#You guys have een amazing with this I got so many!
anciientboosh · 4 years
My prompts are typically garbage, but here’s one anyway if you’d like! Vince feels like he’s running through his fancy shampoo more quickly than he should. He doesn’t know where it’s going until he notices Howard walking around with newly luxuriant curls. And his outfit isn’t as terrible as usual. What’s going on??
Hello friend! Thank you so much for helping me keep entertained on my travels! Here is a lovely soft and sweet ficlet for you, I hope you enjoy!
Something is amiss.
Which, by its very nature, is something Vince has come to expect of his daily life. Arguably it would be more unusual for everything to be running smoothly around here. 
But the contextual clues of the past few days are adding up to some very bad juju. 
It starts with a rapidly depleting bottle of shampoo. To most, not the kind of thing that would even click as suspicious, but this is Vince Noir's shampoo. A concoction of fruit scented hair Potion that costs him most of his monthly pay packet to supply himself with; and thus, something he ensures he uses stringently. 
Vince knows exactly how long it takes him to get through one bottle. It's frankly one of the precious few things in his existence he manages to be anal-retentive about. 
So, of course, when he reaches for the bottle nine days into a twenty-one day cycle and finds the weight of it considerably lighter than it should be. It is the first step down a path of suspicion that can only lead to terrible things. 
The next piece of this wet jigsaw puzzle comes with Howard's altered appearance. 
It isn't even what most would consider a large difference. But to Vince it's like the man had shaved his head and begun wearing neon leg-warmers and tank tops and calling himself Moonbeam. Its jarring, and obvious. 
Howard's curls are styled. 
He notices one lazy Sunday morning as the older man potters about the kitchen sorting them some breakfast. Usually, Howard's shampoo was cheap and bought in bulk and basically, left his hair sort of-- in the nicest way possible-- horrifically unstylable. The brown ringlets often had a mind of their own, and at this length, never looked washed anyway so Howard never took the trouble. 
But on this Sunday morning? They're radiant. Catching the soft morning light. Curled delicately round his ears and dipping over his forehead. Vince all at once wants to sink his fingers into them and pull but he can't-- not least because they may be at a place where affection is coming naturally and sometimes they might kiss each other or share a cheeky touch… they still haven't actually said what they are yet-- because his suspicion just ramped up another level. 
Was Howard using his shampoo? 
There isn't even the chance to ask. He's too soon distracted by a crimp and a delicious meal that his hyperactive brain loses the will to hold on to such things as paranoia and worry. It can be tackled later. 
Later happens the following morning when Vince is watching Howard dress. Not in a creepy way, they share a bedroom for God's sake, but in a soft affectionate way. After being brave enough to slide under Vince's sheets this morning and press kisses to his cheeks and forehead Howard is vibrating with proud energy and its nice to witness. 
Right up until he pull a shirt from his wardrobe and ruins it. 
It's not patterned. It's not even a horrific colour. It's just a plain, quite stylish, button down that Vince remembers buying him years ago in the hopes of kick-starting a wardrobe revamp. 
Except watching him pull it on now does nothing but make him feel disoriented. 
Howard smiles at him, practically skips his way from the bedroom. Vince stays where he is just a moment longer, mentally trying to force the misshapen pieces of this conundrum together before the only logical solution springs at him from nowhere. 
Howard's been replaced by aliens. 
Armed with this knowledge, Vince for goes dressing properly in order to rush downstairs to the shop and confront their intruder. Pyjamas isn't ideal alien fighting apparel but needs must when you've got to rescue your best friend. 
And as if it couldn't get any worse, what he sees has him stumbling down the last few steps ungracefully. 
Howard is at the counter as expected. But in front of him sits a white paper bag that would normally set Vince off like an excited puppy. Topman. Howard's reaching into a bag from Topman. 
He's pulling out jeans. Actual denim. Jeans. 
It's the straw that breaks Vince's back. 
"Alright, you fashionable freak," He cries, Iwad jolts with his shock and drops the denim to the shop floor. "What've you done with my Howard?" 
"Wha-- your Howard?" 
"I swear if you've hurt 'im I'll kick your teeth in," The threat is enough to have maybe Howard's hands hooting up in a display of his innocence. "Then I'll get my shaman mate to curse you!" 
"Vince, you've gone wrong." Howard's hands drop to his sides once more. Apparently no longer threatened by Vince's over display of anger. "It's me, I'm Howard."
"No you're not."
"Yes. I am."
"Howard doesn't use my shampoo!" With the renewed annoyance of this accusation, Vince takes a solid step forward; a smug sense of pleasure twists in his gut to see the imposter take one back in response. His back hits the shelves with a noisy thud. "He reckons it's like washin' his hair with fruit juice. And my Howard wouldn't be caught dead in Topman-- he definitely wouldn't buy jeans. If he tried to put jeans on he'd dissolve into a puddle of beige fabric." The whole rant is rounded off with Vince stamping his foot like an angry toddler. "So tell me where he is."
Amusement is twisting on Howard's features, soft in its nature and endlessly affectionate. "You daft tart," He utters warmly. "It is me."
"Prove it, then."
"Remember when we were 14 and I caught you with that poster of--"
"Alright!" Where Vince's arms had previously been crossed over his chest defiantly, he now reaches out to shove gently at Howard's larger frame in warning. "Alright, you said you'd never bring that up again."
Howard shrugs casually at him; cocks a brow as if silently asking him what else he was supposed to do. Vince isn't dwelling on that, though, he is much too preoccupied seeking out answers to this bizarre few days of Howard transformation. "What's goin' on then?" 
The panic may have left Vince's frame but it creeps up Howard's now. His shoulders tense, his eyes dart away, the soft curves of his cheeks turn pink with his embarrassment. All it does is add to Vince's gathering confusion. "Howard?" 
With a deep breath-- all his bravery existing in that one action-- Howard admits, "I thought it would help." No further elaboration comes until Vince makes a point to cock his head to the side like a curious puppy. "With us. You know, our-- you like a certain look."
"What?" Vince exclaims on a laugh. 
"I've seen your type, Vince, and it's not me, is it?" Howard still hasn't looked at him. Prefers muttering his truth to the floor. "I thought if I looked more like the people you normally fancy we might be able to--" 
"You idiot." Vince declares confidently. Startled, Howard stares up at him with wide eyes. "Utter lunatic, are you insane? Howard I fancy you not the clothes you wear."
Howard continues to do nothing but blink owlishly at him. 
"Bloody hell, all of this was for me?" A nod. "Oh, Howard. Look I think your fashion sense is rubbish but it's yours. That's who you are, I'm not gonna change you. I don't want to, and I don't want you to want to change yourself either."
"Really." Vince takes a confident step forward, tosses his arms around Howard shoulders. "Can't promise I won't make fun of how you dress but that doesn't mean I actually want you to be different. Whatever gave you that idea?" 
"Well all the jokes but," Howard hesitates over his answer, eyes flashing with discomfort. "But when I asked Leroy he said--" 
"Leroy?" Vince rolls his eyes. "Don't be taking dating advice from Leroy, that man had an affair with a succulent once."
Howard snickers; finds it in himself to wrap his hands about Vince's waist and tug him into an embrace. "Does this mean that we're...?"
"Boyfriends? Sure. But only if you go and take this mess off and put something normal on for God's sake."
"Fine. Drama queen." With an affectionate peck to his forehead, Howard starts for the stairs. 
"Oh and Howard?" Vince calls sweetly, Howard paused at the bottom step. "You ever use my shampoo again and you can kiss goodbye to your rare jazz collection."
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wosoimagines · 4 years
The Secret Is Out - Jill Roord/Reader
prompt: hi um could you maybe just maybe do a jill roord x reader where the reader plays for arsenal and the uswnt and they win the world cup and no one knows they’re dating and the r or jill accidentally like do something? idk if that makes sense but if you dont want to that’s perfectly fine! hope you are doing well! all love. Okay, look. There are some Dutch translations here. I don’t know if they’re right because I used google translate. If they are wrong and you speak Dutch, please tell me so I can fix them.
warnings: None.
words: 1919
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I cheered as soon as the final whistle blew. I had finally done it. I had finally won my first World Cup. After being one of the last players passed over during the 2015 World Cup, it felt amazing to win now in 2019 and to be such a big reason as to why we won.
Although I was happy, there was a part of me that knew that I had ruined a World Cup run for one of the most important people in my life. I immediately looked to search for the Dutch woman who had stole my heart. My smile fell a little at the heartbroken look on her face.
I caught her eye and she smiled at me. I went to move toward her, but before I could, someone had jumped on my back cheering. I wasn’t surprised that it was Sonnett. Lindsey, of course, joined where Sonnett was and Mal and Rose weren’t far behind her. 
Jill shook her head and it did hurt a little that she didn’t want me to join her. But I understood. My team wanted to celebrate and Jill probably just wanted to be with her teammates right now. I glanced to see how Danielle and Viv were as well as Sari. I wasn’t surprised when I watched Jill go join Viv. I knew that the two of them were really close.
Lindsey managed to wrangle Sonnett off my back just before Rose and Mal threw confetti on top of me. I grinned at them as I shook my head to get the few that stuck to my head off of me. I was a little surprised that it was Tierna who had dragged me back to where the team was celebrating on the pitch. I wasn’t too surprised when Christen and Tobin immediately joined me considering that they were my team moms.
We eventually were given our medals and I was a little surprised to find that I had won the bronze boot along with the bronze ball. I had taken a picture of the awards with Megan and Alex since they both won awards as well. I couldn’t help it as my attention was drawn to Jill. I was able to eventually hand my awards off so that they would make it back to the hotel.
Christen and Tobin had stopped me when I moved to go over to Jill. They both congratulated me and I had thanked them. I knew that I would never be the player I was without them taking me under their wing and helping me. I eventually was able to get past them and to the Dutch midfielder that I had been trying to get to.
“Hey,” I softly said.
Jill smiled at me even through her tears. I immediately hugged her. Jill held on tightly to me. The past two months had been hard for both of us to be so close to each other but not able to see each other.
“I’m proud of you,” Jill mumbled into my neck. I pulled back from her and smiled at her. “I’m really proud. I want your jersey.”
“You want to swap?”
The fact that Jill wanted to swap our jerseys even though they would end up at my apartment in London soon enough confused me. Everyone knew that Jill had signed with Arsenal, and while a lot of her stuff was at the apartment, we didn’t have time to unpack it before the two of us had left for the World Cup.
“No, I just want your jersey eventually,” Jill shook her head. I still wasn’t sure what she wanted it for.
“It’s probably going to smell like alcohol after tonight,” I chuckled. I knew that my jersey was probably going to get soaked in alcohol as soon as we entered the locker room.
I glanced over my shoulder to see Sonnett running toward me with a grin and a white jersey in her hand. Sonnett stopped beside Jill and I before holding the jersey out to me.
“Dude, they got us these cool jerseys,” Sonnett immediately started to say. I knew that if I didn’t get her to leave soon then I wouldn’t get to talk to Jill until after we left the arena. “There’s one for all of us.”
“Cool,” I said as I took the jersey. I glanced at Jill who looked ready to leave.
“Ik bel je later,” Jill muttered causing me to grab on her wrist. (I will call you later.)
“Nee wacht. Geef me een moment om van haar af te komen,” I said causing Sonnett to look surprised at the fact that I knew Dutch. Jill looked surprised that I was willing to get rid of my teammate. (No, wait. Give me just a moment to get rid of her.)
“Can you make sure that there’s some actual beer saved for me to drink and not to just spray around everywhere?” I asked Sonnett.
The defender immediately perked at the mention of beer. Sonnett nodded before rushing off to make sure we had beer to drink. I turned back to Jill before pulling my game jersey off.
“Here, this way I can’t lose it cause you know I lose everything,” I said. Jill chuckled a little at the before taking the jersey from me. 
I saw Jill’s eyes wander down to my waist and she smiled at the new tattoo that I had. I hadn’t shown her yet due to the fact that I had gotten it just after Jill had left to join her own national team and I wanted Jill to see it in person rather than as a picture.
“You actually got it,” Jill whispered.
“Yeah, I did,” I nodded. Jill touched the tattoo and lightly traced it. “Your handwriting and all. I figured it was appropriate since you were the one who started to call me Schatje.” (Little treasure.)
I pulled the jersey Sonnett had given me over my head. I glanced over my shoulder to see if anyone from my team was going to come to drag me away. I wasn’t too surprised that Christen and Tobin were headed my way, but I was surprised by the fact that the whole team was headed here. I looked back at Jill.
“I know we said we didn’t want to go public with our relationship until we got into a groove with both of us being at Arsenal, but my teammates got their kisses from their partners and, it’s been a while-”
I couldn’t finish what I was saying because Jill had pulled me closer to her. I immediately kissed the Dutch player back when I felt her lips crash into mine. I ignored the cheers and shouts behind me, but apparently Jill didn’t because she pulled back not long after. Jill glanced behind me before giving me a kiss by my ear.
“Go join your teammates. I have a room for us at a different hotel where we can have our own little party after you guys get done.”
My jaw slacked but I didn’t have time to say anything to Jill because she had already turned and ran to join her own teammates. I felt someone sling their arm around my shoulder.
“Way to get some, (Y/N),” Ash cheered right in my ear. I wasn’t too surprised that Ali slapped the back of Ash’s head causing the goalie to grumble and rub the back of her head. 
“Hey, Roord!” I called out. Jill turned around to look at me. “Ik hou van je, lieverd.” (I love you, sweetheart.)
“Ik hou ook van je.” (I love you too.)
“Oi, (Y/N)! What about me?”
I shook my head at Danielle. She often teased me over the past two years whenever Jill would call me since we were in different countries. But Danielle had been ready to throw hands for me many times during our matches for Arsenal. 
“Je bent zo behoeftig,” I complained. Danielle threw a glare at me and I laughed at her. “Ik hou ook van jou, kleine krijger.” (You’re so needy. I love you as well, little warrior.)
Danielle smirked at that and I saw her turn to brag about it to Jill. I only shook my head at them before turning to my teammates. I swiped the beer from Kelley’s hand before she could drink from it. Before the older defender could do anything, Christen and Tobin had already moved to my sides probably to talk to me about the relationship I had with Jill. I couldn’t help but smile as I told them about the Dutch woman who had stolen my heart.
I grinned as Jill came out of the bathroom. I was already dressed since I was having to leave today to head to the US for our celebration. Jill was going to take her time, however, since her team wouldn’t be flying out until much later. Jill was dressed in one of my oversized shirts and a pair of shorts.
“What are you smiling about?”
“How lucky I am,” I said as I stood up from the foot of the bed. “I mean, I just won the World Cup and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life is still here even though she’s the one I had to beat to win the World Cup.”
“You want to spend the rest of your life with me?”
“I mean, yeah, why wouldn’t I?” I furrowed my brow in confusion. “Jill, I’ve been dating you for 3 years now. If I didn’t seriously see us together for the rest of my life, then I wouldn’t still be with you. One day, I’m going to marry you.”
“I also can’t believe you would think that I would leave you because you beat me for the World Cup,” Jill shook her head. She pressed a kiss to my lips. “I can’t wait for you to make me yours forever.”
I grinned as I wrapped my arms around her waist. I wished we could stay like this forever. But sadly we couldn’t. I did have a plane to catch soon.
“I’ll see you in London?”
“Of course you will,” Jill nodded. Jill pulled back from me before digging through her bag. “I have something for you. I was going to wait until we got back to London, but I might as well give it to you now.”
I took the little black box from her and smiled. I opened the box and chuckled when I saw the ring. The ring was a simple silver band with a designed etched into it. I slid the ring onto my finger before pulling my own small black box from my bag.
“I kind of got you one too,” I said as Jill took the box from me. “We were shopping for a ring for Tobin to give to Christen and I wanted to do something special for you. I’m not asking you to marry me, but this is a promise that I will marry you one day.”
Jill grinned before she kissed me. I smiled when she pulled back.
“I’ll see you in London, okay?”
The Dutch woman gave me one last kiss before I grabbed my bags and headed out of the room. I gave her a small wave just before I closed the door behind me. I couldn’t wait for the celebrations to be over and to be on a plane back to London.
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arminocean · 4 years
can I request todoroki with a loud and extroverted s/o please? ty!
Hello, and sure thing. Hope you enjoy and have a amazing day ヽミ ´∀`ミノ(also please send in random things, it dosent een have to be a request)
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We know that Todoroki is pretty introverted and dosent talk much
So you probably went up to him first
Now Todoroki was kind of suspicious of you, thinking you may be like Bakugou
But when you talked to him and just all outgoing and bubbly he was confused
Not because you weren't like Bakugou
But because he dosent know how to respond to you being so loud and outgoing
So when you asked the be friends he just nodded
Now he usally kept the talking up to you
He kind of didn't like how you always talked to everyone
Now when he realized you were close friends Kirishima
He knows Kirishima sweet, charming, understanding , just an amazing person
So when he saw you two getting closer he started getting this feeling in his chest he didn't like
Like he started feeling jealous of Kirishima but didn't know why
When you started talking to Kirishima more than him
He got upset, and internally panicked
So he asked the deku squad for help
He honestly thought he was sick
When he came to terms he liked you he didn't do anything
But because of all your experiences with people you realized that half and half liked you
So you told him to meet you at the nearby café
He said yes ...
Ummm while you guys were talking he just blabbered out he likes you
You just sat there suprised he confessed befors you did
While poor Todoroki was already looking for the nearest exit
But when you said you like him back he literally went
○’ㅅ’○............ ●’ㅅ’●
He dosent blush a lot but you did it
anyway onto the actual part you asked for
At the beginning of the relationship everything is pretty slow
people who don't know you too probably just think your friends
He think your really cute when you just get excited
He does ask you to quiet down a little bit
Now he pretty protective over you since you try talking to everybody
Like how about we don't wave at the man with the white van that has "Strawberry jam" on it cool
You help him come out his shell a lot
Since your so open minded he feel comfortable telling you things he wouldn't tell anyone else
He does get insecure sometimes because he knows many other options that are better
But you make sure to reinsure him
Now he dosent mind stealing his father credit card to take you out
Also if someone starts being rude about your personality
He will give them such a rude reply back
Now he realize you probably have other group of friends
But he isn't the most comfortable coming out of the bubble
He worried he might be too boring for your friends
You two are a wonderful example of opposite attract
He does live, and appreciate for how outgoing
He just loves you so much
And wouldn't date change anything about your extroverted personality
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bruisingknees · 4 years
Spotify wrapped 2020!
I’m gonna talk about my ten most listened to songs of 2020 because I love music and I love talking about it! 
01. Ballin’ by Rvshvd
This is a country cover of rap song and I’m just asmlgj laughing that this is my most listened to song of 2020! It’s a short one (less than 2 mins) so that’s probably why I listened to it 100 times in 3 day according to Spotify - I am laughing. Anyway, found this one on TikTok in June adlgj. It keeps getting better, doesn’t it? It’s a bop okay, it reminds me of happy things and summer! 
02. The Difference by Flume, Toro Y Moi
This is such a beautiful song. I found it when it was used on wtFOCK during a dance scene and it was chef’s kiss. This has only been in my list for a little while so impressive that it climbed all the way up to number two. It’s so good though, so I stand by it. 
03. Oceaan by Raccon 
This is a Dutch song. I heard it in a store I was at with my dad for work, and I had to go stand under one of the speakers with my phone in the air to Shazam it lmfao. Oceaan is such a sad song. When I’m down I like to really set the fucking mood and curate a special soundtrack for my misery, and this song oof. I bawled to this song this year, yikes. It’s so beautiful. Een oceaan om in te vluchten, en nooit jaloers te hoeven zijn. 
04. Weight by Crywolf
This song is heartbreak to sound. It’s so sad, I can’t describe it. This was listened to a lot during my down moments cause this song sets a fucking mood. 💀 Oh god, you haunt me. I’m scared you’ll leave me in the ground. 
05. Elsa’s Song by The Amazing Devil
Lmfao okay so I had a short lived The Witcher period this year, at the start of quarantine. A lot of people were talking about Joey Batey’s band TAD and I was very reluctant to listen to their music but then when I did, this was the first song I heard and I was quickly obsessed with it. Funnily enough this isn’t my favorite TAD song, but it’s fairly short and it was the first one I listened to a lot, so I guess that’s how it got so many listens. To be fair: I feel like The Amazing Devil got me through that first lockdown period. I was upset and anxious a lot in spring time, and their music is fairly moody and sad, and it was definitely a crutch for me that I’ll be grateful for forever. 
06. ROCKSTAR by DaBaby, Roddy Ricch 
The duality of man lmfao this is another TikTok song. I’m not afraid to say that this fucking slaps. The lyrics make me laugh, I can’t help it. It’s such a catchy, somewhat moody song but then this dude is like: yeah, I shot this guy in front of my daughter and I’m just like qsdlmkgj OKAY. I love this song. 
07. Panalo Ka by Emerzon Texon, Dex Yu
This is a Filipino song that was on the GameBoys soundtrack! This song slaps but mainly it reminds me of how much I fucking love that show, and that makes it even better tbqh. 
08. Adderall (Corvette Corvette) by Popp Hunna 
SEE NUMBER SIX. This is a TikTok song as well and the lyrics are qdmlgkj. This song just makes me feel really happy (and it makes me laugh cause it’s fucking ridiculous.) It’s so catchy though like, what can I say. I love it. 
09. Low (acoustic) by Matthew and the Atlas
This one is in the ‘Man, That’s So Sad’ category. I remember crying to this one a lot as well lmfao. My life. This is a sad song about being sad so it’s very effective mldskjg. 
10. Stepdad by Eminem
 In January Eminem dropped an album out of nowhere and it was so good. This song probably isn’t the best on the album but I love it. Eminem songs tell stories and this one gets me pumped lmfao. This is one of those songs you have to sing along to at top volume. I’ve never had a stepdad and I’ve always had a very good and loving relationship with my parents, but you better believe I’ll scream: “Tonight I’m saying: bye bye, stepdad!!” at the top of my lungs to this lmfao 
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troutpopulation · 5 years
It Becomes A Chain (Sigma x reader) pt.4
A/N: feat. more google translate dutch I'll probably have future conversations written in english i will sacrifice authenticity to save myself the embarrassment of crappy dutch
Were you seriously doing this? Sure, Dr. de Kuiper was handsome. He was your type, literally. But you spent the last week thinking he was annoying as all hell, and then he watched you have a breakdown. Where did he honestly expect this to go? Say you guys hit it off. Then what? You go back to America and he stays in The Hague. There is literally no way for this to work. The dude is fucking delusional. But, despite that, you checked yourself out in the mirror for anything to fix. You looked great, and even if this turns out to be disastrous, at least you had an excuse to dress nicely. That always felt good, right?
You stared at yourself.
You were halfway across the world about to get tested on by scientists and then go out to a cafe at night with a man who worked there. This was a fantastic idea and you were amazing at making decisions. Sighing, you looked at your phone. Your ride was here.
  Siebren held his head in his hands. He had made a terrible mistake.
He asked (y/n) a forward question during a moment of weakness. He couldn't believe himself! Why had he said that!? How could he have taken advantage of his state like that!? He felt disgusted with himself. He had to talk to him. Apologize and tell him he'd thought it over and wanted to reconsider, or at the very least, ask him if he was sure or still up for it or... The knock at his door wrenched him from his thoughts.
"Yes?" He called. His coffee was here. The intern, Mag, stepped in. They frowned as they saw the distraught professor muttering to himself.
"Gaat het, professor?" They approached him, setting down his beverage. Are you alright, professor? "Ik denk dat ik een fout heb gemaakt." He mused, shaking his head. I feel I've made a mistake. "Hoezo?" Mag tilted their head. Dr. de Kuiper wasn't one to feel bad about making mistakes. He usually saw them as a normal part of the learning process. Whatever he did, it must have been a grievous error. How so? The scientist wrung his hands together, looking askance as he hesistated. This rose more red flags in the young intern. They repeated their question and it all came flooding out in one of his more characteristic rant. Dr. de Kuiper had asked Mr. (l/n) on a date, but he felt bad, because he didn't think Mr. (l/n) was in the right state of mind to answer. Mag asked if he was drunk, and quickly Dr. de Kuiper denied it.
Not drunk, he said, just upset. The facility was stressing him out. Mag reasoned with him that Mr. (l/n) probably appreciated it. After all, offering to be a friend when someone is stressed can be very helpful. As long as he emphasized he wasn't coming onto him, he should be fine. Mag didn't understand what the big deal was. Suddenly Siebren realized there was another big deal. Oh dammit, he hadn't even thought about it! He didn't know if you even liked men! Or men his age! He had no idea how old you were, but you must have been at the very least over a decade younger than him, hell, even two! Now it was his turn to have a breakdown. Bewildered, Mag backed out of the room and quietly shut the door.
  You discarded the hospital robe and stepped into your slacks. You scratched your chest, yawning. You could really use that coffee right about now. The tests today were demanding. After your outburst last night, though, you got the best sleep you had all week. Better yet, they were sparse in the questions they asked you. They simply took you to a large room and tested how big of a tomato you could produce. It was about a half meter in circumference, and immediately you were exhausted. This time, however, you voiced it. You told them that they tests they were running were a deep honor, but were taxing on your mental health. They apologized and you negotiated a break. You could leave early today, and have Tuesday off. You thanked them, and paused.
"How long exactly was my stay scheduled for?" You frowned. "Three weeks." Dr. Visser concluded. That was odd, you could have sworn the last time you asked it was only two. You shrugged it off as your poor memory and accepted it, thanking them again for their flexibility. You were not designed for this type of environment.
You stepped out of the small changing room and were greeted by an intern. Mag, you remembered was their name. They were flanked by two young colleagues. You figured they were probably students at the university run by the facility. "Hello, Mr. (l/n)." Mag chirped. You waved back to them as the gaggle looked you up and down. "You look very nice today, is there an occasion?" You shrugged. "Oh, uh- Thank you! Someone asked me out for coffee." You rubbed the back of your neck. The compliment took you by surprise, though not unwelcome. "Is it a date?" "Lara don't ask him that-"
"I'm not sure, actually." You shrugged. "Probably not, but if it is, I wouldn't mind." The girls were delighted, but Mag looked a little taken aback. "A date already! You must be very popular, who's the lucky lady?" Lara asked. You chuckled. Okay. You saw what was happening here. They probably had a hunch someone had asked you in a date, and were wondering if you'd let it slip who it was. Hell, they probably had made bets on who it was if the glances at the scientists walking briskly around the lab were anything to go off of.
"I believe his name is Dr. de Kuiper," You raised your eyebrows, checking the time on your phone. "Actually, I should be on my way to see him now. Ciao, friends." There was no response, but you didn't glance back to read their faces or their silence. They all began to talk over each other as you left the room. You walked out of the lobby to see Dr. de Kuiper standing there. He lit up as he saw you. Your face stayed quite the same. "Mr. (l/n)! I'm glad you're here. I was... well," He cleared his throat. "I realized that when I asked if you'd like to go to the cafe you um... You were preoccupied." He looked away, gripping his forearm and drumming his fingers along it. You raised an eyebrow. "I just want you to know if you've changed your mind, you're in no obligation to-" He went on for an obnoxiously long time. He went on some more and then he- What's this? Kept going on. You were tempted to check the time.
"Would you feel better if I asked you out?" You interjected. He paused, blinking rapidly. "Huh...?" "Dr. de Kuiper, would you like to go out to the cafe with me?" You folded your hands. His face went red and he smiled. "Why yes, I'd love to." You felt a tug at the corner of your mouth. You knew you were being a little too hard on him. He was astoundingly cute, even if he did go on rants at every given chance.
Honestly, admit it (y/n), if you weren't stressed out, exhausted and hungry as all fuck, you'd be all doe eyes and sappy over this man.
You talked as you walked to his car. It was much lighter in humor than it was the last time you had. In fact, by the time you two had sat down in the cafe, you'd officially began to give him a chance.
  This was hopeless. He tried to initiate so many intelligent conversations with him, but (y/n) was about dense as a rock. Basic physics were lost on him. When he said he "thought you couldn't see anything in space because there wasn't any oxygen", Siebren died a little inside. This man was not nearly as intelligent as he'd thought. It was incredibly disappointing. Perhaps that was on him though, for making such a quick judgement, but could he really blame himself? It wasn't unreasonable for him to speculate that (y/n) had been a man of science; that he somehow made the discovery of the ability of botanical replication through years of research and dedication. But no, he was just a gardener who got into a bit of an accident. Siebren couldn't help but let his mind wander as the man babbled on about the mundane uses of his power. Now he's talking about his hometown. Still talking about his hometown. Oh, this was tedious.
(y/n) then asked him about his hometown. Christ, wasn't he at ALL curious about his work? "I grew up in Dokkum, Friesland." He gave a tight smile. He watched (y/n) perk up. "I've never heard athat name before." Of course not. "What was it like?" "Oh, rural, full of waterways," He picked at the tart he'd ordered. "I prefer Den Haag. I had my sights set on it for as long as I can remember. I worked towards a VWO specifically to be at the facility here."
"Wow," (Y/n) perked up. "That's impressive." He gave an amused smile. Honestly he could tell this guy anything and he'd be impressed. It was kind of disappointing. Siebren was really looking forward to finding an equal to his intelligence, to his repute. (Y/n) was far from either. This was beginning to be incredibly disappointing.
 "That's something I respect about you, Dr. de Kuiper," (Y/n) nodded as he took a sip of his latte. "You worked towards where you are. You found what you liked and you stuck with it." Siebren raised an eyebrow. What would he know about hard work? He got to where he was by sheer happenstance. He won some sort of universal lottery to get to where he is. "What have you worked towards, Mr. (l/n)?" He sat back in his seat. "Oh, well," (Y/n) hesitated. Of course. "A lot of things, really. My job, mostly. I always wanted to do something in the arts, but I never wanted to fall into the 'starving artist' stereotype. I wanted to have a foundation. I grew up seeing people fail, and I don't know if that made me more determined to succeed or just more scared to fail. But, I made it. I teach classes and I now have another skill set to use." "And is that your struggle, Mr. (l/n)?" Siebren sipped his coffee. So he was some artist. Every city has some starry eyed artist who thinks he can make it big, and ends up working in a restaurant for the rest of his life.
(Y/n) drummed his fingers on the table. "A lot of my struggles have been, well, really personal. But I know what it's like to want to get out of somewhere, so I really respect your hustle." "Really? I thought you said you loved your hometown." "I do, I do. Not all places you want to outgrow are physical." "I see."
There was a silence that followed, that grew more and more uncomfortable. What made it worse is that it didn't seem to bother (y/n) as much as it did Siebren. The professor wasn't used to this kind of stillness. Conferences were debates with him. His seminars were long winded and interspersed with questions. They were fire and lightning and the power of the universe. They were not this. He watched (y/n). He was admiring the coffee shop, the gentle plays of a smile on his lips. He was... comfortable. "This is a really nice place." (Y/n) murmured. "The people here are so polite, and this coffee is delicious."
The damn silence continued until it forced Siebren to accept it. His racing mind calmed, even if just for a moment.
 It was out of the ordinary for him, alarmingly so, to have nothing to talk about. His go-to subject would be his work, but he feared it was lost on (y/n). He'd spent his life denying his rural upbringing, so anything personal was out of the question and... And he didn't have a life. The though dawned on him, dreadfully so. He did not have a life outside of work. He took an interest in music, he attended symphonies, went to soirees, but the reason was always work related. He frequented social gatherings, but the focal point was always meet and greets with other minds in his field. He thought that's what this was going to be.
"You're an interesting person, Mr. (l/n)." Siebren broke the insufferable quiet. The man blinked his curious doe eyes and tilted his head. "Really?" He said. "Thank you." "You are far more... down to earth than I initially thought. Not that I expected you to be arrogant, of course." There was a thinly veiled insult, but it seemed to fly right over (y/n)'s head. "Thank you Dr. de Kuiper. I appreciate that." He grinned. "Same to you. I'm sorry I misjudged you earlier." Siebren thanked him with a dry chuckle. He suddenly felt hyper aware of (y/n)'s eyes on him. "Y'know, Dr. de Kuiper? You and me, we're the same." Siebren's eyes widened. What could be possibly have in common with him but a lobby door? "I can tell you're the type of guy who wants to help people. When you gave me a ride home-" He was trying to charm a fellow scientist... "That was kindness. Now, I might not be educated into astrophysics or... or anything that needs math really, but I do know when people could use a hand. And I really respect people like you who give that hand." Siebren's face heated up.
"Oh... Thank you." "I don't mean to embarrass you-" "No, no, it's quite alright." He cleared his throat, aware his cheeks and ears were probably red. "I'm just surprised, is all. That's very insightful, thank you." "No problem, Dr. de Kuiper." (Y/n) nursed his latte. "I was really rude before. You should know that I really think highly of you. You're humble." He'd never been called that before. "What makes you think that?" "I can tell you see there's more to people than a degree."
Siebren was silent for many moments. He thought about that for many hours after parting ways.
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pxiao · 5 years
Reasons I’m glad V///R is dead and gone forever
So V//R is dead and cancelled and my only reaction is FINALLY. Since VR is gone and we can finish forgetting the forgettable show and get rid of all our salt. You’re free to add to the post but there are rules. 
1. DO NOT TAG IT SO THE FANS CAN SEE. As much as I hate the show and the fandom even they don’t deserve to see people bashing the show in their tag. 
2. Don’t write the name of the show or the characters. Use /// or ---- in the character’s name like Yu///saku so the tumblr search can’t pull them up
ok good? Good. 
Everyone but Yu///saku is worthless. 
Seriously when have any of the characters actually progressed the story? Potentially only SB have done anything truly worthwhile. Everyone else was just to die to build tension for Yu//saku. And if you’re asking for RE///volver. OHHH I have a section just for him, don’t you worry.
Sto//rm Acc/ess aka Yu//saku is such a shitty duelist that the MINORITY of his duels has him not cheating. 
SERIOUSLY it’s written that Yu//saku can get a random extra deck monster with his skill BUT the issue is despite it being “random” Yu//saku ALWAYS gets the monster he needs to win. NOT ONCE IN THE 100+ EPISODE HAS HE GOTTEN A USELESS CARD. ALWAYS THE ONE HE NEEDS. Totally doesn’t seem like plot armor. And you know it wouldn’t be as big of an issue IF HE DIDN’T USE IT FOR EVERY SPE///ED DUEL!!!!!!!! For a character that the show likes to say is “invincible” he sure isn’t good enough to win with the deck he built. It got ridiculous with his duel with G/oo in season 2 where G//o countered his skill BUT A//i revealed it had a secondary effect that let him draw a card AND still get a new extra deck monster. 
Plot twists: 
They fall into two camps, “we already knew you dumbasses” or “THE HELL WERE YOU GUYS SMOKING!” Essentially the twists are obvious like A///i was based off of Yu//saku’s data as why wouldn’t he be. Or the dumb ones like Spec///tre beating A///oi or somehow Spec//tre had CONSCIOUS TREE AS A MOTHER. There have been a few twists that I can count that surprised me but they lead to other twists that fall back into stupid.  
the “Plot” just plain doesn’t exist.
 It’s just things happening with some connecting plot lines BUT they rarely lead into each other. Light///ning revealed that his plan was happening THE EXACT SAME TIME as season 1′s finale. A//i being the villain is more due to Light//ning’s simulation somehow proving that A///i will destroy humanity than the fact that A/i’s the only Ig//nis left. And each season’s arc has no connecting plot either. Season 1 can be broken down to Yu//saku gets A//i which has him meet the “main cast” and then Yu///saku go to S//OL for info that was TOTALLY pointless. Which is isolated from Re//volver setting a virus that traps you on the internet which leads to Re//volver learning Yusa//ku’s face AND MEETING HIM but does jack shit with that info. And then Re///volver’s final plan happens that was based on timing than anything else. 
Does that seem disjointed? YEP because there is no narrative at all, things are just happening. There is a vague connection at best but none of the characters’ actions actually affect how the story goes. THE FRUSTRATING PART IS THEY SET UP MOMENTS WHERE THEY COULD HAVE BUT THEY DIDN’T. SEASON 2 AND 3 IS THE SAME THINGS JUST HAPPEN AND THEN YU//SAKU HAS TO SAVE THE FUCKING DAY. V/R has no rhyme or reason why things happen, they just do and let me tell you, that’s fucking boring.
The Yu//saku praise
 My fucking god. Look the protagonist getting praised isn’t new, it happens with each series BUT the issue is the volume that Yu//saku gets and how early he gets it. Most protagonists have to wait till at least the second series before the population love them. Yu///saku got it by the THIRD EPISODE. BY. BEAT. A. MOOK. He was called a hero, people were saying he was hot, people were copying his avatar. AND IT NEVER STOPPED. EVERY OTHER EPISODE HAS SOMEONE SAY HE’S AMAZING, STRONG AND SOOO IMPORTANT. 
An A//oi episode in season 1 has a less than five minute section just to show that a kid HERO WORSHIPS YU//SAKU AND WAS IT. The kid appears with an avatar based on PM, PM saves him and tells the kid to trust him to save and then the kid logs out. AND THIS HAPPENS CONSTANTLY. “YU//SAKU IS INVINCIBLE”, “YU//SAKU IS MY HERO!”, “EVERYONE DEPENDS ON YOU YU//SAKU”. IT’S BEEN AN ENTIRE SHOW OF PEOPLE SINGING YU///SAKU’S PRAISES AND THE WORST PART OF IT IS, HE DESERVES NONE OF IT.
The setting. 
Let me ask ... THE FUCK IS IT. What even is Link Vr//ains? Is it a game, a site, a program? WHY IS IT ONLY IN DE///N CITY? WHY IS DESTROYING IT WILL LEAD TO THE ENTIRE INTERNET CRASHING???????? Link Vr///ains is something that NEEDS to be explained but the show NEVER DOES. HELL IT NEVER EVEN TRIES. 
The girls
Jesus christ ... the girls are .... just sad. A///oi ... my fucking god A//oi. A///oi’s personality starts and ends with “onii-sama”. NEARLY EVERY MOTIVE OF HER’S IS I WANT TO DO SOMETHING FOR MY STEPBROTHER. Everything else is a passing fancy. Mi///yu? Yeah nice motivation but that’s why her two duels as BM in season 2 is more about her relationship with Ak//ira than her “friend”. 
Em//ma’s backstory was absorbed into BS’ despite the fact he was a new addition when Em//ma was around since season 1. 
Vir//ya is just a bit character meant to fill out the remain KOH, since their return in season 2, she haven’t done anything of value. 
Qu///een ... why is she there? I mean she appeared in a Bikini ... in virtual reality. seriously there is no point in that shit, and then did nothing besides watch over Ear//th’s death and then lost to A//i when her skill was named honey trap. 
Mi////yu is so unimportant we haven’t gotten a scene of her out of flashback despite being a lost chi//ld.   
Back to A//oi, it’s not even that A//oi isn’t important,sadly that’s not uncommon in YGO, it’s the fact EACH TIME SHE TRIES TO DO SOMETHING, THE SHOW PUNISHES HER FOR IT. She tries to be a symbol for people, it’s stupid why she trying but still, Spec///tre reveals he was toying with her the entire time and she had no chance. She tries to get stronger in season 2, SB beats cause she doesn’t have an Ig//nis and then she does nothing for half the season. She tries to save her “childhood friend”, Bow//man beats her and takes her consciousness so Yu//saku has to save her ... again. She tries to protected Ak//ira, A//i beats them and only takes A//oi to taunt her over her failure. THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE SHOW, ANYTIME A//OI TRIES TO DO ANYTHING, THE SHOW BEAT HER UP AS IF TO SAY, YOU SHOULDN’T DO ANYTHING EVER. Great message there. 
You know as people there are plenty of reasons that conflict starts, greed, hate, anger, lust, desperation to survive, hunger. And how does conflict start in V/r? FUCKING SIMULATIONS. EVERY SINGLE CONFLICT IN THIS SHOW IS BECAUSE OF A SIMULATION. K//OH are a thing cause Kog///ami did a simulation that showed that the Ig//nis are learning TOO FAST AND WILL CAUSE THE END OF HUMANITY. Ligh///tning turned evil because he learned no matter what he can NEVER BE FRIENDS WITH HUMANITY CAUSE OF A SIMULATION. A///i turning “evil” because he’s doom to end the world cause of you guessed it a SIMULATION. Simulations are just tools and are NEVER THE FINAL RESULT. There are too many variables to truly make an 100% accurate simulation BUT HERE THEY ACT AS IF SIMULATIONS ARE A FUCKING GOSPEL. IT’S STUPID AND INCREDIBLY LAZY THAT THE CAUSE OF ALL the conflict in this show is because of independent simulations.  
Mental illness
As a person with a mental illness and went to therapy I can say this, VR doesn’t deserve any brown points for covering mental illness. If anything VR touching mentally illness takes points away. I have already said my piece on how poorly VR tackles mental illness. But my take away is this when it comes to mental illness VR is a absolutely horrible.
Re//voler is in all honestly a shitty character despite what his fans think. He’s an asshole that has no drive of his own. He admit he does this all BECAUSE OF HIS DAD. The one time he did do something of his own accord, turn his dad in, he later regretted so much that he refuses to do it again. LOOK I can understand missing your father despite the fact he’s trash, human relationships are complex BUT RE///VOLVER BEING “FATHER I WILL NEVER EVER GO AGAINST YOU AGAIN DESPITE THE FACT YOU KIDNAPPED KIDS AND THEN TORTURED THEM BECAUSE YOU FELT SAD HUMAN WILL EVENTUALLY GO EXTINCT ONLY TO TURN ON YOUR CREATIONS” IS FUCKING STUPID. And then he goes the EXTRA MILE OF ASS and says to Yu//saku’s face that he REGRETS SAVING HIS LIFE TWICE. And he never apologized either. 
Also his “development” is forced as shit, Revo//lver never develops onscreen or shows signs of changing, just the show and characters say OH YES RE//VOLVER CHANGED.... IN A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.  Honestly after his return in season 2 where he showed he DIDN’T CHANGE, then he tries to help Hom//ura despite telling Yu//saku he regrets saving him. WHY THE CHANGE. HE HAS SEEN NOTHING THAT MADE HE FEEL SYMPATHY FOR THE LOST KI//DS. BUT HE’S ALL OF A SUDDEN KIND TO HO///MURA. AND THEN AFTER HE LOSES TO LIGH//TNING AND SAY’S A/I NAME, ONLY TO SNAP BACK IN SEASON 3 AND WANTS TO KILL A///I. What I’m saying is, he has no real character development, you can tell what the show WANTED him to become but my god they were too lazy to actually show him changing. 
OH BOY this is going to be long. Yu//saku is by far the WORST WRITTEN PROTAGONIST IN YGO HISTORY.  He has no personality and no real background besides HE WAS TORTURED, POOR HIM!!!!! Seriously what was his life like before the Lo//st Incident. What did he like to do, did he have friends, where the fuck are his parents. There is no information about him, past or present. Like his current “personality”, WHAT IS IT besides he’s stoic/emotionless. He’s not nice or even mean anymore. He has no likes or even dislikes. All we know is he’s determined ... and that’s it. Yu//saku is a blank slate for the viewers to project on. Yu//saku is honestly NOTHING. 
Honestly, Yu///saku isn’t strong as he cheats the MAJORITY of his duels, he isn’t smart as rarely does he do anything that’s smart, wanting to brutal force the solution and he doesn’t follow his own advice. 
Yu//saku: Bonds are important and the only thing that are absolutes
Yu//saku then fucks off for 3 MONTHS NOT TELLING ANYONE
And like Re//volver, his “development” is forced as hell. He just says things that make no sense for him to say. Yu//saku shouldn’t say revenge doesn’t help WHEN IT OBVIOUSLY DID. The show was supporting him and he got the guy that kidnapped him killed and then he got better. HELL JI//N WAS SAID TO GET BETTER ONCE THE K//OH WERE BEAT.   
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psychospeak-blog · 6 years
Won’t Go Slowly // 23
One // Two  // Three // Four // Five // Six // Seven // Eight // Nine // Ten // Eleven // Twelve // Thirteen // Fourteen // Fifteen // Sixteen // Seventeen // Eighteen // Nineteen// Twenty // Twenty One // Twenty Two
A/N:    Yay, it’s a he or a she! Also, this is the gift that I envisioned that Tyler sent :)
You knew that the sex of your baby didn't really matter, of course.  He or she would be whomever they were meant to be.
But you were still curious and excited to find out, knowing that somehow that would make it that much more real.  It was another milestone you'd been waiting for.
You were laying on the exam table, waiting for the ultrasound tech to arrive, after already having had your appointment with Dr. Stevens and gone through all the routine appointment stuff.  Both your sister and Danielle were with you, and you were pretty sure Tyler would be there too if he was in town, but you had promised you'd let him know. In anticipation, you pulled your shirt up, scrunch the fabric up right underneath your bra.
"Wow," Nicole said, "you've got, like, the cutest little belly."
"I know," you smiled, smoothing your hand over it.  It wasn't really noticeable, probably, unless you were looking for it, but it was definately there.  When the tech came in and introduced herself, you couldn't wipe the smile off your face.
"Alright," she said, spreading the cold gel on your belly, "we'll take a look at baby's organs first and take some measurements.  You wanted to know the sex, right?"
"Yes, please," you said, still smiling.
"Alright, we'll see if baby cooperates and let's us see between its legs."
Oh.  That part hadn't really occurred to you, that you might not get to find out today, when you'd been looking forward to it.  You were mentally trying to connect with the baby inside of you, as if you could somehow encourage it to open its legs.  And then the profile image of your baby popped up on the screen, and you forgot it all, because it didn't matter.  Your breath was immediately taken away, tears springing to your eyes, because it actually looked like a baby, not like a....well, like a blob.  It had a visible head, and nose, and lips, and legs and arms.  
The tech started poking at your belly gently with the wand.  "C'mon, little one, move your hand so I can measure your head."
You laughed, although it seemed to work, the baby's hand floating away from its head.  You turned your head to look behind you, "Could one of you guys take a video on my phone?" you asked, "Please?"
Your poor sister, however, had tears running down her face.  "Awe, Nic," you said, reaching for her hand.  She sniffed, taking a sniff and stepping closer to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
The sound of the heartbeat filled the room, which was quickly becoming your favourite sound.  You couldn't take your eyes off the screen, or believe how much the baby was moving around inside of you. You couldn't feel it, yet, of course, but you were pretty sure that would be amazing, too.
"Okay, let's try and take a peek in between the legs," the tech said, and you could feel the wand moving around on your belly, watching the screen, looking at what you assumed was the baby's bum, judging by the legs and the little feet and the toes.  Oh god, your baby had toes.
"Oh wow," the tech said, like she was surprised, like she'd never seen anything like it before. Your head immediately snapped towards her, trying to interpret her face.
"Is everything okay?"
"Oh, yes, yes," she said quickly, like she was sorry for making you worry, like she'd gone off script, smiling down at you, "Baby's just...he's making it very apparent."
"He?" you asked, your eyes filling with tears once more, and you could feel both your sister and Danielle's hands on your arm.
"Yeah," she said, "he's most definately a boy.  No question."
You were now crying and laughing at the same time, watching him move on the screen.  Him.  He.  He was an 'it' no more.
You barely even noticed what the tech said after that, other than the fact that he was healthy.
Once she left, and you were getting up, wiping the tears from your eyes, you looked both seriously at Nicole and Danielle, "Don't either of you dare say anything to Tyler about her reaction," you said, "he'll never shut up about it."
"I'm not talking to him about his dick," Nicole said, her face looking utterly disgusted, and Danielle had a rather similar look on her face.
You were planning to call Tyler to tell him, but it was...rather obvious from the pictures, so you instead took a picture of that, texting it to him as your sister drove you home, although you were a little surprised when he texted you back almost immediately, because you thought he was in...New York?  Or was it New Jersey? You figured he should be doing something.
Tyler: Is that a penis??!!!!
The next text then had approximately 15 eggplant emojis.
Tyler: Told ya, good genes.
You rolled your eyes, setting your phone back in your bag, and your sister smiled over at you.  "Guess I can say I have a nephew now."
"Yeah, you can," you said, as another piece clicked in that made it all the more real.
You were unlocking your front door, when Nicole reached down behind the planter on your front steps, pulling something out.  "You've got a package," she said, handing you the box, and you frowned, because you didn't remember ordering anything. But, you recognized the writing immediately  without even needing to look at the return address to see who it was from.
"It's from Tyler," you said, with a slight eye roll.  At least the box was fairly small, so there couldn't be that many Dallas Stars baby clothes inside.
You went to the kitchen, pulling a knife from your knife block, carefully slicing through the tape.  You may not be a huge hockey fan, but you weren't going to cut the fabric,  knowing just how happy it'd make him to see your baby wearing green and white.
But, once the box slipped open, you were taken aback to see black and white.  And then you teared up, hand going to your chest when you noticed the patterns, black outlines of little Labrador retriever faces, on white fabric.  You started pulling the items out, which were so soft: a little hat which was so small you could hardly believe it, leggings, and a receiving blanket. All perfectly unisex.
"Okay, that's adorable," Nicole said, looking over your shoulder.
"I know," you said, folding it back up, setting the hat on top, fixing the little knot.
"He actually has good taste," she said, and you laughed, already pulling out your phone to call him.
"It's so cute, too, because his dogs follow me around like crazy," you said, "like they know I'm pregnant."
"Hey boy mama," Tyler answered the phone, and you couldn't help but smile.
"Hey," you responded, "So, I just got home, and there was a package here."
"Oh, really?" he asked playfully, "And do you like it?"
"Like it?" you asked, running your hand over the fabric once more, "I love it.   He's wearing it when he comes home from the hospital."
"Really?" Tyler said, "Isn't that, like a big deal though?"
"Yeah," you said, you supposed it was. "It's perfect though. Thank you."
"Good.  If you didn't like it I was going to say it was from the dogs.  But, since you do, it was all my idea," he said, and you laughed, "Can dogs be uncles?"
"I don't know," you laughed, "I mean, if you want, I guess?  I don't think there's any rules."
"I don't want," he said adamantly, "If your kid's anything like you, he'll probably like them more than me, and I really can't compete with that.  They can be cousins, or whatever."
"Okay," you laughed, starting to clean up the packaging, "Did you remember my address?"
"Nah, I asked my mom."
"You asked your mom?"
"Yeah, she's got it in her address book thingy," he said, "and since you wouldn't give me your address...."
"I'm glad you did.  I love it so much."  You ran your hand over the fabric again.  You hadn't even bought any baby clothes yet, because you'd been thinking it was too soon (not to mention the way you were feeling wasn't very conducive to shopping), but you couldn't think of a better first outfit. "I thought it was going to be Stars stuff."
"Oh, don't worry, babe, I've got tons of that,"  Tyler said, in a way that made it sound like you might need a separate dresser just for that, "baby clothes are really confusing, though.  Like, there's different months and newborn and  everything.  So I just bought it all."
"He needs it." Tyler insisted, "Also, they don't make jerseys for kids until they're, like 12 months, but I'm seeing if I can get a custom one made.  They even have little hats, like the ones for grown-ups but so tiny. I'll bring it all with me at Christmas. "
"Tyler, you don't need to do all of that.  I love what you sent already, it's so thoughtful."
"Yes, I do.  He needs to represent his favourite uncle," Tyler said, "Anyways, with the other stuff, I got, like, three months, I think? The lady at the store said it was better because newborn doesn't fit all newborns? And they can wear it longer? So hopefully it fits."
"I'll duct tape it on if I have to," you said, looking at them again. "I can actually probably put a onesie over them rather than underneath if they're super big. I'd rather him be able to wear them for a longer time anyways.  And the blanket? Everything's so soft."
"Organic cotton," he bragged, and you heard a sound like he was pushing open a door, probably heading down to the bus.  "How was the rest of your appointment? Everything good?"
"Yep.  I gained a pound." You were quite proud of this fact, because you'd been losing or maintaining your weight up to this point with how sick you'd been.  Hopefully now that you into your second trimester, things would start to turn around.
"It's probably all your kid's dick."
He was giggling so hard you could barely make out the 'sorry', hearing a rush of activity behind him, and then a few voices.  "Hey, babe, I gotta get going."
"Okay.  Have a good game."
"Yeah, I'll try to 'skate around with the puck and stuff'," he said, "are you going to watch?"
" Well, Nicole's staying for dinner and  I think she wants to watch The Bachelor or Bachelorette, whatever it is," you said, lowering your voice a little, "I'll probably fall asleep though."
"Maybe the baby wants to watch the game though.  Don't deprive him of that," Tyler said, and you could hear more chatter surrounding him.  "I'll text you when I'm back at the hotel alright? If you're up from your nap, we can watch Grey's."
"Okay," you said, and Tyler made an extremely exaggerated kissing noise before hanging up the phone.  Settling your phone in your pocket, you gathered up the gift, walking into the room that was now your office, but wouldn't be for much longer, placing these new items in what was your soon-to-be child's room.  Your son's room.
It took probably a good week for it to actually sink in that you were having a baby boy.  You were just getting to the halfway point of your pregnancy, which seemed crazy, even though you were still having a bit of a tough time believing this was all real.
You'd been trying to sleep for the past 90 minutes, but all you'd accomplished was just rolling back and forth from side to side, trying to find a comfortable position.  Your hips had this dull, deep, constant ache, and you could swear you could feel your hips widening,even though you knew, logically, that that wasn't possible.
Your elbow hit against the mattress and you groaned with frustration. You almost want to cry, because you were tired and you just wanted to rest, cozy up and shut your eyes, but it was like the mattress was too soft or something.  You vaguely wondered if your couch was firmer, but then a much, much better idea came to mind.
You sat up, throwing your robe over your pyjamas and shoving your phone and charger in your pocket.  Taking a quick detour through your kitchen to grab a bag of chips and a bottle of juice in case you got hungry, you picked up your keys, and slipped your feet into your slippers, heading out to your car.
It was dark, obviously, when you pulled up, but you managed to unlock the front door using the light from your cell phone.  Locking the door behind you, you walked throughout the house, turning lights on and opening windows just a because it was kind of stuffy.  You were putting your juice in the fridge when you noticed lights from the next door neighbour's house and paused, wondering if they would notice, so you pulled your phone out and sent out a text.
You: I broke into your house.
You went into the bedroom next, the blankets still messed up on the bed and dog toys strewn across the sheets, and you'd remembered coming to his house before you'd had to take them all to the airport, and the dogs had abandoned their toys when you laid down on the bed, opting to give you attention instead.  Everything was still in the same place.  You left the toys where they were, laying down, as your phone vibrated.
Tyler: ?????
Tyler: You have a key?
Tyler: what the hell
You laughed under your breath, typing back a response: I used the key.
Tyler: Oh
Tyler: No boys allowed  😉
You: Just the one I have inside of me.
Your hand ran over your face when you realized what you said, rolling onto your back and typing back a response quickly: I meant the baby.
Tyler: 😂😂
Your face was still flaming red when Tyler's name flashed across your phone.  Of course he was calling. Maybe he would only interrogate you about why you were in his house.
"Hi," you answered.
"How's that boy inside you?" He asked immediately.  
"The baby," he said, as if he had to clarify.
"I don't know," you said, smoothing your hand over your belly. "I can't, like, see him, but I assume he's good."
"So you miss me that much that you had to go over to my house?"
"No, my hips hurt and your mattress is firmer."
Tyler laughed. "So you're just using taking advantage of our friendship so you can sleep in my bed?"
"Maybe..." you mused, and then you reconsidered, thinking you probably should have asked him first. Even though he used his key to get into your place without asking all the time. "Is that okay?"
"Yes," he laughed, "Just clean up after yourself.  I spent hours cleaning the whole thing before I left.  Don't trash the place. Is it helping?"
"Yeah," you answered, "I ordered a pregnancy pillow, that should help, but it's not here yet."
"Yeah, well at least you know where to find a good mattress until it gets there," he said, "How are you though?"
"Babe...." he whined.
"I want a real answer."
"That was a real answer," you said, "I'm good."
"You've been sick," he said, "It just magically went away?"
"Well, no," you said, "But it's kind of better?  Most days.  I just have to make sure I eat regularly or it gets bad.  And I've been getting headaches, but they're not really that bad.  I'm good."
"You can complain, you know," Tyler said. "You've got to feel like shit.  And you barely say a word."
"Because I'm good.  It's a good sign," you said.  It had been rougher at first, but now that you were past the first trimester and had been able to find out what your body did and didn't like during pregnancy, it was easier.  
"And you've been keeping busy?" he asked, and you had to laugh, because it sounded like you were talking to your grandmother.
"Yes," you answered, "And how are you?"
"Me? I'm good."
"But Babe...." you mimicked.
"I'm not pregnant," Tyler said, "Although, now that you mention it, it has been awhile since I've had my period."
"You should get that checked out," you said, "How was your day, though?"
"How was your day?" he responded.
"Why do we always have to talk about me?"
"Because your life is so much more exciting than mine."
"What? No it's not," you said.  You literally did the exact same thing everyday.  Did he forget what he did for a living?
"Yeah, it is.  You're having a baby. What's more exciting than that?"
"Well, he's not here yet," you said, "I want to hear about your day."
"I mean, I'm at home, so it was pretty boring.  We just had practice."
"All day?" you questioned and he huffed.
"Well, no..."
"What'd you do after?"
"Ummm...I...talked to my mom for a bit actually," he said, "Oh yeah, I meant to ask you, what are you doing for American Thanksgiving?"
"Being Canadian?" you said.  You hadn't even really done much for Canadian Thanksgiving though, either, because you'd been way too sick at that point.
"Ha ha," Tyler said, clearly unamused, "We're doing American Thanksgiving at my Mom's this year because I couldn't come for the Canadian one and I have a couple of days off.  She was going to invite you, I don't know if she has yet? But, you coming?"
She hadn't invited you yet, but you were sure she would.  Truth be told, you'd kind of been avoiding her a little bit since you'd seen her at the game.  Not because you didn't want to spend time with her, of course, but because you were worried about slipping and giving it away.  And it was pretty hard to avoid when your symptoms were so apparent, so you'd had to come up with excuses the couple of times she'd invited you to dinner.  You felt kind of bad about it, but you knew if Tyler was there, he'd cover for you, and you wouldn't be the only one there who knew.  "Yeah, sure.  Should I bring anything?"
"Uh, no," He said firmly, "Unless you want to bring your own grilled cheese, I guess."
"I can eat other stuff now," you said.  At least mashed potatoes, you could handle.  And definately pumpkin pie.
"Good," Tyler said, and he made an oof noise and you could only assume the dogs had just jumped on him, "Oh yeah, I'm bringing the pups, too."
"Oooh, you are?" you asked excitedly.
"Yeah, I'm just going to pretend that you were that happy to hear I'm coming."
"I am," you said, "It's just been longer since I've gotten to see them.  And I get to talk to you, I don't get to talk to them."
"Yeah, I'll try to teach them to text," he offered, "They're gonna be so psyched to see you."
"And you're not?"
"I mean, I'll try not to jump all over you but no promises," he said, "It'll be nice to see when we can actually hang out other than stand around in a hallway though."
"Yeah, it really will," you smiled even though he couldn't see you.  "What else did you do?"
"Uh, I don't know.  Made dinner?"
"What did you have?" you asked, settling your side and curling up, pulling the blanket around you.
"Steak, and vegetables, and some rice."
He was about to ask you what you had when you interrupted him. "What else did you do?"
"I mean, I took the dogs for a walk."
"To the park?" you asked, letting your eyes fall closed, a yawn escaping your mouth.
"Yes," he laughed lightly, like he couldn't believe you were asking him so many questions.  "You sound like you're going to fall asleep.  Should I go?"
"No," you said, "I want to hear about your day. What happened at the park?  Did they make any friends?"
"Well," Tyler said, and you pictured him settling back into the couch, his feet probably propped up on the coffee table, scratching dogs behind the ears with his hand, "There was this other dog there, a whippet, I think, that they were playing with for awhile.  And then this golden retriever showed up..."
You let your breathing grow deeper, as you listened to him speak, your responses become less and less frequent, until you finally fell asleep.
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ooc; You know, I never thought anyone would like Thoth other than my group of friends who gave him a chance. I was so nervous with him, that I tried to make him a weaker character and I just couldn’t do that haha. I’m still nervous about him, but I want you all to know...
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I really am thankful. From the fan art, to the threads, to meeting so many wonderful people, I think it’s time to shine a light on those who I’ve chatted with, and gotten to know as well! Even if it’s just a simple hello, it makes my day. You guys are all wonderful, and I’m beyond happy over this. I was going to make a 100 follower and then the followers skyrocketed before I could haaa... ^^;;;
Anyway, these people below the cut? They really are cool.
But so are all my followers, even if we don’t talk!
Preshie mun! You’re Gaster terrifies me, not like bad dreams terrifying but he is a really well developed villain! He just is so wonderful to interact with, and I love our threads, no matter the blog! Let’s not forget how you’re a sweetheart either! I feel like I spam ya too much haha, anxiety man- BUT YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! Keep being you :D <3
(I still can’t believe Thoth had a mini crush on Gaster and they could have been nerdy friends if the judgement ever happened aaaaaaa)
 @curioosity, @snackiies
Azura mun! I am still vastly scared to chat with you, but I want you to know, I do mean the words I say ^^ You may be feeling down right now, but... I think you’re a great person. I really mean that, you’re oc is very well fleshed out and very engaging! I adore seeing you on the dash, and your art- and your posts! I hope things brighten up for you! You need a good day, and I hope you get it!
I really adore your concept and I’m glad you’re one of my friends! Sixer is adorable, and Thoth absolutely wants to spoil him! And pet him, seriously how many times have they ended up curled up together haaa. But the depth of your stories and fanfic are amazing and I love reading every chapter! Keep up the amazing work! <3
@softashfuck, @goodster,
I hope you had a good birthday kiddo! I love ya, you’re the son I wish that was here for I could spoil you some more. Seriously, anyway, I love your character and your interpretations and the fact you spam me with such lovely art ;w; so nice. I swear I’m going to keep spamming you right on back! <3
Okay but I mean it, I do care a lot about you and I do see you as my kid. Seriously, if I could scoop you up I would. <3
@all-seeing-all-knowing-eye, @br00kie-draws
BROOOOOKIE! Okay, first off. When I first met you, I was highly nervous and scared, I met you through an ex-friend that showed me your art and since then I am so glad I met you. Our ships are adorable, they have bumpy roads and that’s what makes them enjoyable, they arent perfect, and that’s just how a good ship should be. Not to mention your art?! Like DAYUM GIRL. Such a good, best friend too, always listening to me ramble! Love ya! <3
I know we don’t talk as much these days, I know you’re busy but I still check up on your art! (I really should finish that gif I made omgosh) But you are also a very nice person, and a wonderful artist!
Rach.... I gotta be honest. I love you, and I think without you these last years or so, I don’t think I’d be around. I was in a really bad patch, and thinking things I shouldn’t. I let my thoughts almost win but you pulled me out of there. You helped me in so many ways, you even sent money through the mail cuz of my situation. I feel like I can never thank you enough because you really are my best friend and I honestly don’t know what I’d do if you suddenly disappeared one day. I know work is hard on you, but you’re such a great person and you know what, I’m proud of you. <3
Thoth and Rachael, Rachael and Rich/Neal, Rachael and--- Wait no that’s it. I think, maybe. We ship a lot, I blame our shipness. lmao Love it all!
Lye! I’m still vastly nervous to chat you up and that’s why I go silent cuz my nerves kick my ass but you are such a cool person! And your art? A++++
@derse-agent,  @wd-blaster,
Heya! I like your stuff! It’s really cool, and I know I owe you some things, don’t worry I didn’t forget! I just want you to know, you’re a really cool blog and thank you for joining the streams at times! LAOS YOUR GASTER IS ADORABLE OKAY
AAAAAAH?! For one I totally ship Tenny and Lotus now, I love how Tenny turns to mush at the very sight of my pretty boi. Not to mention t’s us so sugar sweet~! With some deviousness in there. Okay but on top of that, I love your characters, and the art, the fact you have put a lot of effort in your things and you’re a great friend! <3
Okay so, I love your art and the fact your Gaster is different fom others and you put time and effort into your creations and just YESSSSS. It’s amazing, and I love it and you’re really cool!
your art is realy cool and you are officially a senpai. I love the way you draw man, and I enjoy seeing you on the dash!
Apaaaattthhhyyyyyy, I miss ya, and I should deff mesage you more! Omgosh,and always drag you to more streams for you can succumb to the siliiness again! I love your Parallax! Hal and nomal Hal and the one time we rp’d where Venom was also Hal sdsfgb All the good stuff and I STILL REMEBER OUR SHIP OF SIOBHAN AND HAL <3
Okay so we’re still getting to know each other but you are an absolute delight!? AND YOU HAVE AN AMAZING SANS AND I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE AND I’M GOING TO KEEP RAMBLING IN CAPS FOR YOU UNDERSTAND HOW YOU ARE AN IDOL HUN. <3
FOXIE AND HEALER!!! Healer, I love the way you write and Foxie? Hun, I wish I could draw like you. You two are really good friends and I’m sorry I haven’t een overly chatty? But I watch your content all the time! <3 You guys also helped me get rid of a toxic ex-friend and I’m grateful for that, you have no idea! Thank you for giving me strength!
YOU ARE SUCH A SWEET PERSON!? You drew my boi, you chat with me, we rp- You are a delight! I want to invite you to all the streams and groups and let everyone marvel at your amazingness!
Okay we don’t chat as I do with others but I’d love to? I’d love to also thread with you and I’m sorry if I didn’t answer that meme! It’s there staring at me like a deer in the middle of the road omg! But we should plot, on any of my blogs!
Okay so I loved our interactions with your Evil Rick and my Rick, I’m sorry that hes inactive right now, I’m trying to rile him back up but it’s just hard for me idk why- (been on an undertale kick tbh, aaaaa) BUT YOU WRITE AMAZINGLY AND BLOW MY FUCKING MIND LIKE OMG, HELLO SENPAI
We just recently started talking but hey! I love your art from what I’ve seen keep up the amazing work okay? And don’t worry about messaging me, It’s all okay fi you want to :D I dont bite
**AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, screeching** 
Your art is still amazing and I am highly nervous to talk with you but you are a sweety and I aspire to be like you!
I would really like to chat with ya! And plot, and write! You seem to have an amazing Aku and it’s wonderful to see you on my dash!
 I love Trashy and I would really like to thread with ya. Your character is cute and well rounded, and I enjoy his story. Plus you’re a good person :D
BROTHER OF MINE I LOVE YA. I enjoy how hard you work on everything, even back when you wrote Joker. How we shipped, I still remember every moment despite my shit for brains memory hahaha. It’s wonderful and so are you and I’m glad you got out of your bad situation and are doing better and got things going for ya now! I love you, and I am very proud.
I LOVE YOUR BLOG OKAY? I read everything ^^;;; Haaa, I do, and it’s great. I’m kind of a side liner and I need to change that becuause Melodi is a cutie and I should totally spam you with more asks!
I miss our clown days, but I love how you draw still and I should message you more often, I miss ya buddy. You were and still are an amazing fiend and I aspire to draw how soft you do, those lines man mmmf, good stuff right there. Also Penance and Sorrow should hang out again.
YOU MADE ME LOVE SO MANY DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THE SHIPS, THE LORE, AND I’M SCREECHING AT YOU NOW. Oka but White Hat and Slug yessss, Flug and Black Hat, yesss, but my favorite...
Is the one I never expected. My fanfic’s Bill Cipher, dubbed ‘Glitch’ and Black Hat. I can’t believe they have two kids now and they recently hatched and are going to destroy the world. Cute little guys.
But you’re also a great friend! Seriously, amazing! <3
@storyteller-arc/ @smol-goop, 
*inhale* B O I. Okay but on a serious note I love your Gaster, I love your oc. Storyteller, Gaster Grim likes them but not only that they managed to get Thoth to like them, he also likes smol as well. You have a really good character set it just attracts my characters like a magnet hahaha
Not to mention you are a adelight! Absolute delight!
*takes a deep breath* HOW CAN I EVEN BEGIN TO WRITE ON YOU!?
You are an idol to me. You are someone who has developed their entire set of ocs so much that I wish I could put that much effort without feeling nervous like hot dayum. You have suhc a good thing going, and I ust wanna punch Dick, hug him as well, punch him again- and also adopt ames and Hannah, and Eight- and the heroes, and Black Hat, and Dave, and all of them and HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME LOVE ALL THESE BBIES
I really do love how sweet they are and also the thread on Sans how he was commanded and i ended up being really cute and I just lve it all. You also have wonderful art and you are really dang sweet, <3 <3
okay....okay... I love your entire thing going on with ER, and I would love to write with you. I don’t even care what blog omgosh because you are an absoute steklar star on here, and Imma call you senpai til you perish cuz DAMN. Look at those headcanons, DAYUM look at those posts and stories and AUs and the past and 70 years worht of stuff and AAAAAAAA
A M A Z I N G 
@a-vf-vi-tf-ti,  @deep-black-dreaming​
AAAAAA? I love your ocs, I love our rps and ideas on discord but we should deff rp here on tumblr again! Lemme drag you down with me on here muhahahahah, ALSO YOU’RE ANOTHER CULPRIT FOR GETTING ME DEEP INTO VILLAINIOUS AND I LOVE IT
*stares at you deeply, squints*
Imma kick your Black Hats ass again just you watch. BUT ON A SIDE NOTE! OMG CAN WE THREAD ON HERE TOO? Discord is wonderful man man, I’d love to take it to tumblr, if you’re okay with that! I’ll even dust off my WH just for that reason :D
You’re character seems swet and we should send some asks to each other ore often! I hope you’re having a wonderful day and I would love to get to know you more!
I know you thanks to Brookie and your character is amazing but I’m highly nervous to bug you nad for that I am very sory and I hope that we can chat more!
You have such a cute oc and I want to know all about them! We thread here on Tthoth and Grim but man I’d spam you with even Eddie Gluskin if you’d want :D Or Jack, but Jack scares everyone and so I keep him in th corner hahaha. But the point is, I love your concept and I wanna pet th roachie
I remember when you were still developing your oc and it was on skype, and she had blue skin but now she covers up the blue skin and she is really great. I think you did amazing with her!
Hey I just met you and aI think you guys are great. Sans and you, really cool! Thanks for joining the stream the other day and I hope to thread with you more! I mean it, and I should say hi to you more often on discord ^^  You seem great!
64 notes · View notes
eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
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Bro was so distracted by the kids that he didn’t see this coming. I love that look of shock on his face, Nobody has ever stood up to him.
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Well, that was the fastest revenge ever.
The lesson here is that you should never judge a person within your first encounter. If Bro had payed more attention to Ed there would have been a whole different outcome to the movie.
Who else loves repeating Bro being smacked with the door over and over?
Bro is not used to pain like Eddy. I believe this the first time that Bro ever got hurt. All this time he has been giving pain and now he receives it for the terrible things he has done.
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Sadly, we can’t enjoy this moment as much as Eddy smashes his head against the door too. I’m really surprised that Eddy is moving around later in this scene because I thought he would have gotten concussion from hoe hard that impact was.
And if you look at it this way, this is Eddy’s final canon injury.
Remember what Eddy said about how his brother felt about doors? 
‘I forgot my big bro hates back doors!’
Guess, what he’s defeated by.
Except this was the front door. Bro wrongfully trusted his door.
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Poor Bro is not used to slapstick comedy.
This is wonderfully drawn expression.
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Eddy is left to cling to the door as it bounces off the ground. It kills me to watch this scene because it feels so realistic. Eddy has no idea if he is safe out of harms way yet. Harm being his brother.
Have you noticed that there’s no background music in this little scene? AKA made this moment feel so realistic because it is something that can happen in real life. Abuse is a very big deal in the world. It’s not something we can laugh about. Props to AKA for handling this whole scene. Writing and showing abuse is never an easy thing to portray.
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The kids all back away to avoid getting hit by the door.
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And Eddy has a hard impact on the ground.
Again, I am amazed that Eddy never falls unconscious. He took such a hard hit to the head. It’s sad to say that Eddy has gotten hurt so much that he is used to it. Getting hurt is like a routine in his daily life. Eddy feels the need to get hurt because he feels like he deserves it.
This no longer feels like the cartoon world anymore.
I think it’s symbolic that Eddy gets hit by a door, however. I will explain shortly.
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The kids all wince at Eddy’s rather violent landing. They are very concerned , and yet none of them run towards him.
Side Note: It amazes me how small Kevin’s hands are.
The kids reactions are so important in this scene. They have always cared about the Eds more then what they’ve let on.
They’re all reacting to Eddy who was just tossed along the ground. They’re not reacting to Bro’s injury, just Eddy. This is a kid they may not care about or who has always bothered them, but he just took a hard beating. They have never seen Eddy in this light.
Kevin and Rolf make the same type of reaction. Rolf makes this little ‘ee’ noise. Rolf has never had anything against Eddy. Only when he was an urban ranger.
Whenever he wore that uniform Rolf became a much different person. He’s insult Eddy as if he weren’t a person. He felt authoritative and thought he was free to say what he wanted. Maybe that’s a representation towards the authoritative figures in the eene world. Bro is a wonderful example of this.
Kevin’s reaction is everything. He really tells us how he cares about Eddy. If you saw this happen to your enemy surely you’d be concerned.
Nazz looks as if she is going to cry. Fans have shipped Eddy and Nazz together. Although it’s a cute pairing I don’t believe that Eddy likes Nazz anymore. He doesn’t think much of her in the later series.
There are a lot of signs that Nazz likes Eddy because of the way she looks or how she talks to him. She was the one who was oblivious to his feelings in the early seasons. Nazz has been trying to figure out who she is and always comes out as the wrong character.
She laughed in Eddy’s face during the episode of To Sir With Ed. It was wrong of her to do that because I think she was trying to cover up her true feelings and to go along with the in-crowd. Nazz thought she wanted to date Kevin, but it turns out they were really meant to be friends.
Why didn’t they show the Kanker’s reaction? They are so important to this scene. Lee could have ran to Eddy then. But, this moment is really all about the Eds friendship.
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Sarah and Jimmy run towards the scene! Wow, I never expected that to happen. They are that concerned about Eddy wanting to be the first to check on him.
Sarah has just seen Eddy in a new light. This is a person who she hates, but he never deserved this pain. Sarah and Eddy have both been controlled/brainwashed by adult figures who they both thought they looked up to. Sarah sees herself in Eddy.
Sarah and Eddy never interact in the movie, but without any words all is resolved.
Jimmy is also very concerned. He still has his fists up.
It turns out he never wanted to see Eddy get his teeth knocked out.
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They stop however avoiding the beast. 
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Bro stumbles around from the effects of the door hitting him in the face.
Does anyone else thinks that he throws his sunglasses to the ground on instinct? They’re a precious object to him. He doesn’t want them to break.
“UGH, UUUNNNCCcllllllleeeee....”
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And this like that Bro’a skull has been turn to mush.
Eddy got his revenge! Bro gave up!
Eddy is shown to be conscious throughout all this when Ed and Edd come running towards him. Bro wasn’t that far from Eddy. Eddy can see Bro collapse and staring at him. Let’s be glad that Bro didn’t die. That would haunt Eddy.
We only met this guy five minutes ago. Nobody can look at the series the same way again. He had been mentioned in so many episodes and yet nobody was able to wrap their heads around the clues. I love how AKA did this. They never thought they were going to make a movie so Bro’s character wasn’t fully constructed until they were planning out the movie.
But, a scary thing to think about is, will Bro return to the cul-de-sac to get his revenge? He was hit in the face with a door. Nobody has ever stood up to him. He just lost to a bunch of kids. And who knows what the Kankers did to him.
That would be an interesting fanfic to read.
Will Bro return to the cul-de-sac post BPS?
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nightynineshop · 4 years
I Have Two Needles You Have Two Eyes Do Not Mess With A Knitter Chicken T-Shirt
Glad you have cosmetics not but your colors are too light please include darker colors of blush many ladies asian and latina etc have darker colors especially my friends from sri lanka cape verde and the I Have Two Needles You Have Two Eyes Do Not Mess With A Knitter Chicken T-Shirt pacific islands etc thanks. A top turkish official says the only logical conclusion is that jamal khashoggi’s body was dissolved in acid after being cut up. Victoria shink of yorkville il is the last unicorn screening tour’s october prizewinner selected at random from the 10 000 people who signed up as tour members at screenings she attended the 9 29 2014 show at the marcus orland park cinema as her prize victoria selected the deluxe 17 character last unicorn 35mm frame set she also sent the attached pictures and this story of her screening experience when I found out the last unicorn was going on tour I could hardly contain myself my first thought was I m so wearing my unicorn ears to this I immediately purchased two tickets just in case I found someone who wanted to tag along if I didn’t find someone I was going regardless of course this was a done deal the red bull himself couldn t stop me from attending shortly after scoring my golden tickets my husband found out that I had made plans to take myself on this last unicorn date I think it was because the unicorn ears came out and because I was just a little excited and endlessly raving about it he has seen this movie more times than he d like to admit because I watch it when I m sick when I m happy when I m sad when I m cleaning as background noise or when I just want to sit and watch one of my favorite movies I have been watching it like this since before I can consciously remember watching it at all needless to say he s too familiar with my last unicorn obsession supporting everything I m passionate about he proudly escorted me to one of the coolest experiences ever even though I never asked this of him he drove me in the rain bought me popcorn and candy slept through the movie in his typical last unicorn watching fashion carried all of my books I brought and bought held my purse while I waited in line for peter to sign my many requests and then continued to wait for me because I just didn t want to stop talking to peter s beagle who told me that he has a daughter named victoria bonus cool I have a true gentleman of a husband who put himself aside so his unicorn crazed wife could have a great night and that I did listening to peter speak was such a gift seeing the last unicorn on the big screen for the first time in my life displaced me and launched me back to my childhood I swear my jaw was on the floor and my eyes were lit up like christmas morning through the whole showing all of this over a movie I ve seen at least a million times I even won a rebekah naomi cox art print the harpy in the raffle and I believe a lucky lady got proposed to at this showing it was definitely a hallmark night for me and something I will never forget in his own way I think my husband actually enjoyed our unique date he did get to watch a 36 year old woman geek out over a cartoon while prancing around in unicorn ears thank you stephen shink for loving me the way you do congratulations victoria and stephen is a very lucky guy which he obviously knows
Source: I Have Two Needles You Have Two Eyes Do Not Mess With A Knitter Chicken T-Shirt
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In honor of my final week as a I Have Two Needles You Have Two Eyes Do Not Mess With A Knitter Chicken T-Shirt laker I ll be sharing a few favorite moments over the past 20 years you can see my top moment from each season at herovillain kb20 first up december 14 2014 dedication sees a dream come true. Just received this in the mail my order did take an extra 2 weeks to get to me just assumed it was from the boxing day sale rush your customer service is amazing and your follow up was so unexpected in a great way i’ll definitely keep ordering from you. The world s only 5 million audition is back do you have the x factor the x factor is expanding its audition process to reach more singers than any talent show ever before in its search to find the best new solo artists and vocal groups in america in addition and new for season two artists with pre existing management contracts can now audition subject to limited restrictions america s best undiscovered talent can audition for the x factor season two as follows open calls in kansas city austin san francisco greensboro and an additional city to be announced online auditions open march 1 mystudio hd recording studios across america open march 1 the x factor reopens its invitation to all of america ages 12 and over with no upper age limit to audition for season two subject to full eligibility requirements this fall s no 1 unscripted series discovered such diverse recording artists as winner melanie amaro and finalists astro chris rene josh krajcik marcus canty and rachel crow who have all signed major deals with sony music See Other related products: Fall For Jesus He Never Leaves Pumpkin Leaf Sunflower
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jokertrap-ran · 7 years
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A3! (Act! Addict! Actors!)  EVENT! Autumn Troupe’s Third Play- Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer Translations (Episode 10):
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Name will remain as my normal ( ラン )
Episode 1/ Episode 2/ Episode 3 /Episode 4/Episode 5/ Episode 6/ Episode 7/ Episode 8/ Episode 9/ Episode 10/ Epilogue A3! Master-list
Kazama: “Honour to meet you. I go by the last name of Kazama, name’s Ginji, I look forward to working with you.”
Ran: ――
Ran: (He’s catching the audience’s attention just with his introduction itself. He seems to be faring well.)
Ran: (Kazama, san and his underling, Kojima, have both been in the care of the Tasuta Group’s head. The story begins right after he was killed..)
Ken: “Say, Kazama. What should I do?”
Kazama: “Get a grip of yourself, Ken.”
Kazama: “Now that boss is gone, you’re the only young one who’s capable of carrying on the Tatsuda group.”
Ken: “Is it feasible for someone like me who has been treated like a young master up till now?”
Kazama: “Regardless of feasibility, the question is whether you’ll do it or not.”
Motegi: “Psht, I have to serve a young master like him if he becomes the head?”
Ran: (The relationship between Juza-san and sakyo-san can be seen perfectly as clear as the day. It’s well-made, he’s still aware that he’s the young head even though he’s not relying on Kazama.)
Kazama: “Once you’re able to find the bullet, you’d know which group did the boss in, wouldn’t you?”
Ken: “It’ll be great if it was a just a feud with other groups but…”
Kazama: “What do you mean?”
Ken: “Say, won’t you take revenge for my father? There’s trouble brewing around the inside too so I can’t make any reckless moves.”
Ken: “Please. You’re the only one I can rely on.”
Kazama: “I’ve not forgotten my gratitude towards your father. I’ll protect the Tatsuta group.”
Ran: (Kazama started gathering information about the victim in question, the head of the Tatsuta Group…And got attacked by someone while at it.)
Ran: (Thanks to Kazama, Ken managed to get a narrow escape from death….)
Motegi: “What’s the meaning of this!? It isn’t what you told me! Whatever happened to making me the young head of the Makoto group so long as I hand over Tatsuda Ken?”
Yokota: “Ahh, about that. I’ve come to realise that meat doesn’t last all so long within the Tatsuda group.”
Yokota: “Only a wild dog like you would rejoice over getting a mere bone.”
Motegi: “You bastard…!”
Yokota: “Get him.”
Motegi: Ugh!
Ran: (Omi-kun’s villain-act’s also in top form. He seems to be instilling more fear as time passes. The gap between him and his usual self now is simply astouning…)
Motegi: “Urgh…”
Ken: “Motegi? Hey, who did this to you!?”
Motegi: “I just got my punishment.”
Motegi: “The one who did the boss in was Yokota from the Makoto Group.”
Motegi: “I heard that I could join their ranks and protect the name of the Tatsuta group if I gave them your head and got over myself.”
Ken: “Then the ones who attacked me were…”
Motegi: “Sorry ‘bout that. Even if you were gonna become the head, I wanted to protect the group…”
Ken: “Motegi!”
Kazama: “Yokota from the Makoto Group, huh…he has poor taste to be making use of people’s feelings like that.”
Ran: (Even the low-ranked Yakuza, Motegi, turned out rather unexpected due to Banri-san’s acting. As expected of him to act out this much guilt just from being a traitor.)
Kojima: “Brother, isn’t it mean of you to leave me behind and go all by yourself!?”
Kazama: “Where would there be such an idiot who would bring you along even though they’re heading towards death?”
Kojima: “Don’t say such a cold thing!”
Kojima: “I’ve been saved by you back in the past so I’ve already decided to follow you into the depths of hell if I have to for this favour!”
Ran: (Kojima’s loyalty to Kazama…Taichi-kun’s dedication really shows here.)
Kojima: Brother!!
Kazama: “――”
Kojima: “Ngh――”
Kazama: “Kojima!”
Kojima: “Y-Yes, is this enough to repay your favour…? I guess not…?”
Kazama: “You bastard…!”
Ran: (Kojima fell into a cowardly trap that the Yokota from the Makoto Group had laid out…The innocence of Taichi-kun’s acting is gradually rolling out.)
Ken: “Kazama, get on!”
Kazama: “Young master, what are you doing here…?”
Kenn: “It’s easy to read what your train of thoughts. I’m a little late, though.”
Ken: “Hey, it’s over for the Tatsuta Group.”
Kazama: “What are you talking about!”
Ken: “Yokota came to settle things one and for all. He said that he’d let us all off if we surrendered unconditionally.”
Kazama: “Can you accept doing something like that?”
Ken: “I don’t want to see anyone else become like Motegi.”
Kazama: “As if Yokota would keep to his word.”
Ken: “…It’s so pitiable that it’s laughable. Right, Kazama?”
Ran: (With Ken’s help, Kazama, who had survived barely within an inch of his life…proceeded on to challenge the final battle, alone…) Yokota: “Kazama…? You’re still alive?”
Kazama: “My dragon cries out every night, you know? That it wants to kill and devour bastards just like you!”
Yokota: “――Ngh!”
Ran: (The swing of Sakyo-san’s sword…it’s the play’s climax.)
Ran: (Een though Yokota himself has already been cut down, Kazama’s struggling to hold his own while being surrounded by his subordinates, bloody and worn…)
Makoto Group Yakuza: “OraaAA!”
Kazama: “Ugh――”
Makoto Group Yakuza: “Uwaa!”
Kazama: “――Nngh”
Ran: (Swinging around his sword whilst staggering, he finally fell after having cut down the last person…And sirens were sounding from a distance away…)
Ken: “…You came.”
Motegi: “Heh…It’s in your nature to not go inside with him, right?”
Motegi: “I want to properly see this to an end too.”
Ken: “What are you talking about, Motegi? If you want to see things through then I’ll have you bury the bones of the Tatsuta group.”
Motegi: “Ken…”
Ran: (The both of them saw Kazama, who survived an inch within his life and Kojima away…The End…)
Female Audience A: The Autumn Troupe’s really tasteful, they’re the best! That was really cool, wasn’t it~!
Female Audience B: Sakyo-san’s Kimono was nice!
Male Audience C: The Autumn Troupe’s really passionate after all!
Male Audience D: Right!? I’d watch them countless of times!
Ran: (Yup, the first day’s a great success…!)
Yuzo: ……
Ran: Oh! Yuzo-san――
Yuzo: ――
Ran: (Wait, he’s…crying…?)
Yuzo: …You’ve seen a miserable side of me.
Juzo: …To think that, that small boy Sakyo would be playing a lead role in this theatre…
Juzo: I remembered how the MANKAI theatre was when he was still little and couldn’t stop the tears.
Ran: Juzo-san…
Juzo: I’ll be heading back for today. I’ll come by again during the finale day.
Ran: ――Alright.
Ran: (He must be feeling really emotional considering how much he knows about Sakyo-san and the MANKAI Company back then…)
Ran: (He was crying but he did look happy. I’ll tell Sakyo-san about this later on.)
Juza: …That’s strange.
Ran: ? Juza-kun, is something the matter?
Juza: My little brother told me that he’d be waiting around here…
Ran: (Juza-kun’s younger brother…was he called Kumon-kun again?)
Ran: I’ve not seen anyone that seems like they’d be him though――
???: Nii-chaa―n!!!
Ran: !?
Juza: ――
Ran: (The guy who suddenly stuck onto Juza-kun’s――)
Ran: S-Security――
Juza: No, that’s not needed.
???: Nii-chan, you were super cool! Astounding―! Things were really riled up when you went to save Kazama! It was the best!
???: I want to be a Yakuza! And then I’ll join the Tatsuta Group! And then, I’ll become your underling!
Juza: I see.
Ran: Nii-chan…?
Juza: This is Kumon.
Ran: He’s Kumon-kun…
Kumon: You were the coolest out there! Amazing!
Ran: (Could he possibly have…a really big brother complex…?) Juza: …I see.
Ran: (But Juza-kun doesn’t seem to hate it either so they probably really get along well. Though their first impressions are totally different from each other…)
Juza: How about you? Don’t you have a baseball match or something?
Kumon: Eh!? Oh, right― About matches, I’m still a substitute you see――
Kumon: Putting that aside, mom says to share it with the Autumn Troupe! We got cake!
Kumon: Oh! You don’t have to share it with that guy called Banri though!
Juza: Of course.
Kumon: I’ll be leaving then! It’s lonely so come home once in a while, okay―?
Juza: Yeah.
Ran: …..
Ran: (He’s like a hurricane…)
Ran: …You guys aren’t really alike in terms of personality.
Juza: I’ve been told that a lot.
Sakoda: Aniki―――!!!!
Ran: (This kind of resembles the same scene from earlier…) Sakoda: Hmmng, as expected of you, you’re a man within men! I’ve been so moved that I can’t see what’s in front of me anymore.
Sakyo: It’s because you’re clinging onto me like glue. Let me go.
Sakoda: Uuuu…I’ll come by every day just to see Kazama Ginji…!
Sakyo: Do your work.
Ran: (He does seem happy despite what he’s saying.)
Taichi: Oh, Sakoda-san, thanks for cooperating with me while I was trying to figure out how I should act Kojima out! It’s a great success thanks to you!
Ran: Kojima was really courageous out there! The audience cried when he collapsed too.
Sakoda: Not at all, you don’t have to thank me or anything――! I’m glad that I was able to be of help!
Ran: Come to think of it, Sakoda-san, you bought quite a lot of the tickets for the finale day, didn’t you?
Sakoda: Oh! Yes! I didn’t want to cause you any trouble so I called in myself.
Ran: You could have just told me…
Sakyo: What do you intend to do with that many tickets?
Sakoda: Right! I’ll pass it to the boss chairman, the guys from the group and gather em’ all up!
Sakyo: Don’t gather them all up!
Sakoda: But everyone said that they wanted to see you act at least once…! Yotoka-san’s coming out too!
Banri: If a large amount of Yakuzas gather together like that…
Taichi: You wouldn’t know which one’s the play!
Omi: We wouldn’t be able to act out a good play.
Sakyo:The other people in the audience would be scared out of their wits, wouldn’t they!? What do you intend to do by causing trouble for all of them!?
Sakoda: B-But…!
Ran: The play’s fictional so maybe they’d pass it off as cosplay.
Sakyo: That’s not the problem here…
Juza: If the real ones are going to be part of our audience then we can’t let them down.
Sakyo: You said it. Let’s make it a play so good that even the real ones won’t have anything to say about it.
Juza: Yes!
Taichi: Got-cha, bro!
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onlylovekpop · 7 years
I’m Back!
Hello, everyone. Sorry I’ve been MIA for a little while. The past few weeks have been a little hectic for me. I’m closing drabble requests now and have received lots of good ideas. Thank you to all of those who submitted! Also, two of the requests have turned into oneshots (this is a rare thing, but sometimes I get carried away and it happens lol.) The oneshots will be a pirate!au with some smut for Jimin and a dance camp smut with Yugyeom. I’m also finishing up my first Jungkook smut oneshot that I started working on ages ago and involves Netflix and chill. Hehe. Hope you’re all doing well and please look forward to the upcoming drabbles and oneshots! :)
(replies below the cut beware im drinking vodka while i answer to make my responses more interesting hehe (actually im getting as drunk as i can to deal with my vengeful uterus which is very unhappy i have not conceived any spawn this month and is giving me cramps from hell) you may notice my spelling grammar and punctuation get worse as you read please dont hold it against me)
anonymous asked: Hi Leigh we haven't heard of you since you mentioned having knee surgery the next day and I had this really bad feeling I hope you are ok? For some reason I am genuinely concerned and I don't know why so I hope everything went well??
Yes, all is well! I healed in pretty good time and am already out and about again. It’s a surgery I’ve had before so I knew what to expect and nothing out of the ordinary happened. Thank you for checking on me. Sorry if I made you worry :)
omg-mystarx-neoctech asked: Hell YES JOOHEON.
anonymous asked: Can I just say I fucking love the layout and look of your blog. Also I just read one of your smuts and holy shit im deceased.
Thank you! I’ve been revamping some of the pages but I only have a few of them done, so a few things may be blank at the moment. I changed it so fics are listed by member instead of type I hope that’s better but if anyone has opinions on the layout please let me know :)
Jooheon himself is deliciously sinful tbh. I have heart palpitations every time I see a pic of him wearing tight pants. Or just pants in general. i aint never seen such pretty thighs before
neon-flamingos asked: I read Rhythm and omg i criedddddd it was so good i just can imagine Jooheon saying all those dirty thingssss my vayjayjay cries
look i recently saw that vid of him speaking english and his accent is so good which means i can totally hear him in my head saying all them naughty english things this is not good what have i done my lady parts also cry HELP
anonymous asked: Everyone is talking about the Jooheon smut and I'm here still crying because of how hard Chained up hit me
oh god that was not my best work but im glad you enjoyed it the thing never got edited i hope its not a hot mess haha sorry markiepooh but it still got the job done i think hehehe
anonymous asked: A part of me regrets reading Underworld AF....but it was such a good read too... that last chapter HURT but it was a good hurt
oh no dont regret reading it! that makes me sad! its a long ass fic i dont want you to get to the end of it and think holy shit i wasted so much time reading that horror flick i tried to bring it full circle in the end im glad you thought it was a good read i panicked for a second haha
honeyheonie asked: HOLY FUCK!!!! I have sinned. 'Rythm' was 👌👌👌👌👌
me too darling ;) thank ya
anonymous asked: Do you have a quote or prompt list we could use? :)
i do not. i leave it up to you guys that way you have lots to choose from
she calls ME QUEEN! thank you thank you I SQUEAL A LOT AT THIS im actually sad its over too. but im content with it. I HOPE IT IS FOREVER YOUR FAVE you stuck with me through the whole thing thank you i love you
statetheobvious04 asked: I've long been a follower for your underworld series and Jesus christ it's one of the best series of read ever. The storyline was so gripping and full of love and loss that by the time I finished the last chapter my chest was heavy and I nearly cried. Idk how you did it but I feel like I've personally lived through minas insane and perilous journey and felt every single emotion as if it were my own. It's een a while since I've read the earlier chapters but I feel like if I do il start 1/2 2/2 sobbing. You are such an amazing and talented writer that this story deserves to be developed into a book or movie but eve then those may not do it justice. But honestly, thank you so much for sharing and writing. And I’m so happy mina finally got the life she deserves and that everyone else managed to find peace in Iceland 💜💜💜💜
THIS MAKES ME HAPPPY YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW CAN I DESCRIBE MY JOY AT THIS MESSAGE you make me cry thank you for loving mina and thank you for supporting the story and thank you for telling me how it felt to read it i love you <3
anonymous asked: hi leigh! I have a question. I hope it doesn't come across the wrong way, I'm just curious! May I ask why you're not taking exo requests?
you’re good honey :) honestly im just not in an exo mood at the moment. i still write for them i still even have a baekhyun oneshot in my drafts idk im just not feeling like writing for them for drabbles at the moment if that makes sense
anonymous asked: Do you still open the drabble request?
they are closed now.
anonymous asked: I'm a Yoongi at heart but your story Underworld made my heart 'boom boom'. Seriously this is the best mafia /zombie apocalypse AU I have ever read and I read a lot of fan fiction. Keep up the good work. PS: Some drabbles based on Underworld wouldn't hurt. PSS: If you don't understand the heart boom boom reference , go see the latest Buzzfeed interview of BTS.
i can’t help but only hear got7′s boom boom boom though haha im down for underworld drabbles i think i mentioned before that any gang!au drabbles i do will be in the underworld universe before the zombie outbreak so far i only have the one for bambam i would link it but im too tipsy for something that level right now sorry :D
anonymous asked: I fucking love your angst writings, they get me emotional aha
thank you i love angst i like toying with emotions ehehe
anonymous asked: Underworld is amazing!!! One of the best stories I've read, even though it has me crying from Paris all the way to the end.😭😭😭😭 You done good. 😁
we dont talk about paris haha jk that one hurt too much thank you darling that its one of the best you’ve read means the world to me :)
anonymous asked: How can you write like thattttt!!!! I adore you. I'll always be your follower 💖
anonymous asked: Who is that in your header gif?
It’s Suga :)
thewriterpixie asked: *squeals* I just finished reading the Suga father/daughter date drabble! It made my day!
Thank you! I love that one so much :)
anonymous asked:  Okay I was reading Wake Up and Play with Me and for some reason it reminded me of their song Paradise?¿¿ Now whenever I hear it I'm gonna associate it with this smut xD
Ooh i like the sound of that! i really love Paradise but I think Sign is my favorite on the album but how do you get your question marks upside down i thought the room was spinning for a second i kid you not lol
anonymous asked: Your Jooheon smut got me looking at Jooheony at a different way now 😏 thank you for writing such a quality one shot! You're one of the best of the best!
YAS come to the jooheon side we have thick thighs and adorable dimples you will not regret this ;)
taecmekai asked: hope you are ok and recovering well from your knee surgery :)
i’m okay! gained a few pounds from being stuck on the couch for a few days but idgaf hehe ;) i’ll get back to yoga when i feel like it
coppertopging asked: I just finished Underworld. holy crap the emotional coaster you took me on! I read the last 7 chaps today & i couldn't stop crying. I didn't when Jae died, but his 'funeral' got me with the reactions from everyone. & then Hobi?! That was the most painful. I had to stop & pull myself together. Yoongi made me laugh a little with his delivery. My favorite part of the ending was the Jk/Yugy part. The only thing I felt was missing was more detail into Namjoon & Jin. But this story was amazing!!!
yeah hoseok was the hardest for me too. i wanted to keep anything namjin related kinda vague and open to the reader’s interpretation that’s why there wasn’t much material there but im very glad you enjoyed the story thank you :)
anonymous asked: holy fucking shit. it's 4am and i just finished reading Underworld and i'm crying so hard there's so many emotions i'm feeling. thank you so much for that masterpiece. it's the first work of yours i've read and omfg you're talented as fuck. i'm actually a bit speechless still tbh it's only fully processing to me ...hobi... he's not even my bias but i'm crying so hard i need help wow SO MUCH LOVE FOR U AND UR WRITING THO
omg i cant believe you stayed up that late to read it i wish i could do that but in my old age i dont bounce back that well anymore (i just turned 27 and am very upset about it) anyway THANK YOU this makes me very happy
danphilandstuff asked: OH MY FUCKING GOD RHYTHM WAS SO FUCKING GOOD THANK YOU SO MUCH ITS ACTUALLY HOW I IMAGINED HIM TO BE IT FELT SO REAL IT WAS ACTUALLY THE BEST FANFIC IVE EVER READ IM CURRENTLY READING YOUR MASTER LIST. you're actually such an amazing writer thank you so much (Could I request more Jooheon fics? ((If you want and have time)) )
i will never stop writing jooheon fics. you have nothing to worry about there haha. WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS THE BEST FANFIC YOUVE READ IT WAS SUCH A RAUNCHY SEX FEST I SHOULD BE ASHAMED lol just kidding no but in all seriousness THANK YOU I LOVE YOU IM GLAD YOU LOVED IT I HOPE YOU KEEP COMING BACK FOR MORE MUHAHA
anonymous asked: (1/3) Hey lovely! I came across your blog today after reading your monsta x all in one shot and i just wanted to say thank you for writing something so incredible! it had me gripped from start to finish and it was honestly one of the most (2/3) well-written pieces ive ever read, I would love to be able to write at your standard one day. I cant express how grateful i am, it put me through so many emotions and i actually had tears in my eyes at one point! So yeah, apologies for this (3/3) being so long but i just wanted to express my gratitude and say that you are an amazing writer :) x
oh my goodness this was ridiculously lovely. i am very proud of All In and how it turned out. i hope to finish the sequel soon. i keep getting writers block on it and i dont know why but anyway. thank you for sending me this and im thrilled that i could write something you enjoy very much. you are too kind thank you <3
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amylynnorg · 4 years
Judas Asparagus
Judas Asparagus A child was asked to write a book report on the entire Bible. This is amazing and brought tears of laughter to my eyes. I wonder how often we take for granted that children understand what we are teaching??? Through the eyes of a child: The Children's Bible in a Nutshell In the beginning, which occurred near the start, there was nothing but God, darkness, and some gas. The Bible says, 'The Lord thy God is one, but I think He must be a lot older than that. Anyway, God said, 'Give me a light!' and someone did. Then God made the world. He split the Adam and made Eve. Adam and Eve were naked, but they weren't embarrassed because mirrors hadn't b een invented yet. Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating one bad apple, so they were driven from the Garden of Eden. Not sure what they were driven in though, because they didn't have cars. Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel. Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived to be like a million or something. One of the next important people was Noah, who was a good guy, but one of his kids was kind of a Ham. Noah built a large boat and put his family and some animals on it. He asked some other people to join him, but they said they would have to take a rain check. After Noah came Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob was more famous than his brother, Esau, because Esau sold Jacob his birthmark in exchange for some pot roast. Jacob had a son named Joseph who wore a really loud sports coat. Another important Bible guy is Moses, whose real name was Charlton Heston. Moses led the Israel Lights out of Egypt and away from the evil Pharaoh after God sent ten plagues on Pharaoh's people. These plagues included frogs, mice, lice, bowels, and no cable. God fed the Israel Lights every day with manicotti. Then he gave them His Top Ten Commandments. These include: don't lie, cheat, smoke, dance, or covet your neighbor's stuff. Oh, yeah, I just thought of one more: Humor thy father and thy mother. One of Moses' best helpers was Joshua who was the first Bible guy to use spies. Joshua fought the battle of Geritol and the fence fell over on the town. After Joshua came David. He got to be king by killing a giant with a slingshot. He had a son named Solomon who had about 300 wives and 500 porcupines. My teacher says he was wise, but that doesn't sound very wise to me. After Solomon there were a bunch of major league prophets. One of these was Jonah, who was swallowed by a big whale and then barfed up on the s hore. There were also some minor league prophets, but I guess we don't have to worry about them. After the Old Testament came the New Testament. Jesus is the star of The New. He was born in Bethlehem in a barn. (I wish I had been born in a barn too, because my mom is always saying to me, 'Close the door! Were you born in a barn?' It would be nice to say, 'As a matter of fact, I was.') During His life, Jesus had many arguments with sinners like the Pharisees and the Republicans. Jesus also had twelve opossums. The worst one was Judas Asparagus. Judas was so evil that they named a terrible vegetable after him. Jesus was a great man. He healed many leopards and even preached to some Germans on the Mount. But the Republicans and all those guys put Jesus on trial before Pontius the Pilot. Pilot didn't stick up for Jesus. He just washed his hands instead. Anyways, Jesus died for our sins, then came back to life again. He went up to Heaven but will be back at the end of the Aluminum. His return is foretold in the book of Revolution. It is easier to grow older Than it is to grow wiser
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ellalauwa · 7 years
If you ask any random person what dish they are able to cook well, 9 out of 10 will tell you “chicken and rice”. But rice is full of simple carbs, which for some people can cause weight issues. So, how can we eat our favorite rice dishes, without these carbs? Well, the answer lies in yet another unexpectedly versatile vegetable… Cauliflower! And, to showcase the rice, I will add a recipe for an Indian chickpea curry.
Jump to Recipe
Jump to Recipe: Cauliflower Rice
Jump to Recipe: Chickpea Curry
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Naar het recept (Dutch Recipe)
As the courgette pasta recipe I shared before has gotten a lot of positive reactions (thanks guys!), I have another recipe for you guys that can transform a regular, carb-loaden dish into a powered up, nutrient-dense dish, loaded with vegetables.
Like I said in my last low-carb recipe: courgette noodles, carbs are not the enemy but reducing them in your diet can help you maintain your weight.
So how do we go about transforming a big lumpy, spheric vegetable into perfect little rice grains?
It is much easier than you might think! To transform this fair colored “flower”  into rice, first they must be broken apart or chopped into manageable bits. Both the flowerets and the stem can be used. Then just grind them up in a food processor (you may need to do this in batches depending on the size of your processor and try to make sure not to overfill it… make your processor’s life a bit easier, it’s always there for you, it’s time to show some love and appreciation) or, if you don’t have one, grate them up with a grater (and some elbow grease). You will be left with these little cauliflower grains that resemble couscous or rice and can be eaten in the same way.
A whole head of cauliflower yields about 6-9 portions of rice. That is quite a lot right! So it’s the perfect food to prep on a Sunday, making a big batch and then freezing the rice in little portioned-out bags or containers of 1 or 2 portions so that they are easy to heat up and eat when ready. They can easily be heated in a microwave with a splash of rice vinegar or even a dash of cinnamon if you like. Easy peasy. Then add on your favorite curry (Indian, Thai, Japanese), wokked vegetables, ragout, or anything that pairs well with your old regular rice.
To give you an example of how to pair the rice with a dish, I will include a recipe as well. Since I am trying to show you how to make more plant-based food I will not be using chicken in this recipe but I will be showing you how you can make a full meat-free meal with chickpeas as the star of the dish in a delicious Indian curry. As you probably guessed, this dish is native to India (Go you! And, Go India!). I actually got it from an Indian friend of mine, who once cooked it for me. Although the traditional dish he made and the one I am making are probably not that much alike in the end as I am making it my way… it is still hella tasty though! It’s a flavorful and vibrant dish and a great way to change things up from your usual chicken and rice.
The original name for this recipe is Chana Massala. The base for this dish is, as with any Asian dish, garlic, onions, and ginger. You add some tomatoes and spices and then the magic happens. A very interesting technique can be used where, instead of straight up frying the onions, garlic, ginger, and tomatoes, they are blended up to a paste first and then cooked up in a pan, before adding the spices.
If you were short on some of the spices or just cannot be bothered with so many ingredients, you could potentially leave some of them out. The essential flavor maker, besides of course the onions, garlic, and ginger, is the garam massala. The other spices add more depth to the dish and allow you to change things up a bit as well. Play around with the amounts and see what you like, in terms of spiciness and flavor balance. 
As far as I know, no vegetables are added besides the tomatoes in the sauce. Of course, I could not resist throwing some extra veggies in there and getting them coated in all those beautiful spices. Because, as the Vietnamese say, “Rice without vegetables is like fish without water”. And, of course, the chickpeas!
Let’s put the ricing on the cake.. I mean.. curry!
  Ga naar de Nederlandse versie van het recept
  This recipe makes 4 portions.
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Your kitchen tools for today:
A food processor or grater
A skillet pan
A spatula or wooden spoon
Optional: A large knife
Optional: Pestle and Mortar
Optional: A blender
The ingredients you will need are:
For the Cauliflower Rice
1/3 head of cauliflower (about 4 cups)
Optional: A splash of rice vinegar or a dash of cinnamon
For the Chickpea Curry
A can of chickpeas (about 400 grams)
1 red pepper
1 yellow or orange pepper
1 zucchini
4-6 Tomatoes (about 300 grams)
1 or 2 Green Chilies, depending on the spice you can handle
1 Onion
3 Cloves garlic
A knob of ginger of about equal proportions as the garlic
1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
2-4 Teaspoons of garam massala
3 Teaspoons paprika powder
2 Teaspoons turmeric powder
1 Teaspoon of cumin seeds
1 Teaspoon of coriander seeds
1 Teaspoon of mustard seeds
A few sprigs of fresh coriander or parsley (Hands up if you’re a cilantro hater)
Start making your cauliflower rice.
1/3 head of cauliflower (about 4 cups)
Start prepping the cauliflower by removing any leafs. Then, coarsely chop or break the cauliflower up into pieces with your hands, to make it easier to work with.
Grind the cauliflower pieces in your food processor or grate them up. You can take this chance to make a large batch of cauliflower rice and freeze the (portioned out) extras up.
When you are ready to use the fresh (or frozen) “rice” simply heat it up in the microwave for about 3 minutes, covered, and stir through after 1 or 2 minutes. Another option is to pour over some boiling water and drain or to fry it up in a skillet.
Your rice might become a little soggy if you heat it too much or if it came from the freezer as the moisture from within is released. This is not a problem though, just squeeze it all out in a clean kitchen towel.
When your rice is dry and hot enough, simply plate it up and add whatever toppings you like or add it straight to your sauce.
To add some extra flavor to your rice, add a splash of rice vinegar, a dash of cinnamon, a sprinkle of herbs or even some spices during the cooking process.
Then we can make the curry…
A can of chickpeas (about 400 grams)
1 red pepper
1 yellow or orange pepper
1 zucchini
4-6 Tomatoes (about 300 grams)
1 or 2 Green Chilies, depending on the spice you can handle
1 Onion
3 Cloves garlic
A knob of ginger of about equal proportions as the garlic
1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
2-4 Teaspoons of garam massala
3 Teaspoons paprika powder
2 Teaspoons turmeric powder
1 Teaspoon of cumin seeds
1 Teaspoon of coriander seeds
1 Teaspoon of mustard seeds
A few sprigs of fresh coriander or parsley (Hands up if you’re a cilantro hater)
Salt to taste
  The spice blend…
Grind your seeds (cumin, coriander, and mustard) up with mortar and pestle before mixing them with the garam massala, paprika powder, and turmeric powder. An optional step, and one I do recommend, is to toast the seeds before grinding them. This brings out the aroma (and will add an amazing warm scent to your kitchen).
If you’re a first-time cook though, you might want to try cooking this with fewer of the spices (the garam massala and paprika powder are really a must though), until you get the hang of it. You could also use pre-ground spices, but freshly grinding the coriander, cumin, and mustard seeds yourself does really take it up a notch.
Toasting the whole spices: cumin seeds, coriander seeds, mustard seeds, a bit of garam massala and whole peppercorns
  You could start directly in a pan with your oil, minced garlic, grated ginger, chopped onions, and chopped chilies, and shortly after add your chopped tomatoes to create the base of the curry. Another option, and the one I prefer, is to blend these same ingredients up, creating a very flavorful sauce or paste. You then add this paste to the pan and heat it for a couple of minutes until all the smells release and the color changes. When it is slightly reduced add your spices and cook again for a few minutes. When the sauce has thickened you can start adding in your vegetables and your chickpeas and cook them for another couple of minutes until cooked but still crunchy and colorful. Add salt to taste.
When you’re ready to plate up transfer a portion of rice to a bowl or plate. Then, on your bed of rice, add the curry.
Finish it off with some fresh coriander or parsley. And.. enjoy!
The curry dish also works great paired with some naan bread.
Tip: Use the dried chickpea variety instead of the canned ones, soaking them overnight in cold water and a bit of salt. You may even add additional flavoring to the soaking water, which the chickpeas will then absorb. Or, disregard the chickpeas altogether and use kidney beans instead.
I made an infographic of the recipe, that is great for sharing and saving. Find it below:
There you have it. A vibrant and exotic low-carb rice dish.
Please try it at home and let me know what you think.
Share this recipe with your friends if you like it!
Hugs and Kisses,
Where did I get my inspiration from:
If you like my recipes, please follow me on facebook, instagram, and twitter, where I will share my newest posts bi-weekly.
  For my Dutch friends:
Dit recept is voor 4 porties.
Bereidingstijd: 30 minuten
Kooktijd: 20 minuten
  Je keukengerei voor vandaag:
Een keukenmachine of rasp
Een koekenpan
Een spatel of houten lepel
Optioneel: Een groot mes
Optioneel: Een vijzel
Optioneel: Een blender
De ingrediënten die je nodig zult hebben:
Voor de Bloemkool Rijst
1/3 bloemkool (ongeveer 4 kopjes of handjes vol)
Een scheutje azijn of een snufje kaneel
Voor de Kikkererwten Massala
Een blikje kikkererwten (ongeveer 400 gram)
1 rode paprika
1 gele of oranje paprika
1 courgette
4-6 tomaten (ongeveer 300 gram)
1 of 2 groene pepers, afhankelijk van de pittigheid die je aankunt
1 ui
3 teentjes knoflook
Een stuk gember, ongeveer evenveel als de knoflook
1-2 eetlepels zonnebloemolie
2-4 theelepels garam massala
3 theelepels paprika poeder
2 theelepels curcuma poeder
1 theelepel komijnzaad
1 theelepel korianderzaad
1 theelepel mosterzaad
Een paar verse takjes koriander of peterselie (handen omhoog als je een koriander-hater bent)
Begin met het maken van de bloemkool rijst.
1/3 bloemkool (ongeveer 4 kopjes of handjesvol)
Begin met het voorbereiden van de bloemkool door de bladeren eraf te halen. Snij de bloemkool met een groot mes in grove stukken of breek deze in stukken met je handen, om ze makkelijker te verwerken.
Vermaal de bloemkoolstukken in je keukenmachine of rasp ze. Je kunt er ook voor kiezen om een grotere hoeveelheid bloemkoolrijst te maken en deze (in porties) in te vriezen. Als je toch bezig bent ;).
Wanneer je klaar bent om de verse (of bevroren) “rijst” te maken, verhit deze dan simpelweg in de magnetron voor ongeveer 3 minuten. Roer tussendoor om, na 1 of 2 minuten. Een andere optie is om kokend water over de tijst te gieten, even te laten staan, en hierna het water af te gieten of om deze op te bakken in een pan met wat olie.
Het kan gebeuren dat er veel vocht vrijkomt bij het verhitten van de rijst, vooral als deze in de vriezer is geweest. Dit is geen probleem. Stop de rijst in een schone keukendoek en wring deze goed uit.
Wanneer je rijst heet en droog genoeg is, kun je het op een bord plaatsen met je toppings of saus naar keuze eroverheen, of direct de pan in bij de saus.
Om wat extra smaak toe te voegen aan je rijst, kun je een scheutje rijstazijn, een snufje kaneel, een sprenkeling van kruiden of zelfs wat specerijen toevoegen tijdens het verhittingsprocess.
 Dan kunnen we aan de curry beginnen.
  Kikkererwten Curry
Een blikje kikkererwten (ongeveer 400 gram)
1 rode paprika
1 gele of oranje paprika
1 courgette
4-6 tomaten (ngeveer 300 grams)
1 of 2 groene pepers, afhankelijk van de pittigheid die je aankunt
1 ui
3 teentjes knoflook
Een stuk gember, ongeveer evenveel als de knoflook
1-2 eetlepels zonnebloemolie
2-4 theelepels garam massala
3 theelepels paprikapoeder
2 theelepels curcumapoeder
1 theelepel komijnzaad
1 theelepel korianderzaad
1 theelepel mosterzaad
Een paar verse takjes koriander of peterselie (handen omhoog als je een korianderhater bent)
  De specerijen mix.
Vermaal de zaden (komijn, koriander, en mosterd) in een vijzel alvorens ze te vermengen met de garam massala, paprika-, en kurkumapoeder. Een optionele stap, en een die ik zeker aanraad, is om de zaden voor het vermalen even te roosteren in een pan ZONDER olie. Dit brengt de smaken naar boven (en zal je keuken een heerlijk aroma geven).
Als je een beginnende kok bent en niet zo lastig wilt doen, kun je wat van de specerijen en zaden weglaten (gebruik in ieder geval de garam massala en paprika poeder) of gebruik vermalen specerijen uit de winkel totdat je het recept wat beter onder de knie hebt. Maar het vers vermalen van van de zaden geeft het recept wel echt een wow-effect.
Het roosteren van de hele zaden en specerijen: komijn zaad, koriander zaad, mosterd zaad, een beetje garam massala, en wat zwarte peper korrels.
  Je kunt beginnen door in een pan de olie met knoflook, gember, uien, en gesneden peper te bakken en kort erna gesneden tomaten toe te voegen om zo de basis van de curry te creeeren. Een andere optie, en een die ik zelf liever gebruik, is om dezelfde ingredienten in de blender te mengen tot een zeer smaakvolle pasta. Deze pasta kan dan de pan in en een paar minuten verhit worden op hoog vuur. Als hij wat ingekookt is en de geuren vrijkomen en de kleur veranderd. Als het een beetje ingekookt is kun je de specerijen toevoegen en nog een paar minuutjes koken. Wanneer de saus is ingedikt kunnen de kikkererwten en groentes erbij. Dit word opnieuw voor een aantal minuten gekookt, tot de groentes beetgaar en nog steeds knapperig en kleurrijk zijn. Voeg zout naar smaak toe.
Wanneer de saus en rijst klaar zijn leg je een portie rijst op een bord. Op dit bedje rijst komt de curry.
Maak ht af met een paar takjes verse koriander of peterselie. En… geniet!
De curry werkt ook heel goed met warm naan brood.
Tip: Gebruik gedroogde kikkererwten in plaats van die uit een blikje, zet ze een nacht in koud water met een beetje zout. Je kunt zelfs smaakjes aan het weekwater toevoegen (kruiden en specerijen) voor extra smaken die de kikkererwten dan kunnen absorberen. Of, in plaats van kikkererwten, gebruik eens kidney bonen.
Ik heb een infographic van het recept gemaakt (in het Engels), vind deze hier beneden.
Cauliflower Rice with Indian Chickpea Massala If you ask any random person what dish they are able to cook well, 9 out of 10 will tell you "chicken and rice".
0 notes
sharontwigg-blog · 7 years
8 Male Coleman Shoreline Deluxe Camping tent As well as Patio
The Coleman Shoreline 4 Deluxe is a great choice for 2 adults and 2 youngsters, with a variety of beneficial accessories to make the camp much better. Uncomplicated to pitch many thanks to it its stable as well as strong tunnel structure, the design concentrates on the groupâ $ s benefit with helpful functions such as the peak security to sanctuary tent doors, the Coleman self-rolling home window covers, an awesome air port for optional a/c, a fast accessibility power cord duct as well as a sewn-in groundsheet to keep the elements out. The sewn in groundsheet is currently a must for us after this experience as it maintained the camping tent good and dry as well as primarily insect complimentary (our previous camping tent had a seperate groundsheet and also the beetles were dreadful!!) It maintained the bottom of the tent draft free as well and also relatively cozy which was a true blessing on those colder nights. A widely large 8 man tent from Coleman, the Coastline 8 has even more than sufficient room in the living location for tables and chairs making it comfortable to remain in on those stormy days, yet has 2 huge doors which you can open for ventilation throughout the hot summertime months. Your household will feel safely seated in this huge 6 person camping tent thanks to the steady and wind-strong tunnel framework which deals easily with hard weather, along with a sewn-in groundsheet, ensuring your outdoor tents stays bug-free while also keeping the impacts of the climate outside your front door. Possibly I have actually just ingested the advertising around a canvas outdoor tents, however having actually invested a really comfy evening in a buddies bell tent, I understood just how cold and condensation-y our nylon one is. Problem is, I don't desire a bell camping tent and every little thing else I've discovered appears somewhat costly. The outdoor tents did it's job given the reduced cost and it was certainly much better compared to our first outdoor tents that was attacked by a black as well as white rabbit in the center of the evening (even if my partner did scream badger!) The sewn in groundsheet was terrific although the room plans typically aren't quite like they were promoted. This item incorporates simplicity, speed, luxury as well as security and also if going anywhere for an amount of time, this must definitely make your finest camping tent shortlist. You also have a tiny zoomed opening (at the base near the very first outdoor tents swimming pool) to run a power lead for an electrical hook-up if you need it (such as for running a heating system if you are camping in the cooler seasons). De Coast 3 is een stevige en stabiele outdoor tents welke makkelijk op te zetten is. Met zijn afmetingen biedt deze tent voldoende ruimte aan 3 personen en bijbehorende bagage. Got ta love STW - can't even have an outdoor tents that's also huge currently for it still to be camping. This makes the tent excellent for camping at any type of sight irrespective of the weather. Great factors - Quite possibly made, excellent value for cash, Great dimension simple to set up. Set up the outdoor tents with the recommendations from other users e.g. Hang the rooms whized up before pinning the outer outdoor tents down which allows the room whizs to work fine with no strain on the zips and sustains. Globally, Coleman are dedicated to encouraging a lot more people to go outside; it's the principles behind our day-to-day reasoning. Sign up with thousands of other parents as well as get our routine e-newsletter having an assemble of the latest articles, days out, camping sites, and also examines for helping you get your family members outside as well as active. Free Books Making it through post-apocalypse survival, Surviving the post-apocalypse now in survival: i start my post-apocalypse shirtless, exactly what remains of edith finch review. The major disadvantage is that commonly the there will just ever before be one room meaning that if privacy is essential to you, after that probably this is not the camping tent for you. Ob beim Wandern, Angeln, Jagen, Bootfahren oder Camping auf Coleman Outdoor camping Ausrüstung können Sie sich verlassen. If you're on the appearance out for an outdoor tents that's strong, very easy to put up as well as extremely comfy, there's this stunning Coleman Shoreline tent with standing space for up to 8 individuals. The Coleman Coastline Deluxe is hands down the very best marketing household camping tent int he UK. Coleman is a wonderful brand as well as well known for it's high quality, as well as the Coastline does not dissatisfy, a great high quality outdoor tents at a terrific cost. Doch auch wenn Sie zu Hause im Garten oder im Wald Ihrer wilden Seite zu ihrem Recht verhelfen möchten, sind Sie mit Coleman Produkten intestine beraten. Currently this were it obtains a bit mad so stick with me. I bought the side cover from eBay ₤ 40 that has no door and also attached the front patio over that hence offering us a T form Coleman Coast. Excellent points - easy to pitch, roomy particularly with awning, a lot of light and also cozy. Unfollow coleman coastline deluxe porch to quit getting updates on your eBay feed. We used a wonderful 6 guy for a couple of seasons and this coming year I am also thinking about going up to an 8 guy outdoor tents. For the rate of an economical custom-made made mesh from the market (see main testimonial above) you'll have practically the exact same outdoor tents (minus the side door) as well as these are terrific, extremely roomy as well as sturdy high quality. If it seems too good to be real, do not fret, due to the fact that this tent is the actual bargain. I feel a bit guilty that I have actually treated myself to a canvas outdoor tents as well as I'm going to be pushing a couple of kids right into a polyester pup - if you recognize of any small 2 male canvas outdoors tents let me understand! The Coleman Darwin 2 Plus is a high quality light-weight 2 person outdoor tents at a bargain price. Set up the tent with the referrals from other users e.g. Hang the bed rooms zoomed up before pinning the external tent down which allows the room zips to work penalty without any kind of stress on the zips as well as supports. If you're on the look out for a camping tent that's strong, easy to set up as well as very comfortable, there's this amazing Coleman Shoreline camping tent with standing area for up to eight individuals. The Coleman Coastline Deluxe is hands down the finest selling family members camping tent int he UK. Coleman is an excellent brand name and well recognized for it's high quality, and also the Coastline does not dissatisfy, a fantastic high quality tent at a fantastic rate. I really feel a bit guilty that I have actually treated myself to a canvas tent and also I'm going to be shoving a couple of kids into a polyester dog - if you know of any type of little 2 man canvas outdoors tents allow me understand!
0 notes
mischiefandspirits · 7 years
Beauty and the Beast
Sequel to Roar & We Are One
The team begins their journey to free the universe from Zarkon's rule. First up, a Balmeran named Shay…
Oh, along with her people and the Balmera they live on.
Find more. Also on: AO3 & Fanfiction
Part 1: Tail As Old As Time
Hunk, Coran, and Pua leave to retrieve the crystal they need to power the Castle.
When Hunk and Pua stumbled into the pod bay, Coran was already inside a pod, tapping at the controls while Pidge and Chip hung over the side.
“Where did you go?” Pidge asked as they walked up.
“Had to pick up something,” Hunk said, gesturing towards Pua as he climbing up into the pod.
The three were surprised to see the armor the lion was wearing. “Where did you get that?” Pidge asked, hopping down to circle Pua, looking over the armor. It technically looked like the armor Coran had given Merla and Ryou when they’d raided Sendak’s ship for the Red Lion, but it was painted like Hunk’s armor, only with the yellow portions switched with the white on the chest and hind legs. His shoulders were also painted red and the lower portion of the helmet yellow.
“Lance. He made armor for all of them. Something about sidekicks, I think. I figured if Pua was coming with us without the Yellow Lion, he should have some protection.”
“Where’s Chip’s?”
“I don’t know. Lance just gave me Pua’s once it was finished. We were going to try it on him later, but… this happened.”
“Aha!” Coran exclaimed and the four turned to him. “It's our first bit of luck. There's a source not too far. We won't need a wormhole to get there, thankfully.”
Pua huffed and climbed into the Pod behind Coran and Hunk.
Pidge stared at the armor for another moment before refocusing. She climbed back up the pod to point at the screen in front of Hunk. “I made some modifications to the shuttle. The first change is a cloaking device that I reverse-engineered from the invisible walls on the training deck. The second is a tank of booster fuel that I mounted on the fuel line.”
“Using that during flight would turn the whole pod into a bomb!” Coran shouted.
Hunk and Pua each shot the girl a look, whimpering.
Pidge gave them a nervous grin. “Okay. Maybe you shouldn't use that modification after all.”
<Not your brightest moment,> Chip sighed.
Hunk turned to Coran and asked, “We ready to hit it?”
“Right. Let's go.”
Pidge and Chip stepped back as Coran started the engines. The windshield formed as the the pod lifted up.
“Good luck,” Pidge called and gave Hunk a thumbs up, which he returned.
The pod shot out of the bay and up into the sky. As they left the atmosphere, Hunk began tapping his fingers against his cuisses.
“So,” he hummed. “How far are we going?”
“Oh, not far. As I said, we don’t even need a wormhole.”
“Yeah, but exactly how far? How long is this trip going to be?”
“Oh, I’d say about a varga, maybe two.”
“A varga?”
“Fifty-five doboshes.”
<An hour,> Pua huffed. He tried to scratch his neck and frowned when he couldn’t feel anything through the armor.
“Can I get that in English?”
“Een-ga-lish? Is that your language?”
“Yeah… What are you speaking?”
“Cavni Altean, an offshoot of Royal Altean.”
“Well it sounds like English.”
“That would be the translation system. A wonder of Olkari diplomatic technology. It can translate any spoken language loaded into the system, allowing you to hear my words in your language.”
“That’s amazing! But wait, how do you have English loaded in the system?”
“No idea. Perhaps someone visited Earth and cataloged the language. It’s a universal system, so anyone could have added it before you arrived at the castle.”
“Wait, so aliens have seriously visited Earth? Like, in real life? The crazy foil people are right?”
“Foil people?” Coran asked while Pua gave a chuffing laugh.
“Nevermind. It’s nothing,” Hunk muttered. “So a varga?”
“Oh, yes, well… a varga should be little longer than one of your Earth hours.”
“So we’re stuck in here for somewhere between one to two hours?”
Hunk groaned and slid down slightly in the chair. Pua growled in agreement. “You wouldn’t happen to have road trip games or something in here?”
“Road trip games?”
“... -nk… -un-... Hunk!”
“Huh, what?” Hunk asked, jerking up.
“We’re almost there. I thought you’d want to be awake.”
Hunk hummed and looked out the window. As the pod flew up to a large yellow-green orb, he asked, “Is this the Balmera planet with the crystals?”
“It's not a planet. Balmera are ancient animals. Petrified, but still alive. Their bodies naturally create the crystals that help power many Altean ships.” Coran hit a button and a display came up, fist showing the outline of a Balmera, then a picture of a glittering landscape. “I often accompanied my grandfather to visit these majestic creatures when he was building the Castle of Lions. I'll never forget the first time I saw the sparkling surface of a Balmera. You're in for quite a treat!”
The display fell away just as the pod slipped below the clouds. The two were met with the sight of not the glittering crystals from the photo, but barren rock and giant chasms interspersed with hulking machines boasting the typical purple lights of Galra technology.
“Oh, no. This is horrifying. The Galra have turned this into a mining colony! They're completely destroying it! They have no regard for the poor creature!”
An alarm started blaring as a Galra ship appeared on the radar.
<What time is it?> Pua yawned, sitting up from where he had curled up behind the pilots’ chairs.
“Uh-oh. We've been spotted.”
Pua sat up straight as a voice announced over the enemy ship’s intercoms, “Hailing unidentified craft. State your ship ID, entry code, and landing destination.”
“Oh, no. What do we do?”
<Does this thing have weapons?>
“Just stay calm.” Coran turned on their own system and replied, “We don't really need to land. Uh, we're just looking around, if that's okay.”
“Unidentified craft, land immediately and prepare to be boarded.”
“Okay. Thank you. See you down below.”
Coran slammed on the reverse and they shot backwards. Hunk screamed as they went into a spin and Pua scrambled to brace himself so he wouldn’t be thrown about.
Coran swerved around laser fire before diving down a mine shaft as he shouted, “Not done yet. Hang on!”
Hunk’s screams slowly lost energy as their nosedive just kept going. Finally he stopped and looked at Coran. “How deep is this thing?” Suddenly the light from the pod caught a web of girders. “Oh, no, no, no!” Hunk shouted as Coran tried to fly around them, but one of the wings hit a metal beam. Thankfully they were only a few feet off the ground. The crash was jarring, but they weren’t injured.
<Is this what it feels like to be in a crash? That was terrible!> Pua groaned rolling onto his feet.
Hunk pulled his helmet off and was turning to look at Pua when he spotted something.
“Coran, what lives at the bottom of these mines?” he asked.
The Altean turned to follow his gaze, but instead got a faceful of yellow armor as Pua shoved forward to see what his paladin was looking at. He stood up and he saw two figures standing in the gloom of a cave. The trio jumped out of the pod and Hunk summoned his bayard.
<Stay back,> Pua growled as the figures started to approach. He unsheathed his claws and the armor reacted in turn.
“Okay, don't come any closer!” Hunk whimpered, raising his energy cannon at the figures. “I don't know how to use this very well.”
The figures finally stepped into the light, revealing themselves to be bipedal creatures with reptilian skin and rock-like horns.
“Wait a minute. You're not Galra.”
“Nor are you,” the smaller said.
A buzzing came from above and the group looked up to see a ship floating down into the cavern.
The smaller one gasped as the larger said, “A patrol! Shay, we must take leave from these ones, now.” They turned away and set their hand on the shoulder of the smaller one, Shay.
“Wait, please!” Coran called out, making them pause. “We need your help. If the Galra find us, they'll kill us.”
“Or torture us,” Hunk added.
“Or keep us as some sort of creepy pet to play with how they please.”
<Are you feeling alright?> Pua huffed, sending the Altean a look.
“Not our problem, Hairy Lip,” the larger said. “Galra see us near you and they kill both you and us. Shay, exeunt!”
“No!” Shay objected. “These many years only Galra have been seen here. I will not turn my back on the skylings.”
“Vex!” the larger hissed before running over to the pod. They went to one side and Shay to the other. “Grab a side.”
The trio quickly helped grab hold of the pod, Coran next to the larger and Hunk next to Shay with Pua going around back to push.
“In here. Hurry!” the larger called as they dragged, pushed, and carried the pod until it was far enough inside the cave that the ship wouldn’t see them.
Hunk put away his bayard and turned to the strangers. “Thanks for saving us. I'm Hunk.”
“Shay. And this one, my brother Rax. How did you fall to us?”
“Well, we came looking for something. And you guys might be the right people to help us find it.”
The ship made another pass by the cave and Rax said, “Not here.”
Hunk glanced at Coran and then nodded. Shay and Rax led the three through the caves until they reached what seemed to be a communal area. More of the strange aliens -- Balmerans? -- looked up at them and Shay went over to explain.
An elderly Balmeran came up to them with a smile and offered them bowls of soup before gesturing towards some rocks near a fire.
“Thank you,” Coran said.
Hunk nodded, taking two bowls and setting one down for Pua. Hunk sat down as the others all came to sit around the fire. He smelled the soup and smiled, “Thanks for the delicious soup. Are these potatoes in here?”
“Grandma's special dish for special visitors,” Shay said. “Cave-root for the skin. Cave bugs for the soul.”
Hunk gagged and Pua snorted. First plants now bugs? He missed Earth food.
“Oh!” Coran said, looking just as thrilled as the Earthlings. “Thank you for the bugs.”
The elderly Balmeran smiled and poured some more soup into his bowl.
“O-okay, I think that's too many.”
“So, how many of you are down here?” Hunk asked.
An older Balmeran spoke up. “There are thousands here on Balmera. We work and live in these mines.”
“We harvest crystals for Zarkon,” Shay added.
Hunk and Pua both growled the emperor's name. “That's so… sad that he's enslaved an entire planet.”
“Zarkon may rule, but we still have family. That's where true happiness comes from,” the older Balmeran said.
Rax snorted and stood. “Galra would tear our family asunder if they found these ones. Everyone comes to Balmera and takes, but gives nothing in return.”
“In the past, those who took the Balmera's crystals would replenish her with energy,” Shay explained. “It was an equal exchange. But the Galra only take. It is no wonder we can feel her suffering.” She placed her hand on the ground and it glowed. A whale like moan came from around them.
Hunk frowned and looked around at the family. “I'm sorry that we put everyone in this situation, but the faster we get the crystal and get out, the faster everyone is out of danger.”
“We're looking for a battleship-class crystal,” Coran requested.
The older Balmeran shook his head. “Battleship-class crystal? Those are most rare. Galra soldiers guard them ceaselessly until their harvest. Your quest is in vain.”
“There is one, found only weeks ago. It is almost excavated.”
“Quiet!” Rax hissed at his sister. “Even if they could steal the crystal from the Galra, battle patrols wait to take down their ship. These ones have no chance of getting out of here alive, with crystal or without.”
Hunk turned to Coran. “Okay, so this crystal we need is basically the hardest thing in the universe to get.”
Coran hummed. “Well I don't know about the hardest. There is the scaultrite mineral found only in the stomachs of giant weblums. Collecting that stuff's no picnic.”
Pua frowned as a foreboding feeling briefly filled him.
“Uh, but, yes, this seems very difficult.”
“You may stay here until Balmera gives another crystal,” Shay offered. “One that is hidden from Galra eyes.”
“We don't have that kind of time. I got an injured friend who needs to get into a magic healing machine, stat.”
“Hunk, you fix the pod,” Coran urged. “I'm going to do some reconnaissance and see if I can come up with another plan.”
Hunk nodded and finished his soup.
Pua sent the food a glare but did the same before standing up. <I think I’ll have a look around too,> he growled softly, nudging his paladin before following Coran.
“Don’t wander too much, Pua,” Hunk called.
Pua followed their scents back to the Pod. He shrunk into his housecat form and was surprised when the armor did the same. <Right, Altean tech,> he chuckled. He started exploring the caves around the pod, keeping an eye out for any Galra, but the sentinels he saw only seemed to patrol the areas near crystals, which were quite a ways from the pod. When Pua eventually returned, Hunk was working on it as Shay watched.
“A child's tale,” Shay was saying.
“It's real. I'm one of the paladins, and Voltron is going to defeat Zarkon.”
“You are?”
“Stop filling this one's head with your shadow show!” Rax barked. “The cavern is our home. This will never change. Come.”
Shay sent Hunk an apologetic look before following her brother.
Pua saw Hunk frown and came up to wrap around his legs, purring.
Hunk knelt down to scratch under his chin. “There you are. Where have you been?” He blinked, then his eyes widened. “Did you armor shrink with you?”
<Yup,> Pua chuffed. He shifted back into a lion, his armor growing with him.
“Well that’s… convenient.” Hunk turned back to the pod. Pua watched him work for a few moments before he shut the compartment. “Finished. Now we just need the crystal. Do you know where Coran went?”
Pua ducked his head.
“Maybe he went back to Shay’s,” Hunk hummed and the two headed down the tunnel. When they got there, Coran was standing with Shay and Rax.
“Is your ship repaired that you may depart our presence?” Rax snapped as they walked up.
“Uh, are you saying that you want us to leave?”
“Well, it's working, but we can't leave without the crystal.” Hunk turned to Coran. “You come up with any ideas how to get it?”
“Actually, yes.”
Pua snorted as as Hunk scrambled to keep his feet with Coran on his shoulders. <This is never going to work,> he called quietly, weaving around stalagmites as a house cat.
“I can't believe I'm the legs again. I'm the one who took down the guard. I should get to be the head.”
“Shh! Legs don't talk.” Hunk and Coran approached a pair of sentinels guarding a crystal and Coran said, “Oh, hello, gentlemen, shift's over. Boss needs you back at the guard shack.”
The sentinels looked at each other before one said, “Verify identification code.”
Coran stuck out one of the robotic arms they’d taken from the sentinel they’d destroyed earlier -- the wrong one Pua noted -- and waved it about. “Right. I didn't want to have to do this, but I'm going to have to pull rank. You guys are in big trouble, right? So, hand over those blasters and ID badges.”
The sentinels pointed their guns at the two. “Verify identification code or be destroyed.”
“Okay, okay. I've got it right… here!” Coran threw aside the robot pieces and the cloth they’d wrapped around themselves to reveal Hunk aiming his bayard at the sentinels. Coran pointed at the boy as he fired on the sentinels, taking them down.
Coran jumped off Hunk’s shoulders and ran up to the crystal. He placed his hands on it and it began to glow.
“What are you doing? We got to hurry!”
“I'm not just going to pry this out of here like some Galra monster. The Balmera is a sacred being. You have to communicate with it. Let your life forces connect. This is the way it was done in our time.”
“Whoa. You really know your Balmeras.”
Pua’s ears twitched and he turned. <Hunk!>
The crystal stop glowing and the rock holding it up crumbled away. Coren jumped forwards to catch it when it began to tip over and he grunted under the strain. He suddenly flinched and his head slowly turned to Hunk. “I think I'm broken.”
Hunk sighed, then froze at the sound of laser guns charging up. “Huh?”
Pua ducked down behind a stalagmite while his paladin turned to see a group of sentinels behind him, guns at the ready.
Coran stumbled towards them as he slurred, “Okay, guys! All right, I hate to do this. Blasters and badges. Come on. Give them up.”
He fainted.
Hunk gave the group a nervous smile and held up his hands.
Pua watched as the two were apprehended and dragged away. He couldn’t take all those guards on his own. Even if he could buy Hunk enough time to get his bayard again, they were both built for strength, not speed. They wouldn’t be able to get away with Coran in tow. They needed help.
An idea occurred and Pua shot off after sending Hunk one last look. There was no one in Shay’s home when he reached it, but he managed to track the girl’s scent to where she and a few other unfamiliar Balmerans were being herded about. Pua was trying to figure out how to approach the girl when the sentinels did his job for him and separated the girl from the others. He wasn’t close enough to hear what they said to her, but she headed off on her own.
He followed her until he was sure they were out of the sentinels’ view.
<Shay,> he called, slipping out of the shadows and to her side.
The Balmeran jumped and looked down at him. “You are Hunk’s friend. I heard he was captured. Is that why you are small?”
<He was,> Pua whined, then looked up at her with wide eyes. <I need your help.>
She stared down at him in confusion.
He slipped ahead of her and sat in front of her, making her stop.
She tilted her head to the side. “You are… asking for my help?”
<Yes,> he purred, walking over to nuzzle her.
Shay glanced around. “I can help. Follow.”
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