#Youth Conference
pastorkevinc · 5 months
This Saturday ~ Plan Now for Sonrise's Annual Youth Conference ~ Truth Matters
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dukejeyaraj · 2 years
G4 Mission Ministry Report, Sept 1 – Oct 15, 2022 *Month-end midnight prayer over Zoom on both 31 Aug-1Sept and 30Sept-1Oct. Close to 30 people from India over and beyond joined. Duke shared brief messages. The 1 Oct message is here:  *Twice we had the Fountain of Tears Against Mountain of Fears Fasting Prayer. We prayed for the nations, the nation, the Google Generation and personal tensions…
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
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lostloveletters · 5 months
Woody’s the handy one around the house but she cannot cook (she tries. It never goes well). Luckily Brady’s a good cook and enjoys it. But sometimes he wears an apron if he’s making a sauce or a soup and she loses her mind every time. It’s a like plain white back of house type of apron but it may as well be lingerie to her.
“It’s going to burn.”
“We can order takeout.”
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scottishcommune · 3 months
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Declaration from the first ever World Youth Conference that took place in Paris at the end of last year, as published in Lêgerîn
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
If you don't mind me asking, how would you like
to see Proverbs 31 used? The part that always bugs me about how it's used is how the churches I've attended completely ignore the part where the woman described is working and trading outside the home. They try and use it as "you should stay home and raise kids" defense.
Mostly, I'd just like to see it used less?
In my experience, there's an undercurrent to the way that this passage gets used that's like, "...and this is the part of the Bible for women!" This really gets under my skin because it just isn't true at all. The WHOLE Bible is for women and the whole Bible is for men. I don't like the insinuation that women should keep returning again and again to this one passage when there's the entire Bible right there to study. Romans is ours too! And Genesis! Isaiah! 2 Timothy! Joel! Revelation!
Biblical womanhood (whatever we mean by that) must begin with women being well-versed in the whole Bible, and that can't happen if Proverbs 31 is treated like a banner chapter for so much of women's min. Proverbs 30 is actually the one part of Proverbs that really moves me (specifically "Feed me with the food that is needful for me...") and I've never gotten to study it in a formal context! Meanwhile, I've sat through seminars and studies and read books and listened to podcasts giving me Proverbial 31 and telling me, "Here ya go," like it's Necessary and Sufficient for Biblical Womanhood. And these two chapters are right next to each other!
Granted, I'm not a guy, but I don't see men's ministry pulling a few specific bits of Scripture and saying, "These are the Men's Chapters." There's just a presumption that the whole of Scripture is relevant to men.
In fact, if you really want to get into it, Proverbs 31 is actually directed more at men than women, saying, "this is the kind of woman you should marry." If we took half the Proverbs 31 talks directed at women and gave them to men, I think that would be a big improvement.
(I know I'm being somewhat hyperbolic here in places. I've been sitting on this ask for a little while knowing that it was basically unavoidable trying to refine my answer and like. Sorry. I am Frustrated and this is what you get from me.)
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thecluelessdoctor · 4 months
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I'm back
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as an aside from that like girls ministry post the best thing I learned in college was simple Adoration
at those youth conferences it was always so Big and Emotional and I didn’t know you could just go to a church and be quiet with the Lord until college
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xtrablak674 · 3 months
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[Originally published in Fashion Fag Magazine Volume 1, Number 2, February 1994, very mildly edited for clarity.]
The New York Post bashes Gay Men's Health Crisis new poster.
"Anyway you read them, the poster endorse homosexuality. encourage promiscuity and promote the false and dangerous notion that condoms are safe and will protect users against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases." says Ray Kerrison columnist for the post.
Let me explain this poster to those of you who have not seen it. It is a bright purple subway poster with three pictures of couples embracing or kissing. In bright yellow writing there is the poster's slogan YOUNG, HOT & SAFE, each couple is holding a condom, lubricant, latex dam, or latex glove. There is also the GMHC hotline number which ask you to call for further information about safer sex.
To address Mr. Kerrison's first point I don't understand how he comes to the assumption that this poster is promoting homosexuality or any kind of sexuality. Its like he's saying a poster of a couple of married couples is promoting marriage, or a couple of African American children promoting Afrocentric ideals. I feel that Kerrison is just another homophobe who believes that any portrayal of queers in a positive light is saying to everyone that homosexuality is OK and there is nothing wrong with it. Which there isn't, I've been a homosexual a long time now and I am perfect proof.
Kerrison's second issue of the poster encouraging promiscuity is absolutely absurd. Everyone in these posters is full clothed and pictured above the shoulders. Now last summer there was an ad campaign by a local radio station
HOT 97 who had really raunchy posters which portrayed men in women in very suggestive positions and very skimpily clad. One of the more overt posters had a male grasping a topless women's breast.
And GMHC's poster's are called porn and sleaze???
Lord forbid we show happy homosexuals that are healthy and not dying of AIDS. I strongly believe that these type of gays are the only kind that the conservative heterosexual community can deal with. Because then they can feel sorry for the poor dying fag.
Kerrison's final point of his article bothers me the most because not only does the information it contain very wrong but could be very dangerous if you are not an informed reader. Studies show and have proven that latex condoms are the most effective device against the HIV infection, if used properly.
GMHC is the first and largest AIDS organization in the world and Kerrison saying this to GMHC is like telling God the sky ain't blue. Actually I am very happy there has been such controversy about the ads because it brings back into the public view and that will force people to talk about it.
I got my chance to speak on the issue at a press conferences that councilman Tom Duane held on the steps of city hall. Here is the speech I prepared and read:
"Hi my name is Trevor Brown. I am a proud young black homosexual and I am a volunteer In Gay Men's Health Crisis's Education Department's Young Adult Aids Prevention Program.
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According to what this society shows me, I as a young black man should be in jail, unemployed, father of a illegitimate children, and inarticulate. I as a homosexual should be promiscuous, dying of AIDS, and rotting in hell. I refuse to believe any of this to prove this society wrong, and to do my part in the fight against AIDS.
I did the YOUNG HOT and SAFE campaign. As much as adults would like to think they know what is best for youth and would like tell us how to run our lives I believe we young people know what we young people want. I know that my friends and I have been sexually active for years and it wasn't some ad on the train that told us to start having sex. its a natural part of growing up, and exploring your sexuality. Knowing that a lot of youth think it is not cool or fun to have safer sex. We thought it was important to show other youth Hey its COOL to have safer sex I am do in' it you can do it too.
The young people that were working on this campaign were full of positive intentions and I think they should be applauded for being conscious of the health and safety of other youth. Not slapped on the wrist and told there is only one way to avoid the HIV virus. Abstinence. AIDS is something that effects us all and I that there is no one way to properly educate about it there are many different ways. Because it effects many different kind of people. And because my way of trying to educate differs from yours I don't believe we should be bashing one another, You may attract flies with fly paper I prefer honey, But most importantly we will both be saving lives."
I truly can't recall if I had assistance with drafting my speech for the press conference held by Councilman Tom Duane, who was the second openly gay council member and the only one at the time who was public about his being HIV positive. I do hear my voice within it, my phrasing and my colloquialism, so I was totally one of the authors if not final editor.
I know I am being patronizing to myself, because I am so impressed with my eloquence, not at the level of an orator like Dr. King, but for an average individual with minimal press experience I think this was amazing, and I applaud my younger self. Not just for being brave but to speak so publicly about very private things, and to be clear I do not infer that sexuality is something to be ashamed of, but who I go to bed as and with is really no one else's business.
Curiously Mr. Kerrison was my grandmother's contemporary dying curiously enough on her birthday a year after she did. Like her he didn't mask his hostility and disapproval of homosexuality, I guess both of them are products of their upbringings, but both are dead and no longer my concern.
This was thirty years ago exactly and it would be false to say that things haven't changed for the gays since then, but it was also be false to say that we are welcomed with open arms with legislation around "Don't Say Gay" floating around all over the country and it being against the law some places for trans people to go to the bathroom. Progress I guess is always an incremental thing, five steps forward and three steps back.
I guess I can say definitively that I attempted to make the world a better place by physically using my likeness and speaking publicly about my identities to in effect normalize acceptance of folks who looked and loved like I did.
I have mixed feelings about the Young Hot & Safe campaign because thinking about it makes me think of the fact that Tim my photo-partner and friend is now dead, we were both amongst the committee of young people who helped to conceptualize and execute the campaign in tandem with Gay Men's Health Crisis. It was a happy time of my life and I look back on those memories and the friends I had very fondly.
[Photos by Brown Estate]
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pastorkevinc · 1 year
Next Week ~ Plan Now for Sonrise's Annual Youth Conference ~ Identity in Christ
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leninisms · 4 months
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people’s conference for palestine: how do movements achieve transformation?
“This workshop will provide a dialectical comparative analysis of the North American anti-war movement in relation to the contemporary Palestinian liberation movement.”
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veronicayoseph · 2 months
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Who knew creating a better world could secure your future? 💟
Make the most of lockdown by sharing your ideas and insights for a better world at IMUN Online Conference🤩
Our FREE Online MUN training covers all basics and comprehensive study guides and expert Q/A solve every query related to topics of the Conference✅
The best part? All participating delegates get professional participation certificates. These certificates are online friendly so you can easily display them on your LinkedIn profiles or attach them to your resume or higher studies applications📌📌
Register for IMUN Online Conference today and take the first step to an international future📢💫
Register at https://www.internationalmun.org/RegistrationForm.php?mark=KF2078 ✅
#InternationalMUN #mun #imun #modelunitednations #imun2024 #youth #globalopportunity #opportunity #conference #international #internationalconference #diplomacy #leaders #youngleaders #unitednations #un #munconference #online #onlineconference #onlinemun #webinar
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indigenouspeopleday · 5 months
The role of electoral justice in the self-determination of indigenous peoples and empowerment of their youth: A comparative approach (UNPFII Side Event).
Since 2011, the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary of Mexico (TEPJF) organizes side events within the framework of UNPFII to highlight the importance of effective access to electoral-political rights for Mexican indigenous peoples and communities.
This side event seeks to showcase paradigmatic rulings from different countries, as well as actions taken by various electoral tribunals to ensure the rights of indigenous populations in each nation from an intercultural perspective, based on international standards.
Furthermore, this event provides an opportunity to learn firsthand about the experiences and challenges faced by indigenous youths in accessing electoral justice and practice active political engagement. It will also explore how their rights are exercised in different jurisdictions, as well as the strategies and policies that other authorities and countries have implemented to ensure the protection of these rights.
Watch The role of electoral justice in the self-determination of indigenous peoples and empowerment of their youth: A comparative approach (UNPFII Side Event)!
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alexanderpearce · 2 years
literally even aside from getting to see mcr, im extremely excited to go and see ned kelly’s armour in melb this weekend
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trapper-faggot · 2 years
Ok so I had this video recommended to me like "pastor explores Mormon meeting house"
And holy shit this is weird
I haven't been in a Mormon building since 2015 and it's hard to find pictures of the inside of them online normally
But he's just like walking around and filming it and comparing it to other protestant churches???
The guys entire channel is him as a protestant pastor deep diving hard core into Mormonism and exploring it apparently
Have mixed feelings on it like how does he feel about a lot of shit
But ALSO! Holy shit! They! All! Look! The! Same!
The half walls of like sisel with the wood trim, paintings of Mormon Jesus, the fucking cultural hall, the family history center, the fucking ugly ass couches
He's also commenting on the maze like structure of the churches which haunts my dreams
I am doing things to my brain right now
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ghostlingpup · 1 year
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