#a answers fanmails
nimpnawakproduction · 8 months
Oh I love your references for vash's coat in the manga! Do you happen to know if there's any good references for his coat in '98? Bonus points if there's also one for BLR.
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Thank you very much :D
And yep there's an official reference sheet for the 98' anime and BLR both! I wanted to add the '98, the 2023 and BLR's coats to my reference sheets but since there's official ones, I chose not to!
Here's the '98:
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And here is the one for BLR (it's the highest resolution I could find, if someone find a better picture, I'll love to have it !)
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b0tster · 10 months
Not so much an ask, but a statement:
I find you incredibly inspiring. You just ooze this level of confidence and swagger that I aspire to achieve one day. You’re legitimately one of the coolest people I’ve ever met on the internet. You’re smart, you’re pretty, you have KILLER style, and you’re sweet. You are an inspiration. I’m so glad you go to marches, and parades, and festivals, because seeing people like you makes the people like me who are still figuring themselves out shows us where we can go, and how much we can achieve. You lead a great example for me and others like me, and I just wanted to say…..
Thank you <3
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julsera · 1 year
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This man is the fucking Sun.
BUT- they had no right making him THIS HOT
(Thank you for 1k guys!!!)
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problemnyatic · 11 days
You literally just reblogged posts about how incest is cool and okay, clearly you like it to some degree lmfao
If anything it's REALLY FUCKING HARMFUL to the kink community as a whole to include something that's literally just abuse
And that's all it is. Abuse. Incest is NEVER a good thing and should never be encouraged.
My bad for thinking you were cool, yikes
It said that incest kinks aren't the end of the world, just like a rape kink or a kidnapping kink or a knifeplay kink or gunplay kink is not actually the exact same as perpetrating those things on an actual victim. But go off on how THIS kink is an uncrossable moral taboo that is exactly 1:1 condoning real life harm and actual abuse and completely impossible to engage with without Harming Real Victims And Normalizing Abuse, you look super progressive and not puritain at all.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, loser.
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abracadav-r · 7 months
Loveing all this drow art! You feed my soul!
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✨write me back! love, jarlaxle✨
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columboscreens · 6 months
for real half the fun of this blog is reading the tags. I go through this blog with the same joy as the elderly doing a crossword
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gosh thanks, folks. not to get maudlin, but knowing i'm making people smile truly makes my day. please continue to enjoy my dumb little quips.
as for leaving jokes in the tags, since i fire off 7 posts a day and go with the shotgun approach, i usually let the populace judge which are funny. people will point to a tag by "prev"ing, or even attach my tags to the post if they like them enough. it's a big part of tumblr's culture; i'm both used to and quite fond of the wink-and-nod nature of the tagging system.
to that end, some jokes i think are clever/spend time crafting don't make much of a splash, while things i come up with lying in my bed half asleep at 6am get tons of people laughing. since my posts are primarily image-based, i typically don't want to "taint" them with my silly gags--if they're funny enough, my followers do it for me.
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hootsiegrimgrin · 1 month
Hot Hoot hoohoot hoot. Hoot hoo hoo Hoot hoot!
-Hootsie ♡
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detransdamnation · 3 months
If you're supposedly detrans why are you still "living as trans"? Fucking lunatic shit.
Lmao. If you had bothered to spend even ten minutes going through the actual lunatic shit I've posted in the past under my detrans tag I have dutifully linked in my bio, you would find that I have been medically detransitioned for two years now. You would know I no longer identify as transgender as I no longer believe gender identity to be an extant concept. You would also be able to ascertain that I still live my life as if I were the opposite sex regardless of these factors because my life circumstances remain the unhealthy ones which led me to transition in the first place. This does not negate the fact that I hope to be able to socially detransition one day, something I have clearly alluded to—once again—in the bio you have demonstrably read.
If you are truly insistent on taking the time out of your day to send me bad faith nonsense, at least do your due diligence to get your facts straight about me beforehand.
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[A box arrives with the rest of the physical fan mail. There's a box of chocolates and a silvery boot knife inside. The note card at the bottom just reads: Every fine lady deserves an equally fine blade.]
Now that's what I've been talking about. Thanks, darling. I'll cut someone open just for you.
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blazeball · 8 months
look i've had this blog for like 8 years and that entire time i've loved getting asks and never answering them
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chronomally · 2 days
Jsyk op of that post is a "gender critical" pro-lifer
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Jesus Christ what a fucking two for one 🤢 Thank you for letting me know!
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nimpnawakproduction · 4 months
Hey, I just wanted to thank you SO MUCH for your scars map and outfit reference sheets for Vash! They have been an absolute blessing as a fic writer and I cannot thank you enough for the monumental effort you put in pretzeling your own brain to make it make sense so the rest of us wouldn't have to 😂 I so appreciate your work!!
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NIHkjsodhoqcc thank you so much for your message ;___; DIRECT SEROTONIN INTO MY VEIN~ This reference sheets were a blast to do even if I cried a little doing them. I mostly made them for my personal use at first but if it helped me drawing this nightmarish Kingdom hearts II leather trap that Vash wears on a daily basis, why not share them?
Also you are plenty thanking me in the tags and you have no idea how happy every kind words mean to me! You are all so cute, I love you all ToT People use the reference sheets for art, fics and also cosplay (something that I did not even realize and why did I not thought about that?? Of course you need clear references to cosplay) and I AM SO HAPPY to help people make stuff with them ;o;
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✉️ You're cool!
[A drawing is attached, it is a badly drawn Pikachu]
Thank you, I love the drawing!
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divinegnosis · 8 days
Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth Kissing booth
@wastempted || kissing booth meme! (i can't fucking find)
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So many kisses! And he's determined to return each one!
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problemnyatic · 11 days
Why do you like incest?
Never said that, and also you shouldn't care. Low-quality bait, next.
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samurotting · 23 days
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