#Zack attack
future-dregs · 1 year
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Venom captured.
Venom: Zack Attack Cosplay
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rocketbirdie · 3 months
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They are og party members in my heart <3
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applesfrombanora · 1 year
I know it’s a little thing but I’ve always both adored and been fascinated by the fact that Angeal and Zack wear the Buster sword on their back with the blade facing down while Cloud wears it with the blade facing up
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It’s just a perfect little detail that I think plays a big role in the visual storytelling that defines their three characters and what they stand for
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schadentekkers · 1 year
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evolution of a tag
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prismaticpichu · 8 months
Zack and Sephiroth watch Kung Fu Panda 2 (Zack completely forgot about that one scene with Po’s mom). Sephiroth just assumes it’s going to be a silly kids movie. What’s the reaction
Sephiroth, sitting stagnant on the couch, has a hollow, almost ghostly look consuming his once steely eyes. It feels as if something has been gouged out of him—catching him off-guard, striking him where he’s weak. Like an all too raw piece of his soul has been ruthlessly pried from its fragile structure. The movie has been paused for several seconds now, Zack having noticed the way his friend has seemingly left his body. He sets the remote down and glances worriedly at his friend.
“Seph…? You okay, bud?”
Sephiroth doesn’t respond for several beats. He can only stare at the paused screen, silent, unable to tear his gaze away from the frozen frame before him. Unable to look away from the snapshot of roaring flames, of a village trapped in the famished talons of fire and smoke and burning wood.
Of a mother panda, running away, about to be mercilessly slaughtered by the command of a madman.
“How could… anyone… do this?”
Zack pauses for a moment, saddened by his friend’s saddened voice, and taken aback by how genuinely struck Seph was by Shen’s attack on the panda village. He considers joking, chuckling—perhaps saying something about the history of evil peacocks. But he doesn’t. It doesn’t feel right. Instead, he just scoots closer to his friend.
“I dunno, bud. When bad people, y’know, when they want something… they do bad things.”
There’s another beat, another reign of silence. And the next set of words slash Sephiroth’s throat as they leave it.
“He… the bird…” The syllables are jagged, taut. “He killed his…”
Sephiroth doesn’t need to finish the sentence for Zack to understand it. To understand everything. And like a tidal wave of acid, the realization of what he has inadvertently subjected his friend to comes toxically crashing down on him.
Zack’s gaze darts between the screen and Seph. “Oh my god… buddy… what is wrong with—Gaia, I’m so sorry….!”
He wraps his arm around his wounded friend, kicking himself a thousand times for his insensitivity and blindness. Out of all the movies they could have chosen….
Sephiroth dips his chin, resting it on Zack’s hair, a momentary relief from the horror portrayed on his screen. Never did he expect to be struck so viscerally by one of his friend’s favorite films. Never did he expect to be at a loss for words amid their playful banter and commentary. Never did he expect an innocuous, colorful, loving movie to be a mere veneer for something much darker.
“ I know…. I know this prolly hurts real bad…” Zack solaces, continuing to hug his pal. “I promised to never…. I’m sorry, Seph…. Gaia I’m sorry… We can stop now, if you want, maybe play a game inste—“
Zack blinks, confused by the sudden shift.
“….Wutai?” he echoes puzzledly.
Sephiroth’s eyes strain, his muscles stiffening. “I… I’ve done this…” he admits bitterly, painfully, like the words scraped against his tongue in serrated, poisonous blades. “In Wutai… I’ve razed villages. Killed countless. I… I probably have slaughtered a child’s…” He struggles to finish that sentence, the brutal scene from the movie still raw in his mind.
“I… I am like Shen.”
Zack’s heart twists, a full jagged knot tethering in his chest as he digests Seph’s words—the pain, the guilt, the self-loathing… He shakes his head, pulling back slightly from the embrace.
“That’s not true,” he says firmly, kindly. “That’s not true, bud.”
Sephiroth opens his eyes, ready to protest. “I… I’ve razed…”
“it was a war, Seph… you know that. I know you do. ShinRa ordered for those villages to be burned. From what I can tell—and learned… you didn’t have a choice.”
Sephiroth closes his eyes again, riding too many turbulent memories and emotions to think of a proper response. Zack returns his head to Seph’s shoulder.
“You would never do what Shen did, bud…” Zack says quietly. “You would never kill out of hate. I know you wouldn’t.”
For a long swath of time, Sephiroth remains locked in the other’s arms, silent, listening to the unwavering sincerity of his best friend’s words. Letting them sink into him, letting them assuage him. Gauze him. Heal him. He sinks deeper into the embrace, clinging to Zack’s heartfelt hope in him. To his trust. To his beliefs.
And there he makes a vow to never prove Zack wrong.
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ticklishcicada · 1 year
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Shinra Babies: Zack hurts himself trying to impress Cloud
They meet alot younger in my au
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zacksephreunion · 11 months
zack under sephiroth's orders is even more deadly than sephiroth himself come @ me bruv
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zackwhitefang · 2 months
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MOOAAAARRR Art fight attacks! >w<
For StarTheft, Ocelotfire and Fieaux respectively uwu
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future-dregs · 1 year
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chidoroki · 11 months
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October 25th - Oliver’s Birthday
(with one Oliver from almost every chapter he appears in)
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bakugokemkatsuki · 11 months
Feel free to suggest other characters in the comments :)
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rocketbirdie · 4 months
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ever crisis mh crossover has got me in a death grip
(part 2, featuring zack + zinogre!)
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lucindasthighs · 10 months
I just remembered that Ein and Katelyn are (heavily implied to be) siblings and. I don't know how to feel.
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kazumahashimoto · 1 year
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um. they have the same name
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brodinsons · 2 years
"Instead of highlighting the character's Jewish origins, 'Man of Steel' features a Randian Christ-figure who commits genocide against his entire race, then causes multiple mass casualty events."
I apologize in advance for the incoming rant but I am sick and tired of sitting quietly for this relentless bullshit and at some point, enough is enough. I'm not naming the individual I'm quoting because I'm not interested in starting fights. This is my space and I'm venting a collective decade of frustration and anger.
Noun. Randian (plural Randians) A follower of Ayn Rand.
God damn, y'all just can't help yourselves, can you? You just slurp up every bit of nonsense from all those puffed up "YouTube Essayists" with god complexes from 2015 and take it as fucking fact.
Not to mention, y'all cannot seem to let a random baseless accusation from a disgraced sexual predator go. That's him! He's the one who started it! The very one to fling the first scrap of "Zack Snyder is a Randian Objectivist who hates Superman and is poisoning the DCEU!" bait out into the twittersphere for the rest of the ravenous bloggers to jump on. I refuse to take anyone's treatise on the modern superhero myth seriously if this is the depth they'll stoop to in the middle of their piece.
Snyder made one single offhand comment about maybe adapting 'The Fountainhead' (for its aesthetics, mostly) years ago and now he's a sexist racist fascist objectivist and the root of all evil.
Objectivism: "The exceptional people among us have a divine right to decide our fate and we should not oppose them."
Does that sound like the message of any of his DC films? Movies that end with speeches about heroes wanting to be on the ground to do good in crises and how good humanity can be despite its faults? What about MoS specifically, where the ultimate immigrant allegory struggles to find his place in a world that does not accept him yet still fights for and protects humanity because this world is his chosen home?
Not to mention, where the fuck is this genocide-committing Jesus Superman? Clark t-poses out of the Black Zero one goddamn time while looking sadly back at his dad because Snyder is a visual filmmaker with a penchant for dramatic shots and everyone loses their fucking minds. He goes to the Lutheran church he presumably attended with Martha & Jonathan as a child to seek the counsel of Father Leone because Clark Kent is not canonically Jewish (may the memory of his Jewish creators be a blessing). There's stained glass iconography of Christ in the background at one point because it's a Christian church in middle America. Clark himself never once espouses any religious lines or strict beliefs. Nor does he position himself as a "Christ-figure", either through himself or via the story??????? He doesn't want the responsibility that comes with putting that suit and cape on. But he does it anyway because he understands the stakes when shit gets real and he refuses to let his adoptive world pay for unwittingly bringing the worst remnants of his old world here.
Also, Clark only kills one person: Zod. The U.S. military "bombs" the Black Zero with the starcraft that brought Clark to earth in order to re-open the Phantom Zone and send Zod's forces (the pack of militaristic extremists known as the Sword of Rao) into it. Given what we know of the Phantom Zone in various canons, that's a fate almost worse than death. Then, after being given an ultimatum that either he dies or Zod will, he makes the impossible choice that will haunt him the rest of his life to save a human family moments from being obliterated by Zod's heat vision and kills the general. Nowhere in this catastrophic battle did he "commit genocide against his entire race" (did everyone forget that he himself is the Codex's host and therefore the living possibility of Krypton's rebirth?) or "cause multiple mass casualty events".
I understand that the scale of fictional damage was perhaps a touch more realistic than the near identical scale featured in all of the Avengers movies. It's fine if it's not your thing. Move along. That discomfort still doesn't give you enough leeway to point the finger at a rookie Superman on his first day on the job and say "all that destruction and death was his fault". He tried to take it out of the city! Zod—a vastly more experienced military leader with blind genetic fanaticism on his side, by contrast—refused to allow it. His goal was the annihilation of earth and as much collateral damage as possible (preferably the entire human race). Clark had to stand between humanity and that with zero combat experience and no clue he'd be forced into a no-win scenario to stop the carnage.
I'm tired. It has been ten years. I'm so fucking tired. Can you people give it a rest? None of you are the ultimate authority on superheroes and positioning yourselves as something dangerously close to that with these twitter threads and blog treatises and reviews full of big words in nerd outlets only poisons the fandom well further.
You are allowed to dislike things. You aren't even required to justify that dislike. What you aren't allowed to do is declare something objectively bad based on nothing but your own subjective reaction to it, then invent criticisms that aren't even applicable to the thing in question.
The day we lost the ability to differentiate between "I did not enjoy this media so I guess it wasn't for me" and "I did not enjoy this media and therefore NO ONE SHOULD BECAUSE REASONS I WILL INVENT FROM SECONDHAND HEARSAY" is the day media literacy ceased to exist in pop culture.
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