avatarart · 2 months
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Posting with permission from the artist, malinka624!
Please check out their Twitter and go show your love for the original post!
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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Recombinants x Medic!Reader
Summary: An unlikely group of people find a home in their cute little human doctor.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of wounds/death/hurting animals
Word count: 1.6k
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“Sorry! I did tell you it would burn” ___ swiped the alcohol wipe across Lopez’s blue arm, cleaning the deep wound from dirt and bacteria. She grabbed a needle and thread out of the medkit on the floor and carefully stitched him up.
“Don’t be a pussy Lp” Brown stuck his tongue out, tail flicking every which way, hitting Mansk behind him who swatted at the appendage and rolled his eyes, not that anyone could see them under the shades.
“Hey! This is a crazy ass gash on my arm! Let me cry dickface” Lopez stuck up the middle finger of the hand that wasn’t getting treated and ___ slapped it, instructing him not to get into petty fights until after she’s done.
“Will you lot stop pulling each others cocks for one minute?” their colonel strolled into the med bay with Wainfleet right behind him, both ducking under the small doorway to get into the room. “How’s it looking doc?”
“He’ll be ok, it shouldn’t get infected if treated correctly, just make sure to change the bandages every once in a while” ___ finished the last of the stitches she sewed, putting away her equipment. Being a doctor on Pandora had its pros, her income was higher than any other job on Earth, she got to be the first of the human race to live on another planet, she also got to have free roam of Bridgehead since she was highly ranked which was cool.
The cons however, were that she had to be apart of Project Phoenix. Assisting the recombinant squad, ‘deja blu’ was not what she signed up for and at first she was very reluctant, until she actually spent time with them. They were sweet and gentle with her, knowing that she was physically much weaker than them, they took care of her and also each other. Somewhat, they were a family.
Also the soldiers were fucking hot.
“Good. Lopez that was some stupid shit you pulled back there. Could’ve gotten us killed” Quaritch’s heavy steps stomped over to the two and flicked the mans pointed ear, Lopez winced and ___ huffed a laugh.
“Sorry colonel, just got too excited”
“If you want to be excited again, you have the opportunity to get out once you’re done here” General Ardmore made herself known, glaring at every person in the room “I need you on the front lines, take on those big ass animals that are blocking our train lines, they haven’t moved for days so we’re gonna amp up the pressure”
Some of the squad quietly sighed, they just came back from a mission, one that almost got them eaten by a giant black cat, not to mention one of them is injured enough as is.
“General, Lopez here needs to rest, he’s hurt enough as is” ___ intervened, holding the man’s massive hand and squeezing it in reassurance, she knew by the way his ears pointed down that he didn’t want to go out so soon, especially after almost getting his arm hacked off. Ardmore only directed her glare to the woman, making her freeze and look down.
She was one intimidating lady.
“General, we’ll be out there as soon as my guys are rested, it shouldn’t take long” Quaritch piped up, not wanting their doctor to face the older ladies rath of judgement.
Ardmore nodded sharply and sighed heavily, not liking the delay but this wasn’t her team to command… well it was…but Quaritch was a man that she didn’t want to get on the bad side of. Recom or human. She briskly turned and marched out but not before giving them three days rest to recover and gather supplies. She’d just have to send some Bulldogs instead.
Lopez sighed and squeezed ___’s hand in thanks for sticking up for him, he released it and stood up from his chair, Brown coming over and clapping him on the back “you guys wanna go to the rec room? Ja and Zhang are waiting for us”, many agreed and followed suit, Wainfleet and Quaritch sticking behind for ___.
The doctor packed her equipment away and took off her lab coat off, nodding to the two as they filed out. “So.. what exactly happened out there?” she usually was on these missions with them, but she had to tend to some paperwork with the bio scientists.
“We ran into one of those.. what are they called, thanators? Nasty fuckers” Wainfleet strolled up next to her, tail flicking and sending her hair up a little, he grinned and messed with her more, using his tail to flick more of her neatly kept hair.
___ turned and slapped his leg, smoothing her hair down and jogged a little further to get away from him. “Yeah, they’re not very nice. You must’ve been in their hunting zone - stop that!” she grinned as Lyle followed her around “just because I have hair and you don’t!”
Quaritch snorted “docs got a point corporal, but that burn runs deeper than Lp’s kitty scratches, how you gonna take that?” he was a few ways back from them, ears pointed up and grin on his face at their silliness. He could hear more of his team in one of the rooms further up laughing and chatting, Prager had a secret lover? Now that is something he’d need to find out.
“Well for one, sleep with both eyes open and a nightlight, for two-” The soldier grabbed ___ by the waist and hoisted her up over his shoulder, slapping her ass and barging into the recom’s rec room shouting “this little lady has been bullying me about my hair! We needa teach her a lesson”
Zdinarsk sharply turned at the loud noise and saw the predicament the two were in, ___ was dangling with her face barely reaching Lyle’s lower back, her tiny fists hitting the muscle as she shouted for mercy. The soldier hollered “what hair?!” and the rest followed with shouts of their own, oh the agony.
Wainfleet pointed his middle finger at every single one of them, including Quaritch behind him who was chuckling loudly. He placed the human in his arms onto one of the couches and forced her onto her back, easily pinning her with just one hand. His yellow eyes met hers and she instantly tensed up “no! NO! Lyle please don’t!” the man only grinned devilishly and raised his other hand slowly “Lyle I promise I’ll do anything!”
“Yes anything! I’ll bake you those brownies you like!” Man did he love those brownies.
“Hmm, what do you think people?” Lyle glanced at everyone in the room to see their opinions.
Zhang twisted around and raised his brows “I dunno corp, she disrespected you and your lack of hair, she deserved what’s coming to her”
“Yea give it to her!” Fike pumped a fist into the air and Mansk nodded cooly.
“The people have spoken darlin’ you could still make me those sweets anyway” ___ screeched as the solder brought the hand down and tickled at her skin, going across the stomach, under the pits, under her chin. Her greatest weakness is that she’s ticklish, ever since they found that out she’s been exploited to the harsh fingers of the recombinants.
The doctor had tears going out of her eyes as she laughed at the feeling “I-I’m sorry! ahaha! I did- I didn’t mean to!” she felt Wainfleet slow down to a stop, nodding and patting her head as she breathed heavily. A flicker appeared in his eyes and she instantly put her hands up, knowing he would probably do it again.
Prager strolled by and rugby tackled Lyle to the floor, taking him down and wrestling him. All ___ could see from her position was tails swinging and legs flailing, she breathed heavily and sat up, carefully avoiding the almost ten foot men.
She strolled over to Quaritch who engaged himself in a game of cards with Ja, Zdinarsk and Fike. She examined the A4 cards he held then the ones on the table and plucked one from his fingers, placing it down. “Fuck” Zdinarsk swore, cursing whatever god was out there for this treachery, she was losing. Z-Dog never loses. “You know, I thought I liked you sweetness” ___ just stuck her tongue out in retaliation. Fike urged the doctor to help him out too, only to get a card thrown at him by Zdinarsk.
“How are you doing Lopez?” ___ strolled over to the man who was watching T.V with Zhang and Brown, he grabbed the little lady and perched her onto his lap.
“Good mami. It’s gonna take more than a fat cat to tear me down”
___ glanced over the man’s shoulder at Wainfleet who agreed and flexed his muscles, marines will be marines, she laughed.
“Don’t act like you weren’t crying earlier because of the pain” Brown chimed in, eyes glancing at the two next to him, he reached a hand over to rest it on ___’s calf, rubbing circles on it.
“I didn’t cry”
“Yes you did, whining like Prager when he got dumped by his secret lover”
‘Prager had a secret lover?’ ___ wondered. Tea is brewing, she had a feeling it was gonna be good.
“I’ll stick my tail in your ass if you don’t shut your fucking mouth”
“I’m counting on it”
“Cut it out!”
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osoavellana · 8 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ਉl̈́✧ㅤ🔣の.
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muhomora · 1 year
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Have you ever imagined Zhang with his hair down?
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recom-recruit · 9 months
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we're back baby
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frickingnerd · 1 year
frank zhang dating a daughter of aphrodite who everyone flirts with
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pairing: frank zhang x daughter of aphrodite!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, established relationship, jealous & insecure!frank, pushy guy flirting with reader, loyal!reader, happy ending
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frank is pretty insecure
he's always wondering how in the world he managed to score the prettiest girl in camp
and he knows everyone else around him is asking themself the same question
it seems like some people don't even acknowledge him as your boyfriend
there are still a handful of campers that keep flirting with you, even when he's standing right next to you
you always turn them down politely, but it still hurts frank
everyone seems to be thinking you are too good for a guy like him
and maybe one day you'll start thinking the same way and realize you could have anyone in camp
even weeks after you two start dating, there are still campers coming up to you, complimenting you and asking you out on a date
you've grown rather frustrated with it
it isn't until dinner one night, when a particularly cocky guy comes up to you and asks you out, that you snap
usually you were kind when turning someone down, since you didn't want to hurt their feelings. but that was over now
"you know i'm already seeing someone, don't you?" you huff at the boy. "why would you even ask me out then?"
"yes, but–" he's ready to explain himself, when you cut him off
"i love frank and i won't leave him for you. nor for any other guy! he makes me happier than anyone else, so accept that and go annoy someone else–!"
you had gotten a little louder than intended, with the campers around you now all starring at you
among them was frank, who was grinning excited, his cheeks all red from your public declaration of love for him…
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golden-redd · 2 years
Mansk is always the quiet one, I don’t make the rules
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Could I request little!frank Zhang mood board? Also not him being a little, but I have to ramble he would make a fire cg literally ahhhh tell me that man wouldn’t be so good with littles. Bro is literally like deaigned to be good with kids you can’t tell me he wouldn’t like turn into animals to be entertaining or since he’s so so strong carry a regressed person like they’re actually the size and weight of a little kid
if my mutuals find this I will literally cry but it’s fine I must live my life authentically true to myself
hehe hai!!! ofc u can!! I love frank :3
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I hope this is good!!! :33333
Requests are open!! (I do any fandom)
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darika-chan · 1 year
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❧ HD Wallpapers with Zhang (I think he's really underrated member of Quaritch's squad)
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lumixen · 1 year
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{Haobin} ⇢ My eternal half, my soulmate. 🤍🌹🦢
like/reblog if used !
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avatarart · 4 months
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Posting with permission from the artist, malinka624!
Please check out their Twitter and go show your love for the original post!
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thequietabsolute · 1 year
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from the cinema-inspired solo show by Alice X. Zhang image inspiration from The Prestige [2006]
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Zhang Shuhe pleasure garden in Shanghai, China
British vintage postcard, mailed to Kisterenye, Hungary
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muhomora · 1 year
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I think Zhang has a great stretch and endurance hehe
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recom-recruit · 1 year
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my recom tierlist
make your own here
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jungkooooookie · 6 months
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