loyal, so he’ll know you’re safe.
He’d be the type to nag you about your diet, but not to be mean. He’d support it with this absolute WALL of evidence that turns into a lecture that could last for hours.
Has to fight the Hellcats to sit next to you or touch your belly a lot more than he thought he would. He’d never say it out loud, but he’s starting to hate the cats (he doesn’t mean it though).
Starts cleaning up his book piles a lot more. The baby would get hurt if the stacks fell on them. His room becomes virtually spotless.
You pick books to read together. You end up reading Satan to sleep, too. He keeps a hand on your belly.
Gets nervous about you wanting to go out, and basically tries to keep you in the House of Lamentation. Relents a little because hormones make you scary. He was basically afraid of nothing because the walks were fine.
You like to sit in the Devildom gardens and he thinks you look picturesque and wonderful. It takes his breath away.
Asmodeus is your personal photographer because Satan doesn’t think anyone else will do you justice.
Finds out you’re having boy-girl twins and totally shuts down. What does he say? How does he respond? BELPHIE OR BEEL WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE TWINS! WHY HIM?!
Lucifer is BEYOND amused. This is definitely payback for everything Satan did in his childhood (so the saying goes).
It doesn’t bother him as much when he starts buying smart little cardigans, button-ups, ribbons, and bowties. He’s actually quite happy.
The Hellcats act weird and tip him off to your contractions before your water breaks. Satan gets you to the hospital and helps you give birth. The twins grow to look more like him than you, but if someone mistakes you for the nanny or says something derogatory, he’s pulling two ferocious kids off an idiot
Satan was afraid he’d be a short fuse, but he becomes the parent that explains everything to death (for better or worse). The kids will get a lecture when they’re bad, when the ask ‘why’ to something, he’ll explain why he gave the punishment he did, and be very clear with anything.
Quickly falls in love with the idea of you being pregnant. It’s the best! Proof of his truest love, the thing that makes his heart beat!
He loved you to pieces before you were pregnant, and loves you even more now (if that’s possible).
Always wants to be with you, smothering your belly with kisses and touches and looking at it like it’s the next greatest love of his life
Takes names very seriously. “My child is a gift unto this world. People will know their name, so it has to be a good one!”
Gets really wrapped up in decor and aesthetic. He’d be a one-man force for all of it if you didn’t tell him to stop and breathe! Asmodeus just has lots of ideas, okay?
Has a really hard time understanding the value of baby-proofing until Satan smushes a few of his lipsticks in his hand and knocks around some finishing powder (”Now imagine that. All the time. With anything you love.”). 
Hires someone to baby-proof the room because that’s just not his thing. He’ll handle securing the valuables, okay?
Constantly reading about beauty rituals and things to do for his pregnant wife. She’s doing something really hard and deserves to be pampered!
You’ll constantly be pampered or trying ‘this and that’ because he read it was good for the baby. Good for beauty, good for health, etc.
Has a pretty decent diet, himself, and keeps you on yours.
You definitely have pregnancy sex a few times. Anything he can do to help you out, you know?
Asmodeus ADORES watching you grow round with his child and LIVES for helping you take care of yourself. He’ll let you lounge in his fantastic tub and has no issues sitting on the floor and doing your toes
Picks out all your outfits. Wants you to look your best! Don’t worry, you’ll be comfy!
When he finds out you’re having a girl he cries. A lot.
SO MANY BABY UPDATE BROADCASTS ON DEVILGRAM! There is an official ‘baby watch’. It’s trending more than you thought it would.
Takes TONS of videos.
His baby is easily the most fashionable child in all of Devildom.
Takes really candid, private photos that have a lot of sentimental value. A lot of your pregnancy photos are you looking comfy in bed or sitting at a vanity in breezy clothes as he does your makeup.
The type of dad to sit down in the middle of the store to play with toys (are they good enough for his kid? Like, really?). Must feel everything before he buys it. If he doesn’t like how it feels, he won’t buy it.
You end up giving birth earlier than planned and Asmo almost throws up because birth doesn’t look like he thought it would
Super nervous during your pregnancy because you’re in pain and there’s lots of noises.
Busies himself doing your makeup because that’s the only way he can handle the situation. You’re holding his tail and he SWEARS you’re going to break it off!
The bros help deliver his little angel and Asmo is SMITTEN. ABSOLUTELY SMITTEN.
Holding his baby 24/7.
Loses sleep just because he watches them sleep. Sometimes he loses sleep for real because DAMN, babies don’t sleep a lot, do they?
It’s really hard to adjust to and he’s surprised his skin isn’t god-awful.
Doesn’t regret a thing, fawning over their tiny nails and little curls, and OMG EVERYTHING! Cries a lot because they’re just perfect
His wardrobe reflects his dad status but he still looks like a DILF. You can give him the most classic dad attire and it just looks good on him.
He’s excited about your pregnancy. Boy honestly tried for it, you know? Studied positions and everything.
Beelzebub has so much love and the idea of holding a tiny someone just warms his heart
Everything kid-related is totally foreign to him except for how to act with them. He and Belphie were the youngest so he was used to being taken care of until he got old enough to climb and eat on his own.
The type of guy to need explicit, step-by-step instructions on EVERYTHING. He doesn’t have a brain for it like Satan or Lucifer, so he needs help
Seriously. Give him a checklist for baby-proofing and he’ll get it done.
Gets pretty down about not being able to cuddle and snuggle like normal, but he’ll look into safe ways to do so.
Has special snuggles with the baby. Kisses your belly and rubs it. Talks to your baby like the little demon it is (even if it doesn’t have a name yet).
Lives for the times you talk to the baby, talk yourself out of bed, or how you absently talk to your belly throughout the day.
Works out to deal with stress and nerves, but also because he wants to be a good, strong dad
The doctors give him a list of exercises you can do and he does them with you
Can’t really take the nutrition advice seriously. He eats pretty much everything and you probably will, too.
When people ask him about your pregnancy, he uses very inclusive language (”We’re expecting, etc.”)
You make mini-dates out of your late-night cravings. Beel is totally in love with it.
Beelzebub becomes your food finder. There’s been times where you look at him so cutely, so imploringly, and all you can manage is ‘spicy and crunchy’. He’ll find you something, don’t worry! He’s an expert!
Big on massages and cuddling. Likes to cup his hands over your belly and trace it.
The type of dad to gain weight with you as your pregnancy moves along. Becomes soft, strong dad.
Finds out you’re having twin boys and has the happiest crying session ever. Belphie is the first to know and all Beel can say is ‘Just like us!’ as he nearly crushes his twin to death.
Likes to dress them in cute and comfy clothes. Animal onesies? Yes!
At some point yours twins are going to look like hotdogs and hamburgers. There’s no shortage of food costumes thanks to Levi, Asmo, and Beel.
Suspicious about baby food, bugs Satan about how nutritious it is, and tries all of it just to be sure.
Some of their teething toys look like real food. Beelzebub ate one on accident.
Is a perfect gentle giant. Afraid of hurting them, for they are tiny and precious, but gets over that pretty quickly.
Always wants to cuddle and hold them. You have to make him leave them alone to sleep. Gets kind of sad when they’re napping because he can’t make faces at them or hear them laugh. Right back to his usual self when they wake up, though.
You best believe they learn their alphabet by studying food. Beelzebub will stand in the kitchen and dig through the pantry until he finds things that match the letters of the alphabet 
He’s kind of surprised you ended up pregnant because the sex is usually lazy and casual. Yes, he has the moments where it’s pretty hardcore, but...wow. For some reason, he just didn’t see you getting pregnant.
Secretly hopes you have more than one kid. Something in him would just be happy if there’s more than one kid. You think it comes from the time he spent alone in the attic but never say it.
Sleeps a lot more. Not out of avoidance or anything, but because naps will be rare in the future. He likes to think he’s stockpiling sleep.
Makes sure you’re comfy at all times.
Would love for you to sleep and be cozy but apparently that’s not healthy for humans, so he takes easy walks around the house and keeps you semi-active.
He’ll give you his cow pillow to use as a back pillow. It’s his way of letting the baby use it until he can share it with them.
Listens to a lot of audiotapes about parenting. Looks at books, too, but does better with audio. 
Reads a new bedtime story to your kid every night.
Sometimes you guys sleep in the star room so he can talk to them about constellations. They can’t see anything, of course, but he still goes into detail.
Isn’t much of a picture person and doesn’t see the point in taking maternity pictures. It’s actually because Belphie has a photographic memory so he remembers everything.
The bros force him into taking maternity pictures.
The type to journal everything. He writes a big-ass, super-detailed diary for the baby.
Is kind of worried about his temperament, so he’ll take some classes on how to handle stress and stuff before the babies arrive
Becomes King of Lists. There’s lists for everything. Lists help. Lists are good.
When he finds out you’re having triplets (a boy and two girls), he doesn’t know how to react. You saw him smile though. It doesn’t sink in until you’re hugging him. “I’m never sleeping again,” he realizes with absolute terror.
Beelzebub is super excited. “That’s twins plus a bonus!”
Very snobby about the nursery decor. Also very tactile like Asmodeus. If it doesn’t feel good, it’s not going in the nursery.
Wants a barn-themed nursery (to include as many cow-related things as possible)
You get the comfiest PJs.
With three kids, he lives by embroidery. He has to have a way to tell them apart, after all (the girls, at least).
Can’t hoard the babies but wants to. Hates that he doesn’t have enough arms to hold them all at the same time.
Is very interested by their tendency to hold each other and nap together. Finds it super adorable.
Makes a super-sized crib he can climb in and sleep with them. It’s basically a Belphie-sized bed with little attachments his kids sleep in. Separates them all just enough so he doesn’t worry about hurting them, but there’s still contact
Thanks whatever god exists that they mostly stay on a schedule together. Makes it stressful for changing diapers, but very fun to feed them.
Almost dies laughing when Lucifer holds them for the first time because one vomited on him, the other sneezed in his face, and one pooped so much it got on his pants leg.
Lulls them to sleep with his happy purr, and gets woken up from a dead sleep by pure love when they make the sound back. Suddenly there’s three chirpy purrs rolling against him and he’s in love.
Proud they love their mama so much (to the point of being TOTAL mama’s kids), but also kind of relieved he can breathe.
The three trade off occasionally when they realize he’s free real estate and come to him for snuggles. They all love him so he doesn’t mind.
This house supports cuddle piles! Belphie got them hooked on group naps for a young age and they sleep together now. 
Hope you liked it :)
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trials-by-blood · 3 years
Male with Gender Neutral S/O. S/O is protective over their Yautja. One day, on the mothership, a female gets interested in the male. S/O firmly shows the male is theirs. Male is very impressed by their antics. (If possible, make it naughty ish. Like pulling on Yautja tresses. I apologize if that makes you uncomfortable. I don’t know what you’re rules are.)
Okay so, It’s done! Like another prompt, I decided I should consciously try to be concise and cap it off before going over 2500 words or else it could go on and on. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be naughty because I’ve made the decision to keep this blog at a PG-13 rating. I wound up RBing my original post (The one announcing open asks) with a loose outline of my rules after receiving this very ask. Yeah, I kinda had that “Uh-oh, I forgot the most important step” moment. 
This one sort of ran in a few unexpected and at times turbulent directions. I hope you enjoy this reply although it veered a little off course.
The ooman was always a pain. Ghardeh called them H’ko. It was literally the word for no. Why did Ghardeh call the ooman this? Because it was the first word in Ghardeh’s language that they had learned and one they loved to use. No, no, no. “No” to proper clothing in the current yaut fashions, “No” to any food item they found suspicious, “No” to bathwater heated too hot, “No” to sleeping in the kehrite as unblooded should, “No” to observing Ghardeh’s hunts via a live stream transmitted from the eye lenses of his helm because they did not like the idea of possibly witnessing their companion’s death in real-time. A definite “NO” to learning to hunt as well. They didn’t have any interest in hunting to prove themselves. 
H’ko, H’ko, H’ko. Ghardeh had heard the word in that terrible accent so many times he’d begun mockingly repeating it back to the ooman out of frustration, eventually, it became their pet-name, and later it became a term of endearment. Ghardeh had long given up on the notion that H’ko would ever become a warrior, but that was fine, the ooman was proficient in mechanics and electrical work and it was a respectable profession for an ooman.
Bound for the Clan ship, Ghardeh did not worry much about the ooman’s safety. His clan worked with oomans regularly and in H’ko’s case, as they weren’t a warrior and wore typical ooman dressings, the people would regard them with the same scrutiny as the unblooded: well beneath the gaze of warriors. And yautja women? Well, they ignored their male counterparts ninety percent of the time too, doubtful they’d even register H’ko’s presence at all. Other yautja should simply pretend H’ko didn’t exist as they tagged along safe and sound under Ghardeh’s left arm, and if anyone spared them a second glance it would likely be assumed that H’ko’s role was that of a hired repairer and no more.
Ghardeh had prepped H’ko very sternly and more than once for this visit. Speak to no one above their rank. Do not make prolonged eye contact as it is seen as a challenge. The breeding season is near so if a female propositions, allow Ghardeh to decline and do not intercede. That last instruction was very important. 
Ghardeh had known that humans were often monogamous, and when asked H’ko confirmed that they would prefer not to share Ghardeh’s romantic attention with others. This was one of the many compromises in their unusual partnership. Ghardeh would sleep and engage in sex acts with H’ko and only H’ko, but they had agreed to allow Ghardeh to donate reproductive material non-sexually to females if it was asked of him. Ghardeh had to explain to the ooman: if you are a strong warrior and a fine hunter, it is your duty to contribute your traits to the next generation. They had accepted that aspect of yautja culture begrudgingly, taking a long time to think through and voice all concerns about it just as Ghardeh had done as well when it became apparent that his ooman companion did not enjoy the notion of their mate being dragged to a stranger’s bed chambers if a proposition was accepted. The ordeal of Yaut mating practices also seemed to upset them. A female will usually test a warrior to be absolutely certain that she’d chosen a sire well. This often involves dangerous feats or enduring a physical altercation. H’ko had been unhappy with the very common occurrence of males limping their way home after a failed encounter with a choosy woman.
Ghardeh was merely reviewing all of this information in his head whilst he lied on his back and massaged at the stress crease in his forehead with his knuckles. Tucked against his left side and in the crook of his arm was H’ko, snoring and blissfully unaware of Ghardeh’s anxiety. H’ko would be relatively safe for sure, but something always went wrong when he tried to bring them aboard the Clan Ship. Last time, H’ko accidentally got dragged off with another group of oomans after being mistaken for a member of an ambassadorial tour group. None of the actual ambassadors had the gall to inform their extraordinarily intimidating guide that H’ko was just some random person who was grabbed, scolded for wandering off -which they had, but not from that group-, and herded along with the rest of the soft little aliens. Ghardeh was tempted to tether H’ko to his own body this time, so they couldn’t move more than ten feet from him.
Ghardeh sat up and scrubbed a knuckle against his closed eyes as he prepared to leave the bed, then let a hand fall on H’ko’s shoulder to gently shake them awake. It was time to dress, eat, and prepare. 
Docking went smoothly, and disembarking was uneventful as well. They were greeted by Chulonte, a friend and hunt brother who knew H’ko well and even dipped his head slightly to acknowledge their presence.
“The meeting place has been reserved, we should go now, the others have already gathered,” Chulonte told them briskly before turning away and leading them on.
Ghardeh leaned toward H’ko and dropped a hand on their shoulder. “We’ll acquire a midday meal after the meeting, just the two of us.”
Ghardeh was pleased when H’ko gave him an earnest closed-mouth grin. H’ko liked when they ate alone yet in public. Called them “dates”. 
Ghardeh was in the meeting with his equals, a loose coalition of hunters each with their own private hunting vessels who always coordinated with one another so that their time hunting on various worlds did not overlap. Apparently, there were laws in place to prevent over-hunting on some planets and to avoid over-exposure on others. Taylor was told to wait outside with Chulonte’s hounds. They were big ugly scaly beasts. One had a face like a cross between an English Bulldog and a cod, the other was nothing but a fangy maw of teeth and horny protuberances growing from its back but they were rather friendly, at least toward Taylor. Taylor wasn’t completely fluent in the Yautja dialects but it had seemed that, as a favor to Ghardeh, Chulonte had given his hunting hounds a command to guard the tiny human among them. The animals hovered close to where the human sat and would stand from their seated positions if any passerby veered too close. Taylor chanced a hand at petting them, Bulldog Face kept dropping his enormous head into the human’s lap for more attention, Spikey Back wasn’t into it and lied down just out of reach.
A group of women began to form nearby, but not too close, as Spikey Back had stood and shown the lot of them his teeth when they tried to form a cluster too near to where Taylor sat waiting for Ghardeh. Taylor could hear this and that which was said among the women. Some of the discussion was pretty damn raunchy. They were here to find action and had planned to greet the hunters when they conclude their meeting and disperse. They said things about what they wanted to do to the hunters they had chosen, sometimes what tests of strength and resilience they were expected to endure, but more often the discussions leaned heavily into overtly explicit themes. The woman who wanted Chulonte wanted to see if he could track by scent as accurately as his hounds could and if he succeeded in this test she would, and Taylor could only partially decipher the phrase, “??? him so ??? that his spine comes undone from his pelvis”. It made Taylor’s skin crawl, especially when all of the women laughed approvingly at what the other had said. Taylor hoped it was a lesser evil in being just a filthy joke but given how tall and strong they appeared, and how dangerous Ghardeh had told Talyor they were, they wondered if they really could injure their partners in such a way. It certainly seemed possible.
Taylor felt tension building in their chest. They heard them name off nearly all the hunters they’d seen enter the meeting room and every brutal ordeal they wished to subject them to, and it was only a matter of time before Taylor heard Ghardeh’s name. It happened, and when it did, the human’s pet name was mentioned as well. 
“Ghardeh is a difficult one to persuade, too difficult to bother with up until now. He now has rank advancements, clearly enough to afford him a live trophy. That’s worth some regard, but how to get rid of H’ko long enough to have adequate time with the man?”
“Seems like Chulonte’s dogs make fine enough guardians for it. Let us coordinate our liaisons then-”
Taylor couldn’t keep their mouth shut. They’d been infuriated by three ugly words. Live Trophy and, It.
“I am NOT a Live Trophy! And Ghardeh is NOT available for your abuse!” They shouted, causing both of the hounds to jerk to attention and search for a threat to their charge.
Ghardeh had correctly predicted that the meeting would go very much as it had in all of the previous seasons, a few smooth agreements, a few disputes, a fight or two, and then they’d leave and continue about their personal business. He left that meeting room with lunch on his mind and the expectation that H’ko would be clamoring for a meal as well, he had not anticipated being met with the sight of them dangling from the grip of Dar-bak’di, the most fearsome of the local young women who roved in a pack during the breeding season. H’ko was kicking and gasping for air as they flailed in her grip, Chul’s hounds were being bribed into complicity by the other women offering them whatever morsels they had in their bags, and Dar-bak’di was making a show of how easily she could destroy a mere ooman. Now it was Ghardeh shouting H’ko! H’ko!
It took a great deal of convincing to get Dar-bak’di to release H’ko, and the limit of her mercy was to drop the gasping ooman on top of Ghardeh and call them both abominable, in addition to accusing Ghardeh of something akin to bestiality. Dar’bak-di had smelt Ghardeh’s amorous n'dui'se all over his ooman companion and she refused to believe it when she was told that H’ko was a legally hired mechanic. To perform mating practices with species classified as prey was frowned upon, but not against any written law. The truth of the matter was, H’ko was unbelievably lucky to survive the encounter and had, hopefully, learned something from it. 
The ooman did not argue or make a fuss on the way home, and whether they liked it or not they were carried. The bruising around their neck was already blooming into hot red blotches. Ghardeh said nothing of it but make no mistake, he was furious. He’d told H’ko in no ambiguous words not to engage in conversation much less an altercation with yautja women! And what did they do, start a fight they could never under any circumstances survive on their own.
Upon his Vessel, Ghardeh placed H’ko in bed and with the intention of letting them sleep the ordeal off. After leaving the room, he went to the galley to serve himself a drink before grabbing the kit to treat severe bruising, but heard the soft soles of H’ko’s feet padding behind him.
“Go back to the bed and rest,” Ghardeh told the ooman flatly without turning to look at them as he poured a glass of c’ntlip.
“They were saying terrible things,”
Ghardeh sighed and set aside the decanter before taking the first sip and responding.
“They’re lonely and horny, of course they were speaking in lewdisms. I warned you that they would speak this way about whatever they set their longing eyes upon.”
“But it was about you and-”
“I don’t care what was said about me! You disobeyed the most important instruction I have ever given you! You could have been rent to pieces! You directly challenged an individual no less than twice your height and perhaps four times your weight! Worse still, she was legally in the right to throw you through a wall if she wanted to!”
“She called me a Live Trophy!” H’ko shouted through a snarl.
The tone immediately triggered Ghardeh’s expression to twist and eyes to darken as he postured for a fight -albiet only a verbal one- but the words gave him a reason to pause as he processed what was said. Live Trophy, it was nothing else but a slur, and H’ko’s anger was justified. H’ko tended to show a fear response with tears and soft whines when they were angered, though, which Ghardeh was always bewildered by. A show of anger more familiar to Ghardeh had come first this time, perhaps because his own mannerisms had begun to rub off on the ooman, so a second pause was taken to scrutinize H’ko’s face. Ah, the grimace and tears were building behind the facade. Ghardeh deflated.
“She called you a Live Trophy?” he asked, softly this time as not to elevate H’ko’s anger further.
It was too late to abate the ooman’s upset. Fat droplets ran down their rounded face and they stopped making their oh-so-important eye contact as they nodded to confirm that, yes, they’d been called a live trophy.
Ghardeh moved in to close the distance between them in two strides before dropping both hands on his ooman mate’s shoulders with a great sigh. 
“We will treat the bruising on your neck, then we will prepare a meal on our ship, then we should talk about what happened.” 
H’ko did that typical human thing by saying nothing and gripping the yautja around the waist in an embrace. Ghardeh tried the rumble affectionately, but frankly, he was now furious beyond belief for all new reasons. Live Trophy. Had he known such a term had been thrown at his companion, he’d have been inclined to challenge her too.
“You were brave Tay-Lar, for defending your honor.”
“Yes,” Ghardeh said with a genuine growl of approval this time, stroking the back of his companion’s round head.
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join-the-joywrite · 3 years
You are the music in me (part 1)
(mostly) juke soulmate AUs no. 1
Special thanks & shoutout to @endless-navigator and @i-spit-on-fire for helping me with my first juke soulmates au post, you guys are amazing!!
Suggested by the lovely Endless: AU where soulmates are musically connected, so whenever the one is playing music, the other hears it in their head (Everyone Is Alive AU, Trevor and Bobby are not the same person I know it doesn't make sense shh)
First of all, I love this au and my co-writers
Second of all, let's just pause for a moment to imagine Alex suffering out hours of Justin Bieber's pop music because that was Willie's playlist at one point. Alex retaliated by starting a rock band and that's the real story behind Sunset Curve, shhh
They all go to the same school & the entire grade is very aware of Julie & Carrie's rivalry for top spot in music, dance and drama. So far, Julie has music, Carrie has dance and somehow, Flynn accidentally got into drama due to an admin error in eighth grade and she's been rocking it ever since. But Julie and Carrie are best friends, don't doubt that. It may seem a little suspicious, but they do love each other.
Luke thinks Julie is a hotshot and finds Carrie super arrogant. He tolerates Flynn. He expects his best friends to do the same but Reggie adopted Flynn as his little sister and partner in crime, and Alex regularly sleeps over at Carrie's for spa night and boy gossip. Luke is very betrayed when he discovers this.
Once, Alex was over for a Dirty Candy recital and spent the next day singing the song they were performing and when Dirty Candy performed it, Luke and Reggie were Very Confused -- but half an hour later, Alex was singing Justin Bieber under his breath again.
Anyway back to the juke I initially started this for
Perfect Harmony
Luke doesn't really like Julie but he's the first to admit she's actually really talented. Julie has no idea who Luke is.
When Sunset Curve started up and found their sound, Julie decided that she couldn't wait to meet her soulmate because she was going to strangle them on sight. How was she supposed to get her homework done when all she had every afternoon was rock music???
They once independently went to the same concert and after realizing that the music wasn't bad, they were just hearing double, both got excited that their soulmate liked the music they did.
Julie wrote music with Rose a lot and often, she'd be the one singing. Luke often thought about penning down the unfamiliar lyrics to search it up later but he always forgot, getting lost in the beautiful music his soulmate listened to.
Eventually, Julie grew accustomed to the constant rock and decided to Google the lyrics in her head. After coming up blank everywhere, she concluded that her soulmate was making original music. So she had a talented soulmate. Didn't mean they weren't annoying.
Perfect Harmony
Julie still can't wait to meet her soulmate. Maybe she won't kill them on sight but she sure as hell will beat them with a cushion for the one calculus test she flunked after spending all the study time with loud music in her head.
Luke and Julie write music together
I love Luke but he's dumb and he doesn't even notice that he's writing music with his soulmate. Julie does, but only because her soulmate has a very distinct voice and any music that comes from her soulmate shares that voice and even though it's so very different to her own, there is an undeniable complimentary aspect.
Julie has like 8 duets locked away from her family that she co-wrote with her unaware soulmate.
Perfect Harmony
Sunset Curve has ballads now and then. Bobby, Reggie and Alex know why but they're not gonna tell Luke. They're just gonna share knowing glances and pretend like nothing is different. They have a bet going with how long it'll take Luke to realise.
Luke is falling in love with his soulmate because music is life and his soulmate has GREAT music taste. Unlike Julie, he hasn't yet figured out that the music in his head is original music.
Endless, Sun & I thought about killing Rose but we threw that out the window pretty quickly. Instead, we decided upon a year-long coma. In which Julie loses music.
Luke is absolutely distraught. He thinks his soulmate died. Reggie, Alex & Bobby don't think so for sure but the longer the silence goes on, the more convinced they get. It affects Luke's music too. Sunset Curve doesn't shut down like Julie did, but they do get softer.
Luke spends more time writing, singing to himself. If by some miracle, his soulmate isn't dead, then he's singing to them. Hopefully.
One day, Sunset Curve performs for Julie. Well, they don't specifically perform for her. They'd have to know her for that. Sunset Curve throws a small gig and "this song goes out to all of you who feel hopeless, like you'll never be able to wake all the passions you used to have up again."
Flynn decides Julie needs to start living again and drags her to the small mini concert because it's small and why not.
Julie goes through the entire evening in a daze, but after Flynn leaves her house later that night, Julie feels a little fuzzy, like something's wrapping her in a big warm hug. And the next day, Julie absolutely obliterates Wake Up.
A week or so after, Rose is concious again.
Now that the serious moments are done, let's get to some funnies.
Luke, distracted and bored: you with the sad eyes
Julie, trying to do her homework: W H Y
Luke, oblivious: don't be discouraged
Julie, squishing her scrap paper: >:(
Flynn finds this amusing and asks what's up. Julie growls, "he's singing Trolls."
"So sing back. Duh."
And then she does. Luke's singing gets less lazy and more energetic. Julie actually really likes Trolls music and she has to admit singing Poppy's lines are fun. Flynn is super tempted to record Julie and call it blackmail stock. Alex, Reggie and Bobby actually act on the temptation.
They do this often. Julie will be doing something mundane and then all of a sudden, there's a duet playing in her head and it's her idiot soulmate covering the song akd hoping she joins in. Thankfully, Julie is mostly alone but she wonders if her soulmate is acting a fool in front of other people just for the sake of hearing her voice. Endearing.
Julie needs some practice on her dance recitals okay, so randomly, she has the track playing on her headphones and bops her head along. Sometimes she's cleaning the kitchen and dancing with the broom pretending it's her dance partner. No I don't do that haha
It has been WEEKS of this.
Luke has developed brain cells. He now knows his soulmate is helping him write music. So he starts penning down a new song. Both of them know it's a duet. They've even had some joke practices together with no music and things like that. Julie doesn't know the music that goes with it because Luke is careful not to play it. Ever.
And so one night, Julie's down in the studio -- it's dusty and needs a little cleaning -- and pops her earbuds in and she's doin her lil dancy-dance as she listens to her the music for her dance class recital.
Reggie and Bobby: so should we leave you two alone for a minute or--
Bobby: you know we're gonna silently make fun of you the whole time
Luke: I am aware but you guys love me and you'll do this for me now shut up I have to time this perfectly
Julie is hearing double. At first she thinks maybe she never plugged her headphones in or maybe Flynn or Carrie are nearby listening to it too or -- no wait hang on a minute that doesn't sound like the track she's supposed to dance to.
Taking out her earbuds confirms that the music is in her head.
Off topic, speaking of music in her head, Luke definitely thinks I Got The Music is a Bop™
Its soft, its sweet, it's just guitar. There is no way in hell her soulmate is listening to guitar instead of playing it. She knows that much.
So now Julie has forgotten about cleaning the studio up and is pretty much standing in the same spot, just holdin on to the broom that did just two short sweeps
"Step into my world"
"Bittersweet love story bout a girl"
"Shook me the core"
Julie's brain: singggg,,,,, Julie: I'm afraid, ,,, Julie's brain, in Flynn's voice: S I N G
"Voice like an angel, never heard before"
Julie, before she can back down, "here in front of me"
Luke's eyes get so wide and so happy. Bobby takes a pause to snap a photo. When they finally find Luke's soulmate, they're gonna have so many dorky pics to show
Y'all it is the most beautiful separated duet of all time. I mean, not for the guys, the pauses are really weird but hey, at least Luke seems to be enjoying himself.
Post duet: "Mija are you singing to yourself"
Julie: (screams and throws broom) no?
You know what maybe this needs to be split for a part two...
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flowesona · 4 years
Strength - Yandere! Yoongi x reader
The Tarot Series
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“You won’t be able to play to the best of your ability if you’re slouching.” A warm hand pushed (Y/N)’s back into a straighter position and lingered for a second before being withdrawn.
“Try again for me. And try to play a bit faster this time. It’s meant to be 120 bpm and you’re only at 100 right now.” She nodded, eyes set on the sheet in front of her as her fingers once again began to dance with the keys, trying her best to appeal to Yoongi’s high standards.
(Y/N) could only hear the notes she was playing. Not an inch of her attention was given to her teacher standing behind her, a warm smile overcoming his face as she played.
Upon her hands falling on the final chord, she jumped at the feeling of his hands on her arms. With her being still, he moved his hands down towards her fingers, intertwining them with his own.
“That’s the best I’ve ever heard you perform this piece.” He whispered into her ear, placing a soft kiss on the shell. “I’m so lucky to be the one who gets to hear this.”
“Am I ready for the exam yet?” He frowned, his hot breaths sending shivers down (Y/N)’s spine amidst the silence as she waited for a response.
“No. You’ve still got so much to learn from me. We won’t stop until you’re perfect.” The kisses that were pressed against (Y/N)’s neck, trailing down further until he started to fiddle with her clothes, were little to consolidate the dissatisfaction that haunted her mind.
 *.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
Days were like walking through a sandstorm until her relief came in the form of her piano lessons. Yoongi was her relief amidst the stress of modern life, the person who saved her from going insane. It was his kisses and his touch that could wipe her mind of confusing symbols. But his effect was both a blessing and a curse.
“You simply aren’t meeting our standards, (Y/N). Unless your test results improve, we’ll suggest that you leave this school for a more appropriate one.” The young woman’s eyes were lowered to meet her lap as she tried not to cry.
“You’re a talented musician, (Y/N). But we need you to be well balanced in theory. I hope you understand.”
“I… I understand sir. Thank you for this opportunity.” She said, bowing politely before leaving, her stomach heavy with emotion.
Meanwhile, Yoongi was tapping his foot impatiently in the small practice room. She was already twenty minutes late, and she hadn’t even bothered to text. It was then he decided to go and look for her; perhaps she’d been caught up in some funny business, and she needed his help?
Yoongi couldn’t help but to walk as fast as humanly possible, pushing past his students without a second glance to reach the classroom (Y/N) should have been in. There was no sign of her.
It was as if the walls were closing in. Desperately his eyes scanned every part of the corridors that he hurried through, needing (Y/N) more than ever in that moment.
Thankfully, he found her outside the executive offices. However, he found her in a terrible state, crying endlessly.
“(Y/N)! Baby!” He rushed to hold her, but she pushed him away.
“Not here.” She mumbled, and he nodded understandingly. It was only after they had found an abandoned storage cupboard that she finally collapsed into him, sobbing.
“We have to end this, Yoongi.” (Y/N)’s whimpers alarmed the pianist, his breathing quickening.
“What do you mean? Why?” He asked, rubbing her back gently.
“I’m failing my theory class. I have to stop… this. Our lessons, our affair, everything. I’ll be kicked out otherwise.” The words tugged at Yoongi’s heartstrings more than anything.
“But we need to keep going! How else will you become-”
“No, Yoongi.” (Y/N) sniffed, looking up at him. “I don't need you.”
“But I need you. I need us, (Y/N). Please.” His whines were nothing to deter (Y/N). She was set on being the best musician she could be, and she wouldn’t lose her means for that because of her stupid attractive piano teacher.
“I’ll see you around, Yoongi.”
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
With (Y/N) no longer needing him, Yoongi felt as if his life had no meaning any longer. He couldn’t live in such a dull way, only tutoring lackluster students who didn’t have a glimmer of the talent & beauty that (Y/N) exuded.
Soon, he couldn’t hold it in any longer. Just brushing shoulders with her in the corridor was not enough skinship for Yoongi. He needed her back, to return to what they had.
This led him to purchase a voice scrambler and a cheap phone to make his move. If (Y/N) couldn’t see him due to failing grades, he wouldn’t let her fail. 
He dialed the number of her theory professor, resisting the shake of his leg as he waited for him to pick up.
“Hello?” The older man answered with some caution to his tone.
“Good evening. There’s something I need you to do for me.” Yoongi spoke into the voice scrambler, hoping that it would hide the shake of his voice.
“Who is this?”
“That’s none of your business, Professor. As long as you do as I say, we will have no further business.” 
“Why should I do as you say? Who are you?”
“Your boyfriend. Park Jimin. He works night shifts, correct? When he’s all alone in the middle of the night, terrible things could happen to him. Don’t get on my bad side, Mr Kim.” By the way the line had fallen silent, Yoongi knew he’d hit the professor’s weak point.
“I want all your students to be given a passing grade. No exceptions.” 
“B-but if I’m found to be faking grades, I c-could be fired!” The man on the other side of the line whined.
“Would you rather that, or have your boyfriend’s severed head on your doorstep?” Yoongi hissed.
“I-I understand. O-okay, I’ll do it.” 
“I’ll check regularly. Don’t go back on your words, or your precious Jimin is as good as dead.”
“Wait, how will you-”
Yoongi ended the call before smashing the phone on the table, to leave no evidence of his doings in case anyone started snooping. After doing so, he gave himself the chance to breathe. The hard part was over, he just had to collect his prize.
 *.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
As (Y/N) made her way to her lunch break, she was practically glowing. Finally, the stress of her exams was off her shoulders, and she could enjoy her degree rather than live in fear of failing. 
Whilst mulling over what she was going to eat, she felt herself colliding with someone. Her accidental assailant caught onto her arms as she stumbled back, keeping her stable. It was only then she recognised him.
“Yoongi?” He gave her a shy smile as he steadied her.
“(Y/N).” For a moment they were silent, just staring at each other.
“I’ve missed you, Baby.” (Y/N)’s face dropped. 
“I told you, we can’t do this.” She shook her head, closed her eyes as if to not get drawn back in. “I can’t go back to failing my classes, I can’t have… this… when I need to focus on my career.”
Yoongi paused, trying to contain his bubbling emotion as he spoke.
“(Y/N), I can help you. If you think you don’t need me and you’re better than me, you’re wrong. I helped you get these grades!”
A beat. 
“Did you mess with the grades so I would go back to our lessons? Yoongi, you could be fired!” She looked aghast. “I want my grades to be legitimate. I don’t care if I fail, I’m going to report you for this.”
Yoongi glowered at her raised voice, glancing around before pulling her into the practice room next to them.
“(Y/N), please understand. Everything I do is for our future, you see?” He said firmly.
“What future? Yoongi, you’re not my partner! You’re hot and great and all that, but this was never going to last.” 
“(Y/N), don’t play with my heart.” Yoongi pleaded. “Don’t make me the bad guy!”
“Just don’t talk to me anymore! I won’t tell anyone about it, just let me move on.” (Y/N) sighed.
“I can’t let you do that.”
(Y/N)’s body was pressed onto the table, as Yoongi used both his hands to hold her neck in place.
“I was worried you wouldn’t be as grateful as I hoped, so I had a backup plan.” (Y/N) tried to retaliate with all the energy she had left, but she was nothing beneath the maniac.
“I’m sorry I have to do this baby, but I can’t stay away any longer. No one can prevent us from being together now, not even you.”
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tharrb · 3 years
Digimon tamers retrospective- Episode 18
“You are the best role model their is” she got married fresh out of high school
Rumiko is shown forcing her profession on rika, despite the latter’s obvious discomfort
At least she not making her do child pageants
“She’s the girl next door. That is, if you live next door to a gas station” what’s your damage Rumiko?
“Don’t ask anything strange, like why model’s always look hungry” you will NOT be enforcing eating disorders on your daughter
No wonder why rika was a bitch in the beginning. Rumiko, be glad you get character development later on
Rika’s cameraman coco
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Am I they only one who thinks rika suffers from photosensitivity? She’s in noticeable discomfort from the camera flash. I think that, combined with her mother’s lifestyle being forced down her throat, may have led to her “episode”
It’s safe to say that there’s a very distinct possibility she has a minor case of epilepsy. Being regularly forced to attend photoshoots is not a good combination..
I have a bad feeling in my stomach that this might be a regular occurrence…
Rika:”god when can my better mom renamon come back”
Speaking of which, rika’s fears that vajramon will kill renamon is poignant
But I bet there’s a tiny voice in the back of her head saying
She left you. Why would she stay? Because she said she loved you? You should have know them and there. Your own father didn’t love you, why would renamon?
“She didn’t want that camera test, you did” thank you rika,s grandma. It’s about time someone pointed it out.
“The only ones with success against those anomaly’s are those kids. I wonder who they are” you just past one of them yah dingus
Also, Riley obliviously getting cream puffs from the family of one of the kids she’s looking for
“All those flashing light must have given me a headache” it’s called a seizure
Tally carries a dead rabbits foot. I feel like jeri and her would be good friends
Another thing I’ve noticed. The devas always bio-emerge conveniently near the tamers. I get that their trying to find calumon(who tends to hang around them) but still feels awfully convenient for the plot
“The way you move, it’s like poetry in motion” you dropped this vajramon
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Nearly crushed the entire reason your here, vajramon
Vajramon:“Why do depend on such a feeble human partner?” Kyubimon: “because she my daughter you bitch!”
I love Rika’ gets validation that renamon will never abandon her, and that’s what leads to her digvolution to taomon
Vajramon find kyubimon digvolving into the more humanoid taomon disgusting. This humanoid vs beast digimon conflict would be expanded upon in frontier (my second favorite season next to tamers)
I get that there’s supposedly some romantic subtext behind “standing in the moonlight” but given rika’s fear of parental abandonment in this episode, I’m still saying that she and renamon have a maternal bond
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Seeing your asks on birth control made me want to ask about the attitude towards it in your country for youths. I'm wondering if it's different than the uk. I was speaking to some acquaintances recently and they were saying their generation is different in that it's normal to not discuss contraception cos "I'm on the pill so I don't need to talk to the guy about it.." They let the guy do it without a condom, even if it's casual sex. I'm thinking erm, it's more than just pregnancy that you need to be worrying about?!
It depends on who you ask in America as far as what people’s opinions are. I will say there is a HUGE issue with people making assumptions as to why someone is on birth control, refusing to let someone under 18 be on it, or just general ignorance about it. 
A big misconception is that someone is only on/want to be on birth control because they want to have sex. That’s not true at all, lots of people choose to take birth control for health reasons or for convenience. If someone has an irregular or unpredictable cycle, birth control may give them more stability. It can also help acne, cramps, PMS, certain medical conditions, mood, bloating, etc. Preventing pregnancy is only one reason someone might take it. 
Birth control is a great way to prevent pregnancy and I wish people would stop demonizing people (especially female-presenting people) who take it. It’s perfectly reasonable for a teenager to be on birth control but so many parents refuse it. And if someone is on birth control because they want to have sex with one or more people, you know what? That is a very responsible decision to make and that’s the business of that person and no one else. 
I will say though, just because you’re on birth control does NOT mean you have a free pass to have unprotected sex. The only form of birth control that prevents STIs are condoms/dental dams. You are not protected from any sexually transmitted infections because of a pill, patch, IUD, implant, etc. Unless you can be 100% sure the person you are having sex with is ONLY having sex with you or people you know the STI status of you should probably be using barrier methods in addition to another form of BC. That means if you are in a trusted, committed relationship/arrangement with one or more people that everyone involved has been tested, gets tested regularly, and knows the status of everyone they are with. 
Side note: you should ALWAYS know your own status and the status of your partner(s) before engaging in any kind of sexual activity with them. Even if you’re using a condom. 
I wish sex education was better in this country because a lot of birth control is used incorrectly which leads to failure. Condoms must be put on a certain way, they expire, you have to be careful how you store them, etc. Hormonal birth control pills have to be taken exactly as prescribed (i.e daily), certain medications/foods can interfere with them, and if you were to throw up shortly after taking your pill that can also cause it to fail. Implants and devices have to be in the correct position and can fall out (though normally you’ll notice). Condoms break, Plan B is not 100%, etc. If there was better sex education then people would be able to choose the form of birth control that is right for them and their lifestyle. 
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zahirali178 · 3 years
The Difference Between Therapy Dogs And Companion Dogs
The Difference Between Therapy Dogs And Companion Dogs
As a rule, both treatment canines and buddy canines are your dearest companion and furthermore your steady mate. They get this order from having the option to help the proprietor with a large number issues. Treatment Dogs and Companion Dogs can likewise be delegated having practically similar capacities as a Service Animals however essentially are NOT creature help canines that assist people with actual incapacities.
In any case, what precisely is the distinction between Companion Dogs and Therapy Dogs?
OK, let me start by characterizing what a treatment canine is. Generally, they are found in retirement homes, nursing homes, clinics, and schools. They associate individuals with troubles in learning, and help to quiet distressing circumstances that can be regularly found in catastrophe regions brought about by characteristic dangers, for example, twisters, tropical storms, tidal waves, floods, quakes, mechanical risks including atomic and radiation mishaps, or sociological perils like uproars, psychological oppression or war. To put it plainly, Therapy Dogs are explicitly prepared to give fondness and solace to individuals who needs it as I referenced while back. They are notable for their demeanor. They show restraint, amicable, certain, delicate and simple in whatever circumstances... Your canine necessities to have these attributes to be named qualified Therapy Dogs. For what reason is that so? This is on the grounds that they are relied upon to appreciate human contact, can be petted and taken care of by individuals cautiously and even awkwardly. They come altogether breeds and sizes. It is a Therapy Dog's responsibility to have others even the new one to have contact with them and these individuals ought to appreciate that association. However, why? OK, as we as a whole know, kids consistently love embracing creatures, while grown-ups love petting the them. In certain circumstances, the Therapy Dogs may should be lifted onto, climb onto, set onto person's lap, rest on a grown-up's or child's bed, and either sit or lie easily there. Treatment canines should be agreeable on this circumstances and should adapt contingent upon an individual's should have the option to offer passionate help to the two grown-ups and youngsters. They are relied upon to be stroked, held, and here and there watched.
 Individuals frequently got befuddled between treatment canines versus administration canines. I needed to clear it up. Treatment Dogs are not help or help canines. Administration canines straightforwardly help people, it is legitimate for these canines to go with their proprietors in practically all regions and truth be told, in the United States alone, Service Dogs are ensured under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 which is a wide-running social equality law that precludes, in specific situations, separation dependent on handicap. Treatment Dogs then again are not referenced on this law essentially on the grounds that they didn't give direct help to individuals with incapacities so this is the reason a few establishments gives restrict and forbid access for Therapy Dogs yet, as a rule, they permitted it, nonetheless, foundations may force prerequisites for Therapy Dog. There are associations that give testing and a few accreditations to Therapy Animal to guarantee the organizations that they were tried in certify way. Foundation authorize canines who are discovered to be positive on individuals, have great habits in open areas, healthy with state-of-the-art shots, and ought to be consistently loyal to proprietor's order. Most significant is that they ought not be forceful.
 How are Dogs ensured? There are in reality a great deal of foundations that give authorize canine confirmation locally, globally and surprisingly online for proprietor' s advantageous.
 Dog, During the preparation, Therapy Dogs are tried by Therapy guaranteed gatherings. It is performed by authorize evaluators who have master insight in pet treatment who ordinarily assesses creatures in arrangement of 14 - 22 test. This will decide the creature's demeanor in broad daylight like how they act towards clinical supplies like individuals with sticks and wheelchairs, strolling through the group, welcoming an outsider, and so forth The conduct of the canine during the testing is additionally assessed for this situation. A critical component of testing is to get rid of canines that are unfortunate or forceful, the two of which can mean a gnawing canine. As of now, In the United States, a few associations necessitate that a canine pass what might be compared to the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizen test and afterward add further prerequisites explicit to the conditions in which the creature will be working.
 Picking the best treatment canine is to some degree troublesome. I'm regularly posed that inquiry... Nonetheless, my suggestion will be for you to get a grown-up canine if at any point you need one. Why? Since I discover it truly difficult to discern whether a little dog will grow up to be a Therapy Dog by any means. I'm composing this dependent on experience. I had a doggy who I anticipated to grow up as a treatment creature yet grew up to just like me alone and no one else which is certifiably not a decent quality for a treatment canine. Thus, my recommendation is to truly search for an adult canine or a more seasoned little dog. Where to get Therapy Dogs is something more to consider. Safe houses and most salvage bunches are incredible spots to search for Therapy Dogs yet you must be truly cautious, it is significant for proprietor to take as much time as necessary choosing the canine that fits them. I recommend that you conversed with staff individuals and volunteers about the models that you truly need, your expectations and your fantasies. Typically the best Therapy Dogs are the resigned show canine. Why? Since the way that they can make an incredible show demonstrates their relationship building abilities and can prompt be a future Therapy Animals. Now and then you simply need to take as much time as necessary and trust that the best canine will discover you.
 What canines are qualified to be Therapy Dogs? All things considered, unadulterated variety and blended varieties are all fine as long as they are in any event one year old, female or male, fixed or not. Along these lines, it isn't so hard to pass this qualification. However long they breeze through the assessment, they would all be able to be Therapy Dogs. On the off chance that you have your own canine who you believe is qualified, you can generally feel free to have them assessed then have them prepared.
 So I trust, we're good to go with Therapy Dogs. However, what might be said about a Companion Dog? It brings a ton of disarray. To make it straightforward, these are the canines that don't work. They give friendship to their proprietors just as being a pet. Most regular Companion Animals are toy canine varieties which alludes to an exceptionally little canine like spaniels, pinschers and terriers. Why? This is on the grounds that their looks and characteristics fits to be utilized uniquely for the delight of their organization, yet unquestionably not as laborers. Each canine variety was made for an explanation and Companion Dogs are not an exemption. They can't be segregated on the grounds that on the more splendid side, their work is the main work a creature can do - to stay with individuals. Any canine can really be a partner canine.
 A Companion Dog is put with people who will really profit by physical and passionate treatment of having very much prepared pet. Partner Dogs help individuals (particularly older folks) to live more, better, more joyful, and a more satisfied life. The most well-known distinction between a Companion Dog and a treatment Dog is that while Therapy Dogs are relied upon to go out with their proprietors and be amicable out in the open. Partner Dogs then again are just prepared to help their proprietors in the home climate. So, Companion Dogs more often than not will be not prepared for local area access, not expected to help proprietor in broad daylight setting, and not prepared to go on open vehicles also.
 Assuming Companion Dogs is certifiably not a working creature, for what reason do we need to enroll and ensured them? Fundamentally, confirmation is a legitimate affirmation that your canine can comprehend and submit to essential orders. Accreditation exist for both assistance canines and partner canines yet the capability of each isn't the equivalent yet more often than not, affirmed buddy canines are likewise qualified as confirmed help canines sometimes. This is on the grounds that a few proprietors prepared their pets to make it a Skilled Companion Dog - these canines are relied upon to perform explicit undertaking at home. Gifted Companion Dogs can really do numerous the errands of what administration canines can do. Additionally, not all canines are removed to truly be an assistance canine, truly, a couple can make it to be on a level of a help canine. Not all canines are agreeable in circumstances openly and this trademark ought to be the main character a help canine ought to have - being agreeable altogether events, taking all things together circumstances they may experience. Notwithstanding, these canines can likewise play out their errand well and this can make them as gifted buddy canines all things being equal.
 Preparing Companion Dogs isn't just about as troublesome as preparing working canines, indeed, preparing just comprise of 5 essential orders - sit, come, stay, heel, and rests. Preparing is typically done one on one with the canine alongside their proprietors while some actually favored the "class" design. While all canines can gain proficiency with these essential orders, it's as yet simpler to prepare little dogs. Toward the finish of the preparation, both the proprietor and the pet ought to comprehend these fundamental orders.
 However, for what reason do we have to prepare Companion Dogs? Commonly, our canines are load creatures with all around characterized social orders. A canine in your home will consistently look to you and in any event, for whole family for direction. We are their chiefs. That authority can be set up in an agreeable and very much characterized way. Proprietors are pioneers who simultaneously are required to instruct canines suitable conduct. Like individuals, Companion Dogs vary from each other, some are timid, some are not kidding, some are laid back, while others are hyperactive and these makes preparing gainful for the whole family.
 To make it explicit, preparing Companion Dogs revises practices like hopping on individuals, burrowing, unseemly yelping and biting and simultaneously upgrading the canine's psychological and proactive tasks. It develops the connection between the canine and the proprietor, giving a more elevated level of fulfillment and delight that we get from the canine's friendship. Preparing additionally en
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