#Ziva imagine
specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Ziva x reader - the gentle gangster
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undercover ziva and gender neutral reader if you're up for it? perferably with some hinted autism too! either way, happy holidays!!! - Anon💜
Sitting behind the security guards in the quiet bar, you hummed lightly to yourself at the music that was playing, and looked over to your father.
“Yes?” He asked quietly.
He held a hand up to the other man he was talking to and turned to face you.
“He’s lying to you.” You mused.
Your father furrowed his brows and turned to the other man, the other man laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck.
“Come on, you really don’t believe that Ozzy, right?”
“I believe anything my kid tells me, they’ve never led me astray.”
One of the guards turned around and walked in, grabbing the man by his shirt and dragged him back across the lines.
“Call the new recruit over.”
They did and you watched as the woman came over, her eyes flicking between you all.
“Yes sir?” She asked.
“Ziva, I want you to teach this asshole to never lie to me again, and I want the money he owes me in three days.”
“Please! I need more time!”
“We don’t make deals with lairs.” Ziva hissed.
She dragged the man away and you stood up, hands clasped behind your back as you followed her.
Ziva immediately noticed you following her and she sighed quietly, she was hoping to just lightly beat the guy up and turn him loose, but with you there she didn’t have a choice.
She dragged him outside and tossed him to the floor, landing a swift kick to his stomach.
You watched for a few minutes before you stepped forward, stopping her from hitting him any further.
“Leave him.”
Ziva nodded her head and followed you back inside.
She would come to notice of the upcoming months how you would carefully watch her or follow her, at first she put it down to you being suspicious.
Which you were.
But as she walked into the large home, she stopped when she saw you walking down the stairs, adjusting the tie around you neck with a heavy frown.
“I was called here?” She asked.
“Yes, there is a formal party and you will be my security serial at request of my father. There is dresses or suits upstairs, whichever you choose.”
Ziva nodded her head and went to get ready, sending a quick message to Vance letting him know about what was going on before she browsed the dresses.
She picked one that could easily hide weapons and tried it on, smoothing it down and sitting patiently while some maids tended to her hair and makeup before she went downstairs.
Guest were just starting to arrive, and you were stood at the bottom of stairs.
Seeing her, you looked her up and down before giving a small nod and smiled.
“Perfect, did my father update you on the details?”
You sighed and pulled her aside in a different room, explaining who would be there, why, and what the party was for and her role in it.
Once everything was all cleared up Ziva guided you into the ballroom, leading you over to your father.
Ziva had to keep her distance, but she kept her eye on you as well.
You stayed close to your father, even as he talked to his supposed business partners and made deals throughout the night.
A few hours passed by, and Ziva noticed you tapping your side, shuffling a little bit on your feet struggling to pay attention to anything.
Walking over, she leant close.
“May I speak with you outside?” She asked quietly.
“Yes, of course.”
You followed Ziva out to the back, buttoning your blazer jacket up as you folded your arms across your chest.
“What’s the matter?”
Ziva gulped a little, she had never been scared, but you held a lot of power, and she saw what you did for lairs, and without a way to call for backup she would have a struggle fending for herself.
Sighing, she shook her head a little bit.
“You just seemed to be having a hard time inside, uncomfortable.”
You hummed, resting your arms on the balcony as you rested your chin in them.
“I’m not a fan of these events.”
“Why do you attend?”
You looked over at her before looking back over the lightly lit room.
“I have to, I’ll be taking over the business when my father retires, I have to earn the respect of the others.”
Ziva nodded her head in understanding.
She turned around and crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back on the balcony.
It was silent for a few minutes. You felt the nerves leaving your body, and you were slowly relaxing.
“Thank you Ziva, I did have my doubts about you, but I have no doubt you’ll be with us for a long time.”
Standing up, you removed one of the rings from your right hand, you held it out to her, giving her a warm smile.
“Consider this as a good gesture, a token of my appreciation for you and everything you’ve done. You have the up most respect in this family.”
Ziva gently took the ring and put it on, giving you a small smile.
“Come inside when you’re ready.”
With that, you left, and Ziva sighed heavily, looking at the ring that now adorned one of her fingers.
Regret started to fill her, you had so much trust and appreciation for her, and she was going to be throwing it away in a few months once the op was completed.
You were gentle and caring, unlike your father, he was ruthless and uncaring.
She had grown fond of you, and the way you cared for everyone that was part of the family, and the younger recruits, maybe she could try get you out of trouble, warn you somehow or keep you from being out away.
Yes, your family was single handed my responsible for the betray of many navel personally, and one of the biggest money and arms trainers in the state, but you weren’t interested in that.
She knew of your plan to stop all of that, and stick to money laundering which wasn’t great, but it was a lot better
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theoceanandthestars · 5 months
Friendly Lies
A/N: This is my first post/story, I’ve written before on Wattpad but never committed to writing but I feel like this is something I can actually commit too. Let me know any NCIS requests and I’m hoping to open up my writing to other fandoms soon too. This is definitely a testament to my ability to yap. Apologies for any mistakes :)
Also, I know the timelines probably don’t match up in terms of Gibbs knowing Tobias etc and Tobias having another daughter, or maybe they do, I don’t know but I thought it was a fun idea so belief will just have to be suspended. ;)
NCIS y/n fanfic, slight y/n x tony dinozzo, tony dinozzo x reader
Word count: 1969
Summary: Fornell’s daughter, Gibbs' Goddaughter, is an FBI agent working a case with her father and Godfather and decides to help get her dad to leave McGee alone after he found him asleep on the sofa with his ex-wife (I loved that episode so much) at Tony’s expense.
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You’d only known Tim, Tony and Ziva for a few weeks but already you knew you’d be great friends. After only knowing them for 5 minutes the day you ended up sharing a case with both your father and godfather, you were making plans to hang out with them. Your godfather, or your Uncle Gibbs as you preferred to call him, was of course more than happy to see you and be working with you, although the protective dad act from the NCIS and FBI agents had driven you slightly insane. Although you loved the rare times when you and your father shared an FBI case, that time had made you nearly want to quit, which had driven you straight to Gibbs’ team, who were more than welcoming and friendly to you.
Now, you sat on Ziva’s desk, chatting to her and McGee while your father and godfather interrogated a suspect and Tony watched.
‘And that’s why your dad hates me’, concluded McGee after explaining to you what he described as the ‘incident’ between your dad and his ex-wife Diane.  Both you and Ziva had been laughing the entire time he told the story.
‘I’m sure he doesn’t hate you, Tim’, you smiled at him ‘he’s only mentioned it a few times.’
‘A few?’ Tim asked in horror, causing Ziva to snort in laughter. This topic had taken up a good 20 minutes and it had clearly been playing on his mind for a long time before that.
‘Look if you want me to talk to him I can’ you offered, trying to ease Tim’s obvious panic, but your offer only seemed to send McGee into a further state of pure anxiety.
‘No, absolutely not, that would only add to it.’ He spoke moving his chair slightly as it was currently situated next to Ziva’s desk where you were congregated. As Tim moved you gaze shifted to DiNozzo’s desk and an idea popped into your head.
‘McGee, I’m sure y/n’s right, Fornell can’t be holding on to a grudge for that long.’
‘He brings it up every time we see him!’ Tim insisted.
‘Hang on’ you quickly said jumping up from Ziva’s desk and captivating both agent’s attention, ‘I think I know how to get my dad to forget about you and Diane.’
‘First of all there was no me and Diane’ Tim quickly insisted, causing the pair of female agents to roll their eyes as they failed to hold in their laughs ‘But what’s the idea because I will do anything to make him stop bringing it up?’. Both agents’ gazes were fixed on you as you moved from Ziva’s desk to sit on Tonys.
‘Oh you wouldn’t have to do anything McGee, it would be all me’, you smirked as the two agents watched eagerly, ‘this isn’t entirely selfless though, remember when Tony told Gibbs and my dad that I’d been sleeping with an NCIS agent to try and piss them off? And it took me weeks to convince them he was just trying to mess with me and them?’, the two NCIS agents nodded, smirks growing on their faces as they pieced together what you were planning to do, ‘well I think it’s time I get Tony back for that, don’t you?’.
Just as you said this your father and Gibbs reappeared into the room and as they did, you got up from Tony’s desk and made a beeline for them, meeting them just in front of Gibbs’ desk.
‘Dad, Uncle Gibbs I need to talk to you’ you said, grabbing their attention in the most serious and anxious voice you could muster, grabbing one of their hands in each of yours, ‘I know this is really important and I want to be honest with you both’ you took a deep breath to highlight your nervousness. At this point you had captured your father’s and Godfather’s attention, squeezing their hands as you raised your eyes to meet theirs you finally said, ‘I’m pregnant.’
Now Ziva and Tim were clearly shocked and impressed by your lies, hiding their laughter surprisingly well and instead adorning looks of shock and intrigue. Your father and godfather on the other hand, with hands still held by yours, were looking at you with such pure shock your father had turned slightly white. Before they could even utter a word, you quickly continued, ‘and its Tony’s’.
At this revelation, McGee and Ziva quickly turned so that Gibbs and Fornell couldn’t see the laughter that was daring to burst out. The silence was quickly broken by a synchronised ‘WHAT?’ from the two men who held your hands. Their gazes had turned harsher, but you knew that if you wanted this to have the best effect you had to really milk it.
‘I know we haven’t known each other long’ you stated looking them both in the eyes, but were quickly interrupted by your father half shouting, ‘How did this happen?’, quickly followed by Gibbs’ ‘I’m sorry what?!’
Before you could think of an answer though everyone’s attention was diverted in the sound of a voice, Tony’s voice, ‘hey boss. Fornell.  You look like you’ve seen a ghost, what did y/n do? Tell you she’s pregnant? I told you she was sleeping with an NCIS agent.’, as he Tony laughed at his own joke, Tony sauntered towards his desk, but only for a second before Fornell was on him, pinning him to the wall. Tony’s face quickly shifted to panic and confusion, his eyes scanning the room.
‘You got my daughter pregnant!’, Fornell shouted.
‘What? No’ DiNozzo squeaked out as Gibbs removed Fornell from him, freeing him from the wall. You quickly shifted your eyes to where Tim and Ziva were still at Ziva’s desk, attempting to contain their laughter. You knew you didn’t have long before the two of them blew the prank, but you also knew that the damage would be done soon enough and you would have got Tony back and your dad would definitely forget about finding McGee and Diane on the sofa asleep together.
Suddenly Tony rushed over to you seeking some sort of explanation or help but before he could squeak out another word, you grabbed his arm hugging it slightly and turning the pair of you to face Gibbs and Tobias.
‘Me and Tony are in love, dad, you can’t stop our love’ but as you got to the end of your sentence McGee and Ziva had burst into full belly laughter, causing you too to crack and lean on Tony as you couldn’t stop laughing. As the three of you continued to laugh, Gibbs only rolled his eyes at your antics, shaking his head slightly and letting out a slight chuckle. He knew that DiNozzo had told Tobias that you were sleeping with someone at the agency to piss him off and he also knew that your dad had practically become a helicopter parent for a week after he had done so.
As Gibbs moved back towards his desk, you patted tony on the chest before calming yourself enough to say, ‘you should have seen your face’. Quickly, McGee walked behind you both to return to his desk, slapping Tony on the back as he continued to laugh at Tony’s expense. He stopped by your side quickly whispering to you how he was now free from any comments about Diane. Your gaze then shifted to your father who still stood in front of you both, surprisingly quite but glaring at you both.
‘Gotta keep you young dad.’ You smiled at him, kissing his check and moving back to Ziva’s desk, the pair of you still giggling and smiling. Your dad however, kept his gaze on Tony, glowering at him, as Tony seemed to continue to shrink under his glare, still looking stunned and scared. Finally his gaze shifted as Gibbs called him telling him to go down to autopsy to see Abby with him.
At first he didn’t move, continuing to stare, before finally moving when he heard his name shouted by Gibbs. ‘I still don’t trust you DiNozzo.’ Tobias said, finally moving towards Gibbs’ desk, his gaze remaining on Tony until they were out of site.
At this point you, McGee and Ziva all began to laugh again with the same force you did when your dad had pinned Tony to the wall.
‘I did not think you would take it that far’ commented Ziva, ‘I admire your commitment’. You smiled at her amongst the laughter but couldn’t respond as tony too moved towards Ziva’s desk, where McGee had now joined you and began to stare at you all.
‘Not funny guys, I thought I was going to die!’, Tony’s statement only caused more laughter though, as his hand reached his neck, fiddling with his shirt collar even though your father had only grabbed his shoulders. Finally you spoke through the laughter, ‘I told you I was going to get you back Tony and McGee needed by dad to lay off him about the whole thing with my ex stepmother, so really I was just helping a friend’ you smiled a sickly sweet smile at him before the phone at his desk began to ring causing Tony to quickly scurry over to his desk, grabbing the phone before answering.
‘Yes boss?’ he questioned into the phone, as you high fived Tim and Ziva, ‘right away boss’, followed by him quickly grabbing his things after he put down the phone. ‘Gibbs says Abby’s matched the ballistics from the gun, wants me and Y/N to bring in the suspect.’ He stated as he continued to gather his stuff. As you listened, you quickly grabbed your bag that was sat next to Gibbs’ desk, but before you could leave Gibbs and your father returned, arguing as they walked.
‘I’ll go with DiNozzo Gibbs’ your dad argued, his gaze landing on Tony, at which point Tony swallowed.
‘No you’re not’, Gibbs deadpanned.
‘Then, I’ll go with them both’ he stated as he moved towards the pair now standing together with their bags, but not before Gibbs grabbed his shoulder directing him towards the director’s office and repeating ‘No you’re not’.
As you and Tony turned and began to walk towards the elevator, he quickly began to argue with you. ‘You know your dad is going to kill me, right?’ he questioned as you pressed the elevator button, your gaze shifting to him.
‘No he won’t’ you dismissed, ‘but he won’t trust you for a while, just like how he’s been hovering over me for weeks after you told him I was secretly sleeping with someone at your office, or like how he constantly brings up that time he found Diane and McGee together asleep. I guess it’s just time for you to get a taste of what we’ve been putting up with for years now.’ You smirked as the elevator reached your floor and you stepped inside, turning slightly as you watched Tony’s face change from looking like he was about to argue, to just giving up.
‘You know’, he turned to look at you, smirking, fully grasping your attention, ‘if you were to sleep with anyone in this office, I’d be the perfect guy. You’ve already told your dad and although he’ll keep glaring at me and probably wanting to kill me, he’d never suspect that we were actually sleeping together.’ He said, waggling his eyebrows at you as you chuckled, and he reciprocated your laughter.
As the elevator doors, reopened on the ground floor, you turned away from Tony, shaking your head slightly and rolling your eyes , before simply stating, ‘In your dreams DiNozzo’ before walking out of the elevator, not missing Tony’s whispered reply, ‘oh you bet’, before he followed you out to find your suspect.
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Gibbs Has A Wife?
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 971
Warnings: Mild language, fluff, pregnancy…
Prompt: Gibbs has been knee deep in a case all week and hasn’t been home to you or your son, so you head to NCIS to talk to him yourself…
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Angry wasn't even a way to begin how I felt. Livid, we are getting closer. Royally pissed off, that is how I'm feeling.
I swaddle the baby, a hand on my growing bump as I storm off the elevator. I saw his silver hair from where I was coming and his team looked at me confused. I stand at the front of the bullpen when he looks up.
"Leroy Jethro Gibbs, I'm this close to being your fifth ex-wife." I grit out.
"Gibbs has a wife?" Tony asks.
I knew who they all were. Gibbs was fond of each one yet, he wanted to wait awhile before introducing me. He had a blast on teasing them. Jethro stands slowly,  paling once he realized how screwed he was.
"I'm nine months pregnant, we have an eleven month old and I have a job. Yet, I've taken care of every dirty diaper this week, every time he’s got fussy, I got him calmed. I've fed him, I've cleaned the house and made dinner every single night. Yet, you can't show up to have a meal with your goddamn wife? The mother of you two babies. One I spent over twenty hours in labor with and I'm dreading this next one." I snap.
"Y/N/N, honey...calm down. I'm sorry. I've been caught up in a case. I should've called." He says softly and I narrow my eyes.
"If you knew how much I wanted to put my foot up your ass, you'd stay the hell away from me." I snap.
"I know your mad and I'm sorry." He says softly, resting his hands on my hips.
I glare at him, reaching a hand up and slapping him in the back of the head. He smiles nonetheless, rubbing my belly as he stops our little girl from kicking.
"I'm more than mad, Jethro." I snap.
"I know, and I'm sorry. I'll make it up. Ziva, come here. Meet your god-son, Leroy Jackson Gibbs. Let Tony and Tim meet him too, but keep an eye on those two. Mostly Tony." Jethro says, taking our son away from my arms.
He places a kiss on his head, smiling softly down at him before handing him to Ziva who smiles and softly coos at him. Tony and Tim stand, going to stand around Ziva as they smile down at Leroy.
Jethro grabs my hand and guides me towards the elevator. He presses the emergency stop button and we were left in the dark. He cups my cheek, but that doesn't stop me from glaring up at him.
"I love you and I'm sorry, honey. It won't happen again." He murmurs.
"I know it won't because if it does, I'm leaving your ass." I snap and he chuckles.
"I love you." He murmurs, caressing my cheek as he leans down.
I huff, looping my arms around his neck. He knew what buttons to push and when to push them. That made me mad, and this time I blamed that on my hormones.
"I love you too, bastard." I grumble.
He chuckles, slanting his lips over mine. It was soft and slow, the two of us wrapped in each others embrace. God. I've missed him. We pull away and I slap him in the back of the head once more.
"What was that for?" He grumbles.
"Your daughter is kicking my ribcage and bladder." I grumble.
"Turn around." He murmurs.
I do as told, his chest against my back. His hands rub my belly before he lifts my stomach. I moan softly, my legs nearly giving out from how good this felt. I lean back against him, closing my eyes. He kisses the side of my head.
I could stay like that forever. We stayed like that for several minutes before he slowly let my belly down. I turn around, pulling him into a hug.
"I missed you." I murmur.
"I missed you too, honey. I'm sorry. I promise I'll do better or at least call.” He says.
We pull apart, but he grabs my hand and we head back to the bullpen to see Tony holding Leroy.
“I’m your Uncle Tony. I will teach you all the best movies to watch. There are some really good old ones that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. Ziva here will tell you all the good books and McGeek…he’ll probably teach you to game.” He rambles.
I smile, looking up at Jethro who looks down at me with a soft smile. I look back at them, putting my other hand on my stomach. Jethro moves behind me, lifting my stomach again as he rests his head on top of mine.
“Mrs. Gibbs, he’s got your hair…but he has Gibbs’ eyes.” Ziva says.
“I know. He’s going to be breaking all kinds of hearts with those eyes. And please, call me Y/N.” I say.
“Be glad he only got bosses eyes, it’s a good thing he got your looks.” Tony teases and I giggle.
“Stop flirting with my wife, DiNozzo.” Gibbs warns.
“He wasn’t. Calm down, Jethro.” I say.
“You’ve got another one in the oven it seems. Do you know the gender and name yet?” Tim asks.
“Oh yes. It’s a girl this time. We are going to name her Caitlyn Shannon Gibbs.” I murmur.
“A-After Kate…” Tony trails off.
“Yes. In honor of Kate…she was a good woman. And Jethro’s first wife, Shannon.” I murmur.
“Little one has woken up again it seems.” Jethro says as our little girl kicks away.
I grimace, rubbing my stomach as Jethro continues to hold it up. I suck in a breath, slowly exhaling.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Ziva asks.
“This one is definitely going to kick asses, that’s for sure.” I chuckle breathlessly.
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zvdvdlvr · 1 year
i’ve been rewatching ncis lately and was wondering if you go do some fluff for ziva x reader? maybe a little bit of angst idk sorry i don’t have anything specific 😭😭 but i absolutely love your page and your writing!!!!
⎯ ❝ what i want to hear ❞ | ziva david
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✰ - synopsis :: ziva messes up and needs to apologize to her beloved girlfriend.
✰ - warnings :: female reader, reader is gibbs’s daughter, r doesn’t work at ncis, angst to fluff >:p
✰ - k.j.’s diary says... sorry abt photos i cant really find any that mach the aesthetic i was going for.
“Please, y/n, for all of us: take Ziva back,” Tony pleaded, on the phone. “She keeps looking at the phone and is all nervous and keeps looking up whenever the elevator dings. I’m actually begging you right now to answer her calls.”
McGee nodded from his desk. “It’s even got Giibbs a little worried.”
Your sigh crackled through the phone. “No. I see no point. If she truly feels remorse for what she said, she’ll tell me in person.”
Tony whined and leaned back on his chair, frustrated with both of his best friends.
“I have to go because unlike you, I do my job,” y/n quipped. “I’ll talk to you, Tim, and Jethro later. Bye!”
Tim and Tony echoed their goodbyes and hung up. Ziva had her hands on her head and was clearly thinking back to the conversation from about 24 hours ago.
“You okay over there Ziva?” McNosy asked from his desk.
“I do not know why she is upset! I answered her question and now she is upset at me!” Ziva burst out, her eyes getting that ’I love her but how the hell do I fix this’ look.
“Sometimes you just gotta tell ‘em what makes ‘em happy,” Tony shrugged.
Nodding, Tim agreed. “For the first time in his life Tony’s right. Tonight go pick up some flowers and sit down with y/n and apologize for what you said.”
“I just told her the truth!” Ziva defended.
Gibbs scoffed as he rounded the corner. “If I know my kid, David, you better tell her what she wants to hear before she pulls the cold shoulder.”
Sighing, Ziva went back to typing reports on her computer while thinking about what she would say to you tonight. She knew the guys were right, she had to tell you want you wanted to hear.
𓇽 - time skip
“Hello my love,” Ziva greeted from the table of your apartment.
You shrugged your coat of without looking her way.
“y/n, please hear me when I say that I’m sorry for what I said.”
Once again, you don’t acknowledge her as you turn to the fridge to grab the pasta that Rossi had given you on your most recent visit. You scoop some spaghetti into a bowl and place it into the microwave.
“I realize now that what I said hurt you and I’m willing to make up for what I said,” Ziva spoke. She wrapped her arms around your stomach and leaned into your back.
“So then say it, Ziva,” you say quietly.
“I… I would love you as a worm. I would make a little container with soil and leaves and flowers you like and carry you around with me everywhere. I’d love you if you were a moth, black widow, pirhannah, australian hissing cockroach, or a rabid wolf. I promise.” Ziva’s words were like the most beautiful song you’d ever head, playing your heartstrings like a cowboy playing a harmonica.
“You, Ziva David, are a goddamn sap,” you coo, turning in her arms to embrace her. “I love you too. I’d make a greenhouse just for you if you were a worm.”
Ziva laughed and pressed kisses up and down y/n’s neck. “I do not doubt that, my love.”
As Ziva clung to y/n, a dopey smile pulled at her lips. She really did love this woman… even if she became a worm.
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beegriffs · 5 months
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These two >>> Everyone else.
… 📴 …
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trust-no-1-but-tiva · 5 months
We will get well-lit Tiva scenes
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chiefdirector · 10 months
Have you done a list about Being Best Friends with Ziva? If not, I'd enjoy that!
Being besties with Ziva would include…
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I’d say that you both work together as I’d imagine it that you would be the most welcoming of her to NCIS
Kate’s death did hurt, and it still does, but you know that it wasn’t Ziva’s fault.
So you take her out for coffee during a slow period in the bullpen (you snuck some work onto Dinozzo’s desk)
She initially didn’t want to open up to you but found that with time she could confide her thoughts and feelings
This eventually grew to a strong bond between you two
At least once a morn the pair of you will have a sleepover. You each have a bottle of wine, you would bring crappy movies (this is how she caught up with Tony’s constant movie quotes and references) and she would normally cook some Israeli food for you two
Every once and a whole Abby would also join but it was usually just you two
During these evenings you’d discuss everything that had been on your minds
Coffee breaks became ritual for weekends also. Every free Sunday, you would meet in a cafe in between your apartments and people watch.
Ziva loves that she can just be quiet with you. That she doesn’t have to talk. She just likes to exist by your side.
Ziva tried to help your dating life along, she will set you up on blind dates - she does stop after a while, especially since one went disastrously bad
In return, you tease her about being in love with Tony
Your friendship with Ziva is like no other, she does not trust many people, but she chose to trust you. And there isn’t a day that she isn’t grateful that she did.
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aaronswifey · 6 months
How you sleep
Part 2
Anthony DiNozzo:
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Ziva David:
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Leroy Jethro Gibbs:
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Timothy McGee:
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Gil Grissom:
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Warrick Brown:
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Nick Stokes:
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Greg Sanders:
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Sara Sidle:
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tonysziva · 7 months
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Is this Katrina or is this a special ninja?👀
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theonewithval · 7 months
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Ziva x teen!reader - just soldiers
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So teen reader has grown up in a rough family. It was basically run like a military; get up at the crack of dawn, do all these military base training even when they were like a child. Have a strict schedule to follow every day that they become a robot basically and any sense of being a normal teen thrown out the window. Teen reader is on a field trip with their class to NCIS for their history class talking about laws and every thing. They are in the bullpen where Ziva and the team is. Ziva takes notice to the teen reader and how they seem distant from all the other kids. Maybe something happens and it triggers teen reader to go into that military mindset (like a loud noise or arguing or whatever you want). Ziva knows a thing or two about the military mindset because of her dad and helps teen reader calm down and come back to reality. - @offspringoflordwinter 💜
TW: mentions of abusive and controlling parent
Standing in the middle of the floor with the rest of your class, you had your hands clasped behind your back as you just observed everybody else.
You had no real interest in this trip, you had no interest in becoming an NCIS agent, but your father said he would be busy today, and decided this trip would be a good way to keep you occupied.
“Are you interested in forensics?” A woman asked.
You glanced up at her but said nothing.
“I’m agent Ziva David, what’s your name?”
You turned away, going back to what you were doing.
One of the other students looked over, snickering a little bit.
“They won’t tell you anything, (Y/N)s weird. Never talks. A freak.”
Ziva looked back at you, then she walked back over to her boss who was also stood there watching you.
“No, another student mentioned their name is (Y/N), but that’s it.”
Gibbs slowly nodded his head.
“I spoke to the teacher, she said she didn’t know much about (Y/N), calm student, occasionally had issues with being suspended for fighting.”
“Gibbs I recognise that look.”
“I know you do…”
You grew disinterested in standing there, and you made your way back into hallway, standing by the wall.
You ran over your daily routine in your head, checking to make sure you knew what you had to do.
Everybody made their way back up to the bullpen, and you stood to the back of your class.
Pulling up the sleeve to your shirt, you have a look at the time, and walked over to your teacher.
“Ma’am, I need to have my lunch now.”
“Yes, of course. Do you mind eating up here?”
“No ma’am.”
She nodded, and you sat down against one of the desks, opening up your lunch box so you could eat.
You have ten minutes to eat your lunch, then you had to do your afternoon work out, then finish your homework just after.
Usually you would then have afternoon classes, but since you were here that went out the window meaning that you had a few free hours.
After finishing your lunch, you stood up, walking back over to your teacher.
“Ma’am, I need to do my training.”
“Oh, is there any way you can skip it for today? I know you use the gym but we don’t have that here.”
“No ma’am. I have to follow my schedule.”
She sighed heavily, gesturing for you to follow her and you did.
She spoke to Gibbs, who was looking at you the whole time.
“We have an empty interrogation room you can use, we can’t give you entrance to the gym.”
“That’s fine sir, I can work around that.”
He nodded.
“Ziva will take you.”
“Thank you.”
You followed behind Ziva, and you rolled your sleeves up, getting ready to start your work out.
“How many push ups can you do?”
“A good solider must be able to do at least 50 push in a row. If you cannot then you are weak. Father does not tolerate weakness.”
Ziva nodded her head, leaning back against the wall.
“What does your father consider weakness?”
“Being sick is weak, crying is weak, being in pain is weak. A strong person must be able to go beyond their limits and not complain.”
Ziva listened to you carefully.
“Are you a solider?”
“Yes ma’am.”
You finished your push ups, and started doing some sit ups.
“How long have you been a soldier for?”
“My whole life.”
She nodded again.
There was no sign of emotion in your voice, nothing on your face.
You were the perfect soldier, just like she was.
Designed to follow your orders without complaint, to not be able to think for yourself, no thought about being a teenager, partying, drinking, all the normal things teenagers do.
You stood up, and rolled your shoulders slightly, turning around to face Ziva with your hands clasped behind your back.
“Do you have any friends?”
“Soldiers have no need for friends, they are useless and only weigh down the missions.”
“What is your mission?”
“I have no assignment right now.”
“But you have had one?”
“No. I do not receive my first mission until my 18th year.”
You studied Ziva quietly for a moment, looking her up and down.
“You are like me.”
You looked at your watch, rolling your sleeves back down, doing them back up and you straightened your shirt.
“Why did you abandon your mission?”
“Because there is more to life than being a soldier for somebody else.”
“This place has made you weak.”
“Is that what you think?”
You nodded your head, leaving through the open door.
You walked back to your class with Ziva walking alongside you.
She didn’t say anything else, and neither did you you just rejoined your class, standing to the side of them all.
You were just watching when a loud bang from nearby made you spin around, a few of your fellow students began laughing loudly.
But you had jumped into fight mode, so when one of them rushed to run past you, you grabbed his arm, throwing him to the ground as you pinned him.
“(Y/N) let him go!” Your teacher yelled.
You said nothing, pinning your fellow student further into the ground.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and you spun around, standing up you grabbed the man by the arm, spinning around with so much force your threw him to the ground as well.
“(Y/N), look at me that’s an order.”
You snapped your head to Ziva.
You seemed to recognise her as some sort of authority, and you stood up straight, clasping your hands behind your back.
But you were still on guard.
“You cannot attack your fellow students.”
“He is a threat.”
“He was just playing a joke on you.” Gibbs said.
There was another loud noise, and you dissociated from them all, spinning around you charged at the person responsible for it.
He was pulled away from you, and you stood there, fists in the air ready to attack anybody that came after you.
Ziva walked over, hands raised in the air.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.”
You took a swing for her and she dodged it, moving to the side and you followed her.
Ziva was raised like you, she knew how to predict an attack and how to avoid it.
She grabbed your wrist, and you swung yourself back, sweeping your leg under hers to get yourself free and you crouched down, grabbing her shirt.
You raised tour fist and tried to punch her, but she caught it, eyes locked with hers.
“There is no threat to you here…” she whispered.
“Everybody is a threat.”
“No. No they’re not. You’re safe, either federal agents and teenagers whom I’m sure cannot even begin to match your level.”
She offered the smallest of smiles.
“There is no threat.”
She slowly sat up, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“You need to breathe. Focus. Breath.”
You went to pull you hand away.
“Don’t. I am older than you and I have had far more training.” She warned.
You nodded.
You were a soldier yes, but your father told you not to confront somebody who you knew you wouldn’t have a chance to attack.
Not yet anyway.
So you sat down, crossing your legs as you took a small breath.
“Focus on me, nobody else.”
Ziva let go of you, but she was ready to jump into action in case you went to attack somebody else.
You slowly breathed in and out, eyes locked with hers.
“Ignore everybody else, they’re not important.”
You nodded your head.
Ziva carried on leading you through the breathing you had to do in order to calm yourself down.
“Come with me.”
Ziva stood up, and you followed after her, letting her take you to a conference room where you were able to freely pace back and forth.
Ziva stood by the door so you couldn’t run away.
She realised that you were a danger, your solider mindset was going to put somebody in danger, you were going to seriously hurt somebody or worse.
You didn’t necessarily know that you were going to hurt somebody, but it was still a factor.
You wouldn’t care if you did either, you wouldn’t think twice about it if it meant protecting yourself.
At this rate Ziva was sure you were going to land yourself in prison before you even reached being an adult.
“I can help you.”
You paused pacing, turning your attention to her.
“I do not need help.”
“You do, because you shouldn’t have to live like this. You are not a soldier, you are a child.”
“I am a soldier, that is what I will always be.”
Ziva shook her head.
“No, you can be so much more.”
She sighed.
“Unfortunately we cannot let you return home.”
You sat down in a chair, placing your hands on the table.
You showed no objection, and that’s where your father had messed up.
You didn’t care if he was taken away from you, you had no attachment to him, or anybody else for that matter.
You would carry on.
Just like this.
Until it killed you.
Just like she used to.
And she wasn’t about to let that happen to you
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sarcasticsweetlara · 1 year
I need to get this out of my system, but...
Do you imagine how it would be if one of McGee's twins was interested in Tali once they grow up?
Like the Dinozzo-David family comes back to US, and even if they had kept in contact with the McGee-Fielding family, Tali and John/Morgan can't help but feel drawn to each other now that they see themselves as grown-ups.
Like, imagine Tony's reaction to McGee's child being interested in his precious daughter? And the advices McGee would give them.
And Delilah and Ziva's amusement at their children being head over heels for one another and using their fathers' tactics.
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Jealousy, Jealousy
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 3884
Warning: Mild Language, Fluff, Angst, Possessiveness, Jealousy…
Prompt: Gibbs pulled a stunt and you decided to get your revenge—by making him jealous…
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Y/N Gibbs POV
I woke up today and had the most brilliant idea. I knew exactly how to get my husband back. I shake my head, still unable to believe that Jethro could do such a thing—especially at work!
I hum a tune as I step out of the bathroom with a big, fluffy towel wrapped around my. I found myself sifting through my work clothes when my eyes catch a silver gift bag. I grab it, pulling the card off it.
Y/N/N, be a good girl and wear this to work, will you? -Jet
I open the bag and pull out a beautiful dark red lingerie set. I was trying to think of what the occasion was and why Jethro would be giving me a gift. My heart beats with anticipation at the thought of us having sex. We haven't done anything intimate for weeks besides a quick kiss here and there. We've both put our focus on work and we've come home, immediately crashing is bed.
I drop the towel, sliding on the lingerie set and hum in approval. I loved the feeling of lingerie against my skin. Something about it made me feel confident and sexy. I go back to my dresser and pull on a baggy pair of black cargo pants. I pull on a white baggy t-shirt and a black blazer.
Jethro was possessive and I loved it. I joined the team seven years ago and I may be the baby of the team, slightly younger than Ziva, Tim and Tony, but I worked my ass off. I was the "heart" of the team as they put it. I was a profound profiler and negotiator. We all were great investigators, but I also brought our little team closer together.
When I first joined, I could give a care less about the dress code. Some days, I'd follow it, but my clothes were snug to my figure. I was confident and didn't mind showing a bit more cleavage than needed. Some days, I liked to wear short skater skirts like Abby, to show off my legs. I'd show the occasional stomach here and there.
But, I enjoyed the way Jethro's eyes would roam over me. I chuckle, thinking about the day he asked me over to his house. It was our first kiss and our first time together. We were friends with benefits briefly before I had enough and outed how I felt. Then we dated before marrying. All of which I stopped dressing the way I use to, noticing how possessive he got over me once we were officially together. He's a man who gets jealous easy, not appreciating others staring at "his woman" as he puts it.
I leave my red hair down, grabbing my bag before leaving our home. It was time for work and it seems Jethro left me to sleep in. I was thankful and disappointed. I knew I needed the sleep, but I also enjoy our car rides to work together. I can't remember the last time I drove to work on my own.
It was a quiet drive, mostly filled with humming before I hum my way into the building and up to the bullpen. I saw the FBI here and roll my eyes. Oh, what a case this will be.
"Hon, we are working alongside the FBI on this case. Show them the conference room." Jethro says.
"Well, good morning to you as well husband. Yeah, my morning has been wonderful, thanks for asking. Oh, how's yours? Wonderful too. It was strange coming into work without you. Oh, and I got your gift. And yes, I listened. Oh, your tired of my rambling. Right, don't forget I'm your wife, Jet. Agents, follow me." I say, mocking at Jethro.
He had a small amused smile on his face. I was slightly moody he was acting strange with me today. I lead the agents away, ignoring Tony's grin at my one-on-one conversation with myself.
I leave the Agents to set up and head back to my desk. I could feel his eyes on me and I glance up, meeting those piercing blue eyes. I quirk a brow.
"Yes, Jethro?" I ask.
"Wondering if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He murmurs, smirking slightly.
"Asshole! You didn't even say good morning, we didn't ride together, I haven't even had a good morning kiss or hug, I haven't had coffee nor breakfast, and the first thing you do when you see me is put me to work." I hiss and he snorts.
"I think you woke up with your hair on fire, hon." He says.
I clench my jaw, narrowing my eyes at him. I shake my head as the elevators open and Fornell walks off.
"Y/N! Any chance your divorcing Jethro yet?" Fornell asks with a grin.
"I might just be his fifth ex-wife after this morning!" You tease, sending a glare at a grumpy Jethro who was glaring daggers at the both of you.
Fornell talks to Gibbs, but your eyes widen as you bite your tongue to silence any noise from you as you clench your thighs at the sudden vibrations you felt. It clicked. The lingerie bottoms weren't an ordinary bottoms. They were meant for teasing. In your case, punishment. You glare up at Jethro who's lips twitches as he amps it up higher. You nearly jumped out of your chair, trying to suppress the moan.
Oh, how he pushed the wrong buttons. He had left earlier once again much to my displeasure, but today was the day to get him back. Make him jealous and then make him have the bluest balls he's ever going to have.
I walk out of the bathroom, dropping the towel. I put on a lingerie set. I grab my black skirt that ended at mid-thigh—and that’s if I was being generous on that.
It was tight, hugging my ass and my legs. It really brought out my legs and I grin. It has a little slit, but it was cute. Not to mention the designer belt I add to it—a gift from Jethro. I had been talking about it with Abby for months and he got it as a birthday present.
I grab a white top that was like a tank-top with the wider straps. It was clinging to my body, the deep plunge neckline showed off more cleave than I've shown in years. A little bit of my belly was peaking through and I grin. Perfect. I slide on a black blazer before grabbing my black high heels.
This was going to be perfect.
I go to the bathroom, brushing my wavy red hair. I go for a slightly edgy, but neutral makeup look with a slightly dark red lipstick.
I hum, grabbing my purse and begin making my way to the Navy yard. I decided a pit stop was necessary and I grabbed drinks for the team. I get there and decided to go to Autopsy where I leave their drinks on the table as they were out getting a body. I leave a little note, humming as I head back to the elevator and head to Abby's lab.
She had her music going and I walk in, as she spins, she sees me. She turns the music off and looks at me in awe.
"You look so pretty!" She exclaims.
"Thank you, Abs! I brought you a gift." I say, handing her Caf-Pow.
"Your the best! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She exclaims and I chuckle.
"Of course." I say.
I head to the elevator, feeling slightly nervous for Jethro's reaction. I walk off the elevator and Tony whistles.
"I brought you a coffee with loads of cream and sugar." I say, winking at him and he grins.
"Thanks!" He says.
I head to Ziva, pulling a tea free.
"A tea for you, it was a new one on the menu I thought you'd like to try." I say.
"Thank you, Y/N/N. You look gorgeous by the way." She says, smirking slightly and I smile.
"Thanks, Ziva. I felt like dressing up a bit today. I felt like I deserved it after the hell Jethro put my through last week." I say.
"Fornell can be a real pain in the ass." She chuckles and I grin.
"That he can be." I say, even though that wasn't what I was referring too.
I walk to McGee, handing him a black coffee which he quietly thanks me for as he is on the phone. I walk to Jethro, handing him a coffee.
"My office." He grumbles.
"Oh, Jethro. Take that stick out of your ass. Who's looking anyway. It's an outfit and it's cute." I say.
He was silent, staring at me with dark, narrowed blue eyes. I could see the lust in them just as I could see the possessiveness in them...the jealousy coming to the surface.
I turn, walking to my desk, throwing the carton away once I pulled my coffee free. I hum softly as the elevator doors open.
"Fornell! If you like us so much, come join the team!" I say, winking at him.
"FBI is more my forte...although, your always welcome to join my team." He says, his eyes on my chest.
Jethro clears his throat and I look at him to see him glaring daggers at Fornell.
"Eyes off my wife, Fornell." He warns.
That sent a strange sensation to my core. I knew why and I was eager for the day to go on, wanting to press more buttons.
"I don't know how you managed to settle down with this grumpy bastard, Y/N." Fornell says and I giggle, rolling my eyes.
"Y/N, my office. Now." Jethro snaps, standing up as he storms towards the elevator.
I grin which stopped the team from looking so concerned. It was their turn to chuckle.
"You planned this out." Tony says.
"That I did. Revenge is a bitch." I say and he chuckles as I walk toward the elevator that Jethro was waiting on.
The doors close and he hits the button harshly. I purse my lips, swatting his arm.
"Easy there, macho man." I say.
"What the hell are you wearing?" He snaps, glaring down at me.
"Well this is my skirt. Look! It even has a little slit right here. It's so cute. And this top...you know that though." I say, grinning.
"I don't want people ogling my wife. I have some extra clothes of yours at my desk." He sighs.
"I'm not changing, Jet." I say.
"Why the hell not?" He asks, turning back to me.
"Because, I like this outfit. And you'd like it to if you investigated a little more." I say.
"You didn't." He grits out.
"Oh, I did. Your favorite set too." I say and I gasp as he pushes me up against a wall.
"It's one thing wearing this outfit to work, knowing men will stare, but then lingerie. Your asking for your ass to be red." He growls.
His hand twitches on my hip and I smile softly, putting my hand over it as I slide it under my skirt. His eyes were locked with mine and I make his fingers brush the lace bottoms.
"I just woke up feeling really good about today, Jet. I wanted an outfit to suit my mood and confidence." I say, shrugging.
"Your changing. I can't have you on my mind all damn day as we work a case, worrying about someone looking up your skirt." He says and I roll my eyes.
I push him back, smoothing my outfit out.
"I'm not changing, Jet. I'm your wife, not some...dog you can control." I say.
"Your my bitch in bed, aren't you?" He says and my jaw drops.
"Leroy Jethro Gibbs! That is so crude and so...s-so unlike you!" I exclaim.
"I thought you liked it when I called you my bitch. Are you not? What happened to being daddy's whore?" He asks and I gulp.
I could feel my skin flush as my panties dampen. Maybe I didn't think this all the way through. He smirks, that stupid lopsided smirk, his eyes twinkling. He knew damn well what he was doing to me.
Two can play this game.
"Well daddy...I do like it when you call me those names. But, I'm not in the mood right now." I say.
"W-What? You just called me daddy. Your doing that thing with your eyes and you wore this outfit. You want my attention. Well, you have it." He says.
Oh, I have it alright and I'll have it the rest of the day, whilst leaving you hanging for that crap you pulled last week.
"I think your profiling skills are a bit off, hon." I say, feigning an apologetic smile.
I pat his arm before moving out from the wall and hitting the emergency stop button. He goes to hit again, but I swat his hand away and the doors open. We walk off and he grabs my wrist. I stop, looking at him.
"Please change...I'll do whatever you want." He murmurs.
"I like my outfit, Jethro." I say, pulling away and going to my desk.
"Gibbs! I brought the file you asked for!" Palmer says before all the papers fall out.
He looks at Jethro wide eyed and I stand, bending over to help. I was well aware what I was going and I heard Fornell and Tony whistle as Jethro curses and I hear his chair.
I feel him press against me from behind, a hand on my hip as he leans down behind me to grab a paper.
"Sit your ass down right now, Y/N or else I'll carry your ass out of here kicking and screaming." He warns quietly.
"I'm trying to help Palmer. Leave me alone, Jethro. Your being moody today." I say.
He grunts, but I finish picking up the papers before standing. I take the papers from Palmer as Jethro tugs my skirt down as it did ride up a bit. I walk back to my desk, working on reorganizing the papers before standing and handing it to Jethro.
I sit and Jethro soon was giving out orders when he realized Tony was alone. I stand.
"I'll go with Tony! It's been awhile since I've been out baiting a suspect." I say.
"Not dressed in that." Jethro says gruffly.
"Oh get over yourself, Jet. I look fine. Come on, Tony!" I exclaim.
"We'll be watching!" Fornell says before he grunts.
"Stop staring at my wife's ass." Jethro warns.
We all get on the elevator and I hum softly as Tony hands me the keys. The keys...to his very nice car that I've been dying to drive.
"You dressed to impress and it's a simple and quick undercover op where you get his attention. So, get his attention tigress." He says, winking at me and I grin.
I follow Tony to his car, more than eager to drive his baby. I glance at Jethro to see his brooding face and fiery eyes. I knew he was growing more pissed off. My eyes were on his slightly growing bulge.
The drive to the nice bar was short. Tony and I made our way to the bar with our earpieces in.
"Look a little more like a couple." McGee says.
"Boss is going to kill me." Tony grumbles before sliding his hand from my lower back to ass.
"I'll protect you." I say.
"Will you?" Jethro's gruff voice comes through.
"If you don't want the bluest balls in history, Jethro, I'd comply a bit." I murmur, looking over the menu of drinks as Tony tries to stifle his laughter.
"I don't know what to get, babe!" I exclaim, moving so I was in front of Tony.
Our chests were pressed together, his hand on my ass and I move my hand to his. His eyes widen before going back to normal. I catch a man staring and I did a brief study before looking back up into Tony's eyes.
"Blue jeans. Hawaiian shirt. Ten o'clock." I say.
"See him." Jethro grunts.
"Why don't you get yourself a martini?" Tony asks.
"I don't like girly drinks, you know that." I say and he chuckles.
"Get her a Black Russian." Jethro says and I smile sweetly up at Tony.
"Hey, can I get a Black Russian and a bourbon over ice?" Tony asks.
I giggle as he lifts me up onto the bar, both of us level almost. I was still slightly short.
"Boss, you got to get some food in her. She's as light as a feather." Tony says.
"Oh stop!" I giggle, smacking his chest.
"Black Russian and bourbon over ice." The bartender says.
Tony hands me my drink and grabs his, both of us clinking our glasses together. He took a sip, but I down mine.
"Easy there, tigress." Tony chides.
"Give me yours." I say.
He hands me his, which solves the problem of his drink and not looking suspicious. I downed his, grinning.
"Want to go out back?" He asks.
"Does either of you have a sidearm?" Fornell questions.
"Inner thigh." I say.
"DiNozzo...if I find out that your hands go up my wife's skirt, you won't have to worry about a funeral." Jethro grunts.
"Come!" I exclaim, jumping off the bar and grabbing his hand.
We walk out the back, and I glanced back at Tony to catch the unsub following us.
"He'll be right behind us." I say.
"I ain't grabbing your sidearm. Gibbs will kill me." He says.
I reach a hand under my skirt, pulling my gun out of the holster before handing it to him which he shoved inside his jacket before he picks me up and pins me against the wall.
"Alright. Couples who drink and go to the back alley do what?" McGee asks.
I could see the eye roll. Tony looked nervous and I roll my eyes, pulling him in for a kiss. He kisses back as the backdoor opens. We pull away when we hear a click and see the unsub pointing a gun at us. Tony had my red lipstick all over his mouth and he slowly sat me down.
"Back away and give me that whore. God! Why can't you guys stop! Your constantly wrecking families. He came in here the other night with a girl. His wife." He snaps.
Ziva and Tony did go undercover the other night. For todays purposes. I reach my hand under Tony's jacket, my hand on the gun before I aim it at him.
"Only one person can call me a whore, and that's for pleasure purposes. Drop the weapon. Your coming with us." I say.
"Y/N! Didn't need to know that!" McGee groans.
"Dirty girl, for real. Jeesh. I didn't expect boss to be that way." Tony says, looking confused.
I could hear Jethro and Fornell chuckling on the other side as Ziva snickers.
"Always knew you were a dirty minded woman, Y/N/N." Ziva teases.
"He calls me other names and I call him some delightful names too." I say, grinning.
Tony cuffs the unsub who finally decided to drop his weapon. Jethro and Fornell walk out the back door and Jethro looks at me with a small smile and an amused expression.
"Really had to keep running your mouth, didn't you hon?" He asks.
"He called me a whore. I didn't like it. It's not like when you call me a whore." I tease.
"Alright. Coms off." McGee says quickly and I laugh.
Jethro puts his hand on my back and we begin walking out of the alleyway. Ziva was helping Tony wipe my lipstick off and I decided to touch up my lipstick. I hum, bobbing my head slightly.
"Hey, is she single?" I hear.
"Do you not see that man's hand on her back? And the wedding ring on her finger. She's happily married. I'd keep a distance if you don't want that man to shoot you in the ass. He's very possessive over her. And I think of her as a sister so get lost asshole." Tony snaps.
I smile, looking up at Jethro who also caught the conversation. He had a small smirk on his face and I walk away from him. Eager to get home.
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I walk in, Jethro not far behind me. I walk to the kitchen, grabbing two beers. I glance up when I see him hovering in the doorway with clenched fists and an unreadable expression.
"What the hell was your problem today?" He asks.
"I have no idea what you are talking about." I say, shrugging with an innocent smile.
"The outfit. Teasing me. Flirting with people. The undercover op with Tony." He says.
"Jethro, tell me you didn't forget." I chide, walking towards him.
He watches me with those intense blue eyes and I stop in front of him, looping my arms around his neck.
"Elaborate." He demands and I huff.
"Last week. You stepped on my toes, Jet. And you thought I could let you get away with it...you thought." I say.
"Your one hell of a woman. You could of found another approach to seeking your revenge, hon. You flashed your ass today more times than I can count." He says.
"Thankfully I have a nice ass, Jethro." I say.
"My point exactly, besides I don't appreciate people staring at my woman." He says, his hands settling on my hips.
The tingles I felt were unreal. This man stirred a side I didn't know I had.
"Oh, Jethro. Green isn't your color. Who knew you could get jealous over little things." I tease.
"You are not a little thing. Your the most important part of my life. And I'm not ashamed I'm jealous. I have a smart, beautiful and feisty wife that everyone seems to want and I'm not very keen on the thought of losing you." He says.
"I love you, Jet." I murmur.
"I love you too, hon. But, get your ass upstairs. I'm going to get the coffee pot ready for tomorrow. We aren't getting much sleep tonight." He says and my heart speeds up.
"Really?" I ask excitedly.
He smirks, pulling away and walking towards the coffee pot. I push the skirt down while he's turned around pull the shirt off, left in my lingerie and heels before throwing the skirt and shirt at him.
I didn't miss the way he tensed before slowly turning to me. I grin slyly at him, loving how his eyes slowly roam over me. I loved the way they darkened and narrowed. His gaze was intense.
"Upstairs, now." He says.
"You better hurry, Jethro. I might get impatient." I tease before running out of the room.
I didn't miss his low chuckle and I knew that tonight was going to be a long one. But, I knew it was going to be a good night. It's been weeks, a few months, since we've been intimate.
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xemily-similex · 1 year
my mom has decided to write fanfics, I don’t know whether to be more proud or disturbed
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beegriffs · 4 months
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These two goofs 😍
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chiefdirector · 11 months
Hidden | Ziva David | NCIS
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no.17 "You look a little pale"
(Y/N) coughed into her elbow, trying to muffle the sound as best as she could. She had been sick for a while, she knew that she wasn't going to get better, the doctors had told her that months ago. They had told her to get her affairs in order and leave her job, to travel and make memories, and to make sure she was comfortable. (Y/N) didn't listen.
She sat at her desk like she did every day and typed up the necessary reports and paperwork pertaining to the case her and the rest of the MCRT team had closed. Dinozzo and McGee had long since left and Gibbs was out getting another coffee top up, leaving only Ziva and herself in the bullpen.
They had opted to keep their relationship to a minimal at work, Gibbs was already displeased at them for breaking Rule 12. They had their time alone and that was enough, it would have to be enough. But for the times it wasn't, they could have these stolen moments together.
(Y/N) looked up and around the room to ensure that there wasn't any ears listening in that shouldn't be. She stood quickly, moving towards Ziva's desk, stopped only by a coughing fit that she couldn't mask.
Ziva looked up at the sudden noise. "Are you alright, (Y/N). You look a little pale."
(Y/N) nodded, hand to her mouth, still trying to swallow the coughing down. She gratefully took the water bottle Ziva held out, the water soothing her throat. It was when she lowered her hand to put the cap back on did she notice the blood in the palm of her hand.
She tried to screw up her hand but Ziva noticed the red liquid too. As swiftly as she could managed, Ziva launched herself up to meet (Y/N) in the middle of the bullpen. "What was that?"
"What was what?" she tried to meekly cover her tracks.
"Your hand, you're coughing blood. You're sick."
"Barely. It's a sore throat, Ziva. I'm probably getting a cold. That's all. Drop it."
(Y/N) stepped backwards away from her love before she turned to sit back down at her desk. She watched as Ziva raised her hands in surrender before sitting down herself. She knew that this would not be the last of the topic but for now she could have a little more peace.
Eventually Ziva would discover that (Y/N) had been lying to her. She would learnt hat her partner's time was limited, and that every second she spent exerting herself at work was only speeding up her demise. She would blame herself for not noticing sooner. And when her time was finally up, then Ziva would grieve (Y/N)'s passing.
But for now, (Y/N) was happy to grant Ziva the bliss that came with ignorence.
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