#Ziva x you
specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Ziva x reader - the gentle gangster
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undercover ziva and gender neutral reader if you're up for it? perferably with some hinted autism too! either way, happy holidays!!! - Anon💜
Sitting behind the security guards in the quiet bar, you hummed lightly to yourself at the music that was playing, and looked over to your father.
“Yes?” He asked quietly.
He held a hand up to the other man he was talking to and turned to face you.
“He’s lying to you.” You mused.
Your father furrowed his brows and turned to the other man, the other man laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck.
“Come on, you really don’t believe that Ozzy, right?”
“I believe anything my kid tells me, they’ve never led me astray.”
One of the guards turned around and walked in, grabbing the man by his shirt and dragged him back across the lines.
“Call the new recruit over.”
They did and you watched as the woman came over, her eyes flicking between you all.
“Yes sir?” She asked.
“Ziva, I want you to teach this asshole to never lie to me again, and I want the money he owes me in three days.”
“Please! I need more time!”
“We don’t make deals with lairs.” Ziva hissed.
She dragged the man away and you stood up, hands clasped behind your back as you followed her.
Ziva immediately noticed you following her and she sighed quietly, she was hoping to just lightly beat the guy up and turn him loose, but with you there she didn’t have a choice.
She dragged him outside and tossed him to the floor, landing a swift kick to his stomach.
You watched for a few minutes before you stepped forward, stopping her from hitting him any further.
“Leave him.”
Ziva nodded her head and followed you back inside.
She would come to notice of the upcoming months how you would carefully watch her or follow her, at first she put it down to you being suspicious.
Which you were.
But as she walked into the large home, she stopped when she saw you walking down the stairs, adjusting the tie around you neck with a heavy frown.
“I was called here?” She asked.
“Yes, there is a formal party and you will be my security serial at request of my father. There is dresses or suits upstairs, whichever you choose.”
Ziva nodded her head and went to get ready, sending a quick message to Vance letting him know about what was going on before she browsed the dresses.
She picked one that could easily hide weapons and tried it on, smoothing it down and sitting patiently while some maids tended to her hair and makeup before she went downstairs.
Guest were just starting to arrive, and you were stood at the bottom of stairs.
Seeing her, you looked her up and down before giving a small nod and smiled.
“Perfect, did my father update you on the details?”
You sighed and pulled her aside in a different room, explaining who would be there, why, and what the party was for and her role in it.
Once everything was all cleared up Ziva guided you into the ballroom, leading you over to your father.
Ziva had to keep her distance, but she kept her eye on you as well.
You stayed close to your father, even as he talked to his supposed business partners and made deals throughout the night.
A few hours passed by, and Ziva noticed you tapping your side, shuffling a little bit on your feet struggling to pay attention to anything.
Walking over, she leant close.
“May I speak with you outside?” She asked quietly.
“Yes, of course.”
You followed Ziva out to the back, buttoning your blazer jacket up as you folded your arms across your chest.
“What’s the matter?”
Ziva gulped a little, she had never been scared, but you held a lot of power, and she saw what you did for lairs, and without a way to call for backup she would have a struggle fending for herself.
Sighing, she shook her head a little bit.
“You just seemed to be having a hard time inside, uncomfortable.”
You hummed, resting your arms on the balcony as you rested your chin in them.
“I’m not a fan of these events.”
“Why do you attend?”
You looked over at her before looking back over the lightly lit room.
“I have to, I’ll be taking over the business when my father retires, I have to earn the respect of the others.”
Ziva nodded her head in understanding.
She turned around and crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back on the balcony.
It was silent for a few minutes. You felt the nerves leaving your body, and you were slowly relaxing.
“Thank you Ziva, I did have my doubts about you, but I have no doubt you’ll be with us for a long time.”
Standing up, you removed one of the rings from your right hand, you held it out to her, giving her a warm smile.
“Consider this as a good gesture, a token of my appreciation for you and everything you’ve done. You have the up most respect in this family.”
Ziva gently took the ring and put it on, giving you a small smile.
“Come inside when you’re ready.”
With that, you left, and Ziva sighed heavily, looking at the ring that now adorned one of her fingers.
Regret started to fill her, you had so much trust and appreciation for her, and she was going to be throwing it away in a few months once the op was completed.
You were gentle and caring, unlike your father, he was ruthless and uncaring.
She had grown fond of you, and the way you cared for everyone that was part of the family, and the younger recruits, maybe she could try get you out of trouble, warn you somehow or keep you from being out away.
Yes, your family was single handed my responsible for the betray of many navel personally, and one of the biggest money and arms trainers in the state, but you weren’t interested in that.
She knew of your plan to stop all of that, and stick to money laundering which wasn’t great, but it was a lot better
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zivadinozzo · 5 months
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NCIS 10x04: Lost at Sea
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harmandmac · 9 days
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Tony & Ziva + AURORA ~ "Let Me Down Easy".
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Crime Show Couples | partners
my latest video is up!
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ellickalways · 5 months
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you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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television-overload · 7 months
The Walls That Tell Our Stories
Post-ep for 21x02 "The Stories We Leave Behind"
What I think we all want to imagine happened after the doors closed on that elevator at the end of the episode.
Word Count: 1,365
Read on AO3
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No sooner had the elevator doors opened, than a fiery ball of energy came slamming into his legs.
"Daddy! Daddy!" the little girl yelled, grabbing onto his hand and pulling. "Take a picture of me with the orange wall!" She yanked him forward, already showing signs of that strength she and her mother both shared.
Tony laughed, casting a glance at McGee.
"Sorry, she's heard a lot about these orange walls," he explained, fishing his cell phone out of his coat pocket and dutifully opening the camera app.
He knelt down, holding the phone up so she was in frame.
"Alright, Tali, say, 'NCIS!'" he said, and Tali repeated it, finishing with a big toothy smile and a wild pose she must have learned from her friends at school.
Once he'd taken a couple photos, he clicked the image gallery to check them, holding the phone out to show Tali.
"How's that?" he asked, waiting for her approval.
"Perfect!" she answered. "Now one at your desk!"
Before he could stop her, she darted off to the part of the bullpen he had called home for so many years. It looked a little different now, various personal items stashed on the desks and even some plants making it feel more homey, but it was still the same place.
"Honey, that's not my desk anymore, it's Uncle Tim's," he reminded her. It hadn't been his in a long time, and it was crazy to think of all that had changed since then.
A pouty lip came out, and McGee chuckled. There was a lot of Ziva in her, that was true, but when it came to her personality, she was just so Tony.
"It's okay," he said, giving Tali the go-ahead to sit in his chair. “That was your dad's desk long before it was mine.”
She ran around the edge of it, plopping unceremoniously into the swivel chair and looking around interestedly at everything.
“Dad, did they have computers back when you worked here?”
Tony felt her words like a blow to the chest, and he feigned having the wind knocked out of him. How old did she think he was? He could practically feel the gray hairs sprouting from his head.
“Do you want me to take your picture or not?” he asked, shaking his head, hiding his amusement behind squinted eyes.
She smiled for the camera, then did a few poses pretending she was working.
"How many kids do you know who's number one bucket list item is to visit the headquarters of a government agency?" DiNozzo joked as he snapped a couple more photos. 
Tali had been begging them for years, but it had never been a good time. They’d needed some space to learn how to be a family when Ziva finally came home. And though they wished it had been under better circumstances, at least now they could show their daughter all the places she'd heard about in their stories.
McGee smirked, watching the energetic daughter of his two best friends as she clacked away at his keyboard. 
"I'd expect nothing less from your kid, Tony."
After a moment, Tali looked up, an inquisitive look on her face.
"Which one was Ima's?" she asked, spinning her chair back and forth.
He knelt down in front of her, resting his arms on the edge of the desk, his chin atop his folded hands.
"Which one do you think made it easiest to stare at her all day with heart eyes, Tali-girl?"
She giggled, pausing so she could inspect her options, taking the task very seriously. She tapped her chin in thought.
"That one!" she said, brightening up and pointing to the desk directly across from his.
He grinned, thinking back to all the times he'd sat there thinking about her mother. 
"Can I–?"
"Have a picture over there?" he finished, already knowing what she was going to say. "Ask Agent Knight if it's okay."
Jessica Knight was standing near the elevator with Palmer, and it didn't take long for Tali to get her permission. She ran back the short distance, looking triumphant in her return.
"Hey, where is your Ima anyway?" Tony asked as she sat down behind the desk.
"Here!" her familiar voice sounded, echoing in the largely empty bullpen. The door to the women's restroom closed behind her. "Your child is pushing on my bladder. I swear I cannot make it more than an hour without having to pee, these days."
As she approached, Tony tucked her under his arm, glancing around at the walls that held so many of their stories. This was the building that built them. Tali owed her existence to these ugly orange walls and the people that dwelled in them.
"Our daughter has been playing tourist and hitting all the great photo spots," Tony informed her, brows raised sarcastically.
Ziva turned to look at Tali, seated where she used to sit now more than a decade ago. 
"I see that," she said, her lips pulled back in a smile. "Did you tell her about the time we were stuck in the elevator?"
Tony grinned. "Oh yeah, she liked that one."
"Ima, when can we go see the lab?" Tali asked eagerly, interrupting them.
Ziva looked up and saw Jimmy approaching, and she knew there wasn't time right now. She separated herself from Tony, gently tousling Tali's wavy hair. "Another time, baby, I think it's time to head over to the funeral."
Tali nodded, glancing down at her shoes.
"I'm gonna miss Grandducky," she said sadly, playing absentmindedly with an eraser she found on the desk.
"So will we," Tony said, swallowing back emotion. "Aren't you glad he came to visit us during his book tour last year? That was pretty special, huh?"
The littlest DiNozzo nodded again, cheeks widening in a smile. "He was the first to know about my baby brother!" she said, remembering it fondly.
At that, Jimmy looked to Tony and Ziva in mock indignation. "Hey, you told him before any of the rest of us?" he said.
Tony laughed, patting the autopsy gremlin on the shoulder in consolation. "He guessed pretty quick. I think if he'd visited a few weeks earlier, he would have been the one to break the news to us!"
Ducky’s globetrotting semi-retirement had been a blessing to them all. They cherished the few times they'd been able to meet up in recent years, remaining close despite the long distance. He was a part of their family; it was only right that their daughter know him and love him too. They were fortunate for the time they did have together.
Ziva glanced at the clock and sighed, placing a hand on Tony's chest, silently telling him they probably needed to get going. He nodded in response, checking that he had his phone and wallet still before taking her hand in his.
"Alright, well, we can keep sharing memories on the way. Tali? You ready to go?"
"We'll be back, right?"
"Of course," Tony answered. "We've barely scratched the surface here! I still have to take you to interrogation to figure out what happened to that batch of cookies Ima made last week ." He tickled her sides, causing her to erupt in giggles and run ahead of them toward the elevator. They followed, hand in hand, with Jimmy and McGee right behind.
"Squeeze in!" Palmer said, the entire group filling the elevator with little room to spare. The others would be meeting them at the cathedral for the service, everyone who knew and loved Ducky, there to say their final goodbyes.
As the doors closed, Tony leaned down and pressed his lips to Ziva's, his hand resting on her lower back to pull her closer.
"Ugh, guys, really?" McGee complained exaggeratedly, screwing up his face in a look of disgust. Tali put her hands in front of her mouth to hide her giggles.
Ziva looked up at Tony like he was the only other person in the elevator, and he beamed proudly, unashamed and unapologetic.
He squeezed her sides playfully, tucking his face into her shoulder and breathing her in.
"I've always wanted to do that in here."
Tag List (if you want to be tagged when I post Tiva stuff, let me know and I'll add you!): @benedettabeby @earanemith @happygirl-0408 @hopeless-nostalgiac @indestinatus @loudlooks @mrsmungus @nicolem194 @putthekettleon @slippery-soapbox @tivafanfic @tivajunkie @tonysziva
Gonna go out on a limb and also tag @wanna-be-bold @pro-bee @delicatefalice @harmandmac @benditlikepress @irish-trish idk who else I've seen active lately but yeah
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peregrine21 · 6 months
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Firearm Training - Abby Sciuto x Gibbs'!Daughter Reader
Pairing: Abby Sciuto x Gibbs'!Daughter Reader
Includes: fluff, slight hurt/angst?, cute moments with Abby, Abby comforting you, soft Gibbs moment because he’s your dad
Warnings: guns, shooting guns (at paper targets) 
Word Count: 2395 (I hope this finds people who also love Abby bc it’s so rare that I make it to 2000 words)
Brief Description: Your dad (Gibbs) wanted you to learn firearm safety and how to shoot a gun after several incidents of members of his team and/or their loved ones being targeted. You did fine for most of the lesson but did not handle live fire well. You had an emotional reaction to it but tried to push through until Abby came up to comfort you. Your dad took you and her to get milkshakes and cookies after to help you feel better.  
Firearm training. You were here because your dad wanted you to learn firearm safety and how to shoot a gun. You weren’t fond of loud noises; you preferred bows and crossbows to a gun anyday. However, after several incidents of the team being targeted and even your girlfriend Abby being violently stalked by an ex, you could understand your dad wanting you to learn how to use a gun. Most of the team was there, save for Ducky and Palmer. It was you, Abby, Tony, Tim, Ziva, Director Shepard, and your dad for the day on a private outdoor range with one of your dad’s friends as the instructor. You used one of your dad’s pistols for the day, with “GIBBS”written on the side of the magazine. The guns were all on tables for now as for the first section of the day, your group was reviewed on the build and mechanisms of standard pistols and magazines. 
Sitting in a circle with the team, you learned firearm safety: how to carry and handle a pistol safely; the build and parts of a basic pistol: how to take it apart, clean it, reassemble it; and its functions: how to load rounds into a magazine followed by how to load and unload a pistol without shooting it. You did a few rounds of safety checks and learned to never assume it’s unloaded. You practiced dry firing it and the instructor helped you with your hand positioning and grip; your stance was already solid from your previous years in martial arts. The dry fire shooting felt easy going and made you feel cool as you heard the click of shooting imaginary bullets at the target. Your dad and girlfriend both looked at you often with proud expressions on their faces as you quickly picked up each concept and were doing quite well in the course thus far. 
It was 4 hours into the course and was finally time for lunch. After lunch it would be time to start shooting live rounds at paper targets. However, for now you all just gathered round and decided to go to a local diner for lunch. It was a 20 minute drive there, and despite there being 8 of you, you were all seated right away as the town you were in was remote enough for the diner to be sparse on patrons. You sat next to Abby, Director Shepard next to her, and the instructor at the end of your side of the table. Ziva was in front of you then, Tony, McGee, and your dad filling the other 3 seats on that side of the table respectively. You and Abby ordered fried chicken and waffles to share, your dad and Shepard got steaks, Ziva, Tony, and McGee got sandwiches, and the instructor got a burger. You all took your time to enjoy the meal in each others’ company, you occasionally leaning your head on Abby’s shoulder or her stealing a bite of the waffle you were nibbling on. After much enjoyment and frivolity, you all ended up returning to the range an hour and a half later for the second half of the course. 
You got out of Abby’s car and walked over to the range, Shepard and the instructor already waiting on the course as they rode with your dad, and Tony was close on the way driving Ziva and McGee. You, Abby, your Dad, and director Shepard were already set up as you and Abby were borrowing a pair of your dad’s spare handguns that he stored in his car. Each of your respective guns and accessories were set on the tables, now accompanied by trays of live rounds. Tony’s, Ziva’s and McGee’s guns and gear were with them already, and they would have to set it up themselves upon arriving. The trio soon arrived, and as they got set up, the instructor had the rest of you start with putting on your noise canceling headphones and safety glasses. You glanced over at Abby, adored at how amazing she looked even in the firearm noise canceling headphones and glasses, the headphones set against her bow topped pigtails. The instructor then called for a safety check, followed by loading your magazines with a few live rounds. You were starting to feel a bit anxious as you’d never fired a live round before and the instructor warned you’d need a firm grip to counter the power of shooting live rounds. Before picking up the guns to load in the magazines, Abby leaned over and kissed your cheek— likely leaving a lipstick mark— and gave your hand a squeeze. “You’ll do fine,” she assured you with a gentle smile, clearly noticing your nerves start to kick in. 
You lined up with the rest of your group, the instructor on your left to help with your lesson, and Abby on your right for moral support. The instructor led for everyone to begin. Each in your group aimed their guns forward  and the instructor made minor adjustments to your grip before telling you to place your finger on the trigger and fire when ready. Before you could do so, you heard the first few shots fired from the team and flinched, your eyes closing at the same time. You opened them and took a deep breath trying to brush it off and fixed your own aim. The instructor had held up her hand to signal everyone else to stop firing so as to let you focus. You aimed at the target, took a deep breath, and slowly pulled the trigger as instructed. On the outside you appeared calm, but it felt like winding a jack in the box until *BANG!* You jumped and your hands were shoved up as your body absorbed the inertia of the shot. You looked at your instructor and pasted a smile on your face as she told you that you’d done well. Tears started to form in the corners of your eyes but you fought them, slightly confused as to why they were forming as you didn’t feel particularly sad. You flashed your plastered smile at Abbs, and she smiled in return as she took a few shots herself. You still flinched at every loud bang, but you pushed it all down. It was fine, you were fine. You asked the instructor for some advice on how to avoid losing your grip again, “Uhh, how do I keep my hands from shooting up when the gun fires and keep my grip?”. The instructor moved you into position and put her hands over yours on the gun, “you gotta make sure there is no space between your hands and hold your (dominant) hand firmly with your (non-dominant) hand”. You nodded, giving an ok in response before the instructor took a break to use the restroom. Abbs had finished a few rounds and put her gun on the table before coming up to you from the side. She laid a hand on your back and left a gentle kiss on the back side of your neck, “I’ll be over at the tent babe, you’re doing great!”, she informed you before returning cheerfully to the tent set up for breaks and spectating. It was now you, Ziva, McGee, Tony, and Director Shepard on the range. Your dad was watching from the tent along with Abbs who had just sat in one of the chairs to spectate with him. 
You prepared to take another shot and aimed at the target when Ziva came up beside you, “Fix your grip, there’s a gap between your hands again.” You did as she told you and thanked her before putting your finger on the trigger and slowly pulling it again. *BANG!* You jump again and silent tears form. You try to push through and keep your gaze forward so as to not let anyone onto the tears nearly falling down your face. You take a deep breath your heart racing, fixing your grip before pulling the trigger a third time, *BANG!* Silent tears start to fall down your cheeks, still baffling you as you don't feel sad or upset. A sniffle tips off Ziva who leans over to look at your face. She notices the tears and bluntly inquires, "What are the tears for? You're only shooting at a paper." You feel bad for not being able to stop it and feel pressured to suck it up, responding that you’re fine and start setting up for another shot. Abby heard from the chairs set up at the tent behind the shooting range and immediately made her way over, your father Gibbs behind her. Your calm steadiness starts to waver as your hands begin to shake. You breathe, put your finger on the trigger and take your 4th shot, losing your grip on the gun as your hands start to shake even more. You bring your (non-dominant hand) back onto the gun and aim at the target once more, hands and arms shaking profusely and tears streaming down your face, blurring your vision a bit.
Ziva is baffled at your emotional state, giving you a confused look as to why this is making you cry. You didn’t really understand why yourself, you just knew you couldn’t stop it or hold it back even though you didn’t necessarily feel upset. You hear another couple shots  from Tony and McGee and flinch again. By this time, Abby has finally made it to you and pressed her body against your back, wrapping one arm around you and grabbing the gun out of your hands with the other. You turn and melt into her, tears still falling down your face and she rubs her thumb against your back trying to calm you a bit, “Darling, it’s ok, you did so good. You don’t have to keep going.” Your dad makes it over and looks to Ziva who is still perplexed, “Stop staring and take the gun from Abby would ya?!” You bury yourself further into Abby as Ziva takes the gun out of Abby’s hand and places it on the table. Now with a free hand, Abby turns the volume all the way off on your headphones to reduce the loudness of the gunshots. You look up at her. “It helps a bit to have the volume all the way down” she tells you as she holds your face and wipes the tears away with her thumb. You bury your face into her neck and she wraps her other arm around you, holding you close and whispering affirmations and sweet nothings into your ear. Your dad puts a hand on your shoulder, standing behind Abby to talk to you, “Hey, you did good kid. You can stop if you want to. I just wanted you to know how to shoot if you ever need to. Now you can.” Abby walked you over to the tent and sat against a table, keeping you in her arms as you calmed down, rubbing circles on your back with her thumb. The rest of the team kept on shooting, your Dad taking your place in the lineup. Director Shepard came over and leaned against the table beside Abby, placing a hand on your back and reassuring you, “Hey, you’re ok.” She smiled, and you tried to smile back in return, still shaking a bit. “You can sit over here with us while they finish the course, no need to go back out.” After a few minutes, your breathing had finally evened out again, and Abby brought you around the table to the chairs while keeping you close to her. She sat down and guided you to sit in her lap as Director Shepard sat in the chair beside hers. You sat across her lap, legs over the side of the chair, and leaned into her. You kept your head on her shoulder as she put one around your waist and left the other one free. You still flinched at most of the shots the rest of the team took so Abby pulled out your book to distract you a bit. She held you in her arms and read your book with you until the shooting course was over. 
Afterwards, the team packed up all their gear and put it into their respective cars, your dad packing up for you and Abby as both of you had borrowed his spare pistols for the course. Tony, Ziva, and McGee left first, bidding the rest of you farewell. Your dad came up to you and Abby, both of you still consumed in the book, and pulled it down to get both your attention, “Hey, how about we go to the diner for milkshakes before heading home?” You liked the idea. Shepard joined the three of you; she had felt like a mother to you and Abby. The instructor bid you all a farewell as she had her own car to return home with and still had to pack up the course for the night. 
Around 20 minutes later, you had arrived at the diner and been seated in a 4 person booth, you and Abby on one side and Gibbs and Shepard on the other. Your dad ordered a chocolate malt shake, Shepard a Vanilla one, and Abby a Black and White (think chocolate and marshmallows). You still felt shaken so Abby, knowing your favorites, ordered your favorite milkshake as well as a double order of chocolate chip cookies for you and her to share. Once the waitress had gone to put in your orders, Abby pulled you close by the waist and the two of you sat nuzzled up together. You remained like this still when your orders arrived and as you enjoyed the sugary rewards of the day. After you were done, the sun was starting to set so your dad paid the bill and you all headed out: Shepard with Gibbs and you with Abbs. She had her hand either on your thigh or laced into your hand for half of the ride to your house where she was spending the night. Your dad cooked dinner that night for the four of you and Shepard headed home at around 9pm. You and Abby remained cuddled up for the rest of the night before finally falling asleep, wrapped together in each other's arms.
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ncistivaparis · 5 months
As usual I’m starving for Tiva scenes. And recently I realized one could find “Tiva” scenes in other episodes! That’s currently what I’m doing!
Let me tell you about 11x08:
In this episode someone is driving Tony to Quantico since he doesn’t have any car due to the car crash in 10x22. (I personally think this shows how hard it is for him to move on from the previous time, an implicit reference to Ziva). Anyway, in 11x08 Mcgee assumes that a lady has been driving Tony to the crime scene, he talks about it with Abby. Later on, Gibbs assigns Tony to go talk to a magnificent woman (once again to cheer up Tony). However, later on McGee finds out Tony has been taking public transports all along, which he notes is weird for Tony.
Finally, Tony and Mcgee end up in front of a church, that Tony apparently knows a lot about! Here is the scene:
Reverend Miller: Anthony! What are you doing here? Your meeting’s not until tonight.
Tony: Reverend Miller, I, um
Reverend: Bringing a new member?
Tony: Um.. He’s thinking about it. A little gun-shy. McGee, the Rev.
Rev: (to mcgee) please join us, it’s a very safe place. All are welcome
(Reverend goes away, Mcgee turns to Tony)
Mcgee: Tony, what’s going on? Do you have a drinking problem?
Tony: (laughing) No. No I just… (very seriously) I joined this men’s support group. Meets in the church hall 2 nights a week.
Mcgee: you serious?
Tony: Mm-hmm. I know it…it doesn’t sound like me, but… (sighs) with the past year, I just…wanted to shake things up a little bit. Meet some new people. This guy at the gym told me about the group, and I thought it sounded like a good idea. And it..it is fun. (Mcgee’s in disbelief) the Rev drove me to Quantico the other morning. Interesting guy. He’s helping me being less judgmental.
(Tony walks away, while Mcgee stands once again in disbelief )
Let me rephrase it, Tony went twice a week to a group support in a church, trying to move on and to accept the fact that Ziva left him. At the beginning of 11x09, he even talks alone about a woman he apparently met. And as another agent is doing her stuff, she tells him she hasn’t been listening, but tells him to start over in order to listen to him. Then he litterly begs her to have a reaction to what he said, to be at least “sarcastic”!
Now this is a lonely man. This is a lonely man missing his partner, his best friend, the woman he’s in love with. And so people, Gibbs, Mcgee, other NCIS agent try to pay more attention to him, to listen to him, to give him work he’s supposed to like (Gibbs telling him to go talk to a lady he finds beautiful) so that he feels less lonely.
Hence this is the reason why you can see, even after Ziva’s gone, how much she means to him. One could call it an “almost Tiva scene”.
And you know everytime Tony felt bad, Ziva tried to do her best to cheer him up, to make him laugh, to bring him back to his normal self. That’s the reason why I think if she knew how lonely he was feeling, she would have just hold him in her arms. Had she known how lonely he felt, she might have come back.
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theonewithval · 3 days
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Just a cover but playing with her earring all giggly while she calls him sweetheart was definitely not an act
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dvrkestxhearts · 7 months
Tony & Ziva • That Way
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corneliastan13 · 10 months
Uhm so I’m currently rewatching NCIS (again). And I just noticed that in episode 9x18 ( The Tell) Ziva was reaching for Tony’s hand. I now I can’t stop thinking about it.
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Ziva x teen!reader - just soldiers
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So teen reader has grown up in a rough family. It was basically run like a military; get up at the crack of dawn, do all these military base training even when they were like a child. Have a strict schedule to follow every day that they become a robot basically and any sense of being a normal teen thrown out the window. Teen reader is on a field trip with their class to NCIS for their history class talking about laws and every thing. They are in the bullpen where Ziva and the team is. Ziva takes notice to the teen reader and how they seem distant from all the other kids. Maybe something happens and it triggers teen reader to go into that military mindset (like a loud noise or arguing or whatever you want). Ziva knows a thing or two about the military mindset because of her dad and helps teen reader calm down and come back to reality. - @offspringoflordwinter 💜
TW: mentions of abusive and controlling parent
Standing in the middle of the floor with the rest of your class, you had your hands clasped behind your back as you just observed everybody else.
You had no real interest in this trip, you had no interest in becoming an NCIS agent, but your father said he would be busy today, and decided this trip would be a good way to keep you occupied.
“Are you interested in forensics?” A woman asked.
You glanced up at her but said nothing.
“I’m agent Ziva David, what’s your name?”
You turned away, going back to what you were doing.
One of the other students looked over, snickering a little bit.
“They won’t tell you anything, (Y/N)s weird. Never talks. A freak.”
Ziva looked back at you, then she walked back over to her boss who was also stood there watching you.
“No, another student mentioned their name is (Y/N), but that’s it.”
Gibbs slowly nodded his head.
“I spoke to the teacher, she said she didn’t know much about (Y/N), calm student, occasionally had issues with being suspended for fighting.”
“Gibbs I recognise that look.”
“I know you do…”
You grew disinterested in standing there, and you made your way back into hallway, standing by the wall.
You ran over your daily routine in your head, checking to make sure you knew what you had to do.
Everybody made their way back up to the bullpen, and you stood to the back of your class.
Pulling up the sleeve to your shirt, you have a look at the time, and walked over to your teacher.
“Ma’am, I need to have my lunch now.”
“Yes, of course. Do you mind eating up here?”
“No ma’am.”
She nodded, and you sat down against one of the desks, opening up your lunch box so you could eat.
You have ten minutes to eat your lunch, then you had to do your afternoon work out, then finish your homework just after.
Usually you would then have afternoon classes, but since you were here that went out the window meaning that you had a few free hours.
After finishing your lunch, you stood up, walking back over to your teacher.
“Ma’am, I need to do my training.”
“Oh, is there any way you can skip it for today? I know you use the gym but we don’t have that here.”
“No ma’am. I have to follow my schedule.”
She sighed heavily, gesturing for you to follow her and you did.
She spoke to Gibbs, who was looking at you the whole time.
“We have an empty interrogation room you can use, we can’t give you entrance to the gym.”
“That’s fine sir, I can work around that.”
He nodded.
“Ziva will take you.”
“Thank you.”
You followed behind Ziva, and you rolled your sleeves up, getting ready to start your work out.
“How many push ups can you do?”
“A good solider must be able to do at least 50 push in a row. If you cannot then you are weak. Father does not tolerate weakness.”
Ziva nodded her head, leaning back against the wall.
“What does your father consider weakness?”
“Being sick is weak, crying is weak, being in pain is weak. A strong person must be able to go beyond their limits and not complain.”
Ziva listened to you carefully.
“Are you a solider?”
“Yes ma’am.”
You finished your push ups, and started doing some sit ups.
“How long have you been a soldier for?”
“My whole life.”
She nodded again.
There was no sign of emotion in your voice, nothing on your face.
You were the perfect soldier, just like she was.
Designed to follow your orders without complaint, to not be able to think for yourself, no thought about being a teenager, partying, drinking, all the normal things teenagers do.
You stood up, and rolled your shoulders slightly, turning around to face Ziva with your hands clasped behind your back.
“Do you have any friends?”
“Soldiers have no need for friends, they are useless and only weigh down the missions.”
“What is your mission?”
“I have no assignment right now.”
“But you have had one?”
“No. I do not receive my first mission until my 18th year.”
You studied Ziva quietly for a moment, looking her up and down.
“You are like me.”
You looked at your watch, rolling your sleeves back down, doing them back up and you straightened your shirt.
“Why did you abandon your mission?”
“Because there is more to life than being a soldier for somebody else.”
“This place has made you weak.”
“Is that what you think?”
You nodded your head, leaving through the open door.
You walked back to your class with Ziva walking alongside you.
She didn’t say anything else, and neither did you you just rejoined your class, standing to the side of them all.
You were just watching when a loud bang from nearby made you spin around, a few of your fellow students began laughing loudly.
But you had jumped into fight mode, so when one of them rushed to run past you, you grabbed his arm, throwing him to the ground as you pinned him.
“(Y/N) let him go!” Your teacher yelled.
You said nothing, pinning your fellow student further into the ground.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and you spun around, standing up you grabbed the man by the arm, spinning around with so much force your threw him to the ground as well.
“(Y/N), look at me that’s an order.”
You snapped your head to Ziva.
You seemed to recognise her as some sort of authority, and you stood up straight, clasping your hands behind your back.
But you were still on guard.
“You cannot attack your fellow students.”
“He is a threat.”
“He was just playing a joke on you.” Gibbs said.
There was another loud noise, and you dissociated from them all, spinning around you charged at the person responsible for it.
He was pulled away from you, and you stood there, fists in the air ready to attack anybody that came after you.
Ziva walked over, hands raised in the air.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.”
You took a swing for her and she dodged it, moving to the side and you followed her.
Ziva was raised like you, she knew how to predict an attack and how to avoid it.
She grabbed your wrist, and you swung yourself back, sweeping your leg under hers to get yourself free and you crouched down, grabbing her shirt.
You raised tour fist and tried to punch her, but she caught it, eyes locked with hers.
“There is no threat to you here…” she whispered.
“Everybody is a threat.”
“No. No they’re not. You’re safe, either federal agents and teenagers whom I’m sure cannot even begin to match your level.”
She offered the smallest of smiles.
“There is no threat.”
She slowly sat up, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“You need to breathe. Focus. Breath.”
You went to pull you hand away.
“Don’t. I am older than you and I have had far more training.” She warned.
You nodded.
You were a soldier yes, but your father told you not to confront somebody who you knew you wouldn’t have a chance to attack.
Not yet anyway.
So you sat down, crossing your legs as you took a small breath.
“Focus on me, nobody else.”
Ziva let go of you, but she was ready to jump into action in case you went to attack somebody else.
You slowly breathed in and out, eyes locked with hers.
“Ignore everybody else, they’re not important.”
You nodded your head.
Ziva carried on leading you through the breathing you had to do in order to calm yourself down.
“Come with me.”
Ziva stood up, and you followed after her, letting her take you to a conference room where you were able to freely pace back and forth.
Ziva stood by the door so you couldn’t run away.
She realised that you were a danger, your solider mindset was going to put somebody in danger, you were going to seriously hurt somebody or worse.
You didn’t necessarily know that you were going to hurt somebody, but it was still a factor.
You wouldn’t care if you did either, you wouldn’t think twice about it if it meant protecting yourself.
At this rate Ziva was sure you were going to land yourself in prison before you even reached being an adult.
“I can help you.”
You paused pacing, turning your attention to her.
“I do not need help.”
“You do, because you shouldn’t have to live like this. You are not a soldier, you are a child.”
“I am a soldier, that is what I will always be.”
Ziva shook her head.
“No, you can be so much more.”
She sighed.
“Unfortunately we cannot let you return home.”
You sat down in a chair, placing your hands on the table.
You showed no objection, and that’s where your father had messed up.
You didn’t care if he was taken away from you, you had no attachment to him, or anybody else for that matter.
You would carry on.
Just like this.
Until it killed you.
Just like she used to.
And she wasn’t about to let that happen to you
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zivadinozzo · 5 months
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NCIS 7x01: Truth or Consequences
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whoa-myninja · 2 months
Stakeouts, Secrets and Other Simple Things
»︎ Chapters 2 — 10 «︎
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Rule 100: You don't keep secrets from the people you love, unless it's a matter of life or death.
One secret. One family.
When a blood test reveals some life-changing news, will it bring people together, or will it threaten to destroy everything?
⤷︎ read from the beginning here on A03. ✨
»︎ Chapter 2: Rule 100 «︎
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»︎ Chapter 3: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly «︎
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»︎ Chapter 4: White Lies and Estranged Relatives «︎
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»︎ Chapter 5: Mischief and Maria «︎
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»︎ Chapter 6: Rebellious Rascal and Secrets Revealed «︎
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»︎ Chapter 7: Teasing, Telling, and Total Doom «︎
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»︎ Chapter 8: Soggy Swims and Searching for Maria «︎
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»︎ Chapter 9: Mind Games and Mischievous Crime «︎
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»︎ Chapter 10: The Dinner Party and Deathly Discussions «︎
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beautyinsteadofashes · 8 months
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slutforsilverfoxes · 10 months
Agents DiNozzo
[A/N #1 TLDR version: Got busy with an externship, got hospitalized for a cat bite, I missed u all v v much
A/N #2 for realsies: Would Tony and his wife be allowed to work together on a team? Probs not. Would Gibbs be crazy enough to voluntarily work with both of them? Even more probs not. But it makes my lil heart happy so here you go :)]
Pairing: Tony DiNozzo x wife!agent!reader
There are two things in your career that satisfy you to no end: 1) Getting justice for the victims whose case files come across your desk and 2) Working with your husband every day. The latter presents complications, of course- the occasional conflict of interest, quibbles over theories following you home from the office, an added level of anxiety during contentious takedowns- but it also allows you the distinct privilege of spoiling and, arguably more importantly, embarrassing the hell out of one Anthony DiNozzo, Junior, on a daily basis.
Your head lifts on its own volition, guided by your nose tuning in to the sweet smell of hazelnut creamer and woodsy cologne permeating the air of the NCIS bullpen. Your partner, both in and out of the field, has evidently returned from a midday coffee run looking as delicious as the pastries you’ve spotted by the to-go cups on his desk. Checking to make sure your boss is still nestled securely in the Director’s office, you cross over into Tony’s space just as he lays his suit jacket across the back of his chair. Slipping your hands into the back pockets of his tight-fitting slacks, you can’t help but serenade him with the ten-second clip of brain rot that plagued your social media for a ridiculous number of weeks. “Can I get to the yams?” you whisper-sing through a giggle, pinching his favorite cheeks of yours, maintaining your grip even as you attempt to dodge the hand nearing the back of your head. “Sweet ya-am- ow!” Darting out of his reach, you drop into Tony’s seat with a pout, arms crossed petulantly. “You have hereby been demoted from Very Special Agent to just Special Agent for that.”
“You-” Tony sneaks a glance at McGee and Ziva who are trying- and failing- to hide their smiles before crouching to meet you at eye level and lowering his voice to carry on, “You are the reason we had to sit through that inappropriate conduct seminar for three hours last week.” He maintains an even tone, but you can see his lips twitching with amusement.
“I’m sorry everyone in this office is jealous I can touch your butt and they can’t,” you huff with an eye roll.
“Literally no one is jealous of you for that,” McGee calls from his desk across the aisle.
“Well, you guys are missing out,” you respond with an exaggerated sigh.
Shaking his head, Tony fixes you with as stern a look as he can muster. “Save it for later, Bee,” you intone in an imitation of your husband’s voice, “I know.”
“You would think,” he begins, offering you a hand to help you up and walking you back over to your desk by Ziva’s, “that you’d have moved past the infatuation stage at this point in our relationship.”
“And you would think you’d have stopped calling me ‘Probie’ by now, Anthony.”
“I have! ‘Bee’ is different than ‘Probie’. It’s a nickname and it’s cute.”
“Says who?” you challenge, eyes narrowed.
“Says the-”
“If you say ‘Senior Field Agent,’ I swear to God, Tony, you’re sleeping on the-”
“DiNozzos!” Gibbs’ gruff voice puts an immediate stop to your squabble as he descends the steps two at a time. “Ziva, McGee, all of you, front and center. Whaddya got? Besides too much time on your hands.”
“Coffee and a suspect,” you supply with a smile, turning on the plasma display as Tony presents Gibbs with a cardboard cup. “For once, Agent DiNozzo’s go-to theory seems to hold water.” Raising an eyebrow at your husband, you playfully mock, “It was the wife.”
Tim picks up the next leg of your shared insight. “Credit card history has the Lieutenant Commander’s wife meeting with our hit man at a hotel in Anacostia two weeks before the murder, Boss.”
“We also traced these calls from the burner found on our victim’s body,” Ziva indicates for Tim to highlight the outgoing calls on the phone logs before continuing, “…to his sister in law, Anna.”
The redhead’s photo pops up on the TV, and your husband lets out a low whistle that has your hand instantly connecting with the back of his head. “You are my light, my sunshine, and the very air I breathe, my dear,” he speaks through a grimace, trying to gauge your reaction through his peripheral vision.
“Go pick our hitman up,” Gibbs instructs, cutting off your bickering before it can begin by dangling the sedan’s keys on his index finger in front of you.
You snatch them up, sharing a catlike grin with Ziva. “My pleasure, Boss. I might be needing his services soon, anyway.”
“Uh uh,” your boss calls as the two of you start collecting your things. “Take Tony.”
Your husband flashes you a sheepish smile while you grumble at him over the lip of your coffee cup. “Let’s go, Dick-Nozzo.”
“It’s your last name, too,” he points out astutely, holding out his hand for the keys.
“Shut up. I’m driving.”
As the elevator begins its descent, Tony slips two fingers under your chin and turns your face towards him, concern muting the typical sparkle in his olive green eyes. “Are you really upset with me, babe?”
You count the seconds ticking away in your head, relishing in the way he squirms under your stern gaze, before relenting at second fourteen. “No, you big dummy,” you say with a nudge to his side. “She’s hot.”
Tony lifts your hand to his mouth and presses his lips against your wedding band before asserting, “You’re hotter.”
Curling your free hand around his tie, you tug him closer and land a sound kiss on his lips. The elevator dings to indicate you’ve reached the parking garage, and you reluctantly release your husband from your grip with a satisfied smile and a murmured, “I’ve taught you so well.”
ADJ Tags 🖤 @bakugouswh0r3
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