#peer education
xtrablak674 · 3 months
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[Originally published in Fashion Fag Magazine Volume 1, Number 2, February 1994, very mildly edited for clarity.]
The New York Post bashes Gay Men's Health Crisis new poster.
"Anyway you read them, the poster endorse homosexuality. encourage promiscuity and promote the false and dangerous notion that condoms are safe and will protect users against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases." says Ray Kerrison columnist for the post.
Let me explain this poster to those of you who have not seen it. It is a bright purple subway poster with three pictures of couples embracing or kissing. In bright yellow writing there is the poster's slogan YOUNG, HOT & SAFE, each couple is holding a condom, lubricant, latex dam, or latex glove. There is also the GMHC hotline number which ask you to call for further information about safer sex.
To address Mr. Kerrison's first point I don't understand how he comes to the assumption that this poster is promoting homosexuality or any kind of sexuality. Its like he's saying a poster of a couple of married couples is promoting marriage, or a couple of African American children promoting Afrocentric ideals. I feel that Kerrison is just another homophobe who believes that any portrayal of queers in a positive light is saying to everyone that homosexuality is OK and there is nothing wrong with it. Which there isn't, I've been a homosexual a long time now and I am perfect proof.
Kerrison's second issue of the poster encouraging promiscuity is absolutely absurd. Everyone in these posters is full clothed and pictured above the shoulders. Now last summer there was an ad campaign by a local radio station
HOT 97 who had really raunchy posters which portrayed men in women in very suggestive positions and very skimpily clad. One of the more overt posters had a male grasping a topless women's breast.
And GMHC's poster's are called porn and sleaze???
Lord forbid we show happy homosexuals that are healthy and not dying of AIDS. I strongly believe that these type of gays are the only kind that the conservative heterosexual community can deal with. Because then they can feel sorry for the poor dying fag.
Kerrison's final point of his article bothers me the most because not only does the information it contain very wrong but could be very dangerous if you are not an informed reader. Studies show and have proven that latex condoms are the most effective device against the HIV infection, if used properly.
GMHC is the first and largest AIDS organization in the world and Kerrison saying this to GMHC is like telling God the sky ain't blue. Actually I am very happy there has been such controversy about the ads because it brings back into the public view and that will force people to talk about it.
I got my chance to speak on the issue at a press conferences that councilman Tom Duane held on the steps of city hall. Here is the speech I prepared and read:
"Hi my name is Trevor Brown. I am a proud young black homosexual and I am a volunteer In Gay Men's Health Crisis's Education Department's Young Adult Aids Prevention Program.
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According to what this society shows me, I as a young black man should be in jail, unemployed, father of a illegitimate children, and inarticulate. I as a homosexual should be promiscuous, dying of AIDS, and rotting in hell. I refuse to believe any of this to prove this society wrong, and to do my part in the fight against AIDS.
I did the YOUNG HOT and SAFE campaign. As much as adults would like to think they know what is best for youth and would like tell us how to run our lives I believe we young people know what we young people want. I know that my friends and I have been sexually active for years and it wasn't some ad on the train that told us to start having sex. its a natural part of growing up, and exploring your sexuality. Knowing that a lot of youth think it is not cool or fun to have safer sex. We thought it was important to show other youth Hey its COOL to have safer sex I am do in' it you can do it too.
The young people that were working on this campaign were full of positive intentions and I think they should be applauded for being conscious of the health and safety of other youth. Not slapped on the wrist and told there is only one way to avoid the HIV virus. Abstinence. AIDS is something that effects us all and I that there is no one way to properly educate about it there are many different ways. Because it effects many different kind of people. And because my way of trying to educate differs from yours I don't believe we should be bashing one another, You may attract flies with fly paper I prefer honey, But most importantly we will both be saving lives."
I truly can't recall if I had assistance with drafting my speech for the press conference held by Councilman Tom Duane, who was the second openly gay council member and the only one at the time who was public about his being HIV positive. I do hear my voice within it, my phrasing and my colloquialism, so I was totally one of the authors if not final editor.
I know I am being patronizing to myself, because I am so impressed with my eloquence, not at the level of an orator like Dr. King, but for an average individual with minimal press experience I think this was amazing, and I applaud my younger self. Not just for being brave but to speak so publicly about very private things, and to be clear I do not infer that sexuality is something to be ashamed of, but who I go to bed as and with is really no one else's business.
Curiously Mr. Kerrison was my grandmother's contemporary dying curiously enough on her birthday a year after she did. Like her he didn't mask his hostility and disapproval of homosexuality, I guess both of them are products of their upbringings, but both are dead and no longer my concern.
This was thirty years ago exactly and it would be false to say that things haven't changed for the gays since then, but it was also be false to say that we are welcomed with open arms with legislation around "Don't Say Gay" floating around all over the country and it being against the law some places for trans people to go to the bathroom. Progress I guess is always an incremental thing, five steps forward and three steps back.
I guess I can say definitively that I attempted to make the world a better place by physically using my likeness and speaking publicly about my identities to in effect normalize acceptance of folks who looked and loved like I did.
I have mixed feelings about the Young Hot & Safe campaign because thinking about it makes me think of the fact that Tim my photo-partner and friend is now dead, we were both amongst the committee of young people who helped to conceptualize and execute the campaign in tandem with Gay Men's Health Crisis. It was a happy time of my life and I look back on those memories and the friends I had very fondly.
[Photos by Brown Estate]
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sensible-tips · 6 months
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What's Happening Wednesday
Updated membership tiers and perks of becoming a SensibleTips for T Guys patron.
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bananakeiky · 7 months
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genshin be like trans kid with mommy issues gets a new mommy
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isawthismeme · 4 months
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handweavers · 2 months
Cab you elaborate a little on that post about artists of color not having a good understanding of materialism? Like, do you mean that they are unknowingly perpetuating capitalism by being materialistic or something else?????
( This is a genuine question because I misunderstand long posts easily, sorry if it sounds rude ).
when i say 'materialism' i'm referring to dialectical materialism, the marxist theory that political and historical events result from the conflict of social forces - people's access to material needs like shelter, food, healthcare, etc. and their relationship to the means of production. these events can be interpreted as a series of contradictions and their solutions. it is the scientific method for understanding politics/economics and history, and the basis of marxist analysis and of marxism leninism as a framework.
i'm saying that many artists of colour in the west speak a lot about capitalism, imperialism, colonialism, war, etc. from a vaguely 'leftist' but ultimately still liberal perspective, and thus they are not actually challenging anything with their work. they will talk about anything But class, and fall easily for bourgeois politics as long as it's concealed in social justice or "leftist" or antiracist sounding language
and it's because they won't engage directly with marxism leninism, they won't engage with learning materialist analysis, and having this understanding would prevent them from falling for these attempts and allow them to do work that actually has some kind of meaningful impact on these systems they claim to be against. so they are trying to talk and write and make art and organize about capitalism and colonialism without understanding how these things actually function in a literal, material sense...
simply existing as nonwhite people in the west doesn't inherently teach us these things, otherwise all people of colour in the west would be communists. we have to actually do the reading and be open to another framework of understanding the world, to having our worldviews shifted. but i think some people don't want to do that because of their relative class position. it makes them uncomfortable, or they don't want to admit that they benefit from imperialism in some ways. they can't - or won't - decouple an awareness of their class position from morality or their personal feelings.
without a marxist framework for understanding what capitalism is and how it functions, whatever work they claim to be trying to do to challenge capitalism or colonialism or whatever At Best doesn't do anything, and At Worst continues to serve bourgeois interests. the confusion between colonialism and imperialism in particular is easily exploited, so that with the language of anti racism and decolonization people end up agreeing with and promoting US/NATO foreign policy on imperialized nations - these buzzwords can sound pretty good if you don't know better. all this talk about decolonizing our minds and art practices and being anti capitalists but no one can actually explain what capitalism is or how colonialism works or the material role of racism under capitalism, nor do they want to talk about their own relationship to capital, so the talk is just empty lol. all these artists trying to figure out "alternative, embodied ways of thinking and being" and it's all just more liberalism
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leverage-ot3 · 7 months
time for the obligatory post about what episodes I want to see in the upcoming leverage season(s)
(for reference, I made this similar post in 2020 after the reboot was announced. I'm pasting some from that post bc I still want them to happen lol)
new ideas:
I mentioned a date night episode in the last post (apollo really did bless me with foresight for the date night job on that one) but for considerment: ot3 date night. possibly their first date night after they all get together. breanna and sophie know it's happening (harry is, like, peripherally aware) and some crime hijinks are going down and the three of them are frantically trying to stop bad things from happening that are going to interfere with the date. I want to see them going through it behind the metaphorical curtain. I want to see breanna fighting for her life trying to out-hack the hacker that is going to ruin their ten-part itineraried date. harry has to get in a fistfight and eliot is so proud about it when he finds out after everything is over
tree law episode. harry has been frothing at the mouth about it since it was made. his life has been moving him towards this penultimate moment. breanna thinks it's HILARIOUS and cheers him on 100% of the way. she is VERY enthusiastic about this con
I'm not going to mention certain things because I've seen jrogers posting on bluesky social and I know he might be already writing some of those plots
con that the food trucks have plot-relevance. like, one of his food truck stations is being harassed /victimized by, like, a local gang or something that takes advantage of food truck/cart workers and the team steps in. the actual (veteran) food truck workers get involved in the con. leverage international might just have gained a few retainer members
quinn should come back for an episode. I know the actor is friends with ckane. they should make it happen because it would be iconic and I said so
on a similar note, ckane is friends with jensen ackles and. guys. wouldn't it- wouldn't it be extremely funny if a flame from eliot's past named sean sylvester who is a rugged drifter with a questionable past
episode where tara or maggie (or BOTH, can you imagine how powerful that would be???) come back and there is slight flirting with sophie possibly??? that or very obvious chemistry from a past tryst. sophie has slept with both of them, I know it in my heart of hearts. bonus points if tara and maggie fall in love (I think it would be funny. maggie's taste in men is canonically atrocious, I think she deserves someone like tara at this point)
I just want a lot of side characters to come back, okay? sue me I miss them
gonna put the rest under the cut since this post has become obscenely long
not episode-specific, but I want more mentions of the korean leverage team. and all the other teams too! we know that in canon there is the south korean one, the nigerian one, and one in london (I think that's it for mentions so far, but correct me if I'm wrong!)
episodes addressing issues with american imperialism and its effects on minorities and marginalized communities, specifically within this country (there aren't a lot of episodes where they are actively out of country)
dear fucking god take a more abolitionist stance on policing I'm begging. would it KILL you to not be weird about cops? pls just punch some more cops. take down white supremacist cops, I'm sure you can scrounge something up bffrrn
women's rights episodes. I know it's kind of recent, but episodes about accessibility of stuff like birth control, abortion access, etc. y'all are capable of making excellent episodes on that I know it
more climate crisis-related episodes. god knows you're feeling it in the deep south
taking down a corrupt megachurch pastor (although lbr, there is no ethical megachurch anything and you can fight me on this)
something to do with ace rights bc I think it would be really cool to see the team advocate for that stuff, especially since breanna is canon ace
helping a polycule that is being victimized by X organization/entity (maybe a housing association or medical or something???). breanna is bombastic side-eyeing the ot3 the entire time. it is making hardison sweat. sophie thinks it's hilarious
taking down 'writers' that use ai and self-publish AND/OR people that take original/fan works off of like ao3 and wattpad and publish them for personal profits without the author's consent. breanna would have a field day with this (god herself could try to convince me that girl does not read/write fanfic and I wouldn't believe it)
episode about underfunded public schools. we saw corrupt private schools in the fairy godparents job but I want an episode that would make abbot elementary writers proud
episode addressing native/indigenous. eliot is from oklahoma, I'm sure he is well aware of the health/job/economic/etc disparities on reservations. I will email jrogers about it myself if I have to- it anyone can get people going about native rights through a tv show it would be leverage.
I sent an ask to wil wheaton once asking if he was open to returning to leverage and I think he said he would be down for it. but chaos either has to be a reluctant ally to leverage international and is being handled by quinn as a hitter OR he is just. in jail. bc he sucks.
bpas and/or pfas episode. breanna has mentioned microplastics before but I want more
the team tears the shit out of conversion therapy camp owners and plants the seeds for legislation that will punish parents that try to send their kids to those hellscapes
while we're at it, I'd love to see an ep where they tackle the trans bathroom issue. god knows the news doesn't talk about it nearly enough
something to do with foster care. they end up starting some sort of foster care network that past clients/allies can take part in. maybe a mentorship program for kids that want to do what they do one day (they are very reluctant to encourage kids to participate in crime BUT if that is the avenue that they are going to inevitably go towards, they guide them in the right direction). nana makes an appearance (*insert 'everybody liked that' meme*)
prison industrial complex episode. I KNOW we had the jailhouse job BUT we really need this in our year of 2024
another episode on corrupt influencers. maybe influencer parents? dear god pls take them down a notch
ep where there is an underlying message that tells you how to avoid becoming victim to scams or something, or like is a tutorial for how to identify scams you might fall victim to (sorry, I just have to say this after two separate people tried to pig butcher me in less than two (2) weeks))
not to say I want them to do an ep calling out cop city, but it would feel really good to watch the leverage team rip that concept to SHREDS
the minimum wage job. need I say more? we deserve the catharsis
pls go after goodwill execs, esp the ones in the pnw that have their sector as for-profit and have become millionaires+ because of it while paying their staff (especially disabled staff) fucking pennies
while we're on the topic, pls call out salvation army (the corporation)
I can probably go on for like five hours so I'll stop here
ep that we get to see harry and his daughter bond :)
job where they get to lower the price of insulin (and other drugs)
actually, you know what? an episode where the crew annihilates big pharma and terrible insurance companies
I think that breanna should be able to go off about mass/over consumption as a treat. I 100% believe she has Thoughts about it. like, she will absolutely call out the corporations that are responsible for these trends, but also she should be allowed to mention our tendency for overconsumption as a society. obviously there are a few corporations that are doing most of the world's pollution/ecological damage, but we should be doing our part too and I KNOW it would be in-character for her to go off on it
I bet she has a LOT to say about influencers, tbh. obviously not all influencers are bad, but there are sooooo many problematic ones and problems within the influencer industry
sizing discrimination in the modeling/clothing industry. let eliot talk about how there are no perfect bodies. also while I'm on the subject, can we PLS have more body-diverse background actors on the show? I know this is nitpicky but I'd really love to see some more people that look like me, even if they are just in the background
a thinly veiled writers' rights episode (I'm looking at you media execs and the stupid amount of time it took for you to comply to the WGA demands)
something to do with media companies making entire movies/tv shows and then fucking cancelling them/not releasing them and using them as tax write-offs. every time it happens it baffles me. that is cartoonishly stupid villain shit. I can't imagine lovingly working on a project for a year plus and then the company just going, nah, we aren't going to release it because you suck and it's a good business move
ai art and ai in general. please. let it BURN
okay now I'm done
ideas from the previous post that I still want:
comicon job. I said it before and I will say it again- we deserve it!!! come on, it's the age of the geek after all!!! (in the last post I also said a ren faire ep, but I will let the card game job count for that)
summer camp ep? I saw a tumblr fic about it and I think it could be cute. it could kinda be like the fairy godparents job- eliot in charge of some type of sports (archery, fencing, etc), hardison would be in charge of arts and crafts (this boy might be a genius with tech and in general tbh, but the show did such a good job of showing that he’s also very talented with the arts- sculpting the statue for the miracle job, forging the old diary in the king george job, etc), parker would LOVE to be in charge of a high ropes course. breanna would totally be down for some sort of nerdy kid robotics or simple, traditional camp games (can't go wrong with the classics. everyone loves making bracelets!) I feel like it's too stereotypical to have sophie have kids put on a play but we all know that's exactly what she would do. idk for harry? I think he has the same traditional camp activities vibe as breanna. he's in it for the nostalgia. OR something to do with videogames
please, please, please, please, please make an episode where they take down a cult, im begging. that would be such a good episode. definitely a mindfuck episode like the experimental job (4x11). I’ve seen a few posts about a job dealing with a cult (here’s one) and I think it would be really interesting 
MORE STERLING being DONE with leverage shenanigans!!! give me feral!sterling like in the frame-up job (5x10)!!! give me sterling that protests every step of the way but conveniently looks away and “whoops, the team just disappeared, I have no idea how that happened!!! diddly dang darn it, they got away again!!! sorry guys!!!” bonus points if mcsweeten is there too and also participates in intervening hijinks
the team takes down a circus that is still using and abusing wild animals!!! because first I’d LOVE to see acrobat!parker swinging up in the air like a pro and being in her element, but also because those places are the fucking worst and need to Go Down. give me eliot having to pose as an animal trainer with deep sympathy for the animals being abused, quietly talking soothing words to them when he thinks no one is around (correction: hardison is, in fact, around, and filming his boyfriend’s softness to save for later). give me charismatic hardison playing the role of ringmaster, running and flaunting about and being passive-aggressive to the circus master. give me eliot freeing the animals from their chains when they are finally able to shut the place down and relocate the animals to sanctuaries (his hands shaking just a little as twists the key in the lock, because he too was once an abused, caged animal in his own right and he knows how liberating it is to finally be free). 
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wolf-twenty-one · 2 years
yall gotta start qualifying your thoughts with some sort of admission of subjectivity, i feel like every post i see is some declaration of subjective opinion stated like its a fact and its making me deranged
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cocksley-and-catapult · 7 months
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Rate my fanart. I spent so long making it :3
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supermaks · 23 days
Thoughts on kimi's fp1? 🎤🎤
Imo a somewhat clumsy combination of m£rc making the car too light for the baby and 🐜 wanting to impress and pushing too much. But something verstappen said when asked about Kimi a few months ago, he needs to make mistakes, because that’s how he learns. No such thing as a driver who’s too fast. U can teach a driver patience but u can’t teach them speed . I think kimi showed a very familiar type of hunger that made me smile. If u think torger doing anything but giggling and kicking his feet ur either crazy or lying to yourself
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gayofthefae · 21 days
Found a new, concise way of putting it that I'm gonna try and remember so I can reuse it:
To say, as a straight person, that a queer character's queerness is out of the blue or unrealistic is to claim that they understand the queer experience to be able to identify inaccurate representation of it.
To call a character's queerness out of the blue as a straight person is to claim full understanding of the queer experience.
#YOU ARE NOT A BAD ALLY FOR NOT KNOWING EVERYTHING. YOU'RE A GOOD ONE. IF YOU KNEW EVERYTHING THAT WOULD MAKE YOU GAY NOT AN ALLY.#QUEER PEOPLE ARE NOT JUST YOUR TICKETS TO ELEVATE YOURSELF AS AN ALLY ON THE OCCASIONS THAT YOU WANT TO#WE ARE NOT EVEN IN YOUR PEERS OFTEN. WE ARE YOUR EDUCATORS UNIVERSALLY NOT JUST ON DAYS YOU FEEL UP FOR ADMITTING YOU NEED EDUCATION.#THE DISPARITY IN OUR QUALIFICATIONS IS THAT OF A PROFESSOR AND A STUDENT#AS IS THE AUDACITY OF A STUDENT TO CLAIM EQUAL OR MORE QUALIFICATION#lgbtq#finding ways constantly to rephrase it so people understand why they are not qualified to even attempt to debate#stranger things#also btw this is mostly for straight people because it's an entire different category of this action but no queer person has had every quee#experience either so you can't tell other queer people they're wrong for saying queer characters are realistic either#they match your experience or they don't#straight people have ZERO experience though so it's entirely different because that requires some fucking AUDACITY to claim qualification#mike wheeler#kitty song covey#evan buckley#the entire point of needing more representation is so that you see versions of the queer experience you didn't know about as a straight per#on#we aren't just asking for the same singular queer experience but in a higher quantity across more genres#you have NOT learned everything because you are not able to and that does not make you a bad ally it just makes you a straight person#so when queer people tell you you're wrong DON'T. ARGUE.#'it's unrealistic for them to be queer' really? and list off the exclusive number of ways a person can be queer. right now. go.#people being comfortable with will byers because he represents a queer experience they've seen in the media before#but if they've never seen it on tv before it's 'unrealistic'#no hon. it's unrepresented. there is a very big difference and it's the entire point actually. your lack of education is not your fault but#your denial of it is#lgbtq representation
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guardianspirits13 · 4 months
currently remembering that one time I needed a reference for a fanfiction I was writing and found a peer-reviewed paper about how grief affects children only it was locked behind a paywall so I emailed the author of the paper with my .edu email and said I was working on a project (which was technically true) and he emailed me the pdf for free
peace and love on planet earth
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bibururokku · 25 days
Sometimes, I forget that Blue Lock takes place around 2018-2019 and get super surprised when I remember because that would mean I'm actually around the boys' age.
Like, I've been reading and watching the series as if I were another Anri because I'm currently her age at the moment, so I've been looking at most of these boys with a bit of a mother's heart, y'know?
...Then I remember the year the story is set, and everything sorta crumbles because that puts me in the same age group as all the second-year boys of the series. I could be some of these guys' classmates for crying out loud, and here I am calling them "children" and "babies" and stuff.
For example, Nagi, who would be several months older than me, but he gets babied by Reo anyway, so I think I get a pass there. Speaking of Reo though, even that guy would be older than me by a few months in the setting of Blue Lock! I'm 13 days, barely two weeks, older than Chigiri!!! Eat your heart out, pretty boy. I ran out of the womb faster than you did /j
At this point, I need to make an age list with their ages and birthdays to arrange them from oldest to youngest because the identity crisis this gives me is getting ridiculous.
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khaleesiofalicante · 21 hours
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Goodbye, you elitist cunt 😎😎
For context - he became the current president by hijacking the presidency after Gota was chased away during the protests in 2022. This prick was never elected and never will be.
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queer-reader-07 · 8 months
place your bets now folks, will i make it through the week? because i have a chemistry exam tomorrow, a calculus project due tonight, 4 fucking peer reviews due by friday (2 of which i can't do because people didn't submit their essays??), and an asynchronous lab i need to find time for
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tododeku-or-bust · 2 months
I have an idea for a thought experiment concerning my lesson for eurocentric beauty standards. And I'm wondering if I have the art skill to pull it off myself, or should I ask my artist friends to help me. Thing is, I'm okay with ignoring racists who close their ears and yell at me over forcing them to consider their racism. ik everybody ain't built like that.
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butterflyinthewell · 2 years
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