inkypaws15 · 4 months
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Happy early Valentine's day folks, here's Zelek and Nuray.
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0poolesketch · 1 year
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Zelek, Protector of the innocent
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thecompany-if · 11 months
What's the team member's reaction when someone they care about lets them down? How do they guard themselves against further disappointment?
I'm just gonna put the main team for the case of my sanity 👌
Zil: He's more on frustrated than angry, and trying to keep it on that level. He doesn't want to lash out, knowing it was just a mistake made and can be fixed. Zil will try to communicate why he's disappointed and try to help the other person to avoid it happening again.
Thalia: She's a bit stunned. She had her expectations, just waiting for disappointment and even internally joking about it, and only to be surprised that it actually happened. To lessen any further disappointments, she'll slowly stop asking the other person for anything.
Jane: Unsurprised. It's not the first time anyway. She won't do anything about it though, declaring herself "too tired to fix someone else".
John: No one can really tell with him, since he puts his emotions in a vault and is always with an aloof look.
Ariel: It depends what kind of let down it was. If it were something small, then she sees no problem. But if it's actually something serious/big, then... I don't think Ariel will exactly guard herself from further disappointment, but she will just lower her expectations just a bit.
Zelek: He'll just give a long stare in silence, before letting out a sigh. He's not mad, only disappointed. He won't really guard himself either, but just expect to be disappointed again to lessen the blow.
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posters round 1 poll 14
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[no propaganda has been submitted]
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slack-wise · 1 year
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Bronisław Zelek
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strathshepard · 11 months
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Polish poster by the great Bronisław Zelek for Far from the Madding Crowd (John Slesigner, 1967)
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drikgs · 8 months
musze sie wam pochwalic bo jestem z siebie dzisiaj mega dumna
na wf (mam zwolnienie roczne) moje kolezanki przyniosly zelki i draze i jedne z tych zelek to byly moje ulibione zelki (smiejzelki kwasne 🫠🫠🫠) i nie zjadlam ani jednego a pozniej pilam kawe z moja mama i wyciagnela ptasie mleczko rowniez moje przeukochane (waniliowe pls jedno z najlepszych) i rowniez nie zjadlam wiec jestem giga dumna bo bylam dosc glodna i mialam w chuj ochote na slodkie no bo mialam malo energii po prostu ale sie udalo
a oprocz tego to stary mi dzis powiedzial ze wygladam zdrowiej i jestem „taka pelniejsza na twarzy” 😁😁😁 dzieki jutro znowu nic nie zjem 😘😘
ale ogolnie obstawiam ze to po prostu dlatego ze ostatnio sie poklocilismy o to ze ciagle mi mowi ze wygladam na wychudzona a mn to denerwuje wiec wydaje mi sie ze bardziej chcial byc po prosru mily bo zarzucalam mu ze jest chamem niz faktycznie w jakis sposob wygladam zdrowiej bo schudlam so XDD
jak ktos to przrczytal to dziekuje kocham was ❤️ milej nocki misie
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raymurata · 1 month
Oak!! I want to know formal (whatever formal means for them), wardrobe, and change
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Oak definitely enjoys dressing up, making and donning jewellery, mixing and matching items to make cool outfits, mixing and matching styles (zelek goblin, other goblin or orc clans' patterns and adornments and clothes, kryn clothes, etc). They put together outfits with whatever is available to them, and make a point of wearing plenty of traditional jewellery of their own making (or their sister's).
Their formal look for someone's wedding or graduation could be something like this (art whipped together in 30 mins)
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But they definitely like playing around and could easily wear a dress or something very different from this too. Here is my Oak wardrobe pinboard.
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Their wardrobe is somewhat big, actually, but that's only because they share with other three siblings (currently)! The fourth of five siblings, Oak's clothes were always handed down from Kat or Zed, the twins (which works really well for Oak who likes both feminine and masculine clothes, tho Kat's were always in much much better state than Zed's) while they were all still growing. Since they've reached adulthood and all of the other siblings too, and most of them still live at home, on and off, they all share clothes. I can definitely see that creating some light hearted conflict when Oak was moving to Rosohna and wanted to take a piece of clothing Willow also likes a lot. XD
I think everyone in the Zahar family can sew and make basic repairs to clothes, including Oak, but Kat is probably one of the few who can actually make her own clothes. And I think Oak's dad can knit and make embroidery, so quite often Oak would get their help to fully remodel an item of clothing, or to add traditional patterns to clothes they bought in Rosohna.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
I really wanted to give Oak a tattoo, but I only thought of the design after our Have I Ever Game in canon (in which they said they had none) 😞 maybe they'll get it in the future.
As for big changes... I think Oak kept their hair at shoulder-length or shorter for most of their childhood and early teens, but then they decided to grow it out and liked it long. The face piercings were also a big appearance change, and they're particularly proud and fond of them 😌
The closest to a "complete wardrobe swap" I can think of is how they had to buy more clothes for themself during the years in Rosohna so that means they added a lot more Kryn clothes to their wardrobe (all very simple, working class stuff), but you bet they have already made adjustments to all of those clothes to make them more them, more vibrant, more goblin. 😌 So they're no longer boring or simple.
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random-user-guy · 9 months
IF OC gallery no.2
Meet the contractor of the Seven Deadly Sins from @sevensdeadly-if, Perseus (his parents loved greek mythology a bit too much). Plans on wreaking havoc on the heavens and hell, effectively destroying the balance just like he was meant to.
"May God have mercy on you 'cause I won't"
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(written by @manonamora-if)The Thick Table Tavern's mischievous bartender, Kate. The girl will mix strange things on your drink if you mess with her. Be careful.
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medieval au Welhaven, the beloved human wife of Queen Adelaide from @julietandcinderella-if. Anyone you meet at court will sing her praises, yet a few nobles will speak of her ruthless scheming trait, where they think walls have no ears to spy on them 🙂
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Leas: City of the Sun's (written by @sailingshellsgames) chaotic sword master agent from Den Zarel, . Loves causing trouble with the higher-ups and on missions, yet is a true professional on getting the job done at the last minute. Fiercely protective of Keo, he's thinking on how to remove the ridiculous laws/policies followed by the city for the fey.
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The newest babysitter of the firecracker and lone wolf (Thalia and Serio), Marco from @thecompany-if. He's best friends with the mad scientist, Henry, due to shared interest in supernatural engineering science and lack of common sense. At first he tried to be more strict with his juniors, yet very soon started spoiling both of them, giving in to firecracker's wishes which generally gets all three in trouble with the boss, Zelek.
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@infamous-if, the lead singer of Chaos Anthem, Maria. She's talented at singing and raising Orion's blood pressure due to her habit of almost always risking being late or a concert/interview etc.
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William from @anjiefiction grieving over his fate and having flashbacks of what happened that night in his childhood.
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Castiel studies on Lumintoille from @cheerstotheelites-if. His study habits and time management skills are impeccable, yet God knows how he manages to stay in such a messy bedroom 😔
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The high-school version of the new teacher in @thankyoufortoday-if , Jake. Now he is totally different from before, though some habits have remained with him even at this stage of his life, including smoking (tried to quit for a while but it didn't work).
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credits to artbreeder and picrew artists, i don’t own the art 
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mallowmaenad · 1 month
Tubi is not for watching its original high school dramas its for watching animes in english or latino spanish called something like "Legend of The Lion Merchant: Zeleks Five" that aired for 6 months on Teletoon in 1998 and random tv shows from 5-10 years ago that make you say "holy shit I forgot that was a thing"
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inkypaws15 · 5 months
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A sketch of Zelek and Nuray I made a few days ago.
Based on those cat couple silhouettes on Pinterest. Here's an example:
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skinnyasnatsuki · 2 months
Dobra mam nową motywavjee
Te wielkie zakupy za 40kg to bd mogła sobie kupić tyle słodyczy na wakacje ile mi starczy jakichś nwm zelek chupdow pianek pełno z różnych sklepów
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thecompany-if · 2 years
Which of the team members would be a hero,anti-hero or a villain? Of the heroes,what would be their main motive for choosing to be heroes?
Hero: Ariel
Anti-Hero: Zil, Thalia, Jane, John, Zelek, Athena, Henry, Elly, Melise, Caspian
Villain: None lmao
*I mean, everyone who works in The Company is basically an Anti-Hero at this point
Ariel: "Obliterate all evils to achieve peace and order, as the Lord Malkhiel has willed it to be."
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lilinaxiz · 11 months
dobra wiec zeby umilic sobie chudnięcie i fasty postanawiam zrobic nagrody za schudniecie do danej liczby moje cw to 57,4
54 - kupie sobie 3 ksiazki
50 - zamowie ubrania i 1 ksiazke
48 - moge zjesc paczkę zelek i chipsow
45 - zamawiam aromaty bolero i kupuje sobie lindorki
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dustedmagazine · 8 months
Aaron Dooley — The International Disassociation of (Centripetal Force/Island House)
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This second outing of 2023 from Aaron Dooley’s seven-piece jazz ensemble shimmers and shifts, an indefinite haze of sound breaking, sporadically, for clear flights of melody. Dooley, a bass player out of Denver, plunks a subtle, unsettling undertow, allowing other instruments—pedal steel, saxophone, even drums—to slip to the forefront. All improvised, these cuts absorb multiple points of view into free-flowing inquiry, not muddying them, but softening the edges.
“Passing Tres” for instance weaves slow-moving textures of bass, percussion, saxophone and trumpet together, letting the drums float to foreground with their punches and cymbal shivers (that’s Diego Lucero on kit). It’s a luminous, somewhat indistinct sound with flares of fusion-y futurism, a musing, narcotic drift to it. A skirling saxophone, played by Gabriella Zelek, breaks through like a swimmer to the surface, the bass roiling deep underneath. “What About Being Alone” shifts the focus to Cooper Dickerson, his plaintive surges of pedal steel lifting out of the soundscape, while Zelek’s sax swirls and blows around him. “Reward of Consequence” provides space for Aesop Adams, the guitarist and Dooley’s partner in Osmium House, to let things rip.
The disc’s first three cuts are relatively concise. The last three stretch to wider horizons. “Westbound Alameda” does this in a lyrical, laid-back way, an elastic foundation of bass and struck percussion supporting flares of trumpet (Gavin Susalski), slithery runs of sax and, again, that gorgeous pedal steel. “Funeral of Fireflies” abstracts country pedal steel into abstract shapes, letting the thump and pound of percussion push it away from conventional twang. Adams, here, executes whistle-high harmonics that cut through the haze and Zuri Barnes sings warmly, evocatively in the background. It sounds like a slightly countrified version of Laraaji’s transcendental bliss. Dooley’s band is rooted in jazz, but not confined by it. The final track with its stand-up bass and swaggering horn line sounds the most like big band swing. It also allows the wildest bouts of brass improvisation, with Susalski arcing off into the stratosphere from a swaying, grounding foundation.  
It's not easy to get even a couple of people on one page, let alone seven. These tracks show a still relatively new configuration of people finding their way together, making a shared path and diverging from it.
Jennifer Kelly
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