#Zombie is big guy
scribe-of-stories · 9 months
An earlier conversation with a good friend (@sunset-a-story) got me thinking. How many undead entities can one person produce? Does a zombie need a skeleton, or can you raise them both separately? Could the blood be animated into some kind of slime creature at the same time? Assuming the soul leaving the material plane punched a them shaped whole into reality (thus spawning a ghost), could that same soul also come back as a wraith to take vengeance on their ill fated death? And to top it off: what if that same person is a telepath who stored a copy of their neural engram into someone else so that a psychic ghost also exists in their head?
What is forming in my brain is a comedy about a occult found family who is mainly made up of multiple fucked up versions of the same person.
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Joel meeting Ellie: *slams her into a wall & threatens to shoot her*
Joel five minutes later: *kills a man w/ his bare hands for threatening to shoot her*
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evelynpr · 3 months
Hoyoverse's children in a nutshell
Fly me 2 the moon: First and oldest child, long gone RIP. Their legacy is having the first ever Kiana Kaslana
Zombiegal Kawaii: basically dead, hardly anyone even knew about her
Houkai Gakuen 2 (aka Gun Girls Z; GGZ): Next child, oldest, small and niche but dedicated fanbase, still going in CN server. Very gay and depressing, incredibly convoluted lore.
Honkai Impact 3rd: Took after GGZ a lot then became the favorite child. Still gay and depressing but more hopeful. Definitely a lesbian. They also really like flashy combat, philosophy, and science fiction.
Genshin Impact: The popular kid, and spoiled brat. They're very bisexual and very into religious themes and every culture and myth imaginable.
Tears of Themis: Probably the only cishet male child. Their fans are fewer but well fed and satisfied. (I dont know nearly enough about their story and themes to know its personality tho)
Honkai Star Rail: Takes a lot from big sis hi3rd (depressed but hopeful gays), and probably genderfluid. Ppl love it, theyre popular but it doesnt get into their head as much compared to Genshin. They're also really into exposed shoulders and internet memes.
Zenless Zone Zero: New kid on the block with furries and cyborgs. They are the youngest, most punk, and definitely into western action rpgs more than their older siblings.
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fernlessbastard · 1 year
One of my favourite concepts for a comedic tnt duo situation is Wilbur trying to be edgy and joke about being a zombie and eating people just to be hit with the information that Quackity has in fact canonically consumed human flesh
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nemmet · 1 year
What are some of your favorite Fred and Daphne moments? Romantic or platonic
AAAH thank you for giving me the opportunity to ramble about them!! always so so appreciated. and for specifying romantic or platonic too!! while a lot of their significant moments together from the 90s onwards have been somewhat romantically charged, i love them even when they're just a goofy pair of friends with no immediate romantic implications.
because (mini fraphne history side tangent), they weren't always intended as love interests! the "fred chooses to search for clues with daphne because he fancies her" reading of the original show technically isn't true — they were just paired off because the writers found them boring and wanted an excuse to get them out of the picture for a few scenes. which makes the fact that they've since grown to become an iconic duo in their own right all the more inspiring!
so without further ado, here are some of my favourite moments of theirs!! 💙💜
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(begins under the cut!)
the best birthday present ever — zombie island
if i could count their general existence in this movie as a single moment i would. i am so weak to the fact that even after the gang splits ways, fred and daphne stick together, and fred plays such a crucial supporting role in daphne's dreams/career/life. and their relationship hasn't descended into being just boring coworkers — daphne has been so busy with work that she forgot her own birthday, but fred is sure to make it special by doing no less than getting the whole gang back together. the way he teases her before revealing them, too!!! and the hug she gives him when he explains. i get such cosy, "known each other since forever" vibes from them in this movie, like they're just so comfortable and silly with each other and (sobs into my hands)
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my hero — scooby doo and krypto too
the way this movie has already given us so many fraphne moments for the books. the Literal Kiss aside, this scene just made me smile from ear to ear. i'm not always so hot on the jealousy subplots these two often get, but i appreciated how this film had a more light-hearted take on it, and how fred was simply confused rather than upset. additionally, his attempts to impress daph are just so funny and sweet, you get the sense that he's just hamming it up to make her laugh and doesn't care if that's all he ends up doing. of course then he gets so into it that he doesn't register the monster right behind him, and jumps into daphne's arms just like the rest of the gang always do with him. the way he clings to her!! and how she says "oh come on". they are disasters and they need each other in this essay i will.
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you're never going to lose me, fred — mystery incorporated
following their relationship in this show sure is a journey... and not always the best one. while i understand that they're teenagers going through a lot, it's sad to so often see their inherent chemistry as a duo lost in miscommunication and arguments. which makes the moments where they connect and come out stronger as a couple all the more rewarding!! this is hands down my favourite scene of theirs — while the conflict that leads up to it is uncomfortable (fred tightly scheduling their activities together), i like how daphne addresses it quickly rather than keeping her feelings hidden and simply expecting fred to pick up on them. by now she understands that fred needs direct communication (autism!!!), and that's ok!! meanwhile, fred has grown too; he actively opens up to daphne about his fears of losing his loved ones, something i don't think he could or would have done at the start of the show. he's come to understand his own emotions and the importance of expressing them. both of them learn from each other, and are able to move forward because of that. it's a wonderful little moment that really showcases the best of them!!
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i love you — stage fright
THE fraphne scene. god. where do i begin. the fact that daphne wrote lyrics about her feelings for fred to the music he composed, and was terrified of ever showing them to him. but then she decides to break the condition she established to velma (only confessing to him after the contest), throws caution to the wind, and just,,,,, confesses her love to him live on stage in front of thousands of people!!!! and how fred looks so happy and content playing along to these lyrics that i'm sure he knows are about him, and when it comes to daphne singing "i love you", he says i love you back with ZERO HESITATION!!! like he was waiting to say it too!! because they're mutually pining dumbasses who will cry if they make eye contact in a remotely romantic context!!! god!!!!!!! also the nose boop before daph goes in for the kiss. adorable.
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the engine / the driver — curse of the 13th ghost
this scene is another that has a lot to say about their relationship in a general sense, and it's so special to me!! i'm not crazy about this movie as a whole, but i love the running theme of fred and daphne's differing leadership qualities, and how they balance each other out. fred just wants to keep things the same as they've always been (autism!!!), but that often leads him to coming off as controlling or dismissive when he's in Planning Mode. he doesn't mean it, because he genuinely believes the best in the gang and their individual skills, so it's no wonder that he grows insecure when his place is questioned. but by the end of the film he accepts that daphne is the engine, the glue that fundamentally holds the gang together and keeps them running as a unit — they would be nowhere without her constant energy and willingness to take action. however, daphne reassures him that he'll always have his place as the driver, the man with the plan, the one to put things in motion and support everyone with all his heart along the way. and the tender way they look at each other to cap it all off!!!!!!!
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knight in shining armour — sword and the scoob
i saved the (probably) best for last. less serious analysis here and more just me gushing because i spin this moment around my microwave brain on a daily basis. continuing the theme of "fred embraces his role as team cheerleader", he's not even upset when daphne has to fight in his place — he planned this and is wholeheartedly supporting her, to the point where it makes her flustered (she’s HIS knight in shining armour)!! and him giving her his ascot as a good luck charm!!!! nem found dead on the floor. not to mention "sir daphne/sir fred" and how they continue to call each other that. i swoon every time. they are so romantic in their own very silly and very teenager-y way and i love moments where they're just so unapologetic about that!!
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i really hope you enjoyed and that this was what you were looking for!! fellow fred & daph fans, please feel free to comment and/or reblog with some of your own favourite moments!! i always love to see them. :D
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danganronpa96 · 1 month
so recently i had a dream that wasn't really dr96 related but you appeared in it for some reason. in the dream there was a zombie apocalypse and i lived in some small house in my garden with my sister, michael afton and you. and you also got into a fight with michael afton because you kept playing vocaloid songs in the radio and michael didn't like vocaloid. i actually don't remember much from this dream only this and that we all also went to some grocery store for food.
This is genuinely so hilarious to me. The idea of me being in your dream is so surreal because what did I even look like? Was it my sona or some random person that you just knew was me?
But you have no idea how accurate that part about me playing vocaloid is 😭😭 I like to think I probably would get into a fight with someone if they didn’t like me playing it. It being Michael Afton of all people though is so wild
This also just reminds me of how Rexx constantly gets dreams about zombie apocalypses as well 😭 what is going on here
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croissantlune201 · 4 months
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Zombie mutan dj thingy i did for fun
So that thing it based of à bunch of rando zombie movie but yea basicly à big ol dj fused with zombies he can see through the zombies eyes around his head giving him à 360 eyesigh jumping spider style but only see mouvement
the pedipalps are actully mutanted zombie arms and the blister is where the virus is it very infectius if they pop gross
droll also infectius
He go plants growing everywhere cause dj was desactived for year until he wake up like that
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lookstairs · 6 days
Trying to tell people I love Black Butler is so hard cause of all the weird ships
Oh isnt that the show where people ship a demon and a kid? Oh isn’t that the one where he’s dating his cousin?
It’s got mystery, great art, interesting story, and fun characters.
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chibishortdeath · 7 months
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I do like other games fun fact!!! Darkstalkers is probs one of my favorite fighting games. One of the few I’m ok at lol (TwT ;). But yeah, I play as Lord Raptor and he’s a silly guy fr.
This is the whole Zabel page :3. I like to think Lord Raptor is like a stage name and Zabel Zarock is his actual name. It makes sense in the context that he’s a metal artist I guess. Also what is up with his birth year being listed as like 1889 everywhere? That does not make any sense in the context that he’s a metal artist 💀💀💀💀💀💀.
The next two are based on some of his early concept designs. Changed to look more like say alternate costumes for him cause some of these are wildly different not just outfit wise from the design that we got.
This one is by far my favorite, it’s him in that Midnight Bliss outfit lol. It looks nice on him. I actually have the midnight bliss figure of him :D (sadly one of his only pieces of merch dies in all of the characters I like have little to no merch)!!! I don’t see much fan art of his human-ish form, but then again I don’t see much fan art of him at all now that I think about it—
There’s some text in this zoom in spot! The top left one says “I’m fucking balling!”, the one below it says “Oi, wtf”, and his shirt says oh uh well um I shan’t say it (Cannibal Corpse song title 💀). There’s also one doodle on here that requires context cause it seems edgy for no reason, but it is based on an official art of him!!!!!! Aaaa I wish you could put more than 10 photos so I could show it.
This was an attempt at drawing a sprite of his but oh my god I cannot draw people looking up to save my life 💀💀💀. There’s some Le Malta doodles tho, he’s cool. Just a little dude! I like how Le Malta was technically employed by Ozom to spy on Zabel to make sure he wasn’t plotting against him (he very much was lmao) and he just totally was like “yeah I hate Ozom’s ass too” and decided to be friends with him instead. The Darkstalkers lore is great and hilarious I promise—
These two are just shitposts (the big dude in the background of the second one is Ozom btw Aka the guy that reanimated him). And the last two are just from playing around with one of those insert character/series text box generator websites.
Yeah anyway, great game, I should probably draw more about it, but the Simon and also that RPG Maker project I was working on have both taken over my life d(*´ω`*). (Also stress but yeah—)
#Darkstalkers#darkstalkers fanart#my art#art post#lord raptor#zabel zarock#the silly zombie guy#le malta#uh um uh yeah so uh#I never have any idea how to tag anything#fighting games#Capcom#yeah I guess that works?#anyway he’s fun to draw#also absolutely hilarious that like all of his lore is either completely contradictory or unexplained#80s metalhead? yeah he’s from the 1880s.#I have no idea how to explain the story of Darkstalkers in this short of a space#it’s wild everything happens#the first one is like big alien guy crashes in the ocean and local vampire man decides he’s gonna punch him for some reason#the second one is like more where Morrigan ends up the main character I think I might be misremembering#it’s basically about monster politics in the third game mostly lol#jedah is really bad at being an emperor#there’s only really three games and then Capcom absolutely killed the franchise for no reason 💀💀💀#if there’s anything I feel extremely strongly about in this series it’s that Udon comics SUCKS they obviously did not get the games at all#I HATE Udon comics all my homies DESPISE udon comics#Udon comics is essentially character misrepresentation/assasination central if you didn’t know#every page is a “’they would not fucking say/do that’ moment especially for Morrigan and Lord Raptor R.I.P. Morrigan fans honestly#anyway hehehe I made that red mark thingy on his chest top scars mwahahaha >:) I have the power to do anything—#(keeping that tag towards the bottom so there is incredibly low risk that family members see it eee aaa oof)
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hell-dusk · 2 months
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what if I reposted this old render of my zombie oc Ambrose <3
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strudelknight · 9 months
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I drew a little Sion (from League of Legends) for a fanart contest
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an-army-of-nightmares · 5 months
Randommmmm question, but what do you think would happen if Lanyon ever found out Jekyll was now undead in the Zombie AU?
As much as I love and adore the thought of what character reactions would be to anything that happens in my aus, actually imagining character reactions is my greatest weakness! Devastated emoji!
It's also been. Awhile. Since I've read tgs so ahh I'm not up to date or refreshed on Lanyon's character too which doesn't help matters
I'd imagine he'd be not feeling too great! Finding out Henry literally died and immediately tried to hide it from everyone and act like all is fine while slowly rotting from the inside out and constantly putting himself back together with science and not talking to anyone about this not to mention just how traumatizing it must've been to literally be eaten alive. Um! It gets worse the more you think about it! And god! Is Lanyon thinking about it!
It could also depend alot on the context in which he potentially discovers.
Very much depends on the context in which he discovers
Like, is it accidental? Did Lanyon walk in on Jekyll trying put himself back together? Was it slowly pieced together discoveries? That added up to Lanyon trying to get an explanation? Was he told? By Jekyll? Or by someone else? Did he see something?
I'm basing this all off of the branch where Jekyll gets up and actively hides he's dead, but of course there's still others where he was buried and dead and it was a closed casket because he was mauled and Lanyon was at the funeral and everyone paid for the funeral and everyone went to the funeral and Jekyll was dead he died and it feels so much more real because for some period of time he was gone and gone for good and now he's back and oh god oh god
How can you even react to that? What even can be your next course of action? Help? What can you even do? Offer comfort? But how? Sorry you died sorry you came back sorry you tried to hide so so much of yourself and be so desperate to see your work succeed that you were even willing to hide you died and act like everything was ok sorry I wasn't there sorry I wasn't there sorry I wasn't there
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braind3adbeetle · 6 months
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Erm I got bored so here’s my headcanons for my fav lil guys from pvz2 (spoiler warning, I’m right) HHSSHFHJSJS TRANS ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE RAHHHH :P also I’m so mad I couldn’t find a transparent png for the adhd symbol AUGHH
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zombiedeers · 2 years
Mega milk.
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That's it, Rick just has massive honkers. You know I'm right! And yes of course I gave him stretch marks. <3
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hatecharredarch · 10 months
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So  I  was  talking  about  this  with  friends  in  disco  but  the  fanon  of  Dabi  being  blasted  out  of  his  mind  on  drugs  24/7  is  one  I  hate  sm,  because  like,  yeah, there  is  something  very  wrong  with  him  but  its  more  in  the  spooky  /  undead  vein  than  anything  else  and  I  would  think  that  is  so  obvious.      Like  I  guess  that  fanon  got  popular  before  all  the  background  "reveals"  for  him  but  at  the  same  time  Nomu  always  existed  as  a  thing. (  Undead/reanimated  human  corpses )  so  it  kinda  baffles  me  how  the  fandom  took  a  look  at  Dabi  and  just  said  "its  hard  drugs"  keeping  in  mind  he's  literally  inspired  by  stuff  like  the  revenant  zombie  and  frankenstein's  monster.      Like  anyway,  fanon  sucks  in  general  but  my  point  is  I'm  sexy  and  big  brained  so  I  choose  to  go  a  bit  harder  on  those  horror  inpsos  because  of  course  I  do,  but  since  canon  fully  supports  me  on  it  I  gotta  also  point  out  as  bizarre  as  it  is,  it  would  even  appear  that  parts  of  dabi's  body  have  fallen  off  in  the  past.      I  mean  for  one  we  can  see  its  pretty  obvious  Dabi's  entire  face  could  come  apart  if  not  for  the  staples  in  his  cheeks  and  chin  but  theres  also  the  fact  that  Hori  did  an  art  piece  where  we  can  see  Dabi's  tongue  is  stapled  on  as  well.  That  seems  to  indicate  it  could  have  fallen  off  at  one  point.  Literally  theres  no  other  reason  for  the  tongue  staples  otherwise.      There's  a  similar  implication  with  one  of  his  arms,  its  stabled  right  around.  And  like  I  said,  we  saw  with  Dabi's  face  the  staples  aren't  there  for  the  aesthetic,  they're  actually  holding  him  together.  And  like,  yes,  we  know  when  Dabi  burned  he  lost  pretty  much  all  of  his  lower  jaw  and  obviously  his  tongue  would  have  been  part  of  the  area  that  was  damaged/completely  burned  away,  but  we're  still  aware  that  when  Dabi  initially  awoke  after  being  "reconstructed"  by  Garaki,  his  grafts  weren't  as  pronounced  (  They  were  normal  and  seemingly  "healed"  )  and  he  didn't  have/need  staples  to  hold  himself  together.
So  yeah,  this  means  even  if  his  tongue  was  replaced/reattached,  there  came  a  point  where  it  either  fell  off  or  stated  to,  hence  he  had  to  staple  it  on.  Like  I've  kinda  mentioned  before  Dabi's  scars/burns  are  def  going  through  a  type  of  dehiscence, meaning  his  grafts/scars  are  discolored  and  separating  from  the  parts  of  his  skin  that  are  not  serving  as  constant  ignition  points  for  his  quirk. This  gives  Dabi  a  "rotting"  appearance,  again,  like  a  zombie.  On  top  of  this,  its  canon  info  that  Dabi  just  smells  like  burning  skin  and  death.  Like  thats  his  essence. Mirko  specifically  makes  comments  about  it  which  are  present  in  Hawks  report  so.  Yeah.  Endless  points  for  the  zombie  aesthetic  and  due  to  the  fact  we  also  know  Dabi  is  somehow  able  to  "stay  alive"  after  suffering  burns  and  injuries  that  would  easily  kill  ANY  normal  person  with  NO  other  reason  for  why  it  hasn't  killed  him,  I'm  pretty  chill  going  ahead  and  saying  Dabi  is  some  type  of  undead  already.  Like  some  type  of  "accidental"  proto-Nomu. I don't particularly care if thats a specifically canon thing but I think thats the suggestion and none the less it truly makes NO sense otherwise so it will pretty much be canon to this portrayal.
Like its  also  been outright stated  he  is  supposed  to  be  dead.  Canon  claims  the  only  reason  Dabi  is  alive  ( And  I  use  "alive"  very  dubiously,  for  all  these  reasons )  is  because  of  his  hatred/anger.  Which again  this  is  the  exact  concept  behind  folklore's  revenant zombies.  They're  human  bodies  who  are  dead  but  also  alive/function  as  if  they're  alive  or  rather  are  heavily  between  dead  and  alive  so  they  "function"  as  if  they're  "living"  but  also  sometimes  have  "hints"  of  their  true  nature  of  being  a  pesky  type  of  undead,  like  not  fucking  dying  from  injuries  that  should  kill  them  or  having  bodies  that  are  lowkey  "rotting"  like  the more  "popular"  zombie  type. 
Similarly, Dabi also seems to heavily draw reference to the onryo of Japanese myth, which is also a vengeful undead or spirit and very similar to a revenant zombie. Onryo are also usually depicted in white gowns/kimonos and, well, Dabi's final battle outfit is strikingly reminiscent of this.
The  other  big  difference  between  revenant  zombies  and  the  zombies  we're  used  to  in  pop-culture  nowadays  is  revenant  zombies  don't   usually loose  any  human  intelligence, memory  or  personality  and/or  they  don't  typically  lust  for  human  flesh/brains.  Though,  given  most  of  them  "stay  alive"  or  "come  back"  due  to  an  insane  grudge/hatred  of  someone/thing  that  wrong  them  they  are  often  extremely  bloodthirsty  and  revenge  driven  which  continues  to  fit  Dabi  to  a  T, so yeah, thanks for coming to my latest useless ted talk !
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whysopasta · 9 months
day of the dead (1985) might be my new favorite horror movie
#might slightly beat out the thing (1982)#great writing acting practical effects and it's actually pretty scary!#nobody does zombies like romero im telling you#i neeeeed to watch the original dawn of the dead#i've seen night of the living dead i've seen day of the dead and i've seen the dawn of the dead remake#which was actually pretty good even though im not a big snyder fan#night of the living dead is one of the movies that made me deathly afraid of zombies as a kid#and i only watched the first 5 minutes akdhkdh#i've seen the whole thing now of course#they're zombie movies where the real bad guy always ends up being power-tripping militarized assholes#day of the dead being that case the most#spoilers >>>>#every other zombie movie totally gives up on the zombies outside of a medical cure or vaccine#day of the dead explicitly goes no. they can be redeemed. they can be retaught. they can remember.#the only reason it all gets fucked up is because of that MOTHERFUCKER#oh but he gets his. it's too late but he gets his#never thought a zombie shooting a guy with a gun would be the most satisfying cinematic climax ever but guess what.#it was#and then that fucker gets torn apart while he's still alive and it's looks so fucking cool because the practical effects in that movie rule#oh man and the ENDING. im still thinking about the ending#it's so.... it's so abrupt and jarring and contradictory that you can't help but question it#it feels almost... delusional? in denial?#they're running to the copter and there's a wave of zombies and it's hard to tell if they can make it there fast enough#they're getting in and at the last second the girl gets grabbed#but hardly before you can even process that...#snap cut. the three of them are on a beach. no zombies in sight. she marks off a date on a homemade calendar#it feels impossibly idealic... like the movie can't bear to give you an unhappy ending so instead it lies#it's not impossible they made it out. they could've gotten the zombie off her and made it out#but the way it's structured makes it so ambiguous
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