#Your boyfriend visual novel x reader
Unreadable (fluff?)
Warnings: YB x slightly paranoid reader (but are they really?)
"He hates me.”
“You're-” “no TK, really, he does!”, you interrupted your coworker’s futile attempt to console you as you continued to stare at the dowry man in booth two.
“You're overreacting.” They finally managed to say, “He's like this with everybody, including me!”
But you wouldn't hear it, shooting them the meanest glare you could muster. 
“This,” you spoke seriously as you stared them down “is how he looks at me. And not just when I'm serving, either.”
“And I don't know why!” you let your face resume it's normal expression, ignoring the way TK rolled their eyes at you. 
“I mean…I'm nice, right? I'm good with people!” 
“You don't actually want an answer to-” “no. I don't.” you laughed, punching their shoulder. 
Tall, skinny, blue shirt, blue eyes with eye bags that spoke volumes had come into the diner and sat down at the same damn booth for a month now. And you were yet to see him smile. See him do anything, really. 
He just sat there and stared, and though your friend might tell you you're insane for it, you were certain he was staring specifically at you. And with an intensity that, well to put it frankly, scared you. 
To the point that you were getting paranoid, feeling like you were being watched even when he wasn't even there. You began to imagine that someday he'd be lurking outside the diner, waiting until your shift ended to kidnap you or something. He didn't, though.  In fact, you never actually saw him outside of work. 
He did always stay until your shift ended, however. Still nursing that same milkshake, sometimes strawberry, sometimes vanilla, but always a milkshake. And just before you'd close up, he'd be gone, with no trace left behind except for a suddenly empty glass and the biggest tip anyone had left that day. 
“I just don't understand you…” you said out loud, prompting a notepad and a pen to get shoved into your hands. 
“Then Talk to him.” your coworker said, shoving you forward into the dining area and disappearing into the kitchen before you had a chance to protest. 
And once you were done giving them the silent middle finger, your eyes immediately searched for the strange man. And there he was, still. As always, in booth 2, with his gaze focused on the bottom of his milkshake and his hands…making paper cranes? 
You squinted, not having seen him do much of anything before but no. He was really making little origami cranes out of your napkins. Two on the table already,  one still in progress.  Can this guy get any weirder?
Approaching him slowly, he turned his eyes away from the drink and up to you, freezing you in place like a deer caught in headlights. There it was- that look. 
His entire body seemed to stiffen up, the rest of his face neutral but his pupils blown wide, staring directly into yours, not like he was trying to read you but more as if he was trying to consume you. Or your soul. You really didn't know and, to be honest, you didn't want to find out, either. 
You just wanted to turn around and hide in the back of the diner until TK closed shop and he was finally gone- but you wanted to get paid. And unfortunately that meant interacting with the customers. So you sucked it up and finally opened your mouth like a normal human would. 
“I-Is-” fuck, and you were stuttering.
Coughing into your arm, you took a deep breath and repeated yourself “Is everything to your liking? Uh, sir.” 
But he still didn't answer. He just looked. At your face, then your arms, then your hands, then to your face again until he…smiled.
An actual, honest to god, smile!
You couldn't believe it, it was almost enough to make you weep in joy! Which sounds like an overstatement, but given that you were fully prepared for him to get up and yell at you, it really wasn't.  
“Y-yeah…” he spoke “the milkshakes here are good.” and you couldn't suppress the thought that his voice sounded kind of sweet. 
“Yeah! I like them too!!” you laughed with way too much enthusiasm, but it didn't seem to faze him at all. 
“B-but I honestly come here for the service.” he admitted, his cheeks suddenly dusted with a sweet pink. 
“I always look forward to seeing you.”
It's ridiculous how quickly your view of the man had shifted from creepy to cutie, and you despised the thought that followed. Ugh, TK was right. 
Though your thoughts on how your coworker wasn't ever going to let you live this down were quickly interrupted as ‘Blue Eyes’ continued to sing his praise for you. 
“I know this might be sudden…really, sudden. But would you... let me take you out to dinner sometime?” he suddenly asked, and you answered without thinking. 
“Like, a date?”
And the way his face flushed gave away his response. 
This entire situation was too much for you. The man that hated you- that you thought hated you, were sure of, even. He just asked you out on a date. And even worse…
You said yes. 
And that was enough to transform him completely,  the gloomy expression from before nowhere to be found, instead replaced by a giant grin and what looked to be hearts in his eyes. His eyes, which you now found yourself so easily lost in. 
But before you could do so, you quickly scribbled down your name and number into your notepad and ripped out the page to give to him.
“It's a date, then.”
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sleighhethereal · 6 months
"B-But— it's not like that!"
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iwachu · 1 year
Work night - YBG comic
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Heyyy hi there, long time no see haha (geez I've been inactive for a long time sorry ;;;;)
Apparently I hadn't adapted very well to tumblr and I left it for a while to do other things, but when I wanted to make this comic I was looking for a good medium to publish it and that the quality wouldn't be affected. It was then that I remembered that I had a Tumblr account and well---- when I logged in I was surprised by the amount of reactions that my first and only publication had. I literally almost fell off my chair haha, I can't believe I had so much support. Seriously thank you so much to the people who liked my art and decided to follow me ;;;;A;;;. Sorry to leave you with a blog full of cobwebs.😔 But well, here I come back to show one of my comics of this beloved golf ball head.💙 I might use this tumblr to upload only comics or something like that, it will depend if people are still looking for more of this interesting character hehe or who knows. Anyway I hope you like it and enjoy the comic ✨
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talkbycolor · 3 months
MC's kindergarden . . . ↷
Yanderes as toddlers AU
GN!Reader as a teacher who doesnt get paid enough for this.
CW: just a bunch of weird kids wanting to marry their teacher, keep scrolling
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Sunny Day Jack.
the golden child, the angel of the classroom, he is a little devil in disguise, getting his classmates into trouble so that his teacher thinks he is the best
he looks like a mini teacher, he teaches colors to his classmates and shares everything (except the teacher)
uses guilt to convince his teacher, but with that little face and red cheeks, who wouldn't fall for it?
a very intelligent child but he is selfish, he learned to steal cookies from the kitchen and has not told anyone
he gives part of his lunch to his teacher, he likes to eat and sit next to him, he is the child who gives bouquets of flowers picked from the playground (MC already scolded him so he should look for other places to get flowers)
MC doesn't usually scold him often since he manipulates and makes kicked puppy eyes to get his way, a mini bastard
John Doe.
probably autistic and socially anxious child, very attached to MC, they must always accompany him to go to the bathroom, he eats in the classroom during recess time while MC teacher accompanies him
this is the child you have to make sure doesn't go through the trash or eat the crayons
he is actually a very sweet boy, MC usually combs his hair before school so it doesn't bother him, for some reason Doe always has it tangled and dirty
he can't count to 10 with his hands, poor thing
cat-like affection, gives insects or interesting things he found on the playground to his teacher
when the children play house, he is the mascot
Alan Orion.
boy obsessed with outer space, his lunch box and clothes are full of planets and stars
wants to impress MC with his knowledge about space, he usually tells them facts about galaxies and constellations during classes
MC of course would notice certain marks on Alan's little body, he would feel protective of the child (llamen al dif)
he steals things from his classmates, he was already scolded several times by MC
animal lover, once brought a moth he found on the playground into the classroom and Doe ate it, he cried for thirty minutes while MC comforted him
when he plays with puppets he pretends that one puppet is him and the other is MC, usually his games are of them getting married and living in the forest
Peter Dunbar.
a very sociable child simply because he is indifferent to all other people other than MC, he enjoys causing mischief to his classmates who play with MC
MC has to make sure Peter doesn't bite his fingers or scratch his face, a habit he has while concentrating
Peter looks like a bald rat when it's very hot weather, which MC finds funny, but they still puts sunscreen on him so the boy doesn't get sun-burned
even though there are many things that Peter doesn't like, like swimming, fruits or singing, he would do it for MC, adding the biggest embarrassment of his life by doing group dance with his classmates but happy to see his favorite teacher smiling
he would bring sweet lunches to share with his teacher, lying by saying that it is too much and he can't eat it all by himself (Peter loves sweet lunches but he loves his teacher more)
probably draws him and MC on the board with lots of hearts around them, causing the other kids in the classroom to start crying because they want to be the only ones for MC
a cutie with his teacher, a bastard with everyone else, he knows how to maintain that image very well to fool MC
he sneaks into the staff room to see you, very attentive, isn't he? sometimes he leaves small gifts on your table
fights with Peter every time he tries to get him in trouble with the teacher, he must maintain his good boy reputation for you to love him!
the last time a girl confessed to him, Ren pushed her into the mud of the playground and made her cry, unfortunately the girl told MC and Ren also cried, not because of the scolding but because he didn't want MC to think that he was bad
once he saw you outside of class time, you were at the supermarket and he panicked because he had fake tattoos that he put on (they came in the packaging of the gum he ate)
MC would come to think that Ren lives in a super religious way since he always draws angels. Ren doesn't draw angels, he draws an angel (you)
another little manipulator but this one cries every time he tricks MC and gets hugs illicitly (little baby)
he is a very hardworking child in class when it is time to do manual work, he likes to make small paper flowers for his teacher
the baby gets very sad every time he is left out of school projects, he doesn't know why no one seems to like him. surprisingly, he managed to get along fairly well with John Doe until he noticed his interest in MC
usually wraps his tail around MC's leg whenever he feels nervous or sick, that has been an indicator for MC to lull the child
kid who is a cotton candy fan, Peter pushed him while they were playing on the playground and his candy fell to the ground (he cried for 40 minutes)
kitten boy starts purring when MC praises his work
Keith and Tenebris.
as for them, I decided that they were twins in this AU (tenebris still has his blue skin and strange smile), they don't seem to get along very well and have a marked rivalry because they both want MC for themselves
Keith usually hates being in the classroom because his classmates are very noisy, MC has tried to help him with the overstimulation so that it is not an uncomfortable experience, since then Keith loves going to kindergarten
Tenebris does not get along with most of his classmates (if not all), he came close to befriending John Doe and Mycheal because they know what it's like to be treated differently because of how they look, but Doe scared him off by showing him a pair of beetles he found on the playground and Mycheal…well, just by being a liar
Keith is a very dedicated child, he likes to take care of the flowers in the playground with the help of MC, his teacher usually reads books about facts about flowers and apparently Keith is one of the few who pays attention (he cries every time that Jack plucks flowers from the garden to give them to MC)
Tenebris uses a toy guitar from the classroom to serenade his favorite teacher, that always kills MC with cuteness (Tenebris gets angry because it's not a real guitar)
when there are school trips, Keith always takes his teacher's hand and tries to pull them to see everything he finds interesting with them, whether it's a flower or a heart-shaped cloud
Tenebris always takes advantage when playing with swords with his classmates to satisfy his violent need to hurt everyone who likes MC, the game ends up turning into a real battle and Tenebris is scolded
Solivan Brugmansia.
at first glance, MC thought that the boy was always upset and didn't like him being around, but Sol just doesn't know what to do like when he's around his favorite teacher
the quiet child in the classroom, prefers to do his work alone, always takes the opportunity to draw MC with chalk on the playground
the boy is obviously obsessed (and not in a fun way) with his teacher, his parents came to the classroom angry because Sol had his sketchbooks full of sketches of you
you are the only person he allows to hold his stuffed animal, he leaves it with you whenever he goes to the bathroom and asks you to play with it, you don't think it's strange that Sol has a stuffed horse, children have strange toys all the time
Sol is clearly a target for bullying, you know it, you see it, so you have to constantly check that he is not hurt (Peter put gum in his hair once and he cried a lot)
SURPRISINGLY, he is one of the few children who has REAL friends, he has Hyugo, a classmate from another class, Hyugo knows about his crush on MC and is not very secretive, Sol has to cover his mouth or push him to the sandbox to make him shut up
puppy love, usually chases other children on all fours and licks snot from his own nose
barks every time someone gets too close to MC but in the end the scolding is always worth it since MC teacher strokes his head when he doesn't promise it won't happen again (it will happen again)
he will believe anything you tell him, he is quite gullible with the things that MC says, if his teacher tells him that he can't dig holes in the playground because giant insects will come out of there that will eat everyone, Damon believes it
sweet tooth, loves chocolate, MC has to be careful with what his students eat, Damon often hides chocolate bars in his pockets and that always ends in MC confiscating the chocolates
Damon has a friend in another class who he calls DG, he is his best friend and again Damon is one of the few kids with real friends in your class, DG knows that Damon likes you but unlike Hyugo he is more secretive
when there are school dances, Damon gives his all, always trying hard, not only because he loves to dance but he also loves when his favorite teacher applauds and praises him
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valexombie123 · 1 year
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I'm not good at making comics
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wercurio · 4 months
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Primer dibujito!! Espero les guste :D✨️
First drawing!! I hope you like it :D ✨️
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puppycassie · 22 days
haii!! i was wondering if you could do fluffy headcanons with Peter from YBF?? like just domestic life with him and MC living together, also mayb cuddle headcanons .w.
♡ of course! This is such an adorable request !!
! even though there's no nsfw in this, your boyfriend is an 18+ game, so the 18+ only rule still applies lovelies <3 ! 🎀🩷
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some of my fluffy and cuddle peter headcanons (his soft side) ♡
♡ expect the royalty treatment, he makes you breakfast in bed every morning and insists on watching you eat it, just happy that his darling likes his cooking
♡ clingy clingy clingy he wants to do everything together, even things like brushing your teeth together and getting dressed together
♡ adores you in anything you wear, but especially when you ask his opinion on your outfit, he loves getting to pick out what you wear
♡ does not let you leave the room without giving him a kiss first
♡ ensures you stay hydrated and well taken care of every day, praising you for looking after yourself for him
♡ he doesn't like you leaving the house and won't let you go alone, but if you really need to leave the house for something, he will allow it as long as he goes with you
♡ this man LOVES pda, constantly kissing you, holding your hand, arm around your waist, or just touching you in some way whenever you're in public. he needs to make sure that everyone knows you're his after all
♡ wants to give you marks before going out, apologising softly as he tries to be gentle whilst giving you hickeys despite his sharp teeth, yet insisting he needs to so that people will know that you're taken when they see you
♡ spoils the fuck out of you, briefly mention that you like something? It's yours straight away
♡ always wants to pamper you, offering you massages, running you warm baths, washing your hair and body for you when you're tired
♡ he loves to cuddle, especially to fall asleep, always fearing that you'll try to leave in the night so he needs to keep you close
♡ completely wraps himself around you and instantly pulls you back if you try to move away
♡ scratches your back gently and whispers soothing things in your ear if you ever need comfort
♡ gets all giddy and blushy when you snuggle into him
thank you for the request, lovely anon ♡
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traffic-light0 · 1 year
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smutty-ki113r · 1 year
🏜Ticci Toby🏜 || Roundtale rival
NSFW||~ One shot x afab gn!reader, includes- Wild West Toby, mentions of violence, use of a gun, minors—dni (3.5)
Inspired by: Lindsey Stirling
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It was a pretty slow day at the saloon, you rested your head on your palm, watching the batwing doors swing open and close like a pendulum. It was just the regulars at this hour, taking lethargic swings of their whiskeys and eyeing your corset-like work attire; which is why your attention drew to the cautious creak of the door, and the tall dark and handsome man you wanted to take a drink out of.
Suddenly your mouth went dry, you almost forgot to get up and serve the customer. Seeing as he sat himself down at a table already, you walked over to him, a bit nervously. He radiated mystery, and perhaps a twinge of danger even. “Afternoon” you introduced, “can I get your order?”
He didn’t look up, and you couldn’t see his face because of that worn out cowboy hat he had angled down. You might have not seen his eyes, but you certainly felt his gaze crawl up your legs and settle at your hips. He didn’t speak for a moment, which gave you one to admire him.
Him and those typical cowboy boots that had spurs, him and that leathery trench coat that almost touched the floor when he sat, him and that chestnut brown hair that came out from the rim of the hat, him and the smell of hickory and gunpowder, and a bit of whiskey.
The suspense made you hold your breath until he responded, “bottle of scotch please mx, and a shot of whiskey”, he said, his voice throaty but light, almost as if he were teasing. He grinned under his bandana, shifting so you could hear the clink of his rounds of ammunition going around his waist.
“I’ll get that right out for you sir” you gulped, going behind the counter to pour up his drink. Coming to him with his order and asking “is there anything else I could get you?”.
Having to suffer the slow pulse in between your legs while he gave your neck a discreetly lustful glance and under his breath muttered, “what I want… I don’t know if you could handle”.
It caught you off guard, but you certainly heard it. In a moment of impulse you responded, “try me”.
He chuckled and looked up at you for the first time, “I might have to take you up on that sometime then” he said huskily, “it’s a date”. You had to hold back the stupid grin on your face as you walked back behind the counter. Catching the occasional glances he threw your way as he filled his flask with the scotch and downed the burning shot of whiskey.
Leaving a few silver dollars on the table and whipping his trench coat out the door. You wondered if you would ever see the stranger again, he certainly wasn’t from around here but you hoped he would stay a while.
That night you went to bed thinking of him and his burning taste, of the way his Adam’s apple bobbed when he drunk that shot and the way he walked so confidently with those boots. Almost forgetting about the next days errands, going to the tailor and the bank after work.
You almost jumped and clicked your heels in joy for payday, heading over to the bank down the street to collect your money. The mountains looked so pretty in between the purple and orange sunset hues, a couple tumbleweeds rolling by, but you weren’t paying attention to how empty the town seemed.
Giving a passing glance to the wanted posters outside of the wooden building, seeing ruffled brown hair and a scowl and the caption “Tobias Rogers: wanted dead or alive” and not even registering it. ‘The man in the picture looked kind of handsome through’ you thought to yourself as you entered.
Getting in line to withdraw some pocket money, humming quietly and trying to make the people at the register go faster. Your body flinching at the sound of a gunshot being fired through the roof. A scream rang out and chaos ensured, but another bullet told everyone to be quiet, well- that and a muffled voice from one of the bandits robbing the bank.
There were three total, your eyes darting nervously between the first two, both masked with white and red bandanas. You felt a familiar shiver run down your spine at the pistol being pointed at your back, it made you arch and freeze. Your lip trembling as you moved forward like the man instructed.
His husky voice muffled as he said “you, move along”, you couldn’t see him, just followed his instructions silently for fear of your life. He led you to the back, to the gold and silver pieces.
Pushing slightly so you could turn and do as he said, but the moment you met his eyes your jaw dropped. There was no way you couldn’t recognize that gaze, and by the looks of it, you surprised him as well. Now he was smiling, fully grinning under his black bandana, which he lowered just for you.
Getting real close to your ear so you could feel his hot breath, “let’s see if you were bluffing about being able to handle it hm?” Toby whispered.
Excitement made its way up your abdomen, a jolt shooting through your core at the way he spoke to you, at his teasing tone and that pretty boy smile, even with the scar on his cheek.
A pistol still pointed at your stomach, telling you to keep going till you were both alone in the most sacred room in that bank. Boxes holding gold pieces and other valuables. His eyes lit up at the prize he was about secure. He shoved you a bag and motioned for you to start filling them to the brim.
You felt his eyes shift from the silver to your ass as you bent down to start collecting the pieces. Your heavy breath and the chink of coins were about the only things you could hear, adrenaline pumped through your veins as you actively helped a vigilante rob the bank.
Thinking back to that wanted poster things just started to come together, this was the guy everybody talked about, the infamous criminal who would steal and then redistribute his wealth to the needy all across the west. You thought he might be nice, but just because he seemed to make a positive impact in his community, didn’t mean he wasn’t ruthless.
As much of a liking he had taken to you, he still got impatient. Bending down to your face and instructing “faster”.
You looked up at him with teary eyes, “I’m going as fast as I can” you whined. He gulped at the sight of you down on your hands and knees like that, it was like a dream come true, and he was supposed to let that opportunity pass up?
His calloused hand reached to your chin, tracing your jaw with his thumb. “I guess you’ll just have to compensate some other way then pretty”. You were stunned, but you didn’t want to resist. This was what you wanted and more, but you were shaking with nervousness.
Getting up and swatting his hand away, “you wish pretty” you retorted. His eyes widened in surprise of your retaliation. “You can’t just prance in here and demand whatever you want from me”
He cocked his head to the side at you shaking your finger in his face, but his lips were upturned in a coy smile. “Oh?”, he noted your trembling demeanor and held your index finger with his own. “Calling the shots now are we?” He asked. “I didn’t know you had it in you”
You retreated, and with each step you took back, he took one forward. He towered, being pretty tall with a dominating composure. Toby sighed, waving a hand dismissively, “I didn’t mean to impose” he played smartly, “just under a lot of stress, the bank and all, ya know”
He spoke as if you were an old lover, a hand now resting on your cheek softly. “And I’m sure you’ll help me out, won’t you?” He threw you a pair of puppy dog eyes, but he was so handsome it made you melt, your thoughts made mush as you nodded mindlessly.
“I just know you’d be a good partner in crime” he breathed, his face now inches from yours. He neared and your shaking ceased, now it was just desire that remained. “You’ll behave for me right?”
You shook your head eagerly, forgetting what the fuck you were arguing about a minute ago. “We can get these bags filled fast” he whispered, his breath trickling on your top lip. “I’ll be quick” he almost panted. Your eyes drawn to his lips, to those beautiful lips that you wanted to taste so badly.
“Mhm” you nodded, so close that he was just teasing you at this point. “Fast” you repeated, “we’ll be quick”, you inhaled. “please-”. You had to beg, because he was having a blast taunting you. He didn’t hesitate to close the distance between you two, pushing gently so you would sit on the open boxes of metallic coins and he could bring your legs to wrap around his.
His lips tasted like honey and barbecue, and you savored him like he was your last meal. There was no time to think about how messed up it was, because the only thing on your mind was him, and how delicious he was.
You furrowed your brows and moaned into the kiss, pleased that he was meeting you with just as much, if not more passion than you. His hand snaking it’s way to your hips to squeeze them.
Toby was impatient, you were like a sweet apple pie and he wanted to bite into every inch. He laid you out over the spilled golden coins and went straight for your neck, leaving marks all around. Recklessly making a mess amongst the treasure because right here right now, you were the biggest prize.
You panted and held the back of his neck, his beating heart so loud against your chest that you could feel his pulse. Helpless noises falling from your lips when he wasn’t kissing them.
He was insatiable, his body pressed to yours, bulge rubbing itself on your cunt shamelessly. Toby didn’t give a fuck, he just needed you, and he was going to get what he wanted.
To feel him press against that sensitive spot so perfectly made you wet with desire, bucking your hips up because you were so desperate to feel him inside you, to satisfy that craving he awoke.
“I can’t fucking get enough of you” he panted, biting your neck gently, just to get a little taste, he groaned against your skin as he felt the tender bit of flesh in between his teeth.
Your eyes lidded as you caught a glimpse of him above you, manhandling your body like he owned it. His own gaze landing on your open chest and how your tits were almost spilling out of that corset.
His hands were quick to pull them out and kiss them needily, he wanted to devour every bit. Those beautiful nipples that he popped in his mouth, swirling them around with his tongue. Those tempting lips he kissed over and over again. That gorgeous neck he just couldn’t get enough of.
He spread apart your legs and kissed his way down your chest and your hips till he reached your cunt, pulling off your panties quickly and watching the show you reacted when he slid his fingers up and down your slit.
“My my, wet already are we?” He asked, edging just the tip of a finger in to feel the dripping slick. You blushed, not even shying away because you were just so needy for him. Throbbing at the epicenter of his touch, just from the heated gaze he put on your body.
“Fuck I’m gonna feel so good inside this cunt” he panted, slipping his fingers in and groaning at just how tight you were, lowering his face to where you could only see the tuffs of his beautiful dark hair coming out from the sides of his hat. He met your eyes for a second, “but first I want to try what I’m buying”
His tongue met your clit softly, but the contact sent a wave of vibration throughout your whole body. He lapped at your juices like a starved man, plunging a finger in and curling it to hit that sweet spot you liked so much. His nose gently pressed against you as he devoured you.
You were coming undone faster than you would have liked, but he was just too addicting, too sweet and saccharine, and waiting felt like a sin. “Oh- Jesus” you whimpered, “don’t stop-“ you pleaded.
It was pure bliss, being treated like an all you can eat buffet, relentless lapping at your pearl; and even though it felt like you were high on ecstasy, it seemed like he was enjoying this more than you. From those noises of delight it was almost as if he was the one who was being pleasured.
He was going so fast, your head was fuzzy and all you could do was whimper and moan. “Fuck- I’m close!” You warned, your head falling back because all you could do was hold on and wait for that wave to hit. At the mention of your approaching orgasm he grinned against your skin and decided to make it extra difficult for you.
Toby latched onto your clit, sucking and groaning at the taste. Having him suck on your most sensitive area sent you into a shock of electricity, cumming so fast you could do nothing but squeal and hold onto the sides of the crate you were laying on. Your legs shaking and wrapping around his head, knocking his cowboy hat off.
“That was the hottest thing I’ve seen all day” he groaned “and I’ve been out riding in the dessert at noon” he joked, kissing your inner thighs. And you had to pry him off because he didn’t want to go. Fuck he would probably spend all day down there if you let him. Now that he had a taste- he wasn’t going to let you off the hook so easily.
“Oh hey now, I was having fun down there” he teased, “but we can have fun doing something else instead…” Your entire body was still vibrating, and he was so hard you thought he might tear a hole in those pants.
“Yes” you said without a second thought, “I need you”. The ends of his lips turned up in a smug smile.
“I have no objections with that then gorgeous” he said, moving in on your neck once again. Placing his hat on your head, watching you accommodate to it strangely, but nothing was more attractive than you wearing his daily piece, with your legs spread, ready to take him.
“You’re so good for me” he whispered, pulling his cock out and giving it a few strokes. “Such a good, pretty little thing for such a bad guy” he bullied, groaning against your ear as he slid his tip against your wet lips. “Not like you had much of a choice, the moment I saw you I knew I had to have you”
“I am a theif after all, I take what I want” your mouth opened in silent squeal when he found your hole and bottomed out. His eyes meeting yours with a burning passion as he got a feel for you, “you feel so fucking amazing” he panted.
Rolling his hips back and snapping them against yours, his head rolling back as he started stroking into you. Your wet cunt squelching in response to his cock filling you up deliciously. He was the biggest you had ever seen, ever taken, and he reached places that would be wrong to mention.
His thrusting was so rough it made the coins overflowing in the crate fall off and chink down to the growing pile on the floor. The jingling sounds of the metal, the creak of the wooden surface and the string of wanton noises were the only things you could hear, but you couldn’t focus on anything other than the man who was fucking you.
It was the most pleasurable feeling you had ever experienced, his girth stretching you out like that, balls slapping against your ass. “Can you feel me inside you?” He asked in a trance of joy.
You gasped every time he bottomed out, crying out “yes!” and lacing your fingers with his as he stroked your walls.
His hands sliding down to your hips to pull you back on him and use you like a toy for his pleasure. It was like a dream to him, and he could think of nothing but the way you squeezed his cock like a vice. He threw his head back and kept pounding, you looked up to see the sight, he was like a god.
Sweat dripped delicately from the tips of his chestnut hair, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down from swallowing saliva cause fuck you were making him salivate. The taste of your pussy still on his lips, the essence of raw flesh on his tongue.
“Fuck I can feel you wrapped around me god, nothing’s ever felt so good” he groaned, pulling out and flipping you over. He wanted to grab a handful of your ass while he pressed into you.
You molted into the new position, giggling at his hand kneading your ass and holding onto your hips. He was so deep inside you, taking you from the back so he could watch your ass bounce every time he thrusted.
Behind you, you could hear his deep exhales every time he filled you completely, his shameless moans at your wetness. Your cheeks tinted at the sounds of clapping, he was so carried away, and you were too the moment his hand reached over to play with your clit.
“Your pussy is gonna milk me” he exhaled, you pulsed at his lewd words. He just had this way about him, maybe the way he moved and handled you so expertly, or his boyish charm that won you over in 2 seconds flat- that had this power over you and your body.

With every little touch and press of his fingers you reacted, arching your back into him. Your face falling because it was just too much to take, he was so big and so gratifying it made you dizzy.
“You’re doing so good sugar” he praised, turning your head so he could see you and kiss your gorgeous lips while he pounded into your pussy. “Just a little longer and I’ll let you cum alright?”
You nodded into his lips, bouncing back eagerly so he would give you what you so craved. “I know how badly you want it babe” he teased, his fingers digging into you so hard they left marks. You sat there, taking his fat cock just like he wanted, each stroke coaxing you to that climax.
His thrusts got faster, deeper, making you see stars as he panted and rambled out praises to you. “So so good for me” he said, his voice coarse. “Jesus” was the last thing he muttered before he pressed his body to yours and spilled inside your hole.
You felt him fill you up and his teasing was still going, not wanting to cum before he said so. It was a relief when he finally said “do it, cum on my fingers”, just the rough tone of command was enough to send you over the edge for the second time. You squealed and throbbed through your orgasm, rolling your eyes back and thankful for him holding you up because you needed it.
Turning back to face him and get dressed, he didn’t even bother taking the hat back. He gave you a joyful smile and told you “it looks better on you”. Holding the bags of money open once again and finishing up the original job.
He put the bags in your hands and walked out with you in a headlock, “sorry in advance for this sugar”, he pressed that silver pistol up to your head and made you walk out with the money. “Nobody move or this one bites the dust” he warned the people.
Motioning for his associates in crime to cover him as he led you outside and made you get on his horse. You watched in awe as he pulled off a sort of flawless bank heist, his friends right behind him as you rode away into the sunset.
He put the pistol away and took charge on the horse, ignoring the questioning glances from his partners and shrugging. “Don’t blame me for taking the pretty things, you said rob the bank and take the valuables” he huffed, sending you a knowing grin and a wink, “and thats just what I did”
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mochatune · 8 months
I really love your characterization, I feel like you're really true to the source material whenever possible ❤ you're good at making cute moments without sugarcoating the unpleasant parts of characters!
I'm curious.. how would Peter/YB react to the reader confronting him about not actually loving them? Reader having been very accepting of him and having a sort of revelation when his Perfect Boyfriend facade slips. (I mean he'd absolutely just cut his losses and go full murder mode but I think it'd be interesting if he actually had any level of introspection.)
If the goal was to flatter me then it worked, like shit, what a beautiful compliment 😂❤️ I got you rn. There is a lot of ways to interpret this hc so I’m hoping what is written is what you were asking for.
- Peter had a lot of red flags you’d had looked past. He was perfect and went above the bar when it came to past men who had entered your life. He remembered your birthday, the anniversaries, even those cheesy days like national hug day and he spared no expense into making it special for you even when there was nothing to celebrate.
- this was honestly a big part in why you were so accommodating when he was less than savory to be around, you yourself are surprised with how much of a pushover you were in the past. Guess it shows just how low the bar is for you.
- things eventually just started connecting as you got to know him. The possessiveness being a big part, it felt like ever since getting to know him your social life sort of…. changed. It suddenly felt like there was less time for the other people you cared about, even your family wasn’t spared when it came to him. Everyone was a challenge for him.
- neither of you really ever really established a relationship, you always thought you two were just really close friends I mean … sure there were some moments where it felt like something more but it wasn’t something you were barely even beginning to consider after past relationships left you feeling drained. You were okay with this sort of situationship for the the time being you just hadn’t noticed how much he had really wanted.
- He was always the guy there for you to talk shit with when you were frustrated or the shoulder to cry on, he was practically your best friend ever since Lucy had passed. You still blamed yourself for everything despite no consecutive reports on the case for months now but hey atleast you had someone to help you grieve and move past the tragedy that had happened at that diner. He was always there for you, he said it himself and had done more then enough to prove it through his actions towards you.
- one day he just changed. It’s like the guy you’ve been building trust with for almost half a year now just turned around and showed you a side he’d been forcing himself to hide from you.
- suddenly seeing those eyes that made you feel like prey, it was weird and quite frankly you didn’t like it. You didn’t like how he was treating you like a piece of meat, like any other guy would. It felt like you were beginning to see him for who he was.
- all a guy had done was catcall you, it wasn’t anything. You ignored it and kept it pushing like you always do but he just couldn’t let it go.
- he didn’t do anything, not while you were watching anyways but you saw that change in demeanor. He’s done it before though it was always a flash of an emotion you could not name, it always intimidated you but never for long as he was back to his same old lovable self.
- he sort of just dumps everything on you, everything he’d been keeping in all those nights working up the nerve at the mere thought of embracing you as more than just a friend. All those times you had cried to him but not because of him, it infuriated him that the relationship he’d been making up in his head since practically forever with you was nothing more than a mere delusion he’d created to cope with never actually being with you. That was going to change. Tonight.
- he knew, he just knew you wanted to be with him as much as he did with you so when you told him you were put off by his behavior and that you did not feel for him even a fraction of what he felt for you, hearing that “you wanted some time away from him” threw him through a loop. Not a pretty one either.
- those eyes again, the ones he has flashed at the man earlier. The ones that had you feeling helpless. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
- it was like a gust of wind when he grabbed you with all his might, a meaty vein pulsing trough his forearm and the eyes of a killer gaping into your soul. A screaming fit paired with it, words along the lines of “why can’t you just accept that you love me” the words of a delusional freak that you know in your bones you should have never even given a single benefit of the doubt. That all this time that gut feeling in back of your mind was true all along.
- you’re in so much distress that it’s all a blur. The over-exertion of your muscles trying to fight back against the agonizing grip of a grown man paired with the ringing in your head from the screams, the wet on your face from the spittle of the man screaming intensely in your face. There’s a thud and suddenly everything is just black.
- you find yourself with a pounding headache and foggy vision bound against a soft surface, most likely a mattress. You try to move but you find your wrist cold from a handcuff keeping you fastened against the bed post. Everything from last night comes back and you’re reliving everything, a panic attack hits you before you calm down again having hope that there may be a way out of this.
- your captor, the person you thought you’d see comes walking in with a slight hop in his step. Almost as if last night never even happened, he has a tray of food. You aren’t sure what it is but you know you want no part in it immediately readying your voice to try and talk your way out of this predicament.
- there’s a stool by the bed your bound to, he sits on it and puts the tray on the bedside table right by your head.
- he tells you good morning in a sickly sweet voice you wish you’d never hear, almost as sickening as the deep purple bruise left on your arm after the mere grip put on you last night.
- you don’t offer a kind response back (who would let’s be honest) but it doesn’t seem like he minds. That flips a switch when the next words fly out of your mouth, almost as if you didn’t even think about who you were talking to before you spoke.
- nasty words continuously come out of your mouth begging him to let you go all the while barking like a chihuahua as if you were trying to hit a nerve. Who could take anyone seriously while they were tied down though?
- he laughs it off, this is why he loves you so much. You have a quality that can’t be copied, your spirit is so pure to him. He can’t help but communicate how much he loves you with a breathy voice and an ethereal stare.
- you’re next words were your biggest mistake, the ones that sealed your fate. You just couldn’t say you loved him back.
- his reaction, it’s not as bad as last night but still terrifying nevertheless. He understands it’s a process in a relationship but to spout such nonsense is enough to rile him up all over again.
- he’s more than offended at being told that he doesn’t really love you and only like the idea of you, you’re more than that to him. You’re essence, the mere presence of you is enough to blow him away. He huffs it away with a smirk, you don’t mean that.
- you’re too weak to fight the cloth clogging your airways, the all to familiar blackness coming back into the corner of your eyes slowly drowning your vision in it as your brain goes numb.
- begging to leave it just won’t work, he knows you really love him and that you want to stay here. You just need time and he’s more than willing to take care of anyone else who seems to think they knows what’s best for you and him.
- just like he did with Lucy.
- overall the guy is fucking delusional, say goodbye to the possibility of him having even a single moment of clarity when it comes to you.
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meke57o9 · 2 years
I am a Your boyfriend Game fan. I like the characters. However I can't relate to Y/N and I wish the game was more interesting. While playing, it seem the onky options are either "stay with peter" or "peter will kill you and everyone close to you". The visual novel in my opinion could be so much better.
Here me out. In the game, it's canon Peter's therapist is making his condition worst. And it's canon that if the player wanted him to change therapist he wouldn't hesitate. I think making Peter have little resistance towards changing therapist is a miss opportunity for the game.
If the player truly want to have a romantic relationship with Peter. The therapist could be antagonist. Y/N like Peter and their relationship seems to go good. Until one day, Peter become a little too obsessive and shout at Y/N for having a conversation with TK. Y/N calms Peter down. Y/N ask him what wrong and this is when Peter reveals that he going to a therapist. The therapist suggest to Peter that if he isn't "careful" someone will take Y/N from him. Y/N feels that something wrong with Peter's therapist. Y/N suggest Peter should find a new therapist but Peter hesitate.
Knowing about Peter history a little bit, he probably went through several therapist before he meet his recent therapist. This therapist is the only one that didn't try to make hi. take medicine or make him think he is crazy. He can talk for hours about Y/N and the therapist would listen to him. The therapist encourages hi. to be "himself". This therapist made Peter feel safe and comfortable. Peter likes this therapist. This therapist have made a emotional bond to Peter. Probably became a parental figure to him as well.
The therapist on the other hand is sadistic and is manipulator. The therapist wants Peter to do horrible things to Y/N and to others. The therapist love having control over Peter. And the therapist can possibly make Peter into a monster. The therapist would become the main obstacles for the Y/N to have a true happy ending with Peter. Y/N try finding ways for Peter to see how horrible his therapist is. Maybe Y/N find evidence that make the therapist goes to jail. But while Y/N trys to defeat the therapist. The therapist is manipulating Peter or other characters to stop Y/N.
Just a random idea. I had. I think it make the game more interesting. [Apologize for the grammar mistake] thanks for reading.
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zverin3 · 4 months
Flash, blood!
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lookingformoondrop · 11 months
Rules & Fandoms
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Let's make this short (snort) and simple;
Here are my YES and NO 's as for writing right now;
✅️ Yandere Characters/Themes (kidnapping, emotional manipulation, obsession, possession, unaliving, confinement, dub/non-con).
✅️ Fluff (Anything under the sun is possible!)
✅️ Angst (we're talking, "It's over, I found someone else," "I don't need you anymore," character death, cheating, DYING).
✅️ Suggestive scenes notice how it says suggestive and not smut (kissing, biting, sucking, making out /french).
✅️ Domestic themes (characters having kids with reader, reader being pregnant, characters being pregnant).
🚫 Smut (I'm aware that writing dark themes such as kidnapping is on the list, but as Adele said "I dont have to explain myself to you, im a grown idiot and i do what i want to do" . I've already listed my boundaries and how far I'll venture the line before I dip out). NO WATERSPORTS EITHER.
🚫Suicide/Self-Harm (I will not write things such as harming yourself, a character death that has to do with suicide, or mentioning such elements. I like angst, but not when you have to - or another character - hurt themselves for it).
🚫 Incest (I can excuse kidnapping and stalking but I draw the line at incest. I'm comfortable with sibling obsession, but I aint writing scenes where big brother Dabi smashes his lips against yours).
Here's what fandoms I write for!
(Don't be afraid to ask for something that isn't on the Fandom list! Most likely, I don't know the media yet / and / or it has slipped my mind.)
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digitalwavemedia · 21 days
Your Boyfriend Game - The Coffee Route Show No Mercy
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talkbycolor · 4 months
im cooked
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pupperwduppper · 1 year
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And now I will give you the real family of my Y\N! And yes, damn it, they're punks! In fact, these guys are not only pleasant and funny people (albeit somewhat harsh, straightforward and can be tough), but they are good parents and taught Y\N many moral things, sometimes even those that ordinary parents would not tell. In addition, there is a psychological side to this family. My Y\T grew up calm and not flighty, just because he grew up in such a family. He was simply tired of all the punk themes and rebelliousness, because he saw it in his family. He wants a quiet life, so this kind of existence has made him kind and meek. A little about parents: Mother's name is Gerda and she is a former vocalist of a folk metal band, she also loves ethnic Scandinavian music. His father's name is Robert, and funnily enough, many people nicknamed him "Baratheon" (because of the similarity of his character with the king character), he is a cheerful guy who mostly worked more than he studied, but he wants a good education for his son (and he is also quite conservative, so he does not really complain that his son is LGBT, but tries to suppress the impulses of moralizing).
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