#Zack Hicks
queernoctis · 2 years
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"It's beautiful, you'd never really see this sort of thing in Midgar, huh?"
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preposterousgreen · 3 months
Interviewer: What do you think of when you hear the word "hick"?
Sephiroth: Someone who can't parallel park worth a damn.
Angeal: *wry look*
Genesis: *wry look*
Zack: *wry look*
Lazard: *nods in agreement*
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saintcarlyon · 4 months
I imagine I'm not the only one who ever wondered this, but did Aerith and Ifalna ever meet Sephiroth while held hostage by Hojo?
With what has been shown with Ever Crisis so far and the teaser for the next chapter, I believe yes.
Not only that, but I also think Ever Crisis will flesh out even further the story of how Ifalna and Aerith escaped beyond the novel, Trace of Two Pasts.
Spoilers and supporting arguments under the cut.
Since Sephiroth's personality and mental state vary on his media appearances I'll use these nicknames for specific examples or which persona displays certain traits:
Miniroth: Ever Crisis' teenaged Sephiroth
Sephiroth: Crisis Core through Nibelheim.
Jenovaroth: During the Nibelheim massacre and after.
Ore-roth: The personality seen in Remake and Rebirth.
Consider what the pre-Nibelheim stories and now Ever Crisis tell us about Sephiroth's personality and relationships.
Infamous for his mother complex*! He was always longing for his mother, "Jenova", the only piece of information he had on his existence beyond ShinRa.
For several years asked everyone if they ever met the woman in the only photograph he had of his mother.
This photo was placed in a locket that he cherished. He's distraught when he loses it and desperately stumbles after it when it resurfaces.
Not explicitly stated, but Ever Crisis has tied Sephiroth's original motion of placing his hand near his heart to his locket. Fans noticed that when Miniroth is emotionally troubled he could be holding it or makes the motion out of habit.
Resents and is uncomfortable with his fame as ShinRa's Hero.
Openly, but quietly, states in Ever Crisis, "I just want to live a normal life" when asked what he wants.
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Has a complex relationship with Hojo. Mini- and Sephiroth tend to use a lot of Hojo's mannerisms which serve to underline their biological relationship and indicate how influential Hojo was on him.
In Ever Crisis Miniroth doesn't openly state his fear or anger at Hojo. However, in the Halloween side story Miniroth has an intrusive thought (if not residual pain) from Hojo abusing him through "training" or "enhancements."
It's heavily implied in the trailer for Chapter 2 of First Soldier that Miniroth is actually afraid of Hojo.
We know that Sephiroth holds Hojo in contempt. He's unconcerned with Hojo's wellbeing in Crisis Core and openly insults him in front of Zack and a grunt in OG FVII.
Miniroth initially tells Glenn, Lucia, and Matt that he never wanted to be a Hero and doesn't consider himself one. By the end of Chapter 1 of First Soldier he's determined to live up to the title and save everyone he can.
That said, Mini- and Sephiroth tries to be compassionate after being with Glenn.
Glenn has also introduced Mini- and Sephiroth to insubordination.
Mini- and Sephiroth is also motivated by his inability to save both Rosen and Glenn; to the point where he risks his wellbeing in attempts to save everyone as an adult.
Sephiroth's age is contested but when FFVII originally released he was estimated (at time of death) to be 25 years old compared to 16-year old Cloud. With Remake and Rebirth his age at time of death is closer to 30 but it is unclear to me whether that's his age post Nibelheim.
Regardless, he's about 10+ years older than Aerith.
Aerith fled ShinRa when she was about 7 years old.
Rebirth specifically mentions Faz Hicks while Tifa and Aerith unwind.
Which leads me to this conclusion:
First Solider is going to culminate in Miniroth playing a role in Ifalna and Aerith's escape. I suspect he'll encounter the three while responding to the monster breach. It's a slight retcon, but Square's done it before**!
It'll likely be a brief moment, but Miniroth will be reminded of his own isolation, his desire for a normal life, and worried for both about what Hojo will do to them. Since Miniroth is determined to save everyone, especially from Hojo, he'll either mislead security or perhaps covertly escort the escapees. For bonus characterization, I'm hoping they'll have Miniroth not rely on his katanas but non-violent methods. I imagine he would take a special pride in that.
*for years players and fans mocked Sephiroth for his obsession with his mother, but I think Ever Crisis does a good job demonstrating why he has this complex. If his life with Hojo and ShinRa was oppressive, abusive, and demanding, then as a youth he probably hoped she would rescue him and give him a better life.
** Genesis at Nibelheim.
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multi-muse-transect · 4 months
I feel if somehow Snyder Cultists somehow successfully cancel James Gunn and the DCU while reinstating Snyder to restore his crappy universe, it’ll just be the scene from Cars where Chick Hicks wins the race and is in the ceremony but everyone is mad at him and they’re shooting confetti at him and kicking the trophy (DC) towards him when he comes back to DC. Come to think about it, Netflix era Zack Snyder is starting to remind me of Chick Hicks minus the talent regarding his comments.
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jackstanleyroberts · 10 months
The descriptions of the characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise Part 7
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Hello everybody, if you have seen part 6 of the new characters of the franchise, well I have doing the newer characters that some are related to the legacy & new characters & some are the additional characters that new to the new Scream films, here's more of the new characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise.
New Characters: Part 3
Brianne Tju as June Dawson, an Funny, Charismatic, Energetic, & Sassy young woman who's being one of the new characters in the Extended Cut of Scream VI. She's one of the students & one of the sorority members at Blackmore University in New York.
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Spencer Locke as Ellen Hoffman, an Beautiful, Tough, Talented, & Intelligent young woman who's been one of the sorority members at Blackmore University in New York & she's one of the new characters in the Extended Cut of Scream VI.
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Madison Iseman as Alexandra "Allie" Miller, an Beautiful, Elegant, & Sassy young woman who's being one of the new characters in the Extended Cut of Scream VI. She's one of the students at Blackmore University in New York & she's the younger sister of Alexander "Alex" Miller.
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Ed Speleers as Alexander "Alex" Miller, one of the new characters in the Extended Cut of Scream VI. He's the older brother of Alexandra "Allie" Miller.
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Logan Miller as Lincoln Jefferson, one of the new characters in the Extended Cut of Scream VI. He's one of the students at Blackmore University in New York & he's an part of the friend group of The Fab Twelve & The Core Four.
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Rachel Sennott as Theresa "Tree" Hicks, an Funny, Charismatic, Humorous, & Brilliant young woman who's being one of the new characters in the Extended Cut of Scream VI. She's one of the students & one of the sorority members at Blackmore University in New York.
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Anthony Ramos as Nicholas "Nick" Rodriguez, one of the new characters in the Extended Cut of Scream VI. He's one of the students & one of the Fraternity members at Blackmore University because he's the older brother of Miranda Rodriguez & he's being buddies with Terry & Larry Watkins & Johnny Landry when they're playing video games as their common hobby.
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Milo Manheim as Zackary "Zack" Feldman, an Kind, Tough, & Respectful young man who's been one of the new characters & one of the students at Blackmore University in the Extended Cut of Scream VI. He's the boyfriend of Graceland "Grace" Prescott & he's the son of Derek Feldman.
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Tequan Richmond as Maurice Lakewood, one of the new characters in the Extended Cut of Scream VI.
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More descriptions of the characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise are coming soon.
Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!
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altocat · 1 year
Sorry for the ask spams also not sorry at all
But >:3
Gives Seph, Gen, Geal, Zack and Cloud personalized magical girl transformation items and forces them to activate*
We all know that Cloud has the sparkliest transformation of them all, Genesis in a very close second. And Gen's just extremely pissy about coming in behind some undersized blond runt from some small hick town.
Zack mostly just yammers on about whether or not this means he's basically a super hero while Angeal slooooowly takes his weapon away. Two minutes in and Zack has already lost stick-privileges.
Sephiroth has been dissociating from reality for quite some time now and promises that he WILL speak up during the next meeting on setting aside PTO.
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thinkaboutmeff7au · 7 months
flash time 116
(1997. continuation from 115)
Welp. I got caught, didn't I? So Tseng of the Turks brought me to his office.
I don't really think it's "his office", though. There's no personal anything here, and it's really empty and clean. I've heard rumors that Tseng likes his privacy, and often doesn't really want to be found. So, I guess it checks out that he would use a loaner office.
Rude, another Turk, is here too. He's watching the door.
"2nd-class Strife," Tseng begins, terse as ever. "I would like you to explain why you were around the Turks break room at oh-nine-hundred hours."
I fidget in my lap. "It was a mistake, sir," I reply. "I was following a group to training, and I, ah...I think I got behind the wrong group somewhere...t-took a wrong turn behind someone with more clearance than me..."
"I see," he says. "Why did you stay to eavesdrop, then? You could have simply asked for directions."
Fuck, why didn't I do that? Well, too late for that now. I figure my best bet is to just be honest. That's what Mom would tell me, anyway. My hands are starting to sweat beneath my gloves. "Sir, I...I..."
Tseng waits patiently. My mouth is stuck. "I-I'm from Nieblheim, sir," I blurt out. My accent twangs and I hate it, but it'll sell this whole pathetic thing. "I-it's a hick town, you learn to listen to everything, 'cuz everyone's in each other's pockets..."
My anxiety is making me want to cry, and I swallow it back. If a Turk knows you have sensitive information, they'll just kill you. Who knows if what I heard is sensitive enough...
Luckily for my sake, Tseng finds this amusing. "Well, I don't think I need to tell you not to get yourself mixed up in this again," he says. "But I should inform you that a piece of information regarding 1st-class Rhapsodos is somewhat classified. Can you tell me what it was?"
And a quiz? Give me a break! I wrack my brain. "Uh...was it...n-not the marijuana thing, uh...was it...he's adopted?"
He seems disappointed, as if he was maybe hoping that I had not heard that bit. "Yes, that. Please do not discuss it with anyone else outside of this office. As I mentioned to my colleagues, Rhapsodos himself is not privy to this information. He was adopted at birth, so he truly has no idea. As far as we know, this has been a very well kept secret. It's impressive that Shotgun was able to dig it up at all."
He folds his hands on the desk. "To ensure your compliance in this matter, you will be under mild surveillance. You share a close relationship with 1st-class Fair, and..." He tilts his head. "He doesn't seem the type to keep his lips sealed."
I swallow hard. "R-right."
"If all goes well, you will hardly notice," Tseng says, as if he's trying to reassure me. I'm not reassured in the slightest. But, I'm also not getting fired. "You're dismissed. Rude, please escort him out."
"Th-thank you, sir."
I nearly trip as I get up from the chair, and I follow Rude outside. To my surprise, Zack is there waiting for me. "Yo!" he exclaims, and I jump out of my skin. "Everything cool? What did Tseng want?"
"N-nothing," I say on instinct. "Just...got lost today..."
He rubs my back as he pushes past Rude and guides me out to the elevator, completely oblivious of him. "You okay? You're a mess right now, I can tell."
"I'll tell you when we get home," I say, and glance back at Rude. He gives me a warning look from beneath his sunglasses, but he doesn't protest. Just the basics. Got it.
"If anyone gives you a hard time, they've got me to answer to, all right?" he says, puffing out his chest a bit. "I'll tussle with Tseng, he looks like he could use a little tusslin'."
"Fair," Rude warns.
"I'm joking! Really!"
My boyfriend, who has terminal foot in mouth disease, laughs to himself, while I shrink into his side on the elevator ride down. Times like these I could really use a cigarette...
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nevinslibrary · 10 months
Comic Book Saturday
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Azula has a new group of girls that she broke out of an institution and who are following her to sow chaos in the Fire Nation. But, it's going about as well as it did with her previous two 'friends' that she had in the TV show. When this second group leaves her to go save one of their friends, Azula manages to find herself in some sort of temple-like place in the middle of the forest, and it's most definitely not your normal place to take a break and recharge. She then goes on a bit of a self-discovery journey, but, will it change her, or will she stay the same?
I was really interested to see how they would take this sorta 'bad guy' in the series (it was most definitely complicated in the TV show, which was fun) and turn one of her stories into a graphic novel. And, I do think it was successful. There was a good balance between explaining a lot about how Azula may have turned into the Azula we know, but, also, not apologizing for the things she's done. A really fun read.
You may like this book If you Liked: The Coldfire Curse by Jordan Quinn, The Adventurers Guild by Zack Loran Clark, or The Castoffs by M.K. Reed
Avatar The Last Airbender: Azula in the Spirit Temple by Faith Erin Hicks
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gothamslostboy · 2 years
Michael Emerson
Sam Emerson -
Laddie Thomson -
Butch Gilzean
Edward Nygma
Jerome Valeska
Jervis Tetch
Oswald Cobblepott*
Victor Zsasz
Bruce Wayne -
William “Billy” Loomis
Mickey Altieri
Randall “Randy” Meeks
Stuart “Stu” Macher
Tatum Riley
Chad Meeks-Martin
Wes Hicks
Ethan Landry
Samantha Carpenter
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Spencer Reid
Seeley Booth
Zack Addy
Wendell Bray
Lance Sweets
Collin Fisher
Coraline - (Coraline)
Norman - (ParaNorman)
Lestat (Interview With The Vampire)
Tiffany Valentine (Chucky)
Jake Wheeler (Chucky)
“Chucky” Charles Lee Ray (Chucky)
Leatherface - (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things
Eric Forman (That 70s Show)
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 372
Comic Reviews:
Black Adam: The Justice Society Files – Dr. Fate by Bryan Q. Miller, Cavan Scott, Marco Santucci, Jesus Merino, Ulises Arreola, Michael Atiyeh
Dark Crisis 5 by Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere, Alejandro Sanchez
Dark Crisis: The Deadly Green by Alex Paknadel, Dan Watters, Ram V, Tom Derenick, Brent Peeples, Daniel Bayliss, George Kambadais, Matt Herms
Gotham City Year One 1 by Tom King, Phil Hester, Eric Gapstur, Jordie Bellaire
Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing 1 by Matt Rosenberg, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Francesco Francavilla, Arif Prianto
A.X.E.: Starfox by Kieron Gillen, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Frank William
A.X.E.: X-Men by Kieron Gillen, Francesco Mobili, Frank Martin
Edge of Spider-Verse 5 by Dan Slott, J.M. DeMatteis, Steve Foxe, Phil Lord, Bob McLeod, Kei Zama, David Lopez, Brian Reber, Jim Campbell
Miracleman 0 by Jason Aaron, Mike Carey, Neil Gaiman, Zack Davisson, Ty Templeton, Mick Anglo, Ryan Stegman, Peach Momoko, Leinil Francis Yu, Paul Davidson, Mark Buckingham, Zak Davisson, JP Mayer, Sunny Gho, Jordie Bellaire, Sonia Oback, Antonio Fabela
Spider-Man 1 by Dan Slott, Mark Bagley, John Dell, Edgar Delgado
Spider-Ham: Hollywood May-Ham OGN by Steve Foxe, Shadia Amin
Infinity Comics
Who is Daredevil?
Marvel’s Voices: Werewolf By Night
It’s Jeff
Dark Horse
Leonide the Vampyr: Miracle at the Crow’s Head by Mike Mignola, Rachele Aragno, Dave Stewart
3 Keys 1 by David Messina
Dark Ride 1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan, Adriano Lucas
Junkyard Joe 1 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Kaya 1 by Wes Craig, Jason Wordie
Revolvers 1 by John Zuur Platten, Christian Dibari, Simon Gough
Book of Evil 1 by Scott Snyder, Jock
Earthdivers: Kill Columbus 1 by Stephen Graham Jones, Davide Gianfelice, Joana Lafuente
TMNT: Saturday Morning Adventures 1 by Erik Burnham, Tim Lattie, Sarah Myer
Garbage Pail Kids Origins 1 by Hans Rodionoff, Adam Goldberg, Jeff Zapata
Sirens Gate 1 by Shannon Maer
Sweetie Candy Vigilante 1 by Suzanne Cafiero, Jeff Zornow
Unbreakable Red Sonja 1 by Jim Zub, Giovanni Valletta, Ceci de la Cruz
Red 5
August Purgatory Underground 1 by Benjamin Morse
Mystery Brothers 1 by Quentin Lee, Elis Zill
Pink Lemonade 1 by Nick Cagnetti
Monster Bar Mitzvah by Josh Anderson, Dustin Evans
Side Effects by Ted Anderson, Tara O’Connor
Kings of Nowhere by Soroush Barazesh
Ray’s OGN Corner: Pumpkin Heads by Rainbow Rowell, Faith Erin Hicks
Additional Reviews: Andor 5, She-Hulk, Werewolf by Night, Hellraiser (1987), Disney’s Chibi-Verse
Longbox of Horror 2022 part 2: Dark Knight Strikes Again
Ray pitches the Nintendo-Verse
News: Mike Marts takes over Mad Cave, NYCC shenanigans, Slott’s Who Special delayed, Night of the Ghoul optioned, Snyder re-ups at ComiXology, Cunningham and Ryall take over AfterShock, Spawn movie writers, El Muerto director, Five Nights at Freddie’s movie, Stephen King’s Fairy Tale optioned, Lazarus Planet, Owl House, Dragon Prince, Velma, Milestone 30th Anniversary plans, Joe Q doing DC covers, Mike Hawthorne arc of Zdarsky Batman, Keanu out of Devil in the White City, more Cartoon Network upheaval, Superman revamp, Flanagan no longer involved in Something is Killing the Children adaptation, Marvel’s Voices and Women of Marvel, titles of next Marvel events, Red Goblin series, Omninews, Rogue and Gambit by Stephanie Phillips, Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain by Tini Howard, X-23 mini, Guardians series coming, Sana Starros series from Marvel
Trailers: Wakanda Forever, Mario, Violent Night, Velma, Power of the Doctor, Picard s3
Comics Countdown:
Dark Ride 1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan, Adriano Lucas
Spider-Man 1 by Dan Slott, Mark Bagley, John Dell, Edgar Delgado
Batman 128 by Chip Zdarsky, Leonardo Romero, Jorge Jimenez, Tomeu Morey, Jordie Bellaire
Ant-Man 4 by Al Ewing, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire
Kaya 1 by Wes Craig, Jason Wordie
Time Before Time 17 by Rory McConville, Declan Shalvey, Eric Zawadski, Chris O’Halloran
Side Effects GN by Ted Anderson, Tara O’Connor
Junkyard Joe 1 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Undiscovered Country 21 by Scott Snyder, Charles Soule, Leonardo Marcello Grassi, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Matt Wilson
 Minor Threats 2 by Patton Oswalt, Jordan Blum, Scott Hepburn, Ian Herring
Check out this episode!
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Concert Review ~ Nothing More, From Ashes to New, Set it Off and Post Profit
This past weekend, Nothing More, From Ashes to New and Post Profit performed at the House of Blues in Orlando. The show was sold out and the capacity of that HoB is 1500 people. That's a lot of folks.
Post Profit opened the show. Post Profit is a really new band. They only have one album out as of today. The band consists of Matt Jackson (vocals and guitar), Nick Hawner (Vocals and guitar), Zack Hicks (drums and vocals) and Jordan Conley (bass guitar). They hail from Texas. They came out blazing and blew the crowd away. They played songs like Cancer Culture, Drug Emporium and more.
The crowd really took to Post Profit.
Next up was From Ashes to New. Matt Brandyberry, Danny Case, Lance Dowdle and Maty Madiro put on a helluva show in front of the sold out crowd. Many folks were complaining that their set wasn't long enough. People have to remember that openers will not have the same amount of songs in their set as the headliner. Brandyberry, as usual, poured his heart out to the crowd.
Next up was Set it Off. Never experiencing Set it Off, made this extra special. Set if Off consists of Cody Carson, Zach DeWall and Maxx Danziger. Their set was very entertaining and they even played a cover of Points of Authority by Linkin Park. They did the song justice. Their set was a slight bit longer than Post Profit and From Ashes to New, but they have been in the business a bit longer than them.
Finally, it was time for Nothing More. Of course, they started off their set with the amazing Alan Watts and came out with a bang performing House on Sand. Hawkins was impressive covering Eric Vanlerberghe's featured part on the song. Nothing More's set consisted of six songs off their new album, Carnal, as well as plenty of their best hits, including Don't Stop, Let Em Burn, and fan favorite, Jenny.
Guitarist Mark Vollelunga blew everyone away performing Sinizter's featured part of Stuck, as well. Daniel Oliver was entertaining as always. Ben Anderson and Hawkins continuously blows their crowds away with their dual drumming during Tired of Winning, which sits directly at the middle of their set.
If you have never experienced the House of Blues Orlando or any of these bands, this is a highly recommend. House of Blues Orlando gets four out of five stars and the show itself gets five stars!
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MLB family members huser53 Tony Gonsolin, Matt Harvey, Noah Syndergaard, Zack Wheeler, dj Lemahieu,Seth Lugo, Todd Frazier, Anthony Rizzo, Owen Miller, Alex Wood, Alec Bohm, Yan Gomes, Carlos Rodón, Clay Holmes, Nick Senzel, Justin Turner, Jared Weaver, Tyrone Taylor, Troy Tulowitzki,C.J. Wilson, Royce Lewis, Nick Castellanos, John Lackey,Derek Holland, Trevor Story, Dylan Covey, Heath Bell, Bill Wagner, Josh Harder, Darick Hall, Adam Newberry, Justin Lange, Greg Bird, Clint Frazier, Logan Webb, Brenton Doyle, Emilo Pagan, Mike Zunino, Alek Thomas, Christian Walker, Corbin Carroll, Mike Clevinger, Evan Longoria, Paul De Jong, Chris Taylor ,Tim Wood, Matt Carson, Even Phillips, Caleb Ferguson, Alex Vesia, Ryan Yarborough, Jason Delay, Jordan Montgomery, Bobby Miller, James Paxton, Austin Barnes, Gavin Stone, Steven Okert,Joe Ryan, Alex Kirilloff,Chris Paddack,Zac Gallen, Griffin Jax, Christian Vázquez, Ryan Jeffers, Buck Farmer,Joe Boyle, Mitch Spence, Kyle Muller, Austin Riley, Riley Greene, Sean Murphy, Nicky Lopez, Michael Soroka,Dylan Cease, Emerson Hancock, Robbie Grossman, Trevor Gott, Tyler Matzek Whit Merrifield ,Luke Jackson,Tom Murphy, Austin Slater, Erik Miller, Austin Slater,Dean Kremer,Mike Tauchman, Chris Sale, Jarred Kelenic, Tommy Kahnle, Justin Seager, Kyle Seager, Corey Seager, Kyle Hendricks, Grayson Rodriguez, John Means, Nico Hoerner, Andrew Chafin, Drew Smyly, Joe Maddon, Albert Almora, Jered Weaver, John Lackey, Ben Zobrist,Matt Vierling, Colt Keith, Jake Rogers, Rhys Hoskins, Travis Jankowski, Josh Sborz, Aaron Hicks,Anthony Rendon, Jordan Hicks, Alex Wood, Stephen Strasburg.
The Mormon hoMO was given
Cain and Able.......
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squirrelwrangler · 6 months
In another weird Vindication! moment of worldbuilding decisions for Bân using the bits of Zack Fair lore, Gongaga was barely given anything besides its hick town status and location in the south, with the surrounding environ implied to be a rainforest. So for the equivalent in Aman, I placed it adjacent to the Plains of Yavanna and made it a dedicated farming community. So much so that Bân can bond with Aereth over horticulture even though he wasn't personally interested in any of it. Come Rebirth where Gongaga is a gigantic realized zone world famous for growing mushrooms, extremely agricultural in that jungle garden way.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 9 months
Yandere sephiroth x princess Jessica Advent Children au:
Jessica: ! *Helps Hana sit down* a contraction?
Hana: mhm..
Jessica: cloud Zack get in here!
Both: *rushes in*
Hana: it’s not Braxton Hicks. I can tell. I-it’s go time
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jackstanleyroberts · 10 months
The descriptions of the characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise Part 8
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Hello everybody, if you have seen part 8 of the new characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise. Well I have done part 7 of the new characters that are introduced to the Extended Cut of both movies. Here's more descriptions of the characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise.
New Characters: Part 4
Zac Godspeed as Tyler Ferguson, one of the new characters in the Extended Cut of Scream VI. He & Maurice are later becoming the killers in the movie.
Daniel Sharman as Kurt Parker, one of the new characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise. He's the ex-boyfriend of Wendy Hicks when he's kicked out by Matthew Bishop because he made her uncomfortable.
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Lewis Pullman as Richard Jackson, an Serious, Hardworking, & Confident young man who has a part of the friend group with Terry & Larry Watkins in the Extended Cut of Scream (2022). He's the boyfriend of Nicole Kennedy.
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Stella Maeve as Nicole Kennedy, an Beautiful, Kind, & Supportive young woman who's being friends with Terry & Larry Watkins as a part of the friend group in the Extended Cut of Scream (2022). She's the best friend of Dorothy Johnson & the girlfriend of Richard Jackson.
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Ryan Lee as Marty McCreary, an Funny, Hilarious, & Charismatic young man who's been a part of the friend group of Terry & Larry Watkins in the Extended Cut of Scream (2022).
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Angelica Bette Fellini as Dorothy Johnson, an Beautiful, Protective, & Loyal young woman who's being friends with Terry & Larry Watkins as a part of the friend group in the Extended Cut of Scream (2022). She's the protecting older sister of Riley Johnson.
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Stefanie Scott as Caroline "Carol" Feldman, an Beautiful, Spirited, Kind, Supportive, Headstrong young woman who is one of the new characters & one of the students in Blackmore University in New York in the Extended Cut of Scream VI. She's the older sister of Zackary "Zack" Feldman because they're related to their dad Derek Feldman.
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Denyse Tontz as Laura Morris, one of the new characters & one of the students at Blackmore University in New York in the Extended Cut of Scream VI. She's the younger sister of Olivia Morris & she's the younger cousin of Gloria Smith.
That's it for all of the new characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise.
Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!!
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twins2994 · 2 years
Twins Rally Late To Beat Yanks!
Twins 6 Yankees 4 W-Maeda (1-1) L-Abreu (0-1) SV-Boyle (1)
The Minnesota Twins made the trip up to Tampa to play the Yankees today. Pablo Lopez was named the Opening Day starter and he had his final tuneup before the regular season this afternoon. The Yankees got the scoring started in the third inning when Estevan Florial drew a lead-off walk. Anthony Volpe followed and smoked a Pablo Lopez slider out to center for a two-run homer. New York got back to work in the fourth with an Aaron Hicks walk and Jose Trevino infield single. Estevan Florial plated a pair with a single to right and the Yankees doubled their lead to four. The Twins finally started to figure out Gerrit Cole a bit in the fifth. Emmanuel Rodriguez lined a two-out single to center and Andrew Bechtold doubled him home. Minnesota was within three halfway through the game. Gerrit Cole looked good in his tuneup start with 5 2/3 solid innings of work. Edouard Juilen smoked an Albert Abreu fastball out to left for a solo homer to inch the Twins within a run in the eighth. The Twins would have one more rally in them in the ninth. Trevor Larnach started it all with a one-out single to right. Brooks Lee kept the game alive with a two-out walk and Armani Smith lined a run-scoring single to center. Emmanuel Rodriguez plastered an Albert Abreu fastball out to center for a three-run homer and the Twins led 6-4. Michael Boyle threw a scoreless ninth and the Twins came back for the win in Tampa today. 
-Final Thoughts- Pablo Lopez looked decent in his final tuneup of the spring. He threw three innings and allowed two runs on two hits with two walks and two strikeouts. He will start on Opening Day against Zack Greinke next Thursday. Kenta Maeda got stretched out over five innings. He gave up two runs on three hits with three walks and five strikeouts. Michael Boyle got in and out of trouble in the ninth for the save. Eddie Julien and Emmanuel Rodriguez led the way with two hits each. The Twins hit 2-for-7 with runners in scoring position and left three men on base. Tomorrow, the Twins play the Braves in North Port and Fort Myers. Bailey Ober will start on the road and Aaron Sanchez will start at Hammond Stadium. 
-Chris Kreibich-
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