#idk maybe I’m reading too much into it
applesfrombanora · 1 year
I know it’s a little thing but I’ve always both adored and been fascinated by the fact that Angeal and Zack wear the Buster sword on their back with the blade facing down while Cloud wears it with the blade facing up
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It’s just a perfect little detail that I think plays a big role in the visual storytelling that defines their three characters and what they stand for
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amazingmsme · 7 months
Why do you not have a tag for your weird tickling/tickler stuff? I don't want to be mean, it's just I really hate seeing them and there's no tag to block.
I try to keep everything sorted by fandom, but if it’s really that big of an issue, I guess I can start tagging things. I know my blog is a hot mess, I know I need to keep it organized better, but I can’t really find it in me to try & get things organized. One of these days tho, I do plan on bringing some order to this dumpster fire
But if you really think it’s that weird, you can always just… leave. My interest is clearly not yours, & that’s fine! To each their own & all, but that is the kind of content I post the most. Not the only thing, but it is the majority (what can I say? I started young, built up a brand, & now people Expect Things™️)
I’m sorry if you found me through the normal tags & ended up at the freakshow lol
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anxiouspotatorants · 1 year
Whenever Rory dresses up like a housewife and cooks for a guy Kill Bill sirens go off in my head
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sassylilnoodle · 1 year
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You see, this is the kind of stuff that weirds me the hell out.
Maybe i’m missing some context here, but look at her. Look at where she’s facing and looking. It’s pretty obvious she either doesn’t know the camera is there or is purposefully ignoring them.
Either way, it doesn’t look like she gave permission to be photographed. But people assume that just because you are a well known person you automatically consent to having your photo taken, whenever. and that just doesn’t feel right.
Zendaya (and all celebrities/influencers) deserve just as much respect and privacy that you do. Even if you do this intending to compliment her (like the acc is) posting these photos and taking these photos is still a violation of their privacy.
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plasma-packin-peep · 4 months
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Do you guys ever think about this panel. Do you think about how in this moment he realizes he’s about to be killed by the demon and he is SMILING!!!!!!! He’s about to fulfill his one remaining desire, the one he hasn’t even admitted to himself, and it’s all finally going to be over.
Because I’m thinking about it a lot, in fact I actually cannot stop thinking about it
Bonus in case thinking about it made you depressed:
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💞💝💕💖💗💕💓💞💝💕💖💗💖YOUR NEW LIFE BEGINS HERE!!💝💞💖💗💕💓💞💝💗💕💖💕💝💞
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lucky-clover-gazette · 4 months
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another note on the premise of dot and bubble being a bait and switch: the black mirror episode nosedive (one of my favorite tv stories ever) has a protagonist named lacey pound, who is a young white woman with bangs. dot and bubble features lindy pepper, who is also a young white woman with bangs. both episodes include pastel colored and highly stylized clothing and environments. nosedive constructs a powerful satirical critique of influencer culture and social media; but in dot and bubble’s case, the criticism is a shallow and gimmicky imitation.
the point of dot and bubble is for you to expect a nosedive and a lacey pound—but instead you get an actual fucking white supremacist. and that is what the episode is really trying to say. whether you’re a person of color or not, whether you had any suspicion about the lack of poc in the utopia or the way lindy treated the doctor and ruby, you are forced by that ending to reckon with the complete dissolution of the story you expected to experience. and i am white! so i don’t want to assume the experiences of people of color. but i do have to wonder if that dissolution is even just a fraction of the betrayal so many people of color could have felt, how ncuti gatwa could have felt, how freema agyeman could have felt, when the fandom suddenly decided that their stories weren’t worth their respect or attention.
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I hate it when people don’t take aromanticism seriously. I hate it when they say “oh it’s just a phase I also thought I was aromantic but then I got a partner.” It doesn’t apply to everyone.
Respect aromanticism as you would respect any other identity
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kairithemang0 · 3 months
It shocks me that the Hatchetfield fandom doesn’t embrace the fact so many of the characters are garbage people. Max Jagerman? Horrible person, a bully and sexual harasser. So damn fun to watch. Linda Monroe? Annoying Karen mother who’s entitled and selfish. Amazing character, give us more of her being just the worst.
With a series full of characters who span from being assholes to down right evil people, it’s shocking that there’s so much hate towards people who like these characters. Let people like morally bad characters, it’s fun! Hell, make them likable if that’s what’ll make you happy. If you don’t like how someone else sees a character, maybe you’re the problem
Maybe I’m missing the point, I dunno. I love antagonists in any media really, Hatchetfield especially. Let people like the characters they like, hell let them redeem the ones that may be considered redeemable. If you don’t think they’re redeemable, cool. Move on with your life :)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
My brain is buzzed and buzzing.
HW Zelda spent a good portion of her time with Link disguised as Sheik. She decided to keep her identity a secret from even Impa, which means she probably had to change her personality a little to make it convincing. So this entire time, Sheik and Link work together and fight together, and Link got to know this different persona. So when she revealed herself as Zelda, I wonder how that changed their relationship and dynamic?
Imagine Zelda is falling for Link but Link is falling for someone who doesn’t exist. Imagine Link’s agency and consent are so ambiguous because destiny determines that Link and Zelda are always together, that they have to be together, at least according to Lana and Cia.
I don’t know, I just have a lot of thoughts about HW Zelink. Not all of them are great. But I suppose if people write it well I can like it.
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transmascissues · 6 months
do you actually view nonbinary people as non-binary or as binary people too scared to come out
this is a wild thing to ask someone who’s very openly not binary. like what even prompted you to send this? even if you didn’t know that i’m not binary trans, what have i said that would lead you to think i don’t believe in nonbinary people? is it just the fact that i’m a trans man and talk about being one on here? because sometimes it really feels like that’s all it takes for some of y’all to just assume i hate nonbinary people, as if those are mutually exclusive categories (which is ironically an exorsexist assumption in itself).
anyway, if it needed to be said, of course i view nonbinary people as nonbinary. it would be very silly of me to feel differently given that i’m not a binary trans person myself and that most of the trans people i’m close to in real life are nonbinary. i would strongly encourage you to ask yourself what it is about me that made you feel the need to ask me this in the first place.
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housecow · 7 months
Any reactions from friends or family? Do you notice yourself being treated differently or judged as you get bigger?
ooooh i love talking about this.. i haven’t gotten a single reaction from family or friends!! and i’m 20lbs past my previous heaviest, so… haha i’m honestly just very lucky, they’ve never commented much on my body or anything?? as a teen i think it was painfully obvious how uncomfortable i as with my boobs, so that may be part of why :))
the only comment i got was years ago when my gma just said ��300 comes fast” and i could tell she regretted saying anything… ANYWAYS hope she’s right hehe :3
as for being treated differently… certain things are different?? it largely depends on how i present myself, lol. with a cute outfit/hair/makeup or whatever i get treated very well still, but like. a t-shirt and baggy jeans and a chubby round face w minimal makeup bc im on my period?? people sometimes don’t make eye contact lmfao
on the other hand, sometimes there are ppl who treat me VERY well when i’m looking especially chubby/fat and i always kinda wonder…
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zillasafe · 28 days
Thinking about that one part of Azran Legacy where Layton dives at Descole from the air and swings a metal pipe straight for his head. Thinking about how for the first half of that fight Layton is on the offensive, how Descole is the one blocking and parrying—trying to keep Layton away. How even when Descole cuts the pipe in half and expects the fight to be over, Layton immediately adapts and just keeps going for him. How Layton easily rips the sword from his hands. How Raymond has to snatch Descole away from the fight before Layton hurts him.
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philzokman · 10 months
whenever i read skk fanfiction theres always a point in the evening where i look across my room to my copy of dazai’s self portraits and feel the need to clarify to myself that i am not, in fact, reading fanfiction of two authors but rather the twinkified anime versions of said authors
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 4 months
Never not thinking about how literally the entire arc of the KoS duology was both set up and foreshadowed at the very beginning of Six of Crows with Van Eck’s quote:
“[amplifiers] only increase a Grisha’s power. Jurda parem alters a Grisha’s perception”
Because this immediately establishes that this power is always possible!!! The neural pathways that parem either stimulates or inhibits don’t make it possible for that power to be done they make it possible for a Grisha to see how to use that power, so theoretically there was always a way of teaching oneself how to learn that perception without chemical input and therefore without the danger that comes from either the stimulation/inhibition of those pathways or the stimulation/inhibition of other pathways and neurons that parem had an impact on
Did this make sense? Idk I’m tired, I hope it made sense
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allegroghoul · 3 months
Ghost movie spoilers!!!!!
Ok so while Sister Imperator was dying, there were flashes of like.. birth imagery and it showed not one but TWO babies and also two kids.
I wonder if they’re gonna pull the “Copia has a secret twin brother” card because if so that would be really funny, actually.
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porschesbabydaddy · 1 year
I know we joke abt Korn being so accepting of his gay sons (worlds best ally, worlds worst father) but does anyone else find Korn’s acceptance… rather conditional? Like he most likely didn’t approve of Tawan (and could very well have planted evidence of him being a traitor for all we know), regularly throws Kinn’s one relationship with a man back in his face as evidence of his bad judgement, and does his level best to discourage Kinn from Pursuing Porsche.
During episode 6 we also hear Kinn say that his dream is to “grow his family” which of course could mean just making their empire bigger/more powerful, but if you take it in the literal and more common sense then Kinn having children would be a thing that would have to involve a woman in some capacity (something tells me Korn wouldn’t be satisfied with an adopted child taking the throne). Korn just gives me the vibes of a father that would be like “sure you can play around with men, but at the end of the day you’re expected to make a political match with a woman and produce heirs.” Even if it’s not something necessarily said out loud
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