#shinra babies
ticklishcicada · 1 year
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Shinra babies: Zack hurts himself trying to impress Cloud pt2
"quick" follow up to this
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ladyespera · 7 months
final fantasy 7 ever crisis chapter 6
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pxntxgrxmdrxws · 1 year
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messy ahh sketch but the second i saw his new outfit this immediately zapped into my mind (the outfit is probably off i couldn't find a good reference)
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gomacave · 4 months
What if i had a dream abt transfem Seph trying on her first dress with her friends. What if i cried abt it.... what if i blamed u for it fydydjfjshhs thmk u for the brain worms 😭
OMG?/?/???? THATS SO COOL…………. TRANSFEM SEPH SPREADING……..!Q1!!Q!!!! IM SOOO HAPPY UGAFHGHG…….. subliminal messaging to my fellow ff7 fans 😭😭
😭 shemakes me want to eat cement UAGGHGHGHGH YOURE WELCOME…..!!!11 TY FOR TELLING ME… made my day honestly….. cant believe my fanart exists in other ppls minds lwdklksd 🥺
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Heres a doodle of seph in a nightgown cuz i think shed look really good in a nightgown wandering around and being miserable LOL 😭😭😭
Ty for the ask….!1!!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 8 months
Angeal, Sephiroth, we all know how Genesis can be... Genesis... so, what are some of the things you and the others do to... tune him out without someone shooting him (Cloud), fist fighting him like a child in the schoolyard (Sephiroth), trying to whack him with anything they can get their hands on (The Turks), or sicking their pet on him (Rufus)
• Cloud can't really do much besides stand there and listen to Genesis's complaints, gossip, and poetic prattle. He's his superior, and Cloud is an infantryman who doesn't have the luxury of being able to walk away from him. So he stands there, smiles, and nods, agreeing to everything Genesis says. He lets his mind wander while occasionally muttering an "uh-huh" "yeah" or "wow"
• Rufus has no relationship with Genesis. Rufus is friendly with Zack⏤like the other Turks⏤and Zack is friends with Genesis. That's it. So whenever the grating redhead finds him at events and parties and starts a conversation, Rufus simply excuses himself and quickly walks away.
• Sephiroth and Angeal have been friends with Genesis long enough to know that arguing and teasing isn't enough to shut him up when his prattling and snark become unbearable. They've come to realize that all Genesis wants is attention, so if they refuse him theirs, he will simply go away.
• Genesis starts acting like a bitch for no reason? They flat-out ignore him. Genesis starts going off about his latest Loveless musings? Sephiroth tunes him out and hopes his silence when Genesis asks him a question will be the redhead's cue to leave. Genesis is sharing the latest gossip fresh off the rumor mill? Angeal knows to keep quiet and occasionally rolls his eyes to show his disapproval.
🔓 Angst Route Unlocked ↓
Genesis gets a new book one day, a novel with a mystery he's actively trying to solve while reading. He's with Sephiroth and Angeal in the conference room waiting for Lazard to show up, and he can't sit still. He's flipping through his book, showing Sephiroth the cool map designs on the inner cover, and telling Angeal about the plot of the story.
It's the first time he notices that they aren't listening. Sephiroth is busy on his laptop⏤rolling his eyes at every snarky comment Gen makes, Angeal is staring straight ahead trying to tune him out, and Genesis....he's being a bother, isn't he?
So he puts his book down and lets his words gradually fade away into silence. When he does, he hears Angeal sigh in relief. The sound hits Genesis like a slap to the face. Sephiroth squeezes his eyes shut, as if thanking whatever entity for the silence.
Genesis presses his book against his lap, his reddened fingers digging into the pointed corners. His eyes well up with tears.
Genesis feels a sudden heaviness in his chest. The vibrance that usually cloaks him is now replaced by a defeated stillness. He had been so engrossed in sharing his excitement, oblivious to his friends' disinterest, that he hadn't realized how grating his voice began to sound.
His bare fingers tremble against the edge of the book. Genesis blinks back tears, the sting in his eyes distracting him from the sudden paper cut.
A wave of self-awareness crashes over him. Was he always like this? A bother, an unwelcome addition to every room he entered? The realization cuts deeper than the one on his index finger, slicing through the layers of his demeanor.
As he gazes at Sephiroth and Angeal again, Genesis feels an ache in his chest. They're wholly unaware of his realization, but certainly welcome the silence.
He has admired Sephiroth since he was a child⏤the same child who's only first and only friend was Angeal. He doesn't want the two people he respects the most in this world, his only friends, to find his presence a bother.
An hour later, Genesis sits at his desk in his office. He's long abandoned his work in favor of caving to his negative thoughts. Quiet sniffling is the only sound in the room. His eyes are red-rimmed and a bit sore, and his nose is swollen.
And then comes an excitable figure breaking the door open. It startles Genesis, the door swinging open being enough to snap him out of his daze.
Zack has a grin on his face and smells of rainwater, wet dirt, and blueberry soda, which tells the older Soldier that Zack has been out in the elements. He gently shut the door⏤probably realizing how roughly he had opened it, and strode in.
"Hey!" he smiles. "Guess what? I completely wrecked a Malboro today! You should've seen it⏤I got a clean hit and only my sword got caked in the gunk. Oh, did you hear that Sergeant Stevens was a total ass to the new group of cadets today? I swear, the dude walks around all high and mighty as if he's not Scarlet's footstool on his downtime."
As Zack continues to talk, Genesis slowly sits up straight, unfurling himself from his curled-up position. Zack is the only one who's patient with him, the only one who gives him endless chances and forgives his teasing. Genesis has only ever seen him as Angeal's puppy who was always around them.
But now that Genesis looks at him, he looks different ⏤Zack looks like a friend.
Zack plops himself down on the chair in front of the desk. "I had a steak bowl for lunch today. It was really good, but they were all out of rice so I had to make do with quinoa⏤keen-wa, is that how you pronounce it?"
Zack's eyes land on the book on top of the desk. "Woah, new book?" he asks, picking it up and immediately paging through it. "What's it about?" He looks up to see Genesis staring at him. "Ah..." Zack awkwardly closes the book. "I'm sorry. Is this a bad time? Do you want me to go?"
Genesis shakes his head slowly, brushing away the stray tear from his cheek. "Only if you want to."
Zack pauses, taking in the response with a tilt of his head that makes him look every bit the puppy he is. "Why would I? So," Zack starts flipping through the book again. "How was your day?"
Genesis cannot contain the small smile that reaches his lips. He leans over and reaches out, ruffling Zack's hair and ignoring the boy's protests.
"My day was fine, puppy."
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ff7boi · 7 months
can you imagine being tifa and thinking you're the only one who survived the attack sephiroth did to your hometown and one day you suddenly run into a childhood friend who also survived but something is clearly wrong so you take him back with you and offer him a job and place to stay but something is still so wrong but you don't say anything, you're to scared to say something about that night and the few times you do, this friend breaks into headaches and just mumbles random cryptic stuff so you're afraid to push further and you go on this whole journey and you keep watching your friend just break and break and realize that not even shinra could allow you to have this childhood friend, this last piece connected to your past, because even they went as far as to break him as well
What if I exploded guys
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salternateunreality2 · 8 months
Preggoroth: Nesting
Sephiroth: How can I help you, Genesis?
Genesis: *plunks down in chair, kicks feet up on Seph's desk, starts talking about his day*
One-Winged Angel: *starts playing*
Genesis: *jumps* What the fuck?
Sephiroth: You disturbed the nest. Prepare for war.
The single innocent paperclip that started all this by being moved 3cm to the left: 📎
Poor Cloud Strife. He and Zack have been identified by Seph's lizard brain as "BABIES".
Kidnapping, surprise cuddling, feeding, swaddling, and lots and lots of proud staring and purring.
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My babies. My perfect, beautiful babies.
Sephiroth's inner child is being HEALED through this process. He has built nests EVERYWHERE, from his office to Lazard's office to his apartment to Angeal's kitchen to Cloud's barracks to Genesis' closet -- any space that Sephiroth has ever felt a little bit safe or a little bit comfortable has at minimum a very soft blanket.
Zack is HERE for it, and has bought him ALL THE PLUSHIES. Not content with the Shinra SOLDIER propaganda plushies, homeboy found an entire zoo's worth of (hopefully) stuffed animals and even hand-made a few extra.
One of the homemade ones is an octopus/squid/tarantula/chameleon monstrosity that is Sephiroth's second favorite, after his lizard.
Zack created the chimera after years of listening to Sephiroth's voice warm slightly when talking about how a tentacle could hug you really well, that many eyes in weird places would be great for recon, and how he felt like he could never be his whole, true self, like a chameleon.
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Shinra Official Baby Shower
Boring AF, with lots of stupid gifts, schmoozing, and ceremony.
Scarlet gifted him a bunch of mechanical mobiles, which Genesis "accidentally" firagad later.
President Shinra gifted a (for him) measly check and publicly announced that the children will be "Sons of the Company" and offered "medical" treatment for life and an apartment closer to said "medical" treatment, and "nannies". Fortunately, the Turks jiggled some wires and oops the broadcast was fucked. President Shinra was uninformed about who the father is, but those in the know laughed at him behind his back for the "Sons of the Company" thing.
Heidegger had his people prepare a gift basket, but Cloud got a hold of the order and makes it secretly great, with boring stuff on top. Lots of tasty and helpful gifts for the expectant Sephiroth buried under bland diapers and onesies.
Reeve made some unhackable baby monitors to prevent Hojo's tampering or observations. He told Sephiroth about the unhackability in private, when he also gave him a mobile and a white noise machine, all also unhackable.
Hojo somehow came down with the flu and didn't make it, and his gift got accidentally incinerated. Oops.
Rufus gave Sephiroth the majority of the registry's big ticket items, like strollers, car seats, etc.
Palmer had his administrative assistant buy something off the registry, and Anne, a surprisingly insightful woman, got it in blue with a bunch of squirmy sea creatures on it. Sephiroth wrote a thank you note just to her.
Other employees brought generic cards and cheap registry items.
Cadet Baby Shower
The cadets couldn't afford jack shit, but organized a diaper drive and it turned out to be one of the best and most needed gifts of all.
SOLDIER and Turk Shower
This was actually more like a rager, with a ton of fun games and the rest of the registry getting filled out.
Many of the Turks and SOLDIERS gave miniature weapons of all sorts that Sephiroth was completely delighted with and squirreled away almost immediately. To this day, Lazard is still emptying tiny-weapons caches all over the Tower. The SOLDIER-Turk merch war was absurd as well.
His closest friends gave him a set of 150 bug-out bags hidden around the city and Gaia. Each bag contained cash, food, and clothes for him, a friend, and his babies, and...
His most treasured gift: a USB with a photo album plus a handful of physical pics, including 4 Lucrecia hard copies in each bag. All his friends and comrades were represented, and his closest friends had written letters to be stored on the USBs. AGSL had each hidden a quarter of them, and no one except Sephiroth himself knew the location of all of the bags.
Zack was not permitted to know the location of more than 3. It's not his fault his mouth is so fast! He's a speedy guy!
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Sephiroth, unable to sleep, has repainted the entire SOLDIER floor and all of his nest areas 300 times by now.
He has also done heavy and light construction work all over his and his friends' apartments.
He considered building a "baby gate" to Cloud's dorm, but stopped himself while carrying the lumber and a drill onto the elevator, realizing he didn't want to become his father. To be perfectly clear, it wasn't the "imprisoning an adult employee against his will", it was the "anti-Hojo sentiment" that stopped him.
"Sephiroth, darling, we need to talk about the 3am construction," said Lazard, holding Sephiroth's hand and looking him in the eye.
"Oh, yes, I can't sleep, so I prepare for the babies. They seem to enjoy it, as they stop kicking my bladder every 2 seconds while I'm up," Sephiroth replied, glaring gently at his belly. "In fact, they're getting excited now. It is the third time this hour!"
Lazard winced.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, that sounds awful. I'll let you go in just a second, but could you please give some thought to another hobby? Several of your colleagues and even myself are experiencing fatigue due to the construction noise. Perhaps knitting would help? I know you're preparing for the babies, and you're doing an excellent job."
"Oh! Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I forget sometimes that not everyone is used to sleep deprivation. I will certainly consider it. Now if you'll excuse me, the children are getting restless and I drank a gallon of water."
"Of course," said Lazard, and let him go, relieved at the easy acquiescence.
It wasn't until the next day when he woke up to newly knitted carpeting throughout the entire SOLDIER floor that he began to question his suggestion.
"It's better than the construction," he muttered under his breath...until he passed Cloud and Zack knitted into the wall.
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Excess blankets/tiny socks/hats/etc. get donated and save some cold children's lives ❤️ Helpfulroth ❤️
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I redrew old art to see my progress! I was overdue To draw shinarthur anyways :) <3
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altocat · 1 year
Child Seph: “Talking to you three—this must be what it feels like to “have fun.” I think I’m enjoying it.”
Lucia: Ohmygod I must give this kid a head-pat and adopt immediately wtf
She is all of us loll
Meanwhile Seph five seconds later:
"Anyway so MURDER."
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ticklishcicada · 1 year
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Shinra Babies: Zack hurts himself trying to impress Cloud
They meet alot younger in my au
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ramu-ego · 2 years
no i am not thinking about niko’s slutty little waist 99% of my day shut up i don’t want to hold it or tease him or anything.
niko gives hentai protag vibes w the hair alone, one of those wish fulfilment ones where someone way out of his league is obsessed with him and plays his dommy mommy.
also… tomorrow is niko time. i will hear his voice.
Its me it should be me
cousin it looking mother fucker
-the thigh gap...yeah had me with the god damn thigh gap fanart. What's he doing with birthing hips like that huh?? What's your man doing with hips looking like they're ready to be holding a kid or two?? Hair ain't big enough he gotta even it out with those wide hips and still have a sluttly little gap?? A gap that your strap goes between and you make him be a little perv while his limp cock and balls rest on a much bigger toy while you tease and harass him about his cute tiny little cock and the untrimmed bush that matches his hair bc he's too scared to use sharps down there ♡
pervy boy has a utterly horrific voice that fits your pervy little hentai trope and I know you'll be as bad as my wife and think it's fit. Me? Still not over it and traumatized by it daily. I say like Shinra using his big boy voice hasn't made me schedule twelve therapy sessions or something
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zachooch · 8 months
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I think I have a type dark haired w mommy issues (and fire plz😭)
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bylightofdawn · 5 months
WIP Tuesday
Y'all can thank @astaldis for tagging me.
Flashback Scene from my Reeve/Rufus WIP featuring teenage!Rufus and bb!Reeve first meeting.
“You work here though, right?” The blond asked skeptically.
“I do, I’m Reeve Tuesti. I work in the Urban Planning division”
The name rang a bell actually, he was some hotshot up-and-comer that his father had been bragging about signing to an exclusivity contract before he’d even completed his Master’s program. He’d revolutionized how their Mako reactors operated within the first year of his employment and was already skyrocketing up the ranks of Urban Planning.
Which meant he was potentially an interesting and useful ally to cultivate.
At least that’s what Rufus was telling himself and not because he found the man’s earnest face and the kindness in his eyes appealing.
He made of show of pulling up the company directory and looked up Reeve’s company profile. “Alright, I believe you.”
“You’re pretty clever, aren’t you.” Reeve commented with an approving smile. “I don’t think I would have been that smart when I was your age.”
“Midgar can be a dangerous place.” He tried to ignore the strange little twist in his chest at that unexpected praise. Rufus wasn't used to adults praising him or being nice to him for no ulterior motive than to try and curry favor with his father.
“You’re right about that, I grew up in a pretty rural area of the Grasslands so it’s taken me a while to try and adapt to living in a busy city like Midgar.”
“Do you miss it? Living in a rural area?” Rufus asked curiously as they headed upstairs to level 64 which held the cafeteria and it was the final publicly accessible the building.
He’d never been to the cafeteria. His father wouldn’t be caught dead stepping foot in such a place and thus, neither was Rufus. It gave him a little bit of a rebellious thrill knowing he was bucking his father’s expectations once again.
That earned him a contemplative look and Reeve reached up to rub the back of his neck a little uncomfortably. It was clear he was trying to pick his words carefully which was understandable. No junior executive, even one with as much potential promise as this man would ever want to come across as ungrateful or dissatisfied with their position.
“I miss certain things, like my family of course. And I miss the stars and the flowers. But you can’t complain about the sheer convenience of living in a city like Midgar.”
The concept of missing one’s family was borderline impossible for Rufus to conceptualize. Even though he’d had his mother in his life for the first ten years of his life and he missed her still, he’d never a good example of what a semi-normal family life so such a thing sounded more like fantasy than reality to him.
“Though I could do without the amount of traffic. I’ve been trying to push through a plan to expand the public transportation systems to help with the commuter traffic in between the plates and the slums.” Reeve admitted with a wry-looking smile and some of the light in the man’s eyes had dimmed a little bit when he said that.
He was beginning to get his first taste of disappointment in realizing not everyone in Shinra shared his passion for bettering the city for the good of the common man.
Because he couldn’t stop himself from testing those around him, Rufus slanted a curious look over at Reeve once they stepped into the cafeteria.
“It sounds like you’re not having much luck with it though?” He was curious to see if this man was willing to complain about the company to a seemingly innocent civilian. If he did, that was definitely something he would talk to his father about. Reeve Tuesti might show promise but no one wanted a disloyal employee on their payroll.
“It’ll happen one day. There are simply other, more important projects to complete. Like finishing the walls to protect everyone from monsters and potential attacks. The SEPC takes it's mission of creating a better life for everyone serious. Midgar is going to be the city of the future, just you wait."
Rufus studied the man's sincere expression for any sign of artifice or tell-tale signs he was just parroting the company byline and was surprised to see the man seemed to genuinely believe what he’d just said.
Reeve Tuesti was either a lot better of a liar than he appeared to be or he genuinely did believe in his father’s dream of creating a city of the future. But the question was…had he been informed about the Neo Midgar project yet or not.
As for tagging other people, I don't really have too many writing buddies to tag. Blame my crippling social anxiety so anyone who wants to participate please do so and tag me!
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nepobabyshowdown · 1 year
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Why did they have to make them (cloud Vincent soldiers and turks) so😔 all I want is to take care of them
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yousei-no-mori · 1 year
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bonus school uniform blorbo
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