#You know which music system this came from
penny00dreadful · 10 hours
Folie à Deux - Part 3
For @psychocatnerd
Rating: Explicit
Part 1 Part 2 AO3
Despite Eddie’s probably entirely accurate depiction of Steve and his complete confidence in his ability to ‘yes-and’ himself into oblivion, the longer he spent in the car, the closer and closer he got to his destination, the nerves got worse and worse.
It didn’t help that the only thing Steve had in his rich boy car, holy shit this thing ran smooth, was ‘Steve’ music. He had nothing loud and screaming to drown out his slowly mounting panic or channel the tapping of his fingers on the wheel.
Like, he had Queen, but there were only so many times he could play Stone Cold Crazy over and over before he needed something else. 
Robin had been adamant about gaining her own independence and while that hadn’t yet manifested in her own drivers licence, it had manifested in her taking the bus to and from Indanapolis, which meant that Eddie was left driving to the next town over, the bigger one, to go pick her up and take her back to Hawkins.
As the bus station came into view, Eddie tried his best to keep his cool. 
He checked himself in the rearview mirror and while, yup, that was still Steve staring back at him, maybe a little more dishevelled than he would usually look, he was pretty sure he could pull this off, actually.
All of that swiftly flew out of the fucking window when Robin got her hand on the passenger door and he had rapid fire thoughts running through his mind of oh fuck, what do I call her? Robbie? Bobbie? Bobbin? Bob? Buckles? Steve had some convoluted system of nicknames, what the fuck would he call her right now?
Robin opened the door, throwing her bag in the back and Eddie was out of fucking time.
“R- Bu- Bobbin!” Eddie exclaimed, a wide smile across his face. Fuck, this was all already going downhill. “How was the bus?”
Robin paused in her shifting, getting herself comfortable in the passenger seat, hands stuck on the seatbelt she had been pulling out and she turned her head slowly, looking at him with a critical eye.
Shit, okay. 
So maybe he hadn’t been as ‘expert’ as he had claimed to be, but fuck it. Nowhere to go but up, right?
“The bus was the bus, Steve.” Robin replied, still examining him like a bug under a microscope, her eyes digging in. 
He put the car back into drive and began to manoeuvre out onto the road, keeping his own eyes front and centre, knowing if he glanced over he wouldn’t be able to keep the strained smile he had on plastered over his face.
They fell into a bitterly uncomfortable silence. Robin was staring at him and Eddie was starting to sweat. Fuck sake, he was known as the guy who could talk until the cows came home and now, now was the time he ended up blanking out on anything to say?
The tension in the car was so thick Eddie felt like he was fucking choking on it, the quiet weighing down on him like some kind of accusatory blanket.
He didn’t think he’d ever seen Robin and Steve be silent around each other. Fuck, what did they usually talk about? Girls? Boobies? Steve’s time at work? What happened in their lives since the last time they talked?
“How was college?” He tried, desperate for something to latch onto.
Robin continued to stare at him. Eddie wasn’t even sure she’d blinked yet. He could see her jaw move, like she was rolling around any potential answer in her mouth. He could feel her eyes raking over his face, his shoulders, where his hands were on the wheel. Ten and two, right? That’s how Steve drove, all uppity and proper?
Except shit, no, that wasn’t it. He was usually leaned back, an elbow on the door or something else effortlessly cool and relaxed.
The road stretched out in front of them and Eddie felt like it was going to be the longest god damned drive of his life.
“The week is long.” Robin said, out of fucking nowhere, nearly making him jump.
“The- wh-” Eddie stuttered. What the fuck kind of tense was that? “Like you had a long week at school?”
Robin took a deep breath in, letting it out slowly. 
“Sure.” She nodded slowly. “Let’s go with that.”
Robin twisted in her seat, reaching for her bag in the back, keeping half her body in the front of the car. It was a move that Eddie was pretty sure Steve wouldn’t allow but by the time he had remembered that, she was already rummaging around.
Eddie heard a muttered “shit” coming from her.
“What? What is it?”
Robin pulled herself mostly back into the front, one hand still digging around in her bag. “Can you pull over really quick? I think I might have left something behind.”
Eddie took a quick glance out the window to the empty roads around them. Nothing but asphalt and trees as far as the eye could see. He wasn’t even sure of the last time they passed another car. Typical Hawkins shit. He pulled off into the grass by the edge of the forest and threw the car into park.
“What did you forg-” Eddie’s words got caught in his throat as the cold metal of a sharp blade was pressed mercilessly against his throat, not cutting but dangerously close to doing so.
Fucking hell he hadn’t even seen Robin move. 
She was leaning over the centre console, her body pressing in threateningly close, her eyes ablaze and her teeth bared. 
“What are you?” She hissed out.
Eddie had faced up against knives before, they weren’t anything new to him but there was something about being threatened by someone who he knew for a fact had faced down death and Russian soldiers and fuckign alternate dimension creatures and fought for her life that gave Robin an extra terrifying edge. 
Eddie threw his hands up in surrender. He probably could have moved a little slower, probably could have actively tried not to shock her but sue him, he was starting to panic.
“I’m-” He swallowed against his own will, feeling the blade cut in ever so slightly. “I’m Steve-?”
“No you’re not.” She snapped back. “You might look like him, but you don’t move like him, you don’t talk like him. You’re something else entirely. What are you? Are you Vecna? Where is Steve?! What have you done with him?!”
She was shouting at him now and Eddie was probably about five more loud words away from curling up into a ball so fuck it. Steve could be mad at him later for spilling the beans. 
“I’m Eddie! Steve’s fine, he’s back home!” He squeaked out, entirely undignified but that wasn’t exactly his top priority right now. 
“Bullshit.” She spat, pressing in just a tiny bit more. “You think I’m gonna believe some fucking… pod person-”
“No, no!” He had nowhere to back up, nowhere to go. Robin already had him up against the driver's side door and he could tell from the look in her eye that if he didn’t convince her soon, she wouldn’t hesitate. “It’s me, I swear! It’s- I’m Eddie!”
She didn’t waver for a second aside from a disbelieving quirk of her eyebrow. “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” 
“Rob, please, I swear-”
“Prove it.”
“I… fuck.” 
Okay, Eddie and Robin, Eddie and Robin. They had things they shared together, right? They had that argument about music that one time? And like… there was the whole ‘Steve’ of everything between them because while Robin was a rambler and scatterbrained and weird she was a fucking genius in certain ways and far more perceptive than people gave her credit for.
“You and Steve have your entire first dance planned out for your totally real not for tax benefits marriage to Total Eclipse of the Heart. It took you a month to figure out one of the lifts and I nearly died when Steve dragged me into it one day when you weren’t there.” Eddie word-vomited out in a single breath. “I’m actually a big fan of romance movies and novels and we’ve talked about it extensively and you swore to never tell anyone but I have a suspicion you’ve told Steve because you tell him everything.” he hesitated, wilting a little under her still critical eye.
“You’re gonna have to give me more than that.” 
Eddie bit his lip, deciding to finally man up and go for broke.
“I’m hopelessly in love with your soulmate. And I want him to bend me over any available surface and buttsex me until I can’t walk properly anymore.”
Robin pursed her lips but it looked more like she was trying to hide a smile rather than preparing to gut him like a fish.
With a flick of her wrist, she retracted the pocket knife, relaxing back into her seat and sending him a crooked grin. “I would have expected you to do better with his hair. You certainly stare at him enough for it.”
Eddie’s mouth hung open, staring, trying to get over the fucking whiplash of her accepting the answer so quickly. 
Robin looked back over at him with a raised eyebrow. “Well? Drive.”
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“Your lesbian tried to kill me, Stevie.” Eddie called out into the Harrington home, letting both himself and Robin inside.
Robin shot off ahead of him before coming to an abrupt stop in the middle of the room, turning her head slightly like she was trying to listen for something.
There was only silence that answered him back and that wasn’t exactly the best way to convince Robin that he wasn’t some kind of body snatcher. 
Eddie felt his fingers twitch. He didn’t have any of his rings and he had nothing to fiddle with, nothing to nervously twist as he tried not to panic about the fact that Steve had run off somewhere with Eddie’s body.
Something had caught Robin’s attention though, and she took off again into the kitchen.  
Something clanked in one of Steve’s many unused garages. 
Rich people, what the fuck, man.
A mess of shaggy dark brown curls poked around the door and Eddie let out a silent sigh of relief that both his body and Steve were apparently fine, just fucking around in his garage for some reason.
Steve glanced between the two of them with wide, wide eyes, fuck were his eyes always that big? Did he look like that all the time?
Robin sighed out “dingus” as soon as she caught sight of him and the two of them fell into each other like they had been drawn together by some magnetic force, like she just knew it was Steve, how did she just know?
Steve had changed his clothes, switching the crop top and tight ripped jeans out for some kind of tank top and Jesus H. Christ. 
Steve had put Eddie’s body in those fucking gym shorts and while they did not look as good on him as they did on Steve, they… still weren’t half bad, actually. 
Damn, Eddie really needed to highlight his legs more.
If he ever got his body back.
“Birdie.” Steve muttered into Robin’s neck while he plucked her from the ground and swung her around himself.
Birdie, god damn it! The one name I didn’t fucking think of, of course.
Eddie huffed in almost mock irritation but if he was being honest with himself, there was some actual irritation there too. 
“Why doesn’t he get a knife to the throat?” Eddie scowled, turning his nose skyward.
Steve blinked. “Excuse me?”
Robin waved him off. “Because this is clearly Steve and he’s not acting extremely suspicious!”
Steve looked down at her. “You held a knife to his throat?”
“He was acting suspicious.” She said, completely unphased. 
“Did you call him a pod person?”
“He was acting like a pod person!”
“I was not-”
“Did you cut him?” Steve was leaning around Robin, still in his embrace, raking his eyes over Eddie’s neck.
“No, I’m not that careless, Steven.”
“Well it’s hard to know sometimes, Robert. You can barely carry a cup of coffee six steps without spilling it.”
“That’s not my fault! The human body’s oscillation rate-”
“Okay.” Eddie clapped his hands together in a move that was so reminiscent of Steve it almost scared him. “While this has been a lovely reunion, I am feeling very third wheeled, here and I don’t like it so I’m gonna start complaining about it.”
With a tilt of his head, Eddie was able to spot some kind of metal monstrosity in the garage over Steve’s shoulder. Something with bars and weights and cushioned bits. It looked like it could have either been a torture machine or an exercise machine. 
Or with some creative thinking, some kind of sex thing.
It probably wasn't a sex thing. 
“Stevie, what were you doing while I was gone?” Eddie asked, wondering if he’d be able to like… do things with one of those machines now that he was in Steve’s body.
Steve shrugged, his cheeks turning a little pink. “Did you know you can squat, like, 160?”
Eddie stared at him, bewildered. “Uh… no? I did not know that. Why do you know that? How do you know that? What does that even mean? What-”
Eddie looked back to the home gym again.
He didn’t…
He wouldn’t!
This was tantamount to betrayal!
“What have you been doing to my body, Harrington?”
Steve fixed him with what could only be described as a Steve Harrington smile, all sweet boy-next-door charm and standup citizenry, which was so fucking weird coming from his own face, scars and all.
“Testing it out.” Steve said to him, like he was an innocent angel. “Didn’t you say you wouldn’t be mad if I explored a little?”
“That’s not what I meant, I didn’t mean jock shit.”
“What did you mean then?”
Sexy things! Do sexy things to my body while you’re in there!
“This is so fucking weird.” Robin was staring in between the two of them with both a sense of wonder and some kind of terrifying clinical curiosity. “You.” She pointed at Steve. “Follow me. Tell me everything. You.” She pointed at Eddie. “Stay here. You tell me everything once we’re done.”
“Separately? What is this? An interrogation?”
“Yeah.” Robin answered with an air of ‘duh’ around her. “I’m collecting the facts independently, dipshit.”
“Why am I dipshit and Steve gets to be dingus?”
“Because I said so.”
“This is blatant favouritism.”
Robin snorted. “Nice of you to catch up.” She patted him on the head again, leaving him pouting and steered Steve back into the garage, shutting the door behind her. 
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Eddie had only managed to resist his impulses for all of four minutes, sitting on the couch and twiddling his thumbs before he finally broke. 
Steve and Robin could be in the garage for hours knowing the two of them, so he had time. He had time to be a little shit and that box in the back of Steve’s closet had been a box living in the back of his head since he had first laid eyes on it.
So, yeah.
Four minutes is all it took him to give into his impulses and tear up the stairs.
It was right where Eddie had left it, sitting innocently in the back corner. In all honesty Eddie had expected to come back and find it hidden but apparently Steve had been so preoccupied trying to figure out if he could bully Eddie’s body into doing some jock nonsense that the thought of the secret box at the back of his closet hadn’t even crossed his mind.
God, he hoped Steve wouldn’t take his body out jogging next. 
Maybe he could handle swimming, but jogging seemed like such a… task.
Eddie knelt down, his heart in his throat and repeated the motion he had that morning, slipping his finger under the lip of the cardboard box and lifted.
He’d thought…
They told him it was gone…
But there it was.
Lovingly folded and gently placed in a small secret space at the back of Steve’s closet.
Denim and patches and pins and blood and grime.
His vest.
Steve had kept his vest.
Even after everything. All the bad memories attached to it, all of the hurt and pain that must have come from it. Steve had kept it. And told Eddie it was lost.
Why would he tell Eddie it was lost?
Why would he keep it?
Hidden away in the back of his closet like some kind of… secret shame?
Was Steve ashamed of keeping it?
Away from him?
Or was he ashamed of why he kept it?
What could have possessed him to keep something of Eddie’s so close yet so far away. In his bedroom but hidden like a secret.
Eddie looked closer, trying to figure it out, trying to put himself in Steve’s mind, which wasn’t as easy as he thought it might be, being in his body. But he wanted to know. 
Why did Steve lie about it, keep it and then hide it?
Eddie reached out, but stopped himself. It didn’t feel… right for some reason. The vest didn’t really feel like his anymore, it was… it was Steve’s. Steve bled on this thing, he fought and protected and suffered on that vest. Far more than Eddie ever had.
And anyway, he was making a new one so… It wasn’t his anymore. It wasn’t his right to take it. 
He put the lid back on and took a step back, staring at it, going through everything in his head.
What did it mean?
He knew what he hoped it meant, what he suspected it meant but he couldn’t be sure and he wanted so badly to be sure. 
Should he ask about it?
He didn’t even have to ask Steve, he could ask Robin.
But if he asked Robin it would almost definitely get back to Steve that he’d snooped and that he’d found something that Steve clearly felt like hiding. 
Eddie placed his hands on his hips and sighed. 
He didn’t really know what to do to move forward. 
Well… he knew what he wanted to do. 
He wanted to kiss Steve about it, that was what he wanted to do. 
But the thing was, he wanted to kiss Steve. All of Steve. 
He didn’t want to kiss Steve while Steve was him, in his body.
Not that… well. Not that Eddie would turn down the opportunity to kiss himself if it was handed to him. 
He was man enough to admit he was curious. Who wouldn't be?
But he wanted all of Steve.
It would feel almost incomplete were it to happen now.
Glancing over, he caught sight of himself in the mirror and all at once was reminded that they kind of had other things to be worrying about right now.
Like this whole fucking Jodie Foster Freaky Friday nonsense.
Yeah, it could wait.
Part 1 Part 2 AO3
As always, my biggest thanks and much love to @hbyrde36 for the beta work with this and to the @strangerthingswritersguild for their motivation!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
23 notes · View notes
wife-of-all-dilfs · 7 months
bad idea, right? | f. odair
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summary: after receiving a late-night call from your ex-boyfriend, finnick odair, you can’t help but agree to meet with him. what happens when you mix a sound-proof train car and an ex you haven’t seen in months?
pairing: finnick odair x reader
warnings: rough-ish smut, a teensy bit of angry sex, swearing, unprotected sex (zon’t zo that), kinda ooc finnick, choking,
notes: based on 'bad idea, right?' by olivia rodrigo. i lost the person who sent the request so sorry this took so long to come out!! i don’t know if i like how this is written, but smut is smut so… enjoy :)
word count: 4.6k
Neon beams of light pulsed in time with the heavy bass blasting throughout your unnecessarily large home in the Victor’s Village. District Two. Masonry. Big houses.
Two shots of tequila and some other very unnatural concoctions were soaking deep into your brain. Everything was swaying—the room, the people, even you. Your small group of friends danced by your side, keeping together to avoid the creeps that might have entered your home. Although, to you, entertaining a stranger that night did not sound like such a terrible idea.
You felt lonely. Undeniably and pathetically lonely. The alcohol only enhanced your emotions and libido, leading you to search the room for anyone who interested you enough to take them upstairs. But there was no one, because in reality there was only one person you really wanted, and he was no longer yours. He hadn’t been for months.
Replacements had come and gone, but they never stuck. None of them made you feel the way he did.
“Excuse me!” an exasperated voice yelled. “Would you please get out of my way?!”
To your right, your housekeeper, bless her poor deafened soul, was pushing through a crowd of intoxicated partygoers and heading straight for you.
“Claudia!” you shouted over the music, tugging down your short black slip dress out of respect for her modesty.
The elderly woman stopped in front of you, her disapproval of the vibrant scene clear as day. You always paid her double in exchange for putting up with the chaos whenever you threw a house party, which was almost every weekend.
She hovered close to your ear. “There is someone on the phone for you!”
“Did you get a name?!”
After she shook her head, you escorted her through the thick crowd of dancers, into a quieter room and thanked her before beelining for the landline.
With a heavy sigh, you brought the corded phone to your ear and said, “Whoever this is, you better make it quick. I’m not nearly as intoxicated as I need to be and in dire need of another shot.”
Over the scratchy static, you could hear a quiet chuckle—a sound you had spent months trying to forget, along with the person attached to it. How many drinks did you have again? The alcohol must have messed with your mind because this could not be real.
“Hello to you too, sweetheart,” the caller said, his voice low and amused.
Everything you had longed to forget came rushing to the surface at an overwhelming pace. Wisps of hair the colour of a dying fire. Eyes resembling the sea. Arms that once acted as a life jacket. A dangerous mouth that had explored every inch of your body.
No. It couldn’t be—
Stupid. This was so fucking stupid. You were attempting to sneak out of your own party. A good old Irish Goodbye in your own house. With luck, you would make it out the front door without being caught by your friends, or worse, Claudia. Now that would be scary.
Water flushed through your system, a weak attempt you made at sobering yourself up because meeting up with your ex while drunk was a recipe for disaster. Then again, so was meeting up with your ex in the first place. Nothing will happen, you thought to yourself, we are just going to talk.
A thought even more unbelievable than thinking you would be able to be able to escape the watchful eyes of your friends.
Your high-heeled foot had just crossed the front door when someone called your name. “Damn,” you muttered, turning back around.
Valeria, your closest yet heavily intoxicated friend strutted over to you, her feet wobbling every few steps. “You sneaky little minx,” she slurred. “Someone said they saw you on the phone. It was him, wasn’t it? He asked you to go see him.”
“Just as friends. No, not even. As acquaintances.”
“Oh, my sweet, sweet silly friend.” She grabbed you by the shoulders. “We both know you aren’t that foolish.”
You looked away because you knew damn well that she was right.
“Look, I get it,” she continued. “Your hot, he’s hot.” You smiled. “You both have a history. I just want to make sure you know all the outcomes of what you're about to do. I’ll be here for you if things do get messy but expect a well-versed speech of me saying ‘I told you so’ afterwards.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Val,” you laughed, prying her hands off your shoulders. “I really do appreciate your concern, but I promise all we’re going to do is talk.”
“Alright, but if things go south, call me. Immediately!” she called a little too loudly as you took subtle steps away from the front door and onto the street. “Have fun with your innocent little ‘talk’!”
“Thanks, mum!”
You waved goodbye as you walked down the street, body buzzing with exhilaration and apprehension. Finnick had told you his train stopped in the district’s station for the night. He and his new victor were travelling throughout Panem for the Victory Tour and were currently in District Two. You didn’t know much about his tribute, only that they were a she. The thought of Finnick spending all his time with another girl had that green-eyed monster inside you writhing.
Enough to make you agree to meet with him after midnight while moderately drunk and slightly horny. What a fantastic plan.
District Two’s train station was a short distance from the Victor’s Village, but it was long enough to cause you to remove your heels. You finally reached the train, barefoot and with the wind softly blowing your hair. Finnick had specified a particular door to knock on so as not to alert the peacekeepers residing within the train. So, you knocked. And then you waited.
Your heart was pounding; your hands were trembling. Not long after, a dark figure appeared behind the door’s tinted window. With a click, the door opened and revealed a shirtless smirking Finnick Odair.
Oh, fuck me.
He was even more gorgeous than the last time you saw him. His crossed arms bulged with thick muscles as he leaned against the doorframe, gaze shamelessly roaming over your scarcely dressed appearance before settling on your face. The amusement in his expression was ever-present and ever-growing.
“Finnick,” you greeted.
He extended his hand, inviting you inside the train and hesitantly, you accepted. Sparks of electricity travelled up your arm, starting from where his and your hand connected. Some things never changed.
Empty silence welcomed your presence as you entered the train car. Patterned silver vases of white roses were placed atop every available surface. Meticulously crafted chandeliers lit up the room with a golden haze. To your left was an arrangement of black leather couches surrounding a small silver table; further down the car was a rectangular mahogany dining table decorated with fruit and unlit candles.
Somehow a single train car was more luxurious than your entire house.
“Is every one asleep?” you asked, running your fingertips along the pure gold that lined the couches.
“Yeah,” he said, eyes following your movements. “Every room on this train is sound-proof, so...”
You nodded, unsure of how else to reply. Conversations usually ran smoothly between you and Finnick. They were effortless. But that was when you were together. Four months must have passed now since you last spoke.
“Are you and what’s-his-name still together?” he asked.
“No,” you said bluntly. “I broke up with him last month.”
“My sincerest condolences.” His sympathetic tone was as transparent as glass. Sarcasm always was his favourite pastime. “Guess he just couldn’t satisfy your needs.”
Turning around to face him, you leaned against the couch’s arm, jaw clenched and eyes glowering with agitation. “Is there any specific reason why you called me here?”
He raised a glass of rich amber liquid to his lips. “Can’t two old friends just reconnect?”
“Old friends,” you scoffed. “That’s what you call it. From what I remember, the last time we saw each other, we were having goodbye sex in your bed. And in the kitchen and the lounge and on the balcony.”
Something sincere overshadowed his teasing nature, revealing itself in the tension in his facial muscles and the glassy haze that clouded his eyes. Reminiscence. “It didn’t have to be goodbye,” he spoke softly whilst holding your gaze.
You blinked. There was a short pause and only the quiet hum of the lights sounded in the room. You were the one to end the relationship, not the other way around much to your friends’ disbelief. Over and over, you had been asked the same question: why on earth would you break up with Finnick Odair?
Well, behind closed doors, he was incredible. He was loving, affectionate, and thoughtful. He would collect seashells for you that he found on the beach whenever he went fishing, leave hand-written poetry and heartfelt love letters whenever he left for the Capitol, and mother of fucking Christ was the sex just downright extraordinary.
But as previously stated, it was all behind closed doors.
Finnick never wanted to be seen together in public and on the off chance you were, he would practically neglect your existence. Only your most trusted friends and Finnick’s family knew about your relationship. No one else. Eventually, the secretiveness created a deep void inside you that not even the sweetest love letters and seashells could fill. You couldn’t remain with someone who seemed ashamed to be with you in public.
So, with a heavy heart, you said goodbye.
In fear of becoming too emotional, you disregarded his weighted words and crossed your arms. “So,” you began, “how’s the Tour been so far? You must be pretty ecstatic one of your tributes actually won.”
He bounced back fairly quickly. “I suppose it’s always nice to watch someone you trained live for a change,” he said, placing his drink on a nearby table. “Plus, she’s got a lot of charisma. A natural with the speeches and interviews, so I don’t need to do too much coaching.”
And there it was again—that green-eyed monster. “Charisma, huh?” You just couldn’t help yourself. “Is she pretty too?”
Finnick tilted his head, visibly surprised by your blatant jealousy. “She just turned sixteen,” he stated with a small smirk tugging at his lips. Well, no one told you that bit of information. Awkward. “Careful, Y/N. You sounded a little jealous there.”
You pushed off the chair, heading back toward the door you entered through. Maybe this was a bad idea. “Alright, I’m leaving now.”
Just as you turned the handle, a set of rushed footsteps thudded behind you. The door opened a mere crack, sending in a cold draft that caused your body to shudder.
“Wait, just—” A swift hand came over your shoulder and pushed the door shut, eliciting a startled gasp from your lips. You could feel Finnick towering over you, the warmth of his skin spreading onto your cold back and his breaths fanning down against the bareness of your shoulder. He was so close. “I just needed to see you before I leave tomorrow morning.”
Slowly, you turned around, coming face-to-face with the man you shouldn’t have loved. His burning gaze was a stark contrast to the icy metal door your back was pressed against. Tension pulsated in the small space between you and him. The intense attraction that had first brought you two together came rushing forth; trying to fight such a magnetic force was impossible. You needed connection—touch.
This night would not end with just a simple innocent chat, you knew that now.
You swallowed hard, your heart racing. “You needed to see me?” you asked. “Finnick, if you want me to stay, don’t beat around the bush. Tell me what you really want.”
Silence. He continued staring at you and you could see a scheme forming behind his mesmerising green eyes. Then the scheme was unfolding. He leaned down to your level, to your lips, his half-lidded eyes never leaving your mouth as he just barely allowed his lips to brush yours. On instinct, you tilted your head upwards.
“I want you,” he whispered.
You didn’t waste a second to respond. “Then take me.”
He was quicker than a bullet train. Finnick’s lips caught your own and were burning with fiery desire, evident in his haste to wrap you up in his arms and practically merge your body with his. Flames licked just beneath your skin, setting your nerves alight with passion and lust. You burned together in an inferno fuelled by each other’s touch.
Logically, this was wrong. Finnick was your ex-boyfriend and for good reason. But as your hands clung to every inch of him that they possibly could, as his tongue and yours danced fluidly with one another, and as your body buzzed with pure adrenaline, you were willing to abandon all your morals in exchange for five more minutes in his embrace.
A moan travelled from your mouth to his own as you felt him bite your lower lip. You could already feel that familiar throbbing sensation between your thighs and the wetness that exposed how much you craved him. You knew he felt the same. His sweatpants left little to the imagination.
Your hand slipped between your connected bodies, travelling down Finnick’s firm stomach, gliding over his small trail of hair and finally into his pants. Your fingers curled around his cock which already leaked with precum. He was just as desperate as you.
“Fuck,” he groaned, the sound sending tingles down your spine.
You left his lips to press a wet kiss to his neck. “I wonder how many times you pretended your hand was my own,” you purred, leaving another kiss on his clavicle. “How many times you tried to recreate the warmth you only feel when you're inside me.”
His mouth hung open, letting out quiet uneven breaths as you stroked his length, your pace so quick that he already felt an overwhelming urge to release into your soft unrelenting hand. The sound of your voice, so sexy and lustful, combined with your swift pressured movements had his stomach tensing and contracting with a devastating build-up of pleasure.
“Too many times,” he admitted in a strained voice.
You sucked on the warm pulsing skin of his neck, this time receiving a groan that buzzed on your lips. His hands grabbed at your hips for support, roughly kneading the softness and satin in his large palms.
“This dress—fuck!” his voice broke as another hand slipped into his pants, cupping his balls as the other twisted with each stroke of his cock. “Sweetheart,” he chuckled breathlessly. “You look like a fucking siren.”
Your soft lips pecked at his toned chest before pulling away and looking up at him through your lashes. Euphoric delirium was prominent in his eyes. “You should’ve seen everyone staring at my party,” you said. “I wish you saw how badly the men wanted to fuck me right there on the dancefloor; how they undressed me with their eyes. Maybe then you would understand the mistake you made by never showing me off.”
Aggravation blazed in his aroused eyes which only made you so much hornier. Before you could pump another stroke, Finnick had ripped your hands from his pants and spun you around, pinning your body against the wall with his own, his hard cock pushing against the plush of your ass.
“I do understand,” he growled into your ear.
He abruptly started sucking hard kisses onto the side of your neck which had you gasping for air and tilting your head to allow him further access. One of his hands cupped your breast, massaging it with rough fingers and pinching your peaked nipples between his fingertips. His other hand travelled around your hip, wandering beneath your revealing dress and slipping into your lace panties.
You cried out when two fingers plunged into your soaking hole without warning.
“Know what I wish?” he asked, fingers curling in and out of you at such a rapid pace that the wet noises could be heard throughout the entire room. Blissful tears threatened to spill down your face. “I wish those guys could see how you looked right now with my fingers fucking you.” The hand on your breast moved to your throat, applying enough pressure on your carotid to make your head pound with dizziness. “I wish they knew you only enjoy being fucked by me.”
Your walls squeezed around his fingers, pulling him even further inside. Your untouched breasts were squashed against the train door and the fabric of your dress rubbed against your sensitive nipples. Finnick’s cock twitched against you and his hand was constricting the blood flow to your head. Yeah. Nobody else could make you feel better than this.
Finnick plunged his fingers inside again with a hard thrust which forced a broken moan from your lips. “Isn’t that right?”
The heel of his palm dug into your clit and your entire body was overcome with pins and needles; your knees buckled and hit the metal door. That would definitely bruise. You hoped it would—you wanted a reminder of this night.
“Yes!” you gasped. “Finnick, only you. Only you.”
“That’s right.”
Your moans started to rise in pitch, signalling the orgasm which was rapidly closing in. But right before you could come, Finnick’s fingers slipped out of you and out of your now-drenched panties. Your orgasm began to fade due to the lack of friction until it disappeared completely, leaving you feeling frustrated and neglected.
Turning back around with a flushed face, you witnessed Finnick sucking your juices off his fingers with a pop. His grin was conniving, self-satisfied with his actions which proved how desperately you wanted him to fuck you. That smug bastard. You would give anything to wipe the amusement off his beautiful fucking face.
And, well, you did.
“Fuck you!” you exclaimed, shoving him backwards.
“Fuck me?” He raised an eyebrow, smirk twitching at his lips. “I already know you want to.”
With a frustrated cry, you shoved him again, but this time he caught you in his arms and fervidly crushed his lips to yours. You squirmed and writhed and resisted but eventually melted into his embrace when you remembered you wanted this. You wanted this so badly.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as both your bodies continuously curved into one another, neither of you being able to remain still for more than a few seconds. The taste of brandy and you were on Finnick’s tongue as it swirled around your mouth; the flavours, which were polar opposites, sweet and savoury, mixed together to create something utterly carnal.
With the knowledge that this was probably a one-time thing, your kisses became bruising and frantic. Finnick alternated between kissing your lips, your neck, your jaw, and any place he could possibly reach. You hung onto every sound he made, every hot breath he took.
The two of you stumbled around the train car, lips never leaving one another, hands grabbing at every inch of flesh they could reach. You bumped into walls and multiple glass ornaments and laughed together when Finnick just barely caught one before it shattered on the floor.
Eventually, you ended up down the opposite end of the train car. Your back hit something hard and you gasped in surprise. The dining table. Finnick gave a quick glance at the table before pressing another kiss to your lips, this time a little more tenderly.
“Turn around,” he said, and you did.
You immediately felt him press himself against your behind. You stared ahead, chest heaving and swollen lips tingling, waiting for any more commands. His hand walked around your thigh, over the mound of your pussy, and then grazed up your stomach. He left a trail of warm tingles between your breasts before continuing upward to move your hair from your shoulder where he placed another warm gentle kiss.
Finally, he splayed his hand flat between your shoulder blades and pushed, bending you over the table until your torso lay flat on the cold wooden surface. Finnick hiked your dress up to your hips and crouched down, caressing your outer thighs before sliding your panties down to your ankles.
The air hit your bare skin and you exhaled a shaky breath as you anticipated his next movements. As he rose to his feet, he trailed kisses up your leg, ending with a soft bite to your ass which earned him a small giggle.
You could hear him tug down his sweatpants which hit the floor with a muffled thud. Your breaths continued to shake with nerves, coming out in soft pants. Finnick held onto your hip with one hand and held himself in the other. No words were spoken. Both of you wanted this—needed this.
Next thing you knew, your panting breaths had stopped altogether. Finnick’s cock had slid between your folds, filling you up in one single movement, and you both released a relieved moan in sync. Your hands pressed against the tabletop as your body began to rock with his thrusts. You weren’t going to make love or whisper sweet nothings into each other’s ears. No. This was pure unadulterated fucking.
Finnick started off fast; neither of you had the patience for a slow build-up. You didn’t even bother caring about the fact that he wasn’t wearing a condom. His hand had lowered to your mid back and the other gripped your hip as your warmth swallowed him over and over.
“Oh god,” you gasped.
The sensations that overtook your body were eagerly welcomed. You had tried to replicate the sex Finnick gave with other men after your relationship ended, but none seemed to compare even the slightest. You weren’t sure how a single human being could provide the sensations of nirvana, how one could master the skills of bringing another person to such an incredible high, but Finnick could. He always could.
It was only at this point that you realised how badly your body had been in withdrawal from his touch. The feeling of him inside you was like a drug. Addicting. Definitely not healthy.
You had tried fingering yourself to replicate his cock, but it was a pathetic attempt. Finnick could hit a deep spot inside you that no one else could like it was some secret forbidden location that only he held the key to. He made your body feel full. Stuffed. Complete. In a way that made you feel like you were going to burst into an explosion of white heavenly light.
Your nails scratched at the wood as he continued to pound into you, cock gliding against the ripples of your inner walls. There wasn’t a single inch of space left inside you. He fit like your pussy was where he belonged.
“Always feel so fucking good,” he muttered between thrusts.
His pleasure was always vocal, voiced with heavy breaths, grunts, and groans. Sometimes he even whimpered, especially when you edged him. He didn’t mind you being more dominant at times, but right now was not one of those moments. Being bent over and fucked into a table was not in any way, shape, or form you being dominant. This was Finnick being in control and it felt incredible.
“Finnick,” you said. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop!”
In response he grabbed your other hip and pulled you back into him, burying himself even deeper inside you with each thrust which had you crying out his name again. He hunched over your body, hips still pounding behind you, and sucked harsh kisses on your shoulder. He left behind red and deep purple marks on your shoulder, moving to your neck, and then grazed your earlobe with his teeth.
He returned a hand to your throat, forcing the both of you into a standing position. His fingers squeezed, reducing the blood flow into your brain which enhanced the explosion building up inside you.
“Harder!” you cried.
Both his cock and his hand increased their vigour. Stars were sparkling in your vision. You were almost completely sober now, yet you felt entirely drunk. Drunk on Finnick. He reached his free hand between your legs and your body fell back into his, only remaining upright from his support.
His fingers rubbed side-to-side on your clit, so hard and fast that his hand almost blurred in motion. Your moans rose an octave as your stomach began to tighten. A fire burned within your muscles, so pleasurably excruciating that you thought they would liquefy inside you. Your pussy clenched around Finnick’s cock, walls fluttering with each of his pounding thrusts.
“Come, sweetheart,” he purred into your ear. You could hear how much he struggled to contain his moans as he talked. “Come on, I know you're close. I can feel you.”
You nodded mindlessly and curled your arm backwards around his neck, in need of something to cling to. As the feeling inside your stomach intensified, your eyes squeezed shut and your hold around his neck tightened until you were almost choking him. With every ounce of strength that he had inside him, Finnick increased his pace until he fit multiple mind-destroying thrusts into each second that passed.
He was almost animalistic with his pounding and unrestrained groans of pleasure. And you were so close, so, so close to falling over the edge. His hand was constricted around your throat; the other assaulted your clit, and his cock was mercilessly hitting that swollen spot inside you. Any second and—
“I’m go—I’m gonna come!”
A potent cocktail of pleasure, ecstasy, and release washed through your body, unravelling the tension inside your stomach and exiting through your stuffed hole. Your juices coated Finnick’s cock with warmth as you repeated his name over and over.
You could feel him twitching inside you, spilling himself onto your clenching walls whilst bending you over to senselessly fuck you into the table. His moans were so loud, so fucking attractive, but may God have mercy on both of you if the room wasn’t actually soundproof.
Neither of you could stop. You came an immeasurable number of times; your hands left marks on Finnick’s body as he did on yours, and every surface in the room had been tainted with your sin. You clung onto one another, desperately prolonging your night together that would most likely be the last. Ever.
“Don’t leave again.”
Your fingers stilled as you strapped on your high heels. You glanced up at Finnick—who now had his sweatpants back on—from the gold-lined leather chair you sat in.
“Finnick…” you sighed.
“Please,” he said. Crouching down in front of you, he gently took your hand into his own. His face, which previously reflected nothing but pleasure, now looked at you with pained desperation. “I’ll explain everything to you. Why I was always in the Capitol. Why it was too dangerous for us to be seen together in public. All of it.”
The mention of danger took you aback. You had thought he never wanted to be seen together because he was embarrassed, not because it was… dangerous. Brows furrowed together, your eyes flickered between his, searching for any hint of deception, anything that might reveal malicious intentions. But when had Finnick ever been malicious towards you? Never. All you found in his eyes was sincerity.
“I can’t lose you again,” he whispered, lowering his head.
After a few seconds of contemplation, you realised there wasn’t a chance in hell you were going to walk out on him again. Life would mean nothing without Finnick beside you.
Your fingers sat under his chin, lifting his head to meet your gaze. The two of you exchanged a look of vulnerability, signifying an era of newfound understanding and reconnection.
You whispered in response. “You’ve got me, Finn.” 
tags: @tayrae515
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secretsofafangirll · 2 months
video star
summary: the time when Olivia appeared in a blind, deaf, mute baking video with the triplets and Matt couldn't keep his hands to himself.
warnings: touchiness in front of people/on camera, suggestive language, suggestive content, use of pet names.
a/n: the song doesn't have any significance, it just plays in o.c.'s headphones.
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"Hey guys, welcome back to another Wednesday video," Nick blurted at the camera posed several feet in front of them, "Today we're doing another Deaf, Blind, Mute Baking Challenge."
"However," Chris butted in, sticking a mocking finger in the air, "We have a special guest for today's video," He drawled out and looked off to the side where I was standing. Matt was still leaning back against the counter and smiled at me.
"Come on out, sweetheart." Matt beckoned me over with a flick of his fingers and a nod of his head. I jumped into frame and smiled at the camera.
"Hi guys!" I waved enthusiastically and placed my hands on the counter in front of me.
"For those of you who don't know, Olivia is our best friend in the whole world and Matt's girlfriend. If you didn't know that, you've obviously never watched a video because she's in all of our vlogs and we never shut up about her." Nick summed up the basics for the viewers at home.
I've been friends with the triplets since my freshman year of high school. Chris and I instantly clicked one day in Math when our more extroverted personalities found their ways to one another. He introduced me to his two triplet brothers at lunch that same day, and the rest was history. We became inseparable and spent every second of every day together since. Things became interesting with Matt and me as we got older and grew into ourselves but we officially started dating after we graduated high school. We were always scared to announce our relationship to his fans because they can be volatile to their female friends, but once we did and they accepted that we loved each other, we've been so open and comfortable expressing that love physically on camera.
"So, how this is gonna work is..we're gonna draw out of a hat and three people are gonna be either blind, deaf, or mute and one person won't be able to use their hands. Let's hope that person isn't Olivia, because she's the only one of us that really can bake, like at all," Chris addressed the room and the camera.
"Dude, if I get fucking handcuffed, this is gonna be awful," I raised my brows and turned to Chris.
"Have a little faith, kid," Chris bumped my hip with his. I heard the car keys rattle on Matt's belt loop as he pressed himself away from the counter and came up behind me to wrap his arms around my neck. My hands subconsciously reached up to grip his muscular forearms.
"Alright, well, let's get the fuck on with it," Matt spoke.
"Okay, relax. We've been rolling for two fucking minutes." Nick stuck an accusatory hand up at Matt.
Nick reached around the counter for the hat and we all drew a card.
"Matt, you say yours first," Nick assigned.
"Mute," Matt chuckled, "Too easy."
"Deaf," I read aloud, "Yay! I just get to listen to music." I ran over to the couch and grabbed my headphones, working to connect them to my phone and find a playlist.
"Noo!," Chris whined, "Handcuffed."
"Loser", Nick teased.
"Which means that I am blind." Nick concluded, "Olivia wanted to bake something from scratch but that's a bit too hard for us, so we just got boxed brownies with, like, an extra cookie thing that we have to do too."
As Nick started to read off the contents of the box, I placed the headphones over my ears and pressed "shuffle" on Spotify. The first song to grace my ears was "B.Y.O.B" by System of a Down. A loud, scream-y nu-metal jam to deafen my sensitive ears. If I listened to anything too quiet, I'd be able to hear them. I watched as Matt tied the blindfold onto Nick and then Chris tied the bandana onto Matt. Matt then locked the handcuffs onto Chris' wrists behind his back.
I watched as the three of them tried to talk to each other, myself trying to read their lips and body language. I knew Matt well enough to know he was frustrated and Chris well enough to know he was giving Nick directions.
Quickly, when they started to struggle too much, they called me over. However, my eyes were closed as I mouthed the words to the song and I couldn't hear them.
"Everybody's going to the party have a real good time," I sang with Serj and wagged my finger to the Ooh.
What made me open my eyes was Matt pushing a hand against my lower back to guide me to the counter. The sudden jolt and touch startled me and I lurched forward, almost falling into the hard counter top face first. Matt's hand quickly shot and gripped my waist, pulling me back into him.
"Oh my God!" I yelped, my hands shooting out in front of myself to stop me before he did. He spun me around in his hands and I placed my extended hands on his chest, "Thank you!" I yelled, unaware of my volume. He just pressed a finger to my lips to tell me to be quieter. I whispered a faint apology in return.
I looked over to Chris who was probably spewing some bullshit at us about how cheesy we are, seeing as how his left cheek flexed up slightly in annoyance. Matt ushered me over to the counter where they handed me the box to try and fix what they already messed up. I took one look at the batter and knew they added too much oil.
"Okay," I started, "I think you guys just put too much oil, but it's not hard to fix. I just need a dehydrator like flour or cornstarch to dry out the oil." I turned around to grab the flour from the cabinets that I stock for them, because if I didn't they'd either starve or waste all of their money on eating out.
Due to my shorter stature, I had to stand on my tip toes and stretch the life out of my arms to reach the flour. Matt came up behind me and placed a hand on my side to tell me to relax and he reached up and grabbed it for me. I thanked him before turning around and continuing to mix the brownies, Matt's front just brushed my back the whole time as he watched over my shoulder, his hand resting gently on my hip.
Once I was done with the brownies, I needed to grab a bowl for the cookie part. I wasn't planning on making it, since it's supposed to be a challenge, but I still grabbed the equipment needed. I bent down in front of Matt to grab a smaller bowl from the cabinet below the island. When I leaned over, I didn't realize two things; one, how close I was to Matt and what he wouldn't be able to resist doing when he noticed the position we were in, two, how it would look on camera.
Both of Matt's hands found my hips when I unexpectedly stuck my ass into the air right in front of his dick and he subconsciously pressed himself a tiny bit further into me. Soon, his hand left my hip and it braced itself on the counter above my head so that I wouldn't hit the counter when I got back up.
"Okay, so you guys need to do this, because this is supposed to be your guys' challenge." I started clearly over the sound of Evanescence’s "Going Under”. I sang the words under my breath as I turned away to let them do what they needed to do. I hopped up onto the counter behind them and enjoyed my music as I watched them yell at each other.
At least I thought they were yelling at each other...
Turns out they were yelling at me to preheat the oven that I was sitting next to. I watched as Matt stepped closer to me. He placed his hands on my thighs and nodded to the oven dials. I quickly understood and turned the dial to 350 degrees. Matt's eyes darted all across my face and down my body that was only clothed in shorts and a tank top due to the intense Los Angeles heat. I knew exactly what look he was giving me and it was killing him that he couldn't kiss me.
"Later," I mouthed to him and leaned forward to kiss his forehead. He dropped his head to my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulder to squeeze him into me.
Soon after, the brownies had made it out of the oven safely and we were all stripped of our sense-depriving shackles. I was kind of disappointed to be done with the music, but I missed hearing my favorite boys talk.
"Okay, the brownies are done and they look fine," Nick began to the camera, "But we did fuck them up a little bit, so hopefully Olivia's fix was okay."
"Bro, she's literally a professional chef at this point, I'm sure they're still gonna be great," Chris said matter-of-factly. Nick began to cut the brownies, which they should've baked on parchment paper, and got a piece for all of us. He slid it in front of me and we all tried a bite. They still tasted great and they looked like boxes.
"Obviously, if it were up to me, we wouldn't have boxed anything, but for a boxed brownie mix," Matt came up and hugged me from behind and my hands fell to his that wrapped around me, "I would give this is a solid 8 out of 10." I said giving a thumbs up with the camera.
When they had all given their notes and feedback, they said goodbye to the camera and turned it off.
"You guys need to practice a little something called self-control, you horny fucks," Said Nick as he shook his head and took down the filming equipment. 
"Shut the fuck up, Nick," Matt spat as he pulled me closer, "Hi, my girl. D'you have fun?" He asked, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
I pulled back slightly and leaned up to kiss his lips, "Mhm. I always have fun filming with you guys." I smiled up at his stunning face.
"What'd you listen to?" He asked, pulling away from the hug to reach over and grab a cup from the cabinet, but keeping a hand on my waist. I turned to watch him as he got what he needed.
"I listened to System of a Down and Evanescence. I wish that, like, Nirvana or something came on though." I sighed and looked down for a moment before focusing my attention back on him.
"S'nice. I need to branch out, broaden my musical horizons," He said as he filled his cup with water from the fridge.
"And your kitchen horizons, because, my God, you guys suck at baking." I teased exasperatedely.
"Hey, watch yourself," He tutted, "They suck at baking, I, on the other hand, can whip up a good dessert."
"Alright, mister, I bought already-been-smoked salmon and tried to cook it anyway, Sturniolo." I accused, rolling my eyes jokingly.
"Oh, yeah? You want to play it that way?" He smiled smugly and slowly stepped toward me, setting his water down on the kitchen island.
I backed away in response and put my hands up in defense, "I'm not playing anything. M'just sayin' it how it is. S'not my fault your egos too big."
"You little-," He cut himself off and reached for me. A high-pitched yelp escaped my mouth as I dodged his hand and I backed away from him before running to his bedroom. I might be more agile than him, but his legs are much longer than mine. He caught up to me as I was trying to slam his door shut, and he stopped the door before I could close it. He swooped in quickly, picked me up, and tossed me onto the bed, kicking the door shut somewhere in between.
"Matt!" I giggled, as I sat up, bracing my hands behind me. He crawled onto the bed in front of me and shoved my chest back down.
"Those brownies might have been good," He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss right below my ear, "But I know you're gonna taste even better," He whispered into my ear and began to trail a path of open-mouthed kisses down my neck...
author's note: alright...how'd we like it? I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it, but I wanted to put something out. I liked the concept but I'm unsure of how it turned out. let me know what you guys think.
all the love, she <3
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The Jacksons - Blame It on the Boogie 1978
"Blame It on the Boogie" is a song released in 1978 by English singer-songwriter Mick Jackson. It has been covered by the Jacksons (formerly known as The Jackson 5), Clock and Luis Miguel. The song was co-authored by Mick Jackson (credited as Michael George Jackson-Clarke) as well as his brother David Jackson and Elmar Krohn. Although Mick Jackson recorded the song in 1977, "Blame It on the Boogie" was written in hopes of being sold to Stevie Wonder.
Despite the Mick Jackson original reaching a number 61 peak on the Billboard Hot 100 in September 1978, Epic Records that month released the Jacksons' version of "Blame It on the Boogie" as the advance single from the Destiny album. In the UK, both the Mick Jackson version and the Jacksons' were released within a few days of each other in September 1978. The UK music press, struck by the rival versions being by similarly named artists, declared a "Battle of the Boogie" which Mick Jackson recalls as "great publicity…There was an equal balance of interest from the media about both releases – A good example is that my version came out first on Top of the Pops… The Jackson's had the second week…Radio One played The Jackson's version and Capital Radio only played mine – It was fair." Mick Jackson himself in 2003 said of the Jacksons' version of "Blame It on the Boogie": "[the original] version had 100% of our heart and soul in it but the Jacksons' version had the magic extra 2% that made it incredible."
A promotional music video by the Jacksons was created for "Blame It on the Boogie" in 1978. The video, featuring the group's members dancing on a black background, relied heavily on electronic trail effects, created at Image West, Ltd. using then-cutting edge equipment: the Scanimate analog computer system and a Quantel DFS 3000 digital framestore. The video also appears on the bonus disc of the DVD box set Michael Jackson's Vision.
"Blame It on the Boogie" received a total of 78,7% yes votes! Previous Michael Jackson polls: #45 "Will You Be There", #114 "Why".
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Anarchy in the Spiderweb (Romantic)
I don’t know British slang so sorry if he’s dialogue seems a bit out of character.
Also watches this movie 2 days ago so I’m going off of memory of him plus other people’s interpretations
Not even sure this is good but my mind is racing with him and this is what came out of that
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From the moment you met Hobie brown you knew that the two of you would end up inexplicably tangled together somehow
Your not sure why, but it felt as if fate had pulled you both together
It was in high school you both met
Him, the cool and justice focused punk who was regularly getting himself into fights
And you, the relatively normal but meek kid who was regularly picked on
It was a cold and dreary afternoon which was normal for London weather
You were walking home, new bruises lining your arms after being pushed around once again
Old cuts now reopened as you walk with your bag hugged to your chest
It was then turning a corner you saw him
Bruised just like you were but with a proud smile, blood staining his teeth and knuckles like shining beacons to his victory
A complete opposite to you
Without thinking you pull out some spare bandages from your bag
Rushing over before he could say anything and doing your best to patch him up
It was when you looked him in the eyes you paused
And it was then that you felt it, an odd spark of something that you both seemingly felt
A shiver goes down your spine and it’s not from the cold nor your bruises
Once your done wrapping him up as best you could you go to scurry away but your stopped when his hand grabs your wrist
For a moment your afraid
But then he speaks
“You got into your own battles huh?”
“I…” you pause to think of the right words “if you call standing there and taking it as a battle…then yeah”
He gets a look in his eyes, something burning and angry but not directed at you. “I’m Hobie. You need some company?”
For a moment you think it over, there might be more kids on your way back home “I…sure. I’m Y/n”
He pats your shoulder with a gentleness you haven’t expected, his smile is cool and calm. “Aight”
From then on you stuck like glue
Despite skipping classes he’d show up when your classes would end to walk you to the next
Lunches that used to be alone were now spent with him behind the school with his newest track list
In his words it was to “listen to some real music”
The bruises that we’re constantly reappearing now faded away
As did the constant frown and anxiety that filled you when going to school
At some point you enjoyed heading to the corrupt system that did nothing to help you
But Hobie did and that’s what had mattered to you
Even as people stopped picking on you he stayed
You began hanging out with him after school
Being taken to some hole in the wall places he found via word of mouth
Some of which end up in running from the police afterwards but with that comes dodging into alleyways and then laughing your ass off
Going to unknown concerts for bands you’d never heard of
Being dragged backstage by him during his small concert venues as well
It’s quite possibly the most fun you’d had in your life
And with that you begin to open up more much to his pleasure
You used to be a shy wallflower but now he saw a different side to you
One that loved adventure and risk
Someone who desperately needed to break out of their shell with a little help
A person who began experimenting in their own style with his help
Sometimes he crashes randomly at your place, coming in through the window after knocking on it
Usually at some random time in the night
But despite how you grumble about it you let him in
On nights like these he strums his guitar, trying out new songs he’s made and getting your opinion
Or doing activities like having you paint his nails
He doesn’t care about the colour, even if it’s something that clashes with his looks
Also may or may not have pierced your ears
At some point within the night you both crash on the bed in a mess of limbs
Luckily he has the hindsight to take off his boots and studded clothes
At some point Hobie begins to show up at your place more with injuries that need to be patched up
It worries you a bit, especially as Oscorp becomes bigger and bigger
It’s not like he hasn’t gotten into fights before and came to you but now things are changing
And not for the better
But regardless you know it’s useless talking him out of it
you knew how he was
He’d never not stand up for others
Never stop going against the system
And that had to be one of the things you loved most about him
So you just stick to patching him up, lightly teasing him a bit which makes him chuckle
Butterflies fluttering in your stomach as his deep voice rumbles
It doesn’t help that as of late he had also been much more…affectionate?
Not in the traditional sense, but in his own way
From the beginning of knowing him, Hobie has had a habit of gifting you things as a sign of care
And that hasn’t stopped, it increased quite a bit
All his gifts are handmade and personal. Things only you and him would have the context to understand
Also cause he hates capitalism
Hand painted bottle caps that he made into buttons
Small scraps of paper of lyrics from his songs
Playlists he made with hand selected songs that “remind him of you” that have certain romantic subtext
Customizing your clothes (with your permission) into something similar to his style yet personalized just for you
They aren’t grand gestures but each are more meaningful that way
Each somehow recalling an old memory between the two of you
Like him showing you the sex pistols for the first time at lunch whilst he played along with the tune
Or a button with your nickname on it
All those can be somewhat written off though, maybe he was just being more sentimental as of late
Maybe he did this with other close friends (your not sure if he really talked to anyone but you though?)
But then again he’d also been more touchy
Draping an arm around your shoulder when he notices you getting uncomfortable
Lingering by your side closer than he did before
The occasional time his rough hands will graze yours almost intentionally
By doing this many seem to assume your both a couple and he never goes out of his way to correct them
Just letting the comment slide as your left to frantically explain
It seems to be signs that he might like you yet your not fully sure
He’s the first ever really good thing in your life and you can’t risk ruining it
Not when there’s still a chance your looking into things too much
Not when he may find it too awkward and stop being there for you
Eventually during hangouts he brings up the subject of the new spider vigilante
It’s not very surprising to you, yet you can’t help but be a bit intrigued since he had a negative view on heros
You tell him the truth though since there no point lying to him
Spider-Man or Spider-punk as he’s widely nicknamed, is pretty cool in your opinion
He reminded you a lot of Hobie in the fact he stood up for the weak and gave the middle finger to pricks in power
In that regard he earned your respect
Along with the fact you had to admit he was pretty cool looking
That earns you a chuckle from Hobie as he rummages through his bag for something
Meanwhile your still talking when he suddenly shows you a very familiar spider mask with spikes along the top to mimic a Mohawk
And now your staring in complete and utter shock
Mouth agape
Eyes wide
He just fucking laughs and pulls it over his head, somehow being able to contain his hair
“So you like it eh? Well…Do you like it even more now?”
“Hobie what the ever loving fuck?!?”
“I’ll take that as a yes”
“Your Spider-Man?! How??”
“Long story short, radioactive spider from illegal dumped waste. Not surprising to be honest. Not when you still haven’t caught onto the hints that I like you luv”
“Huh?! Wait you like me?!”
“Thought I made it pretty clear.”
Yeah so, Hobie just randomly dumps that on you
And it takes a while to process
But in that time he’s already holding you close as your a stuttering mess of confusion
He finds it cute
Especially since he gets to tease you about it a whole shit ton later
But once you do process it, things progress
He becomes you partner and you become his
Your trust between one another growing stronger as he tells you of his fights and goals
Those night visits increase as he literally swings past to say hi or get quickly patched up before heading out again
But now before he goes he insists in getting a kiss for luck
And how can you refuse him when he gives you that damn smirk
With his spider powers he likes to take you places you normally couldn’t see
Like the top of buildings to some old dilapidated factory that the two of you explore for shits and giggles
These become the equivalent of dates since he finds restaurants too cliche. He does bring food though on these excursions
In public he doesn’t change the amount of affection he gives you very much
A arm around your shoulder or curled around your waist
He prefers to not go beyond that but if someone is trying to flirt with you and they are the getting the message that your already in a relationship he may sneak a quick kiss
Along with this he also lets you have the honour of wearing his stuff
Jackets, vest, pins, shirts, you name it and he’ll lend you it
He finds it cute especially if it clashes with your own style
Speaking of which, he’ll also probably steal your stuff as well since he finds it nice to have something of yours with him
His enhanced sense make smell much more prominent to him and having something of yours with it makes him feel a bit more relaxed
Helps him on duty as well when things get rough, it just reminds him what he’s fighting for
Cause from the moment you both met on that shitty cold day he knew he needed to help you
And since then he’s wanted to make this shitty world better for the people who deserve it
Eventually when he’s approached by another Spider-Man from a different dimension named Miguel he is apprehensive
Hobie has (and will) never be someone who is ordered around
Especially not by some big wig who thinks he’s better than everyone
But despite that he can’t help but be tempted to know more about all of this
Throughout his entire run as Spider-Man the only other person he’s had is you
But even then you didn’t know the full potential and extent of what it’s like to have these powers
Now there are literal hundreds of thousands who know
Some of which he can’t help but think would be cool to meet, especially since there had to be others like him
So for now he agrees but not before giving you the heads up first
Especially since he doesn’t trust Miguel and whatever the hell he was talking about with “canon events”
All you ask is that he gets back safe at the end of the day and tell you all about what he’s seen
He smiles and gives you a kiss before leaving through a portal via a bracket of sorts
What he quickly learns whilst at spider HQ is that for every spider-person a set destiny of events would happen to them
Some of which he recognizes in his own story
But one that didn’t was you
His love for you goes against the bullshit of whatever canon decides is supposed to happen
Your not an M.J or a Gwen
Not some weird variant of them with a slightly altered name
Your you
Perfect, beautiful, amazingly caring you who has always been there for him when society spat on him
But when has he ever listened to authority?
So due to this he keeps mention of your name to none. Just sticking to the nicknames he’s given you when talking to others
Of all the spiders he meets he ends up to be pretty close friends to a small group of them
Gwen, Pavitr, and Mayday (by extension her father as well)
He even begins letting the Blond spider-woman crash at his place one learning her situation of going home
Warning you of not saying your actual name around her just in case as a precaution
But besides that you get along with her as well
She feels a bit awkward staying at his place considering he’s in a relationship but you assure her it’s fine
You trust her
And most importantly you trust him
Plus by how she was talking about “Miles” you had no real reason to worry
(Along with the fact her situation hit too close to home when Hobie ended up without a home for awhile and you were the only person he could turn to)
Gwen is welcome company especially as she and Hobie practice songs together while you all hang out
It’s fun watching
Especially since Hobie at some through focuses his attention on showing off whilst staring at you with his dumb smile
You can’t help but giggle afterwards as he make some comments about it
Meanwhile Gwen sitting nearby on the couch wondering if she should leave the room
Pavitr is another who ends up occasionally dropping by at Hobie’s who ends up meeting you
He’s a ray of sunshine who is bouncing with joy once seeing you and Hobie
He comments on the “beautiful chemistry” while Gwen sighs
During hangouts Pavitr tends to talk with you about what it’s like in his dimension and the differences between here and there
It’s actually pretty cool
Especially as he occasionally brings snacks and drinks for everyone to try as he talks about his Aunt preparing them
He might or might not have let it slip that Hobie constantly talks about you to everyone who will listen
Which he then absolutely gushes about being super adorable
What he finds even more adorable are the songs Hobie wrote that are obviously about you
Yet at the time he wrote them you kept thinking otherwise
You swear Pavitr somehow knows every nerdy fact know to man
He might’ve taught you how to use string to create stuff
And then he squeals when he finds out you did what he taught you and made it a gift to Hobie
He is both your and Hobie’s number one supporter
Hobie says he brings Mayday over to “teach her about anarchy” but you have a feeling it’s really so Peter can spend some time with his wife
Not that your complaining thought since Mayday is adorable
The little redhead is climbing up the walls and parading her knitted Spider-Man hat as if it were a priceless treasure (which it is)
She absolutely loves Hobie and you
Sometimes he lets her play with a little “drum” set he made with some cans and junk
She loves it, partially cause she loves causing chaos
Which he approves of
When he tuckers her out she goes to you
You gently hold her and lay her to bed
Peter secretly pays you for this cause Hobie refuses to take the money
Miguel is a name you hear a lot in passing but you’d luckily never met him (yet)
You have a feeling it wouldn’t end up well
Especially since you aren’t an “M.J” or Gwen
But you know for a fact if it did end up in a fight Hobie would be at your side
He’s not listening to some goth Garfield who thinks he’s automatically in charge of everyone just because he figured out multiverse travel first
Especially not when Hobie sees the guy has a few screws loose
He just has to wait for the right moment though
Besides, what’s more punk than sticking it to the man for someone you love?
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benisasoftboi · 8 months
I am so happy with the conclusion of BBC Ghosts.
There were so many things I loved about the final series that I can't even keep it all straight in my brain, I'll have to rewatch it all (and the Christmas special, of course! Must remember it's the not the true end yet!)
But something I can immediately say I loved was what they didn't do. See, that line in the trailer that turned out to be from episode 5 - about there being a pattern to when they move on - worried me. One of the best things about the show, to me, is how there truly is not any reason at all to why the ghosts are there, or when they go. It's something the creators have said over and over, and that the show has always backed up; we saw so many times that, unlike in most ghost media, addressing unfinished business or achieving emotional resolution changes absolutely nothing. Pat hit some sort of emotional resolution three times. And Julian realised the importance of family, and Robin saved someone’s life, and Thomas discovered the truth of his death, and so on and so on. Finding closure isn't the end, and equally, the end isn't predicated by a climatic conclusion. It just happens. And the same is true for why people become ghosts. It just happens. And you exist, and fill your days, and then you’re gone. And no one knows why.
It's kind of the most agnostic television show I've ever seen.
I love that. Every other afterlife show I've ever seen has some kind of reward and punishment system. Or at least says that there's a reason for things, some kind of higher power at play, not necessarily a god but something like it. Even the American adaptation felt the need to bring Hell into it, which is why I need to specify that I'm only talking about the British version here. And I feel like a lot of fans wanted there to be reasons too, or felt like there simply had to be, that it wasn't even a question. I get why - it's not just because it's the standard for ghost narratives. It's really uncomfortable to think about the randomness of life and death. But Mary didn't go because of anything that happened before that day, and Cap was never going to go because he came out, and one day, when they've all gone, there won't have been a reason for it.
Because the real point of BBC Ghosts is that there is no point. You’ve just got to make it through the days, surrounded by people that irritate you, trapped in a confusing world where you’re mostly powerless. And it sucks, and you're angry, and sad, and bored as hell. And you also find happiness in the mundane chaos, and you get really good at chess, and watch the ants in the garden, and write bad poetry, and read terrible romance novels, and gamble money you don't have, and go camping, and play games, and learn French, and watch reality TV, and have sex with a decapitated Tudor nobleman’s body, and dance to old music, and look at the stars, and find that you actually really love all those annoying people after all, and that’s the point.
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sunaluv · 6 months
someone's looking at you looking at him
feat: connie & eren, wakasa & shinichiro
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connie watched curiously as you laughed at whatever it was eren said to you. you threw your head back and cackled as your unfiltered laughter was heard over the music. ironically enough, you had that same, unashamed laughter when he fell for you. every time he thinks about how he fell in love with you, he finds himself covering his cheeks like a bashful little school girl.
he can't really blame eren for getting to you first, he had only told sasha, ymir and historia about his little crush on you. and you were so attractive in your own way, it was a matter of time before someone else would make their move on you. ‘yeah,’ he convinces himself, ‘if i had acted first, maybe she would be laughing at my jokes right now.’
connie had been so deep in his thoughts, he hadn't even noticed you approaching the kitchen island he was sat at.
"you alright, con?" he felt a blush coming on at the sound of your voice. "what'cha thinkin' about?"
maybe it was the remnants of alcohol in his system, but he swore you've been looking at him a little differently lately, like there was a hint of lust in your eyes.
he cleared his throat, calming himself down. "nothin' really," he wiped his hands on his jeans. "what've you been up to?"
he listened intently as you told him about the past week, about the pile of assignments you've been neglecting and the girls trip you went on recently (he smiled as you whipped your phone out, swiping through albums and he had to act like he hadn't seen the ones you uploaded on your finsta). he had to hold back the hurt on his face whenever you mentioned eren though.
time seemed to pass whenever he talked with you. he found himself genuinely interested in what you had to say, and became more of a listener than a talker when the two of you conversed.
jean elbowed eren, nodding towards the two of you chatting by the counter. "you ever noticed how con looks at your girl?"
eren looked between jean and the pair of you, shrugging his shoulders. "no? how does he?"
"like he wants her," he laughed at the glare eren shot him. "my sources have told me that he's had a crush on her before you two started talking."
eren was silent, taking a sip of his drink. jean would've probably considered what he meant, but a call of his name from the bros at the beer pong table managed to grab his attention. with a heavy pat on eren's shoulder, he left the said boy alone with this newfound information.
old eren would've pulled the two of you up on it immediately or caused a giant scene which was sure to embarrass the three of you. but since getting to know you, he had become a calmer person, more rational even. instead of storming over to the kitchen, he decided to let you be. he trusted you, and you obviously trusted him as you already told him about you and connie when you started getting serious.
he let connie get a feel of what it was like to be with you, just for tonight. it was as far as he was going to get anyway.
sometimes, when you come into the bike shop with your cheery greeting, wakasa likes to pretend you came for him, despite the fact you greeted everyone.
he likes to daydream about you prancing in your summer dresses which heavily contrasted his oil-stained overalls tied at his waist. he likes to daydream about you scolding him about overworking himself, your pretty, plump lips drawing into a pout complaining about 'how you'll forget about me one day...'
to which he'd respons with 'you know i never would' before hissing that pout away.
yeah... this man was in deep.
instead, he nodded his head at you as he passed, to which you reciprocated with a smile of your own. the faint scent of your perfume hypnotised him, his eyes following your figure as you lovingly embraced your boyfriend, shinichiro, who was tinkering away at his own bike.
the slithers of conversation he could grasp closely resembled the ones he has with you in his daydream, he sometimes gets scared someone can read his thoughts.
with a heavy sigh, he tore his gaze from his leader and his girl, putting the finishing touches on the automobile in front of him.
wakasa didn't imagine this to be the first time he got to really embrace you.
"it'll be okay," he spoke your name tenderly, drawing small circles into your arm. "we'll all look after you for as long as you need, alright? we all know how much shin adored you."
at the mention of his name, your cries grew harsher and louder. you squeezed at his waist harder, burying your face in his chest as if to take out all of your hurt on him.
"what will i do, wakasa?" his heart shattered at the defeated look on your face. "my boyfriend is dead..."
wakasa was stuck. he didn't know how to console you right now, not when he was feeling so guilty for thinking about your flushed body against his whilst you were crying over his late leader.
so he said nothing, letting you fall into him once more. he only hoped takeomi would get to your place soon, anyone other than him would probably be a better support system for you right now.
takeomi arrived shortly after, a fruit basket and other comfort items with him, along with his condolences. you told the boys you were going to lie down, giving wakasa the chance to excuse himself from you.
the two of the stood in your kitchen, speaking in hushed terms.
"you're such an asshole for what you're doing, ya know?"
"i know," wakasa breathed out. "...i know."
"shinichiro died, wakasa."
"i said i know, damn it!" he finally looked up at takeomi, a mix of rage, guilt and disgust swirling in his eyes. his eyes widened as he lowered his volume.
"boss left her in our care," takeomi breathed out. "do you really think it's wise to do what you're doing?"
whether or not it was a rhetorical question, wakasa did not answer. the silence mixed with with the tense mood left the air heavier than usual.
wakasa knew he still held strong feelings for you and it seems others are starting to catch on as well. thus he had to distance himself from you and let you grieve shinichiro properly.
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cevansbrat0007 · 3 months
Request: Andy Barber & Baby Girl having sex during a thunderstorm.
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Through the Storm
Summary: Andy helps you overcome your fear of thunderstorms.
Warnings: Astraphobia, Smut, Anxious Reader, Dominant Andy, Manhandling, Fingering, Spanking, CMNF (Clothed Male, Nude Female), Safe Sex, Cuddles, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Finally finished this WIP! This request takes place early in Andy and Reader's relationship. Part of my ongoing Growing Pains Series, but can also be read as a standalone. Not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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You stare out into the backyard, watching sheets of slanted rain pelt against your boyfriend’s newly installed patio. While it wasn’t much, it was enough to give the compact enclosed space the cozy feel it had long been missing. You’d even helped him with the landscaping, much to your chagrin. 
Andy had been quick to learn that while you enjoyed gardening you were also terrified of virtually all things creepy crawly, like bees. Especially bees. Your man hadn’t known what to make of that one, which had certainly made for an entertaining afternoon. 
A loud crash of thunder suddenly booms overhead, startling you so bad that you nearly drop the bottle of water in your hands. You fucking hated thunderstorms, a fun little nugget that you had yet to share with the man who was currently waiting for you to join him upstairs. 
Truth be told, you hadn’t even planned on staying over tonight. You were supposed to be home by the time the storm rolled in, tucked away safe and sound on your couch. All the while clutching your stuffed bear, Mr. Sprinkles, for dear life and watching your favorite comfort films until Mother Nature decided she was done with her tantrum.
But dinner with friends had gone long and then the show had started late. Well, the dinner itself hadn’t actually been with friends – more like one of his work colleagues. But the guy’s wife had been nice enough. And after enjoying one last round of drinks, you four had wandered across the street to take-in a production of Aladdin on Broadway. 
Of course musicals weren’t really your thing, but since it was a childhood favorite of yours you’d been all for it. Your boyfriend didn’t know how much of a Disney fan you really were. Which was okay. Because he was older, more mature. And as such, you always tried to come off more sophisticated than what you actually were.
He’d already been married once before and had a child. One he’d lost a few years back. You two had yet to actually have a true conversation about that one but you were almost certain it was coming.
It had to be, right? Because it wasn’t like you both could skirt around the topic forever. But, at the same time, it’s also not like you could be the one to bring up. Like, how would a conversation like that even go? 
Exactly. It wouldn’t. Because you couldn’t. It wasn’t your place. 
So, you would allow that door to remain shut for as long as it took to allow him to open it and guide you through. You could be patient. 
Alright fine. You would make yourself be patient. And until then you would keep trying to demonstrate the right amount of emotional maturity needed to prove that you could be a good partner and support system. Or at least a little worldlier than you probably came off.  
But all of that would be pretty hard to do if Andrew Barber knew that you were secretly afraid of thunderstorms. He wouldn’t get it and you would only end up tripping all over yourself if you tried to explain. Which meant that you had to make a decision.
Either you could be brave and climb the stairs so you could crawl into bed – his bed – wearing nothing but a pair of panties and one of his oversized t-shirts. Or you could sneak upstairs, grab your clothes, and dash out your man’s front door into the night like a madwoman and hope that he would be too stunned to chase you down. 
“Whatcha doin’ down there, Baby Girl?” Andy bellows from up above, making you jump.
“Noth–coming!” You shout back as you pad towards the stairs, still trying your best to devise a plan. Andrew Barber was deceptively fast, which meant running was out. So you were most likely gonna have to suck it up until he fell asleep and then you would be free to tremble in peace. 
The city’s hottest attorney could not know that he was dating the world’s biggest scaredy cat. If he ever found out, you might never recover from the embarrassment.  
You find yourself holding your breath as you round the corner before stepping inside Andy’s bedroom. Your man looks up from his phone when he notices that you’ve finally joined him. A warm smile spreads across his handsome features as he leans back, allowing his big body to relax against the frame. 
“Thought I was gonna have to come looking for you.” His husky purr sends a tiny shiver coursing through you, all the way down to your toes.  
“Uh, nope. Here I am.” Your eyes stray towards your overnight bag nestled innocently in the corner. Because if you weren’t mistaken you were also beginning to sweat. “But I was thinking that maybe I ought to – nooope!” 
An loud, unexpected clap of thunder has you diving towards the bed with a shriek. You seek refuge under the blankets, ignoring the sounds of a bewildered Andy calling your name. He tries to lift up the edge of the comforter, but you refuse to let go. 
At this point, you have no desire to acknowledge just how ridiculous you were being at that very moment. Because you were scared.
And also a smidge mortified.
“Um, honey..?” Andy works to keep his tone light. “What’s going on?” He pauses briefly as one big hand comes to rest on what he assumes must be your head. “Are you okay?”
“Yep!” You squeak out, clutching the blanket even tighter around you. “But I’m also really, really sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” Again he tugs at the edge of your makeshift shield, prompting you to try and roll away. “You haven’t done anything – can you at least look at me? Please.”
“Um, I…I don’t think so. No.” Your words come out slightly muffled.
You’re rewarded with a heavy sigh followed by a brief moment of silence. Although you’re not sure what you expected him to say, you’re still surprised by what comes next.
“Well, if you won’t come out, then I guess that means I’ll just have to come under there then, won’t I?”
Fine by you. Because you were pretty sure that you were only seconds away from dying of embarrassment anyhow.
“Let me in, princess.” 
Relief fills him when he sees you finally relax your grip. Seconds later he joins you under the blankets, cocooning you both within the plush softness.   
“Hey.” Andy breathes as his eyes strain to adjust to the light.
As if of its own accord, one of his hands reaches over to gently brush your curls away from your face. A quiet sigh makes its way past your lips as you feel yourself melting into his touch. In a way it acted as an unspoken reminder. 
You were safe with this man. Which meant it was time to fess up. 
“Umm…” He makes an exaggerated show of looking around. “Why are we hiding?”
“Because.” You whisper, only to flinch when another crack of thunder echoes above. 
“Because?” Your man drags out the word. “Because what? Are you–?” He cuts himself off before trying again. “I’m gonna guess that all this has something to do with the storm. Am I somewhere in the ballpark?”
His question has hot tears pricking the backs of your eyes.
“I don’t like it.” You croak before giving into temptation and burying yourself in his tattoo-covered chest. “In fact, I hate it.” 
Good Lord, you sounded so pitiful right now. 
“All of it.” You confirm as you begin to tremble ever so slightly. “The lightning, the thunder, the heavy winds, the sound of the rain. S’too much.”
“I see.” Is all he says, even as his hand goes to rest on the small of your back, rubbing in easy, soothing circles. 
“I’m sorry.” You feel even worse when the tears spill over onto Andy’s bare skin. 
“Hush.” Comes the soft-spoken command, drawing you flush against his much larger body. “There’s no need to be sorry. I just wish you would’ve said something earlier. Is that why you were so adamant about going home tonight?”
But then your handsome ogre just had to go and be difficult.     
“And I convinced you to stay.” Andy huffs out a disappointed breath at the same time as he drags his knuckles along your spine. “I should’ve noticed something was wrong. All I could think about was how much better I sleep whenever you’re next to me.” You can tell he’s annoyed now – not with you – but with himself. “Should’ve thought to ask why you seemed so skittish.” He drops a brief kiss on the top of your head.   
“I’m sorry, Baby Girl.” He grunts, pulling away so that he can get a good look at your face. “No–” He continues when you open your mouth to interrupt. “I should’ve been paying better attention. That’s on me.” He takes a moment to whisper his sensual, full lips over your own. 
“It’s okay.” You assure him before pressing a tender kiss on his left pec, just above his heart. “I probably should’ve said something earlier. It was just…I guess I was embarrassed.” You finish with a shrug. 
“Why?” He cocks his head to the side as he patiently waits for you to answer. Although it was hard to read his expression in the dark, you knew he was genuinely curious. 
“Because it’s a stupid.” You mumble a few seconds later. “It’s stupid and I’m stupid for–”
“No it’s not.” Andy swiftly interjects. “And no you’re not. So please let that be the last time I hear you refer to yourself that way.” His gruff tone leaves little room for argument, not that you were in the mood anyway. Seconds later, another clap of thunder, followed by a flash of lightning, has you diving back into the safety of his arms.
“Fuck.” Pissed at himself, he quickly wraps his arms around you before gently rocking you back and forth in an effort to calm you down. “When did it start?” More thunder booms overhead the whole house, loud enough to shake the whole house. 
Andy frowns when he hears the tiny whimper that escapes your throat. .   
“It’s silly.” You warn, even as you close your eyes and force yourself to take a deep breath. 
“Try me.”
He’d stay up all night if that’s what it took to get you to talk. The last thing he wanted was for you to shut down on him. Again.  
Guess that was your cue to start spilling your guts. 
“Wh–when I was a little girl, I couldn’t have been more than six or seven, there was this really bad storm. I mean later we would find out that tornadoes had touched down all over the region. But that night – I swear the rain was coming down so hard it sounded like hundreds of baseballs were being pelted against the roof. And the wind was blowing so hard that it kept rattling windows.”
“Mmhm.” The small, noncommittal sound rumbles from somewhere deep within his chest, spurring you forward. 
“So my dad woke us all up, me and my siblings, and herded us down to the basement. I guess he’d been watching the news and figured we’d be safer there. My mom had laid out blankets and sleeping bags for us. At first it seemed kinda fun – almost like we were camping out.”
Another bright flash of light briefly illuminates the bedroom, but you’re too engrossed in your story to really care. Plus, you had Andy to keep you safe. Nothing bad ever seemed to happen when you were with Andy.
At least not so far. 
“I could see that.” Your boyfriend affirms, before giving your hip a light squeeze. “Bet you probably had a cool sleeping bag.” 
“I totally did. I actually had one of those Disney character sleeping bags.” The memory makes you smile as your initial anxiety begins to lessen. “Come to think of it, we all did. But mine had Genie from Aladdin on the front of it. I remember because I got to pick it out myself.” 
“I knew I had the right idea when I invited you out tonight.” Andy muses, brushing his mouth against your curls once more. 
“Yeah, Big Man. I’m a Disney girl. And I sure did love that sleeping bag.” You take a moment to lace your fingers through his, needing the connection. “Which was why I climbed right on in and let my mother zip me up. At that point, I think my little sister started crying or something, so I let her crawl inside with me. After that she went right to sleep.”
“But I’m guessing you didn’t.”
“Nope.” Your grip on his hand tightens, but your man doesn’t pull away. Even so, you allow your thumb to sweetly caress along the ridges of his knuckles. “I stayed wide awake for what felt like hours just…listening. Listening as the wind picked up, as the thunder got louder and louder. Until it became so loud that it sounded like the storm was happening right above our house. And then suddenly there was this crash that shook the entire house – almost like a bomb went off.”    
“Listen, I know sometimes storms can seem–”
“It was a tree.” You quietly forge on. “The storm had knocked down a tree. It fell through the roof, into the room I shared with my sister. Of course nobody was hurt, but ever since then I’ve been terrified of thunderstorms.” You finish, somehow feeling even more foolish than when you’d first started. 
“Holy shit.” Andy exhales before briefly nuzzling your nose with his own. It was a simple stress touch, nothing more. But at this particular moment, it means everything. “I mean, I’m sure this probably goes without saying, but I’m so glad you weren’t in there when it happened. You or your sister.”
Wordlessly you nod, still wishing that you’d found a way to make it home tonight after all. Come tomorrow you’d finally bite the bullet and start looking for a therapist. Perhaps it was finally time you found a way to move past some of your childhood trauma. And maybe then–
Your thoughts are interrupted by the deep, rich timbre of Andrew Barber’s voice. 
“I’m afraid of clowns.” Your boyfriend grunts in a very matter of fact tone. “And spiders.” He tacks on with a slight grimace. “Can’t get near either one of them without breaking into hives.” 
“Oh.” Is all you can manage, clearly surprised by his sudden openness. You hadn’t been expecting that at all. “So I‘m guessing anything to do with Pennywise is probably – ahh shit!” You cry out when the familiar sound of thunder makes you lose your train of thought, leaving you unable to finish your small attempt at humor.
Almost immediately, you feel two strong arms band themselves around your waist, drawing you closer even as you try your damnedest to scramble away. You throw off the covers before attempting to swing your legs over the side of the bed so that you can make a mad dash in the direction of the basement.     
“Hold on, baby.” Andy growls, wincing when your elbow accidentally connects with his ribs. “Just settle down for a second, okay? We’re gonna get through this, I promise.”
“Nope – I’m good! Just let me go, please.” Instead of doing as you ask, he flips your bodies, using his considerable weight to keep you still. “I’m serious, Andrew!” You tell him, thumping his back with your fist for good measure.
“Hush.” He takes advantage of your positions long enough to glide his lips along the column of your throat, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. “Just focus on me – on us – and let everything else fade away.”
Hmph. Easier said than done, handsome.
Andy gifts you with a glimpse of his pearly white teeth before slanting his hungry mouth over your own. He moans into the kiss, gently sucking on your bottom lip and releasing it with a slight pop. When you don’t respond he does it again, this time tracing the curve of your lips with his sinful tongue. 
“But what if –.”
“Shh.” Your boyfriend pauses his sensual assault long enough to stare down at you while he braces himself on his forearms. “You have my word that nothing bad is gonna happen while I’ve got you here, with me, in this bed. We’re safe, Baby Girl.” He then angles his head to nip along your jaw. “Let me show you.”  
“Do you trust me?” Where had you heard that before?
“I…” You trail off as he continues to nip at your heated flesh, paying special attention to the sensitive shell of your ear. “Y–yes.”
Apparently that’s all the permission Andrew Barber needs, because the next thing you know he’s sliding one large hand up your thigh, his lightly calloused palm sending pinpricks of pleasure straight to your core. Seconds later, you both are treated to the sounds of tearing fabric. 
Well, there went your panties. They’d been shredded to hell just like every other pair that went before it. 
Next up is your shirt. He manages to whip it over your head with relative ease before resting his delicious weight on top of you once more. Clad in only his boxers, he makes a show of grinding rapidly hardening cock against your damp pussy.
“Andy.” You whine, wantonly arching your hips in time with his thrusts. “Don’t tease me right now.”
“Why not?” He purrs as a hand moves to fist itself in your hair, wrenching your head back with just enough force to make you feel dizzy with lust. 
Reaching up, you capture his face between your hands to pull him down for another kiss. The scruff of his neatly trimmed beard feels so good against your skin.
“Fuck me, please.” You hiss, seeking a much needed distraction as a flash of lightning threatens to send you running for the hills. Since this man wouldn’t let you leave, your next best option was to let him bury his thick cock inside you so hard and so deep until you no longer had the capacity to think. 
Or walk properly, for that matter.
“Your wish is my command, baby.” Your boyfriend groans as he continues to circle his hips. With that said, he then makes quick work of removing his boxers before tossing him aside in the direction of his hamper. He misses, of course. Which is why you silently vow to pick it up later.
Now freed from its confines, you watch Andy’s impressive manhood immediately spring to attention, lightly smacking his abdomen as it bobs up and down.
Good God, you’d be lying if you said the sight didn’t make your mouth water.  
His mouth curves into a roguish grin as he purposely slides himself between your slippery folds. He revels in your wetness, loving the way your slick coats his aching cock. Shit – if he wasn’t careful he risked blowing his load before it was time. 
Which absolutely would not work. You always came first. That was the rule. There were no exceptions, unless you were playing a game or something.
Reaching over you, Andy grabs a foil packet from his nightstand. Tearing it open with his teeth, you lean back on your elbows while he handles his business with the condom. Maybe next time he’d allow you to put it on for him. You’d always wanted to try…
You also weren’t quite sure of exactly when he’d gone and removed his boxers, but you also weren’t complaining either.         
“Now, sweetheart.”  Your man begins as he takes a hold of your calf, tenderly draping it over his muscled shoulder as the wheel continues to howl outside. “All you’ve gotta do is lay back and focus on how good you feel.” He leans forward so that he can trace his tongue around your nipple before sucking the delicate flesh into his waiting mouth.  
Your back bows as you thrust your chest forward in silent offering. Andy groans as continues to toy with your pouting nipple before switching to the other. You let out a sharp cry as he brings the pebbled tip in his mouth, lightly pinching it between his teeth just hard enough to make you writhe beneath him. 
That’s part of what always made this feel so good. The way he always seemed to mix pleasure with a little bit of pain. 
His mouth eventually finds yours again as your hands smooth their way over the blades of his shoulders, allowing you to run your fingers along the contour of his muscles. And when you finally reach the firm globes of his ass, you can’t help but giggle as you finally give into the temptation to smack it. Hard.    
Just the way he liked it.
“Remember, sweet brat. If I’m gonna wear your handprint then I think it’s only fair you wear mine too. Understand?” Of course he doesn’t wait for you to answer. Instead he maneuvers himself up so that he can expertly flip you over onto your stomach before pulling you up so that you’re now resting on your hands and knees before him. 
Instinctively you arch your ass in the air, inviting him to make good on his promise. This man loved spanking your ass every chance he got. And what’s more, you seemed to enjoy it almost as much as he did.
“Now be a good girl and put your hands where they’re supposed to go.” 
A small shiver of anticipation courses through as you move to obey. He chuckles softly as he watches your eager fingers grip the headboard. Later he would tell you how proud of you he was in that moment, that he was honored by your faith in his ability to distract you from the violent storm taking place right outside his window.
It meant the world that you trusted him enough to take care of you at a time like this. 
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” Andy purrs as the heavy weight of his palm comes down on your upturned rear with just enough force to make your naughty pussy gush. Unable to stop it, you can’t help the groan you emit when he does it again, loving the way he kneads and caresses your most intimate curves.  
“So are you.” 
Your body jerks when he decides to focus his attention on your greedy little cunt. Nimble fingers spear you open as they between your glistening folds to tease your throbbing clit. It’s not long before your hips begin moving in time with his ministrations. 
Soon your eyes flutter closed as you bear down, shamelessly grinding yourself against his calloused palm. At first, Andy is content to simply watch as you slowly work yourself into a frenzy.
Because this time, when the sound of thunder crackles throughout the room, you barely react. In fact, you hardly hear it. You’re too engrossed in the pleasure, too caught up in just how good your man is making you feel, to remember to be afraid. 
“Easy, greedy girl.” Andy hums after another beat goes by before finally removing his hand. The fucking bastard.
“Nooo!” You whine, hating the way your impending orgasm lingers just out of reach.
"Yeees.” There’s a slight mocking edge to his tone that has you glancing over your shoulder to shoot him a glare. 
“Swear to God you’re so fucking beautiful. Even when you’re trying to turn me into dust.” He winks at you then before allowing his hands to settle on your hips. Goosebumps pebble across your sweat-dampened flesh when you feel the head of his impressive cock nudge at your entrance.
“Please.Please.Please.” That one word is whispered over and over, like a fervent prayer. 
Just then, a stroke of lightning brightens the room, treating you to a fleeting glimpse of your man right as he thrusts himself inside of you, all the way to the hilt. Your eyes threaten to roll back in your head as he forces you to take every deliciously thick inch of his cock, stretching your tight pussy until you can’t help clench around him.     
Andy starts off slow, gradually building up the pace as your velvety walls continue to milk him for all he’s worth. His fingers dig into your curves as you rear back to match his movements. Soon, he adjusts the angle of his thrusts, allowing him to go even deeper. 
“S’good, Andy!Fuuuck!” You moan as Andy continues fucking you into oblivion. “Yes!Harder, pleeease!”
“My baby wants it harder?” He growls, adjusting his position to give you exactly what you asked for. A desperate sob bubbles up from your throat, prompting you to bury your face in a nearby pillow.
Too bad your man is having none of it.        
“Oh no.” One large hand moves to wrap itself around the delicate column of your throat, applying just the right amount of pressure to make your pulse spike. “You don’t get to hide that pretty face from me. Not tonight.” He grunts before allowing his free arm to encircle your waist to haul you against the hard wall of his chest. 
A hand soon finds its way to your breast. He lifts the tempting weight, before plucking at your nipple with his thumb and forefinger, evoking the most exquisite sensations. 
“You’re doing so good, Baby Girl.” Andy rasps, tweaking his angle so that he can find your spot. “So good. Told you I’d keep you safe.” The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh echo throughout the room, creating an erotic tempo. “Would never let anything bad happen to you.” 
Your boyfriend’s Boston accent grows thicker and more pronounced with each passing second – letting you know that he’s close to losing control. That’s when you decide to push him closer to the brink by reaching behind you to pull his head down for a kiss. It’s hot, wet, and deep. And by the time you both come up for air your heart is hammering in your chest. 
“I…I know.” And you did know.
Tipping your chin back, you allow your walls to flutter around his fat cock, making him twitch. Your core begins to spasm as you feel the coil in your belly tighten even more. Andy makes sure to keep a tight hold on your sweat-slicked body as his lips continue to whisper kisses along the curve of your jaw.  
White hot pleasure dances along your skin, meanwhile Andy’s thrusts continue to grow more and more erratic with each passing minute. One of your hands slips from the headboard to help keep you upright. 
“Cum, princess. Give it to me.” He snarls through clenched teeth before reaching down to deliver a slap to your pussy. It feels so good that you beg him to do it again and again. “Be a good girl and fucking cum!”
That’s all you need to hear before you go tumbling over the edge and into bliss. “Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!” Ecstasy slices through you, making you cry out loud enough to wake the neighbors. Thank goodness there was a storm going on outside, otherwise someone might’ve taken it upon themselves to call the police.  
Chest heaving, you continue bouncing on your man’s cock. He felt so amazing it bordered on obsession. And you knew he’d feel even better once you had him in your mouth. Andy shudders behind you, his big body trembling with the force of his orgasm.  
Completely spent, you both flop down on the bed. You’re both naked and sweaty, but neither of you really cares all that much. You curl up in his arms, resting on his chest so that you can listen to the soothing sound of his heartbeat. 
“You okay?” Andy murmurs a little while later when he notices that your eyes have begun to droop. “Do you need me to–”
“Mm…” You purr, stretching your arms above your head as you stifle a lawn. “I’m thinking I need some more of that. Like tonight.” 
You grow quiet once you realize that you no longer hear the sound of the rain. Or the wind. Or the thunder. All is as it should be. Thank goodness.
“Give me ten minutes to refuel and I’m all yours.” He grunts before disposing of his used condom in a nearby garbage can.. 
“Thank you.” You mumble, feeling your cheeks heat. “For tonight, for what you did.”
“Not sure if I did much of anything.” Andy smiles down at you, his brilliant blue eyes filled with sincerity. “You’re always safe with me, princess. So just relax."
“I believe you, Andy. But the storm –"
“Is about over. We fucked right through it, baby.” You don’t have to look up at him to know that he’s got some kind of shit-eating grin plastered across his handsome features. "But most of all, thank you for trusting me with your secret.”
“Thank you for not laughing.“ Your hand reaches up to stroke your knuckles along his bearded jaw. 
“Hm.” Andy mutters. “Maybe next time we’ll have to try making love in the rain. What do you think, princess?”
“Um, baby steps, Andrew.” You counter, expertly dodging his first question. “Let’s go smaller. I’m talking waaay smaller.”
“Fine. I’ll settle for a kiss during a light drizzle.” Your boyfriend concedes, laughter and warmth suffusing his tone. 
“Consider it done, handsome.” You mumble as sleep threatens to overtake you.
Later, Andy would tell you that he let you fall asleep that night on purpose. Your earlier anxiety had really done a number on you, which is why he was content to let you rest. Instead of complaining, he holds you close, silently willing his heart to beat in time with your own. 
And when you wake in the middle of the night, cocooned in the safety of your man’s arms, you know without question that you are cherished beyond measure.
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goosewriting · 1 year
Hello! I loved your "baby 🥺" fic and was wondering if we could get a version of it but with Donnie?
Another bebe?🥺 (rottmnt Donnie x reader)
summary: a turtle baby suddenly appears in the lab, and she looks suspiciously a lot like Donnie
relationship: Rise!Donnie x GN reader
warnings: none, just fluff!, soft Donnie
word count: 2k
A/N: the moment everyone's been waiting for lol this time Donnie gets better lab equipment xD
More “Baby 🥺” versions: Leo | Raph | Donnie (you’re here) | Mikey
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
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Donnie was in his lab, because where else would he be? He was jamming to some EDM music in the background while tinkering with some project of his. You sat in front of him, starting to get bored. He had invited you over to show you his latest masterpiece, but it hadn’t worked yet, so now he was trying to fix the issue. Which according to him would be a quick fix, but he had been at it for over half an hour now, cursing under his breath.
“You better leave all the tools how you found them,” he said without looking up, as he could hear the light clattering.
“I know your system,” you reassured him. “You've explained it in great detail several times, don’t you worry.”
“Then, can you pass me the screwdriver, please?” he asked, stretching out his hand in your direction.
You reached out to pick it up from the box but it fell from your hand, rolling over the edge of his work table. You flinched slightly, ready for the clatter it would make as it fell onto the floor, since that screwdriver was modified by Donnie and particularly heavy. But the sound never came. Instead you heard more of an electrical zap and a whoosh.
Taking a couple of steps to get around the table, you saw that there was a hole on the floor where the screwdriver would have been. It was circular, formed by several zapping rays of a yellow-ish glow. You couldn't see through it, but it was clear that the tool fell in there. You merely blinked at the sight in front of you, unable to say anything.
Not getting a response from you, Donnie also moved from his spot, leaving his work on the table, and walked over, now standing in front of you on the other side of… whatever that was. 
“Huh,” is all that he said.
“What is that?” you asked after a moment. “And why are you not alarmed?”
Donnie scoffed. 
“It’s obvious it's some kind of portal,” he explained, turning around to his wall of machinery, tapping something on this brace device.
You raised your hands and eyebrows in a ‘well, sorry I didn’t immediately recognise it as such’ gesture, even though he had his back to you.
“I need to analyse it,” Donnie informed you as he turned around. “Better get a little further back just in case–”
Suddenly the screwdriver appeared again, coming out straight out of the portal, a tiny turtle hand attached to it.
You both stood in silence and shock, watching how a little turtle tot climbed out the portal carrying the heavy tool, finally getting to sit on the floor with a huff. The baby had a little ribbon tied to her head, which hung a little askew because of her efforts. She looked at you with a smile, then at Donnie, and squealed in glee, holding out the screwdriver with both hands towards him, as if offering it to him.
Then the portal zapped loudly, and shut closed. The little turtle seemed unfazed by this, still waiting for Donnie to react.
Donnie opened and closed his mouth several times but no words came out. You approached the baby and  crouched down next to her.
“H-hey there, little one,” you greeted her, and she cooed. “Where did you come from, hm?”
You took the screwdriver from the little hands, placing it on the table, and picked up the baby in your arms. 
“Huh, look at you, aren't you cute?”, you said as you inspected her chubby cheeks and big eyes. “What’s your name?”
The baby cooed and babbled as you moved the ribbon up her head to where you thought it was meant to sit. You fixed your grasp on the turtle to carry her better against your hip, in the process stroking over her back with your hand, and your brows raised at the sensation.
“Donnie look,” you pointed out to him. “She has a soft shell, just like you!”
You turned back to him and he was still in shock, unmoving. But you had been with him long enough to pick up on the tiny changes in his face to read them. Given the twitch of the corner of his mouth, you knew his mind was not only racing, but he already had a plausible hypothesis for this situation.
“Spit it out, Don,” you said with an amused sigh. “You already know what happened, right?”
“I think I do,” he answered. 
Donnie approached you and the baby, guiding you to a different part of the lab, where he instructed you to place her in a little open chamber, which you knew he used to analyse materials. You tilted your head at his request.
“Do you really need to know her molecular composition to tell she's a turtle like you?” you deadpanned. 
“I just want to know for sure if she’s who I think she is–”
“Whoa!” came a voice from behind you suddenly. “You two sure work fast!”
You both turned around to see Leo, Mikey and Raph at the entrance of the lab.
“We leave to get food and you already had a baby?” Leo joked. 
Heat spread on your face, burning on your cheeks. 
“We- Wha-??” you stumbled over your words. The baby in your arms squealed in glee, apparently very on board with Leo’s comment.
“That’s not how it works, Leo,” Mikey said, grabbing his brother by the shoulder. “Babies aren't made in labs, they–”
“Yeah, they grow in a cabbage,” Raph interjected. “Everyone knows that.”
You all went silent. 
“I’m obviously joking!” Raph called, Leo and Mikey erupting in laughter.
While you were busy trying to get your heated cheeks under control and everyone was making fun of Raph, Donnie had taken the little turtle from your arms and placed her into the chamber. He left the front panel open so she wouldn't feel trapped.
There was a loading bar on his screen, labelled „retrieving genetic material“. The bar progressed fairly quickly and after a couple of seconds the message appeared: „Analysis successful: Congrats, it‘s a girl!“ accompanied by the sound of a party blower, and followed by some caricatures of you and Donnie's faces surrounded by confetti.
At that, the laughter died down and all eyes fell on you. 
“Oh my god, called it!” Leo exclaimed.
“Shut up,” you told him, but the embarrassment in your voice didn’t make it sound particularly stern. “Donnie, clearly that's not possible, right?”
As you asked this, you turned around to see the turtle in question averting his eyes, a bit tensed up with his shoulders slightly raised, and hands curled into fists. Under his mask you could see a furious blush reaching to his neck.
“Eh?” is all you managed to mutter out.
“Clearly she came from a different timeline or dimension, but…” Donnie started, bringing up his hands to his face to try and hide from you. “Yeah, it's true.”
Letting out a shaky sigh, he picked up the little turtle, who had been following the whole exchange with great interest, looking from one person to the other. Donnie then moved to sit where he had been earlier, at the table, with the little turtle on his lap, looking lost in thoughts.
You shooed the other three out of the room, much to their dismay, to get a moment alone with Donnie. He was being a bit uncharacteristically quiet and … non-rambly, science-wise.
Grabbing your chair, you brought it to the other side of the table to sit next to him. Meanwhile, the baby turtle had discovered Donnie’s abandoned project on the table and her focus shifted completely to it. From his lap she could reach properly and started investigating the device. Donnie didn't seem to mind at all, which was sounding yet another alarm in your head. Instead of reprimanding the smaller turtle to leave his things alone, as you would have expected, he watched with soft eyes how she skillfully turned the device in her little hands, babbling to herself as if trying to make sense of his contraption.
“Is… everything okay?” you asked softly, placing your hand on his arm.
“I’m just…” Donnie took a moment to find the right word. “Stunned, I guess.” 
“How so?” 
“I’ve tried imagining this a couple of times,” he started, scratching the back of his neck, then clicked his tongue. “Scratch that, I think about this all the time.”
“About what?” you questioned, and your heart skipped a beat; does he mean what you think he means?
“You’re really gonna make me say it out loud,” he mumbled, lifting his eyes to meet yours, then heaved a deep sigh. “About us. What life will be like with you by my side.”
He then gestured to the little turtle still tinkering with the device.
“And about having kids, apparently.”
“Y-you think about our future together?” you said almost in disbelief, your chest tightening at his confession.
“Of course I do,” he responded immediately. “I can't really imagine a future without you in it. O-only if you want to stay, that is.”
“Obviously I want to!” you said and held his hand. You were leaning in, about to give him a kiss, when the turtle tot exclaimed in glee. And you could have sworn it sounded like she was trying to say “eureka”.
Before Donnie could stop her, she detached two cables, turned the thing around and connected them on the opposite side. You three looked at it expectantly to do something, but nothing was happening, so she gave it a smack with a grunt, and that's when the lights went on and it started whirring.
“No way! You fixed it?” Donnie exclaimed happily and held the baby under her armpits, lifting her up, to which she cooed and blew a raspberry.
With a smile, you leaned your head on your hand, propped up on your elbow on the table.
“Well, it’s no wonder she’s smart,” you spoke. “She’s got good genes, after all.”
Donnie’s gaze came to meet yours and he smiled as well, one of his rare soft ones, and your heart started racing all over again. 
Just as you were about to ask what you should do with her, there was some zapping behind you, the same zapping you had heard from the portal earlier. 
“Donnie is gonna kill meee,” came a familiar voice as a figure crossed through the portal into the lab, and you couldn’t believe your eyes: it was an older version of Mikey.
When he spotted the baby in Donnie’s arms, his shoulders slumped visibly in relief.
“You little rascal!” Mikey scolded her. “I look away for three seconds and you go off running!”
The baby stuck out her tongue at him, trying to hide behind Donnie’s arm.
“Heh, looks like brains aren't the only thing she inherited from you,” you tell Donnie with a mischievous grin.
“Whatever could you be implying,” he remarked sarcastically.
Mikey went to pick up the baby but she cried out, her arms doing a grabby motion towards you, and you could feel your heart tightening a bit at the sight.
“Hey now, it’s okay, little one,” you tried comforting her as you held her tiny hands. “We’ll see each other again, I’m sure.”
Donnie tensed up his jaw as the baby was taken from him, and you couldn’t help the sad smile on your face. Mikey shot you an apologetic look, and turned back towards the portal.
“This never happened, we were never here,” he said over his shoulder with a wink, and stepped through the whirls. 
The portal zapped closed again, and not a second later three heads peeked into the lab through the door.
“Is everything alright?” Raph asked.
“We heard voices just now, was someone here?” Leo questioned as he looked around. 
“Where's the baby?!” Mikey said, bringing his hands to his head.
“It’s okay,” you calmed them down. “She's back where she's supposed to be.”
Donnie’s hand came to hold your own under the table.
“We’ll see her again,” he promised, more to you than the others. “Hopefully soon.”
And then you knew the heat that prickled your cheeks probably wasn’t gonna leave any time soon.
🐥 taglist: [more info in my pinned post!] ( i really hope i got everyone! ) @hearteyedracoon, @maribatshipper, @whygz, @lovelylovelydreams, @o0-starboy-0o, @xnorthstar3x, @yarabutterfly, @isometimeswritestuff, @spacelesbianfanclub, @lieutenantlashfaz, @dybynyght, @snipersiniora, @je-m-appelle-yam, @lunar-lover1, @normal-internet-user
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tomblythismyhusband · 1 month
good girl [billythekid x fem!reader]
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[summary]: billythekid x fem!reader | anon request | After misbehaving at the bar, Billy gives you the punishment you deserve.
[warnings]: 18+, MDNI, oral m!receiving, brat!reader, dom!billy, choking, language, praise!kink
[wc]: 2.1k
[note]: i forgot abt this request this has been in my drafts FOREVER. i’m so sorry anon for taking a whole month to write this :,)
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The sound of boot stomping and fiddle playing could be heard from far away as you walked along the dusty town road towards the bar. Billy walked next to you, his gun belt clinking with the hurried steps.
“I’m excited.” You said cheerfully, grinning up at Billy. Your skirt swished with every step you took, and you made sure it did, you wanted a loose dress for tonight.. Your arm was hooked though Billy’s. You felt special, almost like he was escorting you.
Billy looked down at you. “Yea? Didn’t think you’d even want to go.” He chuckled, obviously joking.
You let out a hum, shaking your head. “Very funny. You know I love dancin’. Hell- I could dance all night if I could.”
Billy’s lips pulled into a smile. He liked how peppy you were. He always tended to be a little pessimistic when it came to well- anything. Especially in public settings.
“I don’t know if I could handle dancing all night darlin’.” Billy said slowly, getting the idea into your head before you get the chance to drag him across the dance floor all night.
You chuckled, “I know… I know..”
You both arrived to the front steps of the bar and walked up together, your arm in his. Billy opened the door for you, you gave him a giggle in return.
“Such a gentleman!” You joked as he scoffed and followed you inside. The bar was lively with boot stomping, drinking and music. A grin immediately grew on your face when you stepped inside. You loved events like these, where you were able to just let go, get a little alcohol in your system and dance your worries away.
You tugged at Billy’s hand and tried to pull him deeper into the bar. Only- Billy didn’t budge.
He bent down and dropped his voice. “Darlin’ can we get a table and some whiskey before dancin’?” He murmured next to your ear. You pouted, hating that he didn’t want to start partying right away.
Billy cocked a brow and looked down at you. “Darlin.. Don’t give me that look.” He scolded lightly, hooking an arm around your waist. You huffed and nodded and followed Billy to the side of the venue where some tables were scattered about.
“Fine… then we dance.” You sighed, plopping down into a seat. Billy still stood, leaning on his arms to hover his face near yours as he gave you a reassuring smile. He kissed your nose, which was still scrunched with annoyance.
“Thanks doll.” He murmured, kissing you again. Only Billy was the one able to get you out of a pout with just a few kisses. You smiled softly up at him, eyes trailing over his relaxed expression.
“Now. What can I get ya from the bar?” He asked, standing up straighter, already digging in his pockets for cash.
You thought for a moment and then just shrugged. “Can't go wrong with whiskey.”
Billy chuckled and shook his head. “No, no you can’t.” He then glanced around and then back at you.
“Alright I’ll be right back- sit tight for me yea?” You nodded eagerly watching him as he turned to leave.
Once he left you let out a sigh as your eyes skimmed over all the dancing couples already on the dance floor. You knew Billy hated dancing and just did this to humor you- but you still disliked that he wasn’t even attempting to seem like he was interested.
Playing with a strand of hair between your fingers you sighed, bored out of your mind. No doubt the bar probably had a long line with the amount of people so it would be a whole before Billy returned.
Billy said to sit tight- so I’ll sit tight. You kept thinking over and over again. The longer you waited the more you ached for your body to be on the dance floor.
While you gazed at the crowd of people again something- or someone, caught your eye. It was a man, maybe 6ft tall, blonde hair and a trimmed beard. The man was staring at you, and you were now staring back. Your eyes widened as the man extended a hand as if to say, “Come dance?”
You bit your lip. Billy would be back later- what harm would five minutes do? You gave the man a nod and stood up, smoothing out your dress before swaying over to him. The man’s smile widened as you placed yourself in front of him.
“I’m guessing you like to dance huh?” He drawled, taking one of your hands.
“Oh yes!” You laughed, placing one hand on his shoulder. The music kicked up and before you knew it you were spinning, dipping, swaying and kicking. The man was a surprisingly good dancer, his lean build making his movements loose and graceful.
Time passed so quickly as you danced, hell- you didn’t even know how long you were out there. You assumed a while when the man you were dancing with dipped his head down to your ear and spoke, “You got a boyfriend? Cause there’s a man who’s been staring at you for about ten minutes now.”
Your head snapped up to where you’d been originally sitting, waiting for Billy. And to your surprise there stood Billy, glass of whiskey in hand, stone faced as his eyes met yours. Your lips parted as you immediately wretched your hands from the man without a word, and started to weave through the crowds of other dancers to get to him.
Billy downed his whiskey in one easy gulp and started to quickly stride to the bar exit. This wasn’t good. He was pissed. You could already tell.
You quickly skittered after him, calling his name in earnest. You watched as Billy pushed out of the doors. You followed as fast as you could manage. The chilly desert air hit you as you pushed yourself outside as well.
“Billy!” You called, catching up to him as he walked down the steps of the bar. You made a move to place yourself in front of him, blocking him from moving any further.
“What the hell.” He growled, glaring down at you.
“I just wanted to dance.” You whined, crossing your arms as you did so.
“I told you to wait for me!” Billy exclaimed, throwing his hands up and back down to his sides.
You huffed and rolled your eyes, making a big show of it as well. “You were taking too long, it’s not my fault.”
Billy scoffed, shaking his head. “Unbelievable. Fuckin’ unbelievable.”
“Why are you acting like I did something wrong! Like I said- I just wanted to dance!” You pouted, looking up at him.
Billy placed his hands on his hips and stared at you for a moment, tight lipped and intense. “We’re going home.” He said through gritted teeth after a moment of deafening silence.
You gaped at him as he walked past you, walking back down the road towards the place you both were staying for the moment. You followed him, trying to make conversation every few minutes, saying you were sorry. Every time you spoke you were met with angry silence from Billy.
When you and Billy finally made it back to the tiny ranch cottage you couldn’t bear the silence anymore. Once you were both inside you slammed the door and crossed your arms, staring at Billy.
“I said I was sorry!” You exclaimed. “There’s no need for silence.”
Billy’s jaw ticked as he faced you. “You don’t listen. And for me to find you with some random bastard-“
You let out a loud sigh. “God- it’s not like I was kissin’ him.. we were dancing!”
Billy glared at you now, anger growing at every word you uttered.
“It’s your fault you took so long!” You whined. You crossed your arms and looked up at him.
Billy scoffed and turned, walking towards the bedroom, leaving you alone.
“Don’t you walk away from me!” You called, annoyed as you hurriedly followed him down the hall into the bedroom. When you walked into the room you immediately heard the door slam behind you as a hand encased your neck. Billy pushed you up against the door, his calloused digits fingering your already thumping pulse.
“You know better than to talk to me like that.” Billy said in a low voice. His words made your body tense.
“Talk like what? I’m not doing anything.” You replied quickly.
Billy’s eyes darted over your face, traces of anger still flickering in them. “You’ve been very bad tonight. You know that? Dancing with another man… talking back… and the whining..” Billy murmured.
You scoffed. “If you're mad about the other man- don’t be. I obviously don’t care about him.”
Billy leaned in and nipped at your ear lobe, dropping his voice down to a barely audible whisper. “You’ve forgotten that you're mine… and only mine.”
Your chest squeezed as the breath from your lungs abandoned you. If Billy knew one thing for sure- he knew how to turn you on. One of his hands was already trailing up your thigh over your dress.
“Billy-“ You moaned softly, hating the amount of desperation in your voice. Billy let out a deep growl.
“Now you want me.. of course only when I touch you.” He mumbled.
“Please- “ You choked, a spot of wetness already gathering in your panties.
Billy then let go of you, stepping back. “No.. you’ve been a bad girl.. you don’t deserve to be rewarded now do you?”
You let out a sound of protest, squirming as you still stood pressed against the door.
“Billy please, I’m sorry.” You whined.
Billy’s eyes flicked down your body. He liked you like this. Desperate.
“Be a good girl and get on your knees for me. Maybe then you’ll be rewarded.” He directed.
You immediately complied, sinking down to your knees onto the hard wooden floor. Billy stepped forward and took a hand to touch your face. He skimmed a thumb over your lips.
Impatient, you took his thumb into your mouth, biting on it slightly.
“So needy.” Billy murmured. He pressed his thumb down onto your tongue, causing you to emit a choked sound. Billy smirked at you before slipping his thumb out of your mouth.
Before you knew it Billy’s belt was discarded, clacking to the ground. Billy lowered his pants pulling his hard cock out. You stared at it wide eyed. A soft whimper escaped your lips as Billy massaged a finger over the tip.
“Open.” He murmured. You kept your mouth shut, staring up at him in defiance.
“Make me.” You replied, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Is that how you want to be a doll?” Billy chuckled, lifting an eyebrow as he stroked his cock once. He then took a fistful of your hair and pulled it, so your head was tilted upwards. You let out a soft moan at the unexpected action.
“You wish this was that man’s cock? The one you were dancing with? You want to take his cock instead?” He growled.
You shook your head, a soft no leaving your lips.
“It seems like you wish it was.” He taunted. With that you immediately pulled your head down, placing your lips on Billy’s cock.
“Good girl.” Billy drawled as your lips wrapped fully around him.
You began to bob your head, spit coating the length of his shaft as Billy threw his head back, choked moans escaping his throat. You kissed the tip before taking him into your mouth again.
Billy dug his hands painfully into your hair, your little moans muffled as you moved.
“Just like that.” Billy urged as he began to hit the back of your throat. You squeezed your eyes shut as he began to fuck your mouth with more force than before.
Tears pricked at your eyes as Billy’s hands dug more into your hair.
“Fuck- Fu-“ Billy groaned, as his thrusts began to become sloppier.
Billy pushed into your mouth slower now, the tip of his cock fully against the back of your throat. You let out choking sounds that made Billy smirk.
Finally Billy’s eyes rolled back into his head as he gave one more deep stroke. Warm spurts of cum filled your mouth as he came. He pulled his cock from your mouth as you swallowed every bit of his load.
He looked down at you after recovering from the orgasm, a pleased expression on his face.
Billy then made a quick flick of his fingers. “Good… Come here doll…” He said slowly, his mouth still pulled into a lust drunk grin. You stood shakily, legs feeling weak from being bent.
Billy took your face in his hands and kissed you, tongue slipping into your mouth. His lips were soft, gentle in contrast to how his hands were. When he broke from the kiss he stared into your eyes.
“I think you’ve earned yourself a turn darlin’.”
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maxillness · 6 months
Stranger Danger || FA14 x reader
Warnings: 18+, implied age gap, unprotected sex, bathroom sex, semi-public sex, fingering, orgasm denial
Wordcount: 1k
A/N 1: I know this is the second post in a row with bathroom sex, but there’a just something about it that turns me on 😫
A/N 2: It’s crazy how conversations with people who have a diagnosis can go. My friend with a diagnosis told me to give my teacher a blowjob, now I’m not complaining because he’s attractive as hell, but still, why?
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Going into the bar with her friends, she didn’t expect what was gonna happen
Her eyes had lingered on him from the moment he had entered the bar with his friends
Even if she couldn’t my take her eyes off if him, she managed to do so when he would look over in her direction
“Come on, Y/N” Her friend would say beside her “Just go over and talk with him”
“What? No. He’s at least 10 years older than me. He’s probably married” She protested
“You would never know if you never went over there” She explained to her
At the other end of the bar, a similar conversation was happening
“Come on dude, you’ve been staring at her all night. Might as well go over there” His friend said to him as their other friends were having a conversation of their own
“What? She’s at least 10 years younger than me. She probably have a boyfriend already” He said, but wouldn’t take his eyes off her
“You would never know if you didn’t go over there”
“Alright, I’m going over to refill our drinks” Her friend said “Anyone want to go with me, I can’t carry them all” The two other friends agreed to go with her, even though only one other was needed
“Are y’all just gonna leave me?” They just ignored her as they went to refill their drinks “Alright might as well go pee” She said as she stood up and went to the toilet
When she got there, both bathrooms were occupied. She leaned against the wall opposite to the two bathrooms waiting for her turn
Just as she feared, the man she had been staring at the whole night came over as well. She sighed and looked away as he leaned on the wall beside the bathroom doors opposite to her
A minute went by where they didn’t speak to each other, so he decided to speak up
“You’re really pretty” He said which made her look over at him
She didn’t know if it was the alcohol in her system, or if she was blushing, but she could feel her cheeks heating up
“Thank you” She almost chocked on her words as she spoke “You’re not so bad yourself” She said and made him chuckle
A few moments went by where they just started into each other eyes
“Fuck it” She heard him whisper before going over to her and smashed his lips into hers. She didn’t hesitate to kiss back when his hands pushed her hips into the wall
The sound of one of the doors unlocking and closing again, didn’t startle them, it rather gave them idea. Forgetting all about their need to use the bathroom, she was pressed up against the door with his knee between her legs and up against her core
Her hands landed on his waist as she started rolling her hips to get some friction from the material
“Fuck” She moaned into his mouth, which gave him a chance to explore her mouth with his tongue
He pulled his knee away from her which drew out a groan from her, but he was quick to pull her panties to the side and slid a finger through her folds which made her moan out loud
They weren’t too worried about noises when the music was as loud as it was, so nobody would be able to hear them
His lips went to her neck as he slipped a finger into her. He started with a slow pace, but soon added another finger and sped up the pace making her moans and whimpers louder
He could feel her clenching around his fingers in no time, it wasn’t my gonna end that fast
He pulled out his fingers, which made her yet again groan. He put his fingers to his mouth to lick them clean. He kissed her deeply again before quickly bending her over the sink
He zipped down his pants before lifting her skirt above her ass and pulled her panties to the side again. He drew his cock between her wet folds which made them both moan loud
He slowly entered her, letting her adjust to his size “Fucking hell” He groaned as she clenched around him
He started moving slow, but picked up his pace soon after, quickly finding a rhythm. She grabbed the edges of the sink when he started pounding into her
Either of their moans were quiet at this point, and none of them cared enough to be quiet. Her hips were hitting the sink, which was definitely gonna leave marks and give her pain tomorrow, but she couldn’t care less in the moment
“Fuck, you feel so good” He said through his grunting and moaning. If she didn’t want their moment to end, she would have come undone the moment he spoke to her
She could feel him twitch inside her as well as his thrusts were getting sloppier and his hands shaking around her hips
Moments later, she came around him with a loud moan, which sent him over the edge and he came as well
After they had rode out their orgasm, they gathered themselves and fixed their clothing
“Didn’t quiet catch your name” She said as she turned around to look at him
“Fernando” He said with as thick accent
“Y/N” She smiled at him
“Well, nice to meet you miss Y/N” He said as he kissed the back of her hand
“Likewise” She said before they both got out of the bathroom
“Dude, where have you been?” She had gotten back at her table
“I was in the bathroom” She said as she sat down beside her friend
“For an hour?” Her other friend asked
“Stomach issues” She shrugged before looking over at Fernando in the other end of the bar seeing him having a conversation with his friend
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
skz with a 9th member who grew up in england so sometimes they use slang they dont understand or sometimes their british accent gets really strong when theyre tired or drunk and the boys think its funny.
it's a brit thing
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: swearing, alcohol mentions
word count: 1.2k
summary: the boys find it hard to understand their british member a lot of the time...
Hi! Sorry for such a late response to your ask! Loved writing this one! Love to my fellow British Stays. Also I love a Yorkshire accent, just putting that out there haha...
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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aka five times the real brit in y/n appeared
1) tired
You were tired, so tired. After a long flight back from LA to Seoul, all you wanted to do was get back to the dorms and go to sleep. Just simply get out of the airport, get into the cars, and listen to some music before ultimately entering a calm, unconscious state.
Yet with the experience of the paparazzi and screaming fans awaiting you, your plans were ruined. They swarmed you, and even as you formed your usual chain amongst the rest of the members and your security it didn't stop the flash of the cameras blaring in your face and fans getting too handsy.
Other times it would overwhelm you but this time it was just annoying. You would say you were just agitated, but the boys thought you were grumpy.
"Oh no, she's grumpy," Seungmin teased from beside you as you squeezed into the back between him and Changbin.
"Fucking twats the lot of them," you grunted in English, digging through your backpack for your airpods as your northern British accent came out.
"That wasn't Korean but I'm not entirely sure that was English either..." Changbin said with wide eyes, only vaguely recognising the swear word and nothing else.
"Chan can you translate?" Jeongin asked curiously, watching as you entered a calmer state when you started playing music.
"Basically she's annoyed at the paps and fans," Chan laughed after translating what you said.
"T-twateu?" Jeongin tested out, and your music just happened to go silent before changing to the next song, meaning you heard what he said.
"You what?!?"
2) vlive
It was time for your bimonthly vlive, which Stays managed to guess when you'd go live, getting used to your system of interacting with them.
"There aren't really a lot of British idols out there, are there?" you chatted with the fans, face near the screen as your eyes squinted to read the comments, forgetting to wear your glasses.
"Haha! Yes Han is our honorary British member," you laughed as you read the comments, hand going over your mouth.
"Wait doesn't Jennie from Blackpink speak with a British accent?" you double checked you theory with the fans, letting out a successful cheer when they confirmed your thoughts.
"Yes!!! Up the Brits! There are too many Aussies I swear..."
"Teach us some British phrases? Okay hmmm, what can I teach my Stays?" you wondered, tapping your chin comically.
"You can say 'I'm gutted', which means you're really upset about something, like you're so sad you feel it in your gut. Or, 'I'm knackered', which means you're tired. Or you're 'pissed off', which means you're angry," you explained to the Stays, frowning when they started saying you sweared on vlive, the staff now staring at you awkwardly.
"Ani, ani, no, no," you pointed to the camera, fake scolding the fans, "I don't think it's swearing, right?"
3) drunk
You and the boys had been out drinking, celebrating the promotions for Case 143. And let's just say, you had a few too many, at least you weren't the only one.
"I'm fucking hammered mate," you slurred, stumbling into Minho who wrinkled his nose at your alcohol breath as all 8 of you walked home from the bar.
"Hammered?" Han asked curiously, his doe eyes somehow more apparent in his intoxicated state.
"Like tkk tkk?" Hyunjin tested, pretending to hammer a nail as he recognised the tool name.
"I'm trollied, I'm so out of it, mate," you giggled, facepalming yourself, well, you thought you did and then realised you accidentally smacked Felix in the face, collapsing on the ground in a fit of giggles.
"Y/Nnie, get uppppp," Felix groaned, rubbing his face drunkenly as he tried to pull you up.
"She's speaking nonsense," Jeongin said with wide eyes.
"Not until you can understand me," you poked Felix in the chest with each word.
"Yah, you're so touchy tonight, Y/N," Changbin laughed at your slow yet somehow affectionate movements as he and Chan lifted you up, you clinging onto their arms for balance.
"That makes me sound so noncey," it was your turn to wrinkle your nose.
"No one can understand you right now, and we are fluent in English," Chan laughed as he supported most of your weight and gestured to Felix next to him.
"I'm too wankered," you groan, now feeling the headache set in and just wanting to be in bed.
"Woah, what did she say?" Seungmin pulled a confused face, his features scrunching up.
"She's uncontrollable," Minho said bemusedly.
4) school memories
In a new episode of SKZ Code, they were all back to school, dressed in different school uniforms.
"Why is Y/N's uniform so different?" Han pointed out.
"It's cute, though," Hyunjin cooed.
"This is what we'd wear," you do a cute spin in your dark green checkered dress, white socks, dolly shoes and bows in your hair. Of course, you wore a green cardigan with it, representing the colour of the uniform designated by your primary school.
Then you went onto other school experiences, and the boys were interested to hear about how yours differed.
"And then, around Easter time, we'd sing a song like this. 'One mother hen sat on four little eggs'," you began singing, doing actions alongside that you remember being taught by your teachers.
"'Keeping them warm in her little egg nest, then one day she heard a crack!'" you widened your eyes as you mimicked the egg cracking with your hands, the boys giggled at this.
"'And a little voice said as the egg was hatched... I'm a spring chicken! I'm yellow and small...'" you sang the song, the mood becoming more joyful as the boys clapped in time for you and you stood doing the actions.
"'Chicken, I'm a chicken! And I'm having a ball!'" you excitedly finished, a big grin present on your face as you flapped your 'wings'.
"Wahh, that's too cute, surely?" Changbin thought it was adorable, copying the last line.
"Maybe Y/N should replace Bbokari!" Lee Know smirked.
"No!" Felix yelled out laughing, hand over his heart.
You carried on reflecting on your experiences.
"Or at our schools we'd be sorted into different coloured houses," you informed everyone.
"Harry Potter! Harry Potter!" Seungmin cheered.
"Woah, so you went to Hogwarts?" Jeongin gasped, a playful look on his face.
"No, I was in yellow house," you I formed, folding your arms.
"Hufflepuff!" Chan pointed at you.
"Noooo," you shook your head, gosh, how did you deal with them on a daily basis?
5) accent
Y/N was on the phone, talking to her friends from back home.
"The British accent really is... woah," Felix whispered to Hyunjin who nodded.
"So pretty," he added on.
"It's kinda, sexy?" Han wiggled his eyebrows, trying to copy what you were saying.
Ah yes, the Y/N simp line, back at it again.
This was all caught on a SKZ talker, and British stays had a field day with it in the comments.
Why is it so funny that the boys think a broad Yorkshire accent is sexy
The boys think it sounds pretty? I'm flying to Seoul rn brb or maybe not
I just googled how to be Y/N
Y/N got bitches but no one here notices me and we literally sound the same lmao, tough times
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain
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wingedhallows · 2 months
misunderstandings ; remus lupin
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pairing: remus lupin x reader | 1k words plot: misunderstandings are best undone ontop of the astronomy tower at night with a cigarette in hand. authors note: i promised you this work last weekend but something came up and i couldn't post but here I am, hope you enjoy :)
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“How am I supposed to focus?” You whispered, mouth in a scowl. His hand was in yours, his eyes focused on the workbook in front of him. The sun lit the yard in warm light, you loved spring at Hogwarts. His thumb stroked your skin, his mouth in a small smile.
“Figure it out, love.” You couldn’t focus on the words in front of you, the letters swimming together in an effort to keep your cool. Your hand seemed to burn, was it desire? Desire for something you couldn’t have.
You knew that Remus wasn’t someone for relationships, he had told you himself.
He had made it awfully clear.
Though the common room was packed, loud music, alcohol in your system, you had heard his words loud and clear. 
“I don’t do relationships, Y/N. I’m not the one for you.”
You couldn’t get over how breathtakingly beautiful he was. His hair was unstyled and seemed to stick out in different directions. The scars which decorated his face was faint, but prominent for you. You knew what he was, you had seen it.
In third year you had caught his friends and him sneaking out, demanding for them to take you with them.
Remus wasn’t fast enough to get away, almost ripped your throat out that night. It still weighed on him, everytime he looked at you.
This secret of his felt like a connection, a connection which wasn’t all that deep, you figured.
The fact that what he did to you, how kind and affectionate he was, was hard. It was hard to not see him in the way you saw him now, to not desire his love and care. It was unfair and frankly, cruel.
“I gotta go.” You managed, your things already packed and you face in a cold mask, desperate to conceal the pain.
“Oh, alright.” He spoke before he pushed his hand in his lap, face in a kind smile.
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The astronomy tower was quiet, pieceful. The moon was up, the air cold. The cigarette in your hand felt like it lifted some weight off your shoulders, like it brought you some piece of mind. A tear left your eyes, heart heavy.
You had avoided Remus and his friends for the rest of day, excusing yourself when you caught sight of his brown hair.
You wanted to get away, to not think about the gryffindor any longer, you wished for the man to leave you alone, to not hog your mind for every minute you were awake. You blew some smoke into the night sky as a voice spoke.
“Here you are, I looked everywhere for you.” His face was adorned with a smile as he walked up to you, his hands pushing a cigarette between his lips and lighting it. You brushed the tears away, your gaze anywhere but him.
“You missed some real fun in-Are you crying?” You shook your head, taking another drag from your cigarette.
“No, but you are.” He stated, walking in front of you. He bent down and put a finger under your chin, lifting your head.
“Who hurt you?” He asked, brows furrowed.
How dare he ask who had hurt you?
How dare he be up here when all you wanted to be away from him, to forget the pain he put you through. How dare he.
“Stop doing that.” You said, as you got up, swatting his hand away. He huffed a chuckle, pausing to take a drag.
“What do you mean? Worrying about you?” You turned around, throwing the done cigarette at his feet.
“Stop doing this.” You spoke louder. 
He leant against the railing, eyebrows still furrowed. “I don’t know what you mean, love.” You had to laugh, rolling your eyes as you stared him down.
“Don’t call me love, don’t be kind to me, stop holding my hand all the time, stop giving me love eyes, stop being like this when we both know that it never will be more.”
He took another drag as he pushed himself off the railing, eyes focused on you.
“Who said that?” You stared at him, face angry.
“You! You did, third year.” He let his head fall back, heaving a sigh. “What?” You scowled at him.
“Third year, house party, does that ring a bell?”
“I was drunk.” You shook your head, arms crossed.
“You were sober enough.” He took a step towards you, cigarette long forgotten on the ground. 
“So that’s why you gave me the cold shoulder all those years?” You didn’t answer as his hands found your elbows.
“Because I was thirteen, drunk and not in my right mind?” You shook your head as you looked at him.
“Your words were bright and clear.” His lips twisted into a small smile.
“I was drunk.” You huffed again, looking over his shoulder, to avoid his eyes. “As you said before.”
His hands found the side of your face, his lips still in this stupid beautiful smile.
“If I had known that what stood between us was a stupid drunk mistake I made when we were thirteen, I would’ve taken back every single word, love.” Your eyes found him, your lip caught between your lips.
“I’m sorry.” He said before his lips connected with yours. Your arms found his as he brushed your cheek.
“We should’ve spoken sooner.” You said, your hand still on his arm. He laughed as he caressed your arm.
“Not that you would’ve let me speak a word.”
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HII okay so ik this is a bit of a weird request (or maybe im js rlly anxious rn for some reason??) BUT i was wondering if u could do like little head canons of Leo and a female reader who has like, a really deep country accent IYKWIM?? PLS N THANK U dont rush or anything js a small request🫶🫶
✮⋆˙ howdys, yeehaws, and cowgirls; leo valdez x western! daughter of apollo! reader blurb
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content: leo valdez x western! daughter of apollo! reader blurb warning: lanauage and stereotyping (?) of texans but it's okay yall will get over it author's note: as someone from rural california (yes ive been trying to gaslight you guys into thinking i live on the beach when really it's three hours away stfu) and literally just went to a school sanctioned line dance that is quite literally more anticipated than prom, i feel more than qualified to answer this prompt lmao. ive seen a pair of cowboys more than once everyday my whole life. for FUN kids i know raise pigs and cows and lambs and shit and then sell them off at fairs. also do not stress bby, this wasn't a weird request at all! in fact it was so good i made a whole blurb lmao. ALEXA play my childhood country playlist, thank you miss girl. 10 year old me knew good music when she heard it okay, stfu. OH AND PLAY COWBOY CARTER WHILE YOUR AT IT YALL COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE BEYOUNCE LEAVE MY GIRL ALONE FRFR you just dont wanna admit the albums good smh
to say leo missed texas, would be a lie. there was a deep ache in his chest to just go home. it was a strange feeling, considering he couldn't remember the last time he was in that state, as the foster system was eager to drag him all over the country. he missed the sticky and dry heat, he missed the longhorn cows that always seemed to be in the roads, and what he missed most of all was whattaburger. him and will mourned the loss of the beloved food chain weekly, if not daily. but, he only ever mentioned these feelings around will and simply in passing. he didn't think people would understand why he missed the state who's accent he tried his best to rid himself of.
which is why, when news spread of a new camper from texas, leo was buzzing to meet them. what was failed to be mentioned in the rumors, though, was the fact that you were a girl and also drop dead gorgeous. he was staring at you in a way that would have his mother smacking him upside the head, cursing him out in spanish. it took a bit for him to introduce himself, his nerves allowing his accent to slip through occationally.
"are ya from texas?" you asked, eagerly, your eyes brightening in a way that had leo's knees buckling. your voice, oh gods, your voice-
"yeah," he breathed out, bordering on a coo as you cheered.
"finally! and here i thought there were no cowboys left in new york," you teased, poking his chest with a finger before someone from the hermes cabin was calling you over. you flashed him a smile brigther than the sun on a hot texas day and scampered off, your cowgirl booties with bows clanking to the beat of leo's heart as you went.
from that day forwards, it was hard to see you without leo close by. finally, someone else to talk to about texas. sure, will was great, but he was a busy guy with all his medical stuff and boyfriend. and your voice left leo like a fly to honey. it was sexy and got him hot and heavy. but, it was also a comforting dialect that had him thinking of childhood, sweet tea, and sweltering heat.
and then you were claimed by apollo, only a few days after your arrival. i guess apollo has a thing for cowgirls, and leo couldn't relate to the god more if he tried. leo was slightly worried that you'd turn out just like will, locked up inside the infirmary, destined only to share passing comments of missing real texan barbeque. but, then you came up to leo during lunch, blushing as you admitted that you fainted when kayla pressed the scalpel into your hand. and leo laughed, and silently thanked his lucky lone star.
then the more musically talented apollo kids caught wind of the fact that you sang in your church's choir as a kid and nearly blew the whole camp up in excitement. something about wanting to do a country performance for camp but never having a lead singer with the accent as they'd rather jump into the sea of monsters in speedos then listen to will attempt to sing. naturally, you were more than happy to sing, excitedly telling leo about the country songs you were picking out, even letting him request a few of his childhood favorites.
and as you were prancing around on that slapdash stage with your siblings, singing proudly into a mic with your accent clear as day, leo fell a little bit more in love with you every note. and he fell back in love with texas, too, and everything it meant to him - everything he knew it meant to his mom. every twang of your voice and every playful tip of your cowboy hat had him thinking of how much his mother would have loved you or how he had wished the two of you could have met. nevertheless, he was laughing and singing along, front and center with will, there arms thrown around each other. they both wore barely thrown together western outfits, thought will had a hat, that despite leo's begging, he wouldn't give up.
at some point in the show, you were singing of coca cola and tight shirts, kneeling near the edge of the stage. leo was entranced as you locked eyes with him, just barely computing that you took your hat off and set it on his curls before jumping back up to your feet, singing about wanting to be wherever your boy was, throwing a wink to leo over your shoulder.
and gods, you were hotter than the blazing texas sun in the middle of summer, that much leo valdez was sure.
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nexysworld · 1 year
Focus Time
Read on AO3 🖤 Requests are Open 🖤 Masterlist Summary: When the brother is away, the boys will play (with the reader)
Alternatively: When the teasing of your brother's annoying friends turns into a lot better of a time than you expected.
Pairing: Older Brother's Best Friends Chris and Leon x Fem!Reader Tags: NSFW, Smut, Edging, Fingering, threesome, DP, P in V sex, Slight dubcon, unprotected sex, oral female receiving, creampie aftercare, no use of Y/N Wordcount: 4k
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The noises blasting from the basement were driving you insane. It was bad enough that your brother’s stupid friends were over all the time as is, but ever since your father got that surround sound system, you couldn’t even hear yourself think. You hated his friends, Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy, too. Despite growing up around them, they never grew on you, especially considering their constant teasing and picking on you. Honestly, your only solace was that at least they were leaving you alone for now –  the gaming systems downstairs having distracted them – but that was just trading one frustration for another. 
Sighing, you leaned back in your chair and rubbed your temples. All you were trying to do was focus on studying. Briefly, you considered going downstairs and demanding they turn everything down, but knowing they would take the opportunity to antagonize you, you decided on a different option – headphones. 
Blasting some music into your ears you returned to your position, hunched over your textbook, scrawling notes onto the paper next to it. It wasn’t long until you’d forgotten about the trio downstairs entirely completely focused on your work, even beginning to sing out loud to yourself. Unfortunately, you were so absorbed in your music and studying you didn’t hear your bedroom door creak open, or the two new people who’d decided to enter uninvited. A hand was placed on your shoulder, causing you to squeal and nearly throw the headphones off of your head, swiveling around in the chair to see Chris and Leon standing next to each other cracking up and laughing.
“What the hell? Get out! Get out!” You shouted, face red both with anger and embarrassment from being startled as well as the fact you were only wearing an oversized t-shirt and underwear. “Oh but Princess, we were just enjoying the concert,” Leon said, Chris still having his hand over his mouth to stifle more laughter. “H-how long were you listening?” You were too stirred up by the overall situation to acknowledge the nickname. “Just the last two songs.” “Why are you even in here?” You demanded, though your words lacked the bite you intended too humiliated from being caught. Finally containing himself, Chris spoke. “Because, your Bro zonked out early and we got bored, so we came to check on our favorite little sis.” 
“Well, now you have. So get out!” This time you chucked a wadded-up piece of paper at them, it hit Chris in the chest and promptly fell to the floor. It was clear that your paper weapon was not going to have either of them budging. “C’mon don’t be like that” Leon said walking over to you. “ ‘sides, what’s keeping you up so late, anyway?” He asked looking over at your desk. “Studying. Which you’re distracting me from, so if you don’t mind, leave.” “Studying, huh?” Leon looked over to Chris and they gave each other a knowing nod that made your stomach twist.  “Why don’t we stay and keep you company then?” Chris walked over to stand next to Leon. “Yeah come on, we promise we’ll behave, you won’t even know we’re here.” “That’s what you always say, I’m not going to fall for this again.” “We promise.” They said in unison. Chris continues on, “Pinky swear.” “If I don’t say yes you’re just going to keep asking aren’t you?” The two nod. “You know us so well.” Leon adds with a smirk. 
After a long drawn out sigh, you decided to agree, knowing there was no point in arguing. “Fine, but I’m holding you to that promise.” You linked your pinky with Chris’. “Of course, the pinky swear is a sacred pact.” Leon chimed in. “Cross our hearts and hope to die.” Chris adds.
You turn back to your work. “Here’s to hoping,” you say mockingly, crossing your fingers before picking the pencil back up. You swear you hear them high five behind you, but you decide to ignore it, and put your headphones back on. Bad choice. Not even five minutes late you hear rummaging behind you and the sound of stifled laughter through the music in your ears.
“Dude, shut up, she’ll hear you.” Chris’ hushed voice was heard.
You turned to look at them and saw all your dresser drawers were pulled out, the stuff inside in disarray. Each of them held a ‘toy’ in their hand, the one in Leon’s turned on and vibrating. Neither noticed you had turned around.
Leon went to smack Chris with the vibrating dildo but Chris blocked it with the one he was holding. Quickly it devolved into them sword fighting with the toys. “Nice try Redfield, but you’ll never disarm me.” “What comic book villain did you get that line from, loser?” Chris asked, colliding the red silicone against the purple one in Leon’s hand. The two continued their noble battle until Leon looked over and saw you staring with crossed arms, an unamused look on your face. He froze instantly, Chris was a little late on the upkeep so he managed to thwack Leon in the face before he realized you were watching. “You two promised to behave, what the hell are you doing?”
“Uh…..we were trying to be quiet.” Leon offered. “Yeah, really we didn’t mean to distract you. We just couldn’t help ourselves.” “Out!” You said furiously, getting up and yanking the toys back from them before putting them back into the drawer and, slamming it closed. “Aw come on, don’t we at least deserve a second chance? I mean we were being better behaved than usual.” Leon asked moving closer to you. “He’s right, we were doing our best. But hey I have a better idea, let us make it up to you, we can help you study.” “I don’t need your help!” “Ok. Ok. Maybe what you really need is a break then, we can help with that too.” Leon offered. “What I need, is to finish studying, so if you two would just get the –” “Studying it is then!” Chris said before you could finish.
Leon lifted you up carrying you back over to your desk chair, placing you onto his lap. Ignoring how nervous you were to be sitting on him with just underwear – though you were silently thankful they hadn’t brought that up – it seemed they were serious about helping. Chris lifted up the textbook and began flipping through the chapter you were reading while Leon eyed the notes you had written, wrapping one arm around you to keep you planted on his lap. Chris said something to you, but you didn’t hear it, too focused on the feeling of heat against your back and the smell of Leon’s cologne. It was spicy, causing your brain to go a little fuzzy every time you inhaled it. Plus, when did he get so strong? He lifted you up like you were nothing just a moment ago.
Chris snapped his fingers in front of you twice. “Hey ditzy, you listening?” “Uh..yeah.” You said lamely, swallowing a lump in your throat. Your eyes now tracked upwards to Chris. God he looked strong, too, with his biceps threatening to bust his shirt open like some cheesy action movie. When he leaned down to make sure he had your attention, his citrus and mint scent hit you like a truck – the combination of both of them had your nerves feeling like live wires, it was hard to focus on anything else. 
What the fuck was wrong with you right now?
But then again…when did the two of them get so handsome too. With Chris’ broad shoulders and strong jaw, you briefly wondered what it would feel like if you got to rub your cheek against the scruffy stubble he had. And Leon too, were his eyes always so pretty and blue?
Forget those thoughts. Please, forget those thoughts, you begged your own brain. “Are you sure you’re listening?” When did Leon’s voice start to sound so- god, please make these feelings stop. 
It was too late, you already felt heat building up between your legs, underwear becoming clingy with wetness. You squirmed a little on Leon’s lap trying to ease the discomfort, and hopefully not create a wet spot on his pajama pants. You were having the world’s hardest time concentrating on any actual conversation. “You seem flush,” Chris said leaning forward. “Not feeling well all of a sudden, got a fever? That why you can’t talk, baby?” 
“N-no…” You stammered, trying to get up, but Leon tightened his grip. First ‘Princess’ and now ‘Baby,’ the pet names were new and they were killing you. They shouldn’t sound so good coming from their voices. Chris eyed you and then his gaze traveled lower, feeling self-conscious you yanked your t-shirt down further to cover yourself. “Hiding something?” “N-no! Can’t you both just go?” “Aww but we’re just trying to help,” Leon said nuzzling his chin into your neck and shoulder, wrapping his other arm around you like a hug. “You two are so annoying!” You tried getting up again but were still denied the autonomy to move. Chris raised a brow and tugged up the hem of your shirt slightly. He put his hand on his chin as if he was considering everything. “Oh…I think I know what the issue is.” “Mm, yeah? What might that be?” Leon asked, adjusting his leg so that it was firmly between your thighs, pressing against your heat – very obviously pretending that he had no idea what was going on. The motion caused a jolt of pleasure to shoot up through your body, a noise escaping your lips without permission. “Ah, I see…” Leon said matching Chris’ tone. “Looks like you’re making a mess all over my lap baby.” The words were equally mortifying as they were sexy, causing your clit to throb. Your mouth hung open, not able to muster a response. Chris reached down and gently swiped two fingers along the wet part of your panties, giving your clit the stimulation it had been craving, a mewl working its way out of you. “Poor Princess, so worked up just for us.” “That explains why you’re always so feisty pretty girl. You been this pent up this whole time? All you had to do was ask and we’d have taken such good care of you.” Leon purred, running a hand up your shirt until he was cupping your right breast, massaging it softly.
Their affection had your head going all foggy while your body was set alight with an arousing heat you’d never experienced before. A brief moment of clarity came over you and you reminded yourself who these two were. Your brother’s friends. The banes of your existence. This was not going to happen, you shook your head to get your bearings before you slapped Chris’ hand away and tried to wrench Leon’s arms off of you. 
“Uh uh.” Chris said shaking his head. “Wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of us to abandon a girl in need. Even if she is a little brat.”
“Be easy, Sweetheart.” Leon cooed, working his other hand up your shirt, playing with both breasts and pulling you to lean closer back into him. 
Any protest you had died in your throat when Chris’ fingers resumed their place on the outside of your panties, slick covering his fingers through the fabric. You keened into their touching, soon feeling Leon’s clothed boner pressing into you. Chris’ own erection was obvious in his pants as well from where he stood in front of you, straining against the cotton fabric.
Soon his fingers were pulled away from your lower half in favor of assisting in tugging your shirt off. You whined at the loss of contact and ground down onto Leon’s leg desperate to not lose all of the delicious heat that was building up. “Christ, I think she’s even needier than we thought.” Leon said, cock throbbing at your movement. “Looks like it.” Chris agreed, reaching down to grab at your legs, halting your movements. “Don’t be so impatient baby, we got you.” 
“Kiss me.” You whimpered breathlessly reaching your arms out and wrapping them around his neck pulling him closer. Chris didn’t need to be told twice as he crashed his lips into yours, immediately deepening it by using his tongue to explore your mouth. Leon obliged the request as well from behind, pressing small kisses along your shoulder and neck, before sucking a bruise into the skin, making you buck slightly and moan into Chris’ mouth. When Chris pulled away, he tugged you up, Leon removing his arms so you could allow yourself to be led to the bed where he laid you down on your back. Leon followed and sat next to you, leaning down to kiss you as Chris worked your wet panties down your legs, pulling them off. The cold air hitting your pussy made you shudder. Leon’s tongue was halfway down your throat when Chris had darted his own forward, lapping at your clit. A strangled noise escaped your mouth. Never had you been this turned on before, getting lost in the sensations of the two of them. Your brain was becoming overstimulated trying to pick which sensation to focus on, soon any thought functionality was shut down as pure hazy lust took over. Your hips bucked up wildly chasing pleasure against Chris’ face before he wrapped his strong arms around your legs holding them in place, so he could continue at his own pace. It was just fast enough to keep the pleasure where it was at, but not enough to bring you to completion. In a fit of frustration you worked your hands up Leon’s shirt, to paw at his muscles while you matched the intensity of his kissing. The second there was a break in the kiss you whined to Leon. “Chris‘ bein’ mean, too much teasing.” Leon chuckled. “Hear that Redfield? You’re not being very nice to our Princess here. As a gentleman I can’t allow that.” He leaned down pushing Chris’ face away from your sopping pussy earning another whine. From where he was leaning over you, he took over from Chris, using the tip of his tongue to circle your clit. Chris unwrapped one arm from your leg so he could press two fingers into your heat pumping them in and out while Leon continued to attack your sensitive bundle of nerves. The stimulation was driving you wild as you gripped the bedding beneath you so hard your knuckles turned white. Your screams of pleasure turned into frustation as Chris removed his fingers, and Leon leaned back. “Oh no, you didn’t think we’d let you get off that easy, did you?” Your foggy mind took a moment to recognize the voice as Leon’s.
“What happened-” You are cut off with a moan as Chris re-inserts his fingers, beginning to thrust back into you at a agonizingly slow pace. “Come on” You whine, moving your hips- hoping to get any additional stimulation. “What happened to being a gentleman?”
You hear a chuckle from Chris. “Where’s the fun in bein’ a gentleman? Besides, I think it’s high time for a little payback from how you were talking to us earlier, dont you think?” “He’s right baby, always so mean to us, trying to kick us out when we just wanted to help.” Leon gave you a mock pout. 
A mewling whine left your lips. “There we go, keep it coming baby.” Chris said continuing to thrust his fingers in and out, Leon adding to the pleasure once more when he leans back in to lap at your sensitive clit, overstimulating you until tears ran down your face.
“Damn Redfield, you really are a menace” Leon leaned back once more and chuckled, watching Chris pick up the pace before moving back up your body to kiss the tears off of your cheeks. “It’s ok Baby, just focus on me.” He cooed, connecting your lips together again. So close to your peak once more, Chris pulled free of your cunt, ruining yet another orgasm. He stood to tug his shirt and pants off. Breaking away from the kiss, Leon stood and followed suit, making a show of stripping his clothes off before returning to his spot next to you. “Think you can keep going?” Chris asked, giving his own cock a few pumps. 
When you didn’t respond, Leon piped up, brushing a few sweaty strands of hair out of your face. “Hey baby girl, I know you’re a little dumb right now, but he asked you a question. You want us to keep making you feel good, yeah?” You nodded against his touch, panting harshly against his palm.
“Good girl.” Chris said stepping forward until he was back in front of the bed. “Now why don’t you keep showing us what a good girl you are by trusting us, ok?” 
You weren’t entirely sure what he meant until Chris tugged you up by your arms so you were sitting before lifting you up, holding you with one arm wrapped around your back and the other under your butt. You clung to him as he backed away from the bed giving space for Leon to stand up behind you. 
“Promise we won’t drop you.” Leon said, helping Chris support your weight so he could reach down and line himself up with your entrance. Soon you felt the stinging stretch as Chris bottomed out in you, he gave you a moment to adjust only rocking his hips slightly in shallow thrusts. “Jesus, you’re so fucking tight.” He groaned, using all of his willpower to not slide you up and down his shaft like a human fleshlight.
As Chris found his rhythm inside you, knowing when and where to grind to turn your brain further into mush, you began to lose track of anything other than the feeling.
Once slick was dripping to the floor as his thrusts sped up, Leon teased your entrance with his own painfully hard cock. A pitiful whimper left your mouth, as you were brought a bit back to awareness at the prodding. “N-not gonna fit.” You pleaded. “Sure it will baby, ya’ just gotta relax f’me.” Chris stopped his movements to make it easier for Leon to slide himself in, which he did agonizingly slowly, inch by inch until he was balls deep. The feeling was overwhelming, never having been so stretched and full before. An unintelligable string of words left your mouth as you flopped forward, resting your chin on Chris’ shoulder. The two of them gave you a few moments to adjust to their intrusion before they began to move.
They worked in sync, one pulling out while the other was thrusting back in, not giving the sensitive spot inside of you a single break. “That’s it baby, such a good girl.” Chris praised. “Fuck, taking us so good.” Leon added, reaching a hand between you and Chris to rub at your sensitive bud.
You were squished between both of them as they pounded your sopping hole and showered you with praises. Bathing in their affections, you were so close again. “G-gonna cum–”
“That’s it, go ahead and cream around our cocks, sweet girl.” Chris praised.
The built up heat in your core finally snapped sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body. Shouts of their names left your mouth as they worked you through your orgasm. It was obvious they were close as their thrusts became less rhythmic and their praises died out into grunts. 
Chris was the first to finish, his grip on you tightening so hard you were sure there would be bruises later. You could feel his hot cum filling your insides, the sensation making you shiver further in pleasure as you worked through the aftershocks of your orgasm. He slipped his softening cock out of you, but held you in place for Leon, who followed close behind spilling more hot ropes of cum.
Your mind came back to you as Leon pulled out, cunt spasming weakly from the leftover stimulation of just how empty you now feel. You moan a little into Chris’s shoulder again as their essence drips out of you.
“You’ve been so good for us, princess.” Chris kisses your cheek and murmurs into your ear. “How about we get you cleaned up, yeah?” He motions with a quick flick of his eyes towards your door, that Leon immediately picks up the meaning of.
“Yeah,” You hear Leon’s voice get softer as he pads away from you to the other side of the room, followed by the sound of a door opening and the shower starting. “Our princess did so well, I think she deserves some pampering.”
You hear the footsteps coming closer and feel a soft kiss on the back of your neck, before you feel Leon perch his chin on your shoulder. You hum sleepily and lean your head back against him.
“How about it, baby? Quick shower and we promise we’ll let you sleep.” Leon leans back from you and begins walking to the bathroom once he sees your small nod. 
“We’ll even make it real nice for you, be all gentlemanly this time.” Chris pipes in as he, still carrying you with you clutching him like a sleepy Koala, making his way after Leon to your bathroom.
The rush of warm water running over your body was so relaxing to your already spent muscles, you could’ve fallen asleep right there and you almost did until you nearly collapsed into Chris. He gently pushed you back into Leon’s arms. Afraid they wanted to go for round two, you whined and attempted to wiggle out of his grasp. “No, can’t do anymore.”
”I know, I know. Shh. We promise no more, we just gotta clean you out a bit so you don't feel so gross when you wake up” Leon said softly, supporting your weight against him. The feeling of the washrag against the soreness between your legs caused you to groan slightly.
”That’s a good girl, we’re almost done” Leon murmurs into your ear, watching as Chris finishes washing you up. Once done with the obvious mess, they work together to clean the rest of you. Chris takes the opportunity to use his large hands, rubbing the soap into your sore muscles like a massage. Leon behind you gently prods at your scalp with his fingers working the shampoo through your hair. “S’nice.” You mumble, closing your eyes to enjoy the sensation. They share a grin over your shoulder at the compliment, as they finish by rinsing you off. 
Once finished with you, they take turns holding you close so they can quickly wash themselves off before the shower is turned off and you’re being wrapped in a plush sized towel. Leon picked you up bridal style and nuzzled at your cheek. “Now lets get all warm and cozy and get some sleep, yeah?” He asked, walking back to your bedroom. Leon sets you on the bed, where you almost nod off until Chris starts pulling his discarded T-shirt over your head, and helps you step into fresh underwear. “There we go princess, all clean, all dressed.” You flop back onto the bed barely able to keep any level of consciousness but still present enough to whine and reach out for them when they’re not immediately climbing in with you. Chris chuckles, “Don’t worry we’re not leaving.” The two of them make quick work of pulling on their own discarded boxers and pants from earlier before finally climbing into the bed, sandwiching you between them. “See baby? We’re right here.” Leon says, rubbing soothing circles into your lower back while you bury your face in his chest. “That’s right. Hope you know you’re ours now baby girl. Get some sleep.” Chris adds kissing the back of your neck. You were too tired to fully absorb the meaning of his words, already slipping into unconsciousness between them. Your last thought as you fall asleep is “maybe they're not so bad after all”.
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rowretro · 4 months
ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕤
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✧warnings: F-boy Sunghoon so mentions of sex ig, may be a lil suggestive, possessive hoon
❁synopsis: The campus hottie, was practically perfect, smart handsome talented and rumour has it among the girls, good in bed. The male is a fuck boy, a jerk face, never once wanted to fall in love after having his heart broken once by an unlucky bitch. Heck he believed he'd be like that forever, until he came across the new girl. Yang y/n.
✧❁PART 1/???❁✧
"Oh my god you slept with him?!" one of the girls exclaimed as the other girls had their shocked reactions too "Yeah... then he broke up with me" the girl admitted "Isn't Sunghoon a fuck boy though? girl why'd you date him he doesn't even hide the fact he doesn't love you?" another girl pointed out "It doesn't matter, at least I had a great night" the girl said shrugging as the others laughed it off.
Y/n fiddled with her phone as she waited outside the classroom, one earphone in, hidden by her hair. She's heard many crazy things about this high school, having been transferred from a school in UK where she was used to everything, to a high school in South Korea. Everything is so new there, education system, driving on the different side of the road. but she had her best friend, Danielle by her side.
"Hey it's going to be ok" the girl reassured. One thing y/n is glad about, is the fact that she's fluent in Korean so language will not be a big problem for her. She smiles at Danielle as she follows her in. The teacher asks her to introduce herself as the girl blinks, staring at the class in disbelief. Introduce? first day and she has to speak in front of all these judgemental 18 year old strangers?!
"I'm y/n..." she says, forcing a smiled, the teacher points at an empty seat which was sadly not next Danielle. Making a sad pouty face at Danielle, she sat at the seat. 17 minutes. That's how long it took "Park Sunghoon late again?!" The teacher scolded as the male scratched his head then he froze. His eyes on y/n.
The girl's jaw rested in her palm as she doodled in the margin, false lashes fluttering against her glasses, her lips stained with a rosy, nude shade. Fuck she's everything. Is this what cupid felt when he saw psyche? love at first sight like Romeo experienced with Juliet? Sunghoon was captivated.
He slammed his palm on the desk of the person beside y/n. The girl didn't even flinch and probably didn't care due to the earphone blasting Itzy in her left ear. the student sitting beside her immediately got up and went to a different seat as Sunghoon slipped into the seat beside the girl. he turned to her, tapping her shoulder. the girl paused her music turning to him.
So this is Park Sunghoon, the handsome fuckboy they say. Y/n knew he was bad news "Im Sunghoon... and you?" the male asked "Not interested" she said, turning back to do her work "Come on baby, don't be like that" he said, winking as she sighed, looking at him. She then turned back and ignored him, doodling.
"Wah you can draw- that looks so realistic gurl" he complimented as the girl groaned, slamming her head on the desk. "Park Sunghoon stop distracting the new girl and get on with your work. or you can switch spaces with Eunchae!" the teacher warned as Sunghoon groaned, picking up his pencil.
2 lessons passed by and break time rolled in, she smiled, sorta running over to Danielle with grabby hands. they jumped up and down squealing like typical girls as their fingers intertwined. "I can't believe we're finally in the same schooool!" Danielle squealed as y/n smiled. "I know right?! we can finally do typical bestie stuff get our nails done, do each other's makeup, gossip, and hang out~" y/n added with a smile.
"All of this and I don't hear boyfriend... i'm assuming it's because you have one?" Sunghoon asked with a raised eyebrow as the girl sighed "No I don't never had one and never will... I don't like the idea of putting all my trust in a guy." She said, in a slight passive aggressive manner. "Ok but I'm telling you, a pretty girl like you NEEDS to end up with a trust worthy guy like me" Sunghoon said.
Y/n gave him the 'be for real' look as she rolled her eyes, walking away with Danielle. "So stupid. He really thinks I'm going to let him get in my skirt?!" y/n scoffed, handing danielle a cherry lollipop as she sucked on her own. "Please. He can't flirt for shit, and just yesterday he had two girlfriends whom he dumped back to back." Danielle added as Y/n shook her head, disappointed. Sunghoon having over heard all this, decided it was time to stop playing girls like a gameboy, and pursue his princess.
✧❁PART 2❁✧
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