#Zora Salazar imagines
epithet-beloved · 1 year
👁️👁️ zora + touch starved reader? Can be romantic or platonic, whichever the mods feel like doing
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synopsis… Zora feels like cuddling is a step long overdue in your relationship, but wasn’t expecting such a reaction from you regarding her request
ft. Zora Salazar
tags… fluff, like so much fluff, cuddling, Zora calls reader Darling but in a cowgirl way so it’s Darlin, get you a girl who will leave dead birds at your doorstep
word count… 455
a/n… yeehaw… ✧ 🦝
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“C’mere darlin’.”
Zora’s voice is a sweet lure, beckoning you closer to her as she lays on the couch.  Having her job means she can come back to you too tired to skirt around your affection.  You’ve been together for a while, haven’t you?  That means you can’t blame her for wanting to be close to you!
But you just stand there, staring at her outstretched arms.  Zora narrows her eyes at your reluctance.  Is something the matter?  Did she do something you don’t approve of again?  She only gave you a dead bird one time, so it couldn’t have been that—
And then you apologise, a little meek.  “You got nothin’ to be sorry about!  Besides depriving me of your hugs,” she jokes.
Hah.  Little does she know.
You’ve hugged before, and you even had the courage to hold her hand!  Still… you don’t want Zora to figure out just how much you really enjoyed contact with her.  She can be perceptive when she wants to be, and you just have so little dignity left within you.
Even now, she catches on.  Her expression softens into one reserved only for you.  In a gentler voice, she says, “hey, I didn’t offend ya did I?”
“No!”  You wave your hands in the air in a panic.  “No, no, nothing like that…  I…”
Zora raises an eyebrow.  “You…?”
“I don’t want to take your touches for granted.”
A silence fills the room.  You don’t have the bravery to look at Zora and gauge her reaction.
You continue.  “If I take something, then I feel like I have to return it.  Like– Like a tally.  And I know if you hold me, I’ll just keep wanting more, but I have so little to give, and—”
“—I think you shouldn’t have to deal with me being so indebted to you, so I just—”
The nickname shuts you up, as well as Zora wrapping her hands around your waist, pulling you into her.
Her hold is secure, and though her smell is hardly the most ideal, it’s still so Zora and you couldn’t help but be endeared by it.  Her heartbeat is not as erratic as yours, but sure isn’t calm.  Is she also…?
Zora’s content sigh breaks you out of your thoughts.  “Ya know?”  She tells you, and you shift your head so your chin is resting on your chest, looking at the bounty hunter.  She’s smiling at you so warmly.  She almost resembles the sun.
She continues, “I think you can pay whatever ‘debt’ you have with the cuddles too.  So then it all cancels out.  Thinkin’ logically that is!”
You pause, and then you breathe out a laugh.  You can’t say no to that.
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"imagine the smell. also should spit in my mouth"
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loonarmuunar · 1 year
No because they HAD to have put missing posters up for Zora, right? Officials find her parents bodies and announce their deaths, so some extended family must’ve filed Zora as missing.
Imagine for me if you will, Percy finds an old, rotting missing poster. A little girl, with big round eyes, and a bigger smile.
Under the picture, is “Zora Salazar” in bold font.
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epitheterasedgen · 1 month
so headcanon of mine:
zora has an abnormally high pain tolerance.
like you can pry from my cold, dead hands the headcanon that zora heals her injuries, no matter how big or small, with her epithet so no one knows that they were injured. This leads to basically: Epithet Erased, ft. Zora Salazar's abnormally high pain tolerance.
I wonder how they find out about the pain tolerance. Imagine she just gets brutally wounded and just doesn't blink an eye.
Yeah this tracks
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kranagok0 · 4 months
The perfect team.... Maybe
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Molly and Hilda are practically strong. I mean, Molly can literally stun her opponents. Hilda, for her part, has a sword. Seriously, he still has that sword from the 'Witches' episode in his room.
You have to see the skills and techniques that this strange duo have.
Let's start with the oldest; Hilda
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Our blue-haired girl is, as I have calculated thinking about the extensive possibilities there are, about 13 years old. And in just those 13 years of existing in this life and we have seen the things she can do. His vast experience consists of;
+ Swordsmanship (enough to beat another boy his age with weapons experience)
+ Hand-to-hand combat.... I think so. Hilda's fight with that ghost is still something up for discussion for me.
Now your possible abilities. From what I believe, and also what I have seen that the Fandom has created in some fanfics, Hilda may have some abilities that have not been shown to us or that she could have in the future. Such as;
+ Creation of protective amulets. and possibly, from what we saw in Johana's flashbacks as a child [in the part where Astrid faces the spider-toad], creation of attack amulets.
+ The ability to fly. We cannot deny that it could ultimately grow wings at any moment.
+Become a troll. This is something I've noticed that almost everyone gives to Hilda in fanfics, so it stays. Possibly it's some kind of shapeshifter magic or something, I don't know.
+Altered perception of reality. In other words, she tried to fight against many beings that, to be honest, in one move sent her to the other world. Even so, the girl did not cower when there were punches.
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Alteration of the mind. We literally saw Astrid seal Johana's memories from her entire childhood. Don't you think that's some kind of fairy magic? This is the possibility With this we have a great variety of techniques, now imagine the possibilities if you combine them to make a combo or a new technique.
Now it's time for the other girl in the group;
Molly Blyndeff. This girl is not far behind, no sir.
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+ Dumb. This word is literally Molly's ability summed up, because that word is her ability. This ability allows him to have at his disposal a wide variety of techniques with which he can influence his opponent, from reducing the amount of damage received to disabling the abilities of others. An example of this is when Molly makes a soup ball that Giovanni made disappear, thus demonstrating that her ability can influence that of others.
+Mind control. Or something like that. Molly can stun someone so much that she can make them follow her orders, more or less. With Car Crash it was because he touched it and told him it was a car he wanted to crash, says his team friend. And boy did it work.
+Silence. She can cancel the sound just like Corazon, a One Piece character, did. Not whether in this case you must maintain physical contact with another person if you want that ability to remain with the enemy.
Possible skills;
From what I have seen in Epithet Erased, the concept of the word is the ability that your power will have from said word. We've seen Giovanni make ranged attacks and create cursive potions.
To Randal Murdock the power to imbibe his ability (turn into gold) and continue moving. It was literally a power up that I didn't expect.
Zora Salazar can imbue her power into her bullets and other weapons to have a lethal effect.
Who says Molly couldn't do any of those things? I mean, Molly hasn't tried any of that so she could manage to imbue some gloves or some armor with her power to stun any attack against her physical integrity. Imagine that she could stun the organism of the human body.....
Oh my mother, now that I start to think better about her ability, I'm starting to notice that this girl could dominate an entire district if she wanted to.
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It would practically dumb down your entire biological system and could practically give you a critical failure in your organs. THAT GIRL DRESS UP AS A BEAR BECAUSE SHE'S LIKE ONE! They look cute but in reality they are cold and uninspiring creatures.look at those eyes
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He is the embodiment of evil.
Okay, I think I got a little off topic, but I got my point across about what these girls can do and their possible powers.
With that I leave this question for you;
Who else do we add? I have someone else in mind, I'm already going crazy with this and I won't stop for a moment. I would like to see your opinions and other relevant comments, so comment. Without fear. That's all for now, see you later.
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blissocean · 1 year
anyone want a semi-analysis/theory post abt the extended great at cowboy? too bad here ya go
it's VERY likely with the clues given that the blaster who killed zora's parents was inscribed, inferred by how they were able to just levitate the box they found over to themself, AND fatally wound the salazars with a few gunshots.
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bullets are said to not be lethal in universe unless imbued, so in order to pierce two grown adults enough to kill them they must have had an epithet to do it with! even if not her own like suspected, an epithet is still tied to zora's trauma and the reason her life was turned upside-down.
if not for those implied powers, the whole situation could've been avoided. but an inscribed blaster just had to cheat her out of the rest of her childhood and forced her to grow up way too fast just so she could make a living and survive on her own.
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this brings me to another point; remember the speech zora gave in episode 7 about her hatred of epithets? how she claims epithets make life unfair and put others at a disadvantage just for not being lucky enough to be born with one? if we can assume that blaster was definitely inscribed, it can intertwine with that.
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both zora and her parents were disadvantage by an inscribed criminal that day, which cost two people their lifes and one their childhood. she spent the remainder of her life training her own epithet, as much as she hates the power system, just to keep up.
i imagine she never wanted to feel as helpless as she did that day again. she didn't want to be one of those people at the end of the pyramid. training her epithet extensively for years was the only way she could keep up. To reach the same level as the people who ruined her life and take revenge on them. To help her get by in life.
She may hate stupidly powerful epithets, but without hers she never would've gotten as far as she did in life.
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marshmalo · 1 year
my favorite hobby is imagining zora salazar singing various country songs even if it makes no sense
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85-rend · 2 years
📣 for your bugfables OCs!
📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
oh boy here comes a long one!
Soup - They're nonverbal! They dont rlly talk at all (no voice claim)
Mabel - She's definitely a little more soft spoken. Very warm, inviting tone. She talks to plants. (no voice claim)
Ezra - Quiet, speech sounds somewhat flat, doesn't talk much. (no voice claim)
Salad - He kinda rambles a lot, about what you'd expect for a kid that age (no voice claim)
Hawthorn - Very quiet and their voice sounds kinda scratchy like they have a really bad cold or somethin. They frequently pause between words or skip certain words to make things easier. (no voice claim)
Marine - I actually have no idea (no voice claim)
Cici - She's actually kinda loud, not really aware of it most of the time. Very energetic (no voice claim)
Jester - Tends to talk pretty fast, things get jumbled up a little bit from that. Also has an occasional stutter. (voice claim - Yellow Ena (Joel G) without distortion / Fukase (Vocaloid) )
Cerci - No clue tbh (no voice claim)
Ellie - She's very loud. She also laughs like so damn loud too. do not get her in a voice call ever its like a fucking jumpscare (no voice claim)
Dust - No idea. Incomprehensible. (no voice claim)
Jasper - He's pretty quiet, very polite. He tries to make his voice sound deeper (no voice claim)
Ruby - She's loud, kinda rude. Makes it very known when she's annoyed or bored. Kinda has like a boston accent (no voice claim kinda but it's like the exact same voice I imagine Susie from Deltarune havin)
Gabriel - No idea how to describe his voice, uses filler words pretty frequently though (no voice claim)
Kari - I have no idea how to describe their speech honestly... (voice claim - Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased) but like maybe a little deeper?)
October - Very energetic speech, tends to ramble on about things which can go on for a while if you don't ask him to stop (voice claim - Mango Cookie (CRK) )
Wynn - Not much of a talker, better at listening. Generally pretty serious, doesn't joke much (no voice claim)
Valentine - He's very polite and calm, at least at first. Has somewhat of a european sounding accent, its probably fake (no voice claim)
(theres like a couple more but god I have been writing this like literally all day and I cannot be bothered right now)
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schizophrenicships · 2 years
Alright so- I don’t ship myself romantically with this character, but I do ship myself platonically with her. Like a best friend f/o
Anyways the character is Zora Salazar and she’s from this webseries called Epithet Erased. Basic jist of the lore is that there are these rare powers called epithets that associate a word to the inscribed(epithet person)‘s soul. Zora’s is Sundial, which gives her the ability to speed up and slow down anything with a set beginning and end.
And she’s just- so cool! Her design hits every little artist part of my brain. Tall, cowboy, sun theme?? Yes fucking please! And in the show she is just- utterly terrifying. Woman can kill you in a single shot.
And in the little- lore with my s/i (Floof), Zora was tasked by Bliss Ocean (the bad guy company she works for) to basically babysit him. Floof was Bliss Ocean’s little side project, an attempt at creating a soldier against epithet users buuuttttt- it didn’t go right. Now he’s just a little wolf dude and they gotta deal with it. Test tube baby!
Zora and Floof bond and if anything happens to him, she would kill everyone in this room and then herself. He’s her little guy. And Floof adores her, she is his closest friend and he looks up to her (in a literal and figurative sense).
I don’t think Zora would ever take him on bounties, as he is supposed to be a secret, but I like to imagine him on the bounty she goes on in the second half of the first season. Just tagging along trying to help her find the amulet Bliss Ocean wants.
I ENJOYED EVERY SECOND OF THIS!!!! I’ve never seen that show but I’ve heard of it and seen Zora’s design before!!! I think your s/i concept is so neat and I definitely combed your blog looking for art of them to doodle something for you, but couldn’t find any !! If you have an kind of description or concept of Floof, I’d love to hear and see!!!! I totally want to doodle a little drawing of Zora leading Floof by the hand while they look for that amulet!!
I absolutely adore platonic ships!!! I feel like they’re over shadowed by romantic ones and so it means so much to me to hear about them!!!! Chaii would also feel the same way!!
THANK YOU FOR GUSHING TO ME !!!! If you have any fanfictions I’d love to read them!!! Or anymore gushes, I’m all ears!!!!
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Voice headcanons for CKC that I'll edit into a video sometime in the future.
Cody - Rex Splode (Invincible) I like Rex, I think his voice sounds appropriately young and impulsive, some of these characters I wanted to make sure the voices sounded "young" but others I just didn't and for Cody I think it's because to me, him because some dumbass dipshit 18 y/o (iirc) is very important, I want him to be able to sound very confident one moment and then doubting himself entirely the next, and Rex Splode in Invincible shows off that range really well in one fight scene
Peter - Ensign Sam Rutherford (Star Trek: Lower Decks) Peebs was a difficult one for me, because when I read the game with Aster I do a voice akin to Boy from H:TP, but that's not really a great "Peter (CKC)" Voice. The funny answer would be get Tom Holland, but I'm not here for jokes I'm here for serious head canons, so I searched my mind palace looking for dweebish dudes who sounded a bit higher pitched, and honestly Rutherford was the best pick. He's got this charming voice that easily slips into sad puppy dog but can sound confident
Mini (Cool/God) - Grimal (Hunter: The Parenting) This'll make more sense once I make the video version of this
Juvie - Jay (Jay & Silent Bob/Other View Askew projects) DO NOT FOR THE LIFE OF YOU THINK OF JUVIE SAYING ANY DIRECT JAY QUOTES, JUST IMAGINE JAY READING OUT SOME JUVIE LINES. That aside, Juvie in my mind has a raspier voice, and while Aster does it amazing as *incredibly* raspy, lorewise that's not so good, but Jay has this slight raspiness and a good aloof tone
Holden - My brain is fighting on whether Holden is Alex Eggleston (Yiik: a postmodern RPG) or Michael (Yiik: a postmodern RPG) but I'm leaning more towards Alex. I think Holden sounds the oldest of the main cast, but as I understand, lorewise Daniel should, which I've elected to ignore because I know a better voice for Daniel
GG - I dunno, I'd probably find the right voice if I rewatched all the JelloApocalypse stuff again, but off the top of my head either Percy (Epithet Erased) or Weh (Dogs in Love) I think GG generally sounds very apathetic and/or monotone.
Peggy - Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased) just imagine her as more nervous.
Daniel - Zee Bashew (D&D Youtuber I like), this one's very personal but I actually find it difficult to imagine a wizened wizard in D&D without at least somewhat thinking of Zee. Zee to me is like the very definition of "Person who sounds like they know alot about D&D". I think of Zee's "Everybody's lying about dice" video specifically
Rhyme - Okay I spent the most time looking for Rhyme's voice, because I think that Rhyme should sound young while still being imposing & serious, which as one could guess is difficult, and I had to drop that, so I've decided to land on Agent Carolina (Red vs Blue) I wish I could say a specific Carolina moment which sells me on it, but I don't wanna start a while rewatch if RvB rn
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miuki-akanero · 5 years
Do you have any Zorcy (Zora x Percy) headcanons?
Zorcy  (Zora x Percy) headcanons:
✪ "love/hate" kind of relationship
✪ Zora is the one who always starts flirting sessions
✪ Percy feels guilty everytime she spends time with Zora since she's a criminal. Might see herself unworthy as a police officer
✪ At some point, Percy can help Zora escape from cops before she gets caught
✪ While Zora will definetely kill miz King if she gets in her way (more than usual), she does everything she can to forbid this possibility
✪ Might as well send some "facinating" info of some of her targets/co-workers
✪ Bunch of rough kisses before Zora dissappeares from Percy's sight
✪ All in all, Percy is the one who always feel guilty and dubious about this relationship-thing, while Zora is having fun, slowly corrupting her partner
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epithet-beloved · 1 year
Hiya, I hope it won’t be too much to ask for but could I request Platonic Zora/Reader?
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synopsis… headcanons for being zora’s friend!
ft. Zora Salazar
tags… platonic, you bury a body together it’s fun
word count… 401
a/n… congrats you're my friend in law now I'm a zora kisser ✧ 🌸
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Zora is a "girls" night truther, even if you aren't a girl yourself. Girls night to her isn't about being feminine or anything, it's about spending time with her friends!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Putting her hat on you to keep you safe from the sun if you're out on a walk is her favourite way to catch you off guard.  Just plops it on your head before squishing you down with how hard she presses it onto your head.  
"Ya better not lose it. I like that hat."
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 The kind of friend to do things for you without you having to ask, she's a good buddy after all. 
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 A bit of a goofball when she's feeling relaxed. Steals your chair if you're gone for ten seconds, or will steal snacks from your plate if you don't touch it for too long. She sees you leaving it behind and just "it's free real estate"
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 She's intense if you convince her to do a board games night with you. Uno based violence is her specialty. 
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 A real terrifier if she gets her hands on mario kart. Or wii tennis.  She may have accidentally put a remote through the wall she's so intense with it.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If anyone hassles you, she's instantly by your side with a complete death glare.
"The fuck you say to my pal?"
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Yeah. They better pray she's merciful or you beg her to not get them in that very second.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you jokingly texted her something like "how do you bury a body" she'd be loyal enough to tell you how to do it, and would end up in jail with you if you actually did kill someone.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 She settles things with games such as arm wrestling or rock paper scissors, she thinks it's the only fair way anyways!
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If she's out of town god will she send you the stupidest pictures she can make/find. It's a show of "I'm alive and well" but also an ongoing game for who can make the stupidest picture
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You tried to get her into mobile gaming but she found it way too stupid in her opinion, but has slowly been mastering candy crush because she hates having nothing to do for longer than 10 minutes.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Her music taste is inconsistent at best, and unable to even be discerned at worst. Like girl what do you listen to.
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lion-buddy · 4 years
zora in d4!
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aprilbrowines · 2 years
In a cheap motel, resting up after the last kill Zora noticed that her hair gotten a bit too long. She goes to the bathroom splashing some cold water on her face before she grabs a pair of scissor and starts to cut her hair.
Snippets of black hair fell to the ground as she trims the side. Her hair went from long and flowing to a more masculine cut, She smiles as puts her hat back on.
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sentistrange · 4 years
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Goddess of the Sun
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spliinkles · 5 years
cowboy ramsey is amazing! what about zora in a flannel vacation shirt? (like her scarf thing is flannel in the show, but its her shirt now)
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Ft. Ratboy Ramsey
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