#Yua is just too cool
Team Gai meeting Kakashi properly for the first time
Tenten: i don’t know. He’s not as cool as Yua-san
Kakashi: …
Neji: he doesn’t even hold himself confidently like she does. Are we sure he’s her son?
Kakashi: …
Gai: now now, my eternal rival is certainly the son of Yua-san
Tenten: i don’t know. How can we be certain?
Kakashi: I can and will snap their necks
Neji: *snorting* that wasn’t even scary like when she threatened to do that to us.
Tenten: at least try to sound threatening next time
Kakashi: …
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faerlocksholmes · 1 year
sorry i dont even know why im going back and rewatching the episodes with harry. i like him i guess
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year
Hello! May I ask how Megumi, Gojo, Okkotsu would react. When some other girl flirts with them or acts very intrusive, completely ignoring the reader who is standing next to them. Or acts rudely towards the reader.
Let me say, that was pretty cool to write! Hope you enjoy it <3
How Gojo, Megumi and Yuta react to other girls flirting with them/reader getting insulted
Word Count: 1,9k
Pairing: Gojo x reader, Megumi x reader, Yuta x reader
Warnings: language
Note: Requests for complilations are still open, feel free to leave one!
Megumi Fushiguro
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„Look at you, Megumi! Back then I always thought you were quite handsome, but now…what a catch you are.”
You turn on your heel and stare into the mischievous grin of the unknown girl in front of you. Did you hear that correctly? Did she just…flirt with your boyfriend? Who is she? And why does she talk to him like that?
“Yua, I didn’t know you were still around”, Megumi responses, not a single spark of affection in his eyes.
You put on a kind smile. Even if she doesn’t even look at you, it’s not too late to get to know her. Maybe she was his classmate back then. You owe it to Megumi to at least try.
“Oh y’know, some model contracts here and there. You should have called me! You know I always loved spending time with you!”
“Hi, I’m Megumi’s girlfriend. It’s nice to meet people from his past!”
You stretch out your hand, inviting her to a friendly conversation. But she doesn’t take it. Instead, she stares you up and down with her merciless eyes and screws up her face. Your heart sinks as well as your hand. Does he know her better? He never talked about any girls from his past, especially not girls like her. She is nothing Megumi values. Why is she this rude although she never met you before?
“Girlfriend? I thought you’re better than that, ‘Gumi.”
You bite your tongue when her words hit you like a knife. No, don’t cry because of her rude comment, don’t let her get under your skin. She doesn’t know anything about you or your personality. And on top of that, Megumi tells you over and over how gorgeous you are. He wouldn’t lie, right? But her beautiful dark locks and stunning green eyes make your confidence waver. Maybe he could in fact do better…
Suddenly Megumi pulls you in his arms, his grip around your waist tight and his jaw clenched.
“Can you just fuck off already? In contrast to your entitled self, (y/n) is naturally striking, let alone the smartest and kindest girl I know. She carries more character in her little toe than you in your whole body, Yua. I don’t give a damn about your model contract or looks, you are miserable and your jealousy makes you uglier than any other girl could ever be. If you talk about my girlfriend like that again, then there will be consequences. And now get out of the sun and annoy someone else.”
You can’t help but stare at him with glossy eyes through wet lashes. You never heard him leash out like that, especially not in order to protect you. It feels like your heart sprints out of your chest, the admiration you hold for him flies like sparks around him as you watch her face drop immediately.
“I never liked you anyway”, she hisses, turns around and walks away while swaying her hips dramatically.
Thick silence hangs in the air as both of you watch her leave.
“Hey, look at me.”
He lifts your chin up gently, other hand still resting on your waist.
“Don’t you dare to believe a single word she said. She’s just jealous, that’s all. You are the most beautiful girl on this planet and I am more than proud to call you my girlfriend…Wait, why are you crying?”
You can’t hold back the salty tears that sting in your eyes any longer. God, you love him so much that it hurts sometimes.
“I guess I’m just a little…overwhelmed. No one has ever stood up for me like that before…”
He wraps his arms around your frame and presses a gentle kiss on your head.
“You’re my everything, no other girl in the world will ever change that, okay?”
Gojo Satoru
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That was the greatest evening you’ve had in a long time. Despite all the work that awaits both of you at Jujutsu High in the morning, your drunken gaze wanders to your boyfriend who holds you in his strong arms.
“How is it I never knew about your passion for ABBA? Like for real, it scared me to see you like that”, he remarks, a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
“I just feel like some of their songs hit me in another dimension, y’know? Lay all your love on mee”, you babble out, singing into the warmth of the hot summer night.
“Oh god, luckily you are a better jujutsu sorcerer and teacher than a singer. And you’re pretty cute when you’re drunk.”
“Satoru, I’m not that drunk!”, you blur out, whole body shaking in giggling.
“Hell yes you are. And you look absolutely stunning in that skin tight dress. I can’t wait to rip it off your body as soon as we’re home.”
Adrenaline rushes through your veins, you feel like flying. Even if you’ve been his girlfriend for years by now, you still can’t believe that the stunning man in front of you is really your boyfriend. Satoru is simply jaw-dropping gorgeous, so easy on the eyes that it hurts. And while you are very aware of the fact that you are a striking woman yourself, you can’t get over the fact how outstanding he is.
“No wonder he’s taking you home when you look like a whore.”
“Although, he’s pretty handsome. How the hell did she manage to pull a guy like him?”
“Look at that slutty dress. I wouldn’t dare to leave the house with a body like that – Gross.”
All color drains from your face as the alcohol and good mood seems to be gone in the wind. You swallow hard, widen eyes pierced to the ground. You know all too well how mean women can be. These girls don’t know you, they haven’t even seen your face. There’s no use getting stressed out because of their venomous tongues.
“What did you just say?”
Satoru’s voice is low and dry – an auspicious combination.
“Satoru, c’mon. This is not worth fighting over it. Let’s just go home, shall we?”
“How dare you to disrespect my girlfriend like that, huh?”
He turns on his heels, moving towards the group of girls with rapid steps. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Your heart hammers against your chest, this anger is extremely rare. All that because of some stupid comments?
“W-we…weren’t t-talking a-about her”, one of them mutters, eyes pinned to the ground.
“Stop the crap. Just to make this clear: I wouldn’t even turn my head after basic bitches like you without some self-respect. Maybe you should invest your time in your puny self rather than badmouthing my woman who is obviously well above your measly level”, he spits into their faces without a spark of humor in his venomous words.
“And now get lost!”
He doesn’t need to tell them twice. As fast as their sky-high heels allow it they sprint away while exchanging looks of shock. You just stand there and stare at Satoru’s back, still absolutely mesmerized by the way he just stood up for you. Has a guy ever done something like this for you? Definitely not, especially not in such a hot way.
“How is it that I suddenly feel so turned on?”
Satoru turns around, casually walking towards you with a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
“That’s all I wanna hear. Let’s go home.”
Yuta Okkotsu
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It’s way too hot outside. You and your boyfriend Yuta are on a well-deserved day off which you want to spend shopping.
“Urgh, I’d die for an iced coffee”, you groan, sweat dripping from every pore.
“Why not get one then? Wait here”, Yuta replies in an instant, his usual bright smile lighting up your mood.
“You’re just a sweetheart. Thank you darling.”
You watch him enter the Starbucks shop in awe. God, how lucky you are to have a boyfriend like him. Even though he himself can’t see his worth, you definitely know that he is the best boyfriend you could have asked for. Always tender and caring and so stunning that you can’t stop staring at him. Thank god you decided to join Jujutsu High that day, otherwise you wouldn’t be here with him.
You frown. Why does he take so long? When you last saw him, he was the only customer in the store. You take a few steps and have to comprehend what you see.
The girl at the counter is holding your cup of iced coffee in one hand while she brushes over Yuta’s arm with the other. Your hands clench into fists while you see nothing but red. What the hell is she doing?
“Excuse me Miss, flirting with my boyfriend surely isn’t part of the job description”, you bark at her, feet carrying you inside the store without hesitation.
“Everything’s fine, I already told her that I’m taken, (y/n)”, Yuta shyly interrupts, face already red like a tomato.
This isn’t enough. The dirty smirk in her stupid face makes you want to break her nose right here right now.
“Now that I see you it seems like there’s no competition anyway”, she proclaims with unnatural high-pitched voice.
Something inside you snaps. Who the fuck does this bitch think she is to touch your boyfriend like that and talk to you in such a manner? You are way too good for her bullshit.
“Get your dirty hands off him before I beat that smile out of your ugly face”, you yell at her.
Oh no, there goes your temper again. The second Yuta saw you entering the store he knew there was trouble. You are pretty hot-headed, especially when it comes to someone hurting your feelings. And that girl was definitely going too far.
“Oh, I’d love to see that. Go ahead bitch”, she spits at you.
You grind your teeth, eyes narrow in nothing put hatred. You are only seconds away from feeding her your fist when Yuta grabs your arm and softly smiled down at you.
“Come on, she isn’t worth your time and energy, (y/n). You are the love of my life, no matter what. A random girl in a coffee shop won’t change that”, he murmurs into your ear.
“I’m flattered, but I already have a wonderful girlfriend. Have a nice day though.”
And with that, he gently pushes you out of the door, iced coffee in his hand. It takes you a few seconds to stop your heart from beating out of your chest and to unclench your hands.
“You know I would have beaten the shit out of her, right?”, you grumble, taking a sip of your coffee.
Yuta lets out a hearty laughter, arm wrapped around your shoulder.
“And she would never have forgotten that in her life. But we are here to have a day off, right? And she just wasn’t worth your time. After all, I love you with all my heart and a random girl won’t change that.”
“You could have told her to back off, though.”
His eyes widen in horror, face completely twisted.
“B-but I d-did tell h-her!”, he demands.
“I’m just messing with you darling”, you reply with a soft smile, intertwining your hand with his.
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
[A3!] ★ Main Story | Act 14 - DREAM CATCHER | Episode 7 - Medium-Hot Review
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Yuki: The clean copy is done.
Hato: Thank you. I appreciate the help. Well then, you’re free to go for today.
Yuki: Good work.
Koro: Woof, woof!
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Yuki: You went for a walk just a bit ago.
Hato: Koro, it’s time for Rurikawa-kun to go home, so he can’t play with you anymore. It’s time for you to say goodbye.
Hato: Ah, that reminds me… I’ve been asked to design costumes for an upcoming play, but I’m a bit short on staff…
Hato: Since you have experience with stage costumes, I was wondering if you’d be able to help me, Rurikawa-kun.
Hato: I can’t give you any of the details yet, but have you heard of Aiko Kataoka-san? They do costumes for Hollywood movies--. 
Yuki: --I’ve heard of them.
Hato: Good. Since you do costume design, I was certain you would.
Hato: What would you say if I told you that the same Kataoka-san is involved with this project?
Yuki: I’d love to do it, but… I’m more busy with my theater company at the moment.
Hato: Right. It is an important time for you guys right now, isn’t it?
Hato: Well, I’m sure there’ll be another opportunity like this at some point, so I’ll let you know when that time comes. Good job today.
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Yuki: …
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Passerby A: Yua Troupe’s performance was so novel and interesting~!
Passerby B: I honestly thought they just created a theater troupe for clout, but they called in some real hardcore theater people to be on their production team, so it was way better than I thought it’d be!
Passerby A: The contents of it had that typical Yua Troupe feel that gives things a sense of stability, and the audience was packed with OG fans, so overall, the whole thing seemed to be going pretty strong.
Passerby B: I’m gonna write a review on Encom!
Yuki: (Encom, huh… I’ll check it out just a bit, for the sake of researching other theater troupes.)
Yuki: …
Yuki: (That Yua Troupe they were just talking about was selected as a notable troupe. And they were ranked pretty high during the pre-voting…)
Review: “And the costumes were cool too! They didn’t look a whole lot like stage costumes, but Yua Troupe’s got such good taste~.”
Yuki: …
Yuki: (There’s a MANKAI Company review too… I don’t know if I really want to see something like this, but, well, it’s for research…)
Review: “Spring Troupe’s performance was literally the best thing ever! I never thought they would’ve done a sequel, but the way you could feel how much they’ve grown had me sobbing!”
Review: “I can’t wait for Summer Troupe’s either~. If they go with this trend, that means it’ll be a sequel to their debut, right?”
Yuki: (Seems like people generally liked it…)
Review: “The costumes had that same stable feel they always have. But don’t you think that as Yuki Rurikawa’s become more established as a creator, his costumes have started to lack a bit of surprise and unexpectedness?” 
Review: “Maybe I’m just noticing it more after seeing Yua Troupe. I guess it’s just inevitable when you have the same designer do things every single time~.”
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Yuki: --.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Troupe Member: Good work today, Ikaruga-kun. There are only a few more shows left, but let’s keep up the good work until the end.
Misumi: Ka~y! Good work~.
Misumi: (Being on a stage other than MANKAI’s was a little weird at first, but once I got used to it, it’s been fun~.)
Misumi: (It’s interesting to see all the different actors, scripts, and stage direction~.)
Syu: …Good work.
Misumi: Huh? What are you doing here~?
Syu: My bad. I didn’t have your contact info, so I just had to wait for ya to come out.
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Misumi: Did you see my performance?
Syu: Yeah. I happened to know someone who was in the show, so I came to watch and was surprised to see you there too.
Syu: While we’re at it, I thought I’d invite ya to come have a drink with me.
Misumi: Sure~. And after that, we can exchange our LIMEs~.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Syu: So you’ve been doin’ a few guest performances here and there lately, huh? Didn’t think ya were the type.
Misumi: Director-san and Tenma and all the others suggested it. It’s been really fun getting out there!
Syu: Is that so? Well, with actin’ talent as good as yours, I’m sure you’ll be in high demand.
Misumi: And they also said that I can grow by gaining lotsa experience on different stages~!
Misumi: I’ve also gotta try even harder for the Fleur Award.
Syu: Huh, I’m surprised you’ve thought about it that much.
Syu: Did Hakkaku-san teach ya about theater?
Misumi: Nope. But he showed me videos of old MANKAI Company performances~.
Syu: I see. Well, given the way Hakkaku-san was, I dunno if he was really the type to take his grandkid by the hand and teach ‘em everything he knows step-by-step.
Misumi: What was it like performing on stage with one of Gramps’s scripts?
Syu: Let me think… Well, simply put, it was excitin’.
Syu: I like Hakkaku-san’s scripts and I was happy to be the first to read ‘em before they were released to the public.
Syu: Hakkaku-san’s scripts ain’t just interestin’ to talk about, they’re pretty actor-friendly too.
Syu: He made sure to think about how to make each and every role shine onstage.
Syu: You could really feel that he trusted ya as an actor, which in turn got ya fired up.
Misumi: I see~. I wish I coulda also been on Gramps’s stage before he died~.
Syu: Did you start actin’ when you joined the troupe?
Misumi: Yep.
Syu: Gotcha…
Syu: Your actin’ has its moments where it shines, but it lacks depth. If there’s anythin’ you should be more aware of in the future, it’s that.
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Misumi: Depth…?
Syu: Ya can’t control your own life experiences, but ya can experience the lives of many different actors on stage.
Syu: The more experiences ya have, the more depth your actin’ will have.
Syu: In that sense, you’ve made a good move by adding guest performances to your deck.
Syu: I know you’re prolly busy with the Fleur Award right now, but if you’re interested, get in touch with me. If it’s you were talkin’ about, I’m always ready to welcome ya.
Misumi: Okay, got it~.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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adragonthatwrites · 9 months
So I've been thinking about BingQiQiu; aka Yue Qingyuan thrown into Bingqiu. Usually because Shen Yuan and Jiu are, cohabiting, so to speak. Which is a cool idea, and I've read some very neat fics exploring both the idea and the ship (very good btw I recommend, specifically our story's just begun by aishiteru on AO3. Liu Qingge's there too it's great!)
Anyway, so here's the thing about that: I find the concept a little bit hilarious, because I realized that if Bingge were to ever pull up into that reality and try anything, he would get his shit ROCKED.
Like listen; in the original PIDW Luo Binghe never really defeated Yue Qingyuan. He had to resort to dirty play and carefully laid traps to take him down, and never crossed swords with him, because Yua Qingyuan never ONCE drew his sword in the original. Not ONCE did Luo Binghe go sword to sword with Yue Qingyuan, and even THEN he still needed to rely on a trap to kill him.
So with that in mind, you can't tell me that Bingge would stand a single chance against both his alternate self (thus canceling out his protagonist halo) AND Yue Qingyuan.
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Nayshall's clothing (pt. 1)
I'm gonna be 100% honest with ya'll. I was writing a Bosch smut and for the life of me, I didn't know the names of the clothes he was wearing. But I didn't want to put "Robes" and move on, so I did a deep dive into Nayshall's clothes.
Nayshall is a blend of multiple cultures in one, but the general consensus of forums on Reddit and other forums was that Nayshall was inspired by Bhutan, Nepal, Indian, and Tibet cultures.
This is going to be split into multiple of parts because Nayshall has a lot of different types of clothes so I won't be able to cover it in one sitting. I barely even scratched the surface here.
If anyone is more knowledgeable than me and sees that I got something wrong please tell me in the comments. But I'm posting this because I want people to see the hard work the street-fighting devs put into this and the world of Nayshall.
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The chuba is a floor-length, left-crossing loose garment that is adjusted at the waist with a wide, usually red cloth belt, and pulled up to different degrees according to sex, rank or region. It is an extraordinarily adaptable garment worn by town dwellers, farmers, nomads, men and women alike, and is equally wearable on horse or motorcycle.
Chubas are pocket-less and held together with a waistband, with room in the front that serves as an “inside pocket” or inner pouch to store necessities such as food items, money belts, amulets, personal things, and even an infant in the bosom.
The chuba can be worn in different lengths, and the shorter the chuba, the more voluminous the pouch resulting from the overhanging material used to hold small items. Women wear their chuba ankle length, while men mostly pull them up the mid-calf or above the knee. Tibetan weather is fickle and temperatures can rise and fall within minutes.
Half-chupas: Just the skirt
Full chupas: Can be worn with a shirt
One-piece chupas: A one-piece dress
Town women: Wear their chubas floor length with pumps or high heel boots
Farmers and nomads: Double them over trousers 
Ex: Rewancha, Yua, and Bosch all wore a form of chuba as their gown.  The Chuba had 2 sleeves, but the locals usually only wear one sleeve and leave the other hanging loose. This is a way of adjusting the body temperature. When it gets hot, they take off one sleeve to cool down a bit. But if the temperature keeps rising they remove another sleeve too. We can actually see in Bosch's picture that the other sleeve is tucked in the back.
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They often have soft fur, pulu, or colorful cloth on the collar, front, cuff, and lower hem of the gown.
5 types of robes could be made out of, Pulu woven fabrics, lambskin robes, sheepskin robes, woolen robes, and light robes.
Woolen robes are made with inner layers of sheep fur, so they are light and warm, making them popular in warmer, agricultural areas like Nayshall.
Pulu, the traditional Tibetan wool fabric, is made by fluffing and combing the wool into a thread by fingers, then weaving it with a wooden shuttle loom. Pulu robes are a favorite in pastoral areas as well as farmland.
Lambskin is ranked by degree, according to the length of lamb hair, curliness, and quality of the skin. 40+ lambskin is necessary to make a medium-class lambskin robe.
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Modern and traditional
A growing trend among young Tibetans is blending traditional and modern casual clothing. Young Tibetans often try to find a balance between modern styles and their cultural heritage. It is not uncommon to see some Western-style clothing like jeans and t-shirts
The classic chuba robe is still everywhere, but Tibetan youth will make stylish adaptations. The cut of the fabric or the embroidered designs will be changed to something more contemporary. These changes show the desire to keep old traditions alive while making innovations to express personal style.
Ex. Same with the people in Nayshall they blend traditional and modern together. Shopkeeper Tsanpa wears jeans with his gho (Bhutan) tucked in. Yua wears modern shoes that resemble Tibetan boots, and Kina wears a beanie on top of her head.
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note that Kina may also be wearing a Kora Yushu hat.
The Kora Yushu hat is made from a blend of yak and merino wool, and its fabric originates from Tibet and China. Kora sources the wool directly from Tibetan communities to ensure its quality and origin. The hat is lightweight, warm, and thin enough to fit beneath a hood or helmet, making it suitable for winter and mountain use.
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Tibetan hair jewelry, including braids and hair beads, is used to mark life milestones like birth, marriage, adulthood, and death. The jewelry often reflects the colors of nature.
Tibetan hair beads can be used by both men and women. In Tibet, long hair was recommended for both men and women, except for monks and nuns. Tibetan braids can signal a woman's marital status, social rank, and tribal affiliation. Tibetan men wear hair beads but there is no male equivalent. 
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Tibetan headdresses vary by region, age, and marital status. For example, unmarried girls wear a single braid with a red hair string, called Xia Jiu in Tibetan. 
Tibetan women wear headdresses on special occasions, such as festivals and their comings-of-age. Headdresses can be colorful and made of coral, turquoise, or other materials. For example, a "Bazhu" is a deluxe headdress made of coral or turquoise with gold or silver earrings. Tibetan women also wear silver bracelets on their left hand and white conch bracelets on their right. 
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Tibetans traditionally wear jewelry, which is often made from gold, silver, and precious stones. The most common gems used are turquoise, coral, and pearls, which are used in necklaces, earrings, hair ornaments, and to decorate ritual objects. Tibetan jewelry can also be made from cow bone, amber, shell, and agate.
Tibetans wear a variety of jewelry, including ornaments made of gold and silver, as well as jewelry made of amber, agate, jadeite, pearl, and ivory. Tibetan jewelry traditionally features materials from across South Asia, East Asia, and the Middle East, and the symbols on Tibetan jewelry are usually from Himalayan Buddhism. Tibetans like to wear many ornaments and jewelry, such as Buddha beads, hair bands, hair accessories, belts, prayer beads, and necklaces.
Jewelry is a symbol of status and wealth in Tibetan culture, and each design has a specific meaning. For example, ornaments with symbols of animals, flowers, and stones are often given to commemorate special occasions. Some also believe that wearing gold enhances spiritual power over evil spirits. Offering jewelry to holy statues is thought to generate positive virtue for the donor. 
This article also goes into the types of ornaments they use in their jewelry
Jewelry can also serve as a talisman, with different amulets protecting against disease and harm. For example, coral and turquoise are said to ward off evil spirits and illness. 
Many Tibetan jewelry pieces are passed down from generation to generation. For example, some Tibetan-style pendants are used in Buddhism as ritual instruments to subdue demons, which are believed to dispel sins and bring people power, intelligence, and courage. Many of these pendants also have Sanskrit inscriptions of a religious symbolic nature.
Braids are also a symbol of strength, wisdom, and identity for some indigenous men and boys. They can also represent a connection to the earth, ancestors, and the creator. For example, in Native American tradition, hair is a signifier of spiritual practice, and braiding demonstrates strength in unity
sumba shoes
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Tibetans typically wear boots, which are more cultural representations than practical clothing. However, due to the prevalence of mass-produced shoes, traditional Tibetan boots are no longer the daily footwear for ordinary Tibetans. Instead, they are now usually part of ceremonial attire.
Tibetan boots are a significant part of the Tibetan way of life. They are more cultural than practical, and are worn to represent different regions and environments. For example, boots with a pointed toe are suitable for different types of terrain, and can be worn with a garter in cold weather. Boots from different regions of Tibet have different styles and qualities. For example, boots from Chamdo and northern Tibet are simple, while boots from Shannan and Xigaze are more delicate.
Tibetan boots are commonly made from cowhide, pigskin, corduroy, and pulu, a traditional woolen fabric. Other materials used include cloth, canvas, velvet, leather, and felt. The original boots were made from yak hide, and the soles were embroidered with patterns like dragons and snakes, and the shoes were decorated with red and green woolen cloth.
Tibetan boots come in two general types: short leg and long leg. Most Tibetan boots are lined or padded, though some may be unlined. The heads of corduroy boots are made of cowhide, and many kinds of pulu boots have cowhide soles.
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asordinaryppl · 3 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 14: DREAM CATCHER - Episode 7: Reviews With A Slight Burn
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Yuki: I’ve made a clean copy.
Hatou: Thank you. You’re a big help. You can go for today.
Yuki: Thank you for todaaay.
Coro: Woof, woof!
Yuki: You just went for a walk, didn’t you?
Hatou: Coro, Rurikawa-kun’s done for the day, so he can’t play with you anymore. He’ll be here again tomorrow.
Hatou: Ah, that reminds me… I’ve been approached to design costumes for a certain play, but I don’t have the manpower for it…
Hatou: I know you’ve got some experience with creating stage costumes, so could I ask for your help?
Hatou: I can’t disclose any details yet, but have you heard of Kataoka Aiko-san? She has created outfits for Hollywood movies, amongst others–
Yuki: – I’ve heard of her.
Hatou: Figured so. Everyone who works in costume design knows about her.
Hatou: Kataoka-san will also be involved in this, so how about it?
Yuki: I do want to participate… But I’m pretty busy with my theater troupe.
Hatou: Right. It’s an important period for you guys.
Hatou: Well, there’s probably going to be more opportunities like this, so I’ll keep you informed. Good work today.
Yuki: …
Passerby A: Yua Troupe’s performance was so fun and refreshing~!
Passerby B: Honestly, I thought they were just goofing about making a theater company, but they invited some serious names into the production team, it was such a pleasant surprise!
Passerby A: The content was stable and befitting of Yua Troupe, and they had a full house of people who were already fans, they’re really strong.
Passerby B: Gotta write a review on En.com!
Yuki: (Oh, En.com… I’ll need to check it out if I want to do research on other troupes.)
Yuki: …
Yuki: (That Yua Troupe they mentioned is chosen as a featured troupe. They also ranked high in the pre-voting…)
Review: “The costumes were so cool! They didn’t really feel like stage costumes, but Yua Troupe’s got a great sense of style.”
Yuki: …
Yuki: (There’s also reviews of MANKAI Company… I’m a little hesitant to check those out, but, I guess I should have a look…)
Review: “The Spring Troupe’s performance was the best! I wasn’t expecting them to do a sequel, but I was moved to tears, seeing how much they’ve grown!”
Review: “I can’t wait for the Summer Troupe~ If they continue this way, they’ll also do a sequel to their debut performance, right?”
Yuki: (It’s mostly good comments…)
Review: “The costumes are as solid as ever. But maybe because Yuki Rurikawa’s artistry has been established, they sorta lack some element of surprise or change?”
Review: “It might be more noticeable because I watched it after Yua Troupe. But I guess it’s inevitable when all costumes have the same designer~”
Yuki: ——
Troupe member: Thank you for your hard work today, Ikaruga-kun. There are only a few performances left, we’ll be counting on you then too.
Misumi: Okaaay! Thanks for your hard work~
Misumi: (Standing on a stage with a troupe other than MANKAI Company was a little strange at first, but it got really fun after I got used to it~)
Misumi: (There are all kinds of actors, and the scripts and direction are all completely different, it’s really interesting~)
Syu: … Good work.
Misumi: Oh~? Why are you here~?
Syu: Sorry. I don’t have your contact info, so I was waiting for you here.
Misumi: You came to see the play?
Syu: Yeah. Someone I know happened to be playing here, so I came to watch. Didn’t think you’d be here too.
Syu: Figured it’d be a good chance to have a drink with you.
Misumi: Okay~ Let’s exchange LIME info later~
Syu: Have ya been guest starring in all sorts of plays lately? You didn’t strike me as the type.
Misumi: People like Director-san and Tenma kept recommending it to me. It was fun when I tried it out!
Syu: That so. Well, with acting skills as good as yours, you’re bound to be in high demand.
Misumi: Also, if I gain experience by acting on various stages, I can grow~!
Misumi: I have to do more than my best for the Fleur Award.
Syu: Woah, you put lots of thought into this.
Syu: Was it Hakkaku-san that taught you how to act?
Misumi: Nuh-uh. He showed me footage of the old MANKAI Company’s performances~
Syu: I see. Well, knowing Hakkaku-san, he probably wasn’t the type of guy to hold his grandson’s hand the whole way.
Misumi: How did it feel standing on stage and acting out Grandpa’s scripts?
Syu: Let’s see… Well, in simple terms, it was exciting.
Syu: I loved Hakkaku-san’s scripts, and I was happy to be the first to read them before the world saw them.
Syu: Hakkaku-san’s scripts weren’t just interesting, they were also kind on the actors.
Syu: They made sure every single role shone on stage.
Syu: I felt like he trusted in my skills as an actor, and that fired me up.
Misumi: I see~ I wish I could’ve had a role in Grandpa’s plays before he passed away~
Syu: Did you start acting when you joined the company?
Misumi: Yup.
Syu: I see how it is…
Syu: Your acting is brilliant, but it lacks depth. That’s something you oughta pay attention to in the future.
Misumi: Depth…?
Syu: Can’t do anything about your life experience, but on stage you should be able to experience the lives of many different roles.
Syu: The more you act, the more depth your acting will have.
Syu: In that sense, guest starring in even more plays is a good idea.
Syu: You’ve probably got your hands full with the Fleur Award right now, but you can always contact me if you’re interested. If it’s you, I’ll give you a grand welcome.
Misumi: Okay, got it~
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nono-uwu · 3 months
The boy!! Whooo we all cheered for the silly little guy
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Loree utc :3
Homura was born into a loving family. He was always a little different (aka autisitc) but his family still loved him and he loved them. He had difficulties fitting in with his peers at school but that didn't bother him as at the end of the day he would return to his family. How nice :)
Then december 25th 2012 happens and they all die-
So as the sole <13 year old in his family, he survives the inital apocalypse but then has to evade vampire capture. How? He shuts himself in a closet with a knife and prays to whatever god there is that they don't find him.
Luck is on his side as two days later, Yua finds him. A very # dramatic scene play out where he lunges at her with the knife, she catches his hand and goes to pat his head like "it's okay kid you're safe". Our boy gets pseudo adopted by Yua and she takes him to JIDA headquarters. He bravley signs up to training to become a soldier and a few years pass.
Once he gets his very own demonic weapon, he chooses a gun(I think it's a rifle? but idfk it just looks cool). His demon is surprisingly polite, a young silver haired girl. Her only condition on lending him all her power is that he sometimes gives her full contol over his body, during which he's unconscious.
When Yua gets back from her solo mission, very noticeably unharmed he jumps to her defense. Thanks to his superb bargaining skills he gets Yua a less harsh punshment and continuously jumps to her defense afterwards.
As for his army career... it's a little weird. He somehow has incredible luck. He returns mostly unharmed from even the most dangerous missions, even when his squadmates bite the dust or get heavily injured. Homura himself has no real idea how he always survives (probably thanks to his demon) whoch has netted him an unfavorable reputation amongst his fellow soldiers. Due to this he's usually delegated to supplying and protecting human settlement.
Whenever Yua would come back from her adventures, he'd eagerly listen to what she's been up to. After each time, the prospect of he himself visiting those vampires becomes more and more enticing. He already has a hard time getting along with his fellow soldiers and his luck would probably save him from death. Besides, Yua speaks highly of them, so they can't be that bad.
One day he mentiones this to Yua who, understandably, isn't too excited about the idea. She may get a free pass but Homura? He's just another human soldier to the vampires.
To test the waters, Yua just takes Homura to meet with Machigai since he'd be the most understanding. Machigai is just like "bro idfk go ask them yourself" but that ordeal is cut short by a wandering Chess appearing out of nowhere (she was bored and decided to follow Machigai even though he specifically told her, Horn and Crowley that he'd like to go alone lol). A very panicked explanation by Yua later and Chess is fully on board with getting another human friend (if she gets to drink some of his blood that is >:3). Shortly after, Nagoya city hall now has two special human visitors who regularly bring intel and snacks!
Ofc this gets him into some hot water when others notice his prolonged absences and his adamant defense of Yua, who is already under suspicion of being a 'traitor to humanity', but he doesn't care. (Will probably elaborate on this sometime)
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Some other submission ideas (sorry I have too many /lh):
Win: If you smell burnt toast, chances are you're having a stroke. A stroke of luck that is, it's fucking toast time!
Sara, while in the Heaven or Hell game and the Desire Royale: Shout out to everyone who's dealing with... the horrors... of it all.
Ace, when leaving a concert with Keiwa, Neon and Michinaga: With only our wits and poorly charged phones to guide us... I am Odysseus, guided by the North Star of the vague direction where everyone else is kind of going, while we try find the way out of this concert hall...
Michinaga: Odysseus! Let's go!
Geryon: Just because I'm nonbinary doesn't mean I'm gender neutral... I'm actually gender evil! (Scurries away to further El Dorado)
Kaguya, when he's henshinning into Legendary Legend: I want something big, I want something that says I'm here... Béyonce!
Kyoka: I dreamed I tweeted 'You're a nihilist? Cool! What do you nihil?' and then my laptop exploded in the dream, and I woke up in a panic.
Yua, after punching Gai Amastu and resigning from ZAIA: Revenge makes it sound so negative, I like to call it DIY justice. Maybe I don't have the right tools and certifications, and the outcome's a little bit messier than I had planned, but I'm an independent woman who got a job done!
Isamu, seeing beach maintainence: And this is a message for the council, there's a JCB... going into the sea! He's reversing into the sea, he thinks he's a boat! We need help immediately...
That’s a lot of submissions…
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c-cw-f-saeko · 9 months
asami kobayashi (oc)
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another seiryo student, senior so she's at her last year at the school
18 years old
idol trainee and is set to debut after graduating
tall (~180 cm) and orange ball enthusiast !!!!
chose the basketball club instead of the dance club (bc dancing is all she does outside of school.......)
has a bit of an intimidating aura but is quite chill actually
she's the type of people who is fine being a loner at school, mostly keeps to herself
people say she is standoffish but actually just doesn't go out her way to be a social butterfly
she just wants to fly off the radar, and move on with her life
hard worker in everything she does
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yua met her for the first time while she was street performing with other trainees (a bit before tesso enrolled her at seiryo)
and she thought she looked quite cool !!
so, yua was a bit surprised to find her at school....
they met through koda
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favourite activity of them is to share snacks after school and practice dancing (yua is an enthusiast but too embarrassed to join the actual dance club. asami helps her out since she used to be a weak dancer)
tesso knows asami to be yua's closest friend and wasn't weirded out by the fact he's in the mafia (😭 lol)
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social-muffin · 2 days
Yua's turn! What's her favourite fashion aesthetic? Does it inspire her often or does she like to experiment around?
I assume it's because they're both gang leaders, but is there any other reason why her and Sana are rivals? Do they not get along? I imagine them bickering during fights lel must be quite the duo
Has she ever taken on Hibari? Who'd win in case of a fight (if it's even plausible)?
Hi again Myell! Thank you so much for all these Asks! 🫶
Asks for Yua! 💞
What's her favourite fashion aesthetic?
Let me give you two examples of styles she favors!
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Yua's favorite fashion style to wear is on the left! She is a delinquent girl, after all. Long skirts, cool belts, fingerless gloves. She sometimes tries to play around with her uniform, but Kyoya is very attentive, so she mostly sticks to a variety of subtle accessories.
But the style she admires the most is very feminine, flowery, pink and cute! Not necessarily just Lolita styles, but this was a good example of what would make her gasp out loud!
Does it inspire her often or does she like to experiment around?
Yua is constantly experimenting, not just with her own style, but with all of her friends, too! Kyoya may stick to plain, boring outfits, but the others love when Yua helps them style an outfit!
Yua draws inspiration from her own fashion likes, as well as the person's personality and usual style!
Is there any other reason, besides them being gang leaders, why her and Sana are rivals? Do they not get along?
They aren't rivals because they're gang leaders actually! Their gangs are neutral towards one another. Yua and Sana are rivals in a private sense. They personalities are almost perfect opposites. Yua is reserved, polite, business focused and no-nonsenss. Sana is much too friendly, crosses boundaries sometimes, likes having fun and likes teasing his colleagues.
They're friends as well, as they do care about each other, but their personalities conflict so often that they frequently argue and fight and, ultimately, declared one another their arch rivals!
It's a rivalry Kyoya kinda admires. Build off of trust, conflict and understanding one another. They won't change for each other, so they're friendly rivals!
Has she ever taken on Hibari? Who'd win in case of a fight (if it's even plausible)?
Yua does spar with Kyoya on occasion! So far, Kyoya has always won, no matter what silly rules he made up to make it harder for himself. Yua is simply too soft to attack him with her killing intent. ^^;
Sometimes Kyoya will see her use a move in a fight, realize she's never used that move against him and get sooo mad he'll involve himself in her fight to attack her about the injustice!
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depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
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A Scarecrow's Secret
Words: 1,779
Musician AU: Scarecrow
For my AU-Tober and @kakagaievents Kakagai Halloween event using the prompt 'Scarecrow'<3
The life of a musician was full of parties.
That was one of the first things Gai had learned when he went on the road with his band. No matter how many shows they were doing or how late those shows went, there would be a party afterward.
Today’s party just happened to fall on Halloween, making it a double event. A party to celebrate the band’s latest concert, and a Halloween party. Everyone was expected to show up in costume, and Gai was determined to make sure that everyone did.
“What are you going to be?” He draped an arm around Kakashi’s shoulders and grinned when the security guard leveled him with a rather unimpressed look. “Don’t tell me you didn’t think of a costume.”
“I have many costumes,” Kakashi insisted. “I just thought going as ‘your boyfriend’ was enough to terrify everyone in the room.”
Gai rolled his eyes. “How is that even the least bit terrifying?”
“You tell a room full of fan girls dreaming of getting into bed with you that you have a boyfriend, and the room will combust into tears.”
Opening his mouth, Gai frowned when he realized he had nothing to combat that with. 
“But,” Kakashi continued without hesitation. “If you think that would be a little too traumatizing for your fans, I could show up as Genma.”
“And that’s terrifying because?”
“Have you looked at him? He’s so-” Slapping a hand over his boyfriend's mouth, Gai sighed. He knew exactly what Kakashi was about to say and it wasn’t something that he wanted to hear. Especially since Genma could walk in on them at any moment.
They weren’t exactly in a private hotel room, after all. 
“Please tell me you have something else to dress up as.” Kakashi’s eyes darted down to the hand covering his mouth and with a semi-exhausted sigh Gai removed it. “And please, don’t say Ebisu.”
“I’m trying to terrify people, not traumatize them.”
“That’s…why are you so rude?”
“It’s not rude if I’m telling the truth,” Kakashi argued, laughing when Gai gave him a light smack across the shoulder. “Alright, sorry. A costume. Well… what are you being?”
Upon hearing the question a smile broke out across Gai’s face. “I was going to go as my favorite musician, the white fang,” he declared proudly. “Not particularly terrifying, but I thought it would be cool,” He’d expected Kakashi to agree with his fantastic choice of costumes, but instead was greeted with a pained cringe. “What?”
“Nothing,” Kakashi cleared his throat, but Gai didn’t believe him for a second. “Just an…interesting choice.”
“He’s one of the most amazing singers!” throwing himself back on the couch, Gai chuckled when Kakashi looked down at him with a rather unimpressed look. “Name one better singer. I dare you.”
“I…” heat rushed into Gai’s cheeks so fast that he felt his head starting to spin. “what!?” 
“There’s also that singer, what’s her name,” snapping his fingers and squinting his eyes, Kakashi frowned. then, as if a bolt of lightning had suddenly struck him, his eyes widened.“Oh! The Silent Storm! Minamoto Yua!”
“She’s his wife,” Gai informed his boyfriend with a proud smile. “They got married long before either of us were born. I think they even had a kid,” thinking about it, he couldn’t help but laugh. “A kid with two of the best singers in the entire world. I wonder what their voice sounds like.”
“Must be something,” he could swear he heard Kakashi snort, but when he looked at his boyfriend again he was just standing there staring at him with those tender black eyes that he loved losing himself in whenever he could. “Anyways,” waving his hand, he dismissed the conversation as if it had no value. “You’re going to be the white fang, so how about I dress up as a scarecrow?”
“A scarecrow?” tilting his head, Gai frowned. “What does a scarecrow have to do with the white fang?”
“Well, his name is Hatake Sakumo,” Kakashi explained. “Hatake means field, Sakumo means crop. So if I dress up as a scarecrow it’ll be a whole theme,” Gai stared at his boyfriend as if he’d just grown a second head. “what?”
“Kakashi…” Taking a deep breath, he released it through his mouth. “How do you know the meaning of the white fangs' names?”
For the first time since they’d met, Gai saw an expression on his boyfriend's face that he never thought was physically possible for him to show.
“I did my research?” 
“I…may know him,” his boyfriend explained while refusing to make eye contact with him. “On a personal level.”
Suddenly a lot of things began to make sense. Kakashi’s aversion to any conversation around the White Fang, his similar silver hairstyle and sharp black eyes, and even the way he sometimes looked like the spitting image of the White Fang.
Slapping both hands over his face, Gai groaned. “How can I be so stupid?”
“You’re not stupid,” spreading his fingers, he glared at his boyfriend from the small spaces he’d created between them. “You’re not! In fact, you’re the first one to realize.”
“Well, second,” Kakashi admitted with a slight cringe. “Technically Yamato figured it out first, but he actually got to see us in the same room together so it was a lot easier for him.”
Dragging his hands down over his face, he allowed everything to sink in. Not only was he dating the most handsome security guard he’d ever had the pleasure of meeting, but he was dating the son of the White Fang. The one musician he’d looked up to since childhood, and the person he wanted to be just like. When he’d first begun his musical career he’d sung the White Fangs songs in dingy pubs and bars. 
He’d always wanted to be just like his hero, and somehow in his attempts to emulate the man he looked up to he’d ended up falling in love with his son.
“I really am hopeless,” he sighed, recalling all of the times Genma and Ebisu had teased him about his hero worship. “I’ve known you for, what, two years now?”
“Three,” Kakashi corrected him, earning himself the best ‘unimpressed glare’ that Gai could muster up at the moment. “Right, sorry. Continue.”
“I should have noticed. I mean, how could I not notice? You’re the spitting image of him! And your personality,” well that wasn’t actually anything like the White fangs. The white fang was cheerful and open. Kakashi was more closed off and aloof.  The one personality trait they did share was that they both seemed to be incredibly dorky, but while the White Fang was unafraid of showing his dorky side to the public, Kakashi reserved him for private moments.
Only special people, such as Yamato and Gai, were allowed to see Kakashi in his dorkiest moments. 
“This is a lot to take in,” he whispered while mulling over this newfound information. 
All sorts of different thoughts began swirling around in his head. Surprise, fascination, and panic.
A deep, gut-wrenching panic that quickly overwhelmed all of the other emotions.
Had he fallen for Kakashi because of how similar he was to his father?
Was his love for Kakashi a result of his hero worship spilling over into his interactions with his boyfriend?
Did Kakashi think any of this was true?
“Kakashi, I-“
“You’re bad with faces,” Kakashi answered before he could even begin to form some sort of apology for his mistakes. In response, Gai simply sat there staring at him as though he’d just dropped a giant bomb of information on him. “It took you three months to remember who Yamato was, and that was after seeing him constantly for two weeks during the start of your last tour.” 
“And let’s not forget Kisame. The bass guitarist of the new band ‘The Akatsuki’. Every time he sees you he’s ready for a face-off on the stage, but to this day you can’t remember who he is.”
“Kisame…” searching his memory banks, Gai frowned when he couldn’t find a face to match the name. “You said he was a bass guitarist?”
“He literally paints his skin blue and has a make-up artist give him shark gills whenever he goes out in public,” Kakashi sighed. “Anyways, my point is that you’re bad with faces. Beating yourself up for not recognizing my father’s features in me is ridiculous. You’re more likely to remember him by his jacket than you are to recall what his face looks like.” 
Flopping down on the couch beside him, Kakashi wrapped an arm around Gai’s shoulder and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug.
The type of hug that was more likely to come from Gai, and which anyone who looked at Kakashi in his oversized uniform would assume he wasn’t capable of giving.
Gai’s bones would disagree with those assessments.
“So, stop beating yourself up over it,” Kakashi insisted. “And start thinking about another costume, because I can tell you right now if you go with your chosen look you will be sleeping alone on Halloween.” 
Resting his head against Kakashi’s shoulder, he huffed. “But I've already put in so much work. I even got all of the patches for my leather jacket.”
“Mmmhmm, alright. Let me ask you a question then. What would you think if I showed up to the party looking like your old man?”
The image hit Gai like a ton of bricks.
There was nothing wrong with how his papa looked. He had the signature bowl cut that Gai had inherited from him, great taste in clothing, and a big bushy mustache that anyone would be jealous of.
As a father, he was the perfect specimen, but the idea of kissing someone who looked just like him made Gai’s skin crawl.
“Alright, I get it,” he sighed, silently wondering if there were any last-minute costumes he could pick up that would even come close to being as good as the one he’d spent the last two months working on. 
“Thank you,” leaning in, Kakashi kissed his forehead. “So it’s decided. I’ll be a scarecrow and you’ll find a new costume.”
“Something good,” Gai muttered under his breath. “Something-“ a smile stretched across his face when an idea came to mind.
“Gai…” Meeting his boyfriend's gaze, he snickered when he saw Kakashi eyeing him with a cautious look. “I’m going to regret asking you to change costumes, aren't I?”
Lifting his right hand, he pinched his thumb and forefinger together so that there was only a sliver of space left between them. “A bit, maybe.”
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bendingmuses · 4 months
didnt another anon suggest that yuas dad could be a sun warrior?? this anon really likes that idea
Someone did, and it's a cool idea and concept. That's just not how I see their family. To me, Izumi is not one to sleep around or have one night stands. So having the father of at least one of her children means that she would either regularly go visit that Sun Warrior or that he moved to the Capitol to be with her. Izumi has too many responsibilities to go running off to the ruins of the Sun Warrior Civilization to see a fling, and I don't think she would accept a long distance relationship like that. And having the Sun Warrior leave his culture and homeland to be the future Fire Lord doesn't sit right with me. I also don't think Izumi would have stuck around long enough with the Sun Warriors to get attached to them. Especially since Zuko would have stress the secrecy of their society to her. There's no way he'd be able to leave his society without raising suspicions or questions.
I love that you guys adore Yua, but I have been writing this family for years. I have a vision for this family. Izumi built her family on love, trust, and connectiveness. She would not have chosen a partner that she couldn't marry or that couldn't be there with her and her children. She needs a partner that understand her propiorities and duties. I don't think a Sun Warrior would understand that.
You're free to have your own likes and picture Zuko and Izumi's family however you want, but my take on Izumi's husband is Kojin. Until we actually get canon information about Yua or her father, I won't be changing him anytime soon. I enjoy him how he is, and think he's a perfect contrast for the husband and father we saw Ozai being.
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wing-dingy · 6 months
🍉 , 🥭, 🌽 , and 🥑 for bao! <3
🍉 [WATERMELON] What will your OC take to the grave?
Nothing. She's a very open book but her own will. She's loud and honest and doesn't really keep anything a secret (do not tell her your secrets she will blurt them out one way or another but only be accident lmao)
🥭 [MANGO] What colours best represent them and why? Does this differ from their favourites?
I've always liked lilac to represent her, it was a colour I used to associate with Isamu's mom, Yua, so it being passed down to her is like a nice connection they won't otherwise have since Bao was made too late to meet her. It's like basically welcoming her to the family because Yua would've loved Bao <3 i think it would also be her fave colour anyway
🌽 [CORN] How good are they at hiding and finding their way?
Would be better at hiding if she was so quick to react out loud to things hjgfbg I can just see her hiding from some sort of threat but blows her cover because she gets fired up and tries to pick a fight. As for finding her way, well, depends on the situation and place she's in. She's pretty good at finding her way around the outworld market and the island, places she's familiar with so she knows significant things to keep an eye out for. While she's out and exploring, I think just as easily she can get lost, but give her a moment and she'll find her way as it starts coming back to her. Definitely better than Isamu lol
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Being on her dad's side. Yeah okay Shang isn't the greatest person to say the least, but that's still her dad that created her and raised and loved her every step of the way. I mean if it came to conquering the realm and life as they know it okay she wouldn't be so cool with that but she'll still defend him when the sky temple fam is having bad feelings about him.
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empressofthesunwriter · 10 months
Maiden of the Moon
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What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.
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So I made a pic of the passenger who entered Yua's mind and the rest of the Mochizuki family.
And as little treat how Yua looks in Inosuke’s dream.
I found a Beta-Reader the wonderful JayWalkerReal from Wattpad.
So it can happened that the chapter don’t come all two to three days but a bit later, till she corrects anything-
Hope you understand!
Now on with the Story.
Chapter 14: Beautiful Nightmares
Our four Demon Slayers enter the inside of the train.
Fascinate Yua looks around, as she had said she never had taken a train, so it was an amazing experience.
Inosuke thought the same and showing no manners like always, stormed between seat rows, scarring passengers, so he could look out the window.
“So fast! Hahahaha!”, laughed the wild boy in amazement.
“Sorry! We’re very sorry!”, said Zenitsu to the passengers and grasped Inosuke. “Forget that! Get over here, idiot!”
“So freakin’ fast! Hahahaha!”
“Boarhead, calm down. I know it’s cool, but show some manners!”, hissed Yua, as Zenitsu pulled Inosuke away from the window.
The quartet makes their way towards Rengoku.
“He’s a Hashira, right? This Rengoku person…”, ask Zenitsu Tanjiro. “Are you sure you’ll recognize his face?”
“Sure. He had this gaudy hairstyle, and I remember his scent, too.”
“That’s good to know, Tanjiro. My Aura-Sensing is useless if I don’t know what I’m looking for.”, tells Yua. “But in the next wagon is someone with a fiery Aura.”
“That could be him. I think I’ll know it’s him once we get close.”
Tanjiro prepares to open the door to the next train car. He only can open it to a slit, when all of sudden a loud shout of Delicious rattles even the windows!
This quiet shocks the four Demon Slayers.
Who has so much power in their lungs?!
They enter the train car, hearing someone shout Delicious over and over again. Yua feels a warm and fiery Aura coming from this person.
They stand now behind a young male with blond hair and red strikes in it, eating Bento’s to his heart contentment.
“Delicious!!”, again he shouts and it looks like all the Bento Boxes fly into the air!
Yua was disbelieving, (was that the Hashira?!), as was Tanjiro, while Zenitsu hides behind them and Inosuke looks curious.
“Is that the Flame Hashira guy?”, whisper-shouts Zenitsu. “Not just some random glutton?”
“The aura is in any case fiery and warm like a flame.”, answers Yua, watching in bizarre fascination how the Flame Hashira eat and shouts with any bite Delicious.
He is like a shouty black hole. She never met someone who could eat that fast and with enthusiasm.
Tanjiro tells them that this is the Flame Hashira they searched for. He tries to talk to Rengoku, but he just eats and shouts to his heart contentment.
“Uh, we really get that part already…”
“The people in Kyoto get this part, what a shout...”, mumbles Yua with crossed arms.
Two nice attendants prepare to discard a tall stack of Rengoku’s empty bento boxes, as the overhead light flickers.
“And you’re the kid from that day at the Master’s.”, say’s He finally something different and stopped eating.
Yua wasn’t sure he could.
“Yes. I’m Kamado Tanjiro.”, answers her boyfriend. ”And they are my fellow Demon Slayers, Mochizuki Yua, Agatsuma Zenitsu and Hashibira Inosuke .”
Zenitsu and Yua bow in greeting, while Inosuke just puts his hand on his hips and lets out a loud huff from his mask.
“It’s an honour to meet you, Rengoku-Sama.”, greets Yua. “Kocho-Sama only had good things to say about you.”
That her fellow Hashira was a shouty glutton she had left out.
“Now none of that young Mochizuki, we are all comrades here. Rengoku is fine.”
In agreement, Yua nods.
Then Rengoku turns back to Tanjiro.
“And inside that box there…”
“Yes. It’s my sister Nezuko.”
“Right! That demon we saw that day, huh? Since the Master has acknowledged her, I won’t say any word for now.”
The Flame Hashira pats the seat beside him.
“Have a seat here.”
So they all settle down.
Tanjiro beside Rengoku, Yua with Nezoko’s Box in the seat in front of them and Inosuke and Zenitsu settle for a seat nearby.
The wild boy is so amazed by the train that he pounds the windows, shouting how fast the lord is. Thankful Zenitsu grasps him and makes him sit down again.
“What are you four doing here? A mission?”, ask Rengoku Tanjiro and Yua, while facing forward with crossed arms.
Yua raises an eyebrow. Why isn’t the Hashira facing her or Tanjiro?
Anyway, she answers him. “My crow Kaguya gave us orders. “The casualties of the Mugen Train are increasing. Join Rengoku on site,” she said. And here we are.”
“Yes! I see now! Understood!”
He still wasn’t looking at them.
“Right.”, says Tanjiro. “Also, there’s one more thing. There’s something I wanted to ask you, Rengoku.”
In bizarre fascination, Yua watches how Tanjiro tries to get more information on the Hinokami Kagura Dance from Rengoku. They both take turns in talking so it’s like she is watching a Tennis Match.
In the end, the FLame Hashira has no idea about the Hinokami Kagura Dance.
What a bummer.
“Um, can you try to help me a little more?!”, begs him Tanjiro.
“Why aren’t you looking him in the eyes?!”, adds Yua curious. “My Kaa-Chan always said that’s super rude.”
“You should become my Tsugukos, my apprentices! I’ll look after you both!”
“Hold on a second! And just what are you looking at?!”, shouts the couple together in disbelieve.
What was going on?!
“Flame Breathing has a long history.”, begin Rengoku with a little history lesson. “In any given era, there’s always been a Flame and Water swordsman among the Hashira. Flame… Water… Wind… Stone… Thunder…Moon...Those are the fundamental breathing techniques, even if we only had one Moon Hashira till now. The other techniques were created as offshoots of those six. Mist is a fork of wind. Young Mizoguchi and Young Mochizuki! What color are your katana’s?”
“Huh?! My name is Kamado. And the colour is black.”
“Mine is white.”
“Ah, white, the Mist Hashira Katana is white too and Noritaka’s also. He is your uncle, right Young Mochizuki?”
“Erm, yes.”
“That means you have a calm and distant personality, fitting for someone who practices Moon-Breathing.”
“Erm, thank you?”
The midnight blue-haired girl wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
“A black sword, huh?”, Rengoku turned to Tanjiro. “Well, isn’t that unfortunate? Hahahaha!”
“For real?”, asked Tanjiro in disbelief.
“I’ve never known a swordsman with a black sword that became a Hashira. On top of that, I hear that they have no clue which style to master. Come to me, and I’ll train you! You can rest easy now! You also Mochizuki, you will be the second Moon Hashira we have in the corps.”
“No… No, thank you! And just what are you looking at?!”, chorus Tanjiro and Yua.
Silence falls over them and Yua takes the chance to do a good Aura-Sensing of the Flame Hashira.
Yes, indeed, like she had noted before fiery and warm. Also caring and just. He really cared for her and Tanjiro and wanted to help them.
Yua decides, that Rengoku might be a bit weird, but his Aura shows clearly a good heart and soul.
Meanwhile, Inosuke tries to jump out the window to try to race the train (Idiot!) and Zenitsu tries his best to not let him jump out.
“That’s dangerous.”, warns Rengoku. “You never know when a demon might appear.”
And that was the thing Zenitsu didn’t want to hear. He thought they were travelling to the demon and not that the demon was in the train as Rengoku explains.
Of course, the blond freaks out and wants to get off.
“If you wanna jump out a driving train be my guest.”, deadpanned Yua with crossed arms. “But I don’t think you would survive it Agatsuma.”
The scarred boy only shakes and whines more in fright.
Tanjiro sends his girlfriend a look and she shrugs her shoulders.
She was just telling the truth.
Yes, but you could say it nicer, it’s clearly written in Tanjiro's face.
A train crewman enters the train car and begins walking along the aisle
“May I… see your… tickets, please?”
“What’s he doing?”, wonders Tanjiro
“The conductor is going to check your ticket and punch a hole in it.”, explains Rengoku.
The conductor punched a hole in each ticket of the Hashira and the four Demon Slayers.
When he is done with Yua, the light flickers again.
Suddenly Yua feels how her Aura-Sensing goes crazy, but before she can check what caused this all turn dark around her...
She is underwater.
She is drowning.
Deeper and deeper.
There was something.
Something important!
Yua tries to swim, but her arms haven’t the strength.
She sinks deeper...
Yua is leaning on the Nezuko box. Tanjiro leans on Rengoku and Inosuke is drapped over Zenitsu.
All of them are sleeping.
None of them knows in which danger they are now.
Something is tickling Yua's nose.
With a little sneeze, she wakes up and looks around.
The sun is shining warm down on her as she lays in her family garden.
“Strange...”, she mumbles. “Wasn’t it night? Wasn’t I somewhere else?”
Confused she scratches her head. There she notes how utterly long her hair is, even her bangs now reach her hips?!
What the...?
Why did she let her hair grow this much?
It will be a huge hassle in a fight with a Demon.
“Blossom.”, calls a sweet voice for her.
Immediately tears spring into her eyes and she stands up.
It can’t be.
She hadn’t heard this beloved voice since she was 14 years old.
But...but there she is.
Wavy light pink hair.
Big red eyes.
A soft lovely smile on her hips.
Wearing her favourite cherry blossom Kimono.
In her hands a little tablet with a cup of tea probably.
It’s her mother!
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But mother...but mother...wasn’t she...?!
“Blossom?”, calls again Kaa-Chan worried. “Is something wrong?”
With a shout, that resembles more of a wounded animal, Yua races up to her mother and hugs her tight. The tablet with the tea fell down on the ground.
“Mama! Mama! You are here!”, cries Yua, gripping her mother so tight, scarred she would leave her. Her tears wet the kimono of her mother.
“My sweet blossom, where else would I be?”, coos Mama, hugging her back and kissing her forehead. “Did you have a bad dream?”
“Yes this must be it.”, agrees Yua, still hugging and getting hugged by her mother. “Just a long bad dream...”
In the real world on the Mugen Train, Yua sheds tears.
She isn’t the only one.
Tanjiro dreams of his dead family and cries about being reunited with them.
Rengoku dreams of his family, especially his beloved brother.
Zenitsu dreams of his beloved Nezuko.
Inosuke has a wild adventure with a bunny Nezuko, a deer Yua, a raccoon dog Tanjiro and a rat Zenitsu.
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They don’t know and feel the five people who bind themselves to each of them with a robe so they can enter their dreams.
And kill them from within!
All is so perfect, Yua can’t believe it.
Grandma Junko is fine! She didn’t die when she was a little girl and is now clan head.
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It was her grandfather who had died.
Good riddance.
Under Grandma Junko's lead, the Mochizuki have abandoned the Demon Slayer Corps forever and are now just a big happy family.
Everyone living their dream job.
Aunt Chiyako has opened up a dress shop in the nearest city, selling beautiful Kimono.
Uncle Hansuke helps out his wife in the shop and works as a merchant.
Cousin Taiga, the oldest, who Yua had thought die, facing a Demon, is working as a wood carver. He always liked to make them little figures out of wood, she is happy her older cousin could make out of his passion a job he liked.
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Cousin Daku goes to school and it seems like he will go to the university in Tokyo! Studying Physic he likes so much.
Cousin Kaito is enjoying for now kindergarten, but he likes to build houses with his wood blocks. Maybe he will be an architect?@
Her father Haruto has opened up a bookshop, sharing his passion for books with everyone.
Her mother and she help him out with it.
Yua isn’t sure if she wants to continue her father's work, but she enjoys the tranquillity of the job.
Uncle Keitaro became a fisherman, turning his hobby into his job. He isn’t often at home, but he lives his dream.
His wife Aunt Miwa decided to stay home and raise the kids.
Sayako, her beloved pain in the butt of a cousin, has an apprenticeship with the local pharmacy and is on the best way to take it over.
Hikari enjoys also kindergarten. The youngest is still too little to have a future job in mind besides becoming a princess.
And then...there is Uncle Noritaka.
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Yua grins at her favourite uncle as he cleans his face from the theatre makeup from his last show.
His uncle always wanted to be an actor.
And he was it now.
“Peach, you seem so happy, it gives me the creeps.”, jokes Noritaka, ruffling her long hair.
“I’m just so happy...we all are free from the curse of the Moon Breathing. It’s amazing!”, she chirps and hugs her uncle.
“Yeah, maybe we are egoists, but our family has done enough for the Demon Slayer Corps. They can do just fine without the cursed Moon-Breathing.”, he agrees and hugs her back.
“My bitch.”, calls Sayako for her. Her cousin enters Uncle Noritaka's bedroom with a shit-eating grin. “Your little coal lover boy is here.”
For a second Yua doesn’t get what Sayako means-
She opens her eyes.
She is underwater again.
Something is wrong!
Something is wrong!
She needs to get out of the water!
It only drags her down more...
-Till she remembers again.
Oh right, her love Tanjiro.
Tanjiro and his family moved two years ago and started to sell coal around the city and to them.
They had become friends and now after years of pinning a couple.
“Thanks, you slut!”, she gives Sayako a kiss and runs out of the house.
There is Tanjiro waiting for her with Nezuko on his side, enjoying the warm sun.
...Something is not right.
Something tells her Nezuko shouldn’t be out of the sun.
Then her future sister-in-law smiles at her and she forgets the thought.
“Yua-Nee, nice seeing you.”
Both girls hug each other before Yua kisses Tanjiro's cheek and the couple embrace.
“Hello, love.”
“Hello, darling.”
“Okay, I will let you be happy for half an hour and then we need to get going alright, Nii-San.”
“Thanks, Nezuko.”, the couple chores and doesn’t even look how the other Kamado enters the Mochizuki Mansion.
They both are more invested in each other.
Their lips met a tender and passionate kiss.
Yume herself wouldn’t say she is bad.
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Yes her actions are bad.
However, she isn’t bad.
Born from a prostitute mother, who stayed pregnant with her, a child with natural blond hair, she hadn’t had an easy life.
Her mother was abusive.
She saw in her the foreigner she had made Yuma with.
The foreigner who had promised her to take her away to the far land of England to marry and raise their child together.
All men were the same.
Only promise and nothing following up.
Yume had experienced the same.
Thanks to her exotic looks the boys swarmed her.
And she listened to their promises.
Opened her legs.
She had her first child at 13.
Thankful it was a stillbirth.
Or her mother would have killed her to bring another mouth to feed at home.
Then she ran away because she couldn’t take any more of the hate of her mother and did the same job as her.
Used, used and used.
The blond was only a thing to play for people.
Then a client gave her Syphilis.
And her life would have been over, hadn’t she heard about the Mugen Train.
She didn’t have the money for the cure, so dying in a beautiful dream sounded way better.
That’s why she helped the demon.
The blond-haired woman watched emotionless behind a tree how the female Demon Slayer dreamed about being together with the red-haired Demon Slayer.
All been cutesy and coupley together.
Something she never had the luck to experience.
It disgusted her.
Silently she turned around and searched for the border of the dream and the subconscious. She found it at the edge of the little Wisteria Forest.
With an ice pick, she destroyed the border and entered the subconscious.
In it, all air left her lungs.
What kind of subconscious was that?
The floor was silver with graters, and over her a bright night sky with a million stars, the sun shining warm down on her.
Yuma walked around.
Where was the spiritual core? Only if she destroyed it, the demon slayer girl would die and she would get her dream from the demon.
This landscape was so alien, yet so incredibly beautiful.
“I’m...on the moon?”, asked Yume herself.
It made sense somehow.
She seemed to walk for ages.
A never-ending silver landscape, only the sun taking vigil over her.
Then she found it finally.
The spiritual core.
It was all silver and white, reminding her of a pearl.
“Beautiful.”, she gasped. “A shame I have to destroy it.”
She raises the Ice Pick ready to stab it!-
Yua is floating down in the water, till all of sudden her Aura Sensing goes crazy.
She opens her eyes and screams!
The water vanishes.
The intruder in Yua's subconscious never gets to change to stab the spiritual core, since the floor breaks under her and she falls screaming into the darkness.
With a jerk, Yua wakes up.
Huffing she blinks frantically with her eyes.
She is back on the Mugen Train.
What the heck had this all been?
The girl looks up and sees Tanjiro and Nezuko awake. Rengoku is in the background, still sleeping, choking some random girl, while Zenitsu and Inosuke sleep too.
“Tanjiro! Nezuko!”
She rises from her seat and hugs her boyfriend and her future sister-in-law. They hug her back just as tight.
“What is going on?”, ask Yua them.
Her boyfriend explains how they got pulled into a Blood Demon Art thanks to the train tickets. Then the people who hang them with robes have also a demon smell on them. They surely were sent into their dreams to harm them in a way.
Nezuko burns Yua's robes and then after Tanjiro asks her she burns the others because Yua notes that it would surely be a bad idea to just cut the robes.
They had a very strange aura around them.
So the two awake Demon Slayers try to wake up their sleeping comrades.
Tanjiro tries to shake Zenitsu awake, while Yua just slaps Inosuke. Hard.
“Okay, not even my bitch-slap helps.”, notes Yua dry.
What should they do?
What could they do? 
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midni8 · 2 years
♡  — one late afternoon  /  starter for @acrosol
    moon jaeyi is a lot of things ; she’s the deeply rooted tree in the midst of a hurricane , she’s the calming voice in your head that tells you that everything’s going to be okay , she’s the knowing eyes that can tell what’s behind a smile... & she’s also a dog-lover , but that’s more a fun fact than anything else. 
    another thing jaeyi prides herself in being is somewhat of a decent enough , kind of , sort of , good-ish photographer — her camera, the best side kick, that tells her things her own eyes might miss. a photograph can speak a thousand words and what not. it’s not often that she admires her own work but this particular image seems captivating enough to have her take pride in the work. of course , she’d credit the muse more than anything. “ she looks so cool... ” jaeyi murmured to herself as she looked at the blown up, framed picture of the taekwondo student. a steely gaze with just a touch of sweat that glistened her face , the jawline sharp as a knife, taut as the student looked to the side , the sunlight shining through helped with the glimmer in her eyes, and strands of hair perfectly shaping her facial features — an ‘ a ’ worthy picture if you asked her. 
    the woman hangs outside room 301 , a leg up on the wall as she leans against it and waits for the future owner of the picture to show up. — full disclosure , jaeyi’s had this captured moment for a week now , the timing never matched or she forgot to pass it along, y’know? it’s when she was back at the taekwondo room in the morning, taking some pictures for an assignment when she remembered , because.. the picture of yua from this morning and the one from a week ago were... different. and from all the things moon jaeyi is , she’s also a little too aware of people and their countenance.. an occupational hazard if you will. even without the camera jaeyi could tell how something was.. off. 
    “ — yua ! ” the woman calls out as she sees the captain walk out the door. she approaches her with a bright smile and a small present hidden behind her back. “ hi.. i just wanted to say thank you for letting me take those pictures this past week , it’s really helped with my assignment, i owe you one! ” 
    it’s still there , that little scrunch in her eyebrow.. a crestfallen look that she didn’t really have to be highly observant to see and it makes jaeyi’s smile drop just for a second before she perks up again. “ ah right! speaking of... ” the framed picture is brought out to the front and extended towards the other. “ look.. it’s you! isn’t it a cool picture? you look so awesome honestly , i had to blow it up! i thought you might wanna have it.. ” 
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